#Just a funny thought
shira-cosmic-star · 3 days
thoughts for pennies
I bet Ed gave Lyca a lemon slice because he saw a video of dogs reacting to it.
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Just want this little guy to have a crush on Marcille, too. Like, pathetically down bad.
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Falin: *watching Marcille from her window. Resigned to a life of yearning for the half-elf, not wanting to jeopardize their friendship*
The Red Dragon: *throwing himself at the barriers of their connection* "Please! Just one chance!"
Marcille: *casually reading under a tree near the castle grounds*
Gets interrupted by a messy Falin with slit-pupils dropping a big, dead monster at their feet with a regal bow
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sh1-n0bu · 4 months
jing yuan and aventurine are definitely the type of husbands to go “WE’RE PREGNANT!!!!” to announce your pregnancy to the world. they’re also the type of husbands to proudly gently pat your big tummy, a smug grin on their face and go “see that? i made that” before getting a smack on the back of their heads
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Au in which Danny is a biologist teacher at Gotham academy. He is the best at his unit on the human body as he will just turn his skin translucent and just start pointing at the different organs.
What do you mean his heart that we can clearly see isn’t beating?
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wenellyb · 5 months
Can I ask why people keep saying Buck accidentally outed himself, when he plan has always been to come out on the day of the wedding?
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bound-vivisection · 1 year
Eddie likes leaving little notes around for Steve to find. Some days they are just little reminders of his love tucked into Steve’s work vest. Other times Steve will wake up and go to brush his teeth to find a new doodle stuck to the mirror in his bathroom. Then there are these…
“My Godless soul yearns to know yours, only then will it know what religion feels like. Also I wanna suck your dick.”
Steve keeps it all the same.
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lostfirefly · 2 months
*just to cheer myself up, this sketch came into my mind this morning while i was in the gym*
"Bugust. Day 1."
"Geeez, Buggy! Fuck off!" Catherine slapped the clown's hands as he stood behind, hugging her. "What do you want? Why are you standing behind me?"
"You were sending the sexual vibes, cotton candy." Buggy shrugged and hugged her tightly.
"I didn't send you anything. I'm standing here in my wide pajama pants and t-shirt, making myself some coffee. Sit down at the table and eat your salmon bagel, Buggy the Octopus." Catherine fought Buggy off.
"Fuck! Don't bother me, Buggy. Eat your breakfast, Buggy. Put your pants on, Buggy." He reluctantly unclasped his hands and plopped down on the chair. "And this is my shirt, by the way. Again. Buy your own clothes already. Cairo is full of stores "
"I don't like any of the shirts in the store. Stop nagging. What kind of coff-- Oh, for God's sake! Buggy! Stop it!" Catherine looked at her waist. "Seriously?" She took his two hands off of herself, turned around to the table and put his hands on the table. "Damn you and your chop chop thing, fucking clown! Don't use your abilities until breakfast, we discussed this!"
Catherine continued making coffee and started rummaging through the kitchen cabinets.
"Where are my cookies, Buggy? Fuck! You ate all my cookies again. You could have at least left me a c--" Catherine felt Buggy pinch her ass, "Oh my God! That's it!" She opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a pulverizer. "I swear, if you grab my ass again and you're dead!"
"Aye-aye, what a dangerous thing you have in your hands." Buggy chuckled and took a bite of the bagel. "I'm so afraid of you, Ms. Catherine Mitchell." He sent his hand out again to pinch her ass.
Catherine sputtered from the sprayer. "I warned you!"
"Hey!" Buggy stood up abruptly and walked over to Catherine and grabbed her hand.
Catherine squinted her eyes. "Is there something you want to tell me? I'm not afraid of you, clown." She sprayed him once and lowered the pulverizer to the level of his pants. "Get back to the table and eat your breakfast, or little Buggy will get hurt too."
"Little shit." Buggy let go of her hand and shuffled back to the table. "I should have left you in the desert." He mumbled to himself.
"Nothing." Buggy took a bite out of a bagel. "Damn you, campfire night."
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hello-galad · 4 months
On his way to ‘reform’ Shinra and give it a more eco-friendly and ‘we actually respect humanity approach, Rufus Shinra gives the green light to the creation and installation of the OSHA /SMETA equivalent to a world that deals with shit like materia and enhanced humans and stuff.
Remaining SOLDIER are baffled when they are told they cant carry swords around without a proper safety sheath on them anymore.
Turks are given 2 hours of mandatory rest and recreation that doesn’t involve paperwork or weapons. Tseng is flabbergasted, but accepts. Rufus Shinra almost regrets the existence of that dam rule when after he tries to convince Tseng to fuck him in his office, Tseng tells him “Doing your boss counts as work, Sir. I’m afraid I am forced to deny your advances”. So Tseng gets an exception to the rule and gets only 1 hour of recreation time.
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cocobutterqwueen · 8 months
Out of genuine curiosity.. do yall think Lewis says nigga??
I’m so dead ass serious with this question because as a fellow negress who just joined TeamLH44, I’ve always wondered this 😂
He’s soft spoken and in his peace, love and light era.. I’m just genuinely curious lol
I mean.. I can’t be the only black fan of Lewis Hamilton that hasn’t thought this??
(Also if you aren’t black, don’t interact because this question really isn’t for you also weirdos will be blocked)
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goodolddumbbanana · 1 month
So... Solar and eclipse is soul bonding. Do you think if eclipse dies, solar is gone too. Haha, what if dark sun lets eclipse bring solar back, only to kill both of them again.
Haha what if?
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call-me-jmd · 3 months
A Dream I Have Is One Of My Characters Becomes A Sexyman Only For Me To Reveal That They're AroAce Because That'll Be Funny To Me.
And I'm Not Going To Hide That Fact, It'll Be Obvious If You Pay Attention To Them And Their Behavior.
#And People Will Still Be Clueless
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crees-a · 6 months
I want Eclipse to bring Solar back just because it would make all Eclipse trio creators of each others body
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ap-kinda-lit · 4 months
If Yugi or Atem have kids and they introduce them to each other, you cannot tell me it wouldn’t be exactly like those videos of babies seeing their dad’s twin for the first time and getting so confused like
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earl-of-grey · 5 months
Fun thought: If Alastor were to die (and based on visual storytelling alone) I’m guessing he’d be eaten by a larger, more powerful entity
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Just a random hunch.
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iucidaus · 11 months
okay, so, we all know that jing yuan is old old, right?
what if when he was young (like during his year with hcq) there was no phone, or hologram whatsoever, so when time keeps moving forward, phone and tab, any gadget, is finally becoming a thing, he needs to learn it. but how he acts is like that one "my mother when i showed her a meme" meme?
yanqing: okay, General. so, you need to press this first, then this
jing yuan: hm? *pushes his glasses, and squints his eyes* i'm sorry, can you please repeat that?
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hanna-cookie · 1 year
Funny thought about cod mw2 x male reader who talks in his sleep like saying things that don't make sense but also funny af and the guy's just giggling and laughing their ass off when they heard it
Male reader saying random things like: "i'm over here strokin ma dick i got lotion on my dick right now I'm just stroking my shhhiiitt damn I'm horny af like fr broo" 💀
They all laughing but price is like judging mreader and just wanted sleep
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