#Justice Crew
brainmuncher · 27 days
So I had another idea come at me while making lunch (I'm starting to sense a pattern with myself, lmao)
What if when Jazz sends out letters to the colleges she wants to get into, she gets sent rejection letters from every single one... except the local community college. She's absolutely devastated about it. She thought that she did everything she could to be chosen. How could every single one reject her?
Danny, of course, hears about it and asks Tucker to check and see if something happened digitally. Surely, Technus or Vlad or someone messed with something to sabotage her. But when Tucker checks, there's absolutely nothing wrong. She still has her perfect grades and attendance record all set with no marks. Her community service hours are all there. It's only when he looks at the letters themselves that he finds the problem...
After looking online to see what the letters look like, he comes to a puzzling realization... the letters were fake. It's a good fake, but it's not the real thing. The signatures were off, and the writing had been changed.
This is what leads him down the rabbit hole.
He tries to ask about it online to ask others who've also been rejected. Except nobody is answering him.
Sam tries to call the numbers listed on the websites of the colleges... but the person who answers is strangely unknowledgeable about the college they represent.
The only college that seems normal about it was the nearby community college. And that somehow feels the least normal about everything.
It was only when he heard his mom complaining that they never heard from family anymore after they moved to Amity that he figured it out.
Containment. Nothing is leaving Amity. No emails, texts, letters, or posts online. Everything was being blocked.
Of course, this sends him on a mission as to why and how. He spends weeks on it. Sam and Danny actually began to become concerned for him. No, this isn't a pride thing, Sam. And yes, he is taking care of himself, Danny.
Technus is the one who gives him the answer. It was just a passing comment about how he needed to funnel through the GIW in order to infect the world. It didn't make sense to any of them because surely that's the last place you would want to do that. But then it dawned on Tucker. That's who has the power needed to do it! That's where he needed to look!
So he hacks into the GIW and is astonished by what he finds.
The anti ecto acts aren't real. There's no laws even acknowledging ghosts.
There's a file on Phantom, marked as 'candidate for X'.
And all he can find on the containment is a name he's seen described as the creator of the GIW and the main supplier of funds.
Amanda Waller.
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exaltedfuzz · 5 months
Lana Skye and friends
Chief + New on the Job
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The classic RFTA redraw pic
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Coffee Break
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Broke ass detective staring at your burger
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 55
When Dani leaves amity after being stabilized she starts running into hero’s.
She doesn’t think it’s odd. After all Danny is a hero. So she starts bugging them never staying around too long. She did want to be a hero on her own.
One day a battle happens. One that keeps taking out hero after hero. None of there attacks are hitting it. Just phasing through.
Obviously for plot convenience no member of the JLD are here.
Dani of course forces her way into the fray. Unlike the others her stuff actually hits it. Now they don’t do much but does stall the threat. Managing to freeze bits and pieces for short periods of time.
Dani has a moment of realization. The being has to be from the infinite realm. Mid-fight she calls Danny. The trio made her take a phone when she left.
Danny shows up in a portal. He just soups the ghost up. No issues no sweat. Danny then starts questioning her on how she is. What’s she’s been up to. Why she didn’t bother to take any ghost hunting equipment with her.
When he notices the other people. The hero’s who he didn’t know existed. Danny begins to realize that the world was nothing like Amity.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Y’know, there’s a bunch of Billy adopted by Danny Phantom stories and prompts. But what if instead he was adopted by reformed Dan Phantom. 
Give him a dad who is trying his best not to murder but Billy is making it very hard not to at least commit a few crimes. It’s just a few, right? It couldn’t be that bad, but he is trying this whole self-restraint thing.  He hasn’t failed. Yet. 
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fandomowltrash · 3 days
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merrin on jedha you are so loved by me
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a-side-character · 1 month
I am once again thinking about Breq and Mercy of Kalr.
Specifically, I'm thinking about how and why their relationship is so different from any other relationship in this series, and what that means for them as characters.
I'm thinking about Breq's response to being told by other people, often people she likes or respects, that they don't see her as an ancillary. Because they (for the most part) mean it as a compliment, a way of validating her and expressing that they care about or think highly of her. But she never takes it as such, and is always made uncomfortable by it.
Because she IS an ancillary, and by using "I don't think anyone here sees you as an ancillary" as a compliment, or as a reason why her life matters and she deserves to be taken care of, only furthers her belief that what she IS is wrong, is inherently less deserving.
I'm thinking about how the only time people use it/its pronouns - the identity she used for 2,000 years and continues to use to refer to her cousins and fellow AI - to refer to her is when they're trying to disrespect or demean her. How her crew looks at her, horrified, and says "sir, none of us would ever call you it" while continuing to use those same pronouns to refer to their own ship. It shows her that the only reason people think they care about her is because they're too caught up in the version of her she pretends to be (human, Radchaai, she), however wrong that viewpoint may be.
I'm thinking about how, in Ancillary Mercy when Breq breaks down and repeats the line "ships don't love other ships", Mercy of Kalr responds with "ships love people who could be captains." It doesn't say 'well that's okay, because I don't see you as a ship', it doesn't treat her as some exception to the supposed rule that ships and ancillaries aren't people worthy of love, it tells her 'you, Breq, Justice of Toren, One Esk Nineteen, YOU are my captain, and I can't help but love you.'
I'm just. thinking
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thatsrightice · 7 months
Rosie’s Riveters was the only aircraft to return from the mission to Münster on October 10, 1943 and it was no easy task getting home.
Blakely’s crew in 42-3393 Just-a-Snappin’ had to go through something similar on their return from the mission to Bremen as they had to drop out of formation and make the trek home by themselves. I think Blakely and the rest of his crew deserve a little bit of recognition too;
Bremen had the worst flak they’d ever seen. "There was so much solid flak, you could almost slice it like cake” said pilot Ev Blakely
Flak destroys the number four engine, left elevator, and stabilizer as well as cracks the nose sending shrapnel into the Bombardier and Navigator
They catch on fire, but their electrics are gone so they can’t use the fire extinguisher. The only way to put it out is to drop out of formation and head straight into a steep dive in hopes it blows it out, which Ev Blakely is miraculously able to do
Have to limp back well over 200 miles to get to base with a max speed of 120 mph (at 100 mph the aircraft would stall and drop out of the sky) and immediately watch the only other Fort near them explode in a ball of flames thanks to enemy fighters
Smashed shortwave radio forced Forky, the radio operator, to send out an SOS by touching two wires together and praying
They were a sitting duck for the enemy fighters as they limped back to base at a mere 120 mph (at 100 mph the aircraft would stall and drop out of the sky)
Compass was stuck so Crosby had to navigate using the position of the sun with near-constant course corrections
They are credited with taking out at least 11 enemy fighters on their way home but not without their own injuries. Three of their crew are seriously wounded, one has a three-inch hole in their stomach, half of one’s face was scalped, and the other had the entire lower half of their body crushed and bleeding
You know engine number four? Yeah, it’s on fire again so time for another dive and it’s a miracle it went out again
But now they’ve got to salvo literally everything out into the channel from the spent cartridges laying on the floor to their woolen flying clothes, including their boots
Their dinghies were shot to pieces by the German fighters (and Crosby accidentally pulled the emergency handle on the hatch in the nose) so landing in the water ain’t an option
Everyone who’s not flying goes to help the wounded, packing their wounds with their open parachutes and warming up the frozen morphine applicators (?) in their mouths
Now they’re coming in for a crash landing at a dummy UK base with literally zero control surfaces so Blakely and Kidd were piloting using pure strength. The rest of the crew go back to the waist and hold onto the injured men, like hold them to their chests, so that they aren’t further injured in the landing
Their brakes go out as they land and they’re sent careening into the only tree in the entire airfield, crushing the nose of the aircraft and sending tree branches and leaves through all of the windows and compartments (click for pics)
They just kind of sat there? Until someone came and was like “hey you need help?”
They want nothing more than something to eat but instead are stuck watching some officer count 1200 holes (no, not 800) before giving up because there’s too many
So now they had a hour long drive back to base, those who didn’t get sent to the hospital that is, only for the mess halls to be closed, all their stuff locked up in storage, and everyone looking at them like they were ghosts. But on the bright side, every man in the o-club tried to hand their drinks to them
In the end, 7 of her crew were injured and one fatally so. Most of the men would never fly another mission.
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asmodeauxx · 22 days
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Klapollo swap AU my beloved,,,
Been holding onto this doodle for quite some time, made this when I could still doodle digitally
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bikananjarrus · 1 year
sabine kneeling and pulling her hair back so she can cut it off in the same way that kanan did in rebels is actually something that can be SO personal
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0605018redactedasmr · 8 months
Me: I love plot heavy asmr/audios !!!!
Person: That must mean your favs are the Solaire Clan and the Shaw Pack right ???
Me: no...
Person: Ah got you ! Is it The Balance or Project Meridian then???
Me: It's the Damn Crew
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marypsue · 11 months
Because I am literally never not thinking about weird meta, blurring lines between reality and narrative, and the whole concept of actors becoming their characters, I am now entertaining thoughts of a Shadow of the Vampire-style story wherein a late-2010s-style all-female The Lost Boys remake gets derailed when the lead actress suddenly starts not showing up to shooting because she's sleeping all day...
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scarlett-ink · 2 months
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“If you want all the power, you must carry all the BLAME!”
-Mutiny, Epic the Musical: The Thunder Saga
Artfight attack against @maudiemoods and their spectacular Beings Made of Stardust au (also go read the fics by @jackofallrabbits based on the au because they’re so good and I devour every new chapter)
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Izzy would say, "I love you" through gritted teeth whilst being unable to make eye contact. Then, once the words are out in the open and unable to be taken back, he would wait for your inevitable laugh or sound of disgust. Why wouldn't you? Who could love someone so completely wretched as him? But against all of the poisoned things he believes to be true, you would do the exact opposite. There would be no laugh. No venomous sneer. Instead, he'd be met with you encircling him in your arms. Though he tenses initially, still expecting some kind of negative reaction, your hug would continue to be...well, just a hug. And with that, the pirate would melt into your hold and perhaps, melt even further when you whispered back those three little words.
(I'm considering writing a multi-chapter Izzy fic...)
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Prompt 68
Danny stares up up up at the being cooing down at him, a mass of eyes and tendrils and whatever else twisting in and out of portals, shattering to sand and reforming, buckling into a smaller shape and expanding in an ever moving form. This was not what he was expecting when Clockwork offered to introduce him to Chaos, but maybe he shouldn’t be so surprised. 
Bonus DPxDC crossover: Clockwork introduced his lil baby ghostling to his old friend Chaos so they can set up playdates between their two kids. Klarion and Teekl are now being spotted with a white-haired boy and a green puppy that can go giant and monstrous like Teekle, to Young Justice’s (And the league’s) concern
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p1xel-1mp · 2 months
Why are people always complaining about ‘Mary Sues’ or if something’s not ‘realistic’ enough?? It shows a complete lack of understanding and respect of the original material!!!,!,! Especially if it’s like, superheroes or an anime, or just any fantastical, silly piece of media that isn’t meant to be taken to seriously? Like yeah babes, that’s the point! It’s why we love them so much! We love how they go through something that would turn anyone else into dust, immediately shake it off and precede to save the world with the power of friendship and badassary. It’s called suspension of disbelief for a reason! ‘MyEh It’S nOt rEaLiStIc MyEh!’ No duh!!! You want realism so bad?!! Go watch a documentary!!
… Anyway uhhh thx for listening ok byeeeeee <333
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scribblegoblin · 7 months
So... so are we gonna talk about how cruel it was that we spent the entirely of mag 91 learning about how Mike Crew had spent so long finding the entity that called to him and finally becoming content with his life after being linked to the vast, only for his BODY TO BE BURIED UNDER GROUND???? Like, y'know, the opposite of the vast???? Justice for Mike Crew.
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