retrocgads · 4 months
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UK 1987
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journeyneverends · 1 month
August 17, 2024 Scottsdale AZ Dear little Mosey: ( Little Mo ) Although you are only 9 months old I thought I would write to let you know what I’m up to. I figured I’d do this because I may be too old to remember exactly why I did this or even what I did. I have found it’s helpful and more accurate if I write things down as I go. It may be interesting to know a little bit about what people were like in other parts of the world and what the world looks like from a bicycle.
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I am 66 years old now and here is what I look like. As I get older I find that I become less willing to go on an adventure. This trip will hopefully keep me mentally and physically flexible. I have no solid plan
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You are about 9 months old now and this is what you look like. It was you first Kayak trip. I have been traveling up to see you at your house in Rigby Idaho. One of the projects that your mom and dad and I are working on is restoring an 1870’s Stone Granary. Eventually we will restore the log cabin for the same thing. Both are near the 1928 farm house you grew up in. You are surrounded by wheat fields and the trumpeter swans spend their winters there.
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This will provide a nice place for interesting people to stay. You will get to know people from all over the world who will stop by to have dinner and visit. Here is one of your first rides when you were about six months old. Your dad made you a rain poncho out of a grocery bag. I thought it was cool.
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I am getting ready to go on a bike trip that retraces the route of Lt. Colonel Daryle Stuckey. He was my father in law and the father of Erika, your moms stepmother. That would make him your great step grandfather. He was a young man living on a farm near the the very small town of Upper Sandusky Ohio when WWII began. Wars are complicated and I’m not sure I understand them but he like many young men were called to fight for their country. He became a B-17 bomber pilot in WWII and was 2nd Lieutenant. He was about 21 years old and was the pilot of a crew of nine other men. His job was to fly missions to bomb a country we were at war with. Each journey to the other country was called a mission. They were very dangerous so they made a rule that if you made it to 25 you could go home. As the war went on they ran low on experienced pilots. So they changed the rule to 30 missions. He went down on his 28th mission and was captured by the Germans. Our enemies at the time. He became a prisoner of war POW.
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I am going to retrace his last mission on my bike. The bikes name is Curiouser. I thought it was a good name. I’ll try to explain where it came from later.
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This is what his aircraft looked like.
Becoming an airman and pilot in WWII required that you pass many test. To be captain was even harder. I am going to end this letter for now but I will write again soon Love Morris ( Big Mo )
I apologize for errors in punctuation and grammar. I don’t consider myself a great writer. I thought it was best to get this down now rather than wait until I become a great writer and trying to send it then. It may be a very long time or never. Hopefully I won’t get in trouble for being a bad example.
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boanerges20 · 1 year
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Cassini-Huygens Last Dives (Illustration). NASA/ESA/JPL.
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evilhorse · 5 months
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The Fly #17
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aumtungirl · 2 months
The last mission @.perfectpaired
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The form of bingo!
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1. Precious moments with perfectpaired adalah saat pertama kali aku keverif terus kenalan sama anak-anak yg lain, saling convo satu sama lain and then aku bisa jadi member of the week di minggu pertama honestly is make me happy!🤍
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2. I’m the happiest when I with en-lighten members (anak-anakku), my twinie, my bro (jake oppa & hyunjin oppa) and my friends.🩷
3. Me and my perfectpaired!🩷
Sejujurnya he's my mc partner aka abang moses, walaupun cuma kenal sebagai partner upchar kalo di akun x, tapi aku seneng banget abang gak lupain dd waktu dia mau rest di akun x walaupun sebenarnya aku udah liat dia up di akunnya like this “FUB FREE” but he’s dm my account tanpa aku yg memulai duluan untuk diajak ke another account punya dia. I’m so happy to know you abang.🤍
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5. Say something for myself; thank you for surviving until now, I hope you are always in good condition and always surrounded by good people here Nara.
6. I think this song always on 🔁
7. Isi dalam tas ku kalo di ajak kak Nadine dan kak Asha ngemall 😋 :
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8. Kalo disuruh pilih salah satu bunga I'll choose Bunga tulip bewarna Hijau selain warnanya cantik walaupun sebenarnya aku suka semua warna di bunga tulip terlebih lagi setiap warna bunga tulip memiliki maknanya masing-masing jadi cocok sekali jika bunga tulip jadi salah satu alternatif untuk diberikan sebagai hadiah tapi harus sesuai warnanya ya karena mereka memiliki maknanya masing-masing.🤍
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Bingo already done! ✅
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foolsocracy · 4 months
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this is actually so funny. imagining garth quipping and contributing to the conversation in his head cause he forgot the rest of the teen titans can't pick up on his telepathy
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dapper-lil-arts · 4 months
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Last one I swear... Unless?
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wsc-kurapika · 8 months
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odinsblog · 1 year
Ethan, you wanna see some shit?
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danielleurbansblog · 10 months
Review: Trust No One
Synopsis: Loyalists meant to rid their country of a double-dealing collaborator. Instead, they created a threat that could destroy Allied unity.Algiers. Winter 1942. Conor Thorn is devastated. He’s been fired from the OSS. His wife, Emily, has been fired from MI6. They allowed their morals to bend certain truths concerning the outcome of their last mission. Forever dedicated to defeating Axis…
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ceeejus · 3 months
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journeyneverends · 7 days
September 11-13
Budapest Hungary
Very Stormy weather
Greetings little Mosey:
Thank you for your patience.
Leaving Bratislava via train to Budapest. Most likely the way that prisoners would have been transported then to the Dulag Luft interrogation center in Budapest.
I am traveling with Erika and JoAnne, your step grandmother and great step grandmother, during this part of the journey. It turned out to be fortunate as the weather is cold and rainy.
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This means I put my bike on the train and can relax a little bit. Here is my bike in the Budapest train station.
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Today is 80 anniversary of the Colonels last mission. He managed to evaded for three days in Nitra Czech before being captured and taken to Budapest for interrogation. I imagine that it could be the same rail line.
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These interrogations weren’t easy and lasted for days, weeks or months before the men were shipped to Stalag Luft III in Zagan western Poland. The men were kept in solitary confinement.
Love you little buddy
Your diligence for training on the bike is incredible. Riding till you are completely exhausted is not easy.
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reds-skull · 11 months
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Christmas comic in October? It's more likely than you think.
Also I would die for young Kyle and Simon
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magnetic-rose · 2 years
at the end of episode 3 when joel and ellie are getting their supplies from bill and frank’s house, they find a box labeled “woman’s shirts.”
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tess is the only woman they’re friends with, which means this box was for her. so whenever they’d go to the clothing boutique, they’d find something for her and set it aside for when she visited next time.
i just - they loved tess. they cared about her. they thought about her even when she wasn’t around. they’d go to their little boutique and pick out clothes for her that she could take back home to the qz. “paying attention to things is how we show love.” “i leave you all of my weapons and equipment, use them to keep tess safe.”
and bill talked a bit more about tess in his letter but we don’t get to fully see it:
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“... and she decide you’re...”
also bill’s telling joel some wine pairing for food that he can share with tess, probably because one of bill’s love languages is cooking and he thinks joel should wine and dine her. how cute is that.
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Dick is thrown back in time to a couple days before his past self is scheduled to leave on the mission to space, the one during which Jason will die.
Past Dick gets a very frantic and concerning phone call from someone claiming to be his future self, begging him not to go on the mission. And for some reason he‘s supposed to keep an eye on Jason? What the hell is that about? They’re not that close…
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emmster · 5 months
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Can these cats just let the man sleep?
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