slerralartz · 4 months
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I just think she’s neat
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cntloup · 6 months
Knight!Ghost saves Queen!Reader from an attack
The sharp-edged silver blade meets the last enemy’s neck, slashing through flesh and bone, severing the head with a swift, smooth swing. 
Simon’s chest heaves, sharp breaths wracking through his body. 
His body trembles with fury as he clenches the hilt of his sword in his fist. 
How dare they plan a siege, attack his land and assault his queen, his soon-to-be wife? 
He takes heavy steps and opens the gates to your chambers. 
His razor-sharp gaze which was filled with rage moments ago, softens as his eyes land on your shaking form, curled into yourself out of fear. 
He softly calls out to you.
You lift your head off your knees, startled at first, but sighing in relief as you see him alive and breathing. 
You jump on your feet and sprint towards him. 
He drags his feet along wearily, but they give out before he reaches you and he collapses onto his knees. 
“Simon!” you gasp, rushing to his side. 
“Are you injured?” you ask shakily, worry and anxiety engulfing you as you kneel before him and hold him in your arms.
“No, my queen.” he rasps out, panting heavily and leaning into your warm embrace as his body succumbs to exhaustion. 
“You’re safe now.” he whispers into your neck, his breath warm against your skin. 
“Thank you.” you say as you cradle his head in your arms and kiss his forehead. 
You remain quiet as words fail you to express the overwhelming waves of emotions flooding through you. 
He pulls you closer as he kisses you with all his love for you seeping through the kiss. 
You both sob in each other’s arms, relief finally washing over you after the horrors you experienced. 
“I’m sorry. I have failed you.” he apologizes shamefully. 
“What for?” you question, confused expression etched on your face. 
“I should have protected you better.” he responds, voice slightly quivering, glossy eyes glaring into yours. 
“You have, Simon. You have gone above and beyond to protect me and I cannot thank you enough. I owe you my life.” you remark, reassuring him as you caress his cheeks softly, wary of the fresh wounds that litter his face. 
“They should not have dared to come in here in the first place.” he retorts, head hanging low in shame, guilt and remorse. 
“Simon, there is nothing you could have done to prevent that from happening. You have proven yourself, your love and loyalty time and time again. You have fought honourably with all your might. You should be proud of yourself as I am.” you respond firmly. 
“You flatter me, my queen.” he says while a faint smile finds its way to his lips.
“You deserve it, Simon.” you say calmly as you lean in to kiss him. 
“I love you.” he murmurs as he rests his forehead against yours. 
“I love you too.” you respond, a fond smile painting your face. 
comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥ 
565 notes · View notes
fanaticsnail · 8 months
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Chapter 7
Masterlist Here, Moodboard Here
Sapsorrow Masterlist
Word Count: 8,800+
The Storyteller - Sapsorrow"Whom so ever fits the ring becomes wed to the warlord who owns it"Themes: enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, forced proximity, lord and subordinate, one bed trope, apprehension, mutual pining, obligation, slow burn, eventual love, protective, "where is my wife" trope.
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Tag List: @maybe-a-bi-witch @fuzzyfestcat @sordidmusings @writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @since-im-already-here @feral-artistry @be-good-please @little-bunnybabe @sukilovesyou @buggyenjoyer @thesailus @under-kitty @acehyacinth @andriannag @one17 @canthebest1 @khaleesihavilliard @quirkyrascal @hungrhay @sentieence @lebanese-afg-ya @captaincupio @szired @sexc-snail @alphaash99 @mfreedomstuff @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mrs-wolfwood
Notes: Thank you to @i-am-vita for her banner! Thank you for your patience, I had this chapter beta-read twice. Thank you to @since-im-already-here and @vespidphoenix for their kindness in volunteering to do that for me! Such love and appreciation for you both.
Song Suggestions: Casper's Lullaby,
Their Wedding Serendade: Turning Page - Sleeping At Last
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“I will not marry him.” 
Her voice held such sorrow, but her cries fell on deaf ears as her governess began to tug her hair into place with the rough scrape of a bone comb. Thrown onto her hands, pale gloves thrust up to her elbows by the hands of her ladies maids; her shoulder straps readjusted to float down her forearms like beams of radiant moonlight. 
“He has heard your demands, and seen them done. You are his princess...”—her governess’ voice paused while she shook her head to rid her eyes of her own tears—“...and now you are his bride. You bound yourself to him the moment you placed that damned band over your unity finger.” The small quiver in her tone had the princess’ eyes spilling over with a fresh stream of hot tears. 
Immediately springing to her feet and snatching her hair out of the firm grip of her ladies maid, she flung herself against the corner of the room. Her face was littered with tears, her eyes swollen and lip bruised from the force of her teeth clamping on them. 
“My princess,” the governess spoke, her hands quivering as they reached out in an anxiety induced panic, “You have been training your whole life to marry royalty. This was a title you were born to bear. You are to be queen of your lands, ruler of your home country. With your union to the king-.”
“-I will not marry him!” She beat her gloved hands against the wall, her enclosed fists almost shattering her bones atop the cobblestone walls. Sobs rocked her shoulders, her wails echoing throughout the hallway and flooded the ceremony space with her grief. Attendees held a similar somber expression, along with royal subjects celebrating with glee at the prospect of a new queen. 
“My lady,” the governess’ voice shook as she stepped closer to the shaking princess and placed her hand over her shaking shoulder, “My lady, please.” 
The bloodshot eyes of the royal princess snapped up to her with a cold and frightening stare. 
“What would you have me do, my governess? Wed this man who is more than twice my age? Dine with this man, consummate a union with this man? A man who already rules over these lands as king? A man who i-is-...” 
Her eyes fluttered closed as a fresh surge of tears fell from her darkened orbs. 
“A man who is my father?” 
The princess rounded on her ladies in waiting, her eyes now incandescent with helpless rage. “What would you do?” she continued. “What would any of you do, were you in my place? The law of the land binds me to this ring. I have become plagued by an unnatural and grotesque curse-.”  Her voice halted in her throat, plagued by her own revelation. 
That is exactly what this was. This was a curse. 
A curse on her soul to bind her in matrimony to her own flesh and blood. Where other children dreamed of fairytale romance, being spirited away into the arms of a lover, she was bound by fate to this ring. 
The princess’s gaze landed on a pot of water hanging in the fireplace. As she walked in that direction, her eyes never leaving it, the water went from simmering to bubbling to boiling over. Hardening her resolve, she grasped the iron handle and removed it from its place above the fire. 
“My lady! What are you-,” the calls of her ladies in waiting were silenced by a single look from  the governess. 
The princess’ sobs began to crack and cackle into maniacal and sinister laughter. 
“I will curse you. I will curse all of you,” she booms, casting the glove from her left hand to reveal a violet ring encrusted with an array of several stones bound within a thick band. Nine stones of unique colors danced within the light, their forms melded into a large central stone in the middle. The green hue of moss overshadowed the radiance of the smaller stones, the thick band dwarfing her unity finger. 
“If you are thinking of casting it into the fire, my lady,” the governess stepped closer, her hands held with palms facing outwards in defense, “The damage is already done. You are bound to marry him, there is nothing you can do.” 
The princess flung the band from her finger and threw the object into the iron pot. 
“In that hopelessness, I shall thee bind,” she intones in a hundred voices, at once of the deepest bass and highest soprano. The attendees within her chambers stepped back, some thrust onto their knees under the powerful boom of her voice. 
“Whosoever shall find, claim or attune to these crafts, their souls shall be cursed under the plague of unity,” she continued, her hair shifting in colors and tones to several shades closer to death, “May their suffering feed my heart with gladness and life, as my suffering brings gladness onto thee.” 
“-My lady,” the governess spoke, her eyes widening in fear as she witnessed the princess wither beneath her curses, “My lady, please-.”
“-And as my yearning for a love true and just shall never be quenched,” the princess’ voice hitched, her own tone dominant within the vocal strands of external forces, “I will allow the wearer to place a plague of conditions on their heart the moment the craft is thrust upon them.” 
Her hair whipped in the unnatural wind, the ring now smelting down into a lava of molten gold. The gems began dancing within the pale light as smoke poured from them in hues darker than night.
“Should their conditions never be completed,” the princess continued, her heart swelling with vicious rage, “I will claim their souls and bind them to my own in eternal suffering a year from the day it begins.” She ripped a fistful of her vibrant hair, placing it within the concoction alongside her tears. 
The ladies in waiting, the maids, and the governess clutched their hearts and covered their screams with their hands as the clouds of smoke spread through the chambers. 
“My lady!” The governess shrieked, “Princess, please! You do not know what it is you are making. This unnatural phylactery has no place in the lands of the living. My princess-.”
“Your Queen,” her voice boomed, her pupil-less gaze snapping over to her governess. Her face contorted into an unnatural and cool gray tone, her vibrant hair lifeless in hue while whipping around her face within waves of spectral ocean. 
“My queen,” the governess repeated, bowing her head to the royal witch. Her hue returned to her, the gold simmering down as she poured the liquid onto the coals below the surface. An unnatural steam rose within the flames, the vapors smelling of metallic blood mixed with the sweetness of honey. 
“I-I just-...” the princess wailed in defeat, her shoulders slouched, “-I just wanted to find love, governess. I wanted so desperately to find peace with a spouse of my own choosing. I wanted a partner to court me; to woo me, to cherish me. I never wanted-.”
“Sapsorrow, your king awaits you,” A voice called from behind the door, interrupting the unnatural scene within. As the ladies glanced nervously between the princess and  the door, the final words of the princess’ confession bound all but one stone within nine rings, leaving the central moss agate laying dormant, as if awaiting a final command. 
“I just wanted a love that was truly mine.”
The echo of those final words plagued your mind, dancing as the concept of time began to mould from the past and spring you into your future. The repetition of ‘truly mine’ rotated and stirred within your slumber, breaking the peace you had once found for yourself beneath your bedsheets. You catapulted from your huddled pile of blankets into an upright position; your damp hair clung to your brow and sweat stuck your nightdress to your body. Your plagued slumber left you with more questions than answers. 
Had the spectre wanted you to see that image? Did she have control over your mind, did your attunement to the moss agate ring bind to you? Drawing your right hand up to your face, you rotated your thumb and index finger over your temples to rid yourself of the nightmare that seemed to persist each time you lay down to slumber. 
A light rap at your door had you jolting from your thoughts, snapping your head towards the wall and hastily making your way over to the interruption. 
“Governess!” A hushed feminine whisper called to you, “Governess, can I come in?” Perona continued her polite rapping, the drum of her knuckles gathering up rapidity against the wood in an anxious thump. You sighed, shaking your head and allowing a small smile to dance over your features. 
Collecting the iron handle beneath your hands, you open the door and immediately become overwhelmed by the embrace of your pink-haired pupil. She squealed into your ear, bouncing happily on the balls of her feet as she attempted to twirl you. 
“You are getting married to Mihawk today!” Her voice squeaked with high-pitched enthusiasm, “Have you tried on your dresses? Have you written your vows? Did you read his letter yet? Have you thought about your perfume? How are you doing your hair? Are you doing it in three different styles for the three different outfits?” 
The sheer rapidity of her questions had you unable to find an anchor to hold them. You fluttered your eyelashes shut, shaking your head hastily and attempting to wrap your mind around her flurry of words.
“Of course you haven’t read his letter yet, I still have it! I am scatterbrained today, my lady. I can barely contain all of the excitement!” She continued, breaking away her contact from you and thrusting a wax-sealed envelope into your hands. 
“Perona-?” You began, your voice halting as she danced past you into your chambers and staring at the two mannequins in the corner of your bedroom beside your changing shield. Her voice caught in her throat, all air relinquished from ballooning her lungs. You turned to face her, holding the envelope close to your chest as a warmer smile drew itself to your features. 
“O-Oh-... Oh m-my-...” Perona’s words found no harbour against her lips, all thoughts became silenced within her mind as she hovered over to the dresses. You allowed a warm giggle to rise within your throat at her fawning over the objects. 
“Do you like them?” You asked her, cocking your head over to the right hand side to find a better angle to read her face. 
“They are beautiful, my lady,” she whispered, reaching her hand towards the sleeve of Sir Crocodile’s creation and halting before her digits found purchase, “Can I touch them-?”
“-Don’t you dare, Perona,” A gruff, masculine voice called from the corner of the room. You snapped your face over to the doorway, noticing Zoro donned in lengthy tan sleeping trousers and a dark yukata hanging limply at the front. 
“Zoro!” You gasped, drawing your chemise closer to contain your form from his eyes, “It is one thing having Perona in my personal suite, but another to have a young gentleman while I’m clad in my nightdress.” Zoro shook his head, his wolfy grin taunting you beneath his down tilted head. 
“Would you change your tune if I said I have wine?” Zoro’s brow quirked up, revealing a green bottle from behind his back with a small, nonchalant shrug. You huffed out a laugh, shaking your head and removing your arms from concealing your chemise from vision. 
“Have you got a saber tucked somewhere on your person, Zoro?” You quirked your own brow up in question. Zoro laughed, turning away from his lean to reveal three swords clinging limply against his hip. 
“You can take your pick, my lady,” he shrugged, his hand lying on the hilt of his favoured blade. You opened your arms to him, gesturing for him to enter your suite with an elaborate flurry of motions. 
“Then by all means, my green-haired pupil,” you mixed your tone somewhere balanced between absolute sarcasm and unwithheld appreciation, “Welcome to my humble abode. Shall we begin by getting ourselves ready for the ceremony, or having a drink before breakfast?” 
Zoro answered wordlessly with a small smirk. Withdrawing the white blade from within its scabbard to claim the cork from the top of the wine bottle, and unlatching the wax by severing the rim with his sword. He reached towards your small dining table, upturning three of the four teacups from their place atop their saucers and pouring the amber liquid to the brim. 
“You gonna open your letter?” he asked, nodding to the envelope clutched within your hands and reminding you of its presence, “We’ll do a small cheers and give you a bit of privacy to read it.”
“I hope you are both planning on giving Mihawk a similar wake-up call,” you laughed, reaching forward and claiming a teacup from Zoro’s outstretched grasp. Zoro chuckled, shaking his head as he raised his own teacup to clash the rim with your own.
“Oh, he’s been up for hours,” Zoro confessed, Perona giggling as he handed her her own teacup, “He’s been brooding in the ceremony space: hovering over the decor and pacing, last time I checked.” Perona struck the corner of her teacup against Zoro’s before meeting the edge with your own. Your brows furrowed, glancing from the corner of your eye outside your bedroom window to seek out the elevation of the sun. 
“How many hours remain between now and the ceremony?” you asked Perona with a partial anxious quiver depicted within. Perona stepped forward, brushing her shoulder against yours in a small gesture of comfort. 
“You’ve got two hours, my lady,” she whispered, prompting your heart to nearly stop beating and your breath to halt in your lungs, “That’s why I thought to wake you-.”
“-And why I thought to bring you booze,” Zoro added, throwing back his teacup and downing the contents in one heaping gulp, “Just to take the edge off.” Your hands stuttered, taking a small sip of the wine within your cup before setting it back down. 
“I thank you both for your thoughtfulness, my dears,” you gave them a small downturned smile, your brows triangulating in the center of your forehead, “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time getting to know you as my pupils-.” 
“You’re going to be our lady now, my lady,” Perona added to your thoughts, “No longer just our governess, but something akin to an adoptive mother beside Mihawk as our apprehensive father.” Your breath caught in your throat, hitching at the thought of becoming unified not only to a spouse today, but upholding a promise to chaperone the two wards at a place of higher standing.
“Don’t think too hard about it, my lady,” Zoro reassured, his brow furrowing down. Placing his mug down on the table, he reached his hands up to clasp your shoulders beneath his heavy-handed grip, “You’ve already got so much goin’ on in your head, just know-,'' his breath caught in his throat as you looked up at him through your eyelashes. He was bewitched by the charm of your melancholy and apprehensive expression, your doubts begin to spiral behind your eyes. 
‘You are not good enough for this role. This is not your place. This is not a role you were born to play. This was a role that always belonged to someone of higher standing; someone of higher class-.’
“-Know we would be proud to have you as our lady, not just a governess hired to serve a role,” Zoro continued, collecting your chin beneath his fingertips to hold your gaze with his own. Perona stepped her body closer to you, weaving her arms around your waist and hastily drawing her cheek to press against your back. 
“I can hear her too, my lady,” Perona whispered into your back, prompting you to break your eyes away from Zoros to glance over your shoulder. Perona’s large, dark eyes looked up at you with sorrow and understanding held within her orbs, promises of empathy propelling her utterances, “And any words she brings onto you harbouring doubt, I will smother you in nothing but kindness and love to reassure you.”
Heart swelling at her utterances, your eyes began to pool over with gladness. The mist of your eyes clouded your vision as Perona continued to sing her praises into you. 
“I love you, my lady,” Perona hushed, her eyes beginning to dance with her own emotion. Her lip quivered, looking up into your eyes with true adoration and love at you, “We both do, don’t we Zoro?” At the sound of his name, Zoro’s breath caught itself within his mouth for the second time. 
You trailed your eyes back over to his, breaking away from your contact with Perona, and meeting his hazelnut orbs with your own once more. No whisper of a word, nor utterance fled his lips; all emotion depicted in the slight shudder of his eye and quirk up of his lips. Sighing out, you drew your arms around Zoro’s waist, turning your head to feel his heartbeat below his warm chest. Perona continued to nuzzle against your back as Zoro’s hands on your shoulders snaked over your back and pulled you both closer to him. 
“I am so glad to have met you both, dears,” you whispered, scrunching your eyes shut and deeply inhaling your insecurities, exhaling your worries into the air as they held you firmly. 
“Zoro, you need a bath. You stink, and I can smell you from here,” Perona called over your shoulder, “I pity your proximity, my lady. He’s probably spilling that musky smell onto you, meaning we’ll have to bath you too- My lady! We’re running out of time!” Perona immediately broke away from the embrace, tugging at your hips to break from Zoro’s grip and leading you to the changing shield.
“You: bath,” Perona ordered, pointing her finger at Zoro, “And you,” she snapped her eyes over to you, “Moon-dress first, right?” You sighed, nodding your dismissal of Zoro with a light smile. Zoro grunted a cough, adjusting his waistband around his yukata, and nodded in return before exiting your chambers. He halted at the table, collecting the half-drunk wine bottle by the neck, before heading through the door and latching it again with a small click.
“My lady, the moon first?” Perona asked once more, taking your attention from the door to gaze into her eyes. You nodded in confirmation, prompting her to shove you behind your changing screen to rid your body of its night chemise. You folded the chemise over the door of the screen, as the variety of items presented themselves to you in order from lesser to grander. 
“Perona, sweetheart,” you called to her, your voice holding an anxious laugh, “There is far too much material here for me to continue thrusting this onto my body.” Perona laughed in response, walking over to the screen and peeking over the top of the wooden frame. She inhaled deeply, a small squeak propelling her inhale. Her brows rose in excitement, her eyes upturning in glee at the first part of the assembly of the moon dress. 
The bodice of the dress clung to your breasts, an ovular shape wisping in layers of tulle and smoothed satin to draw over the midpoint of your shoulders. Trailing down from its seamless layers, your back was joined with an elaborate assortment of ridges and latches. Upon investigating it initially, you were unsure of why such items were joined in bands of silver, onyx and gold to its back until it hit you.
This was truly the moon. 
The silvery hue of the beams, the mystery of fluttered blues and pale whites cascading from end to end; all bound by circular divots of darkened onyx and quartz to resemble faces and craters atop the lunar surface. The many layers of skirts laid a train ending in the same ovular shape as the neckline atop your chest. 
“O-Oh, my g-goodness,” Perona’s voice managed to stutter out, her soul mirrored within her expression of youthful adoration and excitement, “You look so beautiful, my lady. As luminescent and radiant as the moon in peak of nightful.” You sighed with your smile, brows upturning and weight falling away from your shoulders. 
You gave Perona a small twirl, the material pooling and drifting as effortlessly as warm mercury over cool stone. She gave you a small applause and a small jittery cry of joy before ushering you over to sit at your vanity. Glancing up at your features, the illumination of the dress mixed perfectly with the tone of your skin and hair.The task had been executed flawlessly. 
“Now then, my lady,” she said, shaking her head and clapping her hands, “I am going to leave you to get yourself primed, painted and dressed with the jewellery-,” Her eyes widened, “-Jewellery, my lady! I have to get the jewellery!” She hastily turned back around and fled to the door, flinging it wide and immediately cowering away from a large, balled fist descending to where wood once was. 
You recognised the scent first, the smell of cigar tobacco and ashen smoke wafting into your chambers mixing with the expensive and earthy cologne of the hulking and boorish-.
“-Sir Crocodile,” you uttered as you began to rise from your vanity. Turning to face him, the intimidating aura of the hulking man hung behind the threshold of your door. 
“My lady,” he nodded his head in response, his head ducking below the frame to meet the purple hue of his eyes with your own, “May I enter your space?” Perona sucked in a breath, darting her eyes between the man at the door and you in your bridal dress in a small panic. Without turning his head, Sir Crocodile’s eyes met with Perona’s through the corner of his narrowed gaze.
“I harbour no ill intent with your mistress, little mouse,” Perona pouted at his words, prompting the twitch of his smirk to pull at the corner of his lips. He cleared his voice, removing the cigar from his lips and extinguishing the flame atop the stone wall beside the door frame; an action prompting your lips to curl in a small snarl. 
“As I were the means to provide you with such a dress,” his sinister smirk drew up to his cheeks, the huff of cigar smoke pooling from his lips, “I desired to be the first to see you in your radiancy. How are you enjoying your daw' alqamar-,” he shook his head in reprimand for his verbal linguistic slip, “-Your moonlight, my lady?” 
Several thoughts lingered in your mind: a reprimand for using your wall to douse the burnt end of his cigar, asking him to leave your space to continue dressing yourself for your wedding, thanking him for the skill that designed and crafted the garment over your body. Elevating to your feet and walking over to the door frame with precision and grace, you halted your movement and dipped into a low stooped curtsey.
“Sir Crocodile,” you spoke in a low and stern tone, “I would offer my praises and my gratitude to you presently,” your tone twitched in subtle agitation as you rose to your feet, “But I am a bride, and my groom is awaiting me.” Crocodile hummed through his nose, his smirk continuing to hold against his lips as he stared down at you. He took a moment to stare at your bodice, his brow twitching as he cocked his head.
After taking a moment's pause, his eyes softened to a point almost unavailable to an untrained eye. 
“You look beautiful, my lady,” he offered in a hushed whisper, “That dress was made for you by my means,” he stooped lower, remaining outside the threshold but hovering closer to you in proximity, “And you wear it as it you were born to don such a garment.”
At those final words, both Perona and Sir Crocodile left you in your solace to prepare yourself for your wedding ceremony. As you applied the final stroke of paint to dance atop your lips, from the corner of your eye; you spotted the parchment paper sealed with a wax stamp not dissimilar to the letter of summons from Mihawk those months ago. 
Placing down your lip-paint brush, you reached for the letter and unfolded the crease and snapping the small seal holding it closed. Immediately, your eyes widened at its contents:
“My Beloved Wife,
In light of harbouring no such secrets between us; I have written the vows I desired to forge with you, and present them to you before we meet for the first time as husband and wife.” 
You halted your reading, the swell of emotion elevating your heart to a risen drumbeat of both adoration and anticipation. Quickly reading through the customs he wished to claim over the ceremony, your smile broke your sorrow as you truly witnessed how much thought he placed into each declaration and decree. So many elements, so many customs you were learning held meaning for your husband to be; you found yourself awestruck.
“I have no such means for communication with you before we meet to truly know if you agree with the terms. 
But know this, 
I appreciated you for your skill as a governess to our wards, I found myself smiling at your playfulness as my Lost-Lady, and I am looking forward to the future that we will find ourselves forging; unified as one. 
My darling, I do
I will.
And I will always love you. 
Dracule Mihawk ~ Your Devoted Husband.”
A small drop soaked the page, swelling the signature lovingly scrolled ink into the bottom of the page, smudging its words. Shocked, you rose your hand to your cheek to find a damp trail of tears falling against your cheeks; completely unaware of when you had begun to cry. A small laugh flung from your lips, prompting you to sniff and shake your head before setting to the task of reapplying your paints and perfumes to the highest quality. 
The final step was placing the cascading veil atop your hair and covering your eyes, sheer in material appearing to illuminate pale blue under the lights. In your hand, you clutched your bouquet of lilies, roses, and baubles of babies’ breath. Nestled into the arrangement peered throughout were small wisps of blue forget-me-nots, a small nod to your prior filterless encounter with your Farm-Hand and you as his Lost-Lady. 
The halls were littered with similar flowers, illuminating the area with bulbs of roses, flurries of jasmines and hiding within the scattered arrangements: the same innocent and small forget-me-nots in clusters joined with twine. Although walking alone, you felt the presence of all guests loitering within the ceremonial space of Castle Kuraigana to propel you. 
Murmurs of hushed voices, small conversations resonated within the halls and beyond had your heart beating with irregular jumps in anticipation for what awaits you behind the large, closed doors. You sucked in a breath, the trail of your moonlight dress dancing along the lengthy hallway for each movement of your feet. 
‘You are truly going through with this, are you? Joining yourself to a role that you have no place in unifying with-.’
“-Sapsorrow,” your hushed voice rang into the air, the atmosphere cooling at the immediate utterance of her name. Whispers and hushed hums alerted you of her presence standing beside you in her spectral regality. 
“You dare speak my name, Governess?” the voice to your side answered you, your spine and follicles standing in tingles at her tone. You rolled your neck on your shoulders, twitching your hands by your side to rid it of your anxiety as you turned to face the spirit haunting you.
Her hollowed eyes framing her pupil-less gaze found your face, her sinister smile resting comfortably against her lips. Hair swiping in a wind not present as she moved, her dress pooling at her feet like a flag within water. She was a horror to behold, but there was a deep melancholy reflected in her eyes. 
“Queen Sapsorrow,” you stooped low, bowing yourself almost to the floor with your humility, “I express my gratitude to you.” You heard her spectral voice hitch in her unnatural throat, her animosity fleeing from her in the wake of curiosity. Before she opened her mouth to speak her taunts to you, you spoke once more as you rose to your feet. 
“I have no parents; no father, nor mother,” you confessed to her, your eyes depicting your honesty through each word spoken, “No family to call my own, until this very moment.” You stepped closer to her, reaching out your hand to bare your right palm to her. 
“I was alone in this world, drifting from place to place and finding purpose as a governess - an excellent governess,” you corrected yourself with a smile. Her uneasy and cautious expression unwavering for each parting moment you held her hostage with your words. 
“You are the reason I am here, and I will forever be grateful to the future you had bound to me,” She clicked her tongue at you, scrunching her nose to reveal her snarl at you. You hardened your resolve and continued, “Two wards: a man akin to a roguish son, alongside a beautiful and delightful daughter. In this unity: I have found a love that is truly mine,” you concluded, a warmer smile drawing up to reveal your teeth to her in a kind smile. 
Sapsorrow’s eyes widened, her unbeaten heart fluttering and reigniting within her chest at hearing her own words reflected from the lips of another.
“Would you care to join me as I take the walk?” you offered her, stepping closer to her and continuing to hold your hand elevated to the front of you.
“Excuse me?” Her spectral voice called, her tone somewhere between offended and bewildered at such an offering. 
“Would you care to join me as I take the walk, Sapsorrow?” you again offered, gesturing to her spectral hand with your forehead, “From what I know of your history in the tale once told to me, you deserve your own happy ending. Walk with me, and I will be glad to share mine.” 
“You think my curse ends with just you?” Her form faded from vision, her voice reverberating in the hall outside of the ceremony with you, “Oh, I have eight more curses to awaken, you arrogant woman-.” Her voice held source from all corners of the hallway, “-Nine if you account for the clause that stupid tall blonde placed upon the band lying around that inked doctor’s neck!” 
Her sinister cackle broke her sentence, unnerving you more than the words she was speaking,“I shall start with those who aided you in completing your conditions; the easiest of the three to ensnare will be the Crocodile, for I know where his ring lay-.” 
Your breath hitched at her confession, her own words halting as she attempted to stuff them back into her undead lips. A rough spectral sigh drifted within the walls, her face once again revealed to your eyes. She looked softer, almost human now. Her hair was less wild, her face less horrifying, and her eyes soft and baring pupils within them behind her thick and lengthy eyelashes. The was truly beautiful, her sorrow depicted alongside an unfamiliar warmth in her undeath. 
“I will allow your happiness to lie only with you, Lady of Kuraigana. You deserve peace today,” she confessed, a warm smile rising to her lips as she leant forward to take your hand, “Enjoy the time you have with your love.” She stepped forward, pressing her left hand against your offered right, a tingle dancing against your skin at the contact. 
“This is where I leave you,” she confessed, floating backwards slowly towards the high ceilings, “But I will be watching your future closely.”
“Thank you, Sapsorrow,” you offered your gratuity by slinking down to another low bow. Halting her final exit by the upper window, she turned once more and glanced at the corner of her eye at you and smirked through the left hand corner of her lips. 
“The Sun-Dress is my favourite, my lady,” her small laugh propelled one of your own to dance alongside hers, “If I had a heart, I would even show mercy on Red-Hair for such a fine craft. But alas,” her beauty once again faded into the horrifying spectre you had initially seen her as, “I do not.”
Her spectral body disappeared from the window, a swell in orchestral melody commencing as soon as she departed from the space. You were once again drawn to this single moment, your heart beating now in anxiety of what your future held for you. 
You were to become Lady of Kuraigana, bound to one of the former warlords of the seas. The World’s Greatest Swordsman as your beau, the Lord of this land you were now to call home. As you began to step towards the threshold of the door, the wooden barriers were pulled back by members of staff to reveal the attendees within. At the end of the ornately decorated row, your gaze immediately found linked with the honeyed hue of your beloved. 
Flowers lined the pews within the large room, candles alight with warm flames to illuminate the shadowy row. All eyes snapped to you, gasps fleeing from their lips as they took in your incredible beauty dressed in an arrangement as radiant as the moon. You could audibly hear the smirk from the hulking Sir Crocodile, as praises of your dress were flung into the air with their comments and sighs. 
The music swelled, a small smile drawing up to your face as you propelled yourself forward while clutching your bouquet close to your naval. You thanked your veil from shielding your nerves from prying eyes, a small blush dusting your cheeks as you shamelessly raked your eyes over the body of your intended.
His shirt was dipped into a deep ‘V’, tasteful frills decorating the hemline against his collarbone and neck. His overcoat lay open black in colour with the softest shade of mauve within the inner shield. Dark, leather pants were clasped by a golden buckle decorating his waist, the outer frame of his thighs supporting embellished embroidery in the similar mauve decorating his overcoat. Atop his head, his signature hat with his puffed, white feather dancing behind the broad brim and shielding his curled locks beneath it. 
In all your time spent with Dracule Mihawk, you could safely assume you had a grasp on how to read the subtle changes in his stoic face. His lips were barely parted, his eyes only slightly widened and his face only a single shade away from his regular hue with the dusting of the palest pink. Once again, the thought hit you like a puff of cautious wind: you were to wed Lord Dracule Mihawk, become his wife and he your husband. 
If his words to you were left unread and unwritten, you would have no doubt plaguing your mind at this very moment of one thing. Lord Dracule Mihawk was hopelessly, truly and deeply in love with you. 
As you approached the final steps towards him, you slowly turned to view Perona standing to the side of the aisle, noticing Zoro standing beside your intended: both holding similar expressions mirroring your own. You had all been awaiting this moment with the greatest anticipation: from the moment your accidental hands toyed with the moss agate ring, to the knowledge the curse bound you now by fate. 
Mihawk opened his mouth, watching as you slowly placed your bouquet he had affectionately crafted for you within Perona’s outstretched and awaiting hands. The officiant gave you a soft smile, turning to address the large number of attendees scattered amongst the pews in their most formal attire. 
“Valued and adored guests here gathered,” she began, her arms gesturing outwards in a warm embellished wave, “On behalf of the Lord and Lady to be of Kuraigana, I would bid thee welcome to witness the unification of two souls in matrimony.” Mihawk had yet to tear his eyes off you, paying attention to all words spoken by the woman in front of you, but hypnotised by your presence at his side. 
“There are a few elements to witness performed here. We are to leave no stone unturned nor phrase unuttered in their bonds forming,” she continued, turning away and gathering a larger twin candles within her hands and holding them to the side of her body, “Lord Dracule, you may reveal your wife from beneath her shroud, so we may witness her declarations departing from her lips.” 
Mihawk rose his hands to your collar bones, his fingertips pinching the sheer material within his thumb, index and tall finger and hastily withdrawing the shield from your face. He allowed himself the luxury of the backs of his hands brushing with your cheeks as he flung the sheer fabric over your hair, a shaken breath escaping your lips at his tender touch. 
As your eyes met without filter between you, his expression finally revealed more to you than a subtle tick and twitch. The air was sucked from his lungs, his eyes softening as he found his body drawing closer to you almost against his will. You smiled up at him, adoring this new and unrefined experience of adoration dancing over his face. 
“I present you with two candles,” the attendee informed you, placing them out in a gesture for you to take them from her hands, “I shall alight the wick of Lord Dracule's, and he will speak his actions and their meaning aloud.” She lit his wick, gesturing for you to turn to face one another with your candles extended in the middle of your bodies.
“With this flame,” Mihawk uttered in full clarity, “I vow to light your way through all darkness that plagues you.” He extended the flamed tip to ignite your candle in front of you. 
“Under its light,” you uttered with a small bow to him, “I trust you to guide me.” A small sniff from Perona, attempting as she would to halt her emotions from expressing themselves, had a similar experience rising in Zoro behind Mihawk. The two wards witnessing their Lord and Lady now unifying themselves in matrimony finally began to find harbour within their hearts in each passing moment and gesture. 
Taking the candles from you and placing them within their designated dishes on the table and elevating a silver goblet and accompanying decanter. She poured the crimson liquid within the spherical container, offering to place the cool stem within your fingertips. 
“Your cup may never empty,” you expressed, offering to your swordsman the container, rotating the object twice within your hands first and bowing your head low, “For I will be the wine that fills it.” His fingers brushed over yours, grasping them and taking them with him as he elevated the wine to his lips. He continued holding his hands over yours as he offered the goblet up to your own lips. 
“May I be the wine that fills your cup,” his smile twitched at the corner as he added, “And may you always be satisfied with the contents that replenishes you.” A small blush rose to your cheeks as your eyes never broke from Mihawks. He elevated the wine to your lips, allowing for a small sip to pass from your lips. The celebrant reclaimed the goblet from your hands and placed it beside the lit candles, rising now a tray with two cubes of sticky honeycomb atop the surface. 
“This may get a little messy, bear with us everyone,” the attendee expressed, drawing a small teetered chuckle and rise of giggle from your guests. Mihawk allowed the softness to be depicted in his face at the small giggle that fell from your lips, both claiming the sticky cubic piece of honeycomb into your fingers. 
“I shall serve you in all the ways you require,” you both spoke in unison, “And may the honeycomb taste sweeter coming from my hand.” You both placed the sticky cubes within each other’s awaiting mouths, both laughing at the mess atop your fingertips. Without hesitation, Mihawk clasped your wrist, holding your hand in place as his tongue danced around your fingertips to skillfully rid them from the honey. Your shocked expression was shrouded by the presence of Mihawk’s thumb within your own lips, prompting you to perform a similar action to suck the sticky substance to rid its presence from his digits. 
Small whistles and flirtatious commentary fell from the lips of the Red-Hair pirates, hooting and hollering in their support of such an unbridled expression of lust within the ceremony. Another rise of laughter occurred between you as you retracted your fingertips from each other’s mouths. The attendee placed the tray beside the goblet and returned with two thin sheets of material and offered them to Zoro and Perona. 
Perona reached forward and gathered the material within her hands, Zoro apprehensively doing the same with no frame of reference as to why he was doing so. 
“The two wards under the care of Dracule Mihawk will present the ties to bind you, solidifying their positions in upholding you within your commitment to one another as your chosen witnesses,” Mihawk turned away from you, as you did him, to gather the material within the hands of the wards behind you. 
“May our bond continue to grow all the years you choose to remain with us in unity, Perona,” you whispered to her, prompting her to smile through her tears that began to fall as soon as your vows commenced.
“I will stay as long as you’ll have me, my lady,” she confessed in a similar tone, offering the sash for you to take into your arms. 
Although you both were too wrapped to hear the conversation occurring behind you, Zoro and Mihawk had a similar moment parting between them.
“Although you are destined to earn my title as ‘World’s Greatest Swordsman’ in single combat, I am proud to call you a son under my familial name, Zoro,” He uttered with a small twitched smirk and narrowed eyes. 
“I will hold both such titles with honour, Lord Mihawk,” he reached forward, his arms containing the sash and prompting both Mihawk and you to return in facing one another. 
“May this knot you tie demonstrate to those present here the symbol of your unity,” the attendee uttered to you, prompting a skillful dance of fingertips brushing and hands clasping one another to tie the two sheets into a single knot in the centre. You and Mihawk both presented the unified material to the celebrant, who collected it from you by the knot in the centre. She placed the knot beside the dish containing the small syrupy honeycomb remnants, raising a box containing two bands of gold within. 
“My lady, you may raise your hand to place the ring atop your beau’s unity finger and relay your vows onto him,” she gestured for you to claim the larger band within the box, elevating it to his left hand and hovering it over his fingertip.
“My beloved,” you began, glancing from his hand to dart your focus between his two honey-coloured eyes, “These are the vows of promise I swear unto you, unifying us in marriage.” He awaited expectantly his breath hitching once more as you relayed your confession of love onto him.
“I will never possess you, for you belong to none but yourself,” you smiled at him, beginning the descent of his ring slowly over his finger, “I cannot command you, for you are free.” Shimmying the object over his first knuckle, you continued to relay your vows.
“I pledge to you that your name be the one I cry into the night,” your smile cracked at the corner of your face at a small stifled squeak from Perona, “And may mine be the smile that greets you the morning after.” You slid the ring over his final knuckle, securing it to the base of his finger before interweaving your fingertips with his. 
“May this ring be a symbol of my devotion to you, unifying us as one to all those who view it,” you concluded. Finally meeting his eyes once more, his glazed over eyes held such softness for you it felt too intimate for his public persona. He firmly squeezed your right hand within his left before unweaving his fingertips from yours and collecting your ring from the box presented by the attendant. 
“My beloved,” he began, clasping your left hand with his right, and elevating his left hand to hover the golden band above your left finger; his own new band catching your eyes as it danced in the light, “These are the promises I swear onto you through my vows of devotion.” He slid the ring slowly over your fingertip, his eyes never breaking away from your own as he presented his words.
“I will never command nor possess you,” he ushered the ring over your first knuckle, “For your will belongs to you alone.” Sliding the ring over your second knuckle, he continued to relay his vows slowly onto you. 
“I pledge your name to be cried from my lips in the night, and my smile-...” his right hand gently squeezed your fingertips as his smile drew up onto his face, “-be what greets you on the morrow beside you.” Perona stifled another squeal behind her unoccupied hand clapping over her lips, prompting a smile to break over your own lips. 
“May this band unify us in matrimony, and be a beacon of my promise to all who view it,” Mihawk concluded, immediately stooping his lips to press a chaste kiss atop your knuckles, much to the detest of the celebrant. She clicked her tongue to reprimand him, shaking her head with a smile of her own. 
“Given your lips can’t hold their restraint, my lord,” her warning tone playfully reprimanded him, “I will now allow for the lord and lady to solidify their unity in the sharing of their first kiss as husband and wife. You may both collect each other and seal your covenant with words left unspoken. You may now share your lips with one another.” 
Mihawk immediately began his descent, cradling your jaw beneath his left hand and shepherding you towards him with his lips parted in anticipation. You hastily drew your own left hand up to his right cheek, your right hand finding purchase on his waist and anchoring yourself to him as he finally pressed his lips onto your own. 
His lips were slow in movement, savouring the sweet taste of sugary honeycomb mixing with the bitter wine presented to each other earlier. He gasped into your mouth, opening it to deepen the unity between you by presenting a small flick of his tongue into you. His nose brushed with your own, his hand on your jaw fell immediately to your waist and clutched you firmly against his waist. Brows furrowed in unbridled passion, the world around you fled from memory at each press of his lips against your own. 
You slid your hand up to clasp his shoulder, a small squeak fleeing from your mouth into his as he turned your body in a low dip towards the guests in their seats in the pew. This action drew you away from your lustful hypnosis, the applause and cheers of your guests gleefully erupting into the air. He hastily drew your body back upwards with the flitter of your luxurious dress pooling behind you. 
“I am now delighted to pronounce, through this seal of unity,” the celebrant concluded her presentation, “The Lord and Lady Dracule of Kuraigana. Celebrate and uphold them, and may jovial celebrations continue into the night with merriment.” Mihawk clasped your hand and placed it into the crook of his left elbow, beginning his ushering of you to flee with him from the ceremony space to continue into your reception. 
Several of your guests greeted you both with their offerings of congratulations and affirmations, Red-Hair Shanks prying your husband away from your arms with his arm hooking over his shoulders and ushering him into a warm embrace. You made eye contact with the first mate of the Red-Hair pirates, who offered you a polite smile and the nod of his head; both of which you returned with actions mirroring his own. 
However, as soon as you became distracted by the embraces falling to your now husband, your elevated mood of joy was immediately halted as a floating and severed gloved hand clapped over your lips. You could not offer a hum of protest, nor a scream as your body was pried away from Mihawk’s and into the hallway outside of the ceremony space. 
“All part of the plan, Starlight,” a soft, nasally voice reaffirmed you in your ear. You turned your head to meet with the face of the flashy-fool himself, his face painted to the highest quality. His hand rejoined his forearm with a small suctioned ‘pop’.
“I’m gonna take my hand away from your face now, alright? You gotta be quiet and listen to what I’m ‘bout to tell you,” He nodded, his eyes serious with no room for joking. You nodded in return, prompting a smile to rise to his lips. 
“I’ve done some reading,” Buggy informed you, his tone apprehensive and nervous, “And there’s a custom in Kuraigana regarding weddings that sounds way too fun to be left out of ol’ Hawkie’s.” 
“And what may that be, sir Buggy D Clown?” Your frown deepened the longer Buggy kept you away from your new husband. He chuckled at your apprehension, a sly smile now developing further in elevation. 
“You are to be dressed in a new gown, no longer a bride but a wife under his name,” he confirmed with a nod, your understanding reflected in your own nod. “As your new dress is placed onto your body, you’re a new woman. And as a new woman,” his eyes twinkled with mischief, “Your groom has to woo you to win back your favor.” 
“What are you saying, sir?” you narrowed your eyes, and threw him an accusatory and pointed look. 
“What I’m saying, Starlight,” he continued, linking his arms with yours and beginning to shepherd you further away from your celebration, “Is that I’m going to kidnap you and dress you in your starlight gown,” he grimaced a small grin, “I may have had a couple of my crew break in and steal the mannequin earlier,” he quickly uttered before waving his hand in front of him to halt your protests, “And he has to humble himself and perform a skill worthy enough to win your favour.” 
Your bewilderment was pictured over your face, looking from his eyes and apprehensively allowing him to draw you to the peer. 
“What type of skill, Buggy?” you asked him, your curiosity peaked the longer the clown explained himself.
“Could be anything, Starlight,” he shrugged, his playful smirk pulling wider. His eyes twinkled, the paint falling within the crows feet beneath the blue and white hues, “He could dance, sing, recite poetry, he could even juggle. It truly doesn’t matter as long as you’re impressed and successfully wooed.”
You took the moment to study him. From his painted face, to his beautiful assortment of a red and yellow diamond patterned vest, to his tanned leather pants, and all the way back up to his hair braided and styled away from falling in front of his eyes. He threw his best grin at you, his lips curling in an apprehensive and crooked smile. You shook your head, stepping closer to him. 
“Does Mihawk know about this?” You uttered quietly, your dress shifting behind you in your haste. He sighed out a shuddered laugh of dark glee.
“Oh, I’m certain Red-Hair is filling him in right about-...” he trailed off, thinking long and hard about his answer. As soon as your feet found the wood of Buggy’s ship, the anchor rising and sails drawn down by his crew, he gestured to the doors of Castle Kuraigana in the distance.
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witchofhimring · 1 year
Younger and more beautiful
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This series is being edited. I feel Alys came off as one dimensionally evil and the reader as a pretty flat character. So this will be heavily edited.
Queen you shall be, until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all you hold dear
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Aemond Targaryen x Alys Rivers
Part 2: Until there comes another
Part 4: To cast you down and take all you hold dear
Warnings: angst, cheating, mentions of stillbirth/miscarriages, death
Queen you shall be, until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all you hold dear.
To this day the words that both enthralled and haunted the Queen hovered over her dark head like a specter. It echoed as a constant reminder. She had become Queen and Alys had never felt more victorious. But every time the elation came, the rest would come roaring back.
Younger and more beautiful
To cast you down and take all you hold dear
As she sat proudly on her throne the ladies danced bellow. Alys had made sure that every one of her handmaidens were either less attractive or older than herself. Helped if they were both. But she could not banish every woman who could capture her husbands eye. Every time her husbands eyes drifted over the crowd Alys wondered if they were searching for a woman. She tried to convince herself that she was young, beautiful, and the King loved her. One of the Tyrell girls, sporting a beautiful head of auburn curls and sparkling blue eyes, ascended the stairs. She was on the arm of her father. Alys's fingers curled into her palm. "Lady Redwine." Alicent Hightower walked towards the woman. Of course the meddling old hag invited the woman. If Alys had her way the Dowager Queen would be out by now. But Aemond loved his mother. Anxiety clawed at Alys as she knew Alicent was the only person left in her way. Y/n was locked away and Daenerys was Gods know where. "Son." Without even using titles, Alicent advanced up the steps and embraced her son. All Alys received was a cold look. Alys had thought that maybe the Dowager Queen would take her side. After all, it was well known that Alicent did not get along with Y/n. But it seemed her dislike of the thrones newest occupant outweighed the old. One day, Alys would deal with her.
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Her face ached from her daily ritual. Alys scrutinized each inch of her skin. There where no spots blemishing her pale skin. No wrinkle in sight. Satisfied, she sat back in her chair. She was still as lovely as when Aemond first fell in love with her. Pale fingers traced over her slightly swollen belly. Soon Y/n would know that Alys had accomplished what she had not. Satisfaction dwelled within her as she thought of Y/n's less than flattering body. Alys had always been careful to watch what she ate. No morsel of food passed her lips without thorough inspection. She doubted Y/n had been as vigilant. Hence why Alys never felt any pity for the woman. Y/n had taken her position for granted and lost everything. That was her fault, not Alys's.
Aemond Targaryen entered, still dressed in his kingly finery. Alys felt desire in the pit of her belly. Elegantly she got to her feet, the emerald train following her. Aemond gave her a sultry smile, noticing immediately that she wanted him. "My love." She sighed and placed her arms around his neck. Kisses littered his cheeks as they made towards the bed. "Stay with me tonight?" Alys's hair flowed down her back out of its up do. She knew what his answer would be, he had never once denied her. Alys was laid out of the former Queen's bed and pulled her husband close.
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The contractions started early in the morning. By midday Alys was doubling over in pain. They had given her a small draft of milk-of-the-poppy and herbs, but it did little do dull her agony. Once nightfall fell Alys could barely breath. "Just one more push Your Grace!" The midwife could see the head. With one last almighty push Alys's child made their way into the world. Alys collapsed onto the sheets, exhausted but feeling elated. She had done it. She had given the King his heir. Now they would accept her as Queen. Soon Y/n and her bastard daughter would get word of her victory. "Hand him to me." Alys had forced herself to sit up. The midwifes looked at eachother before the bravest among them spoke. "My Queen, it is a girl."
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Aemond looked down at their newborn daughter, Princess Aelena. Alys could hardly look at the baby. Her daughter was small with silver hair. A true Targaryen, but not a boy. Aemond picked up the girl and cradled her against his chest. "She's beautiful." His voice was quiet. Alys could not tell what her husband thought. He showed no outward signs of displeasure, but that did not mean Aemond was happy. Sometimes he was so hard to read. "I am so sorry." Alys cast her eyes downwards, praying he would not be angry with her. Aemond placed the baby down in her crib. With a sigh he walked over to Alys and sat down next to her. "I am happy to have a daughter. And we conceived her quickly, sons will follow."
"Yes. sons will follow."
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It had been a dark day, the sun remaining hidden. On that day Alys, in all her curiosity, snuck into the woods. She had heard legends of a wood witch in its depths. Alys was not frightened, had never been frightened. When she wanted something she got it. Deeper she went. As as she treated along the forest floor she noticed there was no noise. Not even the twittering of a bird. The air became denser and her head started to spin. Still, the stubborn young woman pushed on. Finally, in the midst of a great swamp was a hut. It sat right in the middle. Through the thin fog Alys realized that crossing would be no easy challenge. She paced around for a while and thought of what to do. Eventually she noticed there was a path of rocks barely visible above the murky water. Tentatively she placed a foot on one of them. It was stable enough. Steeling herself, Alys set out. Rock over rock she went. She practically flew the last few steps. There was no door. Just some cloth hung, as if that could do the witch any good. She brushed the fabric aside and looked in. There was a fire in the center. But that was all she could make out. "You have come." Alys swallowed back a gasp. From the corner emerged a cloaked figure. She was old, very old. 'Step in." Alys obeyed.
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"Are you sure this is wise My Queen." Questioned a meek Lady. Alys sat on her chair, crown on head. She had brought baby Aelena with her today. So that Lady Floris might see that she had triumphed over her former mistress. Floris Baratheon had been living in a self imposed exile since Y/n had left. But the King had ordered her to return to court. Today, Alys would show her who was Queen. "Lady Floris." Floris was only a little younger than Y/n, but she looked younger than Alys had expected. Much to Alys's disgruntlement it seemed Y/n's death had not dulled her beauty. She had dark brown hair that flowed behind her like a veil. Brown eyes held a golden hue to them. Unblemished skin showed none of the wears of the past four years. What was even more insulting was the fact she wore black. As a mere lady, Y/n was entitled to no more than a few weeks of mourning from her close friends and family. But she noticed many in black. They protested that black was quite fashionable these days, but Alys knew better. "My Lady, we welcome you to court." Alys straightened herself. Floris held a look of cool disinterest. Her arrogance angered the Queen. Then an idea occured to the Queen. A smile curled her lip. "My Lady. The King and I have considered this, and believe that you are the best candidate to act as governess to Princess Aelena. As you did such a good job looking after his bastard daughter I think you should agree." Rage flashed through the lady's eyes. Of course Alys would never let Floris be alone with her precious girl. Others would keep an eye on her. It would give her great satisfaction to have the lady toil away in service to the rightful princess.
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Floris watched the baby tottle towards one of the ladies. She was still so so tired from all the errands Alys had her do. It seemed Alys was determined to make her pay. Floris reckoned that Alys would try and break her down and take all she held dear. But little did the foolish Queen realize this was not a surrender. Floris had contacted supporters of the deceased Queen to put the rightful heirs on the throne. She just had to spy and get what information she could. When the King appeared all three curtsied. The baby giggled and grabbed towards her father. Floris felt a thrill of anger as he cuddled the baby. Not at Aelena, but Aemond Targaryen. Here he was pretending he only had one daughter when there was another whom he had banished. Hatred for Aemond and Alys stirred in her heart. After everything her dear friend had been forced to suffer made her want to weep with rage. She hoped that one day the two of them world be forced to suffer as much as the late Queen had.
That was when an idea occured to her.
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"I shall be Queen!" Alys was overwhelmed with the possibility her future might bestow on her. Queen. Oh to be the greatest woman in the land! But the witch just shook her head. "I am not done." Alys froze. "I shall not be Queen?" "You shall." "Then what is the rest?" And the words that haunted Alys for the rest of her days were uttered. "Queen you shall be, until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all you hold dear." As Alys stepped out of the hut she swore to herself she would never let that happen.
And with that, she sealed her destiny.
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Six months later:
Planning a rebellion had been easier than expected. Likely they never expected the King's daughter to rebel against her. Daenery's had always been an obedient daughter. Her father was her lord and King. The made who took her on Vhagar, read her stories and night and danced with her when she was little. But she loved her mother more, who had fought for her till the end. At nineteen Daenerys was no longer a little girl. Aemond Targaryen was no longer her world. In the past four years she had gone from princess to rebel. "My Queen. A letter." Viserys Targaryen, her betrothed, handed her a letter. She saw the wax "F" stamped on the front. She smiled. "It is from Lady Floris. It's time, and I think you have a dragon to claim."
Note: Last part is up next!
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mrsshabana · 10 months
PLEASE QUEEN, I need answers, in your post talking about some wip's that you were thinking about, I saw "shark", I hope I'm not hallucinating, but please, can you tell me a little about it??🏃🏃🏃
Omg yes! I'm so happy you asked about this one! The shark au is something me and @lilliumteaandbeez came up with. We have a ton of lore we came up with together, though I don't have much written for it. I believe I wrote this in February, and it isn't much but I'll share what I have!
More about Sharktaro though, he is also a siren! So, for the people that have been asking me for a siren au, this is the start of it.*・♡
✧:・゚→ My WIP's
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𝑺𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒏!𝑮𝒚𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒐 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Your motion sensored camera got activated last night.
That’s why you find yourself trudging through a light rain shower, stepping through heaps of wet sand and over slippery rocks. 
The camera had been set up in an alcove seated on the beach. A small cave sits on the edge of the ocean, with a deep pool of water seated in the middle of it. But deeper into the cave, the water becomes more shallow, and there is a rocky ledge circling the edge of the water, perfect for you to set up your camera to observe the unusual alcove.
It was for research of course. As a marine biologist you are always searching for unique phenomena. With this particular experiment, you were hoping to catch seals using this alcove as a shelter when hiding from circling sharks. But instead you were notified in the middle of the night by a strange photo being captured.
You couldn’t quite make out what it was. It was blurry and dark. The creature looked long like a seal but it almost appeared as though it had sharp claws. Having no idea what it could be, you are filled with anxiety and curiosity as you arrive at the cave.
Sounds of distant thunder echo in the distance.
You turn the corner and step into the darkness. The approaching storm blocking any sunlight that may have illuminated your path.
Flickering on your flashlight, you point it towards the shallow end of the cave.
Before you lies a humanoid figure. Laying on its side, back facing towards you.
The bottom half of its body resembles a shark. A long blue-green tail littered with dark spots. The spots cover his entire body, even the upper half which resembles a human man. The creature has a large fin on its back and pointed ears. Its body looks emaciated, ribs moving with each shallow breath that he takes. And a mess of black and green hair sits atop his head.
The water surrounding his body is bloody, and his tail seems to have gotten tangled in a net.
“Oh my god…” you gasp under your breath. The small sound is enough to startle the creature, quickly turning around, staring right at you.
His eyes glow yellow, slit pupils dilate from the bright light. He opens his mouth to show rows of dagger sharp teeth.
A high pitched, rattling screech echos from his mouth. Hissing at you with every ounce of energy he has left, you know this is a warning. But you can’t stop yourself from walking closer to him, you want to help him. It’s in your nature to help and rehabilitate injured marine life, and a mythical merman is no exception.
As you get closer he starts to panic. Flailing his tail, showing his teeth, hissing loudly. He tries to get away but he is too tangled up. It doesn’t take long before more blood spills out of him, and he can’t muster enough energy to continue.
His eyes get heavy and his breathing becomes more shallow but his hissing persists as you stand a few feet in front of him.
“I-It’s ok,” you mutter, taking a few steps closer to him, “I’m going to try to help you.”
Throwing your backpack to the ground, you take a seat in front of him, rummaging through your bag to find any supplies that may be able to help this poor creature. You always make sure to come prepared, because out in the field accidents happen all of the time. So luckily you have an emergency medkit. It’s meant for humans but you are sure it will do the trick for the time being.
When you reach out to him he snaps at you, almost biting your arm.
“Hey! I’m trying to help you! I know you are scared, but I promise I won’t hurt you.”
You can see the hurt and fear in his eyes when he looks at you. He has no idea that you are trying to help him. But the blood spilling from his wounds is too much and he loses the ability to care. He knows that he will die soon, so he stops fighting you.
The largest wound is on his tail, near his hip. It’s a deep laceration of some kind. 
Cutting part of the net, to give you enough room to tend to his wound. You decide that stopping the bleeding is more important, and you will work on untangling him afterwards.
There is no time to waste so you hurry and disinfect the area and prep your needle. With trembling hands you begin to suture the large wound, resulting in a low, painful whimper coming from him.
“I know it hurts, but I have to do this or you will bleed out,” you console him but don’t stop stitching him up.
The skin on his tail is thick and tough, taking a lot of effort to get the needle to go through. But after lots of struggling, you manage to get the wound sutured. Taking some gauze and holding it to the wound to soak up some of the blood.
Scanning over the rest of his body, he has lots of smaller lacerations. They look like claw marks. But you can’t think of any sea creature that would have claws like that…
Once the bleeding mostly stops on the larger wound, you go to care for the other wounds. Disinfecting, covering with bandages, and suturing a few that are particularly deep. You run out of gauze pretty quickly, as he has many wounds and the moisture of his skin combined with the humidity in the air quickly dampens them.
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catofoldstones · 10 months
Why do antis act as if Alayne is a completely different character from Sansa??? Like... that is Sansa, just under a different disguise. It's still her. It's no different than Arya currently with different identities. But the way they talk its as if Sansa suddenly morphed into a different girl and everything about her old identity is now dead and now Sansa Stark doesn't exist.
I really don't know how to describe this but I've seen posts saying things like Sansa is 'too deep' into the Alayne persona and can't go back to her old name. Thats not how this works???
Because it pushes their agenda that Sansa is not a member of House Stark and therefore not important to the story. Sansa forever being Alayne eliminates the threat she poses to Arya becoming the queen in the north and/or Jon, Dany, Arya becoming this ragtag group of ya teenage underdogs who save the world from the Others. It’s the same idea as behind the theory that Sansa is going to die or is no longer a Stark because Lady died.
They also don’t want to see Sansa in a position of power because they still blame her for lying about Arya hitting Joffrey (never mind realising who the real villains here are), and later getting Ned killed by ratting him out to Cersei (which has been debunked time and again). Furthermore, if she is Alayne and not Sansa, then she clearly does not have the Starks’ best interests at heart considering that she is Baelish’s protégé and holds similar motivations as him - which actualises her as a villain. And if she’s a villain, then she obviously can’t be the Lady/Queen of Winterfell, or just someone who deserves a happy ending in the least. Are you looking at the mental gymnastics?
As for Sansa being too deep into Alayne, I can only say that she constantly thinks of herself as Sansa during the Alayne chapters. In fact, she thinks like she is Sansa, not Alayne, no matter how hard she tries.
The Freys had broken all laws of hospitality when they’d murdered her lady mother and her brother at the twins…
Alayne I, AFFC
Before this she’s just reminding Baelish who she actually is saying Bronze Yohn will know who she really is as soon as he looks at her. She blurts out Jon Snow’s name and thinks of him fondly. None of which she would do if she were “in too deep” Alayne. Her pre-released TWOW chapter is littered with her still thinking as Sansa.
She felt alive again, for the first since her father… since Lord Eddard Stark had died.
For just a little while, as she ran, she forget who she was, and where, and found herself remembering bright cold days at Winterfell, when she would race through Winterfell with her friend Jeyne Poole, with Arya running after them trying to keep up.
Alayne I, TWOW
She others Alayne a lot too, as if Alayne is a friend she knows and not her own disguise.
“No, my lady. I am from Gulltown.” And I am not, though Alayne was born there.
Alayne I, TWOW
And these are just some of the examples. Moreover, the recently leaked outline, even in its scarce information, has bashed the final nail in the coffin of this argument and that has obviously caused much anxiety amongst the antis. Never mind it not working like that because these arguments are clearly bad faith and hold no water next to the deluge of evidence saying otherwise.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ꜱʜᴜʀɪ ᴡ/ ᴀɴ ᴀɴxɪᴏᴜꜱ!ꜱ/ᴏ
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Character: MCU!Shuri Udaku x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: In which Shuri takes care of you during your anxiety attacks.
Warnings: some cursing and mentions of anxiety attacks, but overall nothin but fluff!!
A/N: as a person with severe anxiety I'm always trying to find different ways to comfort myself in high level overwhelming situations. And since I've deemed Shuri as my marvel safe character...you know this was coming
Tags: @6-noir @playhousedistee @shuririsdefenseattorney @shuriszn @zayswriting @wrendermedone @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @slytherin-34 @the_lesbian-fangirl @itsmaniii @strangefishflapturtle @cuddl3s4shur1 @shuriislut @dejaonline @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @inmyheadimobsessed
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The first time it happened, Shuri had no idea what to do. It had been a while ago, at a tribal gathering that took place at the palace. You were Shuri’s plus one, and it would’ve been exceptionally rude to decline her invitation. Though the moment you stepped into the throne room, the sight of so many bodies made your chest tight and your body become heavy. There were too many bodies moving around and mingling with one another. Despite trying your best to hide it, Queen Ramonda noticed your strange behavior, and had Shuri take you off to the side to be calmed down.
Since then, Shuri takes special care in being attentive to your moods and what triggers it. Knowing that crowded spaces and loud noises are a couple of triggers, whenever you two are together, she tries to make sure the environment is calm and people-limited.
When it’s time for her to take on more leadership roles and prepare to take the title of Queen, Shuri knows that it comes with a lot of meetings and being around large numbers of people. She doesn’t require you to go with her, but most times, you’ll go for support, since she’s already under enough stresses and still in the process of grieving.
If you’re by her side the entire time, you’re able to keep things at bay. Holding her hand and tracing the tattoos that litter them help you keep your mind focused. It’s when you’re away from her that things get bad. If she absolutely has to step away from you in any case, Shuri will ask a Dora to escort you to a calm, quiet area.
When the attacks are bad, Shuri will instruct palace staff to prepare a pamper day for you. Though difficult, she’ll clear her schedule to spend the day with you, helping you practice your breathing, talk about what happened and how your anxiety got triggered, and she takes the time to remind you how much she loves you, and assures you that you being easily overwhelmed is not a burden and does not affect the way she sees you at all. You are the love of her life and she will do whatever it takes to make sure your health is a top priority.
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The Wasp Saga, or, How I Wasted Half my Lunch Break
(Note: If you are rude about wasps on this post you will be blocked. We respect them as important ecosystem members here.)
Yesterday it was super warm, like three months out of season warm, and in order to stave off the climate anxiety I decided to walk to the corner grocery store for lunch, eat outside, and get some rare February vitamin D. In a rare W the grocery counter Chinese food was freshly made, way better quality than usual, and ON SALE so I was riding that high. I ate, I enjoyed the weather. As I was starting to consider saving the rest for the next day's lunch a wasp buzzed up to me and landed. on my leg.
Now one thing about me is that I am trying very hard to overcome a crippling phobia of bees and wasps. From when I was a child through my early 20's I was frequently trapped inside or outside buildings because a wasp was hanging out near the door frame and I would refuse to go within 20 feet of it. Please read the following as if it required the courage of a knight and the patience of a saint.
This wasp was likely a queen that had woken up from hibernation a couple months early and was looking for a place to build a new hive. I respect wasps as important members of the ecosystem despite my deep seated fear and did not wish to kill her. She was the least flappable, most chill wasp I have ever encountered. This worked against me.
You see, she was quite happy to be on my leg. Started meandering down my khakis towards my shoe as if she didn't have a care in the world. As if I wasn't shaking my leg, walking around, stomping my foot, jerking back and forth, and jumping up and down to try and dislodge her. Eventually she walked onto my shoe and I did NOT want her do decide the inside of my pants was an attractive option here. So I bent down and blew on her, which finally bothered her enough to get off this ride. She buzzed away and landed.
On the edge of my lunch.
Now if this were any other day, I might have let her have it. Being on the wrong side of an angry wasp is not pleasant. But today the chinese food was good, and I wanted those leftovers as much as she did. So I decided to fight for it.
Let me set the scene: I am sitting on a concrete ledge, about knee-high. My lunch is inside a container, and the container is still nestled in the plastic bag from the grocery store. The container has a lid, which I managed to get over the food before the wasp could climb onto it. The wasp was on the plastic container, somewhat nestled inside the plastic bag.
Now if this wasp was content on my leg, she was downright ecstatic here on my lunch. She has just discovered a heaven of meat and fat and sugar. Her daughters will feast their whole lifetimes. She is not letting go.
I am trying to figure out how to bother this blissed-out wasp enough that she decides to abandon this nirvana, but not enough for her to decide I am a threat that must be eliminated. The next few minutes are spent nudging and prodding and shifting the container. Not a move. I move the bag. She folds up her wings. I blow on her. Frequently, often, from multiple angles. She's not falling for that trick again.
I try to nudge her off with a fork. Twice. She doesn't even move a leg, just sways sideways. I decide to take more drastic measures. I get up on the seat, take off my overshirt, and gently start flailing it at the bag, hoping to brush her off or make her think she's being swatted.
At this point a dog walker comes by and notices me standing up on a concrete wall, gingerly flapping my henley at a Monday orange chicken special. "Wasp stole my lunch," I explain. She sympathizes and moves on. I realize the wasp also stole my dignity a long while ago.
A gust of wind hits and the wasp seeks shelter under the lip of the container. My lunch break is very nearly over. I seriously begin to consider that I may lose. I realize that leaving my lunch here would be littering, and wildly against my morals. I press on.
I pick up the container out of the bag, wasp and all. I swing it left and right. I shake it up and down. She doesn't even care. I seriously wonder if I should just bring her inside and go about my day. Maybe if I put her in the fridge she would get sleepy enough to capture and release. Or maybe I'd be the idiot who let a wasp loose in the building because they brought it inside on purpose. It's a long walk from the door to the fridge.
I get to the door. Now or never. One last idea. I drop it a few inches. This is the move: Precisely enough to make her lose her grip on the container. My last view of her is on her back, wings not even buzzing, legs flailing as she tries to stand up. I snatch what is now mine by right of combat and flee indoors.
It was 76 degrees that day, yesterday afternoon. Tonight it will get down to 12. That's a normal temperature for February. She should not have been awake yet. I hope that despite all the grief and indignity she caused me, that she found somewhere safe and warm to hide, and that she finds somewhere just as good as my container of chinese food to build a nest.
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kaycode1999 · 1 month
hi heard you were doing some match ups and i was wondering if u could do me one
For starters, im a demisexual girl, still debating if im bi or simply a straight ally(in that case i'd kindly ask for a male counterpart), i don't want to be shipped with mk, mei, sandy, tang,pigsy bc i only see them as friends, and ao lie bc i already got him two times
i struggle with anxiety, abandonment, self worth and attachment issues and am currently working on my insomnia
Im a really sensitive person(tho not to the point of crying)my familly calls me a litteral drama queen
I sometimes feel like a useless third wheel, i rarely get angry at anything and always get along with anyone, my friends to confuse my goofy,friendly and open minded behavior for naivety and stupidety and i really hate it
For my aesthetic: i guess im a bit of everything depending on my mood, i like it when it matches, tho i do prefer hardcore colors like fushia, purple and dark blue, i also wear some moon and star themed jewelry i make myself
Im an ambivert, i socialize pretty well but prefer alone times
My love languages is physical affection(im not too clingy since i value personal space and boundaries more), words of affirmation, flirting lots of flirting and quality time and for me communication is the key, i don't really have a type but i am looking for someone loyal, who will love me and my insecurities and will accept that im badly crazy sometimes
i like drawing, mythology, reading, writing poems, painting, listening to music depending on my mood, studying dark entities(wich freaks my parents out), walking in the city(during night time),and i have a weird habit of collecting bird skull
I match you with
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The good thing is he knows first hand what its like to deal with anxiety, abandonment, self worth, attachment issues and feeling like a useless third wheel. Which means he has special knowledge of how to help you through it and/or do what he can to make sure he's never the cause of those feelings
With everything that's happened in his past, he actually views your demeanor as strong and intelligent. In his mind it takes no effort or intelligence to be cynical and mean, it's easy to do- but being friendly and kind shows your strength of character. ( Don't let him hear your friends putting you down for it or protective mode is ACTIVATED)
It simultaneously makes his heart swell with pride and makes him super flustered to see you wearing moon-themed anything because he compares himself to the Moon and Wukong to the Sun. (Please make him some matching ones he would love it😭)
Poor Monkey is honestly affection starved so he's not used to any of it. He's so thankful that you want to give him affection even though it makes him flustered. Its so cute though, his face gets so red with any kind of affection its adorable
Person B: what is this?
Person A: affection
Person B: disgusting
Person B:
Person B: do it again
This has actually happened before 😂😂
He never imagined he'd be lucky enough to be with you, so trust me once he is he's never leaving
He loves going on walks with you at night, he also finds the skull thing interesting
If you’re having trouble getting to sleep he’ll do whatever you want to help, just talking about random stuff or humming or just generally being there for you
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serenescribe · 9 months
(For Ficlet Frenzy)
Lilia had to go on yet another long mission but not without entrusting his infant son’s safety to Malleus and his fairy godmother Queen Maleficia. Malleus has to tend to his lessons for the afternoon so the queen watches over the baby.
By the time Malleus finishes his lessons and Lilia returns she does not want to part from the baby she grew so fond of- so much so that she has gone full grandmother mode and tries to keep Silver with her.
(Please make this super fluffy and cute!! I need to be nuked with cuteness)
[✐] ficlet frenzy note: this was written before chapter 7 part 6!
“Malleus. Where is Silver?”
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Footsteps echo in the empty hall as Lilia strides down it, heart thumping against his chest as though rattling against jail bars. Even now, so many years later, he cannot help the pinpricks of anxiety that spike his blood at the thought of approaching her Majesty for anything; even if the queen places a great deal of trust in Lilia, continuing to call upon his assistance in spite of his retirement, it is still daunting to stand under her sharp gaze, emerald-green eyes that seem to pierce his very soul.
He’d left Silver in Malleus’ care when leaving for this trip — and to a greater extent, the queen’s as well, for this was her castle, after all.
So how had things escalated to the extent where Malleus was no longer Silver’s primary caretaker?
Before he realises it, he’s reached the end of the hallway. Lilia stares up at the tall oak doors looming over him. For the first time in quite a while, he feels small again, as though he has shrunken to insignificance, his power diluted and severed.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Lilia raises a fist, and knocks three times.
And after a while, he hears it: “You may enter.”
“Your Majesty,” Lilia greets as he pushes open the doors to the old nursery. Once, it had been a space for Malleus, the young prince living in it for many decades until he outgrew his nest and moved into sprawling chambers of his own. But now, a new life has been breathed into it: a cradle takes up the centrepiece of the room, a hand-crafted mobile spinning lazily above it, with dangling charms of dragons circling round and round. The rest of the room is taken up by deceptively simple wooden furniture, minimalistic in their appearance, yet sporting elegant carvings — such as the open toy box Lilia’s eyes flick to, numerous toys spread out across the carpeted-covered floor.
And what a sight it is, to bear witness to the Queen Maleficia, great ruler of Briar Valley, sitting on the floor and cooing at a human infant stacking wooden blocks! She scarcely pays Lilia any mind as he lingers awkwardly in the doorway, instead clapping her hands together as Silver finishes stacking a block. “Oh, how smart you are, my little sunshine!” she praises, reaching to wrap her clawed hands under Silver’s arms — a sight that makes Lilia wince, mind flashing through worst-case scenarios of claws slicing flesh — before lifting him up in the air. “You learn so quickly for a human,” she coos as Silver babbles excitedly, chubby fingers reaching for her horns.
“Ah-ah-ah!” Queen Maleficia raises Silver a little away from her, clicking her tongue. “Naughty, naughty! What have I said about touching my horns, hm, my sweet potato?” It is nigh miraculous that her voice lacks any semblance of anger or irritation, instead flooded with a sickening fondness; to touch the horns of royalty is a blatant breach of boundaries at best, and a crime punishable by death at worst. “I understand that they are quite beautiful,” Maleficia says, voice slicked with pride, “but they are truly sensitive, dear Silver; why not play with this instead?”
He watches as she places Silver down onto the mat before pressing another toy — a wooden dragon littered with scorch marks, making it clear who it used to belong to — into his hands. It is only when Silver is giggling and moving the wooden beast back and forth in the air that Lilia clears his throat, making his presence clear.
The change is instantaneous. As soon as Maleficia lays her eyes on him, her face twists into cool, impassive neutrality, the regal expression of an experienced queen. “Vanrouge,” she greets, her reserved voice a stark contrast to the babbling baby beside her, and her earlier display of sickening sweetness. “So you’ve returned.”
“Your Majesty,” Lilia repeats again. Sweat beads along the back of his neck, but he will not back down; he has to bring his child home, after all. “I thank you and Prince Malleus for taking such good care of Silver in my absence. However, I best be bringing him home now—”
He blinks. “I— pardon?”
“Why not stay a while longer, Vanrouge?” Maleficia asks, turning away from him, her face breaking into yet another smitten smile as she reaches for Silver, ruffling his hair as he babbles excitedly at her. Lilia squints; did Silver just call her Malfi?! “There is no rush for you both to return home, is there? Besides, a growing boy like you, my tiny snowball—” She reaches to tickle him, causing Silver to erupt into a giggling fit, tumbling back onto the floor as he squeals excitedly, “—needs excellent food to grow strong and healthy.” Her eyes flick back to Lilia, and he feels pinned to the spot. “Is that not right, Vanrouge?”
“...I could not possibly deny such a generous request, my queen,” Lilia eventually forces out, eyes flicking between Silver and Maleficia.
“Good, good.” With two claps of her hand, Maleficia smiles at him. “I shall see you at dinner then, hm? Do not be late, Vanrouge.”
“I shall not. But… Queen Maleficia—”
“I would quite like to… spend some time with my child.”
Lilia stares at Silver, silently pleading with him to glance over at Lilia and call out for him, only to be silently betrayed when the infant calls again for “Malfi!” Curses, he thinks, as Maleficia answers the call with a joyful vigour. Silver, how could you…!
“We shall see you at dinner, Vanrouge,” Maleficia answers smoothly, not even looking at him anymore. “Do pardon me for wishing to spend some time with my godson before he leaves, would you?”
And Lilia has no room to reply.
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pinkwright · 1 year
in pieces | shuri udaku.
◘ rapper/producer!shuri udaku x fem!singer/director!reader
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trope – strangers 2 enemies 2 friends 2 lovers
inspo — in pieces by chlöe.
series warnings — mean!shuri, cold!reader, reader is rlly soft in love, her ex is all she's ever known so pls be gentle w her, toxic relationships, crybaby!reader, insults, gaslighting, yall the exes face claim is brent faiyaz LMFAO (i dont keep up w men so he was the first name to pop up), touchy!shuri, reader folds so bad so easily lol, cheating, reader is petty, relapses in judgement, reader is fucking talented, smitten shuri, vv soft but only later lol, reader can get bitchy, shuri rlly gets under her skin, bitter n spiteful reader, reader's manager is so tired of them, reader has her public persona nailed down, ppl rarely ever see the real her, t'challa is alive but their parents aren't, kissing, crying, dirty talk, strap slinger!shuri, fingering, thigh riding, smau elements, studio sessions, cunnilingus, taunting, edging, slut-shaming, possessive!shuri, sub!reader, dom!shuri, the media loves to dawg on reader for nothing, cursing, humiliation kink, bratty!reader, needy!reader, desperation, sexual identity crisis, patient!shuri, shuri likes to push ppl away, mentions of marriage/engagements, alcohol, anxiety, panic attacks, manipulation, clubbing, might have an open ending idk, there's probs more but oh well.
a/n — i have so many ideas dropping consecutively my bad yall LMFAO anyway this is my first series, n um im nervous badd but we move, i rlly like this idea and the skeleton of it so hopefully it comes off the way i would like it to so my perfectionist spirit can smile LMFAO (i find myself so funny sorry), anyway here’s the masterlist before i ramble more <3
dedications — @zayswriting – i’ve always avoided writing series (hence how i came up w sets LOL) but zay’s my inspo for series like that’s her shit so while the notion is still kinda daunting, she makes me feel like i can try to tackle it at least. @mbakuetshurisprincess constantly revising ur masterlist bc ur pen is just brilliant, u were also a huge inspo in getting me to write a series n u influence my version of shuri a lot. then a few people i admire that keep me posting n make me wanna improve; @saintwrld @vixentheplanet @verachii @naomis-daydream @marsolgy @inmyheadimobsessed <3
oke, that's the end of the sappiness.
⟢˚ @letitias-fav @barkbarkbo @shurismainbxtch @rxcently @shuriszn @lppriceisright @golooktheotherway @motheroffae @vampzxi @mysticalmarss @abenomeiiii @6-noir @izrinmabel1 @vexoshuri @ilovelulu @sookiesookie @ziayamikaelson @sapphicvqmpires @locoforshuri @ventingfanfics @melanated-queens @cuddl3s4shur1
no matter how many times i break, i put myself back together every damn time. oh, mm, can i be honest with you?
y/n l/n, a hyper-pop sensation that is at an all-time high in her career; her two-time grammy winning album, above her oscar-nominated directing debut cemented her as a force to be reckoned with, both in the music and film industry. and soon, in a swoon-worthy show of romance, she's flaunting an envy-worthy diamond ring graciously accompanied by a viral proposal from high school sweetheart and renowned artist, christopher brent wood.
engaged and flourishing, her world is almost too perfect to be true, tainted by the pink shades of blinding love that soon violently shatter at the hands of the only love she's ever known, the fractals painfully littering her being; heavy fragments that she can't seem to even begin piecing together.
in a battle of identity, self-expression, independence, and rebirth; the international superstar finds herself in a back-and-forth battle with herself and the people around her, finding that the dark pit she falls into, may not solely be the demise of her fairytale, but also the fall of the y/n l/n that the public came to know over the years; the catalyst to the redemption arc in finding who she really is, the girl she buried years ago.
⊱ ───── .✶˖⋆࿐ ──── ⊰
[ characters ]
prologue : someone’s calling (chlöe)
— after a lengthy hiatus of absolute silence, y/n drops an ominous track w an even more intriguing visualizer, unrecognizable from her usual sweet hyper pop princess look n sound, n the internet wilds; the rebrand peaking an important person's interest.
...coming soon
one : pray it away
— after facing public humiliation from a cheating scandal that had put y/n in the spotlight she comes back into the spotlight w a haunting single n performance that sparks large controversy along with its acclaim; she meets a certain face that she sasses off too in response to her attitude.
...coming soon
two : body do
— after announcing the drop of her debut album y/n is set on a artist rebrand n her manager knows just the person; so she meets world renowned director/producer shuri udaku who directs her visualiser n the bad blood cause tension to spill.
...coming soon
three : i don’t mind + worried
— y/n l/n new maneater cutthroat persona has the internet fawning over her so imagine their shock when she shows up to the grammys w the same man that was the driving factor to her vicious rebrand n shuri gets a glimpse into the real personality behind the scrutinised pop sensation.
...coming soon
four : for the night
— a glimpse into shuri’s true thoughts about the girl she swears she can’t stand.
...coming soon
five : make it look easy
— when y/n finally tackles the song she couldn't face, the internet starts to rethink their view on the girl they've scrutinised n criticised for the entirety of her career n shuri finds it harder to cut deeper into the broken-down girl.
...coming soon
six : looze u
— y/n can’t stop the flood of emotions that overtake her when she confronts the man who broke her heart, opening the floor for hurtful truths n violent words that leave her reeling in her memories.
...coming soon
seven : told ya + cheatback
— the officially single superstar thinks she deserves a night out seeing as her album debut draws nearer by the day, n the fun night out has surprising outcomes.
...coming soon
eight : heart on my sleeve
– when shuri spits her meanest words yet to the softening star, y/n finds herself pathetically adding a track to her album minutes before its release, much to her fans’ concern n the producer feels stuck in limbo.
...coming soon
epilogue : in pieces
— while the successful album drop feels like a weight lifted off of her chest especially w/ an upcoming oscar performance; she can’t help but find the weight replaced by a certain pretty-eyed producer. 
...coming soon
⊱ ───── .✶˖⋆࿐ ──── ⊰
hold me when, hold me when i'm in pieces.
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Pink Powder & Diamonds {Ezra x F!Reader|
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9.4k
Warnings: Disabilities, missing extremities, sex pollen, dub con-ish, masturbations, inability to cum, oral sex (male and female receiving), vaginal sex, cream pie, multiple orgasms, overstimulation
Comments: Ezra comes back to the Green to harvest the Queen's lair with a new partner, you. When a mishap causes you to have to scavenge a filter off one of the bodies from his last trip to this cursed moon, it has startling results.
A/N: Dedicated to the lovely @pedropascalsx who had this amazing idea!
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
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|| Masterlist || Ezra (Prospect) MasterList ||
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The Green. You have heard the tales of the moon that is equal parts perilous and lucrative. If you were strong enough, smart enough and lucky enough - you could strike it rich. If you weren’t - the bodies of those that went before you littered the mossy floors of the forests and rotted away under the toxic atmosphere. Looking over from your chair, you watch him. His face is grim and you don’t miss the beads of sweat that break out on his forehead. Ever talkative Ezra has grown more and more quiet as the moon grows larger in your viewport. A beeping captures your attention and you look down at the instrument panel of your ship - ragged and beaten - but sturdy. “Time to atmosphere - two minutes.” You tell him as you silence the alarm and recheck your trajectory. 
Ezra grunts in response, anxious to get back to the Green that has haunted him since he escaped it the first time with Cee. She is thriving, escaping to enjoy a quiet life pursuing education but the pennies of disability benefits Ezra received were not enough to provide for his…more indulgent expenses, and he decided to return to the Green and seek the fortune that slipped through his fingers. Now that he is sporting one less limb due to darling Cee, he decided to enlist the help of a less experienced yet enthusiastic helper: you. 
He had met you during a bar crawl one night, drowning his sorrow and spending the credits he had been granted, and he found out that you are a fellow prospector. Something he did not believe due to your kindness, the sweet smile. You clearly hadn’t seen the harshness of the elements like he had. When you told him of your search for the queen’s lair, it was kismet. He needed a helper and you needed someone who knew where the lair resided. Ezra remains quiet, preparing himself for the terrain that awaits you both. Unforgiving and harsh, he knows you will need to use every ounce of strength to survive. He just needs to survive a second time. “Come on little lady, let’s get this tin can on the ground.”
Landing is always tricky, requiring your full attention and skills. Biting your lip, you ignore the alarms, watching your panel and adjusting the controls. Ezra had mapped out a landing sight before you had ever left, he didn’t want to be too close to the Queen’s lair, something about a man in pink powder and bodies. He had been pretty drunk that night and you just decided to accept it. “Breaking atmo.” You call out, watching as the flames give way to clear sky, the emerald green of the landscape below you dazzling.
Ezra grips the seat with his one hand, anxiety threatening to overwhelm him as you land expertly on the spot he had pre-planned and he looks over at you, a grin on his face as the dust settles. “Let’s go get our fortune, little lady.” He winks at you, suddenly confident.
You don’t mention how long it takes Ezra to get suited up. It’s a sore spot, considering the empty sleeve where his right arm used to be. He tries to hide it, but the extremely close quarters of your ship have let you witness his grunts and muffled curses as he tries to take care of simple tasks and sometimes fails. Still, you don’t offer. You don’t want to be snapped at like he had the first and only time you offered. Your tool kit is collected and rolled into your pack and you check your comms. “Are you ready?” You ask quietly, watching him fiddle with his helmet.
Ezra grits his teeth, swallowing down the retort that you don’t deserve. It’s not your fault that he’s slower, his missing appendage has him struggling with the suit he hasn’t worn since leaving the Green. “I’m practically vibrating with readiness, little lady. Shall we embark on the hazy mistress known as the Green?”
You hum your agreement and the hiss of the door sounds slightly ominous. Depressurizing the ship and opening up the door to the wonders of the Green outside. You step out first, lowering the stairs and concentrate on your much heavier pack while Ezra comes down. He’s made it clear he doesn’t want you coddling him. “So we will camp near the Queen’s lair?” You had thought it off that he did not want to land the ship right near the site for easy storage of the Aurelac that was to make both of you ‘rich beyond your wildest dreams’ according to Ezra.
Ezra didn’t want the ship to be too close to the lair, in case Kevva decided to grant him even more misfortune and decree that the pink monster from his prior excavation would reemerge and finish the job. He wanted to protect you as much as he yearned for the aurelac. “Make haste little lady, we need to set up camp and get ourselves situated before the darkness arrives.”
“How long were you here?” You ask as you start out from the ship, taking in the area and noticing some abandoned equipment. “The last time.” It’s a story he had told but you weren’t sure of the timelines. 
“Far too long, little lady. My time on this forsaken moon was something I would rather forget considering the consequences of my time here. I am back, however, to finish what was started. I have a vendetta against this Kevva cursed moon and I swear by her name that I will retrieve what is rightfully mine.”
You fall silent as you follow him. Obviously unsure of what to talk about and you don’t want him to be upset. This was too important to squabble and have a falling out before you are back on the Pug. The Queen’s lair is fabled, a deposit so rich that you could relax for the rest of your life, maybe go to a planet where the air is fresh and soil clean to live. Buy land. It is a heady dream and you want it to become reality, but first you have to harvest aurelac. A lot of it.
Ezra retraces the fateful steps he had taken with Cee to the place that held a greater fortune than most would see in their lifetimes. He’s hungry for it, greedy for it. He deserves it after the sacrifices he had made. He finally approaches the camp where those bastards had attempted to kill himself and the little bird. “There she is…the queen’s lair.” He announces once he has found the location, thankfully devoid of any other prospectors.
Your eyes widen at the expanse of the pit. You see at least fifty aurelac pods, unmolested and waiting to be harvested. There is evidence of work, tools scattered and you see a body on one side. This is where Ezra had his last stand from what you understand. “Holy shit.” You whimper. “Kevva praised.”
“It’s the Mecca of aurelac, little lady.” Ezra grins, so excited that everything is where it was when he made a mad dash to escape this moon the first time. “Shall we begin our endeavor? There is lots to excavate.” He grunts as he sets his pack down, kicking the remains of the bastard who tried to rat him out.
You giggle, nearly ecstatic at the sight of the digsite that he had brought you too. It was true. Every single rambling tale that he had told you about the Queen’s lair was true. You had believed him because of Cee mostly, the holo chat with the younger girl confirming that if he was lying, it was a practiced one. But right here before your eyes was the proof that he hadn’t been deceiving you. “I’ll set up our tent first.” You shrug out of your pack and set it down with a loud thump. “That way we can get out of our suits soon.” 
Ezra nods, despite his anxiety to get started as soon as possible, and he feels guilty for not being able to assist you in the erection of the tent. The expedition would be over prior to the tent being set up. “I shall endeavor to prepare our tools for the harvest, little lady.” He announces, watching you start to bend over and open the pack. He’d be blind to not see how beautiful you are, even in that suit.
It takes longer than you wanted it to. The thick fabric is cumbersome and you need to make sure that it is completely sealed properly. The toxicity of the moon needs to be filtered out through the little pump that will recycle the air inside and keep the two of you safe while you are out of your suits. Which will only be when you are finished for the day and wish to get sleep. You plan on harvesting this prize as quickly as you can before anyone can come across you. You hear Ezra curse in your ear but you don’t look over, busy with your own tasks until you finally close the last heavy seam with the velcro flap. “It’s done.” You pant, standing straight with a groan and stepping back to admire your handiwork. 
“Good girl.” Ezra praises, feeling guilty once again for not assisting you with such a difficult task. He knows how heavy those tents are but he’d be more of a burden than a help. “Shall we begin? There is much to harvest and I wish for us to get a head start before any unwanted guests arrive to distract us.”
You sigh quietly, wishing you could take a break, but you understand his need for haste. Instead of arguing, you move over the tools that Ezra has set out as well as he could. “I will harvest a few sacs before I cut them open.” You decide as you pick up the bottle of brine and a knife before you turn towards Ezra. “Does that sound okay?”
“Sounds like a plan, little lady. I am in your hands. It’s a good thing you aren’t in mine…less than capable with one hand and a downtrodden disposition.” He grunts, shifting to get into the pit to assist you as best as he is able to.
Biting your lip, you approach the first pod that you come to. The bulbous dome indicates there is a sac underneath its membrane. It will be easier to work in a grid, to methodically work through the field and pluck every aurelac stone you can from this deposit. Looking up at Ezra, you grin when he nods encouragingly at you and proceed to slice into the first one. 
Ezra watches you work, your deft fingers expertly removing the gem from the sac. “Kevva. You are blessed, little lady. Truly, you are performing this task with more expertise than I could only dream of.” He admits, shifting closer to continue watching you until you hand him the stone and he deposits it safely in the briefcase you’d brought along.
You hum, brow knitted together and bite your lip while you carefully extract the next stone. One wrong move would waste the entire thing. Ruin the pull and you are greedy enough that you want them all. Every single gem in the Queen’s lair is coming back to the Pug with you. 
You’re incredible. Deftly working to extract the precious gems and Ezra feels terrible that he can’t help you. There’s days of work ahead of you and all he can do is guide and assist you with ramblings from his previous time on the Green. When the sun starts to set, it’s time to retire and Ezra is certain that you are exhausted. “We cannot be exposed in the darkness, little lady. The Saters will surely discover our presence and will take the opportunity to pounce once we are shrouded in darkness, we will resume our excavation tomorrow.”
You nod, looking at the deposit longingly but you don’t argue. “Okay.” You start to pack away your tools, knowing you can do it much more efficiently than Ezra can. He closes the case and locks it with a passcode that both of you know. It was one thing you had insisted on, transparency. You weren’t going to get screwed over and one armed or not - Ezra could manage a backstab if he was inclined to. “It will be good to get out of the suit and to eat.” You offer as you climb out of the pit. 
“Precisely, let’s relax. Kevva knows you need it after such an arduous day. You’ve truly been Kevva sent, little lady. I would have never endured such a journey without your abilities. I shall thank you once our expedition has come to a close but for now, I wish for you to know of my appreciation.” Ezra professes. 
“Don’t worry about it.” You pant, picking up your tools and throwing them back in your bag to haul over to the tent. It wasn’t far away, just at the edge of the trees Ezra told you that they had used for cover when escaping the Mercs. It would be dark enough that if anyone stumbled upon the Queen’s lair, they wouldn’t see your tent or vice versa. “You’ve changed my life too. Now I just want some food.” 
Ezra smiles, keeping his eyes forward as he carries the briefcase while you carry the tools. "Nutribar will have to suffice, however, I do have a tipple of brandy if you are interested in something to help you relax after such an arduous day. You tell me, little lady, what you want, and I shall endeavor to do everything in my power to ensure you have what you desire."
You chuckle at his grandiose comment. “You have a special stash of supplies hidden somewhere?” You tease as you come to the tent and walk around Ezra to unzip it to allow both of you to enter. The rattle of the scrubber is soothing and you cannot wait to get out of the suit. While it was safer, the suit is hot and you want to cool down. 
“Only a flask.” He chuckles, groaning as he removes his helmet after you secure the flap to block out the fumes outside. He grunts as he tries to strip out of the suit with one hand. It’s a struggle but he manages without your help. He rejects help whenever he can, pride making him stubborn. “Sometimes, after a hard day, even a swig is the most relaxing indulgence.”
“Mhm.” You could think of a few other things that were also relaxing indulgences but you don’t bring them up. Even though the older man was exceedingly handsome, he had not once made an overture. You glance back at that small tuft of blonde hair and wish you could play with it. Or trace the silvery scar on his left cheek. Instead, you remove your own helmet with a groan and start to strip off your suit to hang up after you set down your pack of tools. 
Ezra’s struggles continue and he tries to hang up his helmet when he loses his balance. “Shit!” He yells, stumbling backwards to the heap of his suit and he hears something crack as his foot lands haphazardly on something. “Fuck!” He tosses the helmet down and kneels on the floor, panicking because he knows what that sound was. “Kevva forgive me! Fuck!” He growls, holding up the remains of his crushed filter.
Shit….Your eyes widen when you see the filter is damaged beyond repair. It had been expensive to gather supplies and fuel for this trip so you had both agreed that you would forego spares. Ezra looks furious. “It’s - we’ll figure it out.” You tell him, your mind racing as you think about how you could possibly make this work. “Maybe we can scavenge for a filter?” 
Ezra shakes his head, “no. No. The Saters…they would kill me if they saw me again. We can’t risk it. Fuck!” He growls, tossing the useless filter across the tent. “I don’t - shit. I don’t know what to do.”
You reach out and touch his hand. “I will go check the bodies.” You tell him suddenly. “Check their filters, maybe one will work for your suit?” You know Ezra has a dark past with the bodies that were scattered around the dig site and you’re sure he doesn’t want to come face to face with their remains. 
Ezra knows he has to let you do that but he’s worried about you going out there. “Take your thrower. We won’t take any chances.” He is grateful the sun is just setting and he hopes you make haste to return to the tent. “Go now, little lady, before the darkness shrouds the forest.”
Hurrying back into your suit, you are trying to assure him that you will be alright. “I will check the one that is closest to the tent first.” You promise as you seal your suit and reach for your helmet. “If there isn’t a good one I will go to the next until I find what you need.” 
“Be careful. If you perish, we are both damned to decay on this Kevva forsaken moon.” He warns, feeling even guiltier for leaving you to go out there alone. “Fuck!” He rubs his cheek after you leave the safety of the tent, counting the seconds until you come back.
Your breathing seems to echo in your helmet as you turn on the light next to your ear, keeping your eyes moving from the ground in front of you to the surrounding woods. Looking for dangers, some other floater wandering or those Sater than Ezra was worried about meeting. Running towards the dig site and the first body you had seen. Nearly tripping over it in the dark when you finally reach the face down body, you reach down and roll it over, nearly gagging when you see the decomposing face in the shield. She’s pink. Your eyes widen slightly when you see the unnatural hue to her skin but you try not to think about it as you prop the slightly squishy body on its side, trying not to think of the human soup in the suit and start to unhook the hoses and filter from the suit. It would have to work, as much as you shudder. Ezra is depending on it. 
Ezra is anxious, tapping his knees as he sits on the bunk and waits for your return. He is worried about you, wishing he didn’t have his disability so he could’ve avoided this entire situation to begin with. He sighs, watching the flap of the tent and trying to listen for you over the roar of the scrubber. “Come on little lady.” He orders, rubbing his hand on his thigh.
It’s more difficult to get back to the tent. You hear something and quickly shut off your light, couching in the darkness as you open channels and try to control your breathing. Listening for anyone talking but there is nothing but the stillness of the Green. He hadn’t told you how uneasy the quiet would become. Finally, you creep out of your little spot and stand up, deciding that you would make your way back to the tent in the dark just in case. 
When the flap opens, Ezra exhales in relief before he remembers and holds his breath, waiting for you to seal the tent and the scrubber to work its magic on the potent air. “Did you get one?” He asks, a little impatient but this is the difference between life and death for him.
Immediately unsealing your helmet, you gasp, nodding quickly and holding up the hoses and the filter that had been hanging off the body. “I got it.” You pant out. Your nerves are on high alert and even though you have been walking, it feels like you’ve run for hours. “It- It should work.” 
Ezra grins, “Kevva, you’re incredible, little lady. I need - let me see if it works now before we settle in for the night.” He suggests, reaching for his suit and helmet, he doesn’t bother dressing in the suit, only attaching the filter and hoses to the clothing before he places the helmet on his head and switches the filter on. “It works!” His voice is slightly muffled since you have taken your own helmet off and aren’t on the comms. It works for a few moments until a pink dust sputters through the filter and fills his helmet, making Ezra cough. “Kevva. What in tarnation is that?” He chokes, inhaling more of the dust.
Shaking your head, you frown. “I - she was covered in it when I- when I rolled her over.” You murmur. “It has to be some kind of additive she put in her filter? Maybe some kind of drug.” You shrug slightly and start to strip out of your suit once more. Eager to relax now that Ezra has another filter and you can sleep since you had been too excited the night before. 
Ezra coughs again but removes the helmet, hoping he can let the filter run to get rid of that powder shit. When you both get into your respective cots, he’s sweating and his cock…Kevva, it’s hard as steel. He pants, wondering what was in that powder and he glances over to see you’re asleep. Good, it was a long day for you. He reaches into his pants, wrapping his fingers around his cock and groaning softly at the slight respite he discovers.
The next morning, you slowly blink as your alarm goes off. You had heard Ezra grunting and shifting on his cot last night. It seems like he hadn’t slept well, maybe because of his unease with being back on the Green. You don’t know, sitting up and rubbing your eyes before you look over at where he is still laying. 
Ezra barely slept, his body almost throbbing as much as his cock and no matter how much jerking off he did, he couldn’t cum. He tried, fuck he tried, but he just couldn’t do it. Nothing seemed to tip him over the edge, not evening when he thought of you. He grunts as he sits up, cock still aching with need that hasn’t been fulfilled.
“Ez.” You gape at him in shock. “You look unwell.” You murmur, shifting off your cot to move over to him but he waves you away. “I- I don’t think you should come out to the sight this morning. You look like you didn’t sleep at all. Why don’t you stay and rest for a bit while I get started?” You offer, knowing that he would be dangerous if he tries to help while he is in such a state. 
“I can’t. I require a distraction from this - this fever. Let me - I will accompany you. I shall enjoy the walk, perhaps it will allow me to be rid of this - this minor inconvenience.” He shifts off of the bed, knowing it’s unavoidable that you would see his hard cock.
When he stands, your eyes widen for a moment before you avert your gaze. It is obvious and you cannot help but bite your lip, your cunt clenching at the thought of the tent you had seen in the sweats he wears under his suit. He was obviously in need of release and you wonder if he had been unable to take care of himself or if he was simply trying to ignore it. “I will get suited up then.” You announce cheerfully. 
Your cheery disposition has Ezra’s cock twitching and his entire being annoyed. He can’t believe you’re so chipper when he is in agony, his cock aching with need that he can’t seem to fulfill no matter how many times he jerks his cock. Giving up in the end when it became too sore and his wrist began to ache. The satisfaction never the same since he was forced to use his left hand. Still, he soldiers on, getting dressed and then changing into his newly modified suit.
It takes long minutes until he is ready, and you ignore his curses as he struggles into his suit. You know he doesn’t want help and he seems to be in a mood so you quietly eat a nutribar. He finally gets his suit hooked up and you reach for one of the pouches of liquified foods. “Do you want me to hook you up, or are you not hungry?” 
“Not hungry.” He growls, irritated from both lack of sleep and his current predicament. He sighs, adjusts the suit before he places the helmet on his head. “Let’s just go get the harvest. I want to get off of this damn moon as soon as feasibly possible.” He is harsh but fuck, he’s exhausted. When he turns on the filter once you’re outside the tent, the pink dust starts to fill his helmet again.
You walk to the dig sight quietly, unsure of why Ezra’s mood has changed so drastically. Hoping that it is just the lack of sleep or being uncomfortable, you decide the best thing you can do is to work hard to harvest as many of the gems as possible.
Ezra is struggling to walk considering the sizable erection he’s sporting, and he is grumpy. Unable to talk as the pink dust continues spurting into his helmet. Eventually, he can’t continue walking, folding over as his heart pounds in his chest.
Hearing him grunt rather loudly, you turn around to find him doubled over. “Ezra!” It’s alarming, making you spin on your heel and rush back towards him. He should have stayed in the tent, but you have no idea what is wrong with him, worried that the Green is affecting him to the point where it’s manifesting physically. “What’s wrong?” 
“I can’t - little lady, I cannot burden you with the current issue my body is experiencing. It would not be fair. It appears that the pink powder has - has acted as some kind of aphrodisiac and therefore I am - fuck - hard as a rock.”
Shocked, you glance down at his crotch, even though the suit would hide his predicament. “I- okay.” You shake your head, feeling guilty because you are the one that had brought him the filter. “You need to get back to the tent. You can- you work out your stress and I will harvest the gems alone to give you privacy.” 
Ezra shakes his head, “I can’t leave you alone to harvest. It’s too dangerous.” 
You scoff, “Ezra, with all due respect, you couldn’t protect me in that state. You need to go back to the tent and deal with it.” 
Ezra wants to scream, he has this opportunity to make the most money he’s ever known and he can’t do it because his cock is hard. “Fuck. Fine. Fine. I will go back.” He pants after the pain sears through him once more.
You watch him turn and stumble back towards the tent, sighing softly before you resume your own trek to the sight. Yes, it will be more perilous with just yourself out there, especially since you could not see anyone approaching, but it cannot be helped. You will harvest as much as you can today and hopefully it will give Ezra time to work out the lust that is swimming in his veins. Ignoring the way that your cunt clenches at the thought of him jerking off, you huff at yourself. He doesn’t want your help with his issues. 
Ezra stumbles back to the tent, ripping off his suit, and when he’s in his tatty pants and shirt, he rips those off, his skin overheating. “Fuck. Fuck!” He growls, desperate to shove his pants down so he can pull his hard cock out. Wrapping his fingers around his length, he jerks himself off but he can’t seem to get himself to completion.
You are there for hours. Carefully cutting the sacks out of the ground and slicing them open. Knowing that you are making the both of you richer with every gem you carefully put into the case. Stopping to scan the area before continuing to stay as safe as you can. You wonder how Ezra is doing and decide that as soon as you fill this case you will head back to check on him. 
Ezra groans, sweat now dripping down his cheek as he lets go of his cock. “Fucking - Kevva you forsake me even jerking off my cock?” He growls, frustrated beyond all means. He can’t seem to cum. Nothing will alleviate the aching in his groin and he is exhausted, his wrist aches from overuse. He is still lost in the haze of lust and nothing will satiate it.
Packing up the case carefully, you leave the site and head back to the campsite. Hoping that Ezra has worked his issues out and is resting now. You click the comms when you are in sight of the tent, but you don’t hear him respond. There is no way for you to call out, so you simply unzip the tent and give him a moment before you throw the flap open and enter.
When you enter the tent, Ezra doesn’t even have the ability to look at you. He doesn’t have anything in his mind except trying to stop this ache. After you walk in, he can’t even muster any embarrassment, need just overtaking his body while he tries to jerk himself off again.
You bite your lip, trying to avoid looking over at him to give him a modicum of privacy. “No luck working it out of your system?” You ask after you pull your helmet off. You hear him now, the frantic near groaning in pain as he pants our rhythmically.
Ezra shakes his head, frantic and in near agony. “Fuck little lady. I just - nothing seems to work. My hand - it’s useless.” He groans, sweat dripping down his chest since he abandoned all of his clothes.
You have heard that sentiment from him several times after learning that his loss of limb is recent. “You have not cum at all?” You ask and Ezra growls. 
“No!” His frustration is evident and you bite your lip, the sound of him jerking his cock makes your stomach flip and your own heart speeds up in your chest. 
“What do you need?” You venture softly. 
Ezra doesn’t want to ask but honestly, at this stage, he has no choice. He chokes, feeling guiltier than ever before as his dark eyes focus on you. “Can you- little lady, what I require is beyond what I could request of you but I need your touch. Please.” He begs, body almost shaking with need.
Surprised that he has actually voiced it, you nod. It’s not like you would detest touching him. In fact,  you will enjoy being able to touch him like you wish. “Let me get out of my suit.” You murmur, starting to pull it off quickly and stripping down to your base layers. Ezra is practically whimpering, his hand still working over his cock even though you can see he is not finding any pleasure in it. After pausing for a moment, you pull your shirt over your head to reveal your unbound breasts and push your leggings down so you are as bare as he is. 
“Fuck little lady. You didn’t -” His protest of you stripping down dies on his lips when you reach out and replace his hand on his cock, your fingers wrapping around the throbbing length. “Kevva.” He hisses, “are you sure?”
You snort, wondering why he would think you would have your hand wrapped around his cock if you were not sure. “I will not mind touching you.” You admit, flustering slightly when you pump him. HIs cock is nearly raw, dry and you know it has to hurt. You keep your grip light, making him whimper and roll his hips forward but you step closer and sink down to your knees in front of him on his cot, leaning forward and taking the head into your mouth. 
“Kevva!” Ezra yelps, eyes widening as he looks down at you. His hand grabs the back of your head, not moving you but the feel of your wet, hot mouth on the head of his cock feels better than anything he has felt from his own hand for hours.
Humming, you grin as your tongue presses against the head and you love the salty little spurt of pre-cum that coats your tongue. You want to help him, he’s sweating and shaking, nearly at his breaking point. You would have come back soon if you had known he was suffering. Taking him deeper, you make it wet. Opening your mouth more and letting the saliva coat him generously before your lips slide back over the velvety skin of his cock. 
Ezra pants, eyes closing before he forces himself to look at you. You look gorgeous, practically angelic as you take his cock into your mouth over and over again. “Fuck. Sweet girl. I can’t - it’s too much. I’m going to cum.” He warns you, allowing you time to pull off of him.
You don’t pull away. You can tell he has not cum in this entire time he has been in agony. You keep the pressure, the suction of your mouth constant, reaching out and fondling his full and taunt balls in your hands. Willing him to fall over the edge for you. 
The cry that escapes Ezra’s lips is loud and full of relief. “Fuck!” He yelps, his fingers gripping your head as his cock pulses in your mouth. He groans, watching you as you swallow every drop that escapes his cock. He’s lost in the haze of pleasure, his entire body taunt and he groans your name.
He’s still hard when you pull off of him, but it might just be because he has been without release for so long. You hum, wiping your jaw where your split had rolled down your chin and grin up at him. “Better?” You ask, willing to let him rest if he was satisfied. It’s been a long day for him.
The brief moment of reprieve has Ezra slumping over, until the heat and the ache returns tenfold. “Shit. No. No, little lady. It appears that my - my damnation shall continue. I need - fuck - I need more.” He reaches down to grip his cock again, whining at the roughness of his hand compared to your velvet tongue.
You bite your lip, watching him slowly jerk himself off and grimacing in pain. “Do you want my mouth again?” You ask, feeling the slickness between your thighs and it drips down to the tent floor, soaking into the fabric. “Or do you want to fuck me?” 
Ezra’s eyes widen, “I don’t - I can’t - I’m - fuck little lady. Do not dare to bait me with such pretty invitations and then withdraw them once it becomes a reality. I desperately want to push inside what is undoubtedly one of the sweetest pussies I’ve ever had the pleasure of fucking but only - only - if you allow me. If you do not fear that you will regret letting me into your body.”
Standing, you take his hand, pulling it away from his cock. Sliding it between your thighs and guiding him to your soaked folds. “This is what sucking your cock does to me, Ezra.” You admit with a small moan of pleasure at his touch. “I have- have been wanting to touch you and have you touch me.” 
Ezra’s eyes widen and his fingers slide through your folds, rubbing your clit. He groans, unable to believe you’re so wet. He knows you didn’t inhale the pink powder so this is all you. “Fuck baby. You want - Kevva - sit on my cock. Please.” He begs, wanting to be inside of you. 
Moaning when he pulls his fingers away and slides them into his mouth to taste your essence, you push him back into the cot gently. It would make sense for you to ride him, especially since he is still throbbing and leaking against his stomach. “I’ll sit on your cock.” You coo as you straddle him. “Imagined you filling me up, stretching me out in this beautiful, thick cock.” You wrap your hand around his length so you can position him at your entrance and start to slowly sink down on him.
The whine that escapes his lips is pathetic but he can’t bring himself to be embarrassed when your hot, silky cunt grips his throbbing cock. “Kevva have mercy.” He gasps, his hand gripping your hip. He can’t believe you are doing this for him and it has him on the edge of cumming already but he tries to hold off.
He’s gorgeous as he furrows his brow. You can feel the way that he is bracing his feet on the end of the cot and tensing under you. Instead of lifting off him, you circle your hips and grind down onto him, moaning quietly. “Feels so good.” You murmur. “I have an implant, want you to fill me up.”
Your permission has him on the edge and his chest heaves as he looks up at you. His hand sliding up your side until he cups your breast, pinching your nipple while your walls flutter around him. “Shit. You feel - you feel like what I have always envisioned nirvana - not that I would ever reach such a place - would feel like.”
You smile slightly, eyes closed while you continue to grind down on him. “Same.” You whimper when the head of his cock pushes deliciously against your back wall, pulsing harshly. “You fill me up so perfectly.” You rock back slightly, bracing yourself on his thighs and start to slowly roll your hips. Hoping he doesn’t mind the less than frantic pace while you get used to him. He’s thick and wonderful and you know you will ache after this.
The feel of your hot, wet cunt around his cock proves to be too much. With a hiss, he rocks up into you and paints your walls with his hot seed. “Shittttt.” He groans, feeling another slight moment of respite. “Shit I - i apologize little lady for the lack of warning.” He pants, thighs shaking beneath you as his cock throbs but remains hard as steel inside of you.
You give a small chuckle and lean forward to caress his chest. “Don’t worry about it.” You press your lips to his. “You do what you need to work this out of your system. At least you are cumming now.” He’s still hard, so you start to move again, feeling like he’s not done quite yet. The slick spurts of cum start to push out of you around his cock and slide down to pool at his groin.
Ezra’s hand grips your hip, wanting you to move a little faster, and he wants you to cum too so his hand shifts to find your clit. His dark eyes look up at you, so incredibly ethereal as you move on his cock, working yourself on his length as his cum drips down onto his skin but he doesn’t care, too focused on you.
“Oh, oh fuck.” You whimper when his thumb starts to rub your clit, pressing perfectly and haphazardly against your sensitive flesh. Giving him what he wants by starting to move faster, rocking back and forth on his cock and sitting straighter so he plunges deeper into your cunt. “Oh fuck.”
Ezra hisses when your walls grip him as you start to ride him, his thumb urgently pressing against your clit. He wants you to cum for him before he fills you again. The need still surges through him but he desperately wants you to cum first. “So fucking beautiful. Like an angel Kevva herself sent to me for salvation from the burning.
You love the flowery words, making your stomach clench and you whimper again as your eyes close. “Gonna take care of you.” You promise. “Don’t- don’t want you to hurt. Want you to feel good.” One hand slides up to cup your breast, rolling your nipple between your fingers and your walls flutter again. “So close. Keep- keep rubbing.” You beg, needing to cum.
Ezra obeys eagerly, his thumb rubbing harsh circles on your clit and sweat drips down his neck, landing on the bunk below. Each roll of your hips has him groaning your name as he gets closer to his own high, but he wants to watch you fall over the edge. “Cum for me, little lady.” He orders, voice raspy and throat dry.
That voice, that is what throws you over the edge. The normally drawn out cadence that sounds like syrup is rough and makes your entire body respond to his command. Throwing your head back,  you feel your cunt lock down around his cock as you cry out. The heated rush of pleasure melting through your veins and soaking his length in a wet gush. 
“Fuckkkkk.” Ezra groans, loving how you soak him and the look on your face as you cum. Mouth open as you toss your head back in pleasure. He’s addicted, fuck, he’s addicted. He continues rubbing your clit despite you stilling, thighs shaking as you straddle him, and he groans your name again. “Fuck.” He wishes he could turn you over, fuck you hard into the bunk, but he doesn’t have that ability anymore. “Hands. Get on your hands and knees.” He orders.
His fingers still move, overstimulating you while your body jerks and shakes on top of him, trying to continue moving. “Oh Kevva.” You pant, collapsing against his chest for a moment and his hand is trapped between you. “Give me- it’s been a long time since I’ve- since I’ve cum because of someone else.” You admit. “I’ll move again in a second.”
Ezra allows you the moment to relax despite the ache in his groin. Your comfort is of the utmost importance to him despite the pain he is experiencing from the drug still pulsing in his system. "Take your time, little lady." He sighs, rubbing your back with his hand after freeing it from between your bodies.
You can feel that he is still hard, the slight rolls of his hips not escaping your blissful state. Figuring that he is still in pain and needs to cum again, you sit up and kiss his lips. “Take what you need, Ez.” You murmur softly, “don’t worry if I cum again. Use me to deal with the pain.” 
His responding groan is strangled and he hisses when you shift away from him, making him sit up while you settle into your hands and knees. “Fuck. You are gorgeous.” He hisses, slapping your ass with his hand. He grips his cock with his hand, shuffling forward until he can position his cock at your entrance. He hisses with relief when he pushes deep inside of you, your hot, wet cunt enveloping him. “Fuck little lady. So - so awe inspiring. I could ramble off lines of poetry about this pussy but I’d much rather fuck it.”
Moaning in agreement, you rock back against him. Dropping down to your elbows so you can let him take control, press you down or move you as he needs to. “It’s so good, want you to - to fuck me like you imagined.” You pant. “Before this. I know you wanted to. I wanted to fuck you too.” 
Ezra hisses at the way your walls flutter around him as he pushes deeper into you. The way your cunt grips his cock makes him breathless and he growls, gripping your hip to give himself a moment. When he has his balance, he starts to rock his hips, pushing deep before he pulls out of you. He pushes deeper each time, his pace is slow but deliberate and he kisses your spine.
If you had expected him to be fucking into you fast and furiously, you were mistaken. Moaning softly,  you stretch your spine out, enjoying the feeling of his lips on your skin. “Ezra, how are you feeling?” You pant quietly, wanting to make sure he is not in any pain. 
“Good. Still - still fucking burning but you feel so good baby. So fucking good around my cock. I can’t wait to feel you cum around me again and again and again. You’re like the sweetest cavern and I cannot wait to sample your honey.” His words are scrambled but he’s so lost in how you feel.
You let him keep the pace that seems to be best for him. Knowing that he wouldn’t make himself hurt. “Whatever you want.” You promise him. “I’m here. You’re going to rest and tomorrow we will harvest more aurelac.”
Grunts escape his lips and he rocks into you with hard but precise thrusts despite the heat still surging through him. He groans your name, his fingers digging into your hip. “Fuck. Want to see you dripping with diamonds while you take my cock. Want to see you drip your juices onto a fucking gem and then I want to fuck you while we lay on a beach on some planet somewhere, just enjoying life. No more bullshit. No more running or prospecting.”
Your brow shoots up in surprise but you moan at the idea. It’s heady, thinking about never worrying again and just being able to live and relax. “You gonna fuck me every day?” You pant out. “Getting addicted to your cock.”
“Kevva.” Ezra hisses, “if I had my way, you’d sit on my cock all day. We’d only move for bodily functions and we would indulge. Laze around and do everything we - we want. I’d indulge your every desire. Whatever my little lady requires.” He pants, lost in the fantasy of being buried inside of you like this every day.
You know that he is lost in a haze of drugged sex and pleasure from being buried in your body while he works through it. It wouldn’t be fair to hold him to it when this is over, but you moan at the idea, not opposed to it at all. When he gathers all his riches, he will not need you but he will leave you available to do what you wish by yourself. You rock back and clench around him, indulging in the vision of having a partner - him - for just a moment while you go what you wish. “So good.” You whine, closing your eyes while his cock hits something amazing. 
Kissing your back, Ezra bends over you, his chest pressed against your back as he rocks his hips. “So good, my gem. Fuck - so good. Feel so good. So much better than my hand.” He hisses, rocking into you a little faster as his next high builds up.
You hum, feeling his cock start to push into you faster, collapsing down onto your cheek on the cot and moaning when the change of angle feels amazing. “You - you look so good.” You pant out. “Hard and lusty with you-your cock in your hand.”
“You are - you are created by Aphrodite herself.” He groans, rocking deep and hard as he seeks his next orgasm. “Fuck. This tight little cunt is gonna make me cum.” He hisses, his hips slamming against your ass as he picks up his pace.
“Good.” You whimper, closing your eyes as he rocks you forward on the bed. York fingers twist in his blanket and you can feel the cum and arousal sliding down your lips and dripping onto the cot. “Want you to feel good.”
Ezra hisses, his cock pulsing as he pushes deep before he paints your walls with more hot seed, pushing it out with every rock of his hips and he groans out as the pleasure takes over from the pain, the heady lust relieved for a few special moments as his cock pulses.
The chances that Ezra is done are probably fifty-fifty, but you let him collapse on top of you and pant, his lips pressing against your back. Humming, you smile at how exhausted he sounds and you wonder if this is why he had such a bad night. He had tried the filter before going to bed to see if it worked. “I wonder what is in that filter?”
Pulling out of you, Ezra kisses down your spine until he can shuffle off of the bed. He kisses your thigh and before you can gasp, he slides his tongue through your cum slick folds, not caring around his own taste but he wants you to cum once more as a thank you to helping him. “Fuck.” He groans, sliding his tongue through your folds.
“Ezraaaa.” You moan, eyes closing and shudder. “You need to rest if you are done.” 
“Not until you cum.” He growls, nose pressing against your clit as his tongue sliding into your folds with a hum of delight. The urgency has passed and he wants to thank you for helping him through such a dire situation. “Little lady,” He smacks his lips together, “I want you to cum on my tongue.”
It’s decadent, bordering obscene to lay here with your ass up while Ezra licks through your folds. Making you clench slightly when his aquiline nose presses against your puckered hold and his moan vibrates against your clit. “Oh fuck.” You grip the edges of the cot and your toes curl. “Love that mouth. Your voice- tongue.” You whimper
Ezra is eager to please, lapping a little more at your cunt, sucking on your clit and his hand caresses your side, wanting to make you feel as good as you made him feel when he was buried in your cunt.
It doesn’t take you long. The fact that you’ve been fucking for hours have you primed for another orgasm. Instead of screaming through your, it slowly overtakes your system, making you shudder and cry out a garbled whine of his name.
Ezra feels your entire body shake and he grips your hip, keeping you close while his tongue slides through your folds, flicking over your clit until your hips jerk away from him. He groans, kissing your ass cheek before he playfully bites it. “Fuck little lady, that was - so fucking delicious. Glad the incessant torture of the powder has subsided.”
You lift your head and smirk, shifting so he can lay down beside you. “Now you can rest.” When he is on his back, you turn over and caress his cheek. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”
“Kevva, I’m starving…and thirsty.” He admits, knowing that it’s been a while since he last ate and the energy he’s used to jerk off and fuck you. He’s starting to realize that he wants to do it again, minus the pink powder. He wants you.
Kissing him gently, you nod. “Rest.” You urge him, “I will get you some water and something to eat.” Standing on shaky legs, you stumble over to the pack that contains your nurtibars and some water for him. You bring them over along with a pack of the sani-wipes so that you can clean both of you up.
Ezra flops down onto the bed, his hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat that accumulated there. He rests his head on the pillow, exhaling in relief that the burn of the powder has finally left his body. “I cannot verbalize the extent of my gratitude to you, little lady, for seeing me through such a trial.”
“I wasn’t going to leave you to die of misery.” You open the bottle for him, not giving him the chance to argue that he can do it and hand it to him while you open up his nutri-bar. He needs to rest and you don’t want to watch him struggle when you can help. “Death by lack of orgasm.”
Ezra grunts as he sits up, bracing himself on his arm before he is balanced and can drink the water from the bottle. He snorts, “fuck. That’s a shit way to go. I can only spend the rest of my days telling you how sincerely grateful I am for you allowing me the chance to seek relief in your body.”
You smirk and put the bar down beside him and open the wipes. He had filled you up several times, your cum and his crusted on the inside of your thighs. Your lips are tender from fucking for so long but it’s a pleasant type of burn. “Ez, you would have done the same for me, I know you would have.” You shoot him a grin. “Besides, I had the best orgasms I’ve had in cycles.”
Ezra smirks, pleased that you enjoyed it. “My cock is available for any pleasure you seek, little lady.” His face grows serious, “I meant what I said…I want to spend a luxurious life with you.” He murmurs, watching you with a smile as you clean up.
After you clean up, you pull another wipe out and come over to Ezra. He had spent a day sweating and agonizing over his inability to cum. Being careful of his presumably raw cock, you start cleaning him up as well. “First we need to finish harvesting the aurelac and then we can decide where we want to idle away our time and fortunes.” You promise, leaning in and giving him a tender kiss. “Together.”
With a soft smile, Ezra pulls you down onto him with his arm, “together, little lady. Let’s get some rest and tomorrow I will assist you with getting rich beyond our wildest dreams. I just need to flush that damn filter. Bastard powder nearly killed me. I’m a fragile being.” He chuckles, kissing your neck.
Snuggling into him, you wrap your arm around his waist and lean your head on his shoulder. Exhausted from the day harvesting gemstones and then fucking, you close your eyes. “Strong enough to survive the Green, Ezra.” You whisper. “And this time when you leave, you will have a ship full of riches.”
“I think I have discovered the greatest treasure on the Green. You, my little lady, make me the richest man in the entire universe. I wish to keep you by my side until I draw my last breath. Now, let’s test and tomorrow, we will harvest the Queen’s Lair and escape from this Kevva cursed moon.”
The tranquil waters lap against the crystal white sands on Armethia, the dual suns bright in the sky. There’s no one around you, just the way you enjoy it. 
After getting back to the Pug, you discovered the price of aurelac had tripled, making the Queen’s lair even more profitable. Some, of course, had been sent to Cee, to provide for her while she is in school and whatever she chooses to do. After some convincing, you had talked Ezra into being fitted with a synthetic arm, making him feel better and right now those arms are wrapped around you, his cock buried deep inside you.
Ezra groans, kissing your neck as you rock your hips to meet his thrusts. "Fuck, little lady. You are exquisite. I am a lucky son of a bitch. You're all mine. My diamond." He murmurs, kissing along your jaw and the diamonds around your neck sparkle in the sunlight streaming into your room.
You hum, turning your head to smile down at him, caressing his cheek and pressing your lips to his while both of you continue to languidly fuck each other. Passion has been constant since that day on the Green with the pink powder, never fading away and the love between you has grown as you have journeyed to where you are right now. “All yours.” You promise, grinding down onto him. “Yours and yours alone.”
Ezra knows he may have only been seeking the Queen’s Lair but in the end, he is rich beyond his wildest dreams. Forget the credits from the aurelac, he has you. For that, he will forever thank Kevva for his fortune. You are the most incredible creature and he is lucky to call you his. He will never step foot on the Green again but it has given him the family he secretly yearned for with Cee and you. His family and his fortune…may Kevva bless him until the day he dies. Hopefully buried inside of the woman he loves.
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barrenclan · 1 year
I’ve made two theories about the leadership and some troubles of Defiance. Now I’m gonna make one for Barrenclan.
Let’s face it: Mallowstar can’t last forever. He’s a chubby old man, and the leaders in this universe only have one life.
Redpelt will take over when he dies, but let’s face it. She has anxiety issues and she’ll eventually become Ladybugstar 2.0, and die or be chucked into the elder den when she has some massive breakdown.
Let’s look at candidates for Redpelt’s deputy when she becomes leader, and then maybe further speculate into that deputy’s deputy when they become leader.
Cootstorm: Could become a shaman theocrat, but very unlikely due to most of the clan not liking her.
Beeface: No. She is very childish and argumentative. She has been training an apprentice though, so she fills out that criteria.
Plumstripe: Has been training an apprentice. Not as childish as Beeface(that trait is still present though) so could have potential.
Egrettail: Seems good enough, although hasn’t mentored an apprentice yet(might change when Mallowstar’s litter comes of age) but she is most definitely the most mature, kind, and competent of the three warriors. Might not be trusted due to being an outsider, especially won’t be trusted when it is revealed she is part of the Defiamce death cult, not sure how the clan would react to her being trans(they’ve probably never heard of such a thing) Her biggest threat is the skeletons in her closet.
Slugpelt: Very occupied with grieving and being lonely in general, probably won’t be chosen. Also has to take care of Mallowstar’s litter.
Blacknose: Next to impossible. She is forgetful, a trait that is getting worse because of her dementia, and has to nurse her litter.
Don’t think the clan will be desperate enough. They’ll probably be dead by the time Mallowstar dies.
(If they are of warrior age when Mallowstar dies)
Asphodelpaw: Unless she becomes more mature than the warriors through a character arc, no. But if she does get that arc, maybe.
Daffodilpaw: Seems too busy longing for Cormorantpaw, who will reject her in the end. Seems nicer than Asphodelpaw though, so she has a shot.
Pinepaw: Studying to be a medicine cat, so not available. Even if he was a warriors, he’s still dealing with the horrors.
Cormorantpaw: Still growing out of his quiet kid era, might have a shot if he proves himself. But he still has that Defiance membership secret, like Egrettail.
Probably not, but we’ll have to see.
Post Redpelt Meltdown
Depends on how far into her reign it happens. I still won’t pay attention to Mallowstar’s litter though.
Beeface and Plumstripe are most likely lost causes and the elders will most likely be dead. Blacknose most likely will have died from dementia by now.
Egrettail: Her pickings are slim. My bet is that she might choose Cormorantpaw
I don’t know who Asphodelpaw or Daffodilpaw would choose as deputies, maybe a sibling?
TLDR: Egrettail has the best chance of become deputy when Mallowstar dies. When Redpelt has a Ladybugstar-esque breakdown, Egrettail will most likely choose Cormorantpaw
Poor Mallowstar, having speculations about his death. Though I don't think he'd really be offended. Really, I think the assumption that Redpelt would absolutely not last as leader is very funny. Girl doesn't stand a chance, huh.
Interesting thoughts though! I'm excited for y'all to see how it plays out.
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Hello! I am going to be doing a rewritten version of Warriors with many changes made to improve quality, such as changes to certain rules (to avoid the same rehashed drama), relationships (lifting most if not all major incest cases, as well as making some dynamics more healthy, and actual LGBT relationships and trans cats), no more unexplained offscreen disappearances (including the Missing Kits), the Tribe as a WHOLE, and many more that will be listed within.
This post contains helpful links as well as tags that show off the various aspects if the rewrite, such as Character Pages and the Worldbuilding.
This is the start of the entire series being rewritten, start to finish.
Into The Wild
(I'm currently unsure of how TBC and ASC will be due to some pretty big ripple effects)
Every Leader ceremony will be written as bonus content at the end of a book where they become leader if they do not already have one.
Some of the older 'forgotten' rules of the series, such as queens not giving the name of the father of their litter, have been reinstated.
Many OC cats will be added in as background "filler" characters to prevent inbreeding and take out some of the age gap romances. Many background cats that come "out of nowhere" are simply what has been stated in canon. The Clans are bigger than what we see, but not everyone is that important. Once moved into "The Named Zone" however, they will not leave until death or departure.
More unique names! The clan cats know some more things! And I'm not killing off kittens for the obvious reason of "name too long", Lavenderkit, Dandelionkit, Bluebellkit and other 'too long' names are no longer reserved for children who die before they're even a character.
Many times, a good thing will happen to a character that was dealt a poor hand in canon. This has major ripple effects, and I am also a fan of the law of Equivalent Exchange. :)
The misogynistic writing is now a thing of the past. No more punishing ladies for decisions the men also make, no more pushing them to be nothing but baby makers as their happy ending, and certainly no more random derailment of character just because the point of view is a fragile male.
And of course, the obvious. No more fucking ableism. I will be researching how EXACTLY blind and deaf cats hunt. No more forced Medicine Cats and early retirements. As well as other things that real cats can experience, such as missing limbs, missing tails, asthma, dementia, PTSD, anxiety and depression.
The Official Playlist for the Series and its Guide
Playlist Guide
Please, feel free to make suggestions to changes that should be in this Rewrite!
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acourtofidiots · 1 year
Love of My Life (Don’t Take It Away from Me)
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poly!dickkory x reader (dick grayson x koriand’r x reader)
1.1k words
warnings: angst angst angst baBYYYYY, titans s4 spoilers, heartbreak, sacrificing of oneself to save the day, but there’s a happy ending!
a/n: i was inspired by the s4 series finale of titans and the ending few scenes that I decided to flip it into my poly!dickkory verse. i’m still not ok that we won’t get more of them ever again. but that’s ok, i can still fantasize about them in my head :,)
title is from love of my life by Queen
minors dni // please don’t spam like my posts // i will block you
Dick pauses, body hunched down next to Sebastian’s body. You shoot Kory a confused look. Your thoughts twist themselves together as anxiety starts to bubble to the surface.
“Kory, what do you mean?” A sad smile graces her face as she reaches up and cups your cheek, fingers tracing gently across your face before placing it on her heart.
“I’ve come to accept my fate. I can’t push it off any longer.” Tears bubble up in your eyes as you look at Dick. It was like he was frozen in time, body stiff and unmoving as he processed Kory’s words. “what if he comes back? Stronger?”
The last word snaps Dick out of his trance, and he steps toward the two of you. “no, Kory, you can’t. We’ll come back stronger, too,” he nods toward you, and you give him a half smile. “All three of us.”
Kory sighs as she pulls you to stand next to Dick, the vigilante automatically curling an arm around you. but you couldn’t focus on the gesture that generally would have you snuggling up to him and kissing his jaw, but tonight wasn’t one of those nights. your heart was pounding, a race against the anxiety bubbling in your veins. You couldn’t lose Kory, not everything that has happened.
“There’s a flame inside me. one that I can’t simply put out and restart it. I-I’m sorry but,” a voice crack interrupts her, and you can see how much her words affect her. “But it’s time...there’s always an end.”
You didn’t know how it was possible, but your heart broke even further seeing the pained expression on Dick’s face. “I don’t know how to do that. we,” he pauses and looks at you, “don’t know how to do that.”
Kory smiles sadly and places a hand on your lover’s cheek. “I know,” she whispers, and Dick leans into the gesture before sighing.
“I can’t.” You squeeze his hand gently.
“Neither can i,” you add, and Kory gives the both of you a sad smile.
“Me neither,” she agrees. “But let’s just wing it.”
Your little moment was interrupted by a resounding ‘NO’ behind you. Turning around, your eyes widen in horror as Sebastian gets up on shaky legs, fury rippling across his face.
“This is my story,” he snarls, and you automatically shield Dick and Kory behind you. “You don’t get to be the fucking heroes!”
You glance at Kory, who gives you a slight nod before her eyes turn green, and blue light emits from her body. Dick yanks you back as Kory darts forward, grasping Sebastian by the arm and shooting upward, blasting a hole through the laboratory’s roof. You shield yourself from falling debris before looking at the gaping hole your lover left.
“Kory!” You shout, and you sprint towards the exit. Your stomach churned at what could possibly happen to Kory. The person who always made you feel loved, protected, safe. The one who made you realize that it wasn’t just her that had half of your heart. But Nightwing as well.
You tripped through the numerous dead bodies littering the ground of S.T.A.R labs, not caring if you left the rest of the team behind. Kory, Kory, Kory.
bursting out of the front door, you watched as a bright light soared upwards, high into the atmosphere, and you could only wonder if Kory knew what she was doing.
“Y/n! Wait--” Rachel shouted before gasping at the sight of the blue light exploding into a supernova of colors.
it was too late.
Everything felt like you were drowning in a tub of molasses. Your body felt heavier and sluggish as you fell to your knees, glassy eyes unblinking at the spectacle in the sky. No, no, no-
Rachel pulls you into a tight hug as Tim, Gar, and Conner stay behind. You could hear Gars sniffles, knowing how close he and the Tameranean were. She was practically a mother to him, nurturing him and raising him to be a fine gentleman.
Time slows down as you let out a devastating scream. Rachel hugs you tighter as you sob into her arms. You could do nothing to get half of your heart that belonged to Kory. Your princess. Your chest started to rise and fall unsteadily, breaths running ragged as grief covered your body like a blanket. You refused to believe she was gone; it was just a figment of your imagination.
Tim raises his hand toward the sky, seeing an orange light fall from where Kory was. You sniffle, eying the ball of flame suspiciously as you pull from Rachel to stand next to Dick. You take his hand in yours, and he gives you a watery smile before focusing on the bright light coming down in front of you.
you could feel your heart skip a beat at the sight of Kory, flying, miraculously still alive. She gives you a warm smile when she lands. “Hi,” she chuckles, and you tear yourself from Dick to fling into her arms. You grip her tightly, tucking your head into your neck and inhaling her scent. the notes of smoke and cinnamon greet you, and you thank your lucky stars for bringing her back to you.
And Dick.
Dick, frozen to the spot when you left his arms, slowly approached the two of you. You pull back from the Tameranean, giving the vigilante a big grin as he takes her into his arms and cups one cheek. they stare at each other before he whispers, “I thought I lost you.”
“Me too,” she chuckles. She looks at you again, absolute adoration on her face. “Both of you.”
Dick leans to slot her lips against hers, and your heart flutters, happy to be reunited with the people you found yourself thinking about all the time. They break away, still grinning, before Kory turns toward you and kisses you. you eagerly meet her lips with your own, whining a bit before she pulls away before Dick takes her place.
You pull away and sigh, leaning into Dick’s arms as Kory moves to greet the rest of the team.
“I’m thankful for you, you know,” you say, glancing up at Dick. he hums in acknowledgment, eyes not once leaving the group before him. “I know it might be hard for me to express myself, but truly, Dick, you two make me the happiest person alive.” He looks at you, a warm smile on his face.
“I know,” he whispers before kissing your head. You close your eyes, relishing the feeling of his lips on your skin.
“Now, let’s go. I’m ready for a nice long shower and a mandatory cuddle session. It’s been way too long, and I don’t know how long I can sleep by myself.”
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skz-lover21 · 11 months
Hiii. Exam season is rolling around and I'm already really stressed 😬. So can I ask for a fic with skz and how they would react to a psychology major s/o 😂. Just to remind me that I love my choice. Also I hope your having a great day and and even better week ❣️☺️
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Encourages you when your stressed
takes you out to eat after you are done with work
People think he’d be a menace but he’s the TOTAL opposite HE LOVES HOW PASSIONATE YOU ARE
Watches you from afar
Wants you to focus
Praises you and gives you so much love and tries to help you when you’re stressed
Multiple hugs EVERY DAY
He loves how your able to tell what he needs, it’s like you read his mind
So much love and your treated like a QUEEN/KING‼️‼️
He loves what you do I SWEAR
He’s gonna and he swears it’s a requirement but he’s gonna make sure he takes care of you NO MATTER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCE
He feels so safe around you
Talks about EVERYTHING to you
ANXIETY? HE TALKS TO YOU! He feels so safe and comfortable around you
You calm him so much that when he’s having a panic attack he definitely needs you around
He’s worry free around you
He talks to you all the time
He asks questions about others behaviors
He wants your input on EVERYTHING
He loves the way you can tell what he needs or thinks by his actions
Yknow how he’s a little closed off? Well that dissipates when he’s with you
Everything that was on his mind that day GETS SPILLED OUT TO YOU
He adores your attention and company
He’s always surprised when you guess how he’s feeling because he feels like he can hide his emotions well, but not around you
Even if he claims he doesn’t want to be touched, you know he does
He enjoys being around you and the fact that your able to predict how he’s doing at that moment
He’s always talking to you about psychology because he’s SO INTERESTED
At this point he sees trying to hide his feelings pointless because it’s so hard to do so around you
Sorry it’s so short, lemme know if u want a part two, I think I will make one because this is not enough crumbs to give :’(
Hope you like it darling
- skz-lover21
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