#Lieutenant Dusk
vodika-vibes · 1 year
This is another "Coruscant is actually Hell" post~
*Cody, Bly, and Wolffe slip into the Corroe Barracks, planning to abscond with Fox to the nearest bar. Only he's not in his office. And the Corries are running around a little more frantically than usual*
Cody: *grabs a shiny* Hey, vod. Where's Fox?
Thorn: *hurries up* Go back to your barracks, kid. Fox is in the medbay, is it an emergency?
Wolffe: *scowls* is he hurt?
Thorn: ...not Fox, no.
Bly: *cheerfully* Then we should go and see him.
Thorn: *hesitates* I don't think that's-
Cody: *interrupts* I'm sure he'll want to see us.
Thorn: *bitterly* Of course. Commander.
*in the medbay*
Fox: *is pacing in the medbay, glancing at the full beds every now and then.*
Dusk: *grimacing in pain and covered in bloody bandages* It's not your fault, ori'vod.
Fox: I sent you down there-
Dusk: We couldn't have possibly known that there were actual demons on the lower level, Fox.
Fox: ...half of your platoon is dead, and the rest need at least a couple of days in a bacta tank. The only reason you're not in a tank right now is because you have teeth embedded in your leg.
Dusk: *frowns and glances down at his leg, and at the four razor sharp teeth still stuck there* I know, vod.
Fox: *opens his mouth to say something, and pauses when the door opens*
Wolffe: Holy shit...what happened.
Fox: *turns and glowers at his batchmates* What. I'm down an entire platoon, so this better be important.
Bly: *jokingly* Maybe they need to train more ans sit behind desks less.
Dusk: *releases a broken laugh* You actually think that? You fuc-
*Dusk struggles to sit up, his face contorted with rage. Fox and the Medics fling themselves over him to keep him prone, and the CMO hurriedly injects Dusk with a sedative*
Fox: *suddenly very tired* Get out. I won't have you upsetting the survivors.
Wolffe: Fox, what happened? He was going to attack Bly.
Fox: *stares at them* It doesn't matter. Get out. I'll...I'll comm you when I'm actually free to do something.
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yumethefrostypanda · 2 years
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Lieutenant Riley
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Happy 84th Birthday to Academy Award Nominated actor Harvey Keitel! ^__^
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sunflowersteves · 2 years
another day, another dollar || b.b.
pairing || bradley “rooster” bradshaw x reader
summary || Is Rooster jealous that some random aviator won't stop looking at you? Definitely not.
author’s note || i'm so glad you guys enjoyed my last rooster fic!! i have so many ideas for rooster and i hope you guys enjoy this one! <3
warnings || jealousy, misogyny (not from rooster), fem!reader, some mention of violence, smut, oral sex, blowjob, praise kink, a little sub!bradley, [18+ only]
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“Getting pretty busy, huh?” 
You turned your head around to the unfamiliar voice. You almost raised an eyebrow—he looked smug. “Yep.” You replied, short and sweet. 
You gave him a strained smile in hopes to keep up some customer service facade. You whirled back around to continue to pull the tap and fill up more beers.
He decided to talk to you again. “Think you can handle all this by yourself?”
At the Hard Deck on a buzzing Friday night, you were the only one tending to the bar. Ever since dusk peaked at seven-thirty in the evening, you had been busy refilling beers and taking orders—then occasionally ringing the bell when someone couldn’t pay their tab. 
Penny asked you for a favor when Amelia came home from school with a really bad case of the flu. You knew she felt bad enough leaving you alone on the busiest night of the weekend, but you didn’t mind. Not one bit. You had wished Amelia a speedy recovery. 
You were doing pretty well from the rush of Navy officers, lieutenants, captains, and everywhere in between asking for ales and lagers.
It had actually been somewhat fun chatting up conversations with people. Out of nowhere, though, this lanky twenty-something man stationed himself right in the front of the bar.
He had been staring at you for more than five minutes, and when you paid him no mind—since you were quite frankly busy with customers—he decided to strike up a mundane conversation. It was almost nauseating. 
When you had turned your head the first time, he had his elbow resting on the bar and twirled a pint of beer in his hand. He had a fresh face and flirty twinkling eyes that almost made you gag a little. You knew exactly what he was doing, and you weren’t interested. 
You could tell he was a Naval Aviator with the whole khaki color suit and hat on his head. You could also tell that by the looks of it that he’s new.
You didn’t spin back around, though, when he asked you that question. You didn’t want to give him any attention—hopefully, he will get the goddamn hint. 
“Think you can handle all this by yourself?” Gross. 
“I’ve been doing this for a while. I think I can handle it just fine.” You then turn to Coyote with the four beers he asked for—a genuine smile on your face. He thanked you kindly before sauntering back off to your group of friends by the pool table. 
“Really? I’ve never seen you in here before.” He locked eyes with yours before trailing down your figure and admiring the curves of your hips in tight jeans—a shudder of disgust ran through your body. “I would’ve remembered someone like you.”
Yeah, he was definitely new because if he saw the six-foot-four Top Gun aviator—the top one percent of fighter pilots in the world—that was glaring daggers into him, he would have shit his pants on the spot. You were sure he would never set foot in the Hard Deck again. 
You were Bradley’s, and Bradley was yours. Everyone in the vicinity of the bar knew that. You were always perched on his lap while he spread his skilled fingers across the piano. His arms were always wrapped around your waist as you destroyed Hangman in darts. You two practically couldn’t get your hands off of each other every second of the day. 
No one in their right mind would disturb the pure, raw love between the two of you.
Not tonight, though. Tonight, you were forced under the confinements of the bar area, giving this newbie the perfect opportunity to try and stake his claim.
“Maybe you’re the forgetful one, kid. I’m here every weekend.” You fought the urge to smile in victory when he gave an annoyed expression as the word kid left your mouth.
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“You gonna do something, Rooster?”
His eyes never left your cute irritated face. He watched you give the guy a one-worded answer with a mundane expression. As much as he wanted to give you the kiss of a lifetime, he stood back. “No.”
With Bradley’s answer, Jake was even more amused. “No? I’m surprised. I’d figure by now you’d be trailing over to her like some lost little puppy.”
Bradley bit his cheek to keep from snapping back. He knew that Jake was just giving him shit. He knew that he was just trying to get him all riled up.
It’s what Jake does. But he couldn’t let anything get to him, or he would trail over to you like some lost puppy. Hangman was undoubtedly and stupidly right. 
Jake’s eyebrows raise in surprise at the brooding silence. He expected some little quip and then a smack upside the head from Phoenix right next to him.
Damn, this must be really grinding Bradley’s gears. Jake almost felt guilty for his friend sulking in the corner of the Hard Deck.
“Don’t let Bagman get to you, Rooster. He’s just jealous that your girlfriend rejected him first.”
Phoenix grinned with a teasing smile, and Jake just grumbled to himself. At that, Bradley snorted and shook his head. He was still silent, but his demeanor had at least changed. All of the pilots smiled at Rooster’s shoulders relaxing just a smidge. 
Bradley hated feeling jealous—the angry green monster that sprouted in his chest and sat home in his head was relentless in its hold on him.
His heart always throbbed in his chest, and anger bubbled through his veins when some guy or girl gave you a bashing smile and feather-light touches to your shoulder.
He always stayed silent—brooding—as he watched you from afar. He never wanted you to feel like he didn’t trust you because he did. Oh, he did. He trusts you more than anyone else in the room, and he flies life or death with some of them. He would follow you to the ends of the earth if you had asked him to.
He figured it is most likely some unresolved tension from the tragedies that have struck during his thirty-five years of life, and anyone that wanted to take you away from him burned a hole in his chest.
So, to combat these ingrained feelings, he sat idly by as that guy’s hips were attached to the bar and watched you dodge every single flirtatious glance and awkward pick-up line. He knew you could handle yourself, and there was a whole gaggle of naval aviators that would stop at nothing to make sure you were doing okay. 
“Need another beer?” A peace offering. Jake was already standing up from the bar stool and about to make his way over to you.
He nodded solemnly. “Thanks, Bagman.”
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You looked bored. You looked so absolutely uninterested in this guy still speaking to you, and now, he was over-explaining how F-18 engines work and fly. You were a mechanical engineer. You knew how plane engines work. 
You tried to tell him you did, but he was quick to interrupt to continue telling you about how F-18s have more than one-hundred thousand horsepower.
If you didn’t respect Penny’s establishment and reputation, he would’ve been thrown out of the bar by now. Typical men with their typical egos. Though now that you think about it, you’re sure Penny would have encouraged it. 
Your eyes locked with Jake’s, and your eyes lit up at the familiar face. Finally, someone you actually enjoy talking to. Not that you would ever tell Jake that. 
“Need savin’ over here, hot shot?” Jake had interrupted the aviator and ignored the very irritated look that was sent his way. It was almost like the guy was insinuating that he had caught you—that you were going to be his tonight. The feeling of possession he exuded made you want to gag again. 
Jake could tell you wanted this shift to be over as soon as possible. Your eyes glanced at the random man staring at you before turning your attention back onto Hangman. “Nothing I can’t handle. How many beers?” 
“Two, please.” Jake smiled—cocky little shit. “I think you should go talk to your boyfriend over there. He’s been stewin’ for quite a while.” He paused, eyes sliding over to the stranger. “I could even help ya with the bar.”
You turn around to fill up the empty glasses that he handed to you. “Don’t I know it, Bagman.” It was like the aviator that had been hitting on you all night had disappeared—though, you wish. Just you making drinks while your friends entertained you. It was nice for a moment, actually. “I’m due for a break soon enough.” 
Jake spoke too soon, though, because Bradley was already making his way over to the bar. He couldn’t help himself when he saw the guy stare straight at your ass and bite his lip. The action made his blood seethe with vexation, so his feet started walking before his brain caught up.
“Boyfriend?” The guy looks shocked. His eyes were wide as he stared at you. “What the fuck? I’ve been trying all night, and you didn’t say a fucking thing?”
You pursed your lips. Irritated. “I did.”
Rooster stood tall near the bar, watching the scene before him. He studied the menacing glare you struck at the guy and a hand resting on your hip.
“I told you multiple times when you were talking about damn plane engines that I have a boyfriend—who’s a naval aviator by the way. I’ve made it crystal clear.”
He didn’t miss a beat. The stranger’s eyebrows were furrowed in rage. He stood up from the bar in an irate stance. “You’re a fucking bitch. Do you go around eye-fucking all the guy's then?” His eyes move over to Jake’s.
“You allow your slut to do this, man?”
You, Jake, and Bradley all froze. The whole bar dulls out into silence from his loud gestures, and all eyes are on you four now. 
The audacity of this kid to insult and degrade you when all you were doing was listening to this guy talk and talk. You gave clear signs of being uninterested. Clear. Not to mention he also had the sheer audacity to make a scene in Jake and Bradley’s presence.
“The fuck did you just say?” You were almost in his face as you leaned over the bar—a hard glare set on him with your fueled anger. The grip you had on the bar counter was starting to ache, but you didn’t care. 
“Tame your fucking girl, would you?” Jake’s hands clenched by his side at the comment.
Bradley’s chest heaved up and down, and he could feel the burning emotion consume his entire body and soul. His hands were almost trembling by his side as his thoughts of tearing this asshole to shreds simmered inside his head. 
The guy scoffed. He tried to turn around to leave but was met with Bradley’s hard chest. Clearly, he had no idea what was coming.
Bradley was sweet—a kind, gentle soul. He has picked you up from your lowest and drew you back up. He has told you things about himself that not even he understands. Bradley Bradshaw was a good man—one of the best, you would even argue. 
However, he had a temper. Call it the jet fuel that was practically injected into his veins, but when that temper was pushed to the brim because someone fucked with you? Yeah, they should hope to be six feet under before Bradley could get to them. 
Bradley towered over him, almost making the guy tower down. He was seeing red—fully unsaturated rage at the disrespect toward you. The guy tried to regain some confidence, oddly enough. “Move out of my way.”
Bradley didn’t move—he didn’t even blink. His jaw clenched and unclenched. His eyes bore into the stranger to assess him. His hand twitched at his side as if it was gearing up to make a move. 
“Apologize. Now.” His voice was deep—it was gruff and hollow that immediately went straight to your chest. He didn’t look like the Bradley you knew, the Bradley that would carry you for three miles from a sprained ankle.
This Bradley looked menacing. This Bradley looked deadly. And you weren’t going to lie, it was hot as fuck. 
“Who the fuck are you?”
Bradley’s eyes flashed with something you were unfamiliar with. He has been jealous before, yes, but it has mostly been the reassuring kind. This was pure seething rage. His eyes were almost red from the amount of anger that pulsated through his body. 
“Apologize.” Bradley breathes out, but his eyes are digging into the man in front of him. “Or I will rip your fucking kneecaps off.”
Jake stood tall—back stretched out as he watched the interaction. He would spot for Bradley any day, especially to assholes like this random guy. He wanted to be ready for anything that could come Bradley’s way. 
The guy opened his mouth but quickly snapped it shut as Bradley took a step closer if it was even possible. He almost dared him too—almost wanted him to so Bradley could get in some punches that this guy deserved. 
“I-I-I’m sorry.” The guy tried to take a step back but was met with the bar counter. “I didn’t mean—”
“Not me.” Rooster pointed directly at you. “Her.”
He spins around faster toward you than you had seen a person spin in your life. “I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He looks up to your boyfriend for approval, but Bradley’s eyes locked with yours. You nodded as a signal to your boyfriend that you were okay—things were okay. All you wanted was for this guy to leave and Bradley to be by your side again. It’s all you could think about.
Bradley’s eyes retreated back to the stranger, and you could have sworn that the guy almost flinched. “If I ever see you in here again, I will not hesitate. Do you understand?”
The aviator nods vigorously and tries to ignore the deadly glare from Bradley. His hands picked at his sides in nervousness. “Do you understand?” Bradley repeats.
The aviator’s eyes widened. “Y-Yes. I understand.” 
Bradley’s posture somewhat succeeds back into a relaxed form, his eyes already returning back to you in comfort and warmth. Every tipsy person located in the bar had shouted in celebration for kicking out the guy that ruined all the fun. Coyote and Fanboy unkindly escorted him out of the bar and threw him out onto the sandy beach. “Don’t fucking come here again.”
In the bar, everything and everyone had gone back to normal. People started laughing and smiling once more—shoveling more drinks into their mouths. Some even started racking the balls on the pool table and throwing darts.
For you, though, you couldn’t take your eyes off of Bradley. 
He was on you in less than a second, taking two full strides around the bar in desperation. His hands gripped your hips harshly and his lips collided against your own. Your back bumps into the bar, which causes the bottles of booze to rattle against the glass. 
His tongue is shoved into your mouth, and he groans deeply at the taste of beer. His nose harshly bumps against your cheek—messy and harsh with every swallow and molding of your mouth.
You almost whined into him. “Bradley.” Your breath fanned up against his cheeks, and his knees felt so fucking weak for you.
His body starts to sloppily drag you away from the bar and into the back corner of the Hard Deck. His lips never once left yours in a fury to feel you—to be inside of you at any and all cost. His hands make their way down the back of your thighs, and you instinctively jump. Your legs wrap around his torso as he continues to walk backward.
Jake rolled his eyes. “Yeah, sure. Go fuck like bunnies. I’ll man the bar, I guess.” But there was a hint of a small smile on his face. Finally, you two could cut the shit and fawn over each other once again. 
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Bradley pulls you into the supply closet near the break room at the back of the bar. His back hits one of the shelves, and you could hear the sound of cleaning bottles falling onto the floor. 
Neither of you could stop your fluttering hands that followed each other’s curves. Bradley’s lips trailed down your jaw and neck, which left you breathless and aching for more. Your body feels hot—and elated—from his calloused fingers digging into the flesh on your stomach.
“Bradley, please.” He thinks he knows what you are begging for. He wants to taste you on his tongue. He wants you creaming into his mouth until you’re so dumb that you don’t even remember your own name. 
To his chagrin, though, you stop the trailing hand that is trying to make its way between your thighs. “I wanna taste you, Bradley. I wanna swallow your cum.”
His eyes widened. “Fuckin’ hell—” Bradley breathes out, fast and light. He watches you sink down onto your knees and clumsily drag his shorts to pool around his ankles.
You weren’t very graceful from your pure desperation to have his cock in your mouth. Bradley didn’t mind, though. 
His cock jumped from the sight and thought of you in such a state of yearning. “Pretty baby.” He whispered, but it sounded more like a whine. 
Your lips trailed kisses around his thighs. “Do you know how hot it was to see you almost lose your shit on that guy?” Your words slurred together from the intoxication of his broad muscles and lips that were sucked in between his teeth.
You pull down his boxers and almost drool from his ruddy tip dripping in pre-cum. You lightly graze your fingers across his shaft and your mouth waters from his shaft twitching. Your eyes flickered up to see his reaction, his hooded eyes watching you pump his cock.
“You had been watchin’ me all night, Roo. I could feel it.”
He licked his lips. “He-He—” He moans your name. “F-Fuck. He-He can’t take you. I–” God, you’re so hot from your lust-filled eyes racking over his hopelessly hard cock. He withers in your grasp, and he couldn't help but say your name over again. 
“Oh, Roo, no. He can’t take me, hmm?” You hum out the last part of the sentence so your mouth can gravitate to the bulging vein on the side of his cock. “I’m fucking yours, Roo. I’m yours.”
You swirl your tongue and suck your lips around his tip. His hands latch themselves into your hair, and he tugs and tugs. How is he already so close to the edge?
You’re barely touching him, but he feels like he’s on cloud nine, and the knot in his stomach twists and pulls.
“F-Fuck, pretty baby, yeah. You’re mine. You’re mine.” He repeats the saying as his hips involuntarily hump your mouth. You gag around him and his cock shoves further deep into your throat.
You want to guide him to a sweet release for being such a good partner to you. He is yours. He is your Bradley. 
“Oh, fuck–fuck baby, please. My fuckin’ girl—yeah, yeah, yeah.”
He lowly groans out—deep, guttural, and sultry—while his cum paints the inside of your mouth. Thick ropes shoot into your mouth, and the salty taste made you salivate even more. Your eyes watch his hung-open jaw and his eyes trailing down to watch you suck around his cock. 
You swallow all that he has to offer, and you moan out his name while still stuffed with his cock. His eyes widened slightly at the action, and his heart swirled in his chest. How did he get so lucky with you?
You go to stand up and pull his pants back up, but he catches your hands.
“Oh, pretty baby, you aren’t leaving me so soon, are you?” His palm rests below the back of your neck and pulls you into him. His breath fans up against your cheeks, and he presses sweet kisses on your jaw, working his way up to your temple. 
“Roo, if you don’t fuck me right this minute—”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry, pretty baby, we’re jus’ getting started.”
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siilvan · 1 year
HELLOOO! I hope your requests are open, if not take this as a (filthy) plot suggestion
you and price were alone in the middle of nowhere for a mission. It went pretty good and it ended quickly. the evac would not come until morning, so you found a safe house to settle for the night. you weren't an official couple yet, but it was obvious that there was something between you two. since there was nothing to do, you began joking around and laugh at stupid jokes, and jokingly you you sat on his lap, to jokingly flirt. he got immediately excited but he didn't want to admit it. so you show him that it was effectively like this 🤭
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characters: john price
summary: you decide to take advantage of being alone with the captain for the night.
genre: general, explicit, fem!reader (no desc.)
warnings: semi-proofread, cursing, reader is shorter than price, grinding, fingering, riding, unprotected piv, lotsa praise
word count: 4.2k
note: sorry i didn’t post for a month do you guys still like me
i’m also sososo sorry if the quality isn’t up to par, i wrote this over like 4 weeks— i hope the semi-longer chapter makes up for it <3
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"come on, inside." price’s gruff command guides you through the wooden door and into the apartment. while shaking off the grime and lingering adrenaline, you take in the interior. laswell’s description was spot on: modest, discreet, and unfit for long-term usage. as if reading your thoughts, price huffs out a laugh from next to you.
"it’s not much, but it’ll do for the night," he says, stepping further into the space. the slightly rotted floorboards creaked under his heavy boots, as if rejecting your very presence. "we’ve camped out in worse places, haven’t we, lieutenant?"
you hum while considering your response. "suppose we have, this place at least has a bathroom." he follows your eyes as you nod towards the door at the other end of the room, left open to reveal a humble bathroom. "hope it has hot water, i’d murder for a warm shower right now."
price shrugs before motioning in the same direction. "feel free to try it out, then. just be sure to keep your voice down if you’re displeased."
"should i invite you to join if i’m pleased, captain?" you ask, blinking up at him with a small smile on your lips. the question is laced with faux curiosity - you’re already well aware of what his answer will be.
"perhaps a cold shower would be better for now." he responds, stepping closer to you. the distinct scent of cigar smoke and dry wood cologne invades your senses as he holds your chin in a gentle grip, angling your head upwards. "what d'you think, sweetheart?" the rough pad of his thumb runs across your bottom lip, forcing you to part them and effectively wiping the smile off your face.
"i think…" you murmur, lifting your hands up to press them flat against his vest. "…that i’ll try to leave some hot water for you, since i’m so nice."
his eyes narrow as your palms slide upwards to his chest; a sensation he couldn’t quite feel through the thick material separating the two of you, but it sent heat through his veins and pooling in his stomach nonetheless.
you step back and disappear into the bathroom without another word. price’s eyes follow you the whole way, and a low sigh escapes him once the door is closed behind you. he shakes his head and tugs on the front of his vest, right above where your hands had rested just moments before.
"yeah, a fuckin' angel’s what you are." he mutters, sarcasm and fondness equally mixing in his tone.
the water felt like ice on your skin, much to your chagrin. the relaxing shower you had hoped for was instead a quick rinse followed by a grumbled string of curses as you toweled yourself off. despite your disappointment, you were just thankful to be clean.
price’s voice, albeit slightly muffled, was audible through the door. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t tempted to listen in on his conversation, so you do what any curious person would do: crack the door open just enough to hear him clearly.
"everything’ll be fine, kate. you don’t need to worry about us." price says with a short chuckle. he starts to speak again, until a voice in the radio interrupts him. you push the door further open, desperately trying to make out what the other voice - laswell, you presume - says in response, but to no avail. whatever she says pulls a frustrated noise from his lips.
"we’ve never had any problems before, have we?" the distinct sounds of old furniture groaning under unwelcome weight signals that he’s sitting now. "i’ve heard this speech a hundred times already, you don’t need to repeat it. we’re both adults perfectly capable of staying on-task for one night."
thoughts of what price could possibly be talking about swiftly flood your brain, pulling your attention from the ongoing conversation. ever since meeting the captain, it was obvious that there was something between you two; "fast friends" soon turned into a mutual attraction that neither of you were willing to firmly acknowledge or deny. innocent flirting had evolved into an agonizing tension, slowly driving you mad while simultaneously drawing you in deeper.
at this point, you’re ready to follow the man to his quarters and cut the tension yourself because, despite his straightforward nature in all other fields, price refuses to take the first step with you. leaving yourself to speculate on why only leads to more questions, so you choose to focus on ways to make him finally snap instead.
there’s a knock against the doorframe, making you jolt and let out an embarrassing yelp. through the sizable crack in the door, you can see price eyeing you down with a sly smile adorning his face.
"have a good shower, lieutenant?" he asks with a tilt of his head. he knew you were listening, that much you could tell.
you open the door fully, allowing him to lift an arm to lean against the frame, his body cutting off your only escape route. still, you try to avoid his gaze. "it was cold," you concede with a grimace. "you and laswell having problems, captain?"
price chuckles to himself, shaking his head. "i wouldn’t call it 'problems,'" he pulls back and straightens his stance, somehow making himself look even bigger than he did leaning over you. "she thinks we’re not to be trusted overnight."
you would be offended by the claim, if it wasn’t completely true. standing in front of him only serves to flood your mind with things you could do while alone together, completely disregarding your training that commands you to stay on-guard. at this moment, you felt more like a hormonal teenager daydreaming about her crush than a soldier.
"i have no idea why she’d think that." you scoff dramatically, feigning shock. "we’re professionals, we can handle ourselves for one night." you manage to shoulder past him and back into the main living space. with an innocent smile playing on your lips, you settle on one side of the couch.
"proving her wrong, eh? we can do that." price follows your example and takes up the other half. your eyes are practically glued to him as he shifts and gets comfortable, legs spreading while his arms settle on the back and the arm of the couch. the dark fabric of his uniform is slightly strained in his current position, perfectly showcasing his hulking, athletic physique under the layers of clothing.
you really wouldn’t complain about being crushed under him.
"tell me a joke," you mutter after clearing your throat, thighs squeezing together as you attempt to get your thoughts back on track. "laswell never said anything about jokes being inappropriate, right?"
price’s head lolls back against the cushion as he pretends to genuinely consider your question. "no, she didn’t. suppose there’s no harm in having a little fun, is there?" he says, sending you a cursory glance and a small smile. his tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip before he shifts again to face you.
"all right, i got one." he chuckles to himself and leans forward. "what do you call a shipment full of military-issued t-rexes?"
you give him a tight-lipped smile and a soft 'hmm?', already slightly regretting your decision. just slightly, though. the smile on his face morphs into a cheeky grin before he continues.
"small arms."
you groan and shake your head in disapproval. "that was awful, price. i think i’d rather listen to ghost’s puns over that." you complain amidst the occasional chuckles leaving your lips. despite the awfulness, he still managed to make you laugh.
"ah, don’t be so quick to defend him. he’s who i stole the joke from." price confesses, crossing his arms over his chest and watching as your shoulders shake softly from subdued laughter.
"i should’ve guessed, that has 'two goldfish in a tank' written all over it." you shake your head once more and look at him again. you blink in surprise when you realize that his gaze is already on you, practically burning against your skin. there was something there, swimming in his pale irises whenever he looked at you. the naivety inside you called it yearning, and the cynicism called it meaningless lust.
still, you wanted him. physically, and perhaps even more. you'd hate yourself for letting an opportunity like this slip by.
"since you're no comedian, sir, why don't we try something else?" you close the short distance between the two of you and toss your leg over his knee, settling yourself on his lap. "we're both professionals, so surely a little... closeness, wouldn't be an issue for us, right?" your hands come up to rest on his broad shoulders as you lean back, keeping a respectable distance despite your current position.
price stares at you wordlessly for a few seconds, his clenched jaw and softly furrowed brow being response enough. you decide to test the waters, shifting forward and back gently, playing it off as an adjustment for comfort. his hand immediately leaves the arm of the couch and lands on your hip, rendering you motionless above him.
"you wanna test me, is that it?" he asks. a shiver racks your spine from the low timbre of his voice, the question practically leaving his lips in a growl. "get yourself a win, so you can brag for a week about beating the captain?" the hand still resting atop the back cushion leaves it to join the other on your hips.
you shrug nonchalantly, fighting the urge to melt under his touch. "your words, not mine. all i want to do is be close to my dearly beloved commander - we are alone in foreign territory, after all." you fight against his hold, trying to move against his thighs.
you'd rather die than admit that you're already soaking through your underwear from just this. you don't need price to gloat about winning, you need him to fuck you stupid. unbeknownst to you, the man was currently fighting every urge to do exactly that. he could feel himself getting hard inside his slacks, his cock straining hard against the material.
he doesn't fight when you bend your upper body forward, hands sliding from his shoulders to his chest, as you speak softly next to his ear. "what if i get scared or cold, sir? won't you take care of me, since you're so kind to me?" your breath brushes against his skin as you whisper, earning a firm squeeze that most definitely leaves crescent-shaped marks on your skin.
it was a losing battle, anyway.
you let out a surprised yelp when he suddenly pulls your bodies flush, your chests pressed together with only your hands to separate them. his hips buck up into you, pulling a shameless moan from your lips. you respond in kind, hands fisting in his uniform as you grind against the imprint on his pants.
"you’re a fuckin' tease, y'know that?" price huffs, a low noise escaping him while you rock back and forth. he starts pushing and pulling you along meanwhile, pressing you down harder against him and pulling stuttering breaths from the both of you.
"tell me what you want, love."
"want your cock–"
"you haven’t earned it yet."
you let out a frustrated groan at his response. price merely chuckles and holds you still again, preventing you from even trying to chase the high you’ve been craving for what felt like an eternity.
"i want you to be a good girl, and get yourself off on my thigh." he ducks his head to press a kiss against your jaw, forcing you to tilt your head back to make room for him. "i’ve seen you stare at them before, i know you’ve thought about it, love."
he drags his lips upwards, his coarse beard prickly against your skin, until he reaches your ear. "go on. show me just how badly you’ve been wanting this."
like a good soldier, you take orders well. you waste no time in lifting yourself up to straddle his large thigh, biting back a moan as you rub your clothed core against him. price groans and leans back to watch with hooded eyes as you buck your hips, enraptured with the sight.
"c’mon, wanna hear you– don’t go quiet on me, now."
"fuck, captain–"
"attagirl." his hands move from your hips to drag your shirt up and over your head. he tosses it somewhere across the room, his attention shifting to your newly-exposed skin. he moans, guttural and deep, at the sight, and the sound only adds to the arousal already dripping from your core.
you grind down hard against his thigh, soaking through your underwear onto your uniform pants. you're sure price’s cargos are getting soaked as well, but you're not willing to get off him to check.
price moves with trained precision as he pulls your bra off, leaving your upper half completely bare under his hungry gaze. he draws one of your hardened nipples into his mouth and lets out a satisfied hum against your heated skin. one of your hands tangles in his short hair while the other clutches his shoulder for stability as you desperately rock back and forth, gasps and lewd moans spilling from your lips.
"wanna cum– please, sir–" you whine at the painful ache in your cunt, the layers of fabric only serving to block you from reaching your release. "need you– need you to make me cum."
"i know, pretty girl. i'll take care of ya." he groans softly after releasing your nipple, moving to leave a trail of wet, sloppy kisses from your collarbone to your neck. he reaches for your waistband at the same time, popping the button open and unzipping your pants. his rough thumb pad presses against your clit through your underwear, rubbing small and quick circles around the sensitive bud. your hips stutter and jolt forward into his touch as his name and another whine falls from your lips.
"there you are, just like that– that's my girl, you're doing so good for your captain." price mumbles praise and leaves open-mouthed kisses against your pulse, his cock rock hard and dripping pre-cum that was surely staining his briefs.
you can feel your release building up, months of teasing and agonizing tension spurring you on as you grind into his leg and his touch. your hands tug at the fabric of his shirt, bunching it up as you whimper out complaints. he sucks dark marks into your feverish skin meanwhile, ignoring your complaints and pathetic attempts at removing his shirt yourself.
"off." you whine, successfully untucking his shirt from his slacks but failing to get any further. price bites down hard on your shoulder, laving over the indents with his tongue a few seconds after, before he travels up to your parted lips.
"patience, sweetheart."
you huff and lean in, brushing your lips against his and letting out a soft whimper of his name in an attempt to sway him. a moment passes, the only movement being your hips rocking back and forth, and you silently think that you’ve convinced him.
his radio, which has sat on the table next to the couch silently until now, suddenly goes off and distracts you from your haze. price’s hand squeezes your hip again, forcing you to sit still as he grabs the device. he sends you a quick look of "be quiet" before answering it.
"go for price." he clears his throat immediately after, his voice slightly strained and thick with frustration and lust. you sit as still as you can, willing yourself not to move despite being so fucking close before you were interrupted. you can hear a familiar voice on the other end, but paying attention to it wasn’t even an option with how worked-up you were.
something about tomorrow’s exfil, you manage to piece together despite being wholly uninterested. you couldn’t hope to focus, anyway, with price’s eyes trained on your teary-eyed expression during the entire conversation. you’re so distracted with him that you don’t notice his hand sliding past your waistband and into your underwear, until a finger starts circling your puffy clit.
before you can stop yourself, you gasp from the unexpected sensation. one of your hands flies up to cover your mouth, muffling the breathy moans that pour from your lips as price starts to rub harsh circles around your clit and bounce his thigh under you.
"what was that sound?" the person that he was talking to - laswell, of course - asks after a beat. price shushes you softly before responding.
"just the lieutenant. she got startled by a mouse." he chuckles, sounding completely unbothered whilst sending you to cloud nine. the conversation ends shortly thereafter, and he tosses the radio to the other side of the couch before turning his attention to you again.
"nearly got us caught there, love." price pulls your hand away from your mouth and captures your lips with his own, greedily drinking up your moans. "you want the team to find out about us, yeah? want them to know what you let your captain do to you?"
"'s your fault i made noise–" you pull back just enough to argue, rocking your hips in sync with his leg's movement, panting like a bitch in heat every time your cunt was rubbed just right. price revels in your debauched state, his lips curling into a self-satisfied smile as he pushes you closer and closer to the edge.
his finger leaves your clit and moves south, easily sliding through your folds before adding another. he groans when you grind against his fingers, coating them in your arousal as his name tumbles from your lips. he teases at your entrance for a bit, until he shoves the two fingers inside you without any warning. your jaw goes slack as he suddenly thrusts his thick fingers knuckle-deep, stretching you out and stopping your hips dead in their tracks.
"thought you needed me to make you cum– changed your mind all of a sudden?" price cocks his head to the side. you try to respond, but can only release another moan as he curls his fingers upward, finding the spot that makes you see stars.
"no– need more, need you," you can feel fat tears gathering at your waterline, threatening to spill over. his free hand guides you, forcing you to ride his fingers as they twisted, stretched, and thrusted into you at a brutal pace. "fuck, fuck, fuck– gonna cum–"
you clutch onto his shoulders for stability, holding his uniform tightly as you whine and moan freely. your orgasm hits you like a train, wave after wave of pleasure flooding through your body head to toe. his fingers keep thrusting into you, thumb circling your clit, effectively dragging your pleasure out as long as he could.
when you finally come back to earth, price is carefully pulling his fingers out of you. he brings them to his lips and eagerly sucks on them, cleaning your orgasm off with a pleased hum.
you shift in his lap and feel his cock fighting to escape his slacks, drenched and utterly ruined by you. slowly, your fingers glide down his chest and torso, coming to rest just above his belt. you fiddle with the buckle, the heel of your palm brushing against the sizable tent in his pants.
he immediately responds, a grunt escaping him and only serving to spur you on. you undo his button and zipper before shifting your attention to his hardened cock, massaging it through his layers of clothing.
"fuck, sweetheart," his gravelly moan is like music to your ears. his hips lift upwards, chasing your touch like a moth to a flame. "you gonna let me fill up that pretty little cunt of yours?" he asks, his eyes trained on you despite the pleasure washing over him.
you nod frantically, already reaching into his cargos and pulling his cock out. it comes to rest at your entrance as you line yourself up and start to rub your cunt against his length, dragging it through your dripping, sensitive folds. you moan in tandem, rocking your hips against his length while he drips pre-cum that mixes with your excess arousal. it makes even more of a mess, but you can’t be bothered to care.
with a hoarse growl caught in his throat, price buries himself deep inside you, pulling your hips down to meet his. the air is knocked out of your lungs as you struggle to accommodate his size, feeling a slight burn despite your prep.
"fits like a fuckin' glove. knew you would– my sweet girl, taking me so well. like you were made to take my cock."
you paw at his shoulders and moan when he starts with shallow thrusts, barely pulling out before slamming back in. the burn quickly fades into pure pleasure as he ruts into you, hands roaming all over your body, struggling to find purchase. you cling to him as you lift your hips and drop back down, trying to time your movements with his thrusts.
his shirt came off at some point, but you were too blissed-out to notice when. you happily admire the view as best as you can while bouncing on his cock, panting and moaning his name every time he hits that perfect spot - which, he does. often.
your head falls forward, forehead pressing into his and rapid breaths co-mingling. his hands circle your middle and hook around your thighs, using them as leverage to move you on his cock like a toy. your nails dig into his shoulders and create ugly red marks on his skin, nearly breaking it and making him bleed. his hands are holding your thighs in an iron grip, leaving behind similarly-shaped bruises for you to find in the morning.
all you can focus on is price and his cock bullying its way deeper inside you. you feel so full, stretched out on his length and struggling to catch your breath every time he thrusts up into you. the distinct sounds of skin slapping against skin fill the room, your cunt drooling around him and making wet noises that sound downright pornographic.
"love– ah, fuck– y'feel so fucking good," he pulls back and drops his head to rest on your shoulder, muffling his throaty moan against it. "so good, so perfect– wanna fuck you like this every day, feel this perfect cunt wrapped around my cock– fucking hell, i want you, need everyone to know that you're mine."
your stomach tightens, burning with the rapid approach of your second orgasm. the noises coming out of price were animalistic, barely coherent after he buries his face in the crook of your neck while frantically fucking up into you.
"none of those boys deserve you, love. they can't– fucking christ– they can't please you, can't satisfy you. y'need a real man, someone who'll keep you nice and full."
"price, fuck–" your head was spinning, dizzy from pleasure. your walls flutter and pulse around his cock, forcing a whine out of the captain. "'m yours, sir. please, i wanna cum– want you to cum inside."
you feel yourself getting close, teetering on the edge. your pelvis aches from the force of price's sloppy thrusts as he loses rhythm, rutting into you like a man starved. despite the countless nights spent fantasizing about him, you never expected him to be so feral. it's like he's an animal trying to breed you, to stake his claim on you.
the thought sends you over the edge, cumming with a debauched moan of his name. price keeps fucking you through your orgasm, his cock hot and heavy inside your cunt. his thrusts were erratic, desperate, as he chased his own release. you try to ride him despite the overstimulation, practically going limp in his arms as he drags you along.
"gonna cum, love– inside? y'gonna let me fill you up like a good girl?"
you nod your head, sniffling and blinking back hot tears. "yes–! want it inside, please, i've been so good–"
"agh, fuck–" price grunts and presses his hips flush to yours. he cums a second later, burning liquid spilling into your fluttering cunt. he shallowly thrusts into you, making some spill out onto your glistening thighs and his ruined cargos. after a couple more thrusts, he falls back against the cushion, hands sliding up to rest on your hips.
you two sit in silence for a few moments, catching your breath. price presses chaste kisses to your shoulder and the side of your throat while his thumbs rub gentle circles into your sweaty skin. you lazily play with his short hair, dragging your fingers through it and massaging his scalp. he groans softly and shifts under you, making you whimper from the ache between your legs.
"guess we can't be trusted alone," you mumble and sigh, a satisfied smile playing on your lips.
price hums and chuckles softly. "i think we handled ourselves just fine. i had an eye on the door."
"i''ll take your word on it," you huff and lean against him, your heart skipping a beat when his arms wrap around you. "i won, by the way."
"sure you did, love."
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taglist: @sofasoap , @rohansregret
1K notes · View notes
thenightcallsme · 11 months
Do I Make you Nervous? | Simon "Ghost" Riley
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little re-upload from my AO3 :)
Synopsis: When Task Force 141 is betrayed by Philip Graves, they're forced to separate. Y\N fights her way through the foreign Las Almas with a broken radio and no sense of direction. Yet, somehow, she finds herself in the same church her lieutenant, Simon "Ghost" Riley, seeks sanctuary in. As they attempt to brave the storm sweeping through the streets, the infamously unreadable Ghost challenges their professional relationship.
Pairing: Ghost x F!141reader
Contains: fluff, kissing, use of Y/N, hint of angst but resolved in the end, vague mentions of blood/wounds
Word count: 5,874
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It was all a set-up. A lie.
Disappointment and anger triumphs any sadness over Grave's betrayal. At first, he came across as over-confident in that stereotypical male way. Over time I had warmed up to him. But Shepherd? The man who has given me the most freedom I’ve had in a long time? I admit that my use as a weapon to him has put a strain on our companionship, but to station me with my own cousin only to lash out unprovoked? He’s crossed a line that he can never come back from. The small liking I had for the man vanished as soon as shit hit the fan. Everything seems to replay in my mind. Alejandro insulted and detained, Johnny shot at, Ghost cornered...
There were too many of them to fight off. I couldn't trust myself to hold my own with my mind worrying over Johnny, Alejandro and Ghost while also plotting Shepherd's death. So, though it pained me, I ran. Ghost and Johnny did the same. 
My radio was damaged in the incident. A stray bullet flew my way, and with a stroke of luck, grazed the radio instead of my ribs. The close call was enough warning to run, which is what I do now. The lack of communication only worsens the worry.
Shadows crawl in the streets of Las Almas like rats in a sewer. From door to door they go, yelling at innocent civilians in the late hours of dusk. From the conversations I've heard, they're looking for two foreign men and their female friend. They don't quite explain why we're being hunted, but the truth wouldn't change much. Every so often, a shot fires, echoing through the streets like a warning bell. A call of sorrow and fear.
With the Shadows forcing their way into civilian homes and raising their weapons against anyone who could harbour us, houses and shops aren't safe. The towering cathedral spires peeking above tin roofs and stacked houses catch my attention instead. Nobody would be inside at this time of night. For now, it's the best I can do. Also to my luck, the church isn't too far away. I take my time and keep to the shadows on my way. With a quick survey of my surroundings, I know I've bet the Shadows to this part of the city. That won't last long. The revelation has me jumping the gate within seconds of making it.
Inside the church is pitch black. Towering windows that tell biblical tales line the walls, casting light in intervals across the empty foyer. Rows of seats begin to emerge as my eyes adjust. Further back is an intricate, circular skylight tens of feet above the marble floor. Illuminating the altar below is a waterfall of silvery light. The giant cross, gold statues, and wooden altar glow like I'm looking through a blurred lens. The view is both eerie and magical...and not meant to be marvelled at in a time like this. My focus should be maintaining high ground. I begin to turn in search of a staircase when something shifts in the darkness.
A figure materialises, tall and built; easily a male physically capable of snapping my neck. My next best option is the gun strapped to my hip to parry the one in his hand. I go to reach for mine—
I freeze in surprise, but my mind eases slightly.
“Lieutenant? How—”
“Doesn’t matter. We’re here now.” He looks down at me with searching eyes. “You in one piece?”
“Yes. You—?” At that moment, my own eyes skim his body, only to halt at a worrying sight. On the left side of his waist, just above the waistband of his pants, is a blooming, dark red stain on his shirt. He’s been shot. “Jesus, Ghost. How bad is it?”
“I’ve had worse—”
He stops himself at the distant shouting. The surrounding streets haven’t been quiet since I’ve been in the church, but this time it grows closer. Angrier. Ghost doesn’t waste time ushering me along in search of a stairwell. The one we find leads to the second floor, then a third. Eventually, we discover the central bell tower. The room is dank and cold and decently big. Suspended in the middle is a gigantic bell. Even in the dark, I can see how weathered the metal is. The worn wooden floors creak as we cross it. On each wall are arched openings that allow entry to the cold night air and terrified screams. A small cluster of discarded furniture draped in white sheets huddles in a corner. From here, we have a perfect view of the sprawling city and winding streets. To those down there, we’re invisible.
Simon leans back against a wall and grunts, his hands brushing over the bullet wound. He pulls back his hands to inspect the fresh blood. However bad it is, it’s still bleeding.
“Show me,” I say. My voice comes out more demanding than I intend.
He gives me a brief exasperated look but doesn’t push back.
Ghost sits against the wall with his shoulders slumped just enough to reach my level. His jacket is unzipped, his black shirt rolled up halfway. Those tired, piercing eyes and muscular arms are the most I've ever seen of him. It feels like a reward when the weather is unforgiving enough to chase away his usual long-sleeve or jacket. His arms are tanned and muscled, with a tattoo sleeve working from the wrist of his left arm up to his elbow. I’ve begun to accept that it’s the closest I’m ever going to get to seeing him. But now I stare down at his bare abdomen.
The waistband of his black cargo pants sits low on his hips, offering a distracting view of a pronounced V-line and abs. In the moonlight, I can make out the reminders of war that mark his skin; a few silvery scars, some clean-cut, some gnarled and twisted; an old bullet wound healed closer to his ribs. The fresh one with the most of my attention is buried in a more acceptable spot. It nestles into the far right side of his waist, thankfully nowhere near any vital organs. However, it’s still a bullet wound and it still bleeds. That’s enough to worry me.
“Do you reckon it’s bad?” I ask.
He shrugs. “I wouldn’t say I’m dying.”
“But we aren’t in the position to get proper help. Maybe sit down for a bit.” Surprisingly, he does so without question. I get to my feet, draw a small knife from my thigh holster, and rip a strip of fabric from the white sheets. When I drop back down beside him, I take a deep breath. “Here"
He takes it with a mumbled thank you and wraps the fabric around his waist.
“You heard from John?” I ask.
Simon winces as he adjusts the torn sheet. “I radioed him multiple times. Never got an answer.”
“Are you surprised by all this?”
Simon leans back against the wall. “I tend to be less surprised by betrayal. But I had some respect for Shepherd.”
I sigh, shuffling around him so that I can do the same. “What are we supposed to do now?”
“Survive,” he says. “Shepherd wants you alive. Graves will see to that. He can’t kill Alejandro, either. But Johnny and I…” He shakes his head. “Graves won’t sleep until there’s a bullet in our heads and Shepherd won’t care enough to stop it.”
There’s a moment of silence as I fold my arms and look away thoughtfully. How are we supposed to do this? The blanket of night and the ensuing storm may offer some cover, but getting out of the city will be a mission. I can’t bring myself to leave without John, either. My heart hurts when I think about him. He could be anywhere, alone and outnumbered while I sit uselessly in a bell tower.
“What do we do about Johnny?” My voice is quiet. Fearful. “My radio was damaged so I couldn’t reach out to him. Maybe his is the same. But not knowing… He’s the only family I have left. My only real friend.”
“Don’t worry about Johnny. He’s one of the most resourceful and strong-willed Sergeants I’ve dealt with in a while. Have faith in him.” He looks at me then, tilting his head to the side. “I wouldn’t say he’s your only friend.”
“I do quite like his girlfriend…” I murmur.
“And Alejandro? Ronaldo?”
I purse my lips as his question draws thought. I’ve been considering Alejandro and Ronaldo as allies. Companions. But I’ve grown quite fond of them. Considering them as friends would set me up for heartache if anything were to happen. So I haven’t… At least openly. Despite my attempts to create some distance in our relationships, my subconscious has decided for me. Those two are my friends. It explains the immense distress I’m battling over Alejandro’s capture.
“I guess so.”
Silence ensues from both of us.
His question stuns me; I was prepared for him to stop at Alejandro and Ronaldo. There’s nobody else in Las Almas or back at home that I pay attention to. Besides Ghost, at least. I could answer him in a second. I almost do.
Ghost is infamous for his detachment. He’s quiet, short-tempered, dangerous and mysterious. I’ve heard the comments that he suits his code name. Spiritual beings do not communicate through speech but through action. Ghost is the physical embodiment of the epiphany. Anybody able to coax a few sentences from him outside missions is admirable. Outside of that, his physical emotions require deep analysis and theory to understand. The mask only makes things more difficult. I’ve never seen him show palpable kindness through his aura or words to anyone, never heard him allow the use of his name, never heard him offer others insight into the raging whirlwind of his mind.
And yet he lets those things slide around me.
He lets me speak his name when no one is listening. He offers me comfort when I need it most — if not through limited words, through soft gazes and a hand on my shoulder. I’m usually able to get him talking. Sometimes I receive short answers, sometimes I receive enough to help me understand more of that whirlwind mind. He even occasionally shows pieces of himself that take away from the guessing game I usually play.
I shut people out because the last people I let in betrayed me.
I never consider answering personal questions, but you tend to have a lot of them. And every time you ask…I almost answer
I guess you and I are more alike than I thought.
All of it has me wanting more. More of his mind, his words, the soft gazes I’ve noticed are reserved for me. What I already have is nothing compared to every naked truth he could be telling me. However, what I’ve managed to coax from him seems to be more than he’s told anyone in a long time. At first, I marked it down as me being the only female on the team or Ghost considered me fragile. But I've proved myself, and nothing about being a 'fragile female' (which I very well am not) does not automatically give me all these passes. I now realise it is much more than that.
Never once has he called me his friend. I already have. Now it’s his turn.
“I don’t mind you, Simon, but friendship can’t be one-sided,” I say. While it’s a simple statement, a silent question hides between each word. Are you my friend?
“If it was as one-sided as you think, you wouldn’t be calling me Simon.”
My heart skips a beat. There. It’s an answer to my unspoken words, but it’s not plain as day. As usual, Simon tells me something that is anything but straightforward. There’s room for interpretation in his answer—something that is beginning to tire me. It’s almost as if the honest answer is criminal and he’s trying to cover up his tracks. Almost as if not speaking that honest answer can allow him to deny it.
I don't bother concealing my annoyance. “That’s not what I want to hear and you know it.”
“Fuck sakes, Y\N, I said it,” he says. His voice comes out both argumentative and exasperated.
“No, you didn't. All I ever get out of you is stuff that works around the truth. Stuff I have to think about to understand.” I'm crossing a line, I know. I just can't help it. “What’s so hard about admitting it?”
His tone is final. I don’t care.
“Does the truth scare you?”
His eyes squint, becoming barely visible against the black paint, the mask, and the low light. I can clearly picture a scowl jumping across the many faces I’ve imagined. While I want to flinch away, I don’t. Not for a second do my eyes lower, and not for a second do I grow offensive. I remain calm and collected, which I think annoys him more.
“You want the truth?” he growls. The accent of Manchester seems to thicken. “Fine. I’ll tell you the truth. I don’t want to admit I think of you as a friend ‘cause I bloody well want to ignore it. For years, it’s only been me and I planned it to be for the rest of my life. Then all of a sudden you and your annoying cousin appear and jeopardise everything. The only person with an inkling of anything was Shepherd and I was fine with that. But now you’re catching up to him. You’ve so effortlessly undone everything I’ve worked hard to maintain.” The growl in his voice dies down the longer he speaks. In the last sentence, his voice is quiet, defeated, but a little begrudging. “And I knowingly let you.”
“If it was bothering you that much, you should have told me,” I say with a voice equally as quiet. “If I knew you didn’t want me to know so badly, I would have respected that.”
He shakes his head. “You don’t understand. I think about telling you everything. I may get pissy at you over your questions, but…” A sigh. The truth is shameful to him. “I look forward to them.”
“If it makes you feel any better…” I laugh a little. “It’s really annoying how intriguing you are. Not just your past and your face… When I’m not trying to guess what you look like, I’m refraining from asking you stupid questions. Shit like if you’re a cat or dog person.”
“Dog person,” he replies. Any hint of anger or annoyance has disappeared. “Cats have too much attitude.”
I squint. “You just don’t appreciate them.”
“You strike me as a cat person.” He pauses in thought. “You just remind me of a cat, really.”
I raise my brows, giving him an exasperated look. “Are you going to tell me I have an attitude?”
“Maybe. But there’s more to it.”
I cock my head in question.
“Cats are friendly. Independent.” His eyes shift and I wonder if there's a smirk beneath the mask. “Curious.”
“Was that another dig at my questions?”
“Yes. Now shut up and listen.”
Before he continues, I find myself turning my body so I can fully look at him, my shoulder against the concrete walls and my legs folded beneath me.
“There’s that look in their eyes that they know your worst thoughts. Your secrets. They’re also graceful. Got that high-class elegance about them. But they can be unpredictable, striking out when you least expect. Once they sink their claws into you…” His eyes search my face. “You can’t get rid of them.”
I look up at him in wonder, my mouth slightly agape as I try to find a suitable response. Nothing I could say would express the way his words sink in. I’ve always coined Simon to be the observant type, keeping to himself and remaining silent. But I never expected him to relay his finds. His usual short, sharp answers contrast the compliment greatly.
“I think…” A small smile curves my lips upwards. “…That was the most meaningful compliment I’ve ever gotten.”
“Don’t let it go to your head.”
“Never. Now I have a question.”
“The floor is yours.”
“Do you have, like, Queen Elizabeth tattooed on your face? The British flag?” I grin. “Something mask-worthy, you know?”
“Why does it have to be something British?”
“Because there’s no way you’re the only Brit I know that isn’t somewhat stereotypical.”
Simon huffs a laugh. “No stereotypical tattoos. Sorry to disappoint.”
“A big scar, then?”
He tilts his head. “No scars that make me want to wear it.”
I raise my brows. “So you do have a scar?”
“Only one big one.”
“Good to know.” I nod my head with thoughtful eyes. “I’ll add that to a mental note.”
His eyes widen a fraction. The skull sown to his balaclava only offers the view of his painted eyes and nothing. Not even his eyebrows. I guess he’s raising them in question.
“How often do you think about this?”
I let out a long breath. “You have no idea. I change what I think you look like every day.”
“What do you think I look like.”
I go quiet in thought for a moment. As I said, the image changes… Only more frequently than I want to admit. Sometimes the change is small. Sometimes the change is big. I know I’m not the only one stumped by this, either. John and I joked over it once. He said things eluding to him being unattractive. A crooked nose, a huge scar, broken teeth. Every time he made a guess I would laugh, but never did the ideas seep into my mind. Nothing in an unattractive sense, anyway. Despite the possibility, I can never picture him as ugly.
“It varies, but…” I take one last second to collect my thoughts. “Without that skull piece, you have dark eyebrows. I imagine your hair is brown. And you’re eyes…it’s hard to tell with the paint, but they’re more deep-set and heavy-lidded. The balaclava is tight enough to make me think you have a straight nose, high cheekbones, strong jaw…” I shake my head. “Beyond that, I’m stumped.”
I can tell he thinks deeply about each characteristic. I sit patiently and almost wait for confirmation, but I know better than that. If he’s not going to show his face, he’s not going to—
“My hair is brown.”
I’m about to backtrack on my previous thought when he reaches towards the space between my neck and shoulder. In the frenzy that has been the last hour, my hair has come undone. The braid was unsavable, making me pull out the band and attempt a ponytail…only for it to snap in two. My hair now falls in dishevelled waves. A small part of my hair falls over my shoulder. Simon gingerly reaches for it, curling it between his finger and examining it in the low light. …Can he hear how fast my heart is beating?
“Not like yours. A few shades lighter, maybe. And that scar…”
Even more gingerly, Simon pulls one of my hands from its folded position, and I pray my expression doesn’t betray me. Rough, calloused hands press against the back of mine. The size difference is almost comical. He guides it to his masked face, working his fingers working around mine to spread them out. He drags my hand over his right cheekbone, across the hollow of his cheek, and towards his jaw. My mind is hyper-fixated on the shape of his face.
“Right along there.”
His eyes continue to search my face. There’s nothing but curiosity in the blue-grey of his irises. Curious at what, I can’t tell. Everything about this has my mind raging. The way he looks at me, the way he holds my hand against the black balaclava, the way he towers over me even when sitting down... The thoughts that surface are shameful. He’s your lieutenant, for Christ’s sake. Have some respect. The remembrance of his position has little help.
If anything, it strengthens the fantasies.
His hold shifts on top of my hand, the pad of his thumb swiping across my skin to stop on the inner side of my wrist and press down. He may not have been able to hear my heartbeat…but now he can feel it at the worst possible moment.
“You’re heart is beating fast.” He inclines his head. “Do I make you nervous, Y\N?”
God, is my breathing even? I can’t tell.
“You just caught me off guard, is all.”
Simon hums thoughtfully as his hand breaks away from mine and reaches forward. His fingers connect with my collarbone before finding my neck, exploring upwards in search of a pulse point. A shiver of excitement and nervousness runs beneath my skin like a ripple. His other hand slides over my knee and up my thigh. If my heart was racing before, this is a life-or-death sprint.
Slow are his movements. Calculated. He knows exactly where my heartbeat reverberates in my neck. Instead, he drags the moment out, coaxing out his desired reaction. But there’s something else in the slowness: a window for me to flinch away and draw the physical line neither of us has ever drawn. We’ve brushed shoulders and hands. We’ve sat with our bodies aligned in cramped cars. He’s held my hair back in a bathroom as I threw up after a panicked episode (something I would like to forget if he wasn't so surprisingly understanding). He's placed a hand on my shoulder for many different reasons. All are excusable moments. The ones that surpass professional boundaries can be marked as friendly. However, the intimacy of this moment is new. Scary. Exciting.
“Did you know your bottom lip twitches before you lie?” Simon asks. I find myself at eye level with him. When did he get so close? “I don’t like lies. Try again.”
“Sometimes…” I breathe.
“Sometimes, what?”
Bastard. “Sometimes you make me nervous.”
“Because…” I frown. “I don’t know.”
He’s definitely leaning closer now. Not just with his head, but with his whole upper body. Out of the nerves Simon is so adamant on understanding, I retreat, only making it a few inches before my back hits the other wall. Simon half hovers over me, the hand that was on my thigh now bracing himself on the floor. There are only a few inches between our chests. Even less between our faces. Not once does he lose his connection with my pulse.
“Another lie.”
“I don’t know how to word it. That's not a lie.”
Simon drops his head so that his covered mouth hovers beside my ear.
“Good girl.”
Never has praise sounded so seductive. It takes every inch of concentration to reign in my self-control. I might have ripped off his mask then and there…
Only, I think he’s beating me to it.
From where his head hovers, I can’t see his masked face. The wide, strong shape of his shoulder obscures most of my vision. He retracts his hand from my neck to reach somewhere I can’t see. The sound of moving cloth widens my eyes and upsets the rhythm of my breathing, the uneven rise and fall of my chest barely brushing his.
Maybe he’s adjusting it, I convince myself. He has only ever offered you little pieces at a time. What he’s offering me now is more than he ever has at once. While my body screams for more, my mind knows I can’t expect too much from him. Whatever he’s doing now is more than enough.
“You’re breathing funny.”
The feeling of breath skims the shell of my ear and down my neck like a warm, ghostly waterfall. It takes me a second to notice a difference in his voice. It’s low, it’s rough, it’s teasing. All are easily noticeable and nothing new. What is new is the enhanced clarity. An added sharpness lingers in his accented words. The slight muffle is nowhere to be found.
I was wrong. He’s lifted his mask.
“Because you’re taking off your mask." My answer comes out in a weak whisper.
He doesn’t speak about the mask, instead repositioning his hand to my neck to find my pulse.
“If you can’t tell me,” he murmurs, returning to the previous topic, “your heartbeat can.”
A warm feeling presses into my neck. A gasp slips past my lips as my heartbeat continues to quicken and stumble beneath his thumb. Against my skin…I think Simon is smiling.
Nothing about this seems real. Simon plants slow kisses on my neck with his bare lips. They’re a little rough, yet soothing. Whether they’re full or thin, I can’t tell, but the lack of obvious signs paints an image of something in between. His nose brushes the base of my jaw. Just above the pointed tip is where the balaclava begins. I can feel the hard edges of the sewn-on skull pressing into my left temple. Light stubble covers his jaw.
As his mouth works slowly against my neck, my jaw, and my collarbone, my hand slides up and over his chest. I slowly feel his bare neck. Beneath my fingers, his Adam's apple bobs. Further I explore, feeling the planes of his skin. The stubble scratches against my curious hand. Raised skin runs in a line over the right side of his face; the scar. It’s thin and generally clean-cut. He pulls back slightly as I feel his face. A deep chuckle rumbles in his chest as my thumb traces over his lips. I was right, they are something between full and thin. His lower lip feels slightly fuller with a deep hollow beneath that curves into his chin.
When I find it in me to speak, my voice is breathy.
“Kiss me.” He seems to still at that. When his reply isn’t instant, I continue. “You don’t have to… But I won’t look. I swear it.”
Silently, he reaches for my hand. He holds his over mine for a moment as he did with the mask moments earlier. Then he gently pries it away. Cloth shifts in my air as he fixes the mask and pulls back. I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but I respect the decision. Simon looks down at me with lust-blown pupils. Mine must be the same.
He takes a second to examine me. My heavy-lidded eyes, my slightly parted lips, the way I slump beneath him, the glistening wet spots left on my neck. He whips it away before he speaks.
“Can I trust you?”
We both know the answer to that, so instead of saying the obvious, I one-up him.
“Do you want to trust me?”
Silence passes for a heartbeat.
“Of course I do,” he says softly. “I want to trust you. I want to touch you. I want to kiss you. …Undress you. I’ve wanted to for so long.”
Then he moves.
My thoughts go quiet as Simon’s hands reach upward. When his fingers brush the base of his mask, I reach out and still his hands. The action takes both of us by surprise. For months I’ve been thinking about this moment. Just now I’ve admitted how much what he looks like takes up my mind. Now I find myself stopping him, but not because I’ve changed my mind. I worry that this will be something he’ll regret.
“Simon,” I say. “You don’t owe it to me to show your face.”
“But I do.” He inclines his head. “Now keep your pretty eyes up.”
My breath catches in my throat as he pulls it off in one swift motion. I take in everything I’m seeing in amazement, wonder, and bewilderment.
He’s handsome. He’s really handsome.
The ruggedness and confidence he carries seem to be etched into the planes of his face. A light stubble shadows his angular, defined jaw. Just as I had imagined, the bridge of his nose is straight and strong. His high cheekbones, deep-set eyes and smudged black paint create deep shadows. His mouth is wide. The shape of them is a physical manifestation of what I had imagined. With an average fullness, his upper lip is slightly smaller with a soft cupid’s bow. Tracing the angles of his right cheekbone is that straight, silver scar. His hair isn’t as short as most other military men’s. It’s a little messy from the mask and, true to his words, a few shades lighter than mine. I can tell that, the longer it gets, the more it curls.
I stay silent as I take him in, eyes wide. Somehow I find the courage to slowly reach out. His blue-grey eyes dart to my hesitant fingers. When he doesn’t deny me, I close the space, this time feeling him without needing to imagine his image. I apply a little pressure as I brush his skin, feeling the warmth of his cheeks, the scar tissue on his cheekbone, and the stubble on his jaw. His eyes train on me. This is one of the few times I cannot understand what I see in them.
Whatever he’s thinking, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I stare back at Simon. Not Ghost, Simon.
“I was starting to think you weren’t real,” I say jokingly.
He laughs softly. One side of his mouth quirks up into a skewed smirk. My heart flutters at the sight of it. When he speaks, it’s with that teasing tone that always had me imagining a smirk. Matching his expressions to his tones is a strange thing to see, but I love it.
“Is this real enough for you?” he asks.
I hum in agreement. “You’re a lot better looking than I imagined.”
He raises a brow in mock offence. “Do I radiate unattractiveness? I’m offended.”
“I never said I imagined you ugly.”
I draw my hands back, taking another good look at him. My amazed smile remains. So does the awe in my eyes. Now that I know how good-looking he is, it’s going to be hard to get him out of my head. At least I can’t scold myself over falling for a faceless man anymore.
“I guess if I die tonight… I can go a little happier.”
The way he tilts his head and looks up through lowered brows sends my mind into a frenzy. I’m used to the action with his mask on, usually with the sewn-on skull. Now, with every part of his face laid bare for me, the feeling it stirs comes tenfold. He gives me a fake accusing look. Beneath the teasing air he gives off, that desire remains.
“A little?” he murmurs. His face grows closer, giving me a better view of the hollows and curves and marks of war.
“A little not enough?”
His eyes dip to my lips. “Not by a longshot.”
Then Simon kisses me.
Eyes fluttering closed, I sink into the feeling of his lips against mine. Gently. Hesitantly. Does he expect me to pull away? How could he think such a thing when I almost seemed desperate when I asked him? My hands slide over his chest, slowly linking behind his neck as the kiss deepens.
For a moment, everything fades away. The gunfire, the screams, the impending death we may face any moment... All of it reduces to a meaningless blur. Suddenly all that exists is me, Simon, and the secret embrace we share. In our kiss is a million unspoken words; a tidal wave of passion laced with a bittersweet sadness. The talk of ‘dying happy’ is no exaggeration. We very well may die, and seeing his face and feeling his touch eases the painful thought. Maybe this way I can find him in the afterlife - seek out his mysterious eyes and lopsided smirk and spend an eternity together. Or perhaps there is no afterlife, and this is my last stroke of luck.
Satisfied with the knowledge of what he does to me, Simon lowers his hand from my neck. The pressure reapplies near my belt. His fingers timidly skim the bottom of my tanktop, pulling the tucked part from my waistband. My own fingers weave through his brown hair as his hand slides further beneath. My kiss falters when he finds one of my breasts. His hand comfortably rests over it, his palm slowly kneading at the flesh. A low groan builds at the back of my throat.
After a moment, we pull away, chests rising and falling as we take deep breaths. His forehead rests against mine and suddenly I'm wishing we could do this over again. Except I picture less sadness to tinge every word and action. I picture the safety of home, the warmth of a bed, a carefree air that allows us to just enjoy the other's company. Reality comes back in a painful rush.
“I don’t want to die,” I whisper.
His hand retreats from my breast at my words. Instead, he takes a hold of my waist, giving me a comforting squeeze.
“You are not going to die. Not today. Not when there’s so much more I want from you.” He adds the last part with a teasing, suggestive smirk.
He looks down at my lips again—
“Ghost, how do you copy?”
We both freeze at the sound of a voice, so caught up in the moment that the radio is forgotten. Both the unspeakable things and sorrowful thoughts flooding my mind suddenly vanish at the sound of a familiar voice. There’s an equally received look on Simon’s face as he reaches for the small radio.
“I read you loud and clear, Sergeant,” he says. “What’s your location?”
“I…don’t know,” John replies solemnly. “Streets are crawling with Shadows. Where are you?”
“You see church spires above the houses?”
There’s a second of silence. Then…
“I see them.”
“Good. Head straight there and come inside. No Shadows here yet. They’ll be busy going door to door.”
“Affirmative. I’m on my way. Have you got any word from Y/N?”
Simon looks at me, silently giving me the floor to speak. “I’m right here, Johnny.”
There’s a sigh of relief on the other end. “Oh, thank fuck. You in one piece?”
“I’m all here. You?”
“Got a shot to the shoulder. Nothing I can’t handle.”
For the next while, Simon and I sit huddled side by side, guiding Johnny through the radio. I generally leave the talking to Simon. Listening to him speak and sinking into his warmth is good enough. Every so often, he'll say something that takes me by surprise. Sometimes it's a dad joke, either really good or incredibly bad. Sometimes it's something that alludes to Simon not minding Johnny. He never outright admits it, but saying 'I like you alive' to Johnny's 'so you do like me' speaks for itself. I smile at that. I have sunk my claws into him, and he's not going to be able to get rid of me till the day I die.
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Hello, I love your work and I wanted to request one. Were the reader is on a mission with 141+könig. And ghost gets jealous because könig likes her. But ghost wants her all to himself so he makes sure her scream his name. Where everyone can hear who she's belongs to. (Hopefully this makes sense and thank you for taking the time to read my request).❤️
I Wanna Be Yours (Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader) Pt. 1
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Pairing: Simon Riley (Ghost) x F!Reader Category: Smut (18+) Warnings: Swearing, Jealous!König, Jealous!/Possessive!Ghost, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex (You Know the Drill), Creampie, Implied Voyeurism Word Count: 3.9k+
A/N: Hello! 🤗 Thank you so much for your request! I've been thinking of writing more jealous!COD for a while. I apologize this took me longer than normal to write. Reader’s call sign is "Teddy".
Song Rec: I Wanna Be Yours (Arctic Monkeys)
Part 2 (18+)
Dusk hung over the small Norwegian safehouse, a blanket of snow resting over the crests of the valley. You, Ghost, Soap and a collaborative operator with 141, König, were lounging in the living area. The lieutenant's body ached, his muscles beaten and raw with bruises. Ghost grunted as he stretched out his sore limbs and cracked his neck. He smiled when he watched your jaw drop.
"Damn, Lt. Got a Rice Crispy stuck in there?" you teased. Ghost's shoulders raised with a silent laugh.
"You're quite the cheeky little thing, you know that?" he huffed as he pointed at you. You sighed.
"Only for you," you swooned while batting your lashes dramatically. Soap grinned knowingly while König observed you carefully. Ghost eyed the giant man. Though polite and often reserved, the lieutenant couldn't help but notice the Austrian’s eyes lingering on you from time to time. The thought made his skin crawl ever so slightly. You stood up and popped your back before walking into the small kitchenette area.
"I don't know about you all, but I'm in the mood for some hot chocolate. You boys want some?" you asked, your voice sweet and dripping with honey.
"Always," Soap said.
“Yes,” Ghost replied.
“Ja, danke,” König said with a nod. Ghost and König glanced at each other, then back at you. Soap rose from his chair, a grunt escaping from him as his hand gripped his ribs.
"Be right back. Need to see a man about a dog," he said. Your laugh reverberated across the walls as you flicked on the stove.
"Thanks for giving us that vital information," you chuckled.
"Anytime!" Soap called back. He eyed Ghost before making his way to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. Ghost turned his attention back to you. König’s made use of his long legs and came to your side as soon as Ghost rose from his seat. The lieutenant heard a clear 'pop' when he clenched his jaw. You grinned as König grabbed the hot chocolate powder and handed it to you. His fingers slipped over yours carefully.
“Thank you,” you smiled. König nodded, scratching the back of his head.
“Of course, Katzchen,” he cooed. Ghost felt the sting hit him again, the venom seeping straight into his bones. He caught König glaring at him, the silence saying everything.
“Back off”
You hummed as you filled the kettle with water then placed it on the stove. Ghost sighed, his eyes never leaving König’s massive form as he made his way into the kitchen. He opened another cabinet.
“Looking for something, Lt.?” you asked. His eyes flicked over to you.
“I just like my hot chocolate with milk. Thought they'd have the powdered kind here," he replied before shutting the cabinet door with a shrug. You nodded. The water inside the kettle began to hum and bubble.
“I think it's better with milk, too,” you agreed. Ghost smiled beneath his mask. König stepped closer, looming over you.
“I enjoy it that way as well,” he added. He and Ghost locked eyes again, holding their stare as you were focused on trying to get the cups from the cabinet above you. Ghost stepped forward, cutting the other man off. His hand braced your upper back as he reached up, grabbing four cups. You blushed as he brought them down onto the counter.
“Thank you,” you said softly, averting his gaze. Ghost nodded, his rough hand still glued to your back.
“Welcome, Teddy,” he lilted, making sure to place a gentle emphasis on your call sign. He grinned beneath his mask as he looked up at the towering man. König seemed more tense, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. He slowly slid his hand off of you, letting it trail down before slipping his palm off your hip. Their eyes never left each other as you continued to hum.
"It sure is a cold night," König commented. You nodded. Ghost raised a brow. "I'm glad you're helping us warm up a little, Katzchen," the man continued. Your smile faltered slightly, taken aback by his words.
"Oh, it's not big deal," you waved. Ghost felt all of his muscles tense as König leaned down to your ear, whispering loudly enough for him to hear.
"Would it be alright if I helped you warm up some more after this?" he muttered. The kettle began to steam and whistle, the noise piercing through the kitchen. Ghost's eyes widened, as did yours. Your mouth snapped open, face flushing deeply as you failed to form words. Ghost suddenly found his hand on your shoulder, pulling you back to his chest.
"That's enough," he snarled. The door to the bathroom swung open. Soap stepped out and raising his brows when all three heads turned sharply towards him.
"Did I come at a bad time?" he asked half-jokingly. You closed your mouth before turning back to the kettle, setting it down on a mat. Ghost's hand slipped away from your shoulder as he eyed the towering man near him. König raised his chin up before slipping towards you.
“I apologize for my forwardness, Schatz," he murmured.
"Bullshit," Ghost hissed internally. Your shoulders tightened as you poured and mixed the drinks. Your lips remained sealed as he cleared his throat.
"I suppose the stress from today is getting to my head," he shrugged. Your eyes scanned him carefully as you set the spoon aside.
"It's alright, Kö. I think that mission did a number on all of us," you stated. He nodded, taking two of the cups into his large hands.
"Here, let me help,” he soothed. You smiled.
“You won't hear any complaints from me,” you shrugged. König purred before making his way to the table. You trotted behind him, leaving Ghost to follow you. Soap was already seated at the table, drumming on the nicked, wooden surface. His eyes brightened when you handed him a cup.
“Ah, somethin’ to distract me from these old, aching bones,” Soap hummed before blowing on his drink.
“You’re not that old,” you teased. Soap scoffed.
“What do you mean by 'that', hm?” he quipped. Both of you narrowed your eyes before snickering. Ghost raised his mask above his lips and lifted the rim of the cup to his mouth. He caught you eyeing him as he swallowed the drink slowly. All of you made small talk, though he kept his eye on König from time to time. Your drinks were slowly drained as the sun finally dipped past the horizon, a quiet darkness settling over the frigid valley.
“Did you guys take a shower yet?” you asked. Ghost hummed as he pulled his mask back down. König scratched his chin.
“I don't believe we have,” he sighed. Both of the men were unflinchingly resolved to remain in their chairs. You looked back and forth between them.
“Well don’t trip over each other,” you snorted. Ghost would’ve chuckled, but his heart felt like it was sinking into the hot pit of his stomach. König slightly shook the table with how furiously he was bouncing his leg. The silence was deafening, tension so thick one could cut it with a knife. Ghost cracked his neck again, his fists tightening on the table. König ceased bouncing his leg. The lieutenant felt a small burst of triumph when the other man slowly rose to his feet.
“I’ll be back,” the man murmured lowly, his hand brushing across your shoulder as he passed by. Ghost gripped his cup, nearly crushing it in his hand. Soap yawned, stopping himself before he stretched his arms above his head.
“Well, as fun as this evening's been, I think I’ll turn in for the night,” the Scotsman sighed. He said goodnight to both of you before walking down the hall. A heavy silence settled in the kitchen. You cleared your throat.
“I guess I’ll head to bed, too,” you said. Ghost nodded, helping you wash and dry the empty cups. He slid the last one back into the cabinet, closing it quickly. Your eyes were soft and cheeks dusted with pink as he looked down at you. He cocked his head to the side.
“You okay, kid?” Ghost asked. You parted your lips then closed them. His breath hitched as you came closer. You were silent, eyes averting his steady gaze. He placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently. “It’s alright. You can-“ he was cut off when you swiftly lifted his mask and smashed your lips onto his. He grunted, his hands falling to your hips as he leaned into the kiss. Your eyes popped open before you backed away, your hands pressing against his chest. Your entire face was beet red as you opened your mouth.
“Shit. I-I’m sorry. I didn’t-“ It was his turn to cut you off, his mouth swallowing yours in a tender embrace. You moaned softly, letting him dip his head to deepen the kiss. Your mouths melted together, time stopping as you held each other close. You gasped for air when both of you pulled back. His chest rose and fell, heart threatening to burst. He cupped your cheek with his hand as he leaned to your ear.
“Let’s go somewhere more private, yeah?” he whispered.
You nodded wholeheartedly, taking Ghost's gloved hand. He chuckled as you led him into your bare room. You nearly jumped when Ghost quickly slammed and locked the door. His head was spinning, heart thrumming as he turned back to you. You stood nearby, shifting your thighs together as you looked up at him with blown pupils. His cock twitched as he watched you writhe with heated arousal. He exhaled through his nose as he stepped forward, cupping your chin beneath his hand. He stroked your soft face before closing his eyes and diving down.
Your lips interlaced as you hooked your arms around his thick neck. His dog tags jangled as he sighed. Ghost’s hands came down to your waist, his palms resting on your hips. You gasped when he licked small, warm strokes near your mouth. He felt you smile as you parted your lips. He groaned as he plunged his tongue into your sweet mouth, the taste of sweet chocolate still strong on both of your tongues. Your tongue danced with his as you backed up, taking him with you. Your back gently landed on the wall. It felt like an eternity before Ghost pulled away. The crisp air filled his lungs as he gazed at you half-lidded. You smiled up at him, your hands smoothing over his shoulders.
“Been wanting to do that for a long time,” he muttered. Your eyes widened.
“Really?” you blinked. He nodded, his lips wet with a mixture of your saliva and his. You jumped up and captured his lips again. His cock strained in his pants as you practically devoured his lips. Ghost loved how large your pupils were as you looked up at him.
“Me too,” you confessed with a wide, coquettish grin. He swallowed a lump in his throat, not knowing how much longer he’d last.
“Teddy-(Y/N),” he faltered. You held your breath, your breasts pushed out before him. His words were at the cusp of his lips, just there. He sucked in a deep breath. “Fuck, I just...” Ghost finally snapped, pinning you to the wall. You gasped, your hands gripping his taut muscles as he pressed open mouth kisses to your neck, his hands trailing up and down your sides. You squealed when his thigh fell between your legs. Ghost grunted as you bucked your hips upward, moaning at the friction.
“I’m yours, Ghost. I wanna be yours,” you keened as his tongue lathed across your neck. Ghost bit over your pulse before pulling his leg back.
“Call me Simon,” he husked lowly. You nodded, brows knitted together as his hands slid beneath your shirt. He squeezed your plush tits, making you sigh.
“Simon,” you breathed. Goosebumps broke out across his skin when his name left your soft lips. Ghost hummed as he kneaded your breasts, his lips back to sucking dark spots across your pulse. You leaned into his touch, your thighs clenching together as he massaged your chest. He suddenly pulled away, his heart pounding in his ribcage.
“What’s wrong?” you frowned. Ghost licked his lips, his mind drowning in a thick pool of arousal. You squeaked as he grabbed your hips, squeezing them harshly.
"I just...fuck," he growled, his hips jutting forward. Ghost was never one who was renowned for verbally expressing his every whim. Your cheeks were nearly blood red as a guttural moan erupted from your throat. "I just can't hold back anymore, lovie," Ghost spoke, his lips dancing over your ear as he rutted into your clothed eat. You gasped and gripped his shoulders. "You don't have to if you don't want, but-" You leaned up and bit his bottom lip. He grunted as you rolled your hips into his hard length. His fingers dug into your waist as he met your pace.
"I wouldn't want anything more right now," you keened. He groaned as he grabbed your lips with his, his tongue back to exploring your sweet mouth. He felt your pulse race as he guided you towards the bed. You backed away, a glint in your eye as you rolled your shirt over your head. He drooled at the sight of your tits bouncing down. He snatched your wrists just as you grabbed the top of your pants.
"May I?" he asked. You bit your lip and nodded, gazing down at him with drunk, half-lidded eyes. He dipped his head down, capturing one of your breasts in between his puckering lips. You mewled as he took one of your nipples between his teeth. Ghost loved how you arched your back when his other hand came up to tweak your free nipple. He lapped at your areola, flicking it with his warm tongue.
Your hand came up, bracing the back of his head. He groaned as he tugged at your pants and panties. You wiggled your hips, helping him pull them down before stepping out of them. Ghost continued to suckle on your plump breast while you fell back onto the bed, carrying him with you. He smiled, his mouth coming off your tit with a wet 'pop'.
“You doin' okay, love?” Ghost asked. You licked your lips.
"Y-Yes," you sucked in a sharp breath as he didn't wait a millisecond before switching over to your other mound. You whined as you raised your hips, bucking them into nothing. He made a small noise before caressing his hand down your abdomen, landing just above your pussy.
"If you need me to stop, just tell me," Ghost said quickly. You nodded, raising your hips. He kissed your tit before dipping two of his fingers over your hole. The dark-eyed man looked back to you, waiting to see any signs of discomfort.
“Please, Simon,” you gasped.
Ghost began to press kisses and bites across the valley of your breast while he experimentally swirled his calloused thumb around your button. You cried and quickly covered your mouth when he drew slow, tight circles around your clit. He tilted his head up when he heard your muffled moans.
“Don’t hide from me, (Y/N),” he growled. You nodded, swallowing a lump in your throat.
“Y-Yes sir,” you gasped out. He smirked at the military etiquette that slipped past your lips.
“Good girl,” Ghost hummed before placing a deep kiss over your clit. The moans and pants that fell from your mouth was the most beautiful solo Ghost had ever heard. He swirled his tongue around your nipple as he plunged his two digits into your soaked entrance. His cock throbbed painfully as he spread you open with a loud squelch. Your legs clamped down on his arm as his thumb drew small, tight circles around your button.
“Fuck, Simon,” you mewled as you pinched your hard nipples. He felt you shake as you locked eyes, his mouth suckling on your tit tenderly as he thrusted his fingers at a slow pace. Your sweet nectar dripped down his digits, coating the inside of his palm.
“Pussy already feels so good-fuck, can’t believe what I’ve been missing out on,” Ghost murmured as he curled his fingers upward. You whined, hands flying around his neck as you smashed your lips together in a sloppy kiss. Your hands clumsily found purchase at the base of his neck, gripping at the material of his balaclava. He did mind the sting of his hair being pulled one bit, savoring the sounds of your gushing pussy, the feeling of your walls clinging onto him for dear life.
“K-Keep going,” you hiccupped. Ghost groaned as he flicked and circled your clit more feverishly, his fingers pistoning into your cunt. Your brows furrowed as you fell back, your fists coming down to grip the sheets. Just as he felt your cunt tighten around his finger, he slipped it out. Your head snapped up, confusion and frustration laced in your features.
“Simon?” you asked. Ghost shuffled back, wiping his face of your arousal. You raised yourself to sit up on your forearms, watching him as he stripped. Your eyes looked like they were about to pop out of your head as his dick sprang free. He chuckled, pumping his cock in his white-knuckled fist as he climbed on top of you. He sighed, admiring the way your hair fanned across your face, highlighting your beauty.
“Can't wait to spread you open, love,” Ghost drawled as he spread your legs, admiring his wet handiwork. You bit your lip and wiggled beneath him.
“Please, fuck me. Use me,” you whined, drool dribbling past your lips. He grunted, hands rubbing your inner thighs.
“Don't worry: I will. But first, I need to ask a favor of you,” he whispered as he lined himself up to your aching hole. You sighed, waiting for his answer. Your hands flew up and grabbed his shoulders as he began to sheath himself inside, his tip kissing your entrance. You gasped as he gently grabbed your face, lowering his face so your eyes met perfectly. “I need you to scream my name when you cum on my cock,” he rumbled. You nodded, lips squishing before he let his hand travel down to rest near your shoulder.
"But, what about-" He pressed his thumbs to your lips. You looked at him through half-lidded eyes as he rubbed at your plush mouth. You opened it slightly, allowing him to press the pad of his digit on your tongue.
"Nevermind the boys-I just want to hear you," Ghost lilted. You nodded before he slipped his thumb back out, letting it fall onto your clit. Ghost smiled calmly as he pressed his forehead to yours. He was mesmerized by the way your jaw went slack as he breached past your entrance, your pussy squelching as he inched himself inside of you.
"So fuckin' tight," he growled. Your mouth was shaped into a perfect "O", a high-pitched moan erupting from your lungs and cascading through the room. He couldn’t help but groan at the way his head kissed your cervix as he bottomed out inside you.
“Oh God,” you cried, hot tears pouring down your cheeks. He allowed you to adjust for a moment.
“You hurtin’, sweet thing?” he murmured softly. You shook your head.
“N-No, feels so good-so full,” you sighed. He grinned, loving how you were falling apart beneath him.
“God, you're so perfect. Pussy wrapped around me so tight” Ghost grunted as he gave a few shallow thrusts. You moaned, thrashing your head with his miniscule movements that drowned you in a pool of bliss. He groaned before he slowly pulled out, the tense, warm hug of your cunt slipping away. His spine felt like jelly as he slowly sank back into your wet cavern. Ghost's free hand came to rest by the side of your head, his cock twitching inside your walls as he drove into your gushing heat. Despite wanting to pound you into the mattress, he wanted to take his time with you, to make sure you would be covered head to toe with a mind-numbing euphoria. You whined as he rubbed your slick bundle of nerve. Ghost huffed when your gummy pussy clamped down on his cock.
“So pretty, sweet thing,” he cooed, his languid thrusts growing more rapid as he pistoned his cock into you. You arched your back, your walls fluttering around him. Ghost could’ve sworn he heard heavy footsteps outside the door, but he didn’t care, too pussy drunk to even give it a passing thought.
“Simon,” his name fell from your lips like a mantra as your hole opened up for him. The headboard of the bed banged against the wall as he grabbed your legs in a tight grip. You wailed as he pounded into you, his girth stretching your hole wide open. Ghost’s pupils were blown as he watched his cock slip in and out of you, your arousal coating his veiny length and dripping onto the sheets.
“Come on, baby. Come on,” Ghost snarled as he slammed his dick into your cunt, the head of his cock grazing your g-spot with every eager thrust. Your moans began to grow into a grand crescendo. The knot inside of him was winding tighter and tighter.
"Cum for me-cum for your lieutenant," he growled with a hard snap of his hips. You squeezed his shoulders roughly as your eyelids flew open.
“SIMON!” you howled as you threw your head back, your pussy violently convulsing around his thick length. He watched in awe as you unraveled beneath him, your face etched with pleasure as you contracted over and over again. You silently shook as he rode you through your orgasm.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum,” he gritted his teeth as he felt your walls getting turned to mush. You gripped his muscles.
“Inside!” you cried. It was only a few more thrusts before Ghost’s body became rigid. You gasped as he filled you with his load, his hot, thick cum painting your swollen cervix. His orgasm cascaded over him like an all consuming fire, burning him to the core. Ghost gasped for air as he steadied himself. You looked just as fucked out as he was- eyes blown and face red with the afterglow. Your pussy squelched as he slowly pulled his cock from your slick walls. He pecked your lips.
"How you feelin', lovie?" Ghost asked. You blinked up at him tiredly, your legs stretching out comfortably.
"Good, so good," you breathed. He chuckled, gently pecking your nose, then cheeks, then lips again.
"Good. Did so well for me-takin' all of me like I knew you would," he praised. Your face flushed at his words. He looked around for his t-shirt. Ghost wiped the cum and arousal that spilled from your leaking hole, his other hand massaging circles into your leg. You sighed as your eyelids fell down. He cocked his head to the side, smiling warmly. Ghost went to stand up, but your hand fell onto his wrist.
“Stay, please,” you requested softly. His heart melted at your sleepy, gentle voice. His lips found purchase on your temple.
"Just gonna turn off the light. ‘M not going anywhere," he reassured. You nodded and gave a small grin. Ghost flipped the switch off before turning back around, finding you fast asleep. He chuckled quietly, crawling beneath the covers and pulling you into his chest. You nuzzled into his rugged, scarred body, sighing in your sleep. He kissed the top of your head before he closed his eyes. Ghost couldn't help but smirk, knowing how your loud moans and the sound of your wet sex rattled the walls.
There's no way König would be sleeping tonight.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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wastedpotentialsblog · 4 months
Bungie: *adds a random named Major Vandal that appears in a single mission and dies there*
Me: OK but what if...
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Deniks, the Cruel
"The only Vandal that could dock a Captain."
-The Spider
Former member of the Twisted Claw of the House of Wolves, Deniks evaded capture during the Wolf Hunt and sought refuge among the House of Exile on Luna. There, her short temper and penchant for violence quickly earned her the "Cruel" moniker among the tattered House. Despite her position as a Vandal, she harassed and tormented Captain and Dreg alike, ignoring commands and hoarding resources.
When the Houses folded under Dusk, she remained largely independent and traded intel and resources with both the Eliksni on Luna and Spiders' associates. She quickly answered Eramis' call to Europa and immediately enlisted in House of Salvations military. Earning the respect of Phylaks, she became one of the Warrior's closest lieutenants.
"Yeah, I know her. Rode with one of Skolas' Vandal gangs before cowering unde Exile's banners after his capture. Ruthless and good with a wire rifle. She liked to go for limbs first before delivering the final blow. We traded back and forth until she docked one of my associates during a...disagreement in our relationship."
"Oh? She joined those fools on Europa, did she? Well, tell your Ikora, she's got my blessing to put her in the ground."
I couldn't decide if I wanted her grimoire to be a conversation between a Hidden agent and Spider or one of those generic grimoire biographies. Sooooo have both!
My Eliksni brainrot continues...
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
September 9th marks the 284th anniversary of The Stono Rebellion of 1739✊🏾
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When an Angolan brotha called, Jemmy, led a band of 20 slaves into rebellion on the banks of the Stono River in Charleston, S.C., which put unprecedented fear in Whites. It was because of this uprising that laws were enacted that outlawd the enslaved from learning how to read, gathering in groups, & growing their own food. Thus, making it one of the most significant rebellions in the history of the U.S. colonies.
Jemmy & the rebel band marched southbound on a road toward the river, carrying banners that proclaimed their war very, "Liberty!". Their numbers swelled with more enslaved women and men as they went. By nightfall, 100 rebels had joined the cause. They broke into a local firearms store, arming themselves with guns & ammo. As they marched, they killed every overseer in their path and forced any reluctant slaves to join them.
From there the band marched toward the house of a Mr. Godfrey, where they burned the house & killed Godfrey and his family. It was just shy of dawn when they reached Wallace's Tavern. Because the innkeeper at the tavern was kind to his slaves, his life was spared. The White inhabitants of the next several houses in their path were all slaughtered. Those enslaved by a Thomas Rose reluctantly joined the rebellion, but not before hiding their slaver - of which they were later rewarded for. Still, many more rebels gladly joined the cause. By this point, a Lieutenant Governor Bull eluded the rebels & rode on horseback to spread the alarm. Once the band reached the Edisto River, Whites colonists set out in armed pursuit. Shots were exchanged across both lines. By dusk, about 30 rebels had fallen & at least 30 more had escaped. In the end, most rebels were captured over the next month, then executed. The remainder were pursued and captured over the following 6mo - all except 1 who remained a fugitive for 3 years. The few survivors were sold off to plantations in the West Indies.
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The immediate factors that sparked the uprising remain uncertain. Many rebels knew of small groups of runaways had made their way from SC to FL, where they had been given freedom and land. There was also an ongoing malaria epidemic surging across SC. Ultimately, this unprecedented act of rebellion demanded unprecedented legislature. The European colonists finalized a Negro Act into law which aggressively limited the privileges & movement of the enslaved. No longer would slaves be allowed to grow their own food, assemble in groups, earn their own money, or learn to read. Some of these restrictions had been in effect before the Negro Act of 1740, but had not been strictly enforced. This also resulted in the forced indoctrination of slaves into Christian schools systems.
Let us remember Brother Jemmy and those who fought, willingly or not, against the colonizers. Their sacrifice may have set a great legal precedent in European colonizer politics, but it set an even greater one that would spark many fires and fan many more flames of rebellion, war, and freedom. Every step taken from this moment onward was a necessary one to achieve our "freedom" as we experience it today.
We pour libations of water (especiallyfrom the Stono River), speak their names, & offer prayers toward their elevation.
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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thenetherlord · 7 months
All The Aromantic and Asexual Characters from Media I could find (Part 2!) (Books!)
Since ya'll sent me a whole load of characters, here's a part 2, with no images tho cuz that would be too long :(
The Summer of Bitter and Sweet - Jen Fergusen
Demisexual Rep - Lou, a Métis Indigenous Canadian teen
Percy Jackson & Other Companion Series - Rick Riordan
Asexual Rep - Thalia Grace, an American Hunter of Artemis Lieutenant
AroAce Rep - Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, a Puerto Rican Hunter of Artemis and past Praetor of the Twelfth Legion in Camp Jupiter
AroAce Rep - Artemis, Greek Goddess of the Hunt
AroAce Rep - Hestia, Greek Goddess of the Hearth
Asexual Rep - Athena, Greek Goddess of Wisdom
Sal & Gabi Duology - Carlos Hernandez
Asexual Rep - Sal Vidón, a Cuban teen and self-proclaimed magician
The Foxhole Court Series - Nora Sakavic
Demisexual Rep - Neil Josten, an American striker for the Palmetto State Foxes Exy Team, who is probably bisexual
Demisexual/Asexual/AroAce Rep - Andrew Minyard, an American goalie for the Palmetto State Foxes Exy Team, who is gay
Loveless - Alice Oseman
AroAce Rep - Georgia Warr, a young adult going through university
Asexual Rep - Sunil Jha, a young adult going through university that is homoromantic
Aromantic Rep - Jess, a young adult going through university who is bisexual
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman
Demisexual Rep - Aled Last, the creator of a hit fantasy podcast, who is gay
Solitaire - Alice Oseman
AroAce Rep - Tori Spring, a teen going through high school, and a young adult later in Party Girls by the same author
Tarnished Are the Stars - Rosiee Thor
AroAce Rep - Nathaniel Fremont, the son of the Commissioner
Funeral Songs for Dying Girls - Cherie Dimaline
Asexual/Demisexual Rep - Winifred, a Georgia Bay Métis teen, who has an affinity for the undead and has befriended a ghost, who is some flavour of queer
Graphic Novels/Manga:
My Hero Academia - Kōhei Horikoshi
Demiromantic(?) Rep - Mina Ashido, a Japanese student training to be a Pro Hero, with an Acid Quirk
Is Love the Answer? - Isaki Uta
AroAce Rep - Chika, a young adult going through high school and college
Our Dreams at Dusk - Yuhki Kamatani
Asexual Rep - Dareka-San, a person of indeterminate gender who uses any/all pronouns, who also appears to magical
Across a Field of Starlight - Blue Delliquanti
Asexual Rep - Lu, a non-binary mechanic who is in a relationship with Fassen
Asexual Rep - Fassen, a non-binary ex-soldier who is in a relationship with Lu
I will make a part 3 soon with characters from TV shows and movies!
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Quote time - featuring Commander Fox, Lieutenant Dusk, and Obi-Wan Kenobi
Fox: *clearly up to no good* General Kenobi! Marshall Commander Fox, of the Coruscant Guards. This is Lieutenant Dusk.
Obi-Wan: *politely bewildered* Nice to meet you Commander, Lieutenant. Is there something I can help you with?
Fox: Yes, sir. You see, the good Lieutenant here is one of my finest men, but he's never been off Coruscant. Most of us in the Guard haven't been.
Obi-Wan: I see...
Obi-Wan: Lieutenant, the 212 will be more than happy to take you on our next campaign, assuming you can spare him Commander.
Fox: I admit, we'll miss him, but he'll hold his own with any of yours, sir.
Fox: ...also, maybe don't mention this to Cody. Dusk is one of his favorite little brothers and I want to surprise him.
Obi-Wan: *brightly* My lips are sealed Commander.
After General Kenobi leaves
Dusk: Fuck you Fox.
Fox: *cheerfully* you'll remember this the next time you think about stealing my caff.
Dusk: Cody's favorite little brother? You meant Cody's favorite punching bag.
Fox: He won't kill you. Probably. Better get prepared for deployment, vod'ika.
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lightasthesun · 4 months
oh i'd also love to hear about your clone ocs if you don't mind!!
If I don't mind??? I'll kiss you on the mouth for asking! (with consent)
I'll just give a quick summary and insert a picrew and then maybe someone will want to ask more about them.... 🙄🤐
Let me introduce my 212th boys first!
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From left to right it's my CMO Bandaid, Junior Medic Steady and my AT-TE Commander/Tank Gunner Gambit :)
Gambit is the only one with a set CT number at the moment and it's CT- 007, he's present at the Battle of Utapau... Make of that what you will.
Second, but not second best are my 501st boys
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Captain Brandy, Lieutenant Dawn and Sargent Dusk. They all accompany Ahsoka to Mandalore and are part of the 332nd Company 😶
In a happier, post-war no order 66 AU they end up forming a boyband called Brandy and the Twilights. This idea may or may not have been born out of an unhinged hyperfixation dump to my beloved friend @thenegoteator when she jokingly said it sounded like a band name and then proceeded to bless me with this art of them, so I ran with it and I'm never looking back. They have gigs at 79s most of the time but they're planning to go big.
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Last but not least!!
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We have Clone Captain Aced (sharpshooter) of the 104th Battalion, ARF-Trooper Bloomer of the 41st Elite Corps and CMO Rascal of the new 104th Battalion. Notice how one Armor is still red and the other is grey? Yeah.
That wasn't really short but as short as I could make it while hopefully gaining interest from you lot hehe
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 2 months
Convenience Store Vampire, part 10 — Epilogue
Part 1, Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9
Dusk settled on Luxatia like a comfortable cloak. I reclined on my chair, closing my eyes.
It had been a long, long day. Mrs Vaceni was deeply suspicious about my assurances that nothing had gone awry, despite me desperately trying to convince her that she had dreamed our conversation on the phone. She had almost resorted to checking the security cameras, when I made a desperate bid for safety and locked my gaze with hers.
Now, if you know anything about vampires, you'll know we can mind control humans. And that was exactly what I did, before I deleted the security tapes. (I know, it was exactly what would get me in trouble with the exorcists, but what else was I supposed to do? She would report me for hiding Mizu in an instant!)
Now, however, it was finally over. I let out a sigh of relief.
That was when Mrs Carter came tottering in. “Good,” she said, when she saw me. “You're still here. Remember when I told you about my littlest? Well, she made a surprise visit, and I decided to let her meet you!”
I straightened up automatically, my hands fixing my shirt. It was not formal, or flattering, by any means, but I suppose it was perfunctory. “That sounds lovely,” I told her.
“Great! Vicky, come and meet Davey,” Mrs Carter said. She ushered a woman, tall, tan and athletic, in. "Vicky here's an exorcist, but don't let that fool you! She's a sweet little moonmallow, just like you."
I choked on my own breath as Lieutenant Viccenia Carter, the same woman who pointed that damn gun at me, walked into my store. She recognised me at the same time I did her, and my stomach dropped. From her look of horror, she felt the same way.
Mrs Carter, seeing our faces, said, with innocent cheer, “So, you two know each other? How lovely!”
“Yeah, we do,” Lieutenant Carter said, her voice oddly calm. “Listen-”
“I do not want to listen!” I slammed my hands against the counter. “Get out of my shop, please!” Oh, dear gods, what had I done to deserve this? Of all people, why did the trigger happy psycho cop have to show up just as my shift was ending?!
“I need to apologise,” Lieutenant Carter explained. “You saved Mizu's ass just now.”
I froze. “I do not know what you are talking about,” I replied, most unconvincingly. 
Lieutenant Carter pursed her lips. “You pulled a ghost out of my colleague's corpse just now, and you used that psychotic little spirit to hide his scent from us. I have to admit, it worked. I'm surprised a failure of a vampire like you could think it up.”
I glared at her. “If it had worked, you would not be here right now. So, what do you want?”
“I don't want anything, Dave, except to apologise. You did good protecting Mizu, and… It's against policy, but I'd like to thank you somehow. For protecting my friend from my stupidity. If you'd like to go for a meal sometime…” She trailed off, as though having just realised how ridiculous she sounded, asking the man she just tried to kill out on a date.
I sighed. “Sure. Why the hell not?” After all, it was not as if my day could get any weirder, right?
Well, that's done! Hope y'all enjoyed it :) I'll probably do a high fantasy next, so for those of you who are on the CSV only taglist, I'll only tag you if you ask me to.
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou, @dimitrakies, @beloveddawn-blog
@riveriafalll, @the-golden-comet, @rascaronii
CSV: @wifeblade, @trippingpossum (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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yjhariani · 1 year
What if the team found out the reader is fasting, so they kinda help the reader with their heavy duty work n stuff.
First day had always been hard. Especially when the people around you were not practising fasting for Ramadan like you did. Also, you felt more tired, sleepier, and more dehydrated than you expected.
You were this close to snapping at everyone around you. Price was giving you a bunch of tasks, Ghost was nowhere to be seen, and Soap and Gaz decided to slack off. Even worse, the two thought you would not notice.
Then, it was early afternoon. The sun was scorching and you would do anything for a nap. Alas, you had to unload a few cargos. Ghost decided to show up for once, but he was as slacking as the other two.
“Fuckin’ hell, look at the state of you,” Ghost said out of nowhere. “Jesus, if I’d known you’re doing all the work, I would’ve given these two punishments.”
“What else is new?” you replied.
“You good?” Ghost asked.
“I’m fine, LT, I’m just… tired and thirsty and hungry and irritated,” you sighed.
“Go take a break. Eat,” Ghost said.
“Actually, I’m fasting, so I can’t eat until dusk,” you stated.
That stopped Soap and Gaz amidst their conversation.
“I’m… not on a diet or anything, it’s just day one of Ramadan. Guess I’ll get used to it, it’s not a big deal,” you added.
“It is?” Gaz asked, but decided that was not how he wanted himself to sound and immediately followed by excitedly saying, “It is!”
The two sergeants exchanged a glance before racing towards you.
“I’ll go and take that now,” Soap said as he took the big box you were unloading.
“I’m sorry I have no idea what today is,” Gaz said as he unloaded the next box. “I literally have no idea what day of the week it is. Is it Thursday yet?”
“It is Thursday,” you said.
The two soon moved on and you were left with the lieutenant. In fact, you were about to unload the next box when he took over.
“Take a break,” he said. “It’s not a request.”
“Yes, sir,” you exhaled. “Thank you, sir.”
By now Soap had returned.
“You get to pick dinner, my friend,” Soap said.
“Dude, we eat at the mess, everyone gets to pick dinner,” you chuckled.
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bigassmoonchild · 1 year
Can you pleaseee do a soap fic where a slightly bitchy short girl transfers to the task force as a sergeant or like a higher up to soap and he instantly starts flirting with him to which he instantly fires back by insulting him and adding something flirty at the end like a wink.
(a/n: i don’t usually read for soap, but i’m more than happy to write it! could be ooc, but i don’t think it’s too bad)
‘this is your stand-in lieutenant, at least until ghost is cleared to return’ price had told them. when he saw you, soap couldn’t take his eyes off of you. beautiful, anyone on base could see it, and they definitely saw it.
the first time soap interacted with you, it hadn’t been too pleasant of a conversation (for him). ‘where ye keepin’ the rest of you?’ he’d teased, flashing you a smile. you stared him down, rolling your eyes before answering shortly.
‘up your ass,’ and you walked away. soap wasn’t sure if you were just prickly because of a new team, or if that’s just how you were.
even the other people and recruits on base could see it, you were more talkative than ghost but just as mean at times. you stared through people when they made dumb comments or snapped back at them shortly.
‘you don’t kiss your mother with that mouth, do you?’ he’d asked once. ‘you could kiss me with it, though,’
‘i’d rather kiss the pavement,’
through all of it, he’d never seen you pull rank, though, and he thought that was commendable. you were going to fight through the military without pulling rank on anyone.
‘i’m not listening to you,’ a recruit snapped at you once. you turned to look at him, eyeing him down.
‘i’ve seen children with better manners, so go throw a hissy fit with someone who cares. i don’t.’
and sometimes people would think sparring with you meant a better advantage. soap had learned first hand that you might be short, but you could still kick his ass.
‘jesus, where’d you learn to fight like that?’ he’d asked.
‘from your mother,’
the recruits also learned that the hard way, most of them forgetting you were a lieutenant. the little things, he’d discovered, was what the recruits didn’t catch. like the way you moved when you walked, ready for action. or how your body wasn’t just built that way for the aesthetic, that it was for use.
or the way you’d eye the sky when dawn or dusk began, watching the colors shift every few minutes.
sometimes soap would catch you in the gym, glancing at you while you ran or lifted some of the weights. he’d always give you little comments, and he would enjoy hearing the response.
‘need something else to sweat about?’
‘absolutely not, not with you,’
often, people weren’t sure where you would go on base, disappearing for hours at a time. soap would try to look for you, and the one time he did you’d been as snarky as ever.
‘been looking all over the compound for you,’ he was genuinely worried for a moment there. ‘thought you might’ve made a run for it,’ and he could almost feel the eye roll you gave him.
you turned your head to get a view of him, brows raised. ‘and i thought i could get some quiet up here,’ you answered. you looked him up and down shortly, swallowing and turning your head back to where it had been. ‘you missed me enough to come lookin?’
without being able to see your face, he couldn’t entirely read your tone. he sat slightly behind you, glancing out at the forest just ahead.
‘pretty view,’ soap mentioned and you turned to look at him.
‘i’m looking at a better view,’ and you sent him a wink.
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deviant-doughnut · 2 months
Augusnippets Day 4
Bonus Prompt: Whipping
CW: Violence, implied fear of non-con, blood.
When the shadows of his captors fall over him at dusk, the meagre warmth of the basement is blotted from his frame, and the lieutenant trembles at their wordless presence. He swallows hard, tries to force himself to sneer or at the very least appear unaffected. They stand at his back where he’s bent over harshly, knees pressed into the concrete, wrists chained tight to the floor. Beneath his abdomen is a dusty old coffee table, rickety under his weight as he moves. It lurches from one uneven leg to another. The lieutenant strains to peer backwards, his neck craned painfully leftward. The most he can see at this angle is an outline, the shape of a person blending into the shadows, something thick coiled tightly in one fist.
“I won’t talk,” he tells them. His voice trembles despite himself, but he scoffs at their answering silence — as though they can’t process his defiance. The rest of his team escaped the ambush. He held their enemies back deliberately so they could. He ordered them to leave him behind.
“Where is your captain?” Commands one of his captors, voice flat with impatience already.
“I won’t tell you.”
The lieutenant breathes hard at the answering silence, heart hammering in his chest. Dread and satisfaction pool together inside him. He has a vague idea of what these people might do to him, knows their penchant for beatings and torture. They like knives, he’s been told. It’s the most he’s been able to ascertain of their methods. He only ever shared that information with the Captain, finds relief that his team won’t be picturing his plight.
“Method one,” comes the voice on his left. His partner grunts in response.
Moments later there’s a knife at his neck. The lieutenant braces himself, shuddering breaths, eyes squeezed shut. The blade doesn’t press to his skin. Instead, they gather the collar of his shirt, sharp metal slicing clean through the cotton. The fabric rips as they slice it clean off him. They do the same to his t-shirt, his pants. They take off his shoes and discard both his socks. They cut him right out of his boxers.
No one ever told him about this. His breath turns thready, acrid dread in his throat. Adrenaline floods out from under his ribs, but he will not disclose the captain’s location. He doesn’t argue, doesn’t beg. He bites down on his lip and he waits for their hands, for the taunts, for their weight pressed tight at his back.
It never comes.
Instead, a loud crack echoes sharply. The sting of it hits him in one sudden strip. A flash of pain that lands between his shoulder blades. He yells.
“What the fuck?” He demands, pulse pounding, blood whirring. Somewhere behind him, his captors chuckle. The lash to his back throbs vehemently.
“Where is your Captain?”
“I won’t tell,” the lieutenant manages, voice strained through his tightly grit teeth. His captors do not respond for a moment. Then the whip is passed between them, and a second crack snaps through the air.
This lash gets him at the top of his spine, sends agony down the length of his body. The third lash strikes at the small of his back. Pain — bright white and blinding. Every lash is a shock of new agony, like electricity gone wrong in his body. Four lashes, five lashes, six. His attackers pass the weapon between them. They share in the task of his torture. The blows are sharp and the aftermath dull, the weight of the pain inescapable. It thrums from the welts and crawls under his skin, teeth searing into his muscles. It’s suffocating. His whole body shudders. He fights to control his breath. Blood slides slowly over his sides, thick and warm and endless.
The seventh lash strikes him over the curve of his ass. The tip curls quickly around him. It stings from tender skin all the way to his hip. He sobs freely between lashes seven and eight. His vision turns white at the edges, his consciousness thrumming as it threatens to give.
The eighth strike is aimed with dreadful precision. It breaks the skin close to the site of lash seven. The lieutenant jolts badly, a terrible gasp. The tip veers at lightning speed to his upper thigh. It skims against the skin of his balls.
He screams.
“Another?” Asks his captor. His partner laughs darkly. Blood trickles down the lieutenant’s thighs.
“Another,” he confirms. All the air leaves the room.
“Wait!” Cries the lieutenant. “Please wait, please stop, please.”
Behind him, his captors pause.
“Please,” he gasps, relief so close he can practically taste it. “P-please. He’s at the bunker, th-the emergency bunker. I-it’s under the university library. I-it’s a — a lab. It’s underground. The password is…is Romanov.”
His captors hum in eerie tandem.
“Well,” says one of them, voice rough. “Didn’t take much to break down your loyalties, did it? If your captain survives our attack, I’m betting you won’t survive his.” They laugh together, a strange and sickly sound, as if they’ve never learned how to do it correctly.
“Please,” the lieutenant breathes. His head hangs low off the edge of the table, the weight of him gone limp on its surface. The table shakes with his shuddering sobs. His body stings badly — from his shoulders to his balls — and the shame of having broken sends a heat over his skin. It crawls up his neck and sets deep in his cheeks. He trembles. He pleads. Guilt smoulders brightly at the centre of his chest. He dissolves into passionate sobs.
“I’ll stay here,” says one of his captors. He drags his palm roughly down the length of the lieutenant’s back. Pain sears through him with the gesture, and his cries are replaced with a wail. “Can’t let you go until we corroborate your intel.”
“I’ll call you when it’s done,” says his partner. “Do whatever you want to him while you’re waiting. Can’t have you boys getting bored.”
“Of course,” says the first man, a stuttering chuckle. In their shadows, the lieutenant shudders.
“But it’s true,” he protests. “I-I told you the truth. You can’t…you have to stop.”
“As soon as we have your captain in custody,” comes the reply, “then we’ll send you right back to your team. Broken, wounded — and a traitor.”
“Fun,” adds his partner. The clumsy sound of their laughter again.
The lieutenant turns suddenly cold. He hears his captors share a quick kiss in the shadows, then one of them takes to the stairs. The Lieutenant’s stomach slips. His heart stutters badly as he trembles anew. There’s something haunting about their sudden affection. How can they can ruin his body so easily, then kiss each other goodbye like it’s nothing?
“Take backup,” his remaining captor calls after him. The footsteps recede, a silence falls over them. His remaining captor towers above him, and the lieutenant shakes badly in his shadow.
“Round two,” says his captor. He cracks the whip hard against the surface of the table. The lash snaps loudly against the wood, mere inches from his trembling frame. The lieutenant jolts badly with fright, and his captor simply sighs in contentment. “Are you ready?”
thanks to @augusnippets for this event!
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