#Lizard Head Pass
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Galloping Goose on the RGS
Rio Grande Southern Motor No. 4 -- one of seven "Galloping Goose" cars the 172-mile narrow-gauge road fashioned from automobiles and light trucks in the 1930s -- is northbound beside Trout Lake between Lizard Head Pass and Ophir, Colo.
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dramoor · 5 years
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“O LORD, You have searched me  and known me. You know when I sit and when I rise;   You understand my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down;   You are aware of all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, You know all about it, O LORD. You hem me in behind and before;   You have laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.”
~Psalm 139: 1-6
(Photo © dramoor 2019 Near Lizard Head Pass, Colorado)
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firebluegraphics · 7 years
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Cryptid Road Trip 05 Slide Rock Bolter Lizard Head Pass, Colorado
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clapschris · 5 years
Rico Hot Springs, Colorado. Fall 2019
Rico Hot Springs, Colorado. Fall 2019
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Rico. On the way to Telluride. Right up the road from Stoner, ( I love the name Stoner for a town in Colorado! How appropriate!) on Lizard Head pass.
Set in a tight valley along the Dolores River high in the San Juan Mountains is this little known natural hot springs. As you have probably noticed I visit a lot of hot springs all over Colorado and the southwest. I guess I’m kind of a hot spring…
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gothyyy · 2 years
well this makes today and yesterday officially the worst days ever and now i’m really sad again
(i’ll explain what happened in the tags if you’re triggered by mentions of death just scroll past)
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uglysockperson · 3 years
so.... tears of the prophets.......
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me whenever my mum tells me we’re going to see some people for lunch or whatever: ok. sure. [puts on the first clothes i touch. leaves]
me when my mum says we’re going to see some birds and lizards: [carefully picks out matching clothes, spends 5 minutes debating if i should have my shirt tucked in or not, brushes and styles hair, changes earrings, washes face and puts moisturiser on, selects socks carefully. leaves]
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transtuvok · 3 years
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clione-of-heart · 3 years
@xdiez said:
For Hearts Day, Clione receives a little dinosaur wearing his headwear; it is balancing two plates in each hand and seems to be having some trouble. It's frustrated expression is cute. / Heart Pirate!Drake
“Is this… supposed to represent something?” Clione asks, aiming for their Captain’s unimpressed tone, but failing as his amusement irrevocably peeks through. He gives up on pretending not to like the gift, grinning as he chuckles, “I’ll have you know I do not look cute when I’m frustrated. But, whatever. Thanks, Drake, happy Hearts Day.”
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performativezippers · 6 years
men are really out here forgetting that women even exist
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
(Warning this is a long One and my first ask to anyone) Ok, so imagine a Soft!SAGAU reader who suddenly gains these weird features everytime they enter one of the nations that ties back to that nations element and unlike the traveler whose color only changes on the jewels of their outfit whenever they pick up a new element, the reader has a streak in their hair corresponding with the color of the element. As for the features, imagine they gain bird/angel wings in Mondstadt, A Rocky amored back and tail like a stone lizard/dragon in Liyue, and a pair of ears + a glorious number of fluffy tails like a kitsune, What would the general reaction be for each of the nation's acolytes to these features?
• Reader has a strand of hair that changes color depending on the nation they reside in. Its similar to the traveller that has accessories of their clothes change to their element color.
• The longer reader spends time in a specific nation, the more their body changes. Each region has different impacts on the reader but its a painless transformation, it just costs time.
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Mondstadt: Wings of freedom, just like barbatos. They are just a bit bigger than your arms when spread out. You haven't grasped flying with them but gliding is enough fun for now.
Liyue: It seems like you're a human version of Rex Lapis. Zhongi thinks it's adorable. You have horns (at first you couldn't sleep bc they got in the way) and hard scales, starting at your lower back until they form a dragon tail that reaches your ankles.
Inazuma: Whenever you reside in inazuma you grow not one tail, but multiple. Your ears go deaf before they turn into a new set, slightly higher on your head and fluffy. As a kitsune herself, Yae is proud. She will tease you but not enough for you to grow self conscious. She makes sure you realise how loved you are.
Sumeru: The only noticeable change is that strand of hair once again changing color. Besides that, only your communication changes. You hear the songs of nature. Plants hum whenever you pass by and trees whisper kind tales about you. Sometimes a flower appears on your head, entangled in your hair whilst it guids you in Sumeru.
Fountaine: The moment you transform, you gain a huge need for water. Somewhat like a mermaid you gain gills right behind your ears, making you able to both breath above ground and in the sea. Sometimes you grow scales around your shoulders and your neck, but it depends on the time you spend underwater during your stay in fountaine.
Natlan: You have the urge to jump into lava. You don't know why, but you're certain it has to do with your transformation. Until now you've been too scared to try it out. Another noticeable change is your strength! You lift up greatswords with ease!
Shneznaya: Growing ears and a tail, again, surprised you. It's different from your kitsune form in Inazuma. Your fur starts from your lower back, the white hairs growing up from your fluffy tail. Your ears are pointy and when it snows it protects you from the snow. Strangely enough your nails tend to grow faster in Sneznaya as well.
Khaenri'ah: It was strange how your body took another form when you met Dain. While Khaenri'ah doesn't exist anymore, you change after having spent longer periods around the abyss, hillicurls or Dain. Not only do your pupils change into a star shape, whenever you're around, the people who got cursed during the great cataclysm tell you their curse is slightly less of a burden. Dainsleif told you, "It's a different, yet familiar feeling. I wouldn't mind having you by my side for a while longer."
And now some small scenarios to think about:
☆ Venti taking you to Dvalin so you two don't feel alone. He might also teach you to fly, but usually it results in him doing all the work for you, creating wind streams so you only need to open your wings.
☆ Zhongli turning into his dragon form (both full and half form) when the two of you are alone. He thinks it's adorable how you unconsciously 'chose' to look like him
☆ It might be hard for reader to deal with an extra limb at first. The tail seems to have its own life at times, but once you get used to it you take full advantage of it for closing doors and such.
☆ Ei tends to come out of her isolation when you're around. She heard that you look similar to both Morax and Barbatos. When you transform and she hopes you resemble her too.
☆ Ei pouts when she sees you resemble Yae more than her. When Yae teases Ei about this, the archon will resort back to the fact you can't controll the transformation. (She's just jealous, let her hope lol)
☆ Sumeru is sad once they realise that your power makes you distant from the people. You sit in the nature the whole day, listening to the sounds of nature.
☆ Once they understand your powers better, the citizens will start wearing flowers in their hair so you'd feel more connected to the people as well
☆ While the hydro archon isn't able to breath underwater, she'd manipulate shapes so she can join in on your fun.
☆ There are a lot of rivers. If you ever need to travel you can take those! The hydro archon will most likely follow in a carriage, watching you in admiration
☆ You looooove watching the lava! The pyro archon has grown worried of you jumping in it. It's fair to say that their worries aren't misplaced.
☆ The pyro archon is very energetic and challenges you whenever they can. The yearning for battle is everlasting, so when they notice your strength increasing they hope for you to playfully fight them!
☆ It's not uncommon to see snowfoxes in Shneznaya. What is uncommon; your half snowfox form. Don't worry though! The Tsarista would give up anything to pet those ears for one minute!!
☆ Your new form keeps you warm and protects you from the cold. Like in inazuma and liyue, your tail would be a good indication of your mood! Down when sad and wagging when happy!
☆ Hillicurls would be naturally drawn to you. They don't have much brain anymore but they always seem nice and calm when you're around.
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excavatinglizard · 2 years
Lizard’s Queer Space Opera Collection
What time is it? It’s ✨ lizard talks about queer sci-fi ✨ time
My family don’t understand how much joy I get from queer stories, and none of my close friend really read space operas (at least not with the same voracity that I do), so I’m appearing here to pass my knowledge on to you, the void that is my blog.
I read a lot of space operas, and I’ve had the incredible luck that the last handful I’ve picked up have been joyfully queer (or maybe we’re just seeing a shift in the sci-fi publishing world. I love it.). This isn’t a comprehensive list or anything, and this isn’t limited to pure space operas, but they are some of my favorites. Hope I can convince some of you to read a couple (and if you do or have read any, please come and shout at me! I want to talk about them! Always!)
I originally wrote these out for my Instagram, and I can’t really be bothered to retype it all so below the cut are my quick descriptions/thoughts on each of the books, but I’ll chuck the list here too
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula Le Guin
Machine, Elizabeth Bear
Ancillary Justice, Ann Leckie
Winter’s Orbit, Everina Maxwell
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, Becky Chambers
A Matter Of Oaths, Helen S. Wright
A Memory Called Empire, Arkady Martine
The Collapsing Empire, John Scalzi
These are just books that I’ve read in the last year or so, and if you have any more recs please tell me!
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A couple additions that didn't make it to Instagram:
If you like graphic novels, please give On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden a shot, it's really lovely and quiet and feels like a big warm space hug.
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado is a collection of horror short stories, some of which border on scifi, which is why it didn't make it into the main list, but I highly recommend it. My copy was given to me by the lovely @markcampbells
I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter has a bit of a history due to its presentation of gender, and the author actually asked for it to be removed from the Clarkesworld magazine due to the hate comments she was receiving. Still, if you can find it I highly recommend it, as it is genuinely very good.
The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer is. Wow it sure is a book that emotionally damaged me. It's about two boys (men? they're 17 but it doesn't feel like a YA book, except int he good ways) who are on a spaceship heading out to Titan to attempt a rescue mission on Earth's first extraterrestrial colony. There are a lot of feels and ouch.
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, by Claire North. This book isn't a space opera, but it is somewhat sci-fi? anyway, Harry August is one of my favourite books of all time, and it explores a man trapped in what is almost a timeloop, except that time-loop is his whole life. each time he dies he's reborn right back where he started, and it's only through his and the other people like him's actions that the world is ever changed in each repeat.
The Culture series, Iain M Banks. I put this one on the list with a good bit of trepidation and the warning of: these books were written by a (supposedly) cishet white man, and almost all of his protagonists are…nearly cishet white men (with a couple women thrown in in later books). The same can not be said for literally every other character, who are almost entirely trans and bisexual. These books really gave me my love for space operas and if you're a fan of the genre I recommend. Also, the AIs here are amazing. Let us not forget the Ship "Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath". They're great.
(I’m also going to add, I would not recommend his normal fiction. I’ve read two, The Wasp Factory which kind of scarred and disturbed me, and Transitions which was just plain bad. Maybe I picked a bad selection, but I can only in good conscience recommend his sci-fi.)
And that's it my dudes! go forth! read queer space operas!
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I'm just here to mix-and-match different kinds of Yuus with different kinds of personalities to see what monstrosity I can make. That being said,,, Cryptid!Yuu brainrot!
So, as it says on the title, Cryptid!Yuu.
Or something similar to it anyway.
I want Yuu to be the beloved local school cryptid.
Like, everyone knows of them, the entire school knows they exist.
Sure they’re kind of weird but they’re pretty harmless and have a certain charm to them.
They’re like the known secret that everyone in school knows about but won’t speak out loud because people love secrets and they also love to be part of something.
So, yeah, RSA won’t know about them for a long time and if they do, it’s only a select few.
Cryptid!Yuu just showed up in the entrance ceremony and they practically got called soulless by a talking mirror, had to witness Grim and the fire incident, got set on fire which oddly enough didn’t hurt them, found out their world apparently doesn’t exist, all within a few minutes between each other.
Meanwhile Yuu’s just :T
Of course once those things passed, Yuu gets Ramshackle dorm, Grim becomes their roommate and now they get to live their cryptic ways freely.
There was also that incident where Ace and Grim were fighting and almost burnt the statue of the Queen of Hearts.
Both Grim and Ace look at the statue in horror, thinking it got charred because of them, only to see Yuu standing in front of it and swallowing something.
Wait a minute…
Did… Did they just eat the fire?
“Spicy.” was the only thing Yuu said before going back to cleaning.
After the Dwarf’s Mine event, the single braincell group was born but of course this doesn’t prevent Yuu from being any less weird.
Grim’s confused as to why everyone thinks Yuu’s an enigma since he lives with them and got used to their odd antics.
Obviously he thinks Yuu being a gremlin cryptid was a normal behavior from them.       
Someone: “No, it’s not normal Grim. Also, please continue your story and tell us what Yuu was doing sticking on the ceiling without falling like some kind of demented lizard, in the dark, at 3 am.”   Grim: shrugs “I dunno. You humans are weird.”   Someone: “I’m pretty sure that’s just Yuu but aight.”  
Yuu terrorizes Cater’s photos by appearing in every single one of it, just hidden somewhere in the background.
This happened a lot of times that Cater’s fans find it hard not to notice them.
Now his fans just treat it as a game of Where’s Waldo.
Yuu’s just in the background vibing and always facing the camera.
Despite Cater’s professional experience with the camera, Yuu in the pictures just ain’t it.
They’re always either blurry, distorted, or something’s covering the majority of their body.
One time Azul found Yuu swimming inside Mostro Lounge’s aquarium just as they were closing down.
He had Jade and Floyd fish them out there.
How long had they been in there without anyone noticing anyway??? How did they even get inside there???
Also, Yuu will eat anything.
Yes, even the black stones Grim eats if only Grim didn’t beat them to it first all of the time.
They ate the mushrooms Jade gave to Floyd who then gave it to them one time and since then they’ve become Floyd’s mushroom eater.
Man, that somehow sounds weird to read…
You know what’s weirder?
Yuu eating Lilia’s food without dying.
And them liking it.
Lilia is happy enough to feed them.
The others just watch at the side, horrified.
Speaking of feeding someone, Yuu appears every time Trey’s making food.
It’s hard not to notice them especially when Trey can feel their eyes staring daggers at him.
Of course he gives them some of whatever he made.
He likes it when their face lights up because of his food. It makes him want to pat their head.
 Although he would probably appreciate it if they used the door like a normal person instead of falling down from the ceiling and going out the window.
Meanwhile, Ruggie’s happy he’s mysteriously finding food at places he frequents or passes by.
Of course Yuu eats some of Trey’s treats, majority just goes to Ruggie.
Someone might or might also not have seen Cryptid!Yuu giving Malleus a piggy back ride but no one’s sure since the others are too scared to ask Malleus and no one can really catch Yuu long enough to ask them any question.
Malleus calls Yuu “Child of Mystery”.
Witness report also states that students have seen Cryptid!Yuu flopped over Leona’s sleeping form multiple times with Leona just grumbling grumpily and pushing them off him.
Yuu has also done this with Silver except he doesn’t push them off cause he’s not grumpy.
Also, Cryptid!Yuu can accurately pinpoint where Rook is even when he’s hiding.
Just,,, Yuu staring far off in the distance and their friends think they’re just in a daze.
Just Yuu being Yuu.
Oh no, they’re actually just staring and making eye contact with Rook.
Yuu doesn’t really appear much in class.
They attend for the quizzes and tests but other than those, they’re missing.
No one knows what they’re doing in those times.
If they want Yuu to attend classes, Jack would have to physically carry them there and Yuu will let him.
No promises on them staying tho.
So the ones who get in trouble are usually the braincell group.
Yuu just conveniently appears every time someone overblots and disappears soon after.
Whoever overblotted suddenly gets a handmade plushie and a tray of warm cookies with an encouraging note in their bedroom when they get back to their dorm.
There’s no indication of where it comes from but they already know it came from Yuu.
Local overblot percentage rises by 85% because others also want handmade plushies and cookies.
NRC is protective of Yuu because, “They’re our school cryptid! Back off RSA, get your own!”
One time, the others managed to catch Yuu just sleeping normally under the shade of a tree.
No weird or cryptic behavior.
Just them resting under a tree with Grim, peaceful and calm, a small smile on their face.
A lot of picture was taken that day and all of it was of Yuu.
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thelonelyme · 2 years
𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞: デ ィ ズ ニ ー ツ イ ス テ ッ ド ワ ン ダ ー ラ ン ド [Twisted Wonderland]
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐨 / 𝐢: Malleus Draconia, MC
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭: "Scream all you want. They have all given up on you anyway." [ Mc x Yandere Malleus]
𝐀𝐕𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐄: FEM READER, Yandere content, scenes of explicit torture, threats, physical and psychological violence, misogyny, harassment and se*ual violence. This was a request from my Wattpad.
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"No! Please, I don't want that!" You screamed while you were chained to to the mighty and imposing figure of your husband. As if he hadn't heard, the dark fae continued to rub his scent on your body as he rubbed against you.
His chest was emitting strong vibrations, purring as he finally could spend the whole night with his one and only love.
His purring stopped for a moment as he tightened his grip causing you to choke for a second, and ending any escape attempts you were making.
"It's for your own good, yet you do not see that we are made for each other. And our son needs a little brother, I heard him complain to Lilia because he wanted someone else to play with.." Said softly the monarch stroking your stomach, trying to get closer to his draconic figure. Immediately you began to wriggle against his grip and against his unwanted caresses.
Malleus pulled you back into his grip, this time squeezing tighter, as his forked tongue began to lick your ear and pepper kisses all over your jaw.
You didn't want it. You did not want to.
Taking all courage, you began to scream. By now you were exhausted. You were sick of Malleus, you were sick of his acting like you two were a normal couple, you were sick of the castle, of every wall that trapped you.
You hated Lilia, who did nothing but encourage the dragon's sick behavior, and who took every single moment to threaten you with being a perfect mate to your loving and loyal husband.
You hated Silver, who did absolutely nothing to stop the madness that happened right in front of his eyes, indeed, who even ignored that you were his old friend and that you had been kidnapped by that unbalanced one who "loved" you.
And you hated Sebek, who kept yelling at you for every single step you took and who spent his life idolizing the tenacity with which his master managed to keep you in your place, good and pregnant under his powerful gaze.
"What the fuck is wrong with you! You're just a spoiled lizard who believes that someone will love you just because you locked them up! The fucking world doesn't work like that, YOU are the one who sees nothing. YOU are the one who sticks with the first person who paid attention to you. YOU make me sick! I can't do this anymore!"
"..." The fae said nothing as he looked at you absently, pushing you away from his womb and moving away from the head of the bed abruptly.
Quickly he walked over to the large desk in the room.
He stood there for a few seconds. Suddenly he threw everything on the ground screaming curses and clawing his hands in his hair.
You couldn't see it as he was turned from behind, clawing at his shoulders in an attempt to calm down. And preventing him from hurting you.
He had always tried to get close to you, he had provided you with the best clothes his tailors could make, he had given you a majestic castle in which you could wander, he had ordered his chefs to cook anything you wanted, he had always treated you with the utmost love and care.
He even gave you a baby.
"For real?" He asked harshly, still turned from the back.
In an instant, his clawed fingers were around your neck.
He kept squeezing your throat. You could hardly breathe and you began to see little black dots around your sight.
His face was fringed with black scales, his green eyes iridescent as a light green fire came out of his mouth accompanied by smoke that began to burn your nightgown and your skin.
Before you could pass out, he let go of your neck, instead frantically searching for something on her belt.
Your eyes flew open in realization as he gripped one of the spools tied around his waist.
With his free arm he suddenly turned you on your stomach and with his claws he tore at the dress you were wearing.
As you tried to crawl away fiercely, the fae roughly grabbed your hair forcing your back to arch in the sudden pain and causing you to stop instantly.
"Now I'll show you what a spoiled lizard can do to a stupid and insolent human like you."
The sharp point ripped through the tender flesh of your back as you screamed.
Your body was covered in scrapes, bruises, and cuts that by now had gone numb to how much they had been abused, and your back completely bloodied and mangled, your husband stood majestically.
"Scream all you want. They have all given up on you anyway."
Even the servants of the castle in the Valley of Thorns heard those painful screams but did nothing to stop their young master. They would not be tortured.
The young fae took a phial and slid into the drops of blood running down your battered's back.
With the same spool with which he carved his name on your back, he cut his palm and then let his dark blood drip into the vial, muttering an ancient spell while you, half-conscious, could no longer understand anything.
An ancient spell. A Fae rite handed down from ancient primordial beings to the royal family of the Valley of Thorns. An indestructible bond, which nothing and no one could ever break. The penalty for such a futile attempt would have been death.
You would never be able to escape him.
Draconia released your wrists and ankles and made you sleep with another spell.
'Why you can't do this angelic expression when you're with me?'
'Maybe I should keep you like that way forever.'
'Even the sleeping beauty had been sleeping alone until it has not arrived the prince to wake her up with a sweet kiss of true love.'
Eventually he realized.
The kiss of true love!
This served to their relationship!
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The next day, after healing you in a few minutes, he made you sting from the same loom where, more than a hundred years earlier, Princess Aurora was stung, and he soaked the needle of the same spell.
You immediately fell asleep.
Malleus, with an incredible and immeasurable heart-pounding excitement, kissed your beautiful lips of yours.
You did not wake up.
Malleus, thinking he had not put feelings enough in the previous, kissed you again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
But you did not wake up ever.
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
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romanoffprentiss · 2 years
a/n: wrote this at 2 am don’t judge i’m not even sure it makes sense but gonna try and write more :)
summary: your girlfriend Natasha spends the night for the first time but your other bed partner takes issue with it.
just fluff honestly
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You had been dating for a year when you finally let Natasha sleep over at your place. Having a young daughter you were very weary of who you let into your home and Natasha was very understanding of that, Natasha had hung out with Eliza often and come over and Eliza adored Natasha which led you to be comfortable enough to let her spend the night.
Natasha knocked on the door and Eliza squealed,
“mommy mommy Nattys here!” she shouted and ran over to the door trying to open it,
“give me a second” you call out wiping your hands on the towel to go open the door,
“hi natty!” Eliza said through the door pressing her ear to the door to hear her,
“hey there bug still too little to open the door?” your girlfriend teased,
“i’ll be big soon!” eliza said confidently as you opened the door seeing Natasha in sweats and having her overnight bag with her,
“hey detka” she grinned and kissed you gently as you let her inside,
“natty!” Eliza said expectantly tapping her cheek,
“oh how could i forget my little bug” she says and picks Eliza up kissing her cheeks,
“how was your day?” she asks Eliza and Eliza goes off babbling to her. You smile at the scene and take Natashas bag from her putting it in your room. When you return Natasha is setting Eliza down in her high chair,
“oh you don’t have to do that Nat” you say and she shrugged,
“it was either this or i attempt to cook again” she joked and you rolled your eyes remembering for one of your first dates Natasha tried to cook you a meal at her apartment but it lead to the fire alarm going off and a call in for a pizza,
“fair enough” you kiss her head as you pass and walk back into the kitchen. Dinner goes smoothly and you’re surprised to see how well behaved Eliza is, she’s definitely showing off for Natasha but you think it’s sweet. After dinner Natasha does the dishes while you bathe and get Eliza ready for bed,
“i want Natty to read to me” Eliza pouts crawling into her toddler bed,
“but we always read together” you fake a pout and Eliza giggles,
“you and Natty silly” she says and you smile going to grab Natasha,
“she wants you to help read if you’re up for that” you say feeling embarrassed for being so shy about it. Natasha looks up from her phone and smiles before following you to Eliza’s room.
You both read to her and she falls asleep and you tuck her in making sure her nightlight is on and the door is creaked open.
After some TV and letting Natasha do a thorough security check which she does whenever she comes over, you and Natasha retire to the bedroom. She spreads her arms out and you gladly accept snuggling into her,
“i could get used to this” you let out and Natasha chuckles kissing your head,
“me too detka” she says and you eventually drift off. After an hour of peaceful slumber the door opens revealing Eliza holding onto her stuffed animal lizard Natasha had brought her from one of her missions,
“mommy?” Eliza squeaks out and Natasha wakes up from the noise. She sits up straight and sees the little girl,
“eliza?” she asks and the toddler walks over,
“why are you in mommy’s bed?” she asked and Natasha blinked at her,
“we’re sleeping, did you have a bad dream?” she asks and eliza nods before trying to crawl into bed. Natasha helps her up and Eliza lays on top of you,
“it’s okay” you say softly obviously half awake and Natasha lays back down looking at you two. She tries to fall asleep but is suddenly met with a little foot to the gut.
Natasha looks over but Eliza looks to be asleep, she shrugs it off and relaxes again until she is pushed by little hands,
“hey bug you gotta stop hitting me” Natasha whispers and Eliza let’s out a defiant hmft and pushes her again, Natasha frowned,
“what’s up?” she asked looking at the toddler,
“you’re in my spot” she pouts and Natasha nods,
“can we share i’ll scoot over so you have room” she tries to compromise but Eliza lets out a whine,
“no this is my mommy’s bed not yours” she says pushing again and Natasha sighs in defeat and gets up grabbing the pillow and a extra blanket and laying on the floor next to the bed,
“thank you Natty” Eliza says contently and she falls asleep. Sleep is not as easy to come by for the redhead who tosses and turns before eventually falling asleep.
When morning comes you wake up to find the bed empty. You frown but assume Natasha is in the living room or kitchen as she’s normally an early riser. You sit up and stretch when you see it. On what was Natashas side on the floor you see Natasha asleep with Eliza sleeping on top of her. Your eyebrow raises and you’ll definitely need to hear how this happened,
“Nat honey wake up” you said kneeling down to shake her gently,
“hmm?” she asked sitting up quickly but you held your hands out to keep Eliza steady,
“why are you on the floor?” you ask trying to hide a smile,
“oh Eliza didn’t like me in the bed but i didn’t realize she followed me down” Natasha chuckled a little at the little girl and slowly stood up so she didn’t wake her to lay her on the bed.
You smiled brightly and laughed looking at your girlfriend,
“you know you can just wake me up and i could’ve taken her back to bed” you said rubbing her back and she shook her head,
“oh no i’m the intruder here, plus she had a nightmare and needed comfort i wouldn’t want to take that away from her” she said and you pulled her in for a kiss,
“you’re so sweet, i love you Natasha” you said and she kissed you again,
“love you too, how about we order in so i can recover from my injuries” she joked and you rolled your eyes,
“toughen up agent”
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kagakuoniryu · 2 years
Hi! Can I request Venti and Zhongli and Moko ( if you write for her) hanging out with their s/o in their original form? I think it would be rather cute :3
Synopsis :
Venti zhongli and miko in their original form with their s/o
Characters :
Warning :
A/N :
It took me a few days to get back to writing, I must be overworked since I almost passed out yesterday, anyway enjoy these headcanons everyone! It was really fun to write! By the way I didn't knew if I should have done a giant dragon morax like his exuvia or a little noodle rex lapis like the plushie you can find as merch for genshin so I want with the noddle rex lapis since a giant dragon is harder to hang out with
Venti :
After signora took his gnosis venti got away from the church as far as possible, crashing at your place and not in a discreet or gracious way
You came to the living room being full of smoke, coughing a little you opened the window and wondered what was going on and how
Once most of the smoke was out of the way you found a little thing on your couch, little blue legs, a black face, a white body, a little wing and something blue on his head
You stared in confusion as the little one, not bigger than the palm of your hand, regained consciousness and started flying around to you, resting on your shoulder
Cautiously you asked it if he was venti, which he nodded and started cuddling to you
You giggled at that kissing the side of his head
It was almost night so you decided to go to sleep, venti resting peacefully on your chest
The next morning he wasn't back to normal, so you had no choice but to either let him home alone for the day or taking him with you
You definitely didn't trusted him to not commit arson whithout you to stop him so you put him in your pocket and started you day normally
And he was kinda helpful, instead of having to destroy hilichurls camp he talked to them and asked them to go somewhere else, which the hilichurls usually agreed to
When your commissions are over you would treat him an apple to help you
And he just straight up ate it in one bite
Causing him to look very happy but also made his tiny body way rounder with the apple
He was really something
It stayed like this a few more days until one morning he was back to normal and was babbling like never
You'll miss the calm and mute venti
zhongli :
You woke up in the middle or the bed you shared with your boyfriend but without the boyfriend in question whatsoever
Calling for him rather loudly from your room you saw something moving under the cover until a rather big lizard compared those you saw in liyue already comes out of it
You stayed dumbfounded but continued to call zhongli in order to show him the oversized thing on your bed
But with each call of the name the said lizard got closer and closer, almost yawning and patting your laps with his paws before trying to sleep there once again
You stroked his heads realizing that if zhongli isn't coming on his day off while you call him as if you're getting killed is that maybe
The noodle on your lap might be your husband
Calling once again zhongli, softer this time, the lezard looked in your direction
When you asked if it was him, he slowly nodded, you blinked many time, your hand abandoning your boyfriend's head to stroke his fur
His tail started to wag, happy of the attention he was having, but you were more curious about how he ended up lile this
The questions must have to wait though he seemed unable to talk
You had a few things to do outside in liyue harbor but each time you tried to walk out of the house zhongli seemed to get in the way, going as far as sitting on your shoes
Your only available option was to take him with you
Which was a terrible idea
As soon as yiu reached the places with all type of vendors selling their good he jumped out of your arm and runned probably attracted by a few shiny things further down the road
However it's not bathing in mora that you found him, he was instead in hu tao's hands, held by the collar, looking like he was on the verge of tears and being scolded
You told hu tao he was your pet and apologized, she said it was no big deal but a lizard that big roaming the streets were terrifying everyone
And since in that form he is a little bit chonky she also suggested you made him go on a diet
With these remarks in head zhongli stayed calm in your arm, cuddled against your chest while people cooed from time to time about how adorable he is
The next morning he was back to normal but still seemed under the weather, so it was natural for you to ask him what was wrong
"I wasn't a lizard, I was a dragon... A majestic dragon, and I don't need that diet"
Laughing was rude but also a very hard thing to not do
He is even more upset now
Miko :
It all started by jealousy
You just wanted to show miko the beautiful snow falling from the sky into the narukami island
And so you went on a walk
She followed you as you talked about a lot of thing, the disaster however started whenyou saw that cute fox plunging their head first into the snow
You knew miko was too proud to do that, even for your entertainment, so you observed from afar
But since your attention wasn't on her anymore your girlfriend also started to feel jealous
She tried talking, putting her cold hands in your clothes or proposing a lunch break but nothing worked
Finally she decided to turn into her fox form to get your attention
A little pink fox, not bigger than your head was now standing in front of you and pouting
For once miko put her pride aside to get to you
And she was adorable
You immediately forgot about the others foxes and picked her up to cuddle her to you
She didn't complained to finally having what she wanted and let you do your thing, a tiny smile on her tiny fox face
You got back home still with her in your arm and laid down in the couch
You put her on your stomach and when she asked you about it you told her she was the perfect heat patch
She decided to turn back human right there to teach you a lesson
And I hope for you you understood it
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