#Magic Spells
“Shop is open”
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1 - Turret - 67 currency
2 - Arch - 25 currency
3 - Advance liquid storage - 57 currency
4 - Floating light- 23 currency
5 - Divine scalpel - 55 currency
6 - Metal plate of the hull of runak - 10 currency
7 - Brass and elven wood shield - 60 currency
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"Wizard Essentials"
Staff - Cain - 10 currency
Orb - Jade - 15 currency
Robes - red - 1 currency per robe
1 - Health Potion - 5 currency
2 - invisibility Potion - 15 currency
3 - Wine of mana - 15 currency
4 - healing tablet - 10 currency
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@damnable-druid @bi-gender-sorcerer @ignisuadaroleplay @druidicrepository
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jstor · 1 year
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"The Spell," a gelatin silver print by Henry Edward Gaze (1930s).
The photograph comes from the Museum of New Zealand - Te Papa Tongarewa collection on JSTOR, which features more than 46K open access images.
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th3-0bjectivist · 4 months
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"Shatterwinde" - Acrylic paint on canvas
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psychics4unet · 15 days
🔮✨ FIND YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE FAST! 🌟💖 #MagicUnleashed #LoveSpell
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Hey, magical beings! 💫 Ready to speed up your journey to finding the one? Here’s a fun and simple spell to help you attract your future spouse FAST! 🌟💕
1. Create Your Space: Find a cozy spot where you won’t be disturbed. Light a candle if you want, or just let your inner light shine! 🕯️✨
2. Heartfelt Visualization: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Imagine a bright, golden light surrounding you, drawing in love and warmth. 🌟💛
3. Affirmation Magic: Place your hands over your heart and say with confidence: “I am ready to meet my future spouse. Love is coming to me quickly and easily. My heart is open and welcoming.” 💖✨
4. Feel the Connection: Visualize yourself and your future partner coming together. See the joy, love, and connection between you. Feel the excitement! 💑🌠
5. Seal It with Positivity: End with a big smile and a feeling of gratitude. Thank the universe for bringing love into your life. 😊💕
✨ Don’t forget to follow me for more magical spells and tips! Like and reblog to spread this love and attract even more positive energy! 🌈✨
Sending all the love and good vibes your way! 💖🔮
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izzylimon · 2 months
source: The Goth Garden https://www.instagram.com/theg0thgarden/
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enchantedwitchling · 1 year
Casting Your First Spell: A Step-by-Step Guide
Casting your first spell is an enchanting and empowering moment on your witchcraft journey. It's an act of manifesting your intentions and connecting with the magic that resides within and around you. Whether you're a beginner or simply looking for a refresher, this step-by-step guide will help you cast your first spell with safety, intention, and ethical considerations in mind.
Step 1: Set Your Intention 🌌🔮
Begin by clarifying your intention. What do you wish to achieve with your spell? Be specific and ensure your intention aligns with your highest good and the greater good of all involved. Remember the ethical guideline: "An it harm none, do what ye will."
Step 2: Choose Your Tools 🌿🕯️
Select tools that correspond to your intention. For a simple spell, a colored candle, crystals, and herbs that match your purpose are often sufficient. For example, a green candle for prosperity or rose quartz for love.
Step 3: Create Sacred Space 🌟🏞️
Find a quiet and undisturbed space for your spell. You can cast your spell indoors or outdoors, but ensure you feel safe and comfortable. Light the candle and, if desired, cast a protective circle to create a sacred space.
Step 4: Ground and Center 🌳🌠
Ground yourself by visualizing roots extending from your body into the Earth. Center your energy by focusing on your breath and releasing any tension or distraction. Feel connected to the Earth and the universe.
Step 5: State Your Intention Aloud 🗣️📜
Speak your intention aloud with confidence and sincerity. You can use a chant, a rhyme, or simply state your intention clearly and concisely. This vocalization empowers your intention with your voice and energy.
Step 6: Visualization 🌈🌌
Close your eyes and visualize your intention manifesting. Feel the emotions associated with your desire as if it's happening right now. See it clearly in your mind's eye and believe that it's already on its way to you.
Step 7: Focus Your Energy 🧙‍♀️💫
Hold your chosen tools and focus your energy on your intention. Imagine the energy flowing from your body into the tools, charging them with your purpose. Feel the power within you.
Step 8: Release the Energy 🌬️🔥
When you sense that the energy is at its peak, release it into the universe. Blow out the candle if you've used one, or simply release your energy into the cosmos, trusting that it will work on your behalf.
Step 9: Express Gratitude 🙏🌸
Thank the universe, your deities, or any spiritual guides you work with for their assistance. Gratitude enhances the flow of positive energy in your life.
Step 10: Close the Circle (if applicable) 🌀🌕
If you cast a circle, release it by thanking the elements and spirits for their presence and assistance. Imagine the energy of the circle dissipating.
Step 11: Release Attachment and Trust 🕊️🌠
Release any attachment to the outcome of your spell. Trust that the universe is working to manifest your intention in the right way and at the right time.
Remember that spellwork is a practice, and like any skill, it improves with time and dedication. Approach your craft with respect for yourself and the world around you, and may your spells be a source of positive transformation in your life.
Casting your first spell is a beautiful milestone on your magical journey. Embrace the magic within you, and may it bring you growth, joy, and a deeper connection to the mysteries of the universe.
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Young Sheldon, s07e06, "Baptists, Catholics and an Attempted Drowning"
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thatonebirdwrites · 8 months
Some of Lena's Handmade Spells
Going with the Flow: Happiness Spell (Attempt 4)
Majoram for Luck and Happiness.
Masterwort (Hog Fennel) mixed with Yarrow for Courage
Huckleberry crushed with Wintergreen for Hex-breaking
Lavender for Peace and Harmony
Crush all of the above and mix. If not pregnant nor have dermatitis, boil the above and strain. Bathe in the resulting tea or drink (Note to self: experiments did not determine which method improves spell. Perhaps more data points are needed? Four tries seems far too small a sample.). If pregnant and/or have dermatitis either avoid Yarrow or mix into a satchel to wear (Note to self: does satchel wearing actually work? What is the best way to test this hypothesis?)
Recite in language appropriate for magic:
"Release all burdens and negativity. Alleviate all pain and anxiety. Break all hexes that sunder. Restore one's youthful wonder. Amplify all joy and peace. After one day, the spell will cease."
(Note to self: translate into Irish or Latin? Why is Latin used for magic when my people come from an Irish heritage and Rome was a colonizer? Didn't pagan magic exist prior to the existence of Latin? More Research is needed.)
Necessary disclaimer: Kara and anyone reading this, please tread carefully with yarrow as it can impact dermatitis and shouldn't be used if pregnant. (Seriously, Kara, don't you dare touch my herb and berry supply again. I am not liable for your ridiculous prank teas. I'm watching you.)
Note to Lena: I only did the prank teas twice! And in my defense, I had no idea that herb caused diarrhea! You don't really label them with warnings. What if I helped by adding a disclaimer to all your labels to mark which ones are safe to ingest and/or drink?
Note to Kara: If it keeps you busy, then fine, but my notes are specifically for humans since I am a human. I do not have the data to determine what is safe for you to ingest.
Note to Lena: I'm pretty impervious and invulnerable to most things and have an iron stomach. I can even handle poisons that you definitely can't.
Note to Kara: Are you serious?? Did you ingest POISONS?? Please don't do that. I don't care how invulnerable you are. I'd like to not tempt fate. My heart simply cannot take that. Also, these notes defeat the purpose of the spell. I'm trying to restore my youthful wonder and joy and not faint from worry by you testing whether you can poison yourself with my herbs. Thanks.
Note to Lena: That's valid. I'll stop tempting fate.
Spent one day in a state of joy and wonder. Everything I did felt like I was trying it new, and it brought such happiness. I felt no anxiety or fear the entire twenty-three hours and forty-eight minutes. I discovered, however, that I was incapable of long-term planning. It seems the youthful wonder translated into being caught in the present moment, where I went with the flow. I also discovered a deep eagerness to share my joy with anyone within my vicinity.
Physical affection came much easier and without fear or anxiety or worries about people's perceptions of me. I was able to express my emotions freely in a way I've never done before, which was very mind-opening. Perhaps I need to discern ways to express my emotions more readily in safe settings without magic?
Perhaps an adjustment to spell to allow for planning?
Breaking the Hex of the Luthor Name (Attempt 2)
Note to self: This is probably nonsense. It's not like I can magic away people's memories of how awful and abusive my family was. But maybe I can somehow break any hexes placed on the name that somehow impact me unknowingly? This is my second attempt as I accidentally exploded the mixture the first time. I am unsure as to how that happened. If it happens again, then will adjust ingredients.
Shred the above herbs and pound them into a mixture. Burn the mixture and recite the following:
Break all hexes upon the Luthor Name. Sunder all evil eyes upon the Luthor Name. Exorcise all evil cast upon the Luthor Name.
Note to Self: This mixture did not explode! I adjusted the verbiage and verified the pronunciation of all translations into Irish. Latin caused the explosion the first time, and I believe it is because it is a dead language and I cannot locate proper pronunciation guides. Irish is not a dead language and pronunciation guides exist. Irish has also worked well with prior spells I've attempted so why not this one? Also, side note, that spell made me feel a lot lighter and less burdened. Is that wishful thinking on my part or did the spell actually work?
Four days and twenty minutes since I cast this spell: Donations to my foundation have increased by 120% starting within eight hours of casting my spell. Is this a correlation or causation?
Two months, three days, and sixteen hours since I cast this spell: Donations increased by 202% since last entry in this results column. We've been able to fund so many green energy projects and a ton of medical research! Surely these increases in donations wasn't all due to the spell? Had there been so much hexes on my last name that it impacted my ability to make headway with the foundation? I'm not sure what to think if so. I also am unsure how I would even discern the truth of this or test it in a way that proved causation.
Note from Kara: Lena!!! I totally think this is the spell that broke your stream of bad luck. You probably needed a good hex breaking. I'm so glad you did it!
Note to Kara: Avoid writing in my grimorie -- But Lena, you need outside perspective too for your experiments! I can totally help! -- and stop pouting when I steal my pen back to finish my notes. I will not fall for it. No matter how adorable you look.
Note to Self: Perhaps purchase separate notebook so Kara can write up her reflections on the results of my magic experiments. See if this alleviates her tendency to write in my grimorie.
To Be continued... May write more eventually.
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lifeanddeathcustoms · 1 month
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Aging Spell: A Young Wizard's Journey - Part 1
**Chapter 1: The Transformation**
Callum stood before the mirror, his hands trembling slightly as he began to chant the incantation. The air around him shimmered with energy, the magic swirling in a tangible force. He felt it take hold, starting at his feet.
His boots tightened as his toes curled with age. The skin on his legs began to thin and wrinkle, veins bulging prominently. His muscles, once firm and strong, weakened and shrank. His knees ached with a sharp, sudden pain, causing him to falter.
"Focus, Callum," Master Alaric's voice broke through, grounding him.
Callum gritted his teeth and continued. The changes moved up his body, his thighs losing their youthful bulk, becoming frail and sagging. His bones ached, his spine curved, and his posture stooped. His once strong chest and back muscles diminished, replaced by a frail frame. His breathing became labored, his heart beating slower and with more effort.
His hands, which had wielded tools and done hard labor, now trembled with arthritis. Fingers curled and stiffened, liver spots appearing on the backs of his hands. His hair turned silver, then white, thinning and receding. The transformation crept up his neck, his jawline sagging, the skin loose and wrinkled.
He touched his face, feeling the deep lines and furrows that had appeared. His once clear vision blurred, and he squinted to see. His ears rang with a dull noise, and his hearing diminished. The changes continued to his teeth, now dull and uneven, some missing. His tongue felt strange against them, the familiar smoothness gone.
"How do you feel, Callum?" Alaric asked, his tone calm and steady.
Callum opened his mouth to respond, startled by the raspy, quavering voice that emerged. "I...I feel old," he croaked. He shuffled to a mirror, each step painful and slow. The reflection showed an old man, a stranger yet eerily familiar. His beard, once short and black, was now wispy and grey.
**Chapter 2: The Backstory**
Callum had lived an ordinary, unassuming life for the most part. His jet-black hair and short black beard were markers of his identity, a young man with a hard past who worked a blue-collar job to make ends meet. His hands were calloused from labor, his muscles strong from years of physical work. Life had not been easy, but he had persevered with quiet determination.
At 24, everything changed. Master Alaric, a powerful and wise wizard, had finally found him. Callum had been fixing a broken pipe in a rundown building when Alaric appeared, his presence commanding and otherworldly.
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"You have the gift," Alaric had said, his voice resonating with authority. "You are a wizard, Callum."
Callum had laughed at first, thinking it a joke. But when Alaric demonstrated his own magic, Callum could no longer deny the truth. From that moment, his life was irrevocably altered. Now, at 30, he stood ready to undertake one of the most challenging spells of his training—the aging spell.
**Chapter 3: The Purpose**
The Gathering of Elders was an annual event where the most powerful wizards and witches, those who had practiced for at least 50 years, came together. Disguised as an 80-year-old man, Callum was to gain insights and forge alliances that could shape his future in the magical world. Despite not feeling entirely ready, he had no choice but to go.
Callum entered the grand hall, leaning heavily on his staff. His body ached with every step, and his breath came in shallow gasps. The night passed in a blur of conversations and magical displays. Callum felt out of place, his aged form hindering his confidence. Still, he managed to fulfill his duties, engaging with other wizards and absorbing the wisdom shared.
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As they left the gathering and headed home in the early morning hours, Callum, now using a cane to assist his walking, was eager to return to his own body but had enjoyed the experience. Master Alaric walked beside him, pride evident in his eyes.
"You did well, Callum," Alaric said, his voice filled with approval. "You were able to deceive even the most powerful wizards. It speaks to the authentic magic within you."
Callum smiled, albeit wearily. "Thank you, Master. I never imagined it would be this intense."
**Chapter 4: The Twist**
The next morning, Callum woke up expecting to find himself back in his 30-year-old body. Instead, he was still in the body of an 80-year-old man. Panic surged through him as he tried to remember the reversal spell, but the words eluded him.
"Master Alaric," Callum called out, his voice trembling not just from age but from fear. "I cannot reverse the spell."
Master Alaric frowned, concern etched on his face. "What do you mean, Callum?"
"The spell...it won't break. I'm stuck," Callum admitted, panic rising in his chest.
Master Alaric's eyes narrowed. "This is not entirely unexpected. Aging spells are among the most complex. It seems you have much to learn still, even in this aged form. We must find a way to help you, but it will take time."
Through his panic, Callum tried to reverse the spell again, but his lack of control resulted in the spell backfiring. He aged another 20 years in an instant. His back hunched further, his hair grew longer, reaching past his shoulders, and his beard lengthened, becoming thick and white. His skin grew even more wrinkled and saggy. He was now a 100-year-old man, frailer and more vulnerable than ever.
"Master," Callum's voice was barely a whisper, "I made it worse."
Alaric's face showed a mix of sympathy and resolve. "Patience, Callum. We will find a solution."
**Chapter 5: Precarious Position**
Days stretched into weeks, and Callum remained in his aged body. His initial discomfort turned to a deep-seated frustration. One evening, as they were working on a particularly delicate potion, Callum's aged hands slipped, nearly dropping a vial of dragon's blood.
"Careful, Callum!" Alaric exclaimed, catching the vial just in time. "Your body may be old, but you must maintain control."
"I can't do this, Master!" Callum snapped, his voice a mix of desperation and anger. "This body is failing me. I can't even hold a vial properly."
Alaric placed a reassuring hand on Callum's shoulder. "Patience, Callum. Remember, magic is not just about power but also about understanding and control."
Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden, ominous knock on the door. Alaric's expression turned serious. "Stay behind me," he instructed, moving towards the door.
As Alaric opened the door, a group of dark-cloaked figures stormed in, their eyes gleaming with malicious intent. "We know about the aging spell," one of them hissed. "Hand over the old man, and no one gets hurt."
Callum's heart pounded in his chest. His aged body felt heavy and sluggish, and he knew he was no match for these intruders in his current state. Alaric, however, stood firm, his eyes blazing with determination.
"You will not take him," Alaric declared, his voice echoing with magical authority. "He is under my protection."
A fierce battle ensued, spells flying and the air crackling with energy. Callum tried to help, but his aged body betrayed him, each movement slow and painful. Just as one of the intruders aimed a curse at Callum, he felt a surge of desperation and power within him.
Drawing on every ounce of his magic, Callum deflected the curse, sending it back at the attacker. The room fell silent as the dark-cloaked figure collapsed, defeated. The remaining intruders, seeing Callum's power, fled in terror.
Breathing heavily, Callum looked at Alaric, who smiled with pride. "You did it, Callum. You proved your power among the ranks."
Callum nodded, his heart heavy but determined. "Thank you, Master. I will keep fighting."
As the dust settled, Alaric turned to Callum, his face etched with worry. "We must find a way to reverse the spell soon," Alaric said, helping Callum to his feet. "This was only the beginning. There are those who would exploit your current vulnerability."
**Chapter 6: The Burden of Secrets**
The days that followed were challenging not just because of the physical discomfort but also due to the emotional toll. Callum struggled with the thought of his girlfriend, Clara. He hadn't been able to communicate with her since the transformation. The idea of her seeing him as a 100-year-old man was unbearable. Callum had been quite the playboy in his youth, known for his charm and good looks, which only made the current situation more distressing.
"Master, I can't let Clara see me like this," Callum confessed one evening, his voice cracking with emotion. "She won't understand."
Alaric nodded, understanding the weight of Callum's words. "I know it's difficult, Callum. But this experience is part of your training. As soon as you learn the vital lesson, the spell will be reversed."
Callum looked at Alaric, confusion and frustration written on his face. "What lesson?
What am I supposed to learn from this?"
Alaric's eyes softened. "Patience, humility, and the true nature of power. Magic isn't just about strength or youth. It's about wisdom, compassion, and understanding the balance of life. You've lived a life of strength and charm, but now you must learn to live with vulnerability and reliance on others."
**Chapter 7: Intimate Realizations**
One quiet afternoon, Callum found himself reflecting on his exploration of his body and sex drive. The feelings of loss and sadness were still there, but he also recognized a new kind of intimacy with himself. He had learned to accept the changes, even if they were difficult.
He sat in his room, the light streaming through the window, casting a warm glow. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, finding a sense of calm. As he did, he felt a faint stirring of arousal, a reminder that even in this aged body, life still existed.
It was a different kind of desire, one that was more about connection and less about physical pleasure. Callum smiled softly, feeling a sense of peace. He knew that his journey was far from over, but he was beginning to understand the lessons that came with age.
One morning, as Callum sat in his room, he decided to explore the changes in his body more intimately. The thought made him uneasy, but he felt it was necessary to fully understand his new reality. He undressed slowly, each movement a reminder of his age and frailty.
As he stood naked before the mirror, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. His once strong and youthful body was now thin and wrinkled, his muscles weakened by time. His hair, long and white, hung down past his shoulders, and his beard, thick and unruly, added to the image of an ancient wizard.
Callum's gaze drifted downward, and he hesitated for a moment before reaching out to touch his penis. The sensation was strange, the skin loose and the organ unresponsive. His sex drive, once a vital part of his youth, seemed almost nonexistent. He sighed, feeling a pang of sadness.
"Callum, are you alright?" Master Alaric's voice called from the other side of the door, breaking his thoughts.
Callum quickly dressed, wincing as he pulled on his robes. "Yes, Master. Just...reflecting."
Alaric entered the room, his eyes filled with concern. "It's important to understand your body, even in this state. But remember, this is only temporary. We will find a way to reverse the spell."
Callum nodded, feeling a small flicker of hope. "I know, Master. It's just...difficult."
**Chapter 8: A New Path Forward**
One evening, as Callum and Alaric sat by the fire, Alaric handed him an ancient book. "This is a text on advanced transformation magic. I believe it holds the key to reversing the spell."
Callum took the book with trembling hands, his heart filled with hope. "Thank you, Master. I will study it diligently."
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of-earthandlight · 1 year
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𖠷 ig @of.earthandlight 𖠷
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“Shop is open”
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1 - living monocoil - 28 currency
2 - Gloves of floating - 21 currency
3 - Candy - 1 currency per piece
4 - Spore breather - 24 currency
5 - Bag of holding - 31 currency
6 - Letter changer - 49 currency
7 - Golden snake - 36 currency
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"Wizard Essentials"
Staff - teacup - 25 currency
Orb - Turkey - 10 currency
Robes - green - 1 currency per robe
1 - Health Potion - 10 currency
2 - invisibility Potion - 15 currency
3 - potion of mana - 5 currency
4 - health Potion - 5 currency
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@ignisuadaroleplay @bi-gender-sorcerer @damnable-druid @crickled-thorn-thug @serious-tabaxi @song-de-lune @the-mighty-dalob @cleric-posting @sorcererest-sorcerer @yeast-wizard
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loverhorror · 3 months
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jhamkul · 2 months
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“Brambling Barricade” 3rd-level conjuration (Druid, Ranger) / Optional: Cleric (Nature Domain)
We have spells that summon magical walls made of stone, water and even air, but we don’t have one for something like sticks and brambles, so let’s fix that! When you cast this spell, you create a sturdy barricade of interwoven wooden branches, roots, and thorny vines at a point you can see within range. But be careful, this wall is highly flammable!
Thank you very much for checking out this new creation! If you want to see more of my content, feel free to visit my Instagram, where I ask for advice, post teasers, and you can vote for my future posts.
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siremasterlawrence · 10 months
Matching A Burly Man
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Jamie is my favorite burly man who works at the construction site next door to mine often I see him passing me by it was late that night.
I could hear my voice going active with idea all abound in my head I wish a bit for my life to have this man more than anything to take him as mine.
It is early Christmas morning as a light drop from the sky falling onto my desk close to my bed waking up in a tingling sensation in my body.
My eyes pop open at the sight of it a voice is calling me my own in fact telling me to pick it up which I indulge unwrapping it as it shred.
The box blows up glowing in light a ball rose from the bag floating in mid air it shot from the room into the hallway then plunges to the first floor.
I hop from the bed racing past my bedroom door to the staircase grabbing on to the rail and we race down the staircase till I hit the first floor.
The ball sinks in to the floor dripping in to the floor boards an another red Christmas present box with a gold bow tie drape over him.
There are beautiful silver doves cover the lit silky red wrapping paper, I sit next to the Christmas tree and picked up the box sit and unwrap.
Inside orbs ascend into the sky sprinkling on to me from above causing me to yawn in a very vulgar as I fall a sleep into a deep deep slumber.
My eyes flutter close, chin falling to my tone chest and I hit the ground in one heavy thud shaking the room unable to comprehend all that might happen.
The next thing I woke up to find a strange scent to a very familiar man next to me is under my Christmas tree in a beautiful like sweater and jeans.
He is handsome as hell, super burly, tall and musky as fuck. I am in awe of this man as I have fallen deeply in love with everything I have ever desired.
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“Oy Master! You are awake “ I hear him say.
“Did you just call me Master?” I asked.
“Yes! Well you bloody are mate.” He reply.
“Are you ready to party?”
“A party for two”
“Oh God! Is this a Shania Twain song”
“Come on mate”
“I am undressed like a minute ago”
“Oh dear!”
“Strip me off”
“Kneel for me”
“Oh my King! You smell so good”
“Oh Jamie”
“You are my construction worker “
“I can do anything you wish”
“I’ll be all you want “
“Why don’t you do so work on my body “
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“I love you Jamie”
“I love you too Master”
“You are so manly”
“So are you “
“Not really!”
“You are a real man”
“ A true alpha”
“My life is yours “
“You are my life “
“Your construction job”
“Only to support you “
“You are my man”
“A big strong man like you “
“I am pussy “
“You said so”
“My pussy “
“My lover”
“Use me Master, own me”
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The end
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izzylimon · 3 months
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