#Mama Pidge AU
chibi-pix · 5 months
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This may or may not have been a WIP for a few months.... Anyway! Some Mama Pidge AU, featuring Krolia being the happiest grandma around. She won't accept Keith's claims of not courting Pidge. She wants Darrell for her grandson and Pidge as her daughter-in-law. Also, apparently Krolia kidnaps Darrell a lot. Oops.
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Remember, commissions are open and available on my ko-fi. Until next time!
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pidgotto · 4 months
Hello, my friends. Welcome to part 2 of TBB but in the Sims because Pidge still hasn't gotten over the fact that the show ended over a month ago and so has decided to play out a silly modern AU where they're in control of the going-ons and shenanigans which ensue!
I hope you enjoy the nonsense and gooey cuteness that I captured during gameplay!
As promised here is the TechPhee post!
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They're engaged and are madly in love with each other.
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Secret wedding, secret wedding, outside the houses, secret secret secret secret weddingggggg!
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Damn, that was fast (when it actually wasn't in game lmao).
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I physically can't not laugh at Tech's panic posing. Sir, are you okay?
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Not the doctor ripping Phee's heart out in the labor and delivery ward-
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New parents ftw. welcome to the [Sims] world, kiddo!
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Papa Tech, my beloved. <3
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I'm literally dead, they're so sweet together.
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Mama Phee, my beloved. <3
It must be so slay to have a literal genius dad at the top of his Tech Guru career and an awesomely adventurous mom who does space missions for a living.
Until next post!
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minamorsart · 6 months
What , And how did you start pairing lotura, And Plance .?
Ooooh boy am I excited to answer this!!! This is going to be a long answer, hope you don't mind! Because I have some specific memories about these two ships, particularly lotura, that I would absolutely love to share with you!
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Prepare for a long read! Hehe
Starting with lotura, when season 3 came out and Lotor made his debut, of course I was all 👀👀👀 Because that day something awoke in 19 year old me that I didn't realize could ever be awoken lol. And I wish I could remember exactly what my reaction was to his cat-and-mouse chase with Allura in the episode "The Hunted", but at the time I must not have considered the idea of them ever going in the direction of a romance. Looking back now though, how could I have been so blind??! That chase scene is HOT. I mean just look at them!!! Look at Lotor especially woah mama 😳
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Season 4 was mediocre to me at the time, I will confess, for a lot of different reasons. But then season 5, man... SEASON 5!!!! I remember it was March 3rd, 2018. I wasn't keeping up with the show anymore, but I just so happened to see an article online that said season 5 had been released the day before on Netflix. I told my sister and we decided, "eh, let's watch at least the first episode."
And we watched the first episode, alright. And then another, and then another and another until we watched all six episodes in one sitting. We were both blown away! Lotor... Allura... together???? 😲
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Their adventures, their chemistry, their clear attraction to one another... I was OBSESSED!!! I shipped them hardcore after that. They were and are still my #1 OTP, and it's because of them that I really tried to work hard and improve my art! I wanted to draw them all the time, making mini comics and AUs, and while their tragic ending actually left me in tears and I was upset for a really long time, I can now say that I have been able to heal and move on from it--eh, mostly anyway, haha.
It still hurts, but 5 years later I feel that I've matured and come to a greater understanding and acceptance. I have come to really appreciate how perfect they are for each other, both aesthetically of course (cuz lookit that sexual dimorphism babeyyy) as well as the many, many things they have in common. I have also come to appreciate their flaws, their imperfections, and the mistakes they made regarding each other and their relationship. They may have gotten a sad ending, but they were still truly equals in every way. It's just beautiful, and my love for them now is stronger than ever :')
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For Lance and Pidge on the other hand, it's not quite as clear as when I started shipping them! I remember rolling my eyes at Lance and Allura's first meeting, like "okay Lance is one of THESE guys, here we go 🙄"
Other than that I didn't really ship Lance or Pidge with anyone! If I'm recalling correctly, I don't think it wasn't until after season 6 that I started shipping them together. I remember reading metas and analyses of their relationship that people were making in anticipation for season 7's release, and the more I thought about it, the more I started to really like the idea of Lance and Pidge getting together! And there are definitely subtle hints throughout the earlier seasons of Pidge's feelings for Lance, as well as their fun chemistry with one another, like the episode "Space Mall"!
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The hints are not so subtle to me now, but back then it wasn't until I watched season 7 that I actually became hopeful that they could be a couple! I especially loved the moments when Pidge indirectly called Lance "cute, in a creepy, hideous sort of way" lol, and when Lance become very protective over Pidge in such a way that I don't think we ever saw him react before! I was honestly taken aback by that moment!
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And again, their ending was definitely less than satisfactory, particularly Lance's ending (still hate it with a passion), but just like with Lotura's relationship, I have also come to appreciate many things about Plance's relationship today. While Lotor and Allura have so much in common and are able to reach an understanding with each other that they can't with anyone else, it would seem at first that Pidge and Lance are far too different to be compatible. And it is true that they are very different, but for one, that can be a good thing! The foundations of some relationships are built off of their differences. It can make someone more compassionate and more open-minded when they have a willingness to accept and appreciate the differences they have with their partner, and a willingness to take a genuine interest in the things that their partner is passionate about, even if they don't completely understand.
And two, at the same time, Pidge and Lance DO have things in common! They both love their families, both have a stronger connection to Earth compared to the other paladins, and they are able to bond with one another over fun pastimes such as video games! How cute is that??!
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And just like with Lotor and Allura, I also love Pidge and Lance for their flaws. It did take me a while to come around to Lance, because while he has his funny moments and one-liners, I also found him very annoying at times lol. But I think the fact that he can be really annoying honestly makes him the most realistic character in Voltron. Not necessarily the most relatable, at least not for me, but definitely the most human! Because there are people in our real lives that we love and cherish deeply, but they absolutely have their moments where you go, "ugh, you're so annoying and it really frustrates me when you act this way" but we still wouldn't trade them for the world 🥰
And just to draw one last comparison between Lotura and Plance, I especially LOVE how incredibly different the two pairings are even from each other! To me, Lotor and Allura are sexy and passionate, while Pidge and Lance are pure and fun! They're all so unique and special in their own ways, and they bring so much to the table, both for their characters and for their relationships.
I can't help but write essays every time I get asks, I'm so sorry lol 😭 There's so much more I could say about these guys, but I think I'd better stop here haha! I had a lot of fun writing about Lotura and Plance, and I hope you had just as much fun reading this! I really love these characters a lot. I'm so incredibly grateful that they exist, even if in the form of fiction, and I'm even MORE grateful that my love for them has continued to grow over the years. Thank you so much for the ask!!!! 💖💜💙💚
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Oh and one last thing: we were robbed of a lot of different potential interactions with a lot of different characters, but I have to say it would have been fun to see more of Lotor and Lance interacting with each other! Lance was always acting out due to his jealousy, while Lotor on the other hand mostly just ignored him lol.
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
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this is me asking you about your popstar lance au ‼️
i love u for asking & marry me also.
lance has an affinity for music.
partially this is canon. but also jeremy shada is a musician so. i KNOW his voice is good and i KNOW he can play bass and guitar and keyboard too i think. basically he’s his own band.
in my head, dicking around on instruments is just smth he’s always done. one time when he’s like twelve he records a christmas song for his mama and she LOVES it, like she shows all her friends, and lance is teased by his older siblings (mamas favourite lol) but veronica notices that he’s quite quietly….happy is not the right word?? the weight that seems to follow him lifts for a while. so she makes some offhandedly comments that damn, patito, as much as ur a goober ur one of the few people whose voice sounds really good when it’s recorded. just to plant the seed u know.
and since lance is like early teens and the youngest and easily manipulated it WORKS, and lance starts actually hesitantly trying to make and record his own music.
of course he’s too insecure and embarrassed to like TELL anybody. (veronica is not a dumbass and can fully see it happening. she just keeps to herself and resolves to find him and be an anonymous fan and never EVER let him find out) and he’s a tv obsessed nerd so he’s like omg i have to have a secret name??so his dweeb ass chooses JAVELIN 😭😭 cause. yknow.
he writes songs as javelin for YEARS and he gets like bo burnham success he goes viral QUICKLY. and he gets a twitter account to have fun with. BUT…he never posts his face. just his music. (and social media presence lol).
anyways i have more details. but i like to imagine lance is in space and the team gets to talking about like pop culture and music and stuff and pidge mentions an artist that she loves, javelin, and lance is like lol do i have news for you.
some other random details:
- as lance gets older his twitter gets more batshit insane ala jaboukie and he gets banned like four times lol
- he does eventually tell veronica. one day he collects a bunch of her pining gay texts and writes a song and asks her to sing it. bc it’s lesbian as hell. she does and it’s one of his most famous (based off a real song i’m obsessed w)
- while he’s away at space someone literally figures out who he is. they connect his disappearance w the disappearance of lance esposita-mcclain, garrison airforce cadet, and their debunking youtube video gets like MILLIONS of views and half of the viewers agree half don’t. it’s this giant conspiracy. first tweet on javelin’s account (made on the lions as they touch down on earth literally the second his phone connects to data lol) after YEARS of total radio silence is a link to the video and the caption “well damn” lol
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michaela-weberr · 6 years
We need a Klance Mama Mia au
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moonxsuncelestials · 2 years
Fun Fact for Voltron Au
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It is confirmed thanks to @palidinus​ that Yun and Shiro are pretty much the Space Dads, so they obviously need TLC and a lot more R & R. So, whenever Shiro and Yun need that time to just get away from everything for that much NEEDED break, and if Lance or Keith have really pushed their buttons, both paladins are in charge of babysitting Li. Yun even gives his baby boy permission to be a bit more chaotic like his cousin, Jade, within reason.
And Li gets to rate them as who he likes better as his babysitter-hands down it’s often Lance. With Keith, Li often calls him Mean Kitty and never learns how to properly pronounce Keith’s name, it’s always ‘Mean Kitty’.
Pidge even records all of the shenanigans to laugh about later.
Also fun fact, Li often doesn’t call the Lions by their colors. Example is Red, whom he calls Big Fire Kitty. Blue is often called Water Kitty, Green is dubbed Pretty Flora Kitty, Yellow is Big Sand Kitty, and Black? Black earned the honorary title of Mama Kitty. 
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klance-fics · 3 years
pls pls do you have any fics where they HATE each other? like hate hate and are actual enemies but fall in love
idk if they hate each other enough in these i hope they're cool sfsjb
If you're my soulmate, what the FUCK is wrong with my soul?
Lance was seven the first time his mama told him about soulmates. How you can take your soulmate's pain from them and they can take yours. On that day, Lance swore his soulmate would never have to suffer and from then on insisted on taking their every injury from them. He dutifully ignored the fact that they'd never once taken away his pain. They must have had a reason...
Keith was seven the first time he heard about soulmates. He thought it was a load of bullshit. Why the hell would someone you've never met want to take away your pain? How could he accept someone only caring about him because they were soulmates? Out of principle, he refused to ever take away his soulmate's pain.
Whoever thought the two would later meet in space and be more than a little pissed off at each other?
blink if you want me
He wakes up to Pidge’s face hovering above him. “You gotta stop running into him like this.” “Dude, he fucking shot me.” “I know. We saw.”- A hitmen AU wherein two thirsty assholes fall for each other and then jeopardize their respective missions because of it.
vicodin on sunday nights
Lance was having a perfectly good day. Everything was great. He was happy, healthy, and convinced that today was just another win in the vault. He had expected to win, go home with his mom and nephew, and eat pizza. He hasn’t expected all of this to go down.
And he certainly didn’t expect this.
PIDGEON | lance, my dude
PIDGEON | keith is gay.
Lance read the message. Then he read it again. Then a third time. It takes a whole minute for him to read it over fifteen times, and another to process it.
Then he short-circuits.
What the fuck.
Lance McClain starts off the school year fine. He had the perfect plan: to bring his team to championships, get straight As, and to get through the year. What he hadn’t expected was for Keith Kogane to plummet into his life, ruin his plans, and makes Lance question everything he’s ever wanted in life.
never saw you coming
Three months in space on his own would have been fine. Three months in space with Lance McClain is a whole other fucking story.
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tokyoteddywolf · 8 years
A Blue CatAstrophe!
Lance isn't missing, he's right there. It was an accident, how he'd ended up 'missing', but Blue said that there should be some cure for this. He wished he was human again, so he could comfort his team with the knowledge that he wasn't dead. But no, he's a cat, and the only way to make sure they smile is to knock all the pens to the ground, chase some string, and occasionally wake up his crush and idol up from a nightmare and almost get smacked across the room by accident. Well, okay, that last one had to be mended since he was apparently a good stress reliever if you ran your hands down his back... too bad it wouldn't happen if he was a human. So, for now, he'll deal with being a brown and darker brown swirled tabby kitten for just a little bit longer. Purrrrrrrr.....
A Cat Au, where Lance becomes a cat and hell ensues.
“Well, maybe you should go find a better, more serious Blue Paladin who's more useful than I apparently am, Shiro!”
Lance gunned Blue's engines, rocketing away from the Castle and across the planet they were currently trying to form an alliance with, away from the city and away from the boiling argument he'd just had with the Black Paladin. They nearly broke the sound barrier with the speed they were flying at, but Lance just had to get away. He couldn't stand seeing that angry look on Shiro's face. The one that was usually filled with fond amusement or seriousness during battle or planning. He couldn't get it out of his head, the fight they'd had during the strategy meeting on the diplomatic approach to the alien colony down below.
He'd just wanted to go down with the team that was to speak with the city leader, but Shiro had told him that he would be better elsewhere, away from the city's population. He'd asked why, and got a “Because we can't have you flirting with the wrong alien and lose the chance for an alliance, Lance.” in return. Of course, he'd tried to say that he could be serious when he wanted, only to be rebuffed because he was “the joker of the group” and his people skills weren't exactly helpful in this situation.
Lance, having become tired and increasingly frustrated during the past year they'd been in space, finally blew up at his former hero. He was so sick of always being pushed aside in favor of someone else. Tired of trying to help only to be scorned and grumbled at, tired of trying to keep up the fake act of being happy and trying to cheer up the others, tired of being nobody special like the others. As soon as the words had left his mouth, he'd bolted for Blue's hangar, not noticing the shocked and horrified faces of his team and the Alteans he left behind in that hologram lit room.
Blue growled in concern, and he finally landed her in a field of giant green and gray flowers that looked vaguely familiar. He stumbled out of the cockpit and in a fit of childish anger, roundhouse kicked one of the large green flower trees. He threw back his head and screamed in frustration, the stress that had built up and torn into his chest bubbling up and bleeding out into his voice. He punched the nearest tree, barely registering the pale golden silver dust filtering down from the overhead petals and getting into his hair, giving it a shiny glowing sheen. “Why?!? Why am I not good enough?!?” He wailed, punching the tree over and over, leaning his head against it and furiously fighting back tears. Blue whined, worried for her Paladin. Lance didn't hear it that well, but as the anger and frustration faded into sadness, he suddenly realized it was getting really hard to breathe, and that the air felt really dry and dusty for some reason.
Coughing, he pulled up his arm to rub at the strange, almost gritty feeling on the back of his neck, and noticed that his jacket was covered in pale, fine dust that shimmered in the white light of the overhead sun. Right. He wasn't in Paladin armor because the planet had breathable air. Ha. Breathable air? Lance was choking on the... sudden burning feeling... in his throat… oh shit.
Gasping, Lance stumbled away from the tree he'd been banging his bleeding fist on, since the bark of the tree felt like rough glass and scraped his knuckles, and clawed at his throat, trying to hack up the fireball currently traveling down his windpipe and into his lungs, where it got even worse. He screamed, this time in agony, as his whole body felt like it was on fire. Blue roared in panic, activating her ice cannon and freezing the offending plant and surrounding area, covering everything within a ten mile radius with ice.
Lance stumbled and slid, collapsing onto the ground and convulsing, tears streaming down his face as he burned alive, feeling his bones bake and his blood boil under his skin, and the last thing he remembered before blacking out was the screams of Blue as she scooped him up and activated her particle barrier, trying to filter out the air and get him to breathe again.
He woke up and regretted it, as everything ached and throbbed dully. He let out a soft, pained noise in the back of his throat and curled up tighter on the chair he had somehow landed on during the black, fuzzy haze from when Blue had tried to help him. He heard loud noises from outside, and felt the entire cockpit shake as something had picked them up and was moving them somewhere. His body felt strange and out of place, and way too small. He flattened his ears back as another too loud sound echoed outside his Lion, tail twitching over his paws as he looked around… wait. That did not seem right at all.
He didn't have a tail or paws, nor did his ears move. Blue purred with relief at the fact that he was awake, but rumbled with concern as she sent him a mental image of what he'd become. Soft, dark brown fur with lighter brown stripes, sock paws, ears and tail tip. Pretty blue eyes with slitted irises and four light brown spots lining under his eyes, swirls on his back like a river. A small black nose. Lance flinched. That pollen stuff or whatever, had turned him into a cat?!? No wonder he felt wrong in his own body, like he should be bigger but wasn't. Blue rumbled and sent him an image of Black and Yellow towing Blue back to the Castle, and how they were currently setting them down in the Blue Hangar. Lance curled in on himself, his clothes having been shredded during his violent transformation and ruined with blood that had been squeezed out from his rearranging body, and trembled in his seat. “I don't want to be seen like this.” He thought, panicking. Blue, acknowledging her Paladin's wish, kept her barrier up and her jaw locked, even as Black growled at her to open up.
Lance could see Hunk and Shiro out of Blue's monitors down below, Keith and Pidge also appearing to stand below Blue's jaw, all looking very worried. He snorted. They wouldn't find him in Blue. Well, not his human self anyways. He registered Black's commanding growl, and Blue struggling not to bow down to her leader.
“Not here, not here. My Paladin is no longer here, as he used to be.” Blue whispered mournfully to her sisters, showing them the blood splattered cockpit and shredded clothes, and the tiny, fluffy body in her Paladin's seat, trembling and scared. Black immediately ceased growling, and instead rumbled with worry, as the other Paladins all jumped or flinched, startled by whatever their Lions were sending them, and then Shiro began banging on Blue's barrier, frantically calling for Lance. Hunk looked almost sick, Pidge seemed like she was about to cry, and Keith was clenching his fists and tapping his foot against the ground.
Blue, feeling guilty that she couldn't have stopped Lance from getting hurt, finally bent down and opened her jaw, the Paladins all hurrying inside with frantic, desperate movements. Lance hissed and slid off the seat, scrambling for a place to hide, squeezing himself into a corner under the dashboard. Blue sent him waves of soft, soothing comfort, tinged with guilt, and he sent back the thought that it wasn't her fault, they didn't know, and it was okay, but he still didn't want to be seen like this.
“Lance!” Shiro was the first to reach the pilot seat, and Lance watched from his hiding spot as a look of pure horror flooded the Black Paladin's face as he saw the blood and torn up fabric. The others had similar reactions, Hunk covering his mouth and trying not to vomit, Pidge going as pale as a sheet of ice, and Keith making a choked noise that sounded suspiciously like a sob.
Lance let out an involuntary mewl of grief at the sorrowful faces in front of him. He didn't think that him disappearing, possibly being dead, would have them react like this. Pidge, with her sharp hearing, looked over to where he was hiding. She moved over, and crouched down, reaching in and feeling around for him. Lance hissed, and swatted at her hand with sheathed claws. The others made sounds of astonishment at the noise, and Pidge somehow got her hands around his wriggling, tiny form and pulled him out, gasps echoing in the Blue Lion as they saw Pidge holding what looked to be an Earth kitten. Lance mewled again, wriggling around, trying to fight the tired achy feeling in his body, but Pidge was cradling him close, and he was just exhausted from all the stress of the day, and he slowly settled into a barely awake, half alert, ears pricked state of being in his friend's warm arms.
Blue purred quietly in his mind, informing him that all would be well once he woke up, and he had nothing to fear for now. So, he drifted off, hoping that he could figure out how to turn back to normal in the morning.
//thats a wrap for chapter 1!!! next time is probably Pidge POV, instead of this weird all over the place POV i've been doing lately. Next time, kitty Lance gets tangled into things he shouldn't, and Shiro is an absolute wreck. Langst is kind of fun to write, ngl. *yawns * well, i'm going to get some sleep now, hope you enjoyed! I'm gonna go post this on AO3, too :) Night! (or morning, afternoon, whenever.)
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chibi-pix · 11 months
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I wanted some Mama Pidge AU. And Realities Collide. And I keep thinking of VF Lance not liking the idea of Katie, a literal kid, raising a kid herself. And the fact that that kid is actually Galra/Drule. But. Katie doesn't care. She loves her son and she won't let anyone ruin that or insult him. Meanwhile, Darrell's just amazed by how big of a bump his mama caused on the commander's head. It is impressive.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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pidgotto · 3 months
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Hello, my friends. Welcome to part 7 of TBB but in the Sims because Pidge still hasn't gotten over the fact that the show ended over 2 month ago and so has decided to play out a silly modern AU where they're in control of the going-ons and shenanigans which ensue!
I hope you enjoy the nonsense and gooey cuteness that I captured during gameplay!
First stop, Omega's and Lyana's first prom!
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Our girly may or may not have autonomously developed a crush on Lyana. 👀 I wonder what the next prom will hold!
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Just a man, his brothers, and his dog.
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Oh hey! Ariyah is aging up again! Hbd, little one!
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Mama Phee is so proud.
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She's looks so much like Phee, it's literally so freaking precious.
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IT'S ECHO'S BIRTHDAY?! AHHHH! He's officially an adult in this save now! (I totally didn't make him a young adult because I didn't want him to die quicker than the rest of the batch.) Oh hey, Cody, Rex, and Emerie are there too!
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NO! BATCHER IS AN ELDER DOG! *PANICKED SCREAMING AND CRYING* She looks super duper cute in this picture though.
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The stink eye returns.
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They are still madly in love with each other, your honor.
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Thank you guys for being patient with me and my temporary disappearance! I really appreciate all of your love and support for this little series of mine! I hope to bring you even more content soon.
Is there anything in particular that you'd like to see the Sims Batch get up to? I think it could be super fun to have you guys have some influence over things the batch can get up to!
I hope y'all enjoy today's post and have a wonderful weekend!
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heroami · 4 years
Day 11 - “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”
Fandom: Voltron (AU)
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After four long years and several close calls, Lance contently looks down from his perch on the counter as his family - both old and new - hangs out in the kitchen of his childhood home as the smell of his mother’s cooking wafts through the air. 
Beside him, Hunk shows Allura and Romelle how to properly slice the onions and peppers, his larger hands practically dwarfing theirs as he instructs them on how to properly hold the knife and how to curl their fingers - knuckles out - over the vegetable as they cut, all the while answering the alien princess’s rapid fire questions about the properties of each edible item before them. Rachel stands on their other side, pressing garlic and adding more practical bits and pieces of information to Hunk’s overly technical explanations.
Likewise, his mom is stationed at the oven with Keith’s mom, gently instructing the Galran woman as they stand watch over searing meat. Apparently Krolia had become quite interested in cooking during her last stay on Earth; however, after about twenty-some-odd years of inactivity, she was a bit rusty. His momma, ever-kind and ever-helpful, had offered to tutor her. It seems to be going well so far, even as Krolia cautiously pokes at the beef with her spatula.
The others are sitting at the table, all absorbed in their own conversations. Pidge and Veronica sit in the far corner - the one with the outlet - huddled around Pidge’s laptop, utterly absorbed in whatever the younger girl had on the screen. Lance rolls his eyes good-naturedly. What nerds. Meanwhile, Shiro and Keith are stationed at the other end of the table, talking with Marco and Luis. Probably regaling some of their more - ah - PG adventures, if the awed looks on his brothers’ faces were anything to go by. 
Lance turns a bit to peek out the window behind him, watching his niece and nephew chase Kosmo around the yard, shrieking with laughter. Their mother lingers near the garage with his father and Coran, both giving what was surely an in-depth explanation of how cars work to the older alien, who had been utterly fascinated with the ‘primitive machines’ on sight. 
It was loud and warm and almost jarringly surreal and... absolutely perfect. 
Lance would not trade this moment for anything in the universe. 
He catches movement from the corner of his eye as he turns back around. Shiro is now standing, lingering at the saloon door (name courtesy of Cousin Vinny) leading to the rest of the house, talking to Luis. Marco is nowhere in sight. When did that happen?
“It’s the second door to your left,” his brother tells Shiro. “If you find yourself in a purple room, you’ve gone too far.” Lance makes a small noise of understanding as their leader steps out, the door swinging gently behind him.
Which brings us back to surreal. Because not only was the Takashi Shirogane in his house, he was currently heading up to use the bathroom Lance and his siblings had all shared growing up. Where Veronica had taught him and Rachel about the importance of skin care and where Luis had dyed his hair firetruck red on a dare, much to their mother’s horror. Where Marco had accidentally knocked over a bottle of blue nail polish, creating a stain on the aged white countertop that no amount of scrubbing could get out (trust him, they had tried) and Lance had contemplated cutting his hair like his childhood hero on more than one occasion, forelock and all.
 ‘What is my life?’ he muses with a shake of his head.
“-and I’m sure Lance would love to do that after dinner.” Lance perks up at the sound of his name.
“Lance would love to do what now?” 
His mother throws an amused look at him over her shoulder. “Give everyone a tour of the house after dinner. If they are going to be staying here, they should know where things are, don’t you think?”
“I mean I guess,” Lance snarks, the beginnings of a smile pulling at his cheeks. When Mama shoots him her patented ‘playfully exasperated’ look, he sticks his tongue out at her mischievously. She laughs outright at that, a fond smile of her own playing on her lips.
He had missed this. 
“Thank you once more for letting us all stay here for the time being,” Allura repeats for what had to have been the zillionth time, putting her knife down next to her pile of freshly diced onions. “I know it is quite an imposition, but –.”
His mom cut her off with a wave of her hand. “Think nothing of it. We’re glad to have you.”
Allura shoots the older woman her best diplomatic smile as she crosses the kitchen to deliver the onions to the stove. “Still, with there being so many of us, please do not hesitate to ask our assistance with anything around your home. We would be happy to help, seeing that we will be taking up so much space.”
“And that’s not even counting Hunk and Pidge’s families,” Romelle adds unhelpfully, still squinting down at her half-cut pepper in concentration. “The house will be way more crowded when they get here in a few quinants!”
Lance bites back a smile as Allura’s eyebrow twitches in mild annoyance. “Yes, thank you, Romelle.” She manages to keep her voice level though, so count him impressed. “As I was saying, Mrs. McClain, please do not hesitate to -.”
She stops short when the cutting board is plucked from her grasp and his mother takes the princess’s hands in her own.
“My dear, I truly appreciate the offer, but you really don’t need to worry about this. Especially with everything else on your plates.”
“Yeah, what you should be worried about is whatever story those idiots at the Garrison are cooking up to cover their sorry asses after this disaster,” Veronica interjects from across the room. “Three legally dead Garrison researchers and four missing cadets showing up in five extraterrestrial war machines with four aliens in tow?” She barks out a laugh. “What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall of that meeting.”
Keith leans back in his chair, arms crossed firmly over his chest, and rolls his eyes disdainfully. “Only took them a couple of days to come up the pilot error bs, so I’m sure they can come up with something equally as stupid in two weeks.”
“As I was saying,” Mama continues before Veronica can reply. “We are more than happy to host everybody. You’re as good as family now.”
Allura looks ready to protest further so Lance butts in. “You’re not going to win this one, Princess. Trust me; just let it go.” He ignores the slight pout Allura sends his way. “There’s been a few holidays where we had more than twenty people staying here at once, so this is nothing.”
“Marco and Luis’s old rooms are empty,” Rachel offers, having finished her part of prep work and depositing the ingredients next to Krolia. “So, the Garrets and Holts can stay there. And I don’t mind giving up my room for someone to use.”
Lance hums in agreement. “I can easily fit two or three people on the blow-up mattress in my room and two can fit in my bed. You mind bunking up again, Hunk?”
“Always down for a sleepover, dude!”
His mother laughs, giving Allura’s hands a squeeze before dropping them. “That can work for tonight, but I would like to arrange something a little more comfortable for our guests.” She rejoins Krolia at the stove and begins throwing the now chopped veggies into a fresh pan. “Sleeping on an air mattress is only okay for a night or two, I don’t care who you are.”
“Shiro, Hunk and I can stay in Lance’s room,” Keith decides, arms still crossed over his chest. “The girls can stay with Veronica or Rachel and Coran and my mom will each take one of the spare rooms.”
Rachel makes a sharp noise – almost like a squeak – only to shrink back when all eyes turn to her. She briefly catches Lance’s gaze before quickly looking away.
“They can stay in my room,” she suggests sheepishly. “I don’t mind.”
“Perfect!” Their mother beams. “I’ll have the boys move everyone’s things upstairs in a bit.”
With the sleeping arrangements settled, everyone goes back to their own conversations. No sooner had this happened, Rachel is dropping the rag she had been cleaning up her workspace with and pulling Lance off the counter.
“Hey -!” he starts to protest but is promptly shushed by his twin. No one spares them a second glance.
“You should know,” Rachel says quietly, pulling him to her side as soon as he is close enough. “That when you disappeared four years ago, no one wanted to touch anything in your room. It became like a shrine to you or whatever.”
Annoyance leaves as quickly as it came, and guilt pulls heavily at his heart. He was not prepared to deal with this today. “Rach, I -.”
She cuts him off with an impatient noise. “Don’t make that face. You have nothing to be guilty about. What I’m trying to say is that your room is exactly how you left it when you went back to the Garrison.” She pulls back a bit to give him a meaningful look. “Exactly how you left it.”
Lance stares at his twin blankly for a moment, trying desperately to remember what his childhood bedroom even looked like and – more importantly – what could possibly in it that would prompt such a warning from his sist-.
His stomach dropped.
Okay. Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool. That’s fine – no big deal. Thanks for the heads up, Rach. He could totally handle this. He would just have to run upstairs real quick. Five minutes tops. No one would be the wiser. He just needed to get his mom rambling then sneak out and-.
Pidge’s voice cuts through his planning and suddenly everything falls to shit. 
“What’s this?” she teases, her voice loud enough to easily cut through the other quiet conversations in the kitchen. He whirls around to face her, glare already in place. “Lance has something super embarrassing in his bedroom?”
“What? No! Uh…um- It’s actually, uh-.” He hears Rachel stammer behind him. Bless her for trying to cover for him, but it was too late – Pidge had already picked up on the scent. His sister must sense this too because she shoulders droop in defeat. “You weren’t supposed to hear that,” she finishes lamely. 
The kitchen falls quiet as Lance and Pidge continue to stare at each other, as though sizing the other up. In his peripheral, he sees Allura and Keith shift, looking equally as intrigued by this bit of information. Hell, Keith finally uncrossed his arms, he was that interested. Hunk glances between them, looking confused, before his eyes light up in realization and his mouth drops into an ‘O’. He remembers too, apparently.
Their eyes all flicker to the doorway leading out of the kitchen. Almost in sync, which would have been off-putting in any other situation. Or maybe not - perhaps it was another little quirk after spending so much time sharing a headhole as Voltron. 
Maybe that’s how Lance knew exactly what they were all thinking. He narrows his eyes, daring them to try it. 
A beat of tense silence envelopes the kitchen. The sizzle of cooking food suddenly deafening.
They all leap for the door at once.
Lance has his eyes set on Keith, since he is - was - seated closest to the exit. Hopefully, if he manages to get around him first, he could stop Pidge and Allura as well. He’s not sure how exactly he’ll keep them from squeezing by – he knows he’s a bit of a bean pole and there is no way he’s strong enough to keep all three of them back, so he’ll have to -.
There’s an undignified squawk behind him. When he whips his head around, he finds Hunk, now standing in the middle of the kitchen, with Allura firmly tucked against his chest in a hold she couldn’t muscle her way out of that hold without potentially hurting him. His other hand was wrapped around Pidge’s arm, holding her back.
Has he mentioned how much he loves his best friend? It’s a lot. Like, so, so much.
“It’s the last door on your right!”
Veronica, on the other hand, can go straight to hell. 
He turns back to deal with Keith, only to find the door swinging; the older boy having apparently taken advantage of Lance’s momentary distraction. 
He swears vehemently and bolts. His mother shouts after him, scandalized and angry - and oh boy, she just full-named him, he was so screwed later - but right now he pays her little mind, already halfway out the door.
Keith has only made it to the end of the long hallway by the time he makes it out of the kitchen and Lance practically roars in frustration as the jerk effortlessly leaps over the banister to run up the stairs. Luckily, being a bean pole has its advantages, like long legs, so by the time Lance’s hand catches the rounded top of the banister post, Keith is only just reaching the summit. Using his hold on the post to swing around sharply, redirecting his momentum without slowing him down too much, Lance thunders up after him, taking two at a time. Fast, but not fast enough. When he gets to the top, Keith is at the end of the hall, opening his door. But Lance doesn’t slow down - not as he stumbles over the hall runner (he’s always hated that stupid freaking rug), not as he enters his room (for the first time in years - holy shit), not even as he leaps at Keith, bringing them both to the floor. 
The other paladin shouts in surprise as they go down and Lance knows he has precious seconds to take control of the situation. Keith may be better at hand-to-hand, but if he acts fast enough, that won’t matter. So as soon as they hit the ground, Lance is scrambling on top of him, pushing his shoulders down when he tries to roll over, grabbing his arms and wrenching them behind his back to pin them there with both hands, like he had been taught (and by Keith too - ha!). That done, he quickly readjusts his stance so he can press his sneakers gently along the knee pits, so no stray kicks could dislodge him. Once satisfied that Keith isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, he sits back on the other boy’s lower back, more than a little smug.
Keith turns his head to the side to glare up at him, grumbling and trying to blow stray hairs from his face. Lance grins back, digging his knees into Keith’s hips just a bit to be annoying. 
“You should really know better than to mess with me, Keith,” he taunts.
“Oh my god.” Lance pauses in readjusting his hold on Keith’s arms because that wasn’t the frustrated or annoyed tone he was expecting. Instead, it was kind of breathless and surprised. “Oh my god,” he repeats, a bit louder and this time his shoulders are shaking, and Lance tightens his grip on his wrists. “Oh my god, Lance.” It’s straight laughter now - Keith’s entire body quakes beneath Lance as he chokes on his guffaws, the part of his face not covered in hair or pressed into the floor flushed a pleasant shade of pink. Lance follows Keith’s gaze to the far wall of his bedroom and feels his heart drop into his stomach.
There, smiling down at them without a care in the world, was a rather large poster of Shiro decked out in his flight gear for the Kerberos mission. If that wasn’t bad enough, it was surrounded by smaller clippings from newspapers and magazines, printouts of interviews with his favorite quotes highlighted, and a whole-ass shelf beneath it filled with other Shiro related memorabilia. 
Lance could just die. 
“I can’t believe you were one of those fanboys,” Keith manages between giggles. 
“Shut the hell up, Kogane,” Lance snaps, hoping the heat radiating from his face didn’t detract from the venom in his tone. “You have literally no room to talk after following him around the Garrison like an overly attached puppy all the time.” 
Unfortunately, Keith didn’t rise to the bait. “What?” he teases, grinning up at his captor the best he could manage. “You upset it wasn’t you?”
Lance doesn’t even dignify that with a response, instead digging his knees back into Keith’s sides roughly, taking some pleasure in the groan it earns him.
“Did you find it, Keith?” Pidge calls from downstairs. “What’s he got?”
“Yup!” Keith shouts back. “He’s got a Shi-.”
“Nope!” Lance slaps his hand over Keith’s mouth. “Lance has nothing up here!” He glares down at his prisoner when something warm and wet swipes across his palm. “And no amount of hand licking is going to change that.”
Instead of a frustrated eye roll, Keith tenses. Next thing Lance knows, he is wrenching his arm from Lance’s hold, which had weakened considerably when he took a hand away to cover Keith’s mouth (stupid stupid stupid), and uses his now free appendage to push himself - and Lance - over.      
Lance lands on his back with a grunt. He grunts again just seconds later when a weight settles on his stomach. He opens his eyes to find Keith looming over him, a cocksure grin of his own playing on his lips. 
“You must be real proud of yourself right now, huh?” he intones, not even bothering to try and escape, despite the fact that his captive-turned-captor hadn’t pinned his appendages. He knows it’s not worth the effort, though the way Keith’s grin grows makes him want to reconsider that stance. 
“I wouldn’t say proud,” Keith teases and, yeah, that tone really doesn’t tilt the whole ‘reconsidering’ thing in his favor. He leans forward a bit more, his knees digging a bit into Lance’s side, just enough to be annoying, that dick -. “Maybe something more along the lines of -.” 
“I can’t leave you guys alone for a second, can I?” 
If Lance’s heart had only dropped into his stomach before, it must have put a hole through the floor just now. 
Shiro stands in the doorway, hands firmly planted on his hips in all his Space Dad-slash-Leader-ly glory. Steel grey eyes rake over the paladins sprawled across the floor before an eyebrow quirks up. “Am I interrupting something?” 
Keith’s off him in a heartbeat and scrambling to his feet, the flush of on his cheeks rivaling his armor. “No! Not at all! Interrupting what?” he sputters. That only makes the eyebrow go higher.
Lance would make fun of him, but he was still too busy dying on the floor. 
“Right,” Shiro drawls, shooting his younger brother a dubious look. “Then you mind explaining to me why the two of you just came barreling up here like a pair of wild animals?” 
“It’s all Keith’s fault!” 
“Is not!”
“You ran up here first! How is it not your fault?!”
“Well, you didn’t have to -!” 
Their commander pinches his nose in frustration. “Guys, seriously.” He drops his hand, eyes darting between the younger men before scanning the rest of the room, as though it would offer a coherent answer the others weren’t giving him. “What’s going o-.” He falters when he spots the far wall. “Oh.”
It’s official. Lance was gone. Dead on arrival. The game show space gods might as well take him now to his Family Feud inspired afterlife. 
The silence that follows Shiro’s realization stretches on and on. Lance stares up at his ceiling, tracing the glow-in-the-dark constellations he had painstakingly arranged over his bed, trying his damnedest to ignore the heat radiating from his face and the mental conversation he knows Keith and Shiro are having over him right now. His theory is confirmed moments later when Keith huffs out a long suffering sigh before leaving, presumably heading back downstairs. 
Shiro lingers in the doorway a few seconds more while Lance dutifully ignores him in favor of plastic stargazing before taking a few hesitant steps further towards the decorated wall.  
“You just gonna keep laying on the floor?” the older man asks, inspecting the selection of pictures and articles closely.
Lance slaps his hands over his face, not wanting to see the awkward and thoroughly weirded out look that was sure to mar Shiro’s face when he was done. “Until the Earth finally decides to swallow me whole, yeah.” 
There is a small huff - part amused, part exasperated - before there’s another sharp noise. 
“Oh, I remember this - my first nationally broadcasted interview!” He points to one of the smaller photos sloppily cut from a magazine with a laugh. “That was a crazy day.”
It’s eerily reminiscent of those slice-of-life family sitcoms Lance used to watch when he was younger; the ones that always ended with a wholesome heart-to-heart that fixed everything. Shiro was using his Space Dad voice and he could practically hear the violins playing. Lance, who was not in the mood to deal with that at all right now, groans into his hands. “Shiro, I know what you’re trying to do here, but it’s not gonna -.”
“I was so nervous the night before I didn’t sleep a wink,” He barrels on, as though he hadn’t heard Lance. Against his better judgement, Lance peeks at him through his fingers. “But then I was exhausted the next morning which made my nerves even worse. My friends decided to help out by taking turns grabbing me coffee. There wasn’t a point that day where I didn’t have a cup in my hand.” He shakes his head, a fond smile playing on his lips. “What they didn’t tell me - or each other incidentally - was that there were like two or three shots of espresso in each cup. So by the time my interview rolled around that afternoon, I had at least seven shots in my system and was just about ready to crawl out of my own skin. Honest to God couldn’t tell if I was speaking coherently for like eighty percent of the conversation.” 
Lance drops his hands away from his face, unable to smother his snickering. “Oh my god.”
“Yup, but as bad as that was, it was nothing compared to what I went through later that night.”
“Holy shit, dude!” Lance crows, curling in on himself as he laughs.
“Exactly.” Shiro’s grin was positively devious as he sends the younger paladin into another fit of laughter. “So now Adam, Matt, and Curtis are not allowed to even touch my coffee. Not even at home. They’ve lost my trust after essentially poisoning me.”
After several long, breathless minutes, Lance manages to calm his hysterics into the occasional giggle. He looks over at Shiro, who is leaning against the wall watching him, a grin of his own gracing his lips and arms crossed over his chest confidently, as though making him laugh was some kind of achievement to be proud about. The pose was identical to the one in the poster behind him. Lance wonders if he did that on purpose. He stares at them for a moment more, surprised to find the sting of embarrassment wasn’t as keen though it was definitely still there. Maybe there was some truth to those cheesy sitcom moments. 
‘Whelp, might as well lean into it.’ 
“You were kind of my childhood hero,” Lance admits sheepishly, as he finally pushes himself up into a seat position. He stares resolutely down at his hands, knowing if he met Shiro’s gaze he wouldn’t be able to continue. “You dealt with so much growing up but still went on to achieve great things. And for a little kid from nowhere Cuba living in the shadow of four older siblings, I thought that was pretty cool.” He winces slightly. That sounded so much better in his head. “Sorry if that’s weird.”
“I don’t think it's weird,” Shiro quickly reassures, taking several steps forward until his boots enter Lance’s periphery. “It’s really flattering. Humbling too, especially since you’re my hero as well.” 
Lance’s head snaps up. “What?!”
“You heard me.”
He scrambles to his feet, suddenly unable to remain on the floor. “I’m your what?”
Shiro laughs. “You’re my hero. All five of you, really, but still.” 
Lance couldn’t even begin to process that, so he continues to gape. 
“I wasn’t able to see much while I was in Black,” the older man elaborates. “But I saw the way you stepped up to the plate when the team needed you to - when Keith needed you to, for which I’m grateful.” He places a reassuring hand on Lance’s shoulder and squeeze gently. “I know that wasn’t always easy for you, on top of all your other duties as a paladin, but you did it all with a smile on your face and it made all the difference.” He tilts his head until he meets Lance’s gaze. “Of course, you’re my hero.” 
Lance sputters because what the hell before deciding ‘fuck it’ and throwing his arms around Shiro. The hug is readily returned, and Lance let’s out a semi-hysterical wheeze when he’s squeezed. 
They break apart sometime later and Lance is quick to bow his head to quickly wipe away a stray tear or two. If Shiro notices, he doesn’t say anything, for which Lance is infinitely grateful. 
Once he is sure he’s regained control of his emotions, he clears his throat. “Keith’s probably told the others about the posters by now, huh?” 
Shiro smiles sympathetically. “Probably, yeah.” 
Lance’s shoulders slump as he groans. “It’s not that I’m ashamed or anything, but I can really do without the teasing.”
Shiro hums consideringly before throwing his arm around the younger man’s shoulders. “How about we level the playing field then? At least for Keith,” He suggests with a downright devious grin. 
“I’m listening.” 
“Have you ever heard of Mothman?”
- - - - - - - - - -
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rainforestgeek · 5 years
Plance Fantasy AU - drabble
Wherein they’re both magicians: Pidge is an elementalist and Lance is an illusionist. 
First part on ao3
“What can I getcha, darlin’?”
“My companion and I,” Lance started, leaning dramatically over the bar, “would love anything fried that has meat in it.”
“Well I can surely russtle tha’ up for ya, honey.” Lance handed red-cheeked woman a couple of silver coins.
“Those better be real,” Katie muttered, after the barmaid had bustled to the kitchen to holler out some orders.
“Of course they’re real. You think I’d pay the lovely lady with illusion coins?” Lance murmured to her.
Katie started counting on her fingers. “Two weeks ago in that goblin village, last month at the pub in Frarlem Heights, the arctic mermaids - ”
He shut her up by grabbing her hands and planting a kiss on the back of each one. Katie’s tongue tied up. “You’ll notice, though, that I’m not disguising our faces. I’d never get us caught.”
She managed to croak out, “We’ve been caught.”
“But never recognized.” Lance released her and stretched his back, balancing precariously on his bar stool. “I swear on my mama’s life that’s legitimate currency.”
“Here ya go, darlin’s.” Two plates positively heaped with breaded food slid onto the counter, tickling Katie’s nose with the heavenly scent of hot oil. The barmaid - who, now that Katie got a look at her, looked slightly older than them - gave them each a mug of ale. She winked and twirled a lock of hair around her finger when she slid Katie’s drink toward her. “I gotcha some o’ the special draft, gorgeous.”
Heat rushed to her cheeks. Lance choked on the chicken leg he’d already begun demolishing. “You know I’m a woman, right?” she asked. She tried to strike a balance between coy and blunt. Lance just looked at her all bug-eyed.
“Don’t change how pretty ye’are. Enjoy.” She flounced toward a new patron at the opposite end of the bar. Lance took a deep gulp of his ale and Katie smirked.
“Jealous, Lance?”
He laughed nervously. “Of what?”
Katie sipped her drink. The taste was perfectly rich. “I make a hotter fella than you,” she sing-songed.
Surprisingly, his shoulders relaxed. “Thus forever protecting your maidenhood from any and all saucy suitors that pass your way.”
Just for that, Katie flicked her hand at his chicken leg, which promptly froze to his mouth and fingers.
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parkkrys · 5 years
Plance #2: Childhood Best Friends Au
I see that tumblr has updated again and wow this sucks. Anyways sorry for taking so long to get back into the requests! College has really been draining me but I am back!! This was requested on Archive of Our Own!! Sorry for any grammar mistakes!
Kindergarden is an interesting time in one’s life. Where a child is truly innocent and making friends is easy, their imaginations running wild as they run along the yard screaming and laughing. Lance was easily one of those children, always running wild, being loud maybe even the loudest since he came from a big family and you had to be loud in order to get the attention.
But he could always be found by Katie Holt’s side. The teachers were puzzled with their friendship, the loudest boy with the smartest and smallest girl in the class but they left it alone. It was a miracle that Katie Holt even had a friend so they were not going to tamper with this one.
Lance adored his friendship with Katie, even if she did frustrate him sometimes but she was always there for him when he needed it. In his small mind she was his world, always talking about her or thinking about her when he was home. He would even go as far as to think about how pretty she was.
He loved the colour of her hair, it reminded him of the dark sand that he would dig up on the beach. He had proudly proclaimed several times that he would marry her once he got older, always enjoying how flustered the young girl would get.
“Lance! You shouldn’t even be saying that!” Katie scolded once.
“Why? You don’t want to marry me when we get older?” He asked, feeling the rejection stinging deep. Katie gasped as she shook her head.
“Don’t be upset Lance!!” She exclaimed, hugging him close. “Of course I will marry you when we get older!”
“Really!” Katie exclaimed as she hugged him tighter, trying her best to reassure her friend. Lance couldn’t help the grin that grew on his lips as he hugged her close, feeling her relax gently. What they didn’t know was that something had shifted into place for them, something that wrapped around them, binding them together whether it was friendship or more that was yet to be seen.
But life has a way to twist things around Lance had found out.
He was excited as he hopped out of his mother’s car, quickly grabbing onto her hand as she led them to the little sectioned off playground for the much younger kids.
“Have a good day darling, and be good for the teachers. I know you find it fun to torment them but you have to behave alright little one?”
Lance nodded not even listening as his blue eyes scanned the small area, determined to find the one person that made his entire day. “Of course mama!” He yelled once he spotted Katie, turning quickly to give his mom a hug, muttering a quick love you before running off.
“Katie!” He hollered, slowing down to a stop beside her before he gasped. “Why are you crying!”
Katie sniffled as she turned towards him, her lips quivering, her wide hazel eyes puffy from the tears that trailed down her face. “I-I’m leaving Lance.”
“Leaving? What do you mean by leaving!?”
“Daddy said that we have to move. He had a job offer from somewhere far away and we have to go there.” She said as she wiped at her face.
“But why?” Lance questioned as he started to breath rapidly, his chest hurting and he started rubbing at his chest from the pain. “Why can’t you just stay here?”
Katie frowned as she shook her head lightly, sniffling as she took a small step back. “I can’t. I have to go with them, they are my family. I don’t want to go Lance, but I have to. I need you to understand that.”
He shook his head hard, anger starting to build up as he took a step toward her. “I can’t lose you! You are my best friend! We were going to get married!”
“I know.” She whispered as she looked down but then she snapped her head up. “Wait!” She exclaimed as she ran towards her bag, shuffling through it until she ran back to him. “Here.”
Lance looked down at her hand to see Katie’s small stuffed bird. “You can keep this until we see each other again!”
“I can’t take this! This is your favorite toy!”
He frowned when Katie started giggling. “So you won’t forget me silly! You can give it back when we see each other again.”
“Okay.” Lance whispered as he gently took the toy from her, taking his bag off so he could place into his bag for safe keeping, he was never going to lose this bird even if it meant dying for it. “When do you leave?”
Katie smiled sadly. “Today.”
“Oh.” He said before he felt small arms wrap around him. “Don’t worry Lance. We will see each other again!”
Lance startled awake as his alarm went off, groaning as he rolled over. After finally shutting off the alarm he eased himself up, wondering why the hell he decided to take a morning shift for the coffee shop was a good idea. Sighing he turned his head to stare at the small stuffed bird that laid by his lamp.
It was seventeen years ago that he had to say goodbye to his best friend and his entire world. It wasn’t until he was much older did he realize just how much he truly loved her, knowing that when he declared that he would marry her that he was actually going to. It was a silly thought, but one that kept him sane on the worst days.
It took him over ten minutes to get out of bed to get ready for work, and another five minutes staring at his front door wondering if he should take the bird with him or not.
In the end he left his small apartment with the small bird placed in his bag, walking quickly to make sure he caught the bus on time.
“Hey you actually made it!” Hunk yelled out at him when he walked through the front door of the Lion Café.
“Yeah.” He grunted as he placed his bag down behind the counter, grabbing his apron. “Why did I take the morning shift again?”
“Because I begged you to. As much as I love Keith, he is terrifying in the mornings. I much prefer you. Plus free muffins!”
“Ugh mullet head.” Lance grumbled as he took the muffin that the other male was offering. “It’s about time someone saw me and liked me best.”
Hunk snickered but didn’t say anything as he went back into the kitchen. Lance sighed as he started his morning routines, turning on the machines, restocking and sweeping quickly before he flipped on the open sign. He was already excited to see what people he would be meeting today.
It wasn’t long until a steady flow of costumers came in at a steady pace, all grumpy and in desperate need for their boost of caffeine in the morning, whether it was to wake up or a desperate attempt to not murder a person this early in the morning.
“Good morning! Welcome to the Lions Café what can I get for you?” He asked as he swiped his card, punching in his code.
Lance looked up, frowning when he saw a female standing in front of him. She was beautiful despite being a bit smaller and glasses framing her wide hazel eyes. “May I help you?” He asked hesitantly, he felt like he has seen her before but from where?
“It’s me Katie!”
Lance froze before he smiled. “Katie? What? I- what?”
Katie giggled as she beamed. “I would like a simple large coffee, black.”
Lance blinked as his hands moved to punch in the order, glad that muscle memory was a thing as he continued to stare at her. “I can’t believe you are here.” He whispered instead of telling her how much she owed him.
“I know. I just got back a couple days ago actually!” She announced as she handed him a bill. “Oh and I go by Pidge now if you don’t mind.”
“Okay? I have a break in five minutes if you want to catch up?” He said as he moved to grab a large cup, picking up the coffee pot.
“I would love that! We have so much to catch up on!” She exclaimed and Lance swallowed as he poured the coffee, quickly looking down. If he thought she was pretty when they were younger he was a fool. She was beautiful and he swallowed, suddenly nervous about the entire interaction. Will she be proud of who he was today? Does she remember his declaration of marrying her when they were younger?
“Here you are.” He said as he placed the cup down onto the counter top. “Be careful it’s hot.”
“Thank you. I will be sitting right by the window.”
Lance nodded as he watched her go. He didn’t exactly know what to do right then, what was he going to say? Will their friendship even still be there after all these years? A small part of him didn’t want to fond out, the fear growing but another part of him, that small five year old inside him told him that this was the girl that he wanted to marry, this was the girl that was his entire world, this was the girl that he thought about all the time.
She gave him that stuffed bird to remember her by, to take care of and it was time to give that toy back. She will hopefully be thrilled to see it, want to take it gently and with it she will take his heart.
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frozenprocedural · 4 years
yahoo me, Elsarik? :D
Yahoo! Me: A Celebration of some kind
Alarik, Dag, Neta and Jenny belong to @patricia-von-arundel. Eira belongs to @couragedontdesertme. Everything else, blame my strange brain.
Set in my Beekeeper AU.
"Here you are, darling. The finest jar from Geatland Apiaries, aged 2017." 
Alarik slid the honey jar over to Elsa, grinning when she rolled her eyes.
"'Aged', hmmm? That's quite the fancy way of saying 'I completely forgot this was down in the cellar.'" 
Elsa was just about to open the jar when her phone began to ring. When she saw the name on the screen, her heartbeat sped up. She showed it to Alarik, who took her hand while she answered. 
"Hello, Da-"
"Dag. Breathe. Deep breaths. Let me hear them." Elsa heard a ding from Alarik's phone and looked over to see him hiding a smile. He slid his phone to her so she could read the screen.
On the other end of the line, Elsa heard several shuddering breaths. "Good. Alright, Eira's in labor."
"Yes, and-"
"And she has worked out her birth plan with her OB, and knows she needs to wait right now because she's too early on."
"Yes- wait, how did you know that?"
Elsa was glad to hear the panic in Dag's voice had gone down. "She texted your father. Dag, dear, this is Eira we're talking about. You know she knows what she's doing."
A sigh, then, "I know Mama. It's just… she's in pain already, and I'm scared."
"Oh, little one." Of course, Dag was by no means 'little' any more, but Elsa knew it was calming for him to hear. "I know. But Eira is strong. Have you called Anna yet? It would be helpful to have her experience there."
"Eira did. Aunt Anna said she's coming over as soon as she can."
"Good. You have a go-bag, correct? Why don't you get that and double-check it while you wait. Papa and I will be there as soon as we can, alright?" Alarik already had his laptop out- Elsa guessed he was getting ferry tickets.
"The go-bag. Okay, I'm going to check the go-bag. Oh, Eira wants to talk to you." 
Elsa heard a muffled conversation, then Eira's voice- slightly strained- came on. 
"Hi, Mom. Sorry about that"
Early on in her and Dag's engagement, Eira had asked if she could call them "Mom" and "Dad", and they'd whole-heartedly agreed. She had become a second daughter to both of them, particularly with her mother passing away shortly after she was born, and her father passing after she'd graduated college.
"Don't worry, Eira, you know he's always been like that. Hopefully checking the bag will keep him busy until at least Anna arrives. Other than the obvious, how are you doing?"
Eira took a moment to answer. "I'm...it's a lot right now. Scared, excited, annoyed-" Her voice cut off with a soft grunt, and Elsa could hear her taking shaky breaths for several seconds. "...And that is an incredibly uncomfortable feeling. I'm just glad this little one gave me a chance to prepare, unlike Jenny."
Elsa laughed- true to her nature, Jenny had come into the world twenty-eight years earlier quickly. Elsa had unexpectedly found herself needing to deliver at home, with a massive storm stopping any chance of her getting to a hospital on time. Thankfully, Eira seemed to have avoided that.
A faint knocking sound could be heard over the phone. "Looks like Aunt Anna's here." Eira's voice held a note of relief. 
"Good." Elsa replied. "She'll take good care of you. It'll probably take about two hours for Alarik and I to get there, so let us know if we need to go to the hospital, alright? And Eira?"
"Remember, you have this. We love you both, and we'll see you soon."
Alarik sat with his arm wrapped around Elsa. Both of them were facing the ever-approaching skyline of Seattle, but his mind had drifted back to the day they'd found out they were to be grandparents. 
He'd been working on winterizing the hives, while Elsa harvested the remaining vegetables and fruits in the garden.
"Hi Mama, hi Papa!"
They turned simultaneously to see Dag and Eira walking towards them, holding hands. The sight always warmed Alarik's heart- it reminded him of the love he and Elsa shared. 
Elsa was up in an instant, arms open and her smile wide. As she embraced Dag and Eira, Alarik closed the lid of the hive he'd been working on and strode over to greet them as well.
"Not that I mind having you come over, ever, but what prompted this visit?" Alarik asked.
Dag and Eira glanced at one another, their faces flushed. Eira nodded, tilting her head towards Alarik and Elsa. Dag took a deep breath before facing them with a broad smile.
"How do you like the sound of 'farfar' and 'bestemor'?"
Alarik blinked, trying to process what he'd heard. Elsa was quicker, taking Eira and Dag's free hands in her own.
"You're having a baby!?" She gasped. 
Eira grinned and nodded. "The doctor said late July." 
Only then could Alarik move, at which point he threw his arms around them with a choked laugh. 
They were to be grandparents. 
"Alarik, we're pulling in, and I just got a text from Anna- they're headed to the hospital." Elsa looked up at him with a small smile. "What were you thinking about?"
He grinned back at her, taking her hand as they stood. "The day we found out. It's one of my favorite memories."
Elsa squeezed his hand. "Well, I think we're about to get a new one."
Anna met them at the hospital room, hugging them both. 
"She's doing fantastic right now- still in the early stages of active labor, but she's progressing nicely. I'm going to go check on Neta- she and Jenny are trying to get the next plane in. I'll be back in a bit."
Eira was sitting on an exercise ball when they entered, her arms on Dag's shoulders, and his on hers. It was clear to see she was in the middle of a contraction, and Elsa was proud to hear Dag coaching her through her breathing, his voice low and even. Neither of them looked up when Elsa and Alarik came in, until Eira's contraction passed. She leaned back with a shaky breath and gave them a weak smile.
"Hi Mom and Dad."
Dag looked over and smiled, but Elsa could see the strain on his face, and when they hugged, she could feel the tension in his body. Alarik must have picked up on it as well- he wrapped his arm around Dag's shoulders and began leading him to the door.
"Dag, let's take a walk. Eira's in good hands, and you'll know if something changes."
Dag opened his mouth, clearly ready to protest, when Eira spoke up.
"Dag, go. Mom's right here, and I'm surrounded by doctors and nurses. Give yourself a chance to clear your head. We'll let you know if you need to come back for anything, but you know nothing new is going to happen for several hours. Go."
Dag remained where he was for several seconds before his shoulders sank and he nodded. "You'll get me right away?"
"Right away." Eira reassured him. 
"Okay." Dag allowed himself to be led out. 
As soon as the door shut, Eira sagged forward with a moan. Startled, Elsa grabbed a nearby chair and sat next to her, reaching out to take her hands.
"Eira, what's wrong?"
Eira looked up, and Elsa could see tears coursing down her cheeks.
"I just… I miss Dad so much right now. I didn't want to start crying while Dag was here, but I can't stop thinking about the fact he's not here to see his grandchild, and…" Eira's voice choked up with a sob, and Elsa gathered her into a hug, feeling her own eyes begin to prickle.
"Oh, sweetheart, I know, I know. Let it out, it's alright. I'm here." She rubbed Eira's back, remembering her own pain knowing her parents would never get to meet their grandchildren. A heartache that would never truly leave.
Eira's breath hitched, and she clenched Elsa's back hard enough to cause pain, letting out a desperate moan. Elsa ignored the pinch, keeping her hold on Eira, feeling her shake.
"Breathe, Eira, breathe." Elsa began to hum, a little melody she'd not sung since Dag's birth. She wasn't entirely sure why she'd started, but she could feel Eira relaxing and breathing easier, so she continued. When the contraction passed, Eira lifted her head. Her eyes still shone with tears, but she managed a smile.
"Thanks, Mom."
Elsa smoothed back a flyaway curl. "Of course. That's what mothers do- they take care of their children."
When Alarik returned with Dag, he was alarmed to see the tear tracks on Eira's face; for several seconds, he even considered blocking Dag's view. But he knew better- his son would only be more upset if he couldn't see his wife.
Next to him, Dag sucked in a breath, and Alarik tensed, waiting for the panic. 
It never came- instead, Dag grabbed a nearby towel and went to Eira's side, gently wiping her face. 
"I'm right here, Pidge. You're doing amazing."
From that moment on, Dag remained steadfast and calm. The hours went by as Eira paced the room, straining and struggling. Dag held her when she needed it, and gave her space when she wanted him away. Alarik, Elsa, Anna and Kristoff helped where they could, encouraging Eira through each miserable contraction.
In time, Eira ended up in the bed, Dag on one side, Elsa on the other. A nurse crouched at the end of the bed, checking Eira's progress. She called Elsa and Anna over to hold Eira's legs, stating that it was time to push. 
"That's it Pidge, you're almost there. It's time to meet our baby." Dag wiped the sweat from Eira's brow, wincing when she gripped his hand. 
"Dag Harald Thorir Geatland, if you so much as come near me after this baby is born, I will end you." Eira growled. Then she groaned as Anna and Elsa called out in encouragement. 
Again and again, Eira bore down, at first crying out and cursing, but eventually giving way to moaning and panting as her exhaustion grew. Alarik took up a seat by Eira's free side, offering ice chips and his hand to squeeze.
"There's the head! The baby's crowning, Eira, you're nearly there!" Anna peered from around Eira's leg with a grin, rubbing her knee. Eira tucked her head to her chest and yelled, yelled until she was out of breath, and then they all heard it.
"It's a boy!" The nurse lifted the squirming baby and laid him on Eira's chest. 
"Oh, Eira!" Dag gasped. "Look at him! Oh, Pidge, look at the incredible job you did!"
He reached out, stroking the baby's cheek with his finger, not bothering to hide the tears streaming down his face. He yelped when Eira grabbed a hold of his collar, pulling him into a kiss. 
Some time later, when Eira and the baby cleaned and settled in, Elsa and Alarik left the room to give the new parents some time alone. Anna and Kristoff had already left to pick up Jenny and Neta from the airport, Eira promising to reveal the baby's name upon their return.
Elsa and Alarik left as well, wanting to give the two time alone with the new baby. Once outside the room, Alarik took Elsa's hand, one side of his mouth quirked up in a grin. 
"Follow me?" 
Elsa did, allowing herself to be led down to the hospital's cafeteria. 
"Alarik, I hate to tell you, but I have been to a hospital cafeteria before. This very one, in fact, seeing as Anna used to work here."
Alarik's grin widened, giving his face the boyish look she so adored. 
"Just go with me? Please?" 
He bypassed the lines, leading her instead to a table by the window. Tired as she was from the long stay, Elsa had failed to notice until then that he'd brought their go-bag, which he was rummaging in. 
"Alarik, what-"
"There it is!" He pulled out a small box of artesian crackers that they were both fond of, a wedge of cheese, and finally, a tiny red-tinted jar.
"Alarik, is that strawberry honey?" She and Alarik had created the spread years ago- a combination of her garden and his hives.
"The first one of this season, yes. We always save it for something special, and seeing as champagne would be frowned upon here, I thought this would do. Congratulations, bestemor."
Elsa smiled, reaching over to grasp his hands, feeling his finger run over her wedding band. 
"Congratulations, farfar. We're grandparents."
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ephemelody · 5 years
Hello! I have a question for the hp delinquent au: what were Keith and lance’s interactions during their stat at Hogwarts, like, when did they started developing a crush on each other? Ps. I love every piece of writing that comes out of your mind! So beautifully written and fluid
Keith instantly thought Lance was cute but kind of obnoxious from the moment he saw him at Platform 9¾, surrounded by a crowd of family members and talking loudly about how much magic he’ll learn and how many girls he’ll impress. His heart does a funny flip when that bravado disappears and it’s just Lance trying to hide his tears as he says goodbye to his mama and papa, so he stops staring after that. 
Lance also instantly thought Keith was cute but vehemently denied it in his head when Keith tried to sit in his carriage with Hunk and Pidge. Hunk, being a cinnamon roll, let Keith in, but deeply regretted it after when Lance and Keith wound up bickering nonstop for the entire ride to Hogwarts. It didn’t help that Lance messed up a spell he learned from Veronica when he tried to show off, almost burning his eyebrows, and then Keith had to fix it for him. That was the start of their rivalry. 
They both end up being sorted into Gryffindor, becoming bunk buddies in the dorm to boot, and then both landing positions on the Quidditch team. I think for a good few months they’re still at the frenemy stage, since Keith also got the seeker spotlight Lance wanted. But when Keith ends up getting injured during a joint practice with Slytherin, and almost expelled for fighting the other team’s seeker, Lance is there to defend him and even nurse his wounds for a solid week at the infirmary. That’s when Keith’s innocent daydreams about Lance’s freckles becomes a full blown crush, and it only worsens when he sees Lance practicing on the Quidditch field late at night all by himself. He ends up helping Lance during those practice sessions, and encourages Lance to share his strategy plans that help them win the Quidditch Cup. Gradually, they become real friends who do everything together, and Keith falls in love. 
Lance is slower on the realization process, because although he loves love, he’s admittedly a little dense in that department, and it takes him a while to be fully comfortable with the fact that he adores both girls and boys, especially the mulleted-kind. He starts to accept his big, fat, ginormous crush on Keith when some older pureblood wizards start bullying him, and Keith gets in trouble for making them all vomit toads and snakes for the rest of the day. Prefect Lance has to punish Keith for his misbehavior, but Lance at heart realizes that Keith has always been supporting and protecting him, whether it was giving him the courage to become Quidditch Captain, or buying him all the pumpkin pasties from Hogsmeade when he broke up with his first girlfriend after the Yule Ball.
Definitely, by the end of Year 6th, they get together. 
P.S. Thank you so much!!!
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hateandloathe · 5 years
ok but vld big hero 6 au has been on my mind since 2017 and i’m so glad somebody else finally said smth
FUCK YEAH! imagine:
pidge as honey lemon! a nerdy geek who likes computers and science. and would totally make a weapon that involves hacking shit. idk i’m mot techy. but pidge would be the youngest and keith would be hella protective because she’s precious.
hunk as wasabi! hella techy and super done with everyone’s shit. he’s just tryna have a good time and feed everyone and make sure they don’t DIE. (“maybe we shouldn’t go fight guys... maybe we should have a sleepover instead!”)
lance as probably fred or maybe go-go? because he’s silly and a jokester, but extremely good at what he does! (in this case he’s a badass athlete-scientist). and he’s just out here to protect the people he loves and to make his mama proud. he and keith are best buds from the get-go and lance is there as a helping hand and shoulder.
keith as hiro! missing an older brother with no parents and traumatized because of tadashi’s ‘death’ (in this case, shiro would still end up alive because we don’t hate ourselves). real hotheaded and wants to kill the fucker who killed his brother and struggles with the morality of it all. struggles with emotions, but has a connection with a robot of all things.
shiro as tadashi! a good older brother who wants to push his kid brother to do his best, not hang out in the streets with wasted talent. taken advantage of by some evil sciencst bitch and just wants to take care of the people he loves. smart, strong, and super selfless.
obvi allura and coran would probably be added characters but SO WHAT its perfect still.
someone please write some shit off this. and if there is already something written like this, please SEND.
maybe i’ll write something idk.
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