#Managing diabetes without medication
mreese601 · 3 months
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monsterhugger · 1 year
making this separate from the post i rbed earlier bc it’s kinda not op’s point but like. it’s so rarely talked about that most mental illnesses are chronic conditions. like there’s this weird narrative that if you’re not recovering from them you’re not trying hard enough when like. that’s not how it works. you can be in remission where things are better for a while or you can be on meds/in therapy that’s working for you but there’s no treatment where you will be okay forever.
and like that sounds depressing but it’s not really, it’s a chronic illness that you have to learn to manage. you can have good days/weeks/months and you can have an overall decent life if you’re managing it effectively but it’s not really something you recover from as much as it’s something you manage
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Unlocking the Power of Nature: Ingredients That Control Blood Sugar and Aid Weight Loss
In the dynamic world of health and wellness, the quest for effective solutions to manage blood sugar levels and achieve weight loss goals has never been more pressing. Today, we delve into the realm of natural ingredients, unveiling their potent abilities to support blood sugar control and facilitate weight loss. Join us on this journey as we explore the science behind these remarkable botanicals…
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rubiter20 · 1 year
I love seeing people upset at the cost of insulin but can we talk about the million other costs we have. Can we talk about insulin pumps. Can we talk about CGMs. Doctors appointments and check-ins, meters for checking blood sugar, test strips, hospital visits? It should all be free. Or definitely reduced from what it is now.
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doberbutts · 1 year
Anyway yes, people who can X should be accomodating to people who can't X. People who can walk should accomodate people who can't. People who can hear should accomodate people who can't. People who can see should accomodate people who can't. And on and on. When that doesn't happen, it's a problem that deserves to be talked about.
But the problem is not and has never been "physical disabilities are more important and deserve more accomodations than mental disabilities"- nor the other way around either.
People love to dunk on folks with ADD/ADHD but you know? As someone with ADD raised by diabetic parents I gotta say there's a lot of similarities here. People with ADD, myself included, often forget to eat and when they do eat they often load themselves up with carbs and sugars because those foods make their brains feel good. People with diabetes have to closely monitor their meals and often crave sugars and need a blend of sugary and protein-rich snacks on hand. This is not to say ADD and diabetes are exact one-to-one disabilities.
But having grown up watching my parents manage their diabetes, I too am very aware of meal times and blood sugar and constructing meals that will tide you over and having a blend of sugary and protein-rich snacks on hand Just In Case. I am able to manage my ADD better in this way because I have experience from watching my parents. I also need access to snacks and to be able to say to my boss "I need to go eat something real fast" without being punished.
I had a training client who was the image of "able bodied mentally ill" outside of the usual creaks and squeaks associated with age, her body worked just fine. But after a series of incidents in her youth- a car accident that left her with a serious brain injury, coming home from the hospital afterwards to immediately have her house broken into and herself raped by an intruder, and assorted medical malpractice while she was healing from both- she has a serious and extreme case of agoraphobia and spent the next 40 years completely unable to leave the house. She would hide and wail and scream when deliveries of groceries and other goods would come, because it meant a stranger (and usually a man) would be at her door. She could not go more than a couple steps outside to get her mail and especially not if other people were outside.
At some point her therapist suggested getting a pet, one that *had* to go outside, to help her. So she got a dog and contacted a trainer (me) and we got to work. And she did improve! The dog has been a huge help to managing her symptoms! But you cannot seriously expect me to have worked with this woman for years and then belittle mental illnesses as being lesser when this woman also shares the inability to even leave her house let alone go inside a grocery store. Even today there are times when she simply cannot, she cannot will her body to move out of her door and into transportation let alone into the building.
When she first started coming to me she thanked me for not belittling her or making her feel bad for classes she had to cancel because she couldn't force herself to take the first step over the threshold. That is when she told me what happened to her and that while it sounds terrible she was really happy to have found a trainer who knew something personal about trauma and brain injuries. She is also a case where I feel her ESA should be considered service dog not because of training or tasking but because her need is so high and she is just completely incapable of doing anything without the dog in her arms.
Anyway I think of her any time someone says "but you can walk through the door". There's nothing wrong with her legs so in theory sure she could. But often she *can't*, not because of anything physical, but because she is very severely mentally ill.
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I am Merrine FATUMA ALI,I had been diagnosed with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes at a tender age, a condition that demanded a delicate balance of insulin, a commodity scarce in Khan Yunis, Gaza.
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As conflict raged around me, have struggled to find the insulin I desperately needed to survive. With medical supplies scarce and hospitals overwhelmed, obtaining medication became a daily battle fraught with danger.
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One day, as the bombs fell closer to Gaza tents, my insulin supply ran out completely. With no pharmacies open and no aid reaching my area, I faced a life-threatening dilemma. Without insulin, my blood sugar levels soared, threatening to send me into a coma. I I'm here begging for your support to help me get insulin. Every donation, no matter the size, will make a meaningful impact in my life. I sincerely appreciate your consideration and am grateful for any support you can extend during this challenging time.
I have managed to receive $197/$365. Kindly help me reach my goal please 🖤
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mreese601 · 3 months
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hey! so i hope this isn’t too creepy/nosey, but im a medical student and i was reading your possible fibromyalgia post and have a couple ideas lol. full important disclaimer that im only partly into my studies and im currently in the hypochondriac phase and also your summary was amazing but a real doc would ask way more questions, so please consult with an actual doc and take everything i say with a grain of salt! but like your symptoms aren’t nothing so i would def encourage finding a doc that you trust to do a proper exam and run some tests. also im operating under the assumption that you’re under 50 lol, bc if you’re over 50ish that’s a whole diff list of possible diagnoses.
so the thirst thing you’re talking about is often called polydipsia and is commonly associated with diabetes insipidus. that’s not the normal diabetes you think about, but happens when your body can’t regulate fluids in your body properly. id think of this if you’re also peeing a lot lol. your doc would have to do some kidney tests for that, which wouldn’t be part of the blood panel you mentioned. i’m a little skeptical that it’s hypokalemia bc that would’ve showed up on your blood test results. it could be transient electrolyte imbalances when you exercise so have one of those electrolyte packets when you exercise lol, bc it never hurts to try the easy solutions first, but chronic low potassium should’ve shown up? tho eating sweet potatoes has never hurt.
other things it could be is a lower motor neuron problem bc you mentioned twitches and muscle weakness which is typical for those. i def can’t say more without tests, but look into/get your doc to look into myasthenia gravis or LEMS and see if either of those fit. i think it’s possible bc these often also start with face/upper body symptoms, but would need way more questions/tests to know. it’s unlikely but could also be a glycogen storage disease called McArdle disease bc you describe a second wind thing when you exercise along with exercise intolerance. that’s super rare tho so it’s unlikely unless someone in your family has it/has similar symptoms.
also look into autoimmune stuff like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and sjögrens disease. i have way less useful info on that bc we haven’t gotten to it in class yet lol, but sjögrens looks promising bc you often get dry mouth with it, and it often goes along with rheumatoid arthritis which could explain the joint stuff possibly.
it’s also totally possible this is fibromyalgia, but i would be cautious diagnosing it bc it often comes with fatigue and cognitive stuff which you didn’t mention. it’s also more of a pain thing, and doesn’t include your twitches/dry mouth. it’s def possible, and it was def something i thought of when i saw your symptoms, but personally i would want to rule out other stuff first bc fibromyalgia is pretty vague and often a diagnosis of exclusion when other things don’t fit.
sorry for overwhelming you!! i just saw your post and was like hmmm those symptoms sound like Something. again take my advice with a big grain of salt, but i do really think it’s worth asking your doc about it and getting tests done, bc even if there aren’t cures there are def treatments to help with a bunch of this stuff. it doesn’t sound urgent, but at least from your post your symptoms don’t sound like run of the mill aches and pains. hope you figure stuff out!!
The problem with 'muscles don't work right ouchy and I am also tired' is that it's a symptom for Absolutely Everything That Can Be Wrong With The Body. Is it cancer? Is it a terrible diet and sleep schedule? Who knows!
The doctor ran a diabetes test with the blood panel and it came up negative, but I don't know if that checks for weird kinds of diabetes. (Diabetes does not run in my family until we get very old.) That test was memorable because I have stupid fragile veins that freak out and collapse at the mere sight of a needle so I had to get stabbed nine times, they didn't manage to get the middle reading at all, and in the end they resorted to just stabbing my thumb with one of those diabetes home blood test thingies and manually squeezing my blood out into a tube drop by drop.
I looked up polydipsia and I don't think I have that. I think I just prefer my mouth to be wetter than my salival glands want it to be. 🤷‍♀️I think most of my problems are probably not related to any rare chronic disease, but just run-of-the-mill autism making it hard to look after myself or properly notice and process my physical condition and adapt accordingly. I don't eat enough fresh foods because it's hard to plan with the very short timeframe to prepare and eat them in. I'm uncoordinated and damage my body a lot through overwork or using muscles incorrectly because autism makes it hard to keep track of those things. My mouth feels dry and my skin feels itchy and my muscles feel sore because that's what being autistic feels like. My sleep schedule is garbage because my executive function is garbage and even once I do manage to get myself into the bed I can't just "go to sleep", I pass out when I'm ready to pass out.
I'm not saying it's impossible for anything else to be going on, but I think the known factor is the simplest explanation here. It's 2:30pm and I've been putting off breakfast for five hours. Every time I go into the kitchen I get distracted by housework instead. I am very hungry. This is not behaviour that is conducive to a well-functioning body.
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nashonimudaki · 8 days
Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word.
I’m reaching out to you with a humble heart. I am battling severe Type 1 Diabetes, and my condition has deteriorated to the point where I can no longer support myself without assistance. Maintaining my diabetes management requires constant supplies, regular checkups, and medication, all of which are now beyond my financial means.
I used to work as a Jua Kali artisan, a job I was passionate about. Unfortunately, due to the relentless demands of managing my health, my business collapsed. Frequent hospital visits and the high costs of treatment forced me to spend all my savings and business capital. Now, I am unable to perform the physically demanding work I once did and have struggled to find a less strenuous, stable job.
Despite applying for numerous white-collar jobs, I have not been successful. However, I remain hopeful that one day, I will secure a position that allows me to cover my medical expenses and daily needs. Until that day comes, I am turning to the kindness of others to help me through these challenging times.
GOAL: $120/790
1. Donate: Any amount you can give will make a significant difference. Even small contributions add up quickly.
2. Share: Please share my story with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who know, the better chance I have of reaching my goal.
3. Encourage: Your words of encouragement and prayers mean a lot to me. Knowing that there are people who care can lift my spirits and keep me going.
I am deeply grateful for your consideration and any support you can offer. Your kindness will help me manage my diabetes and give me hope for a brighter, healthier future. May the Almighty bless you abundantly for your generosity.
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AITA for getting my grandfather arrested to prove a point?
My grandfather (70 m) is a functioning alcoholic. Or, he was. He was forced to detox like twice, so get rid of the functioning bit.
Point is, man can't live without his drink.
So; I was helping my grandparents move, when he disappears. Me and my grandmother (65 F) were looking around for him and couldn't find him, but managed to zone in on a firehouse.
Grandfather used to be a firefighter, so if he was lost or confused, we were pretty sure he'd go there.
No Uhaul, but I went in and asked if they had seen him.
They had.
He'd driven in, downed a bottle of "Orange Juice", yelled at them for not being as good as he'd been, and drove off.
They sent someone to follow him in case he was having a medical emergency, because that was weird.
Grandfather drove the Uhaul rental into a ditch.
So the Firefighters walked me into the station and next to the radio thing, whatever it's called, and were all solemn saying that my grandfather was telling them he was having a diabetic episode.
I knew he wasn't.
His go-to was half OJ half vodka, and this motherfucker drank the wholeass thing and was gonna get away with it. Again.
Cuz he did this shit regularly, and always got away with it.
So I told the Firefighters to order the cops to breathalyze him.
Grandfather got to spend the night in the drunk tank.
He also got a sizable fine, and had to get a thing installed in his truck where every set amount of miles he has to blow in it to prove he isn't drunk or it'll ping the authorities or something idk, but like.
It worked.
He never got to drink and drive again.
What are these acronyms?
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Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word.
Hello, my name is Charles, and I’m reaching out to you with a humble heart. I am battling severe Type 1 Diabetes, and my condition has deteriorated to the point where I can no longer support myself without assistance. Maintaining my diabetes management requires constant supplies, regular checkups, and medication, all of which are now beyond my financial means.
I used to work as a Jua Kali artisan, a job I was passionate about. Unfortunately, due to the relentless demands of managing my health, my business collapsed. Frequent hospital visits and the high costs of treatment forced me to spend all my savings and business capital. Now, I am unable to perform the physically demanding work I once did and have struggled to find a less strenuous, stable job.
Despite applying for numerous white-collar jobs, I have not been successful. However, I remain hopeful that one day, I will secure a position that allows me to cover my medical expenses and daily needs. Until that day comes, I am turning to the kindness of others to help me through these challenging times.
☆ https://gogetfunding.com/support-charles/
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1. Donate: Any amount you can give will make a significant difference. Even small contributions add up quickly.
2. Share: Please share my story with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who know, the better chance I have of reaching my goal.
3. Encourage: Your words of encouragement and prayers mean a lot to me. Knowing that there are people who care can lift my spirits and keep me going.
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bomberqueen17 · 2 months
I can't sleep and I'm just sort of stewing over how unprepared I am to be entirely on my own managing my own healthcare. blech.
Did I mention, Farmsister was suffering from hip pain and went to her doctor and was diagnosed with the exact same problem I have?
Diagnosed, I said. Yes! Her doctor actually investigated the cause of her pain, diagnosed her, referred her to a physical therapist, but also came up with a plan of treatment. Told her physical therapy often can't resolve this issue, so after a set amount of PT, if there wasn't enough improvement she'd refer her to an orthopedist instead.
Imagine that. My doctor was like "you've got intermittently debilitating pain? You should go see a doctor about that." and that was that. I went to a physical therapist because that's what she recommended, but I don't have a plan, I'm just spending $150/wk to work out in a room full of other people. I guess I'll ask my PT if there's a plan or like timeline or like, idk, something we should look for, or what. IDK what a realistic goal is. Pain-free seems out of reach. I'd settle for largely functional, I guess? But I don't know, and I guess I'm on my own to figure it out.
And the same with the ADHD! She was like "oh, your insurance isn't going to cover it and it's probably going to take months of waiting, but you had better go see someone about that", and refused to engage any further. So I messaged the psychiatrist today and he doesn't check the messages on that platform so I texted the admin who was like oh usually medication is adjusted at follow-ups, and I'm like well in the three minutes he talked to me it didn't come up I guess, so then they texted back that he says to try taking two pills a day for a couple days and then schedule a follow-up.
I've asked around, and usually I guess the regular adderall pills, you take in two doses at separate times. But if the point is that I'm trying to see if a higher dose helps, I'd probably better take them at the same time??
It's just that when the small ineffective dose wears off four or five hours after I take it, without my ever having had a good phase, I get horribly drowsy and also get this kind of gross formless yearning that I think might be a dopamine crash, where I roam the house in itchy horrible discontent trying to think of something that might help me, but it's not candy and it's not reading a book and it's not napping, and I guess I understand why people turn to drugs or self-harm because the feeling is awful, spacy and wrung-out and aimlessly needy.
But I guess it's up to me to research what that is and what to do about it, and then at my $250 three-minute follow-up appointment in three days or whatever I'll tell the psych what I want prescribed to me, because it's sure as shit not like he's going to have any fucking advice for me.
And like. Laugh out loud at the notion that my primary care physician would give a single shit about this. Maybe I didn't mention this on here either but literally the only thing she has looked into about me is that my blood tests came back with a fasting blood glucose level of 5.7 (idk what units, just that she's fixated on that number) and it is exactly entirely that post circulating about """"pre-diabetes"""? She has put in my chart that she wants to start me on Metformin!! Christ all fucking mighty, it could not be more obvious that she took one look at my fat ass and was like "this bitch eats only candy! I'd better scare her straight!"
Ma'am fuck off. She wants me to get my blood retested in July and I am figuring I'll take advantage of having to have a visit then anyway to get the ADHD stuff entered into my main chart, and I'm also going to tell her that since she was so disinterested in literally any of the conditions actually debilitating me (my hip pain and my ADHD) I had to research those so I could treat myself, and in the course of researching that I found out about the fake "epidemic" of "pre-diabetes" which isn't a thing, it's a fucking PR gambit to sell drugs, and so if she prescribes me diabetes drugs when I do not fucking have diabetes I will not be taking them, and I will also be looking for a new doctor, because I do not appreciate her fixation on treating a condition I do not have while ignoring things that are literally preventing me from leading the life I want to, wherein I can do things like, stand/walk as much as I like and can also like, perform tasks.
So there's my timeline.
(Yeah my insurance won't cover blood testing a second time in a year so that's gonna cost me $200ish, and the phone doctor visit she insisted on to discuss the results last time was $45 and it'll be that again for this one, but I mean, eventually I'll hit my deductible maybe.)
I don't know, people tell me that they have medical professionals that actually listen to and treat them and give them like actual good actionable advice on how to improve their various health conditions but as far as I can tell that all sounds fake and isn't a thing.
Unfortunately, I am too fucking debilitated by my Can't Think Good disease to do a competent job at caring for myself, so I guess I'm just going to have to fucking muddle through somehow, or something.
Probably I should put together my citations on how Pre-Diabetes Is Fake so that when I unload that on my doctor I can do so with fucking footnotes at least. Lord knows I can't sleep at the moment so I might as well do something productive.
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pilot-boi · 5 months
Would Mando AU Jaune be able to survive a similar experience in the Ever After with his plethora of medical needs (asthma, heart problems, anemia and diabetes…)?
Honestly? Yeah
It’s not impossible to live with all those medical needs, even when layered on top of each other. They make life difficult, but not impossible
Jaune’s health in the Mando AU also gets INFINITELY more easy to manage once he unlocks his Semblance. He’s got such an excess of Aura that already life was much easier once he got that, but once he’s able to amp himself it’s like night and day
So yeah, without access to his meds it gets a lot harder, and he relies on his Semblance to an unhealthy degree, but he’d definitely be able to survive
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cheetahspy · 10 months
Ledger!Joker x Diabetic Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Medical stuff, needles/injections (it’s not very descriptive though), slight NSFW mention (labeled at the bottom)
A/N: Heya! I’ve never posted something like this before haha…Kinda new to it and very nervous so don’t judge me too harshly. I actually write quite often but rarely post it, however I really wanna start trying to put my work out there more. Keyword try. 
Anyway, fun fact about me, I have T1 diabetes. I haven't seen anything about that with J so I decided to make my own headcanons and such :) Sooooo here’s that lol…enjoy??
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You had been diagnosed with T1 diabetes three years ago. You hated it. The needles, the upkeep, the blood, the appointments. It’s scary, a living nightmare for you.
You were still in your…adjusting phase, and didn’t like talking about your diabetes to anyone. Joker was no exception
So, naturally, J took matters into his own hands and did his own research, learning as much as he could about diabetes (without you knowing, of course). How it works, the high and low blood sugar levels, how to manage it, he even figured out how the insulin pump that you have operates. 
You were shocked the day he offered to change the infusion set for you and knowing how to do so. He ignored you when you asked him how he knew.
You were hesitant but quick to give in and let him inject the cannula into your stomach. He hugged you from behind as he did so; you melted into his touch and your fears were comforted. From that day on you opened up more and more about your medical life to J and allowed his help. 
He enjoys being the one to inject the cannula and dexcom, however he still forces you to do it yourself at times, as to make sure you aren’t getting too used to being dependent on someone else. You’re a strong and brave bunny, he wants to remind you of that. 
He will tease you about your dexcom and infusion sets, saying you must be part machine. 
“I’m uh, still convinced you’re a cyborg.” “J!!”
He also forces you to stay on a healthy diet and keeps track of your sugar intake carefully. He’s definitely not a hypocrite. He rarely lets you eat junk food, even though you’re allowed to and tried explaining that to him
“The doctors told me it’s okay if I eat sugar now and then, as long as I have the insulin for it. It’s the sugary drinks I need to avoid more.” 
J doesn’t buy it, nor does he trust your doctor's input. “Mmm. Nuh uh. Can’T have my little bunny go falling into a coma, hm?” You know he’s just concerned about you (even if he’d never outright admit it), so overtime you stopped arguing with him and avoided junk food to ease his mind. Just don’t let him catch you eating it behind his back.
J absentmindedly fidgets with your insulin tube. Rubbing along it, flicking it around, twirling it around his finger, even constantly feeling the cannula end of it against your stomach as if to reassure himself you that it’s still on and doing its job. Don’t worry, he’s only accidentally ripped it out once or twice, and he certainly makes it up to you when that happens. 
Having a low, but forgot sugar to combat it? Not to worry! Joker keeps a juice box or two in his suit juuuust for you. He’s even stacked packages of juices in your pantry so you’ll have plenty. (Don’t ask whether he bought or stole them, you already know the answer)
The low blood sugar episodes hit you hard, but you’ve found curling up on J’s lap and cuddling against his chest while sipping on juice is very comforting. He’ll stroke your hair and rub your back, holding you closer whenever you shake and cry.
“Shhhh sh sh sh. It’s nothin’ you haven’t beaten before. It’ll pass, angel.” 
You hate looking at your stomach and seeing the previous holes and scars from constant injections. J will run his thumb over them and kiss each of them to comfort you. 
Whenever you have a headache or any symptoms, J will immediately interrogate you about your blood sugar level
“Not every pain I get is caused by my diabetes.”
“Shuuuuush. What’re levels right now? Let me uh, lemme see your pum-p. Give. Right. Now.” 
If you’re low on insulin and the pharmacist is late to sending you new vials, J will meet with them personally to have a little chat. 
He’ll then come home and plop the bag of new vials theatrically down on the counter. “Tadaaaa! More insulin for my sweet little sugar cube.”
“Oh, thank you J! Wow, they gave me a lot this time…” 
During the ✨devils tango✨, J will occasionally rip the cannula out by accident. He’ll immediately put a pin in your lovemaking session to get you a new one. Even if you insist you could go an hour or two without it, he’s not taking any chances. After all, where’s the fun in sex if your partner is dying from a seizure??
“J, I promise it’s okay! We don’t have to sto-”
“Now now gumdrop. I know you’re, heh, eager for me, but my patient needs her medicine first.” 
You’re grateful you don’t have to deal with your disability alone anymore. Who knew the Clown Prince of Crime could be such a good caretaker?
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Hey so uh
If you want a small peek into the American healthcare system
I currently make about $18 an hour before tax. That’s much higher than the minimum wage in my state, which is $9.65.
I have ADHD, for which I am medicated. I take 20mg of Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine). I still use my parents’ health insurance, because it’s MUCH better than anything I could get. Under their insurance, my monthly prescription is $30. Less than 2 hours of work for me, or just over 3 hours for someone at minimum wage.
Without my parents’ insurance, that same ADHD medication at that same dosage would be $454. Over 25 hours of work for me, or 47 hours of work for someone at minimum wage in my state.
Federal minimum wage is $7.25. Without insurance, that person would have to work almost 63 hours for one month’s worth of Vyvanse. That’s almost two weeks of full time work (assuming 32 hours a week is full time) going just to one medication, every month, before tax.
Thankfully, I can manage okay if I don’t take my meds. I don’t get significant withdrawal symptoms, maybe because I’m taking such a low dose and I frequently forget to take my meds anyway. If I don’t take them, I struggle more to focus or take care of myself, but I won’t have a medical emergency or worsen existing health issues. This is not the case for everybody! Think of how many different health conditions require continual maintenance and medication, such as insulin injections for diabetics or blood pressure medication for those at risk of stroke. Even for just my medication, not everyone gets so lucky. Some people experience significant withdrawals when they miss a day, like my cousin, who gets migraines if she forgets her meds. Some people would have serious consequences if they forgot to take their meds; I know of people with ADHD who can’t cook unmedicated because they’d burn the house down. If you can’t maintain enough focus to cook or grocery shop, how can you eat?
Point being, medical costs are so hecking high, and I am terrified of turning 26.
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over-particular · 1 year
minimalist self-care habits
One of the biggest misconceptions about taking care of yourself is the systematic and erroneous association of self-care with extreme consumerism. This idea conveys the image of self-care as something reserved to those who can afford it. The truth is, and many already know this, there are countless ways to be good to yourself without spending more than necessary.
☐ Get enough sleep. A child would need 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night. The average is between 7 and 9 hours for an adult. I can never say it enough, but sleep is an important part of our lives. Value it highly. It's an elementary need: not getting enough sleep puts us at risk of developing numerous chronic diseases: such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, coronary heart disease and some types of cancer. You are also more likely to suffer a stroke.
☐ Turn the volume down. Since I'm riding the wave of how we 21st century people are neglecting our health, I also want to stress the importance of auditory health. If, like me, you love to spend hours with headphones on, consider turning down the volume. I know it's much more enjoyable to experience it fully, but having gone through the terrible experience of tinnitus, I bitterly regret it. There is a simple way to track your auditory health: please check your smartphone's headphone safety features.
☐ Don't neglect your medical appointments. I have always been very anxious about it. Not to the point of pulling my hair out, but I used to postpone my appointment so much that I sometimes forgot why I even wanted to go. There are countless of reasons why we may not like to go to the doctor, but the truth is that health issues simply cannot wait. It is equally important to go see your doctor even if you think you are in perfect condition.
☐ Be physically active. Always keep in mind that your body, like your mind, needs to be stimulated. Besides allowing you to manage your weight more effectively, sport improve your brain health, reduces health risks and strengthens both your muscles and your bones.
☐ Watch your language. It's more personal, but it introduces a sense of discipline into your mind. The turns of phrase, the informal language, the way we speak, the choice of words, the syntax… Speaking is the perfect expression of the mind. This does not mean abolishing the use of crude words, but rather regaining control, becoming master of your language again. Your words should never exceed your thoughts. In my opinion, a rich language reflects the attention the speaker pays to it. When was the last time you learned a new word?
☐ Clean your space. The cleanliness of your living space has a big impact on your productivity. A messy space can lead to a messy mind. Home is, for many of us, the place we feel most comfortable: keeping your living space clean and organized naturally improves the quality of your life, your sleep and your health. Clean regularly, let the sun shine in and air out daily.
☐ Avoid ads. Easier said than done. But try not to have your mind parasitized by the multitude of advertisements we are flooded with. I don't watch television. I do have access to a music platform so I don't have to deal with the constant stream of ads on YouTube.
☐ Go for a walk. Pretending to discover your city or town anew can do wonders for a mind in need of a little distraction. Check out some of the free events that may be happening near you. Visit a park you've never been to before.
☐ Give yourself a reason to wait. Try to establish a ritual of patience. In other words… You stop binge watching every new show you start and you take your time to appreciate it.
☐ Stimulate your mind. The internet has given us more ways than ever to keep our minds busy. For those who know me a little, I am a big fan of reading. And if physical books can indeed be expensive, you can find some really good ones for free in .pdf format. In fact, some kind souls have even gone so far as to share entire drives of them on Tumblr... Going further in my reflection, I think that the scourge of our century is the intellectual lethargy: everything is at our fingertips, why bother reading a whole book when I have access to a detailed summary of only a few pages? Beyond the spiritual enrichment, it is also a proof of patience to seize a book and give it three hours of your time. I sincerely believe that as human beings, we owe it to ourselves to keep our senses and our minds alert. Reading is a great way to exercise our brain as it helps stimulate our cognitive abilities. It allows us to develop our capacity for memorization, reflection, analysis and imagination. Try coloring for adults (yes, it's a thing: ■ ■). There are also many games for adults online with the aim of stimulating memory and improving concentration (■, ■.). Try solving online puzzles, fake criminal investigations, math problems? Learn how to code (with Codecademy for example, which offers many courses for free). Take language courses. Many general knowledge quizzes are also available to anyone who is interested (■) . The web is a real goldmine in terms of resources and many are available for free.
☐ Finally, this list would be meaningless without me asking you to learn to relax. Give yourself a day off if you need to. It is essential to take it easy, to get your nose out of your planning, to look up from your screen and breathe in some fresh air through the window. I advise all those who try to relax to start a digital detox: we must learn to relax independently, without a screen and regain control over the objects of our stimulation.
My lists are intended to be personal. If you find them useful, that's great. Feel free to rewrite them! Don't hesitate to ask questions or send me your comments and ideas for next articles.
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