#Meemaw Apple
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Doodles and eternal (most probably) wips
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ssriipilled · 1 year
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me on my way to therapy
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I miss Harveston 😔
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virgincognito · 3 months
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saggytitty464 · 1 year
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I’ve written about this boy in my journal about 15 times and I’m about to do it again…😔
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
🥧 Punch and Epel, because Meemaw's pies heal all wounds.
Emoji prompts here!
🥧 I am so sad but this pie you brought me is helping a little let me get two spoons
Epel had to do a double-take when he saw the large figure slumped over at the reading desk in the library. Sure, the broad shoulders and curly hair were as familiar to him as any of the other friends he saw every day, but he had never seen Punch like this before. He walked closer to the desk.
"You okay, pal?" Epel asked quietly as he approached. Punch's shoulders were shaking. Epel gingerly reached out a hand, and patted the other boy on the arm. "What's goin' on?"
Punch raised his head, and turned towards Epel. His freckled face was red, his eyes puffy, and his cheeks were streaked with tears. He wiped his face with the cuff of his jacket and tried to smile at his friend. "Hi, Epel," he managed to say, his voice cracking.
"Whut in tarnation happened ta you?" Epel straightened up, a little shocked. He punched the palm of his left hand. "Anyone I gotta crack open fer ya?"
Punch shook his head. "No, it's not... it isn't like that. I couldn't really...." he trailed off, unfocused, and another tear traced an unsteady line down his cheek. He scrubbed at it with his palm. "I'm not ready to talk about it," he said shakily. "Sorry..."
"What're ya apologizing ta me for, ya lunk?" Epel rolled his eyes. "Well, ain't doin' ya any services to sit here and get yer books all soggy. C'mon with me." He held out a hand to Punch, who hesitated. "Come on, I said! Gosh."
Punch took Epel's hand, and Epel tugged at his arm until he stood up. "I'm up. Now what?"
"Now you're gonna come with me." Epel straightened his jacket and flicked his hair back over his shoulders. "Even if I can't tell what's bothering you - and you don't gotta spill if you don't wanna, that's okay - I can still at least help cheer you up a little." He gestured towards the door. "Let's go, sad sack."
Punch sighed and trudged along behind his shorter friend, who he finally noticed was carrying something. "Um. Where are we going?"
"Headin' to the courtyard. I got something today. I think it'll do you some good."
"I'll try it."
"You better. I don't want you insultin' my Meemaw."
Punch blinked. Epel was throwing him off right and left. "I wouldn't dream of doing that....."
"I know!" They stopped at a bench in the courtyard, and Epel sat down, fussing with the package in his hands. He finally managed to get the knot untied as Punch sat down, and grinned as he opened the box. "Yessss. Meemaw's finest, just like she promised. Look!" He proffered the package to his friend.
"A... a pie?"
"A special Harveston apple pie! Better'n any other one you ever had. And it might not solve your", he gestured vaguely, "whatever you got happening. But it'll at least make right now a little better. Aw, and Meemaw put forks in the box, too!" He beamed at Punch. "Go on. You can have the first bite!"
"I can?" Punch dug a fork through the tender crust, coming away with a load of sweet golden apple and flaky pastry. "It smells great."
"Tastes even better. Go for it!"
Punch took a bite, and managed a genuine smile. "Yes. Wow. Yeah, you're right; it is really good."
"That's the magic of my Meemaw," Epel said, twirling his fork. "Looks like this got to us just on time, huh." He scooped a large bite from the box, and popped the fork into his mouth. "Mmm. Sho, Nmiwhey."
Punch chuckled, and took another bite.
Epel swallowed and made a face. "Sorry. Anyway. What had you blubberin' back there?"
Punch sighed. "Long story, kinda hurts. Can we just eat pie, and patch up my heart later?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I think we can."
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Lilia, Epel: Blessing Givers, Curse Breaker
Lilia’s vignettes continue to be gold! He “humble” brags about how his voice is great, he’s sooo adorable, and such an ikemen… (Apparently he realized he was cute because people would give him free stuff and help on his travels and when he first came to NRC!) Best part was definitely when Lilia described cooking for his dorm members and they were “so touched” that they bowed their heads, covered their faces, and/or cried 💀 NOT THEM PUTTING A PICTURE OF MALEFICENT DRAGON FORM ON LILIA'S BIRTHDAY CARD… His vignettes also mention having the strength to overcome “a curse” 😭 Cruel reminders of the tragedy that unfolded in his past, and bis unfulfilled search for a cure for Silver... TWST devs, you sickos/j
A Tale as Old as Time.
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Three fairies crowded around a cradle, its curtained hood up to obscure the infant within. Green, pink, blue—each was dressed in a particular color. They glanced at the baby and at each other, mouths agape to discuss their blessings.
Safeguarded within the platinum frame was a celebration of life and a future yet to be told. The fragile start of a brand new story.
Lilia wanted to protect it himself.
“Looks like some fancy shindig.” The remark came from Epel, who gazed upon the same painting. "Erm... I mean, party. That is what it is, right...?"
"They've come to bestow gifts upon a newborn princess. Royal affairs can be a bit stiff, I'm afraid. Can't even show up to one without an invitation! Some hosts are just sticklers for tradition and protocol."
"Oh, I got it!" Epel visibly perked, cheeks appling with pink. "It's a different kind of gathering. Back home in Harveston, they're a lot more informal. Family and all the neighbors coming by with plates of warm food, a makeshift band and folks dancing, catching up by the fire... It's so lively."
Lilia’s lip curled, the corners lifting into a slight smile. "It's good to know that your hometown hasn't lost its charm."
"You've visited before?"
"Once, long ago," the ancient fae chuckled, "when I was still a stubborn and stony-faced youth. The people of Harveston opened their hearts and offered hospitality. From what you've told me, it's clear that the very same spirit from then persists to this day."
"Gosh, really?" Epel puffed up at that, as though he were a peacock flaunting his feathers. "Hehe, wellll, Harveston does have a way of makin' ya feel cozy and right at home, even if yer far away from it!"
"That it does." Lilia's eyes traced the wall of artwork before him. The colors, shapes, and textures. "Twisted Wonderland is so vast and diverse. I've traveled far and wide, experienced a great deal of cultures, yet I always find myself anchored to that one special place called home. There is no comfort like it."
There’s no place like home.
A twinge pulsated in his chest. The pain, marring the nostalgic warmth he bathed in. Lilia did not let it show—not to his underclassman, not this child that stared at him with such eagerness.
He swallowed.
“How do you celebrate in Briar Valley?” Epel asked. “Can you tell me about your traditions too?”
“Kufufu. You’re keen on learning, I see.”
“I didn’t always. I’m sure if you asked Vil, he’d give you a mouthful about how ‘uppity’ and ‘full of myself’ I was at first.” Epel groaned at the thought of another lecture from his dorm leader. “… But recently, I’ve been thinkin’ it’s not too bad to hear about how others experience everything.
“Meemaw—my grandma—goes to the city to sell our farm’s produce. She has to switch up how she talks to speak to the locals. I noticed our mayor too, when he talks to tourists. So learning about new people and cultures can’t be a bad thing.”
Epel’s eyes were wide, sparkling with wanderlust. Wistful and longing for the world that awaited him.
Perhaps Lilia had worn the same expression before, at the moment of his epiphany. When had he realized it? When the elderly couple had draped a blanket over him, when they shared a meal, when they spun him the stories of their lives, or when he sat at the cradle and relived those times to a still dormant Malleus?
The warmth in him expanded, like a gulp of soup trickling down his throat, then splashing in his stomach. It had been a humble broth of vegetables, and yet it satisfied him down to the last drop.
“We’re really not so different,” Lilia explained with a grin. “Food and friends are all you need to have a good time wherever you are.
“However, if you are particularly fortunate, you just may have a guardian fairy descend and give you blessings as well.” He indicated the painting of the three fairies hovering over a cradle. “Like so. I believe this infant was gifted with song, beauty, and…”
“Song and beauty?!” Epel’s expression crinkled. “Who decided on those, the parents?”
“The guardian fairies themselves. They choose what they believe will bring the blessed child happiness.”
“They could’ve given the kid something more…” Epel vaguely waved a hand. “I don’t know, useful? Why not strength so they won’t lose any fights? I’d be happy with some more muscle of my own…”
Lilia laughed, soft and low like a midnight whisper. “Why not indeed.”
Because time steals away everything eventually, hissed a voice in his head. The truth, bare and bitter.
The edges of Lilia’s vision quivered. A memory resurfaced—blink, and he saw himself in the frame, his long shadow cast over the crib. Blink, and that was Silver nestled in the fabric. Blink, and the castle was abandoned and covered in thorns.
A fairy robbing a crib of its cursed child.
“Strength is good to have,” Lilia said slowly, “but it will not last forever. Not many things do.”
Still… If I could have one wish, it would be…
The only force able to break the spell set upon Silver. The one feeling he was certain he was incapable of. A love so pure and honest, it was known to be true.
Something he wasn’t worthy of.
True love.
Not him. Not the grimy, low-born bat of a dubious past—as his most unkind of thoughts would insist.
He was the same as them. He had condemned Silver to walking in the night, had made the decision for him. The instant his hair had turned from pale sunshine to the moonlight of his namesake, it was too late to unwind the clock.
Which had he cast—blessing or curse?
The longer he looked at the painting, the more mocking the gentle, rounded faces of the guardian fairies seemed to become. Guiltless, oblivious beings, they were.
They would never know of his plight.
Lilia scoffed. “If the fairies wanted the child to be happy, they should have granted them that strength.”
That which was impossible for him.
"The power to overcome a curse.”
"... The power to overcome a curse, huh?" Epel quietly mused. "Not even Vil-senpai has that kind of strength--and his unique magic is to cast curses! Until the conditions are fulfilled, it can't be broken."
"That's the trouble with curses," Lilia agreed. "They're finicky, depending on how they're woven. Some may even last a lifetime without ever being lifted. Others may spend their own lives seeking out cures."
The story of his life. He was always searching for something, something, something. Lost friends, how to hatch a dragon's egg, true love to dispel drowsiness.
Now, a happy ending.
Lilia released a sigh through his nose.
If only.
"Well, if magic can't make that wish come true... we'll just have to make it a reality ourselves, won't we?"
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jungle-angel · 9 months
It Smells Like Home (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Ever since moving, you and Bob have decided that you're going to have a very, very cozy Halloween with the babies
Bob took another sip of his oatmeal cookie flavored coffee, at least the second one he had that morning while two-year-old Patrick came waddling down the stairs, rubbing his little eyes and clutching his blue crocheted blankie.
"Hi bubby," Bob cooed as he lifted him up and kissed his soft little cheeks. "You're up too early."
"No sleepy," Patrick yawned.
Bob gently patted his son's back and set him back down on the floor. "You hungry?"
Patrick nodded before pulling his chair out and climbing right up.
Bob immediately fixed him some eggs, a little bit of diced ham and a tiny little cup of blueberries. "You wanna help Dada bake today?"
"Yes peas!!!"
Bob chuckled as he heated up his coffee and picked at his own plate of ham and eggs. He felt bad that it would just be him and Patrick for most of the day with you having gone to help Bob's parents get things settled around the new ranch and to help his Meemaw with her doctor's appointments. But Bob was happy since it meant bonding time with the littler of your two, soon to be three children.
As soon as breakfast was done, Bob cleared the dishes and put on "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" both for Patrick and for the background noise while he baked. He kept it on repeat, never once annoyed by how many times it played, comforted by the memories it brought for both him and you.
Patrick kept himself occupied by teasing and playing with Tank, the burly rottweiler who helped Bob and his father keep control of the cattle. Bandit, the newest addition, a one year old blue heeler, snoozed away on the couch, completely unfazed by Patrick's little baby giggles.
It wasn't long before the whole house began to smell so good, overwhelmed with the aromas of chocolate, cinnamon, pumpkin, apples and sweet sugar. Bob loved when the fall farmers' markets came to town, leaving your family swimming in baked goods until then.
"Patrick," he called. "Patrick come taste for Daddy."
Patrick waddled right into the kitchen and took a large bite of a chocolate and vanilla cream cookie that had been shaped into a pointed little witch hat.
"MMMM yummy!" Patrick loudly and happily declared, the chocolate crumbs still all along the edges of his mouth.
Bob laughed, finishing off the rest before Patrick went back to his own business.
Bob had completely lost track of the time, when in the middle of the tenth or so rerun of the Peanuts Halloween special, Patrick had fallen right asleep with his blankie tucked under his arm. You had just come through the door with Auggie, quietly shutting it so that Patrick wouldn't wake.
"I've got him sweetheart," Bob assured you.
"You sure?" you asked him.
"I'm certain," he told you, picking the sleeping toddler up off the couch and carrying him up the stairs with you, laying him down on your shared bed for a nap. He covered Patrick with his blankie and tucked his little brownie bear under his arm, letting him sleep the afternoon away.
"You think he'll sleep for a while?" you asked.
"He'll probably sleep till dinner," Bob answered, taking you in his arms and kissing you. "She awake?"
"Wouldn't stop moving ever since we left your Meemaw's appointment," you chuckled.
You and Bob leaned in, pressing your foreheads against each other. "Wanna go and watch the Peanuts Halloween cartoon?" he asked. "Patrick's been watching it all day."
You hummed happily. "With you? I'll watch anything."
You and Bob soon found yourselves downstairs, snuggled under the couch blankets while your sons were upstairs napping the afternoon away, watching the Peanuts cartoons and the smell of baked goods filling your home with their delicious scents and your dreams of a cozy Halloween with Bob, fully having come true.
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italoniponic · 4 months
Burger (Short) King | Epel Felmier
Synopsis: It’s date night and the place you selected to go with Epel was this humble fast food restaurant that serves the best hamburger in the north part of the island. Well, even if you weren’t that curious about the truth in those rumors, you just wanted Epel to have fun at dinner for once. 
Epel Felmier x gender neutral reader / fluff / appleboy's accent / established relationship / use of “you” pronouns / word count: 900 words / Masterlist
Notes: This idea came from one of my talks with @pandoa about Epel’s SR Cerimonial groovy and I just idealized this dinner night with Epel. What can I do? I love bacon and the smile of happiness shining on Epel's face. And, like always, I tried my best to write him with a southern accent... I really tried ;w;
Burger (Short) King
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The burger had barely been brought to your table and you just sat there in wonder on how Epel got so quick to devour the meal. It was just a dinner date in the Sage Island village at a decent Saturday night time.
But there he was — your little lilac gremlin of a boyfriend — stuffing his mouth full of meat, bacon and lettuce with gravy as if it were the first and last meal of his life after centuries of starvation. Manners at the dinner table aside, the promotional burger was really that delicious. 
When you saw the announcement promo on Magicam, you immediately remembered Epel. 
It was a double steak burger, with bacon and thin onions fried in shoyu sauce, keeping company with lettuce and fresh tomatoes, tasty pickles and a special sauce “ala Chef’s mode”. Everything a delicious fast food meal could offer in carbs and a few extra nutrients.
Or it was what Epel tried to justify on the way there, which made you both ask for apple juice. But the juice alone wouldn’t nullify the bacon or the steak, you assumed with good humor.
It was then that the real reason for Epel’s enthusiasm occurred to you: most, if not all, of Pomefiore would not take your dinner so good-naturedly.
You knew that clogging up with fast-food wasn’t beneficial in many ways, but it was only for one day. Epel wouldn’t die if he ate enough meat for one night. In fact, with the addition of the potatoes and the pie he planned to buy for you both as a dessert at a nearby bakery, you wondered how much Epel usually ate for dinner.
You knew that before Epel met you, he sat alone in the cafeteria most of the time at the beginning of the year. Sometimes he was accompanied by Jack because they were the same class, other times his dorm leader and vice would personally supervise him — if there was time on their lunch schedule.
Epel even had a bag of onions in his blazer pocket to put for lunch if he needed it, which usually drove Jack’s sense of smell crazy. But he didn’t have to bring anything like that to your date, fortunately.
“Is it good?,” you asked after taking your first bite of the burger.
Epel had his mouth full of bacon and chips when you asked him for his opinion. He swallowed it all before answering you.
“Delicious, I tell ya what!,” he replied with a big smile.
It took a few minutes but Epel’s mouth was freer to talk — and let slip a little of the accent you loved so much.
“You know that no one is going to steal your sandwich, right? You can eat more calmly. You know, like really chew and enjoy the food,” you giggled, trying to reassure him.
“Have ya forgot who my dorm leader is? Well, I s’wanee I’ll be damned if not admit that, without Rook, I wouldn’t even be here. 'To thank lil’ someone don’t kill nor take a bite out of ya', meemaw say.” 
You didn’t remember hearing anything similar before, but if it was advice from Marja Felmier, there was nothing to question.
Not to mention that it was a big truth — it took a lot of bribery and dramatizations of your wish to have dinner alone with your boyfriend to convince Rook to be your accomplice in this far from nutritional crime.
Just in case, you two were in the corner closest to the back exit of the diner, with no windows in sight and with a lot of things around to keep people from recognizing you. 
You never know when you’re picking a poisoned apple from a seemingly well-meaning old lady, or even an extremely romantic hunter. Can’t never risk enough, you could only suppose. You would do anything to ensure the success of that date.
Epel took advantage of your thoughtful moment to eat some more. His eyes, when not closed with satisfaction, had a delightful shimmer to them that put the night stars to shame.
It was the best gift you could have given him. In fact, the boy could only think that apple carvings wouldn’t be enough to reward you.
He was actually going to try to plan something truly worthy of your kindness to him — and his countryside stomach that wouldn’t deny good meat in front of him.
But you didn’t feel like you needed any reward. Watching his joy was enough to make your heart happy. You took a sip of the apple juice, amazed at the way Epel smiled even while chewing. You held back a laughter as you watched him lick a sauce mustache that was forming above his lips.
Epel’s joy was your greatest and most precious treasure. It was enough.
“I’d do anything for you.”
“What didja say?,” the boy asked, distracted.
“C-can you pass me a napkin?,” you tried to disguise your words, not wanting to scare him with the intensity of your emotions.
Although confused, Epel shrugged and held out the small box of napkins to you.
While you were bothering to wipe non-existent crumbs from your mouth, the look of your boyfriend and his smile went unnoticed by you. Even if it took a long time before you could repeat that kind of date night, nothing would change within his heart.
Epel would still love you tons.
| Special notes: I wanted to make it a little longer but maybe another time. And I stand that I would fight all Pomefiore just to deliver the most crazy stuffed burger from McDonalds to Epel. They can't hold the power of sertanejo in my veins!! |
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mobbu-min · 1 year
☆ bragging rights ☆
(ft the first years)
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a/n I couldn't find the request where they wanted the first years, but here it is! Ortho is strictly platonic!
tw cursing
want more? eat up bestie! ☆,☆
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Ace + Grim <3
⋆ Grim’s like, ‘No. Please, Great Sevens, no…’ He wants anyone but him. Grim wouldn’t mind if it was one of the Leech Brothers, or hell even, that weird ass bowl cut kid that tried to light everything on fire. Just anyone but Ace! He can’t! Just imagining Ace’s cocky ass grin sends Grim into a fit of rage. Really considers all his life decisions.
⋆ Ehm, can you please speak a little louder? Ace didn’t hear that. Ace squeals like a high school girl who just got asked to prom. Considers this his greatest accomplishment tbh. You’re the hottest thing since sliced bread and Ace is the super cool, incredibly good looking super mage. Like it’s a no brainer. A match made in heaven. Of course you’re going to be bragging about him. Who wouldn’t? (please, never stop. Ace literally cried tears of joy)
Deuce + Grim <3
⋆ Honestly, Grim’s okay with this one. Sure Deuce is a little airheaded, but Grim likes him a lot more than Ace! (that’s a lie, he loves both of them equally, just too stubborn to admit it) And he knows that Deuce will treat you right. Though, Grim doesn't know much more arguing he can take from the flustered idiot one and jealous idiot two. 
⋆ So so happy. He calls his mom immediately after, (i mean, he’s been calling his mom about you since the day you met) Deuce has really tried to be better, to be the type of guy that you wouldn’t hesitate to call yours and knowing that he made it makes him want to explode (in a good way ofc) He wants to cry, jump up and down, take you by your waist and give you a big ol’ smooch. There’s so many things he wants to do, so many things he wants to make you feel, because Deuce is so in love it’s embarrassing really. (Ace gags while also mourning the fact that it’s not him, jealous bastard)
Jack + Grim <3
⋆ Grim is a little on the fence about this one. Jacks a great guy, don’t get him wrong, but Grim doesn’t want to spend his mornings, afternoons and nights working out. Well, on second thought, the image of Grim sporting a rocking six pack kinda gets him to rethink….No, no…he does not want to give up his tuna! Jack will have to pry his box of tuna from his cold dead paws before he lets that happen. 
⋆ His tail does a little waggy once he hears you bragging. Like how can he not? He already talks about you a whole bunch. I mean if you count him always going ‘C’mon, even the prefect could do better!’ or ‘you might be even more airheaded then the Prefect…” then yeah, Jack’s doing a lot of bragging. He’s loyal by heart, but also emotionally constipated, so you’re going to have to look for the hidden meanings behind his brash words. Because it’s there! You just have to look hard and be patient!
⋆ Or you can just look behind your wolfy friend and stare at that ass- I mean, that tail! Yeah, tail! Because it’s betraying how he feels. So thank you tail! (and thank that ass, because it’s thiccc!)
Epel + Grim <3
⋆ Grim is honestly okay with this one. Epel and him are on good terms. So it doesn’t bother him all that much. Really there's nothing else to say other than, Grim is just happy that you’re happy.
⋆ YEEHAW BITCHES!!!!!HE WINS!!!!! Epel is alive and dying at the same time. He’s calling his meemaw, peepaw and all that jazz, because guess what? He’s not bitchless anymore! Yes! Take that Vil, you pompous jerk! And you too Rook, you frenchie! And most importantly, fuck you Ace! He beat you and now you look like a fool! HAHDHHAHA
⋆ Okay, but after Epel gets over his high, he’s face down on his apple plushies practically crying because he’s so happy. 
Ortho + Grim <3
⋆ Second son? SECOND SON? NAH! GRIM’S IS YOUR ONLY SON! He literally gets so offended that you're talking about Ortho more than him. Every little ounce of affection or praise directed towards you little robotic buddy is greeted with an irritated huff and eye roll from Grim. Like did you forget that Grim’s been with you since forever? Grim truly see’s Ortho as a rival/threat, because unlike the other boys who you continuously thrist over, you’re so sweet and kind to Ortho and treat him like he was your kid/brother. It really gets Grim’s gears going. He just wants you to know that he is not above fighting a child, robotic or not, he’s going down.
⋆ Oh, Ortho’s over the moon. The person he sees as a second sibling loves him so much! It makes him so happy. Literally, he thinks he’s dreaming (can he dream?). And omg, this just fuels Ortho to get Idia to confess to you, so you’re all like an actual family. You and Idia can be the parents and Ortho and Grim can be your kids! Ortho has already taken to treating Grim like a little brother, constantly patting his head and giving him treats (which does soothes Grim’s dislike to him by a lot, at this point you think Grim likes Ortho more than you) Ortho does ask if you four could all take a christmas photo together (or whatever the equivalent to christmas is in their world) and he sends it to every one of his friends with really fancy blue and pink glitter gel pen font that says ‘From the Shrouds!’. Sure he knows you aren’t actually a family yet, but he’s sure he can do a little convincing and bam! The wedding is bound to happen! 
Please just do as he says! Let this boy be happy T0T
Sebek + Grim <3
⋆ There’s dead silence from Grim. Like you do realize that you have no insurance right? How the heck are you supposed to pay for hearing aids for the both of you? He doesn’t get it. What’s the appeal? Did you hit your head that hard? Grim’s judging and he’s judging hard. But overall, Grim surprisingly feels bad. All he can think of is that one lyric you scream out every now then by that Rana le Del, um… What was it again? The Other Woman~ and that’s you. He just shakes his head because he knows you can do better. 
⋆ Sebek is a blushing mess. He’s on two ends of the spectrum, one being incredibly smug and two, wanting to scream the ears off anyone in the ten mile radius of him. There is no inbetween because he’s not a chill guy. When Sebek wants something he puts 110 percent into it. And that's what he does for you. You know what name becomes a frequent occurrence in his vocabulary? Yeah, it’s your name. There’s not a sentence that he says that does include you and Malleus in it. Yeah, he is making and joining every club that there is about you and yes, that is a shrine dedicated to you right next to his Malleus shrine. And no, you cannot stop him. 
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Yo! I really love your apocalypse yuu writings I keep coming back to see if it has updated.
I read the Lilia finds out part and when I read the "Epel gave Yuu an apple and he didn't know what it was" it got me thinking about it all night.
How would the first years react to Yuu not eating anything at all(probably other than bread) because he doesn't know what those foods are?
Yuus pronouns are he/him, although they're mentioned briefly
This is barely proofread so please excuse the grammar mistakes.
Featuring: Epel, Ace, Duece, Jack, and sebek (there is implied lilia at the very end but it is literally one sentence)
Warnings: Talks of starvation, Yuu's illness, and survivers guilt, so skip this if you're uncomfortable with any of that.
Also I know it's been over a month. I have no excuse. I just didn't feel like it. But I have been teaching myself how to draw so I can be a bigger simp to Jamil so that's fun ig.
Damn bro, you really don't know shit huh?
Epel was excited, to say the least.
I mean, could you really blame him? It's not everyday that you get a big ol' crate full of the apples that you were raised with.
By all means, epel should've been long sick of eating apples. Having them almost everyday for majority of his life, dried and dehydrated in the winter, and fresh and juicy in the spring and summer.
But no, no epel felmeir loves those apples. Every single one he ate seemed to effortlessly send him back to the simpler times of his childhood. Where he would send hours upon hours avoiding his siblings and playing games with his cousins in the orchards and taking naps in the sun while he waited for his meemaws infamous apple pies to finish baking. And meemaw would almost always let him have the first slice! Of the ones she wasn't going to sell at least.
He really missed her...
He'd have to ask her to bake him another one this winter.
But just getting to read the letter she had wrote, along with his parents and one of the towns kids that always followed him around like a lost baby duck, put a smile on his face.
Yeah. He'd get to see them soon, and once he graduates, he can get them more money, and be strong enough to protect them if it ever came to that.
Unfortunately, as great as his parents apples were, they couldn't fight the natural forces of time.
Dear sevens- they'd sent him nearly three dozen apples! All high quality too... it shouldn't effect sales too much. The orchards were big, and his parents would rather give up that expensive family heir loom necklace that his mother always wore than start selling spoiled apples.
But still, epel couldn't possibly eat thirty-six apples before they all started to rot. Plus, he didn't know how long they took to ship to the isle of sages, so that cut the time frame even shorter.
.....Does Jack like apples?
Should he even be considering giving Jack an apple to begin with? Their relationship was pretty vague. We're they actually friends or just study buddies?
Study buddies can give eachother gifts too right? And plus, it's food, not a 24 carrot gold ring or something crazy like that.
It should be fine. Maybe he'll give one to ace too. They were friends. Surely.
Ace trappola would say he was a good friend. I mean, he wasn't the best by any means, but he was decent.
Yeah, he could be kind of a dick. But who isn't at this point, honestly, even deuce, even cater had their moments.
But he was still someone the people in his life could go to for things, usually physically, tangible this like food or an extra ball or something, but he wasn't completely useless when it came to emotions either.
You could come to him if something was bothering you. He probably won't help you actually fix it but he can at least make you laugh.
So why didn't you want to laugh?
You had taken your mask off a few weeks ago. And like a bucket of ice cold water had been dumped on him he realized it was the first time he ever saw you eat any food here at all.
Were you eating at all before then? What about water?
Thank the seven you were only here for around a week. But surely, you were dehydrated.
(You were definitely dehydrated. Deuce gave you a water bottle and you chugged it like it was your only chance at life. Which, to be fair, it probably was your only chance at life.)
Ace didn't know what your life was like before.
Ace didn't want to know either.
He didn't do well with heavy topics, always changing the subject when one came up unless he was personally involved in some way.
Other people life didn't concern him, and that was something he lived by.
...but still.
This was going a bit too far, don't you think?
Ace shot a look to deuce, clear concern instead of the regular teasing, which caught his roomates attention faster than he thought it would.
Ok. So deuce had noticed too.
Just goes to show how obvious it was that something is very wrong here.
Now, because ace had never asked, and he probably never will, he didn't know what your relationship with food was like before you came here. But. It couldn't have been this right?
A person couldn't only survive on some bread and room temperature water, right?
You sat across from him at your guy's unofficial table in the cafeteria, drinking the water at a moderate pace, as you didn't want to deal with another scolding from a certain housewarden, doing your best to keep a careful eye on grim as he went to go get his food from the lunch line.
And thank the seven for that, really. If grim turned back and saw that you weren't watching him for even a second, who knows that kind of ruckus would result?
But all that aside, you were still scarily underweight. Seriously perfect, how were you even alive?
Ace looked at deuce again. Deuce looked back.
He sighed.
Ace never, ever thought he would do something like this.
But for sevens sake, you were one of his best friends. And Ace will be damned if he just let you do this to yourself.
So with a deep breathe, he looked at you, and then turned back to what he was pretty sure was an ex-gang member, and nodded.
And for once, deuce understood.
They had to do something.
You reminded Deuce Spade of that stray cat that his mother would always feed when he was a child.
Underweight, scared, scarred, and confused.
Always having an air if caution and paranoia, ready to react, as if anything could just jump out and grab you at any time.
But you weren't a cat, were you?
No. You were a person. Someone his age, maybe younger, that had obviously seen horrors he couldn't even understand. Which just made this whole situation even sadder.
Because if you lived like this, then what the hell was stopping him? What about his mother? What was stopping her from having the same fate?
Duece ignored the memories of his mother giving him food and taking none for herself, saying she wasn't hungry.
But he couldn't quite ignore them, nor could he ignore the pit in his stomach whenever he looked at you.
...Listen perfect, he doesn't know what you went through to be like this, but he knows damn well this isn't normal.
It can't be normal. Hiding this much food underneath your floorboards couldn't ever be normal.
The two of you were just hanging out in your room in Ramshakle. Grim was in the lounge, he was sure, and you had stared off into space before asking the date.
When he told you, you had a look of slight panic as you ripped the rug off from its place on the floor, and started pulling apart the boards.
And what for?
The reveal of a large stash of food, mostly non-perishables, but a few snacks here and there too.
Snacks that were about to expire, apparently.
You turned to look back at him, a sheepish look on your face, and what looked like a bag if chips in your hand.
Deuce didn't know what face he was making.
He just knew it wasn't one he'd want you to see
If someone were to ask Jack howl if he was your friend. He wouldn't know to to say.
I mean yeah, you helped save his entire dorms ass way back when, yeah, you and him absolutely went throught it during azuls little "episode", and yeah, the two of you had plenty of mutual friends.
But we're the two of you friends?
Jack wasn't sure.
Because by all accounts, you should be.
It didn't change the fact that you weren't. Not really. Not by his definition and not by yours.
So what were you?
Well, you weren't friends. That was already established. And you were too close to be acquaintances (he didn't think acquaintance fell asleep on each other in the botanical gardens, only to wake up five minutes till curfew and just haul ass back to their respective dorms with smiles on their faces), so...what did that leave?
Well... I guess it left this.
"Eat it"
Jack didn't know you that well. But that didn't mean he couldn't see..this happening. And it definitely didn't mean he didn't care.
So here he was. Holding a pastrami sandwich about an inch away from your face, silently begging you to just shut up and eat it.
Come on perfect, he bought this with his own money. Just humor him, please.
You eyed the sandwich like it was the most untrustworthy thing you'd ever seen. Jack's not going to lie, it kind of hurt.
But it wouldn't matter if you ate it, so he sucked it up.
...at least he would if you'd actually take the fucking sandwich.
Seriously, it was starting to tick him off.
Jack briefly considered just varying off and giving the sandwich to ruggie or something, or just eating it himself. He wasn't the biggest fan of pastrami but who knows, maybe the school made it better.
Honestly, he probably would have done just that if the image if you leaning against the wall looking ready to pass out from, what he knew, was malnutrition.
The event itself actually happened around two weeks ago, give or take. Jack thinks the only real reason he remembers it so well is because, well, it was the moment.
The defining moment, the moment where it just clicked that something was very wrong here.
He already knew that of course, I mean, look at you.
But as it turns out, watching someone actively starve to death in front of you will keep you up at night.
His mind turned to ruggie for a split second, before forcibly shoving that thought down where all the other thoughts he didn't want to think about were.
Like that time when he was a kid with a crush on Vil....yeah, Jack's happy he got o er that one to say the least. Nothing against Vil, he's a great friend and all (they were friends right?), but them in a relationship? Yeah. No. Not happening. No thankyou.
Jack mentally slapped hi.self and proceeded to shove his weird thoughts down yet again and refocus on getting his not-quite-friend to eat.
You were leaning back a lot farther than you were a second ago, if you did that anymore you'd probably just end up on the ground.
...jack sighed. This was going to take a while wasn't it?
By the end of the lunch period, you had come to a compromise, jack you slip the sandwich with you and take the other half for himself.
You ended up splitting your half with grim, who reluctantly took it. You had actually eaten yours too!...after you took the while thing apart and inspected and obsessed over it like how he'd seen Rook do to his housewardens that one time!
But still, it was something.
It was a start. And that's really all he could ask for at this point.
Sebek didn't notice anything about you at first. And he didn't particularly care much either. He was a guard for sevens sake! He had a deep responsibility!
He had a crown prince, that he oh so admired, to protect! Not to mention silver, who he had to wake up at every given turn, and not to mention Lilia, who had recently been going harder on their training sessions.
So to waste his time with a human? With a weak little human that didn't even come close to his current list if priorities?
That's time he simply did not have!
...So why was he here?
He was supposed to be looking for his charge. His charge, who always seemed to wind up around the old, abandoned Ramshakle building and just dissappear in the nick of time.
It had been happening more and more lately, especially since that new perfect moved in.
He would be lying if he said he cared too much about him. Again, he didn't have time to be curious about some strange human boy with some strange past.
But still, he couldn't quite contain the way he jumped back when he'd first seen them.
Whoever he was, he looked so...sick.
...he didn't have time for this.
Turning back on his heel, he refocused his mind on finding his lord again, and quickl- wait- silver. Oh great sevens. Silver wake up!
Ok. Sebek really didn't have time for this.
...and yet.
Here he was, standing next to you, arms out ready to catch you at a moments notice if you really were going to collapse like he thought you were.
He hadn't been this close to you before.
And now he could see that you weren't just sick.
Great seven, you looked like you were dying...
Sebek zigbolt had always known humans were weak, fragile creatures. Never able to even light a candle next to faeries. Never able to light a candle next to him, and certainly not his young master.
But this was just pushing it.
Sebek was stronger than his human counterparts. He would long outlive them. He thought of silver for the shortest second and then quickly pushed that thought to the side. This was not the time. Buteven with those facts, sebek still knew that humans weren't made of fine glass. Even if the people in his homeland liked to act like it, Sebek still knew that humanity wasn't completely hopeless.
One strong gust of wind wouldn't knock them over.
One missed meal wasn't enough to do detrimental damage to their health.
Pulling one all nighter would barely put a dent in their day to day lives, aside from the obvious fatigue and.
But with you?
With you? Alwats looking like you could kneel over and die then and there on the classroom floor?
Sebek want so sure anymore.
Epel had eaten more apples than any normal person should ever be able to eat.
Sevens help him, his stomach.
Despite the waves of pain that shit through him every now and then, epel wasn't mad.
Yeah, maybe eating a whole eight apples in the span of two hours wasn't his smartest idea, but the sweet nostalgia that seemed to wash over him and warm his very soul? Yeah no, it was worth it.
So no. Epel felmeir wasn't mad.
And laying in a bed that was much too soft for his taste, a direct contrast from the slightly itchy blankets and the hard mattresses back home, epel glance over to the almost empty crate of apples that were sitting just under his work desk.
...As much as Epel wanted to eat them, he wanted to do this even more.
Epel sat up, ignoring his stomach pain the best he could, and began a mental list of all the people he knew. And then a silent debate over who deserved his families apples in the first place.
Ok. First up Ace.
Epel would say they were friends. Not close friends by any means, but friends nonetheless.
Epel could give him one.
Next was Jack.
...In all honesty, epel didn't know. We're they friends, or just simply homework buddies that occasionally hung out?
...he could spare one for Jack, maybe they'd be friends then if they weren't already.
Yes. Just- just yes. That day on the beach had changed their relationship forever. Duece was like a brother to him at this point.
He was goddamn getting an apple.
Epel chuckled a little at the realization that he was treating this like one of those elimination gameshows his meemaw liked.
Ok...he had two apples left after that.
Sebek wasn't really his friend was he? He certainly didn't make it seem like he was. If anything, Sebek was trying his damnedest to make them all belive the exact opposite, really.
....maybe he should just give the apple to Rook.
Or Vil.
Ok. He has one apple left.
The two of you weren't really friends. But you were friendly. If nothing else, you had been nothing but kind to him so far.
And plus, you looked uh. Half dead. To put it nicely.
And so, with a smile on his face, epel took out the crate of apples and began placing them on a bag that would make them easier to carry around tomorrow.
He couldn't wait.
It's funny how your whole life can change in a single moment, especially when you don't even know what that moment was.
Why were you here? Where is here anyway? Surely, magic didn't exist right?
The air wasn't always this clean right?
Water wasn't readily available at the turn of a handle right?
People didnt...people werent...weren't....
Heh. Heheha.
Why were you here?
Why were you here?
Why you and not one of the kids? What the hell have you ever done but use up medical supplies in a fruitless effort to keep you alive.
Why was this world so...pretty. happy. Clean.
Why this world and not your own? What had this world ever done to deserve this luxury of life.
...What had yours?
What had you?
Out of all the base commanders, the medics, the farmers, or children, or any of the other apprentice kids that you sometimes had to work with.
You were here. And they were still trapped inside of that hell.
...You didn't deserve this.
You died. You were on that beach and you died.
You woke up in a coffin, but something told you this wasn't the afterlife.
That something being the blood that you coughed up the other day.
It wasn't from internal bleeding, you k ew that much. Rather, it was from you coughing so hard that something in your throat had ripped.
It really didn't matter. You had spent nearly half an hour in a panic, choking and trying to unclog your airways, while grim and the ghosts you had come to somewhat love, stood behind you, offering what little comfort they could.
It wasn't the first time this happened after all.
You were still bedridden for a good two days after that. Thank God for the weekend.
Time passed in a blur while you were like that. It always did, mostly because you were asleep ninety percent of the time. The other twn being dedicated to medicine and a vain attempt to get food you knew you couldn't stomach to stay down.
So no. This wasn't the afterlife.
It was just a beautiful second chance that you didn't deserve.
It was so confusing.
And this was so confusing.
What..is this weird red thing being handed to you?
Epel looked at you with a hopeful expression on his face. It reminded you of the little girl you used to look after...
You take the..thing.
Glancing over to your right, you watch Ace take a large bite out of it with a smile on his face.
Ok. So not poisonous. Good to know.
You saw Duece do the same thing.
You felt Jack staring at you, but you didn't dare look at him.
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Missed meemaw Apple and junior
So I made a comfort animation lol
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calcifiedunderland · 10 months
What We Brew in the Dark
or, Encounters of a Disney-Aware Prefect, ft. Epel Felmier
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (here), Part 4
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GN reader, they/them!
Warnings: none I think? Some claustrophobia and descriptions of the dark
Enjoy the brainrot, thanks for reading!!
That first week, when Epel was sorted into Pomefiore, was more hellish than when the apple trees back home were infested with an apple-eating pest.
And that was saying something.
Sometime after the first night, when Vil was still on his haughty-gaudy throne, Epel had been so fed up that he challenged his housewarden to a physical fight. At the time he thought that the prissy fancy-schmancy actor wouldn’t be much of a fight, but Epel had gotten his ass utterly handed to him while Vil’s stupid smug face taunted him. That night, sore and still smoldering from the anger, Epel had wandered around the dorm to clear his head, grumbling curses under his breath that his grandmother would’ve boxed him over the head for.
At some point, he’d looked up and realized he’d gotten lost in his own dorm. That was before he nearly fell down a spiraling staircase that lead down, down, down into the dark.
His curiosity had gotten the better of him, and so he’d flicked on his phone’s flashlight and inched down slowly. Torches lined the walls, and judging by how the wood was slightly damp and moldy, they hadn’t been lit for quite some time. Epel flinched as mice scampered, but thankfully the staircase wasn’t too long. In front of him stood a rounded door framed with stones, and from the looks of it, it hadn’t been renovated with the rest of the castle over the years.
Still, he was curious, and it wasn’t like he wanted to go back to his dorm and run into anyone, especially Vil. And he was already this far, anyway. Meemaw didn’t raise a coward. So, Epel gave the door a sturdy shove, and it swung open with a loud, reverberating creeeeaaaak. The door opened to a small, cramped room stuffed with potion supplies that were now disintegrated beyond recognition. Flasks and looping glass potion-making gadgets sat on the work table. A skull stared back at him from the bookshelf.
Clothes and broken glass were strewn on the floor as if someone had left in a hurry and knocked over several items. Several undoubtedly expensive, and dangerous items. He pointed the phone’s light around the room, feeling more and more creeped out by the second.
A large sturdy black cauldron sat in the center, the heavy-duty kind that only professionals like Crewel used for specialty potions. Whoever used them last was clearly a serious potioneer. Rotted apples were spilled around the base, and Epel could faintly make out the dead carcass of a black bird on the floor. But what the hell was that dark greenish sludge sloshed on the floor by the cauldron, that seemed to glint and swirl ominously even in the phone’s dim light? And why was there a hideaway potion room in that huge castle in the first place?
He could feel his heartbeat in his throat and his limbs go rigid. By the sevens, what the hell was this place?
He’d seen enough. He didn’t dare go into the room. Turning on his heel, he marched himself up the spiral staircase, through the doors, and didn’t stop until he reached his dorm room. Not even caring that it was far past curfew and Rook, who was somehow aware of everything even while asleep, probably sensed him darting past his door.
As he tried to fall asleep and shove that strange basement out of his mind, his mind drifted. Meemaw was right, don’t go stickin’ yer nose about if ya don’t want it to be cut off.
This time, instead of gazing into a talking mirror or singing at a well or being stalked in a forest, you were dreaming of darkness.
A deep, pitch-black ominous darkness where dark thoughts spiraled and evil came to fruition. A dark where a black-cloaked old woman cackled gleefully in a dark hall with a covered basket. Was that apple you smelled? It reminded you of the sledathon in Harveston. That was nice, you wanted to go back to that. You’d have to ask Epel—
PREFECT!!! Where r u
Twisted wonderland to (y/n) can u hurry plz
before vil throws me out of the lab
no apple juice for u >:(
By the third buzz you’d fully awoken from your nap as Epel continued to spam you. Then you shot up, catapulting a sleeping Grim off your lap, and grabbed your alchemy things.
“Nya— HENCHHUMAN!” Grim rubbed his side as you stuff your alchemy notes in your bag.
“Sorry! Be good Grim!” You called before racing out the door.
You reached the Pomefiore alchemy labs in record time, puffing. Epel looked over at you apathetically while stirring the cauldron. “Took ya long enough, I started without ya since we gotta brew this for two hours. Yer’ welcome.”
You huffed and opened your notes. “Okay, so you’re on step three, now we add…”
After some time, you two were finally able to let the cauldron simmer. “‘S gonna be about an hour ‘til it’s done,” Epel said. “Crewel’s class is gonna wreck me,” you groaned and flopped into a chair. “Seriously, without Rook helping me, I would’ve failed that last report. We need to do good on this one.”
“I hear ya,” Epel sighed, then frowned at you. “But couldja not be late next time? Vil kept hoverin’ over me like a hawk when he saw me alone. You’d’ve thought I’d’h’ve wrecked the whole damn lab,” he huffed.
“Look, I’m sorry,” you sighed, “I’ve been having these weird dreams and I’m just exhausted. I’ll help you though, as best I can.”
Epel looked at you curiously, and you elaborated “this time, I was in this weird room with a cauldron and potion stuff. And there was some old lady laughing and holding apples too,” you shrugged, nonchalant as if you haven’t had alarming encounters with objects ever since you dreamed the Fairest Queen. Or any of the Seven, at that. “I don’t know. I’ve been having deja vu lately.”
Epel frowned. “I know y’told Deuce and Ace about yer weird dreams, but that kinda sounds like somethin’ I stumbled across the first week here.”
Unwillingly, a chill went down your spine. What are the odds? “What.” Epel nodded, eyes wide. “Looked real spooky, too. Had bars over the windows ‘n everything.” You remembered green lightning flashing in your dream, through the barred windows.
Epel took your shock as a challenge, “what, y’don’t believe me?” He stood and crossed his arms, eyebrows drawn. “I c’n take y’there now!”
You swallowed, feeling dread settling in your stomach. “I… yeah, sure Ep.” With that, the two of you set of, leaving the cauldron gurgling gently as you left the safety of the lab.
As you walked, you thought back to your dream, straining to remember the details. Okay, it was dark, but Pomefiore is all windows and natural light. In your dream, the room had cobblestones and fire-lit lamps. Still, Epel lead you deeper and deeper into the dorm, and as the gilded glamour of Pomefiore melted into weathered gray stone walls, dread pooled in your stomach.
Any hope you had that your dream was a coincidence melted when Epel swung open a door that lead to pitch-black darkness. Immediately your mind flashed to your dream. A dark figure rushing down the stairs, cloak billowing out behind her—
“Prefect? Ya good?” Epel turned to you concernedly, “if ya don’t wanna go, y’don’t hafta. Creeped me out, too.” Any annoyance he had when you’d ‘doubted’ him melted away. “Y’don’t have to. Promise.”
You shook your head quickly, “no, I… I’m fine. Lets go.”
Epel switched on his phone’s flashlight, “alright. Watch yer step. There’s—“ “Stairs?” You finished for him. His eyes widened, but he nodded.
You both carefully stepped down. Somewhere you could hear the echoes water dripping, and the chill in the dark seeped in with your impending apprehension. Before you, Epel’s uniform blazer fluttered and he held his phone aloft. For an instant, in your minds eye, it looked like the Fairest Queen’s cloak, and the shine of the phone like her tall, pointed crown
You both stepped in front of a wooden door that was cracked open. “Opened it when I first came here.” Epel shoved his shoulder into it and hefted it open with a loud creeeaaaak. The room was washed in his phone’s light. “See, toldja.”
Your breath hitched. You brushed past Epel, who tried to stop you, as if in a haze. In your minds eye played your dream from earlier, the one you’d tried so hard to remember but couldn’t before. Until now.
Your feet took you to a shelf lined with books, and where your hand stopped was a gap in the books. You looked down instinctively but saw nothing on the workspace in front of you.
“(Y/n)…?” Epel walked cautiously to you, gingerly putting his hand on your shoulder. You shut your eyes tightly, saying absently, “just let me…”
You opened your eyes and walked over to the cauldron. You peered into it, seeing the remnants of the last potion ever brewed in it. Your shoes crushed down rotting apples, the pungent smell curling into your nose.
She stormed into the room, slamming the ornate Hunter’s box down. She spoke to herself, but what she said didn’t matter to you as she brushed her fingers over a book she plucked from the shelf. She opened to a page, reading aloud—
“Poison apple,” you said aloud, straightening as if you’d been struck by lightning. “Sleeping death. And…” Peddler’s Disguise.
Epel looked at you curiously. “…Yeah, that’s what it looks like,” he looked into the cauldron. “Goin’ by the look n’ smell, looks like sleepin’ draught poison. ‘N there’s apples everywhere.” He nudged one sadly, “what a waste.”
“No, it’s… that’s what she made in my dream. The Queen. And then…” you glanced at the broken glass on the floor. “She… made a potion to make herself look old.” You came to a chilling conclusion as you remembered your dream from a week ago. She looked at a girl with a blue and yellow dress with such hatred. “She was going to poison someone. A girl.”
Epel rocked back on his heels, and had no idea what to say. “Well… she was the fairest in the land. It’s no wonder that she’d have enemies.”
Going by your dream, you didn’t know if Epel meant the Queen or the girl.
You frowned, confused, but before you could say anything, your phone’s timer went off. Epel’s eyes widened, and you both yelled, “THE POTION!”
Abandoning the room, the two of you raced up the steps and through the halls, until you barreled into the labs again. Thankfully, the potion was still in good condition, and you were able to bottle it for tomorrow’s alchemy class.
As you and Epel began to unwind after your initial panic, your mind drifted back to the room and your dream.
This couldn’t be a coincidence. Everything you’d encountered lately, from overblots to dreams to premonition dazes, couldn’t have been mere happenstance. And Epel finding that room, the exact room, in your dream mere months ago?
It was time you took measures into your own hands.
These chapters are getting longer and longer each time, I don’t want them to run too long but here’s the third part!
Next up is a Neige chapt I thought of at 3am. I want to do the other dorms too, lmk if there’s anyone you’d like to see :D
Ngl I didn’t think this would be as popular as it is, but I’m really happy that you all seem to like it!! Hopefully next part will be up soon, thanks for reading this far <3 I appreciate it literally so much
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brandogenius · 3 months
katie x controversially young gf?🙏
hehehehe first katie post!!!! THE CROWD CHEERED
HC - katie x controversially young gf!
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- has no shame in buying you stuff
- “you want this? of course honey”
- “i was told by jo i’m your sugar mommy”
- has no shame in spamming her ig stories with you / documenting your day out at the theme park
- say reader is a college student. katie picking her up from uni like “hi sweetie. have a good day?”
- “you give off soccer mom vibes”
- katie packs readers lunch before uni / makes sure to send them money on apple pay for lunch “so you can treat yourself baby”
- if she’s not working at the studio / on tour, she’ll come meet you for lunch! either at a nice cafe yall didn’t try yet or the one you both go to all the time
- reader giving katie like a small gift every monthly anniversary and katie has them displayed proudly in her room (say a card or polaroid or crystal etc)
- katie’s lockscreen is both of you on your first date :(
- she was a bit worried in the beginning just from the age gap (7 years 31&25)
- knowing you were comfortable it made her relax
- you were the one go initiate the contact. katie would only hold your hand at first but after kissing her first she letting katie know ‘this is fine’ she started to relax and get more comfortable
- staying up in bed, katie is reading a book on her lap and you’re studying for your upcoming exam. katie making sure you get to bed on time
- “you know what’s weird?” katie puts down the book, shifting her glasses onto her nose. “what?” you replied, lifting your head up from your notes. “i was graduated from highschool and you were still in middle school” (you better correct me if that’s wrong idfk american schools)
- going as katie’s +1 to shows, meetinf jo and naomi and both of them ‘take you under their wing’
- “we got you. consider us your guard dogs. we just protect the younglings” “is that even a word?” “it is now”
- always being teased by jo and naomi “you guys should get going. meemaw needs to sleep don’t you grandma??”
- reader who is someone who never really learned how to do makeup so you watch katie do it in the bathroom and she’s like “want me to do your makeup?”
- “you’re so pretty, sitting here patiently while i do your makeup honey
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dolliehina · 2 months
Hello! Since you're taking requests, how about gender-bend Epel? Do they look girlie or are they now dude-adjacent? Does this impact her relationships at all?
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I've thought about this for a while, and I never really settled on anything until I saw what @quartztwst thought Fem! Epel would be like, and I completely agree. So, just make sure to check out their post on it!!
♡- Fem! Epel is an interesting girl.. uh. She's the kind of girl who's like, "I'm not like other girls," but she's not a pick me??? She just is the kind of girl who says "I don't wear makeup" or "Ew that's such a girl color," and kind of be the type of girl who acts tough and not "girly", not to set herself apart from other girls, but because she doesn't wanna seem weak or like a "damsel in distress" yknow? Except the way she goes about it is more toxic.
♡- I always thought Fem Epel would be the kind of girl who would cut her hair short, like pixie length to seem more tomboyish? She doesn't really mean to put other girls down, nor is she trying to. She just wants to be seen as a tough girl, so she sort of abandoned her femininity?? Like stopped wearing dresses or skirts because she wanted to be taken seriously. (But she doesn't do it for male validation, and she doesn't put down other girls for what they do in front of men. She really only acts like this - ONCE AGAIN, to be taken seriously, even though she's going about it all the wrong way.)
♡- But after book 5 when Fem! Vil fixes her (Period) she starts to embrace her feminine side more? She realizes that there is strength to being feminine and dolling up. So she starts wearing dresses, makeup, and all of that stuff again, but she still doesn't drop her tough girl act. She still acts all tough, probably swears, and just wants equality tbh.
♡- If you're dating Fem! Epel after book 5, I don't think it would make much of a difference because she would date her lover because they didn't underestimate her or see her as weak. And even after book 5, if you're supportive of her starting to embrace her femininity and feminine side? She might as well just marry you.
♡- Fem Epel! Would be a bit insecure at first because she didn't know if you were dating her at first for her more dainty side that Vil made her do? Or if you genuinely liked her. But she will let the accent slip (Yeehaw 🤠) around you, and if you like it, she would start showing it more, but would try to make sure you could still understand her, lol.
♡- I personally don't think Fem! Epel would really care about gender? If you're a girl, she might be confused, but she'd try it out (and she loved it). If you're a boy? Cool, though she's a bit shy around you because she had never talked to boys her age, and she tries to act more feminine around you, just because she doesn't know what to do around boys?? And that's what Vil told her to do?? If you're anything else? Slay, she's willing to try new things. After living with Fem Vil, she has an open mind to it.
♡- But the whole feminine thing aside, she's a very sweet girl, and she means well. She'll bake you apple pies, tarts, maybe carve you a heart apple? She's not good with romance, though, so you might have to teach her a few things. She likes motorcycle dates or stargazing. She just wants to spend quality time with you tbh.
♡- If you date her, you date her family. She tells them all about you, and you better treat her right, or all of Harveston will know. Her Meemaw is already planning your wedding. Just know Harveston is a small town, so they do kind of rush things, so just be prepared for that. She will tell them to stop, though, for her sake and yours.
♡- Overall? 8/10 quality tomboy gf. As long as you don't try and tell her how to act or what to do, not to mention get her town to like you? You're Gucci. She's sweet and considerate but is prone to physical fights with other girls. So just.. yeah, make sure she doesn't get in trouble.
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Hello! how you doing?? may i request for your event , epel with a fluffy platonic ''long distance relationship" ?
and as my backup i thought of riddle with ''farmer's market'' , like a funny romantic outing
and i think you said 2 backups ... if you then stargazing with azul , romantic hurt/comfort
i'm not used to requesting so if i did anything wrong sorry oopsie i didn't mean too 😅
Long-Distance Relationship; Epel Felmier
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, platonic
Word Count; 650+
AN; Everything looks great, no need to worry! I hope you enjoy this, and the friendship with Epel! As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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This summer had been quiet, with Professor Trein basically threatening Crowley to let you stay with him. But it was nice. You had a nice room with overstuffed pillows and old quilts. And an actually nice bed that didn’t have any springs poking out of it. After the chaos that had been the school-year, it was nice having a stable home environment. Also Trein gave you the freedom you needed, and didn’t hover, but was there when you needed him.
“Another letter arrived for you,” the older man said while waiting for his morning cup of tea to cool down. “From Felmier.”
Epel couldn’t come to visit as often as the others, as he was busy at the farm and doing promotional work to help bring Felmier Farms into the public’s eye. But he sent a letter every week, each with an apple stamp.
You opened the letter, curbing your excitement. There was rarely anything super exciting in them, but it was still nice to read what Epel got into.
Meemaw says I should be able to visit next week! So be prepared for a lot of stuff; could ‘have sworn you’re her grandkid an’ not me. Hope you like kitschy apple-themed clothes.
Epel is coming. Epel is coming! You hadn’t seen him in over a month, and the last time you did he was working the family stand at the farmer’s market. You couldn’t really catch up then, but now, now you could. You could finally catch up with your best friend. “Is it okay if Epel comes over?”
Trein looked up from the book he was reading and gave you a curt nod before going back to his book and morning cup of tea
Places to go with Epel; 
You had started to make a list, but nothing was really coming to you. You didn’t know many other places save for Night Raven College, and the small village where Trein, and now you, resided. Sighing, you spun in your chair, thinking. Epel was arriving tomorrow and you had jack-all planned. And sure, just catching up and hanging inside the home or out in the yard was nice and all, but you wanted to do something. “Come on brain, be smart,” you sighed, plopping down on the bed and groaning. Maybe some sleep would hel- “Epel?”
And standing outside your window was none other than Epel Felmier, carrying a backpack and an amusingly large box. He was moving his mouth, but you couldn’t make out what he was saying. Getting up, you moved towards the window and pushed it up.
“-et me in, these damn skeeters are eatin’ me alive,” is what you heard upon opening the window. And there were indeed a few mosquitoes trying their hardest to make a midnight snack out of your friend. “Long time no see, huh?”
You moved aside so he could let himself in. he was early, in the letter he said he’d be arriving tomorrow right after lunch. But Epel was here, in the middle of the night, hauling a large wooden crate into your room. “Yeah, but what are you doing here Epel?”
He let out a grunt as the wood crate finally got through the threshold of the window. “Visiting, like I said… Pa dropped me off early but I had some runnin’ around to do.” He reached into his pocket and handed you a small bee keychain. “Gotcha this in town, since you’re a busy bee.”
You lightly punched his shoulder, as you knew Trein would give the both of you a questioning look, but you were happy to see Epel. “So, what horrors did Marja send?” You peaked into the wooden crate.
Epel grabbed out a cardigan made of granny squares with apples and apple blossoms instead of daisies. “Matching sweaters,” he said with mock fear in his voice.
The two of you laughed though, as it was a sweet action, and once it started to cool off, the both of you would wear them together; like the cheesy matching outfits parents put siblings in.
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