#Mood Booster system role
the-silent-fellowship · 11 months
Mood Booster (System Role)
[PT: Mood Booster (System Role)]
“A mood booster is a headmate who boosts the overall mood of the system. Commonly, they can be very cheerful.” - Pluralpedia(link)
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[ID: None yet]
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, and @plurality-faq
[Reposting on] @blood-moon-night-coining
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sadowife · 19 days
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🏖 ,Mood Booster Yuu Kunioka …
Like & Reblog if used.
No F/O tags.
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the-firefly-jar-system · 11 months
Hello, Neighbors!
Turnip and Myself worked Together to put up a Positivity/Optimism blog! It is run by Both of Us: the Positivity spreaders/Mood Boosters of Our System! We would Love for You to check it out, Friends!! /NF
It is: @fireflies-positivity!!!
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branzycrafted · 2 years
Sorry to be all like upset n stuff
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st4rb0xd-sysh3lp · 4 months
Headmate Role & Type Master-list (as re-posted by us to be more thorough and all system inclusive)
Below the cut is a masterlist of common headmate roles and types. We will do our best to keep this updated if we think anything else should be on here. Please let us know if there's anything you think we should add or any info we should update to be more accurate!!
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A type of headmate designed to hold or boost a certain emotion or feeling in the system, usually when fronting or co-con.
→ Confidence Booster: a headmate that boosts the confidence of the system or specific headmate(s) in front.
→ Mood Booster: a headmate that boosts the mood of the system, specific headmate(s) in front, or those around the system; emotions affected can range from neutral to overjoyed depending on the booster.
→ Motivator: a headmate that either boosts feelings of motivation in the system or specific headmate(s) in front, or helps motivate the system with encouragement.
A type of headmate designed to help the system or individual headmates in a specific way.
→ Caretaker: a headmate who takes care of the system, generally by caring for the body or keeping the living space tidy.
→ Internal Helper: a headmate that helps take care of other headmates in the innerworld; may or may not front.
→ Soother: a headmate that helps soothe the body or other headmates, especially in times of distress or following traumatic events.
→ Supporter: a headmate who was formed to keep other headmates company; often in co-con with other headmates.
A type of headmate designed to hold certain memories, emotions, symptoms, or otherwise within a system; oftentimes fragments, but not always.
→ Anger Holder: a headmate that holds the system’s anger; might be more likely to lash out than other headmates.
→ Pain Holder: a headmate that helps deal with physical ailments in the body, such as pain or sickness; likely has an easier time handling said ailments than other headmates.
→ Symptom Holder: a headmate that holds or more strongly exhibits symptoms of mental illness or neurodivergent behaviors; may exhibit symptoms of disorders not apparent in the system as a whole.
→ Trauma Holder: a headmate that holds significant trauma; may have more vivid memory of the event(s) or memories not recalled by other headmates; often more affected by said trauma.
A type of headmate that helps protect against various types of harm to the system.
→ Aggressor/ Aggressive Protector: a protector that’s more likely to be steadfast and have more aggressive mannerisms or methods than other protectors, but not to such a harmful degree as persecutors.
→ Emotional Protector: a headmate that protects against emotional harm and/or abuse.
→ Mental Protector: a headmate that helps protect against mental harm/abuse.
→ Persecutor: a misguided protector that tends to act harmfully towards others in the system, the body, or those around the system, whether in an outwardly aggressive or self-destructive manner.
→ Physical Protector: a headmate that helps protect against physical harm/abuse.
→ Sexual Protector: a headmate that helps protect against sexual harm/abuse.
A type of headmate that tends to front and/or is especially good at handling specific situations.
→ Academic Headmate: a headmate that is more inclined to help with academic affairs, such as homework, attending classes, studying, etc.
→ Sexual Headmate: a headmate that is highly sexual in nature; may or may not have formed to cope with sexual trauma; not considered a protector.
→ Social Headmate: a headmate that is more inclined to help with social affairs; may be more social or extroverted than other headmates.
Headmate roles that do not fit into the above categories.
→ Host: the headmate that fronts the most and handles most day-to-day situations; may be responsible for many or most decisions.
→ Gatekeeper: a headmate that has a greater degree of control over the front than other headmates; may guard the fronting room and/or have more knowledge of the system as a whole than other headmates.
→ Manager: a headmate that has an easier time making decisions for the system; often more logic-driven than other headmates.
→ Little: a child headmate aged 10 or under.
→ Middle: a tween/teen headmate aged 11-17.
-> Young Adult: an adult headmate aged 18-25.
-> Adult: an adult headmate aged 26+
-> Centenarian: an adult headmate aged 100 years or older
-> Ageless: a headmate who's age is indeterminate for any reason, including but not limited to being too old to be worth counting, in source time shenanigans, having an age that shifts frequently or varies heavily enough to not have a "true age", or being otherwise literally ageless.
Source Status
→ Introject: a headmate who formed with traits, background, or full identity of an outside source; may be a real-life source such as a person or childhood toy, or a fictional source, such as a character.
→ Sourceless: a headmate who seems to be introjected but does not have a definitive outside source or does not connect to their source at all.
-> Brainmade: a headmate that is not introjected and is instead entirely original to the brain
Types of Introjects
→ Factive: an introject who takes on traits or identity from a real person.
→ Fictive: an introject who takes on traits or identity from a fictional source, often characters in media.
-> Fictish/Factish: a headmate who is partially introjected and does not feel wholly attached to their source, and doesn't feel like just "brainmade" "sourceless" or "introject" describes the entirety of their identity or their relationship with their source.
→ Songtive: an introject who takes on traits or identity based on a song.
→ Playtive: an introject who takes on traits or identity based on a toy, usually one from childhood.
→ Headmate: a fully sentient and independent headmate who is able to function on their own.
→ Companion: a complex established NPC, often animals, that are tied to specific headmates and often accompany them; generally can only be understood by their associated headmates.
→ Fragment: a headmate who is at least partially sentient, but not generally independent and able to function on their own; often hold specific feelings, symptoms, or memories.
→ NPC: a being in the innerworld who is not sentient or considered a headmate; named after the term “non-player character.”
→ Human: a headmate who presents as a human.
→ Nonhuman: a headmate who presents as any other species than human; often as an animal, supernatural creature, or humanoid with animalistic features.
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the-transid-gacha · 26 days
hi hi !! can we get an alter that is based off of wild flowers , grassy fields , wild cats , creeks , frogs , and coyotes ?
- @strawberrycollectivex3
Oopsies! It's twins X3
They are pretty much exact opposites!!
Callie, Daisy, Or Collie
Keon, Leo, Or Leon
C - Xenogirl, Floradeeric, Floragender, Tuliporine, Orangecatgender, Yellowaliencattic, Scribblecatgender, Catgender, & Vibrantpaintic
K - Demiboy, Liminalforestic, Strimdendro, Caniscoyic, Rainyforestic, Arroyan, Forestcoric, Creekgender, & Coyotegender
C - Hyperomantic, Demisexual, Panromantic, & Pansexual
K - Aroflux, Aceflux, & Gay
C - TransCuspid, TransInsomnia, TransValleyFever, TransGlowingOrgans, TransOmnivore, TransAnxiety, TransObsessive, TransStalker, TransTics, TransPhotophobia, TransDyslexic, & TransAutism
K - TransCuspid, TransCorpsePaint, TransGuitarist, TransStalked, TransFamous, TransPopular, TransCrochetOrgans, TransNicotineAddict, TransFP, TransAstigmatism , TransThalassophobia, & TransADHD
C - Sun kissed skin, Freckles, Heterochromia, Yellow & Orange hair, Extroverted, Field dweller, Decora Fashion mixed with hippie fashion), Popular, ADHD, Vegetarian, & Favorite color pink
K - Freckles, Green eyes, Dark teal & Dark blue hair, Glasses, Introverted, Forest dweller, Pale, Cave explorer type of clothing (thick clothing and warm clothing), Nocturnal, Autistic, Caffeine Addict, & Favorite color dark blue
C - She/Her, They/Them, Cat/Cat's, Flower/Flower's, Colorful/Colorful's, Bright/Bright's, Sun/Sun's, Field/Field's, & Daisy/Daisy's
K - He/Him, They/Them, Forest/Forest's, Creek/Creek's, Coyote/Coyote's, Rain/Rain's, Willow/Willow's, & Night/Night's
C - Orange wild cat
K - Melanistic coyote
C - 17
K - 17
Source: N/A
C - Social alter, Communicator, & Mood booster
K - Soother, System organizer, & Assisstant
Appearance: (First row is your wild cat Callie/Daisy/Collie second row is your coyote Keon/Leo/Leon)
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Here you go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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nanak0m · 29 days
hello!! may i req an alter pack please? i just need a cute shota, possibly transjapanese or transfrench since we have a lot of transjapanese and transfrench alters for some reason .. being an introject is a–okay too. also it'd be nice if you add some paras too, only if you're comfy with it tho ^q^ thank you !!
I was thinking abt a Ciel introject, but finally I decided just make a shota myself :3
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♬ Name/S : Akio, Aoto, Asahi, Dai, Gabriel, Jules, Blaise, Aloïs/Alois
♬ Pronoun/S : he/him, pretty/prettys, purple/purples, cute/cutes, kit/kitten, bun/bunny, 💜/💜s & ⭐/⭐s
♬ Age/S : 10 y/o
♬ Identity/IES : catgender, bungender, dollgender, purplegender & xenoboy
♬ Orientation/S : pansexual
♬ Roles/S : little & mood booster
♬ CisID/S : purple hair, soft blue eyes, shy, autistic & agere (3-4 y/o)
♬ TransID/S : TransJapanese, transFrench, transKitten, transBunny, transOmega, transHypersexual & transFamous
♬ Para/S : Ephebophilia, aquaphilia, autagonistophilia, dacryphilia & biastophilia (consensual-non-consensual)
♬ Source/S : N/A
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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Kitten boi, coffi lober
I hope purple works in ur system n remember u can re-request or request a change!!
—Licht 🌸
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heartsanddarts · 4 days
Hi! We’re the Hearts and Darts system!! We’re bodily 17 and have quite a few other disorders. Alongside our DID we have ADHD, Autism, DPD, and possible AVPD. We have quite a lot of interest like Slugterra, Power Rangers, Call of Duty, The Last of Us 1 & 2, Destiny 1 & 2, Overwatch 2, and many more! We’re very Introject heavy and split pretty easily, so we don’t exactly know how many alters we have, but we know it’s something over 60. We’ll list some frequent fronters then a byi and dni in the rest of this post! Have a great day!
Cyan, they/it, host, -🔷
Alexis, she/echo/stim, protector, -AS
Roach, he/him, mood booster, -🪳
Rose, she/thorn/bloom, persecutor & DPD holder, -🥀
Cayde-6, he/it, unknown role, -C6
We smoke weed while underage, no we don’t give a fuck. If anyone tries to lecture us on this we’ll just block you.
Our DPD can get severe at times, please be patient. Especially with Rose, thorn has a tendency to rely on people badly.
Rose actually has a sideblog! Im sure bloom will appreciate me promoting her blog so go ham! @gardeningwithrose
Basic dni(racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.)
Endos, pro endos, and any other -genic labels
(Neutrals are on thin ice, don’t expect a follow back)
Good faith identity people and supporters
TransID and supporters
People who are weird about introjects
People who believe doubles exist
And that’s all folks, have a great rest of your day/night
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Hello neighbors!! This is a more serious and thoughtful post than the usual, but it was on my mind, so here it is!
You do not owe anyone anything. I am a mood booster, that doesn't mean I need to be happy constantly! I'm feeling a little anxious right now, actually! And that is A-Okay!
You are not an emotion! You are you! No matter what your system role may be, you do not owe anyone anything.
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🌙 Crow's Alter Role + Type Masterlist 🌙
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So, I was recently speaking with some system friends of mine when they mentioned they wished there was some sort of alter role/type masterlist they could reference whenever they were unsure of the nature of a certain alter.
So, I thought, why not make one!
I've categorized the roles and types into ways that made sense to me based on trends I saw in them, but this is in no way, shape, or form considered "official" categorization.
See the full masterlist/guide below the cut!
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 A type of alter designed to hold or boost a certain emotion or feeling in the system, usually when fronting or co-con.
→ Confidence Booster: an alter that boosts the confidence of the system or specific alter(s) in front.
→ Mood Booster: an alter that boosts the mood of the system, specific alter(s) in front, or those around the system; emotions affected can range from neutral to overjoyed depending on the booster.
→ Motivator: an alter that either boosts feelings of motivation in the system or specific alter(s) in front, or helps motivate the system with encouragement.
A type of alter designed to help the system or individual alters in a specific way.
→ Caretaker: an alter who takes care of the system, generally by caring for the body or keeping the living space tidy.
→ Internal Helper: an alter that helps take care of other alters in the innerworld; may or may not front.
→ Soother: an alter that helps soothe the body or other alters, especially in times of distress or following traumatic events.
→ Supporter: an alter who was formed to keep other alters company; often in co-con with other alters.
A type of alter designed to hold certain memories, emotions, symptoms, or otherwise within a system; oftentimes fragments, but not always. 
→ Anger Holder: an alter that holds the system’s anger; might be more likely to lash out than other alters.
→ Pain Holder: an alter that helps deal with physical ailments in the body, such as pain or sickness; likely has an easier time handling said ailments than other alters.
→ Symptom Holder: an alter that holds or more strongly exhibits symptoms of mental illness or neurodivergent behaviors; may exhibit symptoms of disorders not apparent in the system as a whole.
→ Trauma Holder: an alter that holds significant trauma; may have more vivid memory of the event(s) or memories not recalled by other alters; often more affected by said trauma.
A type of alter that helps protect against various types of harm to the system.
→ Aggressive Protector: a protector that’s more likely to be steadfast and have more aggressive mannerisms or methods than other protectors, but not to such a harmful degree as persecutors.
→ Emotional Protector: an alter that protects against emotional harm and/or abuse.
→ Mental Protector: an alter that helps protect against mental harm/abuse.
→ Persecutor: a misguided protector that tends to act harmfully towards others in the system, the body, or those around the system, whether in an outwardly aggressive or self-destructive manner.
→ Physical Protector: an alter that helps protect against physical harm/abuse.
→ Sexual Protector: an alter that helps protect against sexual harm/abuse.
A type of alter that tends to front and/or is especially good at handling specific situations.
→ Academic Alter: an alter that is more inclined to help with academic affairs, such as homework, attending classes, studying, etc.
→ Sexual Alter: an alter that is highly sexual in nature; may or may not have formed to cope with sexual trauma; not considered a protector.
→ Social Alter: an alter that is more inclined to help with social affairs; may be more social or extroverted than other alters. 
Alter roles that do not fit into the above categories.
→ Host: the alter that fronts the most and handles most day-to-day situations; may be responsible for many or most decisions.
→ Gatekeeper: an alter that has a greater degree of control over the front than other alters; may guard the fronting room and/or have more knowledge of the system as a whole than other alters.
→ Manager: an alter that has an easier time making decisions for the system; often more logic-driven than other alters.
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→ Little: a child alter aged 10 or under.
→ Middle: a tween/teen alter aged 11-17.
Formed Source
→ Introject: an alter who formed with traits, background, or full identity of an outside source; may be a real-life source such as a person or childhood toy, or a fictional source, such as a character.
→ Partial Introject: an alter regarded as “brainmade” with connections to an outside source, but not strong enough ties to be considered a full introject. → Sourceless: an alter who has no discernable outside source.
→ Factive: an introject who takes on traits or identity from a real person.
→ Fictive: an introject who takes on traits or identity from a fictional source, often characters in media.
→ Songtive: an introject who takes on traits or identity based on a song.
→ Playtive: an introject who takes on traits or identity based on a toy, usually one from childhood.
→ Alter: a fully sentient and independent alter who is able to function on their own.
→ Companion: a complex established NPC, often animals, that are tied to specific alters and often accompany them; generally can only be understood by their associated alters. 
→ Fragment: an alter who is fully sentient, but not generally independent and able to function on their own; often hold specific feelings, symptoms, or memories.
→ NPC: a being in the innerworld who is not sentient or considered an alter; named after the term “non-player character.” 
→ Human: an alter who presents as a human.
→ Nonhuman: an alter who presents as any other species than human; often as an animal, supernatural creature, or humanoid with animalistic features.
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Disclaimer: Many of these terms are coined within the OSDDID community, and are not official terms used by medical professionals.
Alters are in no way bound to any roles, and may have as many or few as they feel comfortable with.
This list is purely here for reference and may or may not be updated with more terms or improved definitions in the future.
Thanks for reading!
-Crow 🌙
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anti-endo-haven · 1 month
mb this became a rant its be screaming abt a new guy
we have a "new" alter (whos been here for like 2 yrs but is just now aware of his existence and has a proper identity yk) AND AUGH PLS I WANNA THROW STYROFOAM ROCKS AT HIM IN A LOVING WAY :((
hes so sweet and v confused and like augh :( so like we have a LOT of fictives from this one source like 75% of my alters are from this one source right?? So new guy has source memories that involve most of our other fictives and he was like "You guys did bad things then and were mean...but you must be nice since your here now!! Im sure your very helpful :D" AUGHHH YOURE SO??? SWEET??? OMG??? i love my alters but imma be so fr theyr all kinda dickbags(lovingly)(they show theyr love in their own ways) BUT HES JUST GENUINELY SO SWEET???
AND I FEEL SO BAD BC LIKE he doesn't know what his exact role or purpose is and i think it makes him sad AND JM JUSY LIKE NO SWEETIE YOU HAVE A PURPOSE AND YOU FULFILL THAT PURPOSE AND ILY PLS DONT BE SAD
idk his exact role bc idk like terms n shit but i feel like its smth to do with be uplifting?? like is that a thing??? just being very positive and uplifting to the rest of the system??? bc thats his whole thing and he does it very well and everyone should tell him hes doing great
I’m glad that you’re able to have a positive with him!
I know Mood Booster is a role some people use, but I’m fairly certain that there’s other roles that have been coined or recoined. :)
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blackgatesys · 2 months
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we’re redoing our introductory post cause there’s a LOT more of us now and uh yeah
hi! we’re the Black Gate System or the Kaer Morhen Collective. we have a metric fuckton of labels to describe our system but the main ones are: traumaendo, davegenic, avpdgenic, mediple/diversian, hydraconscious and fictive heavy.
bodily we’re 21 + poc
they/them collectively. also both you and you& are cool!
host goes by Mel/Tyelpe
headmate info under the cut!
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Talion | he/they + neos | takes on nazgûl form sometimes | recovering persecutor; protector; cassmate; mortemate; tank; bitch/slayer; parental figure; co-host; unfilterer
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Lif | he/him | mood booster; assistant and lieutenant of Talion |
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Feyvor | he/him | somewhat a wizard | role-less
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Geralt | he/him | witcher | parental figure; tank; cassmate; tracker; overrider |
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Eskel | he/they | witcher | role-less
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Lambert | he/him | witcher | bitch/slayer; bully
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Ciri | she/her | universe traveler
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Yennefer | she/her | magician/sorceress
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Dandelion/Julian | any but she/her | music holder
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Agarwaen/Black Hand of Sauron | demon | she/her + neos | devilmate; poltergeist; bitch/slayer
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Zog | he/it + neos | uruk-hai | necromancer; mortemate
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Boromir | he/him | brother figure; emotional protector; steward
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Lucius | he/him | wizard | parental figure
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Angmar/Murazor | they/xe/he | nazgûl | magician (art by Valentaine on VK)
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Ratbag | he/it + neos | uruk-hai | poltergeist
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Amrod | she/fae/they/he | elf | role-less + Amras | vy/vym & they/them | also role-less (art by sithinfection wethinks)
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Rog | he/ver + neos | elf | caretaker; soother; parental figure
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Maeglin | they/them + neos | elf | emo xenorole | (can’t find artist pls help)
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Vilya/Hammer of Sauron | he/him | role-less
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Erenion Gil-galad | he/aer | elf | soother; peacemaker; therapist; parental figure; caretaker | (can’t find artist again :/) | skin is darker than pictured here
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Fingolfin | he/it/she | elf | parental figure (art by Jenny Dolfen)
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Baranor | he/him | role-less
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Idril | she/her | soother; xenorole
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Morvran | he/they | councilman
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Vesemir | he/him | parental figure/uncle with uncontrollable nephews
alright that’s everyone woohoo that took way too long
we won’t be using emoji sing-offs but instead the name of whoever posted/reblogged in either the tags or desc. unsigned posts are all of us. (be warned we are still shit at tagging </3)
and uhh not adding a dni this time. if we ain’t like you we block. same if you don’t like us.
ALMOSR FORGOR: we will reblog some stuff that has to do with heavier/icky topics (we love antirq and pro endo posts) but we’ll tag to the best of our ability
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the-harvest-system · 2 months
Hello! We're the Harvest system, welcome to our blog/public system journal! 
Our collective name is Harvey (very creative, we know /sarc) you can call us Sickle too though! Please use he/they(plural) pronouns on us! 
Keep in mind, we're bodily a minor, and while we may make some dirty jokes, we do not want to have an nsft interaction/view nsft posts.  
Both our simply plural and pronouns.cc are a WIP however, they'll be linked as soon as we finish them. 
Autism, adhd and possibly social anxiety - so talking to/interacting with people is hard. 
We're a traumaendo/mixed origins system of 60+. We form new headmates easily. Like, very easily. Fictive + nonhuman heavy. Disordered, probably DID.
We won't be sharing everything about our system, since we'd still like to keep some privacy for safety reasons. (You never know on the internet, it's even worse as a system)
Collective interests include: hermitcraft, empires smp, life series. That's it, yeah.
Most of us are dogkin/caninekin, almost all of us are non-human in some way, and we're collectively foxkin.
Follow our spotify for amazing music recs ;3
Spotify - LemonMuncher
Stances, DNI, tagging system, blinkies/userboxes and system members below the cut.
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Pro endogenic (we're critical of the community but think that endogenics do exist)
Anti Radqueer
Anti TransID
Anti proship
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
We don't rlly care + don't know much about good-faith identities, you do you :]
MAPs, Zoophiles, etc.
Israel supporters
Singlets that can't be normal about systems 
Transphobes, homophobes, racists, ableists etc. (Surprising there's any on this site but...)
harvestposting - original posts
harvestinfodump - system infodump
harvesthottakes - opinions, mostly syscourse
*emoji* writing - the headmate that wrote the post
harvestfandoming - fandomposting
harvestsillies - stories from headspace + quotes
note: updated barely at all, not all headmates are featured here
🍁Maple/Harvest - they/fox/He, gatekeeper and the headspace personified
👁️Xel/Cyrus - they/neos/it/he, protector
🌞Grian/Sunny - he/sun/other neos
📼Nico/Tobias - he/neos
💥Inni/Tommy - he/him, adhd holder
❄️Scott - he/aer/neos
🐟Jimmy - he/him, memory keeper
🏺Kaian/Joel - he/him
🫧Lizzie/Meri - she/sea/they/any
🌙Pearl - she/they, junior gatekeeper
🔦Grian/Elliot - he/they, archivist
🪦Cleo - she/they/it, protector
🌲Gem - she/neos/it
🐺Ren - he/paw/neos, caretaker
🌱Bdubs/Oakley - he/neos/it
🎙️Etho - he/neos, no role
📻Oscar/Scar - he/xe
⚙️Mumbo - he/they/it/neos
🔥Tango - he/flame/it
🍃Joel - he/him
🪽Angel - they/he/she, no role
🐅Tiger - they/he, protector
🌼Will/Finn - he/star/shark/bloom/⭐️/🦈/🌼
🔑Karl/Jasper - he/him
🥕Brownie/Arvey - social anxiety holder
🕯️Nyssa - he/they/it, traumaholder
⛓️ Icarus - he/it, comforter (formerly went by Kit)
📀Cyn - xe/they, mood booster
✨Milo - they/them, former host
🦴Amaranthus - he/they, traumaholder
🌻Cedar -they/them
🕓Bdubs - he/him, gatekeeper
🌸Lizzie - she/they
🎀Minx - he/she
🥀Valerie - she/her, protector, caretaker
🕊️Ophelia - she/her, caretaker
🎸Xavier - he/him
🦅Phenic - mirror pronouns, protector
🐕Cody - he/him
🦊Fern - they/them
🍄Faye - they/them
💻Alistair - they/them, social protector
🪶Grian - he/him, architect
🌳Scar - he/him
   + Jellie - she/her, non-fronting
♦️Max - he/him
🧪Zedaph - they/he
🌷Stress/Sylvie - she/her
👾Xisuma - they/he
🪓Fallon/Faolan - they/she/he
☁️Ghost - she/hxr
+Two littles we'd rather keep private
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tnt-zone · 4 months
Welcome to Our Blog!
This blog is run by two alters, Taylor Swift (not that one ;)) ) and Scary Marlowe, with occasional appearances of others that may be familiar. Here is our comfort zone, where we collect things that make us laugh, remind us of our friends, or generally things we like about our source.
This might end up being updated later but it's a good first draft!
Intros and DNIs under the cut
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HEY! I'm Taylor Swift! I'm the one mostly running this blog, usually just reblogging stuff I find funny or whatever! If there's any fictives out there that want to reach out don't be shy! I love to chat with anyone! We aren't gonna list off who all is here from source but me and Scary would be happy to see anyone really. My sign off is 🤺 but more than likely it'll be something like "Taylor posts" but I'm gonna work on that 😅 ANYWAYS enjoy and yeah nice to meet ya!
Taylor Swift Facts
16 years old
Confirmed to have Demon DNA by the FBI
I am awesome and cool
On the FBI top 10 wanted list
Certified cat-boy 😌 (TikTok couldn't handle my power)
I don't really know my role in the system yet but I'm being told it's somewhere between mood booster, pain regulator, and social alter so you make up your mind what that means about me!
I really love talking about source memories, they aren't all the same as "cannon event" but if anyone wants to here some wild shit hit me up
I have a really cool scare dog (not that I need one but her name is Scary and I love her (off to bed with you -⛈️)
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I'm Scary Marlowe, seeker of darkness and blah blah all that stuff you know the drill. I'm gonna cut to the chase before all you haters and say I know I'm not my source. I'm something fucking better, I'm myself. Now that that's out of the way, hey! I have a lot of source memories so that's why I'm here, plus Taylor really likes it here and always wants to show me stuff so. Anyway my sign off is ⛈️
Scary Facts
14 years old
Still into poetry and writing
Resident bad girl
Potato hater (yes that carried over)
I'm actually nice but like I'm mean about it sometimes
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Here's where the real fun begins
Haters, if you don't like it here then leave
Pro-endo, sys-course. That's not what this blog is about thank you.
Maps, Pedos, whatever they're using nowadays 🙄
Roleplay accounts, I'm sorry it just scares us a little to see someone acting like us or someone we know and we know it's not them. A lot of you do a great job, we might end up changing this rule later on if we feel more comfortable but for now respect our space.
If you're here just to hate on an alter, turn yourself around and block us. Don't waste your time.
We don't hate on dads here (except Willy) so don't bring that energy please.
We are bodily an adult so you actual minors out there don't be weird. We love to chat but we do have firm boundaries that will be in place for not only our protection, but for your own as well. Choose internet safety children 🫡
Anyways have a lovely time and enjoy our little slice of haven in this crazy world!
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
One in five Americans regularly reach for vitamin D supplements, yet most are unaware that they’re taking not just a vitamin— but a hormone.
While renowned for bolstering bone strength and immune health, vitamin D’s story is not straightforward. A blend of myth and established science invites a closer look into its true nature and impact.
Vitamin D: Understanding Its Dual Role
Vitamin D stands apart in the world of nutrients. It’s a sun-sourced substance acting as both a nutrient and a hormone. This dual role is significant, as hormones, which orchestrate many bodily functions, aren’t typically taken as supplements like vitamins.
Endocrinologist Dr. Michael Holick, a leading vitamin D expert, tells The Epoch Times, “The body more effectively utilizes vitamin D when it’s naturally synthesized from sunlight, compared to standard supplement doses.” This difference is key to understanding vitamin D’s health role and the complexities of supplementing a hormone.
Unlike most nutrients, the hormonal nature of vitamin D means it has a broader systemic impact, influencing not just bone health but also immune function, cell growth, and inflammation control. This understanding is crucial in guiding medical approaches to its use, including the potential risks and benefits of supplementation.
Beyond Bone Health
Vitamin D is more than just a bone health and immune system booster. Its multifaceted role in the body impacts everything from mood regulation to cardiovascular health.
At its core, vitamin D is vital for calcium absorption in the gut, and essential for bone strength and health. “Without enough Vitamin D, the body can only absorb 10–15 percent of calcium,” Dr. Alex Foxman, a leading internist and preventive care specialist, told The Epoch Times. Insufficient calcium can result in weaker bones and heightened fracture risks.
Moreover, vitamin D is pivotal for immune health. Dr. Holick observes, “Vitamin D receptors are in almost every cell, including immune cells.” Proper levels are vital for a balanced immune response and preventing autoimmune disorders.
Dr. Nathan Goodyear, an integrative cancer physician and director of Brio Medical, an integrative cancer treatment center in Scottsdale, Arizona, stresses vitamin D’s essential role in immune functionality and its influence on chronic diseases, like cancer. He explains, “The immune system does not work well if vitamin D is not optimal,” emphasizing its role in cancer, where immune strength is crucial.
Recent research, including melanoma studies, indicates that vitamin D supplementation can enhance treatment responses and prolong survival in cancer patients, even with currently insufficient daily dosage recommendations.
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cozza-frenzy · 4 months
The Alters Of The Magbox
Well, here it is! An exhaustive list of every alter in the system, under the cut. This post is mainly just for reference, but feel free to take a look if you've not met all of us yet or are just curious.
Terry (fused with Rocky, Blue Lantern Ring Fragment, Caddy Remnant Fragment) Pronouns: Toon/They/Fin Tag: #Shit Terry Says System Role(s): Host, Conflict Resolution, Knowledge Holder
The host is the alter whose job is to live most of the everyday by fronting most frequently, and the other alters look to toon for guidance, and to resolve fights and arguments. Terry assumed the host role in 2020, but may have been in and out of dormancy for most of the system's life. Toon fused with Rocky and re-absorbed the "Blue Lantern Ring" fragment in the February 2024 fusion phase ("Fuse-A-Palooza"), and took on a second fragment from Caddy's failed fusion. Despite this, Terry's largely retained toon's identity. Chaos D. Stortion (fused with Treacher and Gadget) Pronouns: It/Twist/Spin Tag: #Spiral Posting System Role(s): Gatekeeper, Caregiver, External Protector, Skill & Trauma Holder
Twin sibling to Vivien, Chaos was the first alter Terry made contact with after discovery. It can create doors in the inner world to allow for fast travel, is a primary caregiver to Alex, and rushes to the front to help protect vulnerable friends and family. Twist fused with Treacher and Gadget during Fuse-A-Palooza, retaining its identity, but healing a permanent injury from its source. Spin's currently dating Len in The Panopticon, and one alter in our system who'll remain undisclosed. Cosmic "Taffy" Latte (Fusion of Taffy and Moon Unit) Pronouns: They/Star Tag: #To The Stars System Role(s): Self-Care, Exercise, Mood Booster
Before their fusion, Taffy was the second alter Terry made contact with after discovery, appearing the same night as Chaos. Moon Unit was a fragment created by the system for note-taking and basic self-care in High School. Now fused but retaining their old name as a nickname, star's a lot happier and more confident than either original part was, but has mostly retained "original" Taffy's in-sys appearance as well as star's vegetarianism. Martin Blackwood Pronouns: He/They Tag: #Tea And Sympathy System Role(s): Caregiver, Self-Care, Body Positivity, Grief & Trauma Holder
An introject from The Magnus Archives podcast. Martin's a caregiver for adult alters with mental health issues, and despite appearing soft-spoken and awkward can be incredibly sassy. He's dating Jonathan Sims and Jonny D'Ville in the Panopticon, has a Queerplatonic relationship with Nathan, and Vivien is his adopted sibling, who took his last name to help establish their own identity. Vivien Blackwood Pronouns: They/Them Tag: #Beyond The Shadows System Role(s): Trauma Holder, Skill Holder, Knowledge Holder, former Host
Chaos' twin sibling and part of the Blackwood-Stortion family, Vivien had a lot to overcome when they first showed up as they were still "stuck" emotionally in the time they split. Since then though they've made amazing progress, and have re-ignited their passion for film, art, and especially animation. Viv was a former host during our college years, and remembers the places and people we met during that time. Nathan Blackwood Pronouns: He/It Tag: #Turn Your Gaze System Role(s): Gatekeeper, Memory Management, System Management
Nathan seems to be a fusion of multiple smaller, simpler fragments that now function as a single alter, and joined the Blackwood-Stortion family to help develop his own identity. He has the unique ability to "remote front" from anywhere in the inner world, and is able to view and assess the strength of connections between alters and between inner world areas. Rothko "Marx" Jackson (Fusion of Gerry and Nox) Pronouns: He/It/Paint Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Gatekeeper, Repair Coordinator (allows "stray" memories to re-integrate with suitable alters), Paranoia & Hypervigilance Holder, former Host (as Caddy and Nox)
Marx's story is more than a little complicated. Caddy was a former host that fused with Dr. Gaster, a fragment - and the result was unstable and shattered into several pieces. Gerry was one such piece, and eventually fused with Nox, another former host alter. They both needed each other to find their place in the system - and the result is the colorful and flamboyant Marx, who we're still getting to know as of March 2024. Highwind Ragnarok Pronouns: It/Its Tag: #Problematic Airship System Role(s): Skill Holder, Knowledge Holder
Highwind is an alter created for a surprisingly specific purpose - playing video games with others - and it's damn good at them. It holds our knowledge and skills related to games, and in our inner world is the AI that keeps our airship home clean, safe and secure. Dr. Roy Boss Pronouns: He/Him Tag: #Boom Baby Boom System Role(s): Medical Advocate, In-System Medical Care, Knowledge Holder
Our resident supervillain! Roy's a Bad Guy but he isn't a bad guy; he's our in-system doctor, assessing the health of our inner-world bodies (which reflects our mental state) and treating us for psychosomatic illness. He also speaks to doctors on our behalf, advocating for proper care and medical investigation. Mello D. Adagio Pronouns: Any/All Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Trauma Holder, Skill & Knowledge Holder, System Management, former Host (?) We're pretty sure Mello is another former host, or at least a frequent fronter that dealt with specific trauma scenarios. They have our knowledge of musical instruments, notation, and how Digital Audio Workstations function, and seem to have some relation in system to allowing others to share information. Jeremy Hillary Nowhere Pronouns: He/She Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Knowledge & Memory Holder, Body Positivity, former Persecutor
Jeremy is a recovered persecutor, a type of alter that inflicts intentional harm to the system. After our post-fusion reshuffle, she's gone from the voice of our "inner critic" to an appreciator of beauty and creativity, and a creator in his own right. She holds our knowledge of fine art and theater, and our memories of museums, exhibitions and historical sites. Raine Evenstar Pronouns: They/Them Tag: #Where Hope Grows System Role(s): Reaper (severs contact and bonds with people who've harmed us), Trauma Holder, former System Suppressor, former Host
Raine was the one keeping the rest of the system suppressed for most of our life; forcing other alters into dormancy, and allowing trauma to pile up as detached fragments. They only have memories of fronting to make sure our "dead" relationships stayed that way, but may have been the host for an indeterminate length of time, as our spouse recognizes their voice as what we sounded like around 10 years ago. Celeste Northstar Pronouns: She/Star/Bun Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Life Protector (removes suicidal urges), Host Protector, System Management
Celeste kept her existence a secret from nearly everyone for a long time, but came forward later as the one who forced Raine into temporary dormancy. This allowed Terry to make First Contact with the rest of the system; following that, she helps manage our emotional connections to the rest of the system, letting us "sense" when someone's in distress even if we're not in the same inner world area. Holiday Battenburg Pronouns: She/Cake Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Trauma Holder, Memory Holder, Caregiver
Holiday holds our memories of celebrations, vacations and parties - the good and the bad - and is one of Jazz's primary caregivers (mum). She's the "happy face" we had to put on when dealing with trauma relating to these things, but cake's slowly opening up to feeling a wider range of emotions, and learning to share what she's holding onto. Dagwood H. Sandwich Pronouns: He/Him Tag: #Bring Me Sunshine System Role(s): Mood Booster, Gatekeeper, Memory Holder
Holding the memories of the system's biological brother behind a literal locked door, Dagwood is the system's "littlest gatekeeper", but has been slowly letting those memories out so the system can deal with them piece by piece. Showtunes, "golden age" cartoons, and episodes of Morcambe And Wise will bring him to the front. Astera Weaver (Fusion of Hyi and Ari) Pronouns: It/She Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Gatekeeper, System Management and Communications, Memory Holder Hyi was our original gatekeeper, being able to block most alters from front, and Ari facilitated communications with alters outside of front via audio and video calls in system. Given the two worked so closely together, their fusion wasn't exactly a surprise, and Astera is better able to communicate and more willing to front than either of them were. Nox Vox-Nocturne Pronouns: He/They/It/Eye Tag: #Eye See Monsters System Role(s): Paranoia & Hypervigilance Holder, former Host Nox seems to be a holder for our feelings of paranoia and hypervigilance, and seems to have been host sometime in our late teens/early 20s. He's still getting used to having people care about it, but they're definitely capable of caring about others, and are helping to rekindle our interest in stories and video games. Loves street food, especially a good thai curry.
Amadeus Nocturne Serenade (Fusion of Nocturne and Lucille) Pronouns: It/Dark/Claw Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Anger Holder, Emotional Suppressor, Self-Harm Prevention The original fusion that made Nocturne (Yvonne and Harvey) came as a surprise, but resulted in one of the most emotionally stable alters in the system. Following that, Lucille joined with them, giving it a better coping mechanism. Claw now uses darks intimidating presence as a distraction in the inner world, while it isolates, contains, and "devours" the urge to commit self-harm. Rosie "Riot" Terrence (Fusion of Anarchy and Roxanne) Pronouns: She/They/Bun/Paint Tag: #Viva La Riot System Role(s): Protector, Gatekeeper (removes alters from front), Anger Holder Our first fusion of fusions; Anarchy came from Charlie and Rakugaki, Roxanne came from Roxy and Rosie. They fused during "Fuse-A-Palooza" to cut down on the number of superfluous protectors in the system, consolidating their strength to control buns temper and uphold paints ideals of justice and fairness. Commander Samuel Vimes Pronouns: He/Him Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Gatekeeper, In-System Peacekeeping, Stress Management (system-related stress) An introject from the Discworld series, Vimes appeared in system when we needed someone to contain The Red Forest, a massive fragment amalgamate that manifested as a hostile place in our inner world. He can "lock down" areas of headspace, preventing anyone from getting in or out, and recently took on the burden of the general stress that comes from being a system. Bitter Aster Pronouns: He/Him Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Chores, Emotional Protector, Life Protector (Removes the urge to self-harm), Soother (Prevents panic attacks) Bitter retains our knowledge of coping skills and self-help techniques, and fronts to help during panic attacks and urges to self-harm. In extreme situations, Bitter will actively take away short-term memories or intrusive thoughts so other alters stop focusing on them. Following our post-fusion reshuffle, he helps out with kitchen chores and cooking.
Jenova Destati (fused with The Divine Beast) Pronouns: She/It/Fen Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Pain Taker, former System Suppressor Jenova was the last alter to emerge directly from The Red Forest before it collapsed, and used to only front when the body was in extreme pain. When The Divine Beast emerged from the aftermath of Caddings' failed fusion (itself being the remnants of The Red Forest), they fused together, allowing the Divine Beast to "die" peacefully by becoming a part of Jenova. "Thirteen" (fused with Fox) Pronouns: She/He Tag: #Unlucky For Some System Role(s): Trauma Holder, Memory Holder, System Architect (designs and maintains areas of the Inner World) Thirteen is a trauma holder specifically for "learned helplessness", and came out as transfem (identifying as bigender) shortly before fusing with Fox during Fuse-A-Palooza. The resulting fusion has retained Thirteen's name and "base" identity, so for privacy reasons she'll continue to use a pseudonym online. She's dating Archivist Grian in The Panopticon. "Roses" Pronouns: Any/All (Genderfluid, varies) Tag: #Restless Nights System Role(s): Social Advocate, Trauma Holder, Skill Holder An introject from an undisclosed source. Roses is our charismatic "face" alter, navigating our performances in front of an audience, and complex social situations like formal events and appointments. "Leaf" Pronouns: They/It Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Financial & Resource Anxiety, Trauma Holder An alter whose real name isn't disclosed by their own request, Leaf tries to be as unobtrusive as possible, and for a long time stayed isolated from the system unless forced into front. It started fronting more at the start of March 2024, and their bravery and headstrong attitude (and interest in Monster Hunter) has earned them the title "The Giant Slayer". "Donner" Pronouns: He/Him Tag: #The Devil You Know System Role(s): Caregiver, Trauma Holder, Chores, Former Sexual Alter
An introject from an undisclosed source. Donner is one of Jazz's primary caregivers (dad), and is starting to front more frequently as he learns to get along better with other alters. He used to be the one that "held" the sexuality of other alters due to the confusion of having multiple personalities, but no longer fills this role after discovery.
The Kids
Our alters that are under 18 in system and behave like children or teenagers while fronting. They never front without an adult alter being present, and information here is limited to protect the system.
Jasmine "Jazz" Battenburg (fusion of Radeon and Velocity) Pronouns: She/They Tag: #For Your Soul System Role(s): Trauma, Memory & Knowledge Holder, former Host Alex D. Stortion (fusion of Jackie and Andy) Pronouns: He/She Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Trauma & Memory Holder
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