#Endos and Endo Supporters DNI
cozza-frenzy · 8 months
The Alters Of The Magbox
Well, here it is! An exhaustive list of every alter in the system, under the cut. This post is mainly just for reference, but feel free to take a look if you've not met all of us yet or are just curious.
Terry (fused with Rocky, Blue Lantern Ring Fragment, Caddy Remnant Fragment) Pronouns: Toon/They/Fin Tag: #Shit Terry Says System Role(s): Host, Conflict Resolution, Knowledge Holder
The host is the alter whose job is to live most of the everyday by fronting most frequently, and the other alters look to toon for guidance, and to resolve fights and arguments. Terry assumed the host role in 2020, but may have been in and out of dormancy for most of the system's life. Toon fused with Rocky and re-absorbed the "Blue Lantern Ring" fragment in the February 2024 fusion phase ("Fuse-A-Palooza"), and took on a second fragment from Caddy's failed fusion. Despite this, Terry's largely retained toon's identity. Chaos D. Stortion (fused with Treacher and Gadget) Pronouns: It/Twist/Spin Tag: #Spiral Posting System Role(s): Gatekeeper, Caregiver, External Protector, Skill & Trauma Holder
Twin sibling to Vivien, Chaos was the first alter Terry made contact with after discovery. It can create doors in the inner world to allow for fast travel, is a primary caregiver to Alex, and rushes to the front to help protect vulnerable friends and family. Twist fused with Treacher and Gadget during Fuse-A-Palooza, retaining its identity, but healing a permanent injury from its source. Spin's currently dating Len in The Panopticon, and one alter in our system who'll remain undisclosed. Cosmic "Taffy" Latte (Fusion of Taffy and Moon Unit) Pronouns: They/Star Tag: #To The Stars System Role(s): Self-Care, Exercise, Mood Booster
Before their fusion, Taffy was the second alter Terry made contact with after discovery, appearing the same night as Chaos. Moon Unit was a fragment created by the system for note-taking and basic self-care in High School. Now fused but retaining their old name as a nickname, star's a lot happier and more confident than either original part was, but has mostly retained "original" Taffy's in-sys appearance as well as star's vegetarianism. Martin Blackwood Pronouns: He/They Tag: #Tea And Sympathy System Role(s): Caregiver, Self-Care, Body Positivity, Grief & Trauma Holder
An introject from The Magnus Archives podcast. Martin's a caregiver for adult alters with mental health issues, and despite appearing soft-spoken and awkward can be incredibly sassy. He's dating Jonathan Sims and Jonny D'Ville in the Panopticon, has a Queerplatonic relationship with Nathan, and Vivien is his adopted sibling, who took his last name to help establish their own identity. Vivien Blackwood Pronouns: They/Them Tag: #Beyond The Shadows System Role(s): Trauma Holder, Skill Holder, Knowledge Holder, former Host
Chaos' twin sibling and part of the Blackwood-Stortion family, Vivien had a lot to overcome when they first showed up as they were still "stuck" emotionally in the time they split. Since then though they've made amazing progress, and have re-ignited their passion for film, art, and especially animation. Viv was a former host during our college years, and remembers the places and people we met during that time. Nathan Blackwood Pronouns: He/It Tag: #Turn Your Gaze System Role(s): Gatekeeper, Memory Management, System Management
Nathan seems to be a fusion of multiple smaller, simpler fragments that now function as a single alter, and joined the Blackwood-Stortion family to help develop his own identity. He has the unique ability to "remote front" from anywhere in the inner world, and is able to view and assess the strength of connections between alters and between inner world areas. Rothko "Marx" Jackson (Fusion of Gerry and Nox) Pronouns: He/It/Paint Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Gatekeeper, Repair Coordinator (allows "stray" memories to re-integrate with suitable alters), Paranoia & Hypervigilance Holder, former Host (as Caddy and Nox)
Marx's story is more than a little complicated. Caddy was a former host that fused with Dr. Gaster, a fragment - and the result was unstable and shattered into several pieces. Gerry was one such piece, and eventually fused with Nox, another former host alter. They both needed each other to find their place in the system - and the result is the colorful and flamboyant Marx, who we're still getting to know as of March 2024. Highwind Ragnarok Pronouns: It/Its Tag: #Problematic Airship System Role(s): Skill Holder, Knowledge Holder
Highwind is an alter created for a surprisingly specific purpose - playing video games with others - and it's damn good at them. It holds our knowledge and skills related to games, and in our inner world is the AI that keeps our airship home clean, safe and secure. Dr. Roy Boss Pronouns: He/Him Tag: #Boom Baby Boom System Role(s): Medical Advocate, In-System Medical Care, Knowledge Holder
Our resident supervillain! Roy's a Bad Guy but he isn't a bad guy; he's our in-system doctor, assessing the health of our inner-world bodies (which reflects our mental state) and treating us for psychosomatic illness. He also speaks to doctors on our behalf, advocating for proper care and medical investigation. Mello D. Adagio Pronouns: Any/All Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Trauma Holder, Skill & Knowledge Holder, System Management, former Host (?) We're pretty sure Mello is another former host, or at least a frequent fronter that dealt with specific trauma scenarios. They have our knowledge of musical instruments, notation, and how Digital Audio Workstations function, and seem to have some relation in system to allowing others to share information. Jeremy Hillary Nowhere Pronouns: He/She Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Knowledge & Memory Holder, Body Positivity, former Persecutor
Jeremy is a recovered persecutor, a type of alter that inflicts intentional harm to the system. After our post-fusion reshuffle, she's gone from the voice of our "inner critic" to an appreciator of beauty and creativity, and a creator in his own right. She holds our knowledge of fine art and theater, and our memories of museums, exhibitions and historical sites. Raine Evenstar Pronouns: They/Them Tag: #Where Hope Grows System Role(s): Reaper (severs contact and bonds with people who've harmed us), Trauma Holder, former System Suppressor, former Host
Raine was the one keeping the rest of the system suppressed for most of our life; forcing other alters into dormancy, and allowing trauma to pile up as detached fragments. They only have memories of fronting to make sure our "dead" relationships stayed that way, but may have been the host for an indeterminate length of time, as our spouse recognizes their voice as what we sounded like around 10 years ago. Celeste Northstar Pronouns: She/Star/Bun Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Life Protector (removes suicidal urges), Host Protector, System Management
Celeste kept her existence a secret from nearly everyone for a long time, but came forward later as the one who forced Raine into temporary dormancy. This allowed Terry to make First Contact with the rest of the system; following that, she helps manage our emotional connections to the rest of the system, letting us "sense" when someone's in distress even if we're not in the same inner world area. Holiday Battenburg Pronouns: She/Cake Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Trauma Holder, Memory Holder, Caregiver
Holiday holds our memories of celebrations, vacations and parties - the good and the bad - and is one of Jazz's primary caregivers (mum). She's the "happy face" we had to put on when dealing with trauma relating to these things, but cake's slowly opening up to feeling a wider range of emotions, and learning to share what she's holding onto. Dagwood H. Sandwich Pronouns: He/Him Tag: #Bring Me Sunshine System Role(s): Mood Booster, Gatekeeper, Memory Holder
Holding the memories of the system's biological brother behind a literal locked door, Dagwood is the system's "littlest gatekeeper", but has been slowly letting those memories out so the system can deal with them piece by piece. Showtunes, "golden age" cartoons, and episodes of Morcambe And Wise will bring him to the front. Astera Weaver (Fusion of Hyi and Ari) Pronouns: It/She Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Gatekeeper, System Management and Communications, Memory Holder Hyi was our original gatekeeper, being able to block most alters from front, and Ari facilitated communications with alters outside of front via audio and video calls in system. Given the two worked so closely together, their fusion wasn't exactly a surprise, and Astera is better able to communicate and more willing to front than either of them were. Nox Vox-Nocturne Pronouns: He/They/It/Eye Tag: #Eye See Monsters System Role(s): Paranoia & Hypervigilance Holder, former Host Nox seems to be a holder for our feelings of paranoia and hypervigilance, and seems to have been host sometime in our late teens/early 20s. He's still getting used to having people care about it, but they're definitely capable of caring about others, and are helping to rekindle our interest in stories and video games. Loves street food, especially a good thai curry.
Amadeus Nocturne Serenade (Fusion of Nocturne and Lucille) Pronouns: It/Dark/Claw Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Anger Holder, Emotional Suppressor, Self-Harm Prevention The original fusion that made Nocturne (Yvonne and Harvey) came as a surprise, but resulted in one of the most emotionally stable alters in the system. Following that, Lucille joined with them, giving it a better coping mechanism. Claw now uses darks intimidating presence as a distraction in the inner world, while it isolates, contains, and "devours" the urge to commit self-harm. Rosie "Riot" Terrence (Fusion of Anarchy and Roxanne) Pronouns: She/They/Bun/Paint Tag: #Viva La Riot System Role(s): Protector, Gatekeeper (removes alters from front), Anger Holder Our first fusion of fusions; Anarchy came from Charlie and Rakugaki, Roxanne came from Roxy and Rosie. They fused during "Fuse-A-Palooza" to cut down on the number of superfluous protectors in the system, consolidating their strength to control buns temper and uphold paints ideals of justice and fairness. Commander Samuel Vimes Pronouns: He/Him Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Gatekeeper, In-System Peacekeeping, Stress Management (system-related stress) An introject from the Discworld series, Vimes appeared in system when we needed someone to contain The Red Forest, a massive fragment amalgamate that manifested as a hostile place in our inner world. He can "lock down" areas of headspace, preventing anyone from getting in or out, and recently took on the burden of the general stress that comes from being a system. Bitter Aster Pronouns: He/Him Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Chores, Emotional Protector, Life Protector (Removes the urge to self-harm), Soother (Prevents panic attacks) Bitter retains our knowledge of coping skills and self-help techniques, and fronts to help during panic attacks and urges to self-harm. In extreme situations, Bitter will actively take away short-term memories or intrusive thoughts so other alters stop focusing on them. Following our post-fusion reshuffle, he helps out with kitchen chores and cooking.
Jenova Destati (fused with The Divine Beast) Pronouns: She/It/Fen Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Pain Taker, former System Suppressor Jenova was the last alter to emerge directly from The Red Forest before it collapsed, and used to only front when the body was in extreme pain. When The Divine Beast emerged from the aftermath of Caddings' failed fusion (itself being the remnants of The Red Forest), they fused together, allowing the Divine Beast to "die" peacefully by becoming a part of Jenova. "Thirteen" (fused with Fox) Pronouns: She/He Tag: #Unlucky For Some System Role(s): Trauma Holder, Memory Holder, System Architect (designs and maintains areas of the Inner World) Thirteen is a trauma holder specifically for "learned helplessness", and came out as transfem (identifying as bigender) shortly before fusing with Fox during Fuse-A-Palooza. The resulting fusion has retained Thirteen's name and "base" identity, so for privacy reasons she'll continue to use a pseudonym online. She's dating Archivist Grian in The Panopticon. "Roses" Pronouns: Any/All (Genderfluid, varies) Tag: #Restless Nights System Role(s): Social Advocate, Trauma Holder, Skill Holder An introject from an undisclosed source. Roses is our charismatic "face" alter, navigating our performances in front of an audience, and complex social situations like formal events and appointments. "Leaf" Pronouns: They/It Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Financial & Resource Anxiety, Trauma Holder An alter whose real name isn't disclosed by their own request, Leaf tries to be as unobtrusive as possible, and for a long time stayed isolated from the system unless forced into front. It started fronting more at the start of March 2024, and their bravery and headstrong attitude (and interest in Monster Hunter) has earned them the title "The Giant Slayer". "Donner" Pronouns: He/Him Tag: #The Devil You Know System Role(s): Caregiver, Trauma Holder, Chores, Former Sexual Alter
An introject from an undisclosed source. Donner is one of Jazz's primary caregivers (dad), and is starting to front more frequently as he learns to get along better with other alters. He used to be the one that "held" the sexuality of other alters due to the confusion of having multiple personalities, but no longer fills this role after discovery.
The Kids
Our alters that are under 18 in system and behave like children or teenagers while fronting. They never front without an adult alter being present, and information here is limited to protect the system.
Jasmine "Jazz" Battenburg (fusion of Radeon and Velocity) Pronouns: She/They Tag: #For Your Soul System Role(s): Trauma, Memory & Knowledge Holder, former Host Alex D. Stortion (fusion of Jackie and Andy) Pronouns: He/She Tag: (None Yet) System Role(s): Trauma & Memory Holder
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didtipsandhelp · 10 months
When you're dissociating and someone asks you if you're okay
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anti-endo-safe-space · 3 months
So, we're making this post because we've found out we've had a few "NPD abuse is truth!!" people who have interacted. I'll be blunt. We don't want you here.
NPD is not abusive. Narcissistic traits are not abusive. If we see one more person trying to use malignant narcissism as it being abusive then we're going to lose our shit. Stop making an already stigmatized disorder WORSE.
I'm not invalidating anyone's trauma. I hear you and I believe you, but the one thing I will do is correct. It is not NPD abuse is or narc abuse (using narc abuse as we do have NPD, if your not a pwNPD then please do not), or even malignant narcissism abuse, it's verbal/mental/emotional/physical whatever type it is abuse. Narc abuse is NOT a real thing.
Yes, there are abusive pwNPD. They aren't abusive because they have have NPD. They're just abusive. This whole belief on it is trying to divide us into "good narcissists" and "bad narcissists" where the good ones shut up and let people talk about how NPD is abusive and keep mouths closed and pretend to have empathy. The "bad" ones speak out against people's blatant ableism (which idgaf if you have a mental disorder as well, that does NOT stop you from being ableist), don't care about pretending empathy and are just themselves. What happened to not trying to divide a community already under attack all the fucking time?
To sum up a long ass message, if you believe in any form of narcissist abuse then do not interact here. Your not welcome, we don't want you, we don't even want to think of you here. Because in this situation, if any of us would be abusive, it'd be you who push that narrative in your strive to "educate" and instead ruin people for something out of their fucking control.
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audens-emotes · 2 months
endogenic systems, supporters or people who reblog endogenics’s and/or supporters posts PLEASE block us or just ignore our blog.
if we reblogged an endo and/or a supporter please tell us!
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lemony-ink · 3 months
I wonder if systems know that engaging in syscourse or in discourse in general can be a form of self harm
Subjecting yourself to ableists, racists, ect. knowing that you won't change their mind can really fuck you up
Stay safe x
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help-an-alter · 2 months
Hello! Welcome to our blog.
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blog is for fragments, by fragments.
Creator (alters listed);
anything with a ".here" at the end of the name is the creator (the one who came up with this!!)
S (Any pronouns)
55 (Any xenos or he/it.)
RAINBOW (Any, preferably feminine but they dont mind)
Rs (He/him)
A (masculine pronouns of any sort.)
J (he/they)
Red (Any masculine pronouns)
Some have chosen to hide their real name, and instead use a code name. --------
Other mods here!!! (create a template of your own if you want)
mod cupid / mod 💘
Bitter (they/them)
Adorerine (she/he/they/it/love++)
Cherie (she/it/mew)
Mimi (she/needle)
(that's all the alters we know are gonna help sometimes)
jinx / helena / mortuary [they/them]
sayona [she/they]
ven [he/him]
ari [it/she/glitch/pop+]
ithaca [fog/they] -----
Oz (they/them)
Lei (they/any)
Cog (he/him)
G (he/they)
Sol (he/they)
On this blog we will collectively go by Shiver (they/them), some of the alters helping out have stayed anon with fake names! -------
Sprout (He/Him)
Mousey (She/They/Adore)
Other alters might pop in but it’s mainly these two!
Hi, I'm Mod Celestia (System)! We use any pronouns (including neos and xenos) :3
I can't guarantee alters will do sign offs but they might, and if so they'll probably do their name then .cel
Some alters who will likely help this blog are
Anne Marie (she/ghost/blood/fire/wing/death)
Niki (she/they/it)
Row (they/it/he/xe/paw/fern/allium/hydrangea/hyacinth)
Draculaura (she/they/fang/bat/blood)
Collei (she/vi/bloom/pain)
Hawks/Emma (All pronouns)
Mod ❄️ (She/Snow/Flurry/Hir)
Some others might pop in from time to time, and I can guarantee this will change since our frequent fronters change all the time! If they do they will add .crow on the end of their name!
Mod FireFly/Mod Lupin (it/fae/xe/they)
RagDoll (he/she)
Alec (he/they)
Alexa (she/they)
Some more of us might come on and we may or may not sign off with names ! (if not it'll be with our emoji proxies !)
↓ more under the cut! ↓
wowweeeee is that an anon list!?!!?
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supporters of Endos or any non disordered 'systems'
any non disordered 'systems'
people who see this as build an alter. its different. read the FAQ
Pedos, zoophiles, anti furries, anti regression, anti system in general.
Racists, Zionists, pro-israel
Pro r/systemscringe
Sophieinwonderland (she cant follow dnis so thats why shes here)
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"What is "Help an Alter?"
You know that really ableist "build an alter"? yea? its like THAT, but for fragmented alters with no sense of identity. We do not build alters, we help them find themself.
"I have a question!!"
Questions can be directed to our inbox.
"syscourse blah blah"
Syscourse is NOT welcome on this blog.
"Im an endo and..."
Endos are also not welcome.
"Whats your main blog?"
We aren't comfortable with sharing.
"Are you hiring?"
Not at the moment, we have enough mods :)
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Thanks for the questions !
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Special thank yous: @syscultureis and their followers for helping us find the name, @anti-endo-safe-space for being so comforting with your messages, @anti-endo-polyfragculture for being so epic and inspiring us, all of our main blog mutuals for supporting us (you know who you are!!), @systemterms for being so helpful, @syspport for the awesome userbox (shown at the end!!) and everyone else!
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Polyfrag culture is...
I have a 6th sense.
It's called "ficti-vison." I can look at a character and instantly tell they are going to appear in my head at a later time
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lethalspit · 3 months
gossiping with your system friend being a system is like:
"i think i told you what happened"
"i don't think so, i don't remember"
"i don't remember telling you either"
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ghxst-system · 3 months
if u purposefully go after trauma survivors and try to trigger their paranoia and make them more afraid to exist than they already are, stay away from us.
-Soot (it/sprout)
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cozza-frenzy · 7 months
Update on the Fusion Situation
Well, like Caddy I think posted a few days ago, we just underwent a huge fusion phase. We're half-jokingly referring to it as Fuse-A-Palooza because it's one of those "if you didn't laugh you'd cry" kind of things. There's a sense that things might have stopped for now, so now we're left picking up the pieces. None of our front triggers are working, and our internal logic for how things connect together is still currently broken. If you look out of a window there's nothing but a black void; if you go through a door that's supposed to take you into an adjacent area, it dumps you somewhere completely random. So most everyone is just sheltering in place where they are, and that's left most of us stranded and unable to front until it repairs itself.
But, let's get to the point. Our headcount has gone way down since this started; a lot of us have fused or have undergone drastic shifts. We've gone from 39 to I think 28 as of my last count. Don't get me wrong, this is a good thing - this is what healing with Dissociative Identity Disorder can look like, and chances are we were never supposed to have so many fragments in the first place. Having 30 years of unresolved trauma meant we ended up with multiple superfluous splits; so this was our brain finally making the necessary connections between them, and "tidying up". That doesn't mean we won't miss them, though. Limited personality or not, they meant a lot to us while they were here - they were our friends, our lovers, our siblings, our children. Even those of us that escaped fusion won't escape the mixed feelings that come with alters being different, or ceasing to exist as individuals. There's a list of who fused under the cut, and we'll be slowly updating our alter list to reflect any new, fused alters, and changes in pronouns where applicable. Ironically, it might take some time to recover from this major step in our recovery; but we'll make it through somehow, as we always do. Four of us are working as hard as we can to keep lines of communication open and re-establish connections, so we'll soon find our new normal. Thanks for the well-wishes. We love and appreciate our friends, family, and allies in the Mad Community. - Terry & Nathan
Nocturne + Lucille -> Amadeus (It/Dark/Claw) "Thirteen" + Fox -> Fox was absorbed, retained identity of "Thirteen" (She/He) Terry + Rocky -> Rocky was absorbed, retained identity of Terry (Toon/They/Fin) Anarchy + Roxanne -> Riot (She/They/Bun/Paint) Chaos + Treacher + Gadget -> Treacher and Gadget were absorbed, retained identity of Chaos (It/Twist/Spin) Ari + Hyi -> Astera (It/She) Caddy + "Skull" (+ Treacher + Ari's "remnants") -> Gerry (He/It/They) Andy + Jackie -> "Alex" (He/She) (Possible Placeholder Name) Velocity + Radeon -> "Jazz" (She/They) (Possible Placeholder Name) Vimes (He/Him) -> Seems to have "elaborated" and is no longer a fragment Bitter (He/Him) -> Seems to have "elaborated" and is no longer a fragment
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space-sabotage · 3 months
damn, who knew being anti-endo would be on the same level as being racist or transphobic?
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pack it up poc and transgender systems, the endos are taking you too
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i dont support harassment
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antiendovents · 4 months
I SAW A FUCKING ENDO MAKE A POST AND THEY SAID "YOU DONT HAVE TO HAVE A DISOCIATIVE DISORDER TO BE A SYSTEM :3" like they love spreading blatent misinformation what are u fucking talking about im ACTUALLY going to kill them
wha.. thats just stupid. You do need a dissociative disorder to have alters, since alters are created through dissociation and trauma...
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anti-endo-safe-space · 4 months
So, we've seen a lot of people flaming fictives/introjects from things like Harry Potter, Twilight, DSMP, that kind of thing and we wanted to make this post.
With most of those posts, we've seen a lot of comments saying "they need to source separate" but if it's from a nonproblematic source that's not being said. Here's the thing. If an alter feels comfortable source separating, then that's one thing. We have about 4 alters from the Harry Potter franchise because we were absorbed in it when a lot of trauma happened.
None of us feel comfortable source separating. Some of us, like the fictive of Regulus Black, don't feel entirely connected to source. But notice, he hasn't changed his name. He doesn't PLAN on changing his name because while he is distant, he still feels ties. Do any of us support JKR? Hell no. We hate her with a burning passion.
Does that mean we refuse to do something like read fanfiction of HP? No, we write it because it helps Regulus process trauma, both source and his own, it helps others realize stuff will get better.
And gods forbid someone has a "cringe" source. We have a fictive from Twilight. She's pretty source connected because, well, she's source connected and wants to be. That doesn't mean your evil for being source disconnected.
We've got an introject of DanTDM, specifically his earlier videos. Does Dan (ours, we'll refer to the actual as DanTDM) enjoy watching those because it reminds him of his past? Yeah. But while he recognizes that he's from DanTDM, he doesn't feel he is him fully. He's his own person and that's okay.
Basically the point of this which we kinda missed. An introject does not reflect their source. It is not fair to demand that because an introjects source/creator is toxic that they source separate. Your being cruel and horrible for no reason that way.
We're well aware of the fact that we might lose followers, and if we do, then we don't want you here.
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rottenr0ckets · 14 days
Another day another getting put in harms way because we have wilbur fictives/factives
They're not ai bots for you to molest
They're not your favorite character
They're not from your source and have your memories because you have memories of them
They didn't chose to be here or what their source is
They're real fucking people
No we're not gonna let you date them because they're you're fav person/Character
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sillystrawbtism · 13 days
keep your shit out of the pluralpunk tag or shut the fuck up about endos invading your spaces.
also if you're listening to professionals who don't believe in DID at all, that sounds entirely like a you issue. why would endos care what a doctor who ignores the DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 has to say? seems pretty anti-science.
No!! I will not!! Because endos ARE invading our spaces!! Get the fuck off our blog!!!! I'm not listening to professionals who don't believe in DID, I'm talking about PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. FUCK OFF. Keep endo shit out of plural spaces!!! Also fucking bold of you to post this on anon!! If you wanna say shit say it with your full fucking chest!! What about DNI do ya'll not fucking understand?? Also, If people reblog this to say some shit they are getting BLOCKED!! -V💉
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