#No because oldest sibling trauma is real
yourlocal-edgelord · 4 months
how much oldest sibling trauma do you think dick ended up with…
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drowningkeyborad · 5 days
De Rolo Kids Headcanons
Disclaimer: These headcanons have no set timeline in the CR universe. I just like to keep them safe in my back pocket.
Vesper De Rolo
The oldest child
Part of me thinks that she has some mild case of ‘Only Child Syndrome’. For a while, it was just her, Percy, and Vex. Then the twins came along. I don’t think there is a canonical confirmed age gap, but given that Vesper is about 30 in her last canon appearance; I ballpark the age gap between her and The Twins at about 9-10 years.
 She’s the oldest child AND eldest daughter… so that’s a lot
Her white hair comes from Vex being pregnant with her while she was a Champion of The Dawnfather.
Paladin Class. Worships the Dawnfather and can often be found by the Sun Tree. 
Vesper and Vax’ildan II bond over their respective faith practices. 
Takes after both her parents in the best ways. But this can also backfire. 
Spends most of her free time reading or painting. Her preferred reading material is non-fiction and history. 
She’s just as unhinged as the rest of her siblings, but tends to keep it out of the public eye better than the others. 
Loves painting. Like REALLY loves to paint. Her room looks like the inside of Rapunzel’s tower in Tangled. 
Yeah, turns out those paintings were linked to oracle powers–
Anyway– that means she’s off on an adventure! She likes to take her siblings with her, when they’re old enough. Leona and Vax’ildan II are her favorites to travel with. 
Despite the 9-10 year age gap, Vesper and Wolfe bond over being the ‘Eldest Daughter’ and ‘Eldest Son’ of the De Rolo family. 
Gwendolyn and Vesper have a very close relationship, despite having the biggest age gap of all the kids. They share a love for history and fashion. 
Has no real interest in politics, but given the order of her birth, she pays close attention in the case she might have to replace her Aunt Cassandra’s seat.
Heavy Weapons AND Heavy Armor girlie!! Will smash your skull in and look cute while doing so.
Wears her white hair in a messy side braid. Just like her mama <3
Wolfe Kristoff De Rolo
Contrary to most headcanons I’ve read about him; this boy is his father’s son. The Einstein of the new generation. 
Definitely found old blueprints of Pepperbox and thought “I could do better”. And he did.
Fighter/Artificer Multi Class
Acts the most ‘Noble-like’ out of all his siblings. 
Will throw money and his family name at all of his problems. (“My father will hear about this.”)
“I’m gonna k*ill myself.” – Wolfe, at any minor inconvenience
The most sought after bachelor in Whitestone. Weekly, Percy and Vex are approached by other nobility with the proposal of a political marriage of Wolfe and their own heir. If it’s not nobility; it’s townspeople trying to catch the inventor out of his Workshop to ‘get to know him’.
Wolfe has threatened to Crash Out if either of his parents even considered one of the offers. 
Very well-versed in both engineering and politics. 
Accidentally invented the Printing Press at the age of twelve… He was trying to make a stamp for his dad and it just got out of hand. 
Took a really nasty fall when he was younger. Probably climbing on something he wasn’t supposed to. Resulted in a broken arm and busting his head open. 
Has a scar on his forehead from the fall. His brown hair turned white where the scar meets his hairline. 
Big into hair & skin care. Always has lotion on his person at all times.
Dresses like Percy in Vox Machina Origins. Thigh high boots people…
Take the demon-murdered family-torture trauma from Percy, keep the brains, add a healthy noble upbringing, and tune up the cockiness by ten; ya get Wolfe. 
Hear of Hearing! Boy is around heavy machines and gunfire all day. Sounds like he’s yelling most of the time, but his family knows it’s because he cannot hear them.
Learned Sign Language because of his hearing loss. 
Has to spray Gwendolyn with water like a cat to keep her out of his Workshop. 
Jealous of how free spirited his twin sister can be. He wished he could naturally let go of his worries the way Leona does. 
Leona De Rolo
Middle child. Literally. Between Wolfe being two minutes older than her, then followed by Vax’ildan and Gwendolyn– Leona is smack in the middle.
A bi queen
She loves hunting, target practice, etc. Anything to get a bow in her hands.
Thick-ass glasses and she HATES them! They’re so annoying when she’s trying to hunt/fight in the rain or snow. Still has a deadly aim though. 
Very competitive. She’s the reason the De Rolo family can’t have a game night. 
Fighter/Ranger Multi Class
Good fucking luck trying to tame her lion’s mane of hair. Vesper, Vex, and Gwendolyn have all tried to help her tame it, but it just gets put into a messy ponytail/bun/braid.
Very much a tomboy. Takes to wearing suits and more masc-leaning clothing. Hasn’t worn a dress or skirt since she was like seven years old. 
Wolfe has even commented on how she pulls off suits better than he does. 
She would never tell him, but that compliment has stuck with her for years. 
Often has to push/tackle her twin out of harm's way because he’s hard of hearing.
She and Vex bond over their shared love for the woodlands. There was a time the two of them were camping together, and Vex opened up about her own twin brother. That was the first time Leona had ever seen her mother cry…
She silently vowed to never let something like that happen to Wolfe.
Doesn’t care much for engineering like her father and twin, but she will willingly listen to them ramble on about whatever rabbit hole they’ve both fallen into. 
A small, dark part of her is jealous of Wolfe and how he seems to be admired by everyone. Everywhere. 
Will kill anyone for looking at any of her siblings in a way she doesn’t like. 
She and Vesper travel together the most out of the siblings. Sometimes they’ll go on separate journeys and end up meeting in the middle anyway.  
Leona and Gwendolyn love to pull pranks together.
Vax’ildan Frederick De Rolo
Trans, and I cannot be convinced otherwise. 
He 100% chose the name Vax’ildan. 
He’s very quiet. Usually lost in thought or just observing the people around him. 
Stares at people. 
Really good perception (checks). 
Cleric/Paladin Multi Class 
Cleric of the Raven Queen… Yeah, Vex was real happy about that…
His family calls him “Danny” or “Freddie”. He understands that “Vax” is reserved for their dearest friend. 
Wolfe calls him “Danny Boy”. It’s Vax’ildan’s favorite nickname. 
Mama’s boy to the max. Vex, like all parents do, says she doesn’t have a favorite. But everyone knows it’s Vax’ildan II.
Vex was the first one Vax’ildan II came out to as trans. Then Percy, then his siblings, etc. 
“Yeah, dude, we already knew.” “...What?” 
Just like his uncle; Vax’ildan II had been/is watched by the Raven Queen. 
When he accompanied Vesper to her faith work, he would often wander off and be found by the Raven Queen’s Shrine. 
Ravens follow this poor kid everywhere. To the point that Leona has offered to shoot them on multiple occasions.
Fell through a frozen lake when he was about ten years old. It scared his family to death, and he was grounded to sleeping in his parents’ bed for like a month (Vex physically would not let him go.) 
He tried to explain that he was “-following the guy in the raven cloak who had daggers.” 
The reality of the situation didn’t hit him until a few years later, but he still felt no dreaded fear for when it happened. 
The only one allowed to come-and-go into Wolfe’s workshop as he pleases. Likes to sit in the back and read his books.
I could write a whole book on this kid. 
Gwendolyn De Rolo
Daddy’s girl 100%. It's canon.
The little game that Percy and she play during parties is just training her for trouble. 
Rouge Class through-and-through. 
Learns how to use a rapier from her Auntie Cassandra 
Around the age of fifteen, she starts asking to go by just ‘Gwen’. It’s much less of a mouthful, and something about dropping the lengthy name took a weight off her shoulders.
The age gap between her and the rest of her siblings puts a little bit of a strain on things when it comes to relatability. What would an eleven year old Gwendolyn have in common with a twenty-six year old Vesper? 
They all make it work though. 
Aside from Vesper; Vax’ildan II is the next sibling that Gwen is closest to. No one else in the family has the same level of spying skills and likes to gossip as much as she does– except for Danny. They talk shit about other people all the time.
Danny and Gwen’s relationship is similar to that of Cassandra and Percy. 
I can see her picking up bow skills from both Leona and Vex. Having her as a Rouge/Ranger multi class would be deadly.
Cuts her hair when she’s older and likes to keep in short afterwards
Can rattle off years worth of history of about any city/town/ceremony site she steps into. 
Despite her family not seeing her as anything other than their sister/daughter; Gwen feels, in a deep part of her, that they look down on her for being a Tiefling. More so WHY she’s Tiefling. 
She and Leona love to pull pranks on the rest of their siblings together.
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vanisa-ray · 3 months
you know what i've just realised? most eldest daughters generally end up being terrible mothers to their own children. no, because hear me out - us elder daughters have spent our whole fucking childhood and teenage years taking care of our younger sibling(s)'s ass as a second mother. and to the people who say "oh what's so special about being a second mother you have it easy compared to the real mothers" - uh, no, david from philadelphia who happened to be the younger sibling - it is NOT easy being a second mother when you yourself are a child trying to enjoy your childhood. all this time spent on taking care and never complaining abt younger siblings physically, mentally and emotionally drains eldest daughters by the time we reach adulthood. then when they have their own kids, they're so emotionally exhausted with all those years of babysitting that they can't help but snap at their own child because come on, be honest - to every older sister their younger sibling(s) are their first and foremost children. it feels as if their own biological child is replacing the kid they raised all those years ago, and that is why (tho it pains me to say it myself) eldest daughters become controlling and distant mothers, which then continues generational trauma in the family. it sucks to be the oldest daughter.
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hmshermitcraft · 8 months
some scott x grian bc i saw it on here and thought it was a cute niche pairing. in this there was a longer time between each life series and certain events like double life and the empires cross over, so like the timings are inaccurate to the real world because basically i wanted them to be
(ordered youngest to oldest) Grian, Jimmy, Martyn, Pearl and Lizzie are all siblings and incredibly protective of each other. When Lizzie first introduced them to Joel, he was genuinely threatened by them all… until he realised they were all massive dorks. Joel became quick friends with Jimmy and Grian and got on well with Pearl and Martyn too, and was easily accepted into the family.
Most other partners are accepted in quickly too. To date, Tango had the worst time simply because Pearl and Grian would follow him around on Hermitcraft for weeks after finding out he was dating Jimmy. Beforehand, no one had started dating the friend of another sibling.
And no one had started to date a friend to every single sibling.
Scott had been a childhood friend to the whole group, growing up closest to Lizzie and Jimmy but staying in contact with everyone. Grian and Scott had never seemed particularly close but it made sense for Grian to invite Scott to be part of the life series, where they often ended up spending a lot of time together (when they allied against Renchanting in third life, or when Scott briefly allied with Grian and Joel on his red life in last life.) After the series would end, all the members would spend some time in a sort of after party world, where Grian and Scott seemed to spend a lot of time in deep conversation. Maybe because they were the first two winners, perhaps they’d bonded over shared trauma, maybe they just had some shared interests.
But eventually, as the pair get closer, they develop feelings for each other. They didn’t act on these feelings until after double life when Grian and other hermits got to visit empires. Grian still hadn’t planned on acting on his feelings, waiting for Scott to be the one to make a move…
but then he saw Tango and Jimmy reunite for the first time since Double Life. Jimmy was so happy, so was Tango. Grian wanted that. Pearl and Gem had each other, Martyn had Ren, Lizzie and Joel were together always and now Jimmy had Tango.
Maybe he was a bit jealous of his siblings, but in that moment he decided he’d had enough of dancing around their feelings. He stormed right to Scott’s door, knocking hard against the wood and desperately trying to ignore the anxiety that was breaking past his resolve to confess.
“Grian, uh, is everything ok?” Scott opened the door with a concerned expression. Grian was never particularly aggressive before, at least not to him.
And at that moment, Grian’s mouth moved faster than his brain and he blurted out, “You like me.”
The emperor frowned and blushed slightly, “Um… yes… Listen, Grian I’m-“
“I like you. We should go on a date.”
“Um. Ok.” Scott was a little dumbfounded but smart enough to know what he was supposed to say.
And before he could embarrass himself anymore, Grian flew off back in the direction of the rift and Hermitopia (honestly hoping for the rift to return just to let him run away from how embarrassed he was.)
But it didn’t. And needless to say the date went well, as he and Scott dated for over six months before the next life series rolled around.
“Hey, starship, I was wondering… um in the next game, should we try and be allies? Or would you rather we just played like usual and make sure we talk to each other?” Grian asked one evening as he lay playing with Scott’s hair with the other’s head resting against his legs.
“Hmm I think I’d rather see what happens and just make sure we communicate properly, rather than being a team and maybe making things more obvious. Is that alright with you, sunshine?”
Grian laughed and nodded, “Yeah, I’m gonna wait a little before we tell them… I love my family but they’re gonna be extra upset since you’ve been our friend since we were wee tots.”
“Yeah…” Scott sighed and moved so as he could lean against Grian fully, wrapping an arm over him. “I love you, I hope your family are ok with us being together.”
“They better be.”
Limited Life was a lot of fun. Scott got closer with Martyn which was nice, seeing as the two hadn’t seen each other properly for a while. And Martyn won! Scott was so proud of his teammate!
When they arrived at the after party, Grian was pacing around still in his bad boy attire. Something about your boyfriend being in a death game when you aren’t there is even more terrifying than having a friend or crush down there.
They don't want their relationship to affect the game - for better or worse. Grian is very aware Lizzie and Joel are all cutesy about it, Martyn is... Martyn whilst Jimmy and Tango tend to keep their relationship separate.
It adds an edge to the whole thing, though. Grian doesn't know how the others participate whilst knowing their partner is in there, possibly in danger, and there can't even help. It's awful! He'd pull Scott out, but that wouldn't be fair on either of them.
At least it makes the reunion all the sweeter. Grian knew Scott cared little for winning - he's a dork like that. Always giving others fair chances. But Grian didn't need a winner. He just needs to press his forehead against Scott's, holding him in a tight hug.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Bluepunk(Familial Hobie and Percy)headcanons
Percy is an afro-dominican third gen inmigrant New Yorker and Hobie is jamaican-english and was born and raised in Camden Town
Percy is transfem bigender and uses she/he/they and a hoard of neos(including blue/blues,sea/seas and cookie/cookies ofc)and Hobie is transmasc unlabeled and dosen't care about pronouns as long as you switch up instead of staying consistent
They're autistic and can't mask and have never been able to and are on the same ends of the spectrum even besides that
They even look almost the exact same too with the only real differences-which aren't even easy to tell-is Percy's sea green eyes and Hobie's dark brown eyes and Hobie's 6'5 to Percy's 6'4.Percy's got dreads and different kinds of piercings but Hobie's wicks being a similar hairstyle dosen't help in telling them apart at all
This,in addition to many other things,is because they're Variants of eachother the same way Gwen and Gayatri are!Percy is Earth 27 Spiderpunk and not relevant rn but Earth 137 Hobie is the Son of Poseidon
Percy is 22 and Hobie's a good deal younger and that with the rest of the Spiderband being explicitly teenagers means Spidermomdad Percy.He's close to the whole team and is their mentor but Hobie and him met eachother first so they have a special connection and i was gonna say something about Percy being like Hobie's weird ass uncle but then i remembered Hobie's a Spiderperson so i shan't risk it
Similarly to Miles and Miles G,this bond leads to them becoming interdimensional siblings despite technically being Variants.Eldest sister and oldest younger brother typa energy
Hobie has adultification trauma through a mix of shitty older brothers,no positive adult figures as a kid except his mom who due to complex circumstances couldn't help him as much as either of them wanted to and dissapeared when he was 12(not dead btw but he thinks she is),his deadbeat dad and the dystopian world he origins from and Percy's Canon Event was Sally dying when he was 12 too so that left him with Smelly Gabe and 7 year old Nico and 6 year old Hazel leaving him no choice but to self-parentify for survival and protection of his younger siblings so they balance out by Percy giving Hobie special treatment and encouraging him to be vulnerable and he gets her to feel 22,not 32 by bringing her goofy and emotional sides back out rather than just fake unbotheredness on both sides
Hobie is Peter Pan,Percy is Wendy(Matching names + I do not care for Peter and Wendy as a romantic ship)and Percy is Perseo,Hobie is Perseus(iykyk)
Hobie teaches Percy how to play guitar and hers is covered in cutesy stickers,ranging from cat themed motivational ones to video game ones and ovbs the dominican and trans flags too
Percy taught him how to surf and Hobie's surfboard is an almost black blue with white shark designs.They have diy'd matching Spiderpunk themed swimsuits that blend in through superhero logic
They have the same taste in music-Punk rock obvs but also heavy metal,rap,hipop and jazz
Hobie loves leaning onto Percy/having his arms hung around her shoulders from behind and her head tucked under his chin/holding hands with her/etc.Love is stored in the Hobie <3
Percy learned to make jamaican food but in blue to make Hobie eat it since her latina pseudo-mom ass wouldn't stand for him staying that scrawny and half dead looking(Nico flashbacks though).His favorite kind is it's sea food
I am just.Keep picturing Percy giving Hobie a big sisterly smooch on his forehead and him walking around with a blue lipstick mark on it
Hobie does the same back but his lipstick is black
Girlypop Percy,Edgecase Hobie.Solidarity and bonding and sharing
Percy has a Gwen Stacy Variant who's Ghostspider and Earth 27's Anomaly because of this and his childhood best friend who's afrolatina and autistic like him and pastel punk like 65 Gwen but dosen't share a namesake with her!They're officially together for a long time by Atsv and Hobie pokes fun at him over them all the time even pre actual meeting
They love fucking with Miguel together and Percy in particular gets on his nerves since she encouraged Hobie to even more and taught him new ways to.Lyla has a whole photo album of them pissing him off and Jessica only pretends to try to stop them because she also thinks it's hilarious.She hangs out with them whenever they can all find time to too!!!She brought Percy into Spider Society and she reminds her of Sally :')
Spidermutt and Mrs O'Leary have playdates
They're pretty much unoficially mission partners and Riri hacked their watches so they give false info to Miguel's database
Hobie calls Percy 'Sea Wees' like the kinds of mermaid dolls and Percy calls Hobie 'Cachorro' because it's spanish for Puppy(If y'all make nsfw jokes about this I Will Fucking Get You,i call my littlest brother that)
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musicalmoritz · 25 days
Ok ok I want you to think about swap terukane so like clock keeper Teru x exorcist Akane. And also like Akanes the super super popular school president. Yea so like thoughts/headcanons?? (I always cook up the most insane ideas in the middle of the night and I actually remember this one vaguely!)
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Let’s talk about the Terukane swap au!! I’ve seen a few people write and draw for this but I’ve never rly read any of the fics or looked too much into it so I’m entirely making this shit up on my own, Ik this is a popular trope so I apologize if I miss any of the sub tropes that are included with it ;-;
It’s hard for me to separate Teru or Kou from exorcism since the Minamotos were a real life clan, but I don’t think I’d go about this in the “Akane is a Minamoto and Teru is an Aoi” way. I suppose for this au it’s most reasonable to say the Minamotos are a regular family and the Aois are the exorcist clan. That provides another fun question tho, are the Akane girls still kannagi?? Since this is strictly a Terukane swap au I’ll assume they are, though if we wanted to take it further we could swap Aoi with Nene or one of the other characters. It’s easier for me to follow strict guidelines tho so I’m gonna keep it at just Terukane being swapped
That alone changes so much of the story tho, it’s very interesting to me. We’ll say the Minamotos are still a strict/traditional family, so there’s still some pressure on Teru and Kou. Just not to the extent that there is in canon. And assuming their mom still died in due to complications from childbirth, their dad would still be absent and Teru and Kou will still have to grow up too soon by raising Tiara. But things would be significantly easier on them since they’d be taking care of the family together. Teru would learn basic life skills like cooking, which would take a load off of Kou. Then since the work would be split, they’d both have more free time on their hands. If one of them wants to hang out with friends, the other can take over cooking and cleaning for the night. Tho that would lead to numerous sibling arguments, since Teru is the oldest he’d probably push Kou around a bit when they’re younger lol. He’d run that house like the military
I want to say Kou is the one the Clock Keepers threaten him with since Teru is so protective of him, but that wouldn’t rly work since they wouldn’t be at school together during Teru’s first year of junior high. As an oldest sibling, Teru is very protective by nature, so they might be able to choose any random student. Once they have him where they want him, they throw in some threats aimed at his siblings to secure their chances of making a contract. So Teru ends up going down the same self-sacrificial route we see in canon, he becomes a Clock Keeper so that no one else has to do it
Without any siblings, Akane is the soul beholder of the family legacy. Self-sacrifice isn’t even an option for him, he’s the only one who can succeed his parents so he must do it. Then there’s Aoi, his childhood best friend. If Akane were an exorcist and they grew up together, Aoi would find out about supernaturals way sooner. Maybe he tells her himself, because he can no longer carry the burden alone. And he knows she’s a kannagi, that something bad could happen to her someday if he doesn’t keep a close eye on her, so he has to watch her like a hawk. In this au there’s not as many secrets between them, so much is at stake so they have to be transparent with each other. Akane’s honesty inspires Aoi to be more honest with him as well. So the obsession between them, platonic or otherwise, is a lot more mutual. They developed sort of a trauma bond at an early age and now they have to look out for each other
Akane’s popularity comes from his natural inclination to help others. He’s such a kind person, even if he can be aggressive. And without him having to constantly chase Aoi, no one thinks he’s a weirdo. It’s a little odd that he’s so protective of his friend, but he’s so damn nice that everyone just shrugs it off as him being sweet. Teru though? Teru is the weirdo
His family is still strict but without the same expectations placed on him, there’s no need for him to try and excel at everything. No one cares if he’s the best student so he can do whatever he wants. And yeah, he’s pretty, but he’s also loud and annoying. He teases people and gets creepily sadistic at times. This ties into my audhd Minamotos headcanon, without the pressure he’s under in canon, Teru feels less of a need to mask. He still does it to some extent due to societal pressure and all but the only opinion he really cares about are those of his siblings, so he’s content to be himself. He makes a few friends this way too, he’s not exactly popular but the people who get him get him. I’m gonna make him friends with Nene in this au, she appreciates his realness
Because of Akane’s hatred for supernaturals, they don’t get along at first. Teru joins the Student Council to keep a better eye on everyone so he can do better at his job as a Clock Keeper. Kou attending Kamome and getting closer with supernaturals has a lot to do with it. When they first meet, Akane ties Teru up and tries to interrogate him but bcuz this is Less Traumatized Teru it goes way differently than he planned. Teru’s filter is nonexistent so when Akane tries to threaten him he’s just like “oh hello cute boy I like you very much.” But the thing is, Akane can’t tell if Teru is joking or not. He assumes he must be, because there’s no way a School Mystery feels things like love and crushes. Still, Teru is so painfully Just A Regular Dude that Akane is forced to see him differently. Cue the typical Terukane “relationship built on trust” shenanigans. Reluctant partners in crime and what not
I’m not gonna go as far as to say they have a Sakura and Natsuhiko type dynamic but it’s similar. The classic “are you flirting with me?” “have been for the past 10 years, thanks for noticing” meme. Think of it as all of Teru’s jokes about liking Aoi in canon if they were directly aimed at Akane instead. Then the “wait- do you have genuine feelings for Ao-chan?” scene becomes “do you have genuine feelings for me?” or “were you serious this whole time?” Their dynamic changes a lot after that. Akane starts flirting back, and instead of using Aoi to motivate Teru he uses himself. “Help me save her and I might take you up on that offer for a date.” And then they do go on a date, at the school festival right before everything turns to shit
Adding to that, in this au I imagine Aoi and Akane are the ones betrothed in the new timeline. This brings in conflict bcuz let’s say Akane used to have feelings for Aoi but those faded over time, it’s all platonic between them now as opposed to what we see in canon. So he has the opportunity to either be with the girl he used to love, the girl he’s been with all his life, his safety blanket…or go back to the boy who’s stolen his heart. Damn that was cheesy, I’m cooking here
Kako also becomes Teru’s father figure btw bcuz he needs one. And despite his dislike for supernaturals, Teru adores Mirai bcuz she reminds him of Tiara. Found family ftw
Thanks for the ask, I hadn’t thought much abt this au before but now I’ve gotten myself invested
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rottmnt-honeybea · 1 month
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Text under cut because it's a lot
1) I've had an influx of followers across all my platforms, so I wanted to update some character/story information.
2) This is Q.B.* Or Bea, my Rottmnt OC. A LOT of my videos will be about her.
3) She was a human, gifted in math and science, that was mutated into a Bee Mutant when Draxum's oozesquitoes were let loose in New York. She has three younger siblings: Miguel (12), and twins Lina and Rita (6). She's first generation Portuguese-American and the oldest daughter so you know she's got that ✨special trauma✨.
4) This is Roxo we love Roxo here. As a mutant she develops UV/Mystic sight (the ability to see UV light and Mystic signatures), Chlorokinesis (the ability to manipulate plants), and the ability to fly. She also created Roxo, the man-eating guard plant, who used to protect her garden and provide companionship to her until Bullhop killed him.
5) Donnie builds her a weapon they call Stinger, which is essentially a sword with a chain. Raph tries to teach Bea how to fight and defend herself, but she's very easily angered and relies on that a lot to power through a fight. And in Season 2 Bea becomes Draxum's student. Stinger does not make sense if you thing about it in the real world. It's a kids show, use your imagination.
6) Bea's story goes through four Major acrs and two Minor arcs. Major: Mutated, Missing Roxo, Student, Post-Shredder. Minor: Human Again, Battle Nexus Champion.
7) in "Doomed", my rottmnt Bad Future AU Donnie and Bea are partners. Donnie does tech engineering to give the Resistance weapons and Bea does Security. They've got two kids: Shelldon (upgraded to a full bodyH and Gemini.
8) Shelldon aids in security and has a number of weapons built into his body. Gemini is part of a Scavenger team with Casey and wields her father's mystic halberd-flail staff).
9) these 9 are bg characters/friends of Casey, Gemini, and Shelldon. The story will follow Bea, Donnie, the Hamato's, and the Mad Dogs as they navigate the early years of the apocalypse, then move onto the next generation of Hamato's, before eventually leading up to the events of the Rise movie. This is not a lighthearted fic/take on the Rise universe as it includes: body trauma (loss of eyes, arms, and legs), death, homophobia, self harm, and suicide. BUT it is currently being rewritten.
10) The Bea-Verse is just me sticking Q.B. Into other tmnt stories. Namely 1987, 2003, Bayverse, 2012, Rise, and Mutant Mayhem. And just like how the stories of the turtles, Splinter, April, and Casey all change—Q.B. goes through all those changes with them too.
*I completely forgot to say that the Q in Q.B. stands for Quinn. So her full name, for those unaware, is Quinn Bea Santos.
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sanityshorror · 5 months
I don't know if this is going to change in the rebrand but I remember that in Octavian's original character info thingy it said that he was the one that was mainly providing and taking care of his siblings. Can we get some info about Vivi and his relationship with his younger siblings?🎀
Octavian taking care of and raising his three younger siblings is very much a core aspect - and one of the most important aspects - of his character, so no it will not be changing. I was originally going to do a backstory lore dump here, but that's more relevant the ask you sent after so I'll just focus on his relationship with his siblings.
Octavian had to raise his three younger siblings completely on his own after Julius 'died' which led to Emily locking herself away in her room and spiraling in her drinking.
His relationships with his siblings are/were as follows:
Devlin is the second oldest and only 11 months younger than Octavian. The two have always been attached at the hip since they were still in diapers, and they honestly have gotten even closer with age. Octavian was and still is particularly protective of Devlin. HOWEVER. That's not to say Octavian wasn't a terrible influence albeit unknowingly... (I recommended sending @scarfaxia an ask about it, since Dev is her character)
Octavian loved him and Flynn was a very sickly child. The only reason he survived is due to Octavian being extremely attentive. HOWEVER... Octavian had a lot of rage built up due to having to resort to selling himself (prostitution) at an terrifyingly young age to keep himself and siblings alive -- rage which he would take out on Flynn. In their late teens/early 20s, Octavian explained why he had been the way he was and apologized, and Flynn forgave him, being incredibly thankful (though also beyond guilty) to Octavian. He had conflicted feelings about it, on one hand it meant a lot what Octavian put himself through (severe trauma) to make sure he was taken care of, which he always was. On the other hand, Flynn very strongly believes that Octavian should have just let him (and his siblings) either fend for themselves or die. Flynn named his first son after Octavian.
Octavian sheltered her to an obnoxious extent, letting her believe Santa was real into her teenage years. He was extremely controlling because he was terrified of her being hurt especially since she was a girl/woman. He did not allow her to date and only let friends visit her at the house. Emma's best friend was over a lot she spent the night most weekends. What Vivi didn't know was that Emma's "best friend" was actually her girlfriend. Octavian's controling and toxic behavior towards Emma came purely from his love for her and fear of her even knowing about the dark side of the world. The end result was Emma going wild when she turned 18 and over indulging in her freedom, which eventually resulted in her death. It was the final nail in the coffin that drove Octavian to attempt to end himself...only to realize, nope, father isn't dead, he's a demon and any fatal injury to the directly to the heart is not actually fatal.
Bonus: Julius
In current day, the both Vivi and Dev actually get along extremely well Julius and are very close with him. However, due to 1) both of them agreeing to start over completely on a blank slate and 2) Octavian being age locked at 26, Devlin at 24 and Julius at 24, they decided Julius is their brother. Octavian very much views Julius as a younger brother and is extremely protective of him - no different than how Vivi is with Dev.
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ecargmura · 5 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Episode 5 Review - Big Brother Hikari
If you’re from an Asian family and you’re the eldest son or daughter, you probably experienced many different types of roles. Maybe you were the agony aunt, the trauma dumpster, the third parent, or something similar. To be honest, I’m not the oldest in my Asian family—I’m the youngest. I’m just listing out these categories from the people I’ve witnessed growing up. Why am I mentioning all of this? Well, as a toddler character, Hikari could have been written to be any one of the things I mentioned, but fortunately, the author does a great job balancing out Hikari as an individual and Hikari as a big brother so that he isn’t just one or the other. Though, I do want to warn you that anime kids are much, much different from kids in real life.
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Hikari is a great big brother, honestly! He’s never been jealous of Hinata and he really enjoys having her around his life. He could’ve been easily jealous or possessive due to how spoiled he was, but he doesn’t seem to mind sharing his parents, specifically Masaki, with her. That’s a sign that he’ll be an amazing older brother growing up and that both siblings will have a strong bond.
Because his environment has changed, Hikari now has to grow up a bit. He tries to be a bit too selfless and it causes him to get a fever from stress. I’m glad that Masaki and Hiromu are great parents as they guide Hikari as gentle and wise as possible. For example, Hiromu didn’t freak out when Hikari tried feeding an apple to Hinata. Instead, he tells him that Hinata needs to learn how to chew before he can share food with her and then Masaki tells him that Hinata prefers watching Hikari eat rather than being fed, to which Hikari got happy. I swear, their parenting style is what all Asian families need. Down with trauma dumping and high expectations! We need more gentle and kind parenting! Parents are guides in their child’s lives, after all. Being a positive influence does wonders. This is why Hikari is super sweet and kind! I’m glad that Masaki and Hiromu aren’t putting all of their attention on Hinata and that they still share it with Hikari all the time.
I do like the little conversation Hikari has with Matsuo. Since Hiromu, Masaki and Yuuki are only children, Matsuo is technically his senpai in the land of big brothers. His advice to Hikari shows that he really was a great older brother, but he denies that. It also shows that Hikari is someone who takes things literally, which is why he overexerts himself and got himself a fever. The way he mentioned that his parents think of Hiromu as another son and Hikari as a grandson would be a great story idea. The Matsuo parents were supposed to make an appearance in the story, but it was scrapped by the author. Matsuo’s younger brothers will make a future appearance, however; stay tuned to when they make their debut.
Hiromu and Masaki’s little conversation was also really nice too. It’s their first time having two kids so both parents are growing alongside Hikari. They really have an ideal relationship where both of them talk about their worries to each other and are still lovey-dovey as they’re not afraid of public affection.
The second half of the episode was a nice little way for Hikari to be spoiled by his family. The family is invited to spend a day with the in-laws minus Matsuo and Yuuki this time around. It’s just the four of them. I think this was a nice segue in a way because Children’s Day was just yesterday in Japan.
It’s also a segment showcases how the relationship between Masaki and his in-laws are getting better and how Hiromu’s tension with his father has lifted, but he still has snarky quips towards him every now and then. It’s funny how similar they are in personality as they both record Hikari wearing the paper hat.
Speaking of in-laws, Hiromu’s mother Akira is formally introduced here. She’s very elegant and graceful. I love how kind she is when it came to wanting to make amends with Masaki and even had him trying on her bridal kimono that she wanted to give to him. She’s sweet, but I did wonder about her stance on her son marrying an omega. She doesn’t seem to be against it given her demeanor and that it seemed like it was only Kouji who had rejected the marriage before apologizing. Hiromu is surprising a very good balance of both of his parents in a way. His hair, eyes and mole all came from Akira, while the personality is all from his dad. I do wish I could’ve seen how his relationship with his mother was like since he mainly interacted with his father.
The voice acting in this episode was really good! Konomi Kohara makes very convincing baby babbles. You can tell that Atsumi Tanezaki has a good grasp on Hikari as she makes him more articulate as he’s now a three year old. Toshiyuki Morikawa does an amazing job with the many types of tones he gives Hiromu whenever he is interacting with someone. It feels like I’ve witnessed Morikawa play five different characters. He makes his voice high pitched when he is doting over his kids. He gets irritated when his father calls Masaki. He’s gentle when he’s only with Masaki. I think my favorite of Morikawa’s performance is when he makes Hinata sound like a woman in her 40’s. I got reminded that he did voice the Panda Mom in Shirokuma Cafe. Shinpachi Tsuji does a great job with the silly and serious sides of Kouji. Atsushi Tamaru does a great job with the gentle side of Masaki and also the part where he got all embarrassed from Hiromu staring at him in his bridal clothes was super adorable. Akira’s voice actress is Naomi Shindo and she does a great job bringing out the gentle demeanor of hers.
Oh, if you have noticed, this is the first episode where Yuuki doesn’t make an appearance outside of the brief recap in the beginning. I was surprised he doesn’t appear at all because I had been expecting another post-credit scene between him and Matsuo to appear again, but no, he doesn’t appear at all. His name doesn’t even appear in the credits. Well, it makes sense given that Yuuki wasn’t present in these two chapters either. Don’t worry, he’ll appear next episode. Do you miss Yuuki? What are your thoughts on this episode?
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tumblezwei · 1 year
Really enjoyed one of ur last asks, as a Yang Stan first and human second, I think people need to stop putting Yang and Ruby always on each other plots cuz while their traumas are intertwined, their arcs are not and that annoys me so much!
Ruby deserves her time to shine! And the only way we will get Yang go to head with Summer is for Ruby to do so!
Younger siblings tend (not always!) to make a stop with family trauma fastest than their oldest siblings, so let's focus on our little woof woof (Ruby).
Like, it's mostly a matter of them being characters and not real people. Yes Yang is Summer's daughter and this would have a complex relationship with her that is different than Ruby's and would be interesting to explore. But Summer is not Yang's parallel. When it comes to character arcs, to personal motivations and themes, Yang should not be the one to meet Summer first.
It's like saying Ruby and Raven would be more interesting to explore because of Raven's complicated past with Summer. Yes that would be cool to see their interactions play out, but Raven is Yang's personal antagonist. Above all else her story with Yang should be prioritized.
Or you know, it's like saying Weiss should have fought Adam with Blake instead of Yang. It's an insistence that completely ignores character development and the themes of Blake and Yang's relationship just because they think Weiss didn't know how bad the SDC was.
Just. Let Ruby and Yang be individual characters lmao.
Also side note "woof woof" is adorable and I'm keeping it. That's Blake's name for her in her contacts.
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How does the Rasputin family breakdown? Like ages, deaths, stuff like that
Also any other hcs you wanna share!
this hopefully will not get too long.
So, first of all, we obviously have Grigory Rasputin himself & his wife, Praskovya Rasputin, who had three children;
Mikhail Rasputin, called Mischa, born before the isle was created, but taken there once it was when he was four years old. Mischa is dead, but his cause of death is unknown, as is the time. Fact is that he probably passed early because the only memories his next-oldest sibling had of him were very blurry. He would be around twenty-five now, but likely didn’t live past six.
Dmitry Rasputin, called Mitya, was just like his brother born before the isle was created and taken there when he was two years old. Mitya died of a particularly cruel beating by his father when he was nine years old and would be twenty-three now if he had lived. He was a very caring and protective older brother to his siblings, specifically Marya and Varya.
Anna Rasputina, called Anya, was born a few months after her father and brothers were sent away, always stayed sickly, and ended up passing away when she was only a few weeks old. She is not on any death records of the isle because they simply don’t know that she existed. Anya would be around 21 now if she had lived.
(Side note: I know it’s confusing that these two are called Dmitry and Anya because we already have Dimitri and Anya (Anastasia) in their story, but I am basing them off of real-life Rasputin children. For it to be clearer, the heroes are Dima (a different short form for Dimitri) and Anastasia or Nastya.)
After those three, we have four Rasputin kids that do not have a notable parent other than him:
Maria Rasputin, called Marya by most but usually Mascha by her father, the girl who lived! She was born around the same time as her half-sister Anya, but is probably a little bit younger. She’s also currently 21, but is mentally (due to being isolated for most of her life and having 3+ different neurodivergencies etc.) closer to around 6. she is not stupid, she just doesn’t have the life experience that you would expect her to have. Marya is part of Harriet Hook‘s pirate crew as the medic.
Varvara Rasputina, called Varya, is a year younger than Marya, would-be 20 years old but died of untreated pneumonia at age 12. she is kind of the baby of the longer-living Rasputin kids. Varya was blind on one eye due to head trauma and generally more careful and anxious than her siblings. After her death, she was dropped off on the side of a road by her father, later found by members of Harriet‘s pirate crew, and buried in the dragon hall cemetery.
Gregoriy Rasputin, called Schora, is three years younger than Varya, and much less well known. He died about a year after his birth, and would be 17 right now. It’s unsure what actually happened to him, but there’s a good chance his father was involved. Marya doesn’t like to talk about him, suggesting that it was not a peaceful end.
Praskovya Rasputina, called Pascha, n o t Rasputin‘s wife, but a youngest child named after her, two years younger than Schora, so she would have been around 15 now. She was something of a favorite of her father, often affectionately called Paschenka, and being generally better taken care of than any other child. It can be assumed that Rasputin didn’t have anything to do with her death, which happened when she was still an infant.
I technically have a lot of random headcanons about them but I don’t think I can actually put them into words very well so here, have a short summary of all my Rasputin kids, I might add on later if I think of anything else
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I read the ask about the possibility of MC having whipping scars and have a question! Or scenario? However you wanna call it!^^
How would the Family react if a MC that seems mostly changed in personality (and ofc clearly with new trauma) is for the first time comfortable wearing something more airy, that allows to see their back. And it looks almost like leather, it's that badly scarred! And MC misunderstands their reaction and says something like "Ah forgive me, I forgot to warn you. They never really used the visible spaces because it would have looked unseemly" with a detached tone as if it's a completely normal thing to talk like that?
(I have a real soft spot for the family angst)
I am going to indulge this scenario because I am in need of family angst too, however I'll keep things pretty brief to avoid spoilers.
Vankar: intense rage fills him, the more he looks at those horrible scars the more his anger bitters into bloodlust. He would kill the slavers himself a second time if he could.
Yeraja: all the glee that he felt at seeing MC comfortable wearing something less covering turns into dread. Then to intense worry at the scarily bland inflection in his child's words. He's going to gently talk to them later.
Brehan'n: he sharply looks at the Monarch, a mixture if alarm, worry and something darker in his eyes. He doesn't concentrate so much on the scars as Venkar does - Brehan'n is more pragmatic in a way - but he is deeply unsettled by what MC said. "Do not worry," he addresses his child, hiding how shaken he feels.
Sahyra: a mixture of guilt and horror washes over them. They feel sick but trie to hide it for the Monarch's sake. He avoids looking at the scars and he struggles not to flinch when he accidentally does.
Cheyann: she turns to her father, Yeraja, immediately worried. While she often wears a gentle smile even around her oldest sibling, hearing those words makes her stomach and her expression drop.
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zukkaart · 10 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags
Thank you @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma for the tag ily 😭 and I love talking about my faves so here we go 🤸 *long-ish post*
1. Sokka: A:tLA: Okayyyy so as someone who is Inuk she whole S/NWT meant so much to me as a kid and still means so much to me now but Sokka just hits on a different level because he’s the oldest sibling (as am I) and therefore charged with everyone else’s safety in one way or another. He also is the one who deals the killing blows bc the others can’t or won’t stomach it which I relate to hevily
2. Bolin: LoK: He reminds me of my husband what else can I say? They think he’s a pretty, strong, stupid, earthbender/ which to an extent- he is. But he’s just smart in different ways than others and genuinely has a heart of gold and just wants to give everyone endless love
3. River Song: Doctor who: we have the same hair so immediately yes. She also has one of the best and most heartbreaking arcs in cinema history and I will fight about it. She destroyed the universe to save her husband then said “I don’t do weddings” and honestly…I get it bc same
4. Castiel: Supernatural: MY SON DESERVED BETTER. He lost his home, his family, his faith, everything he had known for THOUSANDS of years because he fell in love with humanity Dean. He constantly tried his best and yes messed up but was always treated so harshly as if he didn’t have to LEARN how to have human morals and the only people he had to base off of was the boys who are in no way a good bar to measure that by
5. Amber: House of Anubis: oooh pretty ditzy blonde girl comic relief character- but she becomes one of the most fully fleshed out deep characters and ends up being the reason they solve most of the riddles and find the artifacts. She loves her shopping and texting but when the heat is up she always rises to the challenge and shows out. Queen of my heart
6. Flame Princess: Adventure Time: raised to be evil but falls in love and has to learn how not to harm people even though it 100% goes against her nature. And even after all that she is still treated like a villain by everyone but Finn basically. I have ASPD and I constantly feel like I also have to be something I’m not in order to not harm the people around me and the ones who let me be me are few and far between. She is me I am her
7. Sherlock: See above lol, he has ASPD (sociopathy) and so do I. Plus I’m studying to be a CSI. Seeing a character with my same illness shown in the real raw form and not like the “yeah they’re a sociopath but their character arc is learning how to be a good person!” Ew. They let him be cruel and clever and just authentically HIM. Of course he’s checked when necessary but ultimately no one ever tells him he needs to be fixed because of it bc they understand that part of him can’t be changed
8. House: kind if similar as above. I don’t super love the drugs but he takes no shit and dicks around because he knows he’s the best there is. Endless pranks, self destructive tendencies, smartest person you’ll ever meet, what more could you ask for? It’s also super awesome to watch a character/show that isn’t so focused on being “politically correct” that it forgets how to make good jokes.
9. Sejanus: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (book): People say Katniss is Lucy’s revenge but NO she’s Sejanus’ revenge, and so is Peeta. Sejanus was the one who hated the games, tried to actually help the tributes and districts and stop the games. He wanted revolution way back when Snow was a teenager and didn’t even live to see it. The only difference between him and Everlark is the fact that they had a whole rebellion ready to back them. He should have been alive to take the place of Coin/Snow and I stand by that.
10. J.B. Merlin: Bundle of Joy: this is so crazy niche if anyone knows it DM me immediately I’m begging you. An absolute icon this entire movie. The center of a comedy miscommunication trope. Has no idea what’s going on but refuses to let his son walk out on his baby (that’s not actually his but he thinks it is), immediately assumes the baby was named after him, then delivers the iconic line “I don’t care who the father is! I’M the grandfather” homie wanted a grandkid and didn’t care what he had to do to get one 😂 10/10 wholesome character
Now for tags. Sorry if you’ve been tagged already! And if you haven’t please participate if you so wish
@avatar-lorra @judebellinghamswifereal @momos-servants @chitsangenthusiast @dancergirl131 @zukosasukelovebot (I think you’ve been tagged already but ily 🤟) @picnicbitchsokka @your-royal-momoness @oldpotatoe @bisexuallsokka
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mayybirds · 1 year
If you don’t mind, I’d love to hear more about the Winterses’ relationships to each other! Anything from little details and habits to just general explanations/rundowns would be treasured :D
Anon I always want to talk about the Winterses I 100% do not mind at all lol.
I think the family as a whole is simultaneously really closely bonded (partially due to the sheer trauma they experienced together) and also experience a lot of friction very easily. They love each other intensely but they weren't really Raised together and they all come from different backgrounds, be them religious, cultural, or socioeconomic. It leaves room for a lot of friction, especially between Delia and the kids. I think in the early years there was a lot of rapid oscillation between "You're not my mom, my mom is dead, fuck off and stop trying to parent me" and "Delia i'm so sorry i'm so scared please never leave me". Sometimes within the hour. She was a like 32 year old woman suddenly in charge of 3 teenagers, having no real childcare experience, and it was kind of a mess. She loves the kids though and they love her. As adults her relationships with Michael and Ethan are a lot more stable than they were when they were younger--though conversely, while Ava relied on her a lot as a traumatized kid desperate for a parental figure, Ava is a lot more stilted with her now as an adult. Delia has never pretended she knew what she was doing or that she was prepared for this, but she's always made sure the kids know she loves them and she didn't keep them with her just out of obligation. She wants to be in their lives--whether that's as their mom, their 'aunt', their guardian, or just their friend. They get to define who she is to them, and she's okay that sometimes that changes in the moment (see: Ethan's POV. He mixes up whether Delia is his 'aunt' or just 'Delia' in his thoughts a lot, while also very clearly viewing her as a mom even if he avoids calling her that most of the time).
Delia’s focus since RC has always been the kids. She’s so deeply embedded in survivor networks to this day because she was one of the first to go “look we need to figure out long term options for fake IDs and paperwork. I’ve got three kids who should be in school.” She worked a lot of odd jobs once they reached California to keep the lights on (yes they maybe squatted in a few places at first what about it). She was a mechanic in RC but after coming to California she ended up working primarily private security at first because it paid well and was mostly nights. She went back to being a mechanic when the kids got a little older and Michael and Ethan started helping with rent (despite her insistences otherwise. They were adults and they were gonna help Damn it). Michael keeps trying to get her to take it easy these days but she’s only 50 damn it! Don’t treat her like she’s old!!
Michael! Michael is the most well adjusted man in this house comparatively (which isn't a high bar but at least he cleared it. Ethan faceplanted tripping over it). He was the oldest when RC happened among the kids, and as an adult he still takes his role as 'big brother' pretty seriously. He loves his idiot siblings, and he loves Delia, too. When RC first happened he was pretty wary of Delia (fairly enough. the world is ending, your mom is dead, your dad is missing, everything's gone to hell in a handbasket, there's paramilitary weirdos running around, and this random white woman just fished you out of the river with this blood-spattered kid next to her? Nah), and in the months that followed he definitely better handled her treating him like a younger friend/ally ("I know you don't really need me, but Ethan and Ava need us both, so would you be willing to help me with them?" kind of vibe, even if Delia is also 'YOU ARE A CHILD' at Michael internally). He supported the ruse of passing them off as a family long before he saw them as one, but he grew attached to Ethan and Ava, and Delia, faster than he'd have ever copped to as a kid. And for all his grumbling about the stupidity of their various schemes and covers ("Sure Delia pass off three kids as half-siblings by three different fathers, one of which you'd have had to have as a teenager, that's believable" "DO YOU HAVE A BETTER IDEA MICHAEL IF I SAY YOU'RE ADOPTED OR FOSTER KIDS THAT WILL RAISE EVEN MORE QUESTIONS"), he's kind of glad Delia always insisted on passing them off as a family, one way or another (the Winterses changed aliases and cover stories a lot when running from Raccoon City to avoid a clear trail, before they settled down in Cali). These days, he's the kid most unashamed to call her mom. She's his mom! He had another mom, too, and that's okay. Delia is his mom and she's also just Delia and he loves her. Michael still lives with her in California. He's lived on his own a lot, of course, and dated around, but relationships aren't really for him (he's a scrupulously honest person and hates that any relationship would require lying), and he likes being at home. He does have a robust friend network, though, and he likes to volunteer coaching the swim team at the local Y. He works as a manager at a local goodwill center. He’d have liked to have gone into social work or a medical field, but he worried about any profession that would have required a lot of background checks. He did take some nursing classes in community college, though. He attended school late, like Ethan did—both for financial reasons and because they wanted longer for their identities to be settled before they braved college paperwork.
Michael gets along with both of his siblings really well. He’s Ethan’s best friend (and the person Ethan was on the phone with at the beginning of RE7 in TtVtL canon), and has always looked out for him, even when they were teenagers (it defo painted an entertaining picture to everyone else. Michael was Cool and Ethan was Not and every other ~17yr old was not sure why he let this weedy 15yr old with the thousand yard stare follow him around. There was a lot of “excuse you that’s my BROTHER” energy). Michael meanwhile is very much the grounding older brother presence for Ava. She’s not good at taking Advice from Ethan because they’re closer in age and she thinks those in glass-houses-of-pretending-nothing-happened should not throw stones, but she’s better at taking it from Michael. She’s his baby sister and he wants to protect her but he also knows lecturing her doesn’t get him anywhere. I think as the two POC of the family they also just have bonding points on issues Ethan and Delia just can’t get.
Ava...loves her family. But it's hard to be around them. She's just still so angry about everything that happened, and her family respects her anger, but Delia just wants to keep the kids safe and Michael just wants to live a normal life and Ethan wants to pretend nothing happened. It's frustrating for her to try to talk to them about it because Ethan Doesn't want to talk about it and Michael mostly just is like "Ava babe please consider therapy" and Delia understands her anger but is also like. Her Mom. she wants her to be careful and safe and Ava doesn't want to be careful she wants the world to answer for what happened!! She fights with Ethan about it the most. But they still love each other--and would do anything to protect each other. She lives far away from the rest of the family and can't contact them a lot, but calls when she can. She has...employment. Her employer is not her day job. Her day job does not know her name is Ava Winters. She does not enjoy her work, but she thinks it's necessary. But if she had to choose between her job and her family? Her family. Always. She won't lose anyone again.
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Hello, I'm @cookiecat07-distorted!
Alright, so this is supposed to be a side blog, but I have a weird feeling this is gonna become main blog. As I feel like that au just flopped for me. And I mean like, it never have motivation for it. I find that account cringe as I've said cringe things there. And I hate it.
The Gemstones
The Gemstones are a group of afterlife creatures that are also anthropomorphic cats as I love death and cats. Some are made up and/or aren't real. Not all characters are made by me, but there are so many I don't even know who's is who's. These are technically apart of THSC or they usually are for me. But they're in the afterlife anyway. Also, originally they were gonna be like evil, bloodthirsty (well they still are) villains. But now they're more of an anti-heros and afterlife ruler, well a few are, with a few new dimensions I made up.
The Gemstones members :
I hope you like very long lists, seriously.
Gravy Shade / Gray (I'm British I just spell it with an A because I think it looks better) Cat [Blood Angel] - Gemstone Leader, Ruler of blood angels and goddess of Blood
Chip Lux / Tabby [Happy alien with no trauma] - Co-Leader.
Pounce Nightshade [Princess of Night] - executioner
Zip Lockwood [Healing Witch] - Healer, with magic and is a bit of a herbalist. Also babysits most the children and siblings. (Gravy has a shit ton of siblings.)
Tabs Inferno [Demon, Pitburner, leader of the hellraider squad] - just literally burns shit.
Willow Thompson / G.O.L.D [supernatural Anthropomorphic cat, other identity undiscovered] - Government bio weapon, Gravy's sister, she was born after Gravy and Gravy is the oldest.
Wilson Thompson / grumpy boy [Tortured soul] - Willow's twin brother who is a tortured soul.
Snip Electro [Pikachu? No, she's what I call a thunderbolt, they basically are people with electric powers] - apart of CCC
Flip purpura [Witch] - just a witch I suppose
Ebony Pumpki [Headless horseman] only comes on halloween! Booooo
Now. I have many more that I will eventually add on, but. Those are so far the main ten.
Now. There's the different dimensions of the afterlife. Not all of them are discovered ;) so I'm only showing the ones that are known.
(thank you my lovely @theinsanereg-1, darling for writing this.) :
Gemstone Afterlife Dimensions :
Heaven - well, it's just the usual heaven with angels and it's the same thing but theres also a golden heaven for golden angels.
Hell - usually contains demons, fallen angels and something called Pitburners which are sinners from earth that have the power of flames.
Withered islands - place for darkened angels, usually for people who have a balance of sins and saints.
Graveland - where the grim reapers roam with lost/stuck/trapped souls.
Sanguis - placed with blood angels, blood angels are also a possibility if you're a balance in between. Is said to be worse then hell is you mess with the Holy mother of sanguis (Gravy) this is also typically where most gemstones roam.
Drifters pond - a place where people who committed suicide go. To be free.
Candy land - this just a home for food people. Usually saints.
Toxic waste land - sour/forbidden/banned candy go here, usually sinners.
Shadow realm - a quiet place, only accessed by the people who control it, a dark misty forest that's endless.
Radio - a place where broken and emotionless people go. There's usually alot of static and plain stuff.
The nightfall - this is the place and dungeon where people who do bad stuff or break the rules get sent to to be tortured by Inky / Scar (someone I doubt you know) and any other god or ruler.
Unidentified - a place full of unidentified creatures or creatures that may be mimics, skinwalkers, SCPS, anything of the like.
Now just some general information on the cult / clan :
It is in the thsc universe. So this blog may feature thsc characters from time to time like Reginald Copperbottom, Henry Stickmin , Ellie Rose, dave Panpa, etc
They are all like, magic, powerful goddesses and gods. Although they're all anthropomorphic cats, as I made most these ocs in 2018 and because I LOVE cats. They're magic is contained in a gemstone, when broken they have some ultra form.
I doubt my blog will get that far, but, I don't mind if you ship any of my characters (as long as they're not related) or anything. But. For future reference. Go ahead.
They're is some LGBTQ+ so if you're transphobic or homophobic, politely leave. Thank you.
There is alot of trauma is their back stories (except for my oc chip who has no trauma at all) and does future dark topics. Such as :
Suggestive / sexual abusive and themes
Mental, physical and mental abuse
Alot of violence and blood
When I add on to my character list I'm going to make separate posts and link them to the character, but if I do show a pic of the character backstory or make some sort of animation it may contain fears. So I will put warnings in those.
This is mostly a side blog as I'm starting to drawing comics for my main blog :
Also if you want to make a gemstone oc for whatever reason even though I'll never become that popular or good / worth it and wanna add it to the group. Just ask.
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kyruux · 2 months
I rewatched Demon slayer and I can't stop think that Hazbin Hotel should have done with Charlie what Gotoge did with Tanjiro.
I hope the grammar is okay.
One of the reasons I and many others have a hard time empathizing with Charlie is because you can tell so much that she is a privileged person who doesn't understand that the souls in hell are there for a reason. They are not innocent people, they are people who harmed others, abusers, rapists, pedophiles, serial killers and a long etc.
[By the way, Charlie refers to sinners as her family and says they all deserve a second chance so that argument that she only wants to save some doesn't work].
Tanjiro and Charlie are very kind, Tanjiro is especially empathetic and tends to put other people's needs above his own (the result of an upbringing where he was the oldest of 5 siblings and they live bordering on poverty).
Demon slayer does a very good job of showing that upbringing, experiences and traumas cause various people to have different responses to certain situations. A good example is Sanemi and Tanjiro himself, both are the oldest and come from a family with money problems. Everything they do in the series is for the sake of their siblings, the only family they have left, but while with Tanjiro we see an honorable brother, with Sanemi we see someone abusive and these differences are due to their upbringing and response to trauma (Sanemi was raised in a very abusive environment).
Back to the topic.
Throughout the series, Tanjiro showed that compassionate personality even with demons, for example, the final selection demon who was lonely and wanted his brother, Tanjiro held his hand so he wouldn't die alone; the drum demon, his writings were important and when Tanjiro realized it, he avoided stepping on them; Rui's spider demon/fake mom, she had such a longing to die and when Tanjiro realized it, he tried his best to make her death painless; Rui himself, how after killing him and Tomioka steps on his dead body, Tanjiro gets upset and tries to get Tomioka off his back.
Those are just some examples of the first season, Tanjiro doesn't stop killing demons because he knows that their existence means danger and he doesn't forgive them either because the suffering they caused is real and their victims are forced to live with it. But he understands that they were human and many times Muzan took advantage of their suffering to turn them into demons and put them under his command, that's why he tries to make them have dignified deaths and even prays for them to find peace.
It is easy to empathize with the demons of Demon Slayer because either they were converted against their will (it is something that is mentioned, Muzan converted many in order to find a demon that resists the sun) or they were sick and on the verge of death or they were in a place of total despair where they saw an exit to leave their humanity to survive.
Their decisions are human and yet, the series makes it very clear that they have to die for all the pain they caused.
With the sinners of Hazbin Hotel this does not happen, we could argue that it is because we are only one season in, but the main plot of the series is redemption and therefore, they should show us from the beginning, which does not happen, from beginning to end we see that the sinners are despicable and disgusting people.
This is because the series is poorly written, even the story at the beginning is full of narrative inconsistencies (as they say that humans did not have free will but at the same time they want to tell us that Adam and Lilith could choose, which makes no sense. If they didn't have free will it means that Adam did the things he did because the other angels told him to and that Lilith started to oppose heaven because Lucifer told her to and not because she wanted to, they couldn't have decided that on their own).
I would have liked Charlie to be like Tanjiro, someone who understands that exterminations exist for a reason and that everyone in hell is there for a reason. She is Lucifer's daughter, she has the power to make a change and make sinners live in a more decent way (ban soul treaties, give people like Angel a chance to work, get rid of rape positions), she has the power to make a change but refuses to do it.
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