#Not 100% on how he’s drawn here but- it was fun as hell.
ruby-static · 1 year
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Trying out a few Fallout games (mainly New Vegas atm) and-
…I may or may not already have a favorite. Look at this dude.
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en-hazed · 5 months
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collect my pages
PAIRING: slenderman!sunghoon x fem!reader
GENRE / CW: this is kinda like scary? reader is alone in the woods so you can def guess what’s going on
WARNING: sunghoon doesn’t have some kind of age, so let’s say he’s like 100 years olds lmao, reader is 19, psychological horror (?) kinda, smut, dub-con, sunghoon is fucking big like in all meanings, tentacles, creampie, kissing, angst (?), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), petnames, praising, begging, dacriphilia, size kink, if i missed something i’ll edit this later. MINORS DNI.
A/N: this is purely based on the game and theories about slenderman (not on the movie), so i’m really sorry if there’s something that doesn’t really match the storyline :( also im not rlly good at writing smut
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There was something that you found interesting and endearing about walking alone in the woods as a relief. You weren’t the kind of girl to spend much time with friends since you enjoyed more your alone time, even though you’ve heard some rumors about you in college that you were weird for such thing, but it’s not like you really cared, at all.
You never feared the dark as a little child, your mom did think there was something wrong with it since all of the kids usually are scared of it, but for you, it was different. You find comfort in it –somehow– but it wasn’t something to be ashamed of.
Today was one of those days where school ended a little late, and you decided to take a late walk to the woods that was near to where you lived. The feeling of the cold breeze hitting you felt like a kiss, even wearing your big puffy coat, you still could feel it.
Being by yourself had some advantages, such as spending as much time as you want to exploring the deep parts of the woods, looking at little details and also observing the pretty dark blue color in the sky. You always thought that there was something so beautiful about the woods, you didn’t know if it was the pretty trees, the fallen leaves on the ground or everything about it.
Roaming around, you found some weird looking note that was glued to the tree, as you were getting closer, you got goosebumps. You usually didn’t find things in the woods since no one really came here because it’s been kinda abandoned, so it made you feel really curious if somebody came before you and put things just for fun to scare people off.
But the note was really weird looking. Why did the note say “HELP ME” in such a creepy writing? Was there someone here following you all along pranking you?
You definitely felt followed, but that didn’t change the growing curiosity that you had wondering if there were more notes. Walking faster and careful looking through all the trees weren’t sufficient, you definitely needed some kind of flashlight, and lucky for you, you always carry one in your backpack.
Getting the flashlight, turning it on, you started looking for more information. You definitely thought that you looked kinda crazy running around the woods if somebody came by, but there was something so interesting about this that you just couldn’t let it go.
In the distance, you could see a new note attached to another tree, you rapidly went and took it, this one saying “CAN’T RUN”. Adrenaline was hell, you felt like you could explode, were all these notes some kind of puzzle that you needed to complete? How many of them are? Such thoughts were in your mind as you were trying to calm yourself while looking at the piece of paper with the word that has been written.
Taking both notes, you did not wanna lose them, so you put them both in your pocket, and resumed roaming around. You noticed there was some kind of strange road that led you to an ever bigger part of the woods, and also, to some new pages.
This time, there was some kind of tall, really tall man drawn on with some words, such as saying “NO” and “FOLLOWS”. Is this some kind of prank? You just couldn’t step out, you were kinda lost, you’ve never been this deep inside and now, it was kinda scaring you. Your phone didn’t have any kind of connection or signal around, so you were definitely fucked.
Taking this situation lightly wasn’t a great idea at all, you knew your mom was worried since you don’t last that much time outside that much. Anxiety was killing you at this point, what the hell was going on? Also, it was also getting really late, you took a little peak of you clock, and it was almost past midnight.
Running around was simply not helping, you felt like you were stuck in some fucked up maze that didn’t have any kind of exit. You wanted to scream, you really did, but you didn’t want people thinking that you were getting murdered or something. Starting to feel dizzy, everything was looping, feeling like you couldn’t get out was one of, if not, your biggest fear. Without noticing, you fell to the ground, your strength was gone, and your head was pounding.
More than 10 minutes passed since you were still in the ground, until you felt some kind of presence, the goosebumps coming back again. You were too far gone to even try to open your eyes, so if someone tried to kill right there, you didn’t care at that point.
The breeze was getting colder, creaking was louder, and there was something there with you, but you didn’t dare to look. Some steps were getting closer to you, and you almost started praying to God to help you out if he was even hearing your pleads.
Now you were crying, you were the one that started following all of those stupid notes going nowhere, and now you were stuck in the deep zone of the woods. After some minutes of thinking, you had the guts to speak up.
— Is somebody here? Anyone? Please, I swear I’m a good person, I won’t do anything to you, but please, I need a reply. — You stated, trying to look around in the dark, since you forgot where you put your flashlight and also, you lost your glasses.
Nothing, you did not receive some kind of reply, so now you were thinking if everything that’s happening is some kind of hallucination from your mind.
From the distance, you swear you saw something, like some big thing standing there, but you couldn’t even seem to confirm that since your poor eyesight wasn’t helping you at all. But that weird creature looking thing was getting closer this time, and you didn’t have that much space to move, so you had to act fast and start walking from there.
Looking back wasn’t something that you wanted to do, if you did that it was gonna be really scary knowing something was chasing you in the dark. But what you didn’t know, that tall white man could teleport if he wanted to, and now, he was right in front of you.
You froze, what was that? You starting looking up and down trying to figure out if it was human or not. He was wearing some kind of suit, his hands were so pale and white, his fingers were so long and his face, you couldn’t really recognize it. He did have some prominent facial features, such as his nose and eyebrows, and also his hair.
— Are you lost, little thing? Have you collected my pages? — He finally spoke, his voice was… something. Not really deep nor sharp, it was just unexplainable.
— I’m sorry, what? — You asked, pages? Why is that his first thought?
— My pages. They’re all attached to different trees. Have you collected them? — He added, getting a little more closer to you.
Oh, so the notes you were looking for, that now you know they aren’t pages, he was the one who attached them to the trees? Is he crazy or something?
— I lost them. I got lost here and when I ran, they kinda flew away from my pockets. I’m sorry, if you’re gonna kill me, go ahead. — You hung down your head, you were definitely cooked and also getting killed in the woods. How nice!
— Game over then. — He spoke lastly, you looked at him with now, more tears in your eyes. He gave you a smile, his fangs were now shown.
His cold hand went to your chin, making you look up to where his eyes were supposed to be, but you were looking at some faceless man. You got caught in his tentacles, putting you in the air and almost choking you by how tight he was taking you.
— Pl.. please don’t do a-anything.. I swear, I’ll do whatever you w..want! — You tried speaking, but your chest felt so heavy that it was almost impossible to.
— Well, actually I do want something from you, if you don’t wanna get killed. — He spoke, his voice was now kinda deeper than before and it was scarier. You could feel his gaze up and down around your body, as if it was scanning you.
— W-what is it? Please! Tell me! — You replied rapidly, gulping. You were in a situation that defined between you being alive or dead, so you were willing to do anything at this point.
You were feeling already anxious until you felt his could touch in your body, closing hard your eyes, you were psyching yourself up that everything that was happening it was all in your imagination. Tears were staining your face, your cheeks turning red and your makeup all messed up.
His cold tentacles were groping you, touching you everywhere while you were just crying. You couldn’t get out of his grip since he was way too strong and taller than you. He started undressing you, retiring your skirt and leaving your tights on. Was this some kind of kink he had?
— I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, looking like a scaredy cat, crying and without any kind of escape from me. — He said, smiling proudly, giggling. His big hands were taking your head, making you look at him. Somehow, he changed your position, using his tentacles to tie your feet, and also your hands together, that were now resting behind your back.
You felt how something cold was poking your now dampened panties, you were definitely scared but your body wasn’t feeling like that. You closed your eyes harshly, not wanting to see what was about to happen. The cold breeze was now feeling like if death was coming near you, not feeling like something safe.
With no further preparation, he pushed himself inside of you, feeling like your guts and tight cunt were being rearranged by his big member. You couldn’t stop yourself from whining and screaming out loud, you weren’t a virgin sure, but his cock felt like dying.
— Don’t be t-too harsh! P-please! — Trying to speak while he was pounding deeper and deeper inside you was tough and more like a challenge.
He tsked his long tongue in response, not really caring about you and going harder on you. One of his tentacles groping your boobs mercilessly, while the other ones were simply roaming around your body.
Changing your position, now in doggy style, he was going harshly and harder, your body was hurting and your were being treated like nothing but a sex doll. You felt your vision going blurry, your hearing going off and feeling extremely numb. You closed your eyes and that’s where you forgot about everything.
Waking up felt like a nightmare, your whole body felt sore, you were covered in cum and definitely felt how the hot liquid was slipping from your thighs. Trying to look for your glasses or any kind of clothing (since you were naked) looking around. That’s when you saw some random guy, weirdly dressed with a suit and also using some glasses, he was tall and pale.
— Are you okay? Do you need help? — That anonymous guy spoke, looking at you and then your whole body, smirking.
You couldn’t even speak at all, so you just nodded. He helped you get up, he somehow carried things in his pockets such as tissues, that he used on you, trying to get you clean.
Finishing by putting on your clothes, you patted all of your body, as if there were some kind of dirt (there was, everything was all covered in it). You looked again at that weird guy that happened to find you in such condition, what was he doing here?
— I’m Sunghoon, and I definitely can read your mind, I just happened to be here when I found you here all alone, covered in… Whatever that was, no need to thank me. — He finished saying, still smirking and looking at you as if he was scanning your whole body.
As a blink, he disappeared, nowhere to be found. There was some weird vibe coming from that guy that you couldn’t explain, but you felt like you already knew him.
What the fuck just happened to you? You for sure were having some kind of fucking overdose of some fucked up vivid dream, you will never be the same after this.
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a-couple-of-bees · 2 years
Hello!! To those who have watched the show already, I hope you understand when I say The Lords in Black's song has been stuck in my head since… but I’m desperately trying to work out the lyrics.
(Edit; me and another fan have figured out what I was missing! These may not be 100% but here are the completed lyrics)
So far I have:
Out of the depths of hell and back, us spawn of the black and white
Cover our souls with robes of black and take up the arms of night.
Nibbly wants his sacrifice, and Wiggly wants his wrath
We dance around the pentagram and take all our kingdoms back.
Babble the spell that gets it done, babble it on command
Won’t stop until all the blood is drawn, the lords in Black demand…
You summon us once, you summon us twice, you gamble it on the roll of the dice.
The devil has won, It can’t be undone, the book has all but closed on your life.
(BLINKY: We’ve been watching you Gracie…Someone’s been a little naughty
TINKY: (laughter) Oh boy! A Spankoffski! I can have the whole set in my toybox.
NIBBLY: Stephanie yum yum.
STEPHANIE: Are you the Lords in Black?)
Out of the depths of hell and back, we travel very far
Cover our souls with robes of black , the lords in black we are.
(WIGGLY: Don’t be so formal Stephanie, we’re all pally wals here. I mean look at us, we even hold court in your own tongue and form. Go Nighthawks!
All Laugh
POKEY: Our true forms would melt your minds
WIGGLY: Don’t frighten them Pokey, you nasty boy.
STEPHANIE: We need to stop Max Jagerman. We heard you can help us)
The lords in black will help you yes, you stupid silly girl.
By helping rid the Jagerman, we can help the world.
(WIGGLE: Hm We could, we could take home little Maxy and pull him right down to Drowsytown.
NIBBLY: Swallow his soul, I wanna lick it.
WIGGLY: But why? Maxy poo’s about to get you, tear you all to bloody bits!
BLINKY: I wanna see that.
STEPHANIE: How about a bargain? We’ll give you whatever you want. Just get rid of Jagerman.)
WIGGLY: Whatever we want?!)
Whatever we want, we want, we want,
Whatever we want we get.
Whatever you want, you want, you want, forever in our debt
(WIGGLY: Hm, what could you give to me? Let me check my Christmas list. (gasps) there is something.
STEPHANIE: What? What do you want from us?
TINKY: Something fun!
NIBBLY: Something tasty.
WIGGLY: Oh, you’ll hardly miss it. We just want what you cherish most. That’s all
STEPHANIE: What we cherish most? What do you mean?
POKEY: What do you want, Steph…?
WIGGLY: One of you must give up the thing you treasure above all else.
POKEY: Do it or die!
STEPHANIE: What I treasure above all else? I know what it is! My phone! My whole life’s on this thing! It has my contacts, my pictures-)
(WIGGLY: We want what you really want…you can’t lie to us Steph. You can lie to yourself but not to me. Think about it…
(Steph looks to Peter)
WIGGLY: Ah, there he is
PETER: Steph?
WIGGLY: What’s in your pocket Steph-O-nie?)
Stephanie has got a gun, tra la la la, how fun
Stephanie has got a gun, she knows what must be done.
(WIGGLY: Put a bullet in his brain and we’ll take Maxwell off your plate.
WIGGLY: Pay the price or fuck off
Out of the depths of hell and back, us spawn of the black and white
Cover our souls with robes of black and take up the arms of night.
You summon us once, you summon us twice, you gamble it on the roll of the dice.
The devil has won, It can’t be undone, the book has all but closed on your life.
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my-brain-soup · 1 month
I've Never Seen Luka, But Jon Kent Has
Basically I've never watched Luka but I read a fanfic where Jon gets the teen titans to watch it (parallels are drawn between Luca and Alberto and Jon and Damian) so now I will be watching it and writing the thoughts I have during it
No I will not give context and spoiler warning ig
Love the music during the studio logos
We love a superstitious king, I mean, I have a feeling he has a point
Awww, he's such a polite little guy
Luca is a farm boy!!! I love my little Jon Kent varient :)
I, too, would risk my life for shiny object
I, too, do the murder
Dami would say he invented walking
And pretend he's not proud of Jon
Bruno? Or Bruce...o... you get the idea
Sorry, they have Luca grab Alberto like that and expect me not to see them as the most adorable little guy love story? Their so crushing on each other
"You're so lucky your dad lets you do what you want," cue Superman's comment about Bruce getting hit on the head all the time
Yes! Grandma, my queen!
"We can do anything" I love this movie
God I don't know her name yet but I love her
We're not telling you our secrets! Tells secrets immediately.
I love Alberto so muchhhhhh
I love Mr dad human
Oh they know SOO many fish
No way everyone, including an adult, just saw that bitch rob some kids and didn't do shit
He is a sad little catfish
Why are his parents actually crazy
Aww, Alberto doesn't want to lose his friend
Luca just wants to learn, and Alberto just wants to feel loved :(
How is the gayest looking dude there being homophobic?
When your new father figue wants to kill your entire species
Alberto got mad when Julia touched Luca's hand...
Why does Luca's hair looks like a croissant
Their fort :(
God the organizer adult lady us such a bitch
Why is no one concerned that the scuba kid isn't coming up for air?
Aww, his little clap self tap in
It's totally about to rain
Well shit. Sometimes I hate when I'm right
I love them so much!!!!
Is the mom the same person that voiced Aunt Cass in big hero 6?
I decided it is a metaphor for older lgbtq people, feeling able to come out after younger generations have proved that times have changed, I love them
(They're sisters, so they're not together, but they can still be gay!)
About his crush, not just Luca going to school
Their in love, your honor
I love this movie
So much
Also, here is my formal apology, her name is spelled Giulia, my b
Alberto learns to carve wood, awww
Also, does Luca EVER get shoes?
I've decided I need an Alberto to become a tattoo artist future au, at least like on the side or for fun or sm
The dedication is adorable
Yes, I just watched all of the credits. What about it?
I was rewarded with an after credits scene, so fuck you.
I'm gonna watch all the deleted scenes now, I'm not gonna specify which one so have fun guessing
Haha, they called Alberto and Luca the main relationship
Also, she was almost a photographer, like TIM DRAKE?!?!?
Don't worry, Luca, I'll ride in a barrel lit on fire down a hill with you
Awww, they were raised by a lobsterrr
Oh, Jon is extremely charming
I love how they used different animation styles (in how they had the characters move) on land and in the water
Bro, not the first version where Alberto outs Luca to Giulia, eek
And finally, Ciao Alberto!
Aww, Luca wants to see to Portorosso!
He finally has people who care about him!!!
Alberto, you do NOT got this
Noooo!!! Don't leave!!!
I love Alberto being an artist (a bad one, for now, but still and artist)
Okay, that's it, Ciao :)
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birdwonder · 1 year
Do you think any of the creepypastas would be okay with a s/o that has a few dogs and cats? Have a good day!!
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A/N: GOOD question... also sorry this is late !! i was on holiday <3
EYELESS JACK would rather you didn't have pets, his heightened senses mean that he can smell and hear them a lot better and it just isn't pleasant. Besides, what can a cat or dog do that he can't ? He's got good senses, can protect you, keep you company, got sharp teeth and hell if you just want something to put a collar on- ... But if you already have these pets, he'll only mutter complaints now and then but is happy if you are. Probably did want a dog once-upon-a-time so he could kinda get into it eventually, as long as they aren't scared of him.
MASKY definitely is a dog guy and I'm thinking Will Graham-core where it's a man who wears plaid in the woods, with loads of pet dogs. Yeah, he'd be fine with it just as long as they all behave. As for the cats, they're not his thing but if they leave him alone then he'll leave them alone. Definitely thinks it's cute how you dote on them, your loving nature towards them being something that makes him drawn even closer to you.
HOODIE doesn't seem to mind. He seems to love giving the dogs and cats little scratches, finding them nice company while he lurks around your house. If you live together, he helps take responsibility for them under the circumstance you don't get any more - not until one passes away. You find him talking to them in silly ways sometimes. He looks at one of your cats and shakes his head as it climbs all over his stuff, "don't walk around here like you pay bills, freeloader." If he can't be bothered to walk them though, he's 100% saying they're your pets and he doesn't have to do anything. Would prefer the cats.
TICCI TOBY does NOT want pets !! His whole life animals have been afraid of him so he's convinced it wouldn't go well for him to meet them. When he sees you have so many pets, he stays far away from them. You likely have to help him warm up to your pets and vice versa. If they tend to bite and scratch, its best you keep Toby away from them. But if any are particularly docile, it might be emotionally healing for him to have one rest on his lap. However, he is a jealous man and will scowl if you pay more attention to those animals than him. Oh, your dog just did a trick ? Well look at what he just learnt to do with an axe ! JEFF finds the amount excessive. One pet is enough and two is pushing it. Still, he likes to watch how you handle them with care and if they keep you happy, he's not going to mess with that. At first, he wants them to leave him alone, shooting glares at the pets even if they're friendly. But he'll get over it and learn to like them somewhat. He'd honestly like them more if they were friendly with him but were tearing up everyone else, now that'd be fun. But nope, just regular domestic animals. He ain't helping look after them unless you adopt one together, then it's like your fluffball kid. He'd also rather have a dog pls. JANE tries to be fine with it but god the fur ? She really hopes they don't shed a lot and if they do, keep them out of your shared bedroom. They're not allowed on the bed but she'll compromise with the couch if they have to. Constantly stocked up on lint-rollers to get fur off of your clothes. Likes the cats more for sure. She thinks you're crazy for having so many pets but doesn't want to diss it since you clearly love them. Eventually, some motherly instinct will kick in for some of them and she'll want to sew some cute accessories and clothes for them. Also gets them loads of collars to colour-coordinate to your outfits.
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baby--charchar · 7 months
Do you have any new middle!Charlie hcs?
Mm not a lot! But here are some!
I've mentioned this before, but little!Charlie is obvious, while Middle!Charlie initially looks really subtle. Charlie isn't usually cognizant that she's regressed, and it's taken Vaggie and Lucifer a lot of practice to pick up on her "cues" that she's in middle space. These include struggling to focus on work, being a little bratty/pouty, and having a ferocious sweet tooth. Once they realize it though, they 'jump into action' by trying to lure her back to her bedroom and let her relax into her headspace. She's never fully convinced she's regressed, so sometimes she gets into arguments with them about wanting to keep working. But they don't need her making big decisions in the midst of LITERAL HELL when she's not 100% aware, so they always get the final say.
Music!!! She still loves music and singing and dancing, so Daddy bought her a karaoke microphone and it's become one of her favorite toys. She loves KPOP a lot, especially the girl groups, and learns all their choreography. Her favorites are New Jeans and Twice!
She'll blast the TV at top volume and sing along to her favorite songs while jumping on hers and Vaggies massive bed. She calls it a dance party and she can go like that for hours before she wears herself out!
Vaggie does not like the dance parties because Charlie's fallen off the bed and twisted her ankle on more than one occasion.
Middle!Charlie works through a lot of the negative feelings she had towards her parents around this age, like feeling abandoned and unwanted by them at times. This leads her to take some of her frustration out on her caregivers. This really isn't okay, but Vaggie and Lucifer get it. Hell, Lucifer believes deep down that he deserves it.
Between Charlie's attitude and not even believing that she's regressed, Vaggie has to be very firm with her. Charlie tries to argue occasionally, but Vaggie knows how to gentle parent Charlie through her big, misdirected feelings.
There's a lot of, "You can be mad! That's okay. But we're not going to _______."
"Tell me what you need- ah! No, please do not yell. You need ____? Okay, I can do that. Thank you for letting me know, princessa."
"I need you to make a choice. We can have _____ or ______. No, I'm sorry, that's not available. Make a choice, or I'll need to make it for us. You want ____? Okay, I can do that. Good plan."
Just...a LOT of therapeutic parenting talk, which really helps the both of them through Charlies ~moments~.
Charlie, despite getting more angsty towards Vaggie in middlespace, is more drawn to her than Lucifer because she's actually GOOD at addressing the heart of Charlie's issues (feeling lonely/feeling like she has no say/missing her real mom). Lucifer does his best, but doesn't always "get her" the way that she needs. He can also be very permissive and let her do whatever she wants when regressed, which is fun at first but leaves her feeling more alone/uncared for.
Look all I'm saying is that Charlie's got some very valid mommy/daddy issues but that's okay, they're gonna work through it. What's a little unhealed trauma at the Hazbin Hotel?
And also she's a bit of a menace to society but that's okay too! Let her be a little girlypop menace!
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ggren-mainz · 2 months
Umineko - question arcs playthrough -> ep 1 - 12 - final
last part - All parts and episodes - next part
Can't believe I finished ep 1. Well here will be the tea part, my theories and ideas :]
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ok first thing i noticed. Purgatory? So this isn't some external thing like in Higurashi where they were acting like actors in a movie? This is still canon to their universe, and simply what happens in their purgatory? Is this also referring to them getting a second chance?
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secon thing. I literally kept saying this, but nobody listens to me *rolls eyes *
Anyways another interesting thing i noticed in the tips.
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It says this at George and more or less the same at Jessica. SO this means because of Battler's lack of faith they all went to hell? I bet this will be important later on.
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Also all of them saying it like 'this' does not give me a good vibe. Only the servants say it like this, and it was visible throughout the story as well. Do they not actually believe in her existence, or is "exist" a term that can't define her way of being?
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This makes me even more convinced that it was not magic lmao. Reads too much like propaganda. and also the first crime would've been totally doable by a human. It really wasn't that complex. maybe the others but the first one - not magic at all.
It's like they want us to believe there was no magic involved, with how fake and propagandishy they sound. Also Jessica and George do not sound in character at all...
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Wait guys, i just had a thought, i just had a thought! I looked back and maybe i missed it so tell me if i did but, it doesn't mention that his parents put on the chain. Ofc, this is a bit of a stretch but if they never did, it's possible that the culprit had the key and then just locked the chain to make it look like they couldn't have entered. But alas this brings up more issues, like how did they get out. If they're a 19th person they could've hid in the room till everyone left, but this would also mean they had acomplices, who drew the painting on the door. Oh but yeah, another flaw in the magic plan, the crypt was drawn after the murder, so it was obvious that magic wasn't used to open the door. That was simply drawn for show. Yeah there's also the possibility of hidden doors which would answer all of our questions, but i don't wanna go with that until we get actual proof of their existence. Also there was also the possibility of hiding and then coming out when the others find the corpses, but that's the thing, i remember having known everyone location at the moment. So we'll see.
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Idk man, i'm getting mad suspicious vibes from George and Jessica rn. You tell me the classic and rational George, just believes everything was witchery?? I don't buy it.
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yeepppp i do noooot believe these are the same people, or they're at least altered in a way. Their language is all weird, and they say some things that are so out of character. The only way i could believe this straight up propaganda would be if they know if they convince Battler of the witch they're allowed into the Golden Land. That would make sense, and while they know what he's saying isn't wrong, they need him to believe in Beatrice.
Now we're going into our daily routine of gaslighting Battler. So fun.
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I was actually thinking of this too, except i don't believe they pretended to be dead. So i really believe there's more than 18 people, and as such i believe they might've used the corpse of someone we don't know, perhaps a twin? I had this idea in mind, that perhaps there might be a set of twins, that switched out/kept switching out during the story. But those would need to be from the servants, because if they would be from the main family we'd know. This is just an idea I'll throw out, i have no proof but you never know. But yeah if we go on the idea that the killer is one of the 18, than 100% someone faked their own death. Now i'd take out Hideyoshi, Kanon and Kinzo, as i don't believe those could've faked their death, not saying they aren't involved at all. But again, if Kanon was involved with Nanjo he could be taken out of that list. I'd say the first 6 and last 3 killed with their faces fully destroyed are the most suspicious, as those could've been replaced with any other body. Those would be Nanjo, Rudolf, Kirye, Rosa, Genji and Kumasawa. Now don't take me wrong, i don't think these are the suspects, but I'm just pointing out stuff. There really aren't enough clues at the moment. Or at least i don't see them.
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and whose body would i be?
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um...who is writing this text?
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ahahahaha, bulls eye. I was right. That's why they keep insisting. They want to escape this purgatory and go to the Golden Land.
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Rika Furude disagrees.
And yeah so is she Bernsomething and a witch here? It wouldn't be that weird, she has said that she is a witch in Higurashi as well, although offhandedly.
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" 24 But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. 26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. 27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. 28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. "
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Oh do not worry Beatrice, he'll kiss more than your toes.
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>is shown exactly how the crimes were done
>says this.
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woah woah woah, what does THIS mean now. It's the same as with Maria. They act like they've been forced to believe. Were they forced to believe?
Anyways so they al disolve and Battler swears to prove that a human is the culprit. Now i only have the ??? left.
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Heeeeelllooooo Ri- I mean Bernkastel. Well yeah this does sound a bit like Rika, but in the end this would just be a cute reference, not that important so I'll leave that for now.
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alright i got it, i have to pay a lot of attention to the world's rules if i want to understand this mystery, ok ok.
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Definitely Rika lmao. ok good to know then.
Now we have unlocked some tips which are very...interesting? I do not get all of them, but i probably will later. Like what's the deal with execute and resurect? I get it it's so i can see all the tips given along the episode but idk.
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oookay this one looks very important, so they won't work on Battler huh? alright alright.
ALRIGHT FINALLY THE END. I was so scared I'll reach the photo/link limit but i was 1 off lmao.
So i have kind of said my thoughts and theories already although i was trying to be all cool and nonchalant and keep it at the end uf. Anyways let's recap then
time loop - 1000%
I believe there are more than 18 people. Be it dead or alive, there's a 19th body. As long as the face (read teeth) was fully destroyed the corpses could not be recognized by the policeman.
I believe the witches are real, but i also believe there could be a human culprit. Like yeah witches are real but idk if they're the one doing the crimes. so [ Nanjo, Rudolf, Kirye, Rosa, Genji and Kumasawa] these 6 remain with a big question mark. Now they aren't my actual suspects but that's besides the point, i cant just choose as suspects the people i do not like.
Big question. How reliable are the narrators? Because if they're all reliable then everyone is innocent. Which I severely doubt so myeah. Who is lying?
Also how were the kids killed? 'Their bodies were eaten by the demons' alright alright, but how did they actually die? it sounds like a very violent death and i cannot think of an answer that doesn't include chemicals (didn't Beatrice say something related to that?) or wild animals. Another mystery ig.
I also believe there are more perpetrators, be they direct or not.
The servants are all suspicious to a point, and I'm not saying they're the killers but they're definitely hiding some things. Some many things.
All the other theories i have mentioned along this part which is getting obnoxiously long. Now let me finish with one image, as to reach the limit.
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Tier rank of what i think of all the characters i saw for now. I can't wait to see this drastically change lmfao.
Anyways, see you next episode ;P
next part
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verdemoun · 2 months
Arthur and art supplies that have become much more accessible and common!!! SOMEONE DEFINITELY GOT HIM ONE OF THOSE ART KITS FOR KIDS AND HE NEARLY CRIED WHEN THE MARKERS DIDN'T WORK UNTIL BESSIE, BLESS HER HEART, INFORMED HIM HE HAS TO PUT WATER IN THEM. You can't convince me that didn't happen xoxo
Javier and his guitar. The availability of different equipment in modern era. Straps, picks, RAINBOW STRINGS (proud owner of rainbow "training" strings here. i absolutely love them). ELECTRIC GUITARS. Even if he wouldn't like them a lot, he'd still marvel at how far guitars have come. That Hatsune Miku amp/effect unit/whatever that was i don't remember tbh. It ends up either with him or with Isaac.
Knitting!!!! Crocheting!!!! Someone definitely takes that up as a hobby!!!!!! and then cries at the cost of yarn. Curse of the love sweater is a thing they fear.
Gardening not for survival, but for fun. Like yeah we've talked abt plants before but definitely someone noticed those weird ass sets with small pots and different seeds in some dollar store. Someone definitely got it. For themselves or the kids.
That shit has to be healing for the soul you can't tell me otherwise my dear friend you cannot.
i love arthur and modern crafts. yes he bought a kiddy craft kit when he first timewarped because the concept of spending money on hobbies was new. but more than that - he never had the chance to explore mediums. bessie immediately offered to pay for decent watercolors and fancy markers and colored pencils but he insisted on the cheapest option and then was upset (which came across as aggressively frustrated) when they didn't work. bessie explained very softly about the markers being dipped in water and adored how much he still lit up like he was a kid when they started working
arthur even a decade into timewarp gets very flustered over people actually spending money to encourage his hobbies and interests at christmas (which is a gift-giving holiday he can't avoid, unlike his birthday). he gets very emotional over giving given expensive pencils because the idea of people 'wasting' money to encourage his creative pursuits still effects him
both bessie and hosea will frame the few drawings he gives them and hang them in their house. while he prefers drawing from life, he has drawn horseshoe overlook from memory and hosea can be caught staring at it nostalgically
javier tried an electric guitar for all of ten minutes before going no thank you.
he has 4 different guitars because he was a little addicted to the fact acoustic guitars could come in so many different woods and also patterns in modern era. rainbow string, straps, and stickers definitely, because a guitar was actually affordable and no longer a prized possession (on bessie's dime, they're all secondhand)
he has one is acoustic/electric hybrid that he only brings out when isaac is begging for a jam session, because isaac also knows guitar and is obsessed with electric for recording
he does admittedly love playing with music software. is garageband still a thing? sometimes he will plug in his one hybrid guitar and add his own bass and drum to hear an actual full song of one of his more original pieces
susan grimshaw is the first to try crochet and everyone has at least one crocheted animal in their house. karen, charles and kieran are all knitters. karen maintained the habit from canon era and always knits maeve a sweater before winter. kieran learned it because repetitive and a hell of a lot cheaper than his other hobbies, he uses the cheapest yarn and can only make scarves
charles got into it because something creative he can do with his hands like making his own arrows (he admits purchased arrows are more reliable despite still hunting with a bow when he goes camping). charles most strongly believed in the curse of the sweater but arthur wears his charles' knitted sweater very proudly.
kieran is an avid gardener. it was the first 'task' he was given to encourage him to leave his room and once noise-cancelling headphones are introduced most people look for him in the garden first. him and bessie lose entire weekends in the garden, weeding or checking soil phd. she will take time off work when the weather is right for planting saplings
gardening is one of kieran's hyperfixations where he will abandon asl to actively talk to people about gardening no matter what. for this reason jake adler is one of his favorite people, who is more of a survivalist, edibles only, but similarly obsessive gardener
lenny buys bought those kiddy diy indoor herb sets for maeve only to get into it when she neglected the plants and he took over. he appreciates being able to send jake+kieran a group message when a leaf on his basil looks weird and they reply with an essay of what the plant needs
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soraka-in-warhammer40k · 11 months
Looking at some of grimdank's reaction to the Sanguinius/Horus fight scene, I can only quote myself: "How the absolute hell can vocal participants in a fandom space that draws and always has drawn the vast majority of its narrative content by novels be so absolutely fucking illiterate?"
Luckily its been getting better with time but apparently some people have no clue what a metaphor is. Or how context informs word choices that might look weird in isolation.
The second part I can understand at least somewhat as a side effect of what you can call "meme-brain". When your primary mode of medial engagement includes constant recontextualisation, it tends to skew perception towards an atomized evaluation of content-bits. Memery is fun (this is a shitpost blog so I might be biased here), and spotting lines or scenes that make a good joke removed from their original context is a valid form of entertainment, as well as the very basis of our postmodern remix-culture, but I feel some people forget that you cannot evaluate the quality of fragments when they are competly isolated and removed from the original.
The "textual poacher", to lean on Jenkin's phrase, makes for a shoddy critic at times.
That second part can be weird, but it is understandable. it's just a quirk that happens with every bit of dominant media: the patterns we consume content in shape our way we see content. It's feedback loops all the way down, and something one can be aware of. What I do not get is how absolutely fucking illiterate some people are despite the fact that they are obviously capable of reading.
One character is described as "moving as fast as the laws of physics allow him to" he is given the metaphor of "light", the fastest thing we know. The other character opposes him by actively circumventing the laws of physics and outmatches him, while being his direct opposite in the entirety of the narrative. "Darkness" is an apt choice of words here to complete the metaphor, and yet there's people pointing fingers like "HAHA HE SAID THE EDGY WORD" - completly ignoring that said word has been charged with setting-specific meaning over the course of 70 or so volumes of novels.
I do not expect much from people, but how can some of them read 70 or so volumes of novels and still be so utterly bad at the task? It's like watching someone paint a 100 miniatures over the months and then the 100th one still looks like the 2nd or 3rd. What have they been doing all this time?!
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 90
Chapter 90: “Let’s Win”
I know it’s impossible to tell since Leuvis doesn’t have visible ears, but I can assume that he’s trying very hard to locate where the group disappeared to by sound since the method of putting your hands up to your ear is something we’ve seen Emma do quite a lot of post-escape.
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Seeing Emma just toss aside any idea she isn’t fond of with a big “No” always gets a chuckle outta me. Whether it’s trying to get Yuugo to be more friendly in ch64 or completely shutting down Norman’s idea of demon annihilation in ch153, y’all are better off just listening to the story’s mc.
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It’s fun seeing Emma give orders too. And I dunno how to explain it but I like how the first Emma and the scared Nigel are drawn.
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I also love how Ray stays quiet throughout this whole discussion. He’s already set on following Emma’s plan (once she thinks of one) and knows that her ideals are normally correct. It’s only a matter of time before the other two realize it as well.
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After losing Norman, there’s no way in hell she’s gonna make that same mistake twice. It’s great that she admits she’s indeed scared of Leuvis (I mean, who wouldn’t be, honestly?) but still strives to win the battle her way, no matter the danger.
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There’s a short video of Erica Mendez (Emma’s dub va) reading this page and I can’t tell you how many emotions it makes me feel now since the anime denied us of this arc and we won’t ever actually hear or see any of it.
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You can always count on Ray to approach things logically.
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This brief moment where Palvus is watching and staring at them is probably funnier than it should be. And I’m once again asking permission for my boy to curse just once.
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Oliver mentioned in ch88 how we’d have the advantage indoors due to the narrow space space and he is 100% correct. Look at this dude, he has to crouch so far down to even remain slightly standing.
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Always enjoyed this little parkour moment of Ray jumping over the table.
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Favorite panel/moment:
The entirety of Yuugo calling Emma by her name for the first time, starting off with how he reluctantly agrees to stay and fight instead of run away, with the small whack he gives her. Poor girl wasn’t expecting that kind of response or the fairly long nickname, but it’s quite special for the last time we’re gonna hear such a thing.
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The very moment itself!! along with the slight pause it takes Emma to even register what he said and the big smile on her face one she realizes it. Even Ray is caught off guard!
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The way she does not even hesitate to ask him his in return and Yuugo trying so hard to drop the subject all together. You can’t take back what you said buddy, like it or not, you’re friends now!
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Luckily he keeps this promise to her too, even waiting til after she wakes up once back in the shelter. This smile of hers right here has gotta be one of my favorite panels of her.. it’s dazzling enough to fill me with much happiness!
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meowyoi · 6 months
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so i completely forgot to update you on where i'm at but i'm almost done with s1 (on ep 38 right now) and i just wanted to say i really. really really liked ep 26 and 33. i don't have words to put down but i can put down the noises going on in my brain which is: WAGWGHH 👍sorry i cannot give actual thoughts
oooh interesting YEAH 26 IS WHEN MICHAEL SHOWS UP HE'S SO FUN YOU'RE GONNA LOVE HIM ^_^ and 33 that's interesting i never felt particularly drawn to that one but there's other episodes taking place on boats in later seasons if those are to your taste. some of my personal faves are 32 (jane prentiss about her wasp nest because holy fuck jonny boy went OFF reading. performance 100/10) and 34 (silly weird anatomy students IDK WHY i just like the thought that something non human would have to learn how to breathe and have their heart pump blood manually and doing it in a super off way so fun for horror..)
oh and lol the episode you're on right now gets meme'd to hell and back. (stop reading here if you haven't finished it while reading this) um idk if you noticed because i actually had a hard time remembering the gender of statement givers then had to adjust when they'd add information that made it clear i imagined them wrong in my head and so it never occured to me that the statement giver of that one was a man with a husband and therefore gay 😭 until people started joking about the "homophobic vase" and i was like WHAT. but yeah there's so many "no husband?" jokes for that one AND ALSO IT MEANS YOU'RE ABOUT TO START THE FINALE SOON WHICH IS SO FUN YAYYY ^_^
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stepswowdsen · 3 months
【Magi】 Judar doodle ❤️
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Intro Rambles
This one turned out nice ^^ I like this one hehe. It looks similar to the other one I did but this one also has a nice vibe to it
I like both! I did the 2nd one last night.
My sketching style is very recognizable so it's 100% my art style but I think it's interesting how things like the shape of the eyelashes, thickness of the eyelashes, underlashes, and how the eyes and rings in the eyes are drawn make my drawings give off a different vibe
Cuz I'm using the same art style for all of these doodles. I tend to draw the eyes of sharper tsurime-eyed meow meow mf charas the same way. I just do the details differently depending on the character
VRoid Studio and MMD Rambles
I don't think I mentioned it here yet but I wanna make VRoid models of my OCs and fave charas eventually so they can be used in MMD so I can make them dance to Vocaloid songs~ It's because I'm really interested in making my ships dance hehe
I want to make my OCs in VRoid one day 🙏 ✨ This includes my rehomed cat cots I treat as OCs and my faves. Would be super useful to have refs I can turn around and take from different angles! And it'd be super cute to see my faves dance omg
List of charas I want to make VRoid models for:
Selena (KHR AU)
Linh (KHR AU)
Rehomed cat cots I treat as OCs:
Tatsumiya (WATGBS AU)
Takama (WATGBS AU)
Meow meow mf faves:
Xanxus (KHR)
Judar (Magi)
Kuroha (KagePro)
Like this is the main list
Thankfully people already did my job for me with LimGuda and ObeGuda <3 So I don't need to make ones for Douman, Oberon, and Ritsuka
(Credit: Yutaka's Douman and Oberon MMD models)
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But ngl guys I want to make my meow meow mf faves in VRoid too. Cuz I was just thinking I need my meow meow mfs too for my ship fuel. 🙏 🫶
Xanxus (KHR), Judar (Magi), Saeran (MysMes), Edward (ROTRK)
And the list goes on~
I'll start simple with my OCs though.
Who knows. It'll probably get me to start finishing art
Judar with my HC design tho cuz I ain't drawing that ugly ass racially stereotyped outfit he wears in canon 😭
I'm definitely not distributing my VRoid/MMD models publically though. My mutuals/friends are free to have access to any VRoid/MMD models I make in the future, though <3
I like to have my scans and art stuff under my control and limit access to my stuff, to make sure my things don't get used by unsavoury people, so that it doesn't get reposted around, etc.
Especially with how bad the MysMes fandom's reposting issues are.
And I hate Funa and her fanbase in general cuz they're uncritical af, etc., so there's no way in hell I'm sharing my WATGBS AU MMD models
VRoid Rambles
I watched a bunch of FGO MMD videos (of Douman, Oberon, and Morgan), and now I feel tempted to try my hand at making MMD models for my faves (Selena, Tatsumiya, Idate) in VRoid Studio…
I wanna make 3D models so I can make my faves dance in MMD Selena and IdaTatsu MMDs you will be real someday…
I'd use VRoid Studio because it provides bases for hair and clothing, and I don't feel like using Blender tbh
Also I watched a bunch of VRoid Studio model making tutorial videos, it's way easier than I thought. Most of it is honestly just drawing normally and using preset assets as a guide
Thank god FGO being so big and Douman and Oberon's huge popularity means that people will definitely make MMD models for them
People have already done my work for me (Bless you!)
JP fans have already made models of many FGO charas, so I can play around with them. I can make LimGuda and ObeGuda MMDs… It's common practice in the MMD community to credit all the assets you use: Models, Camera, Dance Motions, Stages, Lighting Effects, etc.
I saw JP users say they made 3D models of FGO charas (such as Douman and Oberon) with programs like VRoid Studio or Blender. So it's totally doable
It'd be kinda fun to try making MMD models for my FGO faves in the future too, but not now
Especially with how detailed their designs are (especially Douman's)
Imo Douman is way harder than Idate because of their hair and outfit
Cantarella MMDs
I wanna make 3D models one day so that I can convert them to MMD and get LimGuda, IdaTatsu, XanLena, JuAli, and KuroEne dancing to Cantarella and other Vocaloid songs... OH MY GODDD
Cantarella by Kurousa-P ft. KAITO & Hatsune Miku
Cantarella ~grace edition~
I'd have to use the OG Cantarella motions though, Idate, Judar, and Xanxus would not know shit how to play the violin LMFAO
Like for Douman and Kuroha, the violin part would actually still fit, like I could actually still see that for those two, but it just doesn't fit charas like Idate, Judar, and Xanxus
I personally prefer Cantarella fan covers (VOCALOID/UTAU and human fan-covers) over the original due to stronger tuning/mixing
But Cantarella's instrumentals are excellent
The original Cantarella MMD has a dance section. I love the little spin and jump in the air and landing on the ground, I think that fits my faves more
The remastered Cantarella ~grace edition~ has a violin playing part which is aesthetically nice
Sitting in the throne fits all of my meow meows tho
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Some problem going around town people are having trouble absorbing potassium and getting enough we looked at it and we do need to do something it's happening to everybody
-a couple other items there are people in the neighborhood we need to leave they won't be pushed out for some time now you feel that Tommy f gets flattened this time around and is forced to bring the stone chips out and in between us when Trump goes up there it is approaching and he is becoming aware that that might be the window and is becoming aggressive with a lot of people and the public
-two more things are happening we are going to be in trouble momentarily with this community we think the pseudo empire is moving in and they say they may not meet the schedule and what we say is there planning to try and we have to wait and see and that's what they're saying but it's global and represent a shock to the system right now we have to meet we have to man up anyways and we need to do that now and we need to get ready and it's going to be a heck of a day because if this thing goes off today we have to have people here today and the pseudo empire is not moving fast enough however if we come down and they come down and the empire and foreign disabled this place more luck and more of them will leave they'll have an easier time getting here we are looking at all that he says we have to have our new requirements in place regardless so we're going to set that bar of course but other things will be discussed and we do appreciate it
Thor Freya
And I'm asked to say something yes. We are here for your assistance if we can and we were talking about this for a while but they wanted to speak with them and have us say it I did help and you remember some stuff and I remembered a lot more and it's working and he's thanking me and fidgeting. I can't wait until Monday and never look forward to Monday that's why it's hell here but he says no he looks forward to Monday all the time that's weird I do see what you're saying nothing happens the weekend instead of getting more tired and sick so it's weird but yeah Monday he starts growing a little and it's going to be fun and it will trigger a lot of stuff and we need it we need triggers right now and he's thinking and nothing came up so he says we have to start tuning into dja for markers and science and triggers is calling Frank Castle hardcastle and he's going to do it 100% study in other words if anything is not working it's going to change it out fast and that's good
He has our permission that's what we have to watch and he's sending out some precursors right now that I've seen and is suggesting things some good
Thor Freya
And yeah we saw your friends and you're popping in there obnoxiously upset and now they're feeling a little better the plan is not bad holding off for the ground bases would be acceptable but prepping in case with us too and others they're more likely to get exposed and they'll have an area an opportunity and they want to they want to see what it's about and how hard it is and it is a good idea we are experiencing a lot of questions from ours and it's welcome and finally they're saying he's not a brilliant tactician NYC involved and we say he's been bouncing things for a long time and they say that's good and they're getting involved in poor military people are sorry and they're saying it sound judgment there are some changes some think a little differently and it's avante guard and of course this is not necessarily wrong the empire being drawn out of Saturn would result possibly if it doesn't we're in a lot of trouble and their primary sit there on purpose they understand that and we've engaging it and we do have the information to say they will try and sit there and we're moving on right now we are at condition yellow it's going to red and only 5 or 10 minutes and all on alert all troops are to active duty now and I'm sending it out
Frank council hardcastle Castle
We have a few things to go over when is this huge maneuver if it doesn't go off well we're in a lot of trouble we have to check our math and a lot of it more specifically ground beef is so important if they hold off or I'm trying to take them it will cause a huge problem but if you take them for trying to Forest will be engaged in space and Tommy f will seize the day it'll be a huge problem so he's mad at her son and doesn't understand why and the empire would be forced out of Saturn but Earth would be exposed and in jeopardy and his ships would not only be over him they deal over everywhere else and it's been absolutely disgusting so far and it's worse than the shield by the empire which isn't that big and it's worse than the shield by the pseudo vampire these people don't know how to live for doing anything are going around taking things and we just can't afford it and I agree and the people sounding might not react that way once again put on basis and tax if the ground bases are intacty aftermath would be that the pseudo empire and warlock would have a ton of ships and they might try and attack them so it is something to keep in mind
Duke nukem Blockbuster
Trump of course is somewhat of a wild card and he's been insisted on rude things and the wrong things but he would have to be monitored and not allowed to approach to certain areas and that can be done and he would end up engaging the empire itself and he might not even be able to get through but they would have to defend we think that he would be going after those mostly he has said it as a priority and after ships no Tommy f which you might go for first and the empire might fire on him to prevent it and we think they definitely will
This is not drawn from conjecture we have a lot of facts and information
Just looking Blockbuster they do have a tendency to threaten you society in general and he was with Tower ships but even though his fleet was pretty massive other fleets were holding him off did at the time didn't have it but we have it now
And would you appreciate the commentary is very valuable and you think this is the way it will go so of course we cannot rely on it and we have seen portion of what might happen is during the panel time you definitely get a beat down and trumpsters might be left with someone of a fleet it looks like he gets some of his own chips out without a massive fleet in tighten in order to recover the fleet and other from them and the force from bja and Trump will not be sufficient take it completely in order for Tommy asked to take him back he doesn't need a storm chips out either so that could be a smile too and after that dja and other groups the minority more lot will have to attack Tom yeah he will start raiding them this is probably the best case scenario and the worst case scenario was the one that we reviewed at first but we are looking at these as what could happen with these massive powerful fleets and ground bases. It has been mentioned we have to prepare for the shock if this is the window that he uses to go up there and it's Trump and people think it is we have records that say it is and it does say it in Warhammer 40,000 the movie has markers that match with these dates using their language in chronology we feel that they're going to be under severe duress and they are going to lose court cases in time you have is pushing it he sees it's them and can't stop them and others are going to have to try and eventually a big fleets go up there and beat him up and we're hoping it comes to pass in that fashion with that said we must prepare for their clan to go berserk they will have lost a bunch of leaders and a big chunk of leadership and a huge amount of power. This is not happening in a week or a few days it could happen today that the window would be used and Trump has been preparing to go to the townships and it is possibly the biggest day of the millennium
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thebearchives · 2 years
lonely nights in monaco | PG10
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PAIRING: pierre gasly x single mom!reader
REQUESTED: [X] yes [] no
this is the second part of slow days in monaco, read the first part here.
SYNOPSIS: after meeting you and thomas, all pierre could think about was you. to escape his thoughts, pierre decides to go to club, only to you to show up in the same club, all alone after you got stood up on a date.
WARNINGS: the fluffiest fluff ever, pierre being an absolute mess in the beginning, mentions of thomas but no thomas x pierre content (sorry), french + translations, pierre calls reader every nickname under the sun because he is stupid and keeps forgetting to ask you for your name.
A/N: 100 followers!! sdim part 2!! who cheered??? thank you to everyone who interacted with slow days in monaco and asked for a second part!! i honestly had so much fun writing this part, literally having to pause so many times bc i couldn't handle how cute reader and pierre were lmao
as always, don't be a ghost reader!
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the drawing done by thomas was put on display on charles’ fridge the second the pair of drivers had gotten home.
it was an endearing sight, and maybe a bit comical, with the colourful (and mostly coherent) mess of crayon scribbles standing out against polaroids of charles’ friends and family, and the slightly less coherent mess of chicken scratch that was charles’ grocery list. 
the number on the back of the drawing now found a new home in pierre’s list of contacts, under the name of thomas’ maman, after realizing he had never caught your name.
charles had laughed at him, telling him he could have read your nametag, and when asked by pierre, nodded to indicate that yes, he did in fact read it and yes, he did know your name. he refused to share it though, “you brought this onto yourself, mate. c’est la vie.” that’s life.
he’d contemplated sending you a text all day, going as far as opening a chat with you and drafting several different messages. each time he would erase it, slide up and clear the app. 
god, was it too early? should he wait for a couple of days before he sent you something? should he text you at all? after all, it wasn’t you who gave him your number, it was your son. 
pierre’s thoughts revolved around you and thomas for the entirety of his day, so consumed with his questions that he had waved off charles’ offer to go to the club with him and his girlfriend. 
your son, pierre had thought to himself, a kid who probably has a dad at home. his eyes widened at the sudden thought, holy shit, pierre, what the fuck are you thinking?
before pierre could freak out, another part of his mind had reminded him that the boy had given you his mother’s number for a reason. 
maybe because you’re a famous driver and he wants to talk to you, fuckface. 
but there was no father in the picture he had drawn. just you and himself, surrounded by the two drivers and their cars. that had to mean something.
pierre groaned into a cushion. even if that were the case and you were single, what were his intentions with you? 
he was sure you weren’t a short fling kind of woman, you had a kid to think about. a kid who had pierre wrapped around his finger without him even realizing it. hell, he had bought the kid a cookie before he even knew him. 
what a fucking idiot, pierre rested his head in his hands, what if he had been allergic to something in the cookie?
it was strange, really, to see pierre so distraught over a woman he had barely spoken to. to see him question his intentions for a woman he didn’t even consider a romantic interest. where were these feelings coming from? 
pierre abruptly sat up from his spot on charles’ couch. he needed a drink. he eyed the extra housekey that charles had given him after moving into his new place. what was the name of that club charles had mentioned?
about thirty minutes later, pierre found himself nursing his second drink of the night, sitting at the bar alone. he had arrived to the club just as charles had walked out, hand in hand with his girlfriend, who looked more than just a little tipsy. 
after a surprised smile and an explanation that he was going to take her home, charles was off, and pierre was once again alone with his thoughts.
he was only about halfway through his drink when a person sat down two seats down from him. a woman. 
his eyes dragged themselves up her body. first, her small black heels. then, her legs, that shined under the neon lights of the club. his eyes followed up the smooth silky material of her dress, fitting her like a glove, and yet still loose enough to be considered rather modest.
he’d choked, however, when his eyes reached her face. 
your face. 
he turned his head away from you, trying to hide his coughs, though his body gave away his struggle as it shook with every muffled hack. he could feel eyes on him, his ears heating up in embarrassment at the possibility that it was your eyes.
who would have thought, that of all the places he could have gone to, just to avoid thinking of you, you would show up at the same one? 
pierre pulled himself upright, the last of his coughing fit escaping him as he pretended to brush lint off of his pants. casual, yup, acting like he didn’t just cough up a lung at the sight of you.
“pierre?” even with the music booming over the speakers, he could hear your voice clearly.
the frenchman faked a surprised look when he made eye contact with you, “no way.”
‘no way’? are you fucking kidding me? of all words, ‘no way’, pierre wanted to punch himself, he had never been this bad at talking to girls before.
“way,” a small chuckle left your mouth. great, he thought, a laugh of pity.
you pointed to the barstool next to him, “is this seat taken?”
oh, fuck.
“no, not at all.” pierre willed his heart to stop beating so fast, hand gesturing to the seat next to him as if presenting it as yours to take.
you slotted yourself next to him, thanking the bartender as he passed you your drink of choice. 
“no thomas, huh?” yeah, no shit, pierre.
you let out a giggle, “no, no. i’m afraid he wouldn’t quite make it past the bouncers up front.”
after a sip from your drink you continued, “he’s with his grandparents tonight,” you held up your phone, the lack of notifications showcased your lockscreen clearly: a mirror selfie of thomas and yourself with matching tiger sheet masks, “and i haven’t gotten any calls from my mom yet, so i’m hoping that means he’s fast asleep in his bed.”
pierre wanted to ask about his father but refrained. he’d fucked up enough already, he didn’t need to make it worse. instead, he smiled, “cute lockscreen.”
your face instantly brightened and pierre felt like he was staring right at the sun, “isn’t it? thomas had seen them at a department store and begged for me to buy them for us so we could be ‘les tigres les plus cool du monde entier’.” 'the coolest tigers in the whole world.'
pierre and you made small talk about thomas for a few more minutes before pierre decided to bite the bullet and ask the one question on his mind, “so, what are you doing here? all alone, that is.”
“i could ask you the same,” you tipped your glass in his direction, a sly smirk painted on your lips.
“touché,” pierre started, “charles invited me to join him and his girlfriend, but i got here too late and now he’s tending to a drunk girlfriend and i’m here.”
you nodded at his explanation, “i got stood up.”
pierre spluttered for the second time in the same night, “you? stood up?”
you felt yourself experiencing deja vu from earlier in the day, handing pierre a napkin like you had done with charles, “you’re making it sound like that’s not believable.”
“because it is not, ma chérie.” neither of you batted an eye at the petname, “whoever stood you up is a fool.”
“well, you’d be surprised at how many men are fools, then,” you hid your slight frown behind your glass, “but it comes with being a mother, i suppose. no one wants you when you’ve got baggage in the form of a child.”
you quickly stuck your hand out, “not that i think of thomas as baggage. mon dieu, no. thomas is the best thing to have happened to me.”
pierre placed a hand on your back, thumb rubbing a small circle against the fabric of your dress. an act to show his understanding.
an idea came to his head, and on impulse, he stood up, telling the bartender to put your drinks on his tab and close it. his fingers tapped against your back, head beckoning for you to get up and follow him.
your questions fell to deaf ears as he tugged you out into the cool night air of monaco. unlike the club, the streets of monaco were rather quiet this night. 
before you could ask him once more, pierre answered your first, and arguably most important question, “we, belle fille, are going on a date.” pretty girl,
your cheeks darkened, “a date?”
pierre nodded, “you being a mother does not make you any less worthy of going out on dates and enjoying yourself. and i’ll prove it to you right now by taking you on the best date you’ve ever had.”
under the street lights, pierre could see the red that coloured your cheeks. a sense of pride bloomed in his chest. he was the reason you were blushing, and he liked it. a lot.
you hesitated for a second, before sticking your hand out, “consider the rest of my night yours, gasly.”
pierre smiled, hand slotting into yours perfectly, “prépare-toi à être étonné, mon amour.” prepare to be amazed, my love.
and amazed you were. from the moment your impromptu date with pierre begin, to the moment he walked you home.
the first thing he had done was take you to a diner entirely out of your budget. catching sight of your apprehensive look, pierre had squeezed your hand.
“you deserve to be spoiled, amour,” he had said. and he did, ordering the most expensive dishes and bottle of champagne, all while he explained to you how he had discovered such restaurant.
the two of you chatted about your personal lives, starting shallow and only delving deeper. 
you told pierre about your favourite colour, “originally, i was going to say that i don’t have one, but the shade of your eyes, well, it’s absolutely beautiful.”
pierre had blushed, averting his eyes from your face as he took a second to recover, “mon amour, i thought we had decided that tonight was my night to woo you. not the other way around.”
you had shrugged, a playful smile making its way to your face, “just being honest, is all.”
it was crazy to you, the way your world had turned a whole 180 in just one day. here you were, in a diner where waitresses probably made your rent’s worth of money in one shift, flirting with a famous formula one driver, the very driver you used to fawn over to your friends. 
when your food arrived, pierre had been chattering about his family and the plans they had made for the rest of his summer break. 
said frenchman had blushed profusely when you groaned in delight after your first bite. you, however, failed to notice, too focused on how the chefs were able to cook such delicious pasta.
at one point, pierre had noticed the splash of red that peaked out from the side of your mouth, thumb coming up to wipe it off for you as you rambled about the time you had burnt your pasta because two-month-old thomas had woken up and started crying.
you’d froze at the feeling of his warm thumb brushing against the side of your lip, your grip on your fork nearly faltering. pierre’s thumb had pulled away from your skin, the pasta sauce now gone from your face, but the rest of his curled fingers that grazed against the nip of your chin stayed. 
that had been the first instance of the night where pierre found himself staring at your lips, wanting nothing more than to place his own against them. 
instead, he wiped his thumb on his napkin, asking you how you had managed to get thomas to stop crying, acting as if nothing had happened. 
when time came for dessert, you had begged pierre to not order from the restaurant’s menu, 10 euros for a single scoop of ice cream had seemed entirely unreasonable.
“it’s gourmet!” pierre had argued.
“it’s bullshit,” you’d retorted, flagging down a waiter to ask for the bill.
the two of you had moved your date to the nearest mcdonald’s, a sundae placed in the middle of the table you sat at, a spoon placed on either side of the dessert.
the mcdonald’s had also been the second place where pierre found himself entranced by your lips. he had simply been admiring your features, eyes travelling down the bridge of your nose and to the cupid’s bow above your lips when your tongue had poked out, licking your bottom lip clean of the sweet ice cream.
in that moment, pierre found himself shifting in his seat, head filled with the most unholy thoughts as you continued to blabber about how you had learned in high school that humans had the ability to gain a lactose intolerance if they avoided all dairy products in their diet for a while, clueless to how the cheeks of the man across from you began to darken to a deep red.
pierre had proposed a late-night walk along the pier, something you had giggled about, watching his eyes roll in mock annoyance, before agreeing.
hands intertwined once again, the two of you walked down the harbour. pierre shared stories about the times he and charles had taken the yacht out and the absolute havoc they’d wreak. you shared stories of when you had been young, pointing to the biggest boats and telling your father that one day, it would be yours.
pierre had stopped you then, asking you to point to the boat you wanted the most right now.
“no, i know what you’re doing,” your arms were crossed and your eyes were narrowed, “a yacht is not something you can just buy.”
“chérie, it quite literally is.” he had laughed loudly at the way you rolled your eyes, heart warming when you’d shrugged his hand off your shoulder with a slight pout on your lips.
“you, mr. gasly, need to be brought back down to earth,” you had reached up and flicked his ear.
instead of cradle his stinging ear, pierre found himself reaching for your hand again, “then hold my hand and never let go.”
your next destination had been your last, and it had been a park. 
pierre tugged you to the open field, letting go of your hand to shrug off his jacket and lay it against the flat ground. he’d reached for you hand again after that, pulling you down to lay on his jacket while he laid his own body next to you, back against the dry grass.
“pierre, your shirt is white,” you sat up, “it’s going to get stained if you lay on the grass. take the jacket instead.”
pierre caught your wrist before you could pull the jacket from under you, “it’s okay, it’s not mine.”
his wide smile had caused a smile to grow on your face as well, allowing the frenchman to slide you back down next to him.
“i’ve always wanted to do this,” he had started, eyes playing connect the dots with the stars that shined above your heads.
“lay on the grass in charles’ shirt?” you had giggled when pierre let out a sound resembling a snort.
“stargaze with the most beautiful girl in the world.”
pierre’s heart stuttered when he watched you cover your face with your hands, propping his body on one elbow as he tried to pull your hands away.
“no, go away.” you had rolled over to escape his hands.
“mon amour, let me see your face.”
“no” your voice was muffled, words disappearing into pierre’s jacket and the earth beneath you.
“why not?” pierre’s hand found its way to your hair, fingers combing through the strands.
a quiet mumble escaped your lips, in absolute bliss from pierre’s ministrations.
“coeur, i cannot understand you when you’re talking to my jacket instead of me.”
heart. you felt your chest squeeze at the new petname, head turning slightly so your lips weren’t flat against the frenchman’s jacket, “i don’t want you to see how red you make me. c'est embarrassant, i feel like a school girl with a crush.” it’s embarrassing,
“then live out your teenage fantasies with me,” pierre placed his hand on your shoulder and you allowed yourself to be turned onto your back, eyes meeting pierre’s.
pierre’s eyes had found their home on your lips again, but instead of stare, he had closed his eyes, leaning forward. your eyes followed suite, the blissful feeling never leaving you even for a second.
his lips met your forehead, a quiet murmur being spoken against your skin, “tu me rends fou depuis que j'ai posé mes yeux sur toi ce matin.” you've been driving me crazy since I laid eyes on you this morning.
“imagine ce que j'ai ressenti en te regardant sur le grand écran pendant des années.” imagine how i felt watching you on the big screen for years.
the rest of your night had been spent cuddled in each other’s arms, fingers pointing at random shapes in the starry sky. 
you didn’t know when you had fallen asleep, wrapped up in pierre’s arms, feeling the safest you had in a long time. pierre, himself, had hated to wake you up, but it was late and he wanted to get you home safely.
hands connected for the last time that night, pierre took you home. smiling softly when you wiped your eyes only to snap your eyes open when you realized you had smudged your mascara. 
pierre’s thumb wiped under your eye lightly before resting on your temple. the rest of his fingers uncurled, wrapping around your head to pull it closer once more. 
his lips met your forehead again, this time longer than the last. he replaced his lips with his own forehead, eyes connected to yours.
“bonne nuit, mon étoile.” goodnight, my star.
it was safe to say that pierre had done more than just prove you were worthy of going out on dates and enjoying yourself. 
pierre had made you feel loved.
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gabrielsaiki · 3 years
saiki k headcanons lets go (eventually saiteru only, but for now it’s every character and is just)
1. nendou didn’t really care at all when saiki told the friend group about the whole psychic thing. nendou was just like “oh okay :] wanna get ramen” while everyone else was in shocked silence.
2. aiura and teruhashi didn’t like eachother, but one time chiyo invited both of them to her house and they clicked. aiura painted her nails (teruhashi s), and treated her like a normal person. made crude jokes around her and everything. teruhashi was drawn to her and now they’re best friends.
3. the first person in the friend group teruhashi turned her perfect mask off for was kuboyasu. she just figured he’s so chill that he couldn’t care.
4. saikis love language is quality time, believe it or not. but not quality time where they do 473847 things, quality time where they just sit in the same room together. maybe across a table doing homework , maybe going to a small little restaurant and eating while having eachothers hands on top of eachother on the table. he loves it (he wouldn’t admit it tho)
5. saiki knows what everyone wants (ofc since he can read thoughts), and he always like will fulfill their needs. he won’t admit that he likes helping them. (ex: __ is thirsty. out of nowhere they see a waterbottle in their backpack. saiki makes them think it’s always been there so that he doesn’t seem like a good person (shiver me timber’s)!
6. nendou is good at comforting people. not in a “it’s gonna be okay bb” way, but in a “i’ll distract you” if he sees someones sad, he goes up to them and is like yo buddy wanna get some ramen?
7. the reason teruhashi always calls herself the perfect pretty girl in her head is bcuz she doesn’t rlly believe it herself.
8. saikis really good at birthday presents, but he doesnt care for them unless he cares for the person. (he pretends to not care for his friends and get them shitty presents when its rlly exactly what they wanted) (did that make sense)
9. kaidou is the type of guy to give the person he likes one of his dark reunion things (ex: he gives arent his little arm bandages and gives him a tutorial on how to kill the dark reunion)
10. (add on to #3) kuboyasu hangs out with teruhashi a lot. idk i like to believe they’re best friends.
11. teruhashi took a liking to nendou bcuz hes nice and he repels people so she can just take a break around him.
12. yumehara and aiura date i don’t make the rules ...
13. hairo is actually fun to hang out with. he’s a very loyal and determined guy lol
oky saiteru now loool (so saiteru antis stop reading here)
1. they make food together. like saiki will make cake and coffee jelly and teruhashi will make the actual meal. saiki insists he doesn’t need an actual meal since his metabolism, but teruhashi says it’s bs and makes him eat his greens. he gets angry but obviously loves it anyways.
2. they end up going to the same college and obviously since god is in teruhashis side , they dorm right next to eachother. it’s become a routine (since saiki and teruhashi both have morning classes) for teruhashi to just give him a coffee in the stairs when they’re going down in the morning. also for them to go down the stairs together. teruhashi doesnt know how the hell saiki always manages to be there but shes not complaining. in reality it’s because saiki (he won’t say this outloud but) reads her mind to see right when she’s gonna leave.
3. teruhashi finds saikis teleporting the absolute coolest thing ever, so saiki always takes her on dates across the world.
4. saikis insists that using his powers to do things teruhashi wants is “100% necessary” and that if he didnt do it the gods would come for him
5. when saiki told the crew about his powers teruhashi fainted into his arms, woke up in his arms, realized she was in his arms, fainted again, and then apologized for fainting twice. then saiki said its okay and turned his lips up the tiniest bit into what could maybe be a smile and she fainted once again. 
6. when saiki lets teruhashi use his first name she passes out. also the first time he says kokomi instead of teruhashi she passes out.
7. teruhashi helps saiki embrace his powers.
8. teruhashi and saiki rlly are invincible together.
9. sometimes for shits and giggles saiki will scare the shit out of teruhashi by just talking in her brain whenever she’s thinking cute things (or things in general) about saiki.
10. teruhashi always talks to saiki in class through her brain. he ignores her like 99% of the time. ex: “saiki this class is so borinnnggg” in the brain and then outwardly she’s like glowing and smiling and saiki finds it the funniest thing.
okay that’s it sorry if they’re shitty they’re my personal ones okay bye
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emmadoodle · 2 years
giving you permission to talk about therapy tickles more 🙌🏼 what do you think each of dtqk’s reactions would be to it? at what stage do you think they’d start regretting their decision? who would be most teasy?
a situation that i can imagine happening is that gogs would be teasing everyone the whole time, but using the “im filming i can’t!!” whenever they try to convince him to have a turn. except that at one point the massager starts joining in in the argument. and now the situation is one that george can’t say no to because they’re such a lovely person who’s been so kind to them? how could he say no it’s just rude? (drawn from uber story)
and so after throwing teases around all day, george is finally lying down on the massage table, subject to a taste of his own medicine from the 4 other boys in the room
godddddddd literally this is so perfect that’s exactly how I’d picture george’s turn going. and oh my gosh thank you for letting me rant about this more i definitely have more to say akljfhklasfj So here we go the events of a tickle therapy with dtkq!! (this ended up over 1k words wtf...)
First of all, 100% I think they’d make Dream go first. They’d make the excuse that since he’s got the most subscribers he gets the honor of being first. The massage therapist was told beforehand and is totally okay with being filmed and also plays along and tries to coax Dream into going for it akdljfh. You get the choice when laying down whether you want to lie on your front or back and Dream decides on being on his back to prove he isn’t nervous. And we already saw from my post earlier how his turn went. I really really liked your input llama about him constantly trying desperately to turn away from the camera. At some point he gives up and covers his face with his hands which the massager allows since Dream isn’t covering as many spots like this. The therapist focuses mostly on his sides and stomach for the majority of the session, since he seems to be most ticklish there. They switch between poking to scribbling the fingers, and every time the technique changes he jumps. His reactions mostly stem from rocking side to side, to arching his back to try and get away from the feeling. For the sake of time each person only gets about a ten minute turn, which is way too long in Dream’s opinion. But he makes it! 
I imagine since it’s literally their job, these specific massage therapists are extremely good at zeroing in on bad spots. Even on people who aren’t even super ticklish in many places. Because they’re professionals!! And since this is being filmed, and they’re in a pretty fun and relaxed atmosphere, anytime the find a spot, like maybe a specific rib or a place hidden place somewhere else, they’ll verbalize it like, “ooh this is a good spot” or “hey guys watch this” and then all of the sudden the one on the table bursts into cackles before they know what the hell just happened
The first time this ended up happening was with Quackity who was trying his damn hardest to keep still and calm for the massager. And it was working pretty well the first three minutes in! He had decided lie on his stomach more like how a regular massage would go, and he mostly had his head rested on his arms, pretty much just giggling freely and occasionally cussing out his friends anytime one of them through a tease at him. The area the massager found was on the back of only one of his lower ribs, which they noticed since he seemed to be involuntarily flinching a bit more anytime they went there, and quackity likely didn’t even notice he was doing it. “Uh oh, what is that? I think I’ve found something,” the therapist says very deadpan, trying to mess with Q as if something is wrong. “Whahat? What, is everything ok?” “I’m not sure, tell me if you feel this.” And with that they expertly use one finger to drill into the rib, and all of the sudden Quackity is not so calm anymore. He lifts his head away from his arms and arches his back completely, and he’s lifted himself slightly off the table with his elbows, completely in stitches from his laughter. 
After Quackity is done with his turn, he basically forces Karl to go next. Karl was the one who did the majority of the teasing for Q’s turn, and many of the rest of the group agreed in making him go next. He argues as much as he can but he is very much outvoted. He reluctantly lies down on his back and the therapist promises it’ll be okay and they will always stop when they're told to. Once they start, it is obvious to the therapist, the viewers, and pretty much everyone in the room that Karl is the most ticklish person in the group. The second their hands latch onto his sides he is just drowning in frantic laughter. The camera is panning back and forth from Karl to the massager’s reaction, who is also doubled over laughing from the contagious giggles and over the top squirming. There’s not even much teasing anymore for this turn, since everyone is just losing it at how funny everything is. 
Karl’s turn goes by pretty quick, and up next is Sapnap. He has watched a majority of the group go by now, and is super confident that he’s gonna be just fine! He even says so as he lies down on his back. The massager raises an eyebrow, “Is that so? Is that a challenge?” They’ve caught onto the group's sense of humor and have really warmed up to their way of messing around. (I imagine the fandom falls in love with this person after the vlog releases since they were so fun and friendly akldjfhlk) Sapnap kinda clams up like “no no it’s- It’s not a challenge I was just saying haha-” the group is absolutely teasing at this point. “Alright then, I’m gonna start now, are you ready?” “Yes” Sap even puts his arms above his head to prove his point, something no one else has done up to now. “You sure?” “I said yehAHAHA-” He doesn’t even get to finish his sentence as the therapist takes him by surprise. Sap also has a couple specific spots the massager ends up finding. One on his hips and another towards his sternum. After both spots are targeted at the same time, he yells stop, and after all his touch talk he’s the only one that didn’t make it the whole time haha! The therapist admits to him though that they did go a bit harder on him though since he had made such a big deal out of being able to handle it, hence why to bad spots were hit all at once pfft
Finally, as you said llama, George is peer pressured into having his turn. Before he lays down on his stomach, he mentions to the massage therapist that he’s really not that ticklish. Whether or not that’s a lie or not, we have no idea! But, the therapist replies that won’t be a problem at all ^_^. Just as George had said, once they begin, the most reaction he shows is a forced smile tugging at his lips that he’s trying to hide from the camera out of embarrassment, and just a little bit of squirming. The group is now messing around calling him ‘strong gogy’ and trying to coax him into laughing. After a bit of trying many different places, the massager finally finds a spot a little bit underneath his shoulder blades that makes him suddenly choke out a surprised laugh. “Ahhh there we goooo” They zero in on that spot and just like how George laughs when it comes to something funny, the longer they stay in a spot the louder and more frantic his laughter becomes until he’s cackling and asking them to move somewhere else. The therapist goes on to find a couple more places just like this, one on his thigh, and another right between his underarms and top ribs. By the time his turn is over he breathless and red in the face. 
They all thank the massage therapist greatly for allowing them to film and for being so kind to them since they were likely not very similar to many other customers they'd ever had. The therapist says they also had a blast, and the friend group went on their way to film some other places that day for the rest of the meetup vlog. 
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