supposedlyahuman · 7 months
tw: Examples of reblog bait/people trying to guilt others into reblogging stuff. I am not actually saying the things below, they're just examples that I have seen.
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I fucking hate when people say stuff like this. Especially when it's on a generally good post with valuable information. On the one hand I want to share that information because it could genuinely help someone; on the other, I don't want to spread this type of guilt-tripping and shaming and potentially trigger someone else like me. It's a lose-lose situation. No matter what I do, I am going to feel guilty. No matter what I do, I will feel like a terrible person. It sucks and I just wish people would stop doing this. I know it's shocking, but it is actually possible to make an important and useful post without guilting everyone that sees it into sharing.
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neurospicyyy · 8 months
• Fidgeting and stuttering do NOT always indicate that someone is nervous.
• Avoiding eye contact does NOT always mean someone is lying.
• Having a hard time focusing does NOT always mean someone is lazy.
• Carrying around a stuffed animal or blanket does NOT make someone childish.
• Poor motor skills is NOT a direct indication of intelligence.
Not everyone fits into your box. Deal with it.
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bl0w-m3 · 10 months
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ghostslimu · 1 year
you will never be a bad person for not reblogging a post on tumblr, please remember that
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latenightsundayblues · 9 months
How bout that hoffman? How about THEM apples?
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identitty-dickruption · 2 months
relatedly, I think that some of the most extreme takes about morality and relationships and "being a good person" come from people with undiagnosed/unrecognised/mismanaged obsessive thinking. and that, here on the social internet, we often all do a really good job at fuelling each other's worst obsessive tendencies*
*in case this breaks containment: this is coming from someone with OCD. I have been diagnosed for several years now and have been thinking about this a lot
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ialwayseattherude · 14 days
I think the difference between Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham's thought processes is rejection and denial of intrusive thoughts. Let me explain. Will Graham has an almost inhumanly quick mind, forming connections and thoughts that spread nearly everywhere. "My thoughts are often not tasty." Yes, because your mind covers so much ground per minute that it's bound to discover some very unsavory things in the process. Will is conditioned to react badly to those ideas, from the society he was raised in and the people who surround him. This denial of his own thoughts, this rejection of what he's thinking about, this is what separates him from Hannibal. Hannibal has an equally quick-witted mind, but unlike Will, he doesn't mind where it strays, even when it goes dark. He relishes it, explores those places thoroughly, without hinderance of social taboo. And Hannibal recognizes that same mind in Will, and he wants, in a way, to set him free from the confines that keep him afraid.
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ed-recoverry · 3 months
This post exempts you from any and all “If you don’t ___ this post, ____ will happen.” You are hereby immune to it all. You are now protected! Be free!
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girljeremystrong · 1 year
i love tumblr because you can post something like 'i hope my best friend's boyfriend dies' and everyone agrees and nobody tells you you're crazy
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barbieaemond · 1 month
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bogkeep · 2 months
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thoughts, repeating.
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morsobaby · 1 year
Remember to support severely mentally ill people this pride month btw!! If someone's identity is caused by delusions that's not your fucking place to come tell them they're wrong. If someone's identity is caused by trauma that's none of your fucking business. If someone identifies with one label due to comfort or shared experiences even though some other label would "fit better" don't fucking comment. And leave those fucking plural and autistic Xenogender people, whose genders revolve around their headspace, alone!
We need to be aware and willing to accept that mental illness does often affect one's queerness and is often in a complex relationship with it. You do not!! Get a free pass to invalidate someone's identity based on their mental or physical health.
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
Not trying to be rude or anything but you shouldn't use the word 'manic' or 'manic period' etc. unless you actually have manic/depressive episodes because it downplays how severe those disorders can actually be. They're just words but unlearning harmful terminology like that can help destigmatise mental illness and I would hope youi would want to do that.
yeah it's almost like i used those words specifically because i DO understand how severe they are
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samdeancrimespree · 2 months
very small detail in mystery spot… but the very first tuesday sam goes to brush his teeth and there’s toothpaste like all over the tube and it’s mostly empty. and he looks at dean like “seriously?” and dean shrugs. then after dean dies, during the montage of sam living alone on his revenge mission, there’s a shot of him brushing his teeth and the toothpaste tube is clean. the trunk is organized, the photos on the wall are lined up, the guns are spotless, the bed is made. the toothpaste tube is clean. dean was always the one who made the motel room a home, made it messy, made it lived in. there’s no mess. there’s no dean. sam doesn’t know how to do that. he’s never needed to. maybe never even noticed that’s what dean was doing; he was too busy complaining about his dirty clothes being everywhere.
it is so extremely codependent how sam’s ocd behaviours spike when dean is gone. like dean is his emotional support animal. “we keep each other human” in a very non-supernatural way. sam can only function on a normal level if he knows dean is ok. no one and nothing can drag sam out of that spiral other than dean, because there’s no reason to get out of the spiral if dean isn’t there. sam calls dean selfish for making the deal not because sam wouldn’t do the same thing, but because the prospect of living without dean is hell to him.
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anna-the-undertaker · 1 month
Female MC was raised by an OCD mom and is appalled by the state of the House of Lamentation. So she conscrpts the boys and teaches them how to properly clean EVERYTHING. The boys are all exhausted and scattered throughout the house by the time they are finished. Barbatos came to visit and was starstruck by the change.
Barbatos: I have never seen the House of Lamentation this clean before... I guess it just needed a woman's - "
MC shoves a pointed finger at him: Don't even finish the sentence that is about to come out of your mouth. They are all grown. They have existed longer than my entire bloodline and should have known how to clean up after themselves instead of behaving like toddlers.
Barbatos, turned on, whispers in MC's ear: True. Why dont you come with me to the castle so that I may reward you... personally.
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om1shi · 9 days
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obsessive compulsive disorder
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