thoughtswordsaction · 8 months
Dez Dare Shared Second Single From Forthcoming New Album
Photo courtesy of the band. UK psych-punk Dez Dare shares a new single and video today from his forthcoming album A Billion Goats. A Billion Sparks. Fin. Watch & share “10,000 Monkeys + An Argument with Time” via Austin Town Hall HERE and via YouTube HERE & hear on all DSPs HERE. Austin Town Hall calls it a, “more pensive piece, culling some heavy riffs into this almost spasming bit of…
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transsexualfiend · 1 month
Cripplepunk, madpunk, and neuropunk aren't just "I'm disabled and also left-leaning". It's a specific realm of activism rooted in dismantling the systems that put disabled, mad, sick, etc folks at a disadvantage in society. This mean not only being against the very systems that harm us but also understanding their colonial origins and continued racist legacies. (Anti-ableism, anti-sanism, anti-psych, etc). This means not only just identifying and finding pride in your disability but also building and constantly evolving your understanding of disability and diversity and learning how you can change your worldview to accurately highlight the struggles of disabled people. (EVEN if it sometimes means you will be uncomfortable or unsure of unlearning some kinds of hate.)
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
this disability pride month, remember our loved ones who are locked up, institutionalized, and incarcerated. Remember our loved ones who are in carceral group homes that wouldn't pass the burrito test. Remember our loved ones who are cut off from disability community and forcibly isolated through the violent ableism of these institutions. Disability solidarity means that we must create these community connections that transgress these barriers and lets our loved ones know that they are valued, important, and that we are fighting for their freedom.
This disability pride month, send a care package to your local psych ward or residential treatment facility.
Find a program to write letters to people incarcerated in your local prisons and jails.
Support patient organizing, prison protests, and advocacy for independent living.
This disability pride month, commit to fighting for abolition of all forms of incarceration, from psych wards to residential treatment to prisons.
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the-alarm-system · 1 month
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yellowyarn · 2 months
wish people we're normal about self-harm.
can we please let people exist as self harmers without telling them they are wrong/bad for self harming or not wanting to "recover" (at all or in the expected way)? can we let people talk about it without telling them their too triggering all the time? can we let people and art exist with scars without requiring them to warn everyone that their body is too disturbing for people? can we stop trying to categorise reasons/types of self harm as (more) acceptable and unacceptable? can we stop shaming people for not taking meds or doing therapy?
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This shouldn't even be need to be said but don't fucking report people who express being suicidal. I don't care how much you think you're doing it for someone's own good, it does NOT help us it only harms further
You are ACTIVELY harming those people when you try to be a goody two-shoes and tell on them when they get suicidal
Don't fucking report them to social media app features that have the report for self harm option. Don't fucking call a suicide hotline on them. Don't fucking report them to therapists, paychiatrists, cops, controlling parents or partners
It does not matter how uncomfortable it makes you - this isn't ABOUT you - it doesn't matter how much it goes against your cute little saviour complex thinking you're being oh such a wonderful kind heroic person by "saving" someone from themself.
When you report a person to any of those places it heavily risks hospitalisation and incarceration. Where I live it's technically still a crime to attempt suicide, they never overturned the law. And if you think being in a ward might help them - do everyone a favour and go check out the actual conditions in the wards and talk to psych survivors about how they actually are. Otherwise shut up about things you have no experience with.
Everyone should have a right to autonomy, especially bodily autonomy, and you don't have to like what they do with their own body for you to know not to take that away from someone. It's not your place to judge, it's not okay to be moralistic about bodily autonomy suddenly because you can't handle the reality of mentally ill people.
And it's not fucking okay to lock us in and remove us from society just because our disorders are too fucking ugly for you to look at.
If you absolutely have to help just talk to a suicidal person if they're up to it, just ask them what will help, and if you can't do that then leave us the fuck alone you snitches
And don't come at me with the law, if you had to be an ally to mentally ill people, to queer people, to women, to any kind of marginalised people, historically a lot of it has always included standing against the law and with us.
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cistematicchaos · 7 months
The psych ward was hell for so many different reasons (most of the staff hated Mad people, the food was mostly inedible, it was a glorified prison, ect) but one of the worst parts for me was how inaccessible it was as a physically disabled person.
I wasn't allowed to have my cane or my earplugs (both of which I need), I was "required" to shower daily or get marked as "noncompliant" even though I have severe pain issues that make that near impossible, walking was a constant requirement because not only were there "meetings" and "classes" that you attended or got marked "noncompliant" but if you needed water or I dunno help you had to walk to the front desk and ask. You also had to walk to the nurse's desk and stand in line to get medicine or get marked as "noncompliant" because she sure as hell wasn't going to bring it to you.
I was constantly getting both my glasses and my sunglasses taken from me by people who did not believe I needed them and the chairs were all hard plastic that did not work well with a broken body.
They also did not keep food allergies in mind and lactose intolerance also did not count as an allergy so that was hell too.
I have chronic migraines but "wasn't allowed" to take any medicine for it unless I wanted one ibuprofen. There were also windows everywhere and no curtains which went beautifully with super bright lights, so I never ever felt like I wasn't dying from a migraine and general light sensitivity. There were no quiet rooms, no dark rooms, nothing but light and loud. I was also taken off all my pain meds for over a day because they "weren't sure" if I "actually needed them" and I was taken off my heart medicine repeatedly because they really just thought I was too young for that.
I was given a walker instead of my cane, which does not work the same, and doctors constantly kept trying to take it away because "you don't really need that, do you?". There was often not enough space in certain areas for my walker which made me extra vulnerable because when I was being harassed by people, I couldn't just walk away and staff was pretty much useless.
Not to mention, we were "encouraged" to wake up at five in the morning every day and if we didn't, it would get written down, which is wild because my pain meds require I get a certain amount of sleep or they fuck me up.
It would've been hell even if I wasn't physically disabled but I am and all I could think the whole time was about people who had worse physical disabilities than me and needed more support and accessibility and how they would get or did get treated in places like this. There was almost no consideration all the time and staff was actively hostile over it.
A bunch of psych wards refused me as a patient because my files show I'm physically disabled. What are we supposed to do? Where the fuck do they think we can go?
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postpunkindustrial · 1 month
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Chrome - Alien Soundtracks LP
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whereserpentswalk · 8 months
People will really be out here like "this new medication is great and helpful it just has a few side effects that are totally normal and shouldn't mean I should stop taking them..." and then describe side effects that would get you involuntarily hospitalized if they came from a mental illness instead of medication.
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quick-catton · 7 months
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barry's new movie 'bird' launches at a festival this week which means HOPEFULLY we get a trailer/release date soon and i am so ready
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pop-punklouis · 2 months
so what do we think HS4 and LT3 are gonna sound like? what are the vibes?
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homoeroticgrappling · 7 months
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A very evil wrestling weekend
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sanjiaftersex · 22 days
Punk Hazard children & sanji
People like to say sanji was ooc/rude/selfish in the scene of biscuit room but I'd say that sanji wasn't any of those at all and he was right on point as usual
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Now onto the scene, they were all asking around as to what that place was, a nursery? A daycare? A hospital? (See? speculation because the children were healthy and happy playing in a safe environment). Now Let's analyze the situation :
Context for the children : Sanji explicitly says that they didn't know if the kids're there for treatment or not... sanji's logic seemed reasonable to me because a hospital/treatment facility would be a boring place for a child and they'd naturally be homesick and wanna go outside (even if it's dangerous). They didnt know what was going on with the children. They didn’t even know about the existence of Caesar. Hell, they didnt know Caesar was a bad person until Chopper discovered drugs in the candy much much later. Also sanji's reasoning was explicitly stated, and even Nami agreed with him on the very next panel
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context for the enemy : They had ZERO context at the time. Even if punk hazard was Sketchy and something WAS going on for sure, they didnt know what type of enemies they'll be facing. They didnt know about Caesar or doflamingo or who is there. Moreover sanji was the main combatant in that group and he had the responsibility of keeping them safe. And with sanji's tendency and foresight to take every possible bad outcome into consideration (that has saved the strawhats' butts several times that i wont elaborate here), it was obvious that he wouldn't take these children with them. Sanji is kind, not dumb.
Risk for the children : Again, when they realized it was a hospital, from their pov, it was a specialized facility for children with a rare disease. And taking 'patients' out of their safe sterilized environment could even kill those patients (they could get infected and/or spread the disease to others), esp in an island like punk hazard where it's like a warzone outside, half of the island is tundra while the other half is covered in LAVA. I'd say NAMI was the irrational one in that situation, because she decided to just barge outside in the snow with a bunch of supposedly sick kids not appropriately dressed or prepared for the weather. If kinemon did not have his dressup ability, the kids would've died from hypothermia. Secondly, The kids were very easy targets (given some of them are LARGE sized and they are literal CHILDREN) and if you consider vergo Monet etc showing up attacking the kids, all of the children would be dead INCLUDING THE STRAWHATS.
The children's condition : the group did break the children out and what happens? When the kids start going through withdrawals, they start attacking them. If Law wasnt present to form alliance and take chopper inside to find the antidotes... the children, nami usopp all would be dead because of nami's rash decision. They didn't even know how to restrain those children and almost died like 20 minutes into rescuing them.
The pirate stigma : even nami says it as she hands over the kids to tashigi (navy). A pirate crew carrying a bunch of children would just bring more risk and problems for both parties involved. (Again, she was impulsive in the biscuit room). They would be kidnappers if shit actually was different.
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At the same time sanji is the one who risked his life to save the men and tashigi from the gas. He fought vergo, he saved kinemon, he protected his friends, he was perfect.
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
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Image description: [ a photo of the Psych Survivor zine in a bush of ivy. The cover is a collage made out of medical records, vintage flower drawings, and magazine letters spelling “psych survivor zine".]
Hello everyone! I am so thrilled to announce the launch of the psych survivor zine, now available to download on www.psychsurvivorarchive.com.
A little bit about this project:
The Psych Survivor Archive is an abolitionist organization deeply invested in mad liberation and cross-movement organizing.
We host two projects: the Psych Survivor Zine and the Digital Story Archive. The Psych Survivor Zine celebrates Mad art in volumes released twice a year, with thematic prompts for each edition. The Digital Story Archive is a more informal forum for psych survivors to write about our lives and share as much as we want, when we want, how we want. 
Through this archive, I hope to create a platform where psych survivors are believed and the psych system is held accountable for the ways it has harmed us. Our pain, resistance, knowledge, and grief are worth listening to, and I offer up this archive as a communal method of bearing witness. 
This space is for the imperfect crazy person, the noncompliant patient, those of us who trash our rooms in the psych ward and yell to ourselves on the street. This space is for our comrades still incarcerated in all kinds of institutions and prisons. This space is for anyone who has been harmed by the psychiatric system and wants to rage about it–and this space is for anyone who doesn’t have the words to talk about it. 
This space is for you.
You can download a pdf and an image described pdf for free on the website, or order a physical copy! This zine is incredible-featuring artwork by 13 different Mad artists, the 55 page zine includes collages, poems, harm reduction toolkits, and more!!
Artists include @kihnindewa, @bioethicists, @gothhabiba and @librarycards, among many more!
This project has been really vulnerable and cathartic with me, and I am so excited to share it with you. Feel free to explore the website, submit your story, and check out our resource guide.
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the-alarm-system · 3 months
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Systempunk: A term or Subculture surrounding the liberation of plurals and the critique of psychiatry. We're outspoken on how the psych community mistreats us and how we will force the breaking of the chains that continuously fakeclaim or harm us whenever we do something singlets/psychiatrist do not like. We have been silenced and told that if we are open, it is a sign of us lying. We have been forced to follow the strict guidelines of the dsm5 in order to avoid being told that our experiences are false. We have been forced into psychiatric wards and abused because we are not singlet. We have been the face of the liars for too long, plural liberation is something we must push. The future is plural.
Meaning of the flag:
Brown and Black: The POC-bodied systems who are put down by both the community and the society around them. POC-bodied systems who have had their diagnosis's rejected due to their race. POC-bodied systems who have a cultural origin or connection and are hurt because of it. POC-bodied systems who are appropriated by other systems and are not listened to. POC-bodied systems who are hurt by the white dominated psychiatric system. POC-bodied systems who deserve to be heard and understood.
Purple stripe: Endogenic Solidarity, allyship, love, liberation. Endogenic systems are continuously harmed by antis who remain uncritical of psychiatry, are against the liberation of plurals, and deny a plural future in order to push singlethood onto others. Endogenic systems are also used in a lot of fakeclaiming content made by singlets and psychiatrist despite the research that supports their existence. It's because singlet society hates plurals and hates any form of existence we have. Love your endogenic siblings. They are the diverse experiences of plurality, they have helped us through so much.
Yellow Stripe: Disordered and traumagenic system solidarity and liberation. Disordered systems are horribly abused by the psych system, we make up most of those hospitalized and we are put down as too crazy to make our own decisions. Even if our existence is from trauma or a disorder, we shouldn't be forced into a singlet cure, we deserve autonomy.
Pink stripe: Abolition of psychiatric wards used to abuse us, hide us away, and silence us. Our autonomy is stolen from them, we deserve resources that help us instead of force us into a place that fucking hates us.
White stripe: Psych-critical beliefs or Anti-psych beliefs, despite their differences we still stand together against the harms of the psychiatric system. ACAB included in this.
Barbed wire: Anti-fakeclaim culture, systems deserve to be believed. Pro-plural protection. Protect another no matter your beliefs, cops and psych wards fucking hate us and want us dead, protect those you love. protect the closeted, protect all systems.
Fangs: Fight for your existence, be loud about it, write essays, make art, do whatever you can. Force plural liberation down the throats of singlets. Force the future to be plural.
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yellowyarn · 7 months
people will be all like "don't make jokes about mental illnesses!", "stop being weird about psychotic or manic people" and then turn around and make a post about a person they saw who was psychotic, manic, etc. and laugh at them and tell their friends about how craaazy of an experience it was.
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