#Reaper! Ghost
harveywritings92 · 1 year
{Reaper pact au: Soap visits R/n in the Hospital after breaking her wrist tripping on her untied shoelace, This takes place before R/n makes a pact with Reaper! Ghost.}
R/n, to Soap: I’ve been in 40 accidents just this month alone. The Gods must have a plan for me.
{Neither mortal notices the dark spectral being leaning against the doorway, watching them with a bored expression.] 
Ghost, speaking over Soap: Yeah, but I keep failing because you come out alive every time.
R/n: What?
{Ghost perks up, did she hear him just now?...]
Soap: What?
R/n:...You said something right?
Soap: I said some force out there really must really get they’re jollies off watching ye get hurt...
R/n: No, yo...
(She realizes that wasn’t Soap’s voice she heard.)
R/n: Uh, Never mind, I think the pain killers are just making me tired...
{The two go back to chatting.)
Ghost, stares at R/n intrigued: Hmmm, That’s new...
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Reaper! Ghost (Part 2 of ?)
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
You both agree that your being able to perceive him is impossible.  
He shouldn’t be anything to you but a distant future, an errant possibility when you cross the street, or, at worst, someone to curse at when a loved one is taken away.
But, despite all of it, you see him.  It should be impossible, but you can see him.  So that’s what you work with.    
And despite it all, he doesn’t struggle to convince you of who he is.  He doesn’t need to.  With the way he looks, with how he speaks…nothing about him is human or normal.  
Most importantly, nothing is normal about the way the doctors and nurses walk through him.  When you’re told about all your injuries, your surgery, the scars you’ll carry on your body from the accident, he averts his eyes, then walks to the window looking lost in thought.   
What does Death think about, you wonder.  And why is he here?
But you also have questions.
Whatever roils within him is kept suppressed, and when he answers you, it’s with gruffness and stoicism, barely speaking in full sentences.  He clears his throat a lot and his voice sounds hoarse.  
Disuse, you guess.  Who befriends Death, after all? 
He tells you that he wears dark jeans and a hoodie because he can, and that carrying a scythe is impractical.  He tells you he doesn’t know what comes after you die—it’s not like he can ask anyone—and his job is only to reap, and that the kiss of Death is real.   
That one makes you pause, then blush.  You hope it escapes his attention.
In hushed, stilted tones, you tell him about yourself.  He doesn’t say much, but his dark eyes are keen and sharp, and they hold your attention absolutely.  He doesn’t look away from you, not once, and at some point during the hours you speak, he sits on the visitor’s chair beside you.  An action so human, so normal, that it makes you falter mid-sentence.
You ask him, tentative and shy, if he’ll take his mask off.  He refuses immediately.  You’re not on his list, he insists.  He doesn’t know what would happen if you were to see the face of Death.  It’s safer this way.
You understand his hesitation,  you suppose, but it doesn’t mean you like it.
Over the next few days while you’re in hospital, you develop a tentative…friendship?  You’re not sure.  He’s strange—he doesn’t speak much, seeming to prefer silence, but he tries to answer any question you can think of.  And you think of a few.
Have you met any famous people?
What are the funniest last words you’ve heard?
Did you reap the first Homo Sapien?
That last question makes him jerk back in his seat.  He goes quiet for a while, looking down at his hands in his lap.  Having slowly become accustomed to what you affectionately refer to in your mind as Death’s Necessary Quiet Time, you pick up your discarded book.  You’re only through a few pages before he clears his throat.
“I wasn’ always…this.”  That's all he says for a moment, and you put your book down slowly.  “Used to–used to be someone.  A person.”
He doesn’t say anything else, but his shoulders drop and he leans back in his chair.  You suspect that it’s all he’s going to say on the matter, and you nod absentmindedly. It’s as you’d guessed.  
He has certain undeniably human mannerisms.  He blinks when you say something he didn’t expect.  He’d become unnaturally tense, jaw tight and a vein throbbing in his forehead when you’d hesitantly told him what you remembered from your accident.  Most human of all, though, is how is with you.  How his fingers twitch when he looks at your own.  How intently he looks at your lips.  How, despite being Death himself, the kind of force of nature that escapes comprehension with how absolute it is, he leaves the room to give you privacy when you need it.          
“Simon,” he says, suddenly,  looking as shocked as you do when the words leave him.  “My name is Simon.”
“Simon,” you whisper back, and he closes his eyes at the sound.  
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titsay · 2 years
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is it halloween yet?
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mrtoronosposts · 22 days
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Am I the only one who can't wait for October
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"Ascend" by Dream in Ether
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ave661 · 9 months
Simon 'Ghost' Riley - "Gilded Reaper" skin
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manga-meow · 1 year
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rochenn · 1 year
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sith afterlife looks a bit different.
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skyrigel · 23 days
Grim Reaper! Simon x f!reader | tw: death
Grim Reaper! Simon who's supposed to take you away, between life and death, after and before, here and gone.
Grim Reaper! Simon who watched you all day, couldn't help the cold dread that clouded him because you were so full of life, despite the mess, you woke up and made your coffee. Choosing your clothes and saving that very expensive dress for some other time, some special day — not knowing this is the last, your most special. Instead picking on that shirt you loved for it's colour, not knowing it would end up only red.
Grim Reaper! Simon who stood helplessly when life was squashed out of you. One moment of extreme pain and then nothing at all. People screaming and pitying and murmuring, while you clutched your chest and raised above, looking around — blinking and confused, until you looked down and your pupils widened. Oh..gone.
Grim Reaper! Simon who clasped your hand as you cried and lamented, a life you hated so much and yet you loved it just the same. Glancing back at the flesh, hands outstretched as if begging you to not leave, same eyes, same face, same fucking everything — just lifeless.
Grim Reaper! Simon who held your soul as you wept and sobbed, it wasn't your fault...you were just trying to save the puppy, it wasn't — but now you were dead. No prayer would count. And these people around you, they're just watching your lifeless frame while you cry and cry.
Grim Reaper! Simon who knew how it went, one snap and you were truly gone to the other side. “T-this it it ? Is this the end ?” you sobbed more, remembering your goodbyes, did you tell you mum that you loved her, or did you tell dad his burnt toast were your favourite, did your friend knew they were so amazing and you loved them ?
Grim Reaper! Simon who could read your mind, “No. Come now.” he echoed, lifting you away from your dead body, just flesh that resembled you, all those things that made you a real person crumbled under those rubber tyre, now nothing but memories.
Grim Reaper! Simon who shaked his skeleton of a head, covered with his ghostly black hood, swaying like cloak behind him. You wouldn't stop crying, he couldn't bear that. “No, sweetheart.” He traced your jaw, letting those tears vapour in a whoosh,“Not yet. Not so soon. Not for you.”
Grim Reaper! Simon who took you back to your apartment, letting you take it all, your fingertips against smiling people trapped behind glasses, your cat purring in her cushion, notes sticked around, empty checkboxes that would never get ticked.
Grim Reaper! Simon who held above the dress you'd saved. “You would look so lovely.” he kept, ‘You always do.’ to himself, he sat as you licked the last bit of Nutella and patted your cat, oblivious to so many things.
Grim Reaper! Simon who took you to the beach because you never got time to go one, never had anyone to go with you. Now was the time and company.
Grim Reaper! Simon who sat beside you watching the last bits of rays disappearing into nothingness, letting sky turn darker and stars twinkle in it's wake.
Grim Reaper! Simon who might be smiling just a bit when you want to go for a night walk, with no fear and no worries. He's swaying behind you, while you are almost flying with new freedom, a new sense of living or dead taking over you. There was a before that you loved but there's also an after that awaits. It's okay, Simon had said. It's going to be okay.
Grim Reaper! Simon who took you on rooftop because you wanted to see the city, the whole fucking city. “How you wanted to go ?” He found himself speaking, he never did that, it's a simple affair — guide them to the other side, that's it. You rewarded him with a smile, “Like this.” You whispered, he would hear it anyway, “I wanted to be gone like this...on my own will, L-like —” You choked on your own words, “— to jump from a very tall somthing.” and that's the irony, your life was squashed out of you, no fall and no wind smashing your face and nothing like you thought.
Grim Reaper! Simon who would grant all your wishes, “Come” he said, the second time. First, he said it when he was pulling you back while your eyes were struck on those that belonged to you, the very same but truly empty — gone before it's time.
Grim Reaper! Simon who wanted you to be happy, forever if he could help it. He took your hand in his and floated to the edge, across the horizon. There's sun rising from new beginnings, “I can't die a second time.” you laughed, a soft choke in your throat. Your stomach twisted in your guts and it's shouldn't be like this. You should feel empty and whatever void meant to be, but this knot wouldn't let go.
Grim Reaper! Simon who shook his ghost of head, tilting his head affectionately to you, “No. but you can live.”
Grim Reaper! Simon who took the fall with you, in the dress you always wanted to wear, smelling like all the things you loved, your city and salt and your favourite perfume. A smile that was forever young and true. There with him, between life and death.
Please always take care. Someone somewhere loves you so much and you mean the world to them. Please remember, please know you're loved and blessed and mean so much more than you think. Xoxo.
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joyjoy-ahoy · 7 months
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Ghost Family 👻
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt in Memes 8
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gummi-ships · 11 months
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Kingdom Hearts & Kingdom Hearts 2 Spooky Heartless
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okay i'm back on my AU Reaper! Ghost shit again. hear me out.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
Roba buries Ghost alive, but Ghost refuses to die.  He's running out of breath, he's tired and thirsty, he can feel Death approaching (it’s essence tastes like the dried blood under his broken fingernails and the bitterness of fresh mud on his tongue) and yet.  He refuses to die.  
Death can have Simon Riley when it has earned Simon Riley.  And It never quite gets there, because Simon is filled with fury, and torment and a need for vengeance that runs so deep in his veins that he de-thrones Death, becomes Death himself.  
Yamraj, Mors, Ankou, Thanatos, Grim Reaper - he's called many names over the countless lifetimes he lives, and as time passes, he forgets who he used to be.  He forgets Simon Riley. 
And yet, time continues its relentless passing while he stays frozen, doomed to aid the journey into whatever comes after, doomed to play passive witness to war and famine and drought but also to prosperity and times of peace and accord.  Death never stops, after all, and It comes for everyone.  
Simon has one job - unarguably and absolutely the most important job in the universe.  And yet, he finds himself...discontented.  With every name on the list he reaps, with every cheek or hand he kisses, with every soul he is forced to console, he becomes increasingly desensitised, further losing his grip on who and what he used to be. 
Until a curveball is thrown his way, changing everything forever.
Because he sees you.  And he can’t look away.
You won’t die in that accident, he knows that.  It comes very close (your name flickers on and off Simon's list) but you won’t die. Neither will the drunken driver who rams into you, and Simon finds himself filled with an emotion he hasn't felt for a while. He feels fury.
And yet he's forced to set it all aside, finding it hard to breathe as you’re pulled out of the car. He stands over the paramedics’ shoulders as they work on you.  He kneels by your face and touches it, but you don’t feel it.  He pushes blood-matted hair away from your eyes, but the strands don’t move.  
He doesn’t know why a human who hadn’t even made it to his list captures his attention like this.  He is infinite and omniscient and at the apex of every conceivable food chain.  And yet, Death keeps a silent vigil by your hospital bed, waiting, watching, waiting.
And about sixty hours after the accident, your eyes open and you stare straight at him.           
And somehow, against every rule of the universe, you see him.  And this time, you're the one who can’t look away.
(Part 2)
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lefttoesucker · 7 months
The grim reaper outfit is making me feral every time I see it so here's a quick sketch of it :)
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I'm also actually pretty pleased with the eyes for once
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yawnderu · 6 months
Can I get a pic of your dick from above and pulling your underwear away can I get a pic of it from the front leaking and can. I get a gif from the side of it bouncing and twitching could I get a close up of the veins can you smack it on the camera lens at HD? can i
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reds-skull · 1 year
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(continuation of this)
Okay maybe I lied Soap won't be fine by the time Ghost is done with him
[edit: text bubbles are bigger for better visibility]
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