#Rio Azul
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✧ ・゚algunas fotos que saqué en el sur argentino estas últimas dos semanas 🎀
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ashimetsu · 1 year
【Oh kiss me, won't you?】
: ̗̀➛ the nrc boys' takes on kissing : ̗̀➛ characters: riddle rosehearts, deuce spade, jade leech, jamil viper, trey clover, jade leech, malleus draconia, azul ashengrotto, ace trappola
: ̗̀➛ warnings: some suggestive (azul, malleus) : ̗̀➛ words: 2.6k : ̗̀➛ [a/n]: short drabbles based on different ways of kissing! might extend some of these into full lengths fics We'll See... for now, enjoy!
【Riddle Rosehearts】 -cheek kisses
"I've told you before, Prefect, you should work harder on keeping yourself presentable."
In a secluded hallway, Riddle has pulled you aside to readjust your tie that had supposedly gone haywire sometime earlier that day. You didn't notice, and it seems Grim and the others didn't either, or didn't bother to tell you. Regardless of how this situation arrived, you and Riddle are intimately close. His deft hands work on the silk knot as he scolds you for tarnishing Ramshackle's name (as if it had a reputation to begin with). Securing the final tie, a small smile appears on his face as he admires his work.
"Aren't you forgetting something, Riddle?"
He shoots you a puzzled look that meets the smirk on your face, a delicate finger pointing to your own cheek. Connecting the dots, Riddle's face flares in a shade matching his own hair. He glances from side to side, assuring the coast is clear before heeding your wishes. Using one hand, Riddle gently thumbs your cheek while leaning into the other, placing a soft kiss. Flowers bloom where his lips were pressed a moment ago, fleeting and leaving a feeling of warmth in your body. You grin at his flushed face and return the favor, in turn, Riddle's face erupts into a more violent shade of crimson.
"See you, Riddle. Pull me aside if my tie needs fixing again."
You turn and stroll to your next class, practically hearing (and ignoring) the steam blow out of his ears.
【Deuce Spade】 -forehead kisses
Shivering in the chilly weather that's managed to sustain through late March, you eagerly stand in the sidelines of the track field to watch your boyfriend's race.
Sage's Island winters were tough. Snow begins in late October and sustain until late March, until a random snowstorm attacks in April. The on-and-off of warm and cold weather has been getting on your nerves, today being no exception. An icy wind bites at your nose, practically the only part of your skin exposed to the elements. Though the 30 degree weather is better than January's negative temps, you're angry that it's cold in March in the first place. Seething, you hardly notice a tall figure loitering in front of you.
"You look a little cold, Prefect." A gentle voice snaps you out of your rage for winter. Anger dissipates as you look up at Deuce, whose smile could melt all the snow on the island.
"I should be the one asking you that, aren't you freezing in that?" Deuce's outfit consists of a thin long sleeved shirt under his jersey, along with matching black tights under his shorts. The compressed clothes cling to his frame, lining toned arms so you can see every muscle underneath. It reminds you how you didn't fall in love with him just for his dorky personality.
"Running keeps me warm, don't worry about me," he chuckles, taking a step towards you. Caressing your cheeks with both hands, he moves to place his warm lips square on your forehead. He's an oven, and you can't seem to get close enough to absorb his excess heat. After too short of a time together, he pulls away, taking his visible warmth shown on his cheeks with him too.
"Uh, I hope you enjoy the race," he stammers, realizing what he's just done. You smile back at Deuce, his glow radiating through your body for the rest of the day.
【Jade Leech】 -hand kisses
Stars spin in your vision as you take in the situation. Surrounded by broken plates and scattered silverwear, pain begins to bloom on your rear. Although you've been working as a waitress at Mostro Lounge for some time now, mistakes still happen. You just didn't expect who you crashed into.
"My, Prefect, I didn't see you turning the corner. Apologies, it seems I got caught up in bussing tables."
As your vision clears, a hand is extended towards you. You look up to see a pair of mismatched eyes peering down at you. Jade's seemingly innocent grin invites you to take his hand, which you graciously accept. His firm hand pulls you to your feet, being careful that you aren't injured by the broken glass. As you take your stand, Jade wraps an arm around your waist to support you.
"Ugh, I didn't think I'd crash to the floor like that." You rub your temple as you begin to regain your awareness, absorbing the situation at hand. His grip tightens as you lean into his side, taking full advantage of his kindness.
"You really ought to look where you're going," he pauses, tucking a lock of your messy hair behind your ear and bringing your hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. "Else," he continues, "you may hurt yourself again."
His cool stare into your eyes as he spoke sent a shiver down your spine and a warm glow to your cheeks. Although your pain dissipated from a simple kiss, Azul ended up letting you go home early, allowing you to rest from the collision. Your "rest" consisted of replaying today's earlier incident over and over in your head.
【Jamil Viper】 -eyelid kisses
"You're welcome to study with me at Scarabia, I can give you a few pointers for the upcoming exam."
The sun had set a few hours ago, and studying was beginning to feel fruitless in Jamil's room. The two of you set up a work station on his bed, papers sprawled across the comforter. A small lamp cast a warm glow across his concentrated face, still fully focused on studying for the upcoming potions exams. You clocked out of studying about an hour ago, scribbling to appear busy so Jamil wouldn't scold you. The dim lighting, comfortable bed, and boring subject matter were the perfect conditions for you to slowly doze to sleep.
Jamil knew you haven't been studying for the past hour, as seen by your doodles now visible to him after you began sleeping soundly. He let out a small chuckle, there was no way Jamil couldn't be angry at you when you looked so peaceful sleeping. He began to organize your notes, placing them on the nightstand. Jamil pulled an extra blanket over you after noticing a chill run over your body.
"Jamil?" you mumble, eyes fluttering open from the blanket covering you. "W-what time is it?"
"Don't worry about going back to Ramshackle tonight. Stay the night here, it's too late to head back now. Could be dangerous." Jamil smiles as if he planned for this to happen.
"Mm, 'kay," you whisper, refusing to argue with his point. It was late anyways, and Jamil's bed was much comfier than the long walk back to your own. Jamil must have been satisfied with his answer, smiling once you closed your eyes and nestled into his sheets. As you lie still, he leans over and places a soft kiss on your eyelids.
"Sleep well, Prefect."
【Trey Clover】 -crook of elbow kisses
"A little ballroom dancing, whaddya say?"
A few days ago, Trey invited you to be his "date" for a Heartslabyul ballroom dancing event, as a part of an unusual unbirthday party. You thought yourself as more of a dancing partner, but Trey seemed to treat you more like a date instead, intertwining your hands and holding you close around the waist. He couldn't help himself, your sleeveless red dress drew him to you, caressing you as much as he could. You felt the same towards him, his black tux with red accents complimented your dress, making you two the perfect pair at the dance.
"You look stunning tonight, I can barely keep myself away," he whispered, twirling and dipping you slightly, putting an even greater height advantage over you. You giggled at his confession, thinking his lovey-dovey mood was cute. Trey has shown interest in you before, but now he's seizing this opportunity to show you how he really feels. Swinging you back up to standing position, he raises your hand above your head, exposing the soft flesh of your inner arm. While holding eye contact, Trey presses his face into your forearm, slowly sliding his lips to the crook of your elbow, planting a light kiss. He hums as you squirm in his arm, not used to the sudden affection from Trey.
"Trey, you're embarrassing me."
"Heh, my bad."
【Floyd Leech】 -shoulder kisses
"Mmm, it's too early to get up yet..."
Dim light peeks through the blinds as morning dawns, waking wildlife all around, except Floyd Leech, who is currently attached to your side, chest glued to your back as he squeezes your waist with his long arms. You tried to escape his grasp earlier, but he's relentlessly held onto you, maybe as a means of preventing the day from starting. More time spent laying by your side is time well spent for Floyd.
You accept defeat and huff out a sigh. Floyd wasn't letting go anytime soon, might as well enjoy his warm figure to melt into. Once you stop struggling, Floyd captures his prey and presses his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent of your skin. He can never get tired of this, sucking in as much of you as he possibly can. Floyd's clingy nature is evident by the way he protectively holds your body for hours at a time, refusing to let you go before he's ready to get up too.
He feels your body relax, sinking his head further down your body. Floyd's nose rests atop your shoulder, breaths steadily escaping his nose and tickling your collarbone. You feel warm lips press against your shoulder, fleeting, but ending with a quick nip of his razor sharp teeth.
"Ow. Just for that I should force you out of bed."
"...Five more minutes."
【Malleus Draconia】 -collarbone kisses
"The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they, darling?"
Malleus greets you at the door to his room, dressed to the nines in a black tux with an emerald green pocket square peeking from his suit. He can hardly hold in his grin as he soaks in your appearance; a sleek black dress shaping your curves and small jade earrings decorating your ears. Malleus waves Silver away, who kindly escorted you to Malleus' room at this time of night. A few days ago, your boyfriend sent a letter requesting your presence for an outing, dressed in your absolute best. You were nervous that the dress wasn't up to par, but from Malleus' hungry looks, it appears that your choice was perfect.
"Come in my dear, I have something special for you."
You follow the prince into his quarters, which is completely dark, save for the moonlight shining through the open window. The chilly breeze adds to the elusive atmosphere of Malleus' dorm, attracting you to the enigma that is Malleus Draconia. Next to the window stands a tall, floor-length mirror. While checking your appearance, suddenly, Malleus appears behind you, nearly making you jump. His tall figure and broad shoulders tower over your body, reminding you just how small you are next to the prince of Briar Valley. Your heart speeds up as he makes his brooding presence known.
Malleus reaches around your neck and places a cool pendant to your warm skin, burning an imprint of the metal onto the crest of your clavicle. Silver metal adorned with two green gems illuminate your bare neck, completing your outfit. You look up from the pendant to see his face congruent to yours, whispering into your ear.
"It's a family heirloom, my love. It's been passed down from generation to generation in the Draconia bloodline." His voice lowers, raspy vocals tickling the fine hairs lining your ears. "You'll help me continue my bloodline, won't you?"
Your face heats up at the implication of his words and the prized heirloom now placed on your neck. It nearly feels weightless now, having adjusted to the temperature of your skin. Malleus' lips are still centimeters from your ear, though short-lived, as his face continues to travel down your neck, resting adjacent to your newfound necklace. He plants a kiss on the peak of your collarbone, just next to your new heirloom. You can feel a smile spread across his lips, knowing that he's claimed you as his own.
【Azul Ashengrotto】 -thigh kisses
"You're taunting me, aren't you?"
Face to face with ocean blue eyes lined with a mischievous glint, Azul has you trapped with both hands flat on his desk. You sat yourself on his work, forcing him to pay attention to you. Although most fall into Azul's schemes, you know exactly how to press his buttons and get what you want. Your legs dangle off his desk, brushing against his, eliciting a response of something close to a sigh. You lean close to his ear, voice raising barely above a whisper.
"Kiss me, Azul."
The lips would be too easy, wouldn't it? If you're going to play games with him, he would surely be a tough competitor. He leans his face close to your lips, pausing just before contact. Your eyes travel to Azul's gloved hands that are finding comfort in squeezing your thighs. He doesn't break eye contact as a thumb brushes underneath the hem of your skirt, rubbing small circles while breathing on your lips, feigning the kiss you so desire. Slowly, Azul brings himself down to a kneel in front of you, hands still massaging your soft flesh. Pushing your left leg open, he ghosts his lips above your inner thigh, teasing a kiss you've desired since he walked into his office.
"As you wish, princess."
Cool lips like ice cubes press onto your contrasting warm skin, sending a tingling sensation through your spine. Azul isn't short with it either, peppering kissing along your thigh until his once-cool lips match your body temperature. You comb your fingers through his silk silver locks as he rests his cheek along your thigh, soaking in your warmth and accepting your comforting hold. You both rest in silence, appreciating each other's presence.
【Ace Trappola】 -temple kisses
"What's that, are you scared of getting caught?"
Ocean waves lap over the white sand. You're sat snugly against your boyfriend's chest while looking over the glittering stars, just outside of Royal Sword Academy. Ace had the slick idea of sneaking out during the academy's Founding Day to watch the fireworks with you. Though a troublemaker through and through, his sense of romance is endearing to you. For once, the two of you are silent, absorbing the gentle sounds of incoming waves, distant chatter of the academy, and the slow rise and fall of each other's breaths. You could have fallen asleep here from how calming the atmosphere was.
"Don't sleep on me, Prefect!" Ace whisper-shouts, squeezing your sides. "The show's starting!"
Looking out at the sky encompassed before you, bright and colorful lights begin flaring, the boom following shortly after. The two of you are entranced by the light show, each successive firework grander than the one before. Ace looks over at you, fondly smiling from the pure child-like wonder on your face. Have you ever seen fireworks before? He'd have to prod and poke at you about that later. Right now, Ace wants nothing more than to just paint your cute expression into his memories forever.
Without thinking, he pulls your head closer to him, pressing a firm kiss onto your temple. You stiffen initially, then relax into his touch and melt in his arms. Though unpredictable⎯and rather mean sometimes⎯Ace really did care about you.
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ithseem · 6 months
My Art Journey 2023
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somosprojetoamigos · 2 months
Oremos pelos pacientes oncológicos do Rio Grande Sul
O Projeto AMIGOS acompanha histórias de pacientes oncológicos de vários estados do Brasil, incluindo o Rio Grande do Sul (RS), afetado pelas chuvas dos últimos dias. Do RS, acompanhamos 7 famílias com pessoas no tratamento e remissão do câncer e nesta semana, conseguimos receber notícias de algumas famílias em nosso Instagram. “Sou de Novo Hamburgo. A situação aqui está muito difícil. A água…
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ekarolcomka · 10 months
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depoisdos28 · 6 months
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Ainda não é o oceano inteiro mas já é uma baía.
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todasasestacoes · 7 months
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belezas industriais. Ponte Rio-Niterói, 2023. Photo: @l4ur44r
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mantamaya · 1 year
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tiferron · 2 years
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Rio do Boi, na base do cânion Itaimbezinho, que divide os Estados brasileiros do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina, no Parque Nacional dos Aparados da Serra.
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lambdasco · 11 months
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Elisabeth Raulino, O Forte dos Reis Magos, (Sem Data). Acrílica sobre tela, 90×170 cm.
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aaesthetica · 1 year
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diariodemisnubes · 1 year
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De Rio de Janeiro a Niteroi  Puente y horizonte 
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ashimetsu · 1 year
Heatstroke 【Reader x Azul Ashengrotto】
: ̗̀➛ The outdoors are far too hot for Azul to focus on flight lessons. Instead, he has a plan to skip out and spend some time with you instead : ̗̀➛ Fluff and smut, sly and snarky Azul, reader is fem : ̗̀➛ 1.2k words : ̗̀➛ [a/n]: hope the guy who watched over my shoulder the whole plane ride liked this one as much as i do. props to him for the beta read :D
Inventory turnover, return on assets and an upcoming history of magic exam lay heavy on Azul’s mind. Although solved with a few hours of solitude, keeping Mostro Lounge afloat while dealing with customer issues and overseeing Octavinelle as housewarden has Azul occupied. To top it off, flight lessons happened to be after potionology. While already a dreadful hour, the late summer heat of September has Azul dreading being soaked in sweat.
You notice Azul's brow furrowed next to you, creasing his otherwise smooth and unblemished skin. A slight nudge from you perks his head up and relieves some of the tension built in his face. You flash a gentle smile his direction and Azul quickly fires back a smirk. It's amazing how quickly a glance can change his face from perturbed to cunning. Before you let that thought fester, you bring your attention back to the front of the class. Whatever Azul has planned, he can wait to tell you after class. The most benevolent student would never distract you from your studies, right?
As you make your way from class to the locker room to prepare for flight lessons, a gloved hand grasps your forearm. The material, size, shape, and force of the hand tells you exactly who it is: the conniving octopus. If it wasn't for a sly smile placed evenly on his lips, you might have thought he was trying to hurt you with the strength of his grip. Perhaps in another context… you quickly banished that thought before things could get out of hand.
You yelped as Azul dragged you to a vacant classroom before you could even protest. Closing the door as swiftly as you both came in, Azul essentially tackled you against the wall. You almost believed there was some kindness left in him as he locked a soft gaze with your eyes for a moment before leaning in and taking your mouth with his own. Placing his hands lightly on your hips as you complacently wrap your arms around his neck, he persistently pressed against you. His soft lips dragged you in further, leaving no room for return. Swallowed by his kindness and warmth, you fall completely for his trap. Azul noticed you give up resistance and promptly seized victory. Gentle kisses turned rough as Azul grinded his thigh between your legs, claiming your moan as his prize.
"If you keep me here, you know we're both going to be late." you say breathlessly after forcing Azul away from your lips. Noticing the clock above the chalkboard, it had already been 10 minutes since class started.
"Did you think I didn't account for that?" he replies, gasping like a fish out of water. "After all, it's 90 degrees out, I might as well be sweating from working you over."
You huff a sigh before Azul goes back to being gentle, apologizing for skipping class with butterfly kisses. Once again, he feigns gentleness briefly before nipping your bottom lip. As he kisses you in apology, you gently moan his name again, eliciting another bite, harder this time. You open your eyes and see a tempest in his eyes, hungry for more of you, your body, your reactions. His hands, formerly resting at your hips, begin to travel up your torso, stimulating you ever so slightly. You move into his touches, craving more and more from the generous housewarden. As he explores your body with his hands, Azul makes no haste to plant kiss on your neck, nipping and biting gently, making sure to leave no marks. Maybe another day, another location. He pauses, hovering his mouth over your ear, his hot breath giving you shivers.
"My, my, I must be spoiling you… it's not too much, is it?" Azul whispers, fabricating innocence as his body stills against you. The loss of stimulation is killing you as you move against his firm body to try and get some feeling out of his cold heart.
"Mmmgh, please Azul… don't stop now…" you moan weakly into his shoulder, begging for something, anything, from the once-kind ruler in front of you.
"Your wish is my command, darling."
Suddenly, your senses become clouded with the stimulation; Azul's assault on your lips, his thigh rubbing slowly back and forth between your legs, and now his gloved hands crawling further under your blouse, rubbing small circles over your waist. You hate how he knows what makes you tick, the constant movement, the texture of leather on skin, his mouth traveling across your body, edging you, then immediately clocking back in on your body. Moans fill the empty classroom as Azul continues to work your body. You barely notice his right hand snaking past your waist, cupping your breast and squeezing slightly. You lean into Azul as he thumbs your nipple, feeling the bud firm. Craving more and more, you move in sync with him, creating a steady rhythm.
You feel Azul's hot breath panting against your neck as you look down and see tight creases in his otherwise neatly pressed pants. Quickly, you snake your hand and cup the noticeable bulge, earning a soft sigh from the other. Keeping up with Azul's rhythm, you rub him firmly, eliciting louder and more frequent moans. You press a kiss to Azul's cheek as you reach for his zipper, freeing his painful erection. Hearing his moans only turns you on more as you lube his cock with his own precum. You start slowly at the base, squeezing as you move up. The moans in the room have been almost completely replaced by Azul's, who's shaking and holding onto you for support. As you recover from his stimulation, you continue to drag your hand up and down his cock at a steady pace. With your free hand, you lift Azul's chin, which had been resting on your shoulder, and imprint his expression into your mind forever. It was one of bliss and pain, like he hasn't felt this much sensation in a very long time. You grinned and sped up while taking his face in your hand and pressing your lips together. This moment, with Azul's hands on your waist and breast, his thigh trembling against your wetness, moaning against your mouth while you stroke his face while jerking him off, is something of pure ecstasy for you both.
"I-I'm close…" he wimpered weakly against your mouth, and with a few quick pumps, he moans loudly as he spills over you both, soiling your school uniforms. You ride him out, pumping him through completely.
"Hah…hah… s-sorry, I didn't mean for this to go this far…" Azul sighs breathily into your shoulder, recovering from his high. He pushes up his glasses and releases you, smoothing out your blouse and fixing your hair from his reign of terror. You both rest for a moment, breathing each other's air and relying on the other for support. Azul moves to lean against the wall next to you, wrapping his arms loosely around your waist.
"I guess we can't go back to class after this, huh."
"Suppose not," Azul huffs. "Care for a shower in Octavinelle?" You hear the smirk in his voice.
"After this? I don't think I can trust you to keep your hands to yourself again." you retort with a playful pout.
"Rest assured, I would never pull a stunt like that in my own dorm, much less with Jade and Floyd around."
You don't believe him. Yet, you still found yourself spending the night in Octavinelle that night…
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ithseem · 1 year
The Three Dimensions Exchange Week
@voltagefandomproject here's chapter three in the series, and the longest so far
CW: Gore in text, cringe, and everyone just dying on the inside. Proceed with caution
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Chapter 3:
“Welcome to the House, everyone,” said Barbatos. “Please make yourselves comfortable.”
The smell of paint had almost faded from the walls. The Foyer was decorated with plants native to this region of the devildom, a shoe rack made of the finest hell-iron, a mahogany coatrack and a small crystal chandelier. Everyone looked in awe at the decor. The most impressed of the group are Ace and Jack. “You really went all-out on this, didn’t ya?” said Jack.
“Right? It’s beautiful!” Sherry chirped.
“I’m glad it’s to your liking,” said Barbatos. “Dinner will be hosted at the House of Lamentation at six o’clock, so until then take your time to settle into your new home.”
“Thank you very much,” said Aquia.
“Also, thanks for stepping in back there in the council room,” Ace whispered.
“Think nothing of it,” Barbatos whispered back with a smile.
And with that Barbatos gave them the building layout, bid them farewell and then left.
“‘Spose now would be a good time to figure out our rooms, yeah?” said Lance.
“Right. Looks like there are seven rooms on the first floor and seven on the second,” said Azul.
It didn’t take long for the guests to figure out which rooms they would stay in. Sherry and Y/N took the two rooms next to each other on the west wing of the second floor while The rest occupied the first floor. Once everyone put their belongings in their rooms, Sherry and Y/N went downstairs to meet up with the rest in the living room. Or, at least, tried to, since Y/N slipped and fell down the stairs, much to Sherry’s horror.
“Are you alright!?” She squeaked. 
Everyone rushed to the scene to see Y/N face down on the floor. Ace and Azul couldn’t help but let out a few snickers.
“You mustn’t be so mean,” Rio chided them. He turned to Y/N and helped her up. “Nothing hurt I hope?”
“N-n-n-n-n-n-n-not r-r-r-r-r-r-r-really.”
“I can get some ice,” Jack said.
“Oh, please do,” said Rio
Rio wasn’t going to take any chances. He scooped Y/N into his arms and took her to the sofa in the living room. Jack returned with a plastic bag of ice and handed it to Y/N. “T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-thank you,” she said.
“Hey, uh, If you don’t mind me asking, Do you have a speech impediment or something?” Jack asked.
“W-w-w-w-w-w-what m-m-m-m-m-makes y-y-y-y-you s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-say t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-that?”
Ace had to bite his lip to keep himself from cackling, and it seems Azul was thinking the same thing. Jack and Rio’s expressions at her statement made it all the harder for the two poor boys not to burst out laughing.
Sherry shot them dirty looks before asking Y/N, “So, Y/N, how did you come about here? What’s your story?”
“I’d like to know that as well. I had no prior knowledge of you coming here. What brought this on?” Malleus said.
“Oh. My. God. NO!” Ace cried.
“Please listen to Ace!” Azul sobbed. This was already too much, and she hadn’t even started talking. Ignoring their pleas, Y/N’s body began to shake like an earthquake hit her and her sapphire-ocean-baby-diamond blue orbs dilated
“What’s going on?” Lance said. His question was soon answered when Y/N began to speak
“My mother’s body got crushed under a four-tonne truck, and my father’s body was shredded into pieces.”
Sherry: “I- Dragon’s teeth! This is horrific”
Y/N: “And my siblings went missing after my cousin got impaled by an iron fence and when a giraffe slung my cat to the moon”
Aquia: “What in the Devildom?”
Y/N: “I soon got taken in by an abusive orphanage and they tried to sell me to Vil Schoenheit two weeks ago-”
Jack: “Pardon??”
Azul: “I guess that explains why Vil was so quiet in our last housewarden meeting…”
Y/N: “And then my rich ex-boyfriend who is part vampire, part human, part lizard, part Teletubby, and part demon and a mafia boss for a subdivision in the Devildom’s mafia who bullied me is looking for me so I ran and asked Lord Diavolo to grant me asylum here”
Lance: “... Is this person even real?”
Malleus: “Hold up. Your ex bullied you? How did you even get into a relationship in the first place?”
Ace: “It’s the bully and the nerd falling in love trope isn’t it? Too bad that hardly ever works out in real life. Case in point: ”
Ace gestured toward Y/N to make his point, to which Y/N lowered her gaze. “Uh- anyway, why did you seek asylum here?”
“Ace, she went through a traumatic experience!” Aquia chided. “She might not be comfortable with-”
“He’s looking for me because I’m three weeks pregnant with his baby,” Y/N interrupted.
Ace: “AND A WHAT-WHEN-WHO-A-FUCKING?! Wait a minute, what time is it?”
Azul: “It’s 3:27. We’ve only known her for less than two hours”
This was going to be a long night.
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kirillklipblog · 5 days
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queerographies · 10 days
[Flor][Elena Bassani]
"Flor" è il primo romanzo di Elena Bassani, che racconta la storia di Flor che si trasferisce a Casa Azul per fare autoritratti. Sullo sfondo caotico di Rio de Janeiro, affronta emozioni contrastanti e una costante sensazione di estraneità.
Flor a Casa Azul: un autoritratto tra arte, corpo e caos carioca Titolo: Flor Scritto da: Elena BassaniEdito da: DialoghiAnno: 2024Pagine: 114ISBN: 9788892794238 La trama di Flor di Elena Bassani Flor si trasferisce nella residenza artistica Casa Azul per dedicarsi all’autoritratto. Attraverso le sessioni fotografiche si confronta con l’immagine di sé e del proprio corpo. Sullo sfondo una Rio…
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