#Rogue Gallery
sykloni · 1 year
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Dannymay 2023
15. Full Hazmat AU & 23. Rogue Gallery
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lovesick-joey · 1 year
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wlw and mlm solidarity
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trustymikh · 8 months
I love ur Skin Grafts Harvey thank u
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ayyy thank you! I haven't drawn him in more than a year but I miss the guy. He deserves to be able to drink and eat properly!
I also think Harv would still need glasses for his damaged eye, but 2F doesn't really like wearing them
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yandere-writer-momo · 22 days
I wanted to make Harvey/ Two Face incredibly selfish. Hope everyone enjoys 💕
Yandere Batman Shorts:
Together Once More
Yandere Harvey Dent x Female Reader
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There was no doubt that Harvey was forever a changed man. Gone was half of his righteous side and replaced with the wicked scarred half that only sought out chaos and crime.
Yet he still dreamed of the life he had given up… of the love he so foolishly let slip between his fingers. He missed his precious childhood friend… his (your name).
It’s been almost five years since he last saw her… before he married his treacherous ex wife, Gilda. Before he began to pose as the holiday killer. Before he found out she had been involved with one of the men he killed and was going to have a child. Before his descent into madness as everyone around him failed him.
Harvey knew (your name) would have never abandoned him nor left him to drown alone… she would have held his cheeks and reassured him. She would have followed him… but Harvey was the one who was blind. The one who abandoned her when she voice concern on Gilda’s intentions with him.
(Your name) was right about everyone in his life. She always had a knack for that, to know one’s own demons inside without ever truly digging into their past. And yet he chose to remain stubborn in his blind loyalty to a woman he barely knew compared to her… but he would make it up to her. (Your name) would forgive him, she always did.
So here he was outside a studio apartment with a bouquet in his hand. It took him and Two Face a while to find her exact location but she was here.
Harvey adjusted his split suit, the sweat began to pool down his neck and into his dress shirt from the nerves. His scarred hand’s grip on the bouquet tightened. Would she be happy to see him?
He knocked on the door twice and (your name) opened the door almost immediately. Her delicate stature tilted her head in curiosity.
“Hello- Harvey?” (Your name) furrowed her brow.
“It’s been so long…” She looked beautiful. Not that she wasn’t before, but now he was able to truly see her… and she was breathtaking. How could he have overlooked her for all these years?
“It has been.” (Your name) sighed. “But there is no doubt in my mind that you want something from me. So let’s save the small talk, what do you want?”
Harvey froze as realization washed over him. He never did come to her for anything other than his own selfish reasons, did he? He always did take advantage of her abnegation when it came to him…
“You were right…” Harvey muttered under his breath. “You’re always right when it comes to these sorts of things, and I… I’m sorry.”
“Ah… so you’re here for an apology?”
(Your name) glanced him up and down, “I don’t forgive you.”
Harvey felt his heart stop in his chest. What did she mean? She always forgave him…
“It’s been half a decade since we last have seen each other.” (Your name) told him. “People change. I have changed… I am uninterested in being involved with you.”
“Doll, I’m sorry-“ But (your name) held her hand up to stop him from speaking further.
“You burned the bridge and it cannot be rebuilt.” (Your name) told him. “You ignored all forms of contact I attempted to make, and now you must lie in the bed you made.”
(Your name) tried to shut the door, but Two Face decided he wasn’t going to have it. He shoved his foot in the door.
“Now you may not want to forgive him, but it may be wise not to lump me with him.” (Your name) just glanced at him. “I’m not as nice and I’m certainly not taking no for an answer.”
(Your name) was shocked when he forced the door open, the villain now in her quaint home. A smirk on his lips when he spotted a single photo of the two of them together still on the wall.
“Changed? It seems you’re still fond of me.” (Your name) gasped when he grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her to him. His hands now holding her waist. “I’m here to give you what you want, darling. All of me… I won’t leave you ever again.”
Two Face pressed a kiss to her cheek which made her shiver in disgust at how the sensation felt like two different men were kissing her.
“We will never be separated again. Not by others and not even by death.”
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celaenaeiln · 5 months
On note of the Blockbuster thing and Dick’s over working himself, I can recall a time when after the first time Blockbuster got taken out, Dick was so lost emotionally and mentally, he went for months on end getting the absolute hardest cases and capers imaginable, getting more illnesses and injuries so much and frequently. It got so bad Bruce and Alfred had to drag him to the Batcave and Bruce had to get some tough love across.
He let Dick know that he was upset at him for failing to take care of himself and self forgive for what happened to Blockbuster. He forgives Dick for the latter case but will not tolerate Dick losing the value of his own life in self pity and guilt
Thoughts on this?
Dick overworks himself so hard that he kinda passes out and dreams so vivid that they're almost hallucinogenic but when he wakes up-
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #117
Bruce is PISSED. Ofcourse it's gotta be because Dick let Blockbuster die right? He just stepped aside and let Catalina take the shot despite the no kill. He broke the OATH the two of them had forged. That's why Bruce is mad right?!
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #117
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #117
"You have no right to expect me to excuse you - for losing sight of the value of yours."
He basically said "I don't care if you killed someone. If you want me to forgive you fine. But don't you dare fucking think for one second that I'll forgive you for almost dying."
Bruce is crazy about Dick. I've already talked before how he has control issues regarding Dick life but I want to reiterate that Bruce wants control of Dick's everything. His life, his relationships, his death.
You can see the visible rage in Bruce's body. You can see how hard he grips Dick's chin. He's furious that Dick would put his life below anyone's.
This isn't the only time Bruce gets furious at Dick almost dying either. Remember Forever Evil?
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #30
His sole reason for beating Dick is LITERALLY beat his frustrations and fear that Dick almost died!! He's the one that died Bruce!! Why are YOU mad?!
The thing about Dick and Bruce's relationship or rather Bruce's relationship with Dick is that Dick could literally be standing in a room of blood and corpses and the first thing Bruce would do is rush over to him and check if he's okay. And then scold him because "what if they're blood accidentally got into you, Dick? Haven't I told you the dangers of bloodborne pathogens and other transmittable viruses? How dare you let them hurt you!"
Bruce has a no kill rule but sometimes when Dick's life is in danger he definitely looks the other way. No punishment if Dick does something to someone else but he travels at the speed of light when Dick lets something bad happen to him.
Not only that, he doesn't mind other people dying if it means saving Dick's life. Between the world surviving and Dick, he will always choose Dick. And how do I know that? Because he's done it before.
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Forever Evil Issue #5
"No, this is a search and rescue mission first--"
"Richard Grayson?"
"Yes, Luthor. Once Nightwing's safe, we can take down the syndicate."
The world is in SHAMBLES.
Central City
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Forever Evil Issue #3
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Forever Evil Issue #3
The justice league is gone.
The villains who actually wanted the end of the world are so shocked by the state it's in now that they've decided to become heroes. But none of that matters. It doesn't matter to Bruce that half the population is gone, people are killing, stealing, and dying. As long as Dick is alive - it's okay.
In fact an entire world could be corrupted beyond saying but as long as Dick isn't then it's a world worth saving.
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Forever Evil Issue #3
Do you realize what this means? It means that Bruce's scale of measurement for evaluating the quality of a whole fucking planet IS Dick Grayson.
Even an hyper-intelligent construction questions what happens if his favorite, Dick, dies.
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Infinite Crisis Issue #3
What happened after Blockbuster, where Bruce completely ignored the death of him. Ah-I said ignored but the reality is created an excuse for - is completely in line with his relationship with Dick and more importantly highlights two things.
Breaking the no-kill rule is acceptable if it's Dick Grayson or relates to Dick Grayson.
Bruce is crazy about Dick and he will go crazy for him.
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batglare101 · 3 months
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26. Joker
I'm his #1 hater (sorry not sorry) so I must make him look as ugly as possible. the greens on his fur are because of bad humans. I like to think his fur color was more darker and less messy before he end up on the streets.
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fellowquestionmark · 3 months
I am once again drawing the scarecrow man
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batmanfruitloops · 4 months
Alright long but silly post, going into the reason why the furry versions are the animals they are. A few choices are influenced by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles v.s. Batman, some choices are already associated with the character (Catwoman, Penguin, etc.). Most choices are an uneven mix of visual, symbolic, and behavioral. So some have more thought put into them than others but it's all for fun.
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Batman (Bruce Wayne) -Vampire bat
A pretty obvious choice. I think specifically a vampire bat is fitting, they are very stealthy and aware. They come built with the perfect tools for lapping blood and cause little harm (excluding diseases). Just as Batman always comes with what he needs and only causes as much damage as necessary. Bats are also social creatures and thrive in groups, so there is a bit of irony there. Bruce can put on a good face for the public and business but isolates himself and therefore goes against his nature. He craves family but keeps his loved ones at arm's length in fear of losing them.
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Joker (John Doe) - Red-banded spitting cobra
This is a choice influenced by the TMNT v.s. Batman. Also haha Lego Batman clown snakes. I chose this because I'm tired of both snakes and clowns being seen as evil. John is already the way he is because both Sarsee and I agree clowns should be silly and whimsical instead of how more modern media portrays them as creepy and scary, which also includes the Joker. Snakes are my favorite animals. So keeping Joker as a cobra represents what we have set out to do with the au in the first place.
In terms of behavior, John acts mostly the opposite of what you would expect. Snakes are mostly solitary and overall not very social. John is a very outgoing person and extraverted, but he's social skills are stunned from both being autistic and his childhood. So not quite fitting in but he enjoys standing out. Though cobras are a more intelligent species of snake. John is very clever but most wouldn't guess that. As the Joker, John relies on the element of surprise and subverting your expectations. As a bonus spitting venom is similar to a clown's flower spraying water.
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Two-Face (Harvey Dent) - Puma
A partial TMNT chose. Instead of just a cat, I went with a puma. Pumas are not classified as big cats but are the largest cat in North America. Despite not being a big cat their presence demands respect. Even when you do not see them if you are in their territory you would be wise to be careful. Pumas know how to pick their fights, taking on challenges with strategy and retreating when they know they are outmatched.
I think these things fit Harvey and Two-Face quite well. He may not be as high on the social ladder as say, Bruce, but he is no less of an important figure in his community. You know when he is in the room and you think about him when he isn't there. He is intelligent and strategic. He's never to be underestimated and most fear and or respect him. These things apply as a rogue or as a candidate. These strengths are what put a target on his back and thus becoming Two-Face. I also do not know enough about this but pumas are not as solitary as other cats. Which fit with Harvey's ambivert personality.
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Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel) - Spotted Hyena
This one is also an obvious one I would think. Spotted hyenas are a matrical species, meaning the females are in charge. Harley as a character I think usually represents feminine strength at least in recent years. Hyenas are very strong, they take what they want and fiercely protect what is theirs. They have a nasty reputation but live in a pretty unforgiving environment. Hyenas actually do hunt and have to protect their prizes from animals like lions. They have good reason to be the way they are.
Harley is a pretty unpleasant person but she has her reasons. Having dealt with a lot throughout her life. Her actions come from a place of pain though ruthless. She is not satisfied with what she does at the end of the day. She knows she has a lot work to do and a lot to figure out. Scary as she is.
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Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley)- Orchid mantis
Another animal associated with feminine power. Mantis are fierce and confident, they stand their ground even against other animals much bigger than they are. They are not very fast and can't fly very well, but are a top insect predator. They have no need to chase, just sit and wait until the opportunity to strike comes to them. Of course, they have the reputation of eating the head of their mates, but that's actually common for insects. Still fitting.
Ivy is a powerful person literally and personality-wise. She has incredible control of her environment as long as there are any plants around. She is beautiful and deadly. Anyone who can get close to her is very lucky. She's pretty content keeping to herself and her plants and is laid back when she is comfortable. She takes opportunities when they are presented to her with full force. Best stay on her good side and give her space. She makes a wonderful mantis.
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Bane (Antonio Diego) - Grizzly bear
Bears are incredibly strong but it's not just brawn they have brain too. Bane is not just a brute, he knows how to use his strength well and is incredibly strategic. A bear can be a very scary animal but also fun to observe. Some find them cute, and some find them terrifying. Bane also comes off in a similar way, it just depends on what you know about him. He is someone you can have deep and philosophical conversations with but most would be too scared to approach him. Unfortunately, his addiction makes him unpredictable and behave in a way he would not want to. Bane does have a code he follows and will return the respect you give him. Just a bear will respect your space if you know how to behave in their territory.
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Catwoman (Selina Kyle) - Domsitic long-hair cat
Yeah, Catwoman is meant to be a cat in person form so, I don't think there is much to explain. She comes and goes as she pleases and does what she wants. She likes to bother those with no interest in her. The whole shebang. Not bad but not good, just her own brand.
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Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch) - Arctic hare
Arctic hares are one of the largest species of hare. They mainly live alone but come together for warmth and mating. I'm still not too sure about this, I haven't found much on this yet but it seems like rabbits are much more territorially and aggressive than hares. Either way, most think Jervis is a rabbit and not a hare, because of his height and demeanor. Hares are often seen as crazy and generally have a wild reputation, and Jervis is pretty demure. This instead comes out as passion for the things he loves. However, if he is pushed too far all of his pent-up emotions and frustrations will come out in an explosive response. Despite his appearance, he's very fit and strong. He has metabolic issues that make it difficult to lose weight so in his efforts to lose it he instead makes himself stronger. A similar effect to powerlifters. I thought specifically an Arctic hare was fitting because of this reason, as an arctic animal it's incredibly important for them to gain weight to survive the harsh weather. Something that others believe including Jervis himself thinks is a weakness actually becomes a strength. He does become more comfortable with himself eventually, but he has a lot of trauma to overcome to fix his own self-image.
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Riddler (Edward Nigma) - Domestic rat
Rats are very social and intelligent. Despite media depictions, they keep themselves clean and are very affectionate. Ed is very much an extrovert and hates being alone, though he can be overbearing at times he loves those close to him very much and gives as much as he takes. Rats are great at getting around being able to squeeze into most places and can tread water for a long time (ironically Ed cannot swim). Ed can also squirm his way into anything be it physically or finding information. Rats enjoy causing mischief and are often high-energy, they need a lot of enrichment. Ed is functioning at 100% and crashes to 0% once he's out of energy, he has to keep himself busy and do little evil genius tasks until he's completely exhausted himself.
(I drew these on stream and Marxtheimpish asked to give Ed a cheerio, and Jervis lettuce, Ed is mad he only got one single cheerio.)
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Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane) - Milksnake
A pretty biased pick since I mentioned snakes are my favorite animal, and Scarecrow is my favorite rogue but I have a good reason for my choice. First of all, as someone raised in the South, I associate milk snakes (and therefore corn snakes and rat snakes) with the country. They can often be found on farms and are great pest control and that also makes me also associate them with scarecrows. Milksnakes mimic coral snakes to scare away predators. Jonathan does something similar and comes off as scary and intimating but for the sake of his own protection. Snakes really want to be left alone and so does Jonathan. Snakes are often misunderstood and seen as something evil (especially by some religious people), but they are anxious skittish creatures and will stay out of your way. The religious association is another reason I picked a snake. Most people assume the worst in Jonathan because of his appearance and aloof disposition. He's pretty tired of trying to prove them wrong and has convinced himself he can't be anything else. But know this, there is no such thing as an offensive snake there are only defensive snakes.
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Music Meister (Darius Chapel) - Golden-breasted starling
This one is mostly a visual choice. Darius is a pretty boy so of course he should be a pretty bird. Starlings are also a songbird and incredible at mimicking sounds. Just as Darius is an incredible singer and has a wide range of expressing himself musically. I think starlings are sometimes seen as pests or nuisance, I've only heard that in passing. If that's true that fits with Darius. Some people find him annoying but he's a very pleasant person.
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Polkadot man (Abner Krill) - Spotted newt
Spotted newts are poisonous and their spots and color advertise that. Just as Abner has dangerous spots. This is mainly the reason why I chose a newt for Abner. I think aposematism, when an animal is colorful because it is toxic, is a really cool thing that happens in nature. I couldn't pass up the chance. Newts are also very cute and humble animals so all the more reason.
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Mr.Freeze (Viktor Fries) - Polar bear
Of course, Viktor is a polar bear. Polar bears are solitary animals, especially the males. They only need themselves, and can only afford to care for themselves in the environment they live in. Viktor is a very independent person. He's confident in his abilities and can do almost anything by himself. Nora is an arctic fox, I bring this up because arctic foxes often follow polar bears around. So they are a perfect match. Polar bears are very formidable, you do not want to get in Viktor's way. Though he may seem cold, he is a good person with a big heart.
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The Penguin (Ozwald Cobblepot) - Emperor penguin
Yeah, penguin. Emperor penguins care very deeply for their families and don't much care for anyone else. They will brave harsh weather and dangerous waters all for the sake of their families. Oz does not like anyone besides his family. He'll go through any extreme he needs to, no questions asked. Just a cranky old man that wants to give his loved ones a good life.
I'm much better at expressing myself visually than verbally so I'm not sure if this was comprehensive enough. I don't feel like I got out what I had in my head properly. So please feel free to ask any questions. Also, most of these facts are from my memory and may be inaccurate, but I did my best to fact-check myself when I was unsure of something. So if I got something wrong please correct me, I love learning more about animals. Otherwise, enjoy this word vomit infodump.
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tbcanary · 4 months
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i just love the way they draw harley in the current poison ivy run....
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suzieloveships · 2 months
Ivy: Yes, there are many obstacles. But I'm standing in front of three of the most radiant minds on the planet. Surely you can find a way to overcome them
Harley: >:)
Jonathan: >:)
Edward: >B)
Osward: I believe you can actually hear the sound of their egos growning
Ivy: Mm-hmm
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fluffytimearts · 7 months
Dead and Scars! Redraw Riddler!
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maddnessmadds · 1 month
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Johnathan Crane: master of fear
plus his pet crow. cuz ofc.
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lovesick-joey · 1 year
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i lobe monster fucking
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Dick Grayson is good at riddles and the Rouges love him
Im very amused by the 1960s series Dick solving the Riddler’s riddles in 10 seconds. He’s way better than Batman its like Dick and Riddler have the same brain lol
In fanfic, I keep seeing a headcanon that Tim is the one that’s good with riddles and Dick was bad at them during their tenures as Robin. (I think it’s because Dick has been himbofied lol). I want to see re-imaginings of old canon like that….
I need more fanfic focusing on the Rouge’s relationship with Nightwing/Robin. He’s the one that is synomimous with “Batman and Robin”. They were coming into themselves as supervillians the same time Dick was coming into Robin. They grew together. I need Riddler and Nightwing having a Moment when he solves the riddles. I need Ivy and Barbara having a Moment as they bond over being the only girls in the game. I need Penguin and Tim developing a catty mean girl relationship. Shit talking on a weird rich people level- spitting out double entendres via society gossip and petty slights.
I want to see how all of these people are in such a strange cycle of violence that comes from orbiting around eachother over the years. It forms these weird little relationships and politics that people outside Gotham find BIZARRE. But things just work like a 1960s cartoon in Gotham ;)
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So Scooby-Doo occurs in the DC universe. The Scooby gang has encountered and teamed up with the dynamic duo multiple times. Another show of Hanna-Barbara was The Blue Falcon and Dynomutt.
I headcannon that Batman sometimes teams up with Blue Falcon and Dynomutt as well as them visiting the other’s city. Not only that I headcannon that Big City is on the same Bay as Gotham and Metropolis. Now imagine Bruce Wayne going to Radley Crowne’s art exhibits and the two of them interacting. It could start off with them not knowing the other’s identity until the Scooby gang need the superheroes to solve a mystery.
Now additionally: Batman encounters Blue Falcon’s rouge gallery and just goes “let’s hope Joker and Gimmick never meet or Queen Bee and Poison Ivy”
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batglare101 · 3 months
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23. Scarecrow
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