Bruh fam yall I just had this idea instead of exiting the shower!
Danny and Dani are never seen together. Like ever by any other Hero.
It starts off as just Danny working with the others and then he goes home to tell Dani all about it. Or OR Dani really wanted to tag along with Danny to meet the others but hearing about how Superman was Danny is worried for her safety so it’s a “you can’t show yourself but you can come. If you promise me to stay hidden the entire time. Please” so she agrees and tags along. They both are probably very worried about the Justice League (since the ecto acts and the League aligned with the government)
Danny doesn’t join up per-say but he is like on call if they truly need help. Though normally he just shows up if they need him. They have no idea how he knows. Cut to one day Danny is unable to go so Dani goes in his place. Shes always gone with him so she knows everything he does right? Lord is Danny super worried about her, his protection obsession going into overdrive. He trusts her though and she goes.
Thing is shes also a bit worried about the League. She just shows up and tries her best to stay out of their way and get the job done. Then it happens. Shes called over with a “HEY! Phantom!” A deep breath to calm herself and she flys over. ‘It’s ok Dani they haven’t attacked Danny once. You ate gonna be fine’ kinda deal. Shes putting up a mask or smiles like Danny always does. She has seen him interact with the League tons of times so she can imitate his behaviour with them to a T.
This of course caused some confusion among the League “are you a girl?” And just like that she gets an idea. A great Idea! If they don’t know that there are two of them then one will always be able to save the other. Plus it would be funny. So she goes full ham into the bit. “Oh yea hehe its just how i feel.” Time to put on the sheepish Danny act of rubbing the back of her neck and looking away “I uhh hope you guys don’t mind me being a girl”
Bam they all bite. Saying stuff about being who you feel you are or whatever. Accepting her on the spot. Well accepting the fact that Danny can be whoever he feels right being. At least they aren’t complete assholes. Though The Batman is giving her this look. She decided to use that to her advantage. Better the team think the bat is homophobic than to get on her case. It works of course. If she learned anything from Vlad it’s how to put on an act. As she flies off she can even still hear the team berating The Batman for his old fashioned backwards ways. Takes everything she has not to giggle as she goes, can’t have Superman hearing that.
When she tells Danny about it he just giver her a wicked grin. It’s been ages since the gremlin duo had this kind of fun.
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scary-grace · 3 months
Opposites Attract - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
Your quirk lets you capture almost anyone with ease, and you can't believe you let Shigaraki Tomura escape. Shigaraki can't believe it, either, and according to the League, there's only one possible explanation -- you let him go because you've fallen in love with him. He decides to find out if it's true. You decide you won't fail to capture him again. You both get a lot more than you bargained for. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapters: 1 2
Chapter 1
This was supposed to be your day off. It’s all you can think about, which isn’t a good thing, because you’re in the middle of a villain attack and using your quirk at all requires a significant amount of your focus – but it was supposed to be your day off, dammit. You’re supposed to be doing something fun. Going shopping. Getting a haircut, or mani-pedis, and going out for drinks with your friends at a place crawling with photographers. All the stuff young, single, female pro heroes are supposed to do. So what if you hate that stuff, and you were probably going to sleep all day, wake up at 5pm, make dinner, and marathon the Alien franchise until you fell asleep again? You could have gone out.
But instead you’re here, because Eraserhead caught himself another spinal fracture, and when the doctors threatened to tie him to the bed if he tried to leave before they were done fusing it, he called in a favor you owe him and made you supervise his first-year-class from hell on a field trip to the brand-new Kamino Memorial Park. Go to Kamino Park, they said. It’ll be safe, they said. There’s no way in hell the League of Villains will hit the place a second time.
Well, they’re hitting it, and they’re hitting it hard – and it was supposed to be your goddamn day off. You throw out your arm to stop the trio of students you’re shepherding to safety as three knives thud into the grass in front of you, and make yourself a promise: The next time Eraserhead asks you to do anything, you’re telling him to go to hell.
“Hey, um –” One of the students taps your shoulder, and you know without even asking that they’ve forgotten your name again. “We got our provisional licenses. We can fight now.”
“You can, but you won’t. Create a perimeter and protect the civilians,” you order. You’re not sure why the League of Villains is here, but there’s no way you’re feeding a bunch of kids back into the same meat grinder they escaped from a month ago. “Other pros are on their way, and so are the police. In the mean time –”
You flick your fingers, calling up a magnetic field, and the knives lift out of the grass, hovering in midair. “I’ll keep them busy.”
You consider taking the knives and sending them back the way they came, but unless you want to fatally wound Toga, you’ll just be handing her weapons back to her. You curl your hand into a fist, compacting them into useless wads of metal. You’ve already used your quirk to tear up the park, creating uneven, unsteady terrain that’s dangerous for anybody who doesn’t have a way to take the fight airborne. Now it’s time for you to do what you do best. You narrow your focus, sensing out the concentrations of suspended iron that represent the League of Villains, and once you’ve got them, you lock them down.
Most of them, anyway. One proves a little more difficult to grasp than the others, and you get moving, using one hand to pull rebar and wiring out of the ground. You need it to ensnare the three you’ve already captured while you chase the villain who slipped away from you. You secure Toga and Twice, but Dabi burns his way free, and Twice sends a clone after you. Since it’s a clone, you don’t feel bad about yanking every molecule of trace metals out of its body and turning it to sludge.
Dabi’s on his feet, but you’re a bad matchup for Dabi for a lot of reasons. He’s got a ton of extra metal in his body. He throws his hands out towards you, blue flames already flickering. You fix your quirk on the staples holding him together and start pulling them out.
“What the fuck?” Dabi snarls, recoiling. Blood is already beginning to ooze from the holes on his wrists. “If you think you can just take me apart –”
You yank out another two – one from each wrist. “Stand down. You’ll run out of those before I run out of power.”
It’s true. Your quirk is Magnetism, and using it is easy for you. Using it safely is something else, but you can yank out every staple in Dabi’s body without breaking a sweat or destroying any property. Not that you want to do that. “I don’t want to hurt you, so just –”
There’s a shift in metallic concentration just behind you, and you dive to one side, just in time to avoid Shigaraki Tomura’s hand as it tries to close over your shoulder. A Twice clone is after you, too. You take the staples you pulled out of Dabi and fire them through its eye and throat as you roll out of Shigaraki’s reach. The leader of the League of Villains laughs, low and raspy. “Killing somebody? That’s not very heroic.”
You hate it when villains banter, but you’re not letting that one stand. “That’s not the real Twice.”
You’ve got the real one, and now you’ve got Dabi, too – at least for a few seconds. Maintaining a hold on Dabi, Twice, and Toga at once is within your abilities, but doing that and trying to capture Shigaraki at the same time – and maintain the barriers you’ve set up – and stay sharp enough to bounce Shigaraki into midair if he tries to touch the ground and vaporize Kamino Memorial Park out from under your feet – all of that is testing your concentration. When you lose concentration while using your quirk, bad things happen.
Shigaraki reaches for you again. A hero like Eraserhead would retaliate physically, kick or hit back, but you don’t want to be anywhere near Shigaraki’s quirk. You draw back out of reach, taking a step back every time Shigaraki steps forward. “You’re an underground hero,” he says. “Didn’t you learn what we do to underground heroes from what happened to Eraserhead?”
“Yeah. He shook that off, and sent me to take care of his light work.” The longer you can drag this out, the better – you can hear sirens approaching, and you know that Yokohama’s other pros are on their way. “Isn’t this a little high-risk for you? Returning to the scene of the crime so you can – what?”
Shigaraki sneers at you from behind the hand. “What do you think?”
You really couldn’t care less. Someone shouts for you, and your concentration slips for a second too long. You have to decide who to let go of, and between the three you’ve restrained, Toga’s the least dangerous. You let your control over the iron concentration in her blood relax and focus on trying to restrain Shigaraki instead. He’s hard to get ahold of. His body’s iron concentration is less than it should be. You lock him down for a second, but you can’t get a grip, and he slips free, smirking. “I know who you are,” he says. “The Capture Hero – Skynet. Not much of a capture hero, huh? You can’t even hang on to me. Are you sure the villains you’ve bagged didn’t let you get them?”
“No, they just didn’t have anemia,” you snap. Shigaraki blinks. “You don’t have enough iron in your blood for me to manipulate.”
Anemia’s not uncommon, but you’ve never come across a case this severe in someone you’re trying to capture. His iron concentration is so low that you can’t hold him for more than a split second. That level of anemia is crippling, and the words fly awkwardly out of your mouth before you can stop them. “Are you, like – okay?”
He’s stopped trying to grab you. You should capitalize on it, pull up more rebar and wire to hold him down, but your mind’s off on its own track. “Do you get headaches?” you ask. “What about dizziness? Do you get tired a lot?”
Shigaraki looks disconcerted. He nods – then shakes his head, snarls, and sinks back into a fighting stance. “Why do you care?”
“What about a rapid heart rate even when you’re not doing anything?” When he’s doing something, like he is right now, it’s got to be even worse. You two have been trading barbs for thirty seconds at most and he’s out of breath. “You need to take care of yourself. This isn’t healthy.”
“Shut up!” Shigaraki lunges for you, and you twist aside. You get a good look at his fingernails as his hand goes by. They’re pale instead of pink. “Why do you care? So you can capture me and keep your precious reputation?”
You’re actually a little insulted. “So you don’t die!”
Shigaraki stares at you. The hand reaching out for you drops, and you close the distance between the two of you to shove him hard, knocking him backwards. Once he hits the concrete, you’ll figure something else out. You can hold him until someone else gets here.
But someone else is here, and they’re not here to help you. Shigaraki tumbles directly into a warp gate, staring at you like you’ve lost your mind the entire way.
Damn it. You can’t grasp the warp villain – wherever his real body is, it’s a long way from here, and you’re at risk of losing Dabi and Twice now, too. You tighten your grip on them, but even as you do, you see another portal opening out of the corner of your eye. This one is in midair, threatening to swallow a group of civilians who decided that hiding behind the All Might statue was a better choice than evacuating like the students ordered them to. “The civilians, or my associates,” the warp villain rumbles, from everywhere and nowhere. “Your choice.”
It's not a choice. You release your grip on Dabi and Twice, both the iron in their blood and the metal and wire holding them down, and warp gates devour them both. The warp gate above the civilians shuts, decapitating the All Might statue in the bargain, and as quickly as everything began, it grinds to a halt.
“Skynet!” someone snaps from behind you, and you freeze. “You let them go?”
Miruko is Number Six on the charts, and she outranks you by a lot, but you still bristle at her tone. “The civilians –”
“If you’re not stopping villains, you’re not doing your job.” She looks pissed. You have a feeling that she’s only holding off on kicking you because it’ll look bad in front of everybody. “If you’d held onto them a second longer, I’d have been here, and –”
“We could have helped!” That’s one of Eraserhead’s students – the one with the spiky red hair. “If you’d let us help –”
“You’re just kids. Do you have any idea what Eraser would do to me if I had –” You trail off when you realize that whatever it is, Eraser’s going to do it to you anyway for even letting the kids near the League of Villains. “I was the senior hero at the scene. It was my call. If you did what I told you – which you did – you did the right thing.”
“You did the right thing,” Miruko says to the student. The police are here. The cars skid to a stop, and you feel the iron concentration in what’s left of the park shift. There’s a helicopter in the air, too. More people, more cameras. Miruko is glaring at you. “You’re the one who screwed up.”
Yeah, you did. You stare dispiritedly at the headless statue of All Might as Eraser’s class regroups around you, as somebody starts questioning Miruko – the new senior hero at the scene – about what went wrong here. A few thoughts spin through your head, mainly of the hell you’re about to catch from the press, the heroic establishment, and the HPSC. Shigaraki Tomura’s case of life-endangering anemia makes it in there, and so does a hit of frustration at the fact that you’re in trouble for choosing to save a bunch of civilians from getting bisected by a warp gate. But the main thing that’s on your mind is the same thing that’s been there since the first spurt of blue flames erupted over the park: This was supposed to be your day off.
“Well, that blew,” Dabi says as he picks himself up off the floor of the League’s new hideout. “Whose idea was this, again?”
He’s glaring at Shigaraki. Shigaraki glares back. “I didn’t hear you say we shouldn’t do it.”
“I said we shouldn’t,” Twice pipes up. He’s still got a piece of rebar wrapped around his ankle. “No, it was a great idea!”
It seemed like a great idea when Shigaraki thought of it last night – go to Kamino Park, rattle the heroes’ cages, show everybody that the League of Villains isn’t scared of anything and isn’t even close to down for the count without Sensei to guide them. Then again, Shigaraki was three cans deep into a twelve-pack Compress had lifted last night, so his judgment might have been off. Twice is still talking. “I mean, we scared the piss out of those civilians. Those hero brats were running scared, too! And did you see what Kurogiri did to that All Might statue?”
“No,” Shigaraki says. He looks at Kurogiri. “What did you do?”
“Over there.” Kurogiri points, and Shigaraki looks. The head of the All Might statue is sitting on the warehouse floor. “It would have been a shame to leave without a trophy of some kind.”
“It’s on the news,” Magne sings out. She opted out of mission, and now she’s watching it on the League’s TV, lifted last week by Compress, which is hooked up to their generator, which was also lifted by Compress. “And it’s not looking too good for the heroes. That little one’s in big trouble.”
“Good. She’s a bitch,” Dabi mutters. His hands are bleeding. “What was that quirk, anyway?”
“Magnetism,” Shigaraki says. He feels weird. Maybe it’s the quirk. “She can manipulate magnetic fields. Any metal, on any of us –”
“I didn’t have any!” Twice protests.
“Then she used the iron content in your blood,” Shigaraki says. You told him how you were restraining the others. Amateur mistake. Or it would be, if there was any way to not have iron in his blood – but that’s a problem, too. “She couldn’t grab me. She said I didn’t have enough.”
“Is that so?” Kurogiri studies Shigaraki. “Did she say anything else?”
“Anemic.” It’s a weird word. Shigaraki scratches his neck. “She was weird about it. She wanted to know if I get headaches, or dizzy – or tired –”
The answer’s yes, which is why it was weird. It was weird that you knew. But the weirdest thing is what you said at the end. “She asked me if I was okay, and when I asked her why she gave a shit –”
“She answered you?” Magne mutes the TV, looking surprised. “What did she say?”
“What did I miss?” Toga skids into the warehouse before Shigaraki can answer. “I got away, but none of you came with me, so I went to the meeting spot alone. What happened?”
“The hero let us go,” Dabi grunts. “Shigaraki was just telling us about a little chat they had.”
“Ooh, you talked to her?” Toga sits down next to Twice on the ground, peering at Shigaraki. “What did she say?”
“She doesn’t want me to die.” Shigaraki feels his face contort behind Father’s hand as he says it. “Weird.”
“Weird,” Twice agrees. “Since when do heroes play mind games like that?”
It’s quiet for a second. “So she asked if you were okay and she doesn’t want you to die,” Dabi says slowly. “I don’t know, Shigaraki. It sounds kind of like she likes you.”
Shigaraki’s mind goes totally blank. “What?”
“You must have won her over,” Magne chimes in. “All that charisma you’ve got – how was a poor underground hero supposed to resist the leader of the League of Villains?”
You seemed like you were resisting just fine, until you couldn’t grab him. But it’s weird that you weren’t angry. You actually sounded like you were worried. Like you really cared whether Shigaraki has anemia, or whatever the fuck. Like you care if he’s okay. “Don’t be stupid. That’s not –”
“Come on, boss, don’t sell yourself short,” Twice says. “If you can seduce any hero you want, how come you didn’t seduce Miruko?”
“Ooh, Miruko’s so pretty!” Toga grins. “The other one’s okay, too. What was her name again?”
Shigaraki coughs, trying to make his throat feel less weird, but it’s not just his throat. It’s his face, too. “Skynet.”
“You said she was getting in trouble. I bet that’s why,” Dabi says to Magne. “They must have all figured out that she’s in love.”
“Shut up,” Shigaraki says. Nobody listens. He raises his voice. “Shut up! The mission was a success. Why aren’t we talking about that?”
“We are,” Toga says. Her grin’s devolved into a goofy, dazed smile. “You have to teach me how, Tomura-kun. If we make the heroes fall in love with us, it’ll be even easier to win! I want Ochako. No, Tsu. No, Izuku –”
Shigaraki stops listening. He picks himself up off the floor, hating the way his head spins, and makes his way over to Kurogiri. Kurogiri studies him. “Anemic,” he repeats. “The hero listed the symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia. Do you experience any of them?”
Shigaraki doesn’t answer. Kurogiri waits, just like he always waits, and Shigaraki figured out a while ago that the fastest way to make the itching stop is to answer the question. “Some of them,” he says. Kurogiri’s eyes tilt in the way that means he thinks Shigaraki’s full of shit. “Fine. All of them. So what?”
“Did she say anything else?”
Are you okay? “No,” Shigaraki says, pushing away the memory of how fast your expression shifted, how you went from focused on keeping Shigaraki’s comrades trapped and trapping him the exact same way to looking – worried. “That was it. Kurogiri, do you –”
“Yes, Shigaraki Tomura?”
“I mean, they’re just – they’re joking, right?” Shigaraki keeps his voice quiet. If any of the others hear this, he’s going to have to kill them. And maybe also himself, so he won’t have to remember that he thought about this at all. “There’s no way anybody – I mean, a hero – would like me. They’re kidding. Aren’t they?”
He wants Kurogiri to say yes. He wants him to say yes fast, and then to not pick on him for even considering it, and then to forget this ever happened. Instead Kurogiri thinks about it. “It is not impossible that they are correct,” he says. “Her behavior was unusual for a hero in her position. And it is likely that she knows more about you than you do about her. Perhaps she does have a certain – perception of you.”
“It could be,” Kurogiri muses. “She drew your attention to an issue that impacts your health, and therefore your effectiveness as All For One’s successor. And she chose to let you go. If the hero known as Skynet does have a soft spot for you, it has worked undeniably in your favor. It might behoove you to allow her to continue to nurse it.”
“Yeah, no.” Shigaraki shoots that idea down immediately. Any idea that makes him feel that weird is obviously a bad one. “I’m not going to track her down and say I’m not interested, but the next time I run into her, I’m saying it and you can’t stop me. None of you can stop me.”
He raises his voice, making sure everyone hears, and everyone looks up from whatever they’re doing. “Of course we can’t,” Magne says. “But you’re naïve if you think you can stop her. Nothing can stop a hero on a mission.”
“And nothing can stop true love!” Toga smiles at Shigaraki. “I believe in us, Tomura-kun! We can win their hearts together!”
The weird feeling multiplies. Shigaraki scratches hopelessly at the side of his neck and thinks about the remains of last night’s twelve-pack. Getting drunk again isn’t going to help, but it’s hard to imagine it making things worse.
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snowyquokka · 6 months
Hi gorgeous 💞
I honestly love you work, thank you so much ❤️
If it's not too much to ask but my birthday is on 14th March so can you write a hyunjin x f reader smut +fluff with him giving reader his birthday gift for her (surprise me with your writing)?
I would really appreciate it 🥺
Bye 👋
Tumblr media
cw: mature content MDNI, fem reader, oral *f receiving, swearing, friends to lovers, no aftercare shown but is implied
wc: 1.3k
a.n - happy birthday beautiful!! i hope this was a good enough present <3
12:00 AM
Tons of DMs, calls and texts erupt on your phone simultaneously, wishing you a happy birthday. Everyone but the one you wanted most.
Is it wrong to be in love with your best friend since the sixth grade? To a normal person, maybe, but to you it’s the reality you’re forced to live.
4:00 AM
Did he forget? You can’t blame him; he is an idol after all and he’s probably exhausted. At this point the group chat you are in with all the guys is blowing up to the point where you had to silence it once you realized that Hyunjin wasn’t responding or jumping in the conversation.
|lixie - happy birthday cutie
|hanji - get ready to party bitch. it’s on
|seungmo - im not getting stuck with han’s shitfaced ass this time
|minhoe - it’s only like one in the morning and you’re already plotting?
|innie - felix get back on league
|channie - im trying to sleep
|seungmo - put your phone on silent then old man
|seungmo - nvm you probably dont know how at ur jurassic age
You let out a small laugh and bite your lip, contemplating if you should thank them or not. Ultimately deciding against it and telling yourself that you’ll do it when you wake up, you turn off your phone and roll over onto your side, soundlessly falling asleep.
10:00 AM
There’s a knock at the door, startling you out of yet another poor attempt at sleeping. You hop out of bed sluggishly and make your way to the living room. To your surprise, Hyunjin is leaning against the doorway, having let himself in with the emergency key you gave him when you first moved in.
“Just in case,” He insisted, “What if something happens and you need me? Or vice versa.” The fact that you believed that would be the only scenario he used it for seemed a bit foolish as he visited more and more.
You spot a somewhat large box, royal blue with a red ribbon on top, in Hyunjin’s hands. He smiles and pushes off the doorway. “I’m sorry to intrude like that, you weren’t answering your phone.” He says when he reaches you.
You shrug, “It’s okay. I was only sleeping.” Hyunjin nods and places the box in your hands with a sly grin, “Open,” He gestures towards the box. You move to the couch and take the lid off the box. The first thing on top is your very own Jiniret. “So you stop kidnapping my child,” Hyunjin laughs and slides onto the couch next to you. The next thing you pull out is an all black hoodie and when you turn it around you see Hyunjin’s name on the back. The small gesture shouldn’t cause butterflies to emerge in your stomach, but it does to your dismay.
You take out the rest of the stuff (a few small fake plants, Versace perfume that you scold him for buying for you, and a couple of his PCs sprinkled in between everything). You finally reach the bottom and furrow your eyebrows when you pull out a blindfold. You look at Hyunjin whose expression has morphed into something mischievous. He moves the box out of your lap and takes the blindfold out of your hands before tying it around your head, obstructing your vision.
“C’mon, stand up.” You do and Hyunjin slides his hand in yours, guiding you somewhere.
After a few moments you assume you’ve reached your bedroom, the smell of your favorite candle filling the air. The door clicks behind you and now you’re hyper aware of Hyunjin’s presence.
“Why are we in my room, Jin?” Instead of answering you, he runs his fingers delicately down your bare forearms, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake.
“I think we can both agree that we have more than just a normal friendship, don’t you think?” Hyunjin’s voice has noticeably dropped, causing shivers to wrack your body. Your heartbeat quickens so much that you wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear it. “I asked you a question, baby.”
Are you dreaming? You must be dreaming. There is absolutely no way you aren’t. He would never say anything like this. Right? Right. You’re pulled out of your thoughts when Hyunjin places his hands on your hips and presses you flush against his body.
Maybe you aren’t dreaming, judging by the very real, sizable erection digging into your stomach. “Hyunjin I-” You aren’t too sure what to say except to agree with him. He walks you back to the bed and gently lets you down, climbing over you soon after.
“Are you sure?” You know for sure that he would never lie about something like this, especially with you. You’re asking yourself more than you are him.
He toys with the hem of your shirt, “May I?” You nod and raise your arms as he lifts it over your head before immediately attaching his lips to your neck. Hyunjin nips at your shoulder and collar bone before making his way down to your breasts. “Do you want this?”
“Yes, please.” You whine. He unclasps your bra and throws it somewhere. His mouth attacks your right breast, his other hand massaging the other. Your back arches in pleasure and you can’t help but let out a groan. How can’t you when Hwang fucking Hyunjin has his pretty pink lips wrapped around your nipple.
“Fuck, baby. You make the sexiest sounds.” Hyunjin drops to his knees, pulling your shorts and panties down with him. His mouth waters at the sight of his index finger being swallowed whole by your tight heat.
“Holy shit,” You say breathlessly. You raise your hands to take the blindfold but he stops you.
“Not yet, baby. Want to make you come first,” With that he adds another finger and watches, mesmerized, as your cunt takes his digits. The lewd sounds filling the room are enough to make him bust right then and there. He manages to pull himself together though. That is, until he gets a taste of you.
Hyunjin’s tongue slides in between your folds in one flat stripe and he groans. The groan is so deep that you feel it vibrate through your entire being. He traces figure eights across your clit and you swear you're in heaven. His tongue is euphoric and the feeling of his delighted groans are better than ecstasy.
“Hyune, please. I’m almost there.” Your fingers tug at his roots so hard you might have to apologize later. Hyunjin doesn’t seem to mind very much.
“You’re so good for me, baby. Come on, finish for me. Let me hear those pretty little symphonies of moans.” You clench around his fingers as he increases the pressure on your clit, giving you a knee buckling orgasm. You crash so hard that Hyunjin has to hold up your waist to prevent you from falling.
He chuckles and licks the insides of your thighs clean before rising to his feet and pulling you into a wet kiss, your own juices invading your tastebuds. Hyunjin finally lets you take off the blindfold after helping you sit up. The man in front of you looks so proud of himself with a lopsided grin, your release glistening on his lips.
“Happy birthday, baby.” He pulls you into another kiss and cups your jaw.
“This gonna happen every year?” You smile. Hyunjin shakes his head.
“This is gonna happen whenever you’ll let me.”
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catgirlforeskin · 3 months
"even the most gentle suggestions that trying out other games could be good." ^ .... ?? "We should round up everyone who still likes DnD 5e and hold their faces down into hot coals until the smell of charred melting flesh suffocates our noses! Who’s with me!" "an rpg so alien to the design philosophy of DnD that hearing it makes cr fans’ heads explode into tf2 gore giblets" & you keep saying that you'd give people a list of other ttrpg's to play... and you don't. you just shit on stuff and whine. i don't even like dnd anymore because all the manuals are "big" but insubstantial and wizards of the coast are greedy and making the game worse.. but it doesn't mean you have to be rude to the people who still enjoy it.
You’re right, we don’t have to be rude to people who still enjoy 5e. We have to kill them
I’ve had several posts about other systems to play, usually as answers to asks I’ve gotten, if tumblr search worked better you could look on my blog quite easily. But for posterity’s sake…
Crunchier games:
-most similar to DnD 5e: Pathfinder 2e. All rules free online, extremely popular
-faster, high stakes cinematic combat with more flexibility in setting: Mythras
-apocalyptic survival exploration with good gun-based combat: Twilight 2000 4e. Easily reskinned for other settings that keep the same thematic core
-people will get mad if I don’t mention Lancer, it’s a mech game, I just think it’s okay personally.
Pf2e and Lancer are combat as sport while mythras and t2000 are more combat as war (explainer here)
Lighter Games:
-OSR: Old School Renaissance, this is a school of RPGs based on original DnD and adventuring with fragile characters defined by gear instead of abilities who should always fight dirty and creatively, trying to outwit opponents instead of engaging head-on. Mausritter and Dragonbane are my current favs, but there’s hundreds of games in this genre of all different kinds of themes. Favors GM rulings over written rules⭐️Great for people who already play 5e in a much more freeform style⭐️
-PbtA: Powered by the Apocalypse, a school of RPGs based on Apocalypse World. Strong mechanical support for collaboratively making your story at the table. ⭐️Great for people who prefer roleplay and narrative⭐️. People often recommend Dungeon World because it’s similar to old dnd, personally I just think it’s okay. Current fav is The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power for Game of Thrones feeling stories, Fellowship is good for LotR style fantasy. Hundreds of games in this genre and the subgenre Forged in the Dark (FitD) for games based on Blades in the Dark. Current fav is Rebel Crown.
Closing thoughts:
-Umm suck me off :)
-Free League Publishing makes a ton of rpgs and pretty much all of them are good, I highly recommend anything they do. FIST is a fun osr and pbta hybrid. Riddle of Steel and its successors are cool rpgs trying to simulate real sword fights unfortunately mostly made by reactionary dipshits. There’s tons of unique rules light stuff outside of OSR or PbtA design space as well, go on the various rpg subreddits, go to rpg blogs, go to itch.io and explore. r/rpg is a great resource and I’ve learned about so many good systems from it.
-I hope this one shows up when searching my blog for rpg posts in the future so silly people don’t go “you never recommend games you’re just a HATER!” I love to hate but it’s slightly more fun to play good rpgs with friends than it is to be a hater online. Oh my god I didn’t even mention GMless games, good lord uhhh check out Quiet Year and The Zone okay love you all bye bye I want 100 5e player scalps xoxo
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gffa · 4 months
Dearest gffa, you are the only person I know whose been reading Batfamily comics. (Though I do read some of the fanfic haha). The destiel meme informed me that Bad Things just happened in the latest comics. Is there a primer to the latest drama? (Everyone seems upset). Are you ok?
Best wishes, your fandom neighbor on Star Wars Street
I assume this is about the Batman #148 leaks? I haven't seen a ton of drama (other than a couple of posts, including the Destiel meme notification that got me to go see what was happening) but if that's it, it's kind of funny, because okay. As far as I've seen (the issue isn't even out yet, so I can't read it until tomorrow, I'm only going on the leaked panels I've seen) what happens in the issue is that Failsafe-- okay, let me back up. In the current Batman run (written by Chip Zdarsky), awhile back Bruce created a super powerful robot that was meant to be activated in the case of him going rogue so that it could take him down, and it's very coldly logical, based on his patterns, so it knows him extremely well and is hard to beat. It's powerful enough that it apparently took out the Justice League awhile back (I haven't read that arc yet, so take that with a grain of salt), which means now that Failsafe has gone rogue in the current Batman series that Zdarsky's writing, Bruce is having a hell of a time fighting it, especially with his "backup personality" Zur-En-Arrh (Bruce is a paranoid shit and I love him the most) is also running amok in his head and he's fighting back against that. Back up further--in late 2023, there was an event called "Gotham War" that was basically, "Bruce has been through a lot of shit lately, so he was out of commission for several months, in that time Selina stepped up in Gotham and started training crooks to be cat burglars instead of rogues' goons, Bruce woke up, thought this was bullshit, despite that crime was down, and they basically had a turf war while Bruce was losing his goddamned mind because of what he'd been through and because Zur-En-Arrh was literally ratting the bars of the cage of his mind, and part of the fallout being that Bruce dosed Jason with a gas that basically made his adrenaline go wild any time he would do anything dangerous, so that he could no longer be in this life of crime or vigilantism, because Jason had killed a lot of people, but Bruce couldn't bear to send him to jail, so this was the only way he could live with taking Jason out of the life they lived". Gotham War was extremely controversial--I had fun with it, because it was BONKERS and I fuckin' love bonkers stuff in the "punching people in the face solves crime" genre, but a lot of people were really angry about how Jason was treated in the arc. Zdarsky co-wrote Gotham War, so this is a continuation of a lot of people's frustration and anger towards how Jason has been treated by DC especially by this author.
There's also a lot of lingering frustration and resentment in fandom because Jason is not always written well or frequently. He doesn't have his own solo book these days, half of what's written about him is written by authors with VASTLY different takes from the other half of the writers out there, and there's a lot of fanon that goes around with Jason's sub-section of fandom where I think it furthers the divide because the fic that's written about Jason delves deep into his character in specific ways that the canon doesn't match and I think it can set expectations for some fans that are just not matched by DC themselves, either because they see Jason differently or because Jason just doesn't have a lot of fans at the company itself, I couldn't say for sure. So, now comes Batman #148 leaks (it's not actually out until tomorrow), where Failsafe kills Jason and Bruce has a dramatic reaction to it, and a lot of people are furious that DC would kill Jason at all, much less with such little fanfare, after how little focus he's gotten over the last several years. The thing is, though, that Jason doesn't stay dead, he's alive again by the end of the issue (I've seen panels from later in the issue) and I'm not sure how many people are reacting just to seeing the posts flying around fandom versus how many people have actually seen the whole context. Because context is slowly rolling out, but people generally aren't soothed by that, given the lead-up to this moment. Basically, years of Jason not getting much focus in the comics + the events of Gotham War have led to a powderkeg of a situation and the contextless leaks (ie, without the panel where Jason's alive again) took a match to the whole thing. And that's what's going on, as far as I know! I personally am having a great time because I was extremely skeptical that they would actually kill Jason without any fanfare and also I like Jason as a hot mess with crunchy relationships with people and that he's done bad things and had bad things done to him/been a victim as well, so all this messy drama in the story has me living for it. (This would have been a very different situation if I'd thought Jason was really dead, but I didn't, so I'm doing fine right now. Also, my Blorbo is Dick Grayson, so I've already been through this wringer and I'm still mad at DiDio for it, so it's Jason-Blorbo's time now.)
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beheadeddemon · 2 months
I saw the comments you left under some of my posts and I love them. Do you have any more Talia and Brutalia headcanons?
I always do!! And I will be posting tons of hcs as I post my writings and art here down the line. I come up with them on a whim usually so I’ll just say the ones I’ve been pondering lately!
Also, I’m so sorry if I was spamming you 😭 I was scrolling Brutalia tag in the middle of the night and didn’t realize that like half the most recent posts were you!!
To start, I’ve been thinking about the Lazarus pits a lot lately. Especially everything between Talia and Nyssa, and the effects and details of her brainwashing. It is a confusing timeline that I’m trying my hardest to piece together, but it seems like DC has sort of just pushed that to the back of their minds? Which is unfortunate, honestly, because if they wanted a true villain Nyssa would have been the clear answer. Instead, we ended up with evil Talia for seemingly no reason… until that black Pearl stuff showed up, and then also disappeared.
The timeline I’ve pieced together, loosely, is made with an effort to stay as true to canon as possible while also keeping away from the extremely ooc writing. I want to find a way to keep in that brief moment of freedom she had when she was running LexCorp, as well as her journey toward becoming a mother. Which I will detail a bit now, because I love to think of Talia’s relationship with motherhood!
Talia has always loved children dearly. However, the idea of being a mother herself was always sort of scary. She’d lost her own mother when she was young, and never really had a clear example of how to mother a child aside from distant memories. (I can detail my hcs about her relationship with her mother soon as well, bc those are some that I hold close to my heart.)
It wasn’t until she’d been with Bruce for a while and spent enough time around Jason that she began to feel that ‘maternal pang’ so to speak. Jason is such a bright eyed child with so much potential, and each moment she’s spent around him she only seems to like him more and more. Bruce tells her not to spoil him so much but she can’t help it! Her relationship with Bruce and Jason give her a small amount of hope for a more normal life away from the league, though she is not yet at the stage where she would be able to fully leave her father.
When Jason died, it hit her like a truck. She’d distanced herself from Bruce at that time, thinking that her presence would only cause more trouble for them if the rest of the league suspected her of defecting. So she hadn’t gotten the chance to say goodbye, or try to make things right. She brings him back for Bruce’s sake, but for her sake as well. She would have ordered the Jokers head if she could have, but she couldn’t directly cross Bruce in such a way. If Jason’s death would ever be avenged, she knew he’d have to do it himself.
Talia doesn’t just raise him from the dead and train him right away. She spends a long time nursing him back to health, taking baby steps with him. She has some of the best doctors in the world taking care of him, and when he shows the signs of being ready, then she starts his training. She doesn’t train him with hopes that he will be a killing machine. She tries to teach him responsibility, and good judgement. She tries to right the wrongs that have been committed against him as much as she can. And then he’s gone.
This is where the timeline is a bit iffy. I’m wondering if Damian would have been born at that time or not? Would he have been incredibly young? In my head, it does make sense for him to be born by then. Talia distances herself from Bruce and Jason not only for their safety, but because of the series of miscarriages she’d had in her effort to have a child with Bruce. All were kept a secret from him, except the first. She was ashamed and depressed for so long because of it. After a few tries, she’d gotten desperate enough to run back to her father for help. The Lazarus helped her birth Damian, a perfectly healthy baby, finally. But with everything that happened, it felt unfair to return to Bruce with a baby out of nowhere.
I could sit here and ramble about this for hours and hours but I’m unfortunately very busy today. Please stay tuned and I’ll continue with more of these ramblings when I can. Thank you for asking! Please give your opinions on what I’ve written, because none of my hcs are set in stone and I would love to hear if I’ve gotten something completely wrong. Although it should absolutely be noted that the version of Talia I’m writing isn’t directly related to canon. :)
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looptroupe · 5 months
Foams at the mouth
I’m in the middle of writing up a whole HC post for someone asking about a highschool AU but I’m gonna take this opportunity to sidetrack the conversation towards something I’d love to genuinely see from the series… a HEAVY (film) noir lean. Think: Bogart, Framed, Gilda, Vertigo… probably pushing the era back 40’s, 50’s way (Maybe even some 30’s lean in there, if I could get away with it) instead of the general 60’s vibe Lupin has going for it.
I think there’s a TON of potential there. I mean, I’m aware something like this was pitched (and never picked up, sigh…) so there IS sentiment there, and the idea has been thought about, but instead of TWCFM’s ‘serious Lupin’ I’d love to see a true noir ‘serious Lupin’. I think you can put these characters into a serious setting without making them straight up evil, and I’ll be honest, I think it would be way more appealing than the stuff they’ve been releasing lately (besides Zero. I have to admit that I loved Zero).
I’d want the gang to actually feel like criminals, though. Cutting shady deals in illegal bars, Lupin running his mouth to big players about whatever new heist he has up his sleeve. I’d take them back to being Miyazaki-esque ‘living paycheck-to-paycheck’ rather than ‘insta-rich Lupin funding his hedonistic spirit’ because I think that would work better in this universe: Lupin is constantly getting them in hot shit with the big leagues because he can’t keep his mouth shut. Jigen has shot ten guys this week who have come knocking at their hideout’s door looking for trouble. Goemon’s sick of digging graves and is antsy to finally be who he dreams of being. Fujiko’s got her eyes on a bigger prize, like always.
Zenigata’s an underpaid beat-cop-turned-inspector who has been trying to climb the ranks for a long while. He’s ambitious, but a little too soft for his own good: he’s hopeful in a way that most of the guys in his squad aren’t, and that makes him the perfect candidate for when the commissioner has to shill a shitty 9-5 case on an unsuspecting worker. A file lands on his desk, and he flips through it with this eager fire, like he’s just been asked to take on the world, and Lupin and his gang smile up at him from the pages.
Lupin is a crook, he learns. Part-time petty thief, full-time smooth-talker: a man with a legacy to live up to and not a whole lot to show for it besides a reputation as a lady-killer and a particularly long unpaid tab at the seediest bar in town. His sticky fingers have landed him in more trouble than they’ve gotten him out of, and recent reports say that he’s managed to get under the skin of the most notorious once-criminal-now-film-director in town… the very criminal that underhandedly paid Zenigata’s boss to start an official investigation in the first place.
Jigen is a gun-for-hire. Babysitter, bodyguard, hitman… whatever you need, he’ll do, however begrudgingly. He’s not a guy you mess with: and his reputation is actually pretty good in criminal circles. He’s well-respected and well-liked. Or, he was, until the monkey-faced man at the bar implicated him in a crime he didn’t commit. Now, he’s babysitting without pay, and he’s starting to get a little sick of having to put bullets into the faces of old friends who decide his bounty is worth more than his loyalty. Figures.
Goemon’s a man slightly-less-out-of-time. A famous Japanese-American film star, he’s known world-over for starring in Samurai flicks alongside his leading lady, Fujiko Mine. The thing is, Goemon is classically trained in swordslinging, and when Lupin offers him an opportunity to be the very person he’s been portraying on screen, he’s more than happy to throw his reputation away. He never cared much for fame, anyway. There’s just this one little hitch: he’s enamoured with the sword he last used on set, and he won’t take no for an answer when he asks Lupin to retrieve it for him.
Fujiko has her eyes on a prize a little more exciting than Zantetsuken: the film empire she’s helped build herself. The tabloids can’t get enough of her, and she knows that a marriage to the most famous director the world has ever seen might just secure her a place in history. The thing is, the man she’s trying her best to seduce has stopped paying her attention since his beloved priceless-antique-turned-prop-sword went missing, and she’s determined to get it back for him. Because what would make him fall quicker? Ah, there’s just one catch: Lupin is kind of charming, and the life he’s living is… exciting. Tempting. Fujiko likes playing with fire, but she’s starting to get a little too close to this one particular flame. The heat has her cheeks burning… Or maybe that’s Goemon’s doing.
They’re a strange little bunch, the Lupin Gang. But man, do people have a habit of underestimating them. Zenigata included. Because what he thinks to be a simple case of theft soon turns into something more sinister as the layers of movie-magic veneer begin to peel away. Maybe Lupin was onto something, targeting this guy, and maybe this hotshot director isn’t quite as reformed as he says he is.
He went to court recently, after all. Say, how much did he pay the judge to overturn that guilty verdict? Zenigata would like that sum as a pay rise once this has all blown over. That, and some fresh smokes.
((Mmm someone should hop on board and help me develop this I think. Could be a fun little exercise on the side… if it’s up anyone’s alley >:) ))
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mymycorrhizae · 5 months
I quit watching MSNBC and CNN last year because their dehumanizing coverage of Palestine made me sick. It has been hard to find fair coverage of the situation in Gaza outside of social media. But that's why I want to make a post encouraging people to check out Mehdi Hasan's new very pro-Palestinian media company Zeteo.
Mehdi was a news anchor on MSNBC until they cancelled his show for speaking out against the genocide in Gaza. They offered to keep him on as a part-time contributor but he quit and started his own media company, partnering with climate activist Greta Thunberg, author and activist Naomi Klein, Palestinian lawyer Diana Buttu, and a bunch of other people.
There isn't a ton of content out yet because they're only a few weeks old but the stuff they have put out has been SO REFRESHING. Here are a couple things I've found interesting so far:
Israel’s violence has become so commonplace that Israeli soldiers openly brag about killing, wounding, maiming, and torturing Palestinians on social media. Israeli soldiers, who have learned there are no repercussions for their actions, film themselves dedicating the blowing up of Gaza buildings to their children, proposing marriage against the backdrop of Palestinian homes and buildings reduced to rubble, writing “save the date” notices on bombed houses, and gleefully playing with the lingerie of Palestinian women. Killing Palestinians earns Israelis bragging rights, and dating apps are filled with pictures of men brandishing weapons and showing themselves in combat in Gaza.
Here’s what you’re not being told: The most pressing threats to our safety as Jewish students do not come from tents on campus. Instead, they come from the Columbia administration inviting police onto campus, certain faculty members, and third-party organizations that dox undergraduates. Frankly, I regret the fact that writing to confirm the safety of Jewish Ivy League students feels justified in the first place. I have not seen many pundits hand-wringing over the safety of my Palestinian colleagues mourning the deaths of family members, or the destruction of Gaza’s cherished universities.
A video to remember the Palestinian journalists who have been killed:
I don't know if this will even show up in the tag because of the links but anyway give them a shot. They're on youtube, tiktok, twitter, substack, etc.
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centrally-unplanned · 8 months
Could you elaborate on when Israel was legitimately under threat of conquest? I thought they were always militarily superior?
In recent years yes, but they didn't started that way. They double+ did not start that way in 1948! But it does require clarification. The Arab-Israeli war was intensely lopsided:
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The population of the countries arrayed against Israeli was easily 10 to 1; with far more equipment and resources at their disposal. And while how much of this was rhetoric vs reality is intensely disputed, the Arab League put out many statements for public consumption of their intent to expel the Jewish population and ~maybe kill them all, so given the lopsided numbers and the rhetoric of ethnic cleansing you can see how this war would be seen, both in Israel and abroad, as existential.
Now, it turned out in this conflict the Arab states were a bunch of bickering idiots, far more invested to their selfish ambitions and personal vendettas, and commanding famously incompetent armies. They were highly non-committal to the operation; the tiny Israeli population actually fielded a larger army than the whole Arab coalition, and Jordan for example marched in, annexed, the West Bank, then promptly stopped fighting. So Israel won the war handily; but you really can't take this too far. If these countries ever decided to stop being incompetent morons, then it would be a very different story - their combined resources vastly overwhelmed Israel's, and the geography of Israel means that the moment they lose once, they can lose permanently.
And through the 1950's up until about the 1970's, that threat was ever-present. Both sides were intensely aggressive to the others and in particular Egypt & Syria continued to have strong political forces pushing for military action. They were frequently supported by the Soviet Union giving them arms & aid; at one point Egypt and Syria actually united as one country! The United Arab Republic, 1958 to 1961, and Israel was a strong motive for that union (though Jordan was more of one), only undone by a coup in Syria in 1961. Israel faced insurgent attacks on civilians sponsored openly by its neighbors all through the 1950's and 1960's, and fights three major wars against Egypt and sometimes Syria - in particular in the Yom Kippur War Israel suffers some its first major defeats at the hands of Egypt, showing their growing strength. At this point its not actually in the cards for anyone to 'remove' Israel, but Egypt & Syria still haven't recognized Israel as a country, so the tension is still very high. Israel does a ton of shit too ofc, taking sides isn't the point; you can just see that the situation is very tense, and Israel is up against countries that vastly outnumber it and are always one bad battle away from occupying the small country. This is only 'safe' if you constantly presume incompetence on Egypt, Syria, & Jordan's part; that isn't a safe assumption.
After 1973, however, the US and others help broker a permanent peace between Egypt & Israel, which culminates in the 1978 Camp David accords and Egypt recognizes Israel. They have been at peace since. Also fun fact, this is part of why the US gives annual blank check military aid to Israel - we give military aid to Egypt too, still do to this day! We essentially bribed them into making peace. But anyway, after this Israel never faces a real threat from a large state army; instead its all terrorist organizations in Lebanon and stuff like that. So in the 1970's through to the 1990's the Israeli security situation shifts from being surrounded by large countries actively organizing military operations against them to every single one of them abandoning that goal, and pushing for things like a two state solution in Palestine instead.
So to move to opinions, you can see how from 1948 to 1978, once the fallout from the formation of Israel is settled and you aren't gonna try to eliminate a sovereign nation because that is what we call a bad idea, there are going to be a lot of moments where you need to back Israel to keep the peace (like if the USSR is pumping weapons into Egypt, its the Cold War, you balance it). US policy towards Israel, alongside most European countries, is formed in this time around that dynamic. But in the modern era all these threats are gone - Jordan isn't going to try to conquer Israel, that is fucking ridiculous. But Israel still acts like that is a thing, like it needs "security space", and like its military isn't vastly superior and its neighbors aren't trying anymore to compete with that. And US policy is locked into indulging that.
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lacependragon · 9 months
Listen I love the Bees. They're my preferred ship for the both of them. I love the healing and the tenderness and the trust and the giggles matched with the sarcasm and the jokes.
But. But.
I do genuinely believe that sometime around V7, RWBY became a soulless cash grab, and the Justice League movies really, really slam that home for me. And I'm sorry that was when the Bees got all their shit together. The characters could be in a much better story! But they're not, in canon. They're stuck in RWBY.
And RWBY, for me, has sucked since about the midpoint of V7. It feels soulless, out of character, like it's slapping the lowest common denominator in plots, reveals, and characterization, and it's so full of Bathos it's impossible to take seriously without feeling like the actual showrunners are making fun of you for enjoying the show.
I love the characters. I love so much of the lore. But it does, to me, genuinely feel like the last 3 volumes exist just to exist, that everything is solely about money instead of story, and that everything interesting and nuanced about this world has been sanded down and filed off to make nice smooth, non-corners so that everyone in the audience without any reading comprehension still doesn't cut themselves on any sharp edges because none exist.
And that's not even getting into my problem with the way the series handles tone across a single volume and multiple volumes. Which I think has been seriously failing since V5.
There's so much in the modern canon that fascinates me - the tree in Ever After and the concept of Ever After is one of the most interesting things RWBY has done in a while, IMO, but I wish it had been better thought out, better implemented, better foreshadowed. I wish it didn't rely on fairytales we've never heard of and didn't fuck with stuff we already knew without any sort of clarity.
In a lot of series I'd give the showrunners some benefit of doubt, but RWBY has proven multiple times that it doesn't care about clarity of worldbuilding, only coolness factor. So things aren't consistent, and they don't make proper sense, and they're changed whenever the writers think of something better - or that's how it fucking feels.
Not to mention I am still firm that the characters have been acting wrong for a while. Some more extremely than others, but in ways that are convenient to plot and comedy, rather than true to themselves.
If I wasn't so invested. If I didn't love so much. I'd just walk away and let it go. Gods know I've never finished a shit ton of series for that reason.
The problem is I love so much of RWBY and it's hard to just. Be so frustrated with it.
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atthebell · 7 months
it's really interesting that you say that vodwatching is harder for you to summarize/liveblog cause i find it so much easier :o at least when i've been working through phil's blogs for the wiki. i think it's cause i already know where the story is headed that I have a clearer idea of what I'm looking out for (well and also, qphil isn't steeped in quite as much federation/enigma/etc, so i do think you've got much more complex things going on than me)
that being said ur killing it on the cellbit wiki stuff :] really glad you're in on this project too!
i wrote like a few paragraphs of cellbit's wiki page yesterday and it took me. five hours? that's with irl stuff getting in the way and i am VERY particular about how i cite and how to summarize so things aren't super crowded (since that can go in the day-by-day history instead) but like i have to reference SO many vods to talk about stuff and because of how long he streams, all the stuff he's involved in, every investigation he does, and especially just how busy his early days were (and the sprint really didn't stop until the eggs disappeared) it means there is SO much content to cover so i end up hopping across so many different vods to grab details, and i'm also trying to vodwatch as like. a fun activity for myself, so i don't want to burn myself out.
i also take very quick notes and can note down timestamps far easier live than when i'm rewatching a vod and trying to find a specific moment, because then i'm having to scrub through and try to figure out what moments are important and what are just him fucking around in a google doc. like i cannot stress enough cellbit used to stream qsmp for at least 4 hours 5 days a week that's SO much streams to trawl through (best wishes to bbh wiki folks, although at least he's not doing a ton of detailed investigation). and it's a lot of catching up, because i didn't use to keep detailed notes and so now i have to find things that i only half-remember (picture me sprawled over my desk with my head in my hands, that's me considering whether it's worth it to search twitter for an update tweet to cross reference for a timestamp)
cellbit has so much content honestly a huge part of the work is the condensing it element, wherein deciding what is important enough to go on the regular history vs. what is too detailed takes quite a while. i have two separate google docs for his lore, one that's personal and one that's specifically for the wiki, and i spend ages just going through and making sure things aren't me going on and on about something that isn't necessary for a brief summary. and i want things to be easy to understand and possibly catch up on for folks who missed a lot of his earlier stuff, which means explaining it well but not with like. essays and essays about his character progression, and keeping it as factual as possible-- once again, meaning a lot of vod citations.
also i think a lot of folks don't realize how much cellbit's investigations tie in with larger server lore-- he's debunked a bunch of theories about the federation and found out SO much info about them and the eggs and things like that, and a lot of that info gets lost over time. so documenting everything he's found means documenting quite a bit of overall server lore with sources. i'm like very lucky that i have a pretty good memory, especially for mysteries, so i know that i do need to find that stuff, even if i don't remember exactly when it was.
anyway back to your original point yeah i just find it leagues easier when i'm not having to go back and find a specific moment in a 9 hour vod and instead i can just have a google doc open jotting down everything important, and then later on all that info is just there for me to pull from. it makes the writing element easier along with everything else
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almea · 1 year
I watched the Justice League movie before work this morning and it was so fun!
All the Bee stuff was so cute and I loved that they were like "Yes, Blake and Yang will be sticking together for most of the movie, what of it? You already know they're in love."
Yang's expression when the elevator door opened and she saw Blake was just so precious. So was Blake only saying Yang's name again. Very Beeunion 1.0 of her.
Jealous Blake was everything I wanted because it wasn't a big thing with a ton of focus, it was just Blake remembering Yang has eyes and not being used to her paying attention to anyone else. It wasn't outright nasty like Renora was, which does make sense with it taking place during volume 7.
Both of these idiots were blushing after Blake was like "We didn't get along at first, but now..." Which did also feel like Blake making sure Diana had an idea where their relationship stood.
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The rest of the talk on the airship was really good and I love how much Yang feels for Blake. I don't know if they would revisit it in part 2, but it could be very sweet if they did.
Blake was so fucking cool in the air fight. Loved the Bees' gay "touching hands with glass between them."
Blake knowing how to ride a motorcycle is amazing and I'm going to believe Yang taught her. They should have let Yang use Bumblebee instead of the generic bikes. I want to see Bumblebee again.
I loved Weiss just randomly being good with computers. Like, I'm pretty sure that's not an established trait of hers, but it seems like they needed someone from the Remnant side to understand their world's technology and it landed on her. It does work pretty well though.
After volume 9 the leadership stuff with Ruby made me very "Please, leave her alone."
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Quick overview on Lilli's Pokémon... Rewrite? Verse? Idk what this is lmao
All I really know for sure is that I have a lot of thoughts about pokemon's lore and plotlines. I want to try my hand at connecting stuff with a little more continuity because it's fun! There's no way I can get to everything because we'd be here all day, but I figured I'd set up the basic premise and include some fun notes/headcanons!
My general idea is focusing from the anime (up until Horizons) while also including more components from the games (such as more of the SWSH plot/rivals, Emma from XY's post game, Zinnia and the Delta Episode, etc). I also include a multitude of my own original characters, along with some of my friends' (most prominently @starkitters's goobers). Storylines are generally divided up by "sagas" based on the original generation they take place in! I may include some Horizons as it would coincide with ScaVio, but I need to catch up with that series (though from the looks of it it’s all pretty banger)!
This concept is definitely going to mostly get smaller things of art/comics/drabbles and whatnot rather than a full-fic/comic series or whatever because... oh gosh there's way too much. Also obviously not going to cover every single anime episode bit by bit because that would make me insane!!
As for a general timeline— a lot of this main stuff would kinda unfold in the span of 2-3 years? I might make it longer, but then again a lot can happen in even just a month, y’know? Generally, Ash would stay 10 between Indigo League-Advanced, 11 by DP-XYZ, and 12 during SuMo-Journeys. The Legends Arceus shenanigans would probably be during Journeys and the ScaVio stuff is definitely after (I'm thinking potentially a year or so after Journeys' saga would be wrapped up? Though it could even be immediately after idk).
There is. A ton of information even just in this little intro post, and a lot of it isn’t even fully concrete either. But if you find the time to read through it all, I’d really appreciate feedback!
General/Introductory Information
Earlier involvement from rivals/evil teams such as the Galar Rivals, N and Team Plasma, Team Skull, etc! All of that will be covered more in the respective sagas they all appear in, lol
I'm kind of on the fence for whether or not more player characters would be included? May, Dawn, and Serena are canon companions/major characters the anime, I'm including Brendan as Birch's son and Lucas as Dawn's twin brother, Akari and Rei are both going to be native to Hisui, etc.
So far, the mc roles that are taken up by OCs include my characters Lilac (involved in XYZ/SuMo but becomes a Swsh Gym Challenger), Stacy (Emmet's daughter, travels back to Hisui to find her missing Uncle), and Chrys (main Naranja student involved with Nemona, Arven, Penny, and also Kieran and Blueberry stuff). @starkitters's oc Arthur also kinda takes an mc role as Hop's bestie/neighbor and the two of them work with the knight-wolf duo (Zacian and Zamazenta) instead of Ash and Goh just kinda... feeling shoved in there. Ash and his Journeys buddies still get involved in the Darkest Day shenanigans, but another Gym challenger/Hop's bestie)
While characters like Red and Blue/Green aren't really going to be involved since Ash and Gary already kinda take up those roles, there is potential in making like... Ash's dad a Red-esque character? A character based on Leaf? We've also gotten cameos of Jimmy (Gold/Ethan) and Marina (Krys) from the old OVAs and Lyra is briefly seen during DP... but tbh we get so little on them it wouldn't be too difficult to make the OVAs an au or something? I'll have to play with all of it.
The Black and White/Best Wishes saga is going to get some major storyline reworks. Team Rocket (Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobuffet, etc) aren't going to start actually doing evil shit/working directly with Giovanni out of nowhere. Rather, they get have their own route uncovering stuff about N and Team Plasma, which follows more of the storyline from BW1. Characters from BW2 like Colress and Hugh are definitely still going to appear and their deal won't really change too much, but I'll have to figure out their involvement (especially with Colress he’s got a lot of potential for his own stuff imo). Cheren and Bianca are in a "halfway" sorta period and acting as apprentices for Lenora and Juniper respectively.
I'm mostly going off of the Scarlet side of the ScaVio storyline, with Naranja Academy being in Mesagoza and Sada being the professor inside Area Zero. However, Uva Academy and Turo are also going to be involved! Essentially, Naranja is a school that focuses on helping its students figure out and prepare for careers connected with pokemon (trainers, coordinators, breeders, doctors/nurses, etc) in a more general sense. Uva Academy in Zapapico is primarily a research school (especially prominent for professors and scientists) while Blueberry in Unova specializes in professional battling (League Members, Battle Facilities, etc). Naranja provides courses and connections for careers Uva and Blueberry have niches in, but it's the difference between attending a more well-rounded school and attending a specialized one, if that makes sense.
Turo develops the Terastral Orbs used throughout the Paldea region, while Sada focused on Area Zero and develops the time machine that brings past and future Paradox Pokemon. Their relationship is super complicated and messy /pos. I don't think they ever got officially married, but they're 100% divorced in spirit.
Since the games kinda write Sada and Turo interchangeably (even outside of the whole AI deal) and they're described in the same ways besides pronouns and stuff, I want to make the professors a little more distinct from each other. Sada dives head-first into her passions and doesn't like anything or anyone holding her back, Turo is more conscientious but can come off a lot colder than he intends sometimes, etc.
I know most people hc the Subway twins (Ingo and Emmet), Elesa, Skyla, etc to be in like their late 20s/early 30s... but since I gave Emmet a daughter who's the mc of the Legends Arceus saga... they're actually gonna be slightly younger than Lusamine (around 38 or so) lmao. Let's get more nice and hot older adults up in here
Silver (Giovanni's son/Johto rival) is included! Since there's already a baby Lugia in the anime named Silver and that's just... too perfect, this rendition of the character is going to be named Sage (Yomogi in Japanese). I'm still figuring out his personality and stuff since Paul's whole "be the strongest/pokemon are just tools" thing was pulled from game!Silver, but I kinda want to play with Sage being a little more mellowed out by the time we would meet him in Johto Journeys? He acts as an assistant for Professor Elm, and is surprisingly great with raising pokemon despite the edgy tough-guy act he usually keeps up. He and Brock can nerd out about breeding and nuturing techniques and stuff.
An original team I made myself, Team Comet, acts as a foil of sorts to Team Flare. They’re fighting over (literal) life and death
I’m not entirely sure how to make this work, but I really want AZ’s ultimate weapon to be the (super buffed up) prototype of the healing machines used in pokemon centers. Like… the current machines extract infinity energy from deceased pokemon’s remains (such as ashes and stuff) instead of. Y’know. Draining living pokemon of that energy directly, causing them to die. AZ himself developed this practice as an attempt to redeem himself from all of the tragedy he caused in the name of his Floette. His full name is Azrael Jovalie… making him a pivotal ancestor to the Joy family.
Several large family-clans are the primary leaders of international organizations. The Joy family runs the pokemon centers and overall healthcare facilities, Jenny family runs the international and local police departments, the Jordan family are firefighters who provide aid and try to prevent natural disasters, etc (they may be involved with pokemon rangers? I’m not entirely sure). Others are obviously welcome to work in these forces as well, and members of these families aren’t (usually) forced into working the family business if they want to pursue other goals.
Obviously the anime has all the service-people look identical to safe on time and everything, but I think making unique designs and characters for the Joys, Jennys, etc is a fun concept! No matter their gender or ethnicity, almost every member of a poke-business family have hair and eye colors in the same spectrum. For example, almost every Joy has pink hair that’s styled in circular/drop shapes to some capacity, and blue eyes. Jennys have teal/turquoise hair in lightning shaped styles, and brown eyes. Jordans have charcoal black hair that looks like smoky wisps, and fiery orange/gold eyes.
Xerosic (creepy ass scientist dude who forces you to push a button and coaxes Emma into his expansion suit testing) was originally from Ultra Megalopolis. I’m not entirely sure how to connect him to all the Team Flare stuff??? Or even how exactly he ends up in Kalos but he was part of the Ultra Recon Squad and volunteered to travel to the “main” pokemon world for the to see where Necrozma might try to take all the light next. But when he actually shows up there, he just. Doesn’t care. He’s so fascinated by all of the different pokemon and how energy manifests in such different ways… All he wants to do is learn everything he can about it
Eternatus is an Ultra Beast! The ricochet from AZ’s Ultimate Weapon woke it up and caused the first darkest day.
Builing more from the Adventures manga, Galar was already starting to lose its energy, but the issue is actually going to be addressed far more openly. As Eternatus slept for thousands of years, its dynamax energy gradually dies down to the point where it can’t really be used as a proper resource— especially not to power so many of Galar’s communities. Rose definitely pushed a lot of the reliance of dynamax energy in recent history, but I’m certain Galar has relied on Eternatus for even longer. What makes Rose’s plan to wake Eternatus up again even more messed up (besides putting so many people and pokemon in danger), is that he’s essentially harvesting Eternatus of its energy: Wake it up to get the dynamax levels up again, (have Leon) catch it so it doesn’t go back to sleep… Rose sees the pokemon less as an actual creature and more like a walking power plant, definitely in part with how different Eternatus looks from “normal” pokemon.
The original Sun/Moon storyline with Lusamine and her kids happens first (Lusamine is a mix of the doting from the anime and her abuse from the games… she’s messy /pos). Then, around the time Ash and his friends meet Poipole, that’s when we’d meet the Ultra Recon squad and get into the Necrozma stuff.
Y’know Goh’s whole thing with wanting to catch Mew? How Jessie’s mom died in pursuit of Mew? And the eventual data she found was used for Mewtwo’s creation? Do you see how I’m connecting the dots?
Misc Information
Harley is one of Karen's cousins, making them both descendants of Sanqua (Galaxy Team's Construction Leader) and her little brother, Melli (Diamond Clan Warden of Coronet Highlands). Obviously... we can tell who took after who even after all these years, lmao. They also have a baby cousin (one of my ocs lol) named Jimson from Laverre City (Kalos) who is currently one of the Blueberry League Club's Biome Leaders! He specializes in psychic types... and is lowkey a chuunibyou (really commits to the wizard/witch act)
While Serena is in Hoenn, she meets Lisia and the two become girlfriends besties! They’re like twelve so idk if they’d actually do anything with their feelings but the mutual pining is very very apparent. Their ship name is Dreamshowshipping!
Chloe is highkey a lesbian. That’s just always how I’ve interpreted her??? She’s constantly shocked that Ash knows all of these cute girls. I think her and Iris eventually being a couple would be very cute. If Flowershipping isn’t taken, I shall call them that!
Because I am not immune to @yamujiburo’s propaganda of Hanamusashipping (Hiii Kiana if you’re reading through all of this I am so honored and so sorry it’s so much gjdhdhdhs), I love the idea that Jessie and James start a poly/ish thing with Delia!! By that I mean Delia and James are more so queerplatonic and Jessie is smooching both of them lmao. Ash’s step parents have been here the whole time yippee!!
Arven gets a harem to make up for all the trauma (/j but also not). He gets 2 boyfriends (Giacomo and Drayton) and a girlfriend (Copaia, my main Uva student character). They are all bisexual, bet u didn’t know that ;p
Carmen and Amarys are lesbians and girlfriends!! They’ve been dating for 2 years until the main events of the ScaVio saga
I’m not entirely sure what to do with Indigo League’s Elite 4 since it changes between Kanto and Johto?? Will and Karen are definitely well-known trainers (and possibly even coordinators?) in their own right, but idk if or when they would take Lorelai and Agatha’s places. They might become members around Journeys (since I’m treating that as a general 2 years since Indigo League), but that’s very much up in the air.
Xerosic straight up ditches his daughter (Zossie). Which. He was never that good of a parent anyways but.
Klara is the younger sister of Lacey’s mother (who I have as an oc), making her an aunt! She gave Lacey her Galarian slowpoke/slowbrow.
Lucy is Kieran and Carmine’s older cousin. I know the go-to is that she’s their mom but Lucy’s vibe is more around her early 20s or so to me.
Because I adore the concepts I’ve found from @critterbitter and their mutuals, Ingo and Emmet are Drayden’s nephews. Which makes Stacy and Drayton second cousins— there’s so much comedic potential there you have no idea. Keep in mind that Drayden is also paternal figure to Iris, and Hop and Leon are her cousins… the family tree gets real complicated real fast lmao
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inioranackatori · 1 year
Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale
Alternatively, writers for children’s cartoons have no sense of scale.
(look GaoGaiGar is amazing but I have no illusions what it’s target demographic was supposed to be, and I am not it)
Instead of putting art in-between commercial segments, GaoGaiGar puts tech specs. For everything. Everything. Up to and including Leo Shishioh’s gag inventions that show up for five minutes in a single episode and never appear again.
This is a wonderful gift to fic writers, because we can go look up exactly how tall the dreamboat BFF Guy Shishioh is. You can even look up if his name’s spelled Guy or Gai (the answer is yes).
Let’s take a look at one of those tech specs, hum?
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Soldato-J 002. The man who’s face gracefully adorns this blog as a profile picture.
Now, there’s a lot of stuff here, so let’s take it piece by piece.
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I know nothing about electricity, so let’s hop over that for the moment. Instead, let’s look at this man’s max speed: 2 X 10 to the 7th power meters per second.
That’s 20,000,000 meters per second. Or for those of us not on the metric system, that’s about 12,427 miles per second. For comparison’s sake, the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. To pile on the comparisons, the speed of sound is 750 mps. Soldato-J is going sixteen times the speed of sound. Sonic booms should be going off all over the freaking place.
Switching gears, now. Let’s dive into this bit of tech spec:
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The first thing to catch my eye is the - er… “Reft” hand? I’m just going to hand wave that as an Engrish mistranslation - Japanese has no hard “r” sound, and so substitute in the letter “l”, leading to all the shenanigans.
Let’s focus instead on Soldato-J’s dimensions.
2.1 meters works out to 6 feet 11 inches. Da man would be snapped up by every basketball league in the US by that metric alone. Which is to say, extremely tall, but not too far outside the norm.
His weight, though, is 0.2t. The “t” stands for “tons”. The man is 400 pounds. He weights as much as a freaking sports motorcycle! (And looks better than one, too.)
But now… Now we’re at the part that breaks my brain.
Span: 3.0 meters. That’s 9 feet. As tall as an ostrich and arguably just as dumb sometimes. It’s also three times the width of the average door.
If the span is measured from the tip of one of his shoulder armor bits to the other shoulder armor bit’s tip, that means -
Soldato-J cannot walk through doors.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Sports in a Solarpunk World
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Let me end this week with another question that I have seen discussed a ton within the Solarpunk community, when it comes both to worldbuilding and imagining a better future.
What would sports look like in a Solarpunk future?
Usually the discussion of this topic centers around the topics of tribalism and rivalry and whether sports, which usually have the goal of winning over others, are really in line with the collectivist Solarpunk mindset.
I, meanwhile, see the real issue with sports in something else. Say it with me now: Capitalism.
But let me quickly explain: I do not think that in general things were two or more parties are in rivalry with each other and play games were one person wins and another looses are really a big problem. Winning and loosing is okay and it is not anti-solarpunk, as long as not too much value is linked to the winning.
The tribalism, of course, is more of a problem. But the tribalism is actually also quite linked to the entire capitalism thing.
Hear me out: If we talk "sports" right now, we usually talk about the big leagues. What that means might depend on your country. In Germany we might be talking about soccer and handball. In the USA it might be football, baseball or basketball. In Canada it is probably hockey. And in Japan probably soccer and baseball.
You know. Those big sports, where people in the country might actually know somewhat who is right now the top of the league. And who at the bottom. Where people might actually know when the big finale of the season happens and what not.
These sports... primarily exist so that a few people can make money.
No, the issie is not soccer or baseball or even football (though that one is close), but the organisation behind it.
Being from Germany our big sports is soccer of course, and as such even without being interested in it much, I know way too much about all the corruption within the FIFA and how there is a good chance, that actually to some regards the winners are actually decided before the games and what not. Like, it is a fucking swamp.
But of course the FIFA, the UEFA and whatever other local soccer organizations make fucking millions or even billions with it. With the merchandising of the different clubs, with the entrance fees, with the airing rights and what not. And in that system, where a few people make millions with it... the actual players (at times still teenagers) get exploited, while the big organizations actually make a big win out of the entire tribalism. Because the tribalism means, that the fans of one club over the other will want to "support" their club through buying more merchandise and what not.
And... I am not super knowledgable about other sports and their organizations, outside from knowing how exploited the players are. But I do assume that the financing works quite similarly.
So, let us think about what to change about it.
Here is the thing: Sports is fun. Both watching it and doing it is fun. It is good for people, too. It builds a sense of community. Or can do that, at least. So, sports totally should exist. And it does not really sound like horrible, if we were to say "No more big league sports", because... If people are good at a sport and like doing it and other people like watching it. Why not?
But instead of making these fixed clubs and linking them to a city or what not (while the players are not even from that city)... That kinda sounds bullshit. It makes for tribalism and for this entire merchandising stuff, that makes the entire thing so unsustainable.
So... Just allow the players to form their own teams each season. New teams every season. Something like that.
And during those games... put player well-fare first. Sure, people might still get injured, but... Do not encourage it. Make sure that people are safer than they are right now.
I honestly do not know, how this might look in detail. But I am rather sure that the sports are not the problem, but the entire sector of few people getting rich over it, while explointing everyone else.
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aggravateddurian · 8 months
So I was tagged to do a playlist post...
by both @ouroboros-hideout and @chevvy-yates.
One slight problem... I have never, ever organised my music into a playlist, a side effect of my brain being too scattered to organise things that aren't work critical (aka, stuff I'm being paid to be organised for). The rules say:
Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people!
Instead, you're getting the last ten songs (that weren't video game OSTs) from my Youtube history. I hope this still meets the criteria.
Out of Touch (Synthwave Remix)
2. Vois sur ton chemin - DJ Holanda MONTAGEM COAL Remix
3. Kiss From a Rose
4. Unholy (cover by Kayla King)
5. My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone
6. The Man Who Sold the World - Midge Ure
7. Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
8. Nightcall - Kavinsky (literally me)
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9. Judas - Lady Gaga
10. Out of My League - Fitz and the Tantrums
I would like to tag the following 10 people to keep the game going:
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