#Superman au
angkis · 10 months
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nerdpoe · 9 months
Jon Kent Sr knows what the newborn Kittens their cat had sound like, and whatever-whoever-is crying in his barn is not one of them.
He goes to check it out, as he does, and lo and behold; there's another alien child.
Or he assumes she's an alien child, what with the green blood.
The second she notices him, the crying stops, and her form goes from white hair and green eyes and a strange outfit to black hair and blue eyes and the ragged clothes of a homeless tween.
Because that's what she is. This is clearly a lanky-limbed tween, injured and hiding in his barn loft.
More importantly, regardless of what form she just switched to, she needs help.
"Well, looks like you've gotten yourself into a right mess," he says, keeping his hands where her wary eyes can see them, "You're gonna need to clean up a bit, to make sure that doesn't get infected. Why don't you come on down and we'll see about gettin' you bandaged up, maybe get a little pie in ya as well."
It takes thirty more minutes of coaxing, but he manages to get her in the house and sets Martha on her for wound treatment.
He busies himself with getting the girl a plate of leftover dinner that hadn't gone cold yet, when Martha comes back in and nods at him, before opening the kitchen window.
"Clark, sweetie, I think we've just found you a little sister," the air shifts as their son appears between one blink and the next, his eyes wide as he stares at Martha, "But she says her older brother stayed behind so she could escape. Could you get your Justice League friends and go pick up your little brother?"
Jon picks up the plate to take to their new daughter; Clark'll find his new little brother, he's absolutely certain of that. In the meantime, he needs to make sure the little miss gets some food in her.
And, well, Clark could use some more family, and he and Martha had always considered having more kids.
Or, after running from the GIW and Danny staying behind to give her time to escape, Ellie Phantom hides in a random barn in Kansas and accidentally gets herself and Danny adopted by the Kents, who think they're aliens. Clark, upon realizing his parents are very serious about this adoption thing and that his new little brother was probably being subjected to inhumane experimentation from Ellie's description of the situation, does in fact hunt down and retrieve said little brother. He also destroys the base said little brother was being held in.
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infin1ty-garden · 5 months
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꩜ summary: headcanons of dating superman! jason grace ꩜ pairing: superman! jason grace x gn! reader ꩜ warnings: none ꩜ word count: 246 ꩜ author note: i got back into the pjo fandom and had this idea for a while
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꩜ The relationship between you and Jason was a complicated one
꩜ He was a really caring and thoughtful person, he did his best 24/7 which left him exhausted. He barely remembers to take care of himself
꩜ You would have to remind him to take a break or relax. Usually the day would end with the two of you cuddling
꩜ Plan the best dates. Makes sure everything is to your liking
꩜ When he inevitably misses a date or event because he's saving people. His guilt will eat him alive and won't stop until he makes up for it in some way
꩜ One of the most supportive people ever. Celebrates your success but also comforting in time of loss
꩜ He loses his glasses like all the time, he knows he needs them. Leaves them somewhere and forgets where
꩜ When a supervillain decides kidnapping you is a great idea, Jason drops everything to save you. He doesn't care if it's a trap
꩜ Due to his superhuman senses, he could tell that your heart rate sped up a bit when he was around. Which game him the confidence to confess
꩜ He remembers every detail about you and tries to make time for you
꩜ Throwing him a surprise party or surprise of any kind is the most difficult thing ever due to his heat and x-ray vision, and the last time you were kidnapped
꩜ He took you flying once. It was terrifying and then it was stunning the view was magnificent
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Thank you for reading!
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space-dreams-world · 4 months
Wrong Super, wrong time:
Since the Infinite Realms are the glue that hold all realities, the Ghosts want to put Superboy Prime on trial for the punch that broke reality, but they end up getting this universe's Superman instead...
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jessilynallendilla · 5 months
You know how Superman is just a dick to Kon in a lot of fanon and some canon
what if Kon was transported to the MAWS demension
he's panicking there's no Justice League his friends don't exist
there's no sign of the Watchtower no Hall of Justice, Mount Justice or Titan's Tower not even a Lex Corp building and with little options left he turns to Superman
surprise Superman is just starting out and appears to be only a few years older than him and actually is the good pure cinnamon roll who sees the good in people Superman is supposed to be
Kon explains what happened
"I'm a clone made to replace you by your arch enemy"
"...My girlfriend's father?"
"No Lex Luthor"
"Who's Lex Luthor?"
long story short Kon gets taken in by the Kents and Clark introduces his long lost brother to his friends at the Daily Planet
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
You know what idea I just had while on like 3 hours of sleep?
Polycule between Bruce, Clark, Harvey (& Two-Face) and Lois. Can you imagine the utter chaos? Lois suddenly has an extra bit of attention when she marches straight into a crime-den because here comes Two-Face following her because he finds her hilarious.
Both Lois and Clark are suddenly so much more trouble for the people breaking laws because Harvey is a lawyer, he knows all these laws and can tell them exactly which ones are being broken and where to look.
The batkids finally have reporter people around who aren't rude or in their face and don't bat an eye at their shenenigans! Bruce has partners that know about his vigilantism and doesn't try to convince him to stop- though definitely gets him to take care of himself.
Both Harvey and Two-Face have people who don't care about their scarring or that they're two people in the same body. And look they don't approve of Two-Face's growing criminal empire, but he treats his goons good for the most part, and as long as lines aren't crossed then it's fine, they guess. But he's sleeping on the couch if he robs another bank.
Also can you imagine the hilarity of people trying to wrap their minds around this and coming to the conclusion that not only are the three of them dating, they're also dating Superman and Batman, and obviously Bruce and Two-Face are their sugar daddies. Obviously.
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paladibun · 1 year
WillEl Superman AU
Disclaimer: my Superman Lore knowledge is extremely limited so I would appreciate help in making this AU more elegant. (Also make up actual super hero names for them)
So the Idea:
Will and El split Superman’s identities roles.
Both of them are kryptonian but Will got the “being found by a human family” arc and El got the found and raised by the government arc
El becomes a superhero naturally after escaping the lab without developing a civilian identity
Will and Mike work for the Daily Planet, Mike as a reporter and Will as? Graphic designer? Not sure
They meet her after El saves both Mike and Will trying to follow her
Will grows up deeply ashamed of his powers and hiding them but meeting El made him see it differently
Will begins to allow himself to use his power when people need it but in secret. Which alarms everyone to a mystery superhero
Will doesn’t want this but is amused that both Mike and El are obsessed with finding out who he is
One day Mike and Super Will meet and Mike goes heart eyes. He confesses this to Will who somehow can’t place that it’s always been him (it’s the bowlcut)
For Mike it’s Interest in El -> realizing his interest was more in her message as a hero than romance & they become besties -> Obsession with mystery hero -> shenanigans where it’s revealed to be Will -> unearthing a childhood crush and then they smooch in the clouds
Oh yeah so I read a theory where Superman’s powers make more sense if they’re more like psychic’ey and super strength and flight is just elaborate telekinesis and I’m leaning heavily into that with them.
Will doesn’t assume a superhero identity until close to the final battle of the story tho. Like officially in a nonstealth way because ultimately he is more interested in working from the sidelines and doesn’t want a career as a superhero but will help when needed.
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so I see a bunch of fics out there where Bruce has a fake heartbeat built into the batsuit so anyone with superhearing superman can’t track his identity with the sound.
but where’s the plot where Bruce just nulls the whole suit so nothing can be heard or seen beneath it and Clark’s convinced Batman’s a vampire.
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AU where Kal El crash lands at Wayne Manor instead of Kansas. Clark and Bruce grow up together as brothers.
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gaddaboutgriffon · 4 months
Superwoman Kara
What if Kara Zor-El was sent to earth with her baby cousin Kal-El? I forgot how much older she is but I think it is in between 7 and 16 years. If she had been adopted by the Kent’s with her baby cousin and finished growing up, would she Have become a superhero? For writing prompt sake we will say yes.
So she becomes Superwoman in her 20s. How will the story change? Will Clark become her sidekick as Superboy? Starting 10 or 15 years sooner, will she face different enemies? Will that attract stronger villains to earth sooner? Will the justice league be formed sooner? Would the founders be different? Would having Clark as a sidekick cause the villains to try and kill the kryptonians off before he can become full grown and a bigger threat to their desires? Does Diana initially think Superwoman is a Amazon who left the island?
I would love to what see others can come up with and even throw in things I did think to ask.
(Small context guide. I have only watched the 1990s Batman, Superman, and Justice League cartoons and have not read the comics. So if you add on to this and are referring to things that happened in the comics you may be asked to explain them.)
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multifandomplushie · 8 months
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Here's a little thing I've done for my and my brother's DC AU (we're still deciding if we should make it an AU for an existing DC animated media or as a stand-alone reimagining but we'll figure it out).
We decided to remake the types of Kryptonite since, outside of the green and blue (there isn't blue here because we're not sure if we plan to do Bizarro), most of them are either inconsistent, not very useful or were made purely for joke. So, we took the six we thought we could use and changed their functions (aside from green).
If you're wondering why they're shaped like this, I suggested to my brother the idea of there being a market for them and the stones are given these forms for better presentation to the customers.
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angkis · 10 months
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nerdpoe · 11 months
AU where Kon wasn't aged up to 16, he was only aged up to 6 when the tube malfunctioned and released him.
Kon runs away from Lex.
Kon runs all the way to Gotham.
Blue eyes, black hair, homeless with a hero complex?
Shit, yall know where I'm going with this.
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Buckle up Ronance (and general spicy six) fans i wrote this when i was super tired but we got a Superman AU laid out right in front of us ft:
Robin Buckley as the clumsy and rambling reporter starting her new job at the Daily Planet, using her wits, language skills and eager curiosity to scope out a fresh take on Metropolis' pristine coat of futurism hiding its own dark underbelly of corruption and political warfare; not to mention the fact that she is the Superwoman (i usually prefer finding alternatives to using "man" or "woman" in the superhero genre but I can't really think of an alternate to something as basic as Superman so here we are), capable of flight, lazer vision and rescuing pretty woman without so much as a stutter
Nancy Wheeler as the Planet's greatest reporter, her determination and scrutiny all she needs to crack any story wide open, making her quite the target for the rich and famous but she doesn't appreciate this rookie coming in to steal her front-page headline spot; now Superwoman, on the other hand, is the most intriguing person she's ever wanted to investigate right on Metropolis soil
Nancy visits Gotham on occasion to meet her ex-partner and current good friend, Steve "Stevie" Harrington, to catch up during any of his various charity balls or just to give Mike an excuse to hang with Dustin (Steve's first ward, followed by Max, with Lucas and Erica dropping by often enough people don't really think too hard about it)
She does have her suspicions about The Bat running around the shadows of Gotham with Steve's tendency for concussion-inducing accidents but the idea of Steve of all people as a vigilante just feels too far fetched even for her
Of course, Robin does eventually meet Stevie during a story she's chasing on The Bat but the guy is just so airheaded and shameless that she doesn't want to even bother trying to get statement out of him. When she meets The Bat as Superwoman however, they hit it off so well that Robin thinks she may have found a best friend for life. When they eventually reveal their identities, she has to take a minute to reconcile that her platonic soulmate is Stevie Harrington of all people
Jonathan is Nancy's photographer a la Jimmy Olsen, and the dude is just so exhausted all the time from Nancy's running around but he's done a better job keeping up with her than her old partner Fred Benson so Chief insists that they stick together. After Robin showed up, he figured things would be easier with someone else to help wrangle Nancy but Robin just encourages the chaos with her own ambitious methods so he ends up bonding with Stevie of all people over Nancy's head-first running into danger, thank god for Superwoman's timing on that
I also think it'd be funny if Argyle was just a random pizza guy from Gotham who got caught up in a major crime syndicate's grasp and he just...ends up staying at the Harrington Manor after that and nobody in the family even questions it and now he mans the Batcomputer under codename Oracle ("Dustin, you can't just keep giving everything a codename" - "Fucking watch me")
Jargyle meeting at a Harrington charity ball and have a whole doki doki strangers to lovers because they 100% deserve a meet-cute in this AU
Anyways back to Ronance, Nancy falling in love with the snarky and witty Superwoman that always comes when Nancy needs her and Robin panicking because she's realised that she's head over heels for Wheeler and can't do a single thing about it meanwhile Steve teases her about the Wheeler Effect:
"The what?"
"The Wheeler Effect: I used to be in love with Nancy, she and Jonathan used to date, hell even Dustin crushed on her at some point -"
I guess Eddie could be The Freak (like the Creeper from the animated series, but less Joker venom and more clothes) in a Catwoman role? Giving Steve a run for his money (sometimes literally) while secretly mentoring the Robins, much to the Bat's annoyance
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get-w-rec-ked · 1 year
What's A Secret Identity? (6967 words) by kate882, imabignerd, Chrystie Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Lydia Martin, Alison Argent Additional Tags: The AU where Derek is Superman, And Stiles is aware of this, Without Derek knowing that Stiles knows Summary:
Stiles sipped at a mug of coffee, absently watching the news play in the break room. Because of course a news station couldn't play anything other than its own content, even in the one part of the office that was supposed to be a safe space from work. His interview with Superman was making a rerun and Stiles glanced at Derek before commenting absently, “I’d totally let Superman fuck me.”
Derek, who had been in the middle of a swig of coffee, choked violently, “That’s not something I needed to know at nine in the morning, Stiles.”
Stiles raised an eyebrow. “What time would you prefer I tell you about all of the things I would let Superman do to my body?”
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bowiebond · 2 years
Superman!Billy with his golden little curl and endearing smile, his tight spandex suit and cape, his dorky William Hargrove disguise with too big black frames and funky button downs done all the way up to his throat with a colourful tie.
Batman!Steve who puts up this big act of being stoic and independent, always running after his Robins (Dustin (Grayson), Lucas (Drake), Mike (Damian), El (Brown) and Will (Todd).) The only person who can make him laugh, even if it’s soft and rarely heard, barely a chuckle, is Wonder Woman aka Robin Buckley.
Billy and Steve butt heads a lot when it comes to plans, but deep down they have a deep respect for each other. (Plus, Supergirl, aka Max Mayfield, is quite fond of El and Lucas). More often than not they’ll team up against Flash aka Tommy whenever he tries to make a dumb plan, or Green Lantern aka Jonathan who’s still mad at Steve for taking Will when he went ‘missing’ (ran away from home due to Lonnie’s abuse) and not returning him, and every horrible thing that happened to him after he became a Robin. It’s a deeply complicated relationship since Steve has also saved his wife and Steve’s ex, Nancy, more times than he can count, and put his life on the line for Will more than once after his resurrection.
Steve is strict on not giving up his identity, and Billy respects it even if he’s dying to know. He’s certain Steve knows his, but Steve has actually been respectful enough not to needle into his records and find out who he is with all his computers and gadgets.
So when they bump into each other in public, neither know they’re superhero’s. They’re just stupidly enamoured by each other’s appealing faces, Billy’s long lashes and blond curls, Steve’s moles and crooked smile.
Steve has a strict rule on dating; he shouldn’t. Can’t. One night stands? No strings for a few months? Sure. Whatever. He just can’t chance getting anyone hurt again, not after how close he came to losing Nancy before they parted ways. He kind of hated Jonathan, not for marrying her, but for painting a target on her back when he did. He couldn’t help keeping an eye on her most days, even if he had put that love to bed. Maybe in another life.
Billy is gorgeous though, even with his glasses and ugly suit, he radiates an energy that makes people want to be around him. Maybe his clumsiness is a bit endearing, actually.
Steve feels extremely endeared. And horny. But he’s always been horny for love and love made him horny so-
They’re not dating. But Steve definitely gets Billy in his bed by the end of their first ‘date’ and it’s better than he ever could have imagined. The way he sounded, the way he moved, he was like steel all over yet when Steve sunk into him, he was tight and hot, the glide like silk with how much lube he used trying to get the reporter to fall apart.
Billy gets a heavy suspicion that Steve is Batman when he sees him naked, can trace a multitude of scars he’s seen more than once through broken armour. He stares at Batman enough to know his gut is probably right. And well, Steve might not want Billy to know, but he probably knows who he is, and it makes Billy’s heart beat just a bit faster. He’d been teased more than once by Catwoman, Heather, the few times she felt like being a nuisance in his city, about the crush he harboured for his ‘work friend’. She was usually Steve’s problem, but if he was honest, it was nice to hear from her own lips that Batman hadn’t touched even a claw on her in that way (though she alluded to a certain Amazon doing so instead).
After that night, they see each other a few more times, but neither get offended when the other has to cancel due to ‘family’ or ‘work’ emergencies. Billy knows where Steve is going when he rain checks with him and Superman appears to team up with Batman often in Gotham despite Steve’s disgruntlement over having ‘The Golden Hero’ around in his grimy streets.
Billy pouts when Steve doesn’t show up in Metropolis when he has to run out of a date halfway through (they’re not dating it’s just polite to take the reporter to eat as a billionaire, think of the press if they knew he was ‘playing’ with their favourite reporters heart?). But he figures it’s because Steve at the end of the day, is human. Despite his strength, he needed more rest than Billy. He was happy to let his Bat rest up and help him whenever he needed.
This goes on for months, and Billy doesn’t let it slip that he knows Harrington and Batman are one in the same. The paparazzi think Billy is the strangest yet hottest side piece Steve has had yet and it’s flattering if a bit worrying. He doesn’t need anyone knowing who he is.
Neither expect Billy to be kidnapped by Steve’s nemesis, Joker aka Vecna, who had long forgotten his own original name and made them up as he went, ‘One’ and ‘Vecna’ and ‘Peter’ and ‘Henry’. He only kidnaps him because Steve is ‘friends’ with Batman and he figured stealing his besties boyfriend would entice him out to fight.
Billy can’t do much. He’s in civilian wear! He just has to wait it out and hope Steve saves him quickly because honestly? He’s bored. Really bored. Vecna talks a lot. Billy’s not interested in his speeches.
In the end, Steve does come and save him and…well, Billy’s seen Batman fight plenty. But in his defence? Oh boy. It’s hot. Like really hot. Like Billy kisses the fuck out of him the moment they’re out of there, uncaring of the discomfort of the hard mask against his nose.
Steve is half towards the conclusion of his something cheating on him, but Billy whispers his name and his stomach plummets.
“We shouldn’t keep seeing each other.” It’s said with fear; for Billy, not himself. He can’t wrap a civilian into this life, not after Nancy, not after Will, not when he knows this won’t be the first of many attempts on Billy’s safety and life. He can’t afford to lose him.
“What? What are you on about?” Billy’s brows jump up. “Shit, is this because of the secret identity thing? I didn’t mean to figure it out, okay, but I mean, you know—“
“Billy, you’re going to get hurt. If Vecna knew what you were to me…You could die.”
“I could die?” Billy scoffed. “No offence, but you’re more likely to die, pretty boy.”
“I’ve done this before, this life is not for a civilian and I never should have taken you out to being with.” Steve gritted his teeth. He had been too caught up in how much he liked Billy. Maybe even…even loved him. Just a bit.
“Steve.” Billy furrowed his brows. “I’m not a civilian. You know that.”
Steve blinks.
“What? You’re a reporter, B, you’re very much a civilian.”
Billy actually starts laughing, head thrown back as he takes off his glasses. He pocketed them and tousled his hair, a few curls falling around his ears and upon his forehead.
“Familiar?” Steve is quiet. “My dear Dark Knight, I’m Superman. You didn’t know?”
Steve is still silent.
“…I need a minute I feel really, really stupid.” Steve buried his face in his hands as Billy continued in laugh.
“You really liked boring old Hargrove? You’re so lame. I thought you knew I was Superman.”
“No! Of course I didn’t!” Steve squeaked. “Robins never gonna let me live this down!”
Billy continued to laugh well into the night as Steve groaned.
Who knew they’d be the newest supercouple on the block?
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