#Support Strategies
techpointcomputing · 4 months
Remote IT Support Strategies
What are Remote IT Support Strategies? What is the importance of remote IT support, especially in multi-location businesses? Remote IT support is critical to managing IT infrastructure, especially for businesses with multiple locations. It involves providing technical assistance, troubleshooting, and issuing resolutions to end-users or IT systems without the need for physical…
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anonymousdandelion · 10 months
A general tip for students who are sending those dreaded Religious Absence Emails to your professors: Rather than asking permission to take the day(s) off, politely let them know that you will be taking the day(s) off.
In other words, consider not saying this:
"May I miss class on [date] so I can observe [holiday]?"
It's not that there's anything wrong with the above, per se. But because it's phrased as a request, it risks coming across as optional — a favor you hope to be granted. Problem is, favors are not owed, and so unfortunately asking permission opens the door for the professor to respond "Thanks for asking. No, you may not. :)"
Instead, try something along the lines of:
"I will need to miss class on [date] because I will be observing [holiday]. I wanted to let you know of this conflict now, and to ask your assistance in making arrangements for making up whatever material I may miss as a result of this absence."
This is pretty formal language (naturally, you can and should tweak it to sound more like your voice). But the important piece is that, while still being respectful, it shifts the focus of the discussion so that the question becomes not "Is it okay for me to observe my religion?", but rather, "How can we best accommodate my observance?"
Because the first question should not be up for debate: freedom of religion is a right, not a favor. And the second question is the subject you need to discuss.
(Ideally, do this after you've looked up your school's policy on religious absences, so you know what you're working within and that religious discrimination is illegal. Just in case your professor forgot.)
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thinkscholar · 6 months
Easily identify People with Mental Health issues
How to easily identify people with mental health issues? They always look sad?: No They talk less?: No They stop doing their work?: No They do not smile at all?: No They are physically less active?: No They don’t go out for parties?: No They don’t go for vacations?: No They are less active on Social Media?: No What I want you to understand is that, you can’t identify people are go…
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heritageposts · 2 months
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evangelifloss · 2 months
I fucking hate saying this but people celebrating Keanu Reeves being Shadow's voice actor is NOT the time to chime in with a "well actshually he's a violent Zionist and hates palestian people" because it truly is in bad taste that doesnt actually help anyone. All it does is push the notion that you shouldnt like person A because they are secretly evil and you should feel bad.
Where was this energy before? Where was this take PRIOR to the announcement? Why are y'all speaking up about it now, when there was all this time and opportunity for the past year to do so?
I guess I wouldn't be so bothered by it if the claims were verifiable beyond "trust me bro" sources. The ONLY thing I can confirm is he visited Israel in 2014. If Keanu really is this genocide-supporter, please give me some sources.
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kemetic-dreams · 11 months
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Melvin Morris became a Green Beret in 1961. Many years later in 2014 he received the Medal of Honor for his heroism in Vietnam when he used a small number of available grenades to repel a larger enemy force. He was shot several times during the encounter, but he survived the war and is currently 79 years old.
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trans-axolotl · 9 months
and this is also why i think that any meaningful community building/advocacy/support around madness/neurodivergence/mental illness needs to be founded on principles of liberation and abolition, and that we need to be able to distinguish between people who are allies based on our shared values + goals, and between people who use some of the same language as us, but are fundamentally advocating for separate things.
One example I see a lot of is the idea of "lived experience" professionals, people who have a career in the mental health system and who also have some personal experience with mental illness. These professionals oftentimes will talk about their own negative experiences in the mental health system, and come into their careers with a genuine desire to improve the experience of patients. But their impact is incredibly limited by the system they have chosen to work in: the coercive elements of psychiatry incentivize professionals to buy into the existing power structures instead of disrupting them. And as a whole, many lived experience professionals end up getting exploited and tokenized by their employers and used as an attempt to make carceral psychiatry seem more palatable. Professionals in this dynamic are not working to effectively challenge the structural violence of their profession: they become complicit, even if they do also have good intentions and provide individual support.
(I do know some radical providers who have found innovative ways to fuck up the system and destabilize and shift power in their workplaces, but this is a very small number of providers and is not most of the lived experience providers I've talked with.)
Another example I see a lot in our spaces has to do with the evolution of the neurodiversity paradigm. I feel a very deep connection to the original conceptualization of neurodiversity and neurodivergent as coined by Kassiane Asasumasu, but in recent years I've seen a lot of people using neurodivergent language in a way that feels pretty dramatically different than the foundational principles. This isn't saying that people should stop using ND terminology or that all neurodivergent spaces are like this--rather, I just want to point out some trends I see in certain communities, both online and in my in personal life. Although people will often use neurodivergent language and on the surface, seem allied with concepts of deinstitutionalization, acceptance, etc, the values and structure in these community spaces often rely heavily on ideas of classification based in DSM, and build very prescriptive and rigid models for categorizing different types of neurodivergence in a way that ends up excluding some M/MI/ND people. Certain types of knowledge are valued over other types of knowledge, and certain diagnoses are prioritized as worthy of support over others. There's a lot of value placed on identifying and classifying many types of behaviors, beliefs, thoughts, actions, into specific categories, and a lack of solidarity between different diagnoses or the wider disability community.
Again, this isn't to say that ND terminology is bad or useless--I think it is an incredibly helpful explanatory model/shorthand for finding community and will call myself neurodivergent, and find a lot of value in community identification and sharing of wisdom. I just feel like it's important to realize that not every ND person, organization, or initiative, is actually invested in the project of fighting for our liberation.
when thinking about our activism, as abolitionists, it's important to be very specific about what our goals, values, and tactics are. For example, understanding the concept of non-reformist reforms helps us distinguish what immediate goals are useful, versus what reforms work to increase the carceral power of the psychiatric system. And when building our own value systems and trying to build alternative ways of caring for ourselves and our communities, we need to be able to evaluate what brings us closer to autonomy, freedom, and interdependence. I need people to understand that just because someone is also against psych hospitalization does not mean that they are also allies in the project of letting mad people live free, authentic, meaningful, and supported lives, and that oftentimes people's allyship is conditional on our willingness to conform to their ideas of a "good" mentally ill person.
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thearchercore · 15 days
ferrari truthers lets focus on the positives. canada is a good track for overtaking
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mr-payjay · 2 months
hey apparently there are haters following me and i just want to say i fully support mspec lesbians, mspec gays, lesboys, gaygirls, gaybians, etc etc and any queer good faith identities that are contradictory or confusing or """"wrong""". my own identity and some of my friends' identities fit this definition completely. if you don't like this you can unfollow me 👍
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oliwrightofficial · 1 year
I don't think this is known knowledge but when we saw Oli and Louis in a local pub, they were drinking but, they were on their phones like most of time, I don't know if they're having a conversation through text or texting some other people. When we went pass by their table, we can clearly see that these two were fucking playing Sudoku on their phones. I don't know if its their "whoever loses pays the bill" game but wow, Louis and Oli plays Sudoku????? Mundane but suprising tbh.
my default is to assume every anon receipt is made up- EXCEPT you, my Oli anons, because every receipt I get is more mundane than the last and I LOVE IT!!! THIS is literally what I want to know I am LIVING and I mean yeah! What the fuck could they possibly have to say to each other 24 hours a day, exercise your brains and stay sharp boys. I agree they're probably competing against each other, seems like a thing they would do.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 6 months
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An Autistic Christmas Supportive Strategies
Centre autistic voice & autonomy
Respect autistic food preferences
Respect autistic clothing preferences
Respect social time out preferences
Access to sensory/stim tools
Provide predictability & routine
Access to specific interests
Respect gift preferences
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stoat-party · 4 months
Data from Vault 95 confirms that The Chair is not a magical-fix-all-your-problems machine — at the very least, it can’t cure the psychological side of chem dependency. It’s not stated in Cait’s quest because of fo4’s aversion to loose ends, but her story definitely isn’t over. (She references this if you do drugs in front of her afterwards.)
I think the next step for Cait is going to have to be expanding her circle of trust past The Player Character (All Hail). The Sole Survivor is wonderful and their relationship is lovely, but they have a lot on their plate, what with being responsible for every political and personal issue in all of Boston.
But… the team has a former addict on it! It’s Deacon! (Unless he was lying. Honestly it’s 50-50. We’ll assume for now that he wasn’t.) We also know that Hancock is really supportive about addiction! I really like the thought that he stops doing/talking about drugs around Cait (or Mama Murphy)(or the kids for that matter). Preston and Piper aren’t bad about it either. Other companions… well, we don’t see how they handle it past the intervention stage. I’m sure they try.
If I knew more about addiction, I’d write about how Cait handles it all. But I definitely do want to write more about the companions supporting each other, because the game’s limitations leave a lot of room to explore that.
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lordgolden · 7 months
just got my sexual harassment/retaliation and disability discrimination cases tentatively approved to take!!!! omg I’ve been fighting/researching for my life strategizing and proposing them to my supervisors the last few months. i’m so excited to get experience doing more anti-discrimination work this is the reason I went to law school. and I can’t wait to call the clients once it’s official (I have to write more legal memos first 😭) omg they are both going to be so happy :’) I worked my ass off for this and here I am doing the work that I love and making a positive impact!!!
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sweet-marvel · 1 year
"But in the dry Ferrari has more options to fuck up the strategies." - Max Verstappen (Max Verstappen anatomy of a champion episode 2)
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twpsyn-who · 1 month
People saying "Don't boycott Eurovision or Israel will win!!" - they already won the second they got past the semifinals. Israel is going to be the winner of this year, especially with the way things are going down at the moment.
You wanted Israel to not win? You guys should've made sure they didn't get to the finals to begin with- though I wouldn't doubt EBU would've changed some votes or pulled some bullshit to add Israel in the finals regardless of making it or not.
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 10 months
Another L for the Max hating Seb girlies, we love to see it! <3
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