siphoklansan · 3 months
HI SIPHY!!! <3 I come bearing a gift
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ghostbsuter · 6 months
"I can see dead people." He mentions with a shrug, using the chopsticks to fish more noodles into his mouth.
Dick stares at him. "Huh."
"Is that why you help?" He asks, getting more spring rolls.
"Yeah. Once someone becomes a ghost, word gets out quick, and they come to me. Always tatling about unfairness and justice." The kid waves the words around, rolling his eyes.
Dick just pretens to he uninterested, despite his mind racing at the new info. He is piecing past moments together, every shadow leaping away, every note with tips, leads and—
"Do you... like it? Doing all that?" Richard approaches thus carefully, brows furrowed at the kid opposite of him.
Danny moves his head, giving a 'so-so' answer. "It's not much to like, I can see ghosts, and they know it and use it. If it brings them to peace or whatever– well, that's just a plus."
Dick stares. He places his chopsticks down and looks at Danny worried.
In turn, the kid sighs. "Sometimes gifts become curses the longer you have it."
And Dick understands.
Mind made up, he throws a pair of keys at the kid, watching fondly as the other catches them with confusion.
"Next time use these, instead of entering through the window."
Danny mock-salutes with a shit eating grin. "Yes, Officer grayson."
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best friendisms
bonus <3
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becca-e-barnes · 10 months
The Study
Not only is this the start of my 'Moving In' series, I'm also calling it my birthday piece! I turn 24 on Tuesday and I'm trying hard not to think about the fact I'm overdue a quarter-life crisis.
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2.7K (oops)
Warnings: Pleasure Dom!Bucky, sub! reader, spanking, use of a vibrator, forced orgasms, kinda Dom vibes but totally consensual, degradation, safe word system but safe word not used, pet names
Summary: Bucky spends the weekend at your new house and you take him on a tour.
Minors, do not interact
Turning the key in the front door still feels odd. One of the very first changes you made to the house was installing a new locking mechanism on both doors and it hasn't had a chance to stiffen up yet.
The smell of paint is starting to dissipate but it hits you hardest when you open the front door. The hallway was one of the last areas of the house to be redecorated so the smell seems to be most noticeable right at the door.
"Damn, this place is deceptive." Bucky's remark makes you smile to yourself while you hang your jacket up. "It's a whole lot bigger on the inside than I thought."
"It surprised me too. All of the rooms are a nice size."
The house had ticked so many boxes for you. More than two bedrooms in a quiet development, a low maintenance garden, off road parking, a downstairs bathroom and the whole house has plenty of potential. The plan isn't to live here forever, after all. It should be easy enough for you to sell when you decide to move on.
You flick a few lights on in the hallway and toss your keys into the bowl on the hall table before you turn your attention back to Bucky standing in your living room. Despite the fact you hadn't removed your own shoes, he's taken his off, leaving them neatly at the doorway of the living room beside his travel bag.
He's respectful of your space; he always has been but it's nice to just have him in your space. It's nice to have him be part of it.
He walks slowly around the little living room, looking at the few ornaments and picture frames you'd collected. "That's cute." He's looking at a picture of you and your best friend, sitting on the floor of your old kitchen, laughing yourselves to tears over the fact your Christmas tree was three inches tall and cut out from the back of a cereal box. The photo brings a smile to your face every time you see it.
"Are you hungry? You've had a long day." You move over behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing his back through his clothes while he looks at your pictures on the fireplace. He's had to travel for a few hours just to get here so you imagine he's bound to want something.
"I'm okay for now." You nod at his response, taking in the fact he's actually standing in your home.
The time you have with him is limited. That's how this works but for just less than two days, he's yours. After that, he'll go back home so you've learned to make the most of the time you have with him.
"Help yourself to whatever you like. Kitchen is down the hall." You don't even really want to move but you can't stand like this forever.
He turns in your arms so he's facing you and captures your lips in his. It's a soft, slow, gentle kiss; the kind you've been dreaming of since you last saw him. You need him to feel exactly how much you've missed him without having to tell him.
The kiss lasts for minutes, far beyond its natural end but neither of you care.
After what feels like forever, your lips part but your foreheads stay pressed together, both of you determined not to pull away.
"I still haven't gotten the grand tour." He's got the most beautiful eyes and they're locked on yours to the point that you'd almost forgotten he's never been here before. "But I want to start in your favourite room."
"Well, the study is my favourite. I converted one of the bedrooms into an office space."
"Show me."
You don't protest. Instead you head out of the living room and up the stairs to the furthest end of the hallway, with Bucky following closely behind you.
"These all used to be built-in storage units around a headboard for a bed. I took all the doors off the cabinets and made it into shelving." You'd turned the room into a space that you love. The walls are painted a light shade of cream with houseplants lined up between books on the shelves. Instead of storage around a headboard, you now have book shelves, arching around your desk. The other side of the room has a sofa that converts into a bed for extra guests and there's a beanbag in the corner by the window to read on.
"I see why it's your favourite. Odd mix of books here though." Bucky's eyes flick over the titles, ranging from your collection of political figures' autobiographies, the 'Diary of an Oxygen Thief' trilogy, the selection of books providing commentary on the criminal justice system and a good few classics.
"It is. But I like this room. It'll be cosy in winter once I get some fairy lights and nice and bright in summer. Somewhere to unwind." You're thinking out loud as you reach up to close the window and that's when you feel Bucky step behind you.
"I think we should celebrate." Bucky’s voice is low, his lips trailing up the side of your neck, heading towards the spot just behind your ear that he's always loved to kiss.
"I think..." He stops briefly on his path, taking a second to inhale deeply, determined to slow down. "I think we should make love in every room of your new house this weekend."
"Are you sure you're up for that? Because I can really stretch it out. I'm not sure how we're going to make it work in the pantry or the downstairs bathroom but I'm happy to try."
"Your 'pantry' is a cupboard." Bucky's breath is hot on your neck, and you feel his lips have curled into a smile.
"I know. You promised every room though." You can't help but tease him, although you're half serious. It's not your fault that you're keen. Not when he's kissing down your neck like that and holding your waist so your back is flush against him.
"You're a handful." You feel his fingertips graze the bare skin of your waist and you remember how nice it is to just be touched the way he touches you.
"I might be a handful but I can promise if I have my way, after you leave here on Sunday, you won't even be able to think about cumming again until Thursday at the very earliest."
"Jesus, that's one hell of a promise." He turns you around to face him and you notice his eyes are damn near twinkling with excitement.
You've got all weekend together; there's no need to rush but you can't help the overwhelming need to feel him sliding into you. That's when you feel closest to him and it's the closeness you're craving more than anything.
Your hand cups the side of his face, your thumb tracing across his freshly shaved jawline and you allow yourselves a second to just be together.
He smells familiar. The heat of his body against yours makes you feel safe. He makes you feel safe.
"I want to start with you though. I brought you a little something." He kisses your lips gently and smooths a hand down over your hair before he retreats downstairs to the bag that he'd brought a few changes of clothes in.
He returns with a small cardboard box with the tape on one end already cut.
"I didn't have time to wrap it. It arrived last minute." You're so busy trying to get into the box that you hadn't even noticed.
Inside the box are a few instruction manuals, a thin white cord and a black satin pouch. Inside the pouch is a neon pink toy that's thicker at each end, narrow in the middle and nicely curved.
"I've already charged it and paired it to my phone. This end slips inside you." He points to the thicker end, studying your face to make sure you're okay with this.
And why wouldn't you be? This is pretty damn close to a dream come true.
"Remember what you said last time I saw you? You wanted me to spank you. Maybe we should take it a little further." He's always been hesitant to do anything that would hurt you and that fact is the very reason you want him to. You know how much he wants to protect you and knowing he cares about you has you convinced that he's the right person to explore this with.
"Please." You whisper, beyond excited at the thought of getting everything you've begged him for. "What did you have in mind?"
"I'm thinking about you bent over this desk with this inside you and we'll start off with a couple of light taps to that pretty ass." He presses the button on the narrow part of the toy and it give a short buzz, coming to life in his hands.
Fuck, you're into this man. You're into his hesitation just as much as you're into his willingness to try something new.
"Traffic light safe word system. 'Red' and I'll stop, 'amber' and I'll give you a break, 'green' to keep going." He wants to be fully sure you know you're in control here, not that you ever had any doubt.
You nod and stretch up on your tiptoes to kiss him, this time with as much passion as you can manage. Your hands run through his hair while his trail over your body, your tongue flicking gently against his.
Just being around this man makes you wet, not that you'd ever admit that to him. Even the thought of him has you throbbing with arousal so now that he's here in front of you, your whole body feels like it's buzzing.
He touches you like he can't get enough. He can't get you close enough and it's beyond thrilling to be the subject of his need.
It's almost embarrassing that you get yourself worked up so easily but from the hungry look in his eyes when you undo the button of your jeans, he doesn't seem to mind.
You step out of your jeans and panties and Bucky helps you out of your top and bra, leaving you naked in your study.
"Look at you." Bucky sounds like he's almost in awe, no matter how many times he's seen you naked.
He kisses you again, matching the same passion he'd had earlier, trailing his hands over your soft, warm skin until his fingers are nestled between your thighs.
"Fuck, you're soaked." His fingertips trail between the folds of your sex, gathering the wetness he's responsible for. "Good girls don't get this wet at the thought of being spanked. You know that, don't you?"
You're almost too turned on to even respond to him. "Bend over. I want to see how well you take your toy."
You do as you're told, bending over your desk while Bucky drops to his knees behind you to slip the toy inside you. You feel him trail the thicker end of the toy against your slick cunt, gathering enough wetness to let it slip inside you comfortably.
Within a minute, the toy comes to life inside you and there's no way to stifle the moan that catches in your throat.
Not only is the internal part vibrating at a low, delightful buzz, the other end is pressed right to your clit and is stimulating it at the same strength.
"Did I say you could make a sound?" Bucky quizzes, sounding harsher than ever and when he gets no response, his hand comes down on your ass with so much force that it makes you yelp.
It was a hell of a spank and you can feel heat blooming under the skin of your left cheek, quickly followed by another spank to the right.
"For the record, you can make as much noise as you need to. But only because I've told you that you can. You see the difference?"
You force yourself not to nod and it has the effect you were hoping for. Two more harsh, painful spanks are delivered, one to each cheek, the same as before.
You don't know if you imagined it but the toy inside you feels stronger. You can't be sure if you're just focusing on the pleasure over the pain or if Bucky really has turned it up.
"Does that feel nice, sweetheart?" He needs to know you're enjoying this because a little part of him is surprised at just how much he's into it. He gets to control both your pleasure and your pain because you want him to and the trust alone is enough to get him off.
"Feels amazing, fuck. Making such a mess." Stringing sentences together isn't easy but you swear you're about to cum already. Your nipples rub delightfully against the wooden desk and you swear every sensation is heightened.
"I wish you could see the mess you're making. Looks fucking delicious." He turns the toy up ever so slightly but that's enough to send you spiralling, gripping the edge of the desk as pleasure ripples through your entire body.
You can do nothing but sob, cumming relentlessly because he's refused to turn the toy down. Even after you're done, he keeps it at the same intensity, moving on like nothing happened.
"You say the sluttiest things. That promise of yours to totally drain me. Who says shit like that? So fucking filthy."
"I mean it. I want every drop of cum you can give me. And then more." You know saying something like that will earn you another spank and it does.
"You're not just acting like a slut. You are a slut. You spend your life hiding it from everyone else but you can't hide it from me." A shiver runs down your spine. You almost feel like you've been caught. Like he's figured you out and now you have nothing left to hide. "Say it."
It's a clear instruction but saying it makes it real.
Your hesitation earns you another sharp spank, heat prickling both your face and your ass at the same time.
"Don't make me tell you twice." For someone hesitant to slip into a dominant role, he's absolutely nailing it.
"I'm your slut." Your voice is less steady than you would've hoped but the words at clear at the very least.
"My slut?" He almost sounds like he can't believe what he heard.
"Yours. Your slut." You repeat, wishing you could see his face.
"Oh sweetheart, that's cute." He means it too. He turns the toy up as a reward and even though it's only at half its full strength, you can't help but cum again, pleading your way through another blinding orgasm.
"Such a good girl for me. That's it. Cum nice and hard. Give that slutty little pussy what it needs." He lands one more harsh spank on your ass and you swear it only makes you cum harder, to the point that your legs are shaking.
But all of a sudden, the sensation stops completely.
"B-Bucky?" You ask, turning around to look at him, wondering if something went wrong.
"Don't want to wear you out, sweetheart. I think that'll do for now." You agree that it's probably a good place to stop and you have no problem taking the toy out for a while.
He pulls you in close, resting your head on his chest, letting you catch your breath while he holds you and kisses your forehead.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" His voice is soft, hoping that you'll tell him the truth.
"No. It was perfect." You smile, capturing his lips in yours, hoping to relieve some of his fear. You're almost giddy with excitment. It truly was everything you needed and you fully intend to thank him for it before the weekend is over.
"Good. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would." He's back to the gentle, tender touches that you're so used to from him and it's a blessing that he can flick so effortlessly between both personas.
"How about we order in and stick a movie on?" He suggests, kissing the tip of your nose. "Go put on something comfortable. I'll find a takeout."
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gotitagluglu · 8 months
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funnyfooddatabase · 10 months
Kellogg’s Hunny B’s
Type of Funny Food: Tie-In Product
Introduced: 2002
Location: Supermarkets
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A honey-flavored cereal themed to the silly (now public domain) bear of the Hundred Acre Wood was released by Kellogg’s and Disney in the early 2000s.
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The cereal shape varied- most of the pieces were shaped to look like B’s, but there were also yellow pieces in the shape of honey pots, Winnie-the-Pooh’s head, and bees. Later, pink pieces shaped like Piglet’s head would also be added, to celebrate the release of Piglet’s Big Movie in 2003. Allegedly, Eeyore pieces would be added even later, but there is no existing evidence of this.
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astrolavas · 1 year
Because of you I hate Hunter now. Tomatoes are disgusting and anyone who likes them are my mortal enemy. How could you
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deerlottie · 1 month
the froot loops shes so fucking real god
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
The urge to just start posting the most vague byler proof screencaps on Reddit, followed by this meme, is sooooo strong
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cissa-calls · 9 months
Countdown to Coven of Chaos: Day 540
Agatha: “What do you want for dinner?”
Wanda: “I want to cook tonight!”
Agatha: “Wanda. I love you. I hate you. The last time I left you alone in the kitchen you stuck the lobster to the front door and made breakfast instead. Let me do this, this is my domain”
Wanda: “Well that’s not fair, why can’t I redeem myself?”
Y/N: “Because when you did, you tried to serve me chicken that still had feathers on it”
Wanda: “What do you have against breakfast for dinner?”
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heckyeahponyscans · 5 months
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cerealmonster15 · 8 months
Intrigue at First Sight [JamiAzu]
[Ao3 Link]
Summary: Azul takes notice of Jamil in their first year at NRC.
“Beauty” was never really something that Azul had a personal interest in. He could appreciate it, sure, but he never really found himself particularly seeking out such frivolous affairs. Really, if something were to catch Azul’s eye, it would have to be something really special.
Or, perhaps, someone.
Azul prided himself on coming to class early to ensure he would always be on time. He had appearances to keep up and grades to maintain, after all. Tardiness was out of the question, and arriving early also gave him the chance to study each of his classmate’s faces as they slowly trickled in up until the last second. When in a line of work such as Azul’s, where socialization and schmoozing were crucial skills, it was important to remember as many faces as soon as possible after meeting someone. Networking was everything, and it was far more impressive the quicker you could recall an acquaintance.
This was, of course, how Azul Ashengrotto first took notice of Jamil Viper. It wasn’t like Jamil dressed particularly outstanding when he came to class- it was quite the opposite, really. Azul probably wouldn’t have noticed him at all, had he not been taking a mental inventory of his classmates. Jamil wore a simple hooded sweatshirt paired with his school uniform, and he kept to himself as he came through the doors just a few minutes before class started. This was a pattern Azul picked up on in the first week of classes, as it helped to know the habits of familiar faces around him… Jamil, like clockwork, came into class just a few minutes before starting. He was never early, he was never late, and he kept to himself. His eyes stayed focused ahead and his head was slightly bowed when he walked. 
And he was very, very pretty. 
Jamil was scarcely spotted on his own once Kalim transferred to NRC a few months after the school year began. If Jamil wasn’t in class, he was making his way to or from Kalim’s side. At first glance, one might think they were the best of friends with how inseparable they were, but it really didn’t take a genius to look past the surface. Sure, the two grew up together, and sure, Kalim adored Jamil and was always quick to refer to him as his absolute best friend!
But Jamil was a servant doing his job, and as much love as Kalim had to give to the world around him…
Well, anyone could see there was something complicated going on there. 
“Do you mind pairing up with me for the lab assignment today?” Azul asked as he approached Jamil in the hallway one afternoon on the way to his next class.
Jamil turned to Azul with a neutral expression and nodded politely, his clear gray eyes meeting Azul’s. “Sure, I don't mind.”
Jamil was much more polite and agreeable the first handful of times Azul interacted with him during their first year at NRC. 
“You know, it’s not every day that I see you by yourself outside of class,” Azul said as they walked the rest of the way to the lab room. “It’s nice to have a moment to speak with you on your own and get to know you more.”
Jamil faced forward as they continued through the hallway. “There’s not much more to know, really,” he said simply. “And it is my duty to stay by Kalim’s side as his aid. If you're looking for a lively conversation, you’re better off approaching him instead, really.”
Azul chuckled. “I’m sure you have plenty to offer in conversation.”
“Well, I’ll suggest that you not get your hopes up.”
“Why don’t you join us for lunch?” Azul continued. “You’re on the basketball team with Floyd, aren’t you? I’m sure he’d love to have a chance to talk with you off the court, as well.”
That was… potentially true, but Floyd’s attitude towards talking to other classmates highly depended on his mood… And so would his definition of “talk”. Azul didn’t think it was important to dwell on such minor details in the current moment, though. 
Jamil raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, I’m surprised you knew that. He and I haven’t really spoken much before, and though I’m… very aware of his presence, I’m not sure he’s noticed mine.”
I’ve noticed you, Azul stops himself from saying. “Then a lunch together is the perfect place to start, don’t you think?” He says instead. 
He also realizes that he’s been trying to meet Jamil’s eyes this whole time, but they’re arriving at their seats, and Jamil will no longer look at him. Azul’s eyes drop from the side profile of Jamil’s face and instead follow where his hands have gone to his shoulder, pulling back his long, silky hair in preparation for their lab assignment. It looked healthy and well-kept, and Azul wondered how long Jamil spent styling it every morning with how many intricate braids and decorations he weaved within. 
“Sorry, but I have to make lunch for Kalim, anyway.”  Was Jamil’s response, and it sounded rehearsed, like this wasn’t the first time words have left his mouth, nor would it be the last. 
“He could join us, of course,” Azul insisted. 
“No, that’s alright. thank you.”
Azul opened his mouth to continue debating, but had to resign himself when Crewel entered the room and began class. 
“I could help you study next time, if you’d like.”
Jamil looked up from where he sat alone - another rare moment that Azul found himself hurrying to take advantage of - and scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion. “...Sorry?”
Azul nodded to one of the papers laying on the table in front of him. It was their latest history of magic test, with a score of 70% written at the top. A score Azul often noted whenever he caught a glimpse of Jamil’s returned assignments. 
Jamil sighed and shook his head. “...As kind as you are to offer, I’ll pass.”
“Oh, but I insist!” Azul said, stepping closer to lean against the side of the table. He smiled ever-so-charitably down at Jamil. “We’re classmates, are we not? Why, it would break my heart to stand idly by when my fellow student is in need. I’m sure we could work something out together…”
Jamil peered back up at him, his expression as neutral as ever, but his eyes… Azul often wasn’t close enough to see them in detail, but when he got a good look, it was hard to look away. They were a stormy shade of gray, and had a tendency to pull Azul in closer… and closer…
“…Um,” Jamil leaned back slightly, furrowing his brows yet again. “No, thanks.”
Azul quickly straightened his posture and cleared his throat, suddenly all too aware of his unusually close proximity to his classmate. “…Right. Of course. Do let me know if you change your mind.” He turned to leave, glancing over his shoulder to look at Jamil one more time. “My door is always open to you.”
“Thank you, but you should really save that offer for those who actually need it,” Jamil responded. “I’m just fine as I am.”
Azul noticed that Jamil's polite smile did not reach his eyes.
Moments ago, Jamil was on the ground, unconscious after a heavy, blot induced battle. Azul remained by his side the entire time after he went down, waiting, watching…
He felt himself breathe a sigh of relief when the familiar sight of those pretty, stormy eyes returned.
No more overblot, no more corruption. Just Jamil.
And now, Jamil stood in front of Azul, a familiar scowl plastered across his face - a look Azul had come to know with great familiarity in their more recent months of knowing each other. His expression of discontent deepened with every word out of his mouth, telling Azul exactly what he thought of his invitation for Jamil to join forces with him in Octavinelle. 
Unfiltered, unfriendly, fully authentic Jamil. He was sour, bitter, angry… and each stinging word he spat out only filled Azul’s chest with an intrigued, excited flutter in his chest. This was a new side of Jamil, something he knew was hiding under the surface, he just hadn’t been sure what he would find or how long it would take to uncover… But Azul was right, ultimately. Jamil WAS interesting. He was special, hiding much more underneath the surface… he’d been a worthy subject to keep an eye on over the growing years.
“Goodness. That’s a rather staging rebuke,” Jade said with a wide grin aimed at Azul in response to Jamil’s verbal thrashing.
Azul chuckled, an equally amused smile spread across his own face. “I don’t mind.”
In fact, Azul was quite sure he liked Jamil better this way. He was more authentic, free…
And just as beautiful as ever.
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mariatesstruther · 7 months
okay but a fic following tommy in jackson as he watches sarah’s look-alike grow up and have her baby. maybe he develops his own relationship with this girl and her kid, and it helps him deal with losing sarah??????? perhaps????? stay with me!
like we see how hard it was for joel to see her just once in 1x06. assuming tommy’s been in jackson for years, which i do, he has probably watched this young woman grow into an adult, getting struck with that pain of distant familiarity every single time he sees her. i imagine it would lowkey torture him until he truly confronts his grief over sarah and the life she could’ve lived
and imagine when she—im gonna name her kiara bc i hate when characters don’t have names—gets pregnant. tommy has to watch as kiara’s belly gets bigger and bigger, watch as the jackson community frets over her hand and foot because jackson takes extra special care of it’s pregnant residents, watch from the sidelines as kiara gets a future that sarah will never have while looking just like her
but THEN maybe he gets to know her a little bit???? maybe kiara knows he does housework and eventually asks maria if anyone can help fix-up and baby-proof her little two-bedroom house to prepare for the little one. maria knows tommy would be the perfect man for the job, but she also knows that he keeps careful distance from kiara on purpose
she sees the way his shoulders tense and his easy expression drops every time she’s in his line of sight. she saw how one time, when kiara had come over to talk to maria while she was sitting with him, tommy could barely handle looking at her up close: he ended up staring at his plate and clearing it—even the squash medley, which she knows he fucking hates—until he had reason to leave the hall completely.
but there truly is no one else she would rather help kiara; the only other person that does housework as good as tommy is fuckin jacob, and jacob is seth’s best friend, which means he’s a lowkey bigoted asshole that will only do “favors” for maria if he gets something in return. she, frankly, doesn’t want him anywhere near kiara. so maria still talks to tommy about it, and because he’s the most selfless loving man she’s ever met, he agrees. they talk about backup plans and what tommy should do if he gets too triggered—they’ve been working at distress tolerance and detecting when his mind is going fuzzy, so he knows to get straight to their home and wait for maria when it happens. privately, maria talks to kiara and tells her that tommy is still dealing with some stuff that triggers him and might need breaks once in ahwile; she knows to go get maria immediately if this happens
so tommy helps kiara out, and along the way they get to talking and being more friendly with each other. kiara reveals that she’s extremely nervous to be a mom, that she’s doing it alone (the asshole that was with her split jackson when he foundnout because men still be menning in their apocalypse). she tells tommy that she’s never been more scared to do anything in her whole life, and she lived alone as a young girl in FEDRA-run QZ
and suddenly, tommy realizes he has had almost this exact conversation before. with joel. he remembers standing by and watching joel freak out over baby-proofing their place, raving and ranting: how am i supposed to do this, tommy? we have too many fucking cabinets—look at all of these fucking cabinets! aye, im gonna ruin her. and tommy had been speechless in the face of all that fear. he knows how scared they both were, and he knows what he would’ve wanted to hear then, too. with the gift of time and wisdom, he finally knows what to say
so he comforts kiara, and by some miracle, it actually works. he tells her about joel raising sarah alone, and how terrifying it all seemed, right up until she actually got to them: he tells her how all that terror turned into love the moment he held that little ray of sunshine in his arms. he tells her about how sarah used to be what he and joel called a boo-boo magnet, constantly falling over and knocking into shit, always having bumps, scrapes, and bruises as a result. most importantly, he told kiara, she was always just fine: as long as she felt loved, sarah was always just fine. kiara’s baby would be just fine, too
and this convo changes kiara’s whole perspective, her whole vibe. tommy see’s the difference in her now, when he spots her in the dining hall or walking across town with a hand on her belly, tense with excitement instead of anxiety. he feels the difference in himself, too: he’s no longer struck with the abstract pain of remembrance as he sees her, now. he just feels honest friendship, true familiarity, and a rush of fond protectiveness for her that reminds him of the way he felt for sarah. it doesn’t hurt, or at least not the same way. it feels good, knowing kiara as kiara, not as the ghost of his niece. it feels right
she always makes sure to stop and talk to him when they cross paths, asking him about his work around town (or teasing him about he and maria, because at this point they’re trying to keep it lowkey but. kiara knows. talia knows. half of jackson suspects it and kiara wants the inside scoop okay so SPILL tommy just tell me!!!!!). somehow, tommy has developed a good relationship with the girl he thought he’d never have the guts to speak to
when kiara is on her last couple weeks of pregnancy, mostly bedridden and definitely ready to give birth, she asks tommy to stop by once every few days to have lunch or dinner with her. it always suprises him, but he always goes. they talk mostly about raising children: how different it seems to be post-2003, how scared kiara still is even despite her new confidence, how tumultuous sarah’s first few months were. he realizes, later, that he hasn’t talked about sarah this much to anyone but maria since she’s passed. he finds their conversations ease the ache in him more than avoiding kiara ever could’ve
when kiara has the baby, tommy accidentally becomes a quasi-godfather-uncle-grandparent without even having been asked. it’s clear that, from their time together, kiara is very fond of him—judging from the way her baby, kelsey, always settles down and stares at him in wonder whenever he’s around, it’s clear she likes him too. when kelsey becomes old enough to smile, she’s never ever around tommy without grinning and giggling, enamored by his silly face and silly voice and silly mustache, which she’s always trying to pull off. when kelsey becomes old enough to walk, kiara can’t bring her anywhere near tommy without the toddler trying her best to baby-sprint over to him. more than once, she’s fallen smack-down onto her face and gotten right back up, arms outstretched to tommy as she continues determinedly to toddle over. when kelsey becomes old enough to speak, she’s constantly calling for him and babbling to him when kiara finally brings her over. kelsey can’t even really pronounce her t’s until she’s three, so for awhile she calls tommy “mommy,” and kiara thinks it’s hilarious. she’s called mama anyway, so it doesn’t really matter to her that her baby calls this semi-random grown man mommy. everytime, it makes tommy want to simultaneously laugh and cry
by the time joel shows up, kelsey is six and not-so-obsessed with tommy anymore. her and kiara still join him and maria for dinner at least once a month, and kelsey has distant memories of calling tommy mommy, then uncle mommy, then finally naming him tim-tam-tommy when she turned four, the nickname for him that still stuck. he thinks about warning joel about her, when they talk in the bar, because he sure as hell could’ve used a goddamn warning—but the conversation goes left, so they never get there.
when joel sees kiara and kelsey for the first time, it’s hits him as hard as it once did tommy
tagging @ameerawrites because i feel like u always indulge in tommy trauma brainrot with me and @clickergossip bc this idea started on tommy day :)
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sidewalk-cracks · 2 years
I've typically only been thinking in terms of badger cereal lately, so consider— Amity Park is having this community function right? Like, say, a community picnic. Danny's having a good time trying to avoid being embarrassed by his parents and just hanging out with Tucker and Sam, but he's got this weird feeling. It's not his ghost sense; there's no ghosts, but he's got this prickle on the back of his neck, like someone's watching him.
Indeed, at some point he notices this guy watching him. It's a little creepy, but he tries to shrug it off. He's the youngest Fenton and everybody knows his family is sorta nuts, so he's used to being stared at because of that.
So Danny tries not to be unnerved when the guy approaches him and his friends. He probably wants to ask about Danny's parents- who are being ridiculous off a ways- except this guy is acting super leery. He keeps looking at all three of them like they're prey or something while he talks to them. It's getting seriously uncomfortable for all three of them real fast, and Danny's about to stage a way for them to get away from him (bc can't used ghost powers bc out in public), when all of a sudden Vlad appears and just. SOCKS this guy right the jaw. And it's like a switch has been flipped bc this guy starts yelling like a maniac and tries attacking Vlad back, except Vlad literally WAILS on this guy. Bare fists only. Danny's appropriately terrified bc he's never seen Vlad this INCENSED before.
Well turns out the dude was a pedo sex offender on the run from authorities and decided to hide out in middle-of-nowhere Amity Park. Unfortunately for him, Vlad's the mayor and keeps an eye on things, so he knew who the guy was. He gets a huge PR boost for protecting an innocent child from a pedo and probably becomes something of a town hero, and while it's pretty annoying Danny is still, honestly, really grateful. He's faced a lot of different kinds of danger but never that kind, and in the moment it terrified him.
And..... this might've all spawned solely because I thought "I want to see Vlad beat the snot out of someone without using his ghost powers at all, like completely bare fists, because that's hot and we all know he's more than capable even tho he's a meow meow". Maybe.
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Kellogg’s India is telling me to put the milk in before the cereal
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