#THREE MINUTES. i had to sprint !!!!! i haven’t run like that in YEARS.
luvrodite · 11 months
you guys. you will not believe the day i’ve had and it isn’t even mid afternoon
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birdiewriteslit · 9 months
Hi ! I just love your writing ! ❤️ Also, I was wondering if you could write a story in which the reader is Thalia’s sister and dating Luke. The reader always thought that Luke liked Thalia and thinks that Luke only dates her because she reminds him of Thalia. She shares her doubts with Annabeth who tries to comfort her and Luke overhears their conversation. Then Luke talks to the reader about it reassuring he loves her for her and it’s all fluffy. Also, to add little angst, the reader has been traumatized by Thalia’s “transformation” and beats herself up thinking that it’s her fault that her sister is a tree.
thank you so much! sure, i can do this!!
luke castellan x daughter of zeus!reader
warnings: angst, self doubt, trauma, fluff at the end
sorry if this is bad i haven’t written angst in a hot minute
Your memory of the day you arrived at camp was still as vivid as it was when it happened. You, Grover, Annabeth, Luke, and your little sister were on the run from a horde of monsters, all of them attracted to the strong scent of the daughters of Zeus.
You were sprinting up the hill, breath ragged. Luke, Annabeth, and Grover were ahead of you. “We’re almost there!” Grover shouted. “Just keep running!”
You were exhausted, running for days with no help from any of your godly parents, but you had to keep going.
You looked back to make sure Thalia hadn’t fallen behind, but she had her shield up, showing Medusa’s face to the monsters that were catching up.
“We can’t outrun them!” she yelled. “I can slow them down, go on without me!”
Thalia started to run toward the monsters, but you grabbed her arm. “I can’t let you go. We can make it, please try to keep going.”
“I have to! Aegis will keep them at bay for a little while. It’s me they’re following,” she reasoned, her eyes stormy and unyielding.
“Thalia, don’t. They want me too. I’ll go instead, I won’t let you die for me,” you proposed desperately.
“You’re always doing things for me, let me do this for you. Let me repay my big sister.” She pulled her arm out of your grasp and turned to run at the monsters before you could stop her.
“Come on!” Grover yelled from the top of the hill, Annabeth and Luke now far in front of him. “They’re catching up!”
“I’m not leaving her!” you protested. Grover met you in the middle and grabbed hold of your arm, practically dragging you to camp as you shouted several curses at him. “Let me go!”
“I can’t. My mission is to get you across that border, and I’m not letting two of you die for the rest of us.” Grover was gritting his teeth, struggling to keep hold of you as you made it across the boundary.
You watched in horror as Thalia jabbed with her spear and missed, the Fury’s whip coming down hard and hitting her over the head, knocking her to the ground. She didn’t get up.
The biggest lightning bolt you’d ever seen struck the ground, sending the hellhounds into a panic. The monsters retreated, half victorious, as they only managed to kill one of you.
From the place where Thalia died, a large pine was growing rapidly out of the ground, and a magical force field spread across the woods, strengthening the border you just crossed.
Luke grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to turn away from the scene. His eyes were cast to the ground. He couldn’t look. “Come on,” he said, his voice breaking.
You walked past the strawberry fields with Luke’s arm around your shoulders keeping you stable. You couldn’t say anything. You knew that if you did, you would break down.
Annabeth was sobbing beside Grover, who was leading the three of you to the Big House, where Chiron stood on the porch, looking solemn. You weren’t even shocked by his centaur form. The image of Thalia’s body hitting the ground was still replaying in your mind.
You woke with a start, sweating profusely and breathing heavily. Five years later, and you still had nightmares like this. It was always the same scene over and over. You could never escape that night.
You slowly sat up in your bed, pulling the covers back and placing your feet on the cold marble floor. You rubbed at your eyes, sighing as you knelt at your father’s statue in the middle of the cabin.
You never shared this space with Thalia, but you missed her like you had. Sometimes you would dream of her and you when you were small, and you would expect to wake up and see her asleep on the other side of the room.
You stared into the reflecting pool around the statue, barely recognizing who was looking back at you. The girl in the water was tired, and she looked like she hadn’t slept in days.
Looking up at your father’s carved face, you felt that familiar feeling of resentment. He had never helped you. When you were on the run, the only gift he gave was weapons for you and Thalia to defend yourselves with.
After you were claimed, it was like you never existed to him. He never answered your prayers, and he was never there for you when you needed him.
When you needed help facing Ladon on Luke’s quest, he was absent from the sky. You were forced to return to camp, two failures who learned to never rely the gods for help.
Luke was the only one you could relate to in that way. After that quest, you thought of each other differently. Finding that common ground changed your friendship into something more.
Sometimes you wondered if Luke saw Thalia when he looked at you. There would be moments where he would look at you like your sister was staring back, and he would get this sad glint in his eyes.
You certainly didn’t see her in your reflection. You’d looked for so long to find something that reminded you of her, but you could never find something good.
You had an aggression problem, which was about the only thing about you that resembled your sister. The only people you got along with were your boyfriend, Annabeth, and Grover.
Everybody at camp stayed clear of you anyways, as they were afraid of what you might do to them. Of course, you were more powerful than the others, and they were scared of that.
The day was off to a rough start. You were fifteen minutes late for breakfast, and when you entered the pavilion, heads turned. You were used to getting stared at, so you were able to ignore it.
You ate by yourself, keeping your head down. After breakfast, your first activity of the day was Ancient Greek with Annabeth.
You were reading out a boring passage to her when she stopped you at the end of a paragraph. “Are you having nightmares again?” she asked tentatively.
You looked up from the book. “Why do you ask?”
“You were late to breakfast. You’ve been looking so tired this past week. I’m worried. Luke’s worried. He says you’ve been distant,” she analyzed.
You sighed. “Yeah, I’ve been having them again. It’s the same as it’s always been.” You rubbed your hands over your tired eyes. “I can’t get it out of my head.”
“You haven’t told Luke?”
“No, I don’t want to stress him out. Besides, he probably sees enough of Thalia in me. Honestly, I think that’s why he’s with me. We all lost her that night, and he just needs something to remind him of her,” you confessed gloomily, picking at the corners of the pages.
Annabeth raised her eyebrows in surprise. “What are you talking about? Luke has liked you as long as I’ve known you. Thalia meant a lot to him, but you’re different from her. You mean something different to him.”
“Do you really think that’s why I’m with you?” Luke said, rounding the corner of the porch and making himself known. He had a hurt expression on his face.
“I’ll leave you alone,” Annabeth said awkwardly, standing up from her chair and hurrying away from the Big House.
“Luke, I-“
“I’m sorry to eavesdrop, but you can’t really think that.” He sat down next to you and pulled your hands away from the book pages. “Annabeth’s right, I’ve liked you forever. Thalia was like a little sister to me. The only time you remind me of her is when you get angry, and I’m not with you because of your anger,” he reassured, trying to make you believe him.
“Why are you with me?” Your voice came out small, and you were afraid of what he would say.
He shook his head, taking your face in his hands. “So many reasons. You’re smart, brave, and resourceful. You’re strong and beautiful. Honestly, you could name anything you don’t like about yourself and I promise you that I would love you regardless.”
“Do you mean that?”
“Yes,” he said sincerely.
You took a deep breath, ready to be honest with him. “In my nightmares, I see us on the night Thalia died. I see the moment she slipped away from me and I left her to fight on her own. I’m such a bad sister,” you admitted, voice breaking a little.
Luke looked pained at your words. His thumb was quick to wipe away a tear that had fallen. “What happened wasn’t your fault. Thalia was stubborn, once she got an idea in her head she wouldn’t let it go. You know that. If we let you go too, we would’ve lost you both. We couldn’t risk that.”
You were silent, taking in his reasoning and knowing that he was right. You leaned forward and kissed his lips softly. “Thank you, Luke,” you said quietly, resting your forehead against his.
“Of course.” He pushed a stray hair behind your ear. “Do you want me to sleep in your cabin tonight?”
“Yes, please.”
“Alright.” Luke pulled away and smiled at you. “What do you say we go zap some Dionysus kids in the strawberry fields?”
“That sounds like a great idea.” You grinned, already feeling much better.
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widowbitessting · 11 months
The Devil is What You Drink - A Sugar Mommies Drabble
Word Count: 2110
Rating: General with fluffy scenes. SFW!
Dom!Natasha Romanoff, Dom!Wanda Maximoff, Dom!Carol Danvers x Sub!Reader
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In retrospect, ringing one of your doms when you’re extremely tipsy and walking home alone at 1am, really isn't the best idea. 
But with the wine running through your system, it really doesn’t bother you. 
Natasha picks up after the first ring, voice heavy with sleep and it makes you grin broadly; almost jumping up and down on the spot with excitement. 
“Hi, Natty!” 
“...baby, hi.” She inhales deeply and you can picture her rubbing her eyes. “What time is it? Where are you?” 
“Oh, y’know me and MJ had that friendaversary didn’t we! Five whole years, Natty, can you believe it? How I haven’t killed her yet, I don’t know.” 
“Breathe, love.” 
“So I got home from class and MJ really wanted to go out for a drink and I was like, sure why not! So we went to that cute bar I took you one time - I got that cute flower in my drink, remember it, Natty?” 
“Yes, baby, I remember.” 
“So we went there and we wanted to be fancy again and got wine. Now I know, I know, wine is evil but it tastes so good so it can’t be that bad, eh? So we had like…two…maybe three bottles and just talked about all the stuff we’ve done together, cos’ like, five years is super long, isn’t it, Natty?”
“Yes, baby.”
“And then -” You boot a stray beer can with your foot and send it soaring into a nearby wall. It’s loud, especially in the quiet area you’re in and it immediately catches Natasha’s attention. 
“Baby…I haven’t heard MJ speak the entire time you’ve been on the phone to me…normally she pipes up…where is she, darling?” 
“Well she got picked up by Peter about fifteen minutes ago and the bar isn’t too far from home! So I thought I’d go on an adventure and - ” 
“Stop.” A deep, low voice, commands. 
The order comes so suddenly that it catches you off guard. You cease all words and movements as your inner submissive drops to her knees.  
“So you’re on your own?” Natasha asks. 
“...maybe…I just thought the fresh air would do me good..walk off the alcohol. Clever right?” 
“Y/N, you tell me right now if you are on your own walking through the dark. It’s 2am!”
After hearing your full name you can’t help but bite back a little with sarcasm.
“Well yeah, I - I have to get home somehow duh. I can’t afford a taxi and it’s only around the corner.” 
You hear Natasha rummaging around through the phone as you twirl a loose strand of hair around your finger. 
“Look around, tell me where you are.” 
You do as you’re told. 
“Hmmm…well I see black ‘cos it’s dark…”
“Again with the name, gah! Erm, I dunno, I took the shortcut and -”
“You have to the count of fucking five to get to the nearest streetlight, I swear to God.” 
“But it’s all the way over there!” 
“I can make it there before you get to two!” 
You take off sprinting, giggling gleefully as you go, one hand pinning your cell to your ear as your other arm sticks out to keep your balance.
Only, it’s you. In heels. In the dark. 
You take the grand total of seven steps before you go crashing down, ankle bending at a near 90 degree angle as gravity takes you to the cement. You scrape your knees and your palm, squeaking upon impact.
“Detka, did you just fall?” 
“Mhm, running in heels is not the way to go. Ouch.” 
You’re lucky there’s no glass.
“Get up for me, can you do that? Are you okay?” When you reply, she continues, “now walk slower to the streetlight. And please don’t fall over any more twigs as you go.”
“That was one time!” 
“One time too many.” 
Limping and grumbling as you go, you manage to get out of the alleyway without any more injuries and cross over to the streetlight. 
“Natty, there’s gum on it. Gross.” 
“Don’t eat it. Don’t touch it.”
You drop your hand. 
“Where are you now?”
“I dunno, outside?” 
An exasperated sigh reaches your ears. 
“Tell me exactly what you see, Y/N. Be specific.” 
A car door slams shut through the phone as you glance around.
“I see trees…houses…oh the moon! Woah, pretty.”
“If you’ve somehow managed to get to the moon, Y/N, I will lose my shit.” 
“If I take a picture will you see it? It’s so pretty! Carol loves the moon.” 
“Baby, what else do you see?” Natasha gently reminds you. 
“Erm…oh! Oh, a restaurant! Can we go Natty? It looks nice!” 
“What’s it called babygirl, gimme a name.” 
Natasha’s car roars to life. 
“Why don’t you just stalk me, hmm? Be quicker.” You let out a giggle. 
“Because then I’d have to hang up, so no.” Natasha is silent for a second, waiting for your giggles to calm down, knowing her reply just fell on cotton filled ears. “Are you finished?” 
“Now,” she warns, “I want you to listen to me because you only have one last chance, Y/N. Give me the name of that fucking restaurant before I spank your ass into next week.” 
“M-Mama’s…” You squint at the flag. “Oh! I think it’s Jamaican, I love Jamaican food!”
“Mhm, I know you do. Do me a favour? Have a look at the menu? Pick something you'd think we’d all like.” 
“Really? Even something like curried goat?” You scurry to the lit up window, eyes taking a second to adjust to the bright lights coming from inside. “‘Cos I had that once and I thought there was a fruit loop in there but it wasn’t - there’s a cat! Hi cat!” 
“NO!” Natasha practically deafens you. “Y/N, do not follow that cat!” 
“But he’s so fluffy! He’s got a big tail, hi baby!” 
“Y/N, it’ll have fleas, no! Do not touch it, stay where you are!”
“But Hedwig -” 
“Isn’t Hedwig from Harry Potter?” 
You stop walking, ashamed that those words even came from her mouth. 
“I let you fuck me with that mouth. Yes! It’s Hedwig! Harry Potter’s owl!” 
“Do you want to watch it when we’re home?” 
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Can we really?”
“Only if you choose something really yummy from that restaurant then, baby girl. C’mon, Harry Potter is on the line here.” 
“But -” 
“Say bye to Hedwig.”
“...bye Hedwig.” Your voice is tiny and it breaks Natasha’s heart. “Safe travels! Drink milk and eat tuna!” 
“God, you’re so fucking cute, baby.” Natasha mumbles. You, of course, miss it, far too busy waving the black cat off. “Now pick us something to eat, we’re so hungry.”
“You got it, boss!” 
“Good girl, baby. You’re doing so well for me. What do you see?” 
You peer close to the menu, bumping your nose against the glass. 
“Hmmm…” You don’t even hear her as the car rolls up behind you. “I dunno yet but I might get served right away, Natty, it’s empty inside. How lucky is that?” 
“So lucky baby, who’d have thought a Jamaican restaurant would stay open until 2 in the morning.” 
“I know right? But I’m not sure what to get! Maybe I should ask someone.” 
“Y/N -” 
You ignore her and go to the door, pulling it with such a force that you don’t expect it to not open. Your grip slips and you stumble back.
“Wha - hey. Daddy the door is stuck!” You go back and try to push it this time, coming to no avail. “My food! Excuse me? I can’t get in!” 
“Y/N, tone your voice down, darling.” 
“No, the food! I can see it!” You actually have tears forming in your eyes. “I want my dumplings! No! Daddy, I need you. Help me open this stupid door!” 
“Daddy’s here, baby.” 
When Natasha’s hand gently takes you by the wrist, you look at her with a pout, unphased that she’s even there. 
“Dumplings, daddy. They’re there, see!” 
She doesn't even look away from you. 
“Yes, baby, I do. But you’re shivering. Let’s get you into the car, hmm? Get all warm before you eat dumplings.” 
“...make sure you tell them they need to fix their door…that’s so bad for service…” 
You all but sag into the redhead as she carries your exhausted body to the car. 
“You’re getting sleepy now, huh?”
“Mmm, so sleepy.” 
Natasha takes her sweatshirt off and before you can even protest, shoves it over your head, enveloping you in her scent. If you hadn’t been so tipsy, you might have clocked her sweatpant and sports bra combo sooner. Perhaps even have drooled. 
You’ve been in the car for five minutes when you finally realise. 
“Woah,” You can’t help but stare at her abs. “I could eat a six course meal off there.” 
“You’ve licked whipped cream off them before, detka.” 
“Yeah well - I - you’re just, damn.” You force yourself to blink. “Someone get me a glass…I’ve just found me a tall drink of water.” 
Natasha rolls her eyes.
“Smooth, darling, smooth. Hitting on me with Disney.” 
“Did it work?” 
“No. But A+ for effort.” 
“Dang it.” 
You pass out for a few minutes, after humming a song from Tangled to yourself. You’re warm. Cosy. Wrapped up in a Natasha scented burrito and it lulls you to sleep. Jerking only slightly when the car door opens and the cold wind hits your body. Natasha - because of course she is that strong - scoops you up effortlessly into her arms and easily moves you both to the elevator. Your neck drops back, a small snore escaping you. 
She has you. You’re officially asleep, safe and sound. Punishment already thought and saved ready for tomorrow. All she has to do is carefully place you on the bed, sneak out to get water and slide in next to you. 
Only, the second your head touches the pillow, your eyes fly open and Natasha’s soul almost leaps from her body.
“Jesus fuck!”
“Dumplings! Daddy, we left my dumplings!” 
Besides you, Wanda stirs. 
“No way, close your eyes and go back to sleep, Y/N. C’mon, You were snoring.”
You pout, tears once again forming in your eyes. 
“But - ” You hiccup. “They’re lonely! They saw me, they knew I was there to eat them and I left them there!” 
“Tomorrow, darling.” 
“No, now.” 
“I will get you all the dumplings in the world tomorrow, if you will just-go-to-sleep.”
You ponder, glossy eyes looking into Natasha’s stressed ones. 
“...that’s a whole lot of dumplings, daddy. Bit excessive actually.” 
“Detka, I swear to God -” 
“Deal!” You giggle. “God I love dumplings. Got a dumpling shaped hole in my tummy as we speak. Riiiight here.” You point to your stomach and Natasha has to stop herself from laughing. 
“Go to sleep and you will get them faster.” 
“...dumplings? What? What’s happening?”
It’s like you forgot Wanda was even there, reacting like a child of Christmas morning when you register she’s right next to you; auburn locks a wild mane around her head. 
Wanda’s scream of shock is muffled by your shoulder and you both end up rolling into Carol. 
Who isn’t impressed. At all. 
“Separate bedrooms, Romanoff. I told you.” She glares at the red head who has her face in her hands. “Why the fuck have I been woken up by Y/N talking about dumplings?” 
“She’s drunk.”
“Oh I love tipsy, baby!” Wanda snuggles into you closer. “Hi tipsy baby.” 
“Hi none tipsy mommy!”
“I cannot - ” Carol jumps up out of the bed just in time to avoid being flattened by the two rolling bodies. “Nat, what?”
“It’s a long story.” 
“Tell me tomorrow. You’re on your own.” The blonde walks past Natasha and kisses her before vacating to the safety, and peaceful, spare room. “If you can’t control them, you know where I am. They’ll tire themselves out eventually.” 
“Or order enough dumplings to feed 5,000 people. Get off your phone, Wanda!” 
The other woman looks at her a little sheepishly. 
“But dumplings sound so good right now.” 
“Have fun babe!” Carol shouts. 
Natasha sighs, watching as you and Wanda roll around the bed excitedly. You’re part way through telling her about your adventure, far too sleep deprived to notice her dommy side appearing when you tell her you walked by yourself. It’s quickly squashed down when you mention Natasha’s brave and daring rescue and you mount her legs to stare into her eyes. 
“Dumplings, mommy. We need to get them.”
“We really do.”
With an over exaggerated eye roll, Natasha slams her head on the bedroom wall. 
“I give up.”
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arielburrow · 1 year
A touchdown to remember
Thank you for this beautiful request! I hope I followed the storyline to your liking. TW: mentions of pregnancy/miscarriage
“She’s so beautiful.” You smile as you coddle your sisters newborn. You adore her with your whole heart, but can’t help to feel a little saddened by the thought of her as well. Your sister had brought up the idea of pregnancy just a few months after being married, and before you knew it, she was growing a bump. You and your husband on the other hand, haven’t been so lucky.
Last season was a roller coaster of emotions for both you and Joe. The pressure of Joe’s rising fame, a successful playoff run, and trying to start a family was a lot to say the least. Joe assured you he was ready and that this was what he wanted, but you two just hadn’t had any luck. You were starting to get worried and even visited your OB who assured that you were in fact fertile and would be for many more years. You two spent the off-season traveling and relaxing together. It was a much different environment than during the season; however it was about to be that time of year again.
September was your favorite month. Not only because it was your birthday, but it felt like a signal month. A signal for football season, a signal for a weather change, and a signal for the holidays. Arguably some of your three favorite things.
“Joe!” You call out, arriving home from your sisters. You find him reviewing some film upstairs and wrap your arms around his body. “Hi y/n” he smiles looking at you rest your head on his in the reflection of the mirror. “How’s the baby?” he asks. “She’s good, she’s healthy and Fara says she’s right on track for all her measurements.” He pauses the film and turns to you, “That’s good to hear.” He stands up and pulls you into his arms. You giggle as he squeezes, pulling you onto the bed with him. He lies next to you and leans in to kiss you. He rolls on-top of you and hovers over your mouth. “Joe, I don’t know, I’m not really in the mood for more disappointment.” You shrug.
“hey…that is not the attitude we need right now. You know anytime can be the time.” He raises his eyebrows convincingly. “I know it’s hard baby, but we can’t give up. This is what we’ve wanted for almost a year now.” You nod and pull him into your lips.
3 weeks later
“I know, I know, tell everybody i miss them and i’ll see them soon. Okay, love you, bye.” You hang up with Robin and frown to yourself. This was the first game of the season, and you were sick as a dog. It was only 10 am, but tailgating had already begun and had people looking for you. Joe left before you woke up, you felt him kiss you goodbye just minutes before hurdling to the toilet to throw up. Since then you have been lying in bed, trying to rest enough to make it to the actual game.
You thought for some time about what could have gotten you sick. You hadn’t gone anywhere out of the usual recently, you and Joe had been home as he prepared for the season. You decide to stand up and try to walk around for a bit, feeling the nausea where off a little. As you step down the stairs, a notification goes off on your phone. Looking at the screen, you see the message from your period app, but you don’t even have to read the notification to know what it says. Your phone hits the step below you.
Suddenly the symptoms you were feeling seem to evaporate, as your mind drifts somewhere else. You sprint down the stairs to find where you had stored the pregnancy tests. The cabinet that before held so much sadness, might possibly hold hope. You run back upstairs with the box in hand and fiddle with the box until you finally get it open.
Your hands shake as you wait, you had the test upside down on the bathroom counter and you just stared at yourself in the mirror. You heard your phone ding, but didn’t dare break eye contact with the mirror. After about 20 minutes you finally talked yourself into turning over the stick. As you do so, your heart drops.
Two lines.
You immediately felt tears roll down your cheeks as you knelt to the floor. You examined every inch of the test, making sure you were seeing right. You went ahead and took two more after that, which both revealed the same result. You were having a baby.
It was now about an hour till kick off, and you had yourself composed as much as possible. Getting ready to leave, your mind raced with ways to tell Joe. A Burrow onesie? A poster? A cake? You couldn’t decide on what to do, but you knew you wanted to tell Joe ASAP.
Arriving to the suite, you catch up with everyone and assure that you were just fine. You sit through the game with a huge smile on your face, one that only grows as you watch Joe run off the field after beating the Browns.
You find him immediately after and he pulls you in for a tight hug. “Hey you! I heard you weren’t feeling good what happened?” he asks sounding concerned. “I think I just had a little stomach bug or something, but i’m good now!” You assure kissing him. After he says goodbye to his family and you hug everyone, the two of you depart to your separate cars. Driving home your mind is racing, you had to tell him now. You didn’t have any cute surprise or anything but you just couldn’t wait. This was the one thing the two of you had been aching to get for months, and you wanted him to savor every moment right along with you.
You get home before him and grab the test from upstairs and slide it into your back pocket. You hear the front door open and head back downstairs. “Jesus, didn’t realize you were an F1 driver?!” Joe laughs walking in the door. “Yeah…I just…had to pee really bad.” You lie as you both walk into the kitchen. He puts his stuff down and leans against the counter taking you in with his eyes. “You good?” he curiously questions. “Never better. You just got the first win of the season my love.” You smile and peck him on the lips. “Wanna order food? I’m starving.” He says picking up his phone, but your eyes stay glued to him. “Yeah, just, here come sit down i want to show you something.” You say leading him to the kitchen table. He sits and eyes you curiously. “Okay so…I might have lied about the whole stomach bug thing.” You say slowly reaching into your back pocket as Joe eyes you. You pull out the stick and hand it to him, watching every detail of his reaction. You watch as he accepts the test, than scans it, then finally takes in what he’s seeing in-front of him. You watch him look up to you with glossy eyes. “y/n…this is…you’re…we’re having a baby?” his voices goes higher as he stands up in question. You smile and nod with tears streaming down your face.
You immediately wrap your legs around his waist as he picks you up in a spin. You both giggle in a stream of tears and he places you back down. “Oh my god, we’re gonna be parents!” he exclaims excitedly. You had never seen him so overjoyed about something, he looked more elated than the day he won a national championship. “Joey…” You cup his cheeks and pull him close to you. “I love you so much.”
“I love you y/n”
The next couple of weeks felt like you had stepped into a whole new life. You were now managing doctor’s appointments and morning sickness continued to hit you like a brick. Joe went to as many appointments as he could, but for the most part you were on your own. Which was fine because all that mattered to you was the fact that you were carrying a healthy 7 week old baby.
The last couple of weeks have been filled with football and family, which is always the case especially in the beginning of the season. That being said, keeping the secret from both of your parents would have been impossible. You guys took them out to dinner last night and surprised them with “Baby Burrow” onesies and a picture of your first ultrasound on top. Of course there were a lot of happy tears and a lot of hugging. It made the moment feel so much more real to you. You also insisted that they keep quiet, given your plan to keep the baby a secret until later in the pregnancy.
Sitting through games through the middle of the season with family and friends always made you feel so warm for your little one. You were so excited for him or her to come into this world because you know they’d have a village of people for support. The hardest part of keeping the secret was avoiding alcohol. Your “headache” excuse had only worked for about two games, before you had to start pretend drinking. Although it was hard, it was also fun for you cause you knew once all your friends knew they would be over the moon.
At the beginning of December, Joe insisted on you being forbidden to enter the extra guest room near you’re guys shared master. “It’s a surprise!” he would insist, but it nagged at you everyday.
“Merry Christmas!” You hear Joe yell before you feel him pounce on you, careful to avoid your little bump. “Merry Christmas!” You say bringing him up to your arms. You were very thankful that once the morning sickness subsided, your symptoms were very mild. “I made us pancakes.” Joe says smiling, knowing that was your number one craving. You slid your elf slippers on and headed downstairs following Joe. One thing you two had set in stone was no matter how hectic football season got, you would always put up a tree together. It sparkled above the wrapped gifts, highlighting every ornament on the tree.
You both sat down for breakfast, but Joe was anxious to get to gifts. He wanted you to open his gift for you first of course. “Here. Open” he insists as he hands you the gift from the tree after you sit on the couch. You carefully open the wrapping and the box that sits inside it to reveal a Van Cleef Alhambra bracelet. You’re eyes light up and you smile at Joe. “Joe this is gorgeous! Thank you baby.” You stand up and hug him and he lies his head on yours. “Okay now open yours” you insist but he shakes his head. “wait! I have one more thing for you, cmon.” he leads you upstairs past your shared room and right to the closed door of the room you have been banned from for the last month.
“So i thought this was perfect timing since we decided to announce the baby soon…” He turns the handle and you step into the room, almost tripping as you do. Your mouth hangs open at the sight in front of you. It was the most beautiful nursery you had ever seen. The gender of the baby was still unknown, so the base was mostly neutral for now. There was a backsplash of vines and flowers that resembled a garden. The furniture was all set up and arranged beautifully. The floor had been redone, and the walls were painted a light forest green. “Its kinda boring now, but once we know the gender we can bring in the fun colors and stuff.” Joe says wrapping his arms around you from the back. Your eyes start to tear up, “Joe..this is so perfect…thank you.” You turn to hug him and you both remain there holding each other in awe of the room that would soon house your little one. The thought of Joe putting so much effort into this room, and your child being able to come home to it warmed you in every way possible.
It was now January, meaning you were about four months pregnant, luckily this cold weather meant big-baggy clothes could hide your growing bump. January also meant playoff season. The Bengals were making there way through, looking forward to the divisional round next weekend. You were so excited both for the game, and to finally announce your pregnancy, which you both decided to do after the game.
Today was Monday, meaning Joe was at practice, and you were doing some errands. Walking through downtown was like therapy for you. Joe was worried about you going out by yourself, but he also knew you needed it for your sanity. Walking into a local boutique, you’re greeted at the door and your immediately hit with all the bengals merchandise. This was one of your favorite things about the city, how supportive they were of the team through thick and thin. After the game, you both wanted to have your closest people come back to the house for dinner so you could make the announcement. Joe promised, win or lose, he still wanted to have the dinner; so you were shopping for some decor for the house.
Bringing your bags inside, you smile, thinking of how excited you were to finally let the cat out of the bag. You decide to lay down and rest for a while before Joe comes home. Even doing the smallest thing made you exhausted at this point in pregnancy. You are almost asleep when all of a sudden you feel a sharp pain, almost like a cramp. You sit up and wince at the feeling, confused as to what’s happening. The pain only grows worse, and as you remove the sheet from across you to stand up, you realize what is happening.
Time felt like it stopped, like you kept moving, but everything around you had froze. You weren’t sure when you picked up the phone to call Joe, or when he had ran into the room to find you hunched over in tears, or when you ended up in a hospital bed with a doctor by your side.
Once your mind finally felt like it stopped spinning, it all hit you, the look on Joe’s face, the sympathy from the doctor, the feeling of Joes hand on yours. It all crashed down on you as you let out a sob. You cried in Joes arms, no words were shared, just cried between the two of you. “Joe what happened?” you sniffle, pulling away, and wiping tears from your eyes. “He said they can’t tell exactly…” Joe veers off, “they said maybe a womb structure issue, or an infection, either could be a reason for all the bleeding. They’re running some tests now.” he finishes, wiping his own eyes. “No…I cant, how is this happening? I mean I was so far along, what did i do wrong Joe?” you whimper and his eyes meet yours. “Don’t say that y/n, you know this was not your fault baby, this was not something you could control. Okay? I need you to understand that.” you nod and he leans in to hold you again while you cry. Your mind was a mess. You had it, you had what you wanted, you were so close to being a mom, but it left far too soon.
Soon after, the doctor comes back to explain that there was some kind of infection within the placenta that rarely develops, but when it does, it inhabits wombs that are carrying children for the first time. You couldn’t really focus on what he was saying, but he informed you that your health was in the clear now, and you could go home, but had to get a lot of rest.
Both sets of parents had been in and out of the hospital, supporting you and Joe but also wanting to get everything ready at home.
You were in the hospital for less than 24 hours, but stepping inside your house felt different. Walking up those stairs, with Joe helping you along, the guilt only continues to pile up. As you make the turn to your bedroom, you stop and look at the closed door of the room next door. The room that was supposed to be your baby’s home, would never get to meet him. Him, your baby boy, your baby boy who you never actually got to meet. Your baby boy whose gender was only discovered after you had lost him. Joe kisses your head and urges you to lie down in bed.
Downstairs, you hear a few voices quietly talking. You get yourself out of bed, sick of being in the same spot for so long. Entering the kitchen you see both moms and your sister gathered around the island, with Joe sitting on the couch. All heads turn to you and you offer a small smile. Your sister pulls you into a hug, not saying anything. “We brought some flowers over and cooked some food for you guys. We’ll get going, but we’ll come check up on you guys soon okay?” Your mom says as everyone says their goodbyes. You join Joe on the couch, he opens his arms for you, but you only stay seated near him. He frowns a bit but understands. “How are you feeling?” he asks, “I’m okay, how are you?” you ask. He shrugs and you nod. The T.V plays silently as you both blankly stare at it. “I talked to Zac today, told him i’d be out of practice this week.” you turn to him with curiosity. “Okay…you’re doing that for yourself though right? You’re not doing that because of me Joe…” he shakes his head. “y/n…i need to be here for you. I don’t care if we aren’t even sleeping in the same bed, i’m not leaving this house until i’m sure you’re okay.” You wanted to argue, but didn’t have the energy. Instead you just go back upstairs and run a bath.
The sheets were changed, Robin immediately doing so once she heard the story. The bed was made brand new like nothing had ever happened. The moment you hit the pillows your eyes fall into a deep sleep.
Waking up, you hear voices downstairs and decide to stand up. walking into the kitchen, you notice both you and Joe’s mom and your sister gathered around chatting. Your sister wordlessly hugs you and you offer a smile. “Honey we brought over some food, we’ll get going now, but i’ll call to check on you later okay?” Your mother says. You say your goodbyes and notice Joe on the couch. You sit by him as you both stare at the silent television. “How are you feeling?” he asks. “I’m okay, How are you?” he just shrugs. “I talked to Zac, told him i’m taking the rest of practice this week off. I just don’t think I can handle it and i want to be here with you-” “Joe, i’ll be okay, you don’t need to do this for me.” You cut him off but he shakes his head. “I’m doing it for us baby, I can’t be out there knowing your here alone.” You nod your head and lie back against the couch.
Zac came over to the house later that night and sat down with Joe. He brought flowers and some cookies his wife baked. You thanked him and engaged in some small talk before heading to bed.
Joe and Zac sat at the kitchen table talking. “Listen, this is what is important right now Joe, I know you are capable of greatness, but you have to take care of her first.” Zac says. “I know, that’s why I can’t come to practice this week, but as for the game, i mean i’m not sure…” Joe trails off. “Listen, don’t think about that right now, when the time comes you can make a decision. We have time, it’s only Tuesday. I’ll let the guys know what happened, and as for media. I’ll keep it quiet, I promise,” Zac says. Joe thanks him and walks him out to his car once they finish talking.
The next morning Joe turns over, surprised not to see you there. Downstairs, he notices you curled up on the couch. Making some coffee, his mind runs with what could have brought you down here. “Hi lovie,” you say stretching and standing from the couch. “Hey…you okay?” Joe says hugging you. “Yeah…I just…I couldn’t sleep, I needed a little change.” Joe nods. “What do you want for breakfast?” You shrug and respond that you’re not hungry. “y/n…you have to eat.” Joe insists . He ends up making you avocado toast anyway and watching you as you eat it.
The next few days, Joe saw small improvements in your demeanor, but was still a little worried. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t been pushing down his own grief to focus on you. Which, you insisted you didn’t need taking care of. Saturday rolls around and Joe finally had his decision made. You decided you wanted to get out of the house, so Joe drove you to a friends to spend the day with. “Have you decided yet?” You ask Joe in the car. “Yeah…I’m gonna do it.” Joe replied looking over at you. You squeeze his hand, “good.”
Later that night you and Joe lied in bed together holding each other. “I’m glad you’re playing tomorrow Joe. Even if you’re not completely focused, it’s better than you not being there at all.” you say looking up to him. “I know. Are you going to go to the stadium or stay here?” he asks. “I’m going to stay here I think. I don’t think I can handle all the commotion, plus by now everyone probably already knows the news and I don’t really feel like taking about it with everyone.” You say shutting your eyes. “Good, I wanted you to be here anyway, I love you.” he whispers. “I love you too.”
The next morning you shot everyone a text letting them know that you would be home today and you’ll miss them. Joe left a couple of hours ago and you were settling into the couch to focus on the game. Last night was the first night you and Joe had slept in the same bed and it was the best night you’ve had all week. You’re glad you both had this distraction for the time being, and you didn’t want to think about anything but the game. Zac did a really great job at keeping the press mild and many of Joes teammates had reached out to you. You had seen one post from some tabloid about your pregnancy which you were originally pissed about, but decided to let it go.
You watch as the game begins and they take on the Bills at home. Joe was playing good throughout the first quarter, the second one a little rocky and you could tell his mind was somewhere else. At halftime, you made yourself something to eat and stopped when you noticed the ultrasound picture on the fridge. Your heart dropped for a moment and you weren’t sure what to do. You took the picture off the fridge and headed upstairs.
Finally getting yourself to open the door that you have had mentally locked. You gaze over the room as you take in every aspect of it again. It doesn’t bring you the same joy it did before, instead it’s just a reminder of what could have been. You pick up the empty picture frame that Joe had put out on the changing table. He wanted to put the baby’s first bubble bath picture in their. Instead you open the frame, carefully placing the ultrasound picture inside and closing it again. You place it back on the changing table as a tear rolls down your cheek. You only let yourself linger for a moment before leaving the room, and shutting the door behind you.
The second half begins and you watch as the bengals take the first few snaps, making there way down the field. All of a sudden you watch as Joe quickly decides to keep the ball and takes off running. You stand up as you watch him sprint down the field, outrunning every other defender. He quickly makes his way into the end zone and you here the announcer over the television. Touchdown
You clap your hands over your mouth and smile to yourself as they show the whole stadium in cheers. They pan to the sideline where every Bengals player and coach was jumping for joy.
Then they pan to Joe in the end zone and you watch as his knees hit the ground below him and he holds the ball in his hands, staring at it with emotion filled eyes. In an instant his team is surrounding him hugging him and in cheer as they all recognize how big this moment actually is for him. The weight of the world was resting on Joes shoulders all week, this felt like a shift in reality for him and for you. You find yourself in tears once again seeing your husband in such a vulnerable state. You watch as he composes himself on the sideline and even finishes the rest of the game with a win. This was no doubt the hardest thing you and Joe had been through, but you were getting through it together.
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yeah-yeah-beebiss-1 · 2 years
would you recommend scarlet & violet to someone who really didn’t like sword & shield? (ignoring the obvious performance issues)
Depends on what you disliked about it.
-The fairly low general difficulty is still present, although the nonlinear structure means you can choose between “standard modern Pokémon difficulty curve the whole way through” or “challenging for half the game and then steamrolling through the half you’re overleved for.” People have already figured out an order to do everything in that will give you a fairly typical Pokémon level curve, but anyone going in blind is going to have a weird mix of all-or-nothing difficulty.
-Story is a bit more present than SwSh, although it isn’t on the level of SM or BW. You’ve got 18 objectives divided into three story arcs (typical gym-challenge routine, dealing with school delinquents, learning about the legendary Pokémon) that you have to complete to reach the climax.
-The school setting feels barely relevant, for better or worse. They send you out into the world very early on and while you can go back to take classes (cutscenes likely intended to teach newcomers basic gameplay mechanics), I haven’t seen any real benefit to doing so yet. The history classes offer interesting bits of lore, but that’s about it.
-Linear routes are gone, instead you effectively have one gargantuan Wild Area.
-No HMs. You can use (the equivalent of) Fly to landmarks you’ve already visited immediately, and doing the titan quests unlocks new movement options for Ko/Miraidon (sprinting, swimming, higher jumps, climbing, and gliding).
-Trainer battles out in the field are completely optional, you have to talk to them to initiate a battle. This sounds heretical, but I feel like it’s a wise decision in light of the open world - it would be a massive pain in the ass to be trying to run to a destination only to get interrupted by a trainer you missed whose whole team is now 15 levels lower than yours so you have to mindlessly mash A for two minutes to get moving again.
-Terastal is an improvement over Dynamax, it actually has meaningful strategic implications without being a “BECOME THE FUCKING STRONG” button.
-I’m enjoying the raids a bit more than SwSh’s, they use a weird Final Fantasy-type ATB system for a faster pace rather than just repeatedly bashing at barriers (and the raid theme is a banger).
-Towns/cities feel more barebones because you can only enter 2-3 buildings per town (gyms and sandwich shops, nearly everything else is either a menu you interact with or just a facade).
-Breeding is in fact still present, but there’s no daycare - instead, you set up a picnic and idle and compatible pairs of Pokémon will just randomly spawn eggs for you. The other picnic features are making sandwiches (which give “make X-type Pokémon spawn more frequently for Y minutes”-type buffs), and a clone of SM’s washing mode.
-Can’t comment on online/multiplayer aspects due to lmao pirated copy, but if it chugs this much in single player, I’m not optimistic.
-I know you already said “aside from the performance issues,” but let me reiterate that you can make Ko/Miraidon backwards-long-jump up cliffs like it’s a Super Mario 64 speedrun. It’s very silly.
In general, I feel like they could’ve had something really special on their hands if they’d given it another year or two in the oven, and there are certainly moments where that specialness shines through. But then you find another “city” that’s effectively a bunch of facades and a gym, or the framerate drops, or you have to deal with the clunky-ass minimap and you’re reminded of how half-baked it all feels. If you like Pokémon, have a high tolerance for jank, and can find a copy on sale, you’ll have a solid time with it. But I can’t in good conscience recommend people drop $60 on it.
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A/N: Finally posting another chapter after months, sorry for the wait y’all
Chapter Summary: You wake up to a call that seems to be straight out of one of your worst nightmares, which forces to to visit an ex afterwards. But after a spiral down the slope of near insanity, you’re able to cheer up by going to the mall with your sister and her girlfriend.
TW: Semi-sexual Content, Drug Dealing, Toxic Ex
Master List
Red Ink
Chapter Three: Final Warning
Your eyes open as you hear your phone ring, seeing the time you realize you haven’t even been asleep for an hour. You answer the phone, not bothering to sit up to talk because you figured it’s just going to be a quick call and you’ll be able to go back to bed after. You manage to groggily speak, “hello?”
“Hello this is Off-” the man on the other end of the line doesn’t even get a chance to introduce himself.
You instantly can tell by the first word you heard from the voice on the other end of the line that you were getting a call from an officer from the police station that’s back home. You can tell it’s Penwood because you have dealt with him plenty of times in your youth and you both know each other all too well. You go into a panicked frenzy, jumping out of bed and your voice being an unreasonably high pitch when you say, “I’ll be there in two hours, Penwood!”
You hang up and turn on the lamp next to your bed, not giving a shit if it wakes your dorm mate. You grab your keys, put on your flip flops and sprint out the door, your light still on as you leave. You accidentally slam the door behind you but that’s the least of your concerns, right now you need to bail out whichever one of your siblings is currently sitting in a cell at the police station.
You drive like a maniac. Speed limits? Red lights? Stop signs? What are those?! You sure as Hell forgot on your way there.
You’re lucky that you were driving this reckless at 1 AM on a Wednesday morning because there was nearly nobody on the roads, including cops. Along with the roads were already plowed after the snow storm that lasted from Friday night to Monday afternoon.
So you easily got to the station, arriving at 3 AM in only an old t-shirt, boxers, and flip flops while it’s only 35°F (2°C) outside. You make eye contact with Officer Penwood who is standing there, waiting for you from behind the desk.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Officer Penwood asks with a chuckle, “it has been awhile.”
It has, it’s been years, nearly fourteen years since the last time you’ve had a run in with the law but this wasn’t a time to reminisce about the past. Right now you’re worried about your sibling. You walk up to the desk and Penwood lays out an evidence bag that has a hoodie in it that you instantly recognize, it’s your little brother Andrew’s hoodie. You curse under your breath, of course it’s him getting into trouble. You sigh and look back up at Penwood, “bring him out.”
Since you and Penwood have history he has no issue with going to get Andrew from one of the holding cells in the back of the police station. After a few minutes Penwood comes out of the door that you have been in and out of plenty of times. Andrew is following behind him with a scowl on his face and cuffs still tight around his wrist.
“Found him walking down the street, I was trying to stop to ask him why he was out past curfew, instead of answering he tried to book it.” Penwood pulled a tiny baggie of weed out of his back pocket, “he made it around the corner before we caught him so we can’t prove it’s his.”
You are angry, no, livid right now, and if looks could kill Andrew would be dead with the daggers you’re staring at him. When he makes eye contact with you he tries to speak but before he even has a chance to plead his lie of innocence you cut him off, “not. a. word.”
Andrew closes his mouth again and Penwood goes on to finish what he has to say, “I’m letting him off with a warning this time but next time he won’t be as lucky.”
“There won’t be a next time,” you state and watch as Penwood unlocks Andrew’s cuffs. You so badly want to leave Andrew there but he trusted you to get him out of this, so you will. This is the first and last time you will ever do it.
“If you say so,” Penwood says sarcastically, though he really hopes that you’re right. He doesn’t want to see Andrew end up like Steven, he knows you wouldn’t be able to handle that. Penwood was so proud when he heard through the grapevine that you cleaned your life up and that you made sure your family was well cared for. He never wanted to see any of your siblings' faces in here and the possibility that he’d have to go through with what he did with you with Andrew breaks his heart.
“Go get in the car,” you tell Andrew and he follows orders. He didn’t want to be in this place any longer than he already had to be, and as soon as Andrew is out the door you look at Penwood. You are forever grateful to him because there have been so many times that you could have been locked up and Penwood never let it happen, he has given you a million second chances. But you will not let him do it for any of your siblings, “never thought that picking someone up feels worse than being the one to get picked up… I was hoping I’d never have to find out either.”
“Hopefully this will be the last time you’ll have to deal with either,” Penwood looks at your sad eyes. You were born into a messed up situation and were going down the wrong path for awhile, but you finally got it together. He wants you to know that you’re doing good, so he pats your shoulder and says with a smile something he never thought he would, “I’m proud of you kid.”
You give him a smile back, you didn’t realize how much you need to hear that from someone who’s seen you at your toughest times and lowest points. “Thank you sir.”
Penwood gives you a nod and looks over to the desk, seeing Andrew’s hoodie still laying on it. He grabs it then hands it to you and says, “alright, you two need to get going.”
You nod back, taking the hoodie and head out the door but before you leave you tell him in a playful tone, “hope to never see you again.”
“Likewise,” Penwood chuckles and heads back behind the desk.
When you step out the door the cold air hurts as soon as it hits you, like a million needles stabbing your skin all at once. But that isn’t enough to cool the fiery rage that consumes your entire being when you see Andrew. Though when you get into the car you're silent, not speaking a word as you start up the car and begin driving with the evidence bag with his hoodie in your lap. You’re taking the long way home.
This is the one time that Andrew actually wants you to say something- anything- to him, you’ve always been the type to speak on an issue. So the quiet feels so ominous that it’s frightening. The only noise is the sound of the tires against the pavement and your old car’s engine humming as you take your good ol’ time with the drive.
You like to take drives to clear your mind, so you were hoping that taking the longer route would give you time to get all your thoughts together before speaking to him. You try your very best to keep a level head and when you get to a stop light you think you’re calm enough to speak. You keep a normal tone of voice when you ask, “who is your supplier?”
Andrew is surprised that was the type of question you were asking, and he was also a bit angered by it. It doesn’t make sense to him why that is what you’re worried about, and why it’s not him that you’re worried about. He gains a bit of an attitude, “nob-”
And like that, you snap, yelling so loud that you’re surprised that the windows didn’t shatter, “WHO IS YOUR BLOODY SUPPLIER?!”
This is the angriest you have ever been. Peter saying that you were like your parents is nothing in comparison to this. What Andrew did was the straw that finally broke the camel’s back and now over twenty years of pent up rage is being let loose. The only reason Andrew is giving you an answer is because he hates loud noises and doesn’t want to hear anymore yelling. Though he was going to be vague and lie to pretend he didn’t know much, he mumbles, “some bloke that my friends told me about named Erico.”
“Maxwell?” You ask in a low tone, you recognized the name as soon as you heard it so you didn’t need Andrew to confirm it. Though you get your answer because even though you’re staring at the road waiting for the light to turn green, you see his body language.
Andrew uncomfortably shifts in his seat and looks out the passenger side window. He’s nervous because you just somehow know who he’s talking about without him having him to tell you.
The car goes back to being dead silent because there is no more need for discussion. Andrew doesn’t know that you know that name all too well and you’ll have to pay Erico a visit when you get the chance. But for now you just continue to drive and since you got the answer you wanted you change the route you’re going to get home, now taking the quickest way from where you’re currently at. Not speaking a word until you finally pull up to the driveway.
“Andrew,” you keep your voice low but your tone is stern and threatening, “I ever find out- and trust me when I say I will find out- that you do any of this shit again I will personally get you locked up.”
You know you’re being irrationally angry and hypocritical because you were doing worse when you were younger than his age but you can’t help it. You’re angry that after all you did to keep them out of these types of situations it hasn’t worked.
Andrew takes your words with a grain of salt, if anything your threat just makes him want to do it more. He already had so much resentment towards you and since you screamed at him, he wants to piss you off however he can now. Besides you ratting him out, your beloved little brother? He’ll believe that when fat pigs fly.
You hand Andrew his hoodie and with a sad sigh you say, “I just want what’s best for you bud.”
Andrew says nothing, he just grabs his hoodie and steps out of the car, closing the door behind him without even saying good night. Andrew doesn’t care for what you have to say. How would you know what’s best for him when you basically abandoned him after Samuel was born? What makes you think you know him?
You’ve learned not to get hurt whenever Andrew is cold towards you, it’s been going on for awhile and you have no idea why. But you’ve just come to accept it and love him regardless of how he treats you. After watching Andrew get into the house you drive away, not bothering to look at the time because you already know you’re going to be late for class. You consider just taking the day off and decide that’s best, besides you need to take care of Erico.
It’s 4:52 AM when you pull up to the trap house that you haven’t been to since you were twenty, which was supposed to be the last time you’d ever visit it. But apparently Erico didn’t heed the warning you gave him the last time you were here.
You throw on a pair of sweatpants over your boxers before stepping out of your car and slamming the door behind you, locking it after. Then you march your way up the three front porch steps and fling open the door that you already know is unlocked. There are plenty of people in the hallway leading to the living room, some of the faces you recognize while others are new. Either way you push passed them, not giving a fuck who they are.
When you get into the living room you see Erico talking to someone with his back to you, which gives you the perfect opportunity for a surprise attack. As soon as you're close enough to him you pull on his shoulder and when he turns he doesn’t even get a chance to realize it’s you because you use everything in you to punch him in the face. Your everything is enough to break his nose and send him stumbling backwards, dazing him for a moment.
When Erico stops seeing spots in his vision he looks at you, smirking while blood rushes out of his nostrils. It’s been awhile since he’s seen you last and he knows exactly why you’re here but is going to play coy. He chuckles and asks you, “now, what was that for?”
“You know exactly what it was for,” you growl, your knuckles turning white from how hard you're balling up your fist while fighting to urge to beat the ever living shit out of him. “I already told you to stay away from my family but apparently you still listen as well as you did when we were together.”
Yup, that’s right, Erico Maxwell is your ex boyfriend and another one of your biggest regrets. You might have stopped dealing when your brother died, but that didn’t keep you from giving years of your life to someone who does. And you two would have still been together if he hadn’t tried to keep you from working as a stripper.
You thought you saw the last of Erico after the breakup but then he sold drugs to Peter, who was only thirteen at the time. You found out right away because when you got home after work you found a baked Peter on the living room couch. You knew it was Erico due to the simple fact that- at the time- his dumbass used tiny blue bags when dealing.
So after that you gave Erico his first- and you thought it was the final- warning, you were angry with him but as civil as you could be at the time. He told you he wouldn’t deal to your family and he followed through with his word.
Until now.
“Well I must have forgotten then, since I’m such a terrible listener,” Erico said sarcastically. He thought he could be sneaky and sell to your family now that you’ve moved to a college that’s three and a half hours away.
“Well let your broken nose forever be a reminder to stay away from my family, this is the last time I’m telling you.” Next time you are willing to shut down his whole operation without a second thought, the only reason why you haven’t yet is because you know the struggle. You know there are some kids here that are just like you when you were younger. They’re working and selling drugs because it's the only way they can support their families.
Erico shakes his head and chuckles, you’re oblivious to what’s happening within your own family. He might have sold the weed but your brother isn’t exactly innocent in all this, “what makes you so sure he didn’t come to me?”
“I know Andrew, he’d never do anything like that,” you refuse to believe that you baby brother would risk his entire future just to get high. Besides, you know Erico is always willing to lie if that means he can save his own ass.
“Apparently you don’t know him enough,” Erico taunts you. He knows your family means everything to you and that your life goal is to keep them away from drugs, “because your precious little angel of a brother has been asking around for awhile. Before you even left for college.”
“What makes you think I’m going to believe a single word out of your filthy mouth?” You’re in denial, everything he is saying is coming straight from your nightmares.
“Because I’ve kept my promise for this long, no?” Erico chuckles, you’re trying to be blind to the truth because you built a bubble around your family and he is having fun popping it. “I told him I wasn’t going to sell to him because he’d get caught and get me in trouble with you. I still held off when he told me you were moving three hours away but he just begged and pleaded, and I finally gave in.”
“Shut up!” You shout at him, getting angrier with every word that leaves his mouth, “you’re lying!”
“Oh, but I’m not,” Erico says in a ‘matter of fact’ way because he is only speaking the truth. Everything he is telling you is nothing but facts, “I should have known better though, I thought I could trust the little twat not to rat me out. I guess I was wrong.”
“He didn’t rat you out,” you state, luckily you have one of the best poker faces there are. Nobody has ever been able to catch you in a lie if they didn’t have hard proof and even then you could talk your way out of situations most of the time. “I might be out of the game but I still have plenty of connections and I easily found out what street he was on, which wasn’t far from here.”
Erico wouldn’t doubt that you still have eyes and ears everywhere but that doesn’t stop him from looking you up and down. He’s searching within your face and analyzing your body language to see if you’re lying, deciding to take you seriously because there is no indication of any falsehoods. Since Erico has known you for so long he believes he knows what your tells are.
But that’s the exact reason you’re able to lie to people so easily, you’ve made them believe that you have signs that show you’re lying. Like with Erico, you’ve tricked him into thinking that when you’re lying your nose twitches. You’ve made other people think that you scratch the back of your neck when you lie, other people think that you bite your nails, and so on. It’s not that hard to pick up on things people do show when they are lying, then using those same tactics to pretend you’re lying.
“Very well,” Erico says and nods at a big guy that’s leaning up against a wall behind you, “let the word out for none of our people to sell to her siblings ever again even if they come looking.”
You look at the guy and he nods back, “got it boss.”
Erico looks back at you and smirks, “now if you find him with anything else you know it’s not my people.”
“Still won’t keep me from punching you in the face if I find any of my siblings with drugs-” you growl, now you don’t trust him as far as you can throw him, “-you already broke your promise once.”
“I’m sorry to tell you this babe but I’m no longer the only one dealing around here,” Erico says and pulls out a little book out of his back pocket then gives it to you.
You already know what the book is for, Erico always has one that he scribbles down dates, code names, sales, and profits on before he gets it written down in his files. When you open it you see that it’s brand new and only one side of the paper is filled out with names from Monday to today. Usually he fills in half the book- pages front and back- within a day, so this proves what he is saying to be true. You mumble under your breath, “fuck.”
Erico nods his head, “but if you still don’t believe me about selling you can come check the files from each week from now on. You know I’m serious about my money and don’t lie in my books.”
You close Erico's book and hold it out to him to take back, “that won’t be necessary, Andrew won’t be doing anything like this again.”
Erico takes it, shaking his head and chuckling. When you go to leave he says, “good luck, Riot.”
You flip him off as you leave, he knows damn well that you no longer go by that name because that was your street name that Steven gave you. When you cut everything having to do with drugs out of your life you stopped going by that name and Erico knew that, that’s the only reason why he called you by it. He just loves to piss you off.
When you leave to go back to school you get stuck behind traffic, so by the time you’re back to school it’s nearly 11 AM. You give up on going to your classes because it’s not like you’ll be able to pay attention anyway. There is a lot you can push through, but this isn’t one of them. You are completely out of your mind now, your nerves are shot and mental health down the drain.
You even call off work that night because you wanted a full night's rest for once, you can’t even remember the last time you had one of those. At least your dreams aren’t terrible, in fact they are the complete opposite. You dream of all the good memories you made with Andrew growing up. Like pushing him on the swing, and when you held him in your arms as you two went down the slide.
But when you wake up the next day you’re haunted by the sound of baby Andrew’s laugh in your ears, leaving your heart aching. You want all of that back, you want to make more treasured memories that you can look back on and smile. You want him to love you as much as he did before, not have all this hatred and resentment towards you. You having no clue why he hates you so much makes it even worse because you don’t know how to make it better.
After a few minutes of struggling, you manage to pull yourself out of bed and get ready for the day. At least that’s what you thought but when you get in the shower you just stand in there until the hot water runs out. Which is a surprisingly long time, you spend a little over three hours there without realizing it. Then you step out of the shower, spending another few hours just staring at the wall. You think about what you’re going to do about Andrew and how this is going to affect the rest of your siblings.
Your phone starts ringing, you see that it’s Peter and when you answer you don’t even get a chance to get a word in. He asks you in a panic, “what’s happening?! What’s going on?!”
“Huh?” You ask, confused of why your brother sounds frantic and why he’s asking you what’s going on. You know Andrew wouldn’t say anything and if he did then Peter wouldn’t need to ask you what’s going on.
“You texted me yesterday saying to call you when I got a chance but when I tried calling you didn’t pick up!” Peter thought something happened to you, “is something wrong?!”
You don’t even remember texting Peter, that’s how scattered your thoughts are. But you know why you needed to talk to him, you speak in a hushed tone and say “I need you to shoot me a text if any new faces start hanging around the neighborhood. But don’t say anything to anyone, including the kids.”
Peter is silent for a moment, he can only theorize what is going on because he knows you’ll never give him specifics. But that doesn’t keep him from asking anyway, he angrily asks you, “what did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything,” you say in a reassuring voice, knowing Peter won’t believe you because he knows just the tiniest little sliver of what happened in your past. So you expected him to automatically assume you are the reason he now has to be in fear for your family’s safety and you prefer it that way.
Peter growls, he hates when you’re so vague especially when it comes to things like this, “bullshit, you wouldn’t say something like this unless you knew something was going on.”
Just because you prefer being the one in trouble doesn’t mean you like it but you prefer his anger at you than it being towards Andrew. You sigh, “I’m telling the truth but you can put the blame on me if that’s what makes you feel better. I just need you to promise me to act normal and not say anything.”
There is another long pause, Peter hates that you won’t give him any information but he knows it’s in everyone’s best interest for him to trust you. He once again needs to just blindly follow you into the dark and he accepts that. He sighs in defeat, “I promise to keep my mouth shut but if anything happens I’m never going to forgive you.”
“I wouldn’t want you to because I’d never be able to forgive myself,” you admit. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if something bad ever happens to one of your siblings and Peter knows that.
“I know-” he says and checks the time, his lunch break is going to be up soon, “-I need to get going.”
“Alright, love you and I’ll see you later,” you say because you never say ‘goodbye’ to them.
“Love you and see you later,” Peter says and hangs up.
You couldn’t keep yourself from breaking down, silently crying your eyes out as waves of sadness and anger crash over you. What could you have possibly done to make the world punish you like this? And why can’t you be the only one being punished? The world can beat you down until you’re nothing but a stain on the floor and you couldn’t care less. But could it at least leave your family out of this? That’s all you want. You want your family to be safe, you want them not to suffer, you want them to live in peace. And the world won’t let you have that. Why can’t you have that?
When you finally pull yourself together it’s almost past 7 PM and you haven’t eaten in nearly two days. You don’t want to leave your dorm but you have no food or snacks, so you have no choice. You put on a pair of jeans, a hoodie, some sneakers, throw your hair into a bun, and cover your scar. Then leave your dorm and walk to your car to leave campus.
First place you go is to the gas station because you realize your tank is almost empty, and why wouldn’t it be with all the driving you’ve done. You get out of your old and beat up car to pump your gas, the cold air feels like it’s cutting into your skin as you stand there holding the gas nozzles into your tank. You thought it couldn’t get worse but it does by starting to snow, making you let out an exhausted, “fuck.”
You planned on going to get some food but you’re going to scrap that now because with your luck the flurry will turn into a snow storm. After you get done with filling your tank and paying, you move your car and run into the gas station because you need to stock up on something to snack on.
First thing you go for is your Monster Energy but stop at the fridge that contains all the different brands of water in it. You think about how last Monday you didn’t have anything to drink with you and were dying of thirst. It seemed as if Professor Tepes read your mind because he offered you a few bottles of water that would hold you over until you could get to a vending machine. You didn’t give it any thought because you were going through caffeine withdrawal and just going about your days like a robot. This thing with Andrew snapped you out of your trance and made you feel like you’ve gained free will.
But now that you can think clearly, you decide the best thing for you is to get some waters because you felt better after drinking them. You still buy some Monsters but not as many, then you go over into the snack section, once again remembering how Professor Tepes offered you a granola bar and an orange one morning because he must have heard your stomach growling before class. After spending your childhood running off of junk food you never think to eat anything that’s even remotely healthy for you. It was easy to just go off of frozen tv dinners and fast food, but now that you have money to actually spend on healthier things it might be time to switch up your diet. Though you still have that immense fear that if something were to happen then you wouldn’t have any money.
You’ll attempt to go to the store tomorrow and buy some produce to last you a week, see how you feel after but for now you’re just going to buy what you can get from the gas station. Getting the small fresh fruit and vegetables cups, along with some of those parfait cups, and snack wraps.
When you get to the counter you look like you went grocery shopping in the gas station, but you need to make sure you have something for the weekend. After you’re done you walk out of the gas station and notice how the snow seems to be falling heavier, so you decide it’s best to just go back to campus. When you get back you decide to eat and go back to bed, which is exactly what you do.
You wake up at 8 AM and see how the flurry from last night hasn’t left any snow on the ground, so you decide that you want to go out on this beautiful but freezing cold Saturday morning. You get up, get a quick shower, do your morning routine, cover up your scar, and decide to go out.
Your plan last night was to go to the grocery store this morning but since you got some stuff from the gas station last night you decide not to. Though it does give you the idea to go to the mall, and makes you remember it’s your little sister Marie, girlfriend’s birthday is today. So you call up Marie and offer to take her and Julia to the mall, which they agree to without any hesitation.
You have to pick them up from Julia’s house and as soon as you pull into the driveway you hit the horn, chuckling when you see them run out of the house. They both get into the back seats together and you decide to make a joke about it. Looking at them through the rearview mirror and saying with a smirk, “better not do anything while you’re back there.”
“Oh shut up!” Marie says in mock annoyance, making you and Julia giggle. Once they are both buckled up you pull out of the driveway and begin the drive to the mall.
“So how’s school? Do they have you choosing your classes for next year yet?” You ask, it’s been awhile since you’ve been able to hang out with Marie and Julia. Well, it’s been awhile since you hung out with any of your siblings. You still have frequent Skye calls, but with everyone’s schedules it’s hard to get into depth about any topics, plus the youngest ones tend to take over.
“Not yet, but we're planning on continuing our advanced courses,” Marie says happily.
Marie is smart- all of your siblings are in their own ways- but Marie is especially bright. She is at the highest level that high school can provide and passes them all with ease. She is the one that’s going to make your family’s name actually worth something, and you’re so proud of her for it. You would get all sappy over this but you know they’ll just start cringing, so you give her a big smile and playfully say, “that’s not surprising.”
“Our study group has gotten bigger, so that helps,” Julia chimes in, they all meet whenever they have a big test coming. Marie and Julia are the ones who created it, which is what led them into dating.
Marie was very socially awkward at first and she still is, but Julia is extroverted. They met after Julia moved into town a few years ago and met Marie in the school library, they instantly became friends. As Julia’s friend group grew, Marie’s did as well and since all of the friends are academically gifted the study group came to be. But Julia’s and Marie’s bond was always stronger than the rest, eventually they were spending time outside of school together. They had a lot of one on one time together and Julia became Marie’s queer awakening, the rest is history.
The only reason why they keep it private is because first of all it’s nobody’s business, and the second reason is because of your homophobic parents that would kick Marie out in a heartbeat if they found out she was a lesbian.
At home your parents are mostly absent so Marie and Julia tend to be safe to show affection but there is that possibility. Plus with all the siblings running around they decide not to for the sake of not wanting to hear their comments. That’s why they tend to hang out at Julia’s place, her parents are accepting and make sure their home is a safe space for them. Plus there was only Julia’s little sister, Rachel who minds her own business. Julia also likes to make music so her room is in the soundproof basement, which is nice for Marie since it gives her a break from all the noise at home. At least that’s what she tells everyone, besides you. She spills all her dirty secrets to you because you’re her older sister who she tells everything to whenever you two have time to gossip.
But you are keeping secrets from her like you do everyone, secrets that you have been reminded of upon hearing that there are new people in their study group. You keep your composure and nonchalant attitude, “oh? Tell me about them.”
“There have been a bunch of new kids in the school and a few of them no one knows where they came from-” Marie says with a shrug, “-they keep it to themselves, like they’re trying to be mysterious or something.”
“More like suspicious,” Julia says with a semi aggressive tone, which says a lot because she is a social butterfly that likes to make friendly acquaintances with nearly everyone. So for someone to give her an off putting feeling is something to be wary about, “I don’t like them.”
Marie rolls her eyes and teasingly says, “you’re just mad that someone was asking about me.”
You tense up, squeezing the steering wheel tightly to the point that your knuckles turn white but you keep your eyes on the road and listen to them playfully squabble in hopes to get more information. When you get nothing you decide to ask a question, “did you catch this kid’s name? Or know what he looks like?”
“No,” Marie shrugs, she’s lucky to be so naïve of the reasons why someone looking for her could potentially end up very badly. “How come?”
You shake your head, “no reason in particular, just curious.”
It doesn’t take long to get to the mall and all three of you excitedly jump out of the car once it’s parked. Julia looks over at you and asks, “where to first?”
“It’s your birthday, so you decide!” You say and just follow behind them as they head to a store that is filled with alternative fashion. You don’t think much of it since you’re only at the front of the store but as you drift towards the back of the store the merchandise becomes a bit more concerning.
There are shirts that say some pretty obscure things that you wouldn’t wouldn’t expect to find at a store in the mall.
“Hey sis!” Marie says as she steps up to you and when you turn around you see her with a cheeky grin as she holds out a box out for you to take. “I found something for you!”
“Huh?” You say as you take the box and when you look down at it to read the label you nearly drop it. Marie just handed you a dildo, “Marie!”
Marie and Julia both burst out laughing as your face becomes flushed with red and you look for a place to set down the rather large box your little sister gave you. But Julia lets you hand it off to her and goes to put it back on the shelf that was only a few feet away from where you were currently standing.
“Why would you hand something like that?!” You ask Marie who is still chuckling, you’re dumbstruck by the fact that they sell such a thing.
“I figured you would like it,” Marie teases, “I mean you’re so stressed out with classes, you deserve a little release.”
“Marie!” You smack her arm, which only makes her laugh once more, “you’re such a twat!”
“Love you too sis,” Marie says with an eye roll. Her and Julia were planning on doing this as soon as you offered to take them to the mall.
“Hey babe!” Julia calls out, Marie and you walk around the corner, passing more of the merchandise that’s for the bedroom. Eventually being met with the sight of Julia playfully holding onto a stripper’s pole, “I think you’d look good on one of these.”
Marie laughs and walks over to the pole, holding onto it as well, “I don’t know. What do you think, sis?”
You stare at the both of them blankly and sternly say, “no, no sister of mine is becoming a stripper.”
This surprised them because you weren’t the type to talk that way when it came to such innocent jokes, they don’t know that the reason why you gained this attitude is because you’re a stripper. None of your family knows what you do for a living and Peter is the only one who knows about you being a dealer in the past.
Marie and Julia can tell by your tone that making a joke right now isn’t in their best interest, so they move on. All three of you circle back around the front, it’s easy to transition back to normal because of the ability to make jokes about all the lewd things the store sells.
“Julia, I think you need the one that says I heart MILFS,” you say playfully as you pull the shirt off of the racks and hold it out to her.
Marie looks at Julia and chuckles, “she’s not wrong babe!”
“Oh, whatever!” Julia rolls her eyes but takes the shirt, planning on getting it because they’re not wrong. Julia does love MILFs, she looks up at you and playfully asks, “you’re paying right?”
“It’s your birthday, so of course,” you say and look at a few other shirts, all of them being something you would never wear.
“Hey sis, you need this one,” Marie decides to mess with you again, showing you a shirt that she knows you’ll hate.
“I haven’t-“ you say the words out loud as your eyes skim across the shirt, “-lost my vir…”
When you catch on you stop reading the shirt and playfully hit her arm, “Marie! I’m going to make you wait out in the car if you keep this up!”
Marie bursts out laughing and so does Julia when she reads the shirt that says ‘I haven’t lost my virginity because I never lose.’ Julia decides to jump in on the teasing too but she keeps her voice down, “is that why you said she needs the dildo?”
Marie nods and your face burns with embarrassment, you didn’t need everyone to know that. Your voice nearly squeaks as you say, “we’re done here! It’s time to check out!”
Once Marie and Julia are done laughing so hard that they are crying they comply with the order, going over to the check out. You pay for the shirts and knick knacks they wanted then the three of you leave the store. You look at them and playfully say, “now that you two are done tantalizing me, where to next?”
They both shrug, they only care to go into the shop that they just left so the rest of the time it’s just window shopping. Eventually stopping at a bookstore to explore, which you are more enthused about than they are. You try to have them go in with you but they decide to go to the food court instead, leaving you to your own devices. Immediately you head for the *adult* fantasy section but not before passing a familiar figure that was in the history section, causing you to nearly stop in your tracks.
Alucard’s ears perk up, your footsteps he can always apart from all of the rest and he didn’t hesitate to look up at you and smile, “hello.”
“Hey-” you smile back, “-I know I shouldn’t be surprised seeing you but it’s always odd to see a teacher outside of school.”
Alucard chuckles, “it’s surprising how many students I see when I’m out but none of them tend to notice. Though I’m not complaining, I see my students enough at school.”
You know he’s only joking so you playfully put your hand on your chest and dramatically gasp, “well that hurt!”
Alucard shakes his head in fake disapproval of your theatrics and puts the book he was looking at back on the shelf then pulls off another one to look at. He playfully says, “well sometimes the truth hurts.”
“That’s an understatement,” you say and walk over to him, looking at the book he is holding. You see that it’s ‘The Last Days Of Socrates’ by Plato, “philosophy, eh?”
“I read a little bit of everything,” Alucard plainly says as he reads the back of the book. He likes to read about philosophers and think about how his morals can sometimes differ from theirs. “So do you mind me asking why you’ve been out of class?”
You were waiting for that to come up, “I had some family matters to attend to. Did I miss much?”
Alucard sets the book back on the shelf and looks at you once more, “nothing that you can’t handle catching up on. I hope everything is alright and it’s more than okay for you to miss some time in order to take care of your home life.”
“That won’t be necessary Sir, I should be back in class by Monday,” you reassure him. You aren’t completely back in the right headspace but you missed being in his class to get over it. “And I’ll have a water with me.”
“Oh?” Alucard was a bit surprised by that but happy about it because he was afraid your heart would explode with the way you overload your body with caffeine. “No more Monsters for you?”
“Oh no, I still need my Monsters but I’m going to try to drink less of them. I also plan on eating something every once in a while,” you say playfully. You know this is none of your History Professor business but it doesn’t hurt to talk to him in a friendly manner.
“Well that’s good,” Alucard says with a small nod. He’s thinking the same thing as you about how it’s a bit odd that you two are behaving in such a casual manner but that’s all it is, casual. “I expect those kind of eating habits from the ones fresh out of high school because their young bodies can still handle that type of thing.”
You dramatically gasp, “Professor Tepes, are you calling me old?!”
“Not old, just older,” Alucard chuckles, “but I can’t say much. I am getting up there at the ripe old age of forty-five.”
“Yet not a single gray hair,” you shake your head, “dealing with hundreds of teenagers a day. I can barely stand my little sister and her girlfriend who I brought with me.”
“Ah, I was wondering why you were here,” Alucard admits. Though you being here on your own makes as much sense as him being here on his own. But his goddaughter Seras told him about a bookstore in the mall, so he decided to give it a shot.
“It’s my sister’s girlfriend’s birthday and after dealing with another one of my little brothers I decided I could spend time with my sister,” you sigh. You didn’t even want to think about Andrew’s BS but here you are.
“Seems like you have a lot of people to keep up with,” Alucard says, thinking that it is only the three of your siblings and perhaps your parents you’re trying to keep in touch with.
You roll your eyes and playfully say, “that's an understatement when you have eleven siblings to worry about.”
Alucard’s eyes go wide and he pauses for a moment trying to think of something to say, all he could come up with is, “well, you’re right it *was* an understatement.”
“Heh-” you didn’t mean to reveal that much about yourself to him but at the same time; what does it matter anyway? What does he have to gain and what do you have to lose by him knowing that little bit of information about you? “Yeah, it’s a lot, especially when they range from eighteen to three, part of the reason why I’m so late getting around to college.”
“But at least you made it, no? You have great potential and it shows with everything you write.” Alucard compliments you and he truly means it. Every essay you've turned in seems like you’re majoring in the field you’re writing them for.
You can feel your cheeks burning, you’re not used to getting compliments so it’s hard to accept them without feeling awkward, “th-thank you professor.”
Alucard nods and can feel how you’re becoming uncomfortable so decides it’s best to end this interaction, “well, I should let you go, I hope you have a good time with your sister and her girlfriend, and see you in class tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” you nod, somewhat disappointed to stop talking to him so soon but somehow relieved at the same time. Besides you should be getting back to Marie and Julia, but first you’re going to get some books, so you head to the adult fantasy. Which luckily has rows of other genres between it.
You don’t get there because Marie and Julia stop you after you’re only two rows away from the one you were talking to Alucard in. They thought that would be far enough for him not to hear their whispers to you, but they’re louder than what they realize.
“He was handsome, you should have gotten his number,” Julia teases.
“Yeah, then you won’t need that vibrator,” Marie says with a smug grin.
Your eyes go wide in horror and immediately shoot down the thought, aggressively whispering, “that is my history teacher!”
“Well there is no need for role playing in the bedroom,” Julia smirks, her and Marie laughing at your misery.
Alucard can hear all the teasing and torment you're being put through and it’s enough to make his own cheeks go red as he becomes flustered as well. To think that two teenage girls could be so lewd… The newer generations absolutely baffle him with how openly they’ll talk about some topics.
“He looks like the type to tie you up-” Marie chuckles, “-you should test that theory, sis.”
“His hands are so big he’ll only need one to choke you-” Julia adds on, “-if you’re into that kind of thing.”
“Oh, trust me, she is, and I know it because of what types of books she reads,” Marie states. “That’s the exact reason why she came in here.”
You don’t know what’s worse; their teasing, Marie knowing that you read erotic novels, or the fact that you want to ‘test that theory’ as your sister put it. You’re lying when you say that you don’t think of your professor in such ways. Alucard is undeniably handsome and if your life was any other way you’d have asked him on a date. But your life revolves solely around your family and nothing else.
“Aren’t you two lesbians?!” You hiss, “and you’re only seventeen! You shouldn’t be talking about stuff like this! Especially to an adult!”
“I’m eighteen now, thank you very much,” Julia states.
“And I’m going to be eighteen in a few months,” Maria adds on.
“Key word; is teen, you two aren’t adults yet!” You say, but no matter how old they are, they are still little kids in your eyes.
Marie rolls her eyes, “yeah, yeah, you’re old. We get it.”
You scowl, “you’re the one who's given me gray hairs and wrinkles!”
“Not uh! That was the rest of them! I was the perfect angel!” Marie says but after a moment of silence all three of you burst out laughing. That is until one of the workers approaches and politely asks to please quiet down, which you three do.
When you check the time you see that it’s almost 1 PM and that means it’s time to get going if you want to make it back to your dorm at a decent hour. So you leave the mall, taking Marie and Julia back to Julia’s house then head back to school.
It’s a little after 10 PM when you get back to school and you’re exhausted. You grab your hoodie that you threw in the backseat and hear the sound of a plastic bag. You look at it and see that it’s tied in a knot, not that you planned on snooping in it anyway. You text Marie to let her know that she left a bag in your car but she texts back saying that it’s for you with a smiley face. You shrug, thinking nothing of it and pick the bag up, taking it back to your dorm with you because you didn’t want to stay out in the cold any longer just to see what it is.
That was a mistake.
You open your door, happy to see your roommate isn’t there- like usual- and set the bag down on your bed then head to the bathroom to do your nightly routine. Once done with that you sit on your bed and open up the bag to see a few things. There’s two shirts, one with your favorite band on it, and the other has a Monster Energy logo. A pack of bookmarks, some weirdly shaped pens- you’re thankful that they aren’t lewd- then a stuffed animal.
Then at the very bottom was a small rectangular box with no label. You open the box and raise an eyebrow when you see it’s a lipstick, but when you open the lipstick the tip of it is rubber and there is a button. Your tiredness keeps you from catching on and when you push the button the lipstick starts vibrating. Then it clicks, your eyes going wide in horror and you nearly drop it.
You immediately turn it off and text Marie in all caps, telling her that you’re going to hurt her. She responds with ‘there is a no return policy so might as well use it’ and you want to kill her. But that’s illegal so you put the lipstick back in its box and put it in your suitcase under your bed then try to sleep.
Like promised, you are back to class on Monday and are early as always but this time you came to class with water, a Monster, and a granola bar.
“Good morning professor,” you say with a smile as you sit down in the front row like usual.
“Good morning,” Alucard smiles, noticing a difference in your attitude. You’re usually visibly exhausted and he’s glad to see you’re starting the day off with a good mood, “you’re rather chipper.”
“I’ve found that eating every once in a while actually makes me feel good,” you chuckle and open your laptop to continue working on the stuff you needed to catch up on which you started on yesterday. Alucard was right, it’s nothing you couldn’t handle and after having a lot of rest you easily could work on what you missed. Though, your well restedness is going to end tonight because you have to start working again. One thing you’re grateful about when it comes to your job is that after working there for so long the owner understands that you aren’t the type to call out unless something serious has come up. But you feel like you already took advantage of that enough and even though you were told to take as much time as you needed, you decided that you were going back to work tonight. Until then, you need to focus on your school work.
Though you can sense a difference in the atmosphere, you’re not sure what it is but something just feels off. When you look up from your screen you see Alucard sitting at his desk like usual but he isn’t reading a book or looking at his computer, he's just blankly staring at nothing in front of him. You don’t want to disturb him but you can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking about.
Alucard is thinking about what your sister and her girlfriend said to you at the mall. It’s stuck with him all weekend because of how shocking it was to hear. Alucard isn’t oblivious to the fact that students of his have found him attractive but it’s still weird to hear. Not only that, what they suggested what he might be into, that truly caught him off guard because he didn’t know that he gives that kind of impression.
Alucard has had his fair share of partners, from eighteen to about twenty three he was a total man whore, always having one night stands and many friends with benefits. After that he had a few serious relationships, along with an ex wife that he hasn’t had contact with since he was thirty two. Then after that he tried dating again but couldn’t get into any serious relationships, so he gave up and has stopped looking for any kind of a relationship for the past few years. Which hasn’t been all too bad, yes there are times when he misses companionship but he gets over it.
And with all that being said, Alucard has never even once had a kinky or experimental partner. Nor has he ever put much thought into things such as bdsm, the thought has crossed his mind here and there but not enough for him to want to try.
Then hearing that you were into such a thing, he didn’t know how to feel about that and now that he thought about it he looks up at you. Only to see you looking at him.
You make eye contact with your professor and part of you wants to immediately look away but for some reason you don’t. So you hold your gaze, looking deep into his blue eyes as you ask him, “are you alright sir?”
“I am alright,” Alucard lies but it’s nowhere near convincing. He is somewhat torn between revealing that he heard the conversation in the bookstore or just keeping it to himself in order to keep the student/teacher relationship from becoming inappropriate.
“Well that’s good,” you say, not wanting to push him to reveal what is actually on his mind. So you guide the conversation to something else, “did you buy that philosophy book?”
“No, I did not. Did you buy anything?” Alucard is not sure if he wants to know the answer to that question, given that he found out you read erotic novels.
Alucard knows he shouldn’t find it that odd but he does because you don’t seem like the type to read those sorts of things, nor do you look like you’d be kinky. Maybe it’s because you’re so family oriented, or maybe it’s because of that reserved nature of yours.
You shake your head, “sadly no, I had to take the girls home so I could get back to my dorm at a decent hour.”
“That’s understandable, the mall is a good distance away from here,” Alucard says with a nod. After a pause he can’t stop himself from asking you, “what kind of novels do you read?”
“Just fantasy,” you say with a shrug. There is never a need to tell anyone that you read books that come with disclaimers and warnings about the graphic content that is held between its covers.
“No romance?” Alucard expected you not to reveal the nature of what you actually read but he doesn’t know why he’s asking questions.
You’ve been in this scenario before, where someone asks you if you read romance books. Whenever you answer ‘yes’ they connect the fact that adult romance novels tend to have adult scenes. Which leads them into asking you what type of things you prefer in the bedroom. So you’ve just realized it’s better to deny the fact you read romance novels, “nope. I don’t care much for them.”
Alucard nods and before any more questions can be exchanged between you two, other students begin to enter the class room. Not too long after the bell rings and it’s time for class to start, and that’s when Alucard reveals that some of the big tests are starting next week. Then he goes on to teach class as normal.
Now you’re going to be riddled with anxiety for the next few weeks, which is just great.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Half of
Danny Fenton was half ghost. Or something.
No one was quite sure what that meant exactly or if it was even true. A ghost in a pure white suit had announced it during an attack on the town until he was beaten and silenced by Phantom. It’s been three days since then and the nerd hasn’t been at school. Not that Dash was looking for him or anything.
Dash worried, for just a second, that something bad happened to him. The Guys in White creeps had been asking questions around school the last few days. There’d been a noticeable lack in ghost attacks around town, maybe another ghost got to him? What about his ghost obsessed parents? Surely they wouldn’t have done anything to their own kid...
“Think Danny will be in school today?” Kwan whispered nervously, leaning in close to Dash’s side. Talking too loudly about the elephant, or ghost he guesses, in the room got people very forcefully interviewed by the government. 
“Why the hell would I know?” Dash grumbled, shaking his friend off to shove his hands deep into the pockets of his letterman jacket. “No one knows what’s going on, Manson and Foley haven’t shown up either.”
“I hope they’re ok,” Kwan said quietly, looking down at the floor. 
“Why do you care?” Dash grumbled, harsher than he meant to.
“You and everyone ditched me for Danny when Paulina was dating him, remember? Sam and Tucker were real pals and Danny, well he’s weird but not really that bad.” Kwan said bitterly before his eyebrows twisted in confusion. “That was actually pretty out of character for Paulina to date him now that I think about it, maybe he was, like, using ghost magic to control her?”
“That’s stu-” Dash was interrupted by the usually noise of Casper High going dead silent. He and Kwan shrugged at each other. He saw Star down the hallway, staring at something. He caught her eye and mouthed What is it at her. Her eyes slid back over to the hall before mouthing Fenton back. 
“Shit,” Dash couldn’t help but mutter under his breath, “Fenton’s here.” He glanced over at Kwan, trying to hide his nervousness. “Guess we’ll find out if he’s some sort of ghost freak after all.”
Kwan eyed him for a second, “you know if Danny really is half of a ghost then maybe you’ll want to quit it with the names.” The warning bell rang for first period. “You guys have homeroom together with Lancer, right? Just, I don’t know, don’t make him mad or anything.”
“Man, don’t even joke,” Dash said with a strained smile. “It’s Fenton, what’s the nerd gonna do?”
Fenton always sat in the back right of the class so seeing him there wasn’t that strange. What was strange was that he was there before the bell rang, not looking sweaty or exhausted or beaten up. Seeing him sitting there with an almost bored expression, casually leaning one arm over the back of his chair. It was eerie, seeing Fenton try to act normal. Dash felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on his head as he stiffly walked by the nerd he usually smacked when he walked by. He thought he felt Fenton’s icy eyes following him as he passed. Dash made sure he didn’t scurry like a wimp to his seat but it was a close thing.
“Class, please stop staring at Mr. Fenton and let us begin,” Lancer sighed, unsuccessfully trying to start the class.
“Do you know the ghost boy?” Paulina asked, slamming her palms on her desk and ignoring their teacher. “Because if you’ve been holding out on me-”
“I mean everyone in Amity Park knows him,” Fenton shrugged. He’d been so chill this morning, like the whole thing wasn’t bothering him. It only made Dash more antsy. He bounced his leg under the desk.
“Can you do anything cool? Like fly or shoot lasers from your eyes?” Mikey asked, leaning forward with curiosity.
“I can do lots of cool things,” Fenton sniffed. “I know a lot about the space program and local astronomy. I draw sometimes and I’m think I’m pretty good. I also have super flexible joints so I can do this.” He grinned a little as everyone squealed when he bent his thumb back so far it nearly touched his wrist. “Of course,” his grin turned into an eye roll, “no one really cares about that only my supposed superpowers.”
“What is a half of, exactly? What that ghost called you?” Dash found himself asking. He almost didn’t want to be heard but Fenton turned to look at him anyways. 
“What do you think it means?” Fenton questioned back. Though he had a teasing smirk, his eyes looked dull and dead. Dash couldn’t look at them and ducked his head. 
“Alright, alright, enough with the questions. The Fenton’s gave Danny a clean bill of health and allowed him to rejoin class so that’s all you kids need to know. Now, back to what we were actually talking about.” Class continued as expected but everyone still snuck glances at Fenton. He’s not sure what they were all waiting for, him to suddenly turn green or sprout horn or whatever. But Fenton just sat there, still as anything, trying to act normal and it just didn’t fit him right and it was all just. Wrong.
Dash was relieved Fenton wasn’t in his second or third period classes but they did have the same lunchtime. For the first time since he was skinny, bucktoothed 6th grader, Dash wanted to hide away and eat his lunch in private. But Fenton wasn’t the only one trying to keep up appearances.
“Alright, what has everyone got,” Paulina was whispering to the table by the time Dash was sitting down. “The day is halfway over, someone had to have seen him doing something ghostly.”
“I mean we don’t know how long he’s been like this,” Star commented, flipping her hair as pretense to sneak a glance at the loser trio near the back entrance of the cafeteria. “He could’ve been hiding his for a while.”
“Fenton’s always been weird,” Dale commented with a sneer, stabbing at his beefaroni. “Since day one, he’s been jumpy and clumsy and goes through weird mood swings.”
“Maybe he’s never been normal,” Kwan said with a little frown. Now Dash knows this wasn’t true. He was the only one at the table who’d gone to the same middle school as Fenton. The nerd had talked too much about space and was always tripping over something but he’d been like all the other annoying brats in middle school. Dale was onto something, Fenton had changed once high school hit which means whatever is up with him as been going on for a while. Years. 
He suddenly felt eyes on him, a cold, crawling feeling that made his breath catch in his throat. Dash squeezed his eyes shut and breathed a silent sigh of relief as the eyes turned from him. They didn’t return but Dash found he couldn’t eat after that.
“Dude, did you hear about Fenton?” Victor said in an excited but still hushed whisper as Dash was leaving fifth period. 
“No, what did he do?” Dash asked with dread.
“He had gym last period and apparently he’s been faking his loser weakness. He crawled up the rope climb like a goddamned spider monkey and then slid himself back down. Don’t know how he didn’t have intense rope burn from that. He also beat Charlie, Katie and Veronica on the sprinting portion. Must be those ghosty genes.”
“Fenton did all that?” Dash asked, he bit the inside of his cheek. Hard.
“Yeah it was crazy, I thought Tetslaf was gonna pass out,” Victor laughed. “Maybe we should get him to try out for the football team, he’d be a great running back or-”
“Come on, Vic,” Dash laughed but the sound came out wrong. “Why would we want Fenton on our team? He’s, he’s Fenton! Just a skinny, weird little wimp.” Vic side-eyed him a bit before clapping Dash on the back.
“World’s changing, Dash. First ghosts, now half ghosts, it’s all wrong but you just gotta roll with it. All I know is I have 2 years left in this hell hole before I leave this miserable place for Chicago and never look back. I recommend you do the same, after all,” Vic grinned again but it was sharper. “Fenton’s always been your personal punching bag, not every day you learn your victim has superpowers.”
“We don’t know what the hell is up with Fenton,” Dash defended. Vic just shrugged.
“Yeah but he’s always been a freak now we know he ain’t human. Who knows what else he’s hiding?” Vic said with a smug smile before wandering off, giving a halfhearted wave over his shoulder as he left.
Dash stood in the hallway, trying to get himself under control until the warning and late bell rang. Only then, when he was certain he wouldn’t run into Fenton, did he head to class. 
“Should we follow him, see where he goes?” Paulina said, biting onto one of her nails in nervous excitement. Paulie was gorgeous and overall pretty cool but her thing with ghosts sometimes tired Dash out. Now more than ever. 
“Come on, that’s like stalking,” Kwan scolded. “Even if that wasn’t illegal or whatever it’s just not cool. They had a rough day today, leave ‘em alone.” That icy chill returned and Dash looked out of the corner of his eye to see Fenton and his cronies walking out of the school. 
Truthfully, Dash didn’t think Fenton had that bad of a day. Yeah people were asking questions but he’d side stepped them all, gave non-answers. Other people talked about Fenton’s supposed strength in gym but there’d been conflicting reports, some said he flew up the rope climb, others said he levitated doing his push ups. Dash really didn’t know what to believe. Fenton was just acting, well, like Fenton. He paused for a second, stopped walking before catching up with the group.
Maybe... maybe Dash was getting caught up over nothing. There really was no proof Fenton was this ‘half of’ other than what one dumb ghost said. He thought back to Fenton’s grin during first period; stupid nerd was probably milking his 15 minutes of fame and bully free time. His earlier fear and uncertainty burst into flames until a familiar anger was burning in his gut. Now this he knew what to do with.
“Yeah, well his day is about to get rougher,” Dash heard himself say as he stomped off to where Fenton was smiling tiredly at something Manson was saying. “Hey Fentonio! Think you’re pretty cool with every paying attention to you but I-”
Fenton gasped suddenly, like a hiccup only his breath misted out in front of him cold as a winter’s day. Dash stopped midsentence watching as Fenton’s whole face twisted. His earlier weary but tolerant annoyance that he’d been projecting all day was stripped away. He glared at Dash with an expression that was hard as ice and full of an exhaustion and bitterness he couldn’t begin to understand.
“As payment for being forcibly outed,” Fenton spoke up loudly enough that most of the school yard could hear him. “I was promised a week.” His eyes slowly but methodically scanned the crowd who had frozen in place at his authoritative tone. “Where I didn’t have to deal with ghosts, so I want to know... Who is trespassing on my haunt.”
Fenton’s mouth opened impossibly wide revealing what seemed like rows of sharped teeth. He curled his fingers into claws and, looking closer, his fingernails had indeed become real claws, as sharp and deadly as his teeth. His eyes blazed an impossible, ectoplasmic green and his dark hair developed streaks of white. He was terrifying, monstrous, but he was still Fenton. That feeling that had been eating at dash all day came back full force. Not the realization that Fenton had powers or whatever but that he had been hiding it in plain sight through ghost attacks and bullies and failing grades. This had always been Fenton, they just hadn’t seen. Until now that is.
And now the script had flipped and Dash didn’t know how this Ghost Fenton, who still was the same Fenton Dash had wedgied last Wednesday, fit. A green blob ghost materialized over by stairs, quivering and wailing in some ghost language. It turned and fled, presumably in the direction of the Fenton Portal to escape Fenton’s wrath. Fenton’s glowing eyes tracked it for a moment before he straightened up from his hunched posture and... was human again.
He brushed his hands through his black hair, lazily blinked blue eyes and, when he smiled, his teeth were normal. But Dash had seen, they all had. He’d let them see but to what end, he had no idea. Fenton turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow and another small smirk, just as tired as earlier.
“Sorry about that Dash, I take my vacation time very seriously. You were saying?” Fenton said with a smug lilt but his eyes were still dead and there was a bit of fear in them now. Despite his powers, he still gripped his backpack tightly.
“When your dumb little vacation’s up, Fentionail,” Dash said with a shaky voice. “It’s-it’s back to business, okay? Punches and wedgies and locker shoving. You,” he voice cracked a bit and he fought it down. “It’ll ramp up now that I know you can take it.” Fenton blinked, once then twice before he smiled. This time it wasn’t annoyed or scary or fearful but like the dumb grins he usually gave his dumb friends. 
“Yeah okay, we’ll start back up next week. The usual time?” Dash nodded, not knowing what else to say. “Alright, see you around.” He turned to walk away before pausing and turning back. “Actually you should be careful on who you shove into lockers, it can get hard to breathe in there and not everyone can phase out of them. You never know who’ll turn up dead,” he grinned and his eyes flashed green again, “if only half.”
That said, he and his friends walked away, ignoring the stares of the entire school on them. “Oh and it’s halfa, not half of,” Fenton called out over his shoulder. “I’m not half of anything, I’m just a whole me even if the details get a bit complicated.”
“Bye Danny, see you tomorrow,” Kwan called after with a grimace. No one else said anything for a minute until Dash found the strength to move his legs from where they’d been planted. He clenched his fists to hide his shaking and continued his walk home. Everyone else slowly did the same, talking quietly among themselves.
“What the hell was that?” Dale asked in a nervous high pitched voice. “What the hell did I just see?”
“Fenton being a weirdo but that’s nothing new,” Dash shrugged with a confidence he didn’t have yet. But if Fenton could show up to school after being outed and then willingly show them his inhumanity, then Dash needed to up his game. Couldn’t let the nerd be cool or anything. “So what if he glows or whatever, he’s still Fenton. Look I gotta get home, it’s Pookie’s feeding time and he is NOT going to believe the day I had.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Batsis Meet The Batboys
Batsis x Batfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 4.1K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: Y'all, I am slowly but surely making good on that promise to get all my stories reposted--also editing them so they're nice and neat! Enjoy! -Thorne
She hummed in amusement as her father grunted and begrudgingly passed over another five into the man’s hand. “You know…it’s good to know that my perfect father actually sucks at something.” She turned and popped a piece of cotton candy into her mouth. “And it’s carnival games.”
He grunted again when he missed the balloon, and he handed her the darts. “Why don’t you try it, sweetheart?”
She handed him the cotton candy with a grin and took the darts, holding one up and making the repeated motion of throwing it. She couldn’t help but feel a little cocky as she asked, “Dad, if I get this, what toy do you want?”
She nodded to the bat in the corner. “I was thinking about the stuffed bat. Eh, dad?” He glared at her, but she laughed as she tossed the weighted dart, watching as it hit center and she pointed to the bat. “I’ll take that one.”
The man handed it to her, and they walked off; she held it up to her father. “Here. A bat for Batman,” she quipped, and he grunted at her.
“That isn’t funny, (Y/N).”
She shrugged and retorted, “It’s a little funny. You just have no sense of humor because you’re a stick in the mud.” (Y/N) shoved the stuffed animal in her backpack before reaching up and taking her father’s hand; she glanced down at her wristwatch on the opposite hand and said, “The performances don’t start for another twenty minutes. Want to go look at something else? I saw one of those spinning car rides. We could do that.”
When he didn’t give her response, she looked back up at him to see him staring off into the distance, his eyes set on the Wayne Enterprises tower. “Dad? You okay?”
He blinked as if startled from his thoughts and he directed his gaze down at her and after a few moments, he nodded. “Just thinking.”
“Penny for your thoughts.”
“I haven’t spent a lot of time with you.” He frowned and squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). I haven’t been a good—”
She cut him off with a ‘pfft’. “Dad, it’s alright. I’m not angry.” (Y/N) squeezed his hand in return. “I might be young, but I’m not an idiot. I know being a dad is new for you, especially since you didn’t get to watch me grow up the first decade of my life. But what matters is that you’re here now, and you’re doing the best you can. And that’s all I ask of you.”
At her little speech, he was stunned, and after a moment he knelt down and hugged her. “I love you, sweetheart.”
(Y/N) returned the hug, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, though they were so big and broad that she couldn’t meet her hands around his back. “I love you too, dad.”
Happening to glance over his shoulder, she immediately gasped. “Dad!”
He let her go, immediately moving to protect her. “What? What is it?”
(Y/N) pointed towards a costumed family walking and greeting the people. “It’s the Flying Grayson’s!” She grabbed his hand and tugged him along in their direction. “Let’s get a picture with them!” She could hear her father chuckle behind her, but he followed, and they stepped up to the family.
(Y/N) waved at them. “Hi Mister and Missus Grayson! Can we get a picture with you?”
The man and woman smiled at them and nodded, and a boy a couple years younger than her stepped up.
He stuck out his hand. “Hi, I’m Richard Grayson. But you can call me Dick.”
(Y/N) took his hand and shook it. “(Y/N) Wayne. Nice to meet you, Dick.” She gestured to her father. “This is my dad, Bruce Wayne.”
Her father smiled and tipped his head towards the boy before handing the camera to someone and stepping beside her. She and Dick had become friends instantaneously as they slung their arms around each other’s necks, their grins cheesy and wide.
The camera flashed and the man handed Bruce the camera, and (Y/N) nodded to the family. “Thank you for taking a picture with us.” They started to walk away, but she stopped them, motioning to her dad. “Can my dad take a picture of the three of you? I know it seems a little weird, but it’d be cool to have a picture of you guys, and one with you.” They nodded at her request and she gestured to her father, watching him take the photo of the family. “Thank you!”
They waved and walked off, leaving them, and she turned to Bruce. “Wanna go find seats?” He nodded, and they began moving in the direction of the tent.
Time seemed to grind to a halt as (Y/N)’s heart stopped in her chest as she watched them slam into the ground. Chaos filled the tent in mere seconds, people screaming, children crying, and her father grabbed her arm. “(Y/N)—”
She nodded and pulled her arm away, already starting to make her way from her seat. “I’ve got him. Go.” She didn’t wait for his reply, hopping the seats until her feet hit the dirt ground and she broke into a sprint towards the sobbing boy in the center.
She twisted her feet and slid on the ground next to him, her heart tightened when he gazed up at her, sky blue eyes wide in agony. (Y/N) reached out, wrapping her arms around him. “I’ve got you Dick. I’ve got you kid.”
She felt his arms come around her middle as his head burrowed in her shoulder; his entire body shook with every heart-wrenching sob, and (Y/N) raised one of her hands, running it through his hair as she whispered repeatedly, “I’ve got you.”
(Y/N) heard GCPD officers shouting, and she looked up, seeing her father standing beside them. “Batman,” she whispered softly.
He glanced at her before kneeling beside them and blocking the way of the fallen couple. “You two shouldn’t look at this anymore.”
She nodded and squeezed the boy on the shoulder. “Dick. We need to get away from here.”
“I can’t…leave them.” He pulled back, tears streaming down his cheeks. “I’m…all alone.”
(Y/N) shook her head, and placed a hand on his cheek. “I’m here, Dick. You’re not alone.” His face pinched as a new round of tears sprouted in his eyes and he lowered his head, the sobs wracking his body, and she gazed up at her father’s face, knowing the agony behind the white slits. “You’re not alone.”
She walked alongside her father, tugging at the collar of her suit. “Can’t we make a suit that doesn’t choke me as much as this collar does? I feel like I’ve got one of Ivy’s vines wrapped around my throat.” He didn’t say anything and she rolled her eyes. “Fine. Fine. Ignore me. I see how it is.”
“You’re the one who designed your suit, Batgirl. I told you to choose breathable fabric but you refused and said you wanted adequate protection like mine.”
She blinked and glared at him. “Do you get some sick pleasure from repeating my apparent failures?” He chuckled lightly, and she looked around. “Whatever…I still think you shouldn’t have parked in Crime Alley. You know there’s always trouble here.”
“The Batmobile is fine,” he said, voice tired as if he’d answered the question a hundred times before—he had.
(Y/N) hummed, nodding to the car a few feet ahead of them and quipped, “Oh, so the kid jacking the tires off it is completely normal?”
Her father looked at her split second before turning to see it, his eyes widening in disbelief as he muttered, “I don’t believe what I’m seeing.” He moved soundlessly towards the boy, her following.
“Got to give it to him. It takes some big balls to jack the Batman’s ride,” she admired and he grunted, though she knew he was in agreement, and they walked up on the oblivious boy.
She watched her father pull his ‘Put-The-Fear-Of-Batman-Into-‘Em’ stance and he cleared his throat with an exaggerated, ‘ahem’. (Y/N) snorted at the way the boy jerked, twisting to see them staring at him; she swore he’d shit himself the way the fear bled into his eyes.
Her father glared at the kid. “You do realize that’s the Batmobile, right?”
The boy’s face pinched, and he tipped his head up, his voice haughty. “Duh. You do realize you parked your car in Crime Alley, right?” (Y/N) barked a laugh, but quickly coughed when her father turned his glower to her, and he turned back to the boy just in time to see him swinging the tire iron.
“Bad move, hotshot.” Her words fell on deaf ears as she watched her father catch the tool and grip the boy by the front of his hoodie, picking him up off the ground a few feet.
He squirmed, legs kicking out for few seconds before spitting, “You want to beat up on a kid, go enlist in the GCPD like every other bully in this city.”
(Y/N) saw the gears turning in her father’s head as he leaned in, his face inches apart from the boys as he demanded, “I’m only going to ask you this once…So give some serious thought to your answer.”
The boy craned his neck, eyes narrowed as he asked, “What it is?”
Her father gave him a smirk. “Are you hungry?” The boy’s brows furrowed in suspicion, and within the next ten minutes, they were sitting on the hood of the Batmobile eating burgers and fries and sipping on milkshakes.
At one point, she’d reached over and grabbed the boy’s hands; he looked up at her and she nodded to his burger. “Slow down, Jason. You’ll eat your hand at this rate.”
He snorted but nodded, eating a little slower than before as he said, “Sorry. This is the closest thing to a home-cooked meal since I’ve had a home.” He paused and looked out at the city. “It’s funny…I was here once, looking for Wayne Manor.” He looked between them. “I was trying to case the place, but I got lost.”
Bruce looked down at the boy and questioned, “Why do you think it’s okay to steal from people?”
Jason scoffed at his question. “Are you kidding me? Look at this view.” He motioned to the buildings in the distance. “Freaking ‘Billionaire Playboy’ thinks he’s the king of the world. Pfft.”
(Y/N) elbowed him in the ribs and quipped, “Oh honey, he doesn’t think he is. He knows he is.”
The two of them cackled, but the solemn look from her father made their laughter fall short and he said, “Sometimes you just have to give people a chance Jason…they’ll usually surprise you.”
Her father’s words made Jason pause, and she saw him sink into deep thought. After a few moments, she leaned across Jason and nudged her father.
He looked at her and she tipped her head to Jason. “Does this mean he’s coming home with us?” Her father looked at him and back to her, then nodded and she shifted her arm, grinning as she wrapped it around Jason’s neck. “Well then, welcome to the family…little brother.”
She could sense the boy following her, and after a few moments, she realized he wasn’t giving up. It wasn’t just some coincidence that they were on the same path—he wanted something from her. She glanced over her shoulder before ducking into the shadows of an alley, waiting for him to follow.
Sure enough, he stepped into the opening of the alley, looking for her, then he shook his head and stamped his foot on the ground. “No-no-no. I was so close to finding her.” He sighed and his shoulders fell in defeat as he visibly deflated.
She stepped behind him and gripped his shoulder in an steel-tight grasp, inquiring, “Why are you following me, kid?”
The kid gasped like he’d been shot as his knees collapsed beneath him, falling from her grip and to the ground. He rolled and gazed up at her with a mixture of shock and wonder as he breathed, “Batgirl.”
She glared down at him and demanded, “Answer my question before I call GCPD for you being out past curfew. Why. Are. You. Following. Me.”
He swallowed thickly before nodding rapidly. “Right. You see, I’ve been looking for you, Batgirl.”
“Yeah, I got that from the tailing. What I wanna know is, why?”
“I need to talk to you about Batman.”
Her eyes narrowed in suspicion at the mention of her father. “What’s a scrawny-ass kid like you, need to talk about Batman with me for?”
His mouth opened, then it snapped shut and he seemed to think on his answer for a moment. He looked at his hands and whispered, “It’s about your brother…Jason Todd.”
Hearing her deceased brother’s name knocked the air from her lungs and she barely managed to get the word ‘what?’ out without sucking in a breath.
He glanced up at her. “I know who you are Miss Way—”
(Y/N)’s hand shot out and she slapped it over his mouth before shaking her head. “Don’t say my name. You don’t know who’s listening.” He went silent as she removed her hand and held it out for him. “C’mon. If you know who I am then that means you know everyone’s identity.”
He nodded mutely and she clicked a button on her wrist; A few moments later, her bike pulled in front of the alley. “Get up. We need to go have a chat.” He took her hand, letting her haul him to his feet, and they walked over to the bike. (Y/N) climbed on before nodding to him. “Get on and hold on.” He followed her order, sitting in front of her, and she took off.
A few minutes later, they were stepping into one of the safe houses her dad set up around the city. She closed the door and flicked on the light, pulling the cowl off before gesturing to the table. “Sit.” He obeyed and she opened the refrigerator, pulling out two sodas. (Y/N) turned, taking the seat across from him and sliding his drink over. “Now. Who are you and how do you know about all this?”
He nodded and pulled out a giant book, placing it on the table. “My name is Timothy Jackson Drake, I’m thirteen, and I’ve been following the exploits of Batman, Batgirl, and Robin since I was two.”
(Y/N) cocked a brow at that. “Two’s a little young to be able to remember us.”
Tim looked at the book and nodded. “I know…but I have a photographic memory, and I remember the first time I saw Batman.”
“And that was?”
He paused and his voice quiet. “The night Dick Grayson’s parents were murdered.” (Y/N)’s eyes went wide, and he drew his eyes to hers. “I remember Dick swinging to the ground as his parents climbed the ladder. His mom went first, and his dad followed. Then…the rope snapped, and…they fell.”
Tim quieted considerably and she had to strain to hear him as he recounted, “I got scared, and I looked away. I couldn’t watch…then I heard the crash and Dick sobbing. And I saw you run down and hug him.” He met her gaze. “Then I saw this giant, dark shape falling towards you, and I thought it was going to hurt you two. But then I realized Batman wasn’t trying to hurt you…he was trying to help you both. And he went from being a monster…to becoming some great Dark Knight.”
Tim looked at her. “From them on, I’ve been having the same dream, over and over. I—”
(Y/N) raised a hand, stopping him. “When did you find out who we were?”
He nodded. “When I was nine, I was watching TV and I saw you and Dick, well, Robin and Batgirl. You—”
“Batgirl and Robin. In that order.” She pointed to herself with a face that could only be something akin to the ‘first-child-syndrome’. “I was first.”
A smile grew across Tim’s face and he nodded. “Right, Batgirl and Robin. Anyway, I saw you two on TV, and I watched Dick perform a quadruple somersault.” He grinned rather proudly of himself and declared, “I knew that somersault like I knew my own name. About six months later, Robin made his first appearance. And if Dick Grayson was Robin and Bruce Wayne’s ward, then Bruce Wayne was Batman, and you were Batgirl.” (Y/N) stared at Tim in shock, too stunned to even form words.
He shifted nervously under her gaze. “Um…Miss (Y/N)? Batgirl? Are you alright?”
(Y/N) blinked and shook her head as she muttered, “Holy shit, kid. What are you?”
“I—I’m sorry?”
She huffed a laugh and grinned at him. “You’ve got some damn good detective skills to have figured all that out.” Tim smiled sheepishly under the praise, then (Y/N) stood up from the table, stretching her arms over her head until she heard her joints pop, then she stared at him. “You got a place to sleep tonight?”
“I…no. Not at the moment.”
(Y/N) placed her hands on her hips and hummed. “And why’s that?”
“Well, in the course of looking for you, I’ve also been looking for Dick. But I can’t find him. He’s good at disappearing.”
She nodded and pointed to a room. “I know where Dick is. Go sleep in the guest room, and tomorrow we can go find him.”
As she walked past him, heading for her room, he questioned dubiously, “You’d do that for me?”
(Y/N) stopped and glanced over her shoulder. “Isn’t that what family does?”
Tim’s jaw went slack and he gaped at her as she stepped into her room and closed the door behind her.
She shut the door behind her and locked it, though there really wasn’t any reason to considering the fact that no one could get into the manor, let alone across the front lawn without anyone inside knowing.
Hauling the bag up and over her shoulder, she found it odd that no one had greeted her yet and her oddity turned into unsettling when she didn’t hear anything.
She dropped her keys in the silver bowl on the side table and looked around the foyer. “Hello? Dad? Alfred? Timmy?” She stuck her head in the kitchen door. “Anyone home?”
There was no response and she hummed questioningly, knowing that on a Sunday, everyone was home relaxing. She made her way to the study and shifted the clock hands, watching as the entrance appeared, then she descended the steps into the cave. It was even quieter than usual, and she felt the hairs stand up on the back on her neck as she made her way to the Batcomputer.
She pushed a button on the keyboard, watching as the screen came to life and said, “Give me the most recent update.”
“Confirmation?” It replied.
“(Y/N) Wayne, Batgirl.”
The computer beeped for a moment. “(Y/N) Wayne. Batgirl. Access level high.” It paused. “Access granted. Welcome Batgirl.”
“Give me the most recent update.”
“Requested.” It processed the request then told her, “Talia al Ghul entered Gotham Bay approximately two days ago, leaving behind Damian al Ghul in Batman’s custody.”
Damian al Ghul? Who the hell is that? (Y/N) raised an eyebrow as she pushed another button. “Who is Damian al Ghul.”
“Damian al Ghul is the biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Conceived…month and day unknown…year was two-thousand-three.”
(Y/N) stared at the screen, not sure if she should feel shock that her dad had a second biological kid, or disgust that he slept with Talia to get one. All the sudden, her training kicked in and she felt someone behind her. She spun around, catching the blade of a sword coming at her. She looked down at a young child, no older than ten, glaring up at her. She’d seen pictures of her father when he was a child, and though he had Talia’s emerald green eyes and olive complexion, there was no mistaking the resemblance between him and her father.
Her eyes narrowed into slits as she shoved him away. “The hell are you doing?”
He raised the sword again and said, “Testing you.”
(Y/N) crossed her arms, her gaze curious. “For what purpose?”
He ran at her waving the sword. “To see if you are really father’s daughter.”
She chuckled at that and dodged each attempt to cut her. “Trust me short-stack, I’m Bruce Wayne’s kid.”
Her insult seemed to set him off and he swung the sword wildly. “I am not short!”
(Y/N) grunted as the blade grazed her arm, and she clenched her jaw. “Alright. I’m done entertaining you.”
She let him come to her, then she twisted, wrenching the sword from his grip before tossing it away and coming back around. She gripped him by the collar and used the momentum to slam him to the ground before pulling his arms behind him and putting her knee in his back.
It all happened within seconds, and he didn’t know how to respond other than to cry out in anger. “Let go!”
She pulled his arms tighter until he stopped squirming and she leaned down. “Take a chill pill, runt.” He still cried out in rage at the name, and she heard someone grunt a few feet from her.
“Let him up, (Y/N).”
She looked up to see her father and Alfred walking towards her. She obeyed, rolling away from the boy and to her feet. “I was wondering where you were.”
Bruce nodded to Damian, who was pulling himself off the floor in a rather heated fashion. “We were trying to find out where Damian had gone.”
(Y/N) eyed him for a moment before murmuring, “So, he really is your kid?”
Damian cut Bruce off, spitting, “Are you jealous?”
She looked at Damian and snorted. “Not even an ounce short-cake.” (Y/N) laughed at the way his face pinched in rage, and she turned to Bruce. “You just can’t help collecting them, can you?” He glared at her and she laughed, walking over and nudging him. “Smile a little, Scrooge. Your face will get stuck like that if you don’t.”
He sighed, and muttered, “I don’t know what to do with him.”
(Y/N) glanced at the boy who was picking up his sword. “Too angry?”
“Belligerent is more like it.”
She chuckled and patted his back. “Don’t worry. I’ve got him.”
“(Y/N) I don’t think—”
“Relax, dad. I handled Dick’s anger, didn’t I?”
“Damian’s got Dick beat by a longshot. I don’t think he knows any demeanor other than attack.”
(Y/N) waved as she walked towards Damian. “No one’s able to beat Dick’s anger. No one in a million years could reach the level of pissed off Dick Grayson stays at.” Bruce grinned as he watched (Y/N) take the sword and move Damian towards the stairs. “C’mon pint-sized. We’re going to explore Gotham.”
“I do not want to go.” He retorted, pulling away from her.
She grasped the back of his neck like a puppy and held him firmly as they walked and she quipped, “I don’t really give a fuck whether you want to or not. You’ve been raised by homicidal psychopaths since you were born.” She looked down at him. “You need to see the real world.”
“My grandfather and mother aren’t psychopaths!”
“Oh really? So killing people for money or because honor demands it, isn’t psychopathic traits? What about when Ra’s kills people because they disrespect him?”
“That is different!”
“I mean you don’t see me poppin’ caps in people’s asses when they call me a whore, do you?”
Bruce watched the two of them climb the stairs, arguing, and he sighed, sensing Alfred walk next to him.
“Almost reminds you of Master Dick and Miss (Y/N), doesn’t it Master Bruce?”
He looked at Alfred, then smiled and nodded. “In every way, shape, and form.”
Alfred smiled. “It is such a good thing that Miss (Y/N) is the oldest. The boys have needed her.”
“She’s their protector.”
Alfred paused, resting a hand on his shoulder; Bruce met his gaze and saw such a solemnity in them as he said, “She is everyone’s protector, Master Bruce. Even yours.” Alfred walked away, then Bruce turned and looked at the photo resting on the desk. It was the first photo he and (Y/N) had taken in their suits.
He smiled at it and nodded. “That she is.”
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liar ♡
characters included: kazuha ♡
warnings: pregnant! female-bodied! reader, angst, abandonment, crying, sadness
pronouns: female-bodied reader, but no her or she pronouns <3
"kazuha, are you alright?" "hm...? o-oh, yes. i'm fine, love"
he can't shake it. for weeks, this one feeling just hasn't gone away. he feels there needs to be a layer of caution placed upon himself in your presence, a feeling he's never felt, ever. he doesn't yet possess the knowledge as to why this churning in his gut continues to happen, but time will tell, I suppose.
"kazuha, do you, want children? one day, I mean."
the question was harmless and innocent, and at this point, only natural. the two of you had been an item for five years at this point, and were now in your mid 20's. you had recently stumbled upon old friends of yours, who had given birth to their first child. the one thing that startled kazuha, however, was your look. the expression of admiration and envy you wore when watching that child explained everything for itself. he knew, now, what it was you wanted.
"good question, but i'm not sure. I haven't given it any thought."
liar. he had given it thought. much thought. for the past week, that exact thought kept him awake for hours, as he tossed and turned, trying to avoid the thoughts that invaded his mind.
he knew it. he knew it the minute you ran up to him, a bright smile engulfing your charming face. the moment you told him you were pregnant, his world crumbled. a family? he'd never had one, and suddenly he had his own? it made no sense.
your smile faded.
"y-yes? is there something wrong with that?"
"no, not at all. this is...wonderful news."
"I know right? we're going to be a family!"
"yes, yes we are"
that night, everything seemed darker. the shadows seemed larger, the bed seemed colder, and his mind only ran faster. enough was to be had, and kazuha rose from your shared bed, slipping into his regular attire. slipping out of the bedroom, he grabbed his anemo vision, the glowing orb resting in its case. hand on the doorknob, he sighed, about to head out when he heard your sleepy voice,
"kazuha? where are you going...?"
the sleepy and innocent look in your eyes crushed him, your pure mind completely unaware of what he was about to do.
"just for a walk, love. I'll be back soon"
"oh, would you like me to come with you?"
"no...I'll be alright."
"oh, okay..."
he watched your form disappear into the darkness, hearing the distant sound of the bed creak, signaling your return to it. he almost felt sorry for you, sorry that he had to abandon you like this. opening the door, he left, not to return.
"it's cold..."
that was your first thought. you opened your eyes, only to see his side of the bed empty. the sheets were cold, the warm body of your lover missing. rising from your bed, you searched the whole house, but he was nowhere to be found.
it was three weeks later when you received a letter, addressed to you. you opened the intricate envelope, reading the letter:
my dearest (Y/N),
hello, I'm aware that we've not spoken in a while. if you're wondering where I am, which knowing you, you probably are, I shall tell you. I'm away. away on a trip. one I will never return from.
I'm sorry I've abandoned you like this, and I know it must hurt. I cannot bear to watch you suffer, but for a family, I am not ready. the chained love that once bound us, I'm afraid is gone. it has faded, and I'm afraid it will not return. like waves on the sea, my mind can change in an instant. I'm sorry it's changed now, of all times.
tears began to spill.
I love you, but not nearly as much as I once did. it's not fair to tie you down in a way such as this, so (Y/N), I'm setting you free.
you sobbed.
you are indeed the last of your kind as I've always told you, and I hope you find someone who realizes that and embraces it, unlike me. before I fully set you free, there is something I want you to know.
when you decide to move on, please, don't let these painful memories blind you. as far as our child goes, please don't reject them. it's not their fault I've left, it's mine. don't let the past remind you of me, let it remind you of better memories.
farewell, (Y/N)
you ran. you ran as fast as you could, away. away from everything. from kazuha, from your child, from your house, everything.
you found yourself at the alcor, sprinting desperately below deck into the captain's cabin. slamming the door open, you collapsed, letter in hand, panting desperately. the captain's eyes widened, scooping you up, calling for help while studying your letter.
he had watched. he had watched from afar as you opened the letter, breaking down in a state of shock and despair. it hurt him, yes. but he was a liar. he couldn't help it. he was running away. running away out of fear, something he had always done. he was clawing his way out of his pit of despair, only to lose balance and fall into the abyss once again. he told you he'd always be with you, he told you he'd never leave you, but then again,
he was a liar.
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erythrum · 3 years
𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓
𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘖𝘯𝘦
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨,𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧,𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦,𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘦𝘹,𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘴,𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨
𝙖/𝙣: 𝘪𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 1.9𝘬 +
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘤𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘨𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘥, 𝘺/𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦
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The boneyard was a melting pot, pogues, tourons, and kooks unalike all gathering for one of the last kegger's of summer. This mash together of kids from all over Kildare and the mainland always ended in chaos, it was just a matter of time before shit went down tonight.
Rafe had his arm thrown around my shoulders as we walked down the path to the boneyard. I could faintly see Topper and Kelce downing the cups of pogue provided beer. Didn’t matter whether or not the kooks or pogues could get along, as long as it was on the cut and alcohol was provided, the teens could get along for a limited amount of time.
“Hey y/n! What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving for college this week?” It was Sarah who yelled out to me, running up to her brother and I in her floral printed dress. Rafe’s arm dropped to his side as she came with Topper not far behind.
“Oh I just couldn’t miss my last kegger before leaving, Duke can wait on me one more day.” The two of us embraced in one of those hugs that has you shifting your weight from side to side. I guess she didn’t realize I wouldn’t leave for college for another month, but I was sure she was already too drunk for me to explain it to her that she was not thinking of the right month.
As Sarah was hanging onto me probably a little too tight, Topper was giving Rafe one of those looks that said everything but also nothing at the same time. Like prior knowledge had to be known to understand the context. I of course did not, those two always had some stupid shit planned and I can almost guarantee it had to do with messing up the pogues’ little party.
The sun hung low on the horizon after I had finished my third cup, the colors illuminating the sky so brilliantly it felt like a fantasy. I stripped off my top and headed for the water, the pinks and purples of the sky reflected in its crashing waters. It was so cold, the temperature sent shivers up my body and a familiar rush in my energy. Almost waist deep now, I submerged my body completely under the water. It was always how I remembered it, calm and refreshing.
“C’mon Rafe! Don’t be a little bitch and get in there, I see the way you look at her,” Topper spewed, pushing his friend to have a little courage.
“Man what the fuck are you even talking about?” Deny everything Rafe thought.
“Oh come on dude, you’ve been making please love me eyes at her since the sixth grade, and please fuck me eyes at her since the tenth, when are you gonna do something about it for once? You’ve got a month to make a move, or regret it your entire life,” Topper continued his monologue as Rafe tuned him out, too distracted by the girl, his girl, staring out into the Atlantic like it was calling to her.
His heart was pounding as he made a B-line for the water, a light jog, but not so fast someone would think he’s crazy, or just madly in love. He swiftly pulled his polo over and off his head before plunging into the chilly water. Topper clearly knew whatever he'd said had worked.
I heard him before I saw him, Rafe approached and submerged himself just as I had a few minutes before.
“If we get hypothermia I'm sending you my hospital bills.” He laughed, wading around in the shallow water.
“Oh shock! Rafe Cameron threatening his medical bill payments? I never could’ve guessed!” We enjoyed our few minutes of peace before talking again.
“But it’s basically impossible anyways, you get use to it after awhile, maybe it’ll calm your hot-headed ass down,” I giggled and prepared for what always came next. Rafe pickup me up around my waist, lifting me over his shoulder before attempting to sprint as fast as he could deeper into the water. His hands had been wrapped around the back of my knees for a few moments until he threw himself and I down into the deeper water, both of us completely submerged beneath the surface.
The sun was dipping below the horizon now, and the deep blue of the sky was beginning to envelop the boneyard. We had come up for air, and I began splashing him with the water around us, payback for his antics. Theres no way in hell I’d be able to throw him down into the water too, this was the best I could come up with. The two of us were laughing before Rafe grabbed my arms and twisted me around so my back was flesh against his front. I gave up on trying to fight him off. Instead I just rested against him in an attempt to catch my breath.
“Hey Rafe, can we talk about something?” Oh fuck she knows, he thought. This was gonna be it, it’s going to fuck up his entire plan.
“Yeah, uh sure, like here?” He questioned.
“Maybe not here, I think we’ve got as audience,” he knew she was referring to Topper and Kelce, they were watching from the beach.
"The truck then?" I nodded my head, not at all prepared for the favor I needed to ask of him.
The sand stuck to my feet as we headed back to where his truck was, the chilly air wrapping around my body. Rafe opened the backseat door and pulled out a towel for me, always prepared. He pulled the passenger side door and I slid into the seat, the heat of his car pumping through the interior. My heart was pounding, but I wasn’t sure if his was too. We made it about halfway to tannyhill before speaking.
“Soooo,” he said.
“You’re going to think I’m absolutely crazy, Rafe," I laughed in an attempt to hide my nervousness.
"First of all, you're already crazy, and second of all, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you're going to say," his hands were clenching the steering wheel harder now.
""Oh really? You already knew that I was going to ask you to take my virginity?" I don't know why, but I just blurted it out.
His car came to a screeching halt on the side of the road, lunging me forward as he stared in disbelief at the road infront of him.
"Im sorry, what did you just say?"
"That I want you to take my virginity? V-card? Cherry? Damn Rafe how else am I supposed to say it?"
"And," there was a pause in his voice like he didn't believe me, "your being serious, correct?"
“And, come again? I need to hear that one more time.”
“Jesus fuck Rafe, I’m being dead serious, I want you to take my virginity, what about that is so hard to explain?” It came out as more of a yell than a scream, he took a long sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. He was thinking long and hard, I knew because he always had something to say, and now he wasn’t saying anything at all. It felt like hours had past before he spoke again.
It was my turn for a long sigh.
“Well, I guess I’ve been thinking about it for awhile, and I want to do it, but whenever I think about it in my head the only person I can see doing it with is you. You’re the only person I trust enough with my own body, I mean shit,” I had to think for a long time before admitting what came next.
“Whenever someone, you know like Scarlet or whoever, asks about who I’m interested in or whatever it may be, not a single person ever comes to mind except you, it’s like all I see when I look at you is you, everything else is like blurred around you and whenever I think about who the love of my life will be, I always think of you, not some mystery guy that I haven’t met yet.” I didn’t plan for this to be a full confession on how I feel about him, but here I am spilling everything I’ve been holding in my heart for the last three years.
“And I know that sounds fucking stupid I know, I mean we’re still teenagers for crying out loud, but when I’m with you it always feels like I’m home.” I was nearly crying at this point, struggling to get the words out of my chest that had been waiting for so long. He was listening, deadly quiet, and I had no idea what he was thinking for once in my life.
“You know what? Just forget about it, can you take me home please?” I was definitely crying now, it felt like I’d ripped my own heart to shreds. Theres no way he could ever feel the same way about me, he protected me like I was his own blood, not like he was in love with me. My face was nestled into the sleeve of my hoodie as the tears came out. His hands had moved back to the steering wheel now, gripping onto it so tight I thought it might break. The muscles in his forearms almost looked like they were twitching, but he still had the car in park.
He wanted to just grab her and kiss her right now, the girl he'd been in love with since the sixth grade sitting in his passenger seat, her seat, confessing her feelings to him. Rafe knew it was alot for her to ask, but it meant even more to him everything that she had said after her original question. And there was no way in hell he was going to let her get away again.
Rafe reached his hand over to hold onto her tear stained cheek.
"y/n," The bother of them were breathing heavily.
"I'm in love with you," it slipped from my mouth and he leaned in to kiss me. It felt like I had a wave of electricity coursing through my body. His hand grasping onto my face as he leaned over the center console. My hand reaching for his chest, his lips on mine as we intertwined with one another. It felt like everything in my life was complete, and the tension has been released. His fingers tangled in my hair.
It was over before I realized it, and Rafe was driving me home. My breathing hadn't normalized in any way, it was like I needed to throw up my heart to get the knot out. I couldn't stop thinking about the way his had felt on me, the way his lips felt on mine, the way it felt for once in my life like I was loved.
"i'll think about it," his voice cracked.
I leapt out of his car as fast as I could with tears streaming down my face. Did he feel the same? Did he not? My brain was spinning so fast I barely made it inside my bedroom door before collapsing. I wrapped myself up in the thick comforter, a heart full of ache and a body exhauster with sleep.
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fandcmwritings · 3 years
Until the very end
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<part 2>
Part one of my Carl Grimes x fem!reader series! word count: 1k
set in season 4 episode 9
A/N: I will be updating this series once a week but sometimes I won’t be able to due to finals! Hope you like it and please leave a comment with your thoughts. If you want to be added to my taglist ask me in my submission box!
Also y/n calls the walkers zombies before meeting the group because let’s be honest, that’s what we’d all call them if we were in a zombie apocalypse :D
“I’m sorry,” You backed away from the now lifeless body of your brother, the same knife you’ve had for the last four years that you used to kill countless zombies with was now sticking out from his skull. Tears streamed down your face as you took out the knife with trembling hands. “I’m so sorry,Nick.”
Ever since the whole world went to shit you had to learn to adapt. It was running,fighting and trying to find food and water most of the time. The apocalypse hit when you were 12 years old and ever since then you haven’t stayed at one place for more than a month. It was hard, of course it was. Luckily your brother was the one who helped you through it. He was your rock, the person that was always there for you no matter what.
Until he wasn’t.
It all happened so fast, you didn’t even notice something happened at first. It was your usual supply run, the food ran out in the small town you found shelter in so you had no choice but moving on. On your way to the main road a herd of zombies came walking your way. You and Nicholas realized you only had two choices, make a detour through the forest or get eaten by flesh-eating freaks. Obviously you chose the first option. But as it turned out, the second option might’ve been better. The herd of walkers you saw on the road consisted of maybe 12 zombies , the zombies you encountered in the woods however were with a lot more. A lot.
“Just go! I’ll hold them off. I can handle myself!” Nick yelled, struggling to hold the zombie in front of him at bay.
“No! not without you!” A zombie now came right for you but you were faster and your knife was in its skull before it could come remotely close to biting you.
And when you said you weren’t going to leave your brother alone you meant it. You managed to kill the whole herd without a scratch which was new to you. You picked up a talent of always getting hurt one way or another.
“You see that? We’re okay,” You turned around to your brother. He was sitting against a tree and inspecting his left shoulder with a pained expression. Your heart sank. He couldn’t be- Not him. “We’re okay right?”
“If you’re okay then i’m okay.” Nick said with a small smile but his eyes told you something else. He was bit and he knew this was the end of the road for him.
“I’m so sorry Nick...” You said again, the tears had stopped now and all you felt was this numb feeling that you couldn’t explain. After your parents you thought you’d get used to it. And maybe the feeling you got now proved that. You weren’t sure. All you knew now was that you were alone and needed shelter.
It was around midnight when you were finally able to find a small shed to stay in. It wasn’t big but it would work for one person. The realisation of being alone was now more frequent in your mind. You never had to rely solely on yourself before. You hoped that tomorrow would be a better day. Maybe you would be able to find some food? Better shelter at least. Fall had just begun and without the warmth of another person with you nightfall started to feel a lot colder than before. You contemplated on starting a fire but chose not to, attracting more zombies really wasn’t something you were looking forward to after today.
After a somewhat restless sleep you decided it was time to hit the road again. Your hunger was the only thing on your mind right now and you needed food soon.
It didn’t take you long until you found a somewhat deserted town. You hoped that even though it looked deserted that didn’t mean there was no more food to be found. You body told you to slow down due to the lack of energy but you forced yourself to continue.
Just a little longer.
The first house you saw was to your right and looked like it was still in a decent shape. When you entered you were met with a sour smell that most likely belonged to a zombie that laid dead somewhere. You tried your best to ignore it and made a b-line towards the kitchen.
To your luck there were still some crackers and a jar of peanut butter left. It wasn’t much but it was the best you’ve had for a while. You quickly dipped some crackers into the jar and you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of content. Who knew that peanut butter would save your life in the apocalypse?
You were about to take your last bite but the sound of gunshots caught your attention.
There was someone here.
You didn’t know if you had to hide or find out where the noises came from. After the first gunshot, snarls from zombies could be heard and if this would continue any longer it could attract even more of them.
You didn’t waste another minute and made sure your gun was loaded and your knife steady in your hand.
The small herd of walkers seemed to follow someone that probably also fired the gunshot. You watched the scene play out from behind a tree and saw it was a man, no a guy probably around your age, struggling with the remaining zombies. You thought he was able to handle himself when you saw the zombies he killed that were now lying on the ground, until he tripped on the ground. Three zombies followed him down to the ground and were trying their best to take a bite. Flashbacks from your brother’s bite wound shot through your mind for a second until you shot out from behind your hiding place. This guy was going to die without your help and you didn’t wish a zombie’s death upon anyone.
You sprinted towards the now formed pile and smashed your knife straight into the three zombies. They went limp underneath you and you tried your best to move them away from the boy with the sherrifs hat. The guy wiggled his way from underneath the pile and now looked up at you.
“Thanks for that.” He exclaimed, still trying to catch his breath.
“No problem.”
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yourmcu · 3 years
Pairings: The Avengers x  reader
It’s your birthday and the team gets creative on how to surprise you, putting their acting skills to the test.
Word count: 2,350
A/n: just a little something because,, well,, it’s my birthday *runs away* also it’s cheesy, hopefully it makes sense lmao
Warnings: uhhh brief mention of explosion? mostly fluff
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The Avengers wanted to get creative for your birthday this year. For the few years they've known you they picked up on things about you. One, you paid no mind to your birthday at all and just considered it a normal day like the rest of the 365, Tony took note that you hated parties, at least the really big ones, something that involved only the team would be good.
Okay, you sound like a party pooper, but that isn't the case; it's not a crime to just... not want to have a grand celebration, right? And people singing the 'happy birthday' song to you too while you just sit there in silence. It's awkward, you once told Natasha. It’s also awkward and hard for you to receive presents even though that’s what birthdays are all about, you’re still getting used to it since you knew someone like Tony Stark.
Well, the team think you're an amazing friend and they all treat you like family. They're so glad they met someone like you.
You're immediately called to the conference room on that day. Only to find the team arguing and pointing fingers at one another.
You kinda just slot in, sitting on the chair you usually sit on whenever there's a meeting or mission briefing. Glancing around, you try and find out what they're fighting about.
Security. Suits. Brief mention of Ultron. Rhodey busying himself with phones, probably making a lot of calls. Natasha and Clint talking among themselves, only raising their voice whenever they're included in the conversation which mainly consisted of Tony and Steve arguing.
"Suit up, get the jet ready." Steve dismisses but before he could walk out himself you raise your hand.
"Hey, sorry, I just woke up," you say sheepishly but coolly at the same time. "What happened, is everyone supposed to go? Can I read the file?" Because if this is an Avengers-level threat that required everyone, you'd want to know all about it.
His sharp and expression softens slightly when he looks at you. "No file, I'm afraid. Some of the compound's security protocols have been compromised, someone hacked in." He proceeds to tell you how they particularly had interest in Bruce and Tony's lab so the other rooms were untouched.
Apparently, they took blueprints and materials, maybe a handful of Tony's suits.
But if you think about it, those two carelessly letting the security to their lab loose? Highly unlikely...
You push the thought to the back of your mind and nod when Steve tells you to get ready. Stark tech can be dangerous in the wrong hands, after all. Let alone the Iron Man suits.
Fortunately, those things have trackers. Leaving you to wonder again why those idiots don't even try and take them off so they won't tracked?
Sat on the floor of the jet while everyone was strangely quiet but once again you didn't pay any mind, you sharpen a few of your knives. Natasha sat on a stool near you, idly picking her nails. An hour into the flight you furrow your brows and look around.
"Are you guys okay?"
"Yes," Tony states quickly and a matter-of-factly. They all share glances before he continued. "It's the tension. Sorry. My fault."
"It's not your fault, Tony," Bruce starts.
"I'm sorry, to whom were those stolen suits again?" Steve speaks up as well and you could tell it's gonna be a full blown argument again.
"Now hold on just a second-" Tony faces the super soldier to counter.
You merely blink, not expecting a simple question to turn out like this. Clint just glances from the pilot's seat and Natasha almost cracks a smile by the look of your face. If only you knew it was all fake, all planned. But what does she know? You're a spy too, maybe you've figured out what they're up to and decided to play along.
Sad to say you're still oblivious. Maybe the fact that you only slept three hours last night is one case. You wanted nothing more than your bed right now.
Heck, not one of them wished you a happy birthday but you didn't notice at all.
Tuning out their bickering you sit down next to Natasha who's the only one not in the argument.
"I haven't seen Wanda all day," you say and she turns her head to face you. "Or Sam, or Bucky."
"Probably not back from their mission." Natasha answers promptly.
You frown at that. "Steve made this sound like an Avengers-level threat, and it is, shouldn't they be here?"
You don't wait for a response, opening up a globe-shaped hologram that shows where the jet, represented by a blinking dot. Your eyes slightly widen when you see the target location which is one of the places you've been dying to visit your whole life.
Maybe it's just a coincidence. You definitely didn't expect to visit it for the first time on a mission though.
Natasha clears her throat. "Hey, have you read the book I gave you?" She subtly closes the globe up when she catches your attention.
You shake your head bashfully. "You know I'm a slow reader. Give me two months then I'll come back to you." You laugh. Natasha smiles and tells you to take your time. "Have you read the book I gave you?"
"I loved it."
"I knew you would!" You say excitedly and the next few moments you discuss about the specific book. She's just glad you didn't ask any further questions about the location.
All of you split up once you reach the base but Rhodey and Bruce stay in the jet as backup. The place reminded you so much of the old Avengers tower, only with darker themes. You're paired with Clint who you follow to the side of the building, with surprisingly no cautiousness. He just... ran in, entrance deserted of guards.
You all had a digital, tech checklist to see what was stolen including all the suit names. So far you've searched two drawers now and still no sign of any agent or guard. But it's weird since the others are clearly doing their part on their floors. Thuds, footsteps and sometimes banging sounds could be heard all around.
“Finally," you mutter when you hear footsteps behind you, spinning around so suddenly to surprise your enemy and take him down with ease. You raise an eyebrow when they don't put up a fight at all.
Clint was in front of a computer when you peek in to one of the rooms but he waves you off. "I'll meet you on the next floor. This'll take a second."
"One suit on the roof!" you hear Steve grunt through your earpiece.
"Remember to remove the arc reactor, that'll shut them down for sure." Bruce reminds through everyone's comms.
You hear Tony let out a noise. "Might have a problem with that, Banner, they're all reprogrammed."
Expecting the man with seven Ph. D's to worry, it only took him a minute to respond back. "It's your tech. I don't believe they could do that completely especially having them for only twelve hours."
"In that case," Tony sighs. "There should be a kill switch under one of their reactors."
"Which one?" Natasha grunts.
The deafening silence from Tony's line explains it.
You fight your way though the thugs which again, don't put up a fight. Sometimes you throw one punch and they're out cold, leading you to believe the intense training Bucky insisted you do worked. The only tough ones were the Iron Man suits themselves.
Ripping out the arc reactors wasn't easy. You had to use all you force. On the second one you encounter it got the upper hand and blasts you through a wall, the impact sending sharp pain to your head and back.
You hear metal thumping of a suit so you get back up and attempt to get your hands on the Iron Man in front of you.
"Hey, hey. Same team. Look," Tony grips on your wrists and lifts his mask up. "You alright?"
“Yeah," you pant, relaxing a bit. "Yeah. One of them got m-"
"We just discovered a bomb, northwest," Clint says. By ‘we’ he means him and Natasha. The redhead speaks right after. “Two and a half minutes. How many suits left, Friday?”
"Only one more suit is fully functional."
You get out of Tony's hold and sprint up the stairs. "I got it."
He smiles to himself. The plan is all coming  to place.
As soon as you enter the room you dodge a blast from the much bulkier Mark XVI. Of course they'd want to make the stealth suit more powerful. You launch yourself towards it, stomping on an arm while trying to dodge blasts from the the other one.
"Y/N! Fifty seconds!" Steve shouts in your earpiece.
You could've just jumped out, leaving the compromised suits here to be blown up but being under pressure made you panic and set your only goal to find the switch.
The suit could still set off a blast from the arc reactor so you couldn't really get your hands on it without losing a freaking arm.
"Get out of there!”
But you didn’t have enough time. So you just curl into a ball against the wall, accepting your fate.
A pop did go off. Loud, but you didn't feel yourself torn into pieces right after. You also heard a bunch of aye’s and oh’s. Redwing whirs by to your head to drop off a birthday hat.
"Happy Birthday!”
Your eyes fly open. Turns out the only thing inside Mark XVI was confetti. Natasha walks over to you to inspect and make sure you're alright.
"What the hell?" Your eyes widen at her, then at everyone. Sam and Bucky were now standing with them, smiling at you amused.
"I think she's in shock.”
“You think?”
Steve glares at Tony with a hint of amusement. "I told you it would be too much."
"Trust me she prefers something like this instead of a big party. Don't you, Y/N?"
"What do you mean?" You take off the hat and clutch it between your hands, appreciating Natasha rubbing your back as you try to collect yourself. "How is none of this real?"
"We basically faked a mission for you." Rhodey says.
You look around all the rubble. "This building, the people, suits-"
"Bought the place," Tony states. "Hired stuntmen, did a few tweaks on the suits...”
"God, why would you do that?" You bury your face in your hands, not knowing if you should be laughing or crying. "I punched those guys!"
"They'll be fine, they signed up for it."
You gently get up and brush off some confetti off your knees.
"But back at the compound... you guys were yelling at each other and during the whole thing you all sounded serious," you point out. "Was that all part of the act?"
Especially when that 'bomb' was about to go off. Steve's panicked voice made you scared for your life, only to know that it was all fake.
They all show signs of agreement, laughing.
"We'd make such great actors." Natasha smirks.
"Alright, the cake isn't going to blow itself." Clint walks up to you with said cake and you meet him halfway.
Everyone gathers around and before they could inhale to sing the stupid song, you cut them off. "You all know I hate to be sung at. Can we just get this over with?"
They all burst out laughing, you giggle in the process, blowing out your candle. You all group hug right after. The laughter makes you miss the sound of faint thunder outside.
"Look who's late." Bruce points out.
"Yes, I got here as soon as I can, my apologies." Thor smiles sheepishly.
Your ears perk up at the all too familiar voice of the god of thunder. Moving everyone of the way, you leap to hug him. "Thor!"
"Happy birthday, dearest Y/N." He grins and pats you on the head. "I'm afraid my - I mean - our gift, is with Loki at the moment."
"Enough with the formality, I’m just glad you’re here.”
Peter rings up Tony to tell him everything's set up at the huge building they rented for your low-key party. Just the Avengers. Peter, Vision and Wanda were in charge of setting things up over there, from decorations and food. Sam and Bucky also helped a bit before they arrived at the fake base.
So you all get into the jet again, this time you look at the windows in awe to see what the city's like. You also asked a bunch of questions on how they pulled something stupid but unique fake mission like that.
Once you've reached your destination, the place was simple yet big enough to fit everyone. Tony really took notes for this year. You didn't like anything too fancy or elegant, and you didn't like huge-ass parties with hundreds of people you've never met before.
Here you're with your family eating, drinking booze and playing games, generally having a good time.
You give the other five Avengers big hugs. Vision's never usually a hugger but for you he made an exception just for today. Everyone was surprised when he lifted you off your feet and spun you around.
"Hugging has a lot of good benefits," Vision says when he lets you go. "Astounding, I know. It is recommended eight times a day, hopefully you've already gotten that much."
You giggle at his remark and Wanda rolls her eyes playfully. “Thank you, Vision.”
“Splendid, that means I don’t have to give you one.”
You turn around to see the god of mischief himself carefully hand you a wrapped box. Loki chuckles when you smile at him. “Happiest Birthday.”
“Loki.... you know you and Thor didn’t have to-”
“Thor? That one’s from me. I assure you.”
“Y/N!” You hear Tony call from the other side of the room. “It’s time for presents, little miss. Good lord this looks like Christmas morning.”
unfortunatley i am that extra to post a birthday fic woo hoo
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dp-marvel94 · 3 years
Fangs or No Fangs
For Phic Phight 2021. Jack and Maddie know that Danny is Phantom. They saw him transform and they knew they should talk about it with him. But...even after two weeks, that conversation feels impossible. And so Maddie has a plan: a trip to the planetarium to cheer Danny up, to finally see him smile, and to pave the way for the truth.
Word Count: 8,191
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Note: So this story is a bit of a mess of three prompts. I started with the first one and it veered into this. Part reveal fic. Part post-reveal family bonding (err....Jack and Maddie know and Danny knows that they knew but they haven't talked about it and no one's acting like they know so...?) Either way, it's all an unholy mix of fluff and angst.
Prompt by @amabsis : The Fenton’s notice that Danny isn’t smiling as much, so the only reasonable thing to do is take him out to cheer him up! What happens when they do manage to get him to smile, and they find out he has small fangs?
Prompt by @charcoalhawk: Maddie and Jack find out that their son is phantom and fully support him. Danny and Jazz however did not get that memo.
Prompt by @phan-pheeking-tastic : Post-Reveal Family Bonding
It had been two weeks since Maddie and her husband had found out what the portal had actually done to their son. Two weeks since they learned that their baby boy was a ghost. Two weeks since they saw their ghostly enemy, Phantom, turn into their son. 
It was on a normal ghost hunt. They’d been following Phantom, for once not yelling their normal insults but stalking him silently. The pair turned around a corner, to find Phantom standing with his back to them, a ring of light around his waist. Maddie tensed, anticipating an attack. Then the ring passed over the ghost’s head and the woman gasped. Her heart just about stopped, staring at the figure in front of her.
The figure, wearing jeans and a t-shirt and now with black hair, turned around. His blue eyes widened in panicked fear.
“Danny?” Jack whispered in awe beside her.
The boy’s mouth fell open, body stiff with fear. Maddie blinked and the boy in front of them, their son, their Danny, disappeared.
The two went home, numb with disbelief. Maddie thought it was a dream at first; she must have imagined it. Or this was Phantom playing a trick on them except…
Maddie knocked on her son’s bedroom door to check on him. “Danny?” The sound of feet pacing and heavy breathing came from behind the door. Then there was a sudden clatter, a yelp as if the boy had ran into something. The woman frowned. “Can I come in sweetie?”
“Just...just a second.” Danny called, voice echoing but unusually high with obvious nerves.
There was a flash of light, visible from under the door. Maddie paled, wheels turning in her head. Then seconds later, her son pulled open the door, opening it only wide enough to see his deathly pale face. “Yeah? What’s….”  He coughed, forcing his voice into a more normal pitch. “What’s up?”
The mother stared into his wide eyes, biting her own lip. “Danny….” She hesitated, suddenly unsure. “Is there...do you want to...Is everything alright?”
The boy paled at the question, shaking slightly. “Yeah. Everything’s...everything’s fine. I’m fine. You’re fine. Everything’s fine.”
Maddie frowned. “Danny...are you sure-”
He cut her off, starting to push the door closed. “Yeah. Yep. It’s fine. I’ve...I’ve got homework. Seeyouinthemorningbye!” The teenager said the words so quickly, Maddie could hardly understand them. Then the door slammed in her face.
Dread dropped like a rock in the mother’s stomach. Shaking herself, the woman turned back and started down the stairs. She and Jack needed to talk.
“It’s true. Isn’t it?” Her husband said, as soon as he saw her weary face. “Danny’s...Danny’s Phantom. Our son…”
“Our son’s a ghost.” Maddie whispered. Danny’s panicked expression in the alley and just minutes before in his bedroom, flashed in her mind. “It must be true. All the evidence is there.”
How their equipment targeted their son. The injuries he tried to hide, to blame on bullies. Skipping class, the detentions, the missing assignments. Missing curfew, sneaking out. His constant exhaustion. Their equipment going missing, only to end up in Phantom’s hands. Their children’s fervent support of the ghost boy.
Danny was Phantom. He must be. They saw him change. They saw him as a ghost. Danny….he was a ghost, meaning...he was dead. And it was the portal. It must have been. The portal, their life’s work, the machine that he had said just gave him a little shock, must have killed him. Except….did it? It had been two years since then and Danny had grown. Maddie had hugged him since and he was warm. She’d felt his heartbeat. He seemed to be alive so….?
The parents didn’t know. Danny was a ghost...and yet he was not? Or he was still alive but had some kind of ghost powers? 
Maddie put her head in her hands. “We should talk to Danny.” 
“In the morning.” Jack yawned, rubbing his tired eyes. “I’m exhausted and Danny….” He looked down, guilty.
The mother sighed. “He must be tired too, if he’s not already asleep.” They had been talking for hours at this point, processing what they’d seen and hypothesizing. Both of them needed to lay down and calm their racing thoughts. So the pair went up to bed.
Maddie really had wanted to talk to Danny in the morning. But he’d dashed out without as much as a word to them. He did have school. They could wait and talk to him after, right?
Then after school, he raced up to his room with the excuse of homework before Maddie could even look at him. Soon after, he disappeared from his room and the mother saw a report about Phantom fighting the hunter ghost in the park. Guilt stabbed at her heart. 
When he came home after curfew (and luckily uninjured), the woman didn’t have the heart to chastise him. And he looked so tired, so weary. He ran up the stairs, muttering an apology.
Talking to Danny the next morning turned into that afternoon again, turned into the next day, turned into waiting for the weekend. But then the boy was always over at his friends’ house or busy doing homework. He was nervous, flighty, skittish, and tense the brief times he was near his parents. And when he was, Danny wouldn’t look at them, wouldn’t talk to them, could hardly stand to be in the same room. 
Maddie cursed herself. She knew they needed to have this conversation. She and Jack needed to talk to their son. So why couldn’t either seem to gather the courage? Why did the thought of talking about what the portal had actually done to their son, about how their work, their words, their actions, had affected him, make Maddie’s stomach roll? Why did it make her heart lodge in her throat, her lungs refuse to take in air? Why did it feel so insurmountable, like the guilt, the secrets would bury her alive?
Part of her wished that Danny would say something himself, that he would break the silence. Hell, she wished Jazz would call them out but no such luck. Instead a few days turned into a week, turned into two weeks.
Maddie sighed, looking down at her coffee. It made her insides squirm anxiously, thinking about all this. All that they’d done before they knew, her continued silence. The guilt was eating the woman up inside and Danny’s sober mood broke her heart. It had been so long since she’d seen him look anything but nervous and distrustful, since he’d been in the same room as them for more than five minutes. The mother’s shoulders fell. He looked so sad, so anxious; she’d given anything to see him smile again.
A soft yawn sounded beside her, causing the mother to look. The boy himself was swaying sleepily, standing at the counter. How had he gotten there without her noticing? He was so quiet, silent as a ghost. Maddie shook her head at the thought. 
Then she frowned, letting out a short gasp. Danny’s had his hand through, literally intangibly, through the cupboard. 
The boy turned, eyes widening; he suddenly looked very awake. He pulled his hand out, clutching a box of cereal. “Uh…. morning, Mom.” He paled, eyes widening.
Maddie’s frown deepened at that. “Good morning sweetie.” She eyed the coffee pot, trying to wipe the surprise off her face. “Do you want some coffee?”
“No.” Danny shook his head, biting his lip. “I’m good. I’ll just...uhh...bye.”
The mother held out a hand. “Danny. Wait.”
The boy didn’t respond, instead turning and practically sprinting away at almost inhuman speed. Maddie wanted to chastise him for running in the house. Instead, she put her head in her hands. Did Danny do things like that all this time? If he did, how the hell had they not noticed? They were really that bad parents, weren’t they?
Annoyance at herself flared at the thought as Maddie raised her head. She balled her fists. “We need to do something.” The woman looked at her husband. “We have to talk to Danny. Today. Actually….” She stood up, looking in the direction her son had gone.
“Wait Madds.” Jack interrupted. The mother looked down at where he was still seated. “We can’t just spring this on him.”
Maddie’s eyes twitched angrily. “Jack.”
“Just listen.” The man held up his hands. “How about we go out and do something together as a family? The Amity Park Science Center, they have a new planetarium show. Danny will love it. He’ll have a good time. He’ll get to relax and see that...see that we want to spend time with him.” The man worried his lip, his voice wavering with emotion. “I just want him to feel comfortable and safe talking to us, Maddie.”
Maddie’s expression softened and she sat down, grateful for husband’s insight. “You’re right.” She sighed. “Maybe doing something like a normal family will help him relax. And then...then we can talk to him when we get home tonight.”
With that, the parents agreed and informed both of the kids, earning wary but tentative agreement from both. Maddie frowned at that. The distrust stung but both Fenton parents had earned that distrust. They were ready to do what they could to fix that, starting with removing or deactivating all of the anti-ghost weapons in the GAV. They’d already moved all ghost hunting equipment into the basement and discussed dismantling some of the more dangerous-to-ghost equipment. But the ghosts, ones that their son had unbeknownst to them been combatting for the past few years, were still a very real threat to the town. They’d need to find a way to keep their weapons from being able to hurt him (Maddie’s heart ached at the thought) but that was for another time.
Now, Jack and Maddie were waiting downstairs for both kids to finish getting ready. Jazz walked down the stairs, a tight frown still on her face. 
The girl raised her brow at the sight of her parents. “What are you wearing?”
Jack glanced at his wife and then down at himself. “Just jeans and a t-shirt, Jazzarincess.” He scratched at his neck, trying to look less uncomfortable than he was.
“But...you’re not in your jumpsuits?” The girl asked, still unsure.
Maddie shrugged. “We just wanted to wear something a little different, sweetie.” And a little more normal, the woman hoped she implied.
If Jazz understood the implication, she didn’t comment. Instead, she turned as Danny came bobbing down the stairs. The two shared knowingly looks, the boy’s eyebrow twitching as he noticed his parents’ clothes.
He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, shifting nervously. “Where are we going?” He asked quietly.
“To the Amity Science Center.” Jack beamed. “They’ve got a new show at the planetarium. Doesn’t that sound exciting, son?”
For just a moment, interest sparked in Danny’s eyes at the word planetarium. Then the wary look was back. Maddie sighed. “Come on kids.” Hopefully, he would enjoy himself and this would in fact help him to loosen up.
The fifteen minute car ride to the Science Center was quiet and tense. Danny glanced anxiously  around the GAV as if expecting weapons to activate and point at him. He flinched at every bump in the road. Jazz looked worriedly between her brother and her parents, her brow furrowed with thought. Honestly, Maddie wasn’t expecting much better but it still stung. Half-heartedly, she tried to idly chat with Jazz but the teen just looked all the more wary.
Soon enough, the family arrived at their destination. They quickly passed through the queue to pay and then entered the first room, a geology exhibit. The kids wander off, softly talking to each other while passively looking at the displays. Maddie could pick up the worried tones but walked away, deliberately not eavesdropping. They were probably wondering about why exactly their parents were being so ‘weirdly normal’ and taking them out for a family day. But after a minute, the pair drifted apart, Danny wandering to the back while Jazz looked at a large display on the left wall. 
Maddie was reading about volcanoes when she spotted her son at the case to her right. His eyes roved over the display, widening at the words. His frown slowly ticked up. The mother raised a brow at his expression, feeling relief. 
She then looked into the case wondering what had him relaxing. Oh, of course. These were the meteoroids. They even had one rock from the moon that had mystified Danny even since he was a little boy. 
Danny’s eyes lit up at the exhibit, literally. For just a moment, neon green flashed in his eyes. His teeth flashed in a smile. Maddie let out a small relieved gasp at the sight. 
It was then, Danny noticed her. His eyes widened and his head turned, hand automatically moving to cover his mouth.
The mother’s expression instantly fell and she wondered at the behavior. But she didn’t say anything, instead allowing Danny to wander off again.
The family continued exploring, slowly moving from exhibit to exhibit. To Maddie’s dismay, Danny was tense at first. She hadn’t seen him smile again since the meteors. His expression was uncharacteristically neutral. It’s not that he was bored (not that he’d even been bored on a trip here) but he was visibly anxious, not allowing himself to relax.
That eventually changed, as the group entered the heart of the museum, the dinosaur exhibit. Life-sized replicas of T rex, Triceratops, and Raptors loomed over them, faux rocks, plants, and wall murals simulating Earth when the dinosaurs walked on it. With the shifting lights, the occasional dinosaurian roars over the speakers, and the excitable little kids running around, it was lively. Danny and Jazz were huddled over a display of replica triceratops eggs while Maddie looked at a fossil of a primitive flowering plant.
“Oh Danny! Stand there. I want a picture.” Jazz’s voice came from behind her and the mother turned.
“No. Jazz. Come on.” Danny pouted.
“Please.” The girl begged.
After a moment, Danny huffed. “Fine.” 
The boy moved to stand in front of the replica raptor what his sister had pointed out. He forced a closed lip smile, holding out two fingers in a peace sign. There was a flash of light from Jazz’s phone, leaving the other teen blinking. “Jazz.” He whined. 
“Sorry.” She smiled, sheepishly. Then she held out her phone. “Now take my picture.”
Danny wrinkled his nose, obviously displeased but played along anyway as his sister came to stand beside the raptor. “You should stick your hand in its mouth and look like you're screaming.”
Jazz rolled her eyes, instead just smiling at the camera. That is, until a roar sounded from the speaker directly behind her. The girl shrieked in surprise at the noise, jolting forward and holding her hand over her heart.
Danny blinked in surprise before suddenly cackling with laughter and pointing at the now huffing girl. He snapped a few pictures, capturing her undignified face.
Meanwhile, Maddie beamed. Hearing her son laugh after so long was a beautiful sound. She walked forward, wanting to join the moment.
Then Danny spotted her. He blushed, covering his mouth with one hand before his chuckles quieted. His mother’s expression fell again. That was odd. This was the second time he’d covered his mouth once she’d seen him enjoying himself. She raised a brow as if to ask but Danny ignored the look.
Instead, he started leading Jazz away. “Come on. Let’s get some pictures in front of the T rex.”
Maddie turned, watching them walk away and noting the oddity. Jazz had been the one wanting pictures. The girl also wore a disappointed look as she softly said something to her brother, earning a frown from him.
This continued as Danny seemed to enjoy the trip and grow more comfortable. Maddie would catch glimpses of him smiling at an exhibit or laughing at something his sister said. Then he would see her watching from a distance and cover his face. It was deeply bothersome. Did he not want his parents to see him enjoying himself?
By the time they were waiting for the doors of the planetarium to open for their show, Maddie’s stomach was flopping with anxiety over the behavior. Along the walls of the hallway leading to the theater was a display about the history of space travel. Ever since they'd first brought Danny here as a seven year old, this section had always brought her son such joy. He would smile and ramble, often even jumping up and down in eager anticipation for the doors of the planetarium to open.
Now, Danny was visibly trying to contain himself. Even as his wide eyes eagerly roved over the displays, his lips were forcefully pinched closed, almost as if the boy was exerting great effort to not smile. The display broke Maddie’s heart.
Then, the woman’s face set in determination. She wasn’t having this. They come here to cheer Danny up, for some parent-child bonding, so that’s what she would do. Maddie took a step forward, preparing to ask Danny what he was looking at. But then the doors to the planetarium opened.
Danny turned at the noise, meeting her eyes. His mother gave him a comforting smile. “Come sweetie. It’s time for the show.”
The boy nodded, giving her a closed mouth smile. He walked in front of her, into the theater and Jack and Jazz followed.
Maddie paused in front of a group of four seats. “How’s here, Danny?”
“Looks good.” The boy confirmed, sitting down.
Jazz sat to his left and after a moment’s hesitation, Maddie took a set to his right. Briefly, the boy tensed.
“Danny boy!” Jack’s enthusiastic exclamation cut through. “Are you excited?”
The boy blinked, turning. “For what?”
“For the show, dear.” Maddie chuckled.
“The show. Right.” Danny nodded. “It’s supposed to be about blackholes.” The corner of his lip turned up. “The poster looked awesome.” At that, the boy relaxed, letting out a breath.
Beside him, Maddie settled into her seat, relaxing as well. She hoped Danny would enjoy this. Soon, the lights dimmed, an image of the Milky Way appearing onto the dome in front of them.
“It’s starting.” The woman whispered happily to her son.
Danny perked up, his eyes widening at the sight. Music played through the speakers and the image shifted, the stars and clouds of the galaxy moving as if in a time lapses. “Wow.” The boy awed.
But the show was just getting started. Narration began playing through the speakers, the story of blackholes and their discovery. The life cycle of stars and their death. It was mesmerizing, the swirling images above and in front of them in the dark. It made Maddie’s lips part in a pleased smile, the beauty making the breath catch in her throat. Space really was incredible; the woman understood why her son loved it so. Thinking for her son….
Beside her, Maddie heard an excited gasp. She looked to the side, slowly taking in her son’s face. His eyes were wide, staring at the wall as the corner of his mouth turned though his lips didn’t part. He was clearly enamored with the program and therefore didn’t notice the mother’s observation at all. The woman smiled; he really was adorable when...he….was….
Maddie’s thoughts trailed off, her eyes widening. For a second, something flickered in Danny’s eyes before disappearing. The woman’s brow furrowed. A breath later, she saw it again. Ethereal green light flicker in his eyes, circling his iris before disappearing. Slowly, the boy’s lips parted. He blinked. The glow, the ghostly glow returned and Maddie’s jaw dropped. The light swirled like galaxies, overtaking his irises. 
The mother stared. At the glowing eyes. Her son's glowing eyes. She recognized that shade of ghostly green. Phantom’s eyes. Maddie tried to shake away her surprise. She knew her son as Phantom. She did. She knew he was a ghost, or part ghost, or...she didn’t really know but….
Danny’s mouth parted into a grin. And Maddie’s heart skipped a beat. He was smiling. Danny was smiling. The ghostly light was swirling in his eyes, the light reflecting off his cheeks, his freckles. His freckles… they were glowy faintly and… shifting across his face, forming constellations. It was almost...beautiful. No, not almost. The boy’s smile widened, his teeth shining in the dark. He looked so happy and it was the most beautiful thing Maddie had seen in weeks.
All too soon, the planetarium show ended, the lights slowly turning on. Danny stayed looking forward for a bit as the ghostly light of his eyes dimmed. But he was still relaxed, smiling widely. At that sigh, Maddie finally noticed something. His teeth were...odd. On the top and bottom, his canines were unusually long and sharp, almost like….
The woman gasped, drawing her son’s attention. He paled, eyes widening in alarm.
Maddie pointed, quietly asking. “Danny? Are those-”
“No.” Danny cut her off, his mouth snapping shut. He covered his mouth with his hand as he rambled. “Of course not. Of course, I don’t have fangs. That’s ridiculous. Why would I have- Umph.” Jazz elbowing him cut off.
The woman frowned, opening her mouth to reply. But she had no idea what to say. 
Luckily, Jack came to her rescue. He patted her knee. “Let’s go get some lunch, Madds.” His voice lowered. “And we can talk about…” He pointedly looked at Danny, letting the statement linger.
Maddie nodded in agreement. “Come on kids.” 
She stood up and fronted. Danny looked pale and worried again. She offered him a comforting smile. At that, his eyebrow twitched but his anxious expression lingered. Then Jazz nudged him, before standing. “Come on Danny.” She offered her hand, pulled him out of his seat, and started walking out of the room, deliberately standing between her brother and her parents.
Disappointment rose in Maddie at that but she pushed it down. They would talk about all this soon enough but as for now… the woman’s stomach growled…. Getting food sounded like a good idea.
Ten minutes later, the family took their seats at a secluded table in the Center’s cafe. They’d bought overpriced sandwiches and now Danny was taking small, tentative bits of his meatball sub. Maddie looked down, picked up her reuben, and started eating. At the same time, Jack dug in and Jazz nibbled on her chicken salad.
There was silence for a long while, the buzz of the other patrons surrounding them. The woman wanted to make conversation, to ask what Danny had thought of the planetarium show. He’s enjoyed it, clearly. But Maddie wanted to hear him ramble excitedly about it. She wanted to see him smile again. 
But Danny looked so tense now, so worried. His shoulders were hitched, almost all the way up to his ears and he was pointedly avoiding looking at his parents. The sight of her son's fangs and his face once he realized that she’d seen them flashed in her mind. She wanted to ask about those. When did he grow fangs? And why? It was because he was a ghost, wasn’t it? Many ghosts they’d seen did have fangs. But did Phantom? Maddie couldn’t remember seeing them before, not that she’d seen that version of her son up close often. Granted...she hadn’t seen him smile in either form for what felt like months. The woman’s heart fell. 
Danny’s quiet voice broke through her thoughts. “Are you gonna ask?”
Maddie looked up, the corner of her lips twitching down at the sight. His shoulders hunched, eyes downcast. The mother reached forward, wanting to squeeze his hand comfortingly but hesisted. Instead, she offered him a caring smile. “Do they hurt?”
The boy looked at her, brow furrowing in confusion. “What?”
“When my wisdom teeth came in, I remember my gums and jaw being really sore.” The woman shook her head, focusing on the boy’s closed mouth. “I know it’s not the same thing but…. If they’re giving you problems, we can take you to the dentists.”
Danny frowned. “No. I don’t...I don’t need to go to the dentist.” He wrung his hands. “They don’t hurt or anything. Haven’t at all really.”
Jack raised a brow. “Even when they were growing in?”
The boy opened and closed his mouth before covering his face with his hand again. He glanced at his sister, worriedly. Jazz raised one brow, frowning deeply. She then looked at the parents briefly, her expression all the more confused. 
Danny’s forehead wrinkled. After a long moment, he answered. “They... uhh… I just woke up one morning and...my teeth were like this?”
Maddie blinked in surprise, taking in the words. The fangs just showed up overnight? Well…maybe that was better than them slowly growing and causing the boy pain. 
With that thought, the woman forced the confused expression off her face. “Can we see your teeth, Danny?” She gently asked.
The boy’s eyes widened and he vigorously shook his head.
Beside the mother, Jack’s expression softened. He reached forward, patting the boy’s arm with surprising gentleness. “It’s alright Danny-boy. You can show us.”
Danny didn’t flinch at the touch, instead looking thoughtfully between the two adults. Slowly he opened his mouth. There on display were his small fangs.
Maddie leaned forward, observing. Unlike last time, she wasn’t surprised. She’d known what to anticipate and to her shame, the woman had expected to feel discomfort or even disgust at the inhuman dentistry. But no such feelings arose. Instead her expression softened. She smiled authentically. “Aww sweetie.... They’re adorable.”
Danny blushed, gapping at the reaction. His embarrassed expression intensified as Jack replied.
“Ah come on Madds. You can’t call him cute.” The man grinned. “Our Danno’s fierce! And those fangs just make him look more badass.”
The boy blinked rapidly, like he could hardly believe what he was hearing, like the words just didn’t compute. Jazz looked equally confused.
Maddie waved the man off. “No one said he can’t be cute and fierce.” Her smile widened. “Our fierce little man.”
Danny facepalmed, whining. “Mom!”
The response was so normal, the typical reaction to a teenager being embarrassed by their parents in public. It made Maddie’s heart sing in relief, so much so, she started laughing. A moment later, Jack did as well.
The kids stared at the adults, both looking embarrassed and slightly tensed. But slowly, the pair relaxed, a soft smile crossing Jazz’s face. Danny’s lip parted as he snorted as well, shaking his head.
After a long moment, Maddie and Jack’s chuckling stopped and Danny’s smile faded. He eyed the adults, with crossed arms and a raised brow. “So...are you gonna ask why….?” He trailed off but Maddie knew what he was asking.
The parents looked at each other before Jack shrugged. “If your teeth aren’t bothering you and you’re happy with them, we don’t need to worry about it. Do we?”
“Um...I guess… but…” Danny still looked unsure, glancing between the two.
Maddie tried to comfort him. “You don’t have to tell us why, if you don’t want to. If you’re not ready.” Her expression was just serious, just forceful enough. Hopefully, he understood what she was really trying to say, what she was implying.
The boy uncrossed his arms, looking at her thoughtfully. “And...you’re okay with me having...having fangs?”
“Of course we are.” The woman’s expression softened. “We love you no matter what you look like.” It was odd wording for comforting her son about his strange teeth but that wasn’t what this was really about.
Something that might have been realization flashed in Danny’s eyes. He might just have understood.
The rest of their time at the museum was much more relaxing after that. The family talked more freely as they finished eating. After lunch, they finished exploring the museum exhibits and visited the aquarium portion of the center.
“Look! The shark feeding’s in ten minutes.” Danny pointed at the tank, his fangs poking just below his lips as he gave his parents a tentative smile. “Come on.”
He bounded forward, positioning himself near the front of the growing crowd. Maddie stood right behind him, the two chatting about the earlier planetarium show while waiting. The corner of Danny’s mouth gradually turned up as he got more involved in the conversation. Then he was actually smiling. For a second, his hand reflexively swung up to cover his mouth but then he lowered the appendage. He smiled unsurely but when Maddie made no comment, nor did her open expression change, he relaxed. Soon, the boy was talking animatedly and Maddie cherished every word.
Minutes later, the shark feeding and subsequent educational talk captured the mother and son’s attention. Or rather, it just managed to wholeheartedly capture Danny’s interest. Maddie’s eyes flickering between the tank, the volunteer answering questions, and her son’s happy face, small fangs included. 
The family continued exploring. Danny cheered softly at the touch tank, once one of the stingrays finally paused long enough for him to touch it. 
“Yes! Finally! See. That wasn’t so bad.” He talked to the animal, gently passing his fingers along the soft skin.
He smiled at Jazz cooing over the adorable poison dart frogs.
“Awww. I just want to pick it up. Cup the little guy in my hands. It’s so cute.” The girl leaned against the glass.
The boy chuckled. “Jazz. It’s a poison dart frog. You’d be deader than me in five minutes.”
The other teen huffed, blushing before she rolled her eyes teasingly.
Danny and Jack stopped in front of the jellyfish tank, their translucent bodies hovering behind the glass.
“Danno! Ghost jellyfish!” The man pointed excitedly.
The teen shook his head. “There’s no way that’s what they’re called.”
Jack thumped the sign. “Yes they are!” Danny blinked, reading the sign in disbelief. The man continued. “Imagine it son. Ghost jellyfish that came back as ghosts. Ghost ghost jellyfish!” 
Danny laughed.
After that, the family explored the outdoor exhibits. Meerkats, Tortoises, Gibbons, Lemurs, Nile Crocodile, Red Pandas. The zoo’s star exhibits: the tigers and wolves. Yes, even the petting zoo.
They enjoyed all of it. Maddie asked the zookeeper's questions. Jazz took pictures. Jack peered through the glass with his normal boyish excitement. And Danny smiled.
Danny nudged his father. “Hey Dad. Can I have a dollar to feed the goats?”
“Sure kiddo.” Jack fished out his wallet and pulled out two bills. “For you and your sister.”
The boy nodded, handing the bills over to one of the employees and receiving two cups of feed. He handed one to Jazz and entered the enclosure. He smiled as the animals crowded up, eagerly sniffing at the cup.
“Alright. Alright. Here you go.” He grabbed a handful of pellets and held his hand out. An enthusiastic goat ate the food out of his hand. “Hey! Hey! That tickles!” The boy chuckled, scratching the animal on its head.
Maddie watched, enamored. Her son looked so happy, smiling so brightly. 
“Oh, do you want some?” Danny asked, holding his feed-filled palm out to one of the sheep. The sheep licked the food out of his hand and he petted the curly wool.
True to what she had said, his little fangs were cute. And what’s more….
His eyes flickered towards Maddie’s face, noticing her attention. He didn’t stop smiling as he finished giving the goats, sheep, and donkey food and pets. 
Ten minutes later, he turned over the empty cup. “That’s it guys. I’m out.”
The animals sniffed, wandering away as they seemed to realize they wouldn’t get any more food from the boy. That same enthusiastic goat persisted, nudging and licking Danny’s open hand. “I don’t have any more food for you.” He laughed. The goat bayed. “You can complain all you want. You’re not getting any more from me.” He petted the animal’s head anyway.
What’s more, seeing Danny enjoying himself and not turning away when Maddie noticed him smile, made the woman feel happy herself and hopeful. Spending time with the kids as a normal family did seem to get Danny and even Jazz in a better mood and more relaxed, like she and Jack had hoped. And Maddie found that she had enjoyed herself as well, despite the bumps. Yes, this was a day well spent and the mother wished it wouldn’t end.
But all too soon, the Science Center closed and the family had to leave. They piled into the GAV and as Jack started driving them home, the reality of what they’d have to face, the conversation they’d need to have once they got home, struck Maddie. Her insides flopped with sudden nerves. They needed to talk about it. Danny’s accident and his ghostly abilities. His alter ego, Phantom. The ghost fighting and resulting injuries. All the secrets. Guilt sunk in her stomach like rock. There needed to be apologies. For her and Jack’s part in the accident. For the times they’d ranted about capturing Phantom at the dinner table. The insults. The times they chased him, they shot at him. Danny’s fear filled face when they’d seen him change in that alley flash in her mind. They had terrified him and -
“Can we uh….can we stop somewhere for dinner?” Danny’s nervous voice cut through her thoughts.
Maddie frowned, glancing back at him. He was pale and biting at his lip. The woman furrowed her brow wondering at the sudden change in mood. Maybe he had picked up on her own nervousness. She glanced at her husband. Jack was also quiet and uncharacteristically focused on the road.
“We can.” Her eyes flickered in front of them, spotting a Nasty Burger a few blocks away. “There’s Nast Burger right there.” She frowned. “Wait. That one doesn’t have a dining room. Is eating in the cat alright?”
“Sure, Madds.” Jack nodded and turned into the parking lot less than a minute later. He rolled down the window after pulling up to order.
“Welcome to the Nasty Burger.” Came a voice through the speaker. “What would you like?”
After some deliberation, Jack recited the orders and pulled forward. He paid and then received the bags of food which he handed to Maddie. He pulled away from the window and parked. The woman surveyed the meals and passed Jazz and Danny’s food to them in the back seat. 
The family ate in near silence for a while. Music softly filtered through the radio and outside was the sound of traffic but inside the vehicle, no one spoke. Maddie’s mind swirled, going over possibilities for the upcoming conversation. Where to start. How to approach this. Should they apologize first? Hint that they know about Danny’s secret identity. Just come right out and say it? Really, they should have done that long before now. They knew that Danny was Phantom and he knew that they knew. They should have talked to him about this weeks ago but...why was this so hard? How hadn’t they noticed sooner? Why couldn’t she just-
A gasp sounded in the back seat. Maddie stiffened, looking back in time to see a blue mist exit Danny’s mouth. The mother’s brow furrowed. It wasn’t cold enough to...Wait...understanding hit her as the boy’s eyes flickered side to side. Something glowing and green flashed in front of the GAV and there was an echoing roar.
Maddie paled. In front of them in the parking lot was a giant ghostly beast. It was a mix between a bear and a cat, snarling and hissing fiercely. The ghost growled at some teenagers sitting at a picnic table near the ordering window and in response, the kids bolted away, screaming.
Behind her, Danny was fumbling with his seat belt. His eyes widened panickedly as he looked between the scene in front of them and his parents. “I uh...I need to….” His hands were shaking as he fumbled over his words.
The mother glanced between her son and the attacking ghost. Part of her screamed to move; it was her job as a ghost hunter to protect people but….
“Uh...I need to...I need to go to the bathroom?” Danny stood, his knees knocking together even as his eyes flickered from his mom to the spectral attacker.
Maddie’s heart fell; she knew what this was actually about. “Danny.” She said softly.
Jazz bit her lip, turning from her brother to parents. “Shouldn’t you get...get out there?”
“Jazz.” The mother frowned. “Danny.”
“We’ll be fine.” The girl’s pitch rose as she flopped a hand, forcibly casual.
“Yeah.” The boy took a step back, eyes still pinned on his mother. “We’ll be fine. You guys go deal with the ghost.” He motioned behind him, towards the GAV’s toilet. “And I’ll just be in-”
“Danny!” Maddie interrupted. She stood up and turned, standing in the gap between the driver’s and front passenger’s seat. “We know. Danny. We know that you’re Phantom.”
The boy paled, his eyes widening with shock. “What? That’s not-”
Maddie pointed through the front window, forcefully. “Go.”
Danny’s lip trembled. Fear flickered over his face and underneath it, hurt. The mother’s eyes widened at the reaction before it hit her. She’d said the wrong thing. She’d messed up. Why do she keep-
“Go deal with the ghost, son.” Beside her, Jack had turned. His normally booming voice was so gentle. “You can change. Go deal with the ghost and we’ll be here when you get back.”
The boy stared at the man, anxiously searching his face. He was still shaking slightly and...were his eyes watering? Maddie remained frozen, watching. She wanted to speak up, to offer him comfort and reassurance. But the words stayed locked in his throat.
Then there was a roar outside, a boom. Danny’s head turned and he sprinted. Maddie blinked, paling as he literally passed through the closed door. A second later, something flashed out the corner of her eye. Maddie turned, watching as Phantom….Danny flew out in front of the GAV, shooting an ectoblast at the other ghost. Her knees shaking, Maddie fell into her seat. The bear-cat growled and shot a fireball at the ghost boy.
Maddie’s heart skipped a beat, her hand twitching over the door handle. They should go out there. She and Jack should be dealing with this. She reached for the holster on her belt. Her brow wrinkled as she found...nothing. Wait...she wasn’t in her hazmat suit. No belt, no holster, no ectogun. She frantically looked on the floor, before glancing behind her. There had to be something, someway to-
“Mom.” Jazz’s quiet voice came from behind her. “Danny will be fine. He knows what he’s doing.”
Yes. Maddie nodded, trying to agree. She had seen Phantom in action and he was competent. But...this was...this was Danny. Danny was out there fighting the ghost. Her heart rate increased. “No. We need to-”
Jack’s hand was on her arm. “No. We can’t, Maddie.” His voice wavered. “No guns. Not..not after we….”
The woman swallowed, understanding. No. No. They could go out there, wheedling guns, not after….Maddie shivered as the memory hit her. Pointing a bazooka at Phantom….Danny… his eyes wide with fear. Chasing him down while yelling insults. Danny...Danny, her son, even if glowing and floating with green eyes and fangs...Danny dodging their shots.
Maddie felt her breath quicken. No, they couldn’t go after the ghost in their current state. They shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t dream of, pointing any ectogun in Danny’s general direction. Not when they hadn’t made sure their weapons won’t target him, that they couldn’t hurt him. Not when…..Danny’s fearful face, just minutes ago...not when he might think they...they wanted to hurt him.
Another growl and a crash and the mother’s head suddenly whipped up, just in time to see a flash of blue light. Floating twenty feet in front of them was Danny, holding a thermos and pointing it at the other ghost. The bear-cat hissed as it was sucked in but seconds later, it disappeared. 
Maddie let out a relieved sigh, as her son caped the thermos. Then the boy’s head turned, his eyes meeting hers through the window. His shoulders were raised, his wide eyes misty. His lip trembled and then he disappeared.
The woman gasped, reaching forward. “Danny. Come back.”
The boy didn’t reappear and Maddie’s heart skipped a beat. Her hand reached for the door again. She needed to find her son, to reassure him, to -
A knock sounded at the side door, across from where Jazz and Danny had been sitting. Maddie flinched, looking back. Another knock.
Maddie frowned, brow furrowing. “I don’t see...anything.” Nothing and no one was visible through the window but...that didn’t mean no one was there.
“Danny.” Jazz called, standing. Warrily, she glanced between her parents. She bit her lip. “Mom? Dad?”
“Danny’s….Danny’s invisible, on the other side of the door. Isn’t he?” Maddie asked.
The girl nodded. “I think so.”
“You can open the door for him, Jazz.” Jack sighed. He looked down guiltily.
Hesitantly, the teenage girl stepped forward. Her hand hovered over the handle before she pulled it open. “It’s okay, Danny.” She whispered. “You can come inside.”
There was no reply as Jazz stepped back. The hair on the back of Maddie’s neck raised as the temperature dipped. Her eyes widened as the door slide closed, seemingly by itself. Then there was the shaky sound of someone sighing. And finally….Danny reappeared.
Maddie’s heart skipped a beat. There he was. The ghost boy. Phantom. Danny. Her Danny...her son, floating in the mind of the GAV. He trembled nervously in the air, his misty green eyes flickering between the ghost hunters. He looked so scared and...something in Maddie broke.
The woman stood up, suddenly. Her hands started shaking, her eyes watering. “Danny.” Her voice shook.
“Mom?” His echoing voice questioned.
Maddie nodded, hesitantly approaching. “Yes, sweetie.” She reached forward, gently touching his arm even as he flinched. “I love you so much.”
Danny’s eyes watered, his voice trembling. “You...you really mean that? Really? Even though I’m…I’m...” He shook his head, unable to force more words out.
Tears started to blur her vision. “Oh, baby. Yes. Yes. I love you so much.” Her breath quickened, a sob threatening to escape. “We...we should have said something sooner.”
“No. I….I should have…told you. I should have...” Danny looked down, sniffling.
Maddie gently pulled the boy into her arms. “I...I should have reassured you.” Danny stiffened before relaxing into the hug. “I should have made you feel safe, like you could trust me with this.”
Footsteps sounded behind him. “Danny boy.” Jack squeezed in beside the two. “I am so sorry, son. I love you so much.” The man wrapped his arms around his son and wife.
With that, Danny finally started crying. A soft sob broke forth from his throat. “Mom. Dad.” He whined. “I just... I’ve been waiting...waiting for the other shoe to drop and you’d see. You’d finally say...say something and…. And...” He sobbed. “You’d see what a monster...what a freak..a freak I...I am…”
“No. Danny. No. You’re not...you’re not a monster. You’re..You’re my baby boy….You’re my baby, no matter what. I’m...I’m so sorry you ever...we ever made you think….” Maddie cried, squeezing him tighter as he cried. He was cold. So cold. But solid in her arms. She could feel the slight fluttering of his heart, pressed up against her own heart. And the ectoenergy swirling under his skin. That was new, something she’d never felt before. And she thanked the heavens that she hadn’t, that she’d never laid hands on Phantom when they hadn’t known the truth, that they had never landed a shot on him. Maddie choked through her sobs. “We messed up. We messed up so badly. And I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I need to do better.”
“Danny. I’m sorry.” Jack reassured, sniffling himself. “I’m so sorry too. I have so much to make up for. Me and your Mom...we...we will...we’ll make this up to you.”
Danny warbled. “Mom. Dad. I...I love you guys. I love you guys so much.”
The words pricked at Maddie’s heart as much as they uplifted her. All that they had done and he still said that. All the woman could find in herself to do right then was hold her son tighter. 
For a second, the woman saw movement out of the corner to her eyes. A flash of red hair and...relief on Jazz’s face. The girl joined the group hug. “I love you little brother.”
Danny sniffled, nodding in acknowledgement even as he continued crying.
For a long moment, the family stayed huddled together. All of them were crying, trembling slightly with emotion. But through the sadness, another emotion broke through...relief. Danny sighed, the corner of his lip turning up slightly as his tears slowed.
Finally, the boy gently pulled out of their hold. He wiped his wet face. “You really...you really mean all that?” He looked between his parents. “You’re okay with….this?” He motioned up and down his body. “You’re okay that I’m a ghost? That I’m Phantom?”
Maddie offered him a watery smile. “Yes. I love you no matter what or who you are.” She placed one hand on his face and Danny’s lips parted just enough to see his fangs. “No matter what you look like, you’re my son.”
Dad nodded. “Fangs or no fangs. Ghost or human or….something inbetween.”
The woman glanced down, at the slow movement of his chest, the glow radiating from his body, the air below where he floated. “We don’t really understand this. But...I know I’d like to.”
For a moment, Danny looked worried. He floated back, away from Maddie’s hand.
Jack’s expression softened. “We want to know what life is like for you now. How we can help and support you.”
Maddie agreed. “We haven’t been there for you for a while but we’re here now.”
Danny nodded. “Okay….Okay...I think..I think I believe you.”
The parents looked at each other and Maddie’s stomach flopped. His tentativeness was understandable but still… it made her heart hurt. They’d lost much of Danny’s trust and would have to work to gain that trust back. They were fortunate he was willing to try rebuilding their relationship at all.
The mother sighed. “We do have a lot to talk about but….” She motioned around the crowded GAV. “We should go home first.”
Danny nodded. “Yeah.” With that, everyone stepped away, returning to their seats. The teenager glanced down at himself, blushing. “I’m still in...ghost form. I’ll just….” He bit his lip, closing his eyes.
Then a ring of white light, the same one that started all of this, formed around his waist. The light passed and Danny, now with black hair and blue eyes, gracefully touched down. He picked up his fast food bag and pulled out his half eaten burger. He took a bit before looking up at his parents, both of whom were standing and marveling at his recent transformation.
He smiled sheepishly. “Uhh...can we get milkshakes?”
Maddie blinked at the seeming random question. Beside her, Jack laughed. “Sure thing, Danno.” He walked to his seat and buckled. “What do you want? Peanut butter and bacon?”
Jazz wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Ew. Why would you eat that?”
Meanwhile, Danny laughed. “Because it’s delicious.” He addressed Jack. “Yeah Dad. That sounds amazing.”
The man nodded. “Madds, what about you?”
The question drew the woman out of her observation. She returned to her seat, answering. “Mint Chocolate chip sounds good to me.”
“I’ll do strawberry cheesecake.” Jazz piped in.
“Okay. Peanut butter bacon, mint chip, strawberry cheesecake.” The man listed off. “And I’ll do...peanut butter banana.”
Jack repeated the list while he pulled back into the drive through line. And Maddie sighed, relieved. Finally addressing Danny’s secret had not gone as she’d planned. But…. she glanced to the back to see Danny and Jazz were eating and chatting with each other, looking as relieved as she was. It went well, all things considered. As she said, there was much to figure out. But...today they’d had a fun time as a family. They’d relaxed, they’d bonded, they’d finally seen Danny smile again, after months. And...the truth was out. Apologies were made. After the fear, mistrust, and anxiety, Danny and Jazz as well knew that she and Jack would fully support Danny, ghost powers and Phantom alter ego included. 
Maddie looked back, meeting Danny’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He gave her a fanged smile. Yes, it felt like...everything would be okay
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi!! I was wondering if you could do another fic involving jules and coops together? Just like sweet moments between the three? I loved the baby sitting series you did and could not stop thinking about it❤️❤️ Thank you!!
Yeah, of course! I love writing my boy at any opportunity. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but the relatives are my ocs!
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sirius asked under his breath as Remus finally—finally—appeared from the mass of people.
“It’s fine,” Remus said around a forced smile to a middle-aged man across the yard.
Sirius hid his mouth by pretending to look down at the nearest casserole dish. He didn’t even know what was in it; nobody had bothered with labels, and everyone’s dishes were the same basic florals in different colors. “I love you, Re, and I totally get the whole ‘meet the parents’ thing, but this is a bit much if I’m being honest.”
“Honey.” Remus’ shoulder pressed against his own. “I’m sorry you’re not having a good time, but my Aunt Jen would skin me alive if I didn’t bring the man I’m marrying to the family reunion. We can leave tomorrow if you really hate—oh, no.”
“Remus!” a shrill, excited voice called. Sirius felt his fiancé straighten up as a tall, redheaded woman in star-painted jeans hurried across the grass with three other women in tow. She reached up and gave Remus’ cheeks a squish, then leaned in a planted a lipstick-stamped kiss to his forehead. “How are you, my duckling? Was your flight alright? Make sure you stay away from the salt or else your feet will swell.”
“Hi, Aunt Jen,” Remus said, grimacing a little at her rib-crushing hug. “I’m doing well, and our flight was fine. How are you?”
“Peachy keen,” she assured him. Dark brown eyes lasered in on Sirius half a second later and he felt his fight or flight kick in. “And who are you?”
“Aunt Jen, this is—”
“It was rhetorical, honey,” Jen interrupted with a pat to Remus’ arm as she stepped closer to Sirius and immediately hauled him in for a hug. She was as tall as Remus, but broader in the shoulders and hips; he had never felt so engulfed by someone. It was a strangely enjoyable feeling.
“Aren’t you a handsome one?” the shortest of the group cooed, as if she was talking to a particularly small dog in a purse. “Our Remus always knew how to pick them.”
Remus furrowed his brows. “Aunt Lisa, this is the first boyfriend I’ve—”
“But he’s not just a boyfriend!” Jen trilled, giving Sirius’ cheek a pat. “He’s a fiancé, something I learned from your mother. Not from your father—oh, I gave him a talking-to about that—and not from you, duck.”
Sirius bit back a laugh at the nickname and spared a glance to his left, where Remus had gone pink all the way to his ears. “Sorry.”
“Introduce us!” the shortest insisted, taking the other two by the hands as pulling them forward with an eager smile.
“Everyone, this is Sirius Black, my fiancé.” Remus gestured between them, and the four women beamed at him. “Sirius, this is Aunt Jen, Aunt Lisa, Aunt Allison, and Aunt Mary, my dad’s sisters.”
“It’s lovely to meet you,” Sirius said, holding a hand out.
“No need to be so formal,” the brunette grumbled with a teasing grin. “We have heard so much about you from Lyall. After those damned pictures—”
“Allison,” Jen hissed.
“—after the damned pictures,” Allison repeated with a pointed look. “I was about ready to drive up to Gryffindor myself and give that lousy son of a bitch a piece of my mind—”
“—but Lyall talked me down and I have been waiting to meet you ever since.” She finished with a soft huff and gave his arm a quick squeeze. “Remus is a lucky boy to have you. It’s very exciting to see you in person at last.”
Sirius’ heart gave a happy little ka-thump and he smiled. “I’m glad to be here. Thank you for having me.”
“He is so polite,” Lisa said to Remus out of the corner of her mouth with a wink and a thumbs-up. “Good choice.”
“You know what I just realized? We haven’t said hello to Jules yet. We’ll see you in a few, yeah?” Without waiting for an official answer, Remus wrapped an arm around Sirius’ waist and practically carried him away from the table. Once they were out of earshot—and the aunts had busied themselves with one of the younger Lupins—Remus relaxed with a slow exhale. “I am…so sorry.”
“For what?”
“I had no idea they were going to corner you like that. I mean, I did, but I was hoping it wouldn’t be for another few hours. They tend to move in a pack at reunions, like sharks. Or wolves.”
“They’re really sweet.”
“They are,” Remus said grudgingly, though Sirius could read the affection dripping off him like his favorite book. “My dad’s the youngest of five, and I was the first nephew. You can imagine how that went.”
“Baby of the baby?”
“Can I ask one thing?” Remus nodded, visibly confused, and Sirius found he couldn’t keep his grin down any longer. “Duckling?”
“I hoped you didn’t hear that,” he groaned as they headed toward the kids’ play area beneath a large oak. “Long story short, it involved five-year-old me, a pond, and a sinus infection that made me sound like a duck when I sneezed.”
“Oh my god,” Sirius laughed, earning himself a light elbow to the ribs. “And the name stuck?”
“Considering she was the one that had to stay with me while my folks were working, she could call me whatever the hell she wanted. Please don’t ask her about it unless you want a thirty-minute TED talk about the ins and outs of my sinuses.”
“She’s a doctor?”
“No, she just overshares.”
Sirius looked up and saw a herd of small children racing toward them, led by his favorite person under the age of eighteen; Jules crashed into his legs and squeezed him tight around the waist. “Hey, I missed you!”
Jules propped his chin below Sirius’ sternum and stared up at him with the classic hazel-gold eyes that were far more common than Sirius believed before they arrived in the Lupins’ backyard. “I missed you, too! How’s the team? How’s Harry? Is he still super small or did he do that weird thing that babies do where their legs grow and the rest of them still looks normal? How was your flight? Did you have turbulence?”
Sirius thought for a moment. “Good, also good, growing normally, and yes.”
“Sweet! Come play cornhole with us!” Jules grabbed his hand and dragged him along the grass at the closest thing he could manage to a sprint with Sirius’ added weight—the pre-teen years had lent him gangly legs, though he didn’t seem quite sure how to use them yet. He looked more like a foal than a sixth-grader.
“What the hell is cornhole?” Sirius muttered as the flock of kids ran ahead to grab armfuls of beanbags.
Remus grinned. “Something I’m about to kick your ass at.”
By the time the sun set, Sirius was exhausted. He had been introduced to dozens of people who looked just enough like Remus to be eerie, as well as plenty who seemed to have been acquired by one Lupin or another over the course of their life. Jules fluctuated between laminating himself to Sirius’ side and disappearing for an hour at a time, only to return more grass-stained and rumpled than ever as he begged Remus to swing him around by the ankles again. His ass had been thoroughly kicked at cornhole and freeze tag; it was a true miracle he hadn’t already passed out into a food coma. For all of his earlier griping, Sirius couldn’t think of a time in recent months when he had been more content.
“You’re a brave soul,” Remus remarked as they sat in the grass together and watched the fireflies wake. Though it was a warm night, it seemed the citronella candles littering the tables were doing their job of chasing off mosquitoes.
Sirius leaned his head on Remus’ shoulder. He smelled like grass and summertime and sunbaked warmth. “Am I?”
“Mhmm. I’m sure most people would have run screaming by now.”
“I like your family.”
A beat of silence passed; Remus rested his temple against the top of Sirius’ head. “I’m really glad to hear that. They’re weird and loud, but I love them.”
“And I love you.”
“Are you saying I’m weird and loud?”
“On occasion.”
“Asshole,” Remus laughed, giving him a nudge that hardly qualified as more than a gentle sway.
“Language, there are eight million kids around.”
“They’re busy.”
Sirius watched as small group run by in a wave of giggles, all clutching mason jars of fireflies with their names written on masking tape. “Thank you again for asking me to come with you.”
“Like I said, Aunt Jen would—”
“Remus.” He fell quiet. Sirius didn’t remember the last time he said Remus’ full name aloud. “Your family loves you so much. They’re everything I ever wanted growing up, and it means the world that you wanted to share them with me. All they want is to see you happy. It was amazing to finally meet them.”
“They really, really love you,” Remus said softly, his voice a little thick. “I had about twenty people tell me how wonderful you are. They all thanked me for bringing you, and not a single one mentioned the celebrity thing. Even my Uncle Jay didn’t say a word about hockey.”
“He was the one in the jersey?”
“I’ve known him for my entire life and I’ve never seen him without one.”
“Huh.” Sirius tucked his face closer to Remus’ neck and let the sound of the bullfrogs in a distant marsh lull him. “What time is it?”
“Almost eleven. The adults will be up for a while, but the kids will start crashing soon.”
Footsteps on the cool grass rustled to their right and Sirius looked up. “Who wants pie?” Aunt Allison singsonged, breaking their quiet bubble with paper plates and utensils. “This one is blackberry, but we have peach, pumpkin, and a few others on the table if you’re still hungry.”
“Just a small piece, please,” Sirius said.
Allison paused and cocked her head, then burst out laughing. “Oh, you’re funny!”
“I am?”
“Don’t fight it,” Remus whispered.
“You are a growing boy,” Allison said as she cut a thick slice and plonked it onto his plate. “And there’s no such thing as too much pie.”
I’m 26, Sirius wanted to say, though he held it in. “Just a small one for me, as well,” Remus said.
“Ha!” Allison snorted. “You’re already too skinny. Eat your pie or you’ll end up a string bean like your father. The NHL might have given you muscle, but it’s useless if you don’t enjoy some of your favorite aunt’s—”
“—woah, hey now—”
“—pie once in a while.” Allison kissed the tops of their heads once both plates were secure and bowing in the middle. “I’m going to make sure the kids aren’t poking around in the river again. Sleep well, you two.”
Sirius stared down at his plate as she wandered away. “I’m honestly going to die if I eat this.”
“Yeah, please don’t make yourself sick on pie. You really don’t have to eat all of that. The aunts and uncles are convinced that none of us are eating properly once we turn eighteen.”
“I wish I was kidding. You’re going to sleep so well tonight, though.”
As if on cue, Sirius stifled a yawn with the back of his hand and cuddled under Remus’ arm again. A familiar shadow bounded over not two seconds later and he barely held down a groan. “Hey, can I join you?”
Remus shrugged. “ ‘course.”
“Sweet.” Jules settled himself across their laps, staring at the sky with his head pillowed on Sirius’ thigh. “Did you have fun? I’m really glad you could come.”
“I had a great time,” Sirius answered honestly. Now please move on so I can take a nap.
“Mom and dad and me got here yesterday, and Aunt Jen kept checking the door for you guys even though she knew you weren’t coming until today. She was worried you wouldn’t like us, I think.”
“That was never an option, Jules.”
“Yeah, I know.” A devilish grin flickered over his face. “Remus is the weirdest of all of us, and if you want to marry him—”
“Get off,” Remus grumbled, shoving Jules’ legs onto the picnic blanket. “You know, you were a lot nicer before you turned eleven. Can I return you and get a new one? I have the receipt somewhere.”
“That’s all a birth certificate is, right?” Sirius raised his eyebrows. “If you bring it back in good condition, I hear they give you a ten percent discount.”
Jules scowled. “That’s so not true.”
“How do you think I got Regulus?”
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Remus asked with a pointed look. “Run along, problem child.”
“Of the two of us, I’m the least problematic.” Despite his words, Jules clambered to his feet and dusted his hands off over Remus’ head. “I’m not the one that got a secret boyfriend and got engaged in a year. I’m so easy. Mom and dad want two of me.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Remus sighed as he stretched out on the blanket. “They had a second kid because they wanted two of me.”
“You’re adopted.”
Remus cracked one eye open in disbelief. “No, I’m not.”
“How do you know?”
“Because—y’know what, go to bed. Or go find the stampede, I think they’re by the river.”
Sirius whistled lowly as Jules scampered off again. “That was impressive. Isn’t your aunt over there?”
Realization clicked into place. “She’s going to make him go to bed.”
“You’re brilliant.”
Remus smiled without opening his eyes, and tugged Sirius down by the sleeve to lay next to him. “You’re just figuring that out now?”
The stars were brighter than anywhere Sirius had ever seen; for a moment, he was struck speechless by the endless rivers of sparkling white overhead. He stared until his eyes burned from dryness, then put his head on Remus’ chest and kept on looking. There was no way he could tear his gaze from it. A few shooting stars streaked across the clear sky and he felt his heart skip a beat in pure amazement when he realized there was nothing else he would wish for in that moment. He could listen to Remus’ heartbeat and the sound of his new family talking against a backdrop of the night, relishing in a full belly and cool wind, and simply stay there for as long as he liked.
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onceupon · 3 years
London Boy - Part 4: Just friends
summary: You wake up to find Rafe Cameron in your bed. Even though nothing happened, you’re still left trying to make sense of it all.
pairing: Rafe x reader (slowburn)
warnings: swearing, drinking
word count: 5k
a/n: thank you so much to all of you who have been reading along <333 sorry in advance if you want this to progress faster haha, it simply must be this slow, sorry I don't make the rules (even tho I do lol). Not canon Rafe!! 
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Your eyes slowly flutter open as the early morning rays wake you up. You didn’t even remember falling asleep. As you slowly gain consciousness you’re startled by the weight of Rafe’s arm draped across your body. What the hell? When did that happen? He spent the night in your bed?
Your mind races at a million miles an hour as you slowly slip out from under his hold. You were careful not to wake him up, not wanting to face any awkwardness. You throw on fresh clothes and grab your backpack, desperate to make your escape. You had wanted to get to school early today to work on some homework anyways, never before so eager to trade in the comfort of your bed for the library. 
After a quick pit stop to pick up a coffee and a croissant, you swing the heavy wooden doors open. You liked campus at this hour, the morning light still soft, the air crisp, and the atmosphere silent. As you scan your eyes for a spot to sit, you notice the unmistakable sight of fluffy brown hair hunched over a table. 
“Liam?” your whisper. “What the hell are doing here?”
That classic cheeky grin spreads across his face as he looks up to find you standing in front of him. “I go here, Y/n. Forget already?”
You roll your eyes, “I just didn’t know you were the studious type.”
“Not gonna lie to you babe, I’m not. But Rogers is already all the way up my ass over this class, and I’m not letting that prick hold me back a year.” 
You pull out the chair across from him and go to sit down, spreading your books out on the table. 
“Who said you could sit with?” he asks, and you shoot him a look. You’re not in the mood. “Geez alright, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed… you good Y/n?” he slows, taking in your disheveled appearance. You hadn’t so much as brushed your hair. 
“Can you promise not to tell anyone,” you stare dead into his eyes. 
“On my life,” he extends his pinky, and you accept. 
“Rafe… slept over last night…”
“Oh shit!” he exclaims, and your eyes widen at his echoing voice. 
“Not like that,” you hiss, not wanting to draw anymore attention to the two of you. “Nothing happened… like he just came over to watch a show and then we talked for a while and just accidentally… fell asleep. I panicked when I woke up and realized he was still in my bed so I ran out of there as fast as I could and now…. well now I’m here.” You nervously chug your coffee, heart racing. 
“So he hung out with you all night and didn’t make a move?”
You nod, nervously awaiting his analysis as you take a bite of your croissant. 
“Damn, boy must really like you,” he muses. 
“What? Definitely not,” you scoff. 
“Y/n, let me tell you a little something about guys. If we really like you, we’re gonna make the time to hang out with you, no matter what. The fact that he’s coming over your room to watch a show and hanging out with you until he physically can’t stay awake - I mean I can’t make it any more obvious to you.”
“I don’t know I just don’t think so… You don’t know Rafe like that, he’s a total player back home. He can pull any girl he wants, so if he liked me like that he would’ve done something by now. This is probably how he is with all his friends and I’m just reading too much into it. I’m sure Lily Colts will be in his bed soon enough,” you mumble. That last part stings in particular, you had already thought it, but saying it out loud made you feel… icky. 
“I may not know Rafe like that, but I know guys like him. I am guys like him. He likes you Y/n. So what if he pulls a lot of chicks, he doesn’t actually care about them. But he cares about you, probably can’t even understand why, and now it’s like bam Uno reverse. He can’t pull the cards he normally does, and now you’ve got him confused and he doesn’t know what to do. Man’s down bad. Give him time though, he’ll come around,” he explains to you calmly, stealing your coffee cup from you and taking a sip. 
“Honestly can I just start paying you to figure my life out for me. You make everything seem so simple.”
“Because it is simple. You insist on complicating it. But I know how you could pay me,” he adds with a wink and you shoot him a glare. You know he’s just joking (partially), he loves pushing your buttons. 
“Well whatever. I’ll believe it when I see it,” you resign on the Rafe matter. You wanted to believe what Liam was saying but it didn’t quite make sense to you. You were only going to drive yourself crazy trying to read between lines that you weren’t sure existed. Rafe was just used to situations like this with girls. To him last night was probably no big deal. It was to you though. You would never let ‘just a friend’ stay over like that, with his arm around you no less. But Rafe didn’t need to know that, you decide. 
You manage to avoid Rafe all day, not having any classes with him on Friday’s. As soon as your last class is over, you sprint home, relieved when you’re the first back at the flat and can quickly slip into your room undetected. You set down your bag and sit on the edge of your bed. Your hand slowly runs over your comforter, still ruffled from where Rafe had been laying the night before. The indent of his head is still on your pillow; you can almost smell the scent of him lingering in your room and hear the sound of his soft whispers. You wonder what his first thoughts were when he woke up in your bed alone - was he confused? Embarrassed? He probably thought nothing of it at all. You can just picture him casually getting up with a stretch, like it’s the start of any typical day.
You slip into the shower and let the water wash over your body. It’s warm and soothing, and it’s reminding you of Rafe laying next to you, of his arm wrapped around you. God if there was only a way to shut your brain off once in a while. As much as you tried to suppress it, there had been a tiny part of you that was happy to have woken up in his embrace, giddy like a school girl with a crush. You’d always wondered how a moment like that would feel, or how a moment like that with him would feel. You had conveniently failed to mention the “arm” detail to Liam, maybe because in the back of your mind you knew it would only help prove his theory right.  
When you make your way back to your room, your phone buzzes and the Royal Fam 🇬🇧🇺🇸 group chat appears. 
Olivia: who wants to go out tonight 😈
Topper: me and Rafe have to be up early tmrw for soccer - rain check on this one ladies 
Olivia: :( 
Olivia: girls night out??
Millie: you know I’m there!
You’re a little bummed that Rafe won’t be there tonight. But a girls night sounds like just what you need to get him off your mind. 
Y/n: I’m in :)
Not even a few minutes later Olivia and Millie are barging into your room, causing you to let out a startled yelp. 
“My god, heard of knocking,” you exhale with your hand coming to your chest. Your statement falls on death ears. 
“Which jeans with this top,” Olivia asks, holding the clothing items against her body. 
“Should I curl or straighten my hair with this,” Millie follows, holding her outfit up. 
“Uhh,” your mind scrambles, “those jeans Liv. And straight, Mills,” you reply, shocked by your own decidedness. “But now you guys have to help me, I have no clue what to wear.”
“Say less,” Olivia flashes a smile. 
Within minutes they tear through your closet, picking out your outfit. Things were always much more clear with a fresh set of eyes. The three of you discuss the night’s logistics before making your way to the kitchen - couldn’t go drinking on an empty stomach. Rafe and Topper are already there, and you try your best to act natural even though your stomach ties itself in a knot the moment you catch a glimpse of his face. You haven’t seen him since you ran out this morning. 
“Uh hey I’m gonna run to Sainsbury’s real quick, I wanna get a chaser, anyone need anything,” you ask, avoiding eye contact with Rafe. Your nerves get the best of you and in terms of fight or flight, you were ready to flee. 
“Hey wait I’ll come with you. Gotta pick something up for dinner,” Rafe stands grabbing his jacket, and before you can interject, he’s leading the way down the hall and out your shared flat. 
“So what are you chasing tonight?” 
“What?” you ask startled, his question pulling you back to reality. Your mind had been running in a loop, trying to read him and the thoughts in his head. You wished now more than ever that you knew what Rafe was like behind closed doors back home, so you could somehow make sense of it all.
He chuckles at you, lost in your own world. “You said you needed a chaser?” Those intimidating blue eyes have found their way to yours again and you hastily look away, focusing in front of you instead. 
“Oh yeah- uh just for the vodka,” you laugh nervously. 
“Basic,” he mocks. You scoff in surprise and lightly hit him on the chest as the laughter leaves your lips. He’s sporting a shit-eating grin, having successfully egged you on. 
“You’re funny if you think I’m gonna do shots of whiskey before going to a club.”
“Well you do owe me one…” he says.
“Oh so he remembers?” you reply, amused.
“Of course,” he states so calm and so sure. Your head swirls at that, his cool confidence making you melt. The automatic doors slide open in front of you, fluorescent lights stealing your attention from the boy you were finding dangerously more attractive by the second.
“I thought we’re supposed to take it together? But someone’s being lame and not coming out tonight,” you say sarcastically, playing it as cool as you can manage. Rafe’s confidence seemed to come naturally, but you were more of a fake-it-till-you-make-it kind of gal.
“Hey you know I have soccer,” he defends. The Kook Prince was not one to turn down a party without cause.
“Excuses excuses,” you shake your head.
“Actually, speaking of soccer, you uh- you and the girls should come tomorrow. If you’re not doing anything. Or not too hungover I should say. Game’s at 12.”
“Can’t make any promises Cameron, but we’ll see,” you smile, earning a satisfied smile from him in return. 
You make your way to the frozen food aisle, Rafe explaining to you how they call a soccer field a football pitch here, as you laugh at him grabbing 5 frozen pizzas (dinner solved for the next week, of course). You ask him which chaser you should pick. He points out a cola, so naturally you decide to get blackberry seltzer water, Rafe twisting his face in disgust (who would voluntarily drink that tv static). You always felt so nervous at first, to be in Rafe’s presence, but all it ever took was a few minutes for you to completely relax around him. He was intimidating, yet inviting. Mysterious, yet open. He was somehow the cause of your anxious nerves and yet the source of your comfort. The fear of facing Rafe after running out this morning had paralyzed your thoughts all day, and now you could hardly remember why. He hadn’t mentioned it at all, as if nothing happened. His normalcy confirmed for you that him sleeping over was in fact no big deal, and you almost want to laugh at yourself for how much you had worked it up in your head. You two were just friends, and perhaps Rafe was used to being… a friendlier friend than what you were used to. But that was okay, you could learn to be friendlier too.
Rafe and Topper had decided to accompany you guys in the kitchen as you pregamed. They slowly sipped beers as you, Millie, and Olivia pounded back shots, laughing at the way you guys got progressively drunker and progressively louder before finally heading out. And much to your surprise, the boys were still seated in the same spot hours later, when the three of you stumble back into the flat, McDonalds in hand.
“Oh look who’s still up,” Olivia slurs, taking a bite of her cheeseburger. 
“We can’t go out, we have soccer,” Millie mocks, almost falling to the floor as she trips over her heel, Topper and Rafe not making any effort to hide their clear amusement. 
“Fun night huh?” Topper quirks his brow. 
“The funnest,” Millie holds her head high, sinking down against the wall until she’s sat on the floor. You had made a beeline for the dining room table, silently admiring your chicken nuggets. In that moment, they were the best thing you had ever tasted. 
“I want Jake,” Olivia pouts, and before anyone can say a word she’s turned on her heel, burger in hand, off to crawl into her boyfriend’s bed. 
“Alright you drunk, let’s get you to bed,” Topper laughs, scooping an incoherent Millie up to her feet by her elbows. 
“M’not drunk,” Millie protests, even though she’s leaning her full body weight against Topper who sarcastically nods at her, escorting her down the hallway. Rafe sits on the couch, silently playing with the cards in his hand again, not the least bit uncomfortable with sharing your company in silence. 
“I’m mad at you,” you say matter of factly, taking a bite of a french fry. At this point, the alcohol is doing the talking. 
“Mad at me?” Rafe stops shuffling the cards and raises his head to look at you, intrigued. 
“Yeah because you didn’t come to the club,” you furrow your brows, chucking a fry at him. He catches it instantly, laughing to himself with a shake of his head. 
“Don’t worry I saw all your guys’ snaps, I feel like I was practically there.”
“That’s not the same,” you frown, throwing another fry which he catches yet again.
“I’ll try to be there next time,” he laughs.
“That’s better I guess,” you grumble, eating another chicken nugget. The room grows quiet, Rafe training his attention back to the cards.
“When are we watching the next episode Cameron,” you break the silence, chucking another fry. He barely has to look up to catch your latest throw, shaking his head with a chuckle. He puts the cards down and makes his way over to the dining table, standing right above you now. 
“Come on, time for you to go to bed,” he beckons you toward him with his arm, to which you only furrow your brows in indignation.
“I’m not done with my food,” you protest.
“Now you are,” he says, grabbing your last fry and finishing it with one bite. “Now c’mon.” You reluctantly grab onto his extended arm to help you get up. You walk down the hall together and he opens your door for you, letting you in as he leans against the frame. You immediately fall back and collapse on to your bed with a gasp, you didn’t remember it feeling so soft when you were sober. 
“Goodnight L/n,” Rafe laughs, staring down at you. 
“Goodnight Rafe,” you mumble, seconds away from passing out. He smiles to himself at the sight of you still in the outfit and shoes you had been out in, bent in surely the most uncomfortable position possible, legs half way off the bed, yet somehow already asleep. He’s about to head back to his room, but he hesitates, turning back to you with a sigh. As slowly and quietly as he can, he pulls your shoes off for you, lifts your legs onto the bed, and covers you in your blanket. And just as quick, he slips out of your room and back into his.
You wake up the next morning, letting out a groan when you realize you’re still in the outfit you had worn clubbing. Your head dully aches and your throat is desert dry so you force yourself up and to the kitchen. When you see the aftermath of McDonald’s containers on the table, vague memories start flooding your brain in horror. You couldn’t have… could you? Did you actually throw french fries at him? You close your eyes and slowly run your hand over your face in realization. Great, you think to yourself, Rafe probably thinks you’re an annoying idiot. Good grief.
You hear the door of the flat opening and Olivia appears in the kitchen, holding a plate of breakfast sandwiches, your mouth watering at the sight.
“Thank the lovely lads in apartment 4E,” she laughs, placing them on the table. “Oh god, we went hard last night didn’t we,” she says, taking in the sight of the flat.
“A little too hard…” you remark.
“No such thing, darling! Now eat up and get dressed, we’ve got a match to catch,” she declares before disappearing down the hall where you can hear muffled groans of Millie being reluctantly dragged out of her bed. You sigh and sink down into a chair, grabbing a sandwich and taking a bite. Heaven. You make a mental note to thank Jake for his chef skills. You had completely forgotten that you and the girls were supposed to go watch Rafe and Topper’s match today. Your worries about having to face Rafe yesterday had been quick to melt away, but today they were back with a new vengeance.
“Okay no one wander off when we get there. Y/n, fair warning, these games get… rowdy,” Millie says, as the three of you walk toward the field, arms linked.
“Things get pretty crazy at Kildare too,” you laugh, “so yeah, don’t fucking let me out of your sight.”
The three of you shake off your fits of laughter as you stumble toward the stands, finding a spot amongst the already packed crowd. You’re finally able to take in your surroundings, glancing at the field ahead. The opposing team is warming up on the pitch, clad in red. Westheath’s team is off to the side, the boys stretching and getting ready in their white uniforms. The dirty blonde immediately catches your eye. He’s jumping and jogging in place, headphones in as though he’s tuning out the physical noise around him, and probably the mental noise too. You wonder if he’s listening to one of the songs he showed you the other night. 
He pauses his jogging to stretch out his arms, his eyes glazing over the stands, when suddenly they lock with yours. Your cheeks flush pink, embarrassed at having been caught staring, but his face just pulls into a wide grin and he gives you a wave. You wave back, and he does a quick hand motion that everyone does at Kildare games back home. You laugh and do the responding gesture, as he smiles cheekily at you before a teammate comes up to him, pulling his focus away. The exchange was brief, but oddly intimate. There was a whole field and a couple dozen people between you, and yet you two were the only witnesses to the interaction. You smile to yourself, relief in the fact that maybe getting a french fry chucked at him wasn’t enough to make him hate you after all. You wonder briefly if Rafe spends half as much time overanalyzing things the way you do. Liam was right, you do insist on overcomplicating things. 
“Hey, earth to Y/n!” Olivia laughs, waving her hand in front of your face. “The game is starting!”
The final score flashes on the screen: 4-2, a win for Westheath. The students are going nuts, rushing the field. Olivia and Millie lead the way, pushing through the crowd until you guys reach Rafe and Topper.
“Let’s go boys!!” Olivia yells, jumping up and down with the sea of bodies and beer around you. Rafe and Topper react with equal enthusiasm, pulling each of you in for a hug. You and Rafe are the last to hug, him pulling you in brief but close against his large sweaty body, arms wrapped around you. You don’t even mind the stickiness of the hug, feeling deja vu at the warm feeling of being in his embrace again; a feeling that is foreign yet familiar, one you hadn’t felt before. 
“Did you guys see Rafe’s goal in the second half!?” Topper asks, clapping his friend on the back.
“Of course we did, super star!” Millie cheers, giving Rafe a high five as he humbly shakes his head and laughs at his friends. The mental image of his goal was burned in your head, one that your mind would certainly play for you involuntarily over the next coming days. 
“Alright we gotta go do some stuff with the team, but everyone’s going to Central Bar later. See you guys there?” Rafe asks.
“You got it,” Olivia replies, and they jog off with quick waves, you meeting those blue eyes in silent acknowledgement once again. It was that gaze that always made the rest of the world seem to disappear while his eyes met yours, making your heart skip a beat. He’s just a friend, you remind yourself. Just a tall, attractive, soccer-playing friend…
“Y/n! Liv! We’re doing a round!” Jake calls you and Olivia over to where him and Liam are already at the bar, four shot glasses ordered and lined up.
“On three! One, two-“ Liam chants, as the four of you down the alcohol. Central Bar had been buzzing with what felt like half of Westheath’s student body all day. After the game, you and the girls had gone back to your flat to nap and eat, before meeting up with Jake, Liam, and the rest of their boys to head to the bar. Rafe and Topper were already pretty buzzed when you guys got there, playing a round of table tennis with you before the rest of the soccer team and their other friends pulled their attention away. You couldn’t help the way your whole body tensed when Rafe greeted Lily with a tight hug, humbling you with the confirmation that Rafe’s actions toward you weren’t anything special. You resolved yourself to a night of drinking and dancing your worries away with Liv and Liam instead.
“Alright, round of table tennis? You two against me and Y/n?” Liam challenges.
“Please, I saw Y/n playing before, you guys have nothing on us,” Olivia flashes an evil smile, her competitive side coming out.
“Oh it’s on Liv,” you laugh, as your foursome stakes your claim at the pong table. While Olivia and Jake gather the balls and paddles, you notice Liam grimacing off into the distance. You follow his line of sight, landing on Topper and Millie drunkenly dancing together across the bar, a bit too close for comfort.
“What is she doing with that geezer,” he mumbles.
“Liam! Jealousy is unbecoming of you,” you gasp in mock disbelief.
“I’m not jealous,” he scoffs, and you quickly realize that he actually is, even though you had just been joking. Your jaw falls slack as you put two and two together. Liam and Millie were always by each other’s side, at school, at the pub, when you were all watching a movie at his apartment a few nights ago. He would tease her relentlessly and his own words rang in your ears If we really like you, we’re gonna make the time to hang out with you, no matter what. 
“Shut up! Shut up!,” you whisper yell, hand coming to your mouth. “I should have realized this whole time… of course you like Millie! Everything you’ve been telling me you think exists between me and Rafe has actually been about her! She’s your Uno reverse card!” You’re shocking even yourself at these revelations.
“No no no, you can’t use my own words of wisdom against me, that’s not how this works Y/n. So what, maybe I slightly give a shit about Millie? Who cares. Her and I both know that’s never gonna happen. I still stand by everything I said about you and Rafe so don’t think your getting off so easy on that.”
“Then tell me why you’re staring at Millie while Rafe hasn’t so much as glanced my way since the minute Lily Colts got here, hmm?”
“Oh Y/n, Y/n Y/n Y/n,” Liam tuts, shaking his head laughing as he turns to the game your group of four is about to begin. You don’t have the energy to argue with Liam over the matter right now, oblivious to the fact that Rafe had indeed been glancing your way, several times. In fact, he was glancing at you right now, as Liam reached his arm over yours to help you actually hold the paddle the right way. You just hadn’t been glancing back to notice, scared of what you may or may not see between him and Lily if you did. 
The night dies down and it’s time for the pilgrimage back to your building. You’re walking with Millie when Liam quickly falls in step with you two. You give him a knowing smirk, to which he responds with a glare behind Millie’s back, but you let the two banter as you fall behind, now walking alone. You stare ahead, eyes mindlessly settling on Lily walking in between Callum and Henry at the front of the pack. You don’t notice the pair of legs that begin moving in pace next to your own. 
“Tonight, by the way,” Rafe’s voice startles you as you jump next to him. He chuckles at the confusion written all over your face. “You asked last night when we’re watching the next episode. And my answer is tonight, L/n,” he states.
“Haven’t you been up since like the crack of dawn? Aren’t you tired?” you ask incredulously.
“Too tired for Game of Thrones? Never,” he scoffs, Liam’s words ringing in your ear. If we really like you, we’re gonna make the time to hang out with you, no matter what.
“Well then tonight it is,” you smile. “Sorry about the french fries last night by the way,” you say meekly, looking down at the sidewalk in front of you, cheeks burning.
“Seriously L/n, talk about a horrible throw. Room for improvement,” he jokes with a comforting smile, saving you from yourself.
“Good game by the way,” you add, grateful for the way he was letting you off. 
“Thanks,” he looks at you, shoving his hands in his pocket. You turn to look at him too, and after a few moments laughter is taking you both apart. Nothing funny was said. Neither of you knew why you were laughing. And yet it felt natural, not an ounce of awkwardness in the air.
As your whole group walks into the building, people begin to peel off, splitting towards staircases and off elevator stops. 
“I’m fucking beat,” yawns Topper, as you and all your flatmates file into your hall. 
“I’m gonna sleep like a baby tonight,” Millie yawns in agreement. One by one everyone files off into their rooms. You open your door, backing into yours, Rafe across the hall from you backing into his. Laughter tugs at both your faces once again, as you let your doors close. You manage to change into your sweats and brush your teeth before you hear the light rap on your door. Rafe enters, in a t-shirt and gray sweatpants, your weakness. But you feel comfortable being alone with him now. The Rafe jitters had finally began to subside. 
“Alright L/n, episode 4, you ready for this?” he asks, plopping down in his spot next to you. 
“Oh I’m very ready,” you reply, sitting up to reach for your laptop which was resting by your feet. As you lean back, you find yourself in Rafe’s arm. He had extended it out before you sat back, effortlessly catching you against him. His hand rests casually on your arm, and you gulp, pressing play. You pray he can’t feel the way your heartbeat quickens and your body flushes. So much for those jitters being gone. 
The episode plays, you and Rafe making comments here and there before your chatter eventually dies down, leaving just the sound of the show to fill the room. You can feel Rafe’s body lean further and further down, becoming heavier and breathing slower. You very slowly turn to check, and sure enough he’s fast asleep. You sigh, and shut your laptop, careful not to stir him. You could easily shake him awake, tell him to go to his bed, but for some reason you don’t. You don’t mind him here. In fact, you almost prefer it, his body heat keeping you warm. He had already slept over once before and it clearly hadn’t been a big deal, so what was the harm in letting it happen again? You’re just friends after all, you remind yourself, not sure who you’re trying to convince. And so, the two friends fall asleep in the same bed again. 
🏷: @hopebaker​ @pogueslandia​ @mardema​
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 years
Candy Duty
Summary: On Halloween you're stuck on candy duty with Jeonghan? Don’t worry, there is always a way to sweeten those kinds of jobs.
Halloween Lovers Series
Fluff, Best Friends to Lovers au
Word Count: 1,027
Jeonghan X Reader
[Small mentions of Mingyu, Joshua, and Soonyoung]
While Joshua and his partner decorated the dorm, they left Jeonghan and me to pass the candy out. We could wait inside for the kids to come up and ring our doorbell. But we decided that sitting on the concrete porch steps cuddled up in blankets was best. It’s five minutes before the trick or treating starts, “Do you think we’ll have enough candy to last the next four hours?” I ask Jeonghan as we look at the bowl, “Well, we can haggle Mingyu and (F/n) for their candy if needed.” I smirk, “Sounds like a plan.”
It’s five minutes before the trick or treating starts, “Do you think we’ll have enough candy to last the next four hours?” I ask Jeonghan as we look at the bowl, “Well, we can haggle Mingyu and (F/n) for their candy if needed.” I smirk, “Sounds like a plan.”
It’s another ten before we see any kiddos and watch as their parents gesture for them to run up to the house. The three kids exclaim, “Trick or treat!!” and we give them each a handful. Middle schoolers follow up soon after, “What are you two dressed up as?” I exchange a look with Jeonghan before he goes, “As people who don’t know how to do taxes.” I snicker behind my hand, and we continue to hand out candy. When we finally catch a break, I say, “Maybe we should have put on costumes.” He shrugs, “Yeah, we could have dressed up. But telling the kids, we're ‘college dropouts’ and ‘tax fraud committers’ is pretty funny.” I laugh, “Yeah, you have me there.” I grab a piece of candy and lean back as I stare up at the clouds, “How much time has passed?” He looks at his phone, “Thirty minutes.” I groan, “Ugh, how did we get stuck with this?” He groans back, “We’re just lucky, I guess. Next year we are so sticking the decorators on this job.” We laugh as more kids approach, and we hand more candy out.
We can almost see the bottom of the bowl. When Jeonghan turns to me and asks, “Now, what if, once the candy runs out, we run around and gather as much candy as we can?” I nod, “We’ll more than likely have more than an hour by the time this bowl runs out. Considering how many pieces we’ve eaten together at this point.” We smirk to each other, “We’ll trade at the end of it and see who got the most?” We shake hands and in unison, “You’re on!” Two batches of kids later, and we’re sprinting up the steps for a costume. He comes out with devil horns, and I laugh, “Well, that’s fitting--” He smirks, “Says the one in a witch hat.” I glare and go, “Touché.” We take two pillowcases, sprint out the door and into two opposite directions. Seeing who can get the most and best candy, and I sprint with everything that’s left in me.
When I have fully circled my side, I rush up the steps to see Jeonghan dragging his feet to the steps. “I haven’t run this much since high school PE," I whine and collapse onto the steps to roll over and watch Jeonghan do the same. We’re huffing and puffing, “I don’t know how you made it, and even though I have years of being an idol on my shoulders, that did not prepare me for this. You know how many kids I nearly tripped over?” I laugh, “Oh man, I almost made a bowling lane of middle schoolers coming up to that corner house.” He laughs, and we dump out our piles onto the steps. Counting how much candy we had and putting the best candy into a pile to see who had the most of each. “133, beat that! Hannie!” He smirks, “135, (N/n)!” I groan but notice I have a bigger pile of the good candy than he does. He whines about that, “Aw man!” I smirk at him this time, “Quality over quantity, Hannie!” I throw back a few m&m’s and pour some into his hand before we start trading.
“I’ll trade you four milk duds for a king-size kit kat.” I sigh, “I’m only saying yes because I like milk duds.” He laughs, “I know.” I grin and trade him a box of skittles for a box of sno caps. It goes on for a few minutes when it hits me, “I’ll trade you this King Size Crunch Bar for three kisses.” Jeonghan looks at me confused, “Wait,... I don’t have any kisses?” Before he looks back up at me and goes, “Ohh~.” And without further notice, he reaches over and gently takes my face in his hands before he places a kiss on my lips. I giggle as he pulls away and chuckles, “The deal was three, and you still owe me two more, Hannie.” He smirks, “I think the trade is overvaluing the crunch bar~.” I squint, “Well, what do you think is an appropriate trade for it?” He smiles, “A date with me and your other king-size crunch bar.” My jaw drops, “Unfair! I worked hard for that, had to haggle the lady cause she thought I was too old to be trick or treating.” He crosses his arms over his chest, “Then no deal~” I groan and hand him both, “You are a hard bargain.” He grins, “But I’m worth it~.” I roll my eyes, and he laughs as we finish up trading and head back inside. “You know I thought this night would end differently, but I’m glad you finally confessed.” I squint at him, “What do you mean finally?” He smirks, “A little birdie, or tiger should we say, told me.” I groan, “That is the last time I tell Soonyoung anything.” He laughs, “I asked him how I should go about telling you my feelings. And he blurted out that you liked me and were waiting for the perfect moment to confess.” I roll my eyes, “Well, I’m glad I did because I no longer have to wonder whether you like me back.” He smiles, “Me too.”
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