#TW: Paralysis
the-friendly-entity · 1 month
[ ~"Service Digimons"~ ] - Digimon
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A Company as saw interest in the Digimons as they could work for special works to help humans! they closely analyze each Digimon with no exception of who could work to help humans in different situations and health circumstance, Once the analysis/investigation and Training and modified Data as been made to these Digimon, they start working on help specific humans!
What contains? Sensitive Content, Mention of Death, Mention of Depression, Mention of Illness, Mention of Suicide
Can be visualized as? Guardians/Caretakers
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Grizzlymon - Allergy Detector
-If the Tamer suffers allergy to fur, this Digimon (or other fur kind) is not given, but if is good to go, he does an amazing job detecting his surroundings and objects that are dangerous to his Tamer
-Are you allergic to some specific stuff? specific kinds of plants, fabrics, ingredients, and materials?, etc, this Digimon will keep his nose on alert to detect anything you are dangerous of!
-Grizzlymon will always keep you away from what hurt you and do an allergy reaction, someone offering you food? nope! he will be on the way and avoid the food touch or you smell it if he find it have something is a no no or the food in general is dangerous for you
-if sadly you get an Allergy reaction, he always has a small backpack with the medicine needed to stop it in time! if the Allergy gets soo much into your system he will fastly get you to the nearest hospital as fast as possible
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Angemon - Alzheimer
-This Digimon is perfect if you suffer of a memory loss, and always makes sure you feel safe and never lost or disoriented, being around Angemon always know you will feel safe
-You forgot something? very important? Angemon is always there to remind you, or always remind you ahead before anything important, even if you lose track in the middle of nowhere he always reminds you what was you doing
-You forgot yourself? dont freak out, Angemon will be there to remind you who you are, with a lot of videos, photos, and anything that would make you click back to remember
-Angemo is your guardian angel and will be there to never forget, even if you forget stuff, you will still feel safe, knowing Angemon is there to help you, his safe aura always make you know you will never be lost
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Antylamon - Guardian
-Such a big bunny protector! Antylamon is one of the best Digimon to help humans who need to keep an eye on their health due they are very fragile if they break their own limits without noticed
-What I'm referring too? expressing their emotions too much, too happy, too angry, too sad, anything is too much of they health and heart, Antylamon will be there to calm them down to avoid they health is in danger
-If they Tamer is too excited running around, Antylamon will be there to gently put his hand on the way and keep him calm, having a hard time almost like a time bomb is going to blow due how much sadness feels, Antylamon carefully cuddles with you and try to keep you clam as possible, you are in you right to cry, but do it carefully, Antylamon is worried about you!
-Antylamon will be always in your side to make sure you are in a calm state, you dont overwork yourself and you dont hurt yourself by accident, Antylamon understands if you feel limited, and will make sure you dont feel that way, will always find a way you enjoy without that feeling of be limited
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ToyAgumon - Autims/ADHD
-A perfect cutie one to such Tamers! there will always joy around this little fella! you would never feel uncomfortable or weird, accepted and always belong to someone!
-ToyAgumon is perfect to help you feel safe, loud sounds? he will warn ya!, Things you can't understand? he got you! hard to keep track of things? he will give a hand! hard to socialize? dont worry! he will your voice!
-If the voices in your head are too much to take it, he will cuddle with you and be the only voice you can hear, you are close to having a meltdown? no no! he will make sure that does not happen! sure to act fast before it happens!
-He also make sure you dont overwork yourself or dont overthink yourself, you are safe! its ok!, ToyAgumon due is a block toy he the perfect toy you can use, always take him apart and put him back together! even make something new! he dont mind, as long you happy!
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Oleamon - Blindness
-One of the perfect Digimons who help people who can't see! due to her long arms, can always have close and you always know she is near you, always guide you where you need to go!
-Even if the two go separate, she can emit her aroma and you will always know where to go to find her! and Oleamon can do the same, use her tongue to move in the air to try to find your scent to find you!
-You always will be protected, from any insect to anything around you that could hurt you, she always tries to describe you a vision of around you if you ask or if is necessary, mostly she will say it if she sees the place have full of stuff or have a dangerous stuff she point ou so make sure you know!
-Even is scared for others see Oleamon, that was the intention, blind people can't see a scary thing but others do, was intentionally made so people dont try to do anything funny to you, Oleamon will scarry for others but always an angel for you!
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Strabimon - Deaf
-A lot of Digimon have this role, and Strabimon is no exception! With his big hands, he can help you communicate and let you know anything that is happening! you will not miss anything that others are saying!
-Is amazing to communicate, if someone wants to talk but does not know how to do sign language, Strabimon is a big help to help both sides, you with sign language and what the person is saying, and the person to translate what you are saying in sign language
-He can even describe things you dont know how sound, and music? he would tell you the meaning of the lyrics and how the music "feels", same as another kind of sounds like wood and such
-He will be the first one to take action fast if he hears something dangerous, a car coming so fast? or an explosion? anything you cant hear he fastly takes you and puts you in a safe place, of course, explaining to you what happened, you always have for sure Strabimon is there to keep you safe in a muted world
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Beelzemon - Lupus (this also applies to any other kind of risk Illness)
-Dont get me wrong, when almost all digimons can help to service humans to help them, I mean it, Beelzemon is no exception to this, being a guardian to does people who have almost death sentences
-He always has his jacket full of medicine, and always knows what time you need to drink your medicine or you need to take it due to unexpected attacks, he wants you to stay in home, but he understands why his purpose, to at least bring freedom and happiness in such heavy situation
-You are mostly on his motorcycle, always slow while you are outside, rare times you can be down and walk around, mostly places Beelzemon knows you can be safe without much risk, of course, always remind you or stop you if you put you life in danger
-the good thing about having a motorcycle is if you are suffering a horrible attack and medicine is not helping, he can go fast to the nearest hospital to take you to emergency, of course, he always makes sure the way to the hospital is safe
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Puppetmon - Paralysis
-Puppetmon is a good companion with people who suffer who paralysis! can be not really heavy paralysis or complete paralysis, in either case, he is there to help!
-He will help with things you can't do, put your clothes on? eat? take a bath? anything you need you cant do he will help you, he make sure to you dont think you weak for be that way, is not your fault and never will
-the choice was not randomly, thanks to Puppetmon wires he can help paralysis people to try to move, any part of the body cant move, will do small training session, using you as a puppet but for help you your body move, carefully and make sure you are not hurt
-if the small training session is working out, seeing the result your body slowly is responding back to your orders, Puppetmon will let you do the work to you get better, he will continue helping you, but will be less and less as see things are getting better, and mostly he happy and proud of you are recovering!
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Swanmon - Parental Figure
-This Digimon is perfect you ever loss a parental figure or never have a parent, Swanmon will be that parental figure you never have, always make you feel welcome and love you as you was her child all along
-She will be your voice of reason, helping you in decisions a parental figure always do, always asking you about your day, if you are ok, you need something? she made you some snacks!
-You can always count she will be there if you need to cry a shoulder, dont feel ashamed, she there for you and to hear you, helping you and clean does tears, she always make sure you are ok to cry
-Never feel ashamed of having Swammon as your Service Digimon, everyone deserves to have a parental figure, no matter how independent you are, family is part of everyone's life, and is ok to depend on them sometimes
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Monzaemon - Depression
-Monzaemon is one of the popular Digimon when comes to depression! a very carrying Digimon, always make sure you are happy and mostly accepted! is almost like being near him you space out of the horrible world
-Monzaemon will slow with you, helping you part of part what is the cause of your depression, what are the things you are that way and try to fix it, if are things is out of his hand he try to change it to better things or found solucions in long term will be fix! anything of could be, will find a way to fix it
-He will advoid anything could be dangerous, knifes very high place, things can be use as a White weapon, High places and such is a big no no, you will always have a ballon on your back, mostly to Monzaemon keep track of you and if you even try to jump on a high place, welp, enjoy floating until you arrive to the floor
-He only uses his attack ´Heart Attacks´ if is need it, if you was going to do something very dangerous he cant stop you right there, using Heart Attacks to keep you inside of the heart bubble and having only happy feelings, to prevent you to do a mistake you will regret
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barid-bel-medar · 2 years
Ask Game: Au where the heroes arrive just a little too late in Kamino and All for One has already dequirked Bakugo at the very least.
(ooo this is a fun one)
It will be what All Might views as one of his greatest failures as a hero and teacher. That in waiting an extra minute to follow after All For One, that in double checking something, he was too late to prevent All For One snapping Katsuki's neck and stealing the boy's Quirk, and the only mercy is that he snapped Katsuki's neck in such a fashion he was left alive, but paralyzed.
Which from Katsuki's perspective isn't a mercy at all. He's paralyzed from the neck down, his Quirk is gone (even if his paralysis would have made it impossible to use it, it was still his and he's handling it not being there badly) and he's never going to be a hero, let alone able to beat All Might. Let alone beat Deku.
Rescuing Katsuki was completely hell, since he couldn't reach out to grab Kirishima's hand, but on the plus side Izuku got Black Whip early! And according to the doctor's assurance they didn't do anything really that would have made Katsuki's injury worse (or better).
All For One is delighted by this latest Quirk he's stolen, one that he's been tempted to steal for years.
And how satisfying it is to not only have it, but to also make his son's former bully face punishment after years of no consequences.
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pop-goes-the-weasel · 2 years
T.W. Violence, discussion of neurological damage
Time to rant about the old-timey sciencey stuff. About the injuries and treatment of Renfield
The right side limbs immobilised- Good job here Bram! The spine is ipsilateral, with nerves on a particular side serving that side only. So a quite plausible scenario.
Trephining- commonly known as trepaunning, it involves making holes in the skull to release evil spirits, or in this case, blood. With us from the Stone Age. Seen in Europe and MesoAmericam
Motor area- Cerebellum. Though not the seat of origin of voluntary movement, this region situated at the base of the neck, making this more likely to be the part in question. It too is ipsilateral...so a damage to the side of the cerebellum can affect a single side
Suffusion- blood seepage through broken vessels. Can lead to haematoma or blood accumulation and clotting in blood
Also...the brain is normally never in direct contact with blood ....the body has a special barrier to prevent that. If blood comes into the brain...it is very, very bad
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deunmiu-dessie · 2 months
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a paralysis demon plays with you at night, this time you're finally awake to see it.
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you're not sure how it started. just that one day it did.
you'd wake up with sticky inner thighs and ruined sheets; the familiar pulsing of your clit, begging for attention almost overwhelming, and your muscles ached as if you had run a marathon the day before. tentatively you'd dip your hand into your panties, nimble fingers finding the hood of your engorged clit, eyebrows pulling together at the almost painful feeling it brought; then they'd drift lower, immediately sinking into creamy, wetness that pooled from your entrance and smeared your labia.
this perverse ritual had become your waking nightmare, weeks upon weeks of waking up to ruined panties and an insatiable hunger that couldn't be sated alone. frustration and tears intertwine, as your lithe fingers desperately caress and coax your clit but to no avail. it'd leave you cranky most days and unapproachable the rest.
what the hell was happening? at first, you believed it to be mere wet dreams, lost in the recesses of your mind. but the inability to find release, even with your touch or the mechanical hum of a vibrator, defied all reason. your sanity teetered on the edge, the constant ache and unrelenting wetness between your thighs, the demands of university, and the grueling hours at the fast-paced coffee shop on campus only exacerbate your torment.
breathe; you had told yourself. you just needed a day to sleep, in order to get back into the groove of your usual hectic life. and so, you make the decision to abandon your responsibilities, forsaking work and classes, seeking solace within the confines of your bed.
but that day you saw it.
as the night grew later, you found yourself slipping in and out of consciousness, struggling to keep your eyes open, you clung to the last shreds of wakefulness, determined to finish the movie that had lured you in with its promises of thrills and chills. the laptop, perched on your chest, emitted a faint glow, casting eerie shadows across the room. but despite your best efforts, the battle was futile. with a heavy sigh, you surrendered, closing the laptop and setting it aside.
that should've been it, you should have gone to sleep and woken up the next morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, no longer raging and horny, stressed and tired— just your normal self. yet, as if possessed by an unseen force, your eyes snap open, jolting your mind from the peaceful slumber you had so eagerly embraced, but not your body.
the room was cloaked in darkness, save for the feeble glow of a night light by the door. the time couldn't have been later than two in the morning, leaving you with ample hours until you needed to start getting ready for the day…so why were you up?
grunting you attempt to reach across to your desk and grab your water bottle, your throat suddenly dry and scratchy. but you couldn't move. in fact, your whole body felt numb, as if you'd been submerged in an ice-cold lake. you could feel the hair on your arms standing on end, your heart thumping painfully in your ribcage, desperate to escape from your chest and out the window just above your bed. frantic, your eyes darted around your room, flitting over the darkened corners and further on before subconsciously gazing upwards. it gazed back at you.
it was inky black, as if a void had materialized on your ceiling. barren of any discernible features, a foreboding presence emanated from it, sending chills down your spine. its limbs, neck, and torso twisted unnaturally, giving it a grotesque and elongated appearance. tears welled up in your eyes upon witnessing it, and you attempted to scream, only to find your mouth was sealed as if stitched with needle and thread.
the creature descended from above with erratic movements, settling above your figure and menacingly bringing its face closer to yours. this couldn't be happening, it must be a dream and in a desperate attempt to escape, you tightly shut your eyes and began counting backward from ten, gasping for air with each haggard breath.
however, a phantom graze on your thigh startles your eyes open. the creature was still there, its taloned, inky black hand slowly trailing along your clammy skin. even without a face, you could feel its gaze upon you, sinister and scheming. swallowing thickly, goosebumps follow in the wake of its touch, like tiny flames igniting your skin.
and almost as if accustomed to its advances, your body ignites with a dizzying heat, pussy weeping and your clit throbbing eagerly, readily despite your heart skipping and restarting all in one second with fear. its touch is tantalizing and deliberate, momentarily vanishing underneath your oversized night-shirt before returning to the heat of your thighs, talons pricking your flesh.
the creature's game finally comes to an end as it finds your fattened clit, which eagerly presses against the fabric of your panties, craving any form of touch. its assault is steady but firm and the touch immediately sets you off. your body, needy from weeks of being unable to orgasm, finally reaches its limit. you can feel the knot tightening in your tummy, a sharp, zinging pain in your lower abdomen, and the tensing of your thighs.
however, just as you approach your climax, the creature abruptly stops, shifting its touch to your slick inner thighs, face pressing closer to yours, leering and mocking. without the constant stimulation, your orgasm subsides, leaving you with a throbbing ache in your hips, cunt drooling with your arousal profusely.
your eyebrows cinch together, tears staining your cheeks before you're hit with a realization. the constant feeling of never being satisfied and not being able to cum, was because of this…creature.
its pitch-black visage suddenly splits into a sinister grin, revealing rows of serrated teeth gleaming with viscid, thick saliva. its voice is otherwordly deep, it's guttural, and raspy; fingers returning deftly to your clit to rub circles. "do you remember now?"
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gravemud · 9 months
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There You Are
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thegorgonist · 1 year
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Her troubled heart has summoned a Night Mare from the depths of her mind.
In my shop
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newtabfics · 11 months
have you ever had any sleep paralysis demon thoughts?👀
Oh god yes I have just like...listen okay. You're a laying on your stomach kinda sleeper for this scenario.
Having woken up from a wet dream and realizing you can't move. You're aching but you don't know what's going on. All of a sudden, this voice just purrs in your ear, "I know what you desire. I can give you that."
Somehow, you know it can read your mind and you're just begging as you blink slowly, seeing a clawed hand wrap around your limp wrist, holding you down as you feel something grinding against you.
"Let me make your dreams come true."
The demon starts grinding against you, teasing you by pressing the tip against your panties until you're soaking them more than you already have. It moves them aside and just slides in easily.
It waits for a long moment before you feel that cold breath on your ear. "Let me stretch it more."
Through whatever demon magic, it somehow is thicker and stretching you.
A quiet gasp of a moan escapes from your limp body, eyes fluttering in pleasure as it begins to just rut into you until you choke out a weak moan, still unable to move as your orgasm hits.
The demon just smirks and keeps moving, keeps making you tip over that edge. It's that energy you're radiating. It's so delicious to him. He can't stop until he's pouring himself into him, growling and pressing so deep he's practically teasing your womb.
When morning comes, your legs ache as you look down and see not a trace of that strange dream.
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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
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part 9
oooo donnie fed up
⇇ | ⇽ | index | ⇾
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fern-writes-whump · 11 months
Oh my god how have I not talked about nightmares yet?? It has to be one of my favourite tropes ever
Oh we have more than one bed? Too bad I had a nightmare come here
Nightmares getting so frequent that poor whumpee decides to straight up stop sleeping. Which. They obviously fail miserably at because now they're just collapsing in the middle of the day
Waking up screaming bloody murder and scaring the shit out of caretaker
Waking up screaming and making whumper even more mad <3
Not being able to tell if they're awake or not
Just sleep paralysis in general
Waking up from a nightmare convinced they're still in whumper's clutches
Having a nightmare where caretaker is hurting them and not wanting to explain why they're so skittish around them all of a sudden
Just.. ✨️nightmares✨️
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scificrows · 9 months
i like to make fun of murderbot for being all "i hate everyone, i don't care about anything or anyone, fuck off" while simultaneously caring very much about the people around it and the situations it finds itself in. i love how it "accidentally" ends up caring quite a lot about the friends it makes along the way. but i think something that i tend to forget is that murderbot actively decides to care - at least at some point in its story.
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idk, as a person that struggles with depression, this paragraph from artificial condition really resonates with me. prior to all systems red, murderbot had contracts. it had routine and it had protocols. it knew what it had to do to just get by, how to perform so no one would notice it had disabled its governor module. it was deeply depressed, yes, but it was functioning (for lack of a better word). in artificial condition, murderbot's routine is gone. it cannot go on in that state of numbly going-from-contract-to-contract, putting in as little effort as possible, consuming media to cope. that option is gone because it escaped (and note that escaping the company was not an active choice, it kinda happened to it). murderbot has two options now: it can either gather all its energy; actively do something new and difficult and distressing; change something in its life and try. or it can let the numbness and the emptiness take over and stop trying. if murderbot wants to survive as a rogue secunit, it has to try. no matter how difficult that is. the wording in that paragraph really hits home for me. the way the non-caring sees an opportunity to slip in and to take over. does murderbot even care? does anything really matter? is anything really worth the hassle? wouldn't it be so much easier to just let your mind slip away a little, to go numb, to be passive, to watch media and wait for things to happen to you? wouldn't it be nice to stop thinking and struggling and feeling complicated things? to stop making an effort? you've been dealing with a lot lately and maybe it's time to just shut down. maybe you'll just take a little break. just slip deeper into this chair and start the show. time flies when you're not paying attention. trying is exhausting. who cares if you don't do the things you wanted to do, you were supposed to do. it'll be fine. let's just ignore those things for now. just let the non-caring take over. just stop thinking. you can deal with the aftermath later. just watch your shows. who cares. but murderbot cares. it decides to care. it decides to fight with all it has and i think that is so brave. and i think in the later books caring is less of an active decision for murderbot. once you start caring, it's easier to keep going than to stop; and murderbot, for all its "i'm a grumpy rogue secunit, leave me alone" behavior, knows just how important caring is. so it's not that it doesn't know what's happening; rather, it lets itself care. tl;dr: caring is not the default for murderbot, it's just the more difficult of two options. and it decides not to take the soft option. it decides to struggle. it decides to care. and so it does.
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ren-054 · 6 months
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He didn’t mean it…
He didn’t mean it…
He didn’t mean it …
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lolapath · 29 days
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I pull up to you like this wyd? *ೃ༄
This is the closest I could get to flirting as an aromantic lmao
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was stalked by my sleep paralysis demon but I found them later in my house and realized they weren’t that bad so we became besties. 💖
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bisexuallilapitts · 1 year
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The Fight Poll + round one eliminations
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bamsara · 2 years
oh yeah I woke up with paralyized arm this morning and it was the neatest and freakiest thing. Arm was limp and I was unable to move it or any of my fingers, I  didn’t have a tingling sensation, couldnt feel pain on that arm and it was essentially dead still weight laying next to me even though my brain was telling it to move. I could pick it up with my other arm and it would just heavy drop back to the bed
very slowly over like two minutes i was able to slightly move my fingers and then my wrist and then get the rest of my movement back. Apperently its either ‘partial sleep paralysis’ or a compressed nerve that does that while sleeping on it and its pretty much harmless lmao like the brain hasnt sent the signal to the nerves to wake up yet, or the signal gets inturrupted until it’s able to reconnect and thats neat af.
anyway now I have sleep paralysis ideas for comics
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hersurvival · 7 days
Something heavy rests upon my chest.
Debilitating dread bordering on paranoia.
Something bad is about to happen.
You're going to ruin everything.
Lose it all, end up all alone.
Violent waves of intense sadness
Crash into me, drag me out.
Drowning before I can understand
How I ended on shore.
Detached, dissociated
In the middle of the night.
Woken by nightmares I can't recall.
Static courses throughout my body,
Numb yet shivering
In puddles of cold sweat.
What's real? What's happening?
Thoughts howl,
Calling for blood on the bathroom floor.
"Situational. Normal."
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