#The Collector of Music and Memories
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... listen out loud ...
Dearly beloved .... 40 years ago today, Prince & The Revolution released the iconic album, Purple Rain, one of the best-selling albums of all time, with more than 25 million copies sold worldwide.
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
Haunted [Eddie Munson X Reader]
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Title: Haunted.
Pairing: Eddie MunsonxReader {Acquaintances to lovers?}
Timeline: Set around S4 (no vecna)
Summary: Eddie sees his dream girl once day at the record store, but will he ever be able to find her again?
Warnings: Minor swearing, Eddie’s a little clueless and a little dismissive for a while. A bit of sexism and mentions of stereotypes. Brief mentions of drugs (it’s Eddie). ‘Un-named freak’ is called Ritchie in this story. Use of y/n. POV changes towards the end. Not Beta read nor spellchecked.
Word count: 3.4K
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Eddie Munson had always considered himself particularly unlucky in life, wether it be the family he was born in to, the hand he'd be dealt in life or the way he was so often misunderstood by every outsider. But he'd never considered himself cursed, nor haunted; at least not until the 8th of March, 1896.
It was a Saturday, as boring an uneventful as they come, a little drizzly but mild and completely, mind numbingly boring. He'd done a deal earlier that morning and had decided to spend a little of his fresh earnings, hoping the record store would have something new to catch his eye. The Vault was an old independent record store downtown that had suffered greatly during the Starcourt Mall's rule, with RadioShack and Sam Goody's drawing in most of the younger crowds that left business scarce but the older generation, collectors and music fans that favoured minority categories or alternative sounds always found a home at the Vault, such as Eddie Munson. He'd been waiting a week for the Vault to receive a shipment of the new Metallica album Master of Puppets, though Rob the owner had assured him it would be in by Saturday, nearly five days late after the release. Eddie's hands were itching to get hold of a copy after being pumped by the debut album of King Diamond only a month before, but he was more than ready for something new.
He'd planned to meet Gareth at the store downtown and was waiting out by his van, stood leaning against the hood to smoke a joint when he spotted something entirely unheard of for Hawkins.
A girl, dressed in black high waisted pants that were ripped at the knees and a band shirt that looked eerily familiar to him. It was a Judas Priest 'Defenders of the faith' shirt, identifiable by the distinctive red and blue album logo on the front of the shirt, along with the white priest logo on her chest. She had a chain attached to her belt and chunky black boots just incase the shirt wasn't impactful enough.
She was beautiful, her hair flowing down her back with shaggy bangs and some shit around her eyes Eddie didn't understand that made them look sexy as hell. He was floored, frozen and almost drooling as he watched her walk across the sidewalk towards the record store. He cursed Gareth for being late, making a mental note to put his character in mortal peril during his next campaign and felt himself almost drifting across the road to get a chance to talk to her, but stopped himself at the last minute. He thought of how he could 'accidentally' bump into her, no doubt around the metal/ hard rock section of the record store and strike up a conversation but he couldn't think of a single way to make it seem authentic, or to talk about.
He swore out loud when he saw her walk out only a few minutes later with a smile on her face that he was certain would be etched into his memory forever. He was certain he'd never seen her before, a hot chick that was into metal in Hawkins? No way.
If he wasn't already head over heels for the mystery girl already, he was smitten as soon as she pulled away, the distinctive sounds of Metallica blasting through her speakers, the speedy trash metal echoing through her black car and out into the streets of Hawkins getting quieter and quieter as she drives away.
From that moment, he looked everywhere for her at school, around Hawkins but he could never spot her.
"Gotta shoot, got business," he says, standing suddenly and closing his metal 'lunch box' with a reasoning clunk. He hot tails it out of the school cafeteria and begins making his way across the lot, down his regular route towards the tree line when a noise stops him.
Master of Puppets.
He'd know that riff anywhere, he'd been trying to learn it for days now after finally getting a copy from Rob at the vault. His head shoots up like a meerkat on a hill, scrutinising the cars and the bodies littered about the lot to catch a glimpse of you but he's too late. He sees your black car pulling out the lot and onto the dirt road between the schools and drops his head in defeat. How could he have missed you? He'd spent days searching for you, keeping his eyes focused on the people around him, looking for any sign of you. He'd visited family video more times than he ever had in the past incase you'd decided to venture out there, even asking Buckey and Harrington in a round about way wether he'd seen 'the new chick in town'. He'd downplayed it obviously, he wasn't about to start competing with Harrington so he just mentioned you in passing, not mentioning your appearance at all. They'd seen nothing.
Then Henderson barrelled in one day about this new girl he'd been talking to, apparently she was super cool, asked him about his shirt, d&d and had completely outed herself as a nerd, quoting Star Wars back to him. Eddie had felt hope rise up in his chest but his interest quickly faded when Henderson described the girl wearing a pink and white dress with a white long sleeved shirt underneath, definitely not the girl Eddie had been looking for.
It was a game of cat and mouse, though Eddie was definitely losing the game.
Eddie was perplexed, distracted; even more so than usual. So when a figure appeared beside him at the end of Click's Friday morning history class, during which he'd spent the entire time staring off into the distance through the window and not writing a single note, not even pulling out a scrap of paper nor a pen, he jumped out of his skin at the sudden interaction.
"Hi, you're Eddie right?" The girl says a little shyly, drawing his attention away from the window, though he hardly looks up at the new customer.
"£20 for a half ounce bag, I don't sell single joints right now," he says absently and quietly, reaching down for his lunchbox, "Picnic bench out in the clearing at lunch."
"Oh, no, I wasn't," she begins to say, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "You know what, never mind."
He watches as the girl walks away, reaching for her backpack and shoving in the notebook she was holding. His eyes follow her as she pushes her backpack over one shoulder and walks out of the class without sparing him a final look.
He stews on the stranger interaction until lunch when he gets distracted by the guys arguing over the new girl Henderson had mentioned earlier than week.
"She came right out and quoted A New Hope like it was nothing, I'm telling you she's a secret nerd,"Jeff says, picking at his lunch.
"Like how?" Mike says, half paying attention.
"I asked her how she liked it in Hawkins and where she was from before and she said, and I quote, 'Mos Eisley space port but worse'".
"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious," Dustin mimics, doing his best Obi-Wan impression, earning a snort from Gareth and a rare smile from Ritchie.
"I'm telling you, she's a total nerd," Jeff smirks, taking a bite of his cafeteria pizza.
"A hot nerd," Gareth adds, earning a nod from Jeff and Ritchie.
"You know she asked me about D&D, maybe we could invite her along for a taster, Eddie?" Dustin says, each of them turning to their leader who was barely paying attention.
"Eddie?" Gareth repeats, finally getting through to Eddie.
"Huh? Oh yeah whatever," Eddie says, clearly having not paid any attention to the conversation happening around him. The group look at each other with various levels of concerned expressions and confusion, wondering where the stood on inviting the new girl.
Dustin, never one to follow the rules, decides to step up and invite the new girl anyway, taking a giant leap that Eddie had technically agreed to it. He catches her between classes and invites her to tonight's campaign, telling her that she wouldn't be able to actually play until she was formally enrolled and created a character sheet but she could watch. To his relief, she agreed with a warm smile and eager nod, making his own smile beam across his face.
"Drama room after school, don't be late, he hates that!"
"Who's this?" Eddie says, when Dustin, Lucas and new girl walk in, spotting the intruder from his place in the throne. It was the same girl from class that had walked up to him without a reason.
"Y/n," Dustin answers casually, walking away and taking his regular seat. "You said she could sit in."
"Did I? Henderson?" Eddie's tone is clipped and his eyes pierce Dustin in a harsh way, not that he notices.
"It's okay, I can go," she says awkwardly from her spot, feeling the weight of rejection settling in. Everyone else had been so friendly but Eddie seemed to want nothing to do with her.
"Nah stay," Eddie says, finally looking in her direction and acknowledging her as a person. She smiles briefly and nods, though it's somewhat forced, still feeling painfully awkward to be where she clearly wasn't wanted. "You sitting down? Just don't interrupt and no questions for now."
"Ok, be straight with me," Eddie says at the end of the session, having told her to stick around afterwards until it was just the two of them. He'd caught sight of her multiple times during the game when she would cheer along with the guys, looked tense in the pets where he lingered for tension and had followed the brief rules he'd laid down dutifully, causing no issues at all. "What's a girl like you want to do with D&D?"
"Girl like me?" She challenges, her right eyebrow raised at the implications of his words.
"Yanno," he says, throwing the last of the equipment into his cardboard box he used to lug the stuff back and forth, "you don't seem the type to be into D&D." He thought of record store girl once again, she would definitely be into d&d, or at least he could convince her to be.
She catches him looking at her cream coloured sweater and blue jeans, his eyes clearly looking at her outfit as to make a point.
"So what, you think there's an angle here? A regular girl can't have an interest in something that isn't Madonna or nail polish? You really have such a low opinion of women?"
"No," he says quickly, turning around to face her as he senses her clipped tone, only to be met with a smirk tugging at the side of her lips and eyebrow still raised. She was goading him.
"Just saying, it's a little unheard of," he says, much more meekly now. He watches as she simply shrugs, offering nothing back.
"I like what I like and I'm not gonna change that for anyone," she says with another shrug, unknowingly earning a multitude of respect from Eddie as he watches her speak. She really was pretty. "Just because I don't think Tom Cruise is the hottest man on the planet and Bananarama didn't change my life doesn't mean I'm not normal, and because I like D&D and shitty horror films I'm not girly enough for society's dumb labels."
She watches as Eddie's smirk forms on his face slowly, his hand extending towards her, "welcome to Hellfire."
It's Wednesday afternoon and the bell has just rang signalling the end of the school day when Eddie waits out by his van, smoking a cigarette and waiting for y/n. They were drawing up her character sheet that night ready for her induction to the club during the next campaign, though she'd have to sit the current one out as they were already more than halfway through. Eddie had nipped back to his trailer to pick up a few of his manuals and spare sheets ready for them to draw up her character and she'd offered for them to go to her house after school to work on it.
Eddie discovered that she was actually pretty cool, as she's started sitting with them at lunch and opening up to the conversations around her. She'd spouted an incredible knowledge of Star Wars a couple of times and had even interjected when Jeff had misspoken about something from The fellowship of the ring, blowing Eddie's mind. He hadn't really looked at her until that night at Hellfire but ever since he'd found himself unable to look away. She was gorgeous, even in her little pink sweaters and fashionable dresses. Though he felt conflicted because as much as he liked y/n, he couldn't stop thinking about the girl at the record store, his dream woman.
"Hey, sorry I'm late, couldn't get away from Robin," she said with a smile, appearing in front of the van by Eddie's side.
"Sure you're good with us going to yours? Your mom won't like totally freak out?" Eddie says with a smirk, crushing his cigarette under his sneakers. The girl huffs out a laugh, ignoring Eddie's claims and pulls open the passenger door before climbing in, wordlessly telling him it would be fine.
"Dad? You home?" She shouts as they walk through the door to her home, having ignored Eddie's compromise of parking a little back from her house, knowing the usual protocol. She's ignored him entirely and told him to park on the drive before flashing him a smile and climbing out.
There's no reply from within the house and Eddie relaxes slightly, glad he wouldn't have to face a set of disgruntled parents that inevitably thought he was corrupting their sweet daughter, pink skirt and all.
"You want a drink?" She asks, guiding him into the kitchen. "Coke, beer, Mountain Dew? Oh crap I left my shit upstairs, you wanna do it there?"
Seeing Eddie's slightly startled look, she burst out laughing, realising what she'd said. "I meant the character sheets Munson."
"Oh yeah, yeah," he says, slightly tapping his foot and letting out a laugh that sounds inauthentic even to his own ears. He didn't know what was happening to him. Sure she was pretty, more than pretty but being alone with her like this made him almost painfully nervous.
"Gonna stand there all night?" She quips, noticing him stood exactly where she'd left him after making her way to the stairs. He suddenly catches on and follows her, nervously clutching his cold can of coke and ascending the plain white staircase, mentally cursing himself to get a grip.
He hadn't been in a girls bedroom before, he felt a little weird about it. Would it be cute and flowery? Stuffies and dolls littering the place? His room was a self-proclaimed disaster with more clutter than he could deal with, messy and a little dingy, but it did the job.
"Holy fuck," he says as he steps into the room, following you absently through the wooden doorway as your room comes into view.
Posters of various bands line the walls, ticket stubs and little trinkets dotted around, noticing guitar picks tacked onto the wall near the stubs. There's an honest to god ramskull on the wall above the bed and your vinyl and tape collection is seriously impressive. There's a Jaws poster one side and a similarly impressive book collection near a wooden desk near where you stood. There's a black acoustic guitar on a stand near your closet and an array of black shirts on a shelf nearby.
But then he spots it, a Judas Priest shirt thrown over the chair near the desk- the defenders of the faith shirt that he'd seen his dream woman wearing outside the vault. His eyes flick up to a Judas priest poster on the wall, a creased and slightly ratted up poster that illustrates the show as Madison Square Garden , June 18th 1984- the same one as what was on your shirt.
"You're hot girl?" Eddie turns around, mouth agape and wide eyes roaming across your body.
"What?" You say completely confused at his reaction, thinking nothing of it as you stepped over to your desk to gather the mock character sheets you'd been working on to show him.
"You were at the Vault last week? You got Master of Puppets?" He says frantically, stepping towards you.
"You've been stalking me?" You say curiously, watching him have a mini freak out.
"That was you? But you had ripped jeans and the boots," he rambles, unable to piece the parts together of his own mental puzzle.
Suddenly, you laugh and realise what's happening. You walk over to your closet and pull open the doors, noticing Eddie was watching your every move.
"These?" You ask, pulling out your black Doc Martens, the platform style you'd been wearing when you visited the record store.
"Holy shit, holy shit," Eddie says, staring at the boots that had been imprinted into his mind since he'd seen you last time as he falls back to sit on your bed. "But."
"The clothes?" You say with a smile, understanding why he was so confused. He nods gently, looking around the room still with a moderate sense of confusion, before his eyes fall to you again. You smile and take a seat beside him on the bed, trying not to confuse him more.
"When we moved from New York, mom thought it would be best if I tried to blend in, said that small towns like these don't accept people like us very much. Dad gets away with it because of his job but even my mom started fancying her self up a little more, putting on a show I guess so the small town folk wouldn't gossip," you explain. "So she went out and bought these monstrosities," you say gesturing to the cream coloured sweater you wore. "Only thing is that it's Indiana and it's hot as balls, which sucks when you can't show your arms."
"Wh-." Eddie begins to question but you already anticipate this and begin to pull off your sweater, thankful you were wearing a black tank top underneath.
Eddie's mouth falls open even wider, his eyes bulging as he looks upon your revealed skin, seeing the tattoos that litter your arms, intricate designs and art flowing across your body.
"That explain it?" You say with a gentle laugh. His face is a picture and you wished that you could have taken a photo to keep the memory forever. You reach up to your hair and pull away the clips holding in your bangs and pull down your scrunchie, throwing it across the room before tussling your hair to fall back in place.
It really was you, his dream girl.
"That day, in Click's class," he says, piecing more of the puzzle together.
"I wanted to ask you about Hellfire," you reply, looking up from under your lashes at him, now that his face had returned to normal and mouth no longer agape.
"I was a dick," he says guiltily, his brows pulling together slightly.
"Eh," you shrug, "you weren't to know."
"I judged you like an idiot, when all this time you've been right here under my nose."
He leans in slowly, and you follow his direction until your lips are touching. It’s soft and sweet and absolutely perfect as you feel his soft lips against yours, a playfulness and a shyness to the kiss.
It falls silent for a few moments after you pull apart with shy smiles, but it's not uncomfortable in any way.
"You really saw Priest in '84?" He asks, looking between the shirt and the poster on the wall. You laugh, throwing yourself on the bed to get comfy, pleased that he was feeling more comfortable now as he follows you down to lie beside you on the bed, character sheets forgotten beside you.
"Yeah at the Garden, you know they got banned for life after the show? It was crazy, everyone was ripping up the seats! Very metal."
“Very metal.”
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Taglist requests
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cherrygirlystuff · 1 month
Welcome to Neon Nostalgia – Your New Obsession with the Grungy, Lo-Fi Sounds of the 2000s Indie Scene!
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Hey, babe! 🌸 If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a soft spot for the gritty, raw vibes of the 2000s indie music scene. You know the one – where every mixtape felt like a secret message, vinyl was more than just a collector’s item, and band posters were basically sacred art. Whether you were the queen of the local indie shows or just loved getting lost in the lo-fi sounds, I’ve got the perfect blog for you: Neon Nostalgia. Get ready to dive into a world dedicated to everything we adore about the 2000s indie scene – from mixtapes to vinyl art, and those iconic band posters that still make our hearts skip a beat. 🎧✨
Why Neon Nostalgia? 🌟
First things first, let’s talk about why Neon Nostalgia is about to become your new fave hangout spot on the internet. This blog isn’t just about looking back – it’s about celebrating everything that made the 2000s indie scene so unforgettable. It’s a space where you can relive the magic, discover hidden gems, and connect with other music lovers who feel the same way. Whether you’re here for the mixtapes, the art, or just the vibes, Neon Nostalgia is all about keeping the spirit of indie alive and thriving.
Mixtapes: The Ultimate Love Letter 🎶
Remember when making a mixtape was basically the highest form of flattery? Those carefully curated playlists were more than just a collection of songs – they were love letters, friendship bracelets, and time capsules all rolled into one. At Neon Nostalgia, we’re all about bringing back that mixtape magic.
1. Curated Mixtapes for Every Mood 💌
Neon Nostalgia features specially curated mixtapes that capture the essence of the 2000s indie scene. Whether you’re in the mood for something moody and introspective or want to dance like nobody’s watching, there’s a mixtape for that. And the best part? Each mixtape comes with a little backstory, so you can really feel the vibes that inspired it.
2. Make Your Own Mixtape Challenge 🎧
Feeling inspired? Why not take on the Neon Nostalgia Mixtape Challenge? It’s all about putting together your own playlist that tells a story – whether it’s about love, heartbreak, or just your favorite summer memories. Share it with the community, and who knows? You might just find your new music soulmate.
Vinyl Art: Where Music Meets Masterpiece 🎨
If you’re a vinyl lover, you know that it’s not just about the sound – it’s about the experience. There’s something so satisfying about holding a record in your hands, admiring the cover art, and letting the needle drop onto the vinyl. Neon Nostalgia takes that experience to the next level with its dedication to vinyl art.
1. Iconic Vinyl Covers of the 2000s 🎵
Neon Nostalgia has a whole section dedicated to the most iconic vinyl covers of the 2000s indie scene. From the minimalist beauty of The Strokes’ Is This It to the dreamy artwork of In Rainbows by Radiohead, these covers weren’t just packaging – they were works of art that perfectly captured the spirit of the music.
2. DIY Vinyl Art Projects 🖌️
Feeling crafty? Neon Nostalgia’s got you covered with DIY vinyl art projects. Whether you want to create your own album cover, repurpose an old record into something new, or just get inspired by the creativity of others, this is the perfect place to unleash your inner artist.
Band Posters: The Art of the Indie Scene 🖼️
Let’s be real – our walls were never the same after we discovered band posters. They were more than just decorations; they were statements, identities, and windows into a world where music was everything. Neon Nostalgia knows the power of a good band poster and celebrates it with style.
1. The Best Band Posters of the 2000s 🎸
Neon Nostalgia features a collection of the best band posters from the 2000s indie scene. Whether it’s the bold, graphic designs of Yeah Yeah Yeahs, the dreamy, abstract posters for Animal Collective, or the gritty, DIY aesthetic of Arctic Monkeys, each poster tells its own story.
2. How to Create Your Own Band Poster 🎨
Ever dreamed of making your own band poster? Neon Nostalgia has tips and tricks for creating your own poster, whether you’re a graphic design pro or just starting out. It’s all about capturing the energy and vibe of the music you love in a way that’s totally you.
Final Thoughts, Gorgeous: Let’s Keep the Indie Spirit Alive!
So there you have it, babe – Neon Nostalgia is your new go-to for everything related to the grungy, lo-fi sounds of the 2000s indie scene. Whether you’re here for the mixtapes, the vinyl art, or the band posters, it’s all about celebrating a time when music was raw, real, and totally unforgettable.
And the best part? Neon Nostalgia isn’t just about looking back – it’s about keeping that indie spirit alive. It’s about connecting with other music lovers, discovering new favorites, and maybe even making some art of your own. So whether you’re reminiscing about your first indie show or just discovering the magic of the 2000s for the first time, Neon Nostalgia is here to keep the vibes going strong.
Are you as obsessed with the 2000s indie scene as I am? Let’s chat in the comments about your favorite bands, mixtapes, and everything else that makes Neon Nostalgia so special! 💕
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sid-the-sandwich · 4 months
'Obey Me!' character hobby mechanic
This is my second time writing this because I lost the first draft even though I saved multiple times.
Anyways, this is (Maybe) part 2 of stealing features from other games and incorporating it into the mechanics of 'Obey Me!' While writing the shops for each character, my mind wandered and I had a thought, what if there were hobbies like in 'Blush Blush'. Leveling up these hobbies would give rewards such as intimacy multiplier, icons, bonuses, and cards.
I'm a yapper, so this is going to be long. Not proof-read
firstly, i'll talk about the hobbies mechanics and what it would do:
There should be 4 types of hobbies:
Common- hobbies that almost every character has.
Uncommon- Hobbies that 5 or more characters have
Rare- Hobbies that 2, 3 or 4 characters have
Character specific- A hobby distinct to each character
the rewards for these would be:
Common/Uncommon- Grimm, AP
Rare- Grimm, AP, DP, DV, Character lines
Character specific- Grimm, AP, DP, DV, Character lines, Card pieces
NOTE: all four will add an intimacy multiplier that will apply to only characters who have that hobby
the rewards for the level max for these would be:
Common/Uncommon- an icon of Sheep MC doing the hobby
Rare- icon, Memory card of the characters with that hobby
Character specific- Icon, UR card of that character
The Hobbies:
Watching TV
Board games
Animal lover
Card games
Horse riding
Marine Biology
Demonus tasting
Working out
Character Specific:
Cursed Record collector
Cat Enthusiast
Competitive Eating
Tea tasting
Magic tricks
Trap making
There are a lot of hobbies listed above, however considering how long the game is running, and the amount of characters, a wide variety of hobbies make sense.
Now onto the characters:
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Board Games
Card games
Demonus Tasting:
"I'd love to share a glass with you. Meet me in my study in 20 minutes" "Careful, i wouldn't want to drink too much, who knows what I might do"
Horse Riding:
"Hold on tight to my waist, I'll keep you safe" "Let's take a trip together, far from my brothers"
"There's a piano in the music room, you're the only one i trust to use it" "Lets play a duet, naturally I'll take the lead"
Character Specific:
Cursed Record Collector:
"Come to my room, i want to show you a new record I acquired" "I used to have more records but Mammon is holding some hostage for money"
UR Card: Lucifer looking at a record player with Sheep MC on top of the record spinning.
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Watching TV
Card Games
"YOOO! THE GREAT Mammon wants to hang out with you! lets go paint the town" "WHA! I CANT HEAR YA OVER THE MUSIC FROM YESTERDAY"
"You can look but ya cant touch... well, i g-guess i wouldnt complain if ya did" "Did ya see the new edition of Devucci? Top cover baby"
"Hey my favourite human, my first, my number one... ya really wanna pay for me today, don't ya?" "YES! I just stole Goldie back from Lucifer! let's go before he finds us!"
Character Specific:
"Hey MC... whats your favourite number? thats gonna be my lucky number today" "MC you have to come to the casino with me! you're my good luck charm"
UR Card: Mammon holding Sheep MC running out the Casino
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Watching TV
Card Games
"Luke befriended me in Mononoke Land... who knew he was so good" "Can you come to my room later? i brought a new game"
Marine Biology:
"Henry 2.0 is my friend... sometimes i think i should get him some siblings" "Once Belphie drifted out to sea... we didn't see him for a week"
"Wanna make a Ruri-chan doll with me? It's n-not like i wanna hang out with you or anything" "I'm just a Yucky otaku who likes knitting"
Character Specific:
"H-Henry? y-your dressed as Henry? E-eh d-dont taunt me like that" "Can you be the Azuki-tan to my Ruri-chan? BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!"
UR Card: A picture of Levi in a Ruri-chan costume and Sheep MC dressed as Azuki-tan
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Board games
Animal Lover
"Don't talk, im concentrating... okay, now continue." "I wrote your name on your book for you... i know you'll enjoy it"
"whats your favourite song? ill play it for you" "My heart is fluttering... your notes are really doing something to me"
"I learnt how to knit from Raphael... he's a good teacher... maybe i can teach you some tricks" "Want to knit some scarfs for each other?"
Character Specific:
Cat Enthusiasm:
"MEOW" "Sorry about that- i accidentally cursed myself again"
UR Card: Satan and Sheep MC with a cat filter
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"hi <3 lets go out tonight!" "I can dance all night long! join me?"
"Why does Mammon have to be attractive? he's an idiot" "I'm ready for my close-up <3"
"You should wear an outfit i choose for you" "Lets go to the new lovers' Cafe, my treat"
Character Specific:
"Hehe! i have the cutest face-mask for us to try" "You have soft hands, lets join them..."
UR Card:
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Watching TV
Working Out:
"Lets play Fangol together... you remember the rules, right?" "Here... hold the stick like this... good, thats good."
Horse Riding:
"We could both ride on one horse... I'll hold you tight, I promise." "I'm not letting you ride a horse until you wear a helmet"
"You, me, Levi and Belphie should all play a game together sometime; its more fun with more people" "Lets play an easy game this time..."
Character Specific:
Competitive Eating:
"Woah! There's a human world sport that involves eating?" "MC, lets eat a whole pile of hot dogs together! I'll let you have the first bite"
UR Card: Beel eating from a plateful of hotdogs and Sheep MC cheering him on
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Board Games
Watching TV
Animal Lover
"The last time i played with Simeon, i slept through 'DevilKart' and still won when i woke up" "Sleep is like life's pause button"
"I only started knitting because i wanted a new blanket, but its actually fun" "I can knitt in my sleep y'know... maybe i can trap you in one of my knitted blankets... heh."
"Can you play me a lullaby?" "You really have a lot of time- huh?"
Character Specific:
"You remember THOSE stars? Those are the one's Beel and I gave you" "I wonder if you think about me when you look at the stars... just like how i think of you"
UR Card: Belphie stargazing with Sheep MC on his chest looking up at the stars
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Animal lover
Horse riding:
"Lucifer, Mephistopheles, and I like to take leisurely strolls on the Horse ranches... those two are like best friends" "I wonder if Barbatos will allow me to take the day off to entertain you with a ride on my horse?"
"Lets have a contest! Who can play better?" "I'll play a tune for you at the next Devildom festival... as our guest of honour"
Demonus tasting:
"Lucifer says the funniest things when he's drunk" "'I love you, now clean your room' such fun! Do i sound like Lucifer?"
Character Specific:
"I've never been beat before... you really want to play against me" "If you win, I'll be your 'pawn' for the night"
UR Card: Diavolo playing Chess against Sheep MC
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Board Games
Animal Lover
"The Young Master is lazy when it comes to learning calligraphy" "Its refreshing to see someone so young taking an interest in calligraphy"
"Knitting was something i didn't pick up for thousands of years, who knew it was so... amusing." "I created a quilt, a patchwork of human history as a side project"
Marine Biology:
"It's only logical to learn about the human world sea-life," "In another timeline, we are all fish."
Character Specific:
Tea Enthusiast
"It's piping hot... be careful." "Does it taste familiar? it contains ingredients from your home country"
UR Card: Barbatos and Sheep MC having a tea party
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Watching TV
Board games
Animal Lover
Marine Biology:
"I LOVE ALL THE CUTE FISHIES" "Barbatos likes teaching me about fish when we cook together"
"Simeon made me a sweater! its so cute! i wear it when i go to the human world!" "MC, can you help me start the row for my knitting?"
"I just sent Levi a friend request on Mononoke Land! he accepted immediately" "Simeon said I'm no longer allowed any more time on my DDD today!"
Character Specific:
"Someone get Solomon out the kitchen. PLEASE!" "Can you reach the mixer for me? Simeon put it on the top shelf to hide it from Solomon."
UR Card: Luke and Sheep MC with chef hats and aprons mixing a batch of dough.
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Board games
Working out:
"Being an angel means i have to be in top shape!" "Lets do some exercises together... i'll help you do some stretches."
"A company called 'Majolish' asked me to be their model." "Mammon and Asmodeous gave me tips on how to pose; i could show you later if you want."
"I made Luke a little sweater... Raphael helped me with the design" "Solomon took a picture of me knitting... I'm hunched over."
Character Specific:
"Leviathan keeps begging me for a new TSL novel... he really is an avid fan, huh?" "Luke said i should use a computer... i kept pressing the wrong keys..."
UR Card: Simeon typing on a computer, squinting with glasses with a Sheep MC (Also with glasses) doing the same on his shoulder
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Board games
Card Games
Animal lover
"This is how we used to write in 'ye olden days'" "Hmm... who else can i taunt with my writing?"
"Let me dream a little dream of you ♩" "I wonder what the others would say if i played your faverouite song?"
Marine Biology:
"I still cant believe I'm exiled from the sea" "do you think if i put Leviathan and Barbatos in a tank, they'd fight?"
Character Specific:
Magic Tricks:
"Get ready for the elusive Solomon-dini" "And for this trick, I will take your heart."
UR Card: Solomon in a magician hat with a magician wand, he points the wand at Sheep MC
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"I only model so that Solomon has to see my face everywhere!" "Do you... want to do a photoshoot with me?"
"Yoooo! Lets go party, i'll sneak you outta RAD" "Lets set fireworks! hahaha!"
Demonus Tasting:
"When i first came to the Devildom, i didnt understand Demonus, now i totally get it!" "I wonder how a drunk Barbatos acts like..."
Character Specific:
Trap Making:
"If you ever need help, just text me... I'll send one of my traps over" "This is 'Spider-squid v4', i made it for you..."
UR Card: Thirteen shooting a net-trap from her contraption with Sheep MC ontop of the trap
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Board games
Animal lover
"You want to see my writing, why?" "I could write you a poem, I guess..."
"I remember playing this tune in the Celestial Realm" "Could you do me a favour? Could you gather Lucifer and his brothers... i wanted to play a song for them"
"I made you a sweater... i heard this design was 'hip' with the humans" "Knitting is easy and repetitive, its addictive that way"
Character Specific:
"I remember sewing the brother's clothes in the Celestial Realm" "You know some new sowing techniques? You humans are incredible"
UR Card: Raphael sowing some clothes with Sheep MC's help
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Board games
"Calligraphy is a forgotten art" "I wish to write your name in as many fonts as i can"
"I can play a multitude of human songs I heard from the past" "Lord Diavolo once told me a story of a young boy, but he expressed it through the medium of piano... that was a long hour."
Horse Riding:
"Lord Diavolo takes Lucifer and I to ride horses sometimes, its always so... awkward" "I like racing horses, I've known how to ride horses since i was a mere boy"
Character Specific:
"i think you should be on the front page of the school newspaper" "You enjoy spending time with me?"
UR Card: Mephisto and Sheep MC with magnifying glasses
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weird-dork37 · 6 months
Intro post
Ok so turns out I actually might post stuff so I guess for ppl who see these posts here’s a bit about me
My name is Iris (my friend helped me pick it out and I love it so much)
My sexuality is Aroace, Im Genderfluid, Any pronouns are fine, INFP, Aries, Hufflepuff, minor so pls don’t be creepy and weird, I like to read and paint and give ppl gifts, I play the French horn and trumpet( I want to learn the Saxophone, piano, Violin, Drums, Bass, Guitar, etc) I love cats and dogs, I have 3 dogs but no cats😔( my dad is allergic), I want a ferret cause I think they are cute, My fav wild animal is an Otter, I love Frogs, I like memes and gay stuff and band and theatre, IM OBSESSED WITH DUCKS( I HAVE A COLLECTION OF RUBBER DUCKS AND I WANT TO HAVE ATLEAST 1000 BY THE TIME THAT I DIE) ill prolly add more as I remember
Music that I like- Taylor Swift, Conan Gray, Olivia Rodrigo, Chloe Ament, Cavetown, Girl in Red, Mistki, Laufey, Lady Gaga, Orla Gartland, mxmtoon, Baby Queen, beabadoobee, Wolf Alice, Billie Eilish, Sabrina Carpenter, Hozier, Benson Boone, Djo, Chapell Roan, Tate McRae, Arctic Monkeys, Gracie Abrams, Lana del Rey, Melanie Martinez, etc
Books that I like- HEARTSTOPPER(Osemanverse), Hunger games, PJO(the entire universe of PJO), Harry Potter, Divergent, The Cruel Prince, A good girls guide to murder, The inheritance games, The Babysitters Club, Shatter Me, Six of Crows/ Shadow and Bone, The inheritance cycle, Acotar, Fablehaven/Dragonwatch, Better than the movies, prolly others I just can’t remember
Movies that I like- Hunger Games, Love Simon, Nimona, Inside out, Tangled, Crush, Harry Potter, Luca, 10 Things I hate about you, Clueless, Big hero 6, Barbie, Enola Holmes, Encanto, Coco, Little Woman, Marvel, Maze Runner, Megamind, Shrek, Ik there are others but my memory is rlly bad rn so I’ll just add them when I remember them
TV Shows that I like- HEARTSTOPPER, The Owl house(TOH), She-ra, Heartbreak High, Bridgerton, Friends, Survivor, The Good Place, Big bang Theory, How I met your Mother, Home Economics, The Vampire Diaries, Abbott Elementary, Anne with an E, Arcane, Bojack Horseman, Boy Meets World, Girl Meets World, Brooklyn 99, Carmen Sandiago, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Miraculous Ladybug, Criminal minds, Stranger things, Gilmore Girls, Julie and the Phantoms, Love Victor, Ik there is more but yk bad memory
Ppl that I Kin big time- Luz noceda, Tori spring, Charlie spring, Robin Buckley, Hunter from TOH, The collector from TOH, Will Byers, Nick Nelson, Rain whispers from TOH, Entrapta from she-ra
Ik there’s more to say but I honestly can’t remember) I guess just look at what I post and repost🤷‍♀️
You guys seem like awesome ppl😊
So guess all that’s left to say is Hi!
Edit- My Pinterest username is rAiNbOw_MaFiA (I don’t post much on there, but I have a LOT of boards and pins saved)
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ambrossart · 1 year
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Post Prom - Part II
⏪ part one
summary: after leaving prom, you and eddie go to the hideout to reminisce and listen to music. one thing leads to another, and you end up going back to his trailer.
pairing: eddie munson x dwm!reader word count: 7,167 warnings: language, new relationship, underage drinking, reminiscing about the past, pent-up feelings finally being expressed, very slightly NSFW, mostly just a lot of making out, plus a little dry humping, nothing too explicit, some suggestive language, talk of sex but no actual depictions of sex, eddie being adorable, eddie being romantic
This short story is the epilogue to Dancing with Myself. For proper context, I highly suggest you read that before reading this.
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Eddie had to fiddle with the lock a few times before the front door would open. 
While he jiggled his keys and cursed under his breath, you stood on the step below with your stomach all knotted up like macramé, watching the tiny moths flutter beneath the gleam of the porchlight. This wasn’t your first time standing here. You had been here before, almost six years ago, when you came and started banging on Eddie’s door at ten o’clock in the morning, yelling for him to get his stubborn ass outside. The memory made you giggle. You had been so nervous back then. Shit, you were nervous now… just a different kind, you supposed. 
A soft creak drew your attention back to the front door. Eddie pulled it open with a triumphant smile and held it for you. 
“Well,” he said, “this is it…” 
And right before you went inside, you saw Eddie suck in a shallow breath. He was nervous, nervous about letting you see inside his house—his private, most intimate place—completely unprepared. You felt honored and grateful to know he trusted you that much. 
Smiling, you brushed past him and walked through the front door. As soon as you did, you were overcome with this overwhelming and indescribable warmth that spread through your whole body. It felt less like you were entering Eddie’s house and more like you were entering his world. After years of standing outside it, only ever getting as close as the front porch, you had finally been allowed inside. It was hard not to get a little emotional about it. 
“Sorry about the mess,” Eddie said, but honestly, you didn’t even notice it. Your feet moved on their own and carried you deeper inside, into the living room. There, you found a dark brown sofa chair sitting in the far right corner and a light brown loveseat resting against a draped window. A bit worn, both of them, but still in good shape. Pushed against the opposite wall was a small television, a writing desk with a built-in shelf, and a roll-out folding bed, where you imagined Eddie’s uncle resting after a long night’s work. It was a charming room, well-lit and cozy, full of all these random little knickknacks that you could have spent hours browsing through. There were hats hanging on the walls, dozens of them, and long wooden shelves lined with nothing but souvenir mugs, more than you could even begin to count. 
“You know, your uncle could open a gift shop with all this stuff.” 
Eddie was watching you from the front door, a faint smile on his face. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, he’s quite the collector.”
You nodded absentmindedly and proceeded into the kitchen, humming as you ran your hand along a small dining table set for two, with mismatched chairs.
Eddie gave you a bemused look and said, “What are you doing?” 
“Just looking around,” you answered with a shrug. “Why? Do you not want me to?” 
“Uhh, no,” Eddie said, a little taken aback. “Go crazy.” 
So with his permission, you did. You fingered through some of the clutter on the counter, cracked open a few cabinets and drawers, snuck a little peek into the fridge—just a quick one to sate your curiosity, perfectly harmless. And as you did this, you imagined Eddie growing up here: making breakfast for himself before school, doing his homework at the counter, eating dinner with his uncle at the dining table. Did he use the upholstered chair or the simpler metal one leaning against the pantry? You couldn’t quite decide. 
Then you moseyed down the hallway, looking at this and that. You pushed open the door, switched on the light to see into the bathroom… and stopped dead in your tracks when you reached the bedroom at the end of the hall. 
Your stomach flipped twice, end over end. Yeah, you didn’t dare step foot in Eddie’s room. Instead, you spun around and went scurrying back the way you came, feeling much less adventurous than before.
As you shyly approached, Eddie said, “Well, did you enjoy your little tour?”
“I did,” you said while you played with the tip of your pinky. “Yeah, I really like your house.” 
“Well, good,” Eddie said with a crooked, bashful smile. “I’m glad you like it.” 
And then you both fell silent, listening to the low hum of a lightbulb that wasn’t quite screwed on tight enough. You stood with your back pressed against a metal storage rack. Across from you, Eddie was still by the front door, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. He had his left hand on the backrest of one of the dining chairs, and his nails kept scratching against the upholstery as he slowly curled and uncurled his fingers. His silver-plated rings winked at you every time they caught the light. After a while, it was starting to drive you crazy.
Those damn rings, you thought, they’re gonna be the death of me, I swear. 
Eddie’s voice made you jump. 
“I’m gonna grab a beer,” he said. “Do you, uh, want one?” 
“Sure,” you said. 
After all, a little liquid courage couldn’t hurt, could it? 
Eddie grabbed two cans of beer from the fridge, opened one, and handed it to you. “Thanks,” you said, and then he went into the living room and made himself comfortable on the sofa. 
No, on the loveseat.
Eddie threw his feet up on the coffee table, cracked open his beer and took a few slow sips. Upon lowering his drink, he turned to you and made a beckoning motion with just the tip of his finger.
This one simple gesture set your nerves on fire! You made it only a few steps into the living room before you backpedaled into the counter and huddled against it like a coward. It dawned on you now, actually now, that you and Eddie were finally, truly, alone. Yeah, this wasn’t two kids whispering downstairs in a basement or two high school students flirting in a public restroom on prom night. This was you and Eddie. 
Oh fuck, you thought as a shiver ran up your spine. You brought the aluminum can to your lips and took the biggest gulp of your life.
Now Eddie was getting up and walking toward you. He sank down beside you with his beer in his hand and said in a hushed voice, “Why are you hiding?”
“Why are you whispering?” you said, and Eddie’s face scrunched up adorably, like he didn’t have a clue. 
“I dunno,” he answered in his normal voice. Then he took a long, long drink and wiped his wet lips with the knuckle of his thumb. “Seriously, though, why are you hiding from me?” 
You opened your mouth, closed it, and turned away. “You make me really nervous.”
Eddie’s eyes widened. “Really? Well, that’s… interesting.” 
You looked over your shoulder and saw his lips curl into a proud grin.
“Oh, don’t get all smug now!” you said, giving him a little shove. 
“I’m not, I’m not. It’s just…” His face softened with a gentle smile. “It’s a good feeling, knowing I make you nervous.” 
Eddie’s words made you blush. You set your beer aside and burrowed deep into Wayne’s jacket. “I’m not used to you being like this.” 
“Like what?” 
“All… confident and flirty. I dunno, I guess I’m just used to you running away from me all the time.” 
Eddie’s brow furrowed. “I never ran away from you.” 
“Really?” you said with a teasing smirk. “‘Cause I can think of at least four separate occasions where you saw me and immediately took off in the opposite direction.” 
“Well, that’s… because I was scared of you.”
You bent your head and started to giggle. Eddie watched you out of the corner of his eye, struggling to hold in a laugh of his own. 
“You finally admit it.”
“I finally admit it…” 
Eddie put down his beer and smiled at you. Then his eyes took on a strange glint, as if inflamed by some mysterious spark of emotion. Without speaking, he rolled his weight onto his right arm and swung his body over yours, pinning you up against the counter.
His deep brown eyes bore into yours as he said, “Luckily, I’m not fourteen anymore.”
Your lips parted with an inaudible gasp. No, you definitely aren’t, you thought, and drew away from him a little. This was too much. The house was too quiet, Eddie was too close, and you… you were silently chanting the Lord’s Prayer in hopes of banishing the evil spirit that was currently possessing your thoughts. 
Your eyes closed as Eddie’s nose grazed your cheek. 
“Hey,” he whispered, “can I tell you a secret?”
You nodded vaguely, unable to speak. When you opened your eyes, Eddie was hovering over you and staring at your face with a soft, almost sleepy gaze. 
“You make me nervous, too,” he said. “Pretty much on a daily basis.” 
“Really?” Your nose wrinkled in disbelief. “You don’t seem nervous.” 
“You don’t think so?” he said. “C’mere.” 
He took your hand and held it to his chest. His heart thundered desperately against your palm. 
In a flustered voice, you said, “Okay, if this is a move, it’s a good one.” 
Eddie’s chest shook as he laughed. “Well, good,” he said. “I’ll make sure to use it on the next girl I invite over.” 
A smile tugged at your lips. “Shut up,” you said, but you didn’t raise your hand to smack him like you normally would. Instead, you closed your eyes and let your hand melt into him, feeling his heat, feeling his heartbeat, riding each wave of his ragged breath. Was this what it always felt like? When Eddie saw you in the hallway, in the cafeteria, in class, did his heart ache for you just like this? It almost seemed impossible, didn’t it? Before tonight, this would’ve been nothing more than a fantasy, but now… right now… it felt too real to be anything but true.
You laid your head on Eddie’s chest, felt his heart jog and then settle back into a steady rhythm: slower than before but still beating strong. Then you felt his arms wrap around you and pull you tighter against him. You nuzzled your head into his chin. He pressed his lips to your hairline and sighed against your skin. 
“I really missed you,” he said. 
After that, time seemed to stop. You raised your head off Eddie’s chest and smiled at him. He kissed you softly on the lips and drew back with smoldering eyes. You touched your hand to his face, gently brushing your fingers over his bottom lip, and he leaned in and kissed you again, taking the last six years of yearning and heartache and igniting them into passion. His grip on your waist tightened. Your fingers curled around the back of his neck and pulled him closer. You kissed slowly, deeply, and then he grabbed your hips and lifted you onto the counter.
Items scattered and shifted. Somewhere behind you, a cup fell with a hollow clink. You broke the kiss, laughing, and craned your head to see where it landed. Eddie hooked his hand around your jaw and pulled you back, kissing you again and again until
Brrring! Brrring!
the phone rang.
The sound blared through the silent house like a fire alarm. You and Eddie broke away and stared at each other, breathless and bewildered. Then you buried your face in the crook of his neck and crumbled into giggles.  
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Eddie said, looking up with a wide, defeated smile. He cupped your face and pressed one more kiss to your lips, and as he pulled away, he whispered in a slow, forceful voice: “Don’t move.” 
He went to the ringing phone and lifted the handset off the wall.
“Yeah?” he said while rubbing his forehead. 
“Hey, man!” It was Gareth, calling at almost two in the morning. “I thought you’d be home by now…” Lips smacked and popcorn crunched. In the background, an old sci-fi movie was playing. “So, how’d it go, dude?”
“Uhh, good.” Eddie glanced back at you and a smile came to his face. “Really good.” 
He turned around, looked for a seat, and sat down on top of the kitchen table. Meanwhile, you had climbed down from the counter and were now carefully rearranging the ruffled layers of your taffeta skirt, making sure they lay neatly against your thigh. A guttural sound emerged from Eddie’s throat as he watched you. He closed his eyes and cursed his friend’s timing. 
“No shit,” said Gareth in disbelief. “You actually got Chrissy to dance with you?”
“Uhh… no,” Eddie said. “You were right, man, that was a terrible idea.”
A terrible and wonderful idea. It brought him straight to you. 
“Oh shit, I’m sorry, buddy,” Gareth said. “How’re you doing?” 
Eddie rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m, uhh…” You caught his eye and gave him a sweet smile that he couldn’t help but return. “I’m better than ever, man.”
“Is that Gareth?” you asked. 
Eddie nodded, rolled his eyes, and said, “Uh-huh…” while his friend’s voice faded into the background.
He watched you fidget in sheer boredom for a while: tracing random patterns on the counter with your finger, flicking the lampshade and making it spin, picking up a pair of pliers, fiddling with them for a second, and putting them back down. Then you leaned forward and laid your chin on your palm, giving him a coy, impatient little pout that awakened something primal within him. The handset slipped out of his hand, pulled the coiled cord taut, and clattered to the floor. Eddie picked it up and clumsily brought it back to his ear. 
“Hey, I gotta go, man.”
“Huh?” Gareth said. “What do you mean, you—Wait, are you with someone right now?”
Eddie didn’t answer. He was on his feet and moving. 
“I’ll, uhh, talk to you later, buddy.”
“No, wait! Eddie! Eddie!” 
“Don’t call me back,” Eddie said. He pulled the handset away from his ear and
hung it on the base with a click. 
During all this, you were snickering with your hand over your mouth. Eddie stepped away from the phone and—suddenly, it was ringing again! Your laughter grew into muffled snorts. Eddie picked up the phone and growled: “Fuck off!” then slammed it back down. And when it rang a third time (because, of course, it had to ring a third time), he grabbed the cable and yanked it right out of the socket.
“What if there’s an emergency?” you said, giggling, as Eddie came toward you. 
“I… don’t care,” he muttered dazedly, and he scooped your face into his hands and kissed you.
This was not a chaste, gentleman’s kiss. This was a lover’s kiss, full of heat and passion, desperation and desire. You closed your eyes and parted your lips as Eddie trailed kisses down your chin and along your jaw. His calloused hands, strong but tender, traced down your neck and tugged on the collar of Wayne’s jacket, pulling it over your shoulders, down your arms, and letting it fall to the floor. “Watch the jacket,” you said, and a sharp gasp escaped you. The contrast between the warmth of Eddie’s hands and the coldness of his rings made you shiver as he caressed your bare arms, slowly, gently. He kissed his way up to your mouth, cupped the side of your face, and slipped his tongue between your lips. You curled your hand into his shirt and let out a soft moan. 
But then he drew back with a wince. 
“Hey, I didn’t plan this or anything. You know that, right?” 
Eddie’s dark eyes passed over your face, searching for any signs of doubt. “I mean… I didn’t bring you here to uhh, y’know, try to get in your pants.” 
Your grip on his shirt loosened. “Oh,” you said, and looked at the floor with an embarrassed smile. “Well, that’s a little disappointing…”
(because you were definitely trying to get in his)
As those words left your lips, the air between you became thick with tension. You timidly ran your hand down Eddie’s chest, a faint blush rising to your face, and his eyes grew wide as realization washed over him. 
“Oh shit,” Eddie said. He gulped deeply, combed his hand nervously through his hair, and spoke in a heated, trembling voice: “Umm… are you sure?” 
You pulled him in by his shirt and kissed him. As you broke away, your eyes were calm and unwavering.
“I’m sure.”
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The world seemed dreamlike as your body sank into Eddie’s mattress. 
His fingers interlaced with yours as he slowly crawled you backwards toward the wall, his chest above yours, knees astride your legs while he pressed soft, tender kisses to your greedy lips. He pushed down on your chest gently and the mattress came up to meet you: your elbows fell one after the other and your head landed gently on the pillow. Eddie’s scent lingered in the fabric, a mixture of sweat, soap, cologne, and cigarette smoke. You breathed it in deeply and shivered. 
All the while, his hands never left yours. They rubbed against your palms, slid between your fingers, and pushed your hands deeper into the mattress. Your eyes rolled up to the ceiling as he kissed down your neck and along your chest, the moisture of his mouth lingering everywhere his lips touched. The sensation overwhelmed you. Your chest heaved with heavy breaths as you stared around Eddie’s bedroom with half-lidded eyes, taking in everything—the posters on the walls, the clothes strewn about the floor, all the clutter on his desk, dresser, and nightstand: beer cans, guitar cables, cassette tapes, empty packs of cigarettes. Next to the desk was an acoustic guitar with a message painted on the body. You had to sit up and squint your eyes in order to read it. 
“This machine slays dragons?” You threw your head back against the pillow and giggled. “Wow, Munson, just when I thought you couldn’t get any nerdier…” 
Your laughter broke into stifled gasps as Eddie caught your skin between his teeth. He nibbled gently on your collarbone and ran his tongue up your neck, then trailed lazy kisses from the edge of your jaw to the corner of your mouth, stopping there as he leaned back onto his left elbow. 
While playing with your fingers, he said with a cheeky little smile, “Sorry, were you saying something just now?”
“Uhh, no,” you said, feeling breathless and dizzy. “I, umm…” 
Eddie lowered himself back down until his mouth was hovering over yours, close but not quite touching. 
“You forgot?” he said in a low voice. 
Your head bobbed slightly as you stared at his lips, desperately craving the contact that was currently out of reach. You moved up to kiss him and he pulled away, a smile dragging up the side of his face.
A frustrated huff blew through your nose. “Please,” you said, and immediately snapped your mouth shut. 
Shit, you thought. That one was gonna cost you. 
Eddie’s eyes brightened with surprised delight. “Uh, what was that? Did I just hear you say please?” 
“No,” you said as a shameful heat engulfed your face. 
“Oh, I think I did,” he said, chuckling. “Uh-oh, now I have to make you say it again.” 
“I’m not saying it again.” 
“Yeah, well, I kinda need you to say it again, so…” 
The corner of Eddie’s mouth lifted into a tantalizing smirk as he parted your lips with his thumb, drawing a whimper from deep in your throat. 
“Please,” you whispered, and a switch went off in his head. 
All of a sudden, Eddie’s eyes darkened with a naked, carnal lust that made your core clench and quiver with need. You arched your back as he lowered himself back down to you, and when he reached your lips, he kissed you with a hungry motion that left your whole body crying out for more. You dug your hands into his back, pressed yourself tighter against him. He ground his hips into yours and sucked gently on your neck, leaving faint marks all over your skin. Your breath hitched as you felt his hardening length through the fabric of his jeans. He moaned against you and moved back to your face, kissing your mouth, your chin, your cheek, and he whispered huskily into your ear, “Are you a virgin?” 
The question hit you like a sobering slap. 
“Maybe,” you said. “So what?” 
“Hey, you don’t have to get defensive. I’m just asking, okay? It’s important that I know.” 
“Okay, well… now you know.” You recoiled from him and turned your head to the side, staring at the heap of clothes on his floor. A lump formed in your throat as thoughts churned in your head. You swallowed hard and said in a small voice, “I take it you’re pretty experienced.” 
Eddie gave you a funny look. “Well, I’m not that experienced. Mostly, I just watch a lot of porn.” 
A giggle burst out of you, making your chest feel fluttery and light. When you turned back, you were welcomed by Eddie’s warm, comforting stare. He kissed your lips softly and a smile illuminated your face. 
“So Corroded Coffin doesn’t have any groupies?” 
“Not unless you count Gareth’s mom… which I do.” 
You two broke into laughter. Eddie took your hand, pressed a few kisses to your knuckles, and leaned down to kiss you. As you parted, a question slithered its way into your mind: 
“Hey, can you really tie a cherry stem with your tongue?”
Eddie arched his eyebrow. “Have you been thinking about that all night?”
“Well, not all night,” you said with a sheepish smile. “So, can you?” 
Eddie snickered, his warm breath fanning your face. “No,” he said. “No, I was just trying to make you blush.” 
“Oh,” you said, and felt your face get hot again. Well, you could’ve fooled me.
The previous urgency of his desire was replaced with caring deliberation. His hands gently caressed your waist, your hips, your thighs, tracing around every curve until he had each one of them memorized. You felt short of breath as he lowered his head and started kissing your breasts through the fabric of your dress. A whimper rose in your throat and you withered helplessly against him. You dragged your foot up his left pant leg, ran your hand up his right arm, feeling his hair between your fingers, drawing over his tattoos, pushing up his sleeve to squeeze the hard muscle of his bicep. He kissed the tops of your breasts, your chest, the side of your neck, and felt your hand on his face, beckoning him. 
You both shared a moan when your bodies reconnected. Soft breaths filled the room as your hunger for one another grew, your hips moving together in a slow, passionate rhythm. Eddie panted against your lips, stared deeply into your eyes, and when his hand slid between your thighs, you pulled away and said through the static of your thoughts, 
“Umm, Eddie? I don’t mean to kill the mood or anything, but umm… do you have a condom?” 
The resulting silence was deafening. Eddie’s lips grazed your cheek and he drew back with a muddled expression, his mouth open, eyes slowly blinking, blinking, blinking. 
You shrank away from him and grimaced. “It’s just, umm… you know, getting pregnant on prom night wasn’t quite the cliche I had in mind.” 
You forced out a laugh and it instantly died in your throat. Great, you thought. Turns out, you hadn’t killed the mood at all. No, what you did was far more sadistic and cruel. Instead of taking it out in one clean shot, you missed all its vital organs and now you had to watch it limp away and die a slow, agonizing death. Way to go, sharpshooter. 
Eddie shook his head and, finally, the haze in his eyes began to clear. 
“Uhh… right, shit,” he said, “just, umm… hold on.” 
He climbed to his feet, pulled out his wallet, and froze as soon as he peeked into the fold. 
“Shit,” he said under his breath. 
You pressed your lips together and nodded. “You don’t have one, do you?” 
“No,” Eddie said quickly, with a little tremor of panic in his voice. “No, I do… just, uhh…” 
He went to his dresser and started going through all the drawers: pulling them open, rifling through them for a minute, then slamming them closed. Then he went to his desk and did the same thing. With every slam, your cringe deepened. It was like watching a massacre in slow motion. You had shot and missed and now Eddie was savagely beating the mood to death with a rock. Just put the poor thing out of its misery already!
“Eddie,” you said.  
He pushed his palm toward you. “Don’t… Don’t go anywhere,” he said in a distracted voice, and he spun around and stumbled out of the bedroom. 
“Where would I even go?” you said, baffled. Then you slapped your hand to your forehead and cursed yourself for saying anything at all. Of all the times to listen to your gut, you chose now—now, when you were this close to living out all your horny teenage fantasies with the man of your dreams. What happened to the angel and the devil on your shoulder? Should you? Shouldn't you? The funny little back-and-forth? You figured there’d at least be a little bit of that, but nope! The stop sign went up and you slammed your foot on the brake right in the middle of a four-way intersection: crash, smash, KABOOM!
You sighed, rolled onto your side, and started shuffling through the comics you found beside Eddie’s bed. 
“Hey, you have Creepshow!” You plucked it out of the pile and opened it to the first short story. “Have you seen the movie? Oh my god, Munson, that last one with the cockroaches… boy, did that mess me up for a while. I freaked out every time I had to turn on the light in the kitchen. And I have a pretty strong nerve when it comes to horror. Michael Myers, Leatherface, Freddy Krueger, zombies, monsters, blood, gore, stabbing—I watched Cannibal Holocaust, for God’s sake! But fucking bugs? Yeah, I draw the line there. It’s like that movie, The Fly, that scene with the spiderweb… Nope, I turned my TV off so quick. I still haven’t finished that movie. I’ll probably watch the remake when it comes out, though, ‘cause… well, I do love Jeff Goldblum.”  
You figured Eddie wasn’t listening and, honestly, you didn’t care because your silly babbling was the only thing saving you from the discomfort of this incredibly awkward situation. Without it, you would have spontaneously combusted out of pure shame. Eddie, meanwhile, was fumbling around helplessly in the kitchen: slamming cabinets, opening drawers, cracking open the…
You looked up in bewildered amusement, then casually flipped to the next page. “I don’t think you’re gonna find any condoms in the fridge, Munson.” 
“Yeah, well, there weren’t any in the oven, so…” 
The fridge closed with a quiet thud. A moment later, Eddie appeared in the doorway with a hopeless expression on his face. 
“You’ve completely lost it, haven’t you?”
“I’m the Sahara,” you said, and Eddie winced at your brutal choice of metaphor. 
“You’re the Sahara, huh?” He pounded his fist on the doorframe a couple times, then hung his head and chuckled miserably to himself. “Great, just great.” 
He slumped down by your feet and sat doubled over with his elbows on his knees. The seconds dragged on like hours as you two sat on opposite ends of the bed, not saying a word to each other. You kept flipping through the comic, but you didn’t read any of it, not a single word. You thought you had ruined the whole night. 
You sucked in a quiet breath and—
“Sorry,” Eddie said, making you jerk your head up in surprise. As you looked at him now, he seemed strikingly timid, like the fourteen-year-old boy who could barely hold your gaze. “Guess I should’ve been better prepared before I, umm…” 
His shoulders bounced with light, easy laughter.
“What’s so funny?” you asked. 
“Nothing,” he said while fiddling with the ring on his right hand. “It’s just, uhh… y’know, I’ve thought of this moment for a long time, a long time, and now that I finally got you here…” A peaceful smile touched his face. “It’s just funny how it all worked out.”
“Yeah,” you said. “Yeah, I guess it is.” 
Eddie sat up and turned toward you. “We don’t have to rush this,” he said. “In fact, it’s probably better that we don’t.” 
“Yeah,” you said. 
Then, with a shy dip of your head: “Except now you’ve got me a little curious.” 
“Hm? About what?” 
“Well… you said you’ve thought about it…”
Eddie grunted low in his throat, a guilty, guttural sound. 
“Uh-huh,” you said, snickering. “So… how was I?” 
“You were, uhh…” He ground his jaw in thought for a minute, then closed his eyes and said with a deeply satisfied sigh, “Sensational.” 
That sent you over the edge! You fell over, chortling hysterically until your stomach started cramping and you just couldn’t take it anymore. While drying your eyes, you said, “Sensational, huh? Well, there’s a bar I’ll never reach.” 
“Yeah, I’m not too worried,” Eddie said. 
The conviction in his voice threw your heart into a panic. You turned away, pressed your burning face into the cool pages of Eddie’s comic book, and pretended to go back to reading. That’s when you felt the bed dip as Eddie stretched out beside you, lying on his stomach with his elbows supporting him. 
“So you’ve been snooping, huh?” He gestured toward the comic with his chin. “What’d you find that’s so interesting?” 
“Creepshow.” You turned to the next page. “Hey, why do you have this, anyway? I thought you didn’t like horror.” 
“Yeah, well… apparently, I’m Halloween-themed.” 
Your breath hitched in mid-sentence. You lifted your eyes off the page and met Eddie’s affectionate stare. 
“I still don’t get what that means, by the way.” 
“Yeah, neither do I,” you said, and let out a quiet laugh. “I thought I knew when I said it, but now that I think about it, it doesn’t really make that much sense, does it?” 
You gave Eddie small smile and went back to reading. He lay next to you for a bit longer, observing the subtle changes in your focused expression. Then he suddenly got up and started rummaging through his desk drawers again. The familiar slamming sound made you giggle. 
“Okay, the condom fairy doesn’t exist, Munson. No matter how many times you open that drawer, a box of condoms won’t magically appear.” 
“Oh, I’ve already given up on that dream,” Eddie said. He crossed the room, dropped to his knees, and started digging through all the junk under his bed. 
Now you were getting a little curious yourself. You climbed to your knees, put your hands on the edge of the mattress, and peered down at him. 
“I’m not interested in your porn collection, either.” 
Eddie popped his head up and smiled at you. “This isn’t where I keep my porn,” he said, and tossed you a flirty little wink. Then he went back under the bed and—“Holy shit!”—dragged out a black three-ring binder. 
Your jaw dropped as soon as you saw it. “Wait, is that…?” 
You gasped excitedly and made a “gimme” motion with your hands. When Eddie couldn’t meet your demands fast enough, you snatched the binder off the floor and sat down with it in the middle of the bed. He didn’t seem to mind.
“Fuck, man,” Eddie said while scratching the back of his head, “I haven’t seen that thing in years.” 
“Yeah, I can tell,” you said, and swept some of the dust off the cover. 
The binder looked exactly the same as you remembered, right down to the black-and-white Black Sabbath sticker with the giant rip in the corner. You opened it up and started flipping through it like it was a fully illustrated, limited-edition novel from your favorite fantasy author. It had everything: character sheets, ability guides, spell lists, equipment and inventory tables, maps, drawings, detailed notes from every session, and all these little extra reference pages to help describe his character’s attacks, actions, and movements, because Eddie wanted to sound so cool during combat. You couldn’t stop smiling as you went through it. It was like a little time capsule. 
“It’s so weird,” Eddie said in a quiet, captivated voice. 
You looked up and saw him sitting directly across from you, staring not at the binder but at you.
“What’s weird?” you asked. 
“I dunno, it’s just… sometimes when I look at you, I get these little flashes of back then. It’s kinda freaky, actually, like déjà vu or something.” Eddie’s face flushed a light pink, seeming to catch him by surprise. He immediately shook the thought away. “Uhh, sorry. Go ahead and keep snooping.” 
Your eyes lingered on him for a moment longer, then went back to the page. You turned to the next section and said, “Oh my god, here it is! The Shrieking Queen’s Catacombs, Scottie’s infamous campaign. How many pages are there of you just complaining about me, Munson? Let’s count, shall we? Uhh, one, two, three…” 
You flipped to the next page and a loose paper slid out. 
“What’s this?” you said, and casually looked it over. “Well, this looks like a very poorly rendered dungeon map.” Laughing, you examined it closer. “The Labyrinth of Neverending Nightmares. Ohhhh, how spooky… Wait, this doesn’t look like one of Scottie’s, though. No, his are like ten levels deep and full of all these annoying traps that someone always gets caught in, and by ‘someone’ I mean you, Munson. Then I have to get you out because for some reason you can’t roll higher than a fucking two…” 
You giggled at the memory, then showed Eddie the paper and said, “Okay, I give up. What is this?”   
“It’s mine,” Eddie said with a modest smile, making your face fall in astonishment. “Yeah, that’s my dungeon. Or at least one of them, anyway. I thought I chose one of the better-drawn maps, but obviously not…”
Your eyes were wide as you listened to him. When you finally blinked, they became wet and blurry. 
“Wait, what? You wrote a campaign? How come you never told me?”
“I was working up to it,” Eddie said. “I had it in my backpack for like two weeks ‘cause I kept chickening out. And by the time I finally gathered up enough courage to do it, well…”
“I killed you.” 
The words echoed in your mind like a curse. You buried your face in your hands and cried out in anguish: “Oh my god, I’m a monster!” 
“Well, you’re a really pretty monster,” Eddie said with a light-hearted chuckle, but you didn’t laugh like he thought you would. Instead, you sat hunched over with your hands covering your face, sniffling back tears. He reached for you and gave your shoulder a shake. “Hey, come on, don’t cry. Please, don’t cry. I’ve already seen you cry way too much tonight, and I really don’t like it.” 
He leaned over and brought his lips close to your ear.
“Hey,” he said softly, “it doesn’t matter anymore.” 
“It matters to me,” you said, and raised your chin to look at him. The compassion in his eyes almost made you burst into tears again. You didn’t deserve it. “Four years, Eddie. That’s a really long time. I can’t help but think of all the things we missed out on, and now…” 
Now they were all piling onto your chest like bricks. The weight of it was enough to crush you. You lowered your head and felt your eyes well up with guilt and grief. 
“But we didn’t miss out on anything.” Eddie gently took your face into his hands, dried your tears with his thumbs. “We’re still gonna do everything. I’m gonna take you on a date, a real date ‘cause I don’t think this one technically counts. And I’m gonna meet your parents, which I’m already kinda dreading, if I’m being totally honest. And we’re gonna, y’know, cut class and go make out in my van. That’ll be really fun. Yeah, I’m actually really looking forward to that one. And then, uhh, let’s see… we’re gonna have our first fight in like three weeks, so I better start preparing for that now ‘cause I just know you’re gonna fight dirty. Yeah, you’re definitely gonna hit me below the belt a couple times. But that’s okay ‘cause the make-up sex will be fantastic—y’know, once we actually have condoms. I’ll buy some tomorrow. A big box.” 
You snorted under your breath. “I think a regular box is fine.” 
“No, just… trust me,” Eddie said. “We need a big box.” 
You blinked at him for a second, dumbstruck and speechless, your cheeks all aflame. Then your head slipped out of his hands as your whole body collapsed into giggles.
With a shadow of a smirk, Eddie said, “You think I’m joking right now, but I’m not. I’m buying the biggest box they have.” 
“Please, stop,” you said, barely able to breathe. 
“I’m just saying, I’m gonna be fully prepared next time… assuming there is a next time, anyway.” 
You lifted your head and smiled at him, your face glowing in the aftermath of your laughter. “There will definitely be a next time,” you said. Then you placed a feather-light kiss on his lips, drew back, and he pulled you in for another, deeper kiss, his hand coming up to cradle your jaw.
“So, is it scary?” you asked afterwards. 
“Is what scary?” 
“The campaign you wrote, is it really scary?” 
“I made it extra scary just for you.” 
“Wow,” you said with an awestruck grin, “an extra scary campaign just for me? Well, now we have to play it… Can we?” 
In a tender voice, Eddie said, “You’re the only one I’d ever play it with,” and you felt your eyes tear up again. 
Choking them back, you returned your attention to the binder and discovered something that made your heart swell with indescribable joy. 
“Hey… this looks familiar.” 
It was the character sheet you had made for him. He had kept it, after all. 
“I tried to fix it,” Eddie said while you carefully brushed your fingers over the softened wrinkles in the paper. There was a giant iron burn in the middle. 
“How hot was the iron?” you asked.  
“Oh, it was scorching,” Eddie said. “Yeah, it’s a miracle I didn’t burn the house down.” 
Your laughter rang together effortlessly. For a second, it was like you two were back in middle school, giggling and goofing off in Scottie’s basement while everyone else stared at you and wondered what was so damn funny. It was a surreal feeling, being together like this again. In fact, it felt a little like
Déjà vu… Yeah, that is weird. 
You touched the burn mark gently. “I thought you threw this away.” 
Eddie furrowed his brow and shook his head, as if the thought had never even occurred to him. 
Then, after a brief period of silence, he said, “Hey, can I ask you something?” 
“Do you still have your journal?” 
The question brought a smile to your face. “You know I do.” 
Eddie nodded and put his hand over his mouth, concealing an ever-growing smile of his own. With his lips pressed against his knuckles, he said, “Okay, so… how many pages was I really in? I’ve always been curious.” 
You went quiet for a minute, trying to count the pages, but you soon realized it was pointless. Even if you counted them a thousand times, the answer would always be the same. 
“Not nearly enough,” you said, and Eddie’s eyes lit up with amazement.  
“That’s… a really good answer,” he said, surrendering an embarrassed laugh. “Shit, okay… yeah, I think I need a second to recover from that one.” 
He turned away and tried to regain his composure while you sat and watched, resisting the urge to tease him. Outside, a car was pulling up in front of the house across the road, its headlights flashing through the cracks in Eddie’s blinds. The sound of the engine made you both pause and reflect.
“I should probably take you home,” Eddie said. 
“Yeah,” you said, “but then again, it is very late.” 
“It is very late…” 
“And you’re probably tired…” 
“I am really tired…” 
“Plus, you’ve been drinking…” 
“You’re right, I have been drinking… so have you.”  
“Mhm,” you said, and felt your heart quicken with a surge of anxiety and excitement. “So, for both our sakes, I think the safest thing would be for me to just stay here tonight.”
You hid your eyes as you said this, worried you might’ve overstepped and crossed some invisible line, but then you heard Eddie let out a quiet, contented sigh and you felt silly for worrying at all. 
“Okay,” he said, smiling to himself. 
He went to his closet, pulled out two shirts and presented them to you. “All right, pick one: Slayer or Megadeth. Choose wisely ‘cause this decision could very well determine the future of our relationship.”
You pressed your lips together and thought hard about it for a while. 
"Good choice," Eddie said, and tossed it to you. Then he gave you a pair of his boxers, blushing a little as he did. “Umm, I’ll be outside waiting on the porch, so uhh… just knock on the window when you’re done, ‘kay?” 
“Okay,” you said, giving him a timid smile. 
The air felt lighter, crisper as Eddie stepped onto the porch and sank into his uncle’s chair, a chair he had sat in over a hundred times: in the morning before school, at night while he watched his uncle leave for work, when he needed to think, when he couldn’t sleep, when he was simply bored and didn’t have anything better to do. Now here he was sitting in this beat-up old chair again, this time waiting for you. 
Instinctively, Eddie reached for his cigarettes and realized he wasn’t wearing his jacket. Normally, this would make him grunt in frustration, but tonight he just threw his head back and sighed happily into the cool night air. 
This was a good night, he thought, probably the best night of his life.  
Then he heard your gentle tap, tap, tap on the window, stood up, and went back inside. 
⏩️ bonus scene
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tentacledsnakelover · 7 months
The Owl House Finale Rewrite
I love The Owl House. The story, the animation, the music, the characters. It is no surprise the show stands out as a favorite, including mine. But even being a fan cannot make me ignore the flaws of something, no matter how much I love it. I feel while the story was wrapped up well, the series from a writing standpoint was messy. A lot of my gripes with the last two specials involved not using time wisely, the Collector's character being retconned, and ignoring themes of the show. Here is how I would have rewritten the last two specials. I am by no means a professional writer. I have no idea what was going on behind the scenes and I want to give the benefit of the doubt to Dana and her team.
For The Future: The special opens immediately as Luz and her family/friends enter the demon realm. Everyone is on edge after the confrontation with Belos, and everyone with magic is drained, after having used their powers signifcantly in a realm with no ambient magic. Luz offers to bring everyone to the Owl House to recuperate. When they arrive, a wave of starry energy engulfs the house and surrounding area, bringing the puppetfied citizens of the isles with it. Willow and Luz attempt to save Willow's dad from the puppet Owl Beast, but then the Collector arrives with King, having come to play the Owl House game. King is relieved to see Luz, but horrified to see she is now in harm's way. The Collector is shocked too. King kept the Collector from trying to find Luz and her friends by claiming they would want to ruin their game and that the Hexsquad should be left alone. King manages to convince the Collector not to hurt Luz, and he takes her back to the Archives. He leaves the others by encasing the Owl House in a dome at the request of King.
The rest of the Hexsquad and Camila are then saved by a group of resistance members, consisting of Raine, Darius, Eber, the CATTS, and some Hexside kids. Raine explains after the Collector stopped the Day of Unity, Eda attempted to stop the Collector with harpy mode but turned into the Owl Beast. While the Collector dealt with beast Eda, King dropped Raine his collar, who figured out the symbol etched on it neutralized the Collector's magic. Raine has spent the past few months saving the puppetfied citizens, taking them from under the Collector's nose while they play. The Hexsquad's arrival proved the perfect distraction for Raine to save Lilith and Hooty, who the Collector was keeping an eye on due to being important characters for the game, and use the symbol to undo their puppetification.
Raine takes the group back to Hexside, which is hidden using the symbol. The group formulates a plan. Using Lilith's memory of Philip's teleportation glyph combo and her knowledge of the architecture of the Archives, the Hexsquad, CATTS, and Camila, teleport into the Archives, to find and teleport all the puppetfied citizens back to Hexside where they can be safe.
They manage to teleport all the puppetfied citizens to safety, but Odalia turns up. Having been reduced to the Collector's servant, she decides to capture the group in an effort to win the Collector's favor. The group is divided, with Willow, Gus, and Hunter in one group (Willow has her breakdown arc here with Hunter, as she blames herself for getting Luz caught and not being able to do anything). Amity and Camila manage to defeat Odalia and regroup with the kids and the CATTS.
Meanwhile, after having been captured, Luz was brought to the Archives. When they arrived, the Collector dropped Luz to the floor, the impact causing Luz to go unconscious until she is revived by the Collector (While unconscious, she appears in the In-Between Realm, where a mysterious figure tries to get her attention). King is mad at the Collector for hurting Luz, though they try to brush this off, claiming they fixed Luz, and thus it is okay. The Collector asks King to bring Luz to where Eda is being kept underguard by the puppetfied Titan Trappers. Eda is in fact, back in control of herself, and she and King embrace Luz. Eda explains she has seen that the Collector, despite his apathy towards people, is still just a kid, and she has been complying evidence to try and get him to see the error of his ways. However, the Collector arrives, having placed a bug on Luz. The Collector is furious that King lied to them about Eda being stuck in beast form and Luz leaving the demon realm on purpose. The Collector attempts to puppetify the girls but King intercepts the shot, though he remains unchanged.
The Collector now gets nervous, and after being prodded by King reveals Titans are immune to Collector magic, and that he didn't let King know that because he was afraid King wouldn't want to play with him otherwise unless he believe the Collector had control over him. The upset Collector reveals he is the last of his species, who after years of distrust and suspicion of the Titans, led to a war where the two species wiped each other to near extinction. The only surviving adult Titan, King's dad, angrily imprisoned the Collector using the tablets as a catalyst. The tablets were made by the Collector as a gift for the Titans. That way, he could always communicate with the baby Titans, who weren't afraid and distrustful of him like the adult Titans.
Luz, Eda, and King take the Collector on a tour of the isles, trying to get him to understand the importance of empathy and ethics, though the efforts end up striking a nerve with Luz, as the Collector points out Philip thought he was justified by doing what he did, and that Luz also thinks she is justified because she is a 'good guy' too, which worries Luz because she cannot handle the idea of being like Belos. (This references a cut storyboard in which the Collector questions why Luz would say other people but Belos are complex)
The trio are able to make the Collector open to the idea of being more empathetic, and he brings them back to the Archives, where they reunite with the Hexsquad and Camila. Camila and Luz have a heart to heart, which allows Stringbean to hatch. But then they notice the ground below the Archives is shaking, and the sky turns green, with the eye sockets of the Titan glowing blue. The gang realizes Belos is doing something with the Titan, and the special ends on a cliffhanger.
I will try and post my ideas for the rewrite of "Watching and Dreaming later"
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peaky-shelby · 2 years
» summary: in which an arrogant and talented football player (the best of his time as some say) and a focused and harsh critic of a journalist are gonna have to find a way to co-exist.
» chapter 8: life is just a classroom
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» writers note: good luck???
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His dark eyes glowed in the dark as they looked up at her. His face half hidden in between her thighs. A dangerous view. Her hand grasping on the sheet. Her scream expressed in a gasp of air because her vocal chords felt broken. His hands glued on her, leaving invisible tattoos anywhere he’d touch her. He head appeared whole , he reached closer to her lips. He dived in her neck. Biting her ear. His heartbeat an echo in the dark room.
Getting louder. His lips on hers, her sitting up just to be closer, to taste ever part of his lips she could, her hands all too familiar with the back of his head and his hair in between them.
Knock. Knock.
Was that hers or his heartbeat? Was it both in the same rhythm. Her eyes close.
“Taylor” he whispers and it’s a sound she could get drunk on. She takes in a heavy breath; she took in his smell. It’s so wrong. She opened her eyes. He smirked. Behind him she can see the stands, they’re not in her room.
Knock. Knock.
“Taylor!” His voice come out clearer now. He leans in to kiss her again, but she only focuses on where they are. The field. There’s something incredibly romantic about an empty field.
She jumped on the bed, her heart beating faster than the drums on a rock song, reaching for air. A hand pushing her thigh, she flinched, screamed, and fell off the bed.
Knock. Knock.
“Open the goddamn door.” Sayd Trish in a gruff and tired voice, her face half hidden in the pillows. Taylor looked around confused, she rubs her head. Her mind stuck on the dream or memory whatever it was. Like someone had set a curse for her to be controlled by him.
She got up, tried to steady herself and looked through the peephole. A suited important looking man, black skinned and tall. She opened the door slightly, peaking her head in between.
“What could you possibly want from me?” she asked, not in the mood for conversation.
“Monsieur Mbappe m'a envoyé chercher sa voiture. Si vous pouviez me donner les clés, s'il vous plaît.”
She would have reacted if she knew what the hell he was talking about. Instead, she remained frozen as she was, a dumbfounded, brain cell burned expression on her face.
“Madame va bien ? J'ai juste besoin des clés.”
“What on earth are you on about?”
“Les Cles pour la voiture!”
Maybe if she hadn’t just woken up from a scary dream she would have understood it faster but all she could hear were noises with an accent. Suddenly she was pushed on the side by Trish. A very angry looking Trish, who started speaking in French to communicate with the guy. Taylor stood watching a little surprised by her friend.
“He wants Kylian’s keys!” she said quickly.
Taylor raised her eyebrows, processing and slowly understanding. She looked at the clock tied around her wrist, than back at the unknown guy “It’s 6am” she spat out. They guy seemed to be saying something else, but she couldn’t follow again. Trish was already looking around the house for the car keys while Taylor was contemplating murder, not of the guy but of Kylian. Her friend found the keys under the desk, Luna sitting next to them. She grabbed them and gave them to the employee, faking a smile. “Bonjour!” she said quickly and closed the door. Taylor kept her hand on the door, her eyes settling on Trish.
“I’m going to murder him.”
“If he wakes me up again at 6am, I’m murdering both of you!” she said and went straight for the coffee machine.
“This is an act of war” mumbled Taylor, already planning her own attack in her mind “What does he even need the car for at 6am in the morning? Why would he be awake at 6am in the morning? This was planned! That’s why he gave me the keys in the first place—”
“TAYLOR! TAYLOR! Please, I just woke up, lower your bloody voice.” She complained, starting the coffee machine. “Why is this so noisy?” she bent her head on the counter groaning.
“Since when do you speak French?” she asked, getting closer to her friend.
“I was paying attention in class, wasn’t kicking balls all the time like you.” She paused, smirking “not in sports at least, you know.”
“Oh my god.” Her disgust was visible on her tone. She went and sat back on the bed, pulling the sheets and the blankets over her head “it’s too early for this.”
“You know...” she dropped sugar on her coffee “if you two started fucking each other on regular basis, I think it would solve a lot of problems—”
Taylor threw the sheets away from her face, looking at her “are you out of your mind?”
Trish picked up her coffee, smiling and sat on the edge of the bed “girl you were whispering his name in your sleep—” Taylor sat up in shock, her eyes widening in fear. She held her mouth with her hand. “I’m just saying. You are not exactly subtle. Neither is he. Ramos knows he has a hate-crush on you.” She took a sip from her cup, her eyes staying and watching at Taylor’s expressions. She was enjoying this, she kept opening her mouth like she was going to say something, but no actual words would leave her mouth. She raised her finger.
“Which reminds me—” she started changing the subject “you and Ramos are a little too close, aren’t you?” she asked. Trish laughed, winking. “You never talk to a guy that hot unless you plan to fuck him or have fucked him already and you are leaving to go back to England tonight so—” her voice trailed off, her eyes getting bigger “Oh my god you already fucked him.” Trish sipped loudly on her coffee, a slight smirk on her face as she left the cup down and got up to go to the bathroom. “You slept with one of my players?”
“So did you.” She reminded her from the other room, the water running on the sink. Taylor didn’t have an answer to that, so she just dropped herself back on the bed, sinking in the pillows, wishing it was an ocean instead. Her palms reached for her face, rubbing it and muffling the loud groan that came out of her throat. Trish came back in the room, looking fresh and less like a half awaken zombie. “Besties that fuck the same team, stay together? Or something like that—”
“Trish please”
Trish laughed, picking up some of her shirt from the floor and leaving them on the bed before getting each one to fold them carefully. “Listen, the only reason we are alive is to eat and have sex—”
“OH MY GOD. It’s not happening!” she got up, pushing her hair out of her face “It was just a moment of weakness! Me and him it can’t happen because I’ve already given up my writing for this team— I’m not risking my job for a fuck. End of discussion.” She took her phone and left for the bathroom, closing the door with a thud that made Trish jump.
But Trish smiled because she knew her friend all too well. The door to the bathroom opened again just a few seconds later. Trish studied her friend who had her face stuck on her phone, looking at something important. “What happened, did he text you?”
“No…” she murmured “it’s official.”
“what’s official? Taylor what’s going on?” Taylor handed the phone over to her friend, showing her a post on Instagram. An article about her joining the team. Trish started reading “PSG hires ex female player and journalist as a coach consult before QATAR TOUR 23” They looked at each other, all sort of emotions appearing in their faces. “why do you look like a ghost? This is good news! Are you ok?”
“No, I am not ok.” She confessed, her eyes saddening, worry reflecting on them as realization hit her harder than it had so far “I slept with one of my players.” She paused, her brows lowering, the blood leaving her face. Her voice coming out weak and broken “and I liked it.”
“You’re here early.” Mumbled Hakimi when he saw Kylian coming in, already dressed and ready.
“Don’t want to give her any excuses to blow her whistle on my face again.” He said, jumping on the treadmill next to Hakimi. “What about you?”
“We have the fitting for DIOR in the afternoon, wanted to finish before that—”
Kylian almost tripped as he stopped running for a second. He held on to the treadmill to regain his balance and looked at Hakimi “That’s today?”
“Yeah, why? You had other plans?”
“Meant to meet a friend. What time?”
“I’m planned for 5. I don’t know about you. Leo was scheduled for 3 maybe you’re with him.”
“They are separating us?”
“yes” he said simply and continued running. He heard footsteps coming from the entrance and he looked behind him, taking a quick peak. It was Ramos, looking at his phone.
“You guys saw the announcement?”
“What announcement?”
“I think you’d rather get off the treadmill first.” He smiled. Kylian glanced at him. He hesitated but stepped of the treadmill and snatched his phone from him. Reading the same announcement that Taylor had read, his expression copying hers because the same realization hit him like a car, because there was no more hiding on the sin they had committed.
“Merde…” he whispered.
“You ok Man?” asked Ramos, a smirk on his face. Hakimi got off his treadmill too, moving in between them to read whatever they were reading. His first reaction was to look at his best friend, unlike Ramos, Hakimi wasn’t smiling. He was worried, he knew much more and saw way more than he was letting on. Kylian left without saying anything.
“Holy shit.” Was all Hakimi said.
Fog. Cold. Grey skies and grey feelings. All of those things expressing the emotions of almost everyone in the field.
Taylor saw him when she came, passing by her on the hall. Walking in different directions, their energy touching on another. She kept her eyes on the floor while he moved next to her, and he stared blankly in front of him like he hadn’t even seen her. Still, there was a sense of electricity that charged both of them when they walked passed one another. An electricity that made her close her eyes and him close his fist. No jokes, no side eyes. Nothing.
She was in the middle of the field, watching the players moving in between the obstacles. Sometimes they’d stop, they’d fool around. Marquinhos accidently stepped on Neymar and he smacked him on the back of his neck. That started a little game of chasing each other around. She would have blew her whistle sooner if she didn’t get carried away by seeing Neymar laughing like that. She had missed that dork.
“Wilock!” she turned around, meeting Linda, the secretary. “You’re on the third batch. You have a fitting at 5.” She gave her a little card that had her name and a number on it, number 16. She felt a burden on her soldiers.
“What’s this for?”
“DIOR Fitting. You’re part of the team now, they wanna show off their new girl.”
“Wai—wait” she cleared her throat “Did you just say DIOR, or is that another French word I don’t understand?”
Linda laughed, shaking her head “just be outside at 4:30. They’ll drive you and a few more of the players at the fitting.” She said and left but Taylor had so many questions. She read the card again, narrowing her eyes, like she was trying to read in between the lines. She turned it around, her pupils dilating when she saw the stamp on the back “bitch really said DIOR.” She mouthed an inaudible ‘oh my god’ before someone violently crashed on her back, causing her to misstep and ran a few steps in order to not fall. She looked behind her, Kimpembe standing there with his hands raised claiming his innocence. “Wasn’t me!” he said quickly and looked to his left. Bernat was on the ground there, bent to his knees, breathing heavily. He waved his hand, apologizing quickly.
She put the whistle back in between her lips and blew it. Everyone closing their ears.
“I want her whistle privileges revoked.” Complained Neymar at Marquinhos.
Kylian, standing also next to Neymar, overheard the comment. He pulled his neck warmer up, glaring at her from a distance. She caught it, looked in his direction while players moved in the space between them. She put the whistle back in her mouth and blew it, coldly at him.
Taylor walked out, looking at the card, back and forth, again and again. She kept thinking that the words on it would disappear eventually and all of it would turn out to be a prank. One of the employees, held her arm to lead her on the right van. She followed with no complained, her disbelief showing in her face. The employee opened the door for her and nodded for her to go kin.
“Merci” she mumbled and stepped inside, still looking at the card. She slid on the window seat, until her thigh bumped on someone else’s. She looked up, realizing she wasn’t alone in the car.
Hakimi gave her an awkward smile, waving at her. She cleared her throat and moved a few inches away from him, looking away. A few moment later Sergio came on the van, sliding next to her. Then Neymar, sitting across from her and—
“Oh, for crying out loud—” she murmured when she saw him bending himself to get in the car. He stopped when he saw her. Tension rising in seconds. She looked away but she had no idea where to keep her eyes on. She didn’t want to look at Hakimi and she couldn’t look at Neymar either. Looking at Ramos made her stomach twist because she could see Trish all over him. So, the choices were two, ceiling or the floor. She tried the floor first, but her eyes kept looking at his feet. She bit her tongue and laid her head back, staring at the ceiling instead.
“You alright?” asked Ramos.
“Parfait.” she said.
Kylian’s eyes arose in the sound her voice. Hakimi noticed the look his was giving him, a look mixed with crave and anger. He kicked his ankle, to get him back on reality. Kylian looked at him, his expression softening.
“Exercising your French?” questioned Ramos.
“Only so I can yell at you in both languages.” She said simply, keeping her eyes closed.
“Je veux te voir essayer.” Prompted Kylian. She lowered her head, her eyes meeting his. Being locked in a car with him, in such an enclosed space felt wrong. It felt like she was trapped. Her palms were sweating as she thought about last night’s dreams, her dirty thoughts racing at the corner of her mind. She was feeling naked, the more that he looked at her, having to remind herself that they weren’t alone in the car. The only words she picked out was “je veux” which she knew meant “I want”. She had no idea what the rest of was but still decided to torment him.
“Do you?” she asked. Seeing the fear and surprise when he thought she understood him. He was intrigued.
Now it was Neymar’s turn to notice, the way they glared at each other. Like they were going to attack one another in seconds. He and Hakimi locked their eyes, understanding each other, Neymar slowly picking on the tension.
“Hey chill out. Both of you! Jesus.” He waved his hand between them to ruin their moment, feeling weird just by watching them. “Santo inferno.” He mumbled in Brazilian. Taylor looked back at the ceiling again. His eyes would unwilling always find their way back to her but in his defense, he tried to look away.
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“Bonjour, bonjour! Je m’appelle Diego! Je suis heureux de vous rencontrer.” Diego was really energetic, dressed in what looked like an expensive suit. Incredibly tall and pretty. He looked so elegant, she thought. As she followed everyone inside the venue. Elise was waiting for them inside, smiling when she saw everyone.
“bonjour!” she said, shaking everyone’s hand. “Venez avec moi. Les loges sont à l’étage.” She explained and motioned for them to follow. Taylor was walking slowly behind them in the back, studying the venue. It was big, with cameras set around and white sheets. She imagined it’s where the boys would be photographed later. While going upstairs with them she noticed how expensive everything looked. Golden and fashionable. Then they reached the room.
The room was separated in small private spaces, that everyone could go change in respectively. There were mirrors around for them to look at themselves after they were dressed. She stood behind Neymar, gulping.
Elise walked up to her smiling “Ta robe dans un de ceux-là.” She said and pointed at the third fitting box.
“Elle ne parle pas français.” Said Kylian quickly, Taylor looked up at him annoyed.
“Oh um.... Your dress…in there. You…change.” Taylor was looking at Kylian while Elise spoke, with her broken English, twisting her tongue.
“Merci” she said, glancing back at Elise.
Kylian smiled, winked even and walked in his fitting room. Taylor did the same shortly after, closing the curtain behind her as well as she could. When she turned around she found the dress. Blue, the color of the team and magnificent. Hanged up on one side of your fitting room “oh my god” she whispered, getting closer and touching it with her thumb. “This is beautiful.”
He could hear her changing from his fitting room, next to hers. Her clothes falling on the floor, her feet moving around the small space. He buttoned up his white shirt as quickly as he could so he’d stop listening to those sounds because it was doing something to him. He walked out, Diego clapping for him and saying he looked amazing. He led him to one of the mirrors and helped him put on the jacket of the suit.
“it feels a little long”
“That’s cause we haven’t adjusted it yet.” Said Diego. Another woman came next to him, examine the suit while holding a box of needles on her hands the other boys started coming out, following the same process while the tailors adjusted their suits for them.
“Elise!” called Taylor from inside her fitting room. Kylian turned to her direction only by the sound of her voice but she was still inside. Elise rushed in to help her while one of tailors reminded Kylian to keep his body straight and steady. He obeyed looking at himself in the mirror until he saw her reflection, walking out of the curtain dressed in the navy blue dress, tied around her neck by two very thin threads, and a length that got just a little over her knees. He couldn’t notice anything wrong with it, maybe because he was too focused on her bare feet and how good they looked on her new pair of black heels. He knew that heat in his chest, all too well by now, she was the only one that could ignite it. Ramos came out of his curtain a few seconds later, whistling when he saw her. That made him mad. Elise led her on the other side of the room, behind him, that allowed him to still be able to look at her reflection while they tailored her dress, shortening it. He could even see her face by the way the mirrors reflected on each other and she could see him too. Their eyes meeting while everyone else clueless of the way the stared on another through the mirrors. Sometimes he’d let his gaze travel down to her hips and her legs before letting get back to her face. She did the same, he noticed it, a slight smirk on his lips when he realized she was checking him out.
“Good length. You see legs better.” said Elise.
“j’aime…” she thought about it “la?” she questioned herself getting a few side giggles from the boys. All except Hakimi, who sometimes was as bad as her. Elise smiled standing up and stood behind her pulling the dress down to show her chest more. The minute she did that her eyes searched for Kylian’s. Yeah, he was still looking and she felt a sense of happiness when she realized.
“Tu es tres belle.”
“Merci, Elise.” She said, while still looking at Kylian until he abruptly diverted his gaze back to himself.
“Just wait till they see me arriving at the stadium looking like this. One-zero, already!” he bragged. Hakimi laughing from where he was standing next to him. Taylor scoffed, looking away.
“such confidence.” She mumbled. Kylian glanced at her.
He smiled.
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When they boys were done, they were taken to the venue downstairs to take some videos and pictures for the official psg account. Taylor’s dress took longer. Elise wanted it to be perfect, show her silhouette and all her curves. Communicating was hard when she could barely speak French and Elise could barely understand English. But they pointed at what they needed, making sense of it in the end. When they agreed on everything, Elise told her to change so she could fix the dress. Taylor got back behind her curtain and tried to get off her dress but the knot was so tight around her neck she couldn’t untie it and she was too scared of ruining it. Plus, the dress was filled with needles.
“Elise!” she called “Je… aide?” her hand reached behind her neck, trying to pull on the threads until she heard the curtain opening, a presence behind her. “Merci” she said.
She felt his thumb on the back of her neck before she heard his voice “De rien.”
She jumped and turned out, Kylian standing in front of her. She smacked his shoulder. “Are you out of your mind? Get out!” she warned.
“Je veux t’aider” he said innocently, grinning.
She went to push him out, when she heard steps, Elise, coming back. She walked back against the wall and pulled him closer to her, their bodies slamming together.
“Ms. Taylor, ca va bien?”
“Oui” she said quickly “Oui!”. Kylian’s eyes seemed to find comfort in her lips while she was trying to save his mess. He leaned a little closer, his hands close to her body, looking at her with hunger. “Could you get me a glass of water?”
Kylian pulled back so she could see his face. He’d mouth every word slowly and she’d repeat them
He held back his laugh “je”
“Aboir-“ he held his hand in front of his mouth, cracking up. She stepped on his foot and he let out an inaudible gasp, pulling his foot away.
“Damn you!” he mouthed.
“Mademoiselle?” tried Elise.
“Yes sorry, I’m trying—” she stopped when she felt his lips on her ear, as close to her as ever. This time whispering the words in her ear. She repeated them slowly, same way he was telling them or at least that’s what she thought. She couldn’t really focus on her accent when she could smell his cologne like that, when his lips brushed her ear, reminding her of her sins. Each word sounded dirty, it almost felt wrong repeating them.
“Pourrais-je avoir un verre d'eau?” she asked in the end with her messy accent but thankfully clear enough for Elise to understand.
“Oui.” Said Elise and left the room again.
Taylor stayed as she was until Kylian decided to move his face away from hers, allowing her to breathe normally.
“That was a C plus” he said, with a cocky grin.
“Leave” she warned.
“We need to talk.”
“Lost your keys?”
“I’m serious!”
“Not here.”
“After the fitting. come with me.”
“No.” she said as if the answer was obvious.
“Get out.” She persisted.
He let out a bitter breath, his hand reaching behind her neck, his fingers playing with the thread that was keeping the dress on her. He played with it a little, intentionally. The skin to skin contact made her weak, made her embarrassed for her thoughts. Then he untied it, the dress loosening around her but not enough to fall off. Still she moved her hand over her chest, holding the dress up. He smiled, examining her whole one last time before his index finger stroked her blushed cheekbone for a second.
Taylor let herself crumble against the cold wall, trying to replace the warmth he had ignited.
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“I just wanna go home.” Said Neymar, sitting next to Ramos on the couch. He couldn’t take it with the flash and the cameras anymore. He leaned back, covering his face. Ramos laughed and patted his thigh. “I haven’t even packed for tomorrow.”
“I don’t think anyone has.”
“Mr. Ramos! Your suit is ready!”
Ramos got up. For a moment Neymar was alone, half asleep on the coach when he felt the space next to him deepening. He looked to his right, meeting Taylor. She lifted her leg up, crossing them on the coach, getting comfortable. A sweet silence settling between them. He looked up at the ceiling, trying to ignore her.
“Suit looked good on you.” She tried. All she got as a respond was a slight ‘hm’. She sunk deeper on the couch. “This is all very special, isn’t it?” he opened his right eye taking a quick peak at her. She looked at him, smiling. She poked his shoulder “you’re gonna talk to me or what?”
“Where’s your whistle?”
“Left it at the stadium with my devil horns.”
“Ah!” he nodded, letting out a very weak and short laugh before silence came back.
She looked at her fingers, scratching her nails. “you ever gonna forgive me?”
He made a ‘tsk’ sound with his death, shaking his head slowly.
“I know I hurt you. Maybe I was little too harsh in my reviews—”
“Fine, very harsh. Definitely. But—” she huffed “it’s the same with Kylian. I see your potential and it stinks that you let personal issues get in the way of it. There is zero chemistry on the field anymore. People can see that, they are not dumb. You’re trying to better when it’s all about working together. He gets mad because he is in denial. You get sad because you know it’s true.”
He avoided her eyes “haven’t seen you writing anything new.”
She hesitated “I gave it up.”
“What?” he looked at her.
“I can’t do both things. I thought I could but… first of all there is no time and…” she smiled “I don’t like dragging my friends online.” His eyes softened, she shrugged her shoulder “I just drag them in their face.” He laughed, nodding. “Whistling in their ear. I have to be honest I’m having a lot of fun torturing you!”
“We can tell!” she smacked him.
The doors behind them opened and laughter was heard. She could recognize both laughs. When she looked behind her, she saw Kylian, next to a much taller familiar man.
“TJ!” Called Bellingham and Taylor jumped up from the couch while Jude came closer to hug her. She hugged him back, feeling a sense of home in his arms.
“What are you still doing here?” she asked, stumbling her words. He pulled back to look at her.
“Kylian called, he said you’re going out for drinks.”
“Did he?” She asked in a high pitched voice, giving him the fakest smile she could master.
“Thought you’d like to see a friend from the past.” Said Kylian, his arm hanging around Jude’s shoulder. “he’s leaving tomorrow. It’s be a shame not to.”
She smiled. Unable to do anything else.
“She got in a fight every other day with the lads.” Joked Jude.
They all sat in a rounded table. Kylian and Taylor across from each other, separated by everyone else. She was in between Neymar and Hakimi, secretly hoping Ramos would have been here as well. Taylor was pretending to laugh through all the embarrassing stories that Jude was telling about her, the same look of annoyance in her face through the whole night.
“It’s because I knew I was better than all of you.” She supported, sipping on her Margarita.
“You were in trouble with the coaches too.”
“Really?” gasped Neymar.
“Don’t get any ideas on your mind Junior. I was just…” she thought of the right word “a little feisty.”
“A little? You were loud.”
“She’s still loud.” Mumbled Kylian. Their eyes met under their dim lights. His comment dirty for anyone that could understand. She looked away.
“She had a little crush on me too, didn’t you?” he laughed. Taylor opened her mouth, laughing.
“That’s fake news. It was you that had a crush on me. Remember?”
“Don’t listen to her, she was at my house every other day.”
“We were kids” she defended, finally starting to enjoy the moment “It was only because your mother made the best carbonara I’ve ever tasted. I was obviously using you!” Jude pretended to be hurt, holding a hand over his chest. “Oh don’t do that—” she chuckled “Remember my dad’s cooking? Your mother was my last hope—plus, you were all over Sandra when I wasn’t there.”
He raised his finger “oh— hold up now, that’s not fair. I might—” motioned his hands “have filled the empty space you were always leaving me with, with Sandra—” Everyone laughed, Taylor hitting her hand on the table. It was a loud belly laugh. Kylian realized he had never made her laugh like that “but you’re the one that left us, moved away to Chelsea—” She chuckled, looked at her cocktail, cocking her head. Her expression saddening. She bit the corner of her mouth, not really wanting to say anything. “Then she met Mason, forgot all about us brummie boys.”
Neymar raised his eyebrows in shock. She shrunk in her place, shaking her head “Mason Mount?” asked Neymar. Everyone except Kylian was shocked. He already knew. “I could have sworn you said something about being immune to footballers ones—so far you’ve dated two—”
“OK!” She raised her hand “Me and Mr. Dracula over there—” Jude laughed at the nickname, obviously an inside joke “We never dated.”
“That breaks my heart, doll.”
“I was Nine!” she protested, still laughing “and you’d buy candy rings for me. Of course I lied about being in love with you.” She explained “and Mason… it was very brief. You know… got immunity right after him.”
It was Kylian’s turn to laugh, maybe a little louder than he should have, everyone looking at him. Taylor must have tried to kick him but she got Jude’s leg instead.
“What the ‘ell?” He yelled.
Taylor tried to wave it off, like she actually meant to kick him but her eyes found Kylian’s. He was sipping on his wine, an infuriating look on his face while he was picking out every single detail he could about her.
A few more stories about how insolent she used to be, a few more jokes of their shared adventures and how dangerous she could get. A few more laughs, allowing Taylor to forget about Kylian on the other side of the table. Kylian noticed how normal she looked, a whole other side of her, childish even. She was a different person, sweeter, less defensive. He wished he could make her feel like that. As always, he realized he was staring when he felt Hakimi’s elbow, hitting his shoulder. His eyes darting away.
They got downstairs on the street, all of them walking to their cars. The boys had called their personal drivers, taylor would get an UBER. She was anxious when she saw Jude in the beginning, anxious of her past but in the end she felt comfort as they walked side to side. It was like she was getting back a part of her she had lost.
“how’s your dad? Haven’t seen him since the wedding” he asked
“He’s happy, finally.” She reassured him, staring at the pavement “He and Beth are as in love as ever and Little Lily is growing” They stopped their pace. The rest of the boys standing a little farther away from them. He looked at her, a very obvious question in his eyes. Taylor could hear it, she looked away, her hands finding solace in her pockets “He’s... taking it one day at a time. Like always. So is Beth…”
“But is he better?”
She shrugged her shoulders “I don’t know. He’s older, so it’s harder but he never talks to me about it. He still blames himself for what happened. Which is dumb but… you know.”
“Next time, I’m in London I’ll go see him.”
“Oh he’d love that. He’d love to see your mother too.” She said, rubbing his arm. “Thanks for tonight.”
“Thank Kylian. He’s the one that invited me.”
She snorted “yeah, he’s intentions weren’t as good. It just backfired on him.”
She he pursed his lips and opened his arms as an invitation to a hug. She accepted it, sinking in his arms and the memories. Jude lowered his head to her ear, smiling while looking at Kylian who was staring at them both “I think he cares a little more than you think by the way he looks at you.” He kissed her cheek “be careful.” He warned and slipped away from her, to get in his car.
Taylor looked behind her, at Kylian, as her uber stopped in front of her. She gave him and the rest of the boys, a quick nod but her eyes lingered on him as she opened the door to her car. And his eyes lingered on her until her car left and he stood in the middle of a sidewalk, in rainy and moody Paris.
She wasn’t used to cameras following her around, the social media team seemed to have a great interest in her all of a sudden. All she’d do was wave and smile. When she entered the plane, she met Kylian, who was apparently fooling around with the flight attendants.
“Welcome on board” he said, smiling, not just to her but to everyone.
The plane was huge, separated in cubicles, small spaces for everyone to be comfortable during the 6-hour flight. She chose one seat on the back, next to a window. Her body sinking the minute she sat, ready to fall asleep again. The boys seemed to be in a cheery mood, despite the hour. She was mentally dying, wishing she could be back on her bed but neither the lights or the voices bothered her. She’d fall asleep again in no time.
She looked sheepishly on her right. Neymar, sitting next to her. She studied him, her expression remaining unimpressed.
“For your own good, I hope you’re not loud during flights.”
Neymar laughed “Maybe I will just to get back at you.”
“Maybe I’ll just throw you off the plane.”
“Little grumpy, coach?”
“Two days now, I’ve waken up before daylight without my will.”
Neymar took his bag of nuts, started throwing them in his mouth “why’d you wake up yesterday?”
She remembered the reason, turned her head towards the window. “long story.”
“sure.” He mumbled.
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She fell asleep a while later. He saw her, a few seats away from her. He kept glancing at her, Neymar sometimes was zoning out as well. He needed some sort of master plan to get to her without making it obvious. Hakimi was sleeping next to him, his head on his shoulder. Kylian moved his shoulder to wake him up, repeatedly. Hakimi hummed, sneered but didn’t open his eyes.
“Haki!” he said a little louder.
“It’s your turn.” He mumbled.
Kylian narrowed his eyes “what?”
“I changed the diapers last night”
“Oh my god! Wake up!” Kylian pushed him off his shoulder. Hakimi woke up violently, looking around a little confused. He rubbed his eye, tiredly.
“What’s wrong with you?” he yawned.
“I need you to do something for me.”
Hakimi’s expression fell “I was sleeping!”
“that’s not the point— don’t look at me like that! Come on, I need you to find a reason to speak to Neymar.”
“like plotting your murder?”
“Sure whatever works for you.”
He didn’t answer. Hakimi raised his body to find Neymar. He rolled his eyes when he found him next to Taylor. She was sleeping on his shoulder while he was on his phone. He looked back at Kylian “You have to be kidding me.” He lowered his head “I really don’t want to get involved in this.”
“First and last time, I promise.”
“What am I even gonna say to him?”
“You’ll find something- baby diapers, father stuff, you’ll figure it out, I’m sure!” He said and got up. Hakimi tried to snatch his arm but Kylian left before he could. He walked down the thin hallways, standing over Neymar. He told him, Hakimi wanted to speak to him about something. Neymar hesitated at first but moved Taylor carefully away from him, her head falling on the side of the window and getting comfortable again.
Kylian took his seat as soon as he left, looking over her. He wondered how he was supposed to wake her without losing an eye. He drew his bottom lip between his teeth. While he moved his leg against hers, pushing her thigh, slowly but repeatedly so he’d wake her. Suddenly she moved her entire body closer to him, laying her head on his shoulder, same way she was sleeping with Neymar. It did something to him, her hair on his skin, the smell of lavender. He closed his eyes while she nuzzled closer to his neck. All of a sudden he didn’t want to wake her, he wanted her to stay there until they landed. He slid himself closer, her hair tickling him. Her nose wrinkled, like she was smelling him, waking up. Her eyes opened and she moved away just as quick. He moved his hand to her mouth, so she wouldn’t start yelling and wake everyone up. Her eyes were as wide as he had ever seen them, glaring at him. He put his finger in his mouth telling her to ‘shush’. She slapped his hand away from her mouth, sliding her body as far away from his as possible.
“I told you we need to talk.”
She snapped her head at him “here? Of all places?” she hissed.
“Everyone’s sleeping.”
“So, was I! what happened to Neymar? Did you lock him in the toilet?”
“He’s in deep baby conversation with Haki—”
“You’re using kids to—” Keylor Navas passed by them, both of them looking away, stopping their conversation until he was gone. “—to your advantage now?”
Kylian leaned closer, so he’d be able to whisper in a tone only she could hear. “did you see the announcement?” She reached for one of the magazines, flipping the pages like she was searching for something specific. He took it from her hands, she smacked him “can you focus for a moment?”
“What do you want me to say? yes of course I saw it, it was about me, wasn’t it?”
He waited for her to say something more “That’s it?”
“Kylian is this gonna be a problem?” she asked “I mean besides the fact that you hate me for my website. Is that also gonna be a problem? because I need to know right now.” He didn’t answer “I thought you wanted to talk about this—”
“I do”
“Then talk!” she demanded, looking fearlessly in his eyes. How was it that sometimes he felt like he had all sort of power over her and then the next moment, none at all. “It was my mistake that I didn’t tell you but if you’re gonna pull one of your smart little tricks, tell everyone and ruin this for me—”
“I won’t” he cut her off. She seemed surprise, he sat straight and away from her, letting out anxious breaths. “You really thought I would?”
“I don’t know Kylian.” She mumbled “been realizing lately that I don’t really know you at all.”
He gazed at the ceiling, nodding his head. “So we agree, we pretend like it never happened?”
“Yeah. Sounds good to me.” She stared forward, nibbling on the inside of her mouth.
She looked at the blackness from her window “does Hakimi know?” she asked. And he could almost hear the terror in her voice. He lowered his head.
“He knows something happened. He doesn’t know what.”
“Don’t tell him.” She requested.
He moved his eyes at her, he could only see half her face. “I won’t.” he promised and he realized it was the most sincere, he had ever been with her. Why did his chest felt heavy then?
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Doha was the first stop. The welcoming was beautiful. Everyone had a smile on their face, shaking everyone’s hands. Some would point at Taylor, whispering something. She’d look away, feeling weird just by the thought that she was being recognized be strangers. She was never that popular as a footballer and she wasn’t used to it either.
When they reached their reception everyone was given their own key and room number. The employees helped them settle in their rooms, Taylor had used most of the boys as a shield while walking around the hotel, hiding in between them so the cameras wouldn’t find her. The members of the team were forced to go on a number of interviews while she could stay in her room, sleep, drink, do whatever she wanted to until the charity event in the hotel, later in the night. She chose sleep.
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Kylian liked getting dressed up, it made him feel good and that outfit certainly looked good on him. He admired himself in the mirror, examining how it fell on him.
He fixed his handkerchiefs and his collar first.
Taylor fixed her make up first, blue eye shadow and maroon lipstick, same color as her favorite wine, puckering her lips in the mirror. She picked half her hair up, while the rest laid curly on her body.
He put on his black suit, dusting off any dirt that might have gathered during the trip.
She slipped in her blue dress, feeling like it was uniform made for her and her only, moving her head side to side, so her hair would fall better on her shoulders.
They stood on the edge of their beds, putting on their shoes. He tied his and she slipped her feet on her black open toe heels, strapping them. Her hands stroking her legs, she smiled, feeling way too sure of herself for the night.
She stood up when she heard a light knock on her door. She snatched her mini bag from the bed and opened the door, smiling.
“Ready?” asked Marquinhos.
She smiled and slid her hand around his elbow.
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Kylian was already on the venue across the hotel, a glass of red wine in his hand, taking pictures with his teammates and interacting with fans or people that looked important. His eyes scanning the room, always, like he was expecting a bomb to go off any time. It was hard for him to hold a conversation, mostly because he’d always twist his head, any time he thought he saw a woman in a blue dress. The dim purple lights made it harder for him to spot what he was looking for until he saw her, close to Marquinhos, laughing about something.
He could hear whoever was next to him still talking but it was like a void, a noise in his head that wouldn’t go off. His eyes found a home in her silhouette, like he was seeing her in that dress for the first time. He didn’t know where to focus, her legs? Her heels? Her exposed neck or chest? He had never seen her with make up before, red lips like those, a curse and a gift. Hakimi was nowhere near to remind him he was staring so he was still staring until her eyes locked with his. He noticed she held on Marquinhos hand tighter after she saw him, getting closer like she was seeking protection. Her attention was taken away by a reporter, asking her questions. He watched as her lips moved, curling in a smile or shutting in a straight line while she listened to the questions. Marquinhos helping her through the chaos that he was used to a long time now.
“Kylian!” His companion said, pulling on his arm. He finally looked away from her and back at the man next to him.
“Excuse moi.” He said and motioned for him to continue with whatever he was saying. He very cheekily made a few steps backwards so he’d be able to look at her while also pretending he was part of the conversation, taking slow sips from time to time. Following his prey as it moved around the venue.
So, we both agree, it never happened?
But it did happen, and he wanted it to happen again.
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Taylor was feeling exhausted just an hour later, any opportunity she’d find she’d sit on an empty seat, massaging her ankles that were begging to be let free of the heels. She had met more people in an hour then she had met in the entire year and she didn’t even remember her names. Her boys would compliment her, always, without ever making it inappropriate, something that made her feel better but there was one that hadn’t even come near her.
While sitting in one of the empty tables she searched for him, finding him in between the crowd. She couldn’t deny he looked good in a suit; it made him look older and wiser. His presence was louder than most people and yet he didn’t have to make any noise for people to notice him. She studied how even the fabric couldn’t hide his perfectly structured body, the body she had stroked like few woman had, the body that was hers a few nights ago. She caressed her own palm with her thumb, trying to remind herself what touching him felt like.
So, we both agree, it never happened.
Sounds good to me.
But it did and she’d never be able to forget.
A figure came and stood in front of her, hiding the view. She looked up, Ramos, smiling down at her.
“Are you allowed to dance with us?” he asked. She laughed, shaking her head.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. Rumors can be terrible.”
He studied her “it’s hard being around us, isn’t it?”
“Sometimes harder than others.” She admitted, her eyes looking for him again. He wasn’t there anymore.
“Fuck the rumors.”
She laughed louder “you hanged out with Trish way too much.”
“She was good company. Knew what she wanted.”
“Yeah…” she hummed “I was always jealous of her for that.”
“Ah…” Ramos knelt in front of her so he’d be on the same level. She let her head fall on the side, narrowing her eyes. “I believe we all know what we want. Pretending we don’t is easier.” He got up and left to go back to the dance floor. She thought about his words. What if she wanted more than one thing and it was one or the other? Which one was the one she should pretend like she didn’t want it at all?
A chair moved next to her; she turned her head. Him, she thought. He kept staring at her while he sat down, as close to her as he could. He gave her a glass of wine while holding his in the other hand. She took it, their hands touching ever so slightly. They took a sip, their eyes not moving. If intoxication was a picture, it would have been this one; them, their eyes locked, sipping on the red liquid, her letting her leg fall against his and moving away when it touched his thigh. Reading their thoughts. No need for conversation. Confessing crimes to devil himself would have less tension than whatever they were doing.
“Stop staring.” She whispered
“You first.”
She swallowed the eternity of her glass in one go and left it on the table. She got up and lost herself in between the crowds until she was outside. Cold air sending a chill all over her body, she walked as far deep in the wide garden of the hotel as she could until she reached the back pool, empty and lonely. It wasn’t as cold as Paris but she was exactly well dressed.
Her body trembling until his jacket and smell covered her shoulders.
She closed her eyes, taking it in. His hands rubbing on her arms. She leaned her head back to him, weak to keep it or her thoughts straight as she craved to be closer to him.
He slipped his hands under his jacket so he could hold on her body as he moved closer, his breath on her neck. “you’ll freeze.” He whispered. She turned around so she’d be able to face him, her hands placed on his chest, covered by his white shirt. They could still hear the music from the distance, their bodies moving in the rhythm of it while her tachycardia seemed to pick up the closer his face would get. She gripped on his shirt, wrinkling it. Their mouths half open, moving in opposite directions while they brought each other to insanity.
“It never happened.” She reminded him with whatever strength she was left with.
He looked at her lips, his hand reaching behind her neck, his thump stroking her face. “Maybe it should.”
She moved her head to the side, so she’d stay away from his lips just to be safe. She wasn’t sure if she was trembling because of the cold or him. She looked over his shoulder at the pool. She shook her head and walked away from him closer to the pool. He watched her, half wondering what she was doing. He followed her, standing next to her. She took off her heels, returning back to her normal height and testing the temperature of the water with her toe.
“we are sinking.” She whispered “there’s only one way to go when you’re sinking.”
He turned his head away from her. He started unbuttoning his shirt, throwing it on the ground and then his pants. She watched, confused. He took off his shoes, staying in his underwear. “If we are sinking, we might as well swim.”
She couldn’t help but laugh. A minute later and he was diving in the pool, his body lost in the water. She stepped a little closer, before sitting on the edge of the pool. Leaving her phone by her side. Her feet sinking in the water as well. He returned to the surface, smiling. She grinned when she saw him until he started throwing water at her, splashing it on her. She laughed holding her hands over her dress. “This is a DIOR!” she yelled. Begging him to stop. He swam closer, enclosing her in between his arms.
“I’ll buy you an other.”
She snorted “cheeky.”
He moved even closer, her feet against his bare chest, the two of them staring at each other. Sinking, indeed. Dangerous, for sure. His hand moved away from the marble and settled on her leg. She didn’t react, a symbolic gesture for him to continue. He caressed her skin in the water, his hand finding it’s way in between her thighs, always looking her in the eyes. Opening her legs slightly. Enough to be able to leave kisses on her inner thigh, that’s when he got the first reaction, a gasp. He continued, higher, until she shut her thighs together. A momentary lapse in judgement and she jumped in the water in between him and the marble, her lips finding his in seconds. Finally allowing him to taste that lipstick, to suck every little part of her and drink it like it was whiskey. The dress getting stuck in her body as it got wet. His hands still travelling in between her thighs while his mouth got complete access to hers.
Because it did happen and it was going to happen again. And when you’ve already started sinking, there is only one way to go.
“Who’s down there?” yelled the security guard.
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Screaming crying perfect storm.... Oh well..... Sinking we go. Down to the bottom we go. Unless of course they were caught. Are they gonna sleep together? Are they not? Qatar trip is gonna be fun from now on. I mean it's getting hot in here. People missing. Where is Ann? Jude's a cutie isn't he🥺 BUT HEY-- STAY CHILL PEOPLE. WE DON'T HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO. 😭😭 Ones again thanks to everyone that is reading, writing this for you is pleasuee and all i need in return is your feedback so i can't wait to see your comments. You're THE BEST!!! See ya next Sunday (maybe) xx
Next Chapter »
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madeline-ronpa-ask · 16 days
Welcome to Madeline County!
Welcome welcome! This is a silly blog I thought about making based on a discord server RP that was based on an AU of The Mandella Catalog! If you’d like to know more on the AU, please see this link to a doc made by @/pristina29! (You’ll need it to understand most of this lmao)
We are currently on the 2nd Season of the game, so there’s that bit too. (when that doc drops I’ll link it aswell dw :3)
If you’d like to join the server, just jump on in and join the fun!
(TW: THE SERVER HAS MENTIONS OF CANIBALISM (Mentions of such topics will be avoided as much as possible on the blog))
No NSFW. I feel like this is a given but still. This blog is being run by and asks are answered by minors. Dont.
No RP/M!A asks please! The answerers would rather not RP on Tumblr due to already having the server RPs /lh
Please be sure to clearly address the chars you’re asking! Nobody likes their ask being mixed up w/ another char!
Please be patient with responses! It can be a lengthy process as we all have our personal lives/answering styles!
I’ll edit the rules as I see fit
~ Admin Cookie :3
CURRENT ASK ABLE CAST (Including Represented Deserts and Living Status):
Cesar Torres ~ Strawberry Cheesecake - Deceased
Mark Heathcliff ~ Blueberry Muffin - Deceased
Adam Murray ~ Apple Pie - Deceased
Jonah Marshal ~ Lemon Tart - Deceased
RED Spy (TF2) ~ Cherry Chocolate Bûche De Noël - Alive
SMG4 ~ Vanilla Cake - Alive
Elizabeth Afton (FNAF, Casronpa!AU (Another server lmao)) ~ Strawberry Ice Cream - Deceased
Jay Merrick (Marble Hornets) ~ Keylime Pie - Deceased
Ludwig Beilshmidt (Hetalia) ~ Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte - Alive
Daniel Mattews (Saw) ~ Forest Cake - Deceased
Hansel Strudel (OC) ~ Candied Green Apple - Deceased
Googleplier (Markiplier Ego) ~ Blue Artificial Doughnut- Deceased
Meta Knight (Kirby) ~ Custard - Deceased
Melodie (Brawl Stars) ~ Starburst Candy - Deceased
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) ~ Strawberry Shortcake - Alive
Peter Spankoffski (Hatchetfeild) ~ Hot Chocolate - Deceased
RED Scout (TF2) ~ Boston Cream Doughnut - Alive
Mario (Mario and the Music Box) ~ Spaghettiesis Ice Cream - Alive
KAITO (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid) ~ Blueberry Ice Cream - Alive
Cielomort (Fragaria Memories) ~ Starry Toffee Cake - Alive
Abbiy (Among Us OC) ~ Pockys - Alive
The Witch (AKA Trixie) (Slay The Princess) ~ Poison Apple - Alive
Alex Evergreen (OC) ~ Chocolate Chip Cookie - Alive
HABIT (EverymanHYBRID) ~ Dark Chocolate Mousse - Alive
Robin (Teen Titans, Fears to Fathom!AU (Another Ronpa lmao)) ~ Blueberry Yogert Parfait - Alive
Feliciano Vargas (Hetalia) ~ Banana Gelato - Alive
Robin (Batman/Superman: World’s Finest) ~ Apple Crumble - Alive
Poppy Skies (OC) ~ Rose Latte - Alive
Izumi Sou (ARSMAGNA) ~ Blueberry Cheesecake - Alive
Celestine (Pokemon S/V Protag OC) ~ Blue Raspberry Snowball - Alive
Kiku (Hetalia) ~ Dango - Alive
King DeDeDe (Kirby) ~ Strawberry Blueberry Shortcake - Alive
The Tailor (Rain World HUMAN!AU) ~ Raspberry Lemonade Ice Cream Float - Alive
Magolor (Kirby) ~ Gâteau Invisible - Alive
Peri (FO:ANW) ~ Ube Cake Roll - Alive
Spectators (under cut due to lenghty list):
Scout’s Mother (TF2)
RED Heavy (TF2)
RED Medic (TF2)
BLU Scout (Jeremy) (TF2)
BLU Scout (Jenny) (TF2 OC)
Luigi (MatMB)
Marchionne (MatMB)
Mario (SMG4)
Mario (OG)
Luigi (OG)
Cassidy (FNAF Movie)
Evan (FNAF, Casronpa!AU)
Vanessa (FNAF, Mascot!AU)
El Tigre (Yes, from the Nicktoon)
Alfred F. Jones (Hetalia)
Rin Kagamine (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid)
Len Kagamine (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid)
Willmesh (Fragaria Memories)
Lauren (OC)
Kirby (Kirby)
Bandanna Dee (Kirby)
Sailor Dee (Kirby)
Grusha (Pokemon S/V)
Kieran (Pokemon S/V)
Tim (Marble Hornets)
Patrick (MLAndersen0)
Collector (The Owl House)
Akira Kurusu aka Joker (Persona 5)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Starfire (Teen Titans)
Lists will be edited as more chars become available to interact with.
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kustas · 3 months
Do you have reccs for "ugly" art (manga, comics, movie, etc.)? Thanks for the Tekkon recs btw I really liked it
That really depends on your own personal media landscape and what your definition of "ugly" is! As a random example, I've seen many people call ONE's art ugly because of the wobbly linework when I think it's lovely. Ugly could also mean something a bit shocking/crass in its themes. Etc, etc... I'm going to go with the definition of "something that's a bit jarring to look at or go through" here :)
Disclaimer: a lot of these tackle sensitive topics, sometimes for fun and not always tastefully. If there's themes you really can't handle in media, do your research before looking into them.
I keep recommending yes because it rules but Dorohedoro and its scratchy messy art and gore galore. talking about the manga exclusively here the anime is too polished for my taste
God's Child (Kami no Kodomo): tbh this one is for the art only I hated the writing. very gruesome & unique looking short story
I hesitate to recommend this one because it's edgy as hell but I shan't lie I had a lot of fun with Hellsing. it's "bad" in the same areas as something like berserk but unlike that one it does not take itself seriously
if you liked Tekkon i strongly suggest trying out more stuff by its author (saying this with immense biais). the most ugly/messy thing i've read of his, which isn't a lot because i find his work very delicate, is No. 5 which i would less describe as "good" than "very compelling to me". i also recommend this wonderful essay tearing it down
Comics (non JP)
FLEEP: a short story about a man who wakes up in a phone cabin seemingly encased in concrete. one of the comics i always recommend for its length and storytelling. (link leads to the artist's website where you can read it for free!)
The Astonishing Exploits Of Lucien Brindavoine: a young artist gets drafted in the first world war and goes through a series of almost supernatural adventures. beyond the adventure book aspect, a harsh criticism of nationalism/patriotism that's still awfully relevant
Ruben Brandt: Collector: a psychiatrist suffers from strange art related nightmares ruining his life. his clients, a bunch of high profile criminals, decide to help him fight off his demons by organizing one long vacation where they steal every painting involved. extremely unique visually, a fun heist movie with thriller elements.
Junk Head: goofy post apocalyptic movie about a man on a quest to save, who keeps losing sight his goal because cartoony violence episodes have his head tumble into new lows, literally. this is, perhaps, one of my favorite animated films ever, it's earnest and fun and lovingly crafted. very unique of a watch
The Apostle: freshly escaped from prison, a thief is on a mission to find treasure hidden by his old cellmate, and finds himself stuck in an ancient village who's strange looking elderly inhabitants are way too insistent on his stay. classic spooky folktale with its millennial curses and foreboding warnings, it's also a nice peek into the culture of Galicia and old world medieval weirdass catholicism. you can buy a DVD on their website
MKFZ: dumb as hell high adrenaline animated B movie with excellent animation. there's a plot about alien living undercover in fantasy california but you don't watch this kind of film for the plot. fair warning this is adapted from a french comic so of course, it's crass and racist
Blow to the Head - Lightning bolt: awesome music video (YT link)(warning for flashing/strobing lights if you're sensitive to that!)
Canon Fodder: from the Memories omnibus film. little slice of the life of a fantasy war obsessed industrial nation
with its new movie on the horizon, it's a great time to get into Mononoke, despite traditionally pretty visuals its got a unique style and gets pretty offputting
Live action cinema
7:35 in the morning: short film about the fear in improvised musical numbers where you don't expect any. it's on youtube in bad quality
The Draughtsman's Contract: an artist is hired by a Lady to draw several vistas of her house, in exchange for money, good drawing condition, and the Lady. follows a good hour of cunts in powdery wigs being awful to each other for their own gain. if you're into dark humor it's a good test, otherwise it has a really satisfying murder mystery to follow too.
Three Kings: during the gulf war, a group of US soldiers decide to steal Hussein's gold for themselves under the mighty standard of kuwait's loot repatriation. extremely caustic take on good ol murican international politics. i was shocked at how far it goes and it's express, low budget treatment which i did not expect from a hollywood film. the movie tires itself fast and becomes less good in its second half but the it's opening acts are interesting
Delicatessen: a sliver of humanity survives in an old timey stone building in the middle of nothingness on top of a functional butcher's shop. gossip follows the arrival of a new roommate. how does one even maintain a butchery in a no man's land? weird film with a unique(ly goofy) take on the post apocalyptic genre
For traditional artists, I like the works of Beksinski (<3), Schiele, Giger. For modern artists Oleg Vdovenko (heavy gore warning for that one), Jeff Simpson
I'm less a fan of the MV and live performances they got infamous for than their music proper but I really like the band Cardiacs, who's judged by many of my friends to be extremely hard to get into lol.
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
3 random head canons each for the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) and Demise
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Fondness for the Sea: Despite his deep-seated desire for Hyrule, Wind Waker Ganondorf has developed a begrudging respect for the sea. He often finds solace in the sound of waves and occasionally contemplates the freedom and vastness it represents, contrasting it with his own feelings of entrapment and longing.
Music Appreciation: This Ganondorf has a secret appreciation for music, especially the melancholic tunes played by the Koroks. He finds them oddly comforting and reflective of his own internal struggles.
Animal Companion: He has a pet bird, a large raven named Rook, that he found injured one day. Rook is fiercely loyal to Ganondorf and often acts as his eyes and ears around the islands.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Architectural Interests: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf has a keen interest in architecture. He personally designed many parts of his castle and is fascinated by the ancient structures scattered across Hyrule, often seeking to understand and replicate their design.
Swordsmanship Master: While his power often overshadows his skills, Ganondorf is a master swordsman. He practices diligently, believing that true strength lies not just in magic but in mastering all forms of combat.
Regretful Memories: Despite his ruthless nature, there are moments when he regrets the path he took. Late at night, he sometimes reminisces about his childhood in the Gerudo Desert, wondering what could have been if he had chosen differently.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Love for Horses: Twilight Princess Ganondorf has a deep affection for horses. He spent countless hours training and riding them in the Gerudo Desert, and he treats his steed, a black warhorse named Obsidian, with great care and respect.
Art Collector: He has a surprisingly refined taste in art. His private chambers are adorned with paintings and sculptures from various cultures and periods, each piece chosen for its beauty and historical significance.
Meditative Practices: Despite his imposing demeanor, Ganondorf practices a form of meditation. He believes it sharpens his mind and allows him to control his immense power more effectively, providing him moments of clarity and peace.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Strategic Genius: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf is not just a brute force; he is a strategic genius. He spends hours studying battle tactics and historical battles, often devising elaborate plans to outmaneuver his enemies.
Reluctant Respect for Heroes: While he despises his enemies, he holds a grudging respect for those who have stood against him, especially Link. He sees their strength and determination as worthy of acknowledgment, even if it’s something he would never admit openly.
Gardening Hobby: In a surprising twist, this Ganondorf has taken up gardening. He finds the act of nurturing plants from seed to bloom a calming counterbalance to his otherwise destructive nature. His private garden is filled with exotic plants from across Hyrule.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Interest in Ancient Lore: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf has a profound interest in ancient Hyrulean lore and artifacts. He spends considerable time researching and collecting ancient texts and relics, believing they hold the key to ultimate power.
Secret Compassion: Despite his fearsome reputation, he occasionally shows acts of unexpected kindness, especially towards children and animals. These moments are rare and often hidden from others, but they reveal a deeper complexity to his character.
Symbolic Tattoos: He has several tattoos that he designed himself, each representing a significant event or belief in his life. These tattoos are not just for decoration; they are imbued with magical properties and serve as sources of power and protection.
Love for Battle: Demise thrives in the heat of battle, not just for the conquest but for the thrill and challenge it provides. He often seeks out the strongest opponents, relishing the opportunity to test his might and strategy against formidable foes.
Deep-Seated Hatred for Mortality: Demise’s hatred for mortals is rooted in a deep-seated envy of their ability to love and create meaningful bonds. This jealousy fuels his desire to dominate and destroy, believing that if he cannot have such connections, then no one should.
Celestial Fascination: Despite his dark nature, Demise is fascinated by the stars. He often spends nights gazing at the sky, contemplating the universe's vastness and his place within it. This fascination is tied to his ancient origins and his desire to transcend his current form.
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lu-is-not-ok · 4 months
Here's the promised yapfest!
The Yurodiviye showing up again in T corp was a suprise, though given both how it seems to be themed after the Victorian era and ots famously horrible working conditions, it does make sense in context. Though I don't think we'll be getting another peak at Sonia anytime soon - or at least anywhere in the main portion of the event.
The first and third cantos both set up major players in what's to come, namely Hermann ans Demian. I believe that Sonia fits in with this theme as well given the implication that he has a mark of cain and how he obviously has unfinished buisness with the company, or Rodya at the very least.
In the background, theres a sound of a clock ticking in a lot of the music. Obviously in reference to T corp's whole thing regarding it - but it does seem different from Dante's slowest ticking sfx. It does aldo remind me of how T corp's collectors were said to signal their arrival with the ticking of a clock, and we see several of them during the trailer.
For the skills, it seems Hong Lu has a gloom skill 1? and Ryōshū has a sloth guard and a possibly two coin lust skill.
Looking back at the teaser, it seems as if the reason for fighting both the Yurodiviye and T corp goons seems to be that 'Special Investigator badge' mentioned there, as we are looking for 'time killers', we may end up uncovering a traior in one of those two organisations.
Ons of the NPCs - second I believe - seems to be wearing a kind of Vivtorian bobby's uniform [I clocked it only cause some cops still wear 'em here] so there may be a police questioning as part of the investigation.
As to the time killing part specifically - given how in the modern day what we mean by the phrase may have some overlap with Victorian ideas of idleness, which was frowned upon quite heavily, I do wonder how exactly this time would be 'killed'. Though I doubt it has anything to do with Dante's abilities - neither the sapling of light or rewinding - as neither truely 'take time out of circulation'. Plus, Faust may have some sort of way to extract time from Mephi's food, that possibly being what allows for the Sinners to rewind in the first place.
It may end up as part of the aftermath of Catherine getting 404'ed, as its clear from the Sinners having fuzzy memories that the erasure process was imperfect, it leaving more resuduals behind makes sense I think.
As for Faust's E.G.O., it may connect with the Fauncil theory in quite a fun way. In her corrosion animation, we see a bunch of clocks all turning at the same time, each slightly different in their presentation - with the central one seemingly inspired by the Doomsday Clock justt like Dante's head. This one I believe represents our Faust, while all the others represent her mirror world selves, all slightly different yet doing the same thing.
It is particularly interetsing as the doomsday clock counts down to human made catastrophe - usually nuclear war - but here it may represent how she will become her own downfall, or how something she makes may doom many others in her stead.
Glitch effects were previously seen in both the BL event when Dante starts overheating and in canto 6 when Carmen gives Heathcliff a lil talk. Im sure there's others but those are what I remembered. 
And I believe that was all I wished to say, good day to you!
o7 These are all nice little things to note down.
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murdleandmarot · 4 months
Can you info dump about bluebelle, I’m very curious about her :3
Hi hello!!!!! I will very gladly talk about Bluebelle, she’s the love of my life forever :D 💙💙💙💙💙
Important note: I’m a very um dramatic person when it comes to creating oc backstories. I am nothing if not a little bit pretentious, and giving ocs weird and angsty backstories is my passion project, and that’s part of the reason it took so long to collect my thoughts, and come up with something concrete, (or as concrete as possible)
I’ll start with facts about her that I like and then backstory regarding the fabled music box :))
-her design/colors are based off of a stuffed animal I bought in Munich :)
-the songs I most associate with her, (I have a playlist because I wanted one), are probably A Dangerous Thing/Everything Matters by AURORA, The Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker, and I came to your party dressed as a shadow. Adore those songs
-the only jellicles that she has met, (by choice), are Victoria, Misto, Plato, and Demeter. Or rather, Demeter knows of her, but Bluebelle doesn’t know Demeter
-this is mostly bc she’s pretty paranoid about meeting new people, and prefers to stick to her people. It took her a while to warm up to Plato, but eventually she got used to him
-this is also despite Vicci’s best efforts to convince Bluebelle to at the very least meet Jemima
-SPEAKING OF JEMIMA, if you haven’t heard, here’s my little jellicle magic theory: The cat’s magic relates to their eyes, just vaguely. Jemima and Misto each have white eyes, and you may have noticed, Bluebelle has those eyes as well. Because she’s. Blue. And that’s not a typical cat color, I figured I should just run with it. I see Bluebelle’s magic as a combination of Jemima and Victoria! Yes, Victoria is magic to me and that’s not just because she’s lovely and beautiful, but because of the way she uses the music in the show, and the way some productions seem to use her as a metaphor for the Jellicle moon, relating it to her dancing. This is especially true for me when I hc Vicci as deaf, because it implies some sort of magic when her solo syncs with the music. Bluebelle has the same sort of music and dance magic as Victoria, and the same sort of eerie unearthly-ness of Jemima. Basically I combined all my favorite girlies into one and made her <33
Really incoherent n convoluted story under the cut lolllll
I’ve always imagined the music box has something Bluebelle has had since she was very young, as in some of her earliest memories are of the tune it plays. Her mother probably gave it to her before both of her parents disappeared like they were in a Disney movie. The point is that it’s one of her favorite things, and she loves dancing to it. Victoria loves the song as well, and they sometimes practice using the music box, and things continue as so until Misto appears, and starts practicing with them.
Because Misto insists that no music is coming out of the music box. He can’t hear a single note.
Neither can Plato, or any of the other jellicles, when Victoria borrows it, and plays the song for everyone else in the junkyard, (Bluebelle doesn’t go with her-she’d rather not meet the others, for fear they won’t like her, or will tell Victoria to stop visiting her).
No one else can hear the music. No one except, of course, for Jemima and the psychic twins.
Bluebelle starts to ask around town, playing it for different cats, until she finds an older tom, not far, though she doesn’t know it, from the Junkyard.
He can’t hear the music box of course, but he tells her that he’s bit of a collector of magical artifacts. Perhaps he’ll have something similar in his collection.
Would she like to take a look?
Bluebelle declines. Declines at least, to visit him on this night. She hands him the music box, and instructs him to take it back to his den, and look for himself. They will meet in the same place the next day, and if he cannot find anything, then she will go and see for herself.
The next morning, they meet again. He tells her that he’s sorry, he couldn’t find anything that matched the box, and that in his haste to meet her on time, he’d left the box behind. The tomcat invites her to his den, and again, she declines, saying she will visit on a later date, that she already has plans.
Bluebelle follows him home, and hides in wait. She watches as his friends gather to scheme, and doesn’t notice the staring of a golden queen hanging off the arm of a blood orange tom.
The acquaintances leave, and the old cat retires to his den. The fire is almost out, leaving her to sneak into the other tent.
…blood seeps from every item in the cramped space, leaving it to drip from the walls and stain the ground scarlet.
He is not only a collector of magical artifacts, but a collector of queens, as well. The music box is the only thing unmarred by the red, so she steals it back.
She swears she can hear him howling the whole trip.
Bluebelle doesn’t tell Victoria what happens. She tells her to steer clear of the cat who could very be Bluebelle’s father, with a coat as vibrant as the sea, and Victoria doesn’t ask any questions.
Bluebelle doesn’t want to meet any of the other jellicles after that. She barely wants to talk to anyone ever again, with the exception of the few cats she already knows.
She and Victoria still dance to the music box though. Misto tries to follow along.
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Attention To All My Elvis Presley Family And Elvis Presley Friends On And Everybody In General On Tumblr;
Just Making You All Aware There Is A Leaked B/W Photo Of Elvis Presley Not A Nice Photo Of Him Deceased That The Funeral Undertakers In Memphis Tennessee Took Of Him Out Of Respect To For The Love And Respect I Cannot Even Though Ive Seen It Myself Ever Post Anything That Some Evil Sicko As Already Posted It And Shared Sadly You Are Always Going To Get Sick And Twisted People Who Do Things Like This They Probably Arent Even A Fan Or A EP Collector But Out Of My Love And My Greatest Respect For The Man The Music The Legend And The Legendary Elvis Aaron Presley 1935-1977 I Could Never Ever Disrespect Is Timeless Memory.
Rare Elvis Presley Candid Photo MDSQ Gardens Press Conference June ' 1972
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wolame-o-ccx · 1 year
Summary ; (what I have now)
• Philip isn't as bad of a person as he is in canon but still bad enough that he can still be considered a bad guy
• Takes place after King's Tide
• Hexsquad finds Philip fainted in the middle of the forest and was considering throwing him in a ditch but brought him home instead
• He woke up two days later confused
• For a whole month it was awkward living with him and he barely ate anything but Hunter did give him leftovers
• After a month of adjusting to their situation, Luz starts teaching him modern day technology along with the rest of the Hexsquad
TL;DR : old man confused about the modern day
Posts navigation ;
— Philip gets a sweater (ft. Luz)
— Philip gets a tablet (ft. Luz, Hunter)
— Philip discovers Jesus X Reader
— Ask 1 ; Philip apologizing to Hunter?
— Philip almost gets caught reading ykw (ft. Luz, Hunter, Gus)
— Philip and music (ft. Luz, Gus, Caleb)
— Philip learns about Cosmic Frontier (ft. Hunter, Gus, Caleb)
— Philip asks what being bi is PT. 1 (ft. Luz + bonus Willow&Philip side doodle)
— Philip takes a gay quiz lol PT. 2 (ft. Luz, Hunter)
— Ask 2 ; If Philip ever gets physical contact?
— Ask 3 ; Camila, Vee, Amity and Palismans opinion on Philip?
— Ask 4 ; How does the curse work? (How do they manage it?)
— Ask 5 ; Does Vee use Caleb's appearance when she needs Phillip to feel uncomfortable?
— Ask 6 ; Philip feels comfort with the mask Caleb makes him
— Ask 7 ; Philip&Camila interaction
— Ask 8 ; Philip&Gus interaction + Philip's memories
— Ask 9 ; Does Philip understand the Palismans?
— Ask 10 ; Philip&Flapjack interaction
— Doodles ; Ask2, Ask4
— Ask 11 ; Philip just.. camping 😭
— Fanart :))
— Fanart :)))
— Philip's hoodie has a special feature (ft. Luz, Willow)
— Philip gets caught reading ykw 😭 (ft. Luz)
— Ask 12 ; Characters calling Philip Belos instead of Philip
— Philip sees the statue (ft. Luz, Amity, Caleb)
— Philip zones out (ft. Camila, Caleb)
— Ask(s) 13 ; a bunch of stuff
— Philip's favourite food (ft. Hexsquad, Camila, Caleb)
— Philip makes a mask (ft. Luz, Hunter)
— Ask 14 ; "what does babygirl mean"
— Philip draws (ft. Luz)
— Ask 15 ; PITMD/SC Crossover :)
— Philip goes to Walmart (ft. Hexsquad, Vee)
— Philip starts a revelation amongst the Hexsquad (the FNAF propaganda spreads and Hexsquad is invested in theorising lore) (ft. Hexsquad, Camila)
— Philip has drip
— Ask 16 ; ambidextrous Philip
— Philip gets his hair done pt1 (ft. Luz, Amity, Willow)
— Philip gets his hair done pt2 (ft. Amity, Willow, Hunter, Caleb)
— Ask 17 ; Philip&Collector after return to BI?
— Philip doodles :)
— Filler doodles – in which Luz and Gus are TikTok besties and Vee and Pip are judgemental besties :)
— Philip is not British (ft. Luz)
— Philip visits the Wittebane house (ft. Luz, Caleb)
— Philip joins the Haunted Hayride trip cosplaying Quando (ft. Gus, Hunter, Camila)
— Fanart 💜💜 / Fanart PT 2
— Philip and the blondes play video games (ft. Caleb, Grimwalkers)
— Caleb watches Philip (ft. Luz, Hunter)
— Philip gets PTSD (ft. Masha)
— Fanart 😂
— More Phil drip
— Happy Mother's Day Special :)
— Fanart 🤭
— Ask 18 ; Amity, Willow & Philip dynamic?
— More Fanart 😨
— Fanart:)))
— Philip and Camila crumbs :))
— Giggles fanart
— Philip and Hunter adapts
— Philip sees him everywhere (ft. Hunter, Caleb + flapjack)
— Ask 19 ; Philip apology to Caleb?
— Fanart 😭
— Filler doodles — FNAF movie teaser came out!!! (ft. Philip, Hexsquad, Vee, Caleb)
— Ask 20 ; Who has the best chancla throwing aim?
— Day 1
— Philip gets scammed (ft. Luz, Caleb)
— FANART 😭😭😭😭😭😭
— SCAU Crossover PT1 :)
— Bonus scene (ft. Camila, Willow, Gus)
— SCAU Crossover PT2
— Ask 21 ; Gus seeing Philip's memories
— SCAU Crossover PT3
— SCAU Crossover PT4
— SCAU Crossover PT5
— SCAU Crossover PT6
— SCAU Crossover PT7
— FANART!!!!!!!!!
— SCAU Crossover PT8
— SCAU Crossover PT9
— Gamer Grandpa QnA Post!!!
— GG 1 ; Rate Glyphs !!
— GG 2 ; 10q
(more content to be added)
— SCAU Crossover PT10
— GG 3 ; more qs
— GG 4 ; Caleb
CHRONOLOGICAL Posts Navigation ;
— Day 1
SCAU Crossover Navigation ;
(Moved to be in SCAU's masterpost - low sufficiency in terms of links able to be inputted in a singular post 😭)
AU funnies + stuff the community helped make canon ;
• Philip eats paper (glyphs)
• Philip reads fanfiction
• Caleb and the past grimwalkers are ghosts who haunt Philip but only Philip can see them
• Philip likes vanilla
• Philip and Luz share a AO3 and Wattpad account
• Philip is scared of milk (after learning about how dads go missing after going out to buy milk and he doesn't want to go missing)
• Philip can talk to the blondies and palismans
• QPR / QPP Camila and Philip but also Philip is an additional child at the same time (mostly the child)
• The palismans can see the blondies too :)
NOTE : There are still some faults and errors here and there regarding lore and maybe characterization(?) but I'm not too focused on serious lore unless I have an idea. It's mostly gonna be silly little doodles and comics more than any serious stuff. I also take drawing requests!!! If you have an idea, you can ask me to draw it if you want :)
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
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blue, white, white, blue
brian phillips "parallel lives: tom brady, peyton manning, and the nature of great sports rivalries" / abc news florida / goalie mask collector / act of god / goalie mask collector / christopher logue "cold calls (war music, continued)" / pablo picasso, "guernica" / sportsnet / jane creighton "writing war, writing memory" / bruce bennett / steve russell / florence and the machine, "daffodil" / toronto maple leafs / nhl / red rider, "lunatic fringe" / mike carlson
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