#The Weird Al Show Eye Chair
bluepoodle7 · 5 months
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#Johndoegame #CoolChair #TheWeirdAlShowEyeChair#MyThoughts
I would love to see a fanart of John Doe sitting in this eyeball chair.
I think it fits this character's aesthetic.
Image not mine but link is there.
Your good friend Chris Normal on X: "i gotta get me an eyeball char from The Weird Al Show https://t.co/L73bp2SneU" / X (twitter.com)
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hazelfoureyes · 7 months
Hello! Not sure if you're taking requests, so do ignore this if you feel like it.
I adore your work sm!! Rewatching the Stayed Gone mv, Vox had a picture of a bootleg Alastor and pointing to his microphone were the words "dildo?"
Do you think you could write an Alastor x Reader, or just Alastor pleasuring himself with the microphone? (That sounds weird now-)
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Good Vibrations
the way I immediately knew what to do is proof of my depravity. I know it isn’t exactly what you meant but this is what I’m comfortable with writing. This was a quick little 30 minute write, I hope it still brings you joy 🎙️
After you make an offhand comment about doubting if his microphone actually works, Alastor finds a creative way to convince you while at dinner with the group.
tags/warnings/promises: Alastor x Reader, erotic but not smut?, smut is explicit, this is just horny, the microphone does in fact work, vibrator
Rarely was Alastor without his microphone. Even Vox made note of it. But, his voice sounded like it came from his mouth. Sure there was a radio affect to it, but he was a demon after all. You couldn’t figure out how it worked. Or rather, if it worked.
As you all waited to take your seats for dinner, Niffty having turned out to be a surprisingly good cook, you were caught staring.
“Is there something I can do for you?”, Alastor leaned down to meet your eyeline.
You blinked, “Oh, sorry. Just wondering if that even works.”
“If what works?”
“Your microphone.”
He knew it worked, of course. But your question felt… offensive. “Do you think I’d carry a functionless microphone around?”
Without hesitation you replied, “I do, yes.”
“Oh absolutely!” Angel pushed between you two.
“You do have a flare for the dramatic, boss.” Husk took his seat beside Angel.
Charlie nervously scratched her cheek, “I always wondered that too! But it worked in Cannibal Town, so I’m a believer now.”
“But wait-,” Vaggie looked to Charlie, “If it worked when you put it to your mouth why doesn’t he have to? It’s literally everywhere but his mouth.”
Alastor’s forced grin strained against this cheeks, black gums showing. You gave him a shrug and joined the group. He took his seat opposite you, pulling his chair in all the way.
You’d already forgotten the conversation when you felt something graze across your lap. Before you could investigate, Alastor spoke, “Why don’t we all say what we did today! I’ll go first!” Your knees shot up, knocking the table as a strong vibration lit up your crotch.
Vaggie leaned in, “You good?”
Slowly, eyes wide, you looked up to meet Alastor’s wicked smile.
“I went downtown to grab a fresh cut of venison. Niffty makes the best venison roast this side of Pentagram City.” You white knuckled the edge of the table, glancing down to see the microphone resting between your thighs. The top was nestled firmly above your mound.
“Hmmm what else? Oh! I got some deviled eggs. My, what a treat. My mother made the best deviled eggs. You know-,” as he droned on, you tried to push your chair away from the table. “Ah ah! It’s so rude to leave while someone is speaking.” He leaned back, foot reaching under the table to hook around your chair’s leg and pull you forward.
“Aww Al, you never talk so much! This is great. What else did you do today?” Charlie rested her cheek on her hand, eyes sparkling at Alastor.
“I am so glad you asked! Let me think, hmmmmm” He drew out the consonant, the sound making a rougher vibration than others. You were hunched over the table, biting your bottom lip to keep quiet. “Oh I went to— what is it called again? Ummmmm,” Your leg shot up again, the silverware clanking against your plate.
“Will you just fucking say it?!” You spit it out louder than you meant.
“Woah! That’s not very nice.” Charlie gave you a disappointed look, pulling a groan from you, “What’s gotten into you?”
Angel looked over to you, “You doin’ alright? You’re like… sweatin’.”
“What indeed, Charlie. Well, anyway! I think I’ve made my point!” You felt the weight of the microphone slide down your thighs and past your knees. You took in a deep breath, finally able to relax your body.
“You’re pretty pale…”, Husk commented, “You sick or something?”
Angel pushed your hair from your forehead, “That face looks so familiar.”
Before you could answer, Alastor opened his mouth, “I think she should lie down. Allow me to escort you to bed, my dear.”
“You are so sweet today! I love it! Fuck yeah!” Charlie punched the air. Alastor came behind you and pulled your chair back for you. “Take your time, if she’s sick maybe she shouldn’t be alone.”
“If you say so!” Alastor practically sang the words. With both hands on your shoulders, he guided you out of the room.
“He’s the best.” Charlie beamed, “Alright whose next?”
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thesightstoshowyou · 1 year
Au Courant
- Part 2 -
(Read Part 1 here)
Asa Emory x AFAB Reader
Summary: The night of your weekly support group doesn’t go as planned either.
Warnings: Soulmate AU, angst, violence, attempted mugging, mention of minor character death, manipulation, mentions of stalking.
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Chilly evening wind gusts, crispy leaves rustling around your feet as you walk. The breeze stirs up the scent of decaying foliage and rotting trash from a nearby dumpster. Wrinkling your nose, you shrug further into your jacket, wishing you’d worn another layer. The quick tap, tap of your shoes echoes off brick as you pick up your pace.
Ahead lies your destination: An unassuming little church, brick facade freshly power-washed and cleaner than the surrounding buildings. The light above the door shines bright in the gloom, illuminating various fliers taped to glass.
‘One is Enough: Support group for former and non-Pairs. Tuesdays at 6pm,’ one such paper reads. You purse your lips as you heave the door open, still embarrassed to be attending these meetings at all.
It has been almost two months since that day at the grocery store. You thought, maybe after a little time had passed the ache would lesson, but it’s just as sharp, just as crushing as it was when he’d left you in that parking lot.
You’d gone back several times since then. Waiting in your car, eyes trained on the door, you prayed he would show up. If you could just talk to him, just for a few minutes, maybe he would—
Shaking your head, you force yourself to stop spiraling. Replaying these scenarios in your head isn’t healthy. They only make you feel worse. He hasn’t returned to the grocery store. You won’t see him again. You must accept this.
You just wish you knew his name, at least.
Descending the stairs to the right of the door brings you to the basement. A few florescent lights flicker at the far end of the room, illuminating the circle of plastic folding chairs. Nearby sits a little table, customary carafe of hot water and assorted tea and instant coffee packets littering its surface.
Christ, it’s fucking bleak.
You sit quietly and listen, little paper cup of earl gray growing cold in your hands. It’s a full house tonight; many faces you’ve seen before. They mostly talk of loss, of soulmates that passed away too soon. Some speak of isolation, of never finding their other half.
None, however, had a soulmate reject them.
You decline to speak when asked to share your story. You can’t talk about it, not yet. It’s too fresh, and the mortification of having to disclose the fact that not even your soulmate wants you is something you can’t bare to say aloud. Better they think he died.
It kind of feels like he had, anyway.
Meeting adjourned, you stand and make your way back to the stairs, tossing your full paper cup in the trash as you go. You’re out the door and hiking your jacket up around your shoulders when you hear your name called behind you.
Turning, you find Alan, one of the group leaders hurrying out the door after you. His soulmate died a few years ago, poor guy. He beams when you meet his gaze and gives an awkward half wave as he catches up to you.
“Hey, uh, thanks for coming tonight.”
Weird. “Yeah, it’s…um, nice to be with people that get it, you know,” you comment, forcing a wan smile to your face. Alan nods, glances at his feet, back to your face. He sucks in a breath before he speaks.
Oh no. No, no, no, no—
“Um, hey I was…I mean, if you’re feeling up to it, would you, uh, like to…to get some coffee sometime?” You bite the inside of your cheek and muster every ounce of willpower to keep from grimacing.
He’s nice, really, but it’s just too soon. God, you’re never going to be able to come back here, are you?
“Oh! Oh, goodness, that’s…that’s really kind of you, Alan, but I’m not…not sure I’m ready. Yet.” You add the last word to soften the blow. Would you ever be ready? You’re not sure it’s even possible.
Alan smiles gently, warm understanding all over his face. You hope your expression is passive. “Hey, I totally get it. Maybe another time.” He moves to head back inside, then quickly spins around again to add, “Please don’t let this stop you from coming. We’re good, really, okay?”
You fake a grin and nod, hastily turning away so he can’t talk to you anymore. Shit, there goes that group. There have to be others, right?
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you bow your head against the frigid breeze as you hurry back to your car, mood now as sour as the weather. Why did he have to go and ruin this for you—
“Hey.” You startle when a voice speaks directly into your ear. Whipping around you find a young man inches away from you. You hadn’t heard him approach over the blasting wind.
You try to back away but he grasps your arm tightly. “Money. Now. Don’t make a scene.” Your stomach plummets when he produces a knife from his pocket, streetlights glinting off the blade.
You stammer, “I-I don’t have—
“Shut up. Give me what you have.” Blood rushing in your ears, hands shaking, you nod, wondering what the hell you’re going to give him. Everything is in your car. Maybe he wants your keys…?
Behind you, quick footsteps approach. The young man balks, releases you, backs away. Hurriedly, you stumble backward, bumping into whoever had interrupted. Strong hands grip your upper arms, steadying you.
Glancing over your shoulder, your mouth falls open in shock. It’s him. The man from the grocery store.
Your soulmate.
He wears that same cold expression he had at the supermarket. He’s not looking at you though, his dark gaze instead trained on the would-be thief.
He releases you just as the young robber attempts makes his escape. You watch in stunned silence as your soulmate pursues, powerful legs giving him a surprising burst of speed. The thief darts down an alley, the man hot on his heels.
Now, silence, save for your frantic breathing. Your wide eyes are glued to where you watched them disappear, your heart throwing itself wildly against your ribs. What if he gets hurt, or worse? What should you do?
The wind blusters, sending goosebumps racing across your skin. You’re about to call for help when a dark figure emerges from the alley. The air leaves your lungs in a rush of relief, your trembling hand gripping the front of your coat. He’s okay!
And he’s walking right toward you.
You swallow thickly, your heart now hammering for a different reason. What will you say? How will he respond? Are you about to get your heart broken again?
Wait, what the hell is he even doing here?
“Are you alright?” You blink and dazedly look up into his eyes. They look black in the darkness, glittering in the light of the street lamps just as the knife had.
“I…yeah, I think so. T-Thank you.” Your voice quivers as you speak and you realize you’re trembling from head to toe. Is it from fear or the chill air?
“I lost him,” the man laments, motioning to the alley. You nod, amazed he even went after him in the first place.
“Should…do I need to call the cops or something?” You hate that you sound so helpless in front of him.
“Do you remember what he looks like?”
You pause, realizing you can’t even recall what clothes he’d been wearing. Timidly, you shake your head. The man shrugs.
“Not much they can do then.” You nod, your teeth worrying your bottom lip. The urge to reach out and touch him is almost too great to resist. He watches you so intently, keen eyes trained on every shift of expression, every movement of your nervous hands.
What is he thinking, you wonder? Is this it? Will he leave now, for good?
Instead, he surprises you. “Let me walk you to your car.” You can’t suppress the hopeful smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
Your heart stutters when his warm palm finds your lower back. He turns and guides you down the street toward your vehicle. His body is warm too, comfortingly so. You hope it’s not too obvious when you lessen the gap between you, your arm brushing his as you move.
You walk in silence for a few beats, gathering the courage to say what’s been on your mind for weeks. Clearing your throat, you steel yourself.
“Why did—
“I panicked,” he interrupts. Taken aback, you glance up at him. He offers you a wry smirk. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
You shake your head, baffled. “Does anyone?” you ask. A quick breath leaves him, the barest hint of a laugh.
“I suppose not.”
“And…what are you doing here?”
“I just happened to drive by, as crazy as it sounds. I saw you walking and knew I had to turn around.” His words make you look down to your shoes, heat spreading across your cheeks. Fate had intervened again, it seems.
All too soon, you reach the parking lot. Coming to a stop next to your car, you turn to face him. His lips press into a line and you can almost see him thinking, considering. Your hands wring anxiously.
“My life is…complicated,” he says finally. His words are measured and there’s something there just under the surface, some urgent need for you to understand.
“I don’t care,” you reply instantly, taking a step closer to him. It’s like there’s a magnetic force pulling you in. “I don’t. I just want to be a part of it.”
This close, you can see the muscles in his jaw flex. He breathes in deeply, his exhale a heavy sigh. “My name is Asa,” he says finally.
You smile so wide your face hurts.
Asa watches the taillights of your car until they disappear around a corner. Only then does he allow a victorious smirk to cross his face. He will never tire of the satisfaction of success.
The Collector turns on his heel and strides back down the street. One more task to complete before the night is over.
Everything had gone optimally. The druggie had played his part of “thief” perfectly, thanks to the cash Asa had given him a few hours prior. Snapping his neck in the alley had been so easy. Heaving his dying body into the dumpster had been less simple, but still manageable.
What he said to you was a different matter. Telling you the truth was difficult, much harder than he previously anticipated. Indeed, he had panicked when you’d run straight into his arms, or panicked as much as someone like him could. Meeting his soulmate had not been in his plans. Asa doubted such a thing even existed for him in the first place, and that was preferable.
You were a liability. Getting caught was not an option. The last thing Asa needed was you stumbling into his carefully curated life and spilling marina all over the place. So, he’d left.
But, you would not leave his mind. Your meeting had awoken something deep inside him, some need. The obnoxious ache gnawing away at his gut grew tiresome. As he followed you home from the grocery store parking lot, watched you leave from work to attend your silly support group, as he learned your schedule and your habits from afar, his thoughts had drifted to the potential.
A partner, even more so a soulmate would aid with his disguise: Dr. Asa Emory, entomologist, professor, and now one half of a loving Pair. It’s the epitome of “normal.” Perhaps having you around would also quell the incessant nagging of his coworkers. This is not necessary, of course, but it would be welcome none the less.
You saw him, as well. When you’d collided, you looked into his eyes and caught a glimpse of what he kept so well hidden from everyone else. Asa had seen it on your face, the fear, the understanding. And, still, you chased after him. You wanted this, wanted him. Maybe you could want the Collector too.
Could you learn to understand?
Faking tonight’s emotions, the nerves, the story he fed you about “just driving by” shouldn’t have been so simple, but you’d accepted everything without question. Your gullibility is ideal. Everything about you seems to work in his favor. Is this luck? Or is this what it is like to be a Pair?
Time will tell.
Now, Asa turns his attention to the church door. He only has to wait a few minutes before it swings open. A man exits, papers clutched under his arm. The light above the door illuminates his face when he turns to lock up. It’s him, the one who asked you out earlier this evening.
Peering around the corner, Asa watches the man adjust his coat before heading off down the street. After a slow count to ten, Asa follows, stalking silently.
One more task tonight; a lesson to be taught, a price to be paid in blood.
You belong to the Collector, and the Collector does not share.
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
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The Worst Boss on Earth
Haitham signs a contract with his boss to keep his job
Bottom!FtM Haitham x Top!Masc Reader
[Event] | AFAB Language Used
CW: Extreme Dub-Con, Titjob, Nipple Play, Squirting, Desk Sex
📝 W.C: 1,354
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Al Haitham, your secretary, saunters into your office with a short stack of papers in his hands. He drops them onto your desk. "These are from the clients." He clarifies.
You sigh. "Why do you always give me more work when I'm already swamped?"
Al Haitham crosses his arms, shifting his weight to one foot. "It's not my fault, Mr. [Surname]."
"Still. Every time I see you I get annoyed." You shake your head. "I'll probably lay you off one of these days."
Haitham frowns. You're the type of boss to fire your secretary after a year or two —if they're lucky— of working. Most candidates are aware and apply for the job for the experience knowing they won't last long, quitting the job before You fire them. But Haitham didn't know until his coworker told him, and he needs this job. It's the second highest position anyone could get in Sumeru, and it's surprisingly simple and has a small workload, something Haitham prefers.
"Isn't it a hassle? To fire and hire constantly?"
"I would rather not have negative feelings towards my workers, especially my secretary." You shrug. "It's not like you need this job, you could probably find something better."
"Maybe." Haitham mutters. "When will you fire me?"
"Not today." You shrug again.
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Haitham walks into the office wearing a pretty long coat, hiding his outfit up until he reaches the top floor.
He knocks on the door before entering.
"Ugh." You sigh, mostly joking to annoy him.
Haitham rolls his eyes, taking his coat off and setting it down somewhere. The sight immediately catches your attention.
"You- What is this?" You ask, exasperated and sporting a boner.
Al Haitham's wearing a button up, the bottom tied up to turn it into a crop top, it's mostly unbuttoned to show his cleavage. Underneath is a black lace bra. Further down, he's wearing a pencil skirt with a slit, matching lace panties, black stockings held up with matching black garters and black heels to top it off.
You wonder if you're still asleep and having a weird wet dream based off of a porn video.
Haitham walks to the other side of the desk, swiveling your chair around to face him. "You're hard." He says plainly.
"You don't say."
"If you want to have sex with me, you can't fire me." Al Haitham says.
You stare at Haitham's chest for a while. "Fine."
Al Haitham takes out a folded piece of paper from in between his breasts, something he learned from an exchange student back in his school days, and hands it to you.
You bite your lip, your boner getting harder to ignore, and unfolds the paper. A contract and a string of condoms.
"How about I add one more thing?"
"You have to do what I ask of you."
Haitham makes an annoyed face. "Absolutely not."
"Then I won't sign. You think I don't have tons of candidates waiting to take your job?"
Al Haitham sighs and begrudgingly agrees, but not before listing his "hard no"s.
You sign the contract with the new additions added and turn back to your secretary. "Get on your knees." You order, unbuckling your belt.
Haitham takes a deep breath and sinks down to his knees. Your hard dick flops out, bigger than Haitham expected.
"Give me a titjob." You smirk. He would've refused if it weren't for the fact that he had to give up his autonomy for the contract. He hates that you have this power over him, but he's left without a choice.
Haitham frowns and unbuttons his shirt. He holds up his breasts, keeping his bra on, and slides them down and sandwiches your aching length.
You let out a low groan. "Start moving, pretty boy."
It takes everything in Haitham to not spit on or slap your face. He instead chooses to do as he's told and slides his tits up and down the hot shaft.
You grin at the wonderful feeling of your secretary's soft breasts hugging your length. "I should've threatened to fire you earlier." You marvel.
Haitham grimaces. "Are you going to come yet?" He asks, not wanting to do this any longer.
"A little more, don't talk. And don't make that face."
Al Haitham's face softens as much as he can manage to and speeds up his movements.
It's not much longer before you shoot your load onto your secretary's face, causing him to recoil and gag.
Haitham pulls away from you and stands up to get a tissue from your desk.
"Are you happy?" Haitham asks, more attitude in his tone than is called for.
"No, not yet. Take your skirt off and sit on my lap."
He frowns and slides his skirt off before climbing on top of you, avoiding your mostly flaccid cock.
You unhook his bra and hold his breasts in your hands, admiring the weight. "These are perfect."
You scoff. "You're the one who came up with having sex in exchange for your job, you're more of a pervert than I am."
Haitham frowns. He can't really argue with that.
"Gods..." You stare at his puffy nipples. "Do you play with your nipples a lot?"
He looks away, not wanting to answer.
You chuckle. "So you do." You smirk, making his cheeks grow dark with blush. You drag your tongue up one of his nipples, swirling it around the almost swollen bud. Al Haitham covers his moans with his hand while unconsciously rolling his hips.
You choose to ignore it for the sake of sucking his nipple, your hand playing around with the other.
"Mmf-" Haitham throws his head back, a familiar and usually welcomed feeling crawls up his skin. "Wait- wait- ah~" He tries to pull you away but you're dead-set on sucking on his chest. "No- no-"
He tries to hold back but with the way you're working his sensitive nipples it's impossible for him to not squirt.
You finally pull away and look at the spectacle in front of you, amused at how quick and hard he came. "You liked it that much, sweetheart?"
Haitham looks at you with an extremely embarrassed expression.
You slide his wet panties to the side and turn him around, bending him over on the desk. You quickly slip a condom on, thankful he brought some. "I forgot to ask," You slide yourself inside him without warning. "Are you a virgin?"
He chokes out a gasp, your cock stretching out his previously virgin pussy. "I- I was-" He hisses.
You grin. "How does it feel, Haitham? Having your boss take your virginity?" You slowly slide out of him.
"It hurts–" He responds, cut off by you slamming into his g spot. "Ah~!" Haitham moans.
"Your pussy takes my cock so well, baby." You spank him. "So tight too."
He doesn't say anything, he's too busy wishing it didn't feel this good. Wishing he didn't love the feeling of your cock sliding in and out of him.
"I don't think I'll ever get rid of you, sweetheart." You grin.
"Too- too slow-" He breathes out.
"I'm going too slow, huh?" You move even slower. "Tell me that you love my cock, and I'll go faster."
"I- I love your cock, sir-" He gasps as you fuck him faster and ruthlessly.
"Good boy." You praise, hand running through his hair before grabbing it and pulling his head back. "Moan louder for me."
"Buh- but- Aah~!" Al Haitham chokes out a moan thanks to you spanking his ass. He gives up on holding back, moaning loudly and almost shamelessly.
"That's right, let everyone hear you."
"Clo- close–" He cries out, pussy squeezing you tightly and his body shaking as he comes.
You come shortly after, slowing down and filling up the condom. You pull out and have Al Haitham turn around and sit up.
You slide the condom off of you and bring it to his face. "Swallow." You order.
He grimaces before opening his mouth and letting you pour it down his throat.
"...Are you happy now?" He asks hoarsely.
"Very happy." You reply.
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women-are-hot · 2 years
would love an Alexia fic
request: The team is waiting in an airport lounge for the plane and the reader gets really tired but finds the chairs uncomfortable so Alexia lets her use her as a pillow
Vacation Love
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Note: i've made a tiny change in your request, but i hope you'll still like it. this could possible get a part 2, but let's see ho y'all take this part firstly. also, merry christmas to y'all and stay safe <3
Warnings: literally just fluff. i still can't spanish :/
You had just woken up, because you had to catch a flight later in the morning to Hawaii.
“I’m sorry to wake you, but we have to get ready, amor” your girlfriend, Alexia said which made you groan. 
“Why so earlyyy?” you asked, cover your head in the duvet. Alexia rolled her eyes as your childish & sleepy side was showing. Then she decided to take action in her own hands and picked you up.
“Ale, put me down” your sleepy voice said into Alexia’s shoulder.
“No, because then you will go back to bed” 
“You know me so well, babe,” you replied with a chuckle coming from your girlfriend.
After Alexia had splashed some cold water in your face and runned for her life with you on her heels, you started packing the last few things before the taxi would come.
“When will the taxi come?” you asked, stepping into the kitchen as Alexia was packing some snacks. 
“The taxi should be here in 10 minutes, so just get ready” your girlfriend answered, making you squeal quietly and Alexia looking weird at you. Then you ran into the living room and jumped on the couch.
You could almost have fallen asleep right at that second, but your girlfriend had other plans.
“I know what you’re on” she said and once again tried to pick you up, but this time you tried to fight back and stay down.
Your plan didn’t work tho…
You just ended up on Alexia’s shoulders and her carrying you to your front door.
“Shoes on,” she said. You gave her a disgusted look.
“I’m not a child” you responded, still looking at her with a disgusted face.
Alexia just smirked. “Put your shoes on,” she once again said. You gave her the most evil face you could pull off and then put your shoes on.
“Good girl” she said after you had taken your shoes on.
“I’m a dog now or what?” you asked and crossed your arms. Alexia just shrugged her arms and opened the front door while you rolled your eyes at her.
On the way to the airport, you two planned on what to do on a trip to Hawaii. You were really excited to see Alexia’s sister and mother as you’ve been working a lot in these christmas days and haven’t had much time to be with them, so a vacation is the only real thing to do with them in your opinion.
“They're always really excited to finally see you again. Todo lo que hacen es hablar de ti” (All they do is talk about you) Alexia told you as you walked hand in hand towards her family at your gate.
Just as Alexia had told you that, you saw a girl running your way and it just happened to be Alexia’s little sister Alba aka your best friend.
“Y/N” she yelled, making a few people look at her which made you a bit shy. Alba didn’t care though. She hasn’t seen her best friend in December, so she had to have a nice welcome back to my life, a hug and that stuff, you know.
“Hi Alba” you said and opened your arms as she ran into them. You hugged for some time, before Alexia coughed fakely, giving her you and her sisters attention.
“I’m also here, so hug me por favor” Alexia said. Alba put her finger under her chin, pretending to make a very difficult choice.
“Muy divertido” (Very funny) Alexia mumbled and then dragged Alba into her arms for a hug. 
As they had their sister moment, you spotted Alexia’s mother and made a little run over to her, giving her a big hug.
“Hola mi chica” she said and gave both of your cheeks kisses.
“Hola Eli” you replied with a big smile as Alexia and Alba had joined the two of you.
After all of you said your hello’s and then found a place to sit, you finally had your chance to sleep as the flight first took off in 90 minutes.
You tried to find a position to sleep in, but this stupid chair was just so uncomfortable.
“Love?” you heard and your eyes met Alexia’s.
“Qué?” you asked.
“You can use me as a pillow if you want?” 
“Oh, you don’t have to, babe-” “But I want to,” Alexia interrupted.
“Fine, but don’t you dare move. I actually want to sleep in just 30 minutes” you told her. 
“Just lay down!” she said and made a bit of space for you.
You gave her a little shy smile.
“Gracias” you replied and quickly gave your girlfriend a kiss on the cheek and then laid down with your head in her lap. 
Alexia returned the kiss with some lovely head massage as she knew you loved.
“No puedo. Ustedes son tan lindas” (I can't. You two are so cute!) Alba squealed, seeing her two favorite best friends being in love.
Alexia gave her a soft smile, not wanting to wake you up.
“Será mejor que te cases con ella pronto” (You better marry her soon) Alexia’s mother added quietly, but enough for her daughters to hear.
“Estoy planeando hacerlo” (I'm planning to do it) Alexia replied in Spanish as she didn’t want you to hear the news.
Alexia’s family gave her a side eye with a smile before going back to their game of uno.
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hawkins-archive · 2 months
A Nightmare Far Worse - Chapter One
The Exorcism of Chrissy Cunningham
FANDOM: Stranger Things
SHIP: Eventual Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, hints of eventual Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson/Chrissy Cunningham
SUMMARY: Eddie Munson witnesses a demonic possession in his trailer. Luckily someone swoops in to help. (Supernatural inspired AU, Hunter!Eddie, Angel!Steve, Newbie Hunter!Chrissy)
NOTES: This is the result of the Supernatural-inspired AU with Hunter!Eddie and Angel!Steve I'd been tinkering with! I had intended for this to be just Steve/Eddie; Chrissy snuck into the ship during the writing process. If that's a dealbreaker for you, please move along.
Eddie stops in the hallway with the Special K, staring at Chrissy standing frozen and unresponsive in the middle of the trailer’s living room. She blinks furiously, her eyes rolled back so far only the whites are showing.
Oh God. Is she having a seizure? 
He walks towards her, waving a hand in front of her face. “Chrissss-yyy. Hello?” No response. He waves his hand again, and then shouts, “Chrissy!” as he jumps forward.
Nothing. Just more blinking. She’s still standing, arms at her sides. Eddie looks up as every single light in the trailer start flickering and buzzing.
This isn’t a seizure. Eddie’s not sure exactly what’s happening to Chrissy but it’s not a seizure or an OD or a concussion or anything normal. Unfortunately, this has the Munsons' kind of weirdness stamped all over it. 
Fuckity fuck fuck. Is she possessed? Eddie’s severely out of practice since Wayne didn’t take him on the road for his hunts like Al had.
Dropping the Special K, Eddie turns around and starts frantically pawing through the cabinet next to the oven for Wayne’s Hunter box. He finally unearths it from a pile of paper bags and old newspapers and nearly throws it onto the kitchen counter.
The lock on the box is a combination one, set to Eddie’s birthday. His hand is trembling as he turns the wheel, yanking it off as soon as the lock pops open.
Inside are some of Wayne’s monster-hunting supplies: a handgun with ammo, particularly silver bullets, an assortment of knives, a few gris-gris bags, two wooden stakes, Eddie’s mom’s rosary, Wayne’s hunting journal, and a few vials of holy water.
He grabs one of the vials of holy water and Wayne’s journal. Eddie’s never done an exorcism before - even Al had the good sense to keep him away from the possession cases, although like all the Munsons he has the anti-possession tattoo on his chest. The closest Eddie has to experience with anything like this was watching ‘The Exorcist’ with Wayne. Hopefully the exorcism will still work even if the Latin pronunciation’s a little off.
He yanks the cork stopper out of the vial. First he’s gotta make sure it is possession.
Eddie approaches Chrissy warily with the vial, Wayne’s journal tucked under one arm. He takes Chrissy’s limp hand and raises it, palm-up. “Sorry, Chrissy. I think this is gonna hurt a little.” Grimacing, he pours some of the holy water onto her hand.
Chrissy screams, guttural and loud, but her face remains perfect blank. She wrenches her hand out of Eddie’s grip, steam rising from her skin.
She’s definitely possessed.
“Shit.” Eddie hurriedly flips through Wayne’s journal and almost sobs in relief when he finds the page with “EXORCISM (short)” scrawled across the top in his uncle’s messy handwriting.
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus,” Eddie says, trying to steady his trembling voice.
Chrissy screams again, her face blank. Without warning, her body goes flying up. The whole trailer shakes from the impact of her body slamming against the ceiling, pinned against it with her arms outstretched.
“JESUS CHRIST!” Eddie trips over a chair behind him and falls on his ass, still clutching the journal. 
The journal, right. He can’t get distracted. He has to say the whole spiel or it won’t work. He tears his eyes away from Chrissy pressed against the trailer’s ceiling and back to Wayne’s journal. “Om--omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.”
Chrissy’s jaw opens wide, and inside her mouth is a writhing mass thick, black smoke. Tendrils of smoke coils around her face as she thrashes on the ceiling, her eyelids still fluttering. But it’s not coming out. Isn’t the demons supposed to come out of her during the exorcism? That’s the whole point! Shit, is he doing it wrong? Is some demon going to steal Chrissy’s body because Eddie's such a fuck-up he can’t pronounce Latin correctly?
Thunder rumbles overhead, shaking the trailer’s roof.
The door to the trailer loudly snaps open by itself, and Eddie is jarred out of his downward spiral by the sight of Steve Harrington, of all people, standing out on the trailer’s porch.
Eddie lets out a thin whine when he notices that Steve’s eyes are burning gold, the brightest thing in the whole trailer with the lights still bugging out. He really can’t take any more weird shit right now, not when Chrissy’s still pinned up against the ceiling with a demon inside her that won’t come out…
Steve steps into the trailer calmly, his molten-gold eyes fixed on Chrissy. Eddie flinches when the light bulbs in the trailer near the door explode in a shower of sparks one by one around Steve.
“Ergo, draco maledicte,” Steve says, his voice steady.
Latin? Eddie looks down at the journal, realizing Steve has spoken the next line of the exorcism. Eddie wets his lips nervously and croaks out the last lines together with Steve. “Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.”
The demon-smoke is finally yanked out of Chrissy’s mouth and pulled down, sinking through the floor of the trailer like water being sucked down a drain. Eddie’s heart feels like it’s about to shake itself loose from his chest.
Chrissy stares at Steve and Eddie with confusion in her blue eyes from the ceiling before she plummets down, sprawling on top of Eddie. She bursts into tears, latching onto him, burying her head against his chest. The lights that haven’t exploded finally stop flickering.
“Chrissy! Oh, shit, are you hurt?”
Chrissy keeps crying, her mascara running down her cheeks, but she gives a short little shake of her head. “I-I’m fine.” She sniffs again. “I mean, apart from the…thing that was inside me? The evil smoke cloud?”
“That was a demon,” Steve says.
Eddie looks up at Steve. His eyes are still shining gold, which is surprisingly creepy with him just standing in the dark area in front of the door, surrounded by the glass from the bulbs.
“It was like it was trying to…to…stuff me into a little box in my head.” Chrissy looks at Eddie, then at Steve, her bottom lip quivering. “Why did it…w-want me?”
That was a very good question. “Because a demon needs a human meatsuit when it’s outside Hell and you were there,” Eddie says. “I didn’t show you my very first tattoo – it’s an anti-possession symbol. Wards off demons.”
“How do you guys know-w about all this?” Chrissy whispers, her eyes flicking between Steve and Eddie. “Like, the exorcism and everything.” She looks down at the Hellfire Club logo on his shirt. “Is the heavy metal stuff?”
Eddie shakes his head. “My uncle and my parents are Hunters.” He pauses, realizing that needs more explanation. “I mean, they hunt monsters and demons that hurt people, not deer and rabbits.” He eyes Steve. “I know all the Hunters in town, and the Harringtons definitely aren’t Hunters.”
The thunder rolls overhead again, louder. 
“So what are you, Steve?” Eddie holds Chrissy tightly as she shakes against him. If anyone in Hawkins was going to turn out to be a secret monster in disguise, it probably would be one of the Harringtons.
“I’m an angel,” Steve says, eyes still shining like a beacon. 
“Bullshit,” is Eddie’s immediate response, slipping out of his mouth before he can stop himself.
Lightning strikes. In-between flashes of light, Eddie can make out the shadow of large, feathered wings extending from Steve’s back, like an afterimage. Beautiful but terrifying.
Chrissy gasps.
“I’m an angel,” Steve repeats as the golden light in his eyes finally dims, returning his eyes to normal. He rubs at the side of his face before placing his hands on his hips. “And this is a fucking mess.”
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It's Not Over, Is It?
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{Where a silly game of blooming romance, becomes tangled in a spiders web of jealously and rivalery.}
Cast: (Y/N) (L/N), Bruce Wayne, Talia Al Ghul [Rule 63], Catwoman [Rule 63].
Au Synopsis:
(Y/N), having been chosen as Bruce Wayne's manager/secretary for his "playboy act". Controlling over the media and press that had anything to do with Bruce Wayne or Batman.
(Y/N) is in love with Bruce and is a mother figure to Dick. But Bruce has never once tried to express his love for the reader. Afraid to ruin the little peace and normality he had in his life with you, Dick and Alfred.
So, he finds "comfort", in other's embraces unknowingly.
(Y/N) knows everything about Bruce, to his coffee, to the names that he slept with or fancied when in his "playboy persona".
Has helped create every file and notes or each vilian or other in his rouge gallery.
Talia Al Ghul, the son of the Demon Head: Ra's Al Ghul.
Knows of the little game of "hopeless lovers" when he sees a pair. Instead of waiting for the other to fall, he instead makes his move. Finding (Y/N) under the guise of friendship and a random civilian that happened be at the right place and right time.
Yet. He toys with the Detective, that he and his father had found quite intriguing.
Though he is not seen as a worthy enough successor in his father's eyes. He doesn't mind, finding Batman much more of a worthy advisory and leader.
Ra's sees you as the perfect bride for his son. Along with carrier for the perfect successor.
Catwoman: Selina Kyle
Selina adores poking fun at the Bat when knowing somewhere you could be listening. Often stealing Batmans communicator to converse with you.
He too plays the civilian card with you, wanting to charm you with his real self instead of the sleek cat burglar he dressed as.
He found you gorgeous, more precious than any jewelry he could've stole.
But you know his true intentions (?) and identity.
So often leading him astray with words of formality and obliviousnsss.
"You know, I think it's weird.." The young Grayson started, watching you clean up Bruce's wounds carefully as he stares at you. Doing his best not to flinch or show any signs of pain. Failing terribly, but you didn't seem focused on it. More wrapped up with placing bandages over his ribs.
"What is odd to you, young master Richard?" Alfred questions the little Robin.
Dick looks away from the two, giving Alfred a stern look.
"Mom's been busy as of late..." The sidekick kicks his legs back and fourth on the small chair.
"In what way?" Alfred rose a eyebrow.
"I've noticed she's been getting flowers or little notes. I think, she thinks, there from Bruce." Dick sighs, "but I know there not. But also, I saw this guy follow me and her to the nice bakery she takes me too when I get a good grade on my tests."
"Yeah, the desserts are good. But not as good as your's Alfred."
"Why thank you, Master Dick." Alfred smiled at the young lad. "But I must say, a strange fellow following the two of you around sounds concerning."
"Don't worry, I kept glaring at him and told mom about it. So we left in a hurry. I made sure they didn't track us!" Dick said pridefully.
[Just a small idea I had at 3am, hope you like it!]
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matan4il · 2 years
Buddie 609 meta
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This ep gave us our battlefield boyfriends in full swing again, and I love that for us! First off, there’s the way they showed up on the scene. Bobby steps in with Buck on one side and Eddie on the other. It looks like they’ve just arrived, but Chim and Hen already inspecting the hand lets us know that nope, they chose to split like that, which means that when Bobby turns around to start the search for the owner of the hand, we get a shot of Buck and Eddie together, following him. Then we also have them specifically exchanging exasperated looks while going door to door, as well as when listening to a dumb teenager explaining why he didn’t call 911, and a shot of them together reporting back to Bobby, even though we know the whole team was a part of the search and standing there together.
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Then there’s the way Buck announces “Not it!” when it’s clear someone’s going to have to run after that teenager. Even though, once again, the entire 118′s there, and without another word being spoken, Eddie knows right away that this means he’s it, and starts giving chase. They’re literally their own team within the greater group. Which gets reinforced during the wildfire call, when we see Buck and Eddie being paired up and moving together like a well oiled machine, plus when they’re all on the roof, and it’s clear who the empty chair next to Eddie has been for, not to mention how he passes on the mug once Buck takes his seat. Such a good husband!
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~~ But speaking of the Buddie connection and the way they’re each other’s life partners, I had to laugh out loud at the way the conference call went down. Buck knows Chim is awake from the messages about the house, so he calls his brother-in-law. Hen’s already on the line. Buck doesn’t know whether Eddie’s awake. We will later hear him hesitate about calling Bobby by wondering whether their captain is asleep or not. But since Chim and Hen are there, who cares if Buck’s call will wake Eddie up? He NEEDS to share his news, which means he NEEDS to have Eddie there. Hen was right when talking to Karen about this couple dynamic back in 317, Buck invites Eddie. Always. ~~
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I have to admit, I found it so weird that Hen was talking to Eddie about Denny’s questions regarding his bio mom, but not to Buck. He’s the most obvious one, given how he talked to her about his doubts regarding the sperm donation in 604. He’s also the one who really needs to hear this and understand what it means, having a bio kid that you don’t end up raising, how it’s not this thing that ever goes away, nor is the child your own. It’s this in-between space that Buck is clearly having a hard time with. He’s not properly had a talk with Eddie about it, at least not on screen, which is already telling. Some of the most meaningful insights Buddie have had on the show came from talking to each other. Based on Eddie’s reaction to Buck’s news in this ep (his facial expression, saying it feels weird to congratulate Buck on this news), we can tell Eddie doesn’t seem to approve. It reminds me a bit of some of his reactions to Taylor. He didn’t tell Buck explicitly, “You shouldn’t be dating this woman,” he mostly didn’t comment at all or indicated through non-verbal cues that he does not approve. So there’s a pattern here of how Buddie conduct themselves when Buck is clearly doing something that’s not good for him, but neither one of them acknowledges it out loud.
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Add to all of this the way Buck broke the news to his friends (no, sweetheart, you’re not about to be a dad) and that firefighter onesie he got for the baby (oh, hon! You’re all heart! And you misunderstood the assignment), and he’s clearly setting himself up for regret in 6b. I just hope we get to see Eddie being there to help mend him, like Buck was there for him in 5b. ~~
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The naked lady in the car… So I have to admit I initially went back and forth on whether it was meaningful that the only ones to cover their eyes were Buck and Eddie. I mean, technically, they’re also the only two single characters, so it’s maybe a bit expected on the part of the show, to signal beyond doubt to the viewers that these guys are not creeps. Bobby and Chim aren’t just excused by being married, they also have practical things they are doing in that situation, with Bobby being the captain, assessing what’s going on and giving orders, while Chim is physically checking up on her state. But then we have Hen rushing in.
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Hen, who is canonically attracted to women, and who runs into this when the naked lady is outside the car, just like Buck did. While his immediate reaction (much like Eddie) was to look away AND hold up a hand to hide the sight, Hen doesn’t do that (despite getting much closer to the naked lady). Also, at that point, Bobby and Chim are no longer being useful in any way, but they still don’t dramatically cover or avert their eyes. And married or not, they are men who canonically are attracted to women, like Hen, meaning it would have been appropriate for them to cover their eyes at some point as well. So yes, I think we get to snicker a little bit about how uninterested in naked women these choices make Buddie appear… It’s only made more hilarious by that little reaction Eddie has to Buck’s question. First, it’s probably significant that our former womanizer clearly didn’t ask this in order to get any salacious details, he’s just being a moron. Second, there’s a naked lady around, and still the focus of Eddie’s attention is Buck being a dumbass (not to mention how he will later, on the roof, tease Buck about preferring the car to drive into the building announced). I love one himbo and his exasperated husband. ~~
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There’s something about the theme of lack of sleep in this ep. It’s of course a clear parallel to Eddie not being able to sleep in 511, reminding us that this is about more than just strange winds momentarily blowing through the city. When Hen is talking about Denny’s questions to Eddie, Buck’s absence is explained by him being the only one able to sleep, but after the incident where the naked lady drives into the fire station, he can’t either.
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Yet, by the end of the ep, they’re all asleep. All, but Bobby. His shot at the start of the ep actually represents where he’s at the end of it. I do love how the order of the team being shot in their sleep goes from Eddie, to Buck, then to the married couples.
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But it’s Bobby’s opening narrative which frames the whole theme of people sleeping peacefully, without realizing what’s in store for them, how close they actually are to the edge. “A reckoning may be upon us.” We’re aware this is true for Henren who don’t know what their child is up to, we’re aware of this for Buck who’s clearly already more emotionally invested in Connor and Kameron’s kid than he should be, we can deduce there’s something in store for the others as well. Season 6b is going to be a wind that is going to blow through this peaceful slumber and bring on the drama. Are you ready? Hold tight!
~~ You can now use direct links to find my weekly meta posts, my Buddie gifs and more of my content by clicking “my content list” on my blog. I’m not going anywhere, but I wanted to wish everyone a pleasant hiatus! 💖 As always, loads of love to @whosoldherout​ for making incredible gifs, even when I ask her for some shots that are very challenging to capture. You’re a star!
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winter-leftovers · 9 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty: We Need To Talk About Mom’s Paintings (20/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Morgana possesses Claire. Douxie and Y/n have a moment. Y/n needs her father.
Word count: 2568
Warnings: we have everything. We have angst, we have comfort, we have some I would say +16 stuff
(Season 3 Episodes 2,3,4,5)
Song?: The Night We Met by Lord Huron and Phoebe Bridgers
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Y/n looked around the room, the once dark and colorless basement was now an art gallery full of colorful paintings of creatures that shouldn’t exist against vibrants backgrounds.
She observed her mother paint a portrait the size of the wall of her ex-boyfriend's troll from with an intensity she had never seen before. She didn’t even know her mother could paint.
“Mom, I packed you lunch!” Jim screamed from the kitchen.
“Down here honey!” Screamed back Barbara without taking her eyes from the painting.
Jim slowly walked down stairs and saw her sister sitting in a stool observing the spectacle.
“What’s going on?” He mouthed.
Y/n shrugged, she was just as confused, with her head she pointed at the big Mr. Strickler’s painting.
Jim’s eyes opened like plates.
“So, what do you think? I call it “Goodbye, Walt” You warned me he was bad news, but I didn’t listen. Then he vanished without a goodbye. What kind of man does that? Hence the horns. They’re symbolic” Barbara proudly showed off her painting.
“Wow, mom. Quite the imagination” Jim turned to Y/n.
“Yeah” Y/n is lost for words. She didn’t know what to do “Now, I know where I got my artistic side is from”
“Aw, thank you sweety” Barbara pinched Y/n’s cheek “First your father, and now him. I swear, if I ever see Walt again…”
“On that note,” Jim nervously chuckled, starting to go upstairs “gotta run”
“Coward” Y/n whispered.
“Hello” Y/n announced her arrival at the bookstore.
“Hello, love” Douxie emerged from under the counter mirroring the smile in Y/n’s face “You’re early. I thought you were coming for lunch. We were going to the park”
Y/n walked to Douxie and kissed his cheek.
“Are you kicking me out?” She chuckled against his cheek.
“What?! No?!” He screamed. For a moment, fear creeped on Douxie's spine. Did he make Y/n feel rejected?
“Relax” Y/n rested her head on his shoulders, and patted his chest “I just wanted to see you. Is that such a crime?” It wasn’t a complete lie. Y/n wanted to see Douxie, she always wanted to see him. But today, she needed to get out of her house, stay away from her mother’s art.
“Stop toying with the kid. He only slept two hours” Archie jumped on top of the counter.
“Hi to you too, Arch” Y/n scratched the cat’s chin.
“Yeah, sorry. I’m a little bit on edge. It was a long night. Too many trolls in Arcadia wreaking havoc” Douxie let himself fall on the chair “Do you know what’s up with that?”
Y/n nodded. She doesn’t want to lie to Douxie but if she told him the truth she knew he would want to help and that would open a can of worms that she doesn’t want to deal with just yet.
“No idea” she shook her head “that’s weird” she observed Douxie’s dark eyebags “Hey, why don’t you go lay down until lunch and I stay here?”
“No. No. I’m okay” he straightened himself in the chair, dropping a cup with pens with his elbow.
Y/n and Archie shared a look.
“You’re not” Y/n gently push him from the shoulders of the chair “you’re missing a cat and you didn’t notice it”
“No, Al is…” Douxie started to look everywhere as Y/n guided him to the stairs.
“See? Go to sleep. See you at lunch” Y/n waved until Douxie disappeared into the distance. She turned to Arch “Where’s Al, anyway?”
“Who knows. He said something about a meeting with a duck and then something about a dandelion and tacos” Archie rolled his eyes.
“Don’t laugh at him. Is always important to have connections”
Y/n helped out a few regulars and a few not so regulars during the afternoon. Time moved slowly, the dog outside the bookstore sniffed the tree comically slow until he found a spot, the traffic lights wouldn’t change colors, everything seemed to move so painfully slow. She looked back at Archie to see if he was also affected by this strange phenomenon but he was belly up under a ray of sunshine. She smiled and walked the small store coming back to the spot where Douxie had given her her old book. She couldn’t see it back then but now, with this piece of the puzzle back in its place she could recognise that Douxie had reconstructed her old bookshelf from their time in Camelot.
“Lady Y/n” Hisirdoux shyly knocked on the door.
“Come on in” Y/n answered, her voice almost above a whisper. She was laying on the floor with her back against the bookshelf, her nose buried in a red leather bound book and her bare feet were covered by her faithful friend, Alfred.
“Where…?” Hisirdoux looked around the room until he saw the cat’s brown tail coming from under the bed “Y/n?” He called.
“Mmmh?” She lifted her view from the book, her hair was in a perfect braid but she was still in her nightgown.
“Master M…”
“Y/n?” Morgana pushed the door wide open.
Hisirdoux jumped back like a cat.
“Why aren't you wearing your dress?” The woman grabbed the dress from the bed and ran next to the girl.
“I thought I had time” Y/n looked at Hisirdoux her eyes filling with tears “I…I…”
From the hallway, they could hear the echo of the steps followed by a staff hitting the stone covered floor.
Hisirdoux’s heart fell to his stomach when he saw Y/n’s red eyes.
“Hisirdoux, can you distract him?” Asked Morgana as she prepared the girl’s dress.
Hisirdoux pursed his lips and nodded before running down the hallway.
Y/n smiled while the tears fell as she heard Hisirdoux’s insanes complain about his lack of staff.
“He is nice” Morgana whispered .
Y/n’s cheeks redden as her bracelet, she lowered her head and played with it while Morgana tightened her corset.
The woman chuckled, “He could be a nice friend… Like in the book”
“And, don’t…but mater me”
“Y/n?! Y/n?!” Douxie screamed.
Y/n blinked a couple times and came back to the floor of the bookstore. Her knees red from supporting her weight on the floor. She looked around. She doesn’t remember getting to the ground, she doesn’t remember grabbing the book.
“Love?!” Douxie asked, voice laced with desperation.
“Doux? When did you wake up?” Y/n tried to get up but her legs failed her, luckily, Douxie caught her before she could hit the floor.
“A couple minutes ago. What happened?” He guided her to the small couch and crouched in front of her.
“I..I was looking at the books and then…I had a vision?” She frowned.
“A vision?” He repeated.
“From the past…remember the morning after Morgana gave me the anthology?”
Douxie smiled at the memory, that was the beginning of their friendship.
“I was ten and you were nine and deadly afraid of angering your father” he said a little absent minded.
“Yeah…I almost remembered him” she looked at him, her eyes full of tears like that morning.
“You’ll remember him” Douxie’s heart fell to his stomach just like that morning.
Y/n looked deeply into Douxie's hazel eyes, the only eyes that she ever wanted to look at in moments like this and closed the distance kissing him, her hands quickly finding their home amongst his hair. Douxie instantly returned the kiss with the same sweetness but more desperation. Everytime they would touch, he needed to taste every drop of it, even if it was an accidental graze of hands during the day.
His hands lifted her from the couch and her legs quickly snaked around his waist.
“Doux” Y/n panted, holding his cheeks “people can see us”
“I don’t care” he whispered, his eyes full of lust going back and forth between her eyes and her lips.
“Doux…”Y/n whispered. She was shocked. Douxie was a little more shy than that.
“Let’s go upstairs” he said into her ear before biting her earlobe.
“Mmmh” she laughed.
As Douxie’s feet would step each step of the stairwell, Y/n’s heart would pound faster, stronger. She hid her face on Douxie’s neck but the familiar smell did nothing to calm the tremors in her hands, in her torso.
Douxie laid both of them on the couch of the second floor where they would usually nap and started to kiss Y/n’s neck, his hands slowly feeling her stomach up to her sides. Y/n instinctively opened her legs to give him space, her hips moved against his, her hands went to his chest, her body reacted to his but a part of her mind was confused.
“You’re so pretty” Douxie's voice brought her to the present. His shirt was missing, his toned chest exposed for Y/n to see.
“Look who’s talking” she put a hand on his now red chest and pushed him back.
“So pretty” he repeated as he observed her while she sat on top of him.
Y/n kissed him again and again and slowly went down from his mouth, to his chin, to his neck, to the spot under his jaw where she could feel his pulse. Douxie groaned making Y/n smile but it quickly got erased from her face when her hands started to shake again while Douxie took out her shirt leaving her with her bra exposed.
Y/n put her hands on Douxie’s shoulders and moved her hips, maybe if her hands felt him they would remember him.
“Y/n?” Douxie’s hand caressed Y/n cheek “are you alright?”
She looked down at him, at his eyes full of worry and smiled.
“Of course” she kissed him but this time he didn’t return it as passionately as before, this time was sweet, understanding.
With a swift move he was on top of her again and could inspectionate her face more clearly.
“No, you’re not” he furrowed “we don’t have to do this, love” he started to pull back.
“No, I want this” she put her hand on his shoulder “it just…” she felt the blood rush to her cheeks. To Y/n Ambrosius it isn’t a big deal but to Y/n Lake it is “You know…”
But Douxie’s big eyes told her he didn’t know.
“I know that you and I…you know but…Y/n Lake hasn’t” she explained.
“I don’t follow” he whispered.
“You’re gonna make me say it” she whispered to herself “Y/n Lake is still part of me, right?”
He nodded.
“Y/n Lake is a…virgin”
Douxie’s blood drained from his face and came back in a rush.
“Oh. Oh” he sat on his heels “I see”
Y/n sat up, her body warming up from the shyness “I want this”
Douxie chuckled and kissed her cheek.
“Me too but…” he grabbed both cheeks with his hands “this time has to be special too” kissing her nose.
The butterflies ruptured Y/n’s stomach traveling through her body. She nodded, a lovesick smile plastered on her face.
“I was falling asleep. Was it necessary to call me sixty five times?” Y/n screamed as she opened Claire’s bedroom door.
Claire was floating in the middle of the room. The boys had tied her up chains that her magic seemed unable to break. 
“I’ll wear your spine as my crown, peasants!” Claire screamed in anger.
“That’s a new one” said Jim pointing his bat to Claire.
“Her creativity knows no bounds” added Toby.
Claire screamed, throwing Jim and Toby threw the air with her magic. Y/n was able to stay put on the door. She had been more thrown out by the familiarity of the magic than the magic itself. She took a step forward, her eyes focused on the changed Claire, her voice was different and so was her magic.
“Apologies for my delay” Blinky barged into the room and was able to set the chair back into the ground and with a quick move of a stone set the chains back into place.
The troll explained the why of his delay but Y/n couldn’t hear. She was consumed by the weight in her throat, by the burning in her eyes, something in Claire’s eyes was pulling her to the ground.
“Does the name Morgana mean anything to you?” Jim asked Blinky.
Y/n mouth hung open. The memory of the red haired woman holding her hand through the woods, braiding her hair, teaching her magic, being slayed by a sword, all came back like a stab to the heart. The myth was true. Morgana was alive.
“Morgan Le Fay, Merlin’s apprentice” explained Blinky, scared of naming the monster.
“Like Merlin who made my amulet?” asked Jim
“No” whispered Y/n and took a step back.
“I spit on his name as I spit on his grave” Morgana chuckles “Don’t we, Birdie?” She looked directly at Y/n.
“Sounds like they didn’t get along” Toby hid behind Jim.
Y/n kept walking backwards until her legs hit the bed and sat down, too afraid to make a sound.
“He thinks he can be rid of me? The fool” she laughs and turns to the guys in front of her “I will erase his name and all of his creations”
Y/n looked down at her hands and saw the tears falling down. She wasn’t sure of what she was more afraid of: the ghost in front of her or what the ghost could do to her friends.
She turned to the door and ran. Afraid that the grief and the nostalgia would bend her will. Ran far from Claire’s house, from Douxie’s library, she ran until her feet ached, until her knees gave up and then, she fell to the ground, her hands softening the blow.
A broken sob escaped her throat, her body gave out, falling to the side on top of the grass. She pulled her knees to her chest and prayed that the darkness of the night was enough to hide her from the world.
One last sob abandoned her lips before closing her eyes:
“I want my father”
“Good morning” whispered a familiar raspy voice.
Y/n felt a familiar hand caressing her hair. Without opening her eyes she leaned into the touch, she knew that feeling before she was even born. She stretched her hand and grabbed the familiar robe, an old habit she hadn’t shaken.
“Come one, Birdie, open your eyes” the man insisted, moving the final strand of hair from her face.
“No” she clutched the robe tighter and moved closer to the warmth that the man’s body provided.
“Why?” The man chuckled.
“I’m afraid” she cried.
“What?” The man grabbed Y/n and cradled her “Why?”
“I’m afraid you won’t be there when I open my eyes” she grabbed the closest piece of fabric she could feel.
“Oh, Birdie” the man rocked her “Of course I’ll be here”
Y/n slowly opened her eyes and under the light of the sun she saw a man with crystalline blue eyes.
“Father?” She asked before the weight of reality brought her back and made her realize that she was alone and that her father was laying on a tomb waiting to be awakened.
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A/n: was that a lot?
-Yes -No
Did you expect the revelation?
-Yes -No -Why would you do that to a child?
Can you tell I have daddy issues by my choice of father?
-Yes -Yes
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Hey Val!🥺
I'm not sure if you write for Alejandro Vargas from COD:MW2 but if you do or would consider it,
could I get an Alejandro x chubby f!reader where he definitely develops a crush on the reader.
Like the man has trust issues obviously and given the line of work, is reluctant so he's very stubborn about feeling the feelings, conflicted even.
But like he finds himself doing weird things like timing when and where he shows up if reader is around, things like that until he absolutely has no choice but to address the whole thing because *jealousy* 🐦‍⬛
If you're not able to or comfortable with Alejandro (we can go with Price too), the body description or the request, it's totally cool🖤
Jealous [Alejandro x chubby fem!Reader]
AN: First time writing Ale!!!! I’ve been scared too because I don’t know a lick of spanish and am less familiar with the mw2 storyline canon but babes if there’s one thing I’ll do it’s give it a go! I’m also a thicker girl so I’m always down for a bit of chub! ;) I hope I did your request justice! It's also 3 in the morning so apologies in advance if it's a tad low qual xo
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: alcohol consumption and a handsy drunken man.
* ˚ ✦ 
Alejandro was not a soft man. He didn’t have crushes or feelings for people. There wasn’t room for it in his line of work. Attachments to people were just weaknesses for the enemy to exploit. But then the 141 landed in Las Almas and there you were. 
At first it was just visual attraction. He’d always appreciated women who existed of society's standards. Sometimes he found himself watching the way your thighs rubbed against one another as you walked or how they spilled slightly over the edge of the chair you sat on. Your stomach spilled slightly over your belt which synched tight around your waist. Sometime’s he’d catch you grumbling about it and try but fail to avert his eyes as you undid it to sit more comfortably on the couch. 
Your soft exterior didn’t fool him though. You were stronger than some of his men. The black tank top you wore while training in the Mexican heat nearly killed him the first time he saw it. There weren’t many other women around base – he chalked it up to that. 
But then he caught you laughing, playing cards with a few of his men, eyes sparkling. Sometime’s he’d overhear you mumbling spanish phrases to yourself. Some of the men were determined to teach the 141 a bit of the language while they were there. God his language sounded so good coming out of your mouth. 
And slowly but surely his whole day began to revolve around you. He’d find himself turning up to train just after you’d started and even began waking up earlier just so he could catch you in the mess hall – bleary eyed and rosy cheeked from sleep. You were stunning. Occasionally you’d practice spanish phrases with him, checking if your pronunciation was correct and if you’d missed a word. He’d often completely miss what you’d said; eyes fixed on your red lips as you spoke. 
You were stunning.
And he wasn’t the only one who had noticed.
* ˚ ✦ 
The compound was celebrating. Earlier in the day, with the the joint force of the 141 and Alejandro’s men, you had managed to take out a HVT from the cartel. You could hear the mess hall from your quarters. Alejandro’s men knew how to throw a party, that was for sure. An outfit change wasn’t very realistic - much less a dress. But you’d noticed the way Alejandro eyed you in your black tank and luckily it had just been cleaned. Wringing your hair out and drying it with a spare t-shirt, you decided to let it down for the night. The humidity would cause it to frizz but it wasn’t like there was any hair product nearby you could use. 
Being freshly showered was a luxury while on deployment and damn you felt good. The tank hugged your curves and definitely accentuated your boobs; it wasn’t your fault you had been blessed in that area. The men could look all they wanted, it wasn’t for them.
By the time you entered the mess hall the celebrations were in full swing. You spotted Soap and Gaz with a group of men playing poker; Soap looking far too excited to pass as having a poker-face while Gaz looked as though he was trying to keep a straight face but kept forgetting. 
A couple of tables had been set aside for drinks along the end of the hall, it reminded you of a school disco. Though there was a distinct lack of paper cups and instead an  disorganised array of mugs and glasses cluttered the table. You poured yourself a finger or two of whiskey. It was slightly warm but you weren’t ignorant enough to expect a bucket of ice and tongs on a military compound. You settled your hip against the table, letting your gaze scan the room. 
You couldn’t fool yourself, you were looking for him. 
But the man in question was no where to be seen, Ghost and Price were also missing. Most likely still stuck in a debrief. You didn’t envy them. An arm snuck around your waist and you stiffened.
“Come here often?” Warm breath tickled your ear and you spun around to face the man.
“Drunk already, Rafael?” You scoff, shoving out of his grasp.
He chuckles, throwing his buzzed head back and clapping your shoulder. “Ah, mi corazón, you make me laugh.”
You relax a little at the more friendly gesture. Rafael was older than you by a fair few years and definitely more of a comrade than anything. Drunk men could be unpredictable. 
You take a sip of whiskey, eyeing the man as he wavers slightly on his feet. “And you make my head hurt, go to bed old man.”
The last part must’ve escaped him because he leans forward with a sly grin. “Bed hm? Care to join?”
Before you get the chance to reply, Rafael is yanked back. He whirls around in surprise, arm raised and ready only to find his Colonel glaring back at him.
“Rafael!” Alejandro barks, face thunderous. The mess hall quietens. “Estas borracho. Acostarse.”
The man opens his mouth to retort but Alejandro’s glare silences him immediately. He shoves past the Colonel, tossing his mug onto the table with a bang. Chatter slowly resumes but you can feel the prickle of eyes on you. You grit your teeth and scull the last of your whiskey, placing on the table with slightly more grace. 
“Was that really necessary?” You hiss at the man opposite you, his brown eyes widen and he frowns, not expecting your response. You stalk off, brushing roughly past him and heading for the kitchen. But Alejandro is hot on your heels, catching the door as you try slam it. He slips in behind you and closes it with a less-than-gentle flick of the wrist.
“He was drunk,” Alejandro responds, now annoyed, “and his behaviour was not appropriate.”
You scoff, rounding on him. “You don’t think I know that? I had it handled.”
Alejandro laughs, crossing his arms, “Oh yeah? Didn’t look like it, chica.”
“Don’t ‘chica’ me, Colonel.” You scowl, pressing a finger to his chest and poke him, hard. “I’m the only woman on an elite special forces task force, I know how to handle myself.”
“Oh yeah? Well maybe don’t go round wearing shit like that for a start.”
You laugh incredulously, “Shit like what? A tank top? Sorry your men can’t keep it in their pants, Colonel. Why are you so mad anyway?”
Alejandro doesn’t reply, gritting his teeth and refusing to meet your gaze. “Estoy celoso,” he mumbles.
“You’re what? Speak English, Ale, I don’t understand,” you sigh, exasperated, folding your arms.
“I was jealous, ok?” He cries, arms unravelling. “Walking round in that tank top for everyone to see, for that pedazo de mierda, Rafael, to see. You drive me insane.”
You freeze, shocked at his confession. You’ve never seen Alejandro like this; it’s a stark contrast to his usually well controlled intensity.
“You we’re what?” You splutter, brain not quite comprehending.
Alejandro slumps against the counter behind him, arms crossed. 
He’s embarrassed, you realise.
“Don’t make me say it again.” He sighs, staring at the floor.
Warmth bubbles inside you and it isn’t the whiskey. You step forwards with a smirk, hooking a finger around his belt loop, you tug him towards you. He doesn’t fight, shocked mahogany brown eyes flicking up to meet yours. 
Your press up against him, enjoying how his breathing stutters. 
“Say it again,” you whisper, lips brushing his ear.
He sucks in a sharp breath, licking his lips nervously. “I was jealous.” 
You pull back to face him, finger still hooked on his belt loop. 
“Thought so,” you breath, brushing your lips to his. He surges forward, a hand winding into your hair. His stubble tickles your cheek as your mouths move against one another before he pushes back. 
You watch him as he steps back and breathlessly runs a hand through his hair. You knew kissing the Colonel would most likely give him a slight moral crisis. He was a man of duty. His men and his job came first. But you also knew the chemistry that had been building between you over the past few weeks wasn’t something that could be ignored. It was bound to reach a boiling point some time or another. 
You watch as Alejandro paces back and forth in front of you, wringing his hands. “I can’t - I mean we shouldn’t do this.”
“Yeah yeah, duty and all that.” You smile, expecting his reaction. You kick off the counter and saunter towards the door, “You know where to find me once you get over it, big boy.”
Alejandro watches, stunned as you slip out of the room with a wink. Hips swishing. He groans into the empty kitchen.
God he was fucked.
* ˚ ✦ 
Translations (please for the love of God take this with a grain of salt I know nothing):
mi corazón - my heart/my dear (meant to be a sleazy pet name but honestly sounds kinda romantic lmao)
Estas borracho. Acostarse. - Something along the lines of "you're drunk, go to bed."
Chica - "girl"
Estoy celoso - "I'm jealous"
pedazo de mierda - "piece of shit"
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janis-1987 · 3 months
Scars (LeoJami)
Leojami week day 4, Scars
Leona was never ashamed of his scar, or at least he didn't act like it. He wore it proudly on his face, not that he had much of a choice. He could hide it if he really wanted to, but he just didn't see the point of it.
He always thought Jamil didn't have any scars, Jamil was rarely wearing anything that would suggest he had scars. It wasn't until he asked Jamil to go swimming with him that he realized something might be up.
When he had asked him to come with him, Jamil had tensed up, it was subtle but Leona still noticed it.
"You don't have to if you don't want to. It's not an order." Leona had joked.
Jamil had rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, "Like I would obey an order from you anyways." He had replied, "I'll be there."
So, later that day, Leona was waiting for Jamil by the pool in Savanahclaw, lazing on one of the nearby chairs.
Jamil walks in, wearing board shorts and a black tank top? Leona tilts his head at Jamil's choice in attire. "What's with the shirt?"
"I wasn't going to walk over here without a shirt on Leona. That'd just be weird." He replies, which was fair, walking through the school without a shirt on would definitely be considered odd.
Leona shrugs, getting up from his seat and stretching. He gets into the water without a second thought, the cold liquid becoming an enjoyable break from the heat of the dorm.
Jamil got in as well, though he didn't take off the tank top. Leona chose not to comment on it for the time being. Though as they sat together, something caught his eye. A small mark just barely visible from where the tank top ended. Leona's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. He knew Jamil was a slave to Al-Asims, or a servant as they would call it, not that there was that big of a difference other than one sounding marginally better. But he never thought they would have been barbaric enough to hit Jamil with anything that would leave a mark.
"...ona? Leona?" Jamil's voice brings him back to the present. "You okay? You've been just staring at me for a while now."
"Tch, course I'm fine." He replies, though in the back of his mind he was planning to have a little chat with Kalim if Jamil lied to him, "I just noticed something."
Jamil tenses, and he avoids eye contact with Leona, "Oh? And what would that be?" He asks as he reaches to adjust his tank top. Unfortunately for him, all that did was confirm Leona's suspicions, "You have scars on your back, don't you?" Jamil pauses, unsure if he should confirm or deny that fact, what would Leona do if he knew? Probably nothing, sure he was a prince but would he bother the Al-Asims about something that had happened in the past? "I do. So what?" Leona's ear twitched, "Nothing, just makes sense now."
Jamil rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I'm sure it does."
"Can I see them sometime?"
"Your scars, can I see them sometime?" He asks more directly, looking at Jamil.
Jamil was silent for a long moment, did he want his boyfriend to see that part of himself? Did he trust Leona enough to show him the scars he had accumulated over the years? It was a big ask, and the truth was that Jamil wasn't sure. He didn't know if he could bring himself to show Leona all of it, as if that would make it all real, cement the fact that his life hadn't been great.
"Yeah." He finally says, looking at Leona again, "Yeah, you can see them. But not here."
"My room?" He offers, knowing Jamil likely wanted a private space where no one else would see them.
"That works."
The two got out of the water and made their way into Leona's room. Once there, Jamil takes a long, slow breath to steady himself, to make the final decision on the matter.
"You don't have to, you know." Leona reminds him.
"I know." Jamil replies, as he removes his shirt, letting the wet fabric fall to the ground, his bare back and all his scars on full display for Leona and Leona alone.
Leona's eyes widened, as he took in the many scars that littered Jamil's back. Thankfully, none looked fresh, but the horror of that set in rather quickly, Jamil only recently became an adult, meaning that all of the scars he had collected where from his childhood. Leona comes closer to his boyfriend, gently touching the scars, tracing the lines, "Damn." He mutters, "This never should have happened to you."
Jamil bit back tears, "I know they're hideous."
Leona shakes his head, and presses a soft kiss to the one just below the nape of his neck, "Not at all. You're just as handsome as ever."
The two spent the rest of the afternoon together, and for the first time in a long time, Jamil didn't feel ashamed of his scars.
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cosmicarchivist692 · 3 months
Radiorose Week Day 6: Turning a Wrong Alley Right
[Radiorose Week Day 6 Bonus/The Pride Party and Distance]
"Rosie, I'm not going on a date." Al stood, crossing his arms. "Not since Vox called our last, 'hangout,' that."
Rosie rolled her eyes and responded, "This isn't going to be sprung up like a surprise, you will know going in. Well, technically it's a blind date, I don't even know who it is, but still! You know it's happening. Plus, a demon of your stature and charm should have a partner!"
"I have you Rosie, doesn't that count?" Al asked seriously.
Rosie grabbed his arm and started pulling him towards her sewing machine. "We're business partners, that doesn't count." She took Al's coat off his back and sat down at the machine.
"Rosie, I still don't think I need to do this. I'm fine by myself, really."
Rosie was started repairing Al's jacket, "Look, can you go on just this one, for me? Call it an intel mission so you understand my problems with my husbands, hmm?" She held up his now repared jacket.
Static filled the air but Al finally said, "Fine," and grabbed his jacket, putting it on. "Where is it going to be at anyways?"
Al and Rosie stood outside a bowling alley.
"I changed my mind. I'm not doing this." Al stared at the semi-broken sign that was blinking inconsistently.
"Too late!" Rosie squealed, pushing him in.
They went through the double doors and Rosie got Al bowling shoes and rented a lane. Al just stood crossing his arms as Rosie did this, the speakers' music was interrupted by flashes of static.
Rosie handed Al the shoes. "Put these on. And yes, it's a weird rule. I know."
"Rosie, I have hooves. My shoes are custom to fit them." He took out one of his hooves and showed the molded insert that was made for his shoe. "And I'm not taking the insert out of my shoe, it's such a pain to put back in."
Rosie put a hand on her hip. "Al, you are the Radio Demon, are you really telling me you won't even-"
"That's right, I won't, even. Especially not for this doomed 'date.'" Al crossed his arms and sat down at the table beside the lane, grouchy.
Rosie groaned and put the shoes on the table. "I'm leaving these here, if you get caught, put them on." She said sternly before seeing a person walking straight towards the table. Her face lit up and she quickly turned to Al. She leant down and started whispering.
"Okay, they're here. Play nice, try to enjoy yourself, and I'm going to get out of here." She smiled a cheeky grin before turning around and quickly running at a 90 degree angle away from the date.
Al's gaze followed Rosie before seeing someone starting to walk closer and closer to his table. No, this couldn't be. Fate wouldn't... This had to be a cruel prank.
A slightly moss and mushroom covered girl in hippie attire approached the table and sat down in the spinning chair across from Al's.
"Heya! The name's Sky, I hear you're Al?" She held up a hand for a high five.
"My name is Alastor, but yes. Hello." Al grabbed her hand and forced a handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure." He forced a smile.
Sky tilted her head a bit and muttered, "Okay..."
They took a moment to do some basic introductions when the intercom came on.
"Tonight only, you don't have to wear bowling shoes on the lanes!"
She looked at the lanes and stood up, "So, you ready to bowl? Or I guess more accurately, you ready to lose?" She smiled full of un-earned confidence as she changed back into her normal shoes.
Al squinted, he was excited to show his power to crush Sky, maybe he would have a little fun. He stood up and walked over to the lane and smiled. "I wouldn't be so confident, I am the Radio Demon, the most powerful demon in all of Hell." He threw the ball down the lane and it almost instantly went into the gutter. He threw his second ball and only got one pin.
"Huh, everyone has to be bad at something!" She squeezed his shoulder, laughed, and bowled a strike. Al was no longer excited.
The rest of the game played out and the score ended with a 267 : Sky to a 38 : Alastor. They sat back down at the table and Sky started asking some questions.
"So Al-" "Alastor" "-How long have you been in Hell?" Sky rested her hand on his.
Al pulled his hand back, "I died in the 1930's and I've spent my entire time here in Hell gaining power since."
"Hmm, ok." Sky said disinterested. "Y'know, I'm going to go to Heaven any day now? It's a clerical error I'm here." She said with an aura of superiority.
Al turned his head, slightly intrigued by what she was saying.
"Yeah, I followed what Zach said. All 50 of us died together and so we should all be going to Heaven any day now. I guess they have to do all the paperwork for all of us members individually first, before they send us all up together." Sky gave a smug smile.
Al sighed, she was a lost cause. "So this was fun, shall we call this a night?"
"Oh Al... I didn't think you'd ask that!" Sky's face filled with a smile. "We can go back to my place."
Al blinked, confused, and Sky linked her arm with his and started dragging him with towards the exit.
Rosie quickly ran away from the soon to start date scene. She rounded a corner and stopped, deciding to look over at Al and Sky.
"Aw... they'd make a cute couple. They match each other!" Rosie said to herself.
She was a little sad to see Al on a date with someone else, but he hadn't been responding to her advances at all so she assumed he just wasn't interested.
She walked over to the shoe rental counter and waited for an employee. "What can I help you with?"
"Hey can you let that guy off the hook about not wearing the proper shoes?" She pointed up at Al.
"No Ma'am." "Come on, it's just one person." "I'm sorry Ma'am. It's policy." "I promise you, this place will have bigger problems if you try and force him to." "Look, lady-"
Rosie bared her teeth and asked, "You do realize I'm the overlord of Cannibal Town right?"
The attendant calmly reached over and announced over the speakers, "Tonight only, you don't have to wear bowling shoes on the lanes!"
Rosie kept her teeth bared, but smiled before walking away.
She found a seat where she could watch the two of them bowl. She knew she was supposed to go, but what could it hurt?
Eventually Al got destroyed in bowling and Rosie made a mental note to bring it up later to poke fun at him. She watched as Al continued to be distant from Sky and that's when she realized.
Al's never had a crush on anyone. Or at least he never mentioned one. He'd never responded to her advances, but maybe that was just because he didn't know. He always asked that Rosie, 'kept those activities to yourself.' when talking about her husbands and her after dates. Rosie finally realized.
"Oh my god, Al is aroace!" Rosie said to herself. She laughed for a moment, a little sour she tried so hard for nothing, but quickly getting over it.
She was contempt to just let this fall apart and apologize to Al later. She was about to stand up and leave when she saw Sky leading Al to the exit.
Al had a very confused look on his face but Rosie could tell what was going on, this really would not be good. She had to stop it.
She speed walked to Al and Sky and said, "There you are deer! I was wondering where you went."
Al turned his head at her and Sky stopped in her tracks. "Do you know him?"
"Do I know him!?" Rosie overexaggerated a gasp, "He's my partner!"
Alastor blinked and Sky instantly let go and spun around to face him. She sputtered, "Wow, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend-" "Partner" "-How dare you! My commune would never stand for this!" Sky stormed out of the bowling alley. Rosie and Al watched her as she left.
"She does realize whatever 'religion' she followed is probably false, right? I mean she's literally in Hell..." Al spun around to face Rosie. "And what was that about Rosie?"
"Let's just say, I saved you a whole lot of headache." Rosie glanced away. "Also, I'm sorry Al, I should never have forced you to do this." Rosie put a hand on his shoulder.
"Well, I already knew this night would be shot, I'm just going to go home back to my tower." Al sighed and waited for Rosie to take her hand off before he started walking away.
Rosie thought for a moment, "Wait, Al?" Al turned around. Rosie gave a cheesy smile and asked, "Would you like to hangout with me, on this 'date?'" She stuck out a hand.
Al rolled his eyes and glared at Rosie. "Oh come on, redeem the night?" Rosie asked.
Al massaged his brow but put his hand in Rosie's anyways. "Fine." Rosie noticed a hint of a smile creeping up his face.
They both walked up to the bowling attendant. "Another game please."
"Sorry, policy states only one game per group per-" They both bared their teeth and static filled the air. "Lane 6"
Neither of them were very good at bowling but that didn't matter.
It was the 8th set and Rosie had a determined look on her face. She had perfect form on the run up and right when she was about to release the ball: her non-bowling shoes slipped on the floor and the ball flew over into lane 7.
Al caught Rosie before she could hit the ground too hard and they both watched the ball roll, and roll, and roll, and get a perfect strike.
"No way... Strike!" They both busted out into laughter and after it finally died down, Al said, "Thank you Rosie, perhaps this night isn't all bad."
They finished their game but didn't even check the final scores, it wasn't important. They went over to the attached restaurant and tried to order chocolate covered fingers... then venison... before settling for mediocre pizza.
"This is absolutely atrocious." Al said wiping the grease off his mouth with a napkin after taking a bite.
"Surely it isn't that-" Rosie took a bite and instantly spit it back onto the plate. "Nope never mind, that's horrible..." They both laughed as Rosie threw it away.
Al looked over at Rosie and Rosie saw his smile slightly falter. "Rosie..."
"What's going on, Al?" Rosie rested a hand on his and tilted her head.
"In a couple weeks, I'm going to have to go."
Rosie's face dropped, "For how long?"
Alastor opened his mouth to say indefinitely, but what came out was, "2 months, or so."
"It could be worse..." Rosie gave a half smile and squeezed Al's hand. "We'll have to do something before you leave then!" She said, regaining enthusiasm.
"Nothing big." "No promises!"
Author's Note:
So the first day I was supposed to work on this, I spilled some water in my computer and had to let it airdry for 24 hours before I could use it again (I probably shouldn't use it as a drinks stand anymore), and the second day I got distracted playing Hexceed... (GUYS THE TILES SPIN NOW, THEY SPIN!!! (yes I'm just now starting year 1, don't sue me.)) I was so excited to write this one too lmao, but I did at least write it on the second day.
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puffpasstea · 2 years
A/N: I’ve been having some weird glitches and technical difficulties. I’m not sure if my posts aren’t going through or if I’m not receiving notifications about people seeing them. Please let me know if this is showing up for you? 🥺 it’s not as good as I’d have liked but I know I haven’t posted in a bit so I wanted to get it out for you guys. Lots of way more talented writers have done subspace blurbs way better than I ever could. But I haven’t seen any dom space and subdrop/ domdrop blurbs out there. (Unless I’m just not coming across them. If you know of any, send them my way!) so I wanted to write my own.
summary: dom!h experiencing drop.
warnings: angst? ————
It wasn’t unusual for Harry to be as eagle-eyed as he is tender after sex, so she hadn’t really thought anything of it. Not when he ran his fingers over the red and bruised patches of her skin where the crop had hit her repeatedly, and tried to subtly watch for signs of wincing, or whimpering, or any other indication that he’d injured her. Not when he examined the sides of her neck thoroughly, where his firm grasp had left finger marks. Not even when he’d silently kissed down her body after they’d gotten out of the bath as he massaged her tense muscles and helped her get ready for bed. All of that affection and attention was normal for Harry. It was part of the reason she’d learned to trust and open up to him. He’d always made her feel safe, respected, and cherished. But, looking back on it now, perhaps there was something off about him last night?
She’d been too out of it to notice that maybe he was being quieter than usual. Harry’s been known to crack a few corny jokes afterwards. Usually, that’s his not-so-secret way to assess if she’s out of subspace without asking her or making her feel rushed.  He’d make a couple of jokes and wait for her reaction to see if she’s feeling alert enough to hear and comprehend his jokes. Of course, she’d figured it out pretty quickly after she noticed him watching her carefully as she rolled her eyes at his puns. but, something about his cheesy dad jokes, so soon after he’d railed the shit out of her, made her heart melt so she never confessed that she was on to him. Going back over it in her mind, she doesn’t recall him making any jokes last night. And, come to think of it, while he did hold her in his arms in bed all night, he wasn’t as chatty as usual. They’d normally have a running conversation about whatever was on Netflix in the background, or he’d lull her to sleep by talking about his day or by asking about her schedule for the next morning. He’d promise to take her out over the weekend or mention a restaurant that he wants them to try sometime. He did none of those things last night. She feels so insensitive for not noticing any of this until now.
“Harry?” She pokes her head into his home office and sees him, at his desk, staring mindlessly at the computer screen.
“Hmm?” He whips his head instantly at the mention of his name. She can tell she’s startled him, and the look in his eyes as they lock on hers makes her sad.
“What’s the matter? Are you in any pain?” Harry asks, gesturing for her to come closer.
She smiles, relieved, thinking that he wants her closer so he could hug or kiss her. “I’m not in pain, Harry…”
She leans over his chair, but instead of planting a kiss on her lips, Harry’s moving her around, examining various spots on her body with knitted brows and a critical gaze.
“Wha- what’s happening right now?”
“Jus’ makin’ sure you’re all good.”
“What do you mean-” and then it hits her. “Oh, Harry…” She takes his face in both of her hands and kisses him, deeply, causing his investigative touch to freeze around her body and his eyes to flutter shut instantly.
He’s breathless when she pulls away and he avoids her eyes, looking down at his feet. She stands in the gap between his legs and coaxes him to look at her but Harry buries his face into her torso and wraps his arms around her waist instead. She’s officially alarmed at this point but doesn’t want to say the wrong thing and risk him withdrawing into himself again. He’s been hiding in his office all day and this is their first interaction since last night. So, she runs her hands through his hair and scratches his scalp gently, hearing him hum into her body like a purring cat.
‘Missed you today” she mumbles, kissing his hair. “You’ve been holed up here all day.” She feels Harry stiffened against her. “Hey, what’s the matter?” she peels herself from him and looks down into his eyes.
“Nothin’” he’s barely audible.
“Talk to me” she squats to be at eye level with him.
“I’d really better not.”
“What do you mean? Have I done something wrong?”
“ No! No, no. Of course not. It’s-” Hearing her question Harry’s eyes shoot up to meet her and he grabs her wrist, urgently, for a brief moment before he notices the marks left behind by the restraints he’d tied her in last night and immediately lets go.
Baffled by his hesitation, she loses patience. “It’s what, Harry? What is going on with you?”
“It’s this.” he says, bringing her attention to the cuff marks on her wrists that she hadn’t noticed were there. “I- I can’t touch you. I don’t wanna open my mouth- I’m scared I’ll say the wrong thing and you’ll think I’m a monster! I- fuck, I mean, I did this to you!”
“Harry, I would never think you’re a monster!”
“Why not? Hmm? Why the hell not? I hurt you! Who does that?! Who the fuck gets off on watching someone they love feel pain? It’s-”
“Hey, hey, stop. Look at me. Harry, look at me, please!” She brushes his curls out of his eyes and smiles at him. “I like pain. Okay? I do. I want you to hurt me. I promise. You’re not hurting me when you do these things to me. Not at all! You’re making me very, very happy.”
He’s stunned into silence. 
When she sees, from his eyes, that he’s trying to take her words in, she gives him more. “Do you know how much love and trust I have for you to even let you do that shit to me? I wouldn’t let just anyone tie me up like that, immobilize me, wrap their hands around my neck and fucking choke me, if I didn’t trust that they’d stop when I needed them to. If I didn’t know for a fact that you’d rather cut your hand off before you use it to harm me I wouldn’t let you anywhere near me.” 
Harry was smiling now, blinking back tears, his dimples gradually growing. 
“Yeah?” was all he was able to say without giving away the lump in his throat.
“Mhm.” She went back to running her fingers through her hair as she spoke. “This is just dom-drop. Your brain tricking you.” 
Harry nodded knowingly. 
“We have a safeword, remember? If I really felt hurt, I coulda used it to tap out, right?”
“R-right.” He sniffled.
“And I know that, had I done that, you’d have listened. Honored out agreement and stopped immediately, yeah?”
“O-of course. Would never make you keep going if you didn’t want to.”
“Exactly. And I know that. I promise. I could never imagine a world in which you are anything but attentive and responsible.”
Harry let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding and wiped his tears away with the back of his arm. “I love you.”
“I know. And I love you too. Now come to bed and cuddle me, I’ve been waiting all day.”
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judgementdaysunshine · 6 months
Weird change
Pairing: Bradshaw x Fem reader
Description: Everyone notices a weird change to your personality leaving everyone confused until you find out why
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"Y/N what in the name of God are you eating?" you look at Lita as you eat an apple putting small amounts of liquid sour candy over it. "A snack, I need it after my match" your match with Trish was more exhausting than usual which confused you, you figured that either you had caught a small bug or were under the weather from extra matches but the thing that struck both your boyfriend and best friend odd was them finding you asleep on the couch in your locker room while still in your ring gear when you normally would change or shower especially if you were sore or in pain, they thought that your anxiety made you more awake until exhaustion took over. You woke up and grabbed a cup of milk and a baggie of small carrots before right now as you watched Edge's match against Marc Mero unable to stay awake while dozing in and out almost falling out of your chair when Test asks you to be his tag team partner which you agree to despite your tired and pained state, your stomach aches nonstop making you shield it as best as you could not knowing at the time that this action would be a godsend and a big difference between what could have happened and what's to come in the future for you and Bradshaw in a few weeks. You became more fatigued as the next few weeks passed by, from falling asleep on rides to each show, backstage before and after matches especially your own, and becoming more sore which you only were able to handle thanks to bradshaw having you take hot showers with him to help relax you unless you took an epsom salt bath, becoming more quiet than you normally were along with more frustrated and emotional, and your strange food habits only grew stranger that made everyone weirded out but they all grew very worried as well when you started getting more sick which went from slight nausea to nonstop vomiting. Finally you decided to go to the ER while bradshaw had his match with Al Snow but you didn't wanna go alone so Chyna went with you and she never left your side the whole time, you weren't expecting to find out that you were pregnant as you look at the sonogram pictures and finding out you were six weeks along while many emotions flooded in your mind not knowing what you were gonna do or how to even tell bradshaw since the two of you had been together for eight months and hadn't even discussed moving in and taking the relationship further while your mind over thought everything over the next few hours. All you thought about was what bradshaw would say about the news or what you would do if you decided to keep the child and he leaves which had you in tears thinking about losing him, "Darling what's wrong?" you sigh as you pull the sonogram out of your pocket only to see him look in disbelief before laughing in joy and tears formed in his eyes before pulling you into his arms which made you laugh while he kisses all over your face before sharing a soft kiss together wondering how you were gonna tell everyone else but for now, you and bradshaw were over the moon with the news tangling your fingers in his hair as he kissed down your body. Chills run through you from the pleasure, love in the intimate moment, and relief that not only that he was happy that you're pregnant but the sweet words he whispers against your skin also made your heart swell "My beautiful girl, the kindest woman in the world carrying my baby gonna be looking even more beautiful with this belly being bigger" a smile forms on your face after waking up to find him caressing your belly.
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canislupus-exe · 2 years
Fits of Passion and Idiocy | eddie munson
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fandom | Stanger Things
character | Eddie Munson
reader | he/him (she ver.)(they ver.)
requested | anonymous
warnings | brief mention of drugs, canon character death, fandom typical blood & violence, mild angst
word count | 14,814
keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (L/n) = Last name, (f/c) = favorite color, (D/n) = Dog's name
summary | eddie fix it fic PLEASE im begging literally you an do anything you want just fix it my heart was BROKEN
editor | @feliscatus-exe
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“So, uh, speaking of monsters, uh, Lucas has to do his, uh… balls-in-laundry-baskets game. So…” Dustin trails off, chuckling. “He’s not gonna be able to make it to Hellfire tonight.” His attempt to lighten the mood while talking about such a thing seems to have no sway on Eddie.
“And I know there’s no way we can beat your sadistic campaign without him. So, me and mike, we were talking, shooting the shit, and we were thinking that ma-maybe we- we might-”
“Postpone.” Mike cuts his rambling short.
“Postpone!?” The rest of the Hellfire Club shouts in anger. They begin talking over each other, most of their sentences overlapping and inaudible.
“Shut up!” Eddie shouts over everyone else. Gareth sighs and swallows his frustration.
“You saying Sinclair’s been taken in by the dark side?” Eddie asks.
“Uh. Something like that.” Mike replies.
“Something like that?” Eddie hisses as he throws a pretzel at him.
“Jesus Christ.” Dustin whispers, his voice high-pitched and somewhat trembling.
“And rather than find a sub for him, you want… you want to postpone ‘The Cult of Vecna’?” He asks, another pretzel in his hand. Whether for eating or throwing, they’re unsure.
“I… I don’t want to postpone it. We don’t want to postpone it. It’s just that, you know, most of the subs will be at the championship game.” Mike begins to plead his case, but Eddie stands up from his chair halfway through his sentence.
“Oh, it’s the championship game?” He asks.
“Yeah?” He replies, his words coming out as more of a question than an answer.
“Can I level with you? Jeff graduates this year. Gareth’s got, what? A year and a half? Me, I am army-crawling my way toward a D in Ms. O’Donnell’s. If I don’t blow her final, I’m gonna walk that stage next month, I’m gonna look principal Higgins dead in the eye, I’m gonna flip him the bird, I’m gonna snatch that diploma, and I’m gonna run like hell outta here.” He’d made his way around the entire table by the end of his spiel, pumping up the theatrics as he always did, which made Dustin laugh.
“Didn’t you say that last year?” Gareth asks.
“And the year before that?” Jeff chimes in. Eddie half jogs back to the table.
“Yeah, yeah, and I was full of shit. This year’s different. This year is my year. I can feel it. ‘86 baby.” He relays with a shit-eating grin—the rest of the group chuckles.
“You know what that means?” Eddie asks. Dustin and Mike shake their heads.
“It means you boys are the future of Hellfire. I knew it the moment I saw you. You sat on that table right over there, looking like… looking like two little lost sheep.” He says, leaning down to the boys' level with his hands on either of their shoulders.
“You were wearing a Weird Al T-shirt, which I thought was brave,” Eddie says to Dustin.
“Thank you.” He replies, his voice hardly even a whisper.
“Mike, you were wearing whatever shit your mommy bought you from goddamn Gap,” Eddie says to Mike, causing them to laugh much louder than before. At the moment their guards were down, Eddie pulls them up from their chairs by their shirts, forcing them to walk alongside him. 
“And we showed you that school didn’t have to be the worst years of your lives, right?” He asks.
“No,” Mike replies.
“Okay, no, no. Well, I’m here to tell you that there are other little lost sheepies out there who need help. Who need you. And all you guys gotta do is get your Bo-Peeps on and go and find one.” He says, giving them one final shove away from the table.
Mike and Dustin groan as they sit on the brick wall surrounding the outside benches.
“I hate high school,” Mike says. Dustin grunts in response. As he looks away from Mike, he notices something in the distance.
“Hey hey look, two o’clock.” He says. Mike looks in the opposite direction of two o’clock, seeing as he’d never learned what that meant. Dustin rolled his eyes and pointed.
“Over there dipshit.” He said. They watched as a (f/c) backpack with a D20 keychain on the zipper disappeared into the library. He looked at Mike as Mike looked at him, presumably having the same thought. They both stood up and rushed toward the building, throwing the doors open fervently.
“Where did he go?” Dustin whisper-shouted.
“I-I don’t know Dustin! Maybe we should look for him in the aisles.” Mike replied. Dustin sighed as he walked further into the library, checking behind every shelf for any sign of life. Finally, he’d found you, all the way in the back where you were putting books back on the shelf. 
“You!” He shouted. You jumped, so startled by the loud outburst that you dropped the book you were holding. You bent over to pick it up and turned around to see who was bothering you. You looked down at who you could only assume was a freshman.
“Please keep it down. Library policy. Do you need help finding a book or something?” You asked. A second freshman rounded the corner and walked to stand next to the first.
“You play DnD.” The one with curly hair stated, almost matter-of-factly. You raised your eyebrows.
“Um… No. I don’t.” You replied as you turned away from him, starting to put the books back once again.
“Then why do you have a D20 keychain?” He asked. You sighed.
“Because I used to play.” You said.
“So you know how?” He asked.
“Well, yeah, but the last time I played was like four years ago. Plus, why do you care? I don’t even know you.” You replied.
“I’m Dustin Henderson and this is Mike Wheeler. We’re part of the Hellfire club and we need someone to sub in for the campaign tonight. So will you?” He asks, his voice desperate.
“No.” You reply simply.
“W-What? Seriously?”
“Yeah. Seriously. Truly. No.” You say, turning around to face him. Dustin looks at Mike, silently asking him for help but Mike only shrugs in response. Dustin sighs and turns back to you. He notices the school ID around your neck and reads your name, before deciding to take a page out of Eddie’s book.
“Can I level with you for a moment (Y/n)?” He asks. You raise your eyebrows at the use of your name.
“We need you, so I’m willing to sweeten the deal on your end.” He says. You scoff. 
“Dude, you know nothing about me. How could you possibly ‘sweeten the deal’?” You ask, putting air quotes around what he’d said.
“Well everybody loves movies! I can make it so you don’t have to pay to rent a movie for the next month.” He replies. You raise your eyebrows.
“Oh yeah? And how exactly are you gonna do that Dustin Henderson?” You say, leaning on the cart of books.
“I have a buddy who works at Family Video. He’ll waive your fee for the next month, I swear.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
“I’ll pay!” He shouts. 
“Shhh!” You shout back at him.
“Sorry. Sorry.” He whispers. You roll your eyes.
“So you’ll get your buddy to waive my movie rental fee for the next month if I play DnD with you for one night?” You ask. Dustin nods. You think for a second before sighing. 
“Alright fine. But I swear to God if you try to pull a fast one on me, I’ll make your life hell. And I mean it, kid.” You say, poking your finger into his chest.
“Yes! You won’t regret this (Y/n)! Come on Mike!” He says as he bolts out the library doors with his friend in tow.
“You think Steve will let him rent for free?” Mike asked.
“Who cares? We have found a sub for tonight and that’s all that matters.”
The leader of the Hellfire Club sits on his throne. Hands folded together as he eyes you standing next to Dustin and Mike.
“Absolutely not.” He says after a pause of silence.
“You asked for a sub. We delivered.” Dustin said as he motioned toward you.
“This is Hellfire Club. Not Sports club.” He says, pointing at your Indiana Hoosiers T-shirt. You rolled your eyes.
“It was the only shirt I had clean. Plus, it’s comfortable you elitist piece of shit.”
“My, my. The sports fan knows big words.” Eddie replies, eliciting chuckles from his friends. He stands up from his throne, walking toward you.
“So, what’s your name, sports fan?”
“(Y/n) (L/n).” You reply. He laughs.
“So you’re the boy who works in the library.” You scoff and turn to Dustin.
“Wow, intuitive, isn’t he?” You say, earning a laugh from his friends. He turns and glares at them, shutting them up immediately.
“What’s your class and level? Level one half-orc?” He asks, once again earning laughter from his buddies.
“My name is Akzire the Wretched. And I’m a chaotic neutral Tiefling Fighter, level 15. And I will valiantly protect my party members by beheading any monster you throw my way with my scimitar. And I will brandish their head for all to see as a token of my victory. So, we gonna do this, or are you gonna keep pestering me like you’re a little girl in need of attention?” You ask. The five members stare at you as you face off with Eddie, shocked at how effortlessly you’ve challenged him. They wait in stunned silence, but after a moment, he breaks out into a cheeky smile and offers you his hand to shake.
“Welcome to Hellfire.” He says. You roll your eyes one last time, but with a smile, as you shake his hand.
You sit at the table, listening intently as Eddie relays his campaign onto the club.
“The hooded cultists chant, ‘Hail Lord Vecna. Hail Lord Vecna.’ They turn to you, remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize, his skin shriveled, desiccated. And something else. He is not only missing his left arm, but his left eye!” He shouts, covering his own with his hand. The party erupts in protests, strings of “no”s and “come on man”s.
“Vecna’s dead!” Jeff shouts.
“He was killed by Kas!” Mike yells, to which Eddie smirks at.
“So it was thought, my friends. So it was thought. But Vecna… Lives!” He exclaims, placing the figurine on its podium with unmatched vigor. He resigns back to his throne.
“You are scared. You’re tired. You are injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or stand your ground and fight?” He asks. Mike reclines in his seat as Dustin ponders the options.
“Come on.” Eddie prods. After a few seconds, he speaks up.
“I say we fight. To the death.” He states.
“To the death.” Mike agrees, nodding his head. They look toward you. You sigh.
“Fuck it. To the death.” You reply. The rest of the table breaks out into smiles.
“To the death! To the death! To the death! To the death! To the death! To the death! To the death!” Everyone chants while slamming their palms down. Eddie’s large smile is plastered on his face as he watches.
“To the death!” Dustin screams as he pumps his fists in the air. You grab the dice and roll, watching as they slide over the surface of the table. They all shout in triumph, some even clapping. It’s Mike's turn to roll, but it lands on 8, a miss. Eddie pushes over his figurine and the club begins to groan in protest. Jeff rolls. Miss. Miss after miss after miss and Eddie begins to laugh maniacally.
“Time out time out!” One of the members calls. You all step away from the table and huddle up.
“Guys, I hate to say this, but we've got to flee,” Gareth says, clear tiredness in his tone.
“I concur.” The person who called the time-out replies.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t we just agree on ‘to the death’?” You asked.
“That wasn’t literal,” Gareth replies.
“Vecna just decimated us. We can’t kill him with two players.” Jeff argues. You sigh and turn to Dustin, who’s already on the defense.
“You too? He only has 15 hit points left. Don’t be pussies.” He practically growls.
“Pussies? Really? Cause we’re not delusional.”
“Delusional? How about ‘not cowards’.” You retort.
“Hey!” Eddie calls from across the room, grabbing everyone’s attention and breaking the huddle.
“If I may interject gentlemen. Whilst I respect the passion, you’d be wise to take Gareth the Great’s concern to heart. There is no shame in running. Don’t try to be heroes. Not today, ‘kay?” He says, that cheeky shit-eating grin back on his face. It would make you furious if part of you didn’t find it so cute. Dustin holds up a finger.
“One sec.” He says before reforming the huddle circle.
“What do you think Mike?” He asks.
“How many hit points do you and Akzire have left?”
“Twelve.” Both you and Dustin proclaim in unison.
“It’s risky as hell… But you’re the ones on the battlefield. So it’s your call.” Mike says. You sigh and look at Dustin.
“What do you say Akzire the Wretched?” He asks. You smile.
“Do you even have to ask?” You reply. A moment of silence hangs over the Hellfire Club as Dustin contemplates.
“Screw it.” He finally mutters, pulling away from the huddle.
“Let’s kill this son of a bitch.” He states. Everyone approaches the table.
“The chances of success are 20-to-1,” Jeff says. Dustin holds up his finger.
“Never tell me the odds. Give me the D20.” He demands, holding his open palm out. Eddie picks up the die with that damn smile painted on his face and tosses it toward him. He catches it and holds his hands over his shoulder, shaking it vigorously. You watch with bated breath as he tosses it. It rolls and rolls and rolls until finally… 11.
“That's! A! Miss!” Eddie calls out, shaking his head after every word.
“Shit! Shit!” Dustin shouts, and in his anger, he knocks one of the soda cans off the table. But now, you were up. The entire game hinged on your role, and you could feel every bit of pressure as you picked up the die. You closed your eyes and shook it in your hands, feeling the intense stares on you as you did so.
“Please!” You could hear Gareth shout beside you.
“Come on!” Dustin called out. But their words fell on unlistening ears. You were too focused on the cool feeling of the die gently hitting the palms that encased it. Finally, without thinking about it, you released it. Watching with unmatched intensity as it rolled, the quiet clacking against the wooden table sounded immeasurable in magnitude. And then, it reached the end of its road. No more cascading down the table. It stopped. And it landed with the 20 side facing up.
“Crit hit!” You shouted, the rest of the club exploding in cheers alongside you.
“What? What?” Eddie shouted in disbelief, laughing and clapping his hands.
“That’s why we play!” He said, bending over and extending his arms, almost as if he was presenting your victory to someone. You smiled, much brighter than you had in a long time. Maybe this Hellfire thing wasn’t so bad after all.
You whistled as you pulled your car into the parking lot of the Family Video, double-checking the address Dustin had written down for you. It seemed like it was the right one so you put your car in park and gathered your keys and wallet. As you were doing so, you saw Dustin rush into the store, a redheaded girl following right behind him. What perfect timing. 
Nobody paid you any mind as you walked into the store, perusing their many isles of movies, searching for something that may come of interest to you. Dustin was behind the counter with the redhead you saw earlier and two people you vaguely recognized from school. 
You shuffled through the shelves closest to the front counter. It was by pure happenstance that you heard their conversations. Dustin, along with the two girls you didn't know were all on the phone, and it sounded like they were talking about Eddie, meanwhile, the older guy was cheesing up a customer with some romcom, which you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at.
“Hey, guys, I might have a lead.” The redhead called out as she hung up the phone.
“Seriously?” Dustin asked as he turned around in his chair to look at her.
“Yeah. Apparently, Eddie gets drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there.” She replies. You whistled as you approach the counter, having decided which movies you wanted to take home. 
“Now that is a name I haven’t heard in a minute,” You say, setting your items down.
“(Y/n), what are you doing here?” Dustin asks. You shrug and push your tapes toward the worker.
“Cashing in on the sweet deal Dustin gave me to play DnD with him.” You reply. This statement catches the older guy's interest and he walks over.
“Wait wait wait. What’s he talking about Dustin?” He asks. 
“Shit. Now, before you get mad at me Steve, I was desperate.”
“Dustin. What. Did. You. Do.” He demands, dropping his palms on the counter. Dustin sighs and closes his eyes.
“I may or may not have told him he could get movies here without paying the rental fee.” He says, getting the words out as fast as he could.
“You did what?!” Steve asks. You smile and lean your head on your palm, which you lean on the counter.
“For a month.” You interject. Steve looks at you and then at Dustin.
“For a month?!” He shouts. Dustin rolls his eyes.
“H-Honestly Steve it’s not that big of a deal. You can just-”
“Not that big of a deal? Not that big of a deal!? You have the nerve to- to-to-”
“Pimp you out?” You suggest.
“Pimp me out! Thank you (Y/n). And then tell me it’s not a big deal. Who do you think-”
“Guys shut up!” The redhead silenced them. They did so without question and she turned to you.
“You said you hadn’t heard that name for a while. Reefer Rick?” She asks. You nod.
“I used to hang at his place and get high before he got busted.” You reply, tracing your finger along the cover of the VHS on the counter.
“You smoke?” Steve asks, obviously perplexed by this fact. You shrugged.
“There ain’t exactly much else to do in this shithole town.” You reply.
“But that means you know where he lives? That-That’s great! Get me a pen so I can write it down!” Dustin says, searching for a piece of paper. 
“Now hold on there Dustin. I’m not just going to give you the address. What kind of a person would that make me?” You reply innocently, but before he can speak, you continue.
“At least… not for free.” 
“Jesus Christ (Y/n) seriously? Now is not the time to dick around.” Dustin practically yells at you. 
“Who’s he gonna pimp out this time?” The older girl said as she nudged Steve. You chuckle as you hold your hand up.
“I don’t want anything supermassive. Free movies for a month are profit enough. I just want to tag along. Be a part of the know, you know?” You reply. Dustin looks at the redhead who shakes her head.
“(Y/n), I don’t think you want to know this know, okay. It’s in your better interest to just give us the address and forget this ever happened.” He said, placing a sticky note and pen in front of you. You raise your eyebrows and sigh.
“Alright, fine.” You say, grabbing the pen and writing on the paper. Once you were done you slid it over to him. He grabbed it with fervor but paused when he read it. Not a chance kid.
“I told you. I want all the details, or you guys will never find Reefer Rick. Well… you might but, it could be too late.” You say, gathering the VHSs you’d set down.
“But if you guys don’t want to know, I'll just be on my way.” You walk away from the service desk, hearing Dustin string out profanities.
“(Y/n)! Wait.” He calls out. You turn around, a coy smile on your face.
“We’ll tell you on the way there, 'cause it’s a long story.” He says with a sigh. You smile and grab your car keys from your pocket.
“Shall we?”
“So just to recap. Chrissy Cunningham is dead, last seen with Eddie Munson in his trailer by you, Max Mayfield, but you didn’t go straight to the cops with this information, instead, you go to Dustin Henderson's house to tell him, and even after that you still don’t go to the cops, you go to Family Video where you relay the entire situation to your friends Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, and might I just add it’s a bit concerning how many young adults you’re friends with. What is it now, four?” You say, your hands on the steering wheel of your car.
“Wow, he’s got a great memory. When did we even tell you our last names?” Robin asks.
“I recognized you two from the yearbook.” You said with a shrug. The familiar sound of gravel on your tires was somewhat pleasant as you pulled to the side of the house. The sun had long since set, so most were carrying flashlights as they approached the door and rang the doorbell. Waiting not even a second before the first bell finishes, he rings it again. He rings it seven more times before he starts to bang on the window.
“Okay. Well, that’s settled. I guess he’s not here.” Steve says, but you knew he wouldn’t give up that easy. And true to your thoughts, he leans over and yells into the window.
“Eddie! It’s Dustin!”
“Look, we just wanna talk okay? No cops, I swear. We just wanna help.” He shouts as he pounds on the glass pane.
“Shhh!” Robin shouts at him. He begins to ring the doorbell again.
“Rick!” He calls out as he pounds in the door.
“Is he always like this?” You whisper to Steve. He sighs and nods.
“Reefer rick!” Dustin yells.
“Don’t scream that.” Steve scolds him.
“He’s not there!” You turn your attention away from the loud door pounding and their incessant bickering to see Max making her way around the house.
“Reefer Rick!” Dustin’s shouting pulls your attention back to him.
“He might just be really high…” Dustin suggests.
“Is that a foot?” Steve asks. You roll your eyes.
“No, that’s just a shoe,” Dustin replies.
“Obviously dumbass.” You mutter.
“Hey, guys!” Max shouts. Everyone looks at her for a brief second before leaving the front porch and stationing behind her. There was an eerie-looking boat house staring back at you.
“Despite it being a terrible idea, why do I have the feeling that we’re gonna go poking around in there?” You asked. Max looked over her shoulder at you before looking back at the boathouse. She slowly approached it, shining her light in the windows. You sighed.
“Yep. How did I know?” You say as you roll your eyes and follow close behind her. Once you’d made a full circle around the building, you reached the door. Robin was the first to push it open.
“Hello?” She called out to the vast darkness.
“Is anyone home?” She said, sweeping her flashlight across the room. She stepped inside, Max following her. Then Dustin, then you, then Steve bringing up the tail end.
“What a dump.” He said, looking around.
“Yeah well, I’m sure Eddie wouldn’t be hiding out in the Hilton.” You replied. Steve rolled his eyes and clicked off his flashlight so he could put it away. Once he did, he grabbed what looked to be an oar off the wall and began to violently poke whatever the tarp covered in the center of the room.
“What are you doing?” Dustin asks. Steve responded by poking it again. Dustin repeated his question and Steve shrugged.
“He might be in here.”
“So take the tarp off!” Dustin exclaimed while Steve continued to mess with it.
“If you’re so brave, you take the tarp off.” He replied. They both continued to circle the boat, neither of them removing the tarp.
“Hey, look over here,” Max called. You and Robin walked to her side, examining whatever she was ushering to.
“Someone was here.” She said, picking up the wrappers scattered access the surface.
“Maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran.” “Don’t worry. Steve will get him with his oar.” Dustin replied sarcastically.
“I know you think you’re being funny Henderson but considering almost everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don’t find it funny in the slight-” Steve was cut off by the sound of glass shattering and movement so fast you could barely perceive it. Eddie had emerged from the tarp and was backing steve against a wall, holding the jagged edges of the broken glass bottle toward his throat.
“Wait wait wait wait wait!” Steve shrieked in horror. You speechlessly watched, unsure of what you could do.
“Woah, woah, woah, Eddie! Eddie! Stop! Eddie! Eddie!” Dustin called out as you all rushed toward him but still kept a reasonable distance. Eddie turned his head to stare at him. His eyes were wide with terror, and you couldn’t help but wonder what the hell you’d gotten yourself into.
“It’s me. It’s Dustin. This is Steve. He’s not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?”
“Right. Yeah.” Steve replied meekly, his voice hardly above a whisper.
“Steve, why don’t you drop the oar?” Dustin asked. There’s a quiet thud as Steve does what he’s told, but in doing so Eddie only pushes the bottle closer to steve's neck. He groans in pain and fear.
“He’s cool. He’s cool!” Dustin shouts.
“I’m cool, man. I’m cool.” Steve practically begs.
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asks, his voice is rough and terrified, so much different than the way he’d sounded that night at hellfire.
“We’re looking for you,” Dustin says softly.
“We’re here to help.” Robin chimes in.
“Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band.” Dustin says, ushering to the girl behind him, who mimics playing trumpet.
“And (Y/n), from Hellfire. You remember him, right?” He says. You give a weak smile from behind Dustin, waving at Eddie.
“This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play, D&D. Eddie. We’re on your side. I swear on my mother. Right guys?”
“Yes. Yes. We swear.” Max pleaded.
“On Dustin’s mother,” Robin replied.
“Yeah. Dustin’s… Dustin’s mother.” Steve chimed in. There’s a moment of silence that seems to last forever before Eddie finally pulls away from Steve, who gasps in relief.
“Jesus christ…” He mumbles to himself. You watch Eddie walk away, sinking down the wall until he’s sitting. Dustin approaches him.
“Eddie… We just want to talk.” His words are slow as he stoops to Eddie’s level. He gently reaches for the broken bottle, but Eddie flinches away.
“Okay…” He whispers, removing his hands.
“We want to know what happened,” Robin said as she knelt next to Dustin. Eddie sniffles and shakes his head, looking at her.
“You won’t believe me.” He says, making eye contact with you for a split second before looking away. 
“Try us,” Max replies. Eddie stares at her before standing up and slowly beginning to pace. He seems to be psyching himself out. Dustin adjusts his position, as do the rest of you as you wait for him. He pulled a chair in front of everyone and sat down, looking at his hands in his lap for a few more minutes before finally looking back up.
“Her body just, like, lifted up into the air and, uh… and she just, like, hung there. In the air. And her bones… Uh, she…” He seems to whimper at the thought and his voice becomes shakier as he continues.
“Her bones started to snap. Her eyes, man. It… It was like there was something, like, inside her head, pulling. I… I didn’t know what to do, so I…I ran away. I left her there.” He pauses for a second before scoffing.
“You all think I’m crazy, right?”
“No. We don’t think you’re crazy.”
“We don’t?” You whisper, not wanting him to hear. Steve nudges you in the side and gives you a look which you’re tempted to argue with but stop when Eddie begins to yell.
“Don’t bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds.” His voice cracks.
“We’re not bullshitting you,” Max says.
“We believe you,” Robin interjects. Maybe you missed the memo because it seems like everyone else was on the same page. Dustin was right, you were in way over your head.
“Look, what I’m about to tell you might be a little, difficult to take,” Dustin says.
“Okay,” Eddie replies.
“You know how people say Hawkins is… cursed? They’re not way off… There’s another world. A world hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours.” You were just as perplexed as Eddie seemed to be.
“Like ghosts and shit?” He asks. You snicker quietly, earning a glare from Max before she turns back to Eddie to continue.
“There are some things worse than ghosts.” She replies.
“These monsters from this other world… we thought they were gone. But they’ve come back before. That’s why we needed to find you.”
“If they’re back again, we need to know,” Max says, her voice firm, demanding almost.
“That night, did you see anything?” Robin asks.
“Dark particles, maybe?” Max adds on. Eddie shakes his head.
“It would almost look like dust, swirling dust.” 
“No, man, there was nothing you could see or, uh… or touch… You know, I tried to wake her, man. She couldn’t move. It was like she… she was in a trance or something.”
“Or under a spell,” Dustin suggests. Eddie looks at him.
“A curse.” He whispers.
“Vecna’s curse.”
“You don’t mean from…” You trail off, mostly thinking out loud rather than talking to anyone. Dustin nods, and steve looks at him confused.
“Who’s Vecna?” He asks.
“An undead creature of great power,” Dustin replies.
“A spell caster,” Eddie adds, meeting his gaze with yours.
“A dark wizard,” Dustin whispers. You remembered the horrors you’d read about him in your books. But that’s all they were. Books. Works of fiction. These people you’d known for a combined total of a few hours couldn’t possibly be trying to convince you otherwise, right?
“Sorry, did I miss a chapter or something? Cause if Eddie’s not the crazy one here then I think I might be. What the fuck is going on?” You asked. Max sighed.
“It’s a long story.”
“And very unbelievable,” Robin says with a slight chuckle. You closed your eyes and rubbed your temples.
“Condense it and consider me open-minded.” You replied, leaning against the wooden pillar behind you. 
“A few years ago our friend Will was kidnapped by a monster from the upside down, that’s what we call that other world we mentioned earlier. We found this girl, Eleven or El as we called her and she has superpowers. She fought the Demogorgon, the monster that kidnapped Will, and we thought she died after that but turns out she was just being kept hidden by Hopper, the chief of police. Will tried to return to normal life but failed since he now had some sort of connection to the upside down and could see into it, causing a new monster to possess him, The Mind Flayer. We were able to defeat him, or so we thought. He returned, this time with Russians on his side.” “Russians!?” You exclaim.
“That’s where we come in!” Robin said with a smile. Steve scoffs.
“Correction, that’s where you come in. I was there since the Demogorgon.” He replies.
“Ehhh, more like since Dart,” Dustin says.
“Who’s Dart?” You ask.
“Not integral to the story. Back to the Russians. They were running an underground operation with a mall as the front. Eleven returns, another victory, yadda yadda. They move to California to escape the craziness of Hawkins but we’re still here, thus still having to deal with it.”
“And now there’s a new monster… Vecna… who’s… framing people for murder?” You ask. Dustin looks at Eddie and shrugs.
“More or less.” He says. You sigh, trying to take in the information you were just given. 
“I tried to tell you (Y/n). You didn’t want to know this know. It’s not too late to back out now. Just go back home and pretend this never happened.” Dustin said as he stood up. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah right. If any of this shit you’re saying is the truth, it’s gnarly as hell. Besides,” You hold up your keys. “How else would you guys get home?” You say with a smile. Dustin sighs.
“You really wanna do this?” He asks. You nod.
“In fact, I’m about to get myself into even deeper shit. Eddie can’t stay here.” You say, pointing at the subject who was still sitting in his chair and chewing on his nails. At the sound of his name, he stared up at you.
“Why not?” He asked. “You have a very tangible connection to reefer rick. If I knew that, other people are bound to know that. If some dumbass kids were able to find you, I doubt the cops are that far behind.” You reply. 
“He’s right,” Max replies. Dustin groans.
“Of course he’s right but where else could he go? This town isn’t exactly crawling with good fugitive hiding spots.”
“Why can't he just stay with me?” You ask. Dustin looks at you, along with everybody else in the room. Steve is the first to make a noise, which is a somewhat awkward laugh.
“Listen, (Y/n), as much as we love the knight in shining armor move, I doubt your parents will be too keen on you hiding-”
“Who says I live with my parents?” You cut him off. He raises his eyebrows.
“You… don’t?” He asks.
“No. I live on my own. In a pretty secluded area. My neighbors are at least ten minutes in either direction so they wouldn’t see anything. The only people who know I’ve ever interacted with you are the Hellfire club. And considering I was only there one night, there are probably plenty of other people they’d talk to first. It’s perfect.”
“How old are you?” Steve asks, still seemingly shocked that you live on your own.
“19.” You reply.
“How do you-”
“Steve. Shut up.” Robin cuts him off. He looks at her, his face almost offended that she would do such a thing.
“That could work… Eddie, what do you think?” Dustin asks as he turns to the man of the hour.
“You’re asking me what I think?” He replied. Dustin shrugs. Eddie sighs, standing up from the chair and crossing his arms.
“You’re really gonna harbor a fugitive (L/n)?” He asks. You shrug. 
“Why not? I’ve already done plenty to get me jailed tonight, might as well make that list as long as possible. Get me more cred in the yard if we get caught.” You say with an almost devious smile.
“(Y/n)’s house it is. Anything beats this shithole.” Eddie replied. 
“Let’s get a move on then.” You grabbed your keys out of your pocket but pause for a second.
“Hold on, I’ve got an idea.” You said, putting your keys back into your pocket and removing the tarp from the boat. 
“What are you doing?” Dustin asked. You began to unhook the boat from where it was being held.
“Sending this bad boy out to sea. With any luck, the police will find it and think Eddie jumped off ‘cause he couldn’t handle the guilt.” You reply. Eddie smiles.
“Smart.” He says as he crosses his arms. You return the smile.
“I try.”
You pulled into the driveway of your house, hearing your dog barking. Poor boy hasn’t seen you all day, he must’ve missed you. You quickly locked it down before stepping out. You held your keys in your hand as you turned around.
“The dog is very friendly, don’t worry. He’s a total sweetheart. He might nibble your arm but that’s about it.” You say as you unlock your front door. True to your word, your dog came barrelling toward you, greeting you by jumping on your legs. You laughed and pet him gingerly, waiting for the others to pile in.
“Everyone in? Good. I’ll lock up, you guys can make yourself at home.” You said. He weaseled around you to sniff the new people. Max smiled as she began to put him.
“He’s so cute… What's his name?” She asked.
“It’s (D/n).” You reply, walking toward your tv so you could kneel and store your new VHS rentals with the others. Once everything is neatly sorted, you stand back up and turn around to talk to others.
“Since we dropped by your place to grab your car Steve, you should get these kids home now. It’s pretty late. Eddie and I will be fine.” You say.
“Are you sure? What if the cops come?” Dustin asks. You laugh and gently push down his hat.
“You worry too much. Get out of here already.” You reply, walking back toward your door to unlock it for them. He begrudgingly makes his way over, pausing for everyone else to follow him. 
“We’ll be back tomorrow to check up on you two,” Steve says. You nod.
“Fine by me. See you all then.” You say as they slowly begin to exit. Once they’re in their car, you lock the door and turn to Eddie who stands awkwardly. You laugh.
“Relax dude.” You say.
“Relax? I’m on the run from the police and you want me to relax? I’m surprised you’re not losing your head right now considering you’re the one hiding me.”
“We’re just two friends hanging out, alright? Listen… You look like shit. Why don’t you take a shower while I cook dinner?” You suggest making your way into the kitchen to check what you could make.
“Shower? And what exactly do you propose I change into?” He asks.
“I’ll let you borrow some of mine while I toss yours in the washer. I’m sure I have something that’ll fit you. Might be a bit big though.” You say, exiting the kitchen and walking down the hall to your bedroom. You can hear him follow behind you. You push open the door and make your way to your dresser, beginning to shuffle through the top drawer.
“Oh… Wasn’t expecting your room to actually be cool.” Eddie says as he leans on the door frame. You glance at him with a cocked eyebrow.
“And why is that?” You ask.
“Well, you’re like a sports fan aren't you?” He asked. You rolled your eyes and went back to sifting through the clothes.
“Like I said. It was laundry night. I got that shirt from my dad ages ago. Couldn’t you tell from how beat up it was?” You replied, grabbing a couple of garments before standing up and tossing them toward him. He fumbled to catch them but eventually did. He unfolded the shirt to see a Mötley Crüe album cover staring back at him. He smiled.
“You’re hard to pin down (L/n).” He said. You rolled your eyes and tossed him a towel.
“That’s cause I like to be on top Munson.” You reply with a playful wink. Eddie’s face became red, holding the clothes close to his chest. He opened his mouth to reply but only sputtered. In order not to embarrass himself more, he opted to make his way to the bathroom for that shower. Maybe even a cold one.
“Make sure you toss your clothes out so I can wash them.” You shout. You see Eddie reach his arm out and drop everything in the hallway. Once you gathered his items, along with a couple of your own to make the load more substantial, you started the washer and made your way back to the living room.
You quietly whistled as you gently ran your finger along your shelf of cassettes, deciding which you wanted to listen to while you cooked. Eventually, you settled on Black Sabbath’s self-titled album and popped it into your radio.
The familiar sound of the rain from the opening song soothed you as you pulled out the pot you needed to boil water in. You hummed along once the music began to pick up. You continued cooking, enjoying the music in pair with the sound of the shower in the background.
A substantial amount of time had passed and you were close to finishing the meal you were preparing when you paused. Your favorite song on the album was starting. N.I.B. Instead of humming, you began to sing along.
“Some people say my love cannot be true / Please, believe me, my love, and I'll show you / I will give you those things you thought unreal / The sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal.” You sing quietly to yourself.
“Woah, you’ve been holding out on me.” A voice spoke from behind you. You were startled, jumping slightly and flinging sauce onto your shirt. You groaned.
“Come on man.” You said, turning around and placing your hands on your hips. You planned on being annoyed but when you saw him standing in front of you with his curly hair damp and sticking to his forehead, you couldn’t help but swoon. Your shirt looked great on him, which caused a smile to creep onto your face.
“Tomato sauce?” He asked. You nodded.
“Spaghetti. I hope you like it.” You reply, turning back around to stir the sauce. Eddie leaned on the counter next to you, watching as you did so.
“I meant it though. Your voice was good. And your song choice? Impeccable.” He says. You roll your eyes and push him with your shoulder.
“Quit fucking with me Munson.”
“I mean it! Seriously.” His voice is soft and gentle, and your heartbeat starts to thump loudly in your chest. You turn the heat off your stove and look at him with a smile.
“Dinner is done.”
Eddie sighed as he reclined on the couch.
“Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a home-cooked meal like that?” He asked with a laugh. You smile.
“So, you liked it?” You ask.
“Are you kidding me? That shit was delicious.” He proclaimed. You stood up and collected both of your bowls, placing them into the sink before standing in front of him.
“I'm glad you liked it. Wanna get some sleep now? It’s super late.” You said. Eddie checked his watch and nodded.
“Wow, you’re right. It is late. Am I taking the couch?” He asks. You shake your head.
“Nah, you can take my bed, I’ll take the couch.” You reply. Eddie raises his eyebrows.
“Wait what? Seriously?” He asks, sitting up straight.
“Well, yeah. The couch is super uncomfortable.”
“So why are you sleeping on it?”
“Because I don’t want you sleeping on it.”
“So… neither of us should sleep on it.”
“Where am I gonna sleep then? The floor?” You asked with a laugh.
“We could both sleep on the bed.” Eddie was quick in his response, almost too quick. You were a bit surprised by this and felt that funny feeling start to well up in your stomach again.
“We could… If you’re okay with that.” You say, trying to sound nonchalant. He shrugged, averting eye contact.
“I am if you are.” He says. You smile.
“Yeah. You can go to the room and get comfortable, I have to use the restroom so I’ll be there soon.” You say, stretching before walking down the hall.
Eddie did as you said, going into your room as you went into the restroom. He laid down on your bed, sidling under the covers and finally relaxing for the first time in a long time. He hadn’t realized how tired he was until he was resting. As he held the blanket close to him, he inhaled. It smelled like your cologne. He’d only ever caught gentle hints of it when you stood close to him, but now, he could smell it as clear as day, which was so soothing.
What has been going on with him lately? He’d only known you for two days, and everything about you seemed to make him act a fool. He needed to get himself together, he had bigger things to worry about now. Not how good your cologne smelled or how comfortable your shirt fit him or how melodic your voice sounded or how you were honestly starting to look like the perfect man for him the more time he spent with you. 
You walked back into the room, hairbrush in hand as you raked it through your tangled locks. Once you finished you placed it on your nightstand. You smiled at the sight of him all cozy and comfortable in your bed. He seemed like he was already starting to drift off to sleep. God knows he needed it.
“I can’t stand the feeling of sleeping in pants, do you mind?” You asked, hands hovering over the button of your jeans. He raised his eyebrows but shrugged.
“Go ahead.” He muttered before breaking into a yawn. You chuckled.
“Sleep Eddie. You need it.” You replied, gently crawling into your bed so you didn’t disturb him. He looked at you with half-lidded eyes and gave you a sleepy smile. 
“Thanks. For everything.” He mumbled before closing his eyes. You opened your mouth to respond but seeing as it seemed he’d already gone to sleep. You opted for a fond smile as you stared at him for longer than you would’ve liked to admit. The funny feeling in your stomach and heart was back, but you didn’t fight it this time. You laid with it as he laid with you, your hand only centimeters away from his. So close, yet so far. But that was okay. He was there, and that was okay.
The horrible sound of bones crunching met his ears as he stared up at her floating body. Blood was pouring from her empty eye sockets but it still felt like she was staring right at him. Into his very soul. Despite her broken jaw, she spoke to him.
“It’s all your fault, Eddie.” She whispered. Her voice was so hoarse it didn’t even sound like her own.
“No…” Eddie pleaded.
“It’s all your fault!” She was yelling now. Eddie collapsed to the floor and began to cry, covering his ears in an attempt to block out her screaming. He rocked himself back and forth, sobbing uncontrollably.
Eddie sat up with a fervor, his hands shaking violently as he swung his head around to look at the room. His eyes trained on the ceiling, waiting to see if she’d appear there. It was so hard to breathe and he was so fucking scared. He was goddamn terrified.
All the motion had woken you up. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and planned on asking what was wrong, but quickly sat up when you heard Eddie crying. You could feel his body tremors on the mattress due to how violent they were. What had happened to him while you were sleeping?
“Eddie? Eddie, what’s wrong?” You whispered. You kept your voice low and avoided touching him in case it would upset him further.
“She was there… She was there and she- s-she-”
“Who was there Eddie?” You asked.
“Chrissy! She said it was all my fault and-” It was hard to catch the rest of his words over his sobs. 
“Hey hey hey i-it’s okay! Chrissy isn’t here. None of that was your fault alright? Just breath. Can I touch you?” You asked gently, hovering your hands over his shoulders. He nodded something no short of desperation, and you wrapped one of your arms around his back, the other holding his arms. “It’s okay Eddie. It’s okay…” You whispered. He cried harder as he clutched fistfuls of your shirt with an iron-tight grip. His entire body was shaking in your arms. You weren’t sure what else you could do other than whisper that he’d be alright and gently rub his back. 
“You’re safe here, okay? You’re safe…”
Eddie woke up, the smell of your cologne much stronger than it was when he’d gone to sleep. He opened his eyes and yawned, taking a few seconds to blink away the tiredness before realizing he was laying on your chest. His arms were wrapped around your midsection and yours laying atop his back. 
He vaguely remembered what happened. Having that horrible nightmare, waking up in tears, and you soothing him back to sleep, but he didn’t remember this level of intimacy. Had he really fallen asleep clutching onto you like this? Furthermore, you let him?
He pulled his arms out from under you, trying his best not to disturb you, but it was fruitless. You slowly began to stir, stretching your limbs and shaking them gently in an attempt to wake yourself up further. You looked at Eddie and gave him a small smile, remembering the events of the night clearly.
“You alright?” You ask quietly. Eddie gives a half-hearted laugh before leaning against the headboard of your bed.
“Yeah. Sorry, you had to see me like that. How embarrassing.” He muttered. You chuckled and sat up as well, bumping your shoulder into his as you did so.
“You went through something traumatic Eddie. Don't be so hard on yourself.” You replied. He looked at his hands which he’d folded in his lap.
“I was acting like a baby though. Crying and shaking? I mean seriously-”
“Eddie.” You cut him off. He looked at you with those big brown eyes that made you weak in the knees.
“You’re okay. I mean it.” You say, placing your hand on his shoulder. He stared at you, his cheeks dusting that familiar shade of pink that seemed to be happening much more often now that he was around you. He looked away, a small smile on his face.
“Just don’t tell Henderson, alright? I don’t want him to think I’ve gone soft.” He says. You laugh.
A few days passed and you found yourself growing much closer to Eddie. You bonded over music and books, played board games, and marathoned some of your favorite movies. The more time you spent with him, the harder you seemed to fall for him, and unbeknownst to you, it was the same for him.
Every time he looked at you from across the couch he felt his heart beat faster than it ever had in his life. He had crushes before, but none like this. None that would've given him a second glance, let alone let him stay in their house as he was suspected of murder.
You were reclined on the couch, your dog wedged between you two. Eddie had grown quite fond of him, and it was mutual. (D/n) loved having another person around to play with. It started to make you feel like you were your own little family. But a loud knock on your door disturbed that peace, causing (D/n) to start barking.
“Who is it?” You called. 
“It’s Dustin! Let us in!” He yelled through the door. You sighed and got up from your comfortable position, unlocking the door for the others to pile in. But there were two faces you didn’t quite recognize.
“Hold on there kid. Mind catching me up on these two characters?” You asked.
“Oh, right. (Y/n), this is Nancy and Lucas, Nancy and Lucas this is (Y/n). We’re all caught up now? Great, good, because shit just hit the fan.” Dustin replies. You raise your eyebrows, and Eddie adjusts his sitting from being reclined to attentive listening.
“On our way here, we drove by Rick’s place. It was swarmed with cops and reporters. Patrick was Vecna’d last night at Lover’s Lake. Jason managed to convince them that it was you and they’ve just released your name to the public.” His words come out so fast that you almost don’t register what he’s saying.
“Shit. shit… fuck man!” Eddie yells, standing up and beginning to pace the room.
“But, there’s a bright side to this,” Dustin says.
“Oh is there Henderson? Please do enlighten me.” Eddie replies sarcastically.
“Another thing I noticed on my way here was that my compass was slipping the further east we went.”
“And we’ve seen this before.” The one named Lucas chimed in.
“Mhmm. In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power.” Dustin says.
“Meaning…?” You ask.
“There’s another gate.” He answers.
“So what do we do now?”
“We follow the compass to the gate,” Dustin replies excitedly. 
“Eddie’s still a wanted man. What do you expect us to do? Go for a nice stroll in the woods?” You ask.
“This little steel capsule might be the key to saving both Max and Eddie. What say you Eddie the Banished?” Dustin asks. Everyone fixes their eyes on Eddie, even you. You’re not sure what you’re hoping his answer is.
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor, which, if I’m totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea. But, uh, the shire… the shire is burning. So Mordor it is.” Dustin excitedly opens the front door, waiting for Eddie to walk out. You walk to step out after him but pause to speak before you do.
“For the record, if anything happens to him, you’re all dead meat. Got it?” You say. A couple of shocked faces dance around the room, but there are nods of agreement. Once your gone, Steve looks at Dustin.
“Since when does he care so much about Eddie?” He asks. Dustin smirks.
“Young love Steve. Young love.” He replies as he pats his arm. Steve makes a noise of shock as Dustin walks out of the house.
“A little bit of elaboration would be nice.”
“Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?” Eddie called out. You felt like sheep, blindly following this kid through the woods.
“I think we’re getting close,” Dustin yelled over his shoulder. In his distraction of telling you so, he didn’t notice that he was about to walk straight into Lover’s Lake. Eddie grabbed his backpack and placed his arm in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Watch your step big guy.” He said. It took everyone else a little bit to catch up, but once you did, you sighed.
“Oh, man. You gotta be shitting me.” Steve groaned.
“Yeah. I thought these woods looked familiar.” Eddie replied.
“Lover’s Lake.”
“This is confounding,” Dustin whispered.
“There’s a gate in Lover’s lake?” Max asked.
“Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna’s the same way.” Nancy suggested.
“Yeah, only one way to find out,” Steve replied. Eddie sighed and cracked his neck, walking down the shoreline. He pulled the tarp off the boat which seemed to be an integral part of this story. Steve and Eddie began to push it onto the water.
“Easy I… I said easy, man.” Steve said.
“Sorry, dude,” Eddie mumbled. Steve holds his hand out to help Robin into the boat but she opts to use their heads instead. 
“Yeah that works too.” Steve mumbles. Eddie climbs in after, offering a hand to help you in. You snicker.
“How gentlemanly.” You reply sarcastically as you climb in. Nancy quickly follows behind you. Dustin is right on her heels, but Eddie flicks his hat downward and pushes him away.
“Hey, hey, hey, you trying to sink us? This thing holds four people tops, okay?”
“It’s better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble.” Nancy said.
“You keep an eye out!” Dustin rebuttals. Nancy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
“It’s my goddamn theory!” Dustin argues.
“You heard Nance.” 
“Who put her in charge?”
“I did,” Robin states, almost matter-of-factly. Dustin looks at her confused while Nancy holds out her hand.
“Compass.” She demands. Dustin begrudgingly forks it over as he walks back to stand next to the other younger teenagers. Steve stands up and tosses his backpack before pushing the boat into the water and hopping in.
“You said four!” Dustin protests.
“Sorry,” Steve whispers.
“Bedtime at nine kiddos! Miss you already!” Robin yells. You chuckled.
Robin and Eddie use the oars to propel the boat on the water while Nancy watches the compass. You quietly begin to whistle a tune, one that Eddie recognized. The same one you sang the first night he stayed at your house. He was sure his face was flushed, but he didn't mind since it was shrouded in the darkness of the night.
”Whoa, whoa, woah, woah, slow down. Slow down, guys.” Nancy called out. Robin and Eddie stopped rowing, turning around to look at her. You all gathered around the compass, staring at it as the needle went crazy. You heard the walkie-talkie chime with Dustin’s voice.
“Guys, what’s going on? Come on, talk to me. What’s going on?” He asked. Robin grabbed the walkie and spoke into it.
“Uh, Dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capitol ‘aah!’” She replied. Steve began to pull off his shoes and socks.
“Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy asked. 
“Yeah, seriously man, nobody wants to see those. Or smell them.” You say, fanning his feet away from you. Steve rolls his eyes.
“Somebody's gotta go down and check this thing out. Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then… It’s gotta be me. No complaints, alright?” He asks.
“Hey, I'm not complaining. I do not wanna go down there.” Eddie replies as he fishes a grocery bag from his battle vest pocket. Steve pulls his shirt off and you roll your eyes.
“Show off.” You mumble. Eddie looks up at you and smiles. 
“Tell me about it.” He whispers before handing Steve the flashlight wrapped in the plastic bag safeguard.
“Hey. Good luck.” Eddie says. He pulls out a cigarette while Steve thanks him but Robin quickly grabs it and throws it in the lake.
“Steve?” Nancy calls out. He looks over his shoulder at her.
“Be careful.” She says. He nods before diving in.
“Gross.” You mumble, taking off your hoodie and bunching it up. You toss it in Eddie’s lap before laying your head onto it, reclining as comfortably as the small boat would allow. Eddie’s a bit surprised by this, looking down at you as if questioning why.
“Who knows how long he’ll be down there? Might as well get comfortable while I can.” You reply with a shrug. He relaxes a little but is still somewhat on edge.
“Where we at, Wheeler?” Robin asks.
“Closing in on a minute,” Nancy replies. She exhales and nods. More time passes as both of them stare intensely at the water, wondering when he’s gonna resurface. You, on the other hand, find yourself close to drifting off. You wouldn’t have expected it considering the high-stakes situation you were in, but something about laying in Eddie's lap made you feel safe enough to doze off. You were snapped out of that peace quickly though when Steve burst through the water gasping for air.
“I found it!” He exclaimed. You sat up and pulled your hoodie back on.
“You found it?” Nancy asked.
“I found it. Yeah. I found it.” He replied as he clutched onto the side of the boat. Robin smiles and grabs the walkie-talkie.
“Dustin you are a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the gate!” She spoke into it. She waited for a response, but nothing came. She furrows her eyebrows in confusion but disregards it when Steve starts talking.
“It’s pretty wild. It’s more of a snack-sized gate than the mama gate but still, it’s pretty damn big.” He says, almost out of breath. When his sentence finished, he dips back under the water, seemingly struggling against something. He pops back up with a look of confusion on his face before being pulled fully underwater.
“Steve!” Nancy calls out.
“No no! What the hell was that, man?” Eddie yelled.
“Nancy, really, what happened?” Robin asks, her voice filled with terror. Nancy stares at the water for a moment before she stands up. She looks like she’s going in after him.
“Wait, wait, wait. You’re not going in there, are you?” Eddie asks, grabbing her arm to stop her.
“Just wait here.” She demands.
“No Nancy!” Robin yells, but she’s already in the water.
“Goddamnit!” Eddie yells, running his fingers through his hair. Robin begins to perch herself on the edge of the boat.
“No no no no no no. What are you doing? She said wait.” Eddie protested.
“Yeah, I heard her.” She replies.
“She’s in charge.” 
“Are you kidding me? I made that shit up.” She says before plugging her nose and beginning to lean back.
“Don’t you go. Don’t you-” His words are cut off by the splash of Robin's body meeting the water.
“Goddamn it!” He bangs his open palms on the edge of the boat. You stand up, causing him to look at you.
“(Y/n), don’t even think about it!” He says. You smirk and hold out your hand to him.
“Come on, don’t make me do this alone.” You reply.
“Son of a bitch. This is so stupid. This is so stupid. This is so stupid.” He practically chants to himself, but he grabs your hand anyways. You dive into the water together, all while he’s stringing out profanities.
You all huddle under skull rock, shaking from fear and possibly hypothermia. After saving Steve from those creatures and running through the entire forest to hide from them, it was safe to say that you were exhausted. The screeching becomes more distant, and Robin is the first to peek her head out.
“Oh… okay. That was close.” She says.
“Yeah. Too close.” Eddie replies, his voice shaking with fear. As you begin to walk farther out, you hear steve mutter something. You turn your head and see him lean against the rock.
“Steve? Jesus.” Nancy says as she notices the same thing you had.
“I’m fine. I’m fine.” He protests.
“No, no, no. You’re not. You’re losing blood. Come on, sit. Alright?” She coaxes him down He groans in pain as he removes his hand from the open wound. Robin kneels next to him as well.
“Okay. So the good news here is I’m pretty sure wooziness is not a common symptom of rabies. But if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling aggressive, like you wanna punch me or something, then you should totally let me know, okay?”
“I kinda wanna punch you.” He replied. Robin laughs.
“Sense of humor’s still intact. That’s a good sign.”
“Yeah…” He mumbles. Nancy finishes tearing off the piece of fabric that she needed to dress his wounds, so Robin steps away.
“You ready?” Nancy asks. 
“Yeah. Just do it.” Steve replies. She pushes the fabric against him and he stifles his groans. He locks his hands behind his head as she apologizes, doing her best to wrap the fabric around him properly.
“Too tight?” She asks.
“No, that’s good.” He replies. He lets out a few final grunts of pain before she finishes by tying it into a knot. You hear Eddie walk away from you, so you turn to see what he’s doing. He’s climbing up a rock, trying to get a better view of the land in front of him.
“So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?” He asks. Nancy helps Steve stand, putting his weight on her shoulders.
“Pretty much.” She replies. He nods and starts to walk back down, but Nancy stops him with a warning.
“Wait, watch out for the vines. It’s all a hivemind.”
“It’s all a what?”
“All the creepy crawlies around here dude. They’re like, one, or something. You’re stepping on a vine, you’re stepping on a bat, you’re stepping on Vecna.” Steve says.
“Shit,” Eddie replies, now very carefully stepping around the vines.
“But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people obviously?” Robin asks.
“As far as I understand it, yeah.” “So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate.” “I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin. But guns, yeah, sure.”
“Well, we don’t have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns in my bedroom.” Nancy replied. Eddie finally manages to jump down from the rock.
“You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?” He asks.
“Full of surprises, isn’t she?” 
“A Russian Makarov and a revolver.” She states.
“Yeah, you almost shot me with that one,” Steve says.
“You almost deserved it.” She replies. Eddie rolls his eyes and slips off his battle vest, tossing it at Steve.
“For your modesty, dude.” He says. You can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy culminate in your abdomen, but before you have time to even think about why that is, a loud rumbling shakes the earth. It’s so intense that you lose your balance, falling into Eddie as the others fall into each other as well. His arm falls onto your waist and you would've been flustered by the fact had you not been preoccupied with the earthquake. There was a loud snarling in the distance that sent chills down your spine.
“Yeah, so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me,” Eddie said.
“Yeah, me too.” You reply, realizing how close he is by how loud his voice is in your ear.
“So what are we waiting for?”
After the highs and lows of finding the wheeler house, realizing there were no guns because the upside down was three years stuck in the past, finding a way to contact the overworld, and biking seven miles to Eddie’s trailer, you were almost relieved when you saw that fleshy interdimensional portal on the ceiling. But something about the way it squelched and breathed as if it were alive made you have second thoughts.
“This is where Chrissy died. Like, right where she died.” Eddie said, looking over his shoulders at you and the others. You could tell there was a lot of pain in those memories.
“I think there’s something in there,” Robin replied, her eyes never leaving the ceiling. There was a crackling sound as the red barrier was pulling downward as if something were pushing it in. You felt your stomach go queasy at the sight.
“What the hell is that?” Eddie asked. Seconds after the question left his mouth, the gate popped open, the fleshy parts and vines all retreating into the ceiling. The sudden movement made all of you yelp in fear and back up, eyes still fixed on the now open gate. You exchanged worried glances with Eddie.
Steve slowly began to approach it, and you followed his lead, right behind Nancy and Robin. The steps you took toward it were slow and timid, waiting for the slightest sign of danger. Finally, as you got closer, you could see into it.
“No way,” Steve muttered. On the other side of the gate stood Dustin, Lucas, Max, and a little girl you didn’t recognize. Dustin had a huge smile plastered on his face, jumping on the balls of his feet.
“Hi there.” He said as he waved, prompting Lucas to do the same.
“Hi…” Nancy, Steve, and Robin replied. You were too shocked to speak.
“Holy shit, this is trippy,” Robin said.
“Tell me about it…” You mumbled. Dustin laughed again, excitedly looking at his friends before looking back up at you.
“Bada bada boom!” He exclaimed.
“Henderson, your childlike joy is refreshing, but could we maybe, I don’t know, figure out a way to get us the hell out of here!” Eddie shouted. Dustin stopped giggling and nodded.
“Right right sorry, Eddie.” The children began to disperse out of your view. You could hear shuffling and after a few minutes, Max and Lucas dropped a mattress below the portal. You raised your eyebrows at the state of it.
“Those stains are, uh… I dunno what those stains are.” Eddie said.
“Mmm,” Robin replied, a questioning look on her face. Dustin walked into view, a makeshift rope of tied-together sheets in hand.
“Not quite sure how these psychics are gonna work. But uh… here goes nothing.” He says as he throws it up through the portal, but once it meets your end it begins to cascade down.
“There we go. And if my theory is correct…” He says before removing his hands from the rope. It stays in its place, causing him to smile.
“Abracadabra.” He whispers.
“Holy shit,” Max says, looking up at the rope on your end.
“All right, pull on it! See if it holds!” Dustin shouts to your group. Robin looks around before grabbing onto the rope, giving it her best yank. She smiles and laughs incredulously.
“This is the craziest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. And I’ve seen some crazy shit.” The girl you don’t recognize says as she high-fives Dustin. You laugh.
“Starting to think that’s a common experience.” You reply. Robin grabs hold of the rope once again.
“Guess I’m the guinea pig.” She says as she begins to climb up the rope. The younger teens on the other side begin to disperse to make room for her on the landing pad. She grunted as she climbed upward, but once her head was on the other side, she fell onto her back on the mattress.
“Oh thank God. That was fun.” She said with a sigh of relief. You watch her grab Dustin’s hand to help pull her up. You look at the others, Nancy looking at Eddie, then you, then Steve, the other teenage boys looking at each other until somebody volunteers.
“All right, guess I’ll go,” Eddie says with a shrug as he approaches the rope. He grunts as he begins to climb it, inching his way back to the overworld. Finally, gravity takes hold and he falls onto the mattress. He sits up abruptly.
“That… was fun. Shit.” He says with a large smile before getting up.
“Don’t mind if I do.” You say, grabbing onto the rope. Climbing it felt reminiscent of gym class, which made you feel a bit queasy, but once your head passed that gap between the worlds, all the blood went rushing to your face and you felt like you were freefalling. You laughed as you began to cascade onto the mattress and blinked a few times once your back finally hit the surface. 
“(Y/n) approved.” You said as grabbed Eddie’s hand so he could help you up.
You sat wedged between Dustin and Eddie, on your way to what could very well be the end of your life. Thanks to Nancy being Vecna’d and that trip to the War Zone, you were as well prepared as you could’ve been, but that didn’t quiet the loud thrumming of your heart, or the sinking feeling growing in the pit of your stomach.
The car slowed in front of the dilapidated Creel house to drop off the Sinclairs and Max. And then it kept driving. You looked out the window, watching their bodies become smaller as you drove further and further away. The sun was dipping lower into the sky as the drive continued. It was nightfall by the time you reached your destination. Nancy stood up from her seat and turned to look at every one.
“Okay. I wanna run through it one more time. Phase one.”
“We meet Erica at the playground. She’ll signal Max and Lucas when we’re ready.”
“Phase two.”
“Max baits Vecna. He’ll go after her, which’ll put him in his trance.”
“Phase three?”
“Me, Eddie, and (Y/n) will draw the bats away,” Dustin replied. Eddie nudges you in the side with a smile before giving Dustin a noogie, an oddly pure moment despite the given circumstances.
“We head into Vecna’s hopefully newly bat-free lair and… flambe,” Robin replies, sloshing around the Molotov cocktail in her hand.
“Nobody moves on to the next phase until we’ve all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?” Nancy asks. You all chime in with ‘got it’s before dispersing and piling out of the RV. You trek through the small span of woods in front of you before making it to the trailer park and shortly after, Eddie’s trailer. Once you're inside, you’re relieved to see the makeshift rope is still intact.
“Be careful,” Dustin says.
“Thanks, buddy. Here goes nothing.” Steve replies as he begins to climb the rope. Since there’s no mattress on the other end, he’s extra careful to land on his feet, which he does somewhat majestically. Robin sarcastically makes noises of praise.
“What does he want us to do, applaud?” She asks. It takes Steve a few seconds to bring the upside-down mattress under the portal, giving those athletically challenged a safer landing strategy.
“Alright, let’s go.” He calls up to you. Nancy is the first go, Robin kneeling next to her to provide even more assistance. She nods at her before climbing and subsequently falling onto the mattress. After Nancy, Eddie drops down his gear and follows right after. Then you, then Robin, then Dustin, who takes far too long to stand up which results in him being pulled to his feet by you and Eddie. You begin to walk out of the trailer right behind Steve, with the rest of your team in tow. He turns back to you.
“Hey, guys, listen. If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep ‘em busy for a minute or two. We’ll take care of Vecna. Don’t try to be cute, or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just-”
“Decoys. Don’t worry. You can be the hero Steve.” Dustin cuts him off.
“Absolutely. I mean, look at us. We are not heroes.” Eddie says with a laugh as he looks between you and Dustin. You feign offense as you nudge him in the side. Steve hesitates for a moment before turning around and walking toward Robin and Nancy. Eddie takes a step toward him.
“Hey, Steve?” He calls out. Steve turns around.
“Make him pay.” He says. They nod at each other before Steve’s team begins to walk off. 
“Now that all that mushy gushy bullshit is over, it’s time for the fun part.” You say, hitting Eddie’s stomach with your arm. He laughs as you make your way into his bedroom. Once he’s in, he stops.
“Jesus christ… It’s like… She was destined for an alternate dimension…” He mumbles as he approaches his guitar.
“What do you say, guys?” He asks, picking it up from where it hung.
“Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?” He asks, turning to face the two of you.
“That a rhetorical question?” Dustin asks. Eddie smiles and puts the strap over his shoulder.
“Let’s do it.” He says, swinging it over his back. As if you didn’t find him hot enough as it is.
You waited tentatively for the crackle of the walkie-talkie to sound and tell you when to move forward. Finally, after what seemed like hours, you heard Robin’s voice on the other end.
“She’s in. Move on to phase three.”
“Copy that. Initiating phase three. Let’s hope they hear this.” Dustin said as he pulled the extension cord up to plug in the amp and subsequently turned them to their full volume. He looks at Eddie, who grabs the pick from around his neck.
“Chrissy, this is for you.” He mutters, mostly to himself, before he starts to strum. You recognize the beat immediately.
Dustin is crouched beside you as you lean one hand on the amp, enjoying Eddie’s impeccable performance of one of your favorite songs. You would’ve enjoyed it more, had it not been for the predicament you were in. Dustin checks his binoculars a few times, but this time, he calls out to Eddie.
“We gotta lock down in T minus 30 seconds.” He yells over the noise. Eddie nods, focusing back on playing his guitar.
“T-minus 20!” Dustin shouts. You look over at Eddie, who’s now shredding the guitar solo, which you wish you could appreciate more, but the screeching bats inching closer in proximity make it difficult. Dustin begins to count down from 10, and Eddie finishes right as he reaches one. The bats are way too close for comfort, so you shove Dustin in the direction of the truck you used to get on the roof. He begins to climb down, you following and Eddie just behind you.
They’re shouting incoherently at each other as you rush into the gated area, which Eddie shuts just in the nick of time. You watch the bats attempt to claw at you through the fencing, but they have no luck. You give a relieved half laugh half sigh, but it’s short-lived as more begin to fly toward you.
“Hurry! Come on!” Dustin calls to the two of you. Once you’re inside, you lean against the wall, panting heavily.
“Dude. Most metal ever!” Dustin yells, causing both him and Eddie to jump with excitement. You laugh and can’t help but smile at the two fondly. They take a few minutes to bask in their excitement before finally winding down and walking to the portal. There’s a thump against the trailer wall that makes you turn your head. Then another. And another. And then they’re not stopping. The bats outside seem to be thrashing their bodies against the walls. Hard. But then, just as soon as it started, it stopped.
“Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy!” Dustin yells.
“Is that really necessary?” Eddie asks.
“Both of you shut up!” You hiss. They stop bickering long enough for you to hear the bats have moved.
“They’re on the roof,” Eddie says, looking upward. Dustin begins to string out profanities as you all follow the sound of the bats traveling. You fix your eyes on a small circular vent.
“Uh oh.” You whisper.
“They can’t get in through there, can they?” Dustin asks, but right as the words leave his mouth, the demobat breaches the flimsy metal. It screeches, and the three of you begin to stab at it furiously with your spears. After a few seconds, Eddie backs away, much to Dustin’s protests. 
“Get out of the way! Get out of the way!” He calls to the two of you. You back up just in time for Eddie to throw down a chair and wedge his nail shield into the ceiling.
“Holy shit… Holy shit.” He says in between pants.
“Nice,” Dustin says.
“Thanks.” He replies, giving him a high five.
“Are there other vents?” Dustin asks. Eddie seems to realize his answer is not the one you’d hope for as he rushes to his bedroom. You all begin to run toward it, and as soon as you enter, bats come flying through the vent on the floor. He pushes you and Dustin out, shutting the door as quickly as he can.
“That’s not gonna hold!” Dustin yells as you back away.
“No shit genius!” You yell back.
“Let’s go!” Eddie yells. Dustin begins to climb the rope. You’re quick to follow, not sparing another second. Once you're on the other side, you look at Eddie who starts to climb but stops halfway.
“Eddie, what are you doing? You have to hurry!” You yell at him. He stares at you and then at the door before dropping back onto the ground.
“Eddie! Come on man!” Your shouts seem to fall on deaf ears as he walks away to grab a spear.
“Eddie don’t you fucking dare! Eddie-” He cuts the rope, severing the way to travel between the worlds. He moves the mattress and you can feel tears begin to well in your eyes. Dustin is watching this unfold with you.
“Eddie, what are you doing?” He asks. Eddie looks at the two of you with a smile on his face.
“I’m buying more time.” He says before walking out of your view. Dustin looks at you as if he’s asking what to do and for the first time in a long time, you don’t know. You’d never felt this way before. Scared and lost and heartbroken all at the same time. You couldn’t breathe.
“No fucking way. You’re not fucking running this time Eddie.” You say as the tears fall out of your eyes, but you wipe them away ferociously. You grab the chair and set it right underneath the center of the portal. Standing on it, you’re just tall enough to reach it when you jump. So you do just that. Grunting as you pull yourself through, you hang on for dear life when the gravitational pull hits. You sigh and swing back and forth so you can roll when you let go. It’s messy, and you're gonna be left bruised, but it’s enough to have gotten you down. You pull the mattress back, giving Dustin a safer way to land than you had.
“Come on!” You yell, offering a hand to help him up. Once he’s on his feet, you rush out the door, him following close behind you. You run as fast as you can, pushing yourself farther than you ever have before. You can see the bats swarming him. God, why did you have to fall in love with an idiot? 
You see them wrap around his legs and arms, rendering him defenseless. More begin to pile onto him and you can only imagine what they’re doing. Tears blur your vision as you start to run even faster, faster than you thought was in your capability. You pull the machete you’d nabbed from the war zone off your back as you were finally in distance. You swung it at the bats in your path but saved your deadliest blows for the ones gnawing on his torso.
Dustin was close behind you, picking off those that he could as you fought with the ones latched onto Eddie. He seemed to recognize you, a bloody smile on his face. You kept swinging and crying and fighting, all at the same time. It seemed like an impossible fight that you swore you would’ve lost, but then, out of nowhere, the bats all fell from the sky.
You dropped your machete and began to cry harder. You were going to hold Eddie but found his wounds held a higher precedent. You wiped away your tears in an effort to see better as Dustin kneeled next to him as well.
“Bad, huh?” He asked.
“No. You’re gonna be fine.” Dustin replied.
“Damn fucking right you will.” You yelled, pulling off your hoodie. You sliced through the fabric with the pocket knife you had and began to tie it tightly around his torso.
“You’re not dying on me that easy Munson. Don’t even fucking think about it.” You reply. He opens his mouth to respond, but you cut him off by placing his arm around your shoulder.
“Whatever sappy shit you’ve got to say, you can save it, 'cause I already told you. You’re not fucking dying today.” You say as you stand up, carrying his body weight as well. He groans in pain.
“Help me out here Henderson.” You say, staggering to hold him up by yourself. Dustin rushes to your side and grabs Eddie’s other arm, splitting his weight between the two of you as you hobble back through the upside-down.
Eddie sat up in bed, gasping and looking around, then clutching his sides in pain. He recognized the room he was in, but he wasn’t sure why. The door to his right creaked open, and you walked in with what looked like medical supplies in your arms.
“(Y/n).” His voice was hoarse as he spoke your name. You were surprised to see that he was awake, and felt tears prick the corners of your eyes,
“Finally you’re up. I was starting to think you were holding out on me.” You said, trying to act as if you weren’t bursting at the seams with excitement. He chuckled.
“Why am I here?” He asked. You shrugged and sat next to him on your bed, pulling the covers off of his body. He hadn’t noticed he was shirtless until he felt the cold chill nip at his body.
“Would you rather be at Hawkins High with the rest of the town? I’m sure they’d all love to see their darling Edward, wanted murder suspect.” You reply. He smiles.
“Guess you’re right.” He says as you begin to unwrap his bandages.
“Someone’s getting a bit handsy.” He teases. You roll your eyes and finish unwrapping the bloodied bandages before starting to wrap him with new ones.
“That was really stupid, by the way.” You say.
“Running into that swarm. You could’ve been killed.” You scolded. Eddie sighs.
“They needed more time and even if I had been… What difference would it have made?” He said with a shrug. You felt tears well in your eyes again.
“What difference would it have made? Just because Jason got a few hicks to be against you doesn’t mean everybody was. There are still people who care about you and love you, Eddie. I fucking love you! Do you really think I just ran back into that hell dimension because it wouldn’t have made a difference whether you lived or died?” You said angrily, pulling his bandages around him tighter.
“Wait wait wait. Do my ears deceive me? Did you just say you love me?” Eddie asked. You were so frustrated that you couldn’t take it anymore. You grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a kiss.
At first, you were angry, pressing your lips against his just to get him to shut up for once in his goddamn life but then, as his hands gently held onto you as if you were a delicate piece of fine china, you broke. Tears began to stream down your face as it all hit you at once. You needed this. You needed him.
He pulled away, far too soon for your liking, and stared at you as his chest heaved to catch his breath. He blinked his beautiful brown eyes and smiled his stupid grin. There he was, in all his glory, and you’d just kissed him in a fit of passion and anger at his pure idiocy.
“If I get a kiss like that every time I act a fool, then I’ll have to remember to risk my life more often.” He whispers. You laugh and wipe your face of your tears, shaking your head before standing up.
“Eddie Munson. You have changed my life.” You say with a laugh.
“Then I guess we’re even. Cause I think you saved mine.” He replied. You gathered the bloody bandages and began to walk to the door. Your hand was just above the knob when you paused at the sound of Eddie’s voice once again.
“If I ever beat these charges and things ever go back to the way they were… or at least as much as they can… I’d like to take you on a normal date.” “If I liked normal, I never would’ve found you.”
“Then can I take you on a not normal date? Affective immediately?” He asks. You laugh and open your bedroom door.
“Tell you what Eddie. You heal from the damage those hellbats did to your stomach, and I’ll think about it. Deal?”
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spideysbruh · 1 year
Piece Of You
they're not public yet!!!
Whenever Shawn isn't around, Alex and Brian get along just fine. They've known each other a pretty long time and so things were never awkward around the apartment when Shawn left. They’re always comfortable together and Shawn loved that. But lately, he's been feeling weird about it.
Like take today, Alex is sitting at the table, eating cereal while Shawn is making himself breakfast when Brian sits down next to Alex and scoots his chair closer to her and shows her a TikTok on his phone. That's not the whole problem, the other part is that when she was watching the TikTok, Brian rested his head on her shoulder, a big smile on his face. 
Shawn eyed him and watched as he sat back up, laughing with Alex. When did they get close like that? Whatever, he's just being paranoid. He hasn't been home in a while, he just forgot what the two are like together. But then Shawn once again sees how close Brian gets to her throughout the day, like him play fighting with her, or sharing drinks, or resting his head on her lap. It is too much, isn’t it??
Later that night after Alex falls asleep, Shawn quietly goes on his phone and clicks on Brians Instagram, scrolling through and trying to find pictures with Alex in them. He succeeds and clicks on the post he published for her Birthday, the pictures are nice. There's one just of her out on the balcony, the next one is an older picture, from when they first met it looks like. But the last one is what gets him.
He shouldn't even be mad, it's not like they're kissing or doing anything questionable, but he's still pissed. 
The photo is of Alex and Brian, but Brians arm is wrapped around her shoulders, his hand just above her left boob, and his other hand squishing her face as he's laughing. "What the fuck?" He whispered, scrolling down to see the caption. 'Happy birthday to one of the best people this world has to offer. Here's to 21, Al.' He looked back at the picture and Alex was smiling big, her eyes bright like they always are whenever she and Shawn are together.
Shawn looked through the comments and saw that Alex commented 'Thanks bestie 🥰 Love ya!' Shawn scoffed and clicked on her account, scrolling to find a picture of them on her account. It'll make him feel better. One of the most recent pictures all the way up top, she posted it yesterday. They’re in the car and Alex was grinning while Shawn had his peace sign up with a big smile on his face as well. The next slide was a video she took of them listening to the Tangled soundtrack. Shawn quickly lowered the volume down and smiled at the video, she was laughing as Shawn was singing 'I've Got A Dream' incredibly off-key. The video ended with Shawn saying something about some post on his feed and he remembered that someone else had posted something with her recently. He went to his following list and clicked on their mutual friends. 
Is this going too far? Who knows.
He went on Jons page and saw that there was only one picture with her, it was simple enough. No big deal. He went to Matts and saw a few as well, one of them, though, his arms were wrapped around her neck as she stood in front of him, smirking at the camera. The caption being 'Two tens at a party for sixes.' 
Shawn huffed and opened his notes, quickly typing a few lines. 
'It's so hard, but it's true.'
'Everybody wants a piece.'
The next morning when Alex wakes up, the bed is empty and the place is pretty quiet. She gets off the bed and walks to the bathroom, washing her face and brushing her teeth. When she gets out, Brian is on the counter eating some eggs, "Hey, Al." 
"Good morning Brian!" She smiles, standing by the counter next to him, "There still bacon?" She asked, turning around and grabbing a piece of bacon from the stove.
"Yup. Shawn's writing by the way." He said, setting his plate in the sink.
"Oh yeah? That's cool, have you heard any of it yet?"
Brian shook his head and jumped off the counter, ruffling her hair, "Just the piano notes so far, he went to get something apparently."
That wasn't entirely true, Shawn was in their parking garage deep diving Instagram and twitter, looking at videos and photos that people have posted of Alex, for inspiration. It's like everyone is in love with her. It looks like even people she's met once were infatuated with her. He sat in his car as he saw fan edits of her on twitter and there was one titled 'Celebrities being in love with Alex Gonzalez for three minutes straight' he clicked on it and watched everyone from Tom Holland to Dua Lipa eyeing her up and down and smiling really big at whatever she said. He was also in it a few times, but as he should. Even just random people who they've never met. Only he can act like that with her. He quickly types in his notes, ‘I get reckless. I’m obsessive.’ 
"Mmm alright, well, I have some time today, wanna watch something?" 
“Sure.” Brian shrugged, following her to the couch.
Alex sighed and put on some show they were in the middle of.
Shawn came back up to their apartment a bit later and saw Alex and Brian lounging on the couch, a show playing on the TV in front of them, Brian snacking while she sits with her Spider-Man . “Hey! I’m writing a song, baby.” He said as he walked over to Alex and kissed her lightly.
“Mm, I heard. How is it so far?”
“It’s uh, good so far. You know that everyone is in love with you right?” He said, making her snort.
"I think I could name a few people on Instagram that don't." She laughed and Brian chuckled.
"No no no! It's true! Look." He said and pulled out the video, letting her hold his phone. Brian scooted closer and watched as well, an amused smile on his face. Shawn eyed him suspiciously and Brian noticed.
"I'm watching you." He said, Alex rolled her eyes and continued watching when Florence Pugh popped up.
"Guys shut up Florence Pugh is in love with me."
"Oh my god, I love Alex! But I am not in love with her. Ya feel?"
"Whatever you say, Brian. Just know…"
"Oh my god Daniel Kaluuya?!!!"
"She's like my sister, Shawn. That's just weird." 
"So fucking weird- LAKEITH STANFIELD?!!" 
"I'm telling you, baby, everyone-"
"Wants a slice of that ass." 
"Brian!" Shawn yelled, Alex laughed and shoved Brian away.
"What's wrong, my love? You jealous?" She grinned, getting up to kiss him. Shawn kissed back and pulled her closer.
"Oh god." Brian groaned, getting up to throw his trash out.
Alex ignored him and looked up at Shawn, "You jealous that Lakeith Stanfield likes me?" She smirked, and Shawn pouted, "You don't have to worry, baby. I only got eyes for you.” She finished and kissed his lips lightly.
“Yeah?” He mumbled, his lips brushing against hers, Alex nodded, “You’re mine?”
“As long as you’re mine.” She smirked and Shawn kissed her again.
“Lemme show you my song.” He grinned and pulled her to the piano.
“Nice! Can I hear too?” Brian chuckled, walking along with them.
“No.”  Shawn closed the door on him and Alex giggled and sat on the piano bench. “Kay, are you ready?” She nodded and watched as he pulled out his notes app, finding the right keys. 
About an hour later, with some help from Alex, (the song rasing her ego quite a lot) Shawn had part of his first verse and chorus done. He came out of the room with Alex right behind him and Brian looked bored out of his mind. “Fucking finally! I thought having two roomates would be nice, because if one of you is gone, there’s another one to hang out with, but then you guys started f-”
“Well, we’re here now, Bri. What do you wanna do?”
“Oh I dunno.”
Shawn snorted and kissed his girlfriends head before sitting on the couch next to Brian, “I’ll order some food. Don’t feel like cooking today.” Shawn said.
“Sounds good.” Alex replied, tossing Brian the remote.
“Al, you’re trending on twitter by the way.” He said and pat her leg before she sat down.
“Oh yeah? Why?” She wondered and pulled out her phone, Shawn cleared his throat and wrapped anarm around her.
“Probably cause you’re so gorgeous, babe. C’mon let’s pay attention to… Brian what'd you put on?"
"The Offi-" 
"Oh my fucking-"
"It's being taken off netflix this year!" Brian yelled, Alex laughed at the boys and opened twitter, immediately seeing people talking about her and Shawn and his newest Instagram post. "What the?" She whispered and went onto Instagram. 
(pictures here)
@shawnmendes Baby, i'm so into you, it hurts.
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