#The grandfather
lackadaisycal-art · 1 year
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I fell victim to one of the classic blunders (drawing a load of fan art when I should have been working)
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pedroam-bang · 4 months
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“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
The Princess Bride (1987)
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The Grandfather
she's a numbers station
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nirawrite-holab-if · 1 year
Can we get a drabble of MC first words and first steps ?
So, I decided to combine the two into one 😂🖤
"No one moves" the queen's order was given in a hurried whisper that made everyone in the room obey more for the shock than for the order itself.
Asta was motionless, her eyes fixed on the MC who was a few feet away from her.
The baby seemed to be determined to do something - their hands gripping tightly at the bottom of the chair as their feet seemed to grope the floor as if experiencing how safe it would be to go ahead.
No one even breathed in the room.
Then, almost in slow motion, their hands came loose from the chair, they stretched out their arms as if they were counting on them to give them balance. Their body faltered for a moment and Brandr followed the movement, attentive - ready to act.
But there was no need to intervene, still faltering but eagerly, the baby put one foot in front of the other clumsily.
Asta and Brandr's faces were identical masks of anticipation and anxiety.
MC continued their progress without seeming to notice their audience.
One more step....
Asta knelt down slowly, opening her arms to greet them with a big smile.
"By the Goddess!" Carmello's voice resounded across the room suddenly and the MC turned to him immediately, the act causing them to lose their balance.
Carmello took them in his arms in the same second
"Oh, my precious MC" he said as he looked at his child in amazement. "How lucky I am to witness this moment"
"What are you doing here?" Asta asked, interrupting the stream of compliments Carmello was beginning to pour on the MC, "You should wait outside the gates. Who let you in?"
"One of your nice guards," his smile was too pleasant to mean anything good
"You are violating the terms of our agreement."
"Oh, really? What an indelicacy of mine" his smile widened even more and Asta pursed her lips in frustration.
"Gan!" The exclamation sounded right in their ears, interrupting the beginning of an argument and coming from an unexpected source: the MC.
"What?!" The two turned to the hybrid who just smiled back.
"That was...."
"Oh, gods"
"Gan" the MC repeated once more, their eyes were glued to the door.
"That must mean father," Carmello decided, and Asta snorted in response. "What a wonderful day, my baby's first word and their first steps"
"You're delirious Carmello" Aedh entered the room and moved closer to the MC who was frantically extending their arms to him. "You're both out of the game."
Stunned, Carmello handed the MC to Aedh without a fight.
"Exactly, my little one, I'm Gan," he smiled at them and then looked coldly at Carmello. "We'll talk about that invasion of yours later."
And with the MC in his arms he withdrew from the room leaving Asta and Carmello looking paralyzed at him.
"Grandfather 1 x parents 0"
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One thing I dislike about 'the baengri clan's unwanted granddaughter' is the treatment of Euiran
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violent138 · 6 months
Time-warped or travel scenario where Bruce gets launched back into a younger version of himself with all the memories and the first thing he does is goes and gets Dick Grayson right after his parents' death, then pick up Jason, arrange about a million playmates to get Tim out of his house, and once he has those kids happy and taken care of, he goes off to find Cass, helps Steph with her dad, and leaves a very pointed voice-mail for Talia.
Alfred thinks he's more mentally ill than usual for knowing exactly which orphans and as he pointedly reminds Bruce, "children whose parents are still very much alive" he's trying to steal and adopt.
Bruce heatedly replies that they're his kids and that he's going to do everything right this time, rendering Alfred absolutely speechless until Bruce asks if Alfred would be able to make dinner for his new brood of kids.
"Try and remember who you're speaking to Master Bruce, I've thrown dinner parties with less notice"
"Great because I have a list of allergies and some notes on favourite foods."
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sapphikatara · 6 months
zuko is already a hilarious character but he becomes even funnier if you give him a crush on sokka
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lackadaisycal-art · 1 year
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as you wish
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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“As you wish...”
The Princess Bride (1987)
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I don’t think the grandfather counts bc we clearly see him at the beginning and the ending of the movie, as well as a few pints during. He not a disembodied voice, but then again glados won the last round and she also was imo not disembodied so?
I accepted characters who are heard but rarely or never seen, and whether they had a body didn't matter because it would have limited who could be submitted.
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nirawrite-holab-if · 1 year
When was the transition from MC being a thing to Aedh to being the favorite and how did he react.
It didn't take long...👇🏼
"I made a terrible mistake, MC. I don't want to just be your king. I want to be your family, your protector, your grandfather. You deserve nothing less than that, little one"
One night Asta was away from the castle and the MC was crying in their crib surrounded by handmaidens who didn't know what to do with the baby.
Aedh was in his private room trying to focus on his reading but the baby's screams seemed to echo directly inside his head.
He had heard his own children crying but never in such a way. Desperate.
So he decided to go investigate what was going on. In the MC's room, the handmaidens muttered to each other running back and forth with bottles, toys, and one even seemed to be singing hunched over the crib
When Aedh entered the room and they noticed his presence they made a brief bow.
"What's going on here? Why doesn't the thin..the baby, stop crying?"
"We don't know, Your Majesty," one of them replied nervously. "We're doing everything we can, but," she interrupted herself, seeing Aedh approaching the crib.
He looked at the MC who was stirring restlessly and their face was covered in sweat from crying. The sound and their movements seemed to show frustration rather than pain
"Spoiled, from such a young age" he reproved and ignoring the stares of the handmaidens he took the MC in his arms and headed back to his room. "Obviously you don't want to sleep do you? And you think you can just keep screaming?"
"Now, I don't care if you want to spend your night crying I have better things to do" he informed the baby who was staring at him, the cry forgotten. "I've raised five kids, you're not impressing me"
He sat back in his armchair and opened his book with one hand while holding the MC with his other arm
"This is an interesting read, it talks about the conquest of the first Monarch of Eloza over the neutral lands" he grumbled in a half voice. "I suppose you should learn that."
He looked at the MC who was staring at him mesmerized.
Before the MC's gaze he felt something warm and familiar spread across his chest and take him completely.
He gasped trying to contain the force of that emotion. Oh, no. No, no, no...
Oh, he was lost now...
When he felt the control of his emotions return, he gave a quick nod to the baby
"Great. You're paying attention"
When Asta returned from her travel she was perplexed to find Aedh's room turned into a nursery.
The MC slept near his desk in a crib and he read in silence, the expression fully focused on the pages in front of him.
"Father? What is the MC doing here?"
"They're asleep," he informed. "They've already eaten and we've finished another chapter of Eloza's book"
Asta frowned even more confused than before.
"I meant why they're here, with you"
This made Aedh lift his face from his book and look directly at her.
"I'm their grandfather, Asta" he replied as if reminding her of this fact. "Who else are they supposed to be with?"
"No, I-"
She interrupted herself when she heard the MC babble in the crib.
Aedh gave her a look of disapproval.
"You're waking up the poor baby, Asta. We'll talk later"
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planetsandmagic · 25 days
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"even if no one else accepts you, I'll live with you"
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unpretty · 2 months
not keeping an ad-free tier is bonkers imho, it was at a perfect price point where you could say, "yeah sure that's not too much money" and spring for it even if you didn't actually need it (i've got adblockers on desktop and mobile, i'm never going to see an ad regardless). hell. they could have let ad-free subscribers get grandfathered in at their older price and then announced the change in advance. people would have RUSHED to get the lower price point locked in. instead... this.
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chthonic-kids · 5 months
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You look just like your mother. I'll not lose her again.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 month
Amity is a Dimensional Dump
So! Amity Park is a hub of weirdness of all sorts, mostly undead, but there are also a bunch of Multiversal oddities connected to the small town.
There are the minor anomalies. 5th Street has a bad habit of slipping into the Backrooms, Old Lady Jenkin's House sometimes has snow in summer, and of course the Night Sky had a 20% chance of swapping views to another Galaxy. Danny likes that one a lot.
But the biggest Anomaly is how many Multiversal Travellers get lost there.
They are always finding somebody wandering the streets with no idea where they are, and have to help them find their reality of origin. Other times they decide to stay for various reasons, ranging from a bad home life to being the only survivors of a Dead Universe. Half of the population if Amity was made up of the descendants of Lost Travelers, so their DNA was really a mixed bag.
Danny was flying over town when he spotted a Blur on the ground below.
He flew down to intercept, and found a boy in red and yellow panicking over his situation.
"Hey! Can I help you?" He called out.
The boy looked up, and gasped "Are you a Hero? I need help getting back to the Justice League!"
Danny chuckled, "Which one?"
The boy looked confused, "The Adult One? I guess?"
"Not what I meant, sorry. I mean, which Dimension are you from?" He clarified.
"Dimensions? What is going on!?" He shouted.
"Okay, let's calm down and restart. My name is Danny, who are you?" He introduced himself.
The boy took a deep breath, calming himself, before saying, "Okay, my name is Kid Flash, but you can just call me Wally."
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bluerosefox · 9 months
Uncle Damian Mode ACTIVATE
Twins Danny and Damian but! They both know where the other is (Damian going to Bruce and Danny being sent to the Fentons on a mission at a young age), has kept in touch and all that.
They just...never got around to telling anyone about the other.
That is until Danny comes interrupting Damian on patrol one night in a panic, pushes a bundle into his arms and hurriedly says "Read our texts! It'll explain! I gotta go, got a fruitloop on my tail! Be back when I can!"
And rushes off. When Damian looks down at the bundle in his arm, ignoring the yelling on comms and Nightwing rushing over, he is stunned to see a almost identical face to that of his brother staring back at him, only he can tell its female from the more delicate features.
When he later reads the texts his brother sent during his patrol... well he's tempted to go fruitloop hunting but he has a niece to take of... and inform his father of his granddaughter he's currently holding.
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