#Timmy beloved!
nyerusnova · 1 year
Glad to see that Tim being a giant Dick Grayson fanboy is finally being highlighted again, and sparking more discussion especially on their early relationship! (Please gimme more!!! I love them so much, augh!)
Probably as a result of that surge, there seems to be reciprocal chatter on the topic of how young Tim actually felt towards Jason, too. It's honestly pretty interesting, because it's more nuanced than it appears at first glance.
Which means it's very fun to dissect! ✨
There's a degree of subjectivity to keep in mind, because readers are going to have different interpretations of the same scenes, or will pull from entirely different scenes than one another to form their individual view on this topic. That's just how it is in comic book fandom, for many things! Regardless, in this case... if the scale ranges from the extreme of "Jason was Tim's Robin" to the other extreme of "Tim actually hated Jason [as Robin] or thought he was a loser that got himself killed" — the actual truth is closer to the middle, as is often the case.
At least, in my opinion.
Mainly I want to focus on those relatively early days with this post, to highlight Tim's initial(-ish) feelings towards his heroes, and touch on the point at which they really begin to change. This turned into a very long post, though. Brevity is beyond my skill, so grab snacks and water lol. Transcripts for each image will be posted at the very end under the cut.
So, the two storylines I want to cover are "Rite of Passage," which is rolls into "Identity Crisis." (NOT to be confused with the major crossover event "Identity Crisis™" which came years later, and is where Jack Drake dies.... But it sure is an interesting coincidence that Tim deals with the loss of each parent in two similarly named stories!) These take place before Tim is even Robin, and I'll be considering them as one arc for this post.
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Detective Comics vol. 1 #618 (July, 1990) -- Pages 1 & 2
"When Gotham needed him, he was there. When the Batman needed him, he was there. He was a hero."
"One day, I'll be as good as Jason. One day I'll wear the suit."
To start off, we have this opening from "Rite of Passage." Tim is still in training here, mainly helping Bruce with minor stuff from the cave. His parents are off traveling, alive and well as of these next few pages. He's still bright-eyed and full of wonder. An extraordinarily weird but ultimately innocent kid.
So his view on Jason is positive and fairly simple: a hero, and someone to look up to as Robin. Clearly, Tim here doesn't think Jason was deficient in his role, either as a protector of Gotham or as Batman's trusted partner.
Moreover, Tim already held Dick in very high regard because he was amazingly skilled before he became Robin. To Tim, that's not something he'll ever be able to achieve. Meanwhile, Jason wasn't like that. He was a regular kid without crazy acrobatic training since practically birth. Yet he still went on to be a hero—which is obviously motivational for Tim who finds himself in similar shoes.
It's true that Tim only ever knew or thought of Jason as Robin, and idolized him in that regard. But that's kind of all that mattered to him at that point, because he was this kid who was utterly star-struck by his heroes. Even if he's technically aware of their shortcomings as people, it's overshadowed by the hero-worship.
It was kind of the same with Bruce as Batman at first. (Which was still enough for Tim to risk life and limb to help his beloved hero, before Bruce even knew his name.) Dick was the only one Tim had any sort of "personal" relationship with beforehand, so there is an extra level of attachment—and hence why it was the nidus for his obsession with Batman. Yet even then, it wasn't like he actually knew anything about Dick as a person until later. Until then, Tim's ideas of him were all he had, too. With Jason, Tim just didn't get to know him at any point before his return (oof), apart from what he heard over the years secondhand (also oof).
Ultimately, it's the loss of innocence—along with the ricocheting bullet that is the unresolved guilt of those around him—that begins to change Tim's perception. Not just of Jason, but of things in general.
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Batman vol. 1 #455 (Oct., 1990) -- Page 13
"I know why they do it now. Why they put on the suits, and the masks, and go out into the night. They're angry, they're full of rage. They want to hit back."
Losing his mother was a major shift for Tim, obviously. This is right after the previous storyline, and Tim's had the worst week or two of his life (so far). His monologue here is a reference to what happened to both Dick and Jason. The unbearable pain of loss, the rage masking the grief underneath. And importantly, that he feels both of them were justified in their anger. (And Bruce too, indirectly.)
The major theme of the aptly named "Identity Crisis" is to mirror aspects of Dick and Jason and Tim's lives—to show how they converged onto the same tragic road. It's something that Tim notices early in the story, and was frightened by. Now, horrifically, it's become a part of him as well. His parents are gone, and he was entirely helpless to do anything about it. Dick was the same way, Jason was the same way. The cycle is repeated.
In particular, the part about him wanting to go to Haiti for revenge—for his mother—sort of struck me as being an intentional parallel to Jason and Ethiopia. It's a bit of a stretch, especially in isolation, so others may see it differently (e.g. the angry ramblings of a grieving child that does sound like something anyone might say). But it always stuck out to me because of how much Tim is compared directly to Jason in this arc. More on that below.
It's not something I can really give an accurate feel of because it's a lot of subtle things that begin to add up, so I'd encourage folks to read this arc themselves to see what I mean. (Or maybe you'll still disagree which is fine too lol.) Again, many things are in reference to both Dick and Jason in relation to Tim, but it's weighted more on Jason's side.
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Batman vol. 1 #455 (Oct., 1990) -- Page 18
"You think my anger will boil over, the way Jason's did. I can assure you, it won't!"
Tim's grief has begun to pull away the veil of idealism that enshrouded his heroes in his mind. It doesn't apply only to Jason, but to the rest of them. Plus add the fact that Tim's keenly aware that he's being managed, even if the adults around him are careful to not outright say certain things. He still knows.
Bruce, Dick, and Alfred are all worried about Tim potentially turning into "another Jason." They (and mainly Bruce) caution Tim to not ignore his emotions, but they're still concerned that he may be overly eager to prove himself in order to cope, and could get hurt or killed as a result. While they aren't wrong for their caution—especially at how unsettlingly similar all the circumstances are—they aren't very subtle about the elephant in the room.
Imagine how that would affect Tim's perception of his predecessor, especially when he's in the midst of a traumatic event he hasn't had time to fully process. The negative association is pretty much inevitable.
Tim's known from day one that he's walking in Jason's shadow, and now it's become inescapable. Tim went from seeing Jason as a goal to reach, to feeling that unless he surpasses him, he wasn't going to be taken seriously by anyone. However, as of this arc, Tim doesn't even fully come to that point yet.
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Batman vol. 1 #456 (Nov., 1990) -- Pages 14 & 15
"Drop-outs don't make it. And dead heroes are no use to anyone!"
It's really easy to take away "Tim totally thought Jason got himself killed" as the main thing here, but I think that's missing the forest for the trees.
First some context: Bruce has gone out on a mission to get Scarecrow, and expressly forbade Tim from doing any shenanigans. Meanwhile, Tim is grappling with wanting to prove himself and trying to help Bruce from the cave, all while trying to deal with his emotions. At some point, he falls asleep and ends up having like... exhaustion-grief hallucinations of Dick!Robin and Jason!Robin who confusingly caution yet encourage him. The main theme of this part is facing your fears.
Depending on how you want to interpret the intent of Jason's dialogue here, you could go several ways with it. Ranging from "writer's feelings towards Jason" to "a peek into Tim's mind as his fears manifest as visions of his heroes" or some mixture thereof.
Though Tim argues with Bruce that Batman needs a Robin, we're shown that Tim is understandably scared of joining Batman's "war." He's still not willing to let Bruce go it alone, though, and that's something he feels more strongly than his fear.
Meanwhile, hallucination!Jason's warnings are a lamentation of what happened to him in a way, but it actually exactly describes Tim's current situation even more so. Unlike Jason, Tim is under-trained, under-experienced, doesn't even have a suit of his own yet. But like Jason, he can't sit by and do nothing while someone he cares about is in danger. Tim knows that if he goes out there, he will probably get himself killed, and it will be his own fault. So he's about to disobey Batman's orders, and fly right into danger. If that got Jason killed, then Tim—who is in a way worse position experience-wise—has every chance of ending up the same.
Like... it's about Jason, but it's also about Tim. It's Tim's worst fears made manifest, via the representation of why he is even here in the first place (Jason's death).
That's my theory anyway, but perhaps this is an overly charitable reading of this scene on my end. (Not that I think that makes me wrong lol.) However given that Grant wrote both parts of this arc, and the beginning of which is especially favorable towards Jason, it certainly is something to ponder. I have a lot of thoughts on it I can't expand on here tbh but perhaps that'll be another post.
Anyway, returning to the point of the similarities vs differences between Tim and Jason: since this is the arc that solidified Tim as the next Robin in comic continuity, it makes sense that the writers really pushed the comparisons between the two of them, specifically. (Even though Dick was pretty similar, as going against Batman's orders is the Robin thing to do, it's not his shoes Tim is directly filling.) So making Tim's "debut" story arc mirror Jason's "swansong" is an obvious narrative choice.
To drive home the parallels, I wanted to include this panel from just a few pages prior to the "daydream":
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Batman vol. 1 #456 (Nov., 1990) -- Page 9
"The suit is magic."
That so distressingly close to Jason's famous "being Robin gives me magic" line (Batman #385, page 6). Given all the previous context, it's hard for me to just dismiss it as pure coincidence. Even if it is, the point still stands. Tim is shown having the some of the same heartbreakingly naive views as Jason once did, right in front of Jason's memorial, just as he's about to go and run off into the night against orders.
I think that speaks for itself. There's a lot to take away from it, if you so choose. Especially given the context of that specific Jason arc.
Alright, back to the main course:
So in the end, Tim actually goes out in civvies and a ski mask because if he fails, then at least he wouldn't bring shame to Robin's legacy™. When he gets fear gassed saving Batman, it's once again both Dick and Jason that he hallucinates encouraging him to push past his fear. (Shout out to the fact that he's literally more afraid of tarnishing the legacy of Batman & Robin than he is of dying.... I'm sure this will not be a recurring thing for him in the future.)
Tim's ideology is shown to be similar to Jason's, and the actions Tim ultimately takes are similar to Jason's... but the outcome is different. And it really isn't just "Tim succeeded where Jason failed." At least, that's not what I took away from this. Rather, Tim had no reason to succeed any more than he had to fail, just that he did. Luck combined with caution because he knew what happened to his predecessor, and the fact that Batman was there to finish the job all made the difference.
You could say (and I know some will) that it's just classic Jason character assassination and the writers trying to implore readers that this new kid is different we promise pls don't hate us look how much better he is! But in this case, that feels like it undermines the whole point of this story. It doesn't fit with what the characters actually say.
Thus, we return to the question of how Tim felt towards his predecessor. And the answer is different from where we started, because Tim is different. Not that different though. Because even though at this point Tim—like all the adults around him—has probably attributed Jason "going off on his own" being what led to his death, Tim still thought of him as a hero to look up to. It's about Robin, first and foremost, yes. But Tim is fully aware of the people who made that suit mean what it does, because it's all intertwined.
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Batman vol. 1 #457 (Dec., 1990) -- Page 20
"I mean--Dick made it into a symbol the whole world knows. Jason gave his life for it."
Even further, Tim thinks of it in terms of Jason having given his life for what he believed in, for the legacy that now falls to Tim. There's a sense of gravitas there. He's afraid of failing both the Robins who came before him.
Ultimately do I think Tim adored and loved Jason on the same level as Dick or something? No. It's not comparable. (Dick was like part of some of Tim's earliest memories and everything! They have a really unique bond ok.) Yet Tim was also far from thinking poorly of Jason so early on. Frankly, it seems that Tim thought of Jason as a noble hero and a cautionary tale. Yes he took risks and sometimes went too far, generally stuff that Tim doesn't want to repeat and all that. At the same time, Tim still saw him as someone whose legacy and memory was worth honoring.
It's complicated, which is why I like it so much—because it feels real. Having conflicting feelings towards someone is... so human. Especially someone you never got to know, yet who plays such an integral role in your life via the shadow of their death. How can you feel anything but complicated towards them?
It has to be said that, yes, Tim's views—even before Jason's return—change over the years. He becomes more jaded as a person and is surrounded by people who are even more jaded than him... and who often mention Jason as the "failed Robin." It's something that's hung over Tim's head all the damn time. The curse of the Robin mantle.
So it shouldn't come as a surprise that Tim's idea of him becomes more akin to "sounds like a skill issue" as the years go by. All bets are off after Jason's return, and the Titans Tower Incident™. At that point it's firmly "I am better than you, loser" lmao.
And... that's all without getting too into things like authorial intent and general "moods" of different DC writers towards Jason at a given point. Or retcons that played a role in his characterization and how other characters talk about him, depending on what "era" you're reading. That's way beyond the scope of this post though!
TLDR; even though young Tim Drake was obsessed with Dick Grayson as Robin, he still looked up to Jason Todd as well. He didn't think of Jason as a cringefail loser until later. :)
(image dialogue transcripts under cut ↓)
Dialogue Transcript for Image 1 (Detective Comics vol. 1 #618 -- Page 1):
Narration box (Tim): When Gotham needed him, he was there. When the Batman needed him, he was there. He was a hero.
Dialogue Transcript for Image 2 (Detective Comics vol. 1 #618 -- Page 2):
(Scene continued from previous page)
Narration box: But he was nothing special, really. Just a boy, who was taught--trained--brought to his full potential by someone who knew how. Just a boy... like me. I know I can do it. I know I can. One day I'll be as good as Jason. One day I'll wear the suit. One day I'll be a hero.
Dialogue Transcript for Image 3 (Batman vol. 1 #455 -- Page 13):
Tim: I hate him! I hate him! I know why they do it now. Why they put on the suits, and the masks, and go out into the night. They're angry. Full of rage. They want to hit back. They want to fill the hole that's burning inside them.
Bruce: There's more to it than that, son. Much more.
Tim: I know. It's just--I feel--like going to Haiti myself and strangling that creep with my bare hands!
Bruce: The Obeah Man will spend the rest of his life in a prison hospital. He's history. Forget him! But don't fight against your anger. It's natural. Accept it. Live with it. One day it'll be your friend.
Dialogue Transcript for Image 4 (Batman vol. 1 #455 -- Panels from page 18):
Tim: Because you think my mother's death has upset me too much. Well, it did. But I've taken your words to heart. I can cope. You think my anger will boil over, the way Jason's did. I can assure you, it won't. But that doesn't make any difference, does it? Why can't you have a little faith in me?
Dialogue Transcript for Image 5 (Batman vol. 1 #456 -- Page 14):
Narration box (Tim): Blast it! My head's starting to swim. I'm about ready to give up. I almost wish I'd never heard of Batman and Robin!
Vision Dick: Heroes never give up, Tim.
Vision Jason: You know that.
Tim: Dick--! Jason Todd!
Vision Dick: You're training to fight in a war, Tim. It'll last all your life. No matter what, you have to go on fighting.
Vision Jason: Drop-outs don't make it. And dead heroes are no use to anyone! I thought I knew better than Batman. I thought I could run before I could walk. I killed myself, Tim. Because I couldn't wait. Because I couldn't think it through.
Dialogue Transcript for Image 6 (Batman vol. 1 #456 -- Page 15):
(Scene continued from previous page)
Vision Dick: Think, Tim. Concentrate!
Vision Jason: You can do it.
Both: You can do it!
Tim, waking up: What--? Robin...?
Narration box (Tim): I must have been daydreaming. They're right, though. There's a solution to everything. I can find it! So here I go again... Whim. Caprice. Doing something without forethought.
Dialogue Transcript for Image 7 (Batman vol. 1 #456 -- Panel from page 9):
Narration box (Tim): The suit is magic. It gives you power. It hides your weakness. It makes you give it everything you've got. It makes you a hero. If only I could!
Dialogue Transcript for Image 8 (Batman vol. 1 #457 -- Page 20):
Bruce: Are you afraid of it?
Tim: No. It isn't fear. It's more... the suit carries so much history. I mean--Dick made it into a symbol the whole world knows. Jason gave his life for it. Failing them--what they fought so hard to build--that's what worries me!
Bruce: I appreciate that, Tim. That costume weighs a whole lot more than any symbol should... and I'd be failing you if I expected you to bear that weight. So... let me know what you think.
Narration box: A mask has a double edged, he said. It hides your own anxiety as it strikes fear into your enemy.
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xkaru-karux · 1 month
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ranchers in the outfits from @cryingincrocs cook it pull it fic
(i definitely didnt forget that tango was supost to be in shorts until halfway, what you on about)
non pink hair version + fic link under the more ;)
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
LOVE ur fluff writting its always a treat <3<3 *extends their hand when they notice the other searching for it in their sleep* would be ADORABLE for sleepy cuddles (or angst 👀) but on the other hand
"Till death do us part. Forever until the end of eternity" would be a REALLY good excuse for tim to bust out the 00FFFF decorations
I cant decide so whichever you like the best!
Something tugs at Tim’s shirt.
Tim blinks, frowning. He looks down, but there’s nothing there. Maybe the fabric just got caught in the back of his desk chair or on the armrest or something? He has been sitting in a kind of weird pose, all folded up with one leg tossed up onto the desk as he stares at the case files on his screen. So probably—
Tug. Another one, sharper, more insistent. And he hasn’t moved, so it definitely wasn’t just the shirt getting caught on something. Tug, tug.
Tim blinks. What…?
An invisible touch runs down his arm, circles his wrist, and gently but insistently tugs him away from the desk, towards his and Kon’s bedroom (their bedroom, both of theirs, now that they’ve finally moved in together for real)—
Oh. It hits him a second later, and he can’t help the grin that spreads across his face in response. He probably looks like a goofy, lovesick fool, but like, in his place, who wouldn’t?
Honestly, if it took him this long to realize that it’s Kon’s TTK, trying to pull him into Kon’s arms as Kon sleeps, he’s so not making any more progress on this case tonight anyway. Still grinning like a besotted idiot, he closes his laptop and peels himself out of his chair. The little tendril wrapped around his wrist pulls at him again, and he huffs out a breathy laugh as he clicks off his desk lamp.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” he murmurs. Kon’s still asleep—if he was awake, he would’ve just yoinked Tim straight into bed, with none of this gentle tugging and nudging—but hopefully it’ll still reassure him on some level.
Man, now that he’s actually gotten up, Tim realizes he’s tired. He makes a quick stop at the bathroom, then tosses his pants in the vague direction of the hamper and clambers into bed. The second his knees touch the mattress, the TTK goes from tiny tendrils with gentle tugs to a feeling almost like a giant hand grabbing him around the torso (just as gentle, though). Tim goes limp, grinning again, and lets Kon haul him over and bundle him up in his arms as if Tim’s a big teddy bear.
Kon lets out a big, satisfied sigh, sleepily nuzzling into Tim’s neck. His embrace is loose and relaxed with sleep, but his TTK is still firmly wrapped around Tim, shoulders to hips; it’s kind of like a weighted blanket, but cuddlier.
“Hi, you.” Tim wraps his arms around Kon’s shoulders and presses his lips to Kon’s forehead, still beaming. His chest is full of warm fuzzies, and if he wasn’t so tired, he’d be giddy. Kon loves him. He knows that, of course, but to have Kon’s telekinesis plaintively reach for him from sleep really just hammers it in all over again.
Kon hums something unintelligible and smushes his face into Tim’s collarbone in what might be supposed to be a kiss. Tim grins, melting in contentment. Kon’s boneless and warm against him, and their bed is soft and cozy. He’s ready to drift off.
“G’night, clone boy,” he murmurs, heart full. “Gonna tease you about this tomorrow.”
Kon lets out a soft, breathy mumble against his neck and sighs. Tim strokes his fingers idly over the shaved hair just above the nape of his neck, and finally closes his eyes, smiling.
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cubbihue · 1 month
Love how everyone zeroed in on the Changling Timmy and are very interested in the possibility of Changling Timmy learning about his existence and having a crisis about it. Cute au btw
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its ok though bcs im having a blast no matter what direction the Itty Bitties take!
The possibility is certainly there!! Maybe a fresh start elsewhere will keep his mind off of things.
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ragdollwuzhere · 4 months
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the found family ever
inspired by this scene 🎬
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laprettieststar · 1 year
In his marauders era
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thiziri · 6 months
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Princess Anne and her husband, Sir Tim Laurence, attend day four of the 2024 Cheltenham Festival, on 15 March 2024.
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i wrote a fanfiction (WOW REALLY ITS BEEN A WHILE) as i am hyperfixating (shocker, really) on batfam and DC and it takes place in the batman: the animated series universe, more specifically the new batman adventures bc i love timmy todd i dont care what the public says. okay please read, leave kudos, comment.
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planetwaynez · 2 months
Thought of the day is a special one, since is my boys Timothy's birthday!
So here it is
Tim is not a fan of his birthday, however, since you got into his life he started to actually enjoy the day bc you always do something special to him. You always keep it a secret what will be, he always finds out but doesn't say anything, he thinks it's beautiful to see your happiness thinking you surprised him. On the other hand, you love seeing his fake surprised face to make you happy.
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
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130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash
🤎 Tan Train
(July 2016 - Ongoing)
"What have I told you about destroying my art? Look upon him! A masterpiece of expert vanishing cream, blush, foundation, gloss, and eyeliner! You cannot simply waste such perfection in your silly games! Find a clone that I did not spend my entire morning beautifying!" "Sploosh, sploosh!" "How can you even SAY that! He doesn't look anything LIKE Clone 99!" "Splurrrrsssh!" "Oh burn, oh man! Super Toilet, you rascal! You can't say that in front of little kids! Tone down the potty mouth… You and Jim-Jim are gonna land us a T rating."
- Mostly Fluff and Angst; potential Drama
- Prompts related to, well... everybody else!
The catch-all collection for 130 Prompts that don't fit the big story arcs... We've got Imaginary Gary, Flappy Bob, Jorgen, and lore from ancient times. These works are still under the Cloudlands AU umbrella, so Tan Train differs from Off the Rails, which contains only non-Cloudlands AUs.
Rated Gen and T
Read on FFN | Read these works on AO3
130 Sums | Full 130 Prompt Series (AO3) | Other Arcs
Cloudlands AU - Detailed warnings & other AU info
#130 arc guides - More posts like this
More Fairly OddParents 'fics
Highlights of this arc:
- 18-year-old Flappy Bob spends another birthday talking to police and ignoring magic seltzer bottles. - Young Sheldon Dinkleberg is oblivious. Especially at the funeral for Timmy's Dad's Mom. - Young Jorgen prepares to cut off his wings like the rest of his family. - Jorgen and the Tooth Fairy talk about kids... and what it means for their respective bloodline responsibilities. - Binky and Jorgen check up on Unwish Island. Come say hi to Nega-Timmy, Imaginary Gary, Timantha, Super Bike, Super Toilet… and Evil Jimmy Neutron.
Read on FFN | Read these works on AO3
"We gonna party; make this moment last forever! We gonna party like our life has just begun... I feel swagnificent!" (x)
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msmargaretmurry · 10 months
Oh, to be a fly on the wall at last night’s rat family dinner 😂
TRULY, anon. the boys were STEAMED. and then they had to go to dinner with grandma and grandpa!!
honestly i feel bad for brady. he has had a tough time against matthew's hockey team lately 😂 i feel like the middle child vibes were out in full force last night and as a fellow middle child that always earns my sympathy. however that does not make any of what happened less funny. i am going to be riding the high of them yelling at each other trying to pick teammates to fight each other by proxy for days. they really both went out there and said hey fucko i'll fight your boyfriend and to me that's real sibling love.
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moroxxed · 1 year
Jimmy's impression of mumbo jumbo 💀 it sounded so good the first time I heard it then as I kept hearing it I was like that's just a Random British Man
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cubbihue · 1 month
kinda love that the changeling was meant to be a one off but we all ask questions about him now. same energy as a dm making a random npc for the one quest but the players grew attached to it so now the dm has to think about it more
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thatautisticemo · 6 months
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Grumpy worm... he acts like he hates it but we all know how much he loves it
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nylwnder · 9 months
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