#To acknowledging that not caring about winning or being better is one of best things about Pat
social-media-shy · 2 years
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I love this moment in ep 6 when Pat says, "thank you for saving Pa." It is such a turning point in their relationship. Until then, Pat has carried the guilt of not acting on that day near the river, and of Pran's transfer. He has constantly been trying to make it up to Pran, feeling like he owes him. And he has done a ton of stuff for Pran, but it has never felt monumental enough compared to the stuff Pran has done or gone through.
For Pat this was the moment he let go of all of that. And in a way Pran truly became one of his own, rather than an "other" he owes or has to make up stuff to. Recognising that all he ever needed to do was thank Pran. That there was nothing to feel inadequate or responsible for.
And while he told Pran that he thought about things from his perspective and Pran was put in the same position as him, so he could never hate him for any of it. Pat also finally gave himself that same consideration, empathy and kindness. Such a healing moment from the shit Pat's dad put him through. I love him. Iove them.
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anithesunshineoutlaw · 7 months
The Van der Linde Boys Romantic Headcanons
( Realistic, Includes: Dutch Van der Linde, Javier Escuella, Bill Williamson, Charles Smith, Lenny Summers, Micah Bell, Kieran Duffy )
Trigger Warning: Manipulation on Micah's part
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Dutch Van der Linde - Words of Affirmation/ Physical touch
• Dutch is one smooth man. He knows exactly how to hit right into your heart. And he does it well. But his honeyed words aren't the only thing charming about him. He does it unexpectedly most times, you never know when you'll have him take your hand and hold it like he's holding diamonds in his grasp. When he'll come from behind and hold you to him like you are everything he has ever wanted. When he will pull you into a slow dance and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. You never know.
He is patient though, he knows when to give you space and wait.
Javier Escuella - Words of Affirmation/ Physical touch, Acts of service
• Javier can basically be described as golden. While he is far from perfect, he emphasizes his good qualities so much, it's hard to see him as anything but the best. If he loves you, he will show it. He will shower you in compliments and treat you like the most precious gem on the Earth. While he would love showering you in affectionate nicknames and all that, he wouldn't go too fast. He takes things slow, takes his time winning you over. There are times he acts completely casual with you and then suddenly, he's treating you like royalty and placing a kiss on your hand as he rambles about how wonderful you are. It's a bit confusing sometimes.
Anyways, when he's calmer, he has other ways to show his love for you. Like sharing your work, he takes the hard part, you get the easy one. And for every mission he can, it's always like that. It's his way of showing his will to care for you and the ability to mutually grow together in the future.
Bill Williamson - Acts of service/ Quality time
• Bill is a little confused when it comes to romance. Frankly, he doesn't know how to act. He's trying, he really is but he's not good at it. He believes he has to proof himself to you so the only way he knows how to woo you is by taking care of things for you. He constantly works and does your job in order to get your attention. He will never admit he is searching for it and even if he receives your attention, he'll act as if he doesn't want it. But he does, if you acknowledge his efforts, it would keep him awake at night for the whole week.
He's very reclusive in a way but he tries to spend time with you without being obvious, he acts like it's all casual and friendly hangout but it means a lot more to him than that.
Charles Smith - Physical touch/ Acts of service
• Charles isn't very open about his affection. Not that he denies it but he doesn't talk about it often. So besides admiring you from afar, his way of revealing his care is by subtle touches. Holding your waist when passing by you, brushing his hand slightly against yours while you walk together, tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, you name it. He doesn't comment on his actions but it's often you see him smile slightly when he gets to interact with you. He's of course very careful and he would immediately stop if he notices it bothers you.
Another way he likes to show his love for you is by taking care of your work for you. He'll often take on your chores, help you with a mission or even offer to take your place for a task so you get to rest. It's his way of showing he values you.
Lenny Summers - Quality time
• Lenny's way of courting is most out of all spending time together. He would take every chance to see you and get into a conversation with you. He's a good listener and an even better charmer. His confidence and intelligent insight show off what he could offer to you but he also makes sure to express tenderness and vulnerability as to present himself the way he fully is and the way he hopes for you to accept him in the future. He wants to show he's always going to be upfront with you and that if it comes to it, he wouldn't shy away from fixing his flaws and working on himself. For you both.
He doesn't overwhelm you with compliments but he doesn't miss the chance to share his thoughts on everything he admires about you either. He would share what he sees in you but there's never pressure for you to reciprocate those feelings. You could brush him off and he would respect it just as he respects you.
Micah Bell - Words of affirmation/ "Acts of service"
• Micah as terrible as he is, knows how to play his cards right. He is manipulative and observant, if he wants you, he will use your deepest desire to get to you. So, of course his main love language would be words of affirmation. Lying is practically his second nature, he can easily envelope flattery with qualities you like and by the end of it, he would hope he'll have you wrapped around his finger.
However if that doesn't work, he has other ways. Such as acts of service. Make no mistake though, he won't actually help you. Not with anything important. He'll either do something himself and expect a reward from it because he did it for you or he'll actually help you with a minor inconvenience and expect to be treated as your hero. Nothing in between.
Kieran Duffy - Quality time/ Words of affirmation
• Kieran isn't exactly the most bold with his approach yet at the same time he wants to express his love for you somehow. So as nervous as he may feel, he would share just how perfect you are to him. In a slightly childish way, but he means well. He would trust you so he would hang around you the most. Sometimes it's like you are being followed by a lost puppy but really, he just likes your company and he wants to enjoy it as long as possible.
He would admittedly be a little awkward sometimes as he would try to probably impress you in some way. He seems the type to get into his crush's interests so he would most definitely try a hobby you enjoy for himself. He may not like it but he would still show interest towards your feelings about it. He likes listening to you ramble so he often ends up staying quiet and staring at you with a certain lovestruck gaze. Before of course hurriedly replaying once it's his turn to speak.
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books-and-omens · 1 year
God. I. I absolutely cannot sleep. And it’s nearly morning.
Aziraphale, no.
Aziraphale. You are being manipulated. You are being showered with praise and acceptance that you have never received before, not like this. You are being told that you did extremely well, that you are the best of the best. This is *deliberate*. Metatron has never been on your side, he is telling you exactly what you want to hear. What you’ve been craving for the last four years, and for the six thousand years prior.
But they have plans for you, Aziraphale. They want you Upstairs so that you could do exactly what they need.
Aziraphale, stop.
(I’ll have to rewatch this. Have to collect the instances where Aziraphale is looking for approval. Fiercely hoping for approval. Throughout history, yes, and recently, too: those telephone calls after the Armageddon’t where he wanted Crowley to witness the good he’d s been doing. That burning need to tell someone that he did well and to hear it acknowledged.
Oh, Aziraphale is not at all taking his retirement from Heaven well.)
You know what, I think Aziraphale is absolutely coming undone by the end. That process is certainly in full swing by the ball.
Because seriously.
The ball. The absolute fabulous madness of it. The drapery. The chandelier. Aziraphale going all-out with the miracles, retreating to the safety of Jane Austen where things go right and love prevails.
(Inviting Crowley to dance, too. Pulling him by the hand.)
Notice, too, Aziraphale’s desperate insistence that things cannot possibly be as bad as Crowley thinks they are. What a level of denial. Everything is fine, he is telling himself. Everything will be fine. I’m setting everything up perfectly to explain the big miracle, to avoid the existential threat we are both facing. We will be fine, nothing will really have to change, and I will still have Crowley.
(Oh, the vehemence. Close your eyes and pretend you are in another century. Don’t open them. Do not open them. Everything is fine.)
Aziraphale is not handling retirement from Heaven well, but that’s only one of the things that are happening, isn’t it.
The danger to both of them is real. Crowley, too, is under existential threat (which Shax has helpfully reminds Aziraphale of, of course she does). They are not safe; they will never be safe while they are exiles, while Heaven and Hell can threaten both of them on a whim, while shining archangels can drop by at any point.
So what Metatron is offering at the very end is the power to do good and be appreciated, but also safety. You can be safe, he promises, your demon can be safe. You can even be with him, just as you are now—except you won’t be powerless against the rest of the world.
You won’t have to be fugitives, not any more. Not like you are now.
(It’s a lie. We know it’s a lie.
And Metatron must know full well that Crowley would never accept the terms as stated.)
They witness another thing, of course. Gabe and Beez. Their happily-ever-after.
There in the moment, Crowley is probably looking at them and thinking: we could do this. We could go off together. Yes?
Except this kind of a happy ending, Gabe and Beez being left alone but exiled, wouldn’t be a happy ending for Aziraphale and Crowley.
They’ve been in this exact place before. “We can go off together!”
And as before, this won’t work.
They have the Earth. They care about the Earth a lot, both of them. Aziraphale wants to win approval, yes, but he also very sincerely wants to make things better, to do what’s right, to be the change. And he wants, too, to win safety for him and Crowley. Wants them to be together, side by side; wants that to be allowed.
Wants them to do the right thing together. To have the power to do the right thing.
And everything they have built together falls apart.
Fucking Hell.
Stop the elevator between the floors. Get out. Get the fuck out. Get back.
Angel. You haven’t even seen what Crowley has seen in Heaven. What they were planning. What they need you for.
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legendoftherisingtide · 11 months
Bakugou is a prideful, arrogant person. He holds himself to the highest standard; he is the best and everyone else is simply below him. Everything he has ever done was in pursuit of being number one, shining above the rest. He has to have a perfect victory, he has to be a perfect student, he has to win to save.
He pushes and pushes and won’t let anyone see his weaknesses or his insecurities. He can never lose, he can never fail, he can never show that he regrets or hesitates or that he hasn’t thought everything through. He must never be vulnerable in every sense of the word.
Then why is he standing in the rain.
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To apologize shouldn’t be a sacrifice, but it is for Bakugou. To pour his feelings, to admit his wrong, to let down all of the walls he has built and be vulnerable. And in front of his whole class.
He is willing to sacrifice his pride, to fully sacrifice any superiority he could have, to bare his soul and even risk rejection. Because he knows Midoriya is more important. Because he wants him to come home, he wants him to know his true feelings, because he wants things to change. 
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Because Midoriya has changed him. Midoriya has opened his eyes; by showing him he’s allowed to be open, that his feelings should be expressed, that he has so much to learn, and so much of that was learned through Midoriya just existing.
He isn’t sacrificing his safety frivolously because he’s expected to as a hero; he is doing it because he has grown. He is doing it because he has finally admitted to himself that he wants Midoriya to be with him and safe.
So I will sacrifice this for you. Not because it will change anything, as much as I want that I know that I can’t just fix all the wrong with just this. And I am willing to do as much as it takes to earn your forgiveness. But I don’t need that from you, not now and not ever if you don’t want that, I just need you to rest. I did so much wrong. And I am sorry for everything. You don’t have to do this alone. Lean on us. You are so strong and being supported doesn’t discount that. You’ve taught me that. 
I hate the rain. But I will brave it for you. 
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He would do everything in his power, admit so many things, just to get Midoriya to take care of himself. We see him being the most vulnerable he has ever been in front of people that aren’t Midoriya. He does so much completely out of character, all in pursuit of being there for Midoriya. 
For Izuku.
He finally gets over himself and finally tells Midoriya the feelings he has felt for so long.
He lets go of this idea he is inherently better and finally acknowledges that his hatred for Midoriya has always been about his own shortcomings and insecurities. But he still wants to be better, they are still rivals. He isn’t going to sacrifice that part of him because that is just who he is; he is still going to push to number one.
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But now it���s different.
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There is verbal and vocal acceptance and respect. Before it was unspoken; their relationship had changed ever since Ground Beta. They were proper rivals, with mutual respect and care, they were actively making each other better.
But Bakugo finally verbalizes it and tells Midoriya, not only is he sorry, but he wants to actually have a proper friendship; he wants to continue to become better and earn his forgiveness. He wants them to push each other to be better, he wants to continue to fight for the top spot, he still wants to be the best.
But when did it become something else? 
When was the turning point when it started to shift from wanting to surpass Midoriya and be the best, to wanting to keep up with Midoriya and stay by his side?
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Bakugou has already sacrificed himself for Midoriya before. His body moved on its own; with no hesitation, he would save Midoriya. He has already risked his life for him. But there is a layer to it that I don’t think people talk about. 
He tells Midoriya he shouldn’t try to win this on his own. 
He disguises his concern with an insistence that he’s in it to fight for himself when he initially joins the battle. But it is to fight by Midoriya’s side and support him.
But taking the hit for Midoriya, jumping in the way isn’t just support. This is sacrifice. This is giving yourself to ensure the safety of someone. And it was second nature. 
There are two reasons and both are a sacrifice of something in the moment.
It is knowing someone is so valuable, so great, in all senses of the word, that they must be protected. Bakugou is sacrificing his body and admitting that Midoriya needs to stay alive, for personal reasons and/or for the world. He needs Midoriya to be okay, Midoriya can’t fight alone and Bakugou will do anything to make sure he will be okay. 
But the sacrifice of ideology. 
With every development, he has relinquished parts of himself. When he sacrifices himself he is not only sacrificing his body but is admitting that he can’t do this on his own; he needs Midoriya too. This isn’t him wanting to be better than Midoriya, it’s him wanting to do it together.
Midoriya changed him.
He doesn’t die for Midoriya. He wakes up and just as his last thought was Midoriya, so was his first as he woke up. He runs to his side. People are dragging him back, trying to have him rest, knowing before he even said anything that he would lose his mind over Midoriya’s situation. 
Everyone sees how Bakugou feels about Midoriya.
He sacrifices himself because Midoriya can not die on him. Midoriya has to stay alive. Midoriya has to keep fighting. 
There can not be a world that doesn’t have him in it.
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This is the culmination of what has been developing ever since the final exam where Bakugou finally works with Midoriya; the day that win to save, save to win was noticed. Then furthered after Ground Beta where they finally talked to each other and something changed within them both.
But the final sacrifice is the culmination of Bakugou’s character.
He knows what this decision will mean. Everyone screams for him not to. He knows that he is going to die. He knows he will not win this fight.
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This isn’t dying for the cause. This isn’t just a hero complex. This is because he can help Midoriya and he will. This is for Izuku.
I will sacrifice myself for you. To give you more time, to give you even the slightest chance of winning. I will sacrifice myself for you because you are who can win. I am going to die. I am going to die and in my final thoughts, I will ask if I will still be able to be by your side.
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It is no longer can I beat you. It is no longer can I surpass you. It is can I still catch up to you. It is can I still even be equal to you. He has already sacrificed the idea that he could beat Midoriya, that isn’t what he wants anymore. What he wants is to stay here with him.
I will sacrifice everything I am. I have wanted to be the best. All my life I have wanted to surpass you and everyone around me. But you. I will let that go for you. I let it go in my mind for so long now and I have never wanted to admit it. Is it even possible? Is it even possible for me to catch up to you? Is it even possible for me to stay by your side. I can’t be that anymore. I am sacrificing even that now. I will never be number one now. I will never become the person I always dreamed to be. I will never surpass you. I am forever sacrificing that now. I will die here.  
But can I still be with you?
The sacrifice of his life is him fully relinquishing everything he is, admitting that he can’t keep up, losing all of the progress he has made, letting go of everything that made up his character.
And the last thing on his mind is if he can still be able to be by Midoriya’s side.
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He won’t let him go again. 
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lou-0111 · 28 days
Dating Clarisse La Rue would include:
you’d be her top priority. she’d go to great lengths to keep you safe, expect her to step in and defend you without a second thought if she feels you’re being threatened or disrespected.
in public Clarisse comes across as tough and abrasive, but in private, she defo has a soft spot for you. 
she might struggle to express her emotions with words, but her actions will speak volumes. she’ll show her affection through small gestures—like making sure you’re comfortable, sharing things she cares about, or simply being there when you need her.
forget the usual dinner-and-a-movie routine—dating Clarisse means going on adrenaline-pumping adventures. She’ll take you on hikes, sparring sessions, and quests that test your limits and bring you closer together
Clarisse values strength, and that doesn’t just mean physical power. She respects you for your own unique strengths, whether they’re in combat, intellect, or something else entirely. 
even though she knows most people are scared of her, she’d expect you to stand your ground and not back down, even when she’s in one of her fiery moods. In return, she’ll respect your boundaries and opinions, even if she doesn’t always agree with them.
Clarisse might not be the most affectionate person, but she shows she cares in ways that are meaningful to her. she’ll remember small details, like your favorite weapon to use or how you like your armor polished. she’ll share her victories with you and might even let you in on her vulnerabilities, which she doesn’t show to just anyone.
training would be a big part of your relationship. Clarisse would love to train with you, not just because she enjoys a good fight, but because it’s one of the ways she connects with people. She’d push you to be your best, but she’d also be there to pick you up when you fall.
in rare, quiet moments, you’d get to see a side of Clarisse that she keeps hidden from most people. She might cuddle with you after a long day, offer you her jacket when it’s cold, or share a quiet conversation by the campfire. These moments are precious because they show how much she trusts you.
Clarisse would be incredibly proud of your achievements. Whether you win a battle, complete a difficult quest, or just have a personal victory, she’d be the first to acknowledge it, even if it’s in her own understated way. You might get a nod, a pat on the back, or a quiet “Well done,” but coming from her, it means the world.
Clarisse’s temper can be a challenge. She’s quick to anger, especially when she feels someone she cares about is being hurt. While she’s working on managing her anger, there will be times when it flares up. It’s important to understand that her anger isn’t directed at you, and with time, she’ll learn to communicate better.
despite the challenges, dating Clarisse would forge an incredibly strong bond between the two of you. she’d be your partner in every sense of the word—someone you can rely on, fight alongside, and share your victories and losses with. Once you’ve earned her love, it’s a love that will stand the test of time and any trials you might face together.
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solarwynd · 20 days
You know i get this sense of satisfaction that when BTS reunites jm will be one of the members who did GREAT musically on his own as a solo artist without anyone's help you know like big names on his album or anything and that he indeed is someone whose music armys love. For years i have seen members not putting him in anything as #1 e.g. best vocalist jungkook, best dancer hobi, handsome ones taehyung and jin, RM has his fixed one as the leader and since he's quite a better writer than the rest. Not saying members don't praise jm for anything cause i know they all know he indeed is the centre of their performances and as RM said he's the axis around which the stage revolves BUT i always felt like maybe musically they wouldn't be crediting him much like they never saw him good musician as a soloist but now that he's achieved great things with his Albums I'm sure he himself would not feel any inferiority compared to others or that he won't be as good enough as a BTS member as he quite worried himself that if he can keep that name on top n all.
I by no means feel the need to show any other members down cause to each their own I quite don't care about what are all they achieving i just wanted for jimin to feel that yes he's achieved things the same as BTS as the group did. He would be a #1 BB artist, #1 on sp, #1 hot 100, BB global, BB Excel everything plus the 1M in the US, he's already got 1B for one song and hopefully when till the time he comes back he'll have two 2B plaques waiting for him. I hope he feels satisfied that he did great with the music he himself wanted and he was involved in everything. And that definitely will give him more confidence. I know that tour is gonna happen not just jm but every member will do that's a given but oh the happiness he gonna feel looking at those people 🥹 i still remember his expressions when he won on music show like he genuinely cherishes each and every win, there's no arrogance in him where he thinks He's BTS's member so he'll always be on top or anything. The anticipation on his face that day told me how he cherishes even a small win and i feel good that i chose him.
Yes, Jimin’s already shown renewed confidence in all his abilities. I do hope that BTS grow out of their set roles that they’ve been holding onto since debut and allow for some change into their group dynamics where creativity is concerned. Like after FACE and MUSE, if he doesn’t get more production/composer credits on their songs it’s just a wasted opportunity, cause Jimin knows how to make hits.
He doesn’t need the validation of the other members of being multifaceted , but acknowledgment that he’s more than just “cute” and a dancer, would go a long way.
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writingwithfolklore · 7 months
Taking Notes from Editors
I did a post on giving and receiving feedback, but now that I’ve been an editor for a little longer, I’d like to do a follow up on taking feedback specifically from professional editors.
                While ultimately writers are the rulers of their work and can make the final decisions on it, there's a lot of growth in your manuscript to be found by trusting your editor and taking their notes. As an editor, it’s my job to make your work as good as it can possibly be. It’s also my job to maintain your style and voice and make sure everything you do best shines the brightest.
                We’ve studied and practiced this goal. So the biggest thing I want to impart on you is:
1. Trust your editor
Go into the process with the mindset that you'll accept at least 85% of the edits your editor suggests. When another editor works on my writing, I accept about 95% of it, sometimes %100 (for shorter pieces).
Writers sometimes get hung up on the smallest changes an editor tries to make. Be careful not to be too precious, allow your work to be explored from a different perspective and lens.
You can always keep a separate doc that has your original piece, it doesn’t go away or get ruined when an editor works on it. While it's your work in the end, it's helpful to go into it with an open mind. Often feedback you may have never considered is the key to really elevating your piece. Make some room for your editor's opinion and expertise, trust your editor.
2. Choose your battles
If you are going to reject a suggestion, I recommend it be something really worth going to bat for. Choose your battles, and choose only the biggest ones. You ultimately know your work best, so fight only for the stuff you believe is integral to keeping the same.
This will be an easier battle to win if you’ve already accepted the vast majority of other suggestions. Does it really matter if your main character’s name is Jolene or Veronica? Maybe not, so take that suggestion so you can afford to keep her queerness, or the subplot about her mother, etc.
But going back to the trust your editor idea, don’t think about it as a battle. We are not on opposite sides, we’re both fighting for the same thing—to make your work the best it can be. Respectfully acknowledge a suggestion you don’t like, give it a day or two to think on it, and then decide if that’s something you’d really like to advocate for.
As an editor, when a writer has a solid justification for rejecting a suggestion it helps me understand their work better, and builds trust between us.
3. It’s okay you’re not perfect
Sometimes as a writer receiving feedback, my impulse is to be embarrassed I’ve done something ‘wrong’. Then, of course, I go to defend myself or justify it or attack. We don’t like feeling threatened, and it can cause some high tempers and nasty disagreements in the editing world.
It’s really important that you recognize that impulse to defend yourself, and choose not to react to it.
By that I mean, if you feel yourself getting defensive over a piece of feedback—take a deep breath, don’t answer it right away. You don’t need to explain yourself. Think on it for a bit, just try it out. See what happens when you make that change. If you still hate it, think about why. If you’re just rejecting it on impulse, you’re probably in that “defend” state.
                You’re not being attacked, and you’re not a bad writer. It’s okay if you’ve made a decision that didn’t land, or a mistake that’s kind of embarrassing.
                As an editor, I can assure you that I don’t judge my writers. Ever. When I make suggestions, it’s from a pure ‘just trying to help’ standpoint, and I really appreciate when my writers are open to my suggestions and ideas and accept or reject my suggestions with friendliness and grace.
                I’m not a super experienced editor in any way, but if anyone has any questions about the editing process, the job, or anything else about it, I will do my best to answer!
Next post we're going to talk about when to reject a suggestion or feedback because the editor/reader isn't always right. Follow to catch that when it's out!
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georgegraphys · 1 month
Wasn't gonna talk about F1 today and continue posting Erling and football stuff but...
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The fuck is his problem?
It is ONE thing to acknowledge that Logan Sargeant might not be the best driver in Formula One but it is ANOTHER thing to say unnecessary things like this.
I don't fully know the context and I hope someone can educate me on the context better. Like was he asked about this that prompted him to answer the question with such an answer or was he just simply being a bitch? But nonetheless, there are millions of better ways to answer a question without such a statement. Provoked or not this is rude as fuck. Unless he got baited, he is still a dick for this type of answer.
Me or you don't need to be a Logan fan to know that this statement is unnecessarily stupid and bitchy from James Vowles. Logan is still his driver. What the fuck with the continuous disrespect? Does James Vowles know that regardless of the performance or merit his employee brings to the team, it is still HIS job to give respect to his employee? Because it is literally his decision to bring Logan in to the team for 2024. He can't be a dick to his own choice. That's stupid. If he wants to boot Logan out of the team then do it since 2023??? But instead of doing that, he pulled the angelic caring dad-figure TP bullshit PR move. Instead of also bringing closure to Logan's future in F1, he kept playing unnecessary mind games, being arrogant, continuously disrespecting his employee, thinking that his F1 team is an important big team when they currently have nothing except the remnants of their past glory? They can never return to their glory if they keep this arrogant act up. "Oh Ari but it's the leader only-" a leader reflects on how the institution works, he leads the team, his behaviour reflects on the organizational behaviour and culture. If he fails to set the right example to a basic human respect and has a basic human decency, don't expect him to be able to apply it on his team accurately.
I can't think of any great team principals right now. But I can only think of one thing.
This man. He acts like he can guarantee a 100% bounce back for Williams and he acts like he 100% did everything for Williams when he also fed on Jost Capito's hardworking. This arrogant man really thinks he is Pep Guardiola or Jose Mourinho type of boss who can jump shoot a team to success. Someone needs to humble him up. He has zero business to disrespect anyone on his team while acting like his team is the BIG championship winning powerhouse team that they are currently not. His team is still considered a backmarkers and he is doing all this already? Wonder how he'll act when Williams starts being in the middle or on the front row?
To any JVowles shooters out there that might be angry with my rants? Today, he did this to Logan. Tomorrow, it could be your driver. Just because your driver is currently in his good graces, doesn't mean this mf will never pull such shit on them. He would. Maybe one day. Who knows? It's behavioural.
Just because Logan Sargeant is NOT performing well or up to Formula One's standard, DOES NOT mean this mf can speak like this. "Oh but it's harsh tru-" Harsh truth is said directly to the person involved, public humiliation and saying these things to the media is a pathetic act of cowardice. James Vowles gives no respect to one of his employees and he'll do the same thing to another person in the future. Why so? If you can't give bare minimum respect to one person, you'll fail to give others the same thing. No matter how big or small
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d34dlysinner · 1 year
Angst time 😀🔫
How would the King reactions be if MC died on the battlefield.They won the war but they lost the one thing that meant dear to them?
Tw: mentions of suicide.
He held your lifeless body close to him as everything around him started to settle. He knows that he should feel proud about winning. He should feel haply that it's done, but did he really win when he lost you? He should have done better, he should have protected you better. His mind was a mess and it was conveyed through his moods. Demons were already used to his mood swings, but they only got worse the moment you died on the battlefield. If Satan could he would have started a war again, but he knew that he would lose more and make the situation worse. Sitri even talked him out of it multiple times.
He at times also wished that he could join you or revive you, but something like that also wasn't simple. His nobles, in the meantime try everything they could to either get you back or to calm Satan down. He is known for being a violent, angry yet kind king. Now everyone knows him for being constantly violent and emotionless. His kindness and controlled self faded each time with his mood swings. And each time his mood swings became worse because of your unfair and sudden absence.
He couldn't understand how you died on the battlefield when all of them tried their best to block you from the attacks. Somehow you still were killed at the end. He couldn't shed a tear at the situation as his anger overpowered his sadness. He scolded and even accused some others for not protecting you well enough.
Eventually when he calmed down he decided to put your resting place on the spot you died. It was the last place he saw you alive and he wants to keep the memory that you existed.
His nobles tried to cheer him up, but the benevolent king couldn't feel happy knowing that he somehow still lost. He started getting more greedy with his possessions, especially ones he gave to you. Whatever he gave to you should stay yours. He didn't want anyone to taint or steal it. Thus he let's only trusted demons guard your grave and only a select few visit your grave stone. He didn't care if anyone else wanted to see you because "they loved you" he only wants demons there he could trust well enough to respect the state of your grave. He will punish anyone that disrespected you.
He blames himself. He should've stuck to you as glue. He knew that you were human and thus not as tough as the demons or angels and he still left to do other things and defend others. He thought someone else would protect you well enough.
He decided to have a special day in Avisos to remember you by. He would feast that day and thank you for what you have contributed in his life. At times even wishing for your revival or some sort of reincarnation to happen, but he knows that a reincarnation wouldn't be the same as having you back again.
He could never forget what he said that day and even fears forgetting you after centuries.
He watched your pale form and his bloodied hands trying to keep you alive as they pressed over the wound. He knew that you were gone, but refused to acknowledge this. He was angered. He wished that he never met you if he knew that this was going to be your fate. He wished that he could've protected you better and kept you alive. He wished that he could've killed or even tortured the angels that did this to you before they could've touched an hair of your form.
He gave you a proper burial. He seemed emotionless at times and very introverted to others. This only intensified when you died. His trusted demons knew what he was thinking as he even tried to join you at times. He knew that he should be happy about the war being done, but he couldn't handle losing you. He was jealous that you left him alone in his kingdom. He wished he could've followed you. He even started to think about his role as king. Since the war was done he shouldn't be needed anymore, is what he would think each time. He tried finding excuses to be with you again. The demons in Hades stop him each time. They love their king too much for this too happen. And they all would try and find ways to get you back.
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ladythot · 1 year
Since it is 🌸national gf day🌸 I'm gonna drop a few hcs on what the baki men would do/take you out on during hapi hapi girlfie day. I've changed my writing style bc I became xtra lazy. Happy singles day!!!
Also, a weird combination of characters bc they're all whatever I'm feeling for as of now
Genre; fluff—no proofread
— At those fancy restaurants with overpriced menus and exquisite dishes, you'd feel out of place among the rich patrons dining. Those neat walls and dimly sourced lights, then the haughty demeanor that make you feel like you don't belong under the rich roof. Your table would be the one piled-high with every imaginable delicacy, like you were the only one capable of making a dent in their mountain of good food; but at the end of the day, it's not so much about the amount of food served but rather the message that they send—a clear demonstration of their wealth and status meant to be overlooked when it comes to your expense. Everything isn't a huge deal for these two. Same goes for every store you'd wanna buy shit from
— Typical perfect boyfriend stuff. Would plan on doing something special for you by either preparing a nice meal or taking you out for a picnic and having a cheesy picnic by watching the beautiful moonlit sky of Japan, or going out to watch a movie, enjoy a shopping spree or just doing anything you desired at the time. He's skilled at arranging memorable occasions for your sake.
— Despite his aversion to celebrations or any important day, Katou does make an effort for those that he truly cares about. He's not the best at planning events, but he certainly takes note of their birthdays and any other special days that they have, making sure to acknowledge them in his own way. But national girlfriend's day, specifically, is something he wishes he could do better motives from. It's bad enough that he doesn't show much affection towards you and he just wishes he could do better.
— he's literally the worst at it but that doesn't mean he's not willing to show a peek of his love and affection. Instead, he tries to make up for it by doing things he's not accustomed to; such as being more reserved—trying to hold you close, and showing signs of general intimacy. Even if his actions may not be as overall smooth or polished as others', it's clear that he cares deeply for you and is willing to put in the effort to prove it. And if you wanna go somewhere, yeah he'll do just that. He'll be a dog for the day
— Simple pleasures. Suedo prioritizes making you smile over anything else. His go-to spot for the fun is usually amusement parks, arcades, or any other setting reminiscent of childhood joy/healing. He's not one for the high life, but he'll do his best to win you as many prizes as possible.
— Plans to treat you to a luxurious experience such as dining at a fancy restaurant, but his cash prevents him. Though, he mainly prioritizes spending quality time with you somewhere scenic that features cherry blossoms as they hold a special place in his heart and it doesn't have to be all money for him; cherry blossoms symbolize importance to him—so he only shares this kind of sight with the people that hold tremendous significance to him.
Happy national gf day ty for listening to my cheesy bullshit :sob:
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Hello could you do yandere bayverse tmnt x reader poly headcanon please, like how they first meet the reader, how they share the reader, do they fight over there reader, how they finally got the reader, does April, casey, and vern help them, does or how the reader escape them ect.
Poly! Yandere! Bayverse! TMNT X Reader General Headcanons
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Authors note: okay so first off, the request was a lot of different topics but I decided to just put them all one one post with different categories. Adding the categories makes it easier to hone in on each question. And second, the song I picked for how they are with reader is actually more based off of Mikey and Raph. I don’t think Donnie or Leo would be that open about it. But I couldn’t really find one that suited them. Sorry. Anyway, I hope you like it! And sorry it took me so long to get to it!
How you met:
With them being who they are.. there’s a couple ways they could have met the reader.
First one is they simply see you during their patrols. They see you walking home and just fall in love with you or..
They could save you. They could be out doing patrols or on a mission and hear you cry for help from being mugged. And when they go to save you.. they fall in love. Or..
April and or Casey introduces you to them. They didn’t know it would end in such a dark way but maybe thought you all would be friends.
And for as how they get you, they end up kidnapping you after a long conversation. I don’t think Donnie or Mikey would like the idea but they end up falling in line with Raph and Leo who do think that it’s the best way.
How they share you:
It won’t be easy. Especially with Raph and Leo.
Mikey is really clingy and wouldn’t mind sharing you but would still be glued to your side while you hang out with others. Unless you asked him to go away. He wouldn’t go if his brothers asked him. It would have to lead to a bit of a spat and them raising their voice. Then he’d pout and give in.
Donnie could share you probably the easiest. Not that he didn’t absolutely love having you around but he’d have times that he’s better on his own, aka, when he’s working. When he’s inventing things or doing experiments he’d prefer you be safe with one of his brothers so you don’t get hurt.
Raph is a mix of both.. there’s times he can be without you but that doesn’t mean he likes it when others are with you. He’s insanely jealous. If he sees others getting to close to you (especially Leo) he will get angry and ask if he’s bothering you. If you say no, he will huff and begrudgingly stomp away. If you say yes, prepare for the them to brawl over you. He’s also insanely protective. Once he’s reminded that they agreed to share you and that no one’s going to hurt you, he can calm down again and allow it. But he still doesn’t like it.
Leo will follow you around much like Mikey will but more in a protective way. While Mikey will follow you around like a homeless puppy looking for cuddles, Leo prefers to follow you around to observe you and others around you. He wants to know you’re always safe and happy and cared for. It’s what he lives for. He’d be hurt if you said you didn’t like it or didn’t want him doing it anymore. He would take that as a rejection of him completely. But he is patient and understanding. So he can share you but he won’t leave you.
Does April or Casey help?:
Honestly.. April might. She would either help the turtles get you or “not want to be involved” but she wouldn’t call the cops or help you. I mean it wouldn’t be smart for one petite girl to go up against 4 giant turtles who know martial arts. She wouldn’t help you.
Casey might help you. He would either acknowledge it is wrong but wouldn’t fight the turtles or he would actively try to get you out of there. But if he picked the ladder.. he wouldn’t win. He would end up being 💀 before the sun rose. The turtles don’t play around when it comes to you.
Could you escape?:
I’m gonna be honest, you’re not leaving. Not when Leo nor Mikey refuses to leave your side. There isn’t an opportunity for you to even escape let alone it actually being successful. So basically once they fall in love with you.. your life is pretty much over.
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retromotherfuckers · 2 months
If You Win Or Lose
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morgan winchester (OC), john winchester, sam and dean are only mentioned, will mciver (OC)
after the death of the boy she loves, morgan runs away. but nothing lasts forever.
SPN typical alcohol abuse & violence, themes of mental illness, parental abuse, MAJOR gaslighting, character death. please let me know if i missed anything
Word Total:
you don't need to read When The Sun Sets to understand this. this is a one shot within that universe, but it predates that series, and also the show itself
it is of my humble opinion that john was an abuser, even if the show refused to acknowledge that. this is essentially an insight into his and morgan's relationship
so yeah, this one ain't too happy. i don't think i'm capable of writing happy shit 💀
morgan may have fallen in love w a dude but our girl is not straight
italics are flashbacks or thoughts
dean: 19, morgan: 18, sam: 15
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Four fingers of whiskey fill and drain over and over. In the shitty hotel bar, she sat up against the decaying oak wall in a flimsy chair. A hazy world surrounded her, everything moving in slow motion. The few other stragglers had no notion of what was brewing in her mind - the darkness that shrouded her eyes, making colors look muted in the small neighborhood. It seemed no one knew how much she depended on the amber liquid to keep things still.
Morgan had been around people all her life, but she'd never once felt a real kind of companionship with them. She knew her brothers cared because they had to; she knew they tried. She just wished that when they asked if life was okay, they'd somehow know her answer was bullshit. That they'd somehow cut off the lies spilling from her lips and just say that they know.
But Sammy was only fifteen. He wasn't old enough to really be able to tell, and if he could, she was the older sister. What she said was what he believed. And Dean was Dean. Not the best emotional support person.  
They never did catch it, and that was the point. As long as she said she was fine, they believe it because that's what they want to hear. They didn't want to know that she hadn't felt like her home was her home in years. Even if that home was the rumble of an engine and cassettes so loud, she couldn't hear herself think. 
They didn't know that she had done things only the lowest of the low would even think of just to keep moving. They don't want to know that the only reason she got out of bed was so she could ease the hangover from the night before. They didn't want to know how hard it was to ask when it was her turn for anything better than this and to keep getting ignored. They didn't want to know that her real reason for living was gone but that his dying wish was for her to keep going. 
"Just promise me you'll try."
They didn't want to know that sometimes she could hurt so bad that she stopped feeling anything at all. That she knew her heart was still beating, but her lungs had stopped pumping oxygen. That waiting for her eyes to stop feeling so heavy while she watched the world spin was worse than actually being a part of it. And even with all that frigid emptiness, there was a widening hole in her chest where a person used to be. And now that he was gone, the ceiling was about to cave in, and all she had left to hold it up was a little white bag and a bottle.
"Where the hell have you been?" The familiar voice broke her from her thoughts, the same that had been repeating for months, on and off, like a scratched record. She didn't have to look up to see who it was. She knew that voice. It's half of the voices that raised her, but not the one who deserved the credit.
She didn't acknowledge him, stuck staring at her drink. His voice made her shiver, and she was too much of a damn coward to face him. "Around."
"Really?" John said, his tone hardening with her one-word response. "'Cause to me, it looks like you ran away and went missing like a child. For. Two. Months."
She took a large gulp of her drink, almost downing the whole thing in one go. She had rehearsed this conversation countless times, waiting for the flash of civilian life to end and for him to find her. But now that it was happening, she felt like a fishing boat in a storm, tossed around by waves of fear and wrath.
Her father's gaze was oppressive, cold, and unyielding. Green eyes cut into her, making her feel like he was staring right through her. She always felt small around him. He had always known the right words to use to humiliate her.
"Let's go," He ordered, not even sitting down. It was like he knew this wasn't even a discussion to be had. She would obey, and that was the end of it. "The boys are waiting."
"Dad," Morgan began, her voice shaky and horse. "I'm not going back."
She could imagine John's lips curled into a sneer as his eyes bore into her. Daring her to defy him more. "You don't get a choice. You're coming. That's final."
Morgan felt a surge of anger. "Why can't you just let me be? I know what's good for me more than you do."
John stepped closer, his face inches from hers. "You belong with your family, not out here alone when we're not there to protect you. I taught you better than that."
It wasn’t praise. John Winchester wouldn’t know praise if it bit him in the ass. He did teach her better than that, and since she’s deliberately not following orders, she’s less than worthless.
She recoiled slightly, the familiar pang of anxiety twisting in her gut. "This isn't about family, dad, it's about-" She fumbled over her words, unsure if she could say it, but hoping for some surge of courage she hadn't had her whole life. "It's about how you can't stand that I'm walking around without you making my own decisions. You just wanna control me-"
John's hand lashed out, slapping the counter beside her, making her visibly flinch and effectively cutting her off. "After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me? I don't need to control you; you need me to do it. To keep you alive," he sneered. "And the running away from your shit and pretending we don't exist just proves it."
Morgan's eyes welled with tears, but she refused to let them fall. "Everything you've done," Her voice shook as she spoke. "You've done for yourself and your twisted little fantasy of finding the thing that killed Mom."
He grabbed her wrist, his grip like a vise. "Oh, yeah? And what do you think you can do to stop me?" She yanked her arm free, the skin already bruising. His eyes narrowed, and for a moment, she thought she saw a flicker of doubt. But then his expression hardened, and he took a step closer, his shadow enveloping her. "You're making a big mistake, Morgan. You'll regret this."
She took a deep breath, her resolve wavering. The sooner she got away, the better. "The only mistake I made was not getting out earlier."
As she turned to leave, John's hand shot out, grabbing her shoulder and keeping her still. His voice was low and twisted with fury. The deep growl and the warmth of his breath in her ear made chills run up her spine.
"You think you can just walk away from me?"
Morgan's heart sank into her stomach. It wasn't a threat, but she could feel one coming. Her strength was slipping away, the familiar terror clawing at her mind. She'd never be able to hide from him for too long. Just look at her now, it had only been two months.
She was smart. But John was smarter.
"You're coming home, whether you like it or not." He took her stunned stillness as his queue to spin her around, forcing her chin up to look at him. She'd probably have marks on her jaw from how tight he was holding her. "You're really gonna leave us to fend for ourselves? You're so damn selfish-"
"I haven't been selfish a day in my fucking life-"
Her father scoffed as if that was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard. "Well, by your logic, you're picking the wrong time to start." He got closer if it was even possible, and he looked at her like she was the dirt he loved to walk over. "Will's dead, Mo, and it's your fault. I told you not to go on that hunt alone, but what did you fucking do? You ignored me, like always. When are you gonna learn that you need me? Boy-Toy's not coming back, you saw to that. Stop wasting everyone's time and get over it."
Boy-Toy. That's all John saw him as now. Even though he liked to call Will's parents the closest people he had to friends besides Uncle Bobby. 
Will had been with them for a year and a half when his parents died. They were helping him look for his aunt, the only family he had left. Only problem was they only knew her first name and that she was his mother's sister. So Will, Morgan and Sam searched for his aunt, while John and Dean searched for the demon.
For a while, things were okay. John was slightly more neutral when Will was around, starting fewer arguments and hitting them less. But when he walked in on them hooking up, Dean had to haul her father off of the boy. And then off of Morgan, too.
Two months ago, Morgan was desperate to prove herself to her father. Dean had already completed three solo hunts as a trial run. John wanted to see what he was capable of. Dean surpassed his expectations, as he always did. A rougarou, two vengeful spirits and a vampire taken care of in three weeks.
Will hadn't wanted to go on that hunt without help, but Morgan was frantic. She had to show her father what she was made of, but when Will discovered her plans, he was not going to let her do it alone. 
The air is thick with tension, each step bringing them closer to the lair of the wendigo they've been tracking for days. The forest is dense, moonlight barely piercing the thick canopy above. The silence of the night is broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl.
"Are you sure about this?" Will whispers, his voice barely audible.
Morgan turns to him, her blue eyes fierce and determined. "Yeah! We can do this, I swear."
They press on, the beam of their flashlights cutting through the darkness. Suddenly, a chilling growl echoes through the trees. Their hearts start racing as they tighten their grip on their chosen weapons. They're close.
The wendigo lunges out of the shadows, its eyes glowing with a malevolent type of starvation. Will fires his shotgun, but the creature is too fast. It knocks him to the ground, claws slashing through his shirt.
"Will!" Morgan screams, rushing to him. He struggles beneath the wendigo's weight, blood pooling from his wounds.
"Go!" He shouts, but his words are so garbled she hears her name, like a plea. "It's too strong!"
And Morgan can't leave him; he knows she would never. She swings her machete with all her strength, striking the creature's back. It howls in pain, momentarily distracted. Will uses the opportunity to push it off him, but the wendigo retaliates with a vicious swipe, its claws sinking deep into his chest.
"No!" Morgan drops to her knees beside Will as the wendigo retreats into the shadows. "No, no-"
Will's breathing is ragged, and he squeezes his eyes shut in distress. "Mo... I'm sorry..."
"Don't talk like that," she says, tears already streaming down her face. "You're gonna be okay, you'll be fine. We'll get you back to Dean. He'll know what to do."
Will reaches up, his hand trembling as he gently touches her cheek. His eyes are wet, too, but he quickly tries to hide the pain he's in. He graces her with a smile, but it's gone as fast as it appears. 
"Remember when Dean was giving me shit for how long my hair is?" He waits for her to nod. It doesn't take her so long to react because she doesn't remember. She takes a few extra seconds because she can't figure out why he's bringing that up right now. "You shut him up so fast," he says with a strained laugh. "You definitely liked me first."
Morgan chuckles through her tears, but the light memory doesn't last too long in her mind.
He's dying he's dying he's dying
"But I love you, Mo...please...remember that."
"Stop it. You don't get to say that as a goodbye," she demanded, but her voice didn't have the force to make it believable. "You're not allowed to tell me you love me and then die. It's not fair."
"I'll be okay," he rasps. "Just promise me you'll try. Promise me…" His voice fades from there. He has more he wants to say, Morgan can tell, but he used up all his strength.
"Will, please," She begs, her words cracking. "Don't-"
But Will's eyes flutter closed, his hand falls lifelessly to the ground, and Morgan screams.
She doesn't have it in her to set up a pyre. Will doesn't want that. He says it feels barbaric to him. He came from a hunting family and knew it was to prevent the possibility of becoming was a vengeful spirit, but he’s never wavered. He wants a real burial, like normal people have. He wants his family and friends there; they don't have to say anything, just be there.
"It just doesn't feel right, you know? We should be returned to the earth and all that crap. It's more…I don't know, peaceful."
Hours later, as dawn breaks, she buries him under an oak tree. She stands alone - yet another way she's letting him down. Her heart and mind are in tatters, her tears mingle with the soot. She can't face her family, not after what just happened. She can't bear her father’s inevitable punishment. Or her brothers’ pity. Or the possibility that they hate her for letting their friend die.
With one last look at the makeshift grave, Morgan turns and walks away, the shadows of the forest swallowing her whole. She doesn't know where she's going, only that she has to keep moving.
She looked into her father's eyes and saw the unyielding force of his will. In that moment, she knew she had lost.
Defeated, she lowered her gaze, closed her eyes and barely whispered, "Okay."
John's grip loosened slightly, a triumphant smile creeping across his face. Harder than necessary, he slapped her shoulder in appreciation. "Good girl. Now pack your shit. We're leaving in a half hour."
As Morgan turned towards the exit, she felt the weight of his victory settle over her like a cloak. The life she thought she might have wanted crumbled away, leaving only the cold, harsh reality of her father's world. She walked slowly, each step feeling like a surrender, her heart heavy with the knowledge that, for now, he had won.
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muffin-man-marq-lynch · 3 months
So you're MJF...
You're the up and coming prodigy, the future of wrestling in the company that's going to save wrestling, the 5'8" bullied ADHD riddled Jewish kid from Long Island who's going to prove them all wrong, except... You're 28 now, and your name doesn't show up in the '30 under 30' and hot new talent lists any more. The company you work for and tied your name to as a pillar gets talked about more as a joke of wasted potential and mismanagement these days than the shining beacon of the future, and 'the bidding war of 2024' is over. You won, you guess. (This is what winning feels like, right?)
You have no mentor, no friends, (stable, bodyguards, backup) just a long line of people you didn't let get close and people you let get too close that proved you right. You get asked about your legacy in a scrum that already feels like a lifetime ago, and say you don't need to build it: You've built it. Longest AEW world championship title reign (it is real it's real) Best dog collar match. Best iron man match. Best feuds.
But you're here. And you don't care what anyone says- ("I think Max is a very talented individual... but the grass is greener where you water it, and I think Max likes to shit where he eats") But you're here, for now.
And yeah, you might be a little... Uninspired. But you can be Useful. You've always been good at being Useful. You're a draw, love you or not, people come to see you (AEW Dynamite viewership hits all time low June 2024) and that's valuable. You can still carry this company on your shoulders, all by yourself.
So you go out, and you shill, every show and every promo and you even fight on a Wednesday night as a first card again and goddamn but you have to work for it harder than you remember (you're 28 now, are things going to be like this forever?) And you say good things about the company and generous shit about the assholes you work with and your patter might be a bit rote these days but you still talk up every legend you work with to pay them respect and let the rubes in the audience know they should too, but maybe you start trying to do it more often with the younger guys too. It's nice, a couple mention you in interviews as being good in the locker rooms among a short list of other names, and you've never been one for just placing, but it's not that kind of competition.
But then Danny Garcia stands up in the middle of a show in New York (Buffalo, but still), and says... All of that. And it's the first time someone's acknowledged you're trying out here (Besides Caster, even when you weren't really Caster thought that) And just when you're feeling like maybe you haven't just made the wrong choices (You could have at least opened the letter from the other company to make sure it was an offer) Will Fucking Ospreay comes bouncing out on stage to stomp all over your moment.
And you stand in the corner of the ring in the three inch boots you have to wear now while dropping lines about 'both being little guys' (it's just for the camera Max the height disparity doesn't play well on screen thanks for being a team player) and wonder how this happened.
There was a moment you had it all, you're almost sure of it. You've tried to be Good, to be Better Than You Were every day before in appreciation of that fact because that's what you have to do, right? That's what you're supposed to do, Get Better. Better at wrestling, at shilling, at mentoring the guys in the locker room, at opening yourself up to get stomped on again... And you have. You've matured, you keep your mouth shut, you congratulate Danny, leave to let the show get going (already running behind now thanks Bruv ) and for just a moment you let yourself wonder what prize you're really fighting for now.
You Grew, You Got Better, but no one cared, (Adam Never Cared) because at a certain point you weren't competing against any of them anymore. At some point you realize, you were just doing it because the only competition staredown that felt worth having was the one that happened every morning looking in the mirror.
Watching Ospreay flit around and interrupt you, promising a shot at a belt he doesn't even have yet (Your belt) feeling Garcia and the attention of every other Buffalo hick turn for whatever piece of glitz floats their way though?
You're MJF.
You're Better Than Them.
You Always Have Been.
It's time to make them Remember that fact.
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summer-nights19 · 11 months
You don't know me part 2
Daiki Aomine x fem reader
As you looked at Aomine, you couldn't help but notice how much he'd changed in the last years. He was considerably taller and more well built, but his face had also changed, matured. It was enough to trigger a rush of long forgotten and unwelcome feelings from deep inside you.
"Daiki... congratulations on winning," you said, offering him a small smile. He shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing, which, to him it probably was.
"The more I play, the more boring basketball becomes. There are no rivals even close to my level,"
For some reason, listening to that felt like being stabbed in the gut. You took a deep breath and averted your gaze, directing it down your useless arms.
"At least you can still play,"
You'd said it more to yourself than to him, but, judging from the flash of regret on his face, he'd still heard you. He opened his mouth, but you beat him to it.
"Sorry Dai, that was uncalled for. Anyway, how have you been ? It's really been ages," you forced a smile, hoping he'd play along
"I've been bored, and school's been a pain in the ass. What about you ?"
"Not too bad. I'm in the literature club now," you said as you started to walk in the direction of the bus stop. Aomine followed you as if, after three years, it was still the most natural thing in the world.
"The literature club, huh ? You always were a nerd," he teased with a smirk. You simply elbowed him in the ribs.
"Ow- that hurt, asshole," he said, shooting you a glare. You carried on teasing each other and laughing until you reached the bus stop.
"Well, I guess I'll see you around then," you said, smiling as you got on the bus
Something like disappointment flashed on Aomine's features, so quickly you thought you'd imagined it.
"See you around,"
You felt giddy as you walked onto the bus and sat down. Your heart was racing pleasantly, and your cheeks were warm. Seeing Aomine again had awoken feelings within you that you weren't ready to name.
It would be too messy, too painful.
The more you sat there on your own and remembered, the more the fluttering in your stomach faded to a dull ache.
No. The past must stay in the past.
(3 years prior)
That day had been an ordinary day in every regard. It was the semifinals match of the last season of your middle school career. The boys' season had finished two weeks prior, and, as usual, they'd gotten the bigger, better stadiums and a lot more attention from the press. While you tried not to let it bother you too much, you'd still mentioned it to your friends a few days prior.
"Well, of course. Men's sport is significantly more profitable than women's, so it is only logical that most of the resources would go into it," Midorima had replied once you'd finished ranting.
"I don't care. It's still bullshit that women who work just as hard only reap half the reward," you'd stated, glaring at him defiantly.
"Y/N, instead of wasting time talking with this nerd, why don't you come play me ? The winner is the one who deserves the bigger stadium,"
You felt the corners of your lips rise at Daiki's challenge. Without hesitation, you followed him to the court outside, where you spent the next few hours.
That evening was the closest you'd ever come to beating him.
You were thinking of that moment as you got on the court with your four best teammates. As you lined up with them, you promised yourself that you'd play so well that people would be forced to acknowledge women's sports as more than just a footnote.
It had happened during the last quarter. You'd had the other team beaten by 70 or so points, so there was no turning it around for them. However, you refused to relax. You'd play a memorable game from start to finish - this was what you decided as you jumped to dunk the ball into the hoop. Just as you were reaching the peak of your jump, you felt a sharp push from behind you. To this day, you had no idea if it had been deliberate or not.
You fell, landing right on your bent arms and breaking them both. The last thing you felt was a sharp pain from within before you passed out.
When you'd woken up again, you were in a hospital bed. Both of your arms were bandaged, and your head felt fuzzy. You felt something warm on your face and looked up to see Aomine in a chair next to your bed, his hand cupping your cheek. As soon as he realised you were awake, he withdrew it quickly.
"How are you feeling ?" He asked, after a moment of silence
"Dai ? What happened ?"
"You wrecked your arms pretty badly yesterday on the court. They suspended the match, and you were taken to hospital,"
You moved to sit up and felt a sharp jolt run through your arm. You winced, slowly remembering the events of the day before.
"Don't move. If you need something just-"
Before Aomine could finish talking, a doctor came in and smiled at you. It was a sad, almost pitiful smile.
"L/N ? I heard you were awake from outside the door. There are a few things you should know. Before that, though, I must ask your friend to leave,"
"I won't do that," Aomine replied before you could, glaring at the doctor.
"It's ok sir, he's my best friend," you said in a small voice. The doctor frowned.
"Sorry, it's hospital policy. It'll be quick." Aomine sighed and walked out of the door, shooting the doctor one last glare.
"Miss L/N... I'll be blunt with you. Your arms will heal for the most part. There shouldn't be any long-term effects on your daily life. However, to avoid causing permanent damage, you won't be able to play basketball again,"
You stared at the doctor and blinked, unsure if you'd heard correctly. The grave expression on his face confirmed it. In the blinked of an eye, the numbness you'd felt was replaced with a piercing stab through the heart as you fought to hold back tears.
"Doctor, you can't - it's my passion -"
"I'm sorry, Miss L/N. But we just can't risk it unless you want to damage your eyes for good. I appreciate it's hard for you to hear this, so I'll give you a moment."
As the doctor stepped outside, the dam finally broke and you let the tears flow freely. Your career. Your team. Your friends. Everything you'd worked so hard to build was crumbling before your eyes, and you were completely helpless.
When Aomine finally returned, he didn't ask any questions. He just hugged you yo himself and let you cry on his shoulder until visiting hours finished.
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jaylleoo14 · 10 months
Slightly suggestive!
okay okay so I was sitting on the floor thinking of stupid little Azul (love that man (っ´Ι`)っ)and working on the Amnesia Drabble I had of him which soon led me to thinking of Ruggie and how it'd be so cute to go on dates with him (Ahhhh! Hes so precious!) and then suddenly my mind drifted onto Leona and then some books I wanted to read.
Rivals to lovers or enemies to lovers is such a juicy and titillating trope for him omg! Like I can imagine it so vividly, like yessssssss. Imagine being a strong woman (Doesnt have to be physically of course) that of course he respects but will absolutely do his best to still try to one up you. Of course you reciprocate that and you always go all out whenever he's on the field with his team. Or maybe even though it isn't seen to be entirely fitting, think about being Academic Rivals with him! Literally anything between you two is a competition haha^^
Aside from your sex though, he wont go easy on you just cus of that factor. No, it's because he acknowledges your capabilities. Your passion and your spirit. Your witty and snarky remarks, which is always seemingly having him stay on his toes. Of course he carries respect for you, that is obvious. And honestly, even though he doesn't show it- it does excite him. You give him something to look forward to and you entertain the prince well.
"You could be my new personal jester with how much you like to entertain me, Herbivore."
"I bet that's all you ever dream about when you sleep. I'm a little touched to know you think of me so much~"
"Tch. Whatever your delusional ass self thinks."
But he's not denying it. Hes not denying it! Secretly, just secretly when all you think about is the competition, he's here not only trying to win the little rivalry you two share but your heart as well! Ah but he's such a big wuss>< Sometimes when you arent even looking the classmates behind him would see his tail wagging from side to side like a satisfied dog (Ironic since lions are from the feline tree).
When he sees you do better than him on a test by a mark or two, maybe even three! He cant help but just let out an unamused huff, turning his head as if he didn't care. And while you think it's just cus he's sucking it up or maybe acting like he doesnt care, he only turns his head to hide his face from you so you dont see the little smirk he has. God he loves seeing your prideful self, the way you so confidently and happily brag at how much better you did. But of course, he can always one up you anytime if he so wished too.
Before he knows it, he's up thinking about you. Shit, what kind of feelings are these? Before he only strived to do well in these kinds of things to only try and beat you, to see you grit your teeth in annoyance as he prides himself with his athletic abilities or his test scores. Now you have him staying up late and irritated, he should be asleep by now. You must've have done something, Something to have set him off. It drives Ruggie wonders that sometimes he'd actually try and study for some tests. You really managed to switch him up...
It was only until you were being chased by a group of guys from the same dorm all for swiping some food (but your reasoning was that you were hungry okay-). Running in a hurry you see Leona up ahead, walking at a good pace. Determined to just run passed him to run away from the crowd, you speed up your pace to turn the corner just as how he also turns the corner. When you make the turn you're caught off guard greatly, as his arms catch you with great force to the point you almost let go of your sandwich in your hands. He pulls you over to a nearby bush, one that was big enough to hide you both perfectly. Even better was that the bush was big enough to mask your guys scent. It was perfect.
"Leona what are you-!"
"Shh. Quiet." He leans his head a little lower with a stern look on his face, his green jeweled eyes angular as he looks on over you. The crowd continues running ahead with their haughty shouts and displeasure. Soon passing you both with no second thoughts.
"i'm doing you a solid. You should be thankful ya little thief."
You're caged in between his arms, lying under him on the grass. The sun pierces through the long blade of leaves and shines on his sea of brown hair beautifully as if running cacao simmered down. "I didn't ask for your help you know. I would've been perfectly fine without you." His body shadows over you, as if blanketing you under him.
He gives you a grin, leaning down a bit more as he eyes the sandwich crushed in your hands. "Really now? Because that sandwich sure isnt in the best condition."
You peer down, not knowing that the sandwich was squeezed and squashed in your grip. It was completely ruined.
With the crowd gone, there was just silence between the two of you. Only getting conscious now of how literally close you two were. There was that feeling again simmering up from his chest. It felt like he was a kettle starting to slowly boil up. Now it makes sense. He understands these feelings, now that he has you under him like this. Being so close to you so discreetly as if you two were rebel teenagers hiding away from your guys parents.
"You're so annoying you know that?" He suddenly states. It definitely catches you off guard but you're quick to answer. You're annoying in the way that you're on his mind with the constant want of him being next to you like this.
"Huh? Where'd that come from all of a sudden? You're the one who put us in this position in the first place!"
You're starting to squirm around, getting irritated that you're in this situation with your competitor. But he goes on to firmly hold you still.
"Hey, stop that. You're gonna get all the sauce on me. I'm gonna smell." He says in a bit more firm tone.
"Then get off of me, I'm gonna go get me another sandwich." You say rather harshly. You reciprocate the firm look on his face as you slightly push yourself up, the leaves hitting your face a little.
"You mean steal another one? I'll pay for it. So stop causing trouble around."
You're a bit caught off guard. Leona seemed rather more... Whats the word. Gentle with you? You two have never been this intimate before, its a rather new feeling. He liked it.
"Hmm how about this. You accompany me to go get something to eat and I pay for it. Sounds like a pretty good deal dont you think?"
The way he says it so casually with that little smirk of his, his eyes looking so focused on you as if reading what you were thinking. His hand on your wrist as he hovers over you. It kinda sounds like he was asking you out on a-
Huh. What. WAIT WHAT. You didn't mean to say that out loud! Oh no, you're face is getting hot, your heart is speeding up, your expression is pulled back into one of shock. "W-wait don't get me wrong! It just kinda sounded like a date! Argh what am I even saying?! God this is just so-"
"Yea, why not. Lets go out on a date." He brings your hand up to his mouth, licking the sauce off your hand as the crumpled up sandwich lays on the grass next to you. You're silenced as he his lips get into contact with you fingers, nibbling it against his canines ever so slightly as he laps up the dewy and runny substances. His eyes switching them up to meet yours.
"Just the two of us, i'll make sure to get you a better sandwich than that cheap one." He seems to love the look on your face, the way you're just taking all of this in. The way your face is an indescribable red. He's practically relishing himself in your quite yet loud reaction.
"relax, I aint gonna force you if you dont want to. I can take a reje-"
As he brings your hand down, before he could finish his sentence you go in and angle your head to the side. His ears perk up, so do his tail. You lean in forward, licking the side of his lips. When you pull back you're met with a surprised lion.
"Hehe, I wouldn't mind that. A little date with my competitor, I wonder how that'll go" You lean yourself back, your elbow helping you stay propped up. My god are you just so perfect. The way you just make his heart skip beats, he can finally admit it now. As much as he wanted to beat you in certain subjects and fields, he wanted to be yours all the more. He's always known. You're rivalry just being an excuse for him to keep having you close to his side like this. He's always liked you. But is it too early to say that he loved you? No, definitely not. He loves every part of you. He's already seen the more dirtier and flawed parts of you, and you've seen his. If you both have accepted each other doesn't that already prove much how much you two are willing to be with one another? That just gives you more time and more reason to find more of the beauties hidden within you both, all the more to love you and all the more for you to love him.
A strong smile is plastered on his face as the shade of the leaves hover over him, covering the both of you like a dome. "Hmm, how convenient for the both of us then." He leans in till your heads are almost touching, that is until his ears perk up and he turns his head away. You're caught off guard by this as you watch him look back and let out an irritated stare.
"Rook get your ass out of here damn it." He says it in such a bad and sour mood. Leona gets off of you and shifts his body towards where Rook seemingly was.
"Oh how utterly splendid indeed! I have always been so marveled by your ultra senses Roi du Lion! Sincerest apologies, I wasn't trying to soil the mood or interrupt you two. But I couldn't help but watch the beauty of love unfold right in front of my eyes! Such a fierce lion showing such tenderness towards his lioness! Ahhh such beauté! It drives me to tears!"
"Ah..." Well, this is embarrassing really. To think the two of you got caught like this. You really felt like a rebel teenager getting caught by your parents, who were oddly... Supportive? Regardless, it was still embarrassing. As Leona drives Rooks persistent self away, with full success he comes back to you and crouches down to help you up.
You two have a date to head to now. People have always known about your guys rivalry, but what a true shocker it'll be when people start finding out when you two start going out. I mean, every king needs his queen eventually. And you fit the throne to his heart perfectly. <3
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jaestrz · 2 years
ily -Seo Yul
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Seo yul x reader - soft - fluff - a bit of angst???
a/n: this was a a bit of a rush.
Abandonment was something you’ve normalised as a child. Neither your parents ever gave you the love and affection you were supposed to receive. As their attention were on Cho Yeon and Bu Yeon. Maybe all you could remember growing up was about books, books and more books.
When you were a kid, there was only 4 things you’ve admired to achieve. Jipsu, Ryusu, Tansu, Chisu. It took you 6 months to master everything in secret. The shortest period you could achieve.
What could’ve been hidden was you were a creation of your mother’s love affair. Which in results lead to you being kicked out of Jinyowon right after a fight with your mother, Ho gyeong.
You never learnt your own history. All you knew was your father was a mage in Jinyowon. Was. Because later on he died for getting caught wild. You got closer to a songrim mage named Yul. And for longer, a person that could heal the crack in your heart of an inner child, it’s him.
He was the only person you’ve touched without having the feeling of hatred murder in your mind.
Yul knew you better than anyone else could.
Until you got accepted to Songrim and you no longer feel the need to reminisce your old life. You started a new one at Songrim with Yul by your side.
Other mages never saw you in a battle with anyone. It never came to your mind how you became the topic everyone talked about. You got into songrim Jeongjinak because Yul “helped” you out. That was a false statement.
You watch as the golden toad disappear as each day passes by. It was lessen until it was left only one more. “do you think Beom is going to win?” The sound of Yul’s voice caught your attention as you turned to face him.
“ we don’t know what Uk has on his mind. I don’t think Beom will even step up.” You replied.
But soon before Yul could talk with you, the crown prince guard walked up to him. “the highness wants to see you.”
“Did you do something wrong?” You questioned and Yul had a frown on his face with a slight confusion. But if he did something wrong he would’ve acknowledged it and told you.
So he didn’t do any mistake.
“i didn’t want to take you as the last duel because I know how close you and Uk are.” The crown prince said as he look at Yul with determination in his eyes. “But I’m not going to be a villain of course. I just really want someone who’s more confident in beating Jang uk.” He continued.
To see Yul and Uk fight was a rare thing to witness. Especially when they both had been best friends since they were teens. No one could deny, Yul is one of the best mages in Jeongjinak. But he hesitates when it comes to a duel with someone he truly cares about.
Maybe if you were a soul shifter running wild, he wouldn’t have the guts to petrify you.
There was a deep silence filled in the air while the crown prince suddenly eyes you who was standing beside Yul.
“I have a suggestion your highness. Let’s have y/n replace me instead?” Beom suggested and Yul eyes was looking at him with a glare.
The crown prince doesn’t know you well. He saw you here and there but never once he had ever thought about you being in a duel against Uk.
“don’t pull someone else in because you couldn’t-”
“ so that was your name? I believe you are Yul’s lover. Am I right?” The crown prince cut Yul’s conversation and the room fell silence again. His grip on your wrist was tighter than usual.
“yes. Your highness.” Yul replied, backing away.
“I never saw her in a duel before. But I believe she is a mage in Jeongjinak for a reason. Beom idea wasn’t bad.” He said and you could feel Yul panicking. Your hand found his, rubbing the palm of his hand. “I believe I can beat Uk under two conditions your highness.” You told him and he was ready to hear your words.
“If I won then Mu deok is automatically under me. And the jade will also be mine.” You look at him, who was holding the small egg jade in his hand.
You couldn’t risk Mu deok in another person’s responsibility. If this was the least you could do for Mu deok as a return of kindness to what she had done for you, then it’ll be worth the pain you’re going to face.
“I can make your time worthwhile your highness.”
“If you get hurt then I won’t forgive myself. You still have time to withdraw love.” Yul said, holding you as if you were made out of porcelain. A part of you were grateful for a man like him to exist in your life. The warmth feeling started to spread in your heart.
You smile at him before your lips touches his, feeling a curve on the corner of his lips. “please don’t get hurt.”
“I won’t.” You replied and you heard the crown prince announced something and you both know it’s time to go.
He haven’t seen you duel in a long time due to a curse you have in your body. Duel cost energy to drain in you. Recovering will take a while.
The moment you stepped up, you notice someone that had caught your eye. People from Jinyowon, Cheonbugwan, Seongrim and the Royal Family.
“Y/n told me she could give me a great time. Everyone will be here since this will be the last duel with Uk.”
You avoided eye contact with Uk. Unsheathing your sword and Uk began to attack you while you were defending. All you could focus was on the sword clinking each time yours and UK’s sword meet. You didn’t know what happened. You attack Uk by slicing a droplet.
But it never came to your mind to use Tansu. You never wanted to hurt him no matter what was the situation. You stood there with a heavy breath while your knuckles turn white from gripping your sword. There was a few gasp and muttering amongs the crowd but Yul only how you were holding yourself from dropping on your knees.
‘this is the first time to see her fight.’
‘Is this why she’s a mage?’
‘Everyone at Jeongjinak and Songrim knows Yul is dating her.’
‘She managed to perform Tansu. That means she’s as skilled as Yul.’
it’s over.
You used your last strength to smile at Jang uk who was struggling to stand back up. “I guess you did improve a lot.” And when you turn around, you were met with Yul ‘s embrace, before he pulled you away from the people to a more private place.
“I shouldn’t have done that.” you whispered to him, burying your face in his chest as he held you close.
there was a sudden guilt in your heart. the guilt feeling that gave you a sense of deja vu. “it was accidental. you haven’t fought in a long time. You can’t control your mind on what you desire in a fight love.” He replied.
your heart was racing. Your breathing was faster than usual. He took her hands, placing it on his chest so you could follow his breathing properly instead of losing your mind. His soft hands cupped your face before kissing you.
“let rumours believe what they want. You’re under my responsibility and I won’t let a single word hurt you. I love you.”
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