#To be clear the idea is a lot of his memories would definitely be shuffled and remixed under the influence of the voice and the first order
The fact that he still dreamt of the fire and brimstone was his greatest kept secret. Behind his closed eyelids he still saw it, lightening striking and ash fluttering to the ground like unnatural snowfall, marking destruction and filling his lungs with something disgusting. His anger had soared to new heights that night as his bitterness left him empty, choking on a feeling of what he could only describe to be abandonment and betrayal. He did not know which was more haunting, the screams of those he grew up with, or the look on his uncle’s face as he raised his weapon to him.
The night Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy burned to the ground was the very last Ben Solo was alive, and what remained of it all now was an ugly wound across his very soul. Like something created by a saber, it became cauterized by the heat, a gaping hole which refused to heal as vital organs were scorched in its path. A bacta tank could do nothing to save him from his past.
Under his new name and allegiance, he channeled this very reoccurring nightmare into a powerful weapon against those who had wronged him. Drowning within the pain rather than attempting to swim was how Kylo Ren operated, and he could see no ability to heal as he allowed himself to be pulled under. Under the First Order, he would learn to reopen this gash over and over again, twisting the knife deeper into himself whenever he got the chance. Where Ben Solo once felt hope and aspiration, Kylo Ren felt a melancholy sense of intense loathing. In a way mostly unclear to him, his anger was a method of mourning, manifesting further as he watched the newest Rebel fighter receive what love and autonomy he was denied. They gave to Rey endlessly.
Kylo Ren knew he was the product of familial failure, and that voice inside of his head telling him to look towards the facts isolated him greatly from others in his youth. The galactic heroes of the century he called his guardians, the legends turned bedtime stories for new generations born, all left him to rot in their own ways. He knew he was a monster created by their faults, and they were all to blame for his very fall from “grace”, or that set path they assigned to him. Growing up, if he had told another soul that their dearest Han, Luke and Leia were far from perfect poster figures, he’d only have been named a liar. A spoiled brat complaining about what gifts the universe had bestowed upon them, his heritage a huge leverage in both training, politics and more. Listening to that small familiar whisper in his ear, the seeds of truth finally flourished under the green light of his uncle’s lightsaber hovering directly above him.
To start, if thinking of them all again, he hated the man he called father, Han Solo. In his selfishness, that bastard craved his old life of crime and could not stay grounded. He found smuggling alongside that Wookiee to be more entertaining than his family, and at the end of the day still had very little in common with his mother besides the fact that they had a kid together. Han Solo would have rather been footloose and fancy free, head in the stars above than to have played the role of husband and father. Growing up, Ben felt it all, his mind nagging him that this disconnection was in fact his reality. He hated his true name now, Solo not even being a real surname. His father never really wanted more than a fling with some pretty princess…and yet this new girl was already so snug under his wing like a kid of his own maybe. Perhaps it’s because he chases the rush of new people excited to know him as an old hero of theirs.
Then there was his mother, one of the most important political figure heads of the century. Not only was she famed for being spectacularly beautiful, but strong willed and strong minded in her fight against the empire. She was the number one thing that swayed his usage of the dark side, and he was aware of what he’d have to do in order to fix that. Sever the ties…and to think no more of her soft hands against his cheeks as she sang him to sleep as a child. She already started their separation all those years ago shipping him off to become a Jedi, without being granted the same choice she had to follow something else instead…love in order to have him. His loud inner dialogue thundered at the thought of her, sorting her out to be indeed a hypocrite. While he practiced so very far from his mother, alone and missing her, Rey received training directly from her.
And as for his uncle Luke? He made up his mind about Ben all too quickly, deciding to kill his nephew placed into his care. He had casted the scales of judgment upon him without holding a call to court, and Kylo Ren hated him most of all, for judging his pull to the dark when Luke lived with the same. In fact, Luke spared Rey when experiencing hers.
And yet…even with this map sprawled out before him, he cannot find it within himself to hate the girl they dote on. All of the rage he directs through his power cannot be channeled at her, and it’s yet another thing that makes him weaker. Kylo Ren supposes he takes pity on Rey, being a small desert planet orphan longing to hold the stars that kept her company in her lonesomeness. In time, her heroes will fail her same as they did him. He will be there when it happens, waiting.
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vesper-tinus · 1 year
hiiiiiii ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ first time requesting from you so i hope im doing it right. your simon stuff is really cute, and i was wondering if you could write somethinmg with soap that was similar? thank you ^^
Hello! What a cute emoji! I would be happy to. Hopefully I managed to cover any bases you might've wished for.
The reader is a medic in this snippet, hope you don't mind.
Without further ado, I present to you my first request! Enjoy!
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𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.                        Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Reader
Summary: Johnny interrupts your important work with a proposition. Luckily, he has an idea on how to convince you. Requested by anonymous— thank you very much for the interest! I hope it lives up to your expectations! Keywords: Established relationship, reader is a medic, flirtatious tones. Wordcount: 1081.
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Knock, knock, knock.
A steady beat echoes through your office-space. You glance up from your documents: a few papers about long-term care plans concerning a few of the soldiers trusted to your care. You can’t recall any scheduled visits, though your work takes you out of the office for a debrief later in the evening. A surgeon’s work is never done, much less one of military standards. 
Oh well.
“Come in,” you call out, inviting the stranger inside as you shuffle the papers beneath a folder to deter any eyes. To your surprise, the visitor is someone you know very well, and that can only mean trouble. Clearing your throat, you welcome him further into the office, gesturing vaguely at the cushioned chair opposite of you. 
“Am I interruptin’’?” he asks, the innocently quizzical tone of his voice not matching the roguish smile occupying his lips. He saunters towards you with his shirt slightly askew, revealing only a fraction of his Adonis’ belt and the happy trail of body hair. Memories resurface, the kind that makes heat pool in your stomach. “In need of a distraction? Been told ‘m quite good at that.”
Ugh, what they say about the Scottish vortex of charm is true. 
"Sergeant MacTavish," you say, pursing your lips as you fight the fluster rising in your cheeks. You’ve always gotten the impression that Johnny was flirtatious, and by the time you’ve gotten to know him, you can say, with a hundred percent certainty, that it’s a fact. A fact that has only gotten more heated once the two of you committed to a secretive relationship. 
Fraternisation in the military is prohibited, and as a Medic within the Special Forces, you can’t give the illusion of favouritism. That doesn’t stop the two of you from catching your breaths whenever you can. Secret rendezvous has become a speciality of yours. Definitely not something you picked up on during medical training. Thankfully, your sniper-experienced boyfriend knows a thing or two about sneaking about, and he is more than willing to give you pointers. The hands-on approach, if he has his way with you (which he often does; with your permission, of course).
Johnny rests his palms against the surface of your table, leaning over it. Leaning closer to you. His smile splits wide as his grey-blue eyes slowly roam your body, letting you know that he likes what he sees.  "Oh, so I'm Sergeant MacTavish now, am I?” His attention now on your face. “I remember you callin’ me something a lot different when we-"
"I love when you say my name like that-"
"Like what? With exasperation?"
"Embarrassment," he cheekily corrects, earning him an unconvincing frown. The walls are thick enough to stifle most... indecencies, but unfortunately Johnny likes pushing the limits and test your patience. He is too eager for his own good, and for your sanity. Every time you spend time with him, he finds new ways to fluster you. 
Having, quite literally, gotten a rise out of you, you settle back down in your chair. You rub the bridge of your nose, hoping it will give you ample time to recover. In the meantime, Johnny comes to join you on your side of the desk, leaning against it with his hip. Muscular arms coming to a cross over his well-shaped chest.  
The smile teasing at Johnny’s lips since he arrived blooms into something fuller, more adoring, and he chuckles. “I’ve been thinkin’,” he says, attempting a suave tone. 
“A rarity,” you chirp.
“Shut up,” he retorts, no bite to the words—in fact, it only widened his smile. “As I was sayin’... you’ve been workin’ pretty hard recently, yeah?”
You arch a brow at the obvious statement. Where is he going with this?
“So I thought…” He pauses for dramatic effect. “We could have a date night.”
Huh, you think. He’s right. Since Johnny’s return with Task Force 141 you’ve only briefly interacted with him, much less with any of the other members. You’ve been (bloodied) elbows-deep with surgical matters, having just been given a chance to display your qualifications as head-surgeon of your own medical team in the facility. If only they knew you’d been canoodling with a field-monkey (your team’s term, not yours). What a great show of discipline that would be.
“Date night?” you ask with a light tone of voice, almost in disbelief. To think that the two of you were setting up dates in the middle of a military compound. Thankfully, mind reading technology has not been invented, and hopefully, it never will. 
“Aye.” His carefree smile is almost blinding. “Technically, I’ll be with my squad. And technically”- Johnny plucks a candy from the bowl on your desk -“so will you.” 
“You managed to get them to cover for us?”  
“I’m a persuasive guy,” he says, voice dropping an octave as he grins, leaning down towards you to bring his face much closer to yours. 
You swallow thickly, briefly glancing at the steel door.
“Locked it when I entered,” he mutters, reaching out to gently grasp your chin and turning it to face him. He sweeps his thumb over your bottom lip, gaze turning heated. “If you need a bit o’ persuasion yourself… well.” Johnny’s lips are dangerously close to yours now, and you feel his breath ghosting your skin. “My mouth can do plenty of persuasion.”
His face is within inches of your own when he leans in and softly presses his lips to yours. You can feel his stubble and smell his scent. Familiar. Safe. Some of your weariness ebbs away as the scent of his cologne envelopes you like an embrace. A warm palm rests on your knee, slowly creeping upwards towards your thigh. You respond eagerly to the touch, humming against his mouth and letting the palm spread your knees apart. 
What a strong-willed doctor you are.
“Johnny…” Your voice the husk of whisper. The smile still hasn’t left his face. Even when he presses lingering kisses to your jaw, your throat, gently biting the soft skin only to soothe you with more kisses. He is kneeling before you now, both hands massaging your thighs. Idle hands are the devil’s playthings, and Johnny’s hands are moving up towards the buttons of your trousers with impatience. He looks up at you, eyes conveying admiration, lust, and love all at once and just that is enough to make your head dizzy. 
“So,” he says, “ready for some convincin’?” 
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rubykgrant · 2 years
(Fixed-up my Tucker interview a little; the first version was OK, but it felt too long and wordy, I wanted to cut some of the superfluous details but keep the important bits. This discusses Tucker being a 19-year-old dink with a fake ID, leading to some under-age drinking and other shenanigans, but nothing detailed or horrible. In fact, he explains that things were NOT as bad as they could have been. It also rolls into him explaining some personal growth he’s had, and why~)
“So, how far back do you want me to go?”
“If you think it might be important, you can talk about your childhood,”
“Haha, jeez, isn’t that how a therapy session starts?”
Andrews laughed as well… because, yes, it did sound a bit ironic. Still, things that happen in childhood can often be relevant later in life, especially when you wanted to get others to really understand; you are a PERSON. You always were a person, and you will always be a person. Good and bad, it all added up to who you are.
“I guess telling your life story can be considered therapeutic in a way… but seriously Tucker, this is up to you. How much you want the rest of the universe to know?”
“A lot, I guess. I don’t know where to start, though…” Tucker admitted. Andrews was a little surprised, honestly. Tucker usually LOVED to talk about himself (sometimes what he said wasn’t exactly true, but that was a whole other issue).
“In that case, can I ask you some questions? To sort of prompt you?” she was sure once he got going, it would be easier. “We can keep anything you don’t want to be made public off the record later. Right now, this is just us, having a conversation. I had a lot more questions I wanted to ask everybody back on Iris, but we were in a bit of a rush, after all…”
“Sure. Go ahead, ask away!” Tucker leaned back in his chair.
“OK… well, we might as well get THIS question out of the way,” she shuffled some papers she had collected in a folder around. “When I was researching all of you, I found a note in your files… it wasn’t clear what happened, but it involved something about charges being dropped?”
“Oh THAT,” Tucker crosses his arms, clearly embarrassed.
“What, exactly, IS that?” She asked again.
“I’ll tell you… but before I start, I’m letting you know, this is a crazy story and you are DEFINITELY gonna want to jump in as I tell it, but I promise, if you just let me get through the whole thing, it isn’t as bad as it sounds at first!”
“That’s both intriguing and potentially ominous… but alright, I’ll let you say what you need to say,” Andrews agreed, then got herself comfortable, ready to hear whatever Tucker was about to tell her.
“OK, OK… so, this was right before I was officially going to get pulled into some kinda Blue Army assignment, which was BS by the way, but we’ll get into that later, and I had just a couple weeks left of civilian life. I knew a guy who knew a guy that made fake IDs. There I am, 19 years old, looking at a life in the military where I’m probably gonna get killed on some alien planet, and I’ve got a fake ID. Obviously, I went totally bonkers,” at this point, Tucker shook his head at the memory (evidently regretting his decisions back then).
“I decided to visit every bar down the street where I was staying… which was 6. I went to 6 different bars, and I tried maybe like 17 different kinds of drinks,” Andrews didn’t interrupt, but she couldn’t help but let out a small snort when she heard that. “Yeah, it was horrible. I didn’t have anybody to tell me this wasn’t a good idea, but I was mixing all kinds of alcohol in my stomach, and I got BEYOND smashed. That would have been bad enough, but then the REAL problem happened…”
Tucker tilted his head back and took a deep breath.
“At some point, this girl comes up to me, twirling her hair all cute, and asks me to buy her a drink. I wound up buying her 4. When I was out of money, we stumbled out of the bar, it was dark, maybe 1 in the morning, she was still hanging all over me and giggling, so I asked her to come back to my place… OK, I actually said something more like-” Tucker switched his voice, intentionally making it sound slurred and messy. “Heyyyyy… y’wanna bang? ‘Cause I wanna bang… we should go bang!”
Andrews laughed again, she couldn’t help it.
“I know, I was a real charmer. What woman could resist? Anyway, the place where I was staying wasn’t far, so we headed back… what I didn’t know at time was, this girl had a crazy ex-boyfriend. He was in a car, parked across the street, watching us! I found out way later he’d been following her for a month. Literally a stalker. Well, instead of just getting out of the car, walking over, and punching me like a NORMAL crazy ex, he follows us back and figures out where I lived. The next day, he called the police…”
Andrews’ head tilted to one side, questioningly.
“See, you wanna jump in right now, but hold on. I’ll explain… so yeah, me and the girl fooled around, she got up before me the next day and left, and then I woke up FEELING LIKE DEATH. That hang-over was a whole entire BITCH. I was puking, crying, all that. It wasn’t until almost 3 in the afternoon that I started to feel better… then there was a knock at the door. I answered it, and it was the freaking COPS. That crazy ex? Yeah, he made some anonymous call, saying he saw an under-aged girl leave a bar with some dude, then gave them my description and address,”
Andrews leaned forward, genuinely concerned about what might happen next.
“I didn’t make things any better, because remember, I’m 19, I’m an idiot and a jack-ass, plus I still had a head-ache, so that was making me act all snarky… when they told me why they were there, the first thing out of my stupid mouth was- she told me she was 18. That was supposed to be a joke, right? Yeah, they didn’t think it was funny. And seriously, that girl didn’t tell me ANYTHING, except that she thought I was hot and her favorite drink was Long Island Iced Tea. I got hauled down to the police station, and was almost in big trouble… but then they found the girl. She’d been getting kicked-out of other bars that whole night because SHE had a fake ID too, it just wasn’t as good as mine. Some people recognized her, and finally the cops talked to her. Do you know how old she was? 18! Literally one year younger than me! My joke was accidentally true! She wasn’t under-age because she was like, a child or something, she was under-age to DRINK! That’s why she was using me to buy stuff for her!”
Andrews let out a long exhale… she had been VERY worried there for a moment (if that story had gone a different way, she might‘ve thrown a punch at Tucker).
“It worked out OK, all the charges were dropped and they just took my fake ID away. After that happened, I thought the whole thing was HILARIOUS. I knew I’d gotten lucky, but I had no idea HOW lucky. I used to tell that story like it was a brag, but… a few years ago, it hit me… I could have been locked-up, right? Even worse, I was so wasted, I really wasn’t paying attention to who I was with or trying to be safe, or ANYTHING. What if I did run into somebody who was way too young? Never mind me getting in trouble, I don’t want to be the reason somebody had a shitty experience… and that IS just about the shittiest thing ever. I know I’ve got a reputation as a perv, but I ain’t a predator, thank you very much. Kids do stupid things, but that’s not an excuse for a whole-ass adult to get away with hurting somebody younger. It’s… sad, and kinda scary. The way people take advantage of situations when somebody doesn’t have any experience or control. Hell, it isn’t OK when adults hurt OTHER adults, either. Just because we get older doesn’t mean we should just stop being NICE,”
Tucker let out a sound, not quite a grunt or a sigh. Sort of a rumbling thoughtful noise, and in it, Andrews heard layers or resentment (at himself, for who he used to be? At other people, still acting that way? Probably both).
“It sounds like you’ve been thinking about this a lot,” She said.
“Mmm, kinda. On some of my trips back to Chorus, when I was looking for Junior, a lot of the new people our old teams started working with wanted to meet me, because I’m Captain Tucker with the Magic Sword and junk. These new people, they’re even YOUNGER than our lieutenants were when we met them. None of these kids are gonna be soldiers, they’re all learning to be mechanics and find jobs with computers and science stuff, but they still think me and the guys are heroes. I guess I started to… listen to myself. When I’m bragging about my life. I started thinking about these kids who are paying attention to everything I say, and what that means, and what I wanted to tell Junior, and what I wish I could tell MYSELF when I was younger… so! We had some good talks about respect, safety, communication, and how it’s important not to rush things!”
“Tucker, that is… honestly very mature and sensitive advice,” she told him.
“Why does everybody always act so surprised? I’m mature as hell! I even know some dudes that are older than me, and I’m WAY more mature-er than they are!”
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wolfybugswriting · 3 years
Itadori/sukuna x reader
Summary: You go into a yearly rut, and this time Yuji catches you out of your room. He learns what's going on and decides to try and help you. Sukuna's a brat.
Warnings: amab gn reader(has a dick, but I try to not use gendered pronouns), masturbation, somewhat rough sex to even rougher sex w/ Sukuna, lots of biting, slight degradation? reader teases Yuji about wanting to fuck them, Sukuna is a brat, Yuji is super submissive, nice fluffy ending
Note(s): In this, the rut is essentially a side effect of your curse/cursed technique
Word count: 4.2k
With a huff, you slammed the snooze button on your alarm clock for the who-knows-how-many time - you hadn't been keeping count. Still foggy with sleep, and the side effects of your incoming rut, you didn't really care how late you slept in today. You'd managed to keep your situation a secret from your friends, feeling more comfortable dealing with it on your own. You told them that you were out on a mission, and would lock yourself up in your room until it subsided.
But now you were hungry, late in the evening; the others should be out by now, so you made your way to the kitchen. You took enough food to hold yourself over for a while longer, and it was a good thing too, hearing footsteps as you locked your door behind you.
Fucking hell- You could sense him from here, connected to both Itadori and the curse he hosted. You see, you were also a vessel. You housed the only curse that could rival Sukuna; one who was once his lover when they were human, until she was killed. She resented Sukuna for not trying to save her, but they were still connected to each other whether they liked it or not.
Shaking your head clear of your thoughts, you huddled into your haphazard mess of pillows and blankets. Maybe you could just sleep away your problem.
. . .
"Fuuucck..." You groaned, throwing your blankets off of you as your body was starting to overheat. This was one of the worst ruts you've gone through already, and knowing just how close Itadori's room was to yours certainly wasn't helping. You'd liked the guy for a while, his kind while sometimes a bit childish nature catching your eye. Then combined with your shared memories of Sukuna, thanks to your own curse, you were whipped to say the least.
Stumbling out of your room to get another water bottle to try and cool yourself off some, you froze at the sight of Itadori stumbling down the hallway towards you. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, jumping a little when he finally noticed you.
"H-hey, you're back!" His voice was lower, and scratchy from just waking up. You tried not to think about how else you'd like to hear his voice.
"Yeah... What're you doing up?" Leaned back against the wall, you made sure to keep some distance between the two of you.
Oblivious as ever, he moved to stand right in front of you, laughing a little. "Just getting a midnight snack, what about you?"
Gods he smells good- "Water." You grit out, unable to look at the other. Even in the dim lighting he looks good.
Shuffling back towards your room, you stuff your hands in your pockets. You couldn't be around him for too long; as in control of yourself as you normally are, you didn't trust yourself to not pin the pink-haired male to the wall and-
No, don't even think about it. You don't want to freak him out, you idiot.
"Are you ok? You don't look too good," the good-natured idiot came even closer, trying to look into your eyes. It was hard to see your flushed face in the dark, but he knew you enough by now that he could tell something was wrong.
You had to bite your tongue, not wanting to say anything about your rut, and besides you didn't want to focus on just how close he is, or how you could practically hear his heartbeat- or was that your own?
"'M fine. Just- I'm going back to sleep." You didn't wait for a response, though you could hear him ask about your water, and you quickly closed your door and dropped onto your bed with a heavy sigh.
. . .
"What was that about...?" he wondered aloud, a little worried. You were never really the super upbeat type of person like himself or Nobara, but you seemed grumpier than usual and he didn't like to see you upset. When you two had first met, he could hardly get a word out of you, but that was a long time ago; he hoped something hadn't happened to you, or worse that he'd done something.
Eventually deciding to get his snack, and a water bottle that he left by your door, Yuji went back to his room. He curled up on his bed with whatever he'd grabbed out of the pantry with a sigh. As a mouth formed on his hand, he frowned but waited for Sukuna to speak.
"You can tell something's different about them, can't you?" The curse grinned, knowing something his host didn't.
"Obviously. Why?" Though he'd gotten more used to Sukuna's presence, he still didn't trust him. To be fair, he hasn't given much of a reason to trust him.
Still speaking into the darkened room aloud, Sukuna pulled his memories to the front of his mind and sharing them with Yuji in turn. "You see, the curse your little friend shares a body with," an old memory, but it was clear as day. She had an almost scary resemblance to you. "We were lovers."
Yuji nearly choked on his food, surprised that the King of Curses could have had a lover, let alone said lover now inhabiting the body of his crush. It clicked in his mind after that moment why he always felt so drawn to you, even before the crush on you had developed.
"What happened?" While he didn't know why, he'd known of Sukuna's aversion to the other curse; he'd made it clear from the moment when you and Yuji had met.
"...She died." The curses voice rang in his head, the lips on his hand pursed into a frown. "She died, but even then our bond didn't break. Though she surely hates me now." He huffed and though he acted like he didn't care, Yuji could feel his concern, as strange as it was.
Though he could barely wrap his mind around all this, Sukuna still hasn't told him what was wrong with you. "So why are they so upset?"
At that, the mouth on his hand shifted. "They're going through a rut because of the nature of their curse, and they don't want to get you involved. Some ridiculous self-sacrificing act I'm sure." Yuji opened his mouth to ask what he could do, but Sukuna got there first. "It'll pass on it's own, though it won't be pleasant. There is something you could do though, if you can convince them."
He waited, getting impatient for the curse to get to the answer he was looking for.
"If you fuck, the rut will pass after." The blunt answer made his whole face and neck flush a dark red.
It took a minute to process the idea, letting everything sink in. You were ok, thank goodness, but because of your curse who also happens to be the lover - ex-lover? - of Sukuna, you are going through this rut and if you, his crush, fucked him it would pass. It was a lot to take in, so he decided that he'd sleep on it, then go to you tomorrow night. Obviously you didn't want them to know about this, but if there was something he could do, even if he was a little lot nervous to ask, he wanted to do it.
. . .
You couldn't stop thinking about Yuji. Your heart was pounding, and though it has since calmed down you certainly haven't. He was close enough you could see flecks of red in his eyes, close enough that you could've kissed him. You'd wanted to, that was for sure. But you didn't want to ruin your friendship with him, afraid of any number of things.
The two of you had a rocky start; you knew about him, and being Sukuna's vessel, though he had no idea of your existence until you'd met. With only what you knew about Sukuna, both from other sorcerers and your own curse, you were wary of the boy and didn't stick around him long enough to give him a chance to explain. But eventually, with a little help from Gojo, you two made up and became fast friends, the group often having meals together when no one had a mission.
It took awhile for you to realize what your feelings were on Yuji, simply writing it off as a different brand of friendship. It wasn't until yuji nearly died for a second time, and you weren't there to save him; you were so afraid that you'd never get to see him again, never hug him, never make dinner for the others again, laughing about this or that. You realized that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, and you were afraid you'd miss the chance to tell him.
"You love him." The curse had said. "You're meant for each other. Like soulmates." She'd said, telling you what you were coming to realize yourself.
But you shook your head now, feelings not something you wanted to dwell on as it got later into the night.
Tossing around for a while in the messy sheets on your bed, you finally gave up and threw them off along with a majority of your pajamas, body too hot for comfort. Left in a pair of boxers, you buried your face into your pillow and groaned. Your thoughts drifted for a while between being too hot, sweat still sticking to your skin despite the fan at top speed, and your pink-haired crush.
You've always thought he was attractive, even before you got to know him. His bright smile lighting up any room, an aura of innocence around him. Then his strong physique, though you usually don't see it much between his hoodies and the Jujutsu tech uniform, but man, when you did; you'd like to run your hand over his abs, curious if they feel as strong as they look.
You wanted to touch him in a lot of places, really. His arms, definite muscle, but not too ridiculous like Todo's(Sorry Todo simps). His soft hair, though you've felt it before patting his head, being a bit taller than him and teasing him about it. His thighs, and definitely his ass. And you could only imagine the size of his package.
Biting your lip, you hadn't realized your hand drifting down your body as your thoughts turned, letting out a shaky breath. You'd definitely feel bad about it later, but right now you could only think about your hand being Yuji's as it rubbed against the bulge in your boxers. Flipping onto your back and pulling your underwear to your thighs, you shivered as the cold air hit your skin, sweltering as it was.
Even with your room being fairly soundproof, you kept your voice low, the idea of the object of your thoughts catching you both exciting you and making you anxious. You stroked lazily along the shaft, hips stuttering into your hand the closer to the edge you got. The thought of Yuji crying your name sent you over, dropping your head back as your orgasm washed over you.
After calming your breathing down, you cleaned yourself off. Despite feeling all sweaty, you didn't want to get up. Sighing, you decided you'd shower in the morning after the others left. It didn't take much longer to fall asleep, thankfully.
. . .
You woke up laying half off the bed, even the natural warmth your pile of blankets held getting to be too much during the night. You felt gross. Luckily, you couldn't hear anyone, probably out for lunch, so you could shower in peace.
Leaving your room in just a thin pair of sweatpants and a tank top, your grumbling stomach making your hunger known - you apparently didn't get enough food like you'd thought. You noticed a water bottle beside your door, grinning slightly as you knew who put it there. Shaking your head, you picked it up to bring with you; Yuji would probably try to talk to you when he got back, clearly worried about you. It's cute, but you wished you had a good way to explain your situation without him trying to help.
As much as you would like the idea, you didn't want to make it seem like you just wanted to use him to get through your rut. You wanted him so much more than that, but you couldn't say that, could you.
Quickly grabbing some more snacks, you hid away in your room again, growing tired of your four walls. With your ruts usually lasting around a week, you dreaded having to stay in your room for much longer, but you didn't want to be going on missions in your state.
. . .
The day seemed to go by agonizingly slowly, for the both of you; you in your room with only what you had with you for entertainment, and Yuji waiting anxiously to talk to you. Sukuna had told him earlier that it'd be best to try to talk to you once the others were asleep, as you'd probably be asleep most of the day anyways. That was usually the case, if you could you'd sleep as long as you could to avoid dealing with your body all out of wack.
Finally though, just as you were going to try and go to sleep, a knock sounded at your door. Yuji had to hype himself up to do it, with roundabout encouragement from Sukuna, his thoughts running rampant. 'What if you thought he was weird for asking? What if you got upset with him? What if it ruined your friendship? What if, what if, what if?' He was still fiddling with the hem of his sleeve when you opened your door, a faint look of surprise on your face. You'd started to think you were wrong, that maybe Yuji had forgotten about your interaction the other night or thought he'd dreamed it.
"Hey." You spoke softly, looking him over. He wasn't wearing much, similar to what you had on. He looked good in it.
"H-hey, um, sorry if I woke you, I just kinda wanted to talk?" Yuji smiled, anxiously rubbing the back of his neck.
You sighed, but nodded.
"So, y-you're," he blushed a little more, his cheeks already having been red, thinking about you most of the day - as well as what he planned to ask you. "You're in a rut, right...?"
Eyes widening, you blushed a bit yourself. "How'd you..." Your voice trailed off, confused.
Yuji tapped his cheek, "Sukuna, he told me. So... are you, o-ok?" He still wanted to make sure, even if he knew now what was happening and you confirmed it with your unsaid question.
After a moment, you opened your door wider and nodded your head back. "Y-yeah, just, come in and we can talk." You were careful to sit at the edge of your bed after closing the door behind Yuji. "What all did he tell you?"
"Everything, I think. The rut, the whole lovers thing between them," he gestured between you and himself, "and, um..." He looked away, unable to meet your eyes as he mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear. "The s-sex, thing."
Nodding in turn, you ran a hand back through your hair. "Right. So, why're you here then?" You could apologize for being harsh later, you wanted to make sure you didn't pounce onto him. And fuck the look he makes when he brings his eyes back to yours.
"I wanna help, a-any way I can." His face is completely red, so innocent looking, you bit your lip.
"I appreciate you wanting to help, but I can handle this on my own, Yuji."
You watched as he shuffled closer to you, take a breath and grab one of your hands. He looked into your eyes, so cute.
"Please, I want to help you! S-sukuna told me what it's like when this happens, and if I can help it, I don't want you to have to deal with all that!" Only Yuji could manage to look so sweet and innocent when talking about having you fuck him, even if it was just because of your rut.
He would look even cuter all fucked out, crying for you. You swallowed, looking him over again. You wanted to have your way with him, so badly, but you never wanted to put it on him like that. But... if he's asking you to fuck him. Well, maybe you could have him after all.
"...Are you sure about this, Yuji? I don't want you to do this just for me." But you do, really.
He nods, almost excitedly. To be fair, he'd be lying if he said he hasn't thought about you on top of him, fucking him into the mattress. He wanted you to feel better, and if he got to be with you in the process it was a bonus.
You smirk. "Words, Yuji."
His eyes widen, but he stammers out a soft, "Y-yes."
You bring your free hand to his waist, leaning in a bit closer. "'Yes', what?" Your eyes were darker than usual, clouded with lust, and it made a shiver run down the pink-haired males spine.
"Yes, I- I want to do this."
"Good." You press your lips to his, hungrily running your hand along the contour of his back.
He lets out a little noise as you kiss him, eyes fluttering closed. Fumbling with the hand not holding yours, he finally places it on your shoulder. You could hear his heartbeat, this time sure it was his, though yours was quickly picking up to match it. His lips are so soft, just like the rest of him, a bit of squish to him along with his muscle; you gave in to your wants and felt everything, moving from his back to his arms, down along his chest, squeezing his ass. He yelped at the feeling, and you took the chance to slip your tongue into his mouth.
Submissive through and through, he didn't fight it, but it was clear he didn't quite know what he was doing. But you didn't mind teaching him, spurred on by the little sounds he was making, almost whimpering. Unclasping your hands, he moved his opposite his on your shoulders and you let yours to wander beside the other.
His body was more than you'd imagined, and his sounds were downright sinful. You were just getting started though, pulling his shirt off and pressing not-quite-rough kisses along his jawline and down his neck to his collarbone. You hit a spot that made him whine, and you grinned, kissing and biting there. You could just see his expression from where you sat, pressed into his skin, and it sent heat straight to your core.
Gripping at your back, Yuji pulled you closer, entranced by you. "F-fuck, (y/n)..." His voice was soft, almost shaky as his breath stuttered the longer you nipped at his neck. He tugged at your shirt and you pulled away just long enough to take it off, taking his turn to admire your body.
Leaning forward, you caged your hands around his head, his wrapped around your shoulders. You kissed down his chest, taking off his sweats, surprised to find that he hadn't put any underwear on, and when you looked up at him he had his head turned to the bed.
You hummed, raising a brow at him. "You really wanted to get fucked by me, huh? Ready for me and everything." You lightly traced random shapes on his now bare thighs, watching his cock twitch in response.
Yuji whined, nodding, but kept his face turned away from you. You gripped his chin, turning it back. "Words, remember Yuji?"
He did his best to not just whine again, "Y-yes, yes I want you!"
You just hummed again, "Say it."
This time he did whine, long and drawn out, "Ahh~ I w-want you to f-fuck me! Please!"
You kissed him, muffling his noises, only pulling away when you needed to catch your breath. "Good boy." You didn't give him a chance to respond, wrapping one hand around his length and pressing a finger of the other into his hole. Yuji shuddered, his words cut off by a shaky moan.
It didn't take long before you had three fingers in, with the way he kept begging for more, pawing at your pants. Taking the hint, you stripped down, your own dick mostly untouched now very hard. You look at him, making sure he still wanted this. He nodded, muttering 'please's under his breath between moans.
You kept stroking his weeping cock as you pressed into him, until you bottomed out and you let him rest for a moment and get used to you inside him. He surprised you, rutting his hips into yours as his head dropped against the bed, body quivering under you.
"Fuck, fuck me, fuck me-e p-please!" Yuji whimpered, words punctuated as he grinded against you. You were right, he looked so pretty when he was whimpering and moaning for you.
Something in his voice made whatever restraint you'd been holding onto snap, thrusting into him at a merciless pace, though he didn't seem to mind, moans rising in volume and pitch. His eyes rolled back, and all you could hear besides his moans were broken pleads and your name. You had your head in the crook of his neck, and you growled, going from nips and kisses to biting, leaving large hickeys in your wake.
"I- I'm g-gonna- F-fuuu-uuu-ck-" The loudest moan he'd made throughout the night interrupted him, hips stuttering as he came, painting his stomach white. You came not long after, his body clenching around you so well. You were both panting, at some point Yuji had wrapped his legs around your waist, and you slowed to a stop still inside of him.
You pulled away to make sure he wasn't hurt, and you stopped when you saw tattoos that hadn't been there a moment ago. They must've switched accidentally, if the faintly confused look was anything to go by. But when the curse started bucking his hips, you growled.
"C-come on, I know you can take me too," he taunted, but the effect didn't work as well as he wanted when his voice was so broken and he moaned when you hit that one spot.
You huffed, but you grinned. "Who knew the king of curses was a fucking brat?" Thrusting once to make a point, he shuddered, still full of you. "At least I won't mind if I rough you up a bit."
Sukuna chuckled, sharp nails digging a little more into your shoulders. "You c-couldn't break me if you tried."
With that, you started up that same rough pace, smacking his ass. It was almost strange, not quite muscle memory leading you, moving to make him cry out the most. It was still Yuji's body, but with Sukuna in control, it snapped something into place between both of you.
'Soulmates'. You were brought together like this for a reason.
He kept trying to taunt you, but his words would always break away into a whine when you bit in just the right spot, or you'd smack him a little harder. Finally, he couldn't speak anymore than moan, pulling himself into you as he clawed at your back and shoulders. His voice broke as he came again, nearly crying as you sped up even more as you got close to finishing. You bit into his neck as you came, riding it out, slowing down to a stop for the second time.
"Satisfied now?" You taunt, and he whines.
Slowly pulling out, both of you moaning at the loss, though he was much louder, you relaxed. Yuji switches back after a moment, shuddering at the feeling of your cum leaking out of his hole. You sigh, standing to go run a bath for the both of you, letting Yuji know before he closes his eyes just in case he falls asleep in the meantime. He nods, so you know he heard you.
. . .
You ended up curling up next to each other, wearing some of your clothes, after you pulled off the dirty sheets. As the sunlight streamed through your window, you woke to your arm wrapped around Yuji's side. It was a peaceful scene compared to last night, though you definitely enjoyed yourselves.
"mm... Morning." Yuji looked up at you, a small smile on his lips.
You hum. "Morning. You alright?" He chuckles.
"I should be asking you that. But yeah. 'Lil sore, but yeah."
Nodding, you grin in turn. He probably won't be walking straight for a little while. "Good... Thank you, for helping with- this." You frown a bit, gesturing to yourself. He cups your cheek, waiting for a moment before smiling wider.
"'Course. I wanted you to feel better," he blushes a bit. "Aaand I might've been wanting you to- f-fuck me for a while..." His voice trails off at the end, pulling away nervously. But you pull him closer.
"I'm glad, cause I've been wanting to fuck you for a while too. Probably cause I like you. A lot."
He grins. "Me too."
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fanfic-cave · 3 years
Okay. Here’s an idea. Blind s/o or friend (whatever you want) with the bad batch. Maybe they and hunter bond over their heightened senses. They show Omega how to navigate the world without sight. Tell wrecker or echo that they look great (pun intended). Or maybe tech helps them learn to maintain things without sight, something no one has really done.
Didn't See That Coming Pt 1.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1.0k (just barely)
Pairing: Tech x Blind Reader (platonic or romantic up to you)
Warnings: None
Summary: You've been blind for a good chunk of your life, and haven't been able to read or write for years, an activity you used to really love. Tech decides to find a way for you to read again, hoping that it will help you grow more confident too.
Authors note: I rewrote this thing like a million times sorry for taking so long! I'm gonna make a couple chapters/parts for this because I thought the idea of blind reader with TBB was adorable and contained soo many possibilities. Please enjoy part 1 of "Didn't See That Coming" !!! (thanks @gokyacetakal for the request)
tags: @mangoberry99
edit: part 2 is up! link
“Are you ready Y/N?”
Tech shuffled through his pack as he spoke to you. You listened closely, trying to figure out what he was doing.
“Ready for what, exactly?” You asked him, leaning forward in your seat with curiosity.
“Do you not remember?” You really couldn’t remember at all. You shrugged apologetically.
“I had previously explained to you that I discovered something that would help with your… condition.” He paused towards the end, trying to avoid saying the word. It was clear that he felt awkward talking about your disability.
You smiled in his direction. “It’s okay Tech, you can say it. Blind isn’t a dirty word.”
You hadn’t always been blind, but it’s been this way for so long now that it just felt normal to you.
Tech nodded, then realized you couldn’t see him nodding, and he shook his head at himself. “Yes I understand,” he was ready to move past it and get to the topic he had prepared for.
Tech dropped a stack of books in front of you, and you jumped at the sudden loud noise. He hasn’t seemed to notice.
“Have you heard of the miralukans?”
You reached out to the books as you spoke. “No, why?” Tech took your hand in an effort to guide it towards the stack. It wasn’t uncommon for each of the squad members to do small things like this to help you. You were still appreciative at his efforts nonetheless.
“They are a very unique species. They look almost identical to the human species, save for the fact that they have no eyes.”
You froze. Tech found himself smirking, seeing that he finally caught your interest.
“So they’re blind? Like me?” You found yourself getting excited, and you were speaking quickly. Questions starting to bubble in your head.
“Yes, and no.”
Your eagerness began to diminish. “You’ve lost me. Are they or aren’t they?” You pressed Tech for more details.
“They do not see the way an average species does.”
“What does that mean?” You questioned him.
Tech scrolled through his notes on his data pad as he continued. “The Miralukans are considered force sensitive individuals, and they see using the force.”
Your face fell a bit as he spoke. You weren’t a force user, how was this supposed to help you? Tech noticed this, and he tried to keep explaining.
“But that is besides the point,” he placed a book in your hands and opened the page. “Put your hand on the pages.” He instructed. You felt your curiosity return again, questioning how touching a blank page would do anything.
As your fingers skimmed the pages, you felt an odd texture on the page. There were almost what felt like bumps in it. “What is this?” You raised your head to his direction, showing your confused expression.
“You’ll find out, keep tracing the texture.” Tech turned his attention to the rest of the books, and started organizing the pile.
You felt yourself get a little exasperated. Why could he just get to the point already? You knew he liked to teach, but now you knew he really liked having you apply yourself before he jumped in.
As you traced the texture, you began to recognize something. There were… symbols? No, letters. The language wasn’t galactic basic, but they were definitely words. “Oh-“ the noise escaped you as the realization came upon you.
“Interesting, is it not?” Tech smiled, pleased that you had figured it out.
“What language is this?” You inquired, scanning the raised lettering more quickly, now that you had recognized it.
“Miralukese.” Tech replied. “And you are going to learn it.” Tech placed another book in front of you, getting his curriculum ready.
“Me?” You sputtered.
“Yes.” Tech replied matter of factly. Of course this didn’t bother him, you thought. The genius sitting across from you knew several languages, this must seem easy to him.
You had stopped tracing the raised lettering, and froze.
“Tech…” you sighed out. A frown began to form on your face. This was a lot. Learning a whole other language, just so you could maybe read again? You didn’t feel like you would be able to do it. You had resigned yourself to never being able to read again a long time ago, when you had started losing your sight. Why put yourself through more disappointment by getting your hopes up here, just to fail?
“Y/N.” Techs voice brought you back to reality. You turned your face up in his direction. “You are more intelligent than you are giving yourself credit for. Also, I will be helping you. With both of us applying our efforts to the task, you should be reading and writing very soon.”
A painful smile grew on your face. “I’m not sure that you're right, Tech.”
Tech felt a pang of sympathy. Hearing you doubt yourself like this, made him feel all the more determined to teach you.
“Have I ever been wrong?” He countered your previous statement.
You thought for a second on what he said. “Yes, if my memory serves me right.” You let a soft giggle escape as memories filled your head.
“I know I’m not wrong about this.” Tech spoke with conviction. If you weren’t confident, he wanted to give you a vote of confidence. Tech thought of you as a good friend, at the very least. He knew you were more shy, and he thought teaching you a useful skill would help you grow more. Plus, you had told him before how you missed reading and writing.
You hadn’t witnessed Tech talk to you like this before. He was a person who relied on logic and data, however, you weren’t so sure he was relying on logic when he spoke to you just now.
“You’re sure?” You inquired again. Tech let a sigh escape him.
He reached out and put a hand on your shoulder, both for comfort and encouragement. “Yes, Y/N.”
You smiled to yourself, feeling the excitement return.
“Okay, let’s do it.”
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hellcaster901 · 4 years
Never Been Better
The Mandalorian x Reader
Second part to What Now?
Summary: It’s an unspoken tension between the two of you after what happened on the Razor Crest. 
Word Count: 8,454
Warning(s): SMUT!! (Again, please be safe, wrap it before you tap it, this is (again) just a fanfiction), some language, the usual smut (cream pie, oral-male receiving). Did some edits, but again, if you find something just act like you didnt see it.
A/N: I can’t stop thinking about this man, Pedro Pascal has my heart and so does the Mandalorian. I want to give a shout out to my best friend @13dead-ends​ we’ve been on the phone for hours for the past couple nights just writing and figuring things out. She is a new author to tumblr so please go get her a follow and I promise you she’s coming out with wonderful (and smutty) works! I hope you guys enjoy the second part to ‘What Now?’!!!!
What Now? (Pt 1) Say Something (Pt 3)
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“Are you sure it’s okay to be here?” You hum, watching as Mando lowered the ship onto the planet, the land becoming bigger as he grew closer to the land. 
“Its outer rim. Aprliria doesn’t exactly hold a lot of criminals.” 
With a slight jolt, Mando landed the ship, your eyes staring at the vast land of green grass and tall trees. For a while now, it’s been jumping from planet to planet looking for the Child’s kind, but with each planet, it left us more and more confused about if we were even on the right track. There was hardly anyone who knew what kind of creature the Child was, much less knew what planet would hold such a creature. Even if you knew where this planet was, you weren’t too sure Mando would even go. He’s grown fond of the child, the child himself looking at Mando as it’s father. The two of them had a bond that nothing could break, the Child was a part of Mando’s life, and leaving him was something the Mandalorian wasn’t sure he could do. 
You watched silently as Mando’s hands glided along the dashboard, landing the ship perfectly. The Child watched with wide eyes from his crib as he waited for the next movement. 
“Sweet thing.” You smiled, reaching for the greenling. He cooed at you as you picked him up, standing from the seat and resting the Child on your hip. “Are you ready to look around?” You whispered to him. He only let out a small squeal, answering your question. You only giggled, watching out of the corner of your eye as Mando turned in his chair, facing the two of you. “How long are we going to stay here?”
“As long as we need.” He answered, standing from his seat, the Child stared up at him, his hands reaching for him. Mando reached up, both of you watching as the Child wrapped his small hand around one of the Mandalorian’s fingers. You watched with a small smile, looking up at Mando, he tilted his helmet towards you, his eyes connecting with yours. 
It always felt like the air was ripped from his lungs when he looked into your eyes. Or at least hoped that he was. The way your eyes shined in the light, how wide and full of life they were. Ever since that night of passion, things were definitely different. Both Mando and you knew that things couldn’t go back to how they were, neither of you wanted that, but it was hard to label what’s between you two when the two of you didn’t even know what to call your ‘relationship’. It was unspoken what was going on, but a few things have changed. Longer glances at one another, small touches that lit both of your bodies on fire, and nights that the two of you shared together. 
It started to become a routine, the way Mando would lay awake in the middle of the night and hear you shuffle into his room, crawling into his bed and making yourself comfortable. At first it was he’d wake up to you sleeping by his side, curdled next to him with the blanket over your face, respecting Mando’s creed. When you’d wake up, he’d already be working on the ship, neither of you speaking about the previous night. What turned into once in a while, turned into every other night which turned to every night that you’d shuffle into his room, curling beside him and falling asleep. He didn’t mind, in all actuality, that’s what he waited for each night, to hear you shuffle into his room, your bare feet cautiously slapping against the metal of the ship looking for the cot and it dipping from your weight as you made yourself comfortable next to him. Mando was sure to keep his helmet on, not wanting to break his creed, but each time the room was pitch black, sheltering him from your gaze, and each morning he was gone before you were awake. You noticed the helmet, wondering if you should say anything about this unspoken routine, if it was too uncomfortable, but you figured if it was something Mando didn’t want, he would’ve said something by now. As the nights went on of you sleeping with him, you began to notice that he no longer wore his helmet to bed (as you stubbed your toes on it one night) trusting that you wouldn’t look. 
You weren’t sure why you started going to sleep with him. One night you were up, your body refusing to go to sleep, your mind too active. Thoughts of the child and Mando filling your head, and no matter how hard you tried, sleeping wasn’t an option. The decision to go to Mando was a difficult one, you weren’t sure if he was gonna tell you to go back to your own cot, or blow up at you, or what. It was a chance you were honestly willing to take. That night that you tiptoed to his room, you noticed he kept his room dark, hiding his identity from anyone or anything that could come and see him. You slipped into his bed, pulling the blanket over your head and like a light switch, you were out. After that night, neither of you spoke about it, leaving it almost like a secret between the two of you. A secret from who? No idea, but it was a secret you were excited to have.
Mando couldn’t help himself when he reached for you, his gloved hand cupping your cheek. He watched as your eyes widened, your lips parted as he rubbed your cheek with his thumb, taking in your beauty. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was feeling for you, it was a strong feeling he hasn’t felt for a long time, something that made him nervous. Nothing really made him nervous anymore, and the fact that you made him feel like that scared him. 
“We should find some lounging.” Mando spoke up, pulling his hand from your face, the warmth leaving with him as your cheek grew cold. With a swift nod, you turned from him, grabbing the small messenger bag and nestling the Child inside, looping it over your shoulder.
The walk towards the small town was filled with silence, Mando keeping an eye and ear out for danger, if that was even possible on this planet, but also trying to rack through his own thoughts. You on the other hand, it was clear that something was on your mind, and that something was the man covered in beskar armour that made you feel boneless little less than a month ago. It was hard not to think about that time against the cold metal, the way he grabbed you, felt inside you, everything about that time was branded in your memory, and it was something that you couldn’t forget. What you couldn’t forget the most was that he took his helmet off, for you. Even if you had to keep your eyes shut, the action itself was enough to make your heart swell with the possibility that there was something more there than sexual feelings. Of course there was, he wouldn’t be letting you crawl into his bed every night or leave the small touches like he did just a few moments ago. It was the matter of talking about what this was, that scared you, and him even. 
Things definitely changed, that was undeniable, it was the fact that you had to address it that made it difficult. 
In a short period of time the three of you made it to the small town, it being more active than the past towns you’ve been to. People walking through the crowds of people to shops, other folks just sitting at the tables enjoying the sunlight. It was a town that was very much alive. The people wore bright colored clothes, all enjoying one another’s company. They must’ve been new to visitors as they stared the two of you down. But no one made a move to figure out where you came from, they kept their distance.
You reached down for the little flap on the bag, lifting it and seeing the Child staring back up at you. “Whatcha doing?” You giggled, reaching in and tickling his chest. He only cooed, wiggling in the bag. “Okay.” You laughed, stopping in your tracks and reaching in. “Keep within my eyesight.” You mumbled, setting him down onto the gravel. He cooed loudly, wobbling towards Mando. You followed close behind, watching as the Child caught up to Mando, his small hand wrapping grabbing onto the dark cape. An amused smile grew on your face as you watched Mando turn around, his neck bending to see the Child staring up at him, his small green hands grabbing onto his leg. “Rather have you hold him than me.” You chuckle, crossing your arms over your chest. Mando glanced at you for a moment before reaching down and grabbing the Child, lifting him into his arms.
“Lets go.” He huffed. On the inside you knew that he loved this, the bond he had with this creature, he was just too tough to be open about it. With a smile, you followed, watching as the Child was staring at everyone and everything, taking in the life. Shortly you got to the small lounging, watching as Mando handed the Child back to you, heading up to talk to the owner for a room. You stood a few feet away, looking out at the crowd of people that were starting to gather further down the main street. You watched with a curious look, hearing Mando talk to the woman, trying to negotiate on a price for the room. Always trying to talk down the price. With a huff, Mando paid for the room, leaving the woman at the counter with a scowl on her face.
“Hey,” You softly spoke, glancing over at the woman. “What’s exactly going on here?” She sighed, leaning forward and staring down at the crowd of people.
“A festival, it's the beginning of the new season, it’s something to celebrate.” You nodded, listening to the woman. “It’s mostly a festival to be grateful for life.”
“That’s fun.” You smiled, looking back at the woman, she wasn’t smiling, just staring at you with a scowl. The smile fell from your face, wondering what Mando said to the woman to make her so mad. “Have a great one.” You hurried, looking forward, seeing Mando waiting. With a sheepish smile you caught up, following as he guided you towards the lounging.
He swung the door open, revealing two makeshift cots, and a window at the back of the room. It wasn’t the best option, but it was obviously better than what you had going on back on the ship. Mando didn’t say a word as he stepped inside, looking around. With a sigh, you set down the Child, watching as he waddled inside, making himself at home instantly as he explored the small room. You stepped in, closing the door behind you choosing the cot furthest away from the door, sitting down and watching the Child happily make his way around the room. 
“Did you hear what that woman said about what's going on?” you started, questioning yourself as to why you even started talking. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Mando walk over to the window, glancing out. His helmet tilting slightly towards you, a sign that he was listening. “It’s apparently a festival for the new season that's coming for the people.” You explained, turning and facing the bounty hunter. “A festival to be grateful for life as well.” You smiled, watching as he looked at you. It was hard to see what he was thinking about, hard to know what he looked like as he stared at you. You tried to pick up on any gestures he would do, hoping it would help you figure out what he was going through but sometimes you were still as confused as you were before. 
He said nothing, only crossed the room and sat on his cot, beginning to mess with his beskar. You bit the inside of your cheek, wondering if you should talk again or just leave it be and let him do what he needs to do.
“Would you like to walk around and see?” The modulated voice rung. You were honestly shocked that he said something, much less asking if you wanted to see what was going on. You thought if anything he’d want to stay low, leaving for dinner on the first day and seeing if this planet really is as safe as he thought it was. 
“Can we?” You whispered, patiently waiting like a child as he thought things over. He turned his heads towards you, his eyes looking over your excited form, the smile on your face as you thought about the festival. At that moment, he realized he could never say no to you.
Mando stayed a distance behind, watching as you walked through the crowds of people, The Child in the bag that hung on your hip, the flap open for him to sit and watch without trying to keep up with the two of you. He kept a close eye on the two of you, nothing else catching his eye as the three of you walked, wanting to make sure nothing happened to the two of you. He watched as you watched the people celebrate, your eyes gleaming as you saw the people dancing to the music he was sure you’ve never heard of. The face of pure curiosity on your face was enough to make his heart tug. 
Things were different, he didn’t talk about things because he wasn’t sure how to explain himself. That night, with you changed everything to him. He knew there was something there, there always was. The way he would catch you staring at him, or the way his heart would pick up as he got closer to the Razor’s Crest after he would catch a bounty. It was subtle things that he knew the both of you would pick up on, and that night changed it all. He cleared his throat, trying to steer his mind away from imagining that night once again. It was something he couldn’t stop thinking about. The way you gave yourself to him, the way you felt around him, he needs more.
He had to control himself.
The festival, the colors, the music and the people were all new to you. It was something unlike anything you’ve ever seen before in your life. It was a bit overwhelming. You looked down at the Child, watching as his wide eyes were staring at everything as well. You were sure the two of you looked alike, a pure look of excitement at the new things. You glanced over your shoulder, your eyes instantly landing on Mando as he followed close. You wondered if he was enjoying this just as much as you were. But you were sure he’s seen things like this all the time. You weren’t exactly too sure, he never spoke of past travels. He really never spoke to you about anything. Shaking your head, you tried to focus back on the festivities that were going on. Most of it was just dancing, the people enjoying the music and moving.
You gasped softly as you felt a small hand wrap around your wrist, tugging softly. Glancing down, you noticed a small child staring up at you, wide eyes, a smile on her face and sweat on her forehead. Her eyes kept flickering back and forth from you to the child quickly. I chuckled softly, crouching down, grabbing the Child in the bag and lifting him. “You can say ‘hi’.” I smiled, watching as her eyes got even wider. The Child cooed, lifting his hands to her, his little green fingers tickling her face. She giggled loudly, her hands going in excitement as she watched the Child. He cooed loudly, his arms going as he saw her own happiness. She calmed a bit, reaching into her pocket and pulling a beaded necklace. You smiled softly as you watched her look up at you, asking for silent permission. You nodded, watching as she lifted the beads up, the small string landing around his neck. Her smile grew, looking up at me with happy eyes. She reached back into her own pocket, pulling another string of beads out. She held it out to you, a wide smile on her face. With a smile, you ducked down, feeling the beads glide against your hair, and settling around your neck. You leaned back up, reaching and pulling your hair from under, the cool beads settling on the back of your neck. You looked over at Mando, smiling widely at him. Again, nothing. 
As you walked around and looked at everything the day slowly turned to night, the people of the planet were still going strong and dancing almost like they haven’t been dancing for the whole day. As the day went on, you noticed people were setting up strings of lights or torches for the people to still see as it got darker, lighting up the festivities. Mando was getting closer and closer as it was getting darker, keeping close as we walked. 
“He’s asleep.”
Your head whips around, looking up at Mando as he looks straight ahead. “What?” You watched as he looked at you, before glancing down at the bag. You looked down, a soft ‘awe’ leaving your lips. The Child was fast asleep, the necklace the little girl gave her held tightly in his hands. “I think we should get back.” You whispered, looking up at him. With a swift nod he turned, leading the way back. You followed, reaching a hand down to the Child, his arms stretching out, before holding onto your hand. 
You kept close to Mando, watching the way even as the people were enjoying their time, they were still moving out of the way for the bounty hunter. 
“I’m sorry I dragged you around all over this planet.” You spoke, glancing up at Mando. “I wanted to see what a festival was really like.” He nodded, still keeping his pace as the two of you walked back to the room. There was a tense silence between the two of you, an unspoken ‘thing’. And both of you knew what that was. 
Once back to the room, Mando quickly turned his back to you, working quietly on his beskar once again. You sighed softly, closing the door and walking over to your own cot. You softly pulled the Child out from the bag, his limp body heavier than you realized. You looked around the room, wondering if there was anything you could make a little cot with, but the blankets and items were things that the Mando and you would be using. With a heavy sigh, you gently laid the Child onto your cot, his little head sinking into the pillow. You chuckled softly as you grabbed the blanket and pulled it up, making a wall out of the blanket for him to stay in. You curled up besides the Child, resting your head on your arm as you looked over the strange creatures’ features. In a few short moments, the tiredness of walking around the festival soon encased you, leaving your eyes heavy as you fell asleep next to the child.
As it grew darker, and as you soon were asleep next to the Child, Mando found this the perfect time to take off his beskar. He knew he could trust you as he removed his helmet, setting it down besides him on the cot, removing the weight of his armour until he was in his pants and shirt. He slowly leaned back, the weight of the day present as his back strained from being in constant movement, his back popping in places that made him groan as he laid there. 
He heard the small snoring coming from you, turning his head and noticing the outline of your body in the dark, the way he wanted to feel the dips and curves of your body as you laid on your side. His mind was racing from remembering what you felt like under his hands that night, how soft you were, the way you gave yourself up to him. He only stares, thinking about you. The way you took care of the child, the way you took care of him. He wasn’t used to having someone there who really wanted to be there. It’s always been only him, and the fact that these two came into his life was… overwhelming, but not unwanted. He was content with watching over the two of you, knowing you both needed the sleep from the excitement today. Mando rarely needed the full 8 hours of sleep, needing only a couple hours to feel energized. But he wasn’t complaining, he was able to watch you and the Child.
He laid there, letting his mind race from what he was going to do about the Child, if finding it’s kind was the right choice. Of course it was, to keep him if they do find his people would be a selfish choice, but he wasn’t sure if that’s what he could do. 
His breath hitched lightly as he saw your body move, groaning as you twisted your body around, your back now facing Mando. He froze, knowing the room was dark enough that you couldn’t see his face, but he was more worried about her waking up and noticing Mando watching her. He only watched as you groggily sat up, a hand coming out to rub at your eyes as you adjusted to waking up. You looked over at the child, fixing the blanket that was disheveled from his movement and then stood up. Mando watched as you moved, standing from the bed, arching your back as you stretched, moaning softly as your own back popped. 
The soft moans had chills running down Mando’s back, hearing them once again was something he wasn’t sure he’d ever hear again. He noticed the way you glanced over at him, looking at his legs rather than his upper half. He noticed the way you kept his creed, even when you thought he was asleep. He watched as you walked towards the window, moving the curtains out of the way, looking at the crowds of people still celebrating. 
“How long have I been asleep?” You whispered to yourself, still standing there as you watched the people.
“Only a couple hours.” You froze in your spot, the unfiltered voice responding to your question. You instantly lifted a hand to your eyes, the curtain slipping from your hand, as you backed away from the light.
“I’m so sorry Mando, I didn’t realize you didn’t have your-”
“It’s fine.” He spoke, watching the way you still covered your eyes, your back to him. He felt his lips turn into a smile, watching the way you just stood there, trying to figure out what to do without seeing him. “It’s dark enough.” He spoke again, watching the way you still stood there, covering your eyes until you slowly let your hand drop. He watched as the light from outside bled through the thin curtain and onto your face, highlighting every detail on your face, and he knew that you were the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his whole life. 
“I don’t want you to break your creed, Mando.” You spoke softly, eyes still shut.
“I won’t.” He spoke softly, wondering at that moment if breaking his creed for you was a bad thing. But you kept your eyes shut, not trusting that the room was dark enough. You heard the cot shift, hearing Mando’s footsteps coming closer and closer. You tensed, not bothering to take another breath as you heard him get closer and closer. “You won't break it.” He whispered, grabbing onto your wrist lightly. You let him guide you away from the window, the light that was once shining on your face soon fading until there was only darkness. You couldn't stop the chills that ran down your back as you felt Mando’s thumb softly rub against the inside of your wrist as he guided you. It was such a small act, but there was so much intimacy behind it. At least, for you.
“I don’t want to open my eyes.” You whispered to him, letting out a breath you were holding the whole time.
“You don’t want to see me?” You could hear the teasing tone and the smile on his face, something you were grateful to hear without the helmet blocking his voice.
“Of course I do.” You whispered again, trying not to wake the child up. “But I can’t lose your trust.” There was a bit of silence, your words lingering in the air as you waited for Mando to say something. You waited for his voice, only hearing the soft noises coming from the Child as he slept and the people that were still celebrating. “Look,” you stared, letting your mind run a mile a minute, the anxiety of everything between the two of you rushing out, “I’m sorry if I did anything that you didn’t like or if any of this wasn’t what you-”
You gasped loudly as you felt Mando wrap an arm around your waist, tugging you roughly against his chest. In a swift move, he turned the both of you around, your back landing softly on the cot, Mando holding himself up above you, your hands against his chest as the two of you laid like that for a moment, the world stopping around you as you tried to control what was going on. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” He whispered to you, his hand pushing away some hair that fell over your face, tucking it gently behind your ear. To say you forgot how to breath was an understatement, you were sure that you had died and that this was simply heaven for you. His fingers slowly trailed down your jaw, tracing the curve as the roughness of his fingers left goosebumps down your arms. He saw the way his touch made you react, and it only made him want to see more of it, forgetting how addictive it was to see you in this state. His fingers moved lower, trailing down your neck, his fingers outlining the edge of the shirt you wore. “You never could.” He whispered lowly. It was low enough that you weren’t sure if it was meant for you or for himself, either way, it was enough to make a light blush appear on your face and chest. 
You kept your eyes shut, basking in the feeling of his fingers as he softly touched your neck and face. You listen to his breathing as he took his time tracing your features, taking in the feeling of his fingers as the two of you laid there. “Mando.” You whispered, feeling his fingers still for a moment until they continued their journey. He slowly trailed them to your lips, his calloused fingers tracing over them. You could feel his eyes as he followed his own fingers. “Mando.” You whispered again. “Kiss me.” Within a second, there was no turning back.
He grabbed the back of your head, pulling you up to him as you felt his lips crash against yours, his facial hair scratching against your skin as your lips moved together. Your hands grabbed at his shirt, pulling him even closer (if that was possible), wanting to feel his entire weight on you as you tasted him. His other hand caressed your side, his fingers digging softly into your hip before he grabbed the back of your knee, lifting it up and over his hip as he settled himself between your thighs. You gasped against his lips as you felt his bulge rub against your clothed center, the noise you made only spurring Mando on even more. He pulled away, his lips swollen as he tried to catch his breath, watching the way your own chest was heaving, the soft, sweet noises leaving your lips as he stayed above you. You felt his hands grab at your waist, his hands slowly pushing the flimsy shirt you wore up, exposing the skin he’s already seen. He watched the way your chest rose and fell a bit quicker, the way you gradually sounded more and more out of breath from just his small touches. As he got to your breasts he stopped, the shirt bunched up, your stomach exposed to him, his hands resting on your rib cage. It felt like an eternity as you both waited for the next move. “Please, Mando.” You begged softly, wanting more and more each second. He couldn’t refuse. He yanked the shirt off of you, your hair spiraling around you as he pulled the shirt off. You grabbed his hands, impatient with how slow he was taking things and guided his hands to your boobs, his hands greedily grabbing, a low moan coming from Mando as he felt the soft skin. 
He was rough as he pulled down the cups of your bra, his head ducking instantly as he latched onto a nipple, his tongue flicking against the hardened skin. You moaned softly, arching your back, Mando’s arm wrapping around you a bit tighter, pulling you even closer to his mouth. You clawed at his back, gathering at his shirt, pulling it to his shoulders. “Take it off.” You mewed, feeling Mando pull away from you. Mando tugged the shirt over his head, tossing it across the room. He notices the way you didn’t react, your hands laying still on his hips. You still had your eyes closed. He hovered above you, resting his weight on his forearms as he softly pressed his lips against yours.
“Open your eyes.” He whispered against your lips, peppering kisses along your cheeks and chin.
“Your creed.” You whispered back, feeling the way his facial hair scratched your skin. “I don’t want to-”
“Open your eyes.” He repeated, his tone a bit more stern this time. You took a deep breath, your eyes fluttering open. You were surprised with how dark it actually was in the room. You couldn’t see his facial features, but you could see the outline of his body above you. You reached for him, your hands caressing up his arms to his shoulders, feeling the muscles flex slightly, the healed skin from previous wounds brushing against your hand. He let you touch him, his own breathing quickening as you moved your hands down his chest. Unlike last time, you wanted to take a bit more time. You shoved against his shoulder, rolling the two of you over, straddling his hips as he let out a huff as he settled against the cot. He grabbed onto your hips as you settled yourself on top of him, his fingers digging softly into your skin.
The two of you didn’t say anything as you planted your hands on his chest, letting your hands roam around searching for scars. You felt his chest rise quickly as you started roaming, feeling the slight chest hair that was scattered along his skin. With it being so dark, you went with your touch, finding the scars and tracing a finger along them, wondering how he got each one. As you continue your travel, you touch one particular long scar, that starts near his hip bone, and ends at mid torso. You fixated on this scar, your fingers tracing over it over and over again. “How did you get this one?” You asked, feeling the new skin that grew. You felt Mando sigh, his hands moving down to your thighs, before moving back up to your hips.
“Bounty got a bit carried away when I located him.” He answered. You didn’t think you could ever get used to his voice without the helmet, the sound alone making you weak above him. You took a deep breath, leaning down peppering soft kisses along his chest, softly licking along the scars that you met along the way as you traveled down his chest. You heard the small gasps leaving his mouth as you got lower and lower, straddling his legs as you kissed along the longer scar, feeling his hands push back some of your hair that fell forward. You kissed along the band of his pants, feeling him twitch against the fabric as you edged closer to the edge, teasing him. You licked a strip from his hip bone to his stomach, Mando moaning as the air hit it, sending goosebumps up his body.
“Y/N.” He warned, feeling your lips turn up in a smile against his stomach, your fingers dancing along the waistband of his pants. You hooked your fingers along the band, tugging softly. Mando quickly got the hint, lifting his hips as you tugged the pants harshly down, his erection slapping against his stomach, a bead of precum slowly leaking from the tip. You fumbled for a moment as you pulled his clothing off, tossing them on the floor before you seated yourself between his legs. “You don’t-”
“Shh.” You whispered, smiling to yourself softly. You nervously pressed your hands against his thighs, feeling more scars as you moved them up, feeling the way he flexed against your touch. You noticed the way you felt the blanket on the cot shifted, his hands bunching at the blanket as you moved closer and closer to your target. You wrapped a hand around his length, Mando grunting as you squeezed your hand around him, the velvety skin feeling foreign but not unwelcome as you moved your hand up. Mando was obviously a bit larger than what you expected, even with sleeping with him the first time, it was still a surprise with how large he felt in your hand, the girth of him making you nervous. “You’re so big.” you whispered to yourself, a smile on your face when you heard Mando moan softly at your words. You leaned forward, giving his length an experimental lick. 
Mando gasped loudly, his hips rising as you pulled away. You smiled, his reaction only wanting you to hear more from him. You made yourself comfortable between his legs, leaning forward again and sucking the tip between your lips. He grunted as he felt the warmth of your mouth, his hands clenching onto the blanket a bit tighter as he felt your tongue flick at the tip. You moaned softly, tasting the precum that coated your tongue, the salty taste making you clench around nothing. You were positive that you were soaked, squeezing your thighs together as you slowly took more and more of Mando’s cock in your mouth. 
Mando was on the brink of exploding. All he wanted as to grab the back of your head and fuck your throat. As rough as it sounded, that’s all he wanted was to hear you gag around him, and to feel your throat tighten around him. But he stopped himself, grabbing at the blanket under him, focusing on the feeling of your mouth around him. He watched as you slowly started bobbing your head, feeling you take more into your mouth, the tip of his cock lightly hitting the back of your throat. He bucked softly at the sensation, making you gag around him. He growled loudly, the sound sending chills right down his back.
To your surprise, you liked it. 
You pulled back with a loud gasp, twisting your hand around his cock, spreading your spit around him, the wet sound adding to the soft pants that filled the room. Mando’s length twitched in your hand, his hips bucking as you stroked him, your thumb brushing along his tip, watching the way he gasped. You brushed some hair back over your shoulder, leaning back down and sliding his cock back in your mouth. “Fuck.” Mando cursed, his hand flying to the back of your head, his hand grabbing at your hair as you gagged around him, moaning softly as he tugged on your hair. Your scalp stung as he tugged on the strands, his hand gathering your hair to a makeshift pony. “Feels so good.” he rasped, the sound shooting straight to your core. You wanted to hear these sounds coming from him for the rest of your life. Seeing him like this, on his back and so vulnerable to you, made you want to be on your knees for him whenever he wanted. You bobbed your head a little faster, wrapping your hand around what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. “Maker.” He growled, his body tensing beneath you. “Stop. Stop.” He rasped, pushing gently at your shoulders, his cock slipping from your lips, a string of saliva trailing behind as you took a deep breath in, licking your swollen lips.
“Did I-” You barely got a sentence out before Mando pushed himself up, grabbing the back of your head and pulling you towards him, kissing you with a passion that made your whole body weak. Mando didn't say a word as he reached behind you, unhooking the flimsy material and tossing it across the room, grabbing your hips and tugging you on top of him, your breast pressed tightly against his chest. He pawed at your thighs, his short fingernails scratching against the tight material as he pulled you impossibly close to him. You gasped as you felt his length rub against your clothed center, trapping his throbbing length between your bodies. He held you against him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, hands weaving into his thick hair, kissing him with a passion that only he was able to pull from you. 
“I wanna feel you when I cum.” He whispered against your lips, dragging his lips against your cheek as he left open mouth kisses along your jaw, peppering them down to your neck. You moaned at his words, nodding softly. He tightened his hold on you, wanting you impossibly close. You gave your hips an experimental roll, gasping softly as you felt his length rub against you. Mando growled against your neck, his fingers digging roughly into your thighs. You were positive that you were going to end up with small bruises scattered along your hips and thighs and you were more than excited to be seeing them later on. Mandos' hands became frantic, grabbing at the thin material around your legs and hips, tugging on the waistband and pulling harshly. “Take them off.” He growled into your neck, his teeth digging into the skin. You pulled yourself off of him, pushing your hair back and tugging at the pants.
He could see the outline of your body as you moved quickly, shimming the material down your legs as you stepped out of them. Mando was impatient as he reached for you, a hand on your hip and the other on your thigh, sitting you right back onto his lap, his lips finding yours in the dark. “I’ve thought about you.” He whispered, his hands caressing your back, feeling every single inch of skin that was exposed to him. “Every night.”
You could’ve died hearing those words leave his mouth. 
“I have to.” You confessed, fingers digging into his tensed shoulders as he peppered kisses along your chest and neck. 
“I’ve wanted you every single night.” He continued, sucking harshly at the top of your breast, for sure leaving a bruising. You’d let him mark you how ever he wanted, as long as it was him. “You’re so soft.”
“Mando, please.” You begged, rolling your hips once again, feeling his cock drag between your folds. He grunted into your chest, feeling your wetness coat his cock. He trusted against you, the tip bumping your clit making you jolt in his arms. “I need you.”
“Say it again.” He growled, weaving his hand into your hair, grabbing a fist full and keeping you still. “Beg.” You realized that Mando was a very dominant person, someone who took what they wanted whenever they wanted, and that didn’t stop when it came to your body. 
“Please.” You pleaded, your voice sounding forgien to your own ears. “I want you in me.” You didn’t care if you sounded pathetic, you were desperate to feel him again. “I need you. Please.”
“You have no idea what I would do for you, my cyar’ika.” He whispered into your ear, lifting you against him. You moaned as you felt him reach for his cock from around you, rubbing the tip between your folds, smearing his precum and your juices around. He lined his cock to your entrance, holding you above him. “Do you want me?” he whispered against your lips.
“Yes.” You nodded frantically, “Always.” That was the correct answer for Mando as he pulled you down, his cock splitting you in half. You whined, dropping your head onto his shoulder, his cock stretching you wide open. It was a bit of a tight fit, both of you were panting by the time half of him was in you. You slowly worked yourself onto him, lifting your hips softly as you sunk down on him.
“Maker.” Mando huffed, “You’re so tight.” You whined into his shoulder, his arms wrapping around you as you finally sat on his thighs. His cock filling you to the brim, pulsing deep within you. Barely moving and you were already out of breath, already squirming against him as he was fully seated in you. Mando wasn’t doing any better, his hands had  a bruising grip on your thighs, his breath stilled as he let you adjust to this position. You took a deep breath, lifting your hips, his cock dragging against your walls. A rush of pleasure shook your body, chills spreading over your skin as you sat back down. Mando gasped against you, his hips bucking against you as he wanted more. But he wanted you to control the pace, take it the speed you need it at. And it was killing him not to flip you around and take you the way he wanted. 
You started lifting yourself on your knees, moving on top of Mando, feeling his cock become wetter and wetter with your juices as you moved. “You feel so good.” You moaned, the sound of your wetness coating him filling the sound in the room. You gained the confidence you needed, moving a little bit faster, bouncing on his cock as he plunged deep within you. 
“Fuck Y/N.” Mando growled, grabbing your hips and helping you ride him, lifting you a bit more and dragging you down a bit harder than what you could do on your own. The tip of his cock nudged your g-spot, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. You pushed at his shoulders, shoving him back onto the cot, planting your hands on his chest and lifting yourself up. Mando was sure that this sweet girl who was shy all the time wasn’t the one who was currently riding him. You were in control, riding him and taking what you wanted. He loved it. 
He reached for you, grabbing the back of your head, tugging you down harshly against him, your breast pressed tightly against his chest. You squealed as he tugged you down, a hand in your hair, keeping you to him. “You’re so fucking tight around me.” He moaned, your walls clenching around him in response. It was a mess between the two of you, bouncing on top of him, both of you chasing your climaxes, wanting to feel the other. “This pussy is mine.” He growled.
“Yes.” He didn’t leave any room for you to argue, not that you wanted to, you knew that you were his, even if it took this long to screw again, you knew that you were his no matter what. 
“Say it.” He huffed, spreading his legs, your own thighs spreading a bit wider, a slight burn from your muscles as he planted his feet and started thrusting up into you. You sobbed against him as his cock brutally nudged your g-spot, your body limp against him as he took control, a hand in your hair and an arm around your waist, keeping you tight to him. “Say you’re mine, sweet thing.” You weren’t even sure if you could speak as he set this brutal pace. 
“I’m yours.” You cried, hiding your face in his neck, muffling your cries as he fucked you. “I’m all yours.”
“You take me so well.” He marveled, his arm tightening around your waist before flipping the two of you over. Your breath hitched as he flipped you over, the scratching material of the blanket digging into your back as he settled himself between your legs, his hands traveling down your sides and to your thighs, hooking the back of your knees and lifting them. You moaned loudly as you felt the burning stretching at the back of your thighs as he lifted your knees towards your chest, spreading you for himself. “I could fuck you all day.” He whispered to you, grabbing himself and lining up to your entrance. Your jaw was slacked as you felt him rub your clit with his tip before slamming back in, the slight pain of this new position instantly making your thighs shake. You were his for the taking, and he was taking every last bit. “Ever since that night,” He huffed, thrusting into you slowly, feeling the way you clenched around him, almost making him lose his train of thought. “I’ve thought about having you in every way possible.” You whined, listening to his words, his cock sending waves of pleasure through your body. 
“Don’t stop.” you begged, feeling him slow down. “Please Mando, make me cum.” The begging really did it for him. He hovered above you, hooking your thighs over his arms as he fucked you hard. You were a mess, breathless moans, his skin slapping against yours, the wetness of your pussy was all the two of you could hear. You soon felt the familiar tightness in the pit of your stomach, your thighs beginning to shake as your climax was growing and growing. “Mando.” you cried, your walls fluttering around him as your pussy was becoming over sensitive to his movement.
“Cum around me, sweet thing.” he moaned, his own climax approaching as he felt you tighten around him. “Let me feel you.” You grabbed onto his forearms, his trusts speeding up becoming a bit more animalistic. You moaned loudly, that tightness in your stomach snapping as you came, gushing around his cock, gasping into his shoulder, whimpering at the over stimulation. “Cum inside me.” You begged. He growled into your shoulder as he felt your walls pulsating around him, his movements becoming irregular when he heard your words. He came a few thrusts after you, filling you to the brim with his cum. You gasped at the sensation, feeling Mando bite down on your shoulder, keeping his throbbing cock buried in you, giving you a few more soft thrusts.  
Your walls clenched around him, feeling his cock twitch and pulse within you, both of you wordless and out of breath from the orgasms. He slowly let go of your thighs, whimpering as they instantly began feeling sore. Your whole body was sore, you knew that tomorrow you were going to be walking funny, there was no way you weren’t.
You reached up, weaving a hand into his shaggy hair, scratching at his scalp as the two of you calmed down, relishing in one another as you tried to catch your breaths.
“Are you okay?” He whispered, caressing your thigh softly. It made you smirk, remembering him asking you the same question last time.
“I’ve never been better.” You whispered back, feeling a smile growing on his face. He pulled out of you, both of you moaning softly. You blushed as you felt his and your cum leaking from you, dripping onto the bed. He seattle himself next to you, lightly shoving his arm under your head. With a smirk you made yourself comfortable, rolling over and resting your head on his chest. “Is this okay?” You whispered, feeling him slowly place his hand on your back.
“Yes.” he answered, his thumb rubbing your back softly.
You groaned as you felt something touching your face, caressing at your cheek as you slept. You cracked an eye open, seeing the Child standing right in front of your face, holding one of his little hands to your cheek. Once he saw your eye open he cooed loudly, a smile on his little face. “What are you doing, sweet thing?” You whispered, clenching the scratchy blanket closer to your chest. You raised an arm, poking at his little chest. You lifted yourself up onto an elbow, glancing around the room. Mando was gone, your clothes still scattered everywhere, and the Child in the cot with you. “Where did he go?” You whispered to the child, wrapping the blanket around your body and standing. You were right, you were sore, legs wobbling as you stood, the evidence of last night covering the inside of your thighs. You blushed, as you collected your clothes that were scattered everywhere. 
As you grabbed your shirt, the door opened, Mando walking in with two bowls of food. You jumped lightly, seeing him standing there, in his beskar and helmet, and you, in a blanket.
“Sorry.” You chuckled, lightly, “Just woke up.” You smiled, again not sure of what facial expressions he was making under his helmet. 
“I brought food.” He commented, closing the door. You were unaware how small this room was, or if it was the fact that Mando just took up so much space. “For you and the child.” He added, stepping over to the child. He greedily accepted the food, holding the small bowl in between his hands, as he sat on the cot. 
“Let me get dressed.” You smiled again, shrugging a shoulder and turning. You barely took a step when you felt a gloved hand grab your wrist. You turned, Mando standing right in front of you. A word wasn’t spoken as he cupped the back of your head, leaning down and resting his helmet against your forehead. You smiled, closing your eyes and feeling the coolness against your skin. 
Tag List: @hayley-the-comet​
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juliewatt · 3 years
When did she ever get to say no (FATWS)
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The apartment was dimly lit as she woke up from her nightmare, her past still haunting her even though it had been years ago, she still remembered it as if it was yesterday.
Her body shook from the previous event and sweat covered her body, the bodies, the blood it all still stood clear in her mind as she tried to take steady breaths to calm herself down. Once her body stopped shaking she stood up from the hard floor she called a bed, she didn’t remember having anything that was softer than the floor, she had tried a bed but after an hour she had laid down on the floor finding it more comfortable than the way too soft bed.
She walked to the shower to get the sweat off her and to collect herself more, a shower usually helped calm her body and mind after the nightmares.
After she was done she walked in her living room that was connected to the kitchen, it was a small apartment that had all the necessary stuff she needed, not too big but not too small either.
The city outside her window was alive and the sound of cars driving and people buzzing around put her on edge, she was used to silence, grey monotone walls and only being talked to whenever she was getting an order or in special occasions asked a question.
This world was new to her, she had been out for years but she still feeled uneasy navigating around in the outside world, so she for the most part stayed inside her little apartment watching the news on her television to see what happened outside without actually being there.
The knock on her door made her jump slightly but she quickly composed herself and walked slowly over to her door grabbing a knife on the kitchen counter in case she needed it. She could properly do the same damage without the knife but liked to have it with her for an extra precaution.
There was another knock on her door while she neared it and a voice from the other side “Y/n i-we need your help can you open the door?” She furrowed her eyebrows, the voice sounded familiar but she couldn’t pinpoint it and she didn’t really know or talked to anyone so she was confused to say the least.
She got to the door and peeked through the loophole in the door to get a look of who was outside the door, she stumbled away from the door when she saw who was outside it, it was a face she would recognise anywhere even after all these years and even with the haircut he had gotten. When she had stumbled back she must have made some sort of noise cause the voice outside spoke again “Y/n you alright? Can you open the door?” But she barely heard it, fear cruising through her, she backed farther away from the door she was promised safety when she got free and yet here he was standing in front of her door the man that had dragged back the last time she tried to escape, the winter soldier. Was he here to take her back? No it couldn’t, he never returned from that mission years ago she remembered that clearly, she had heard the guards talk about how they had lost him.
She got back to her senses and grabbed her knife tightly in her hand, took a deep breath and silently walked over to the door, unlocked it and stood back in the shadows, she knew she had no chance of overpowering him he was too strong so she would need to surprise him if she wanted any chance of success.
“I’m going to open the door alright? I just wanna talk” He said while turning the doorknob, she didn’t believe him, how could she the last time he had dragged her back, but she remained silent.
When he had walked in and closed the door behind him, she attacked but he was faster than her and dodged the knife that came for his head, he dodged each attack from her trying to get a hold of her without hurting her or himself in the proces.
She tried her best but in the end he ended up having her in a chokehold against his chest, the knife thrown away she tried to get free but little did it help, he was stronger than her like he always had been. “My name is James Buchanan Barnes and I'm no longer the winter soldier, so please stop. I'm not here to hurt you i just wanna talk” He said while she still tried to get free not believing him. “Lies all they do is lie” she said while she gave him an elbow in the stomach making him release her, she quickly grabbed her knife while he still was doubled over, when he stood again she pointed the knife at his throat glaring at him. For the first time Bucky got a good look at her, she had gotten older since he last had seen, of course she would look older. She had been around 16 when he last had seen her, a child who now had grown to look more like a young woman. “What do you want?” She asked, fear was lingering in her eyes, the knife slightly trembling in her hands she tried her hardest not to but the man in front of her made it hard not to. “I want your help” He started off slowly eyeing her every movement, he could easily overpower her, but he didn’t want to scare her more than he already had done. “I need your help with tracking a few people down, they have created the super soldier serum and i want to stop them, you’re one of the only ones i know that might want to help” He said, she stood staring at him not quite understanding it, he wanted her help?
She slowly lowered the knife and he took a deep breath. Maybe she would actually help him and Sam, he hoped for it but knew that there still might be a long way before she actually said yes to go with them.
“I don’t understand?” She said quietly, still confused with everything, “ you, me and a friend of mine Sam are going to find the people that made the super soldier serum, before it ends up in the wrong hands.” Bucky explained, she knew what he meant by the wrong hands, she had seen the other winter soldiers when they were created and got uncontrollable, no she definitely didn’t want that to happen again. “What do you need my help with?” She asked, still watching him and his every move, in case he should turn against her and try to attack her. “I know you’re a great fighter, we could use that. And you’re probably sick of spending all this time in your apartment.” He was right she was, but what else could she do? She didn’t know anything or anyone outside her apartment, her own mind didn’t allow her to, what if it was them trying to capture her again? She couldn’t risk that not now, not when she was finally free but if she was with James and his so called friend Sam they could protect her right? Make sure she was kept hidden and not thrown back into a cell again.
She relaxed a bit in her body and gave James a small nod, “alright James, where are we going?”
James’s friend Sam was a funny guy, he had seemed a bit distant at first and asked her a bunch of questions, but now he seemed more relaxed and trusted her a bit more than before, it made her relax a bit more towards the stranger.
She currently sat on the backseat of a car as they drove through a city in Germany, on their way to a prison where they were going to talk to a guy called Zemo. She didn’t ask many questions as they drove, she had learned the hard way in her life not to ask questions. “Wait kid, how old are you?” Asked Sam from the driver seat looking at her through the rear mirror, she took a moment to answer she needed to think she had been in cryo a few times, so her actual age didn’t add up with her appearance.
“I think i'm around 22 but i’m not quite sure” she said not quite sure with her answer, Sam took a double take at her in the mirror, “you don’t look like a 22 year old?” he said questionly “I have been on ice a couple of times.” She said quietly, not wanting to talk about her past, Sam got the hint and gave her a nod and a reassuring smile, she returned to look out her window for the rest of the trip.
She found her walking along the two other men in a garage of some sort, she walked behind them not paying much attention to their conversation, but when she suddenly heard shuffling from the other side of the room it immediately grabbed her attention.
A man walked out wearing a guard uniform, “What did you do!?” Sam's voice rang out glaring at James, “we need him!” He stated, Sam ignored him and turned his attention back to the stranger, “you’re going back to prison” “if i may-” The stranger was cut off from both of the other men “No!” She didn’t know who the man was so she couldn’t voice an opinion if she had one, but since it was pretty clear that the two other men didn’t like the stranger she decided she was going to be careful around him.
After everyone had calmed down a bit the stranger began to walk through the garage and explain the plan, not much into detail just what they needed to know for now.
Walking on to the private plane, she felt a bit more uneasy than she had before she had no idea where they were going with this stranger that apparently had a lot of money. She sat beside James across from the stranger where she watched his every move, not wanting anything to come as a surprise for her if went to pull any trick on them. The stranger talked briefly with his butler in a language she didn’t understand, she did notice a strange notebook lying within his other book that he had brought, she flinched when James launched at him, grabbing his throat. Memories came crashing within her and her heartbeat quicked up faster than she liked, flashes of her own hands on people's throats while they begged for mercy ran across her eyes, she closed them and shook her head a few times making them disappear.
“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book.” Sam said from his seat, she furrowed her eyebrows, who was Steve and why did James have his notebook? Sam and the stranger began to talk about how cool Marvin Gaye was, while James claimed he was more into 40’s music. The stranger began to talk more about the Steve guy and someone named Redskull, she didn’t know who it was so she zoned a bit out of the conversation.
“I’m sorry i don’t think i introduced myself. I’m Baron Zemo” The stranger said making eye contact with her, having a mischief glint in his eyes she nodded at him “y/n” she said plainly not wanting to give out information to the man in front of her. “Ahh Y/n or Plan B as you’re called in your files. I've read about you and your time with hydra, a shame you weren’t with the other soldiers in Siberia when I killed them. “ He said, her blood ran cold with the name of the organization that had held her captured and messed up her mind this much. “ I am not like them” she said, fixing her gaze on him, “are you sure about that? With all the lives you have taken, what makes you more different than them?” He pressed clearly wanting a reaction from her, wanting to see if she was as cruel and cold blooded as described in her files.
She merely glared at him “I’m nothing like them, they liked what they did and did it with freewill and no hesitation. I didn’t, when I got old enough to see what they were doing was wrong, I tried to escape several times but I always got brought back. Each time I got beat up more than the last time, whipped so I wouldn't fight them, programmed my mind so they could control me, so that I wouldn't escape all the time. I tried to get out, I really did, the last time I tried they sent him after me” She said nodding her head to James, continuing to tell her story. “I fought with everything i had learned but he was stronger than me, he dragged me back there, i guess they got tired of me escaping all the time, so they programmed my mind like i had seen they did to him, then put me on ice so they were sure i didn’t tried to run again. It was only when he didn’t get back from a mission i got brought back out again, they made sure they whipped me regularly so i didn’t get a change to return to myself again” She told all three men as they stared at her, Sam and James had sad looking expressions, while Zemo had a glint of fazination on his. “I’m sorry to hear about that. But I can’t help but wonder if your trigger words are the same as his?” Zemo asked and gestured to James beside her, she squinted her eyes at the man in front of her. “I don’t know” she said slowly while looking down thinking, trying to recall anything that might help her, a little smirk made a way onto Zemo’s lips and before anyone had a chance of stopping him the russian word came flowing “Желание” Longing. Her eyes snapped up at him in an instant, her mind betraying her in an instant, it was as if black dots started to fill her mind. But with only one of the words spoken they only covered parts of her mind, she remembered the feeling immediately, her heartbeat quickened up, fear of losing control of herself came crashing upon her. “Shut up” She spat at the man in front of her already halfway lashing herself out of her seat towards him, but James was quick and grabbed her before she had made her way over the table to do what she wanted to do to Zemo.
“Stop that right now! Do you think this is funny?!” James pointed at Zemo, anger radiating off him, the baron merely smiled “ I wanted to test a theory, it seemed like I was correct.” He brushed it off, seeming unbothered by the glaring and heavy breathing girl sitting in front him, he only told where they would be going and what the plan was, but she didn’t hear much of it too distracted in her own mind doing her best to shake away the uncomfortable feeling in her head. She snapped back when she heard her name being said “you James and Y/n will have to become someone you claim as gone.” She knew what that meant she didn’t like it, not after what just had happened, but she couldn’t back out now, she heard James taking a deep breath beside her he clearly didn’t like either.
They were used to doing things they didn’t like to do, only this time they could say no, but when did they ever get to say no.
There will most likely be a part 2
- Julie
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krisdreaming · 3 years
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x reader
― In which Kuroo finds himself just a little bit jealous of your cat
WC: 2.2k
A/N: Kind of cracky? It’s a little odd, but I had a lot of fun writing it. Heavily based on my own experiences of cat ownership. I definitely wouldn’t say I’m back to normal writing or anything, but this is an idea I’ve been working on for a few days now in short bursts, and I wanted to share it bc I enjoyed it. Also, I know the pacing is weird, let’s just agree to roll with it.
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“Okay, Mittens, here we are!” You announce to the cat carrier as you step into the living room. Tetsurou is right behind you, and he steps off to the side as you carefully set the carrier on the floor. He can’t help but smile as he watches you stoop down and open the door, trying to coax the cat out into the room. He knows how long you’ve been waiting for this. 
Hesitantly, the cat pokes his nose out of the carrier and looks around the strange room, then takes a few more steps to give your fingers a sniff, finally butting his head against your hand. You scratch behind his ears, eliciting a grumbling purr. After four years of only seeing your childhood cat on breaks from school, today you and Tetsurou picked Mittens up from your parents’ house. The extra weeks of searching for an apartment that allowed pets are all worthwhile just seeing the grin on your face.
“Come say hi!” You beckon suddenly, turning that smile to Tetsurou. He hesitates for half a second. He’s met Mittens several times now, but he can’t say the cat has ever had a particular affinity for him. He crosses the room anyway and crouches down, the movement causing the cat to turn from you and assess him coolly. 
“Hi, Mittens, remember me?” He extends his fingers, and the cat gives them a disdainful sniff before turning and slinking off.
“He probably just wants to explore,” You chirp, jumping to your feet. “I’d better fill his food dish and make sure he knows where the litter box is!” Tetsurou nods and watches you scurry off, blissfully unaware of the affect this cat is going to have on his life.
It starts later that evening. The dinner dishes are drying, and Tetsurou wants nothing more than to curl up on the couch with you and watch mindless television. If he’s lucky, you’ll even let him lay his head on your lap and run your fingers through his hair. 
The two of you settle on the couch and scroll through Netflix in search of the perfect show. When you’ve finally decided on something, Tetsurou tosses the remote on the coffee table and shifts closer to you just as Mittens jumps on the couch next to him. 
“Aww, c’mere!” You pat your lap and the cat wastes no time accepting your invitation, padding across his lap to yours, kneading your thigh for a few moments before turning in a circle and curling into a neat ball. In no time, he’s purring away. 
Tetsurou lets it slide for a little while, figuring the cat will soon decide to go have a bite to eat or use the litter box or whatever else it is that cats do, leaving your lap free for the taking. It’s not that he’s getting impatient or anything, but when he shifts his legs to get more comfortable, his knee brushes the cat’s back. With a startled sound, Mittens lifts his head and peers at Testurou.
“Tetsu,” You murmur, elbowing him lightly, “Careful, you’ll scare him off.” After another moment, the cat lays his head down again. He looks awfully comfortable there. Stifling a sigh, Tetsurou rests his arm on the back of the couch around your shoulders and leans his head against yours in resignation.
A few episodes later, you shift more upright and the cat stands, jumping from your lap and loping off in the direction of the litter box. “Well,” You chuckle softly, “Guess we should go to bed before he gets comfy again, huh?” You turn to Tetsurou, who immediately softens at the sight of your sleepy smile.
“Sounds good to me,” He agrees a little too quickly, getting to his feet and pulling you up, too. He presses a light kiss to your lips before turning to get ready for bed.
It’s only been a few weeks, and sharing a home with you is still new to him. Every night, he still feels a thrill of pleasant warmth just thinking of crawling into bed next to you. After a long day, there’s nothing he loves more than pulling you close and burying his face in the crook of your neck.
Tonight, you lay nose to nose, chatting and giggling. Tetsurou’s hand rests on your hip, his fingers just beneath the hem of your sweatpants absently tracing against your skin. You reach out and rest your palm on his cheek, face scrunching into a grin as you lean forward to press a chaste kiss to his lips. He loops one leg across both of yours, enjoying the closeness. That is, until he hears a small meow and sees a pointy pair of ears pop up behind you. Mittens rests his front paws on your thigh, and Tetsurou isn’t quite sure what to make of the look he’s giving.
“Aw, come on, sweetheart.” You back away from Testurou, creating a pocket of space between you, and pat the mattress. With a satisfied mew, the cat settles in. Your hand has left Tetsurou’s cheek and is now resting on Mittens’ back. 
“I think he’s settling in well,” You say softly, smoothing the cat’s fur. Tetsurou can only nod. “He had a chance to explore and check out the apartment, and it seems like he likes it,” You go on, a tiny smile on your face as you watch Mittens’ eyes slide shut in contentment, his purring building. “I’m glad.” At that, your eyes slide up to meet Tetsurou’s, clearly expecting him to chime in.
“Mm-hmm,” He hums. “I’m glad, too.” He is, truly. Mittens makes you happy, so that makes him happy. With time, surely Mittens will warm up to him a little more. He scoots as close to you as he dares and leans in to press a kiss to your forehead before settling in to sleep.
Sometime in the middle of the night, he wakes up, bleary but just conscious enough to recognize that the cat is gone. As he slips back into sleep, he slides an arm around your middle and pulls you close.
The next morning, he wakes up to an empty bed. He has a vague memory of waking up just as the room began to fill with the first light and looking over to see Mittens pawing at your arm. You must’ve gotten up to tend to him.
As he slides out of bed, he can just make out the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting from the kitchen. Following his nose, he makes his way down the hall. He can hear you shuffling around and clanking dishes in the kitchen. That sound is all too familiar - maybe you’ve gotten a head start on breakfast.
He thinks you must hear him coming down the hall, because you start talking. “Who’s hungry? Hmm? Are we ready for breakfast?” Tetsurou all but bursts into the kitchen, half-expecting a spread of pancakes and bacon all ready for him. Instead, he’s greeted by you, scraping the last of a tin of paté onto a small dish while Mittens watches, already licking his chops. You stand back with a satisfied hum, watching as the cat hungrily descends on the meal. Despite himself, Testurou feels himself deflating. 
“Hey Tetsu, you’re up! Wanna have something quick for breakfast before we go grocery shopping? I think there’s some cereal left in the cupboard. Or toast, if you’d rather.” You reach for your coffee mug and peer at him over the rim, waiting for his response.
“I’ll have the cereal, unless you want it,” He says finally, reaching for the refrigerator handle.
“All yours!” You say brightly, then take a sip of your coffee. He pulls a mug from the cupboard and lazily sloshes coffee inside. “You wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” You ask then, eying him critically.
“Nope,” He manages a grin. “I’m fine, I promise.” You nod, but something in your expression says you’re not quite convinced. To his relief, you let it go at that.
That afternoon, Tetsurou is in the bedroom looking through his unpacked boxes one last time. In the shuffle of the move, it seems he’d gathered up some of Kenma’s things by mistake, and Kenma has been after him to return them. He’s collected a small box of things he’s come across that belong to his friend, and this afternoon he’s planning to drop them off. When he hears you call, he moves to the doorway to listen.
“Come on, where are you hiding?” Your voice is muffled. You must be across the apartment.
“Babe,” He calls back, “I’m in the bedroom.”
“Come out, handsome boy!” He’s taken aback by the unusual pet name, but he shakes his head. You mustn’t have been able to hear him.
“Babe,” He says again as he makes his way down the hall. “I’m-” He stops short when he finds you in the living room, on your hands and knees peering under the couch. “You’re looking for the cat,” He says, shuffling a few steps backwards hoping the doorway would be so kind as to swallow him up.
You laugh. “Totally looking for the cat,” You confirm with a chuckle, “He’s got a vet appointment this afternoon, remember? Somehow he always knows.” You stand up and go to check the kitchen, and just when he thinks he’s in the clear, you turn back with a smirk. “Don’t worry, you’re my handsome boy, too.”
“Shut up,” He ducks away, but you still manage to reach up and pat his cheek, chuckling as you walk past. 
“Anyway, you’re leaving soon, right? Have fun at Kenma’s,” You call over your shoulder as you continue your search. He goes back to the bedroom to grab the box of Kenma’s stuff and catches Mittens slinking out from under the bed. 
“Good luck, bro,” He says as he watches the cat slip out of the room and down the hall. Judging by the direction he’s headed, he’ll be intercepted soon enough. “See you later!” He calls out, shutting the door behind him just as he hears your cry of success.
Sitting in Kenma’s living room, the conversation inevitably swings around to the events of the past few days. A polite question from Kenma leads to Tetsurou telling Kenma the entire events of the past 24 hours. If nothing else, he’s sure his friend will find it amusing. 
When he realizes Tetsurou’s finished talking, Kenma lowers his phone, fixing his piercing gaze on Tetsurou. His lips tilt upwards in a slight smile before he says, “You’re jealous of the cat.”
Inhaling a sharp gasp, Tetsurou frowns. “I’m not jealous of the cat,” He rebuffs quickly. It’s absurd. Kenma raises an eyebrow. Okay, maybe he’s a tiny bit jealous of the cat. But is he going to admit it? Never.
“You’ll work it out.” Kenma assures him, the slightest hint of a chuckle in his tone. Tetsurou sighs. Some day maybe he’ll learn not to be surprised by Kenma’s astuteness. 
he thinks it over on the way home. He just needs to get used to it, he decides. He’s never had a cat before. He’s gotten used to it being just the two of you. He and Mittens will get used to each other with time. Ridiculous as it sounds even in his head, he’ll learn to “share” you with the cat.
When he gets home, he finds you in the kitchen. “How’d the vet go?” He asks, glancing around. Mittens is nowhere in sight. He sidles up next to you and rests his chin on your shoulder. You lean into his touch, he notices with satisfaction.
“It went well. He’s staying healthy, even for an older cat.” You run your fingers down Tetsurou’s arm in a soothing motion. 
“That’s good,” Tetsurou murmurs. As if he senses you’re talking about him, Mittens walks into the room and then heads to his water fountain for a drink. You don’t miss Testurou’s eyes following him.
“You and Mittens aren’t so different, you know,” You giggle. Testurou narrows his eyes at the cat, who shifts onto his haunches and levelly returns the stare. “You both think you’re being cool, but you just want my attention.”
“Pfft.” He waves his hand as though brushing off the idea.  
“Don’t play coy with me,” You insist, and Tetsurou sheepishly meets your gaze. “You two are going to love each other soon,” You say confidently. “Don’t worry, I have plenty of attention for both of my handsome boys.” You giggle.
“I’m never gonna live that down, am I?” He sighs.
“Nope.” You pull him in for a kiss, lips curling up into a smile against his. “Come on, let’s go watch some TV,” You say, lacing your fingers with his and giving his hand a tug. “I’ll play with your hair,” You promise, shooting him an all-too-knowing grin. Now, that he can’t say no to. As you lead him out of the kitchen, he shoots one last smug glance in Mittens’ direction. 
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Petty Pair (Raymond/F!Reader)
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Summary: Reader wants to fuck Raymond to spite his father. Raymond thinks that’s really hot, actually.
A/N: This idea came into my head and literally never left. It lives rent free in my head, and I hope you feel it now, too. Couple: Raymond/Fem!Reader Category: Smut (NSFW) Content Warning: Fingering, penetrative sex, protected sex, mild exhibitionism, getting caught Word Count: 5k
There was a grand total of one functioning bar in this town at this hour of night. This drastic and unforgivable shortage of places for me to buy alcohol was also the only reason I found myself frequenting said bar.
After about an hour of swatting off a group of men that were objectively disgusting, I resigned myself to fate and the realization that the night would turn out no better than it would have if I hadn’t tried to get drunk on cheap liquor. I was ready to pack up, close out, and fuck off back home when it happened.
A familiar face walked through the door. Familiar, I suppose, was a stretch. I’d only seen his face in one picture ­– a picture I’m pretty sure was meant to be thrown away. It stuck out to me because it was the first indication that I got that Donald Wadsworth had a son. And a cute son, much less.
My brain scanned through buried memories to try and find the one where his recently divorced mother had told me his name. I knew the memory existed somewhere, surrounded under a mountain of bullshit, but it was so hard to focus when I was watching the poor kid shuffle over to the bar and plop himself down against the counter.
It had taken me that long to realize that he was wearing pajamas. Cute.
His fashion choices and bedhead paired nicely with the pout he wore when he shyly scanned the room. Altogether, everything about him assured me that he literally couldn’t have been less intimidating if he tried. That theory was further solidified by the way he shrunk against the counter when he saw me approach. By the time I sat down next to him, he’d all but disappeared under his jacket.
“Hey, you’re... Raymond, right?” The name came to me at the same time his eyes locked with mine. The dark hazel color shone almost gold in the orange hue of the bar.
“You’re Donald’s son?” I asked as warmly as possible while using his father’s name. Which is to say, not warm at all.  
“Unfortunately,” Raymond droned with a similar disdain.
“I’ll say,” I chuckled as I leaned forward to match his slouch over the bar. “I work with your dad.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, me too.”
That alone seemed to cause a shift in his entire demeanor. It didn’t surprise me. Most of the women in this town were brainwashed into thinking that if a guy didn’t outright assault you at first glance, he was probably a solid dude.
And Donald Wadsworth was not a solid dude.
“He’s like, a giant fucking asshole,” I said.
Raymond’s eyes lit up.
“Right?!” he shouted back, practically falling from his seat in his enthusiasm as he continued to yell, “I know!”
There was no keeping it together with this caricature of a man, but I didn’t really want to, either. In the few seconds I’d interacted with him, everything about him changed from defensive to relaxed. Like all he needed was someone to tell him that it wasn’t all in his head.
Unfortunately, I was going to need to ask something of him. But I figured he wouldn’t mind what I was going to request.
“But hey, that’s actually why I wanted to talk to you. I have a favor to ask you.” I kept my tone even and nonchalant, trying to avoid coming off as parental.
He eyed me as warily as I expected, tugging his drink a little bit closer as he started to shrink in on himself again.
“I’m gonna be honest,” he mumbled, “there’s not really anything I can do to hurt him that I haven’t already tried.”
There was no need for self-degradation. Raymond might have thought he tried everything, but from his body language around a woman, it was safe to assume he’d never tried my plan.
“Wanna bet?”
Raymond sighed in surrender before he shrugged, “Sure. What’s the favor?”
“I want you to fuck me.”
It wasn’t my intention to wait until the drink was in his mouth before I spoke, but it was how it ended up happening. And almost instantaneously, he spat the drink out over the bar before calmly squeaking, “I’m sorry, what?”
“I want to have sex with you,” I repeated like it was the most normal thing in the world. Then I sought confirmation that was only a little important in the grand scheme of things. “You’re staying at his place, right?”
“Just for tonight, yeah—" he started, but all I heard was the ding of a checkmark on my mental list that meant we were cleared for the next step.
“Great. We should do it there, then. Tonight.”
Raymond’s tongue stuck out from between his teeth, the visual of restraint matching his narrowed, shifty eyes and fidgety legs.
“I feel like I’m missing something...” he muttered.
I heard him, but I didn’t really care. The clock was running, and I was ready to get something good out of this night. Possibly even two good things, if he ended up being as helpful as his cute, submissive demeanor implied.
“I’ll drive. You want to go now?”
“I— I mean, sure, yeah,” he stumbled over the words and his own feet as he left the bar. “We can… go have sex.”
I laughed at how cool he tried to sound because he definitely failed. I reached past him to drop cash on the bar and grabbed his hand on the way back. The amount of warmth stormed it in was shocking, considering all the blood seemed to be in his face, ears, and the tent in his pants. But the comfort of his fingers interlocking with mine on instinct did more for me than he knew.
“Great. Let’s go.”
Raymond was silent on the way out and into the car, which was about what I expected from him. Every glance his way would show the gears slowly turning in his head, like he was still trying to grasp whether my proposition was serious. Like I was trying to murder him or something.
When the car started, so did some sliver of confidence in him, although he still cleared his throat before he asked, “Do you need directions, or…?”
“No, I’ve been to his place before.”
That caution and suspicion returned and multiplied, and before I even pulled out of the parking lot he had shrugged down in the seat and buried his face in his hands.
“Please tell me you didn’t fuck my dad,” he whined in the most dramatic manner possible.
I couldn’t blame him for the theatrics, although the implication was not at all appreciated.
“Absolutely the fuck not,” I spat, my face curling into a pure expression of disgust. At least we both felt similarly on that note.
“Thank god.” The relief flowed through him, allowing him to sit back up to his previously half-straight position. I decided that it was probably best to cut him some slack for assuming I would ever fuck that devil of a man, because I got the sinking suspicion that he might have known a couple girls his age that had done exactly that.
That thought led me back to the very reason I was there at all, and a chill ran down my spine as I muttered without thinking, “Wasn’t for a lack of his trying, though.”
The whole tone in the car shifted in seconds. One glance over at Raymond confirmed the repressed rage and sadness rolling off of him in waves that were more accurately described as a tsunami.
It was just unsettling enough that I snapped my eyes back to the road, giving a nervous chuckle to tell him that it wasn’t that serious. I didn’t need him to defend my honor, or anything. It did enough to quell most of the rage, but that self-pitying sadness was still there when he let out a shy, quiet plea.
“I don’t want to pry but… Will you tell me what this is about?”
“You really want to know?”
It was one thing to know the vague generalities of how much his father sucked, but another thing entirely to paint him a vivid depiction of what he was willing to do.
“Yeah,” he said with fiddling hands, “I think.”
I think he was trying to do me a favor. I think listening to my story was meant to be a sign to me that there were people who would care — people who would believe me. He clearly didn’t actually want to hear the story, but I appreciated his willingness to experience some discomfort to make up just a small part of his father’s misdeeds.
“So, I’m new at the school, right? It’s awkward. It’s a small town and everyone knows everyone,” I started, trying to look over at Raymond whenever I could to show him that I was doing alright. The poor thing looked like he needed the reassurance more than I did.
“Your dad very quickly tried to take me under his wing, despite my very obvious discomfort.”
“Sounds like him,” he interrupted with a pissed-off murmur.
“Yeah. I just kind of accepted his help because I was too scared to say no, but then one day he…” My voice trailed off, the words getting clogged in my throat and muddled on my tongue. It wasn’t that bad of a story; it should have been easier to explain. But something about Raymond being there, him listening to me so intently and with such a strong desire to make it better, that made it hard to speak. Eventually, I managed to start again. “He cornered me in the damn teacher’s lounge and—“
“Please don’t give me a reason to kill him. I’ve been toeing that line my whole life, and I will definitely do it.”
That time when Raymond cut me off, it was very clear to me that he was not kidding. He enunciated the words so clearly, venom dripping from his tongue and his chest heaving with a determination coming through clear, despite his best efforts to hide it.
He was a sweet kid.
“He didn’t try to touch me or anything. It wasn’t like that,” I said with an awkward smile, reaching over to pat his thigh. The action alone seemed to calm him, almost like a dog that was being told to stand down.
He was a really cute kid.
But I had to finish this stupid story. I had to give him all the information so that he would know exactly why I’d invited myself into his bed. Sex is sort of a big deal, you know? I mean, not always, but the other party in spite sex should probably know who exactly the target is.
“He just made it very clear that he felt I owed him something, and I kindly told him to fuck off,” I concluded just as we pulled up the dirt drive. The bumps in the road seemed to shake some other memories in Raymond, and he just shook his head to rid himself of those, along with the story he’d just heard.
He looked over at me with a new understanding and something else.
“So that’s what this is about?”
“Yep,” I said with a pop of my lips to match the sound of my car door opening. He clambered out of the car much less gracefully, which was funny considering he’d had significantly less to drink.
But I figured I would have the decency not to laugh, instead just joining him on the passenger side of the car to finish our conversation before we went inside. I wanted to give him the chance to change his mind. I wouldn’t have blamed him. Although I was the one who would have to deal with the brunt of the downfall, Donald wasn’t my family. Like, I wouldn’t be at his holiday dinners. Then again, I’m not sure Raymond would be, either.
When I looked up from the thought, Raymond was staring at me. It wasn’t like before, though. There was nothing suspicious or any sign of concern in his eyes. No, they were filled with a very different feeling.
“You want to fuck me just to spite my dad?” he asked with a deadly seriousness.
I thought about it for exactly one second before I shrugged at the extremely accurate summary.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“God,” Raymond practically groaned, throwing himself on me and pinning me against the car with his hips before he growled, “that’s so fucking hot.”
Those same lips that produced the words quickly covered mine with the same force he’d used to pin me against the metal. I didn’t fight him at first because, well, I didn’t want to. It was the first clear sign he’d given that he really wanted to do this, and who was I to argue with how he expressed his consent?
Also, he was like, a really, really good kisser. The desperation he felt came through in his tongue as it tangled with mine, drawing a quiet, muffled moan from me that alerted me to how quickly this would escalate if I didn’t shove the boy off me.
Which, I did.
“Raymond— inside,” I ordered with the little breath I had left.
He was confused for a second, almost like he’d blacked out in the meantime. But then his tongue swept over his lips, his hands digging through his pockets for his keys before he hastily answered, “Right. Let’s go.”
It made sense to be quiet then, as the two of us tip-toed through the much too large house. Our occasional giggles were louder than our feet, and the whole experience was seriously reminiscent of sneaking into your boyfriend’s house as a teenager. And when we walked through his bedroom door, the sight stirred up even older memories. From the UFO poster and alien sheets to the boxes filled with dinosaur toys and action figures, I felt like I’d walked straight through a time machine into Raymond’s childhood.
“Sorry about… all of this,” he said with an overly apologetic tone, like this scene didn’t perfectly suit what I was planning. Like it wouldn’t be salt in the wound for Donald to see me fucking his son in the most juvenile room I’ve ever seen in my life.
“Ugh, it’s perfect. You are literally a man-child.”
I didn’t mean it as an insult, but his nervous shifting told me he took it that way. But when I kicked off my shoes and started to disrobe my outer layers, it was becoming obvious to him again just how serious I was about this whole thing.
“Sorry, but—“
“Stop saying sorry, Raymond.”
“Sorry,” he squeaked back, doing the exact thing I’d just told him not to do. I shot him a warning glance and watched the way his Adam’s apple bobbed in return. Then, still worrying the hem of his pajama shirt between his fingers, he looked away as he asked, “Are you sure you actually want to have sex with me?”
I was a little too busy at first to answer him. I was already rustling through the bedside table to find a condom that I was absolutely positive would be there. When I finally found it, I turned my attention back to the blushing boy.
“Why are you asking? Do you want to have sex with me?”
“Yes!” he answered with a clear excitement, only to lose it immediately. “But I would have wanted to have sex with you even if my dad wasn’t a pervert.”
“Awww, thanks,” I cooed with feigned sincerity. Raymond was still just pouting, though. I was learning more each second just how starved of affirmation this boy had been. But it wasn’t like I could just start praising him; the poor thing would have whiplash if I wasn’t careful. There was no worse mood-killer than crying, either, so I settled for a joke.
“I’d probably have sex with you, too.”
“Probably?” he responded with a smile and a seat next to me.
“It’s pretty likely, depending on how much we talked first,” I explained as I helped him out of his coat. I even managed to start undoing his pajama top buttons before he realized it was happening.
He didn’t stop me when he did.
“I don’t know if that’s an insult or not,” he said, instead.
With a coquettish grin, I leaned in to whisper against his lips, “And you never will.”
There was absolutely no resistance from Raymond when I grabbed hold of his collar, tugging him on top of me as I laid down on the tiny twin bed. Despite all of his insecurity, he didn’t hesitate to kiss me again, either. This time it was somehow even more heated, like he was trying to pour all of his heart into it.
I almost warned him that he had better cool it if he didn’t want to risk getting me hooked, but I was too late. He was already busy undoing the buttons on my own top and gently kneading my chest through the fabric of my bra, and I was quickly losing track of which of us was more into what was happening.
It didn’t really matter, but just in case he was still worried that I might not want to be there, I snuck my hand down and under the waistband of his pajamas.
“Fuck!” he cursed in a hushed whisper, his body buckling forward far enough that he almost dropped all his weight on me. It was so damn cute that I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Don’t be too loud or we’ll never get to the fun part,” I warned, my voice barely a whisper in his ear.
His very eloquent response was a breathless, “Shit.” I couldn’t blame him, though. It was honestly more than I expected him to be able to enunciate when I grabbed hold of his dick and began making soft strokes.
It was obvious that he was trying very hard to stay quiet, but the whimpers and whines were falling from his mouth so quickly that I was forced to kiss him just to muffle the noise. Thankfully, Raymond took the hint that he needed to be quiet and decided to redirect the attention from himself back to me. He accomplished that task by pulling away from me just far enough that he could grab hold of my pants and underwear and roughly pull them down my thighs. The speed and force lit a fire deep in my gut, my whole body breaking out in goosebumps as I allowed myself to enjoy just how badly he wanted me. I’m sure the spite thing had a lot to do with it, too, but it had been a long time since a man was so clearly into me. It was an unavoidable conclusion in every touch from him.
A much-too-loud moan caught in my throat when he returned, slipping his fingers into my heat as he laid another feverish kiss against my lips. But it broke almost immediately with his own choked moan, followed by a low, breathy observation.
“You weren’t kidding about wanting this.”
“Nope,” I replied quickly, trying to control the noises coming out of my mouth by replacing them with words. It only sort of worked when I keened, “Fuck, you’re better at this than I thought.”
Raymond didn’t even stop, continuing to curl his fingers inside of me with each thrust. He did smile, though. A cheeky, borderline annoying smile that told me he knew what a bastard he was being.
“Again, I can’t tell if that is a compliment,” he said with an overwhelming amount of sarcasm as he watched me squirm under him.
I chose to ignore the taunt, opting to grab the condom from the bedside table and throw it directly at his face instead. “Put the fucking condom on, Raymond.”
There was less commentary from the peanut gallery from that point on. I did enjoy the show, though. As I removed my bra, I watched with rapt fascination as he stripped himself of his clothes. My desire grew at an exponential rate at the sight of him slipping the condom on. I’d gotten some idea of the size of him with my hand, but to see something so lewd in such an innocent room and on his shy little figure was something else.
Raymond shrunk a little under my gaze, only regaining his confidence when he saw the way my teeth dragged over my bottom lip. I ran my hands over my body that was still on display for him, thoroughly enjoying the way I could make his eyes go wherever I wanted with such a simple motion.
“Fuck me, Raymond.”
I heard his breath catch and watched the shiver flow through him at the order. Sure enough, he started to follow my instructions and lined himself up at my entrance with adorably shaky hands. But then, right before I got what I came for, he paused.
“Are you su—“
I was tired of waiting. Hooking my leg around his waist, I forced Raymond to thrust forward. My assistance didn’t take any of the pleasure out of it when he was finally, fully inside of me. I couldn’t stop the way my back arched, pressing my chest against his with a wanton cry.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he mumbled into my hair, burying his face in the crook of my neck as he adjusted to the new set of sensations.
I only gave him a few seconds to get used to it, fully ready to get the release that already felt so close.
“Fuck me,” I whined, already starting to roll my hips against the boy blubbering curses into my skin.
“O-Okay,” he muttered in the most adorable fashion.
That shyness was contrasted strongly by what followed. For all his whimpers and trembling, Raymond didn’t seem to mind the way the bed would creak under us. In fact, it seemed that he was playing his own game, trying to elicit as many noises from me as he could get from the bed.
On instinct, my hands rose to try to still the headboard. But to my surprise, they never made it. The man above me had grabbed hold of one wrist, pinning it against the pillow to stop me. That simple, thoughtful act was enough to almost send me over the edge right then, but I held on for what I knew would come.
My moans were another story. They seemed so inevitable, with Raymond slamming into me with a progressively rougher force until I rode that line between pain and pleasure. I could see it on his face, too, that we were barreling full speed to the inevitable.
So, it was as good a time as any for me to set the next step in motion. With full volume and a pitch nearly an octave higher than usual, I screamed, “Yes, Raymond!”
That cheeky little bastard laughed. That noise was such music to my ears, that I couldn’t just stop there.
“God, yes! Fuck me harder!” I cried dramatically while drawing out the words. In a way, I was over exaggerating for effect, but I was also actually having a great time. In fact, it was the best sex I’d had in a long time.  
Raymond, catching on to the plan that I’d never explicitly explained, joined in with his own chant of my name, mixed with deep moans rumbling in his chest. I ran my nails down his back, seeking to elicit the higher pitched sounds I knew he was capable of when I realized just how much fun I was having with him.
It was also, of course, super fucking hot. But how often do you get to have this much fun with a random one night stand you found at the bar? Not often enough, I decided.
“Please, Raymond! Harder!” I begged, both in accordance with my previous moans and also because it was what I needed.
I couldn’t decide on a word to describe that wild look on his face, but Raymond had no problem following through with my request. Releasing my wrist, he sat up on his knees, grabbing hold of my hips and lifting them so that he could come down between them at a new angle.
That angle, it seemed, left him bottoming out inside of me with each brutal thrust. My legs were actually shaking around him, my back barely touching the bed as I threw my head back on that damn alien pillowcase.
The clacking of the headboard against the plaster shook the hung UFO picture, which ended up clattering behind it with about as much grace and subtlety as Raymond and I shared in that moment.
But that crashing also masked the sound of the door slamming open, just as I’d been waiting for. And for a long moment, neither of us even looked over to the light filtering in from the hallway. Instead, we locked eyes with each other as the two of us simultaneously reached our peak.
I was so, so glad that I didn’t look away. I kept my eyes firmly on Raymond as he threw his head back, forcing himself as deep in me as he could and holding me against him as I nursed him through his orgasm with my own. His mouth, though dropped open, was curved in a satisfied smile, one last moan tearing through the two of us before he promptly collapsed on top of me.
Then, it finally came. Donald’s voice bellowing, “What the fuck is going on in here?!”
 As Raymond and I sat in my car that night, there was a much more relaxed atmosphere. Whether the catharsis was from the sex or the big fuck you to his father, the two of us were just basking in the afterglow of the overall experience.  
Of course, he was also laughing at the fact I was currently wrapped up in his alien bedsheet.
“We could’ve gotten your clothes, you know.”
“There was no way in hell I was going to drop this sheet in front of that man,” I said through my laughter, my mind replaying the chaos of the last few minutes over again in my head.
“Probably a good call,” Raymond answered.  
But then another thought occurred to me, which caused my face to contort into a disgusted grimace.
“You’d better go get my underwear and bra later, though. He cannot keep those.”
“Will do. Promise,” he said with a little nod that ended with him staring at me with an absolutely smitten look plastered on his face.
“You can keep them, though,” I offered, reaching over and pretending like I could actually fix the birds nest on his head.
“Thanks. I’m flattered,” he said while chasing after my hand that eventually settled on his cheek. His face was still flushed, his eyes still only half opened as he nearly fell asleep against my palm. I wondered if it was from the orgasm, or if it was just the first time in a while he’d felt safe enough to do it. He must’ve seen the worry in my eyes, because he interrupted the thought with another question.
“Did you accomplish your goal?”
I thought about it for a second, dragging my fingers down his face before I pulled back with a sigh. “I feel satisfied,” I decided. “What about you?”
Raymond also took the chance to think about it before he nodded with more enthusiasm than before.
“I feel pretty good,” he said proudly.
“That’s all? Just pretty good?” I replied with an annoyed click of my tongue. I mean, I was wrapped in his bedsheets after just helping him achieve one of the most satisfying catharses of his life, and all he had to say was ‘pretty good?’
But then I saw it, that little sparkle in his eyes that showed me he just wanted to rile me up before he gave his real answer.  
“It was fucking glorious.”
It wasn’t even the words that filled my heart with pride, but the way his whole expression softened as he said it. He obviously meant it with every fiber of his being, and I couldn’t help but fall in love a little bit at the sight.
“Sorry I got you kicked out,” I said to distract myself from that dangerous line of thought.
“Not the first time. Hopefully the last,” he nonchalantly shrugged as I turned the key in the ignition. We hadn’t actually planned on what to do from this point, but I certainly had some ideas.  
“You can stay at my place,” I slurred through my exhaustion, “I have a guest bedroom if you feel weird staying in mine.”
But Raymond didn’t answer. He just laughed, shaking his head and rubbing a heavy hand over his tired eyes.
“What?” I asked, a little worried I’d made a mistake.
“Nothing,” he reassured with that stupid fucking grin that was soon aimed straight at me, “it’s just… You’re asking me if I want to sleep with you. Again.”
“Yeah, what about it?” I laughed, turning to pull out of the driveway. The bumps didn’t bother Raymond that time.
“I’d love to,” he said as we turned onto the main road, his hand finding mine on the gear shift.
“Great.” Allowing the relief to flow through his hand and into me, I realized that the reason I’d had so much fun with this random one night stand was because a large part of me knew it was never going to be just that.
“You know, my bed’s not a twin, and it doesn’t creak, so…” I trailed off, hoping that he would be clever enough to put it together.
“So what?”
He was not. But that was okay, because I realized that was exactly what I loved about him.
“Never mind,” I sighed, “I’ll show you in the morning.”
(Tell me what you thought of this piece here!)
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enbyprentiss · 3 years
Just for the record...
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Spencer x GN!Reader
Warnings: none that i can think of:)
a/n: heyo! this fic is very loosely based on me. mostly the fact that my first job was in a local record store and my music taste. there are no physical descriptions of reader at all. okok i have to finish writing this now but um i hope you like it!<3
(oh and it’s lightly inspired by this post and this one)
Spencer didn’t leave his house often. For many reasons. Germaphobia, social awkwardness, and the whole ‘anyone could be a serial killer and could be targeting me’ thing, just to name a few. But this, this he could handle. After all, he’s been here before. And it was a painless process. Nice, even. Going to a record store is like going to a book store, right? Well, maybe not. But as far as he’s concerned, investing in vinyls was one more easy way to reject modern technology. So, he covered his hand with the sleeve of his cardigan quickly before pulling the door open. The store wasn’t empty, but it wasn’t packed either. Though, it was crowded enough to turn Spencer off of the idea of wandering aimlessly through the aisles of stacked up records. He hesitantly walked up to the counter with an older man standing behind it.
“E-excuse me? I was wondering where I could find um--”
The man cut him off with a shout, “Y/N?!”
The door of what he could only assume was a storage room swung open and Y/N stepped out carrying a box.
“Do me a favor, help this guy out, alright?”, he explained while they tripped slightly over their Docs.
“You got it, boss.”, they smiled with a click of their tongue.
Spencer’s mind raced a million miles a minute looking at the person standing in front of him. Because they were definitely not here the last time he was. And now, he knew his face was probably bright red and that did not help with the seemingly awkward silence or the stuttering.
“Y-you know what? I-i-it’s fine, I c-can find it myself. You ju--um, y-you loo-k busy.”, the words struggled to fall from his lips.
But instead of laughing or brushing him off, Y/N just smiled and tried to reassure him, “No, it’s totally fine. In fact, it’s uh kinda my job.”, they giggled.
And even though he had just met this magnificent stranger thirty seconds ago, he would do anything to hear them laugh again. But instead, like the idiot he had deemed himself as, he choked up and all the words died on his tongue.
“Soooo, what’s up? How can I help?”
“Right--um I’m looking for ‘Metallica’.”
“Like, just the band in general or the album?”
“T-the album. But it’s f-fine if you guys don’t have it or something!”
“Don’t worry, we totally have it. And I know we do because I just stocked ‘em up an hour ago.”, they drummed their fingers on the edge of the counter happily before hopping over it. They motioned for Spencer to follow as they began to walk to the back of the store.
“Metallica, huh?”, those two little words broke Spencer out of his trance, and now that they had, he felt like an absolute creep for just staring at them.
“Oh no, you just--don’t seem like the type. You strike me as more of a...Mozart type of guy."
"I am--usually."
"Really? Then what makes today so...unusual, Doc?", they turned around for a split second to see the confusion on his face, "You're wearing an ID badge on your shirt.", Y/N smiled and pointed in the general direction.
"Oh.", he looked down at his badge from over two years ago and was now horribly embarrassed by the photo on it, "Well, nothing's unusual per se, I just thought I could try something new--or not new, but something I haven't heard in a while."
They finally stopped at the very back wall of the shop and Y/N pulled a small ladder towards themselves so that they could reach the higher shelves. They pulled one of the records down, stepping off of the ladder and handing it to Spencer with a smile. Y/N's banter came to a sudden stop as they heard a few notes echoe through the store, granted, they were faint, but there nonetheless. Spencer watched as they turned down another one of the aisles.
"Hon, you know I love seeing you come in every day, but we've been over this. We have headphones next to the players for a reason, ok?", they handed a pair of headphones to the man and patted him on the shoulder before leading Spencer back up to the front.
Spencer could feel his anxiety building more and more as Y/N shuffled some things around on the counter in attempt to clear some space and organize at the same time. He wasn't sure why he felt so nervous around them--yes he did. Even with his eidetic memory, he couldn't think of anyone who was as beautiful and captivating as them. And in attempt to ease his anxiety, he did what he does best, share his infinite amount of knowledge.
"Did you know that an early mechanical cash register was invented following the American Civil War?"
"No, no I did not. I am intrigued though, tell me more?"
"It was invented by two men--James Ritty and John Birch to be specific. James was the owner of a saloon in Dayton, Ohio and wanted to stop his employees from pilfering his profits. So, 'The Ritty Model' was invented in 1879 after he saw a tool that counted the revolutions of propellers on steamships. And with the help of John, who also happened to be his brother, they patented it in 1883, calling it 'Ritty's Incorruptible Cashier. The uh--the one you guys have here doesn't seem too much older, it was probably made around 1909, if I had to guess."
"Wow--", Y/N smiled and took the cash from his hand, "You must come here often if you recognize our cash register."
"You'd think so, right?", he huffed out a laugh, "This is only my second time here actually, I've just never seen one like that in D.C. before, and I--um-I have a lot of random facts floating around.", as he spoke, he watched Y/N scribble something down on a piece of paper and then carefully place the bills in the register.
"Well, hopefully I see you here more often.", they beamed and handed him the album.
They exchanged a 'thank you' and goodbyes before Spencer started his walk home. As he pulled his cardigan closer to his body, he noticed a small paper that was tucked inside the cover, flapping in the wind. He pulled the paper out slowly, written on it was ten digits and a small message scribbled beneath them.
‘Call me sometime:), xo--Y/N’
Taglist: @slut-for-mothman @converse-spence @purplewaterbottles082 @muffin-cup
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars ✷ 31
Pairings: Sirius B, F!Reader, Remus L  Warnings: Language, smoking weed, shitty parenting, mentions of death A/N: more of a filler but it helps establish stuff. *unbeta'd
【 Masterlist | Previous Chapter | ao3 】
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Chapter 31: Drowning on Dry Land
The week before her flight back, Matthew’s parents invited her over for dinner.
Waiting to greet them at the door was Mrs. and Mr. Gaplin. Matthew’s father, a Half-Maj, was a Potioneer while his mother, an Old-Maj, was a Court Scribe. They wore large, kind smiles as Mrs. Gaplin pulled her into a tight, crushing hug.
After pleasantries, she and Matthew kicked off their shoes while his parents ushered them to the dining room.
“How are you darling? '' Mrs. Gaplin asked, floating plates in their direction as everyone began helping themselves to food. “Matt wouldn’t stop talking about you since we knew y’were coming.”
She side-eyed Matthew who groaned loudly. “Did not!”
“Sure thing,” she added, which caused Matthew to slump in his chair as his parents laughed at him.
It was a nice, charming evening; filled with laughter and heartfelt conversations. His parents continued to gloat about Mathew’s achievements that he hadn’t told her. It caused him to almost get up and run out of the room from embarrassment before moving to boast about Y/N. Even Mr. Gaplin asked her regarding her OWLs which pleasantly surprised her.
A few times, Mr. Gaplin pressed a few cheeky kisses to his wife’s face as Matthew made loud retching noises.
Mr. Gaplin laughed. “Ya sixteen. Suck it up.”
“But you’re still my baby!” Mrs. Gaplin cooed, getting up to collect the plates.
Matthew tried to look insulted but she could see the small smile that threatened his lips as jealousy nipped at her toes.
The next few days were spent staying at the Gaplin household. Matthew’s parents insisted constantly that she should stay over so they could utilize the little time they had left before leaving. At first, the idea made her feel intrusive. Although, her mother hadn’t returned to the brownstone house, preferring to sleep in the on-call rooms at the Brooklyn Memorial Hospital. It quickly got lonely and boring before Y/N finally agreed. Besides, Mrs. and Mr. Gaplin were only around for breakfast and dinner - working for the day but never failed to return; always wearing larger smiles than the previous night.
They made her feel welcomed and warm - even taking her and Matthew to the local pictures. They included her in everything, even their trivia and board games after dinner.
It was quite the change compared to her family life.
Then an identical routine ensued. She would wake up, get ready for the day; spend hours with Matthew; then twilight fell as they stayed awake into the early hours of the morning.
The day before she was due to leave, she and Matthew ran up to his room after dinner. He went to lean on top of the small coffee table, rolling up a joint as she collected her possessions scattered around his room; not wanting to leave it for the last minute.
“Fancy some grass?” He asked in a poor British accent.
“Nah,” she shook her head, “But thanks love.”
Mathew’s smile turned bashful as he stood, turning on the radio in the background. She moved to open his window which was just above the roof of his shed as she stepped out with steady feet. Perching herself down on the blankets and pillows they hauled outside the night prior, she stared at the glowing city splayed in front. From the window, The Velvet Underground flowed softly.
Matthew proceeded to hop out, sauntering over as he threw a flirtatious wink.
“Brough this,” he said, tossing the camera he’d taken from her bag. She caught it as he nestled beside her and lit the joint; placed in his mouth. Billows of smoke clouded around them while she snapped a few photos of the view.
“Ya sure you gotta leave?” Matthew whined, embers of the end of the joint sparking with another huff. “Maybe you can smuggle me. Shove me into that trunk.”
She pulled the camera away from her face, inhaling the earthy, pungent scent. Her head felt a bit lightheaded from it. “A hardcore criminal at sixteen?”
Matthew was mildly amused until a troublesome look passed through his features. “Um — name something ya miss most about home.”
Home. What a funny word — place — feeling. Home was supposed to be something that made your heart glow, feel warm and happy — by that definition, a year ago home would’ve been her little house back in Toronto with the beautiful maple trees swaying in the backyard. Or home would’ve been Ilvermorny and its tall ivory walls. But now, London, or maybe just Hogwarts, had become her home. The scrolls around the Herbology greenhouse, the library, sneaking around past curfew; the Black Lake, Hogsmeade — Lily, James, Marlene, Dorcas, Remus, Regulus…
Unsure of what to say, she opted for, “You?”
Matthew rolled his eyes, bringing the joint to his lips. “Real charmer.” Then, smoke surrounded them. “But really.”
“C’mon! I need an answer! — I don’t know… say somethin’ like… lobstah.”
She chuckled. “Lobster? Really?”
“Or coffee from ya regular cafe.”
Deliberating it for a second, lips tugged up. “Coffee Crisp.”
He snorted. “A candy bar? Really?”
“Or Ketchup chips. Haven’t seen them in London yet.”
“That’s fucking disgusting.”
And then the silence returns but it makes Matthew shuffle in his spot. He blurted out, “Go — more brit insight.”
Y/N felt a bit hazy from the secondhand smoke. “More? You’ll get bored.”
“I won’t,” Matthew replied quickly, sounding oddly sincere. “Please, just… go on. Tell me everything.”
“Um… a friend of mine says crikey a lot. I think it just means to be mildly surprised? — They don’t say bloody or blimey as much as you’d think… Oh! Tea — they really drink that much tea. Also —”
Continuing, Matthew shut off again, going completely silent — not once speaking up or adding funny commentary; only staring at her, simply watching.
“Okay,” she turned to take the joint from his hand, “You're freaking me out. Spill, what's up?”
“Jeez! Would ya stop wiv that! Gonna kill me…”
“Fine! It’s just that…'' Matthew shifted, obscuring his face. Maybe if she didn’t feel so fuzzy, or if there wasn’t the smoke coming from the blunt or her small headache forming, she would’ve picked up on all the little signs. “It’s just —” he sighed, “I wanna hear ya talk — commit it to memory.”
“Obsessed with me? Not new.”
But that seemed to trouble him more. “It’s just… I don’t know if or when I’ll hear it again…” He looks up to the city in front. “Ya my… best friend. Could never forget ‘bout ya, but s’hard — keepin’ in touch.”
She pats him, encouraging and smiling. Her voice was hopeful, so much so that it made Matthew’s lip quirk up. “We’ll find each other. Always.” She said simply. “You and me, we’re like… salt and pepper. Soap and water — Hansel and Gretel!”
“Fuckin’ Dr. Seuss,” he smiled, that worried look fading away.
The warm summer breeze flowed around them, just as the sun peeked above the airport. Expanse, clear skies with blue mingled with deep purples and pinks shimmered against the metal from the building.
“Gonna miss ya,” Matthew muttered into the crown of her head. Her mother didn’t want him to come, but Y/N simply ignored that request as he came to send her off.
“Don’t get mushy on me now,” she joked but felt her throat become tight.
“Betta get goin’ — Doc’s lookin’ like she’s ‘bout to butcher me if ya don’t.”
She snickered, pushing Matthew’s shoulder as she picked up her bags, walking backwards while waving. “Write me!”
“Course I will! Until next time!”
“Till next time!”
Once the plane took off, awkwardness swelled among the two women. Not once had her mother said anything to her — not to apologize or see how she was doing — although they never really did talk much. Honestly, she half-expected her to leave her in New York with the Gaplins. Easy to dispose of her.
The next few days Y/N, poorly, attempted to fix her sleeping schedule. It was a miracle that she managed to get up before dinner as her head poked into the master bedroom.
She cleared her throat, feeling herself swaying in place. “Um — hi. I’m making dinner tonight.”
Her mother was dressed in a simple, yet sleek dress. She was bent over, putting on high heels as she looked up.
“The hospital is throwing a party for me — the surgery was a success.”
“That’s amazing! Er — will you be back for dinner though? It’s just that I leave soon and... two parties are better than one.”
She considered her for a long time, eyes mostly distracted by her hair slowly changing to a different colour.
“Sure. But I have to go now.”
“Right, sorry, have fun.”
Thudding down the stairs and the door clicking shut, she followed not too long after. Making her way to the kitchen, she picked up a dusty cooking book, blowing off the dust and cracked it open; flicking through the pages.
Deciding on the seemingly easy noodle dish, she rushed out of the house to the local grocery shop for ingredients. It would be the first time they would be spending any time together. It had to be perfect. But she overestimated that no matter how closely she stuck with the dishes’ instructions, the outcome was a disaster.
The noodles somehow were rock hard. The sauce she made looked grey and was chunky, similar to badly mixed concrete and it tasted horrid. At one point, even the stove exploded into flames as she had to grab her wand and use magic to extinguish the fire.
Potions... She could use a cauldron, use multiple ingredients, make some of the most complicated spells and even had tricks of her own to make the process easier but she couldn’t make a simple dish…
Her face screwed together as she glanced up to the clock; she was going to come home soon as the dinner she made was disastrous. She panicked, cleaning up everything in a rush and decided to order food.
Waiting patiently at the dinner table, her eyes fluttered up to the clock in anticipation. She felt giddy, a surge of excitement rattling throughout her bones at the prospect. Her mother wanted to spend time with her! And she should be home any minute.
But then a minute turned to two, then five, ten, twenty, thirty — then an hour ticked by.
And then another.
Y/N got up, her chair squeaking loudly. Losing all her appetite, she went to her room, sleeping in early.
August 20th, 1976
Going through the potential NEWT courses she could take was the highlight of her day. The possibilities were endless.
Wanting to take Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfigurations and most of all, Potions, left her excited for the school year.
But the more she thought about the upcoming school year or potential courses, she was left to contemplate what ther5 future entailed.
Was she ready to give up magic? Something that fundamentally altered her life and moulded her into what she was? Magic was her essence, something she developed and nurtured — but to put her life in danger…
Rethinking that word again: home… Was London her home? Was she willing to leave, move again to be safer? But practicing magic around the world these days for New-Majs was dangerous. Or the potential danger she would put her mother in if she continued with it?
But magic… Maybe home wasn’t necessarily a place — but rather something she carried. In all sense, magic made her heart glow, feel warm, safe and happy — it felt like what home was supposed to feel like. And the idea of being ripped away from it, forcing herself to live a normal, Muggle life…
Magic was home.
So die, but have what she cared and loved most was by her side or live a dull life without magic — ensuring her life would be miserable.
There was a clicking of shoes in the hallway that snapped her out of her thoughts. Her mother came walking by.
Lips smushed shut into a tight line, still annoyed from the other night but was determined to spend some time with one another.
“I was planning to go to Diagon Alley for the first time — to get my textbooks... '' She stood awkwardly. “Do you want to come with me?”
“I can’t,” she replied, so quickly that it had Y/N almost scoff in disbelief. “Work. But have fun.”
She sighed but still waved her off and said a small, ‘I love you, stay safe.’ Her mother only gave her a look, something unreadable and left without a word. With a heavy heart, she grabbed her purse filled with gold and left for Diagon Alley.
Passing through the Leaky Cauldron was an adventure in itself. The shabby, tiny pub was jammed with wizards and witches zipping by.
Diagon Alley was bustling with so much magic she could feel it pumping through her blood. Students were hypnotized by the shiny new Firebolt on display; others were giggling, running around with shopping bags while older witches and wizards took a scroll. Her head turned in every direction; walking into the Apothecary, a potions ingredients and book shop.
Emmeline was there. She gave a tight-lipped smile which she returned.
Emmeline by every definition was nice, extremely kind and neither girl ever had a problem with the other. James was the problem and Y/N would gladly stay out of their feud.
Passing clamouring students, she managed to get all her supplies but stopped in front of the potion ingredients. She took a few minutes, flicking through the Advance Potions textbook and grabbed everything listed needed for most of the potions.
She made her way around Diagon Alley, going through many shops. The shelves were stacked high to the ceiling with books and materials. She spent more time than necessary there but it was beautiful.
As she was paying for her Herbology textbook, a large boom! rumbled the ground. Y/N took her bags, ready to sprint to the Leaky Cauldron but the shouts caught everyone’s attention.
“WE WILL NOT BURN WITH THEM!” A crowd of witches and wizards shouted. Their wands were transformed into microphones as a few shot fireballs up in the air.
“What’s happening?” A woman asked an old wizard. He only shook his head, grabbing a copy of the Daily Prophet, handing it to the witch.
On the front page, there were moving photos of people protesting, similar to the wizards and witches currently shouting.
‘Protests Break out in Light of Muggleborns and Halfbloods Burned Alive
Voldemort and his followers have been attacking Muggleborn and ‘blood traitor' families with the usage of fire. By burning them alive, or their houses. They bonded the witch or wizard with magic, making it impossible to apparate or leave their houses. Their broken wands were found at the scene.
Since then, protests all around Britain and Scotland have broken out. The Ministry of Magic —’
“WE WILL NOT BURN WITH THEM!” The crowd chanted.
Rage filled every inch of her body as she stomped out of Diagon Alley.
If she wanted to stay in the magical world, she had to be the greatest at whatever she did, because if she wasn’t, someone of her status was never going to get anywhere.
Magic was home, and she wasn’t going to let them take it from her. She didn’t want to surrender. They weren’t going to take that away from her.
Immediately after Diagonal Alley, she began working; taking in her thoughts from earlier to heart.
Making sure to cover any windows from prying eyes, Y/N fiddle with first with new charms. Still unassured by her abilities in Charms, she considered taking another class before realizing all the different routes it led to. To become a Healer, Auror or Potioneer, she needed Charms.
Multiple charms backfired, causing them to ricochet off the walls, leaving a dent or chipping the wallpaper.
After trying out more than half the Charms in the book, there was one spell in particular that she attempted to cast many times, but without fail, was never able to properly cast it. Frustrated, her hand made a sharp flick and the spell spurted out instantly.
She tried again with the same hand gesture. To her astonishment, the charm produced easily. Quickly, she jotted down the note in her book.
Next, she glossed over her Transfigurations and Defense Against the Dark Arts book until her eyes caught onto the word: werewolf.
She learned briefly about werewolves, but that was in third year. And now that she knew a werewolf, it would be good to rehash it.
A werewolf, also known as a Lycanthrope, is a non-magical or magical being who transforms under the rising of the full moon. However, non-magical beings have a greater risk of dying rather than turning.
As the name suggests, werewolves are closely related to the non-magical animal, wolves. However, they have distinct characteristics that make them easily identifiable from wolves.
She flipped the page.
Wolfsbane flowers are poisonous to the non-magical world but it has been proven to have no effects on werewolves like they do on wolves. Werewolves are immune from the poison they emit and there are reports that Wolfsbane flowers help alleviate symptoms.
She underlined that section.
It’s a uniquely magical illness known to spread by saliva and blood. Werewolves are dangerous, blood-thirsty beasts — she flipped the page.
They cannot choose to transform and will no longer retain their human mind. Given the opportunity, they would slaughter their loved ones — flipped the page.
A mixture of powdered silver and dittany applied to bites help seal bite wounds. It’s also commonly put in liquid and digested in anticipation of full moons to help with the symptoms of transforming.
Y/N’s face scrunched as she continued to read.
There is no known cure Potion used to help treat lycanthropy.
She felt oddly intrusive knowing parts about Remus’ condition. But then questions arose. How were there no Potions of any kind there to help werewolves during their transformation?
Pushing the thought away, she turned to the cauldron, picking a potion to brew. They all were fairly easy, some she’d even done before just by playing around. But one potion that grabbed her attention was Draught of Living Death. Even at Ilvermorny, that potion was notoriously difficult.
Starting up the cauldron, she grabbed hold of the sopophorous bean. However, it kept jumping when she tried to cut it. She quickly resorted to another method, running down to her kitchen and grabbing the handheld garlic press, placing the bean inside, squishing it down as so much juice spurted out, even going all over her clothing.
The potion turned into the light lilac like suggested. But then as she stirred, her potion quickly became ruined as she restarted immediately.
Hours ticked by; several items in her room were Transfigured into cauldrons, as she poured the existing solution into the nine other cauldrons as she conducted her experiment.
Stirring counterclockwise was a sham, so she stirred clockwise. Nothing, the potion went bad. The next cauldron, she stirred counterclockwise and then clockwise, alternating between every stir. It showed promising progress before it turned a bright red after the seventh stir, bubbling over.
The next cauldron, she stirred counterclockwise, then clockwise after the seventh stir as the potion turned a pink pale. That’s what the book said would happen. She quickly cleared the rest of the cauldrons, pouring in the pink liquid just in case.
She continued to stir until it became a clear liquid. Surely, that was good enough but she could never be sure. After all, she didn’t know if this was what it was supposed to look like.
Deeply immersed, she hadn’t realized how late it got.
She laid on her bed, her light on as she read the scribbles on the margins of the books she'd penned. The textbook was outdated and everything she’s written down, there were easier ways to perform spells, create Potions and more. The other books must’ve been outdated too.
August 22nd, 1976
Today, her attention was drawn to her Herbology textbook as she flipped right to the medicine section. Y/N had sneakily stolen a few of her mother’s medical journals as she scribbled down notes.
She flicked through the diagrams. Wizards and No-Majs were different when it came to their bodies and sickness, she knew that, but their anatomy was still the same.
An opera played in the background as she sat in front of the television. It filled the silence as her mother came from behind her, creeping her way closer to the door.
Y/N called out from where she sat. “Care to join me?”
“Can't, work.” She grunted out.
She placed the pen down, full attention drawn to her. “I only have a few days until school starts… you can’t spend some time?”
Her mom wasn’t looking at her, ostensibly staring at the floor, anywhere other than her face.
“It’s not that interesting, but um - I need help with medical terms and illnesses. You’re the best at that!”
“I can’t,” she said roughly. “Can't you see? You have to stop bothering me when I’m busy.” And then she left again, leaving her alone. Y/N would’ve been more bothered had she not been so focused on her studies.
There was a pattern.
In the Herbology textbook, in the werewolf section, there were a few ingredients used to help alleviate symptoms of Lycanthropy.
Dittany, Powered silver, Powdered Moonstone, Aconite…
August 26th, 1976
“Do you want to —” “Work.”
“But you always have work… can’t you take some time off?”
“You know it’s important to me. Why do you keep trying to limit that?”
August 29th, 1976
She was partially through her Potions and Charms textbook. It was all she could fixate on.
Deciding to take a break, Y/N went to stretch, getting up to talk to her mom who again, was getting ready to leave. She opened the honey-coloured wood draw close to the door. She pulled out a set of keys, fixing her appearance in a nearby mirror.
She had already opened the door.
“Hey mom, I was thinking of getting lunch… Will you be back soon?”
But, there was faint muffling outside the door.
“Ready for our date?”
Y/N, desperate, seized hold of her wrist, pleading. “Please, I leave in a day.”
“I'll make it up to you,” mom replied, “I promise.” And then, the door clicked shut.
She stared at the door, trying to regulate what she was thinking.
What made them worthy of her time when their’s were limited.
Robotically, Y/N turned to walk to her room, her hip bumped into the drawer which hadn’t been fully closed. Her eyes flew to it, about to push it in as she caught a flash of white.
Yanking it open, she swore her heart could’ve shattered. White envelopes filled the draw; her familiar handwriting scribbled on top of each letter. She picked one up, twisting it over to the flap.
It was unopened.
She picked up another. Unopened.
Then another. Unopened.
All of them were unopened, sealed. Hardly tampered with and there was hardly a wrinkle.
Was there something wrong with her? Something so disgraceful that made her so disgusting that people kept forgetting - pushing her away? Like an insidious disease.
Was she truly that unloveable? That much of a nuisance? What made someone else so much more important than her?
It was too much to process but if she had to describe the feeling, it was like drowning on dry land.
Whatever home was, it shouldn’t feel like this: cold, lonely, sad.
【 Next Chapter 】
Slang dictionary (+ a bit of history bc i didn’t realize how many ppl didn’t actually understand what I was talking about in other chaps):
Coffee Crisp = a very popular chocolate bar sold in Canada. It was a variation of a treat made by a company from the UK. It was briefly introduced to the UK in the 60s but was pulled back because people thought it was too similar to Kit Kat. From what I know, Coffee Crisp is not commonly found in England (I've never seen it in stores) but it’s sold in Scotland.
Candy bar = US term for chocolate bar / chocolate
Grass = during the 60s - 70s, the term 'grass' was very popular slang for weed in New York bc it featured in vogue.
And yes, the British do drink that much tea.
© gotkindabored 2021. Do not repost or modify
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pi-cat000 · 3 years
BNHA: Kakashi dimension hops crossover (2)
Summary: Kakashi gets dumbed into the My Hero Academia universe through random plot devise.
Characters:  Kakashi Hatake
Fandoms: My Hero Academia and Naruto
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence/injury
Life in his hospital bed passes slowly while he waits for his chakra to replenish. Always a sluggish process for Kakashi. With nothing to do, nowhere to go and a significant lack of motivation to find either, there is a lot of time to think. Too much time. With what was shaping up to be the fourth great shinobi war, there was no time for reflection or resting. To suddenly have this much downtime thrust upon him is throwing him through a loop. And he doesn’t even have his periodic trips to the memorial as a distraction. If only Sakura could see him now, resting and recuperating like a good injured shinobi.
Doctor Wada, the ever-attentive physician, returns a few more times to ask more questions and offer more reassurances. He seems set on his theory that Kakashi’s yet to be properly identified quirk was the cause of his memory problems. Kakashi runs through a sweet of memory and vision tests. A baseline for later testing when his eye is healed he is told.
“The police have a few questions regarding your situation. With your permission, they would like to conduct an interview,” says Wada on Kakashi’s third day of being officially awake, “Of course, as your doctor, I have the final say in the matter so if you would rather wait just say the word.”
Kakashi gives another bland smile, “Ah, you are too kind.” Police…as in, an authority the dealt with civilian conflict? “I think I’ll answer their questions. Wouldn’t want to stall an investigation.”
He had been wondering when or if he would be investigated. How similar would it be to Kohoha’s internal police force?
“Humph. If you think you’re ready for it.”
He maintains his smile. It was as good an opportunity as any to continue gathering information with the bonus of breaking up the monotony of waiting in a hospital bed for his injuries to heal. Doctor Wada spends the rest of the check-up muttering about pushy police officers and how underappreciated his medical opinion was.
The two men that come to question him are wearing matching uniforms which are very telling of the sort of organisation they belong to. White and dark blue. Not made to camouflage or reinforce. Restrictive seaming around the arms, preventing any extreme movement. Their shoes are sturdy but inflexible with heavy soles. Manurable but not designed for any excessive combat. Not a uniform you would give a force intended to physically subdue threats. Whereas Konoha’s police force was comprised mainly of genin and chunin, these men were closer to civilians in pure physical ability. Ah, but he is beginning to suspect that this was the norm here. The people here were softer in a way that was hard to define. 
Kakashi watches them approach, seated upright in his bed, hands resting loose in his lap, aiming it create an impression harmlessness. One good thing to have come from agreeing to this interview was getting his own private hospital room. Now there was no one around to raise an alarm if something went wrong and he was forced to act.
“Good morning,” The older one of the two starts, politely dipping his head, “Kakashi was it?”
“Hmm,” he smiles, “Morning.” There is a pause like they are waiting for him to give his last name. He doesn’t.  
“Well,” The man clears his throat, “I am officer Takata Toyokazu, currently in charge of investigating the circumstances surrounding the assault on your person.” An ID card, very similar to Konoha’s own ID cards is presented, “This is my partner. We’re from Hosu’s Central Police and we have a few questions if you don’t mind answering them for us.”
“Ah,” Kakashi eyes the ID, lamenting the fact that his sharingan is covered under a swatch of bandages and thus inaccessible without obvious movement, “I am afraid my memory just isn’t all there. Apologies in advance if my responses are lacking.”
He lets a little humour leak into his tone. It was time to do a little prodding and gauged how this place's ‘police’ conducted their investigations.
“Yes. We were informed about your memory problems.” The two share an obvious glance and there is a definite note of scepticism there. “Nevertheless, any information would be appreciated.”
“Of course.”  He easily agrees, shrugging, projecting an air of casual nonchalance.
Takata blinks “Right,” and Kakashi can practically see his brain stalling, “Well, you were found on the corner of First and Eleventh street in Hosu’s Central Business District. Would you say this is accurate?”
Kakashi thinks for an exaggerated moment, “I do remember a lot of people. I think someone called for help?”
“You were picked up in an ambulance yes. Do you remember what happened before that?”
“Hmm, I was attacked…there were a lot of trees.” He nods like he has just delivered a useful bit of intel.
“Trees?” Is the deadpan response.
“You know…tall plants with leaves and a….”
“We know what trees are. So, you were in a place with a lot of trees before you were in Hosu’s business district.”
“A park maybe? There are a few around Hosu. Do remember anything else. Distinctive landmarks?”
“Ah,” he waits for a beat, “No.”
Kakashi is the subject of a disbelieving squint. “No names. Streets. Nearby locations?”
“Nope. All gone.” He says cheerfully and Takata’s brow twitches into an irritated frown.
“You were admitted with multiple stab wounds. Do you remember how you got them?”
He shrugs, “A knife probably.”
“Well, do you remember anything about who was holding the knife?”
“OH!” The two men startle at this sudden exclamation, “It was a man.”
There are a few seconds of silence. “What did the man look like?”
“I don’t remember that bit.”
This time he gets a very obvious frown. Apparently, realising that the current line of questioning is getting them nowhere, the officer motions to his partner and is handed a large envelope. After some shuffling around, a paper file is produced and flipped upright in Kakashi’s direction. It is a photograph of kunai, shuriken, senbon, razor wire and assortment of other weaponry he carried around on his person. He had wondered what the hospital had done with his stuff.
“These are the weapons found on your person when you were admitted to hospital. All confiscated. It’s illegal to carry these sorts of thrown weapons and knives in Japan.”
He scans the photo with interest. The image has his weaponry all laid out in neat lines.
“Really?” He is not even faking his curiosity this time. No one carried around any weapons at all? That wasn’t just a trend limited to the hospital? 
“Yes.” Comes the short response, “what were you using them for.”
“Oh, I don’t remember,” he says gleefully, “How scary.” And gets another round of scowls. After doggedly refusing to give more than vague answers and misdirection, the two increasingly frustrated men prepare to leave.
“If you do remember anything, please call.” A small paper card displaying a string of numbers is presented to him. “You’ll have to come down to the station and give an official statement once the hospital clears you as well so don’t forget. We’ll  get in contact if any arrests are made regarding the perpetrator.”
Kakashi knows enough about investigations to recognise that one, the two standing next to his bed were searching for some specific information and had found Kakashi’s responses lacking, and two, they had no idea who Kakashi was and knew even less about how he might have gotten here.
In the end, they just leave. No threats. No mind games. No attempts to arrest or move him to a secure location for further questioning. Nothing. Kakashi follows after the pair, pausing behind his door to listen to the two talk just outside his room. Officer Takata is obviously angry going of his slightly uneven breathing.
“That was a waste of time,” he grumbles.
“Do you think he was lying?”
“Oh, that smiley bastard definitely knows something more than he is letting on. Tch. Memory problems my ass…”
The is a pause before the younger man asks, “still think it’s connected to that Hero Killer sighting from a few days ago?”
“If he is telling the truth then no. The stabbing lines up with the Hero Killer’s MO but the target is all wrong. There is no Kakaski with a ‘sharingan’ quirk listed on the Registry or as any Hero, Sidekick or Hero agency employee. If he did have a run-in with the Hero Killer, it wasn’t targeted. Probably annoyed the guy into stabbing him if anything.”
There is the sound of footsteps as the two men begin to retreat down the hall.
“A dead-end then.”
“Yeah, looks like it.”
“What a shame. I thought for sure, what with the extent of the injuries, that this was a Hero Killer case. Perhaps it was another Villain? Or a vigilante maybe?”
“Who though? Hosu doesn’t have any active Vigilantes or big-name Villains. Not ones who go around stabbing people to that extent. You saw the hospital report. The man was seconds away from bleeding out and that head wound was obviously aimed at disabling his quirk.”
“Tch. Without any leads, we have nothing to go on. And if Kakashi is a Villain or criminal himself, there’s no evidence and nothing we can pin him with other than a fine for carrying banned weaponry.”
The voices grow fainter as the two walk further away from his room. They seemed suspicious but not overly concerned with Kakashi’s lies so it is not a huge surprise that nothing came of the interview. Despite their obvious irritation, their response had been ones of mild annoyance and moderate distrust. If either of them had had a kekkei genkai it hadn’t been used. Perhaps, their abilities weren’t suited to interrogation. Kakashi had been obtuse enough that surely, they would have been tempted if it were a possibility. It does conform to a general trend in which people underestimate his threat level, treating him  like a civilian. It was probably for the best.
Kakashi returns to his bed and stares at the paper card with the numbers. Obviously, they expected him to know what to do with it. Something to do with communication. Probably related to the small plastic devices nearly everyone in the building carried and spoke into on occasion. A radio of some sort. He had seen a few with numbers running across them. 
From the exchange, he has a few more points to consider and mull over. Villain. Hero. Vigilante. He knows these terms, has heard people in his ward mention them before and knows they are important in some way.
Having a new room meant he needed to relearn everyone’s schedules.  While doing so, he finally pinpoints why the people here feel so off. They lacked a level of…weariness…vigilance…that was both hard to describe and hard to notice until it wasn’t there anymore. Kakashi eyes the young nurse as she enters his room yawning, fixing her hair up as she walks, talking over her shoulder at someone behind her.
He had always thought the civilians of Kohoha lived free from most trouble. Not completely relaxed but still having a calm enough life. Well, calm when the village wasn’t being invaded. Now, he is revaluating that opinion.  When compared with these people, Kohoha civilians were stiff, suspicious, almost paranoid. Konoha’s people had hardiness to them, a useful trait when living in a Hidden-Village. They were especially wearily when it came to interacting with shinobi no matter how banally and harmless the shinobi acted. It was an attitude to be expected when there was a very real chance of deadly injury should the shinobi be unfriendly or unstable. A very real possibility with all the war and ever-present threat of enemy invasion and chakra monster attacks.  
Or maybe that was just his own experience as he never really interacted with many civilians and he his reputation wasn’t great.
“Hello Kakashi, how are you this evening,” The nurse greets him with a relaxed grin. He gives his bland smile and watches as she checks the various medical apparatus around Kakashi’s bed.
“I talked to the ward supervisor about your television. It should be working now.”
“Is it?”
Kakashi knows what a television is…they had a few of them in T&I, used for surveillance, and for a few more for monitoring remote training grounds like 44’s Forest of Death.
“Here is the remote. There are quite a lot of channels so now you’ll have something to keep you entertained.” He stares at the metallic rectangle object. He thinks that there might be a cultural difference between his understanding of a television and the nurse’s because watching an interrogation was never something he found particularly entertaining.
“Maybe it will help jog your memory as well.” The nurse gives him an encouraging smile before returning to her work.
Kakashi examines the object, bemused, “Ah, thank you Ms.”
“My name is Iori Ie I handle this ward on weekday evenings. I’ll be happy to answer any other questions if you have any. Anything to make this transition process easier.” She is sincere in her next assurance, “Just you wait, by the time your injuries are healed, we’ll have you right back up to speed.”
Television is…interesting and somewhat baffling. It’s not that Kakashi hasn’t seen examples of this sort of technology before now, it is just the availability and use he finds strange. Whereas a sensible village might hoard any new technology of its own use, here it is distributed and shared without limit. There was one of these things in every patent’s room! The same went for the information it communicated. Information so undervalued there was almost too much of it. Kakashi gives up trying to make sense of anything a few days into gaining access to the television and its hundreds of ‘channels,’ pumping out a constant stream of information. Some of it was obviously fictional, movies, entertainment, but most of the time it was hard to tell if what he was looking at was staged or if he was misreading a cultural difference. There were ‘channels’ devoted to daily status updates, delivering ‘news’ on everything from the weather, local politics, villain attacks, general crime and everything in between.
One thing he does confirm is that he is nowhere near any hidden villages or even on the continent, maybe not even in the correct world. This place was separate. This village or city as it was called, consisted of millions in a country of billions. There were more people in ‘Hosu’ than there were in the whole Fire Country. A logistics nightmare for sure. No wonder security was so lax around the hospital. Kakashi shakes his head and ends up switching off the television. Never would he have thought that having too much intel could be a bad thing.
“Ms Iori how would I go about getting something to read,” he asks the next day. She seems to be genuinely happy about his sudden sudden request. Kakashi hasn’t spoken or interacted much since waking, to busy trying to gauge whether the people surrounding him were threats.
He ends up with a pile of old manga volumes detailing the heroic adventures of some up and coming Hero protagonist and a stack of thin ‘magazines’ belonging to the nurse’s grown up son. The magazines are full of Hero analysis, speculation, and rumour like some sort of super detailed self-defeating bingo-book.  He just…doesn’t understand why anyone would let this sort of information circulate.
At least now he has a better idea about what a Hero and Villain was. A Hero was this word’s shinobi equivalent- if shinobi went out of their way to draw attention to themselves- acting more like a police force in that they managed threats to civilians instead of taking commissions and repelling external threats. Actually, they were nothing like Shinobi apart from their use of blood line abilities in combat. A Villain was like a missing-nin, hiding among the ridiculously large civilian population…sort of…
He needs to start working on a way home because he definitely doesn't understand this world.
NOTE: When Kakashi discovers the internet his brain will explode. 
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floorbe · 3 years
Mondo x reader where he overhears her reader talking to another classmate about him but they're being horny on main 👀👀 (idk who'd partake in this conversation except for Miu so non despair au ig ????)
yeah! reminder that even tho i wrote miu in this lil fic i dont write for miu for x reader stuff :^) suggestive content under the cut//
“Fuck, Miu, he’s so hot,” Mondo pauses by the door to the empty classroom as he hears your voice. With a grin cracking across his face (and a clench of his fists as he buries his jealousy) he silently presses himself against the wall beside the just barely cracked open door. He may be envious, but Lord knows he can use this information to tease you later and see you all flustered and shit. (And, man, do you look cute when you’re flustered.) “Did you see him climb out of the pool earlier? Nobody should be able to look that good with wet hair,” you lament, and he can hear Miu giggling. 
He immediately searches his memory for the guys who were in class today. A lot of other guys are in your P.E. class, so it’s not as if the guessing pool has lowered by many. He sighs quietly, maybe you were talking about Leon? You always seemed to cheer him on when he’s swimming. Then again, he reasons, Leon is awful at swimming, so maybe you’re just motivating him.
"His hands are so big... I can already imagine them spreading my legs t-to take what he wants, y-y’know” he can hear the wanton whine to Miu’s voice, and he can imagine the dreamy look in her eyes as she drifts off into her fantasy. He’s expecting you to sputter and scold Miu for bringing it up; that’s what you do whenever he teased you suggestively, at least. A smile tugs at his lips at the memories.
“God, I know,” Mondo is snapped from his thoughts as he hears you sigh, and he has to hold back a grunt of surprise at the dreamy tone. Where was this side of you whenever he brought up sex? Come to think of it, have you ever said anything remotely sexual to him? You’d always get so embarrassed and punch his arm whenever he brought anything up. 
“Have you seen his muscles, Miu? That man is strong enough to fuck me against a wall,” Mondo’s eyes widen drastically as he hears you talk so freely. He swallows thickly at your admission, and he can feel himself start to harden as he imagines what it would be like for him to be the one to do that to you. He shakes his head to clear the thoughts before he gets too ahead of himself. Okay, so it’s someone buff. That lowers the amount of people considerably. 
Nekomaru is his top guess. He had come in today to help motivate swimmers into doing more laps, so it would check out that you’d seen him climb out of the pool. Not only that, but he’s visibly strong, so there’d be no way he wouldn’t be able to hold you up against a wall. A scowl stretches across his face as he entertains the idea briefly. He could do that, too. Jealousy starts to burn in his chest as he imagines you moaning out Nekomaru’s name. What does Nekomaru have that he doesn’t? He’s strong, he looks good with his hair down, his hands are-
“What about him fucking you on his bike?” Miu suddenly chimes in, a slight slur to her tone as if she’s imagining it already. 
He pauses. Nekomaru doesn’t have a bike. 
“Oh my God,” there’s a whine to your voice that he’s never heard before, and his breath hitches at it, “He wouldn’t, but that’s fucking hot.” 
He can hear Miu scoff, “Yeah, Mondo cares way too much about his fuckin’ bike to defile it like that, huh?”
He swears his heart stops beating. His jaw drops as he feels flames engulf his cheeks, and he can’t even begin to stop the loud strangled exclamation that falls from his lips. Him? You were talking about him this entire time? You- you think he looks good with his hair wet? You want him to fuck you against a wall? Holy shit. Holy shit. You want him to fuck you on his bike. You want his hands to spread your-
“M-Mondo?!” He’s torn from his heavenly realization by your voice. His head snaps to see you and Miu; you have that cute flustered expression again, and he has to bite the inside of his cheek.
“What, you peeping on us, you fucking creep?!” Miu growls, and Mondo can’t help but quirk a brow, at her drastic change in behavior. She was just talking about fucking him, and now she’s on edge? He sees you fidget out of the corner of his eye and is brought back to the severity of the situation. Fuck, they’d just caught him eavesdropping on a conversation he definitely wasn’t meant to hear. 
“Uh,” he swallows thickly, “...No?”
It’s silent for a moment. He has to tear his gaze away from you, and he shuffles his feet in an attempt to hide his very obvious arousal. Thank God his pants are baggy, because he really cannot get the thought of you moaning his name out of his head, especially now that you’re right in front of him. 
“M-Miu, could you give us a second?” you ask, averting your gaze as she scoffs and nods, sending another glare towards Mondo as she stalks off. It’s silent for another moment as you bite your lip. He struggles to stop thinking about what it would be like to bite it for you. 
“How... how much did you hear?” you finally force out. 
“Ah,” a hand reaches to rub the back of his neck subconsciously, “...All of it?” 
You immediately slap your hands over your face, groaning. “I’m so sorry, God, that must’ve been so creepy-” apologies are spilling from your lips, and before he comprehends it he’s cutting you off. 
“Did you mean it?” his eyes widen as he stiffens, did he really just ask that out loud? He did not mean to ask that out loud. “Sh-shit, uh, sorry, you don’t have’ta-” 
“Yeah,” you suddenly admit; your hands have slipped to cover your mouth, allowing your eyes to meet his as he abruptly cuts off. He can see you just barely shaking as he processes it. You actually want him to fuck you. Jesus Christ, he is so turned on right now. Your eyes suddenly flick away, and he realizes he’s taken too long to respond. 
Before you have a chance to say anything, he finds an impulsive courage and steps forward to sling his arms around you, leaning to press his forehead against yours shakily. He swallows thickly as you look at him almost shyly, eyes wide and hands coming down to lightly grasp his coat. Any confidence he had fizzles and dies. 
He licks his lips as he summons every last bit of suaveness and cockiness he can find within himself (which is... not a lot, because you’re very good at leaving him speechless and stupid). Steady breaths, keep your voice smooth, and... “I-I wouldn’t m-mind doing that shit with you!” Well, that wasn’t quiet. He winces both at his painfully awkward phrasing and at the way you jump at his sudden exclamation. 
“...Seriously?” you nearly whisper, and he’s suddenly hyper aware of how close your lips are. 
“Y-yeah,” his voice breaks mid word, but neither of you notice as your eyes flick to his lips. He cautiously leans forward, breath hitching as he watches your eyes slide shut. Your lips meet, and he’s sure that you can feel him shaking, but he ignores it as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. Your lips meld together, and Mondo swears he’s ascended into heaven or something, because nothing has ever felt more right than this. 
He presses himself closer to you, tightening his grip on you as you sigh against his lips. He pulls back when you suddenly grunt, and he worries he’s gone too far until he sees you grinning. “Mondo,” you start slowly, and he’s vaguely aware of how there’s an undertone of smugness in your voice, “So, uh, what’s poking me right now?” 
Poking y-? Oh. Oh no. Your grin widens as he feels his cheeks heat up for the umpteenth time in the last ten minutes. One of your hands slides down to grab his hand, and he swallows thickly as you draw back to tug him down the hall, a wicked glint in your eyes that tells him that you’ll be fulfilling all of the daydreams you’ve had about him.
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xtodorcki · 3 years
Can you write yandere chrollo reacting to his s/o escaping for years and when he finds them they have his child (also they don’t have nen)
“On The Run,” Chrollo x Reader
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Summary: Yandere Chrollo searching for years for you after escaping his tight hold.
Warnings: none ? maybe ?
You stared down at the three positive sticks that laid out on the bathroom counter. Tears had continuously streamed down your face as you hit your fist down on the countertop, cursing under your breath for letting this happen.
It was hard enough to live within this house with Chrollo but to bring a baby into it was something you definitely didn’t want to do. You knew you had to do something about it but it was hard to even try to process a plan or idea without him finding out about it.
You sighed, shuffling around the bathroom to get rid of any evidence of the tests once you heard the front door open and wiped the tears off your face, splashing water to try to cover up your tracks before he realizes anything.
Time skip to a few weeks later, Chrollo had announced about going on a short mission with the troupe and that had kicked in the opportunity to try and leave while he was gone. Of course he always had someone watching over you from afar and making sure you were staying in place but this time you had tried to make sure you had a lot of things set and planned out.
He leaned down placing a soft kiss to your cheek, not wanting to leave you here all alone, it always bothered him and messed with his head- he couldn’t handle a few days away from you but it was something very important to him.
“I love you, be good.” He mumbled the last part under his breath, making you slightly nod and give him a fake smile.
You watched him leave in the car, once he was out of sight you practically ran back inside of the house and up the stairs to pack whatever you could in your bags. You didn’t want to wait any longer or hesitate because you were worried about him changing his mind and turning around.
You hated to do this, you hated to run away from him. You used to love him with everything inside of you, you risked your life for him and gave him everything he wanted- that is until he started to go crazy over the smallest things- nobody couldn’t talk to you or even look your way without their blood on his hands.
The jealousy, the overprotective side he had when it came to you- it was crazy and it ended up you being locked away in this house for him and him only. No one couldn’t come see you or text you, he would go mad if it happened.
But when it was just the two of you, he could be a huge soft bear, very lovable and very gentle- but there were times where he would just be overwhelming and practically suffocate you.
There were also times where he was completely controlling and watched you like a hawk, before he had convinced you to move in with him and stay inside for days at a time- he had even followed you to the grocery store at one point and got mad because a guy tried to spark a conversation with you.
The memories flooded your head, Chrollo yelling and even came home covered in blood to prove his point that you were only his. The way he pointed the bloody knife at you and threatened you if you even tried to say hi to someone else again.
You had hope things would go back to normal once you moved in with him. Maybe he was just overprotective with you and maybe if he trusted you more he wouldn’t be so intense and insane but as time went on, he got worse. The more he fell in love with you, the more he trapped you inside away from every human being on this planet.
He wanted you to himself and he had killed plenty of people who had got in the way and had tried to talk to you. You couldn’t even order yourself food in public without him wanting to slash the cashiers throat open for staring at you for too long.
So the knowledge of carrying his child was something that flipped a switch inside of your head instantly. You needed to run away, you couldn’t bring a child into this- it was something that would kill you deep down if he got word of you being pregnant.
After you were done packing, you waited till dark before you managed to get in the car and speed off to a place to rent a different car because you knew he had a tracking device implanted in this one, it was obvious that he would be that insane to do so.
As time went on some more, you were shocked that you managed to survive this long without him finding you. You stood inside a small house deep into the woods, alone, staring into a mirror that showed your well out grown stomach. You were due any day and you were just as shocked to be sitting here, not touched and not caught.
While Chrollo sat at home, beyond angry that he felt his nen completely overpower his body. He would sit on the couch, feeling a huge amount of rage while tears streamed down his face. He forced his members to search for you and when they would come back empty handed, he had to hold himself back from killing everyone around him.
He knew you were pretty good with secrets and being invisible if needed, he knew you had picked out a perfect spot and he was convinced you had this planned for months and that you never really loved him and that drove him mad.
It went on like that for a few years, you stayed inside the small cabin with your now almost three year old son and as much as you tried to forget about Chrollo, your son was a spitting image of him- it was hard to not be reminded of your crazy ex lover.
But now you have eased up a lot, the tension had lifted off your shoulders and you weren’t all that on edge. Maybe Chrollo stopped looking for you? Maybe he stopped caring and that’s why you’ve been living out here for so long.
But what you didn’t know was that he was inching closer to you without you realizing it.
You hummed to yourself, fixing the vegetable garden you had outside while your son played in the distance and you made sure to keep a close eye on him as you dug into the ground and planted more vegetables and fruits for them to grow for the upcoming spring.
You weren’t looking down for long but it was enough to keep your gaze off of him until you heard a deep voice in the distance, making your eyes shoot up instantly and see Chrollo holding your son, talking to him and it had felt like your heart stopped beating.
His eyes looked over at you, a smile on his face and you were quick to get on your feet and walk over to the both of them, reaching your arms out for your child.
“Give him to me.” You simply said, making him step back and stare down at you, his smile dropping instantly.
“Is that how you’re going to greet me? Try again.” He was cold and the sudden change in his attitude had made it clear he was upset.
“Chrollo, please.. give him to me.” You pleaded, watching your son sit there and babble about nothing while holding onto his toys.
“I think mommy should go inside the house so we can talk, huh?” He said in a baby tone, bouncing the small child and soon walked past you to your front door.
The lump you felt in your throat was so suffocating, like it was choking the life out of you and you just felt defeated. Completely defeated. You dragged your feet to follow behind him inside of your cabin. What’s going to happen now? Can you even do anything while he’s holding your child? You didn’t know but he had taken everything into his own hands and went down the hall to put your son in his crib.
Chrollo wanted to kill you for keeping this from him. He didn’t know all that running was because you had his child. The anger boiling inside his veins as he stared down at the small boy who had the same colored hair as him and the same big soft eyes. He wasn’t dumb to see that this was his own son, he was a mini version of him.
He loved you deeply but this secret.. you running away, it made him think a bit differently about you. He hated to think about the years wasted of him not being able to watch his sons birth or grow to what he is now. Wasn’t a lot of years but enough to get him angry.
Chrollo had walked out, shutting the door behind him and his cold intense stare was on you as you sat on the couch, tears already streaming down your face. You felt like a failure, like you failed your own child, you failed trying to keep him safe and away from what you had to deal with.
“Suck up those fake tears.” He mumbled, sitting down on the coffee table right in front of you.
His hand grabbed onto your chin roughly, forcing you to look up at him and the way his eyes had looked so dark, it terrified you a bit. You took a deep breath, trying to hold yourself together as best as you could.
“What do you want, Chrollo?” Your voice cracked as you felt his thumb wipe the tears off your cheeks.
His touch was soft but the grip on your chin was still firm and tight, like he was afraid of letting you go incase you would just run off away for another few years.
“Is there another man here?” Was the first question he asked, staring down into your tear filled eyes with such disgust, his judgment clouded as his aura radiated off his body, terrifying you even more.
“What? No, it’s only been the two of us.” He didn’t like your answer, his grip felt like it could break your jaw in seconds and you were convinced he was going to go through with doing just that.
He started to laugh, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out the small book and your eyes grew wide, shaking your head at him and tried to pry yourself away.
“Are you lying to me?” He tilted his head, opening the book up and flipping through the pages. He only did this to show dominance and to show his nen can kill you in seconds considering you were powerless and it worked every time.
You had searched your brain for something, anything. Should you answer him the way he wants you to? Or should you tell the truth and stick to your story? Or should you play the other card? Plead for forgiveness which usually always satisfied him to see how devoted you are to only him.
You didn’t want to die, not with your baby down the hall and you definitely didn’t want to leave him alone with Chrollo but death did seem like such a better option than all of this. You sighed, more tears streaming down your face and finally he settled on a page, waiting for your answer.
“I swear on my life, on his life, nobody was here.” You stared up at his dark eyes, seeing the pure evil behind them and the way he slammed his book shut startled you as he hummed.
“You know I’m going have to punish you for running away and keeping my child away from me when we get home.” He almost purred, the small smile appearing on his face as he stroked your cheek.
“Please, Chrollo..”
“Rules are rules, be glad I didn’t kill you here and now. Let’s go.”
Ok every time I write yandere, I get really nervous that it won’t turn out good or the way ppl want it to😳
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minutiaewritings · 4 years
What am I now? ⋆ Draco Malfoy
A/N- So this is part two to but ‘i knew you’. I was gonna use the rest of the song, ‘cardigan’ by taylor swift. However, while I was showering ‘falling’ by harry styles came on and i got this brilliant idea. This part is in Draco’s pov too:) 
part one- but i knew you
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I'm in my bed And you're not here And there's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands Forget what I said It's not what I meant And I can't take it back I can't unpack the baggage you left
Draco lied in his bed, staring lazily at the ceiling. There was a party happening in the room of requirements, hosted by the Slytherin house. It was a celebration for winning the quidditch match against Ravenclaw. It was a hard game, so a celebration was in order. Draco could imagine the music pulsing through the room, drunk teens dancing awfully as they rode out their hormone fueled dreams. Draco was much more content with laying in his room, enjoying the rare silence. 
It had been a few months since the start of his 7th year. The war was over, his father was in Azkaban and he was sure to stay there for a while. Draco’s mom had changed, slowly but surely. Over the last summer, Draco had spent his time alone in the large mansion of Malfoy manner. Draco remembered how his mom no longer sat in her favorite lounge, reading one of her disgustingly girly magazines. Instead most of the time, he found her curled up in her bed. Sometimes he could hear her sniffling, choking back tears but mostly he found her sleeping soundly. 
Draco had changed too, he didn’t care for the rivalry of the Hogwarts houses, he didn’t care about teasing potter and his disgusting friends. He didn’t care for a lot of things now. Except Y/N. 
Merlin, Y/N.
The beautiful eyed girl who plagued his thoughts more often than not. He remembered the night at the astronomy tower, the last time he had spoken to her. He remembered how her perfect frame shook with rage before she cursed him and stormed out, leaving the pureblood alone with his thoughts. That night, Draco had cried. He cried alone in the tower, feeling corned. He had broken the heart of one of the most important people in his life. 
Draco knew why he did it, why he pushed you away and broke you. He was doing it to protect you, the last thing he needed was for you to get wrapped up in his death eaters bullshit. He wanted you safe, and if that meant making you hate him, so be it. 
But was it worth it? Was it worth losing you? Maybe you would’ve stayed with him through the war. Helping and soothing him during his night terrors. Maybe you would’ve hated him anyway, calling him a traitor and a monster. He wouldn’t blame you. 
But for now he lied alone in his bed. Suddenly his door flew open, Blaise in the doorway with a drunken smile. “Draco! Theo yacked all over me and this girl, came up here to change. Why aren’t you at the party? It’s absolutely wicked down up there.” His words were slurred and sewed together. He pranced over to one of his drunks and popped it open. Blaise grabbed an emerald green sweater, slipping off his soiled shirt. 
“Don’t care much to be smooshed by a bunch of drunk imbeciles .” Draco said coldly.
“That’s a shame, there’s some beautiful creatures up there. Y/N looks absolutely pang.” Draco wondered if Blaise knew what he had just said. 
“What was she wearing?” Draco asked before he could stop himself. Since when did you party? You never cared to go to any of the house parties unless Malfoy dragged you there himself. 
“I think it was blue or maybe black. Wait!” Blaise held a hand towards Draco, collecting his intoxicated thoughts. “Yeah it’s black. Definitely black” He laughed at himself shamelessly. 
“Black what, you prat. A black sock?” Draco found himself grinning at his friend’s current state.
“A black dress.” Blaise said simply. Draco swallowed hard, despite the voice in the bag of his head nagging him to stay in bed, Draco found himself wanting to see you. He would be perfectly fine with just one glance. Then his hunger would be fine for the night and possibly he could enjoy the party. 
“Stay right there. I’m coming to the party.” Draco rose to his feet and went to his wardrobe. He pulled out a simple, black long sleeve shirt and a pair of nice yet comfortable gray slacks. Draco slipped on a pair of new, shiny black dress shoes before turning to Theo’s small mirror on the wall. He checked his reflection, he looked tired but he doubted anyone would notice. 
When Blaise and Draco arrived inside the room of requirements, he was greeted with the loud music. There were plenty of people there, from all of the houses. He even saw a couple of ravenclaws taking some firewhisky shots. 
Shots sounded perfect right now, it would help Draco calm his nerves. Blaise saw one of his many friends on the way to the drink table, leaving Draco alone as he poured himself a shot. Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back and down the substance with ease. Another one, and another one. On his fourth shot in the span of three minutes, Draco felt better already. His eyes danced around the scenery in front of him, he saw some of his so called ‘friends’. But then he saw you. 
And merlin you looked good. So good. You’re hair was a little longer than the last time he saw you. Your cheeks were painted red as you smiled happily at Harry, who was wrapped up with the Weasley girl. Draco could tell you were drunk, or at least very tipsy. You were sawing softly as you giggled with Potter and his friends. You looked happy, and Draco was content with that. 
After that night night at the astronomy tower, Draco had watched you slowly break. Before summer vacation, he noticed you stopped going to the great halls for meals. You always seemed so tired and empty. You wore a neutral expression almost always. You never laughed or showed any emotion, it broke Draco’s heart. 
Draco was brought to the memory of Pansy and you. You’d been walking down the halls alone when you passed Draco and his friends. You kept your head down as you walked by, and he watched you carefully. He couldn’t stop Pansy’s bloody words. She called out after you, causing you to turn towards the group. Pansy mentioned Y/N’s current state, mentioning and giggling at Y/N’s sudden change in behavior. “Did someone hurt our dear Y/N?” Pansy’s sickening voice spoke. Y/N had stared at Pansy with an empty expression. Draco swallowed as he remembered her eyes. She had looked at the raven-haired girl with nothing in her eyes. No sadness, anger, or amusement. Draco took note of how Pansy shifted uncomfortably under your intense gaze. Then you turned on your heel and left. 
Draco normally would’ve laughed at Pansy’s failed attempt at bullying but he couldn’t. Because Pansy was right, someone had broken your heart. And it was him. 
“Dray.” A girl Draco didn’t recognize purred next to him. He glared down at her. 
“May I help you with something? Or do you take pleasure in bothering people when you’re piss drunk?” He spit out. He repressed a laugh as the girl’s smirk fell and morphed into a sad, shocked expression. When she didn't speak, Draco turned and poured himself a large cup of tainted tonic water and firewhiskey. 
Draco left the drink table and made his way through the crowd, aiming towards a large couch in the middle of the party. No one was sitting on it surprisingly, but he wouldn’t complain. Draco sat in the middle of the couch, sinking into the soft cushions. Draco sipped his drink slowly, wishing he had stayed in his bed. 
But I want her to be in bed with me, playing with my hair and kissing my neck. Merlin I miss her kisses. 
Draco’s brain thought, he shook it away. This was his fault, all of it. He wasn’t strong enough to go against his family, and he had to pay the consequences. 
“Sorry. I didn’t see your legs. You have really long legs.” A beautiful giggle filled his ears as he looked at the girl in front of him. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t even realize that you had tripped over his stretched out legs. You were on the floor, on your knees as you looked down and fixed the top of your dress. When you lifted your gaze, Draco’s eyes met with yours. 
You looked sweaty and had rosy cheeks from all the drinks you’ve must’ve consumed. Draco’s heart hammered against his chest as you just stared at him. But you’re face had so many expressions, you looked shocked, scared, happy and sad. Draco swallowed thickly, past the lump forming in his throat. You just sat there on the floor and stared at him. 
 “Hello.” Draco said simply. He wanted to slap his face, hello? really? The first words he’s spoken to you in 6 months and it’s hello?
You stared at him again. “Hi.” He couldn’t read your tone. 
“Having fun?” He cleared his throat, playing with the hem of his shirt. 
“I was.” Now Draco could tell you were upset. You shuffled up to your feet, trying to stable your balance before you turned away from him. 
Draco found himself reaching out to you, he gripped your arm carefully and pulled you back. A flashback from the astronomy tower came into his head. Draco had turned to leave as well, but you hugged him and cried. Begging him to stay. In return, Draco said some of the worst lies ever. Everything he said to you was quite the opposite of how he felt towards you. 
“Y/N. I’m sorry-” A sharp stinging feeling landed on Draco’s left cheek. His head was whipped around before he rubbed his face slightly. You slapped him. “What the hell, Y/L/N!” 
“You...” You’re voice wavered. You stared at Draco, tears in your eyes. “You don’t get to apologize to me!” Tears were now falling down your cheeks. Draco wanted nothing more than to wipe them away, but he restrained himself. “You don’t get to apologize after you broke me. I trusted you! I gave you everything I had. I gave you all my time and love, I gave you me. I-I just wanted to help you, even if it was a little bit. I just wanted to make you happy, Draco.” You looked so small when you cried, Draco hated seeing you cry. Hated it even more that it was because of him. Guilt burned in his chest as you continued. “I loved you with every fiber in my body.  I used to dream about you, about us. And I hate that I still do. I still dream about your stupid, perfect face. But I-I I’m finally finding myself again. I’m starting to feel better too, I’m not gonna let you walk back into my life and fuck me up again. I can’t afford to lose myself again just to have you back in my arms.” You wiped the tears from your cheeks before you looked at him again. “But like you said, you’re done with me. I was merely an experience.” You turned and left, leaving Draco feeling empty with the encounter. 
Draco watched you walk away, you practically walked across the whole room. You were walking as far away as possible from Draco. Draco huffed out a breath and ran a hand through his hair. Maybe those shots weren’t the best idea. Draco could feel himself getting worked up. He was angry, angry that you were walking away from him. Angry that he was letting you walk away from him. 
Draco turned and grabbed his drink off the side table next to the couch, chugging it. Once the drink was warmly settling into his stomach, Draco tossed the cup onto the floor. Draco needed to get out of the party, away from everyone and their wandering eyes. He pushed passed people, some of them cursing at him. 
Once Draco had reached the empty, dull hallway, he took a deep breath. He could finally breathe again. Draco’s feet carried him towards his favorite spot, the astronomy tower. Once inside, he slammed the door shut, wincing at the loud same. Draco could feel the alcohol taking it’s full effect, making his head spin as he sat on the windowsill. So many thoughts were running through his head. Draco rubbed his temple softly, groaning. Way too many shots. 
Draco looked out towards the horizon. It was a full moon, and the scenery looked absolutely stunning. The boy found his mind wandering to you again, images from your guy’s fresh encounter engraved in his mind. Draco really had broken you, more than he had realized in the beginning.
And he couldn’t fix it. He couldn’t take back those awful things he said to you. He couldn’t reverse the damage that had been done. Draco rubbed the few tears that began to form in the back of his eyes. 
He couldn’t get rid of the memories. Memories of you throwing your head back, laughing carelessly at something he said. Draco couldn’t forget the way you bit your lower lip and the way your nose scrunched at the corners when you were studying. Your perfect hair, the way it fell effortlessly around you. He missed those tired eyes you gave him in the early, dewy mornings. He missed your lips, how they molded with his oh-so-perfectly. How they were always so warm and full, in need of his own lips. 
Draco let the tears fall freely. He was tired of missing you, tired of missing everything about you. He just wanted you to come back to him, he would get on his knees for you, in front of the whole damn school if needed. He didn’t care at this point, anything to have you in his arms again. 
What am I now? What am I now? What if I'm someone I don't want around? I'm fallin' again I'm fallin' again I'm fallin'
Everyone must have felt drained from last nights party. A few people littered the great hall here and there, eating their breakfast slowly. 
Draco sat in the middle of the Slytherin table alone, scooping a small amount of vanilla Greek yogurt onto the his plate. He sat and ate his breakfast in silence. His mind drifted to you as usual, particularly last nights event.
Did you not love him anymore? Is that why you were so quick to turn down his apology. No, that couldn’t be. You’d said it yourself, ‘I still dream about your stupid, perfect face.’ 
So maybe there was a chance, a very slim chance that he could get you back. But would you want him back? Want him to stick around? No, you didn’t. You had said it yourself again, he heard the words from your very mouth. You didn’t want to lose yourself again. Draco understood that. He never realized how much you gave him until it was gone; until you were gone. 
Draco didn’t blame you for not wanting him back. He was a negative person, that he could admit to himself. He got jealous quickly, he remembered accusing you once of cheating with one of the Weasley twins. Draco wished more than ever that he could go back and take it back, take it all back. But he couldn’t. 
Draco slammed his spoon onto the table, causing a few students to look up from their meals and glance at the blonde. The boy stood to his feet, making his way back to his bedroom. 
Draco stopped in his tracks, looking at the end of the empty hall. Blaise and Theo were probably still snoring away, and he didn’t want to hear any of it. He could go to the Astronomy tower, yet the idea didn’t seem to please him enough. Where could he go? The room of requirement? No, he was sure someone would monitor the entrance after last night. Draco continued to walk, figuring that walking would do him some good. 
Draco went down two flights of stair before his shoes met the beginning of the green grass. Draco began walking towards the greenhouse in front of him. Pulling open the glass door, Draco took a deep breath. The air felt warm and sticky, the smell of soil filling it. It was a comforting scent, Draco wasn’t sure why that was. Taking a seat on one of the chairs, Draco allowed his thoughts to roam again. 
Draco didn’t like himself anymore, he didn’t like who he had become after the war. He missed how care free he used to be, he missed laughing with Blaise over stupid, childish things. He missed being happy. Some nights, while Draco lied in bed, he felt his skin crawl. Almost as if he was trying to shed a layer of skin. Those were the moments he wished he could shed his skin, become a different person. A new person who was loved by all and genuinely good-hearted. 
Maybe then you would be his again, if he was kinder and more sensitive to other’s feelings. Draco wanted nothing more to be that way, not only for you but himself as well. Draco hated the voice in his head, the one that was always hateful and vile. 
He knew he wouldn’t enjoy his own company if he were in someone else’s shoes. Because who wants someone who is an absolute asshole? Not Draco, and certainly not you. 
What if I'm down? What if I'm out? What if I'm someone you won't talk about? I'm fallin' again I'm fallin' again I'm fallin' 
And I get the feelin' that you'll never need me again 
In all his years of attending Hogwarts, he never once had a substitute teacher. Draco peered over at  McGonagall who sat in Slughorn’s usual seat in the front of class. McGonagall explained at the beginning of class that Slughorn had been attacked by a student’s potion gone-wrong. Slughorn was in the medical wing for the rest of the day. Luckily, the new headmistresses allowed her students to use this class as a study hall. Everyone seemed to wear the same surprised expression, but no one complained. 
Pansy sat next to Draco, talking his ear off. Did this girl have stop talking? Just for a minute? Draco looked over his Herbology textbook and rubbed his temples slowly. Her constant yapping was giving him a migraine. “Shut your trap, Parkinson.” He mumbled, his eyes not leaving the words written before him. 
“Excuse me?” Pansy sneered, glaring at the blonde. 
“As much as I would love to hear about your loathsome life, I’m trying to read. You should try it sometime, or are you dead from the neck up?” Draco looked at her with a bored expression. 
“I-I..” She fumbled over her tongue, how pathetic. 
“Go torment Blaise or something.” With that she stood, making her way to Theo and Blaise’s shared table. 
Finally, peace and quiet. Draco pulled out a piece of parchment paper and his quill, taking some notes here and there. His study session was short lived when he heard you voice whisper something harshly. 
“Hermione, drop it. I don’t want to talk about it.” You said softly. Your table was just in front of his, giving the boy the perfect excuse to stare longingly at the back of your head without getting caught. 
“Y/n...”Hermione began to speak slowly. “You promised me at the beginnig of this year that you would be honest with me, that you’d speak what’s on your mind. You haven’t been doing a very good job of that.” Draco could only imagine Y/N’s face at those words, she hated when people spoke down to her. 
“Hermione. Drop it. Now, I’m not telling you about what happened at the party the other night. I have every right to not tell you anything.” Draco could tell you were upset by the tone in your voice and the way your posture slouched slightly. 
“But you have to, you prom-”
“I don’t give a rat’s ass what I promised! I’m not talking about Draco anymore, I have no need to! If you want me to heal and move on so bad; stop asking me about him every bloody minute! It’s exhausting.” Your voice was a little louder now. A couple of students turned and eyed you curiously. 
Hermione tucked her head down slightly, mumbling out an apology. Draco’s quill suddenly snapped in his grasp, the noise causing you to turn and look at the cause. 
Draco stared at you, sadness and anger evident in his beautiful blue eyes. He could tell you read his face with ease, you chewed on your bottom lip nervously. You turned forward, Draco still staring at you. Before Draco realized what he was doing, he stood to his feet, scrapping his belongings into his bag sloppily. He stormed out of the class, ignoring everyone’s confused gazes and McGonagall’s shrill voice. 
He let his legs carry him wherever they wished. Draco felt dizzy with all the thoughts swarming around him. You didn’t want to talk to him, you didn’t even want to speak his name. It hurt than Draco could ever imagine, he was losing you. Draco’s hands shook as he waved at the Slytherin portrait before speaking the password with a shaky breath. Once in the common room, Draco sat on the leather couch. He threw his bag on the floor and sighed heavily. Maybe he had lost you, for good.
Would Draco be able to live in a world with her? Could he wake up every morning knowing that the girl he loved the most resented him? No. He couldn’t. The thought alone of never holding you again caused bile to crawl and fight at the back of his throat. He had to fix this, Draco needed to get you back. But how? Surely you wouldn’t want him back, but still Draco needed to fight for you. 
You said you cared And you missed me, too And I'm well aware I write too many songs about you And the coffee's out At the Beachwood Café And it kills me 'cause I know we've run out of things we can say
Draco stood nervously outside of the library, waiting for you. He knew every Wednesday you would come to the library after your last class, you used the time to catch up with homework and your studies. He always admired how hard working you were. 
Draco sucked in a harsh breath as he saw you making your way towards him, or more so the library. You didn’t even divert your eyes to the boy as you passed him. Draco frowned, catching up with you. “Y/N.” He said quietly so Madame Pince wouldn’t chew him out. 
You ignored him as you continued walking towards your usual table. When you took a seat, Draco followed. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. He could tell you were already annoyed. “Y/N, can I have a word with you please?” Draco asked gently. 
“I suppose you’re already here, Malfoy. What do you want?” You were cold, harsh. 
Draco swallowed thickly before clearing his throat. Why was he so bloody nervous? “Look, I’m sorry. I know you hate me now, but I’m still madly in love with you. I want us again, I need you to be mine again.” Draco offered you soft eyes. 
“No.” You said simply as you pulled out your tattered potions book. 
“Fine, hate me all you want Y/L/N. But all I’m asking is for you to grab one butterbeer with me this weekend, please. We can sit in complete silence if that’s what you wish. All I want is for us to dissolve this tension at the very least.” 
You knaweled on your lower lip, fingers fiddling with the collar of your shirt. “Fine, only so we can both move on and you’ll leave me alone.”  
Draco tried to hide the frown that was dying to creep up onto his lips. He nodded quickly. “Sure, whatever. Meet me at the Leaky Cauldron half past four.” Draco grabbed his belongings and left the library. 
The weekend came faster than Draco wished it to. It wasn’t that he was unhappy to see you, he was above the clouds with that idea. The boy was just nervous, extremely nervous. The type of nervous that caused him to constantly wipe his hands on his pants to rid the moisture from it. 
You were twenty minutes late, where the hell were you? Where you blowing him off? Draco had considered this may happen. Draco was pulled from his thoughts as he saw you approach him. You pulled out a chair and sat down silently. “I got you a butterbeer with extra foam, just how you like it.” Draco pushed your glass towards you with his won. 
“Thank you.” You said quietly, He could see your cheeks growing a beautiful shade of red. Maybe this would go good, hopefully. 
Silence filled the air between the two students, each one of them having millions and millions of thoughts crossing their brains. Draco bounced his leg anxiously under the table. “Thank you for coming, really.” Draco said softly, looking up at you. You nodded shortly.
“Sure, no problem.” Silence again. 
“I miss you.” Draco said before he could comprehend what he just said. You looked at him with wide eyes.
“I-I miss you too.” For the first time in forever, Draco smiled a genuine smile. 
“Really?” He couldn’t believe you. 
“I do.” You ran a hand through your hair, letting out a soft sigh.
“Do you still care about me?” 
“That’s my problem Draco, I never stopped caring about you.” You admitted. Draco’s eyes widened, you did care for him. This was going better than expected. 
Silence filled the air once more as you finished your butter beer. Draco wasn’t sure what to say. You didn’t seem what know what to say either. The silence was killing him, the two of you never had an awkward moment ever. Conversation came with ease, and he always enjoyed talking to you. You made him laugh, his real snorting laugh. But that seemed like such a long time ago, now you guys sat in awkwardness. No words spoken and eye contact avoided. 
“I have to go, I promised Ron I would help him study.” You began to stand, causing Draco’s chest to tighten. Draco nodded curtly. 
“Sure.” With that you left, leaving the boy to stare at your empty glass. 
What am I now? What am I now? What if you're someone I just want around? I'm fallin' again I'm fallin' again I'm fallin'
It had been three long, atrocious weeks since you had met Draco at the Leaky Cauldron. He hadn’t spoken to you since, even though he was dying to hear your voice again. You seemed to be avoiding him. It hurt when you dodged his eyes through the crowed hallways and how you always seemed to be leaving wherever he arrived. Draco hadn’t slept in over 24 hours. His eyes stung as he walked through the court yard, since when was the sun so bright? Draco rubbed a hand over his eyes and groaned slightly. Merlin he just wanted his life back, he just wanted you back. 
“What’s the matter Malfoy?” Blaise said from beside him. Draco had completely forgotten they have been walking together. 
“Nothing.” Draco shrugged, Blaise knew he was lying.
“Your an awful liar.” Blaise laughed deeply. 
“Oh yeah? And you’re an impressionable twat.” Draco sneered, glaring at his best friend. 
Blaise stopped walking, turning towards Draco. “What’s wrong? Seriously mate, I know you didn’t sleep last night. And you’re far more irritable then usual.”
Draco sighed. “It’s Y/N. I want her back but she seems to want nothing to do with me.”
“Didn’t you guys just go to Hogsmeade together a couple weeks back?” Blaise raised a curious eyebrow. Draco nodded. 
“But it wasn’t a date, we barely even spoke to each other. It was disastrous.”
“You need to be honest-”
“I have been!” Draco interrupted defensively. 
“Let me finish, you git! You need to be honest with her, bring her somewhere private and be honest. Tell her everything Draco, you need to show her that you’re genuinely sorry. That you want her back.” Blaise said simply with a shrug of his shoulders. 
Draco pondered the idea for a moment. “You’re right. You’re so bloody right!” Draco’s mood changed drastically. He was now more alert, looking around the court yard for you. You were nowhere to be found, of course. 
“Can you do me one, Blaise? Tell Y/N to meet me at our old spot at midnight.” Draco looked at his friend with a pleading expression. 
“I despise getting wrapped up in your shit, Malfoy. But I’ll do my best.” Draco smiled before waving goodbye to his friend. 
“Thank you! I’ve got to run to charms or Flitwick will have my head on a platter.” Draco hurried off, speed walking and shoving aside the people that walked too slow for his liking. Making it just in time, Draco took a seat next to some Hufflepuff girl. She looked nervously over at him, he met her eyes. 
“Hello, do you have a staring problem sweetheart?” Draco said smoothly. The girl shook her head quickly, mumbling an apology and turning her attention to the front of the classroom. Flitwick began the lecture, causing Draco to yawn softly. Merlin he felt drained.
Draco sat nervously on the windowsill on the astronomy tower. Draco had decided during Charms that this was gonna be his final attempt at getting you back. After tonight, if you didn’t want him then fine, so be it. Draco tried his best to believe that this was going to work, but he knew with his luck it most likely wouldn’t The door of the astronomy tower creaked up, making Draco turn. 
“Blaise?” You said questioningly as you stepped inside, shutting the door softly. The moonlight casted it’s presence on you, making Draco’s heart thump harder than before. 
“No, It’s me.” Draco spoke smoothly, trying his best to sound sure of himself. 
“Why did you have me meet you here?” You asked suspiciously. 
“I have something to tell you. And this will be the last time I tell you this.” Draco took a deep breath as he stood to his feet. His damn palms were sweating again. Draco wiped his hands on his pants before clearing his throat and speaking. “Look, Y/N. I fucked up. Big time. Hurting you was the worst mistake of my life, and trust me as you know I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my life. I take it all back, all those vile things I said to you in this very room so many months ago. None of it was true, not then and not now. You’re everything to me. Everything. I only said those things so you could hate me, I wanted you to stay far away from me as possible. I didn’t want you to get caught up with a death eater. I wanted to protect you. I love you, Y/N. All I’m asking is for one more chance, one more chance to have you be mine once more. Please.” Draco swallowed the growing saliva in his mouth. “If you don’t want me back, fine. I’ll leave you alone forever. I’ll never bother you again. I promise, you have my word. Draco watched as you raked through your brain, trying to put your words together.
After a long, painful moment of silence, you finally spoke. “How do I even know you’re serious? you played with my emotions Draco, you had such terrible mood swings and I tried so hard to be patient, I’m still patient dammit. It just hurts when you’re warm and loving one day and completely distant and cold the next.” He watched you spoke, a frown cracking through his “unfazed” façade.
Draco straightened his face. “Okay. I understand that and um-erm-I..” Draco scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I’m sorry, I’m trying to work on controlling my emotions, my outbursts. I love you Y/N. I love you with the type of love that I cant describe. you consume me, utterly consume me. every time I'm with you it’s like you’ve completely engulfed me. I love you okay? I want to be a better person for you, eventually for myself too hopefully. I want to be the person you want around, the person who show your ugliest side to, the person you can come to whenever you’re breaking.” Draco felt his cheeks begin to burn as tears filled the boys eyes. Letting out a shaky breath, Draco continued. “I-I never had someone who truly loved me, my dad has always been distant and foul towards me. Anytime I showed any signs of weakness, punishment. Because purebloods and wealthy people have to be strong and unyielding. my mother simply based her parenting on whatever my father wanted and whatever made my family look the best. you however,” Draco stood closer to you now, gripping your hands in his. He rubbed soft circles into your skin as he continued. “You Y/N, You’ve shown me what was love is, what it’s meant to be. You’re so understanding. Everytime I think I went too far and I’ve lost you, you understand and you forgive me. You never have held me to my past, my family’s decisions. You only hold me to my word, and myself alone. That is why I love you. Why I’m so bloody in love with you, right now! At this very moment I would do anything to call you mine again, to have you by my side.” Draco searched your face as you looked at him with tears in your eyes.
Then, you did what he’s missed the most. You kissed him. It was a gentle kiss, no rushed movements, no searching hands. Only two people expressing all the words they couldn’t say with one kiss. Draco pulled away, trying to suppress the smile playing on his lips. “Does this mean you’re mine again?” You nodded shyly, causing Draco’s heart to spike. “Merlin!” He yelled at the top his lungs, causing you to laugh. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into the tightest hug he could muster.
“Crushing. Me.” You wheezed out with a repressed giggle.
“I’m sorry my love!” He exclaimed. “I promise you won’t regret your decision. I will spend every moment to make up for our lost time, I’ll always be so sorry about this whole thing. For everything I said.”
You looked up at the him with eyes that would bring any man to his knees. “Dray.” You said softly, lips barely moving. Draco could hear his heart in his ears as he swallowed. “I forgive you, we’ve got this okay? And I’m sorry for slapping you, I assume we both have things to work on.”
Draco gave a toothy grin. “You’re my favorite.”
A/N I tried to tie one piece of the taylor swift’s song to this:)  i hope you enjoyed part two! Tbh I feel a little iffy about this one, but I appreciate everyone who asked me to do a part two and showed support and love! much love babes
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svtkillua · 3 years
milk and tea > 5
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rating: [pg-13 / angst] genre: soulmate au pairing: todoroki shouto x reader warnings: cursing, heartbreak, angst! word count: 6k
listen while you read here! join the discord!
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - chap 5 - 6 [final]
“This is too much for one person to handle.” Your voice sounded heavy, eyes glued out the window as a few buildings zoomed past your line of sight, the seatbelt across your chest digging uncomfortably into the crook of your neck. Your hand felt like it was burning, the line of gold seeming different now, making your heart thud and anxiety sour through your veins, your blood boiling with anger and confusion. None of it made sense and the longer you digested the information the more it seemed to make your nausea grow, stomach churning when your eyes stayed glued to your palm as you spoke softly into the confining space of Awase’s car. “I feel like I’m going to explode.” 
“I know.” Awase’s voice was deep, the kind of sound you could fall asleep too easily at night, laced with the same worry and confusion that was brewing violently in your heart. His hands were clutching the steering wheel when you glanced at him, the white hue from his knuckles giving away his emotions more than the absent look on his face was, his lips parted slightly as he sighed. “You’re positive mine’s the same as hers? As theirs?” 
Your head bobbed before you muttered a quiet yes, remembering the way his face had twisted when you explained everything to him, there in that café patio an hour ago, coffees long forgotten between you. You hadn’t stopped to think if you should figure things out first, didn’t question the words as they tumbled past your lips, speaking truths that were hard for either of you to understand just yet. Awase had been rightfully baffled, shocked and unsure of your confidence in their matches all marking, after all it had never been heard of. 
Part of you suspected he didn’t want to get his hopes up, that he didn’t even want to allow a daydream where maybe he did have a soulmate. If he was anything like you, he knew how disappointing things were when you came down from the high inside your head, when reality smacked you back into place with a reminder of how alone you were. 
“I’m sorry if I shouldn’t have told you.” Your voice lifted slightly at the end, like you were unsure yourself if your actions had been right, Awase’s eyes landing on you for a second at a stop sign, his lips pulling into a faint smile as he loosened his grip on the wheel enough to return his knuckles to their usual hue. 
“I’m glad you told me, it’s just a lot to take in.” He swallowed harshly, tongue poking out to wet his flushed lips as his head shook slightly from side to side. You shifted in your seat, eyes flickering once to his palm as his hand left the steering wheel to instead scratch at the back of his neck, something you figured was an anxious habit. “I thought I didn’t have a soulmate and now I apparently match two other people’s marks. I’m just confused as to what’s happening, and thrown off, I guess. I’ve never heard of this happening.”
“Neither have I.” Your gaze shifted back out the window as his GPS quietly rattled off which street he needed to go down, the ticking of his blinker sounding loud as you both fell into silence. You weren’t sure what to say to calm the screaming voices in your head, weren’t sure how to make yourself less confused when you had no idea where to start looking for answers. Awase hadn’t been sure either, which had led the both of you into his car, where you typed in Todoroki and Momo’s address into his phone. 
You kept picturing the look on Todoroki’s face when he’d interrupted the two of you barely an hour and a half ago, kept swallowing harshly when you remembered the way his voice shook with strain. He didn’t look angry at you for ignoring him, but hurt, like you’d ripped away the last piece of himself he felt like he had ahold of, like you’d left him all alone in the ocean with no life raft to help him stay afloat. You’d been trying to save yourself from the pain in your chest, but in the process had left Todoroki stranded all alone, where nothing could help him from crumbling apart. 
You knew the pressure he was under, knew from that night you had together that he’d never been quite this vulnerable before. He was lost and you were supposed to be his constant, his guide through things even when seeing each other was becoming painful. He’d wanted you to be there, wanted you to know he loved you even if he couldn’t do it publically, and you’d left him. In a way you were selfish, because your form of comfort was ignoring him, when his only form of comfort had been you. 
He didn’t have anyone to turn to with his problems, didn’t have a Midoriya to listen when he cried about the girl he loved, who most definitely wasn’t his soulmate. He didn’t have a family that would support him and love him regardless of his choices, didn’t have a group to back him up when he needed it. All he had had was you, and you’d all but abandoned him for a week, only for him to finally see you again when you were with another guy. 
You partially knew what it could have looked like to him, like you’d been avoiding him because you were trying to move on with someone else, like you’d given up on the love you felt because it could never blossom. You wondered if he thought that of you, if he imagined you seeking out other men as much as you pictured him falling into Momo’s arms when you felt at your lowest. 
“We’re here.” 
Your head lifted from it’s direction towards your lap, eyes dancing once from Awase to the building waiting just through his window, the huge cherry blossom tree outside too brightly colored for the way your mind was swimming. Every emotion imaginable felt like it was bubbling just beneath the surface, your hands shaking as Awase unlocked the doors and climbed out without an ounce of hesitation. You were envious of how outwardly calm he looked, even if he was probably as anxious as you were. 
The short walk across the street and up the front stairs felt like a thousand miles for the way your knees were trying to buckle, your fingers scrunching into your palms as Awase knocked on the painted red, wooden surface. His hands shoved into his jeans then, you noted, his blue flannel shirt blowing out behind his back as a breeze carried the smell of his cologne past your nose, his eyes flickering once over to yours as a quiet ‘just a moment’ came from inside. 
Your heart leapt to your throat when the door opened, Momo standing there with her hair pulled into a low ponytail, an apron half tied around her hips and a dot of flour dusted onto her cheek. Her eyes didn’t even glance to you when Awase sucked in a sharp breath of air, like for a moment she didn’t realize he wasn’t alone, her hands wiping delicately onto the front of her apron as a breeze blew a strand of her hair across the front of her neck. Awase fidgeted on the spot, clearing his throat and turning his head slightly to look at you, like he was asking you what to say. 
As if you had any clue yourself. 
“Momo.” Her head turned towards you quickly but her eyes dragged behind, lingering on Awase’s face until he glanced down at his shoes, hands shuffling, still in the confines of his pockets. Your teeth dug into your bottom lip when your gaze locked with hers, hating the way insecurities started to fester in the back of your mind, wash of guilt nearly knocking you over when you remembered the way Todoroki’s lips had felt on your lips. That guilt only grew when you felt the ring he’d left with you twisting on your twiddling finger, throat clearing once even though your volume didn’t grow. “Can we come inside, please?” 
It took her a moment to nod, her eyes blinking a few times as she pulled the door further open and stepped back enough to let you both past. You vaguely heard her introduce herself to Awase as you slipped your shoes off, catching the way he smiled when she stumbled over a stray pair of slippers left by the door. His name rolled off his tongue easily as she shook her head at her own clumsiness, a blush on her cheeks just barely visible from the dim light in the hall. 
The place looked the same as when you’d been in it, but also somehow different, now holding furniture and pictures and life. It was a home instead of a house now, the place Todoroki and Momo’s love was supposed to grow into its destiny, even if to yourself it felt like a prison, a manifestation of the things you lacked. The walls were painted a pale grey, the furniture the same navy blue as the lines on their palms, a set of stairs directly down the hall lined with photos from trips they’d taken, scattered with nicnacs and memories you didn’t care to know the stories of. 
You loathed how it made you want to vomit, the jealousy creeping through your bones, rattling any of the confidence you had left. 
“Where’s Todoroki?”
“He’s upstairs, we were about to make dinner.” Momo stepped past you after a moment, leading the pair of you towards the open concept kitchen, her voice unwavering but her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides as she stepped towards a ball of dough she’d left on the counter. “Why?” 
“We need to talk to the both of you.” Awase’s voice rang beside your ear as his palm landed on your lower back, as if he could tell how anxious being there was making you, let alone how confused and frustrated you still felt. Everything felt too big, too surreal to actually be happening, Awase’s free hand still shoved in his pocket like a bomb he was scared to set off. 
“About what?” Momo’s nose scrunched slightly as she glanced at the pair of you from where she was lazily forming small dumplings on the counter, tossing them one by one into a pot of boiling water. She licked her lips once as she let her eyes flicker towards your neck, reminding you of the necklace hanging there, the one Todoroki had given you, the one that made her suspicious enough to confront you before. 
You pretended not to notice the way it made her nostrils flare as she sucked in a delicate breathe. 
“It’s complicated.” You sighed, switching your weight from foot to foot, hand raising to rub at your shoulder aimlessly when you heard the stairs start to creek faintly. It immediately made your heart thud in your chest, body turning on instinct enough to see Todoroki as he came into view, his white socks clashing with the dark floor as he focused on the phone clasped between his fingers. 
His hair was wet, a towel draped around his neck as his lips parted, a breathe falling from them, not loud enough for you to hear but it felt like it had knocked the wind out of you. His skin looked incredible, your pulse quickening the closer he got, nerves firing all at once when his head finally lifted and he spotted the three of you. His gaze moved from Momo to Awase before it landed on you, his tired eyes blinking a few times as he abandoned his phone on the breakfast bar. 
“Todoroki.” You exhaled his name like his hands were squeezing your lungs, draining every drop of oxygen from your system. You swallowed, feeling a wash of calm for the moment his eyes lingered on your own, hating the feeling that grew in your chest when his eyes fell to Awase, who was still stood beside you with his hand on your lower back. For a moment his eyes flashed with an emotion you didn’t know, his bottom lip tucking beneath his front teeth. 
“What are you two doing here?” His voice was vaguely hoarse, the way it sounded when he’d been crying or yelling, and it made your bones ache. It made you want to run over an wrap your arms around him, the pull in your heart like a magnet more powerful than the moon to the shores. 
“They need to talk to us.” Momo cleared her throat after she spoke, trying to cover up the small waver in her voice. She tossed the last of the dumplings into the large pot of water before she turned around, hands wiping once again on her apron as her back leaned into the countertop. 
“About what?” Todoroki’s eyebrows rose as he pulled the towel from around his neck, figure turning away from you in a way that felt like a subtle pinch to your heart, a bit of guilt for ignoring him spreading up your spine. Maybe it had hurt him like you suspected, maybe it had felt like you were shoving him away when he so desperately had wanted to hold onto you. 
“About your soulmarks.” You pressed your lips into a thin line, Awase sucking in a sharp breathe beside you as his head bobbed in a nod, neither of you exactly sure how to bring the subject up subtly. His hand fell away from its place on your back, your teeth grinding together as you watched Momo’s brows furrowed together slightly in confusion, Todoroki’s back still towards you. 
It was silent enough for a pin drop to be heard, neither Momo or Todoroki saying anything, as if they were waiting for yourself or Awase to further explain, though neither of you knew how. You looked over at Awase as he shifted his weight, his eyes catching onto yours as you nodded once towards his hand, resting your own flat against the marble island in front of you. There was a rustle from his hand being pulled out if his jean pocket, before he was holding it up like he was waving without any movement, the bold blue lines vibrant with the overhead light beaming down on him. 
Momo audibly gasped, her hands raising subconsciously to cover her mouth as she stared, feet quickly padding across the wood floors so she could get a better look. The sound caught Todoroki’s attention as he finally turned, his thin white t-shirt collecting small dark circles from the drips of water coming from his hair, eyes flickering from your face to Awase’s hand twice before staying settled there on his palm. You swallowed hard, ignoring the boulder in your esophagus as your eyes danced between the three of them, wondering what they were all thinking, what they were all feeling. 
You’d never seen anyone with your mark before, let alone been in the same room as two people who matched you. 
“What’s going on?” Momo sounded out of breath as she hesitantly reached her hand forward to grab ahold of Awase’s as it lowered, his eyes glued to her face as she squinted down at his palm. You watched as she slid a finger over the main line of his mark, noting how she skipped over the small cut he still had healing across the center of the flesh. 
“We don’t know.” Awase’s voice was hushed, like if he spoke too loud he’d scare her away, his lips pursing, puckered momentarily outward as he took a peek at you in his peripheral vision. You didn’t notice Todoroki had moved until you felt the warmth of his body closer to your own, his footsteps quiet until he came to rest between you and Momo’s sides. “After you two left the café she saw my hand, and said she’d seen it before.” 
“I knew it was yours.” Your eyes shifted up to Todoroki, his own gaze focused on Awase’s palm as Momo held it, her own dark lines brushing against his fingertip before she placed her hands on the counter. You swallowed when Todoroki’s focus shifted over to you, eyes unreadable as his tongue poked out to wet his lips, and you swore for a second he was trying to tell you something with the look on his face, but you didn’t know what, voice shrinking with his proximity. “Both of yours, I mean.” 
You’d missed his warmth, missed the heat that radiated from him so naturally when you were next to him, your arm feeling like it was being baked by the sun when his body weight shifted so he was closer to you. His fingers subtly nudged your own where your hands both hung by your thighs, the island blocking them from view, your body temperature spiking when you looked away from his face to instead focus back on Awase and Momo. You tried to keep your reaction neutral as Todoroki’s pinky finger slowly hooked with yours, fingers one by one all clasping into your own until your palms were flush together, heart thumping steadily like he was an anchor keeping you from drifting too far from his shore. 
It was amazing how a simple touch from him was enough to have you near bursting at the seems, things seeming to blur in your mind for a moment as all you could focus on was how good it felt to be touching him. When your grip on him tightened he squeezed right back, your cheek burning where he was staring at you until Awase spoke up. 
“I don’t understand how this can be happening.” He scratched at the back of his neck for a moment, bodyweight leaning into the counter before him as his teeth dug into his plump bottom lip. “It’s impossible for three people to be soulmates, right?” 
“Right.” Todoroki’s head bobbed once slightly, his voice soft as he brushed his thumb along your own, chest rising and falling steadily as he glanced between Awase and Momo. Momo was staring at Awase for a beat, her eyebrows bunched together as she absentmindedly picked at the nail polish half chipped off her fingers. “None of this makes any sense.” 
There was a lull in the conversation as the three of them all glanced between each other like one of them would suddenly have an answer, your face turning back up to look at Todoroki while he thought, admiring the way his skin looked when the light caught onto it. He looked incredibly tired, stressed, like the shower he’d taken had done little to relax the voices screaming in his eardrums, like he was desperate to shut the world away for a while and just breathe on his own. You moved closer to him without thinking, feeling Momo glancing at you but swallowing down the small amount of guilt it caused, resting your freehand on the countertop. 
“Let me see your hands.” 
For a moment, you’d thought Momo was talking to you and Todoroki, your eyes flickering down to your connected palms before Awase held out his own. Todorokis grip on you vanished as he lifted his hand up, both of the boys palms facing the ceiling as Momo placed her own between them, your chest aching in a way that made it hard to ignore. Your eyes burned but you blinked away the stinging in them, leaning forward slightly as Momo had to look over the blue lines that stained their skin. 
“I read about something, a couple months ago.” Momo sounded half focused on what she was saying, her finger skimming along Awase’s hand before it moved to brush along Todoroki’s, a small pang of jealousy itching at the back of your throat. You ignored it best you could when she looked quickly over at you with a bob of her head. “It was right after Todoroki’s birthday, when he decided to stay at your place rather than go to dinner with me and his parents.” 
She paused for a moment as you folded your arms across your stomach, her voice not full of malice or anger but rather a hint of sadness, of a pain you didn’t think you could really grasp. Because while you were longing after Todoroki for months, she had been watching him crave someone else for the entirety of time she knew him. Even if he’d never said it to her, and even if he tried his hardest to never let it show, she knew that while he cared about her, it wasn’t the way it was supposed to be. 
Maybe Todoroki loved her, yes, but not in the way she wanted. 
Not in the way soulmates were supposed to love each other. 
“I was up one night, reading these articles online, in this poor state of mind, and I came across this article. These parents illegally had their child’s mark covered at some underground tattoo place, having it match another family’s child so they’d think they were soulmates. It was almost like some awful form of an arranged marriage. The kids only figured it out when they were older and one of them found a baby picture from before they covered his mark.” She trailed off, her eyes flickering between Todoroki’s palm and Awase’s, your mind reeling as the pieces in your mind seemed to slowly be clicking into place. 
“I didn’t think it could have happened, because neither of us had ever met someone else with our marks before.” Momo looked over at Todoroki as his focus turned towards her, her eyes a bit red as she blinked a few times and smiled faintly at him. She looked as tired as Todoroki did, like she’d been fighting a losing battle for a long time and was finally ready to give up. “I knew neither of us felt right, that neither of us thought things were how they were supposed to be. You’d felt something for someone else, and I…” 
Her voice trailed off as she took a glance at Awase, who was staring at her with such a strong gaze it made her cheeks flush with pink. 
“I saw you once,” She said to him, his teeth digging into his bottom lip as his head bobbed in a nod, like he remembered it too. Your eyebrows bunched together as another punch of confusion ghosted over your features. Todoroki’s hand left the counter to once again clasp down into your own, grip tighter than before. “at a train station. It was crowded and we bumped into each other, you had on gloves and I didn’t see your hands but I felt…something when I saw your face.”
“I felt it too.” Awase interjected, his eyes flickering down to the counter as his fingers bent to form a loose fist, his lids dropping shut as he sighed heavily. “I tried to look for you but when I did you were with a guy and too far gone. I figured it was just my imagination and I let it go.” 
“It’s why I asked our parents for baby pictures a few months ago, I was thinking maybe I could find some proof that we weren’t supposed to be together.” Momo said, forcing herself to look away from him and instead focusing back on Todoroki, who you were sure also noticed the way both Awase and Momo’s cheeks were flushed with pink hues of warmth. “I didn’t find anything in mine, though.” 
The silence that fell was heavy as Todoroki and Momo shared a look that felt too intimate for yourself and Awase to be watching, like you were witnessing a couple splitting apart, and perhaps you were. Maybe the both of them had felt it for a long time, that something was wrong with their supposedly destined relationship. Neither of them had brought it up, but both could tell that the other wasn’t happy, that they were forcing things when they shouldn’t have to. Momo shouldn’t have had to fight to have time with Todoroki when he was supposed to always want to be with her. Todoroki shouldn’t have felt so alone when Momo was right there, shouldn’t have never felt understood when she’d brush off his complaints like mere feathers on her shoulders. 
Neither of them was right for the other, but they both cared enough to keep quiet, because they thought it was what they were supposed to do. 
“Did you check mine too?” Todoroki spoke up, his head shaking slightly as a drip of water from his hair skimmed his cheekbone when it fell. 
“Every single one.” Momo sighed as she pushed her hand through her hair, slipping her elastic onto her wrist as the strands hung loosely behind her neck, framing her cheeks like she was a beautiful painting. “I found nothing. I’m not really sure where to look for answers. It could have been either of our families, hell it might not have even been them. This could all be something else.” 
“It’s not something else.” Todoroki’s voice grew harder, eyes floating shut as his jaw clenched down tight, all the air leaving his lungs as he shook his head. His grip on you grew more firm as his nostrils flared, your free hand raising to gingerly brush his shoulder when his eyes snapped back open. “It was my parents. I know it was, I’m positive.” 
“Todoroki.” Your tone was timid compared to his own, body moving closer to his when his face turned towards you, his eyes burning red and full of irritation, tears starting to build in his waterline. You’d never seen him look more furious, more heartbroken, his hand leaving yours as he scrubbed at his eyes and immediately turned to go outside, the door slamming behind him and a silence enveloping the three of you still standing around the marble island. 
You swallowed, staring at the door where his figure had just been, body aching to be following his, that pull in your chest stronger than ever knowing how upset he was. You couldn’t blame him for feeling so angry, for being so broken that he just wanted to fall apart where no one could see him. You knew pain, you knew the hurt that spread through your bones when you realized you didn’t have a soulmate. You were familiar with the hollow that made a home in you with the thoughts and voices constantly in your head, the never-ending reminders of your loneliness and heartache. 
But you didn’t know how Todoroki felt. 
His own parents had betrayed him, had set him up for a life where he’d never really get to be happy, not how he was supposed to. They lied to their son for their entire lives thus far, all so he’d marry someone he was never really supposed to love in the first place, and in the fallout from their actions they had crushed him. They had made Todoroki so full of guilt and longing that the weight of the world was piled up onto his shoulders. They made him loathe himself for not loving Momo the way he was supposed to, made him long after someone that maybe he could have had all along had they not sabotaged him out of selfishness. 
Your body carried you out the door before you over thought things, not bothering to put your shoes back on as your feet made contact with the cold concrete of the front steps. You paused there while the door shut, watching Todoroki’s back as it rose and fell slowly from where he was sat on the curb, a car passing by making some of the fallen flower petals bustle past his figure. His shirt looked brighter from the way the streetlamps were hitting him, the sky turned a dark blue as night began to take over. 
He was mute when you sank down into the spot beside him, your thighs pressed against each others as you rested your hands on your knees, staring up at the sky as he sniffled beside you. He didn’t move for a minute or so until he shifted enough to lift his head, eyes falling onto you when you turned enough to stare back at him. You were itching to touch him when you noticed the wet trail down his cheek, heart feeling like it was being hammered into bits and pieces as he leaned in and rested his forehead against your shoulder, his lips parted as he sucked in a shaky breath. 
“I’m sorry, Todoroki.” Your voice was a whisper as he slid his arms slowly around your middle, pulling your body closer to his own as his head fell to instead press into the crook of your neck, his nose nudging the side of your throat while his fingers dug into your back. Your cheek pressed into the top of his head as your fluttered your lids closed, letting him melt his body weight into you, savoring the warmth of his chest as the wind blew. “I’m so sorry.” 
“I just can’t believe they’d do this to me. I know that we don’t always agree on things, but how could they just let me be so fucking miserable and pretend that it was all in my head.” His voice shook as it muffled against your collarbone, the reverberations making subtle goosebumps raise on the back of your neck. “What kind of person does that to someone they’re supposed to love?” 
“Maybe it wasn’t them, Todoroki. We don’t know if that’s what really ha-” 
“It was them.” He cut you off with a slight shake from his head, his shoulders raising as he pulled back enough to stare at you. His hair was a mess, now half air dried and sticking at odd angles, lips puffy from how much he kept licking and biting at them, eyes still stained with redness. “I know it was them. They always wanted a certain life for me, and they decided that was most important. They decided money and power and image were more important than their son’s fucking happiness.” 
Your hand reached back behind you so you could grab onto his own, pulling it forward and clasping your palm so it was flush against his, hiding his blue lines from his view. He pressed his lips into a line as you lifted your other hand to brush the hairs away from his eyes. He leaned into your touch, eyes falling shut as his cheek pressed against the warmth of your fingers, like he was making sure you weren’t a daydream. It was hard for you to believe yourself that he was real, with the streetlamp casting a halo silhouette around his mess of white and red hair, eyes shining even in the dark, swimming with all the emotions that had started to pour from his soul. 
“You should talk to them, confront them about it.” 
“I will, but not tonight. I can’t tonight.” Todoroki blinked twice before letting his hand slip away from your own, reaching up to scrub at his exhausted eyes as you let your palm slip to rest against his chest, feeling his heartbeat as it hammered away. He leaned forward enough to press his lips to your forehead, muttering against the skin as your touch drifted from his cheek to instead plant on the crook of his neck. “I just need some time to process everything.” 
You nodded as he languidly untangled himself from you completely, hands grabbing onto your own as he helped you stand, immediately slipping his arms back around your middle to hug you to his chest as he took a deep breathe, the smell of his cologne like you were being welcomed home after too much time away. Your arms looped easily around his hips, pressing your bodies so they were cemented together as he pressed a chaste kiss to your shoulder, savoring in the feeling of having you so close for a moment. 
He felt like he was broken. 
But you were broken too. 
“It’s almost ironic. This is like some awful version of what I always wanted.” 
You leaned back to look at him when he spoke, his tongue poking out to wet his lips as his fingers started to toy with the ends of your hair, careful not to tug too hard. Your eyebrows rose slightly, as if you were asking him to go on, lips parted as you took a gentle breathe when the wind blew chills onto your bare legs. 
“I used to always hope that somehow I wouldn’t be her soulmate, that I’d have at least a shot at being with you, properly.” He mumbled, your heart thudding at the quiet confession as his lips spread into a half smile, one laced with heartache and framed with disappointment for the way the world had granted his wish. “I always pictured myself just waking up with your mark, not something like this. I guess I just never imagined it would be because of my parents being more selfish than loving.” 
“It might not have been them, Todoroki.” 
He shook his head at your optimism, his lips pressing once more into your forehead as he let his touch leave your body, except for his hand that tangled back into yours. He picked up your free one, kissing the middle of your palm and moving you slightly so your soulmark was in the light, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed, like he was trying to force a lump down his esophagus, one that was making it hard for him to breathe. He was silent for a moment as he held you there and stared, taking in the gold as your fingers flexed slightly in an attempt to free your hand, not liking to look at it for so long. Even with things unraveling around you, you didn’t like to look your mark, like it was a reminder of all the torment soulmates had caused you, all the longing that left scars on your heart. 
“I wonder if mine looks like this, underneath the tattoo.” He muttered, mostly to himself, his eyes dancing over to you once before he was focusing back on your palm, finger tracing a line right down the strip of pigment on your skin. The image made your lungs shrink as you tried not to get your hopes up too high, the grip you had on his hand tightening when your eyes burned at the thoughts that started to rush to your head, dark ones that were used to broken hopes. 
“What if it doesn’t?” 
His eyes turned back towards you, lips parting, like he was surprised by your question. You couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop yourself from wondering what would happen now. Sure, in your heart you wanted it to be Todoroki, you wanted the person you matched to be him more than anything you’d ever longed for in your entire life. You wanted that tattoo on his palm to get removed and you wanted to find a strip of gold waiting there for you all along. But you had gotten used to the disappointment, familiar with the let downs when your dreams came crashing back to earth, leaving you broken and unable to really fit the pieces back together. 
“It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t.” 
He sounded firm, confident as he let your palm go and opted to cup your cheek instead, a car driving by that casted bright lights on him for a moment. He took a deep breath, leaning forward and letting his eyes drop shut as his lips ghosted over your own before he kissed you fully. It wasn’t full of dramatic passion, wasn’t laced with the longing you’d both felt for so long, wasn’t desperate and needy like you were scared you’d never get to taste him again. It was gentle, soft, quiet like the world around you had melted away and all that was left was the simultaneous beatings of your hearts when he pulled back so your noses were brushing, voice barely audible as he whispered. 
“I’m yours, no matter what.”
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