#Trust your gut
free-my-mindd · 4 months
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Energy doesn’t lie
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shisasan · 3 months
The right person will awaken a deep love for yourself, revealing the magic and wonder of your own being, embracing both your strengths and imperfections, inspiring you to reach new heights.
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starlet-sky · 2 years
Instead of worrying about it, I have decided to trust fearlessly in the process as it all unfolds. Worrying has no place here anymore. Just faith.
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serenityquest · 2 months
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positiveupwardspiral · 6 months
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coffeeadict61 · 1 year
Humans Are Weird: Women's Intuition
Report #286
Topic: Gaze detection: in females
Gaze detection: the human phenomenon of becoming aware when another being is staring consistently/intensely at oneself.
In previous reports the topic of gaze detection has been covered but I have more specific information. While it has been observed in both male and female humans, it appears to be more heightened in the female variety. The reason for this, after talking with both parties, could possibly stem from two places:
1. A evolutionary need to better protect themselves in the female variety from predatory counterparts
2. A social or cultural pressure for the male species to suppress their emotions that trigger this "sixth sense".
The "female intuition" was demonstrated for me yesterday.
Lucy, or "Luce" if you know her well enough, is our first human crew mate of the female variety to be assigned to electrical. I was put in charge of walking her through her schedule. While doing so I observed many of the "men" glancing at her. Most watched with curiosity but after an hour or two of Lucy working along side her crew mates, I noticed that she had begun to avoid one of them. Cory Mattinson, a strongly built man around 30 human yrs of age. Lucy chose to work in the area furthest away from his, attempting to stay out of his line of sight, and sitting at a different table in the cafeteria even though he invited her to join him and his companions. While she was polite, I would use the human term "wary" to describe her behavior. I sat with her and the "women" from other departments during lunch break so that I could inquire what her strange actions inferred.
She seemed uncomfortable with my question but answered me directly. "He just gives me a bad feeling." A few of the others nodded in agreement. "What feeling?" I asked. "Just…like he was stalking me. He kept staring and I don't trust him." She explained. A woman named Rebecca elaborated a little. "It's our gut feeling. We can tell when someone is watching us or following us. We get a bad vibe." I tried my best to imagine this guttural feeling but I had more questions.
"Do you have this feeling around all men?"
Lucy ripped of a chunk of her "sandwich" (a common lunch time appetizer). "No, just the ones our instinct tell us are predatory. Creepy men with ill intent."
"This is instinctual?"
"Yeah, men have it too but it's more for suspicious stuff. Fight or flight is kinda similar, I guess."
"Do you all have the same "bad vibe" about the same person."
"Usually, but if there was a predator in our lives before, we will get that gut feeling around people who look, act, or talk like them where others don't." Rebecca answered. "I thought Cory was creepy too."
I was stunned. There survival instincts appear to learn and evolve out of life experience and trauma. I believe it should be closely studied in both the female and male gender.
I am also inserting a request to relocate electrician Cory Mattinson to another station or release him from his contract. His behaviors are threatening to our female staff and is a possible security risk.
Human Observer #5743
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ang3l-b4by-bl0gging · 18 days
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back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known x 🫧
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desultory-suggestions · 7 months
Just a reminder that if you ever feel a lump or unusual pain in your chest/breasts you should get it checked out just to be safe. Especially if it’s been there for more than a day or two or is causing you discomfort, it’s good to ensure it’s not serious or that if it is you can get the right treatment. Trust your body to know when something is off!
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free-my-mindd · 2 months
If something feels off, it is.
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shellbells-things · 1 year
What. A. DAY. (Or couple of days…) First, everyone was in an uproar about Jungkook’s song. I won’t lie, my eyebrows went up to my hairline when I heard the rap lyrics. They just seemed so…aggressive. And very un-Jungkook like. Fortunately, there is a version without those lyrics! The song is catchy and will most certainly go viral.
But just when we were catching our breath from the song drama, we were suddenly bombarded with videos that supposedly showed Jungkook in his apartment, aggressively back hugging and chasing a pregnant woman. Also, we got a bunch of accusations about him supposedly harassing woman at work, acting inappropriately at a Karaoke bar, and sexually harassing waitresses. I mean talk about piling on!!! Someone is working EXTRA hard to try and basically ruin Jungkook, and oh-so conveniently on the day of his new song release. Hmmmm….does this remind you of anything? Didn’t some assholes break into Jimin’s apartment, steal his mail and hide it so that he got behind on his insurance payments and then waited until his new OST was released to post a story in the press? All designed to distract from his new song and bring the fandom down on his head. Sounds like the same playbook to me.
Regarding the alleged Jungkook video. I see a lot of people saying the video could be Jungkook, and that they will accept it if it is. I see people blindly accepting this crap. And I’m just…floored by that. Everyone is so afraid of looking like the cult that they refuse to question and investigate? That they immediately forget 10 years of Jikook behavior that makes it clear that they are something special to each other? Excuse me?
People. There is NOTHING wrong with scoffing at this. The blurriness of the video is purposeful. Designed to give the impression of Jungkook without actually showing details that could prove it’s him (unlike the Taennie videos from Paris, which were crystal clear). I mean, we’ve got satellites in space that can zoom in on a pimple on your nose and clearly show it. You’re telling me an iPhone camera or a telephoto lense couldn’t do a better job than this mess? There are a lot of inconsistencies in these videos that I won’t get into, but you get my point.
Please don’t be afraid to question. Truth seeking is a good thing!! Go ahead and draw pictures to help you better understand the apartment layout. Take screen grabs and circle things that don’t match. Talk it out with your friends! And no. This doesn’t make you like the cult, it just makes you someone who supports Jungkook and wants to make sure that you are giving him every benefit of the doubt. Once you’ve done your due diligence, then you can make your mind up based on 1) what you already know about Jungkook and 2) what the facts and circumstances you’ve reviewed show. And let’s be real about this. The person who took the video didn’t just luck into being there at the exact right moment. Either they were straight up stalking the people they were filming or more likely, the scene was set for the purpose of filming this “gotcha”moment.
The bottom line is this. Regardless of whether you believe the video is legit or a lie, someone is trying really hard to hurt Jungkook. And none of us should be ok with that.
I know what I DO believe in, and it’s this:
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soulinkpoetry · 8 months
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Have that in mind next time something doesn’t feel right about a person you meet.
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btu-kindness · 2 months
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Your gut instinct is one if your most important tools going through life. Don't underestimate it.
Trust your gut.
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lady-world-weaver · 19 days
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queka-store · 3 months
Medical attention
About medical attention and being the first to believe to yourself.
Some of us form into ppl pleasers due to certain circumstances. Sometimes it is even hard to tell what do you feel if nobody believes you you feel this way. Than, if unfortunately you become ill, if nobody believes you... You might accidentally believe them instead of yourself. But our body is wise, and it gives emotional and physical signals to our brain with a reason! No one is living this life from your first day to your last day, in your shoes, in your skin - except YOU. You have the widest perspective on your life story. Only you live and feel the consequences of believing them and abandoning yourself. And it is not your fault, it is all you have known till that moment. Please forgive yourself, because... At any moment you have the choice to be the first human being on earth to believe you, to be by your side. I don't know if it would help, but I am alread believing you. Everything you have gone through, any emotion and sensation you have - it all makes perfect sense to me, it is important, it deserves to be seen and respected. So if you don't get the right medical attention, please don't stop searching for better options. Even if you need to pause for such long period of time to regain trust, to save money if possible... The moment you can, please keep moving forward, because YOU deserve to find those kind compassionate allies in life - who will care, who will listen, who will help without making you smaller than the equal human being you are. Because your essence is awsome and you deserve to get the help you need ❤️
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defensive-tactics · 11 months
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Stop being too nice. Your safety is more important than anyone's feelings!
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imagine-all-the-people · 11 months
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Always trust your gut… ✨
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