#United Party
directactionforhope · 13 days
"Starting this month [June 2024], thousands of young people will begin doing climate-related work around the West as part of a new service-based federal jobs program, the American Climate Corps, or ACC. The jobs they do will vary, from wildland firefighters and “lawn busters” to urban farm fellows and traditional ecological knowledge stewards. Some will work on food security or energy conservation in cities, while others will tackle invasive species and stream restoration on public land. 
The Climate Corps was modeled on Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps, with the goal of eventually creating tens of thousands of jobs while simultaneously addressing the impacts of climate change. 
Applications were released on Earth Day, and Maggie Thomas, President Joe Biden’s special assistant on climate, told High Country News that the program’s website has already had hundreds of thousands of views. Since its launch, nearly 250 jobs across the West have been posted, accounting for more than half of all the listed ACC positions. 
“Obviously, the West is facing tremendous impacts of climate change,” Thomas said. “It’s changing faster than many other parts of the country. If you look at wildfire, if you look at extreme heat, there are so many impacts. I think that there’s a huge role for the American Climate Corps to be tackling those crises.”  
Most of the current positions are staffed through state or nonprofit entities, such as the Montana Conservation Corps or Great Basin Institute, many of which work in partnership with federal agencies that manage public lands across the West. In New Mexico, for example, members of Conservation Legacy’s Ecological Monitoring Crew will help the Bureau of Land Management collect soil and vegetation data. In Oregon, young people will join the U.S. Department of Agriculture, working in firefighting, fuel reduction and timber management in national forests. 
New jobs are being added regularly. Deadlines for summer positions have largely passed, but new postings for hundreds more positions are due later this year or on a rolling basis, such as the Working Lands Program, which is focused on “climate-smart agriculture.”  ...
On the ACC website, applicants can sort jobs by state, work environment and focus area, such as “Indigenous knowledge reclamation” or “food waste reduction.” Job descriptions include an hourly pay equivalent — some corps jobs pay weekly or term-based stipends instead of an hourly wage — and benefits. The site is fairly user-friendly, in part owing to suggestions made by the young people who participated in the ACC listening sessions earlier this year...
The sessions helped determine other priorities as well, Thomas said, including creating good-paying jobs that could lead to long-term careers, as well as alignment with the president’s Justice40 initiative, which mandates that at least 40% of federal climate funds must go to marginalized communities that are disproportionately impacted by climate change and pollution. 
High Country News found that 30% of jobs listed across the West have explicit justice and equity language, from affordable housing in low-income communities to Indigenous knowledge and cultural reclamation for Native youth...
While the administration aims for all positions to pay at least $15 an hour, the lowest-paid position in the West is currently listed at $11 an hour. Benefits also vary widely, though most include an education benefit, and, in some cases, health care, child care and housing. 
All corps members will have access to pre-apprenticeship curriculum through the North America’s Building Trades Union. Matthew Mayers, director of the Green Workers Alliance, called this an important step for young people who want to pursue union jobs in renewable energy. Some members will also be eligible for the federal pathways program, which was recently expanded to increase opportunities for permanent positions in the federal government...
 “To think that there will be young people in every community across the country working on climate solutions and really being equipped with the tools they need to succeed in the workforce of the future,” Thomas said, “to me, that is going to be an incredible thing to see.”"
-via High Country News, June 6, 2024
Note: You can browse Climate Corps job postings here, on the Climate Corps website. There are currently 314 jobs posted at time of writing!
Also, it says the goal is to pay at least $15 an hour for all jobs (not 100% meeting that goal rn), but lots of postings pay higher than that, including some over $20/hour!!
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A right-wing media personality from Alberta went viral this weekend for all the wrong reasons after posting a video on social media from inside a public washroom at the Ottawa International Airport.
Derek Fildebrandt, the Publisher of the right-wing Western Standard media outlet, recorded himself exploring a public washroom before boarding a flight home to Calgary after this weekend’s conservative Canada Strong and Free Network conference.
Six different people are visible in the background of the video — half of whose faces are identifiable — while Fildebrandt criticizes the presence of a menstrual product dispenser in a men’s washroom.
At one point, one washroom user can also briefly be seen using a urinal. [...]
Fildebrandt, a former MLA with Alberta’s United Conservative Party, says he has no regrets despite creating obvious privacy issues for other washroom users. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @abpoli, @vague-humanoid
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lasttarrasque · 5 months
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Hard choice
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kimseokjinn · 3 months
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notfeelingthyaster · 14 days
the way the older batboys cope with relationship trauma is that tim is a serial dater (cannot, will not, be single, would rather swallow glass, name the last time he was single), jason is a serial kisser (what's the name when you're not dating you're just kissing people? in brazil we call it "staying", like when you go out clubbing and kiss 10+ randoms) and dick is a serial cheater (i've said what i said)
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phoenixyfriend · 24 days
I think a lot of political discourse for the US would be easier to process if we treated the Dems less as a single party and more as a wide and unusually strong coalition of all parties left of center.
It's hard to think of AOC or Cori Bush as being in the same party as Joe Manchin or Josh Gottheimer... but if you think of them as belonging to rather tightly allied parties within the democratic coalition, things might make some more sense.
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karlachsnosering · 9 months
one thing I absolutely adore about the bg3 companions is the thematic connections between them. Karlach and Wyll mending fences over a shared history of conscripted violence. Wyll and Shadowheart and Gale coming to terms with who they are instead of who they pretend to be. Karlach and Astarion finally free and revelling in the time they have left. Astarion and Gale recovering from toxic relationships with omnipotent creators. Lae'zel and Shadowheart examining their deepest most sacred beliefs. all of these disparate people are seeking self-determination and freedom but in their own ways on their own paths and you get to come along with them!! what a fantastic collection of stories and characters I love them all so so much
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Could you do the (16/17 year old) step daughter of spencer who calls him really late one night to pick her up from a party because she's (very) drunk and she knows he's up bc of his insomnia. And she clearly sees him as her father bc her dad left before she was even born.
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Spencer Reid X Stepdaughter Fem Reader
Request: Could you do the (16/17 year old) step daughter of spencer who calls him really late one night to pick her up from a party because she's (very) drunk and she knows he's up bc of his insomnia. And she clearly sees him as her father bc her dad left before she was even born.
Third person pov...
Y/N was out at a friends house for a party, she was having fun, dancing and drinking all night long. She hadn't gone to a party in ages.
As the clock struck 1 am, Spencer was lying in bed, eyes wide open. Insomnia had been a constant companion for him, It was especially difficult on nights like this, when his stepdaughter Y/N was out at a party.
Y/N was a bright, independent teenager. But Spencer couldn't help but worry about her, especially since her biological father had left them before the H/C girl was even born. Spencer had taken on the role of a father to Y/N and they had formed a strong bond over the years.
Just as Spencer was about to drift off to sleep, his phone rang, jolting him awake, he immediately sat up, concern flooding through him, groggily he answered the call, expecting it to be Y/N checking in before heading home.
"Hey Y/N, everything okay?" Spencer answered with a touch of worry in his voice.
"Hi, uhm, can you come and pick me up from this party? I'm really drunk and I don't want to stay here anymore" The teenagers words were slurred and her voice was shaky.
"Of course, Y/N, I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Just stay put and I'll come get you" Spencer replied, already getting dressed and grabbing his car keys.
"Thanks, Spencer" Y/N said
She then gave him the address of the party and hung up. Spencer quickly got dressed and left his house in a hurry.
As he drove towards the address, he couldn't help but worry about Y/N, He had always been there for her, but he knew that her teenage years would be difficult but he would be there for her.
When he arrived at the party, Spencer could hear the music blaring from the house. He parked his car and walked towards the front door, bracing himself for what he would find inside.
As he neared the house he saw her sat outside. Y/N was sitting on the porch steps, her head hanging low, her H/C hair hanging infront of her face.
He could see the tears streaming down her face, and his heart broke. He got out of the car and walked towards her, sitting down next to her.
"Hey, are you okay?" Spencer asked, gently placing a hand on her back.
Y/N wiped her tears and nodded. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you. I just wanted to go home"
Spencer hugged her tightly, rubbing her back as she cried. "It's okay, Y/N I'm here for you"
"I-I'm sorry" the teenager hiccuped, trying to stand up but failing miserably.
Spencer gently helped her up and led her to the car, Once she was buckled in, he drove her home in silence, both of them lost in their own thoughts.
They drove in silence for a few minutes before Y/N spoke, fidgeting with her painted nails "I'm sorry, Spencer" she said, her voice shaky with emotion.
"I know I shouldn't have called you. I just...I needed somebody and i couldnt call my mum" Spencer reached over and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"It's okay, N/N. I'm here for you. Always." They drove the rest of the way in comfortable silence. When they arrived home, Y/N stumbled out of the car, her legs unsteady from the alcohol.
Spencer helped her inside, and she collapsed onto the couch, shivering from the cold.
Spencer pulled a throw blanket over her, and she immediately snuggled into it, her body still shaking. He sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms, holding her close.
They sat like that for a while, Y/Ns head resting against Spencer's chest. She was still shivering, and he could feel the guilt and regret radiating from her.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I shouldn't have done this. I know you must be disappointed in me."
Spencer gently lifted her chin so that he could look into her eyes. "I could never be disappointed in you, Y/N You're not perfect, and I don't expect you to be. But I do expect you to be safe. And to always come to me when you need help."
Tears filled the H/C teen eyes, and she buried her face in Spencer's chest. "Thank you" she mumbled.
"I love you, Spencer. You're the only dad I've ever known"
Spencer's heart swelled with emotion, and he held her tighter, tears prickling at the corners of his own eyes.
He had never thought of himself as a father figure, but in that moment, he knew he would do anything for the girl in his arms.
They stayed there, cuddled up on the couch, until the sun began to rise. Y/n had eventually fallen asleep, her breathing slow and steady.
Spencer smiled, grateful for the opportunity to be there for her in her time of need.
She may not be his biological daughter, but in that moment, none of that mattered. They were family, and that was all that truly mattered.
He shifted himself so he could put a pillow under her head, he then unbuckled her shoes and put them down by the couch.
Standing up he looked down at her. "How am I going to do this" he muttered to himself, the tall man then leant down he wrapped an arm around her shoudlers and put his other one jnder her legs so he could lift her up.
Once she was in his arms she automatically curled up in his arms again, a content sigh escaped her lips. Smiling Spencer begins walking to his bedroom.
He wasn't going to let her sleep on the sofa, when he opened the door he he set the teenager down on the bed and lent her body against his so he could pull back the covered for her.
He then tucked her in, brushing her hair away from her face, he then kissed her temple. "Good night Y/N" he whsipers before closing the door.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the wait for this request! Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count : 1120
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writing-with-olive · 1 year
hey all
so in a more practical application of the "larp a republican if you're gonna call them" post that got huge, North Carolina is about to have abortion access slashed if nothing's done about it.
SB20 got passed and went up to Gov. Cooper who vetoed it, but there's very very slight veto-proof supermajority in the legislature. Unless at least one Republican breaks ranks the veto will be overridden.
I made a google doc to organize, and you don't have to be a North Carolinian to participate:
Even if you can't participate, please share. A lot of people might lose yet more of their rights very soon.
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phantom-of-the-memes · 5 months
So you’re going to have to start on them William coins and notes huh…
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
While we're all mad at government sending money to Israel that police budgets are so inflated because of how often they pay settlements.
And also that it's a verified fact that our police train with Israeli soldiers. Remember when they were black bagging people in PDX? It reminded me of this ex-Israeli soldier talking about how they'd do the same thing to innocent Palestinians just to terrorize them and their neighbors. It was intentional terrorism when they did it.
Police budgets pay for all that.
Correction, we pay.
To put it more bluntly,
We pay for them to kill and terrorize people.
Just as our taxes pay for the deaths of Black and Brown people all over the world from Turtle Island to Sudan and Palestine.
In Dec. 2022, Louisville Metro Government agreed to pay Walker $2 million to settle lawsuits against the city. Metro government previously paid a $12 million settlement to Taylor’s family in Sept. 2020
We paid for Breonna Taylor's death.
And her murderers were never arrested btw. Not that there aren't still people trying to arrest them of course. But our money paid for their lawyers and wouldn't you know it, no charges have stuck.
Four years to the day after Breonna Taylor’s death, federal prosecutors are moving forward with a re-trial of one of the officers involved in the botched raid that ended her life. At a status conference Wednesday, U.S. District Court Judge Rebecca Grady Jennings scheduled Brett Hankison’s final pre-trial hearing for September 13th. His re-trial is scheduled to begin on Oct. 15. In November of last year, Hankinson was tried for violating the Constitutional rights of Breonna Taylor, her boyfriend, and three neighbors when he fired through two covered windows during the raid. Prosecutors argued he used excessive force when he shot into the apartment complex blindly. Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, had fired at officers executing the search, claiming he thought they were intruders.
And Myles Cosgrove?
Yeah we're paying him to terrorize more people. He got a job as a fucking sheriff's deputy.
Myles Cosgrove, the former Louisville police officer, who was fired for fatally shooting Breonna Taylor in a botched 2020 police raid and hired earlier this year as a sheriff’s deputy in Carroll County, rammed a resident’s truck with his cruiser Monday and then pointed a gun at the owner and several bystanders, witnesses said.
Witnesses told The Courier Journal that Cosgrove barreled into Happy Hollow Private Resort Park trailer park at a high rate of speed without his emergency lights on, then struck William Joshua Short’s pickup truck with such force that it sent the vehicle flying into a building, breaking off two cinder blocks.
And Johnathan Mattingly wrote a fucking book about it to make money off of his role in her murder. $15 on Amazon.
He also wanted to sue Kenneth Walker, Breonna's boyfriend. You know why? For damages and injuries he sustained while killing Breonna Taylor.
Our power is in our dollar.
American politics and officials don't care for our lives. It's why they're content to watch us protest for months. Because we're still going to work. We are the worker ants simply fulfilling our duty, receiving the bare minimum to survive for our labor.
We're still building their bombs. Paying our taxes, so much that hardly any of us could afford more than rent.
We are just drones fulfilling our purpose to the upper class who doesn't give a shit about us beyond what we do for them and how little we will do it for.
If we want change we're gonna have to stop working. We're going to have to deprive them of products they sell, of our taxes, of our low cost labor.
And the strike that UAW is planning in May 2028 has inspired a lot of others to start looking at the opportunity to join in.
If you haven't heard of it yet, a strike is when workers organize and stop showing up for work. And a general strike is a mass strike across various industries around similar demands or bargaining positions.
There have been multiple calls for a general strike since then, predominantly from individuals and groups on social media, which has often resulted in confusion about what a general strike would actually look like. To be clear, a general strike is not a protest or a rally, a single picket line, or a boycott. It is, as I’ve previously defined, “a labor action in which a significant number of workers from a number of different industries who comprise a majority of the total labor force within a particular city, region, or country come together to take collective action.”
Throughout history, workers have used this tactic as a nuclear option to shut down entire cities when needed, including Philadelphia in 1835, Seattle in 1919, and beyond.[...]
If even four or five of the unions representing the workers mentioned above banded together in a nationwide general strike, the entire country would grind to a halt. When Shawn Fain asks his fellow unions to set the timer for May 2028, what he’s really saying is, get ready to shut sh*t down and level the playing field between bosses and workers once and for all.
And make one of the demands out to be an end of American support to countries participating in apartheid and genocide.
End the taxes for police budgets and settlements. If they want police departments so bad then they should FIND funding for themselves like the government makes USPS do.
One of the biggest pushbacks we hear is that there is never any official backing for calls to a general strike. Well here it is! Make sure you tell EVERYONE
This could be a global strike if other countries choose to participate on the same date
No, I don't think Palestine has 3 years so in the mean time join a union, keep protesting, start rioting, answer Every call to action coming from a Palestine and Sudan and the DRC and sign this strike card
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thisisrealy2kok · 11 days
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Primary/BlueGreen - an electro-organic journey into colour! 22 September 2001 in San Francisco, California
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A Plains Cree physician who practices family medicine in Alberta says it’s shameful that Conservative Premier Danielle Smith is playing politics with transgender issues.
“It’s really important to know that people don’t do this [gender affirmation] lightly,” said Dr. James Makokis, who identifies as Two-Spirit and works directly with trans patients. “It is something that they’ve known their entire life.
“And clinicians do thorough assessments of ensuring that people when they say they’re trans, they’re trans and we just ensure that there’s not medical contra-indications to doing so and there is a thorough assessment process of that.”
On Wednesday, Smith announced a number of policy changes on social media that will restrict medical access to those seeking gender affirmation therapy – especially transgender youth.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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nando161mando · 11 months
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shadowfloofster · 11 months
Honestly, seeing everyone who was live's reaction to the Q!ElQuackity assassination is kinda the perfect show of how united everyone is.
Q!Bad and Q!Max set up the plan first, getting it ready before telling anyone (most likely to make sure it didn't get spread around by accident) but once they were ready, they got everyone else online aware of the plan and told them exactly what the plan was.
Bad, Jaiden, Foolish and Pierre set up a small watch party ontop of Foolish's dragon with Leo, Pomme, Richarlyson (I think?) And Ramòn to make sure they were all safe and able to watch it without being in danger of anything.
Cellbit and Roier hid behind the building to listen in person and could be there if anything went wrong (though nearly got themselves blown up lmao)
Everyone was listening to the answers El Quackity gave. Idk about Roier and Cellbit but ik that Bad, Jaiden, Pierre and Foolish were all analysing El Quackity's answers, because the real Quackity is their friend. They know him well enough to see the signs of it not being him, like how he hardly acknowledged Wilbur and didn't even mention Tilìn until Max brought their name up, then moving past the topic which confirmed that wasn't their Quackity.
So they all prepared to use the camera to set off the tnt, everyone doing it around the same time as eachother before everyone immediately was able to make it seem like none of them knew, Cellbit and Roier joining in with the others asking if they were okay in chat.
The way they did this shows just how much they all trust and care about each other, Bad and Max trusting everyone enough to show everyone online the camera to set off the tnt and telling them the plan, setting up the watch party on Foolish's dragon to keep everyone safe which left them vulnerable but they knew none of them would threaten the eggs, everyone immediately knowing it wasn't the real Quackity purely from a few of his answers and word choices. Quackity wasn't seen as often after Tilìn's death, yet they all knew him well enough to know that he loved his kid to pieces and would take any chance to talk about them. And once it was over, they immediately all went to a 'secret' area (that just about everyone knows about now, another sign of how much they trust each other) and started discussing what they all found out, all agreeing it wasn't the real Quackity and deciding they had to find the real one.
It's just really nice seeing just how much they trust each other, some not coming on too often, others not being around as long yet they all would drop just about everything to keep each other and their kids safe is really nice to watch.
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okaykois · 1 year
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