#Victor Vs Riddler
house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Hello Mx. Writer! It's me again:)
How do you think Maggie and Basil and even V would react to see a Riddler v.s. Victor showdown? Aka how they react to the love triangle?
Hello Anon 🥰 how are you my dear?
Oh god, ok. Victor Vs Ed would be a walking nightmare- but god would I want to watch! Also I know we’re talking our Gotham boys right now, but I can’t help but think about what would happen if Birds of Prey Zsasz tried to fight The Batman’s Ed Nashton… terrifying!
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Ed’s love for Y/N is very respect base. She’s a little older then the man and he knows there’s a lot he can learn from her. So perhaps one day when Oswald is really getting on his nerves, Ed goes to Y/N for help with revenge. I mean it’s obvious he’s in love with the boy. Y/N can see it plain as day, so of course she’s going to help the younger villain.
He sees Y/N and Vic fight all the time. Yet they’re still madly in love. Besides he enjoys the thrill of his little feud with her boss. Is Gotham, normal relationships don’t exist. If you haven’t tried to kill each other even once, are you really even a couple? Them spending more time together is totally innocent. Riddler slips in from time to time and tries to crack little jokes and puns at Y/N. He’s not blind, the women is very attractive, but he doesn’t have a death sentence. He knows she’s Victor’s, but a little friendly flirty never hurt anyone right? Besides, he loves to watch her laugh.
And boy is she laughing! You know that classic cackle where you lean back in your chair so far you almost fall, and the other person puts a hand on their shoulder to steady you. That sort of full belly laugh that has a minor insanity behind it. Of course neither of them are sober during these little midnight plotting sessions. That would be no fun. Between the shitty riddles, the booze and plotting to make Oswald so furious the idiot throws a week long tantrum, Y/N feels totally free and giddy. There’s a certain high she gets from strategising a war that’s not serious for once. One where there’s no high stakes, and nobody’s going home having lost something they’d rather not go without.
VICTOR DOES NOT LIKE THIS!! That attention should be his. Her laugh should be from him. Not this low level, criminal wanna be. He looks like a damn leprechaun who sprouted real people legs. And when Victor comes home after a long day, looking for his Wife and finds Nygma with his hand around her. He’s seeing RED!!!!
Despite what everyone thinks, Vic does have impulse control. It’s very little but he does know how to show some self restraint. So he pulls himself away in the moment. Course, he does go out and make it EVERYONE else’s problem. Jimbo better hope he doesn’t run into the assassin on his little rampage. Cause Victor is not afraid to cut anyone down to size who gets in his way. He’s furious, and even if this little friendship was totally innocent, that wouldn’t change fuck all to him. Little does Victor know Y/N planned this. She could help Nygma, while playing the side game to rile her lover up. I mean Vic is way more fun when he’s bloodthirsty. Can’t blame a woman for wanting some excitement, or to be dominated every once in a while.
And Victor is playing right into her plan. If Oswald called a meeting because he’s growing suspicious of this sudden friendship, everyone would have to be there. If there’s one thing Oswald likes, it’s humiliating people. Why do in private what you can do in public instead? Needless to say Maggie and Basil have no clue why they’re being summoned that morning. Oswald’s pretty much locks them all in the room and just glares until someone tells him what he wants to hear. Nobody says anything at first, I mean poor Maggie and Basil have no idea what’s going on. But Victor would be the first to make a move. No words, just a punch straight to Ed’s nose.
He’d pull his gun as the man stumbled back and point it right between his eyes. A challenge to try anything, wether that be making a physical move, or attempting to even speak. Nothing Ed could say would make Victor any less trigger happy.
Maggie is the first to recognise this, and would instantly jump up from here chair.
“Woah, Victor, what the hell are you doing?” She’d ask bewildered.
Victor doesn’t move the gun, just turns his head to look at her and smirks.
“Taking out the trash.”
She’s roll her eyes.
“Nygma, what did you do?” She’s demand.
Maggie might be fairly soft spoken, but everyone could tell there was an urgency in her voice. It was gentle but commanding.
“What makes you think I did anything? The bastards crazy!” Ed defends.
Of course, Basil takes note to the fact that Y/N hasn’t had much of a response to any of this. She never attempted to rise from her seat, and there was no readable emotion on her face. It was suspicious, like she was trying to play innocent. Basil just raises a questioning brow at the woman, who gives no indication she’s going to be revealing anything anytime soon. She just sips from her cup while she watches.
Maggie pinches her brow in annoyance.
Despite him very clearly taking a more dominant role in the relationship that they have, Oswald steps forward as if his own mother just called him forward. No hesitation at all. She’d look down at the man.
“Why are we here?”
“They’re plotting something against me, I just know it.” He says, anger in his town.
Maggie hand help the exasperated sigh that leaves her mouth. She’s grown used to playing therapist.
“You’re all hopeless.” She scoffs. “Ok Oz, you’re being paranoid. Nobody in this room is trying to hurt you. Edward, you need to wipe that smug grin off your face, Victor put the damn gun down. And you-“
She’d pause when she gets to Y/N. I mean what can she say, she’s not exactly doing anything. Besides, it would be a weighty punishment if she talked back to the woman. Y/N would raise a challenging brow at the girl, smirking a little.
“Stop being so quiet, it’s creeping me out.” Maggie said, shuddering.
Nothing good ever happened when Y/N was quiet for too long. Quiet meant she was thinking, and hard. Y/N certainly amused by Maggie’s lame attempt at diffusing this situation.
“How can I stop a non-action dear?” Y/N would smirk.
Maggie would just look to Basil for help. He’d just nod his head at Edward, showing he’s the weakest link in the group right now. Maggie would clear her throat and approach.
“Look, Edward, sweetie-“ Riddler does not enjoy her tone right now. “You’re going to have to fess up to what you did sooner or later. Or else none of us are leaving this room. And I swear to you, if I have to miss going to the bookstore with Jim to pick out Bruce a book for his birthday, I am going to rip out your spleen and make you crawl across hot coals to get it back.”
She wasn’t fucking around. If anyone hated plans being interrupted more than Y/N, it’s was Maggie. And plans with Jim none the less, she was currently wanting to scream.
“Wait you’re going book shopping with Jim?” Oswald asks.
Everyone can hear the slight jealousy in his voice. Despite him not sharing affection for the girl in that way, didn’t mean he had to enjoy anyone else showing her said affection.
“Yeah, Bruce has been talking about this specific book for months, only place I can find it is down in the offered. Jim offered to go with me, probably cause he has no idea what to get the kid and wants to leach off my gift. But whatever.”
Not true. Everyone in that room new it’s because Jim didn’t want her alone in the narrows. Always the gentleman, that man. She tried back to Riddler.
“So you’re going to sit down and start talking, or so help me god I’ll just let Victor shoot you.”
Nobody really knew if the girl was being serious.
“I’m serious, I didn’t do anything wrong. Is having friends illegal now?” He questioned.
“Now I get it.” Basil chimed in. “Victor you jealous bastard, you do know your wife is allowed to talk to people right? That’s a basic human right.”
Victor would growl, wanting to shoot the younger man as well.
“Ed, apologise to Victor for making him insecure. Y/N apologise to Oswald for making him paranoid. And Victor, put the fucking gun down before I shove it up your scrawny ass. I’m not fucking around today guys, I don’t have time for this shit.”
“That time of the month?” Victor asked.
Yeah that would be the last straw. Screw an actual showdown between Victor and Edward, right now this was about to be between Victor and God. Of course Victor is going to be holding a grudge on Edward for a long time. Messing up the man’s plans and trying to shoot him at practically any opportunity they have when Maggie’s out of sight. Victor thinks Maggie’s and innocent little kitty cat, and frequently makes fun of the girl for being so soft. But, he’s also seen her shot Sofia with no hesitation because Jim was involved. Honestly he was pretty proud of her for that.
Maggie would turn back to him bewildered.
“What did you just say?”
Oh, she’s bold with it. To talk to the Victor Zsasz like he wasn’t gripping a fully loaded gun right now. Basil would be quick to step in, stepping between his big sis and Victor. Of course he’d love to watch her throw a punch at the guy, but he also knows it’s a fight she can’t win. And nobody in that room is thinking straight. He’d pull her backward into a hug, trapping her against him so she can’t move. She’d put up a valiant effort, kicking and grumbling to try to get out of his arms. Even going so far as to bite him, but he’s undeterred.
“Fine, the two do you kill each other for all I care. And Y/N, I hope whatever you’re planning is worth it.”
She’d convince Basil to let her go.
“I’m getting out of here, Basil you’re on family therapy duty today. Whatever blood is spilt, they’re cleaning it up. If I come back and see a maid doing that shit, I’m setting this entire house on fire with both of them inside.”
She’d walk over to Oswald and kiss him on the cheek. As she does so she swipes the keys from his pocket and walks toward the door. Everyone watches as she goes.
“Be back later, love you all!” She’d say, a clear attempt to try and push down any anger she was feeling.
She didn’t want her mood to be sour when she met up with Jim. As the door shut behind her, everyone just turns to look back at Y/N.
“Oh she’s definitely on her period.” Y/N concluded with a smile. “You heard what the lady said, she wants blood she’d and carnage.” She would sip her drink, even further amused as it dawns on everyone they’ve been used.
“Unbelievable.” Basil says, shaking his head.
But sitting down to watch as Y/N just hands him the full bottle of wine she’d been nursing.
“You’re insane.” Oswald grumbles as he also goes to leave the room.
Victor and Edward just stand there dumbfounded, not sure what to do next. Victor cracks his knuckles.
“I’m going to give you a five minuet head start.” He tells the man in green.
“One- Two-“
Yeah, Edwards supposed to be a genius, so he doesn’t even wait for three before he’s sprinting for the door. He’d have to think of a good way to shake Zsasz. They’d watch after him until he was out of sight. Victor just turns back to his wife.
“You’re not going after him are you?” She asks amused.
“No, that idiot can die tomorrow, you on the other hand-“
And Basil takes that as his que to leave. He knows where all that pent up rage is going to leave. And frankly he doesn’t want to see them hate fuck each other.
An; lol I love sassy Maggie in this chapter. I was just in a silly goofy mood today guys, so so is she. We all know Edward ran to the Sirens club to hide.
@keffirinne @flaysthings @howl-fantasies
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goth-pod · 8 months
Goth-Pod Ep 5: Gotham Troubles
Welcome Back! Listening to you send ins, Juda Boone talks about things by Gothamites, for Gothamites!
[goth-pod is a fictional in-universe podcast based on the DC comics universe. Juda Boone is an original fictional character, not based on any real person or known comic book character.]
Transcript under the cut
Hello everyone and welcome to Goth-Pods special trials and troubles episode! I’m an indie theater’s take on the ghost of Christmas Present- and your host, Juda Boone. 
We're looking at your submitted trademark Gotham problems. So without my usual ramblings, lets get to business
For our first submission username Trekkle brought up a good debate: Subway vs Bus: The Subway is safer, since buses can get hit during rogue attacks, but if you're stuck underground there's a chance of a killer croc attack and also the birds ride the roof. 
Fantastic points, Trekkle! Thank you for writing in. I don't know exactly what you mean by the birds riding the roof, though. Do you mean Robin? Because I have been on the tram while a fight was happening between Robin and The Penguin on top. Of course, I missed most of it because I had my headphones in. Noise cancellation has its pros and cons in Gotham.  
There’s no set answer on this one, I don’t think. You kind of have to pay attention to what Rouges are active the way you pay attention to the weather. Cloudy with a 70% chance of a Riddler scheme? Maybe take the Buses, since they’re not connected to a maze-like system like  the subways are. But maybe it's sweater weather with a possible freeze-over because Victor Fries broke out two nights ago and is due for a showy return. Then an underground bunker with cushy seats doesn’t sound too bad.
From Clexx we have: I'm new to Gotham (full ride scholarship, thank you Mr. Wayne): Why does everyone hate Superman? I tried to get answers from a friend and they called Superman a Homewrecker. Is there an infidelity scandal around Superman I don’t know about??
Oh wow. First of all, congratulations on the scholarship! I'm assuming you're attending Gotham U? Just be sure you get a proper Rogue-proof gas mask. Yes there is a difference. It’ll probably be covered in your Orientation though, so onto the main question. 
To the Homewrecker comment.. oh I didn’t think it’d come to this. Okay, there's this thing in Gotham. Clexx, have you ever heard of Bruceman? Ask your friend about it, they’ll probably love to explain more. Basically it is a Real-Person based Ship on Gotham’s two protectors, Bruce Wayne and Batman. One watching over the day, the other the night. 
This is another Topic that might take all episodes to explain, so to keep it short: People see Superman and Batman’s relationship- professional, platonic, romantic, or however they define it- as a threat to Bruceman, the number one Gotham Ship. Godspeed if you get between our beloved prettyboy himbo and our odd night-stalking cryptid. 
From Allison: My cousin is visiting and I want to show them why I stay in Gotham. Where can we go for 1) a low level rogue attack (for Bat sighting), and 2) where can we go for a Wayne sighting. (They think Dick Grayson is hotter then Brucie [eye-rolling emoji])
For the first one, I think any part of our public transport system will do, as we discussed before. The tricky part is knowing when it’s going to be low-level or if your cousin will be joining you in a shelter-in-place lockdown.
For a Wayne sighting, unfortunately it’s harder to say these days. Bruce Wayne has made several statements on how he’s spending less time at the company in order to focus on bonding with his new son, Jason. I hate to disappoint, but right now might not be the time for celebrity sight-seeing. Maybe take a day trip to Bludhaven! Your cousin might enjoy the chance to convince you instead. 
Thank you all for writing in and for joining us on this special episode! If we didn’t get to your submission, head over to our socials to see if we replied there. I’m Juda, you’re listening to Goth-Pod
Until then, Newcomers, visiting cousins, locals on the bus, Stay safe, Gotham.
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What do you think each of the Gotham rogues smell like?
"Smells and Scents" Rogues Party
For the sake of my own fun, I'm going to put what they actually smell like vs. what a perfume based on them would smell like. Please note I am in 0 way an expert on what pairs well for scents, so some of these might actually be terrible LMAO.
TW: None
Actually smells like: Motor oil/grease, whatever take out or food he managed to cook, and, if he's been working long hours, body odor.
Perfume: fresh apples, matcha and narcissus.
Actually smells like: He wears a woodsy smelling aftershave. On good days, he smells like that and and freshly cleaned laundry. On particularly bad days, he will actually smell like fish he's eaten.
Perfume: Seawater, amber and cigars.
Mad Hatter
Actually smells like: various plants and herbs he uses to make his concoctions with a chemical undertone.
Perfume: Black tea and freshly made biscuits. Faint hint of hookah smoke.
Actually smells like: Sterility- chemicals used for his practice and disinfectant. Another subtle vague scent difficult to pick up... it's fear toxin.
Perfume: Dried funeral flowers, moss, anise.
Music Meister
Actually smells like: Mothballs and antiques. Theater kid smell.
Perfume: Strawberry lemonade and cedar wood.
Victor Zsasz
Actually smells like: Sweat, dried blood and sometimes the rubbing alcohol that he threw on a fresh cut or wound.
Perfume: Leather and blood oranges.
Killer Croc
Actually smells like: Better than before. There was a time he'd straight up smell like sewer because it was easier to travel down there instead of risking people seeing him. These days he has a eucalyptus body wash he really likes.
Perfume: Mustard seed and tea tree oil.
Harley Quinn
Actually smells like: the smell of cosmetic face powder and whatever body spray she threw on that day. There's multiple and several are sweet/food smells like vanilla.
Perfume: Raspberries, lychee, and fresh custard cream.
Poison Ivy
Actually smells like: Her pheromones, a flower bouquet and fresh dirt.
Perfume: Ivy, lily of the valley and rosewood.
Actually smells like: gunpowder, steam pressed suits and a sage scented cologne.
Perfume: dark chocolate, tobacco and clementines.
Black Mask
Actually smells like: Some fancy, stupid expensive cologne that he'll dab on his neck when he's been working for 48 hours. Doesn't overdo it, so there's that at least.
Perfume: Dark roast coffee beans and bourbon.
Mr. Freeze
Actually smells like: Nothing. He doesn't even smell like sweat because all bacteria on his body is long dead. Sometimes you can smell the coolant if there is a small leak somewhere.
Perfume: pine, bergamot and fresh snow.
Ra's al-Ghul
Actually smells like: A plant that's long been extinct. He revitalizes the petals for personal use and they are washed in his clothing.
Perfume: Jasmine, parchment and dragon's blood resin.
Actually smells like: On a good day- it's dove soap bars and leather. On a bad day, he smells like gym mat.
Perfume: myrrh and sandlewood.
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green-nerd-showdown · 2 months
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side 1
Pidge (voltron) vs Riz Gugak (fantasy high)
Johnathan Sims (the magnus archives) vs Donatello (tmnt)
The Riddler (gotham tv show) vs Peridot (Steven Universe)
Chihiro Fujisaki (danganronpa) vs Marina Ida (splatoon)
Plankton (spongebob) vs Jade Harley (homestuck)
Futaba Sakura (persona) vs Ralsei (deltarune)
Cilan (ignore the spelling error) (pokemon) vs N. Brio (crash bandicoot)
Geronimo Stilton (from the books) vs Blaterhs (Animal Crossing)
Side 2
9. Harvey (stardew valley) vs Izuku Midoriya (MHA) 10. Milo James Thatch (atlantis: the lost empire) vs Ignatz Victor (fire emblem) 11. Jobin Higashikata (JJBA) vs Rock Lee (Naurot) 12. N (pokemon) vs Luigi (mario) 13. Basil (omori) vs Komachi Akimoto / Cure Mint (pretty precure) 14. D'Vana Tendi (star trek: Lower decks) vs Ferb (phineas and ferb) 15. Basil Mouse (the great mouse detective) vs Skalman (bamse) 16. Jeff Andonuts (Earthbound) vs Ashe Bradley (witches heart)
#round 1
#green nerd rambles (mainly me talking about pokemon)
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Trans Swag Tournament Round 3 Matchups
Sweet Tooth Vs The Riddler
Draco Malfoy Vs Quirrell
Joey Richter Vs Jacob Marley
Grunt Vs Taz
Specs Vs Bug
Esther Vs Camille Fitzgerald
Benji Scragtowski Vs Cole Wilson
Spencer Lang Vs Donny Meadows
Sybilus Silver ii Vs Crispin Lynch
The Mayor Vs Paul Schue-Horyn
Ruth Fleming Vs Desmond Connor
Aubrey Dockweiler Vs Ziggs
Paul Matthews Vs Nibbly
Steph Lauter Vs Miss Holloway
Lex Foster Vs Pete Spankoffski
Richie Lipschitz Vs Madison Reynolds
Henry Edwards Vs Dash Gunfire
George Eliot Vs Matilda Bishop
Lex Punchwhistle Vs Victor Walton
Malfalia Vs H.G. Wells
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tuppencetrinkets · 3 years
Sorted screencaps from the following DC live action media:  Aquaman, Batman vs. Superman, Batman, Batman and Robin, Batman Begins, Batman Forever, Batman Returns, Batman: The Dark Knight, Joker, Justice League, Justice League: Snyder Cut, Man of Steel, Suicide Squad, The Dark Knight Rises, The Suicide Squad 2, Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman 1984.  
You can find: Birds of Prey already sorted HERE and Season 1-2 & S3 E1-5 of Titans sorted HERE.
Jason Momoa - Arthur Curry - Aquaman
Amber Heard - Mera
Nicole Kidman - Atlanna
Batman vs. Superman
Ben Affleck - Bruce Wayne - Batman
Henry Cavill - Clark Kent - Superman
Amy Adams - Lois Lane
Jesse Elsenberg - Lex Luthor
Diana Lane - Martha Kent
Laurence Fishburne - Perry White
Jeremy Irons - Alfred Pennyworth
Gal Gadot - Diana Prince - Wonder Woman
Michael Shannon - Zod
Michael Keaton - Bruce Wayne - Batman
Jack Nicholson - Joker
Kim Basinger - Vicky Vale
Billy Dee Williams - Harvey Dent
Michael Gough - Alfred
Batman and Robin
Arnold Schwarzenegger - Mr. Freeze
George Clooney - Bruce Wayne - Batman
Chirs O’Donnell - Dick Grayson - Robin
Uma Thurman - Pamela Isley - Poison Ivy
Alicia Silverstone - Barbara Wilson - Batgirl
Batman Begins
Christian Bale - Bruce Wayne - Batman
Michael Caine - Alfred Pennyworth
Liam Neeson - Ra’s Al Ghul
Katie Holmes - Rachel Dawes
Gary Oldman - Jim Gordon
Cilian Murphy - Dr. Jonathan Crane - Scarecrow
Morgan Freeman - Lucius Fox
Batman Forever
Val Kilmer - Bruce Wayne - Batman
Tommy Lee Jones - Harvey Dent - Two-Face
Jim Carrey - Edward Nigma - Riddler
Nicole Kidman - Dr. Chase Meridian
Chris O’Donnell - Dick Grayson - Robin
Michael Gough - Alfred Pennyworth
Drew Barrymore - Sugar
Batman Returns
Michael Keaton - Bruce Wayne - Batman
Danny DeVito - Oswald Cobblepott - Penguin
Michelle Pfeiffer - Selina Kyle - Catwoman
Christopher Walken - Max Shreck
Michael Gough - Alfred Pennyworth
Batman: The Dark Knight
Christian Bale - Bruce Wayne - Batman
Heath Ledger - Joker
Aaron Eckhart - Harvey Dent - Two-Face
Michael Caine - Alfred Pennyworth
Maggie Gyllenhaal - Rachel Dawes
Gary Oldman - James Gordon
Morgan Freeman - Lucius Fox
Cillian Murphy - Jonathan Crane - Scarecrow
Halle Berry - Selina Kyle - Catwoman
Benjamin Bratt - Tom Lone
Joaquin Phoenix - Arthur Fleck - Joker
Robert DeNiro - Murray Franklin
Zazie Beetz - Sophie Dumond
Frances Conroy - Penny Fleck
Brett Cullenn - Thomas Wayne
Justice League / Justice League: Snyder Cut:
Ben Affleck - Bruce Wayne - Batman
Gal Gadot - Diana Prince - Wonder WOman
Jason Momoa - Arthur Curry - Aquaman
Ezra Miller - Barry Allen - The Flash
Henry Cavill - Clark Kent - Superman
Amy Adams - Lois Lane
Ray Fisher - Victor Stone - Cyborg
Jeremy Irons - Alfred Pennyworth
Diana Lane - Martha Kent
Connie Nielson - Queen Hippolyta
Amber Heard - Mera
Joe Morton - Silas Stone
Lisa Loven Kongsli - Menalippe
Man of Steel
Henry Cavill - Clark Kent - Superman
Amy Adams - Lois Lane
Michael Shannon - General Zod
Diana Lane - Martha Kent
Rursell Crow - Jor-El
Kevin Costner - Jonathan Kent
Laurence Fishburne - Perry White
Suicide Squad
Will Smith - Wade Wilson - Deadshot
Jared Leto - the Joker
Margot Robbie - Harleen Quinzel - Harley Quinn
Viola Davis - Amanda Waller
Ike Barinholtz - Griggs
Jim Parrack - Frost
Shailyn Pierre - Zoe Wilson
Jai Courtney - George Harkness - Boomerang
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje - Waylon Jones - Killer Croc
Jay Hernandez - Chato Santana - El Diablo
Cara Delevingne - June Moone - Enchantress
Karen Fukuhara - Tatsu Yamashiro - Katana
Adam Beach - Christopher Weiss - Slipknot
Alain Chanoine - Incubus
The Dark Knight Rises
Christian Bale - Bruce Wayne
Tom Hardy - Bane
Anne Hathaway - Selina Kyle - Catwoman
Gary Oldman - James Gordon
Joseph Gordon-Levitt - John Blake
Marion Cotillard - Talia Al Ghul
Morgan freeman - Lucius Fox
Michael Caine - Alfred Pennyworth
The Suicide Squad 2
Margot Robbie - Harley Quinn
Idris Elba - Robert DuBois - Bloodsport
John Cena - Christopher Smith - Peacemaker
Joel Kinnaman - Rick Flag
Michael Rooker - Brian Durlin - Savant
Viola Davis - Amanda Waller
Jai Courtney - George Harkness - Boomerange
Pete Davison - Dick Hertz - Blackguard
Steve Agee - John Economos
Jennifer Holland - Emilia Harcourt
Daniela Melchior - Cleo Cazo - Ratcatcher 2
David Dastmalchian - Abner Krill - Polka-Dot Man
Alice Braga - Sol Soria
Peter Capaldi -  Doctor Gaius Grieves - Thinker
Juan Diego Botto - Presidente General Silvio Luna
Storm Reid - Tyla DuBois
Wonder Woman
Gal Gadot - Diana Prince - Wonder Woman
Chris Pine - Steve Trevor
Robin Wright - Antiope
Lucy Davis - Etta
Connie Nielson - Hippolyta
Danny Huston - Lundendorff
Lilly Aspell - Young Diana Prince
Lisa Loven Kongsli - Menalippe
Wonder Woman: 1984
Gal Gadot - Diana Prince - Wonder Woman
Chris Pine - Steve Trevor
Kristin Wiig - Barbara Minerva
Pedro Pascal - Maxwell Lord
Robin Wright - Antiope
Conie Nielson - Hoppolyte
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
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es05l2k5sl · 4 years
I'll never understand why WB had to redesign the Batcast for the new Bat adventures. Some characters took getting used to. But as for the villains, I'm roasting they asses cus they're ugly. Can't change my mind.
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These Oswalds together look like 2 different people bruh. But we're here to talk about new Oswald. This Wimpy x Olive Oyl fusion snoody looking ass bitch. I'd like his outfit if it didn't have that lazy drawned bow tie looking like 2 triangles glued together & those fake ass MJ gloves. Also when tf did he have 10 fingers in dis universe? Also fuck that hair. Rocking a balding Mullet like ponytail before. Now it's just a boring cut down. Got dat snooty ass bitch look on face like his bird shit don't be stinking. I'll rock tf out u. Lookin like a whole ass Looney character or sum mf from the 30s.
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Wot da fuck dey got Selena wearing here? Sis looking like a whole ass alien. Kid vs Kat looking ass bish. And her skin white af too? Did sis fall in some damn Joker acid too? Sis whole lower face is white as shit! Dat shit paler than crack. Like sis got the white slapped outta her and she just turned whiter. Das probably what happened. Her ass probably got on my mans Bruce last nerves one night and got da shit backslapped out her ass.
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So my dude Matthew got turned a different color pal & got his neck privileges revoked? Lazy af but not the worst revamp.
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You kno that meme: "upgrade, upgrade, FUCK GO BACK!"? Dis pre much sums up Jonathan here. My mans jus looks so dirty here. Looking straight outta da trash bin. Like literally dirty. Nasty ass teeth probably got dat hot ass breath blowing thru them bitches. Das a real fear toxin right there. Long ass black as shit dirty ass hair. Tryna copy off my girl from the ring w dat shit. Need to take dat dirty ass wig and mask and Amish hat tf off my dude. It is not rocking you. Dat whole worn out trashy ass outfit ain't working for you either hoe. You need to take yo ass a bath bitch cus your arms looking brown and ashy as a bitch. You can not even THINK about borrowing anything from me w yo dirty creepy stalker lookin ass. If you don't put down that damn stick like yo ass need help walking and shit I oughtta bitch ya ass with the shit fo going around dressed like dis. Take that damn rope off your neck bitch fo I do something Bruce won't do.
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Bruh, you can not go up to my face and tell me these niggas are the same person in the same mofucking universe! Jervis What da fuck did they DO TO YOU MY N**GA?? N**ga looking like a damn leprechaun with special needs and shit. Rocking all dat dookie green swag but you got no swag anymore my dude. It's shit like you clothes and yo breath! Yo shits wasn't perfect and white before but them hoes looking hella worse now. What you get drinking all that damn tea my n**ga. Ol Tiny ass n**ga. Like wot. HOW?! HOW TF DID YO ASS SHRINK??? LIKE SOMEBODY TOSSED YOU ASS IN A LAUNDRY DRYER AND PROBABLY FORGOT TO TAKE YO STUPID ASS OUT. PROBABLY WHY YO HAIR WHITE AND SMALL AS SHIT YA UGLY ASS LUCKY CHARMS LOOKING ASS CRACK FEENY. If you don't hop yo ass back under a rainbow with dem skinny ass broken heel lookin ass tap dancing shoes.
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Victor, bruh, they dem did yo ass so dirty in the new adventures. I ain't gonna lie that new suit kinda ok. But you looking like a whole skeleton and shit. Lookin like a young Palpatine & shit. Ol Frisky dingo looking ass! Need to put those goggles back on. The least yo (spoiler) 2003 Baxter Stockman ass can do now.
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Yo ass probably looking mad as shit cus ya can't jack it no more n**ga. Dats all gon now. Long with yo unloyal ass wife. How tf she gon bounce on you after everything you did for her? After all the years and bull you had to put up with & she leave yo cold ass for another nibba? Fuck DCAU Nora. Just fuck her.
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Scarface lookin like a damn Fanboy & Chum Chum character & his boy over here lookin like Chode. Next.
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Just. UAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHH. Bruh I will never understand who tf thought this shit was a good idea?! Like who the fuck, was drawing dis nigga. Drew DIS Sus af shit. LOOKED at dis shit. And said to deyself: "Yeah dats da Riddler aight". HELL TO THE NAH DAT AIN'T NO DAMN DAS A (dick) FIDDLER! HE LOOKIN SUS AS FUCK NOW WITH THEM TIGHT AS GREEN SPANDEX AND THAT DARK AS HELL EYELINER. Looking like gay Christmas elf! Looking like a gay ass ballay dancer with them Spider Gwen ballerina shoes. You can't dance for shit nigga! Yo shit is SOOO DAMN TIGHT like I can get a good sight and shape picture of yo "Question mark" I'm telling y'all. sSSSUUUSSSSSSS. Looking like a bigasss lima bean. Skinny ass Jack skeleton moFucka. Like. They did my boy Eddy so freakin dirty with this. My mans had class, style, a nice look, HAIR. Now he. Whateverthelivingfuckdisbaldasspeterpanlookinmofuckasupposestobe. And i hate how that's how he did be lookin in almost every new Batverse when why tho? Nigg(m)a look stupid as hell. How tf he expect to be tooken seriously dressed and lookin like dis ? If I saw dis fucker in real life and he threatens me, imma laugh at his ass and beat him with his cane. Get ya Richard from Allen Gregory looking ass away from me. I can't!
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Bruh it don't look that much but they did my mans Harvey dirty too. LOOK AT MY MANS FACE. good half i mean. Yall nigs kno. THESE MUHFUCKERS STRIPPED HIM OF HIS PRETTYNESS! Man. Dis version of Harvey was a pretty muhfucka. You can't deny dat shit
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Even when he became Two-Face he still got dat 1 side of pretty.  And that deep af panty soaking voice to go along w it. He dat half and half package. 
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WHOEVER TF DID DIS NEED DEY ASS WHOOPED! SQUARE TF UP NOW. NIGGA LOOKS LIKE EYEBROWLESS VERSION OF DOC FROM SECRET SATURDAYS. FAT ASS BLOCK NOSE MUH FUCKA.  His eye looks like traingle with a Nike logo on top of it. Lookin like a poorly drawn Dwayne The Rock Johnson. And ya other half ain't lookin that good either. Dat 1 eyebrow putting Helga Pataki to shame! I mean the shit didn't look good before but it was somewhat tamed, now the shit looking like full grownass caterpillar. And that lip black as hell. Kno that side dirty as fuuhck!
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I don't even know what tf I'm sposed to say about DIS except (kinky..)
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Angelica pickles looking ass. Bigass blonde captain coconut looking ass hairstyle. Looking like a blonde creepy ass Wednesday Adams. Dem black as fuck Kim possible lips. She actually looking like a family guy character with that bigass head and small body. I SWEAR she ded looking like one of Stewie's ex's right now my dude! Got  tiny ass flat ass guitar chip shoes. Looks like sis wearing fucking Zippers as shoes. Sis got that "i got something planned fo yo ass" smile. Sis look like she plotting something or did some evil shit already.
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. . .
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Bros I'm sorry but I'm just as confused as you like. I can't find a single thing different about Harley. Like literally nothing. Her makeup at night be looking blue sometimes, looking like a fakeass Livewire, but nah. They didn't even touch homegirl. Why tf is Harley the only character that stayed the same?????! Niggas was playing favorites. They had plans for that ass since day one. They was probs like: "Aye y'all. DO NOT TOUCH HARLEY. SHE STAYS THE SAME!" "why?" "JUST LISTEN TO ME BITCH!" "Wha bout her mans?" "Oh hell yeah fuck his shit up!" ...sigh.. Yep. It's that time...
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UaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHH what else is dere to be said about dis ugly ass nigga? Dis nigga look like Yakko Warner & Freakazoid's love child! Dis nigga look like a random Tiny toons or Animaniac character! With that dookie green shirt and flower. You and Riddler's gay ass both matching them Dexter's laboratory Gloves. Why tf yo eyes eyes black as fuck tho?! How tf does one do that to theyself?! Yo ass probably snorted some shit and ya shits expanded and that's prolly yo pupils with ya cracked out ass. Nigga don't even look like a clown no more. Hell Jared Leto Joker atleast had the lipstick down. Dis nigga got dem ashy ass lips hanging out. Nigga think he owning too. Nigga you don't own shit! Broke as hell now. And yo design broke too. Joker? Man more like Broker. Got dat fairly odd parents hair. Got that Cosmo and Wanda in one. Like bitch if you don't. Just like Riddler i can not take yo animaniac looking ass serious. You do not scare me bitch! Bye!
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Now see dis? DIS is Aight! A lot more fitting and & faithful to the character. No over the fucking top redesign, you can actually tell it's the same damn character as before, a little bit of swag for personality
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So that's the tea. Ivy & Croc are the only good rogue redesigns in the whole series, evBody else ugly as shit.
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snow-slayer · 3 years
F,G, and Z for fandom meme
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
I would say technically I've been in the Batman the Animated Series fandom since 2001, so 20 years. Granted it's been more of an off and on interest at times, but that's definitely the longest.
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
I could not say for sure. I'm in a weird toss up between two ships. I want to say the first was Victor (Mr. Freeze) and Nora Fries. The reason I'm so hesitant is because my only real experience with Batman at the time was the animated series, specifically the Subzero movie. So I knew of Nora, but did not exactly know much about her or care about both halves of the ship. I really love Mr. Freeze and I've cared about his character longer. The first ship where I hardcore shipped it was Twiddler (Riddler and Two Face. Thank you, Batman Forever). I can say for a fact that was one that I was most into as a whole vs. only liking one character.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
The voice actor of Francis ("the French robot" in Samurai Jack) is Jeff Bennett, who is known for many other cartoons, including Johnny Bravo. This cracks me up because I do write such Francis as relatively insecure, sometimes passive, and with an interesting sense of right and wrong and so badly want to make an AU version where he's more brash and can flirt on the same level as Scaramouche.
Thanks for asking!
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dual-legacies · 4 years
Writer ask 20 please
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Admin Cinna: folds hands and takes a deep breath You know not what you ask. I have over 20 years of stories I’m sitting on as well as more recent fan fictions (You can find a list of most of my IPs on my art tumblr). All are littered with various things I can’t think of off the top of my head given I’ve written a LOT and it’s been a while. Most of the time if I have to ramble about something, especially if MHA fics, Chaos ends up on the receiving end with words pouring out of her ears while my brain has smoke coming out of it, hah! I love doing references, obvious and hidden, within my works whether of an in story event or something in real life.
I have some clues in Shattered Destiny only a few people have commented on so far that I have to remain tight lipped about until I finish the last two chapters since it is PLOT. For IP (original) stuff I can’t directly clarify my thoughts/clue in readers unlike fanfics on AO3 via author comments and I generally reveal stuff there for people to confirm or realize/learn something new. One major thing atm for symbolism is from Shattered: Tomoko and her barrettes: yellow roses. Yellow roses in general symbolize friendship which is important because of Izuku’s memory on top of another layer of symbolism given that exact memory, (semi-spoiler) how that friendship ended. There is way more but honestly after writing over 170k for ONE FIC you forget stuff and that’s why you have notes!
But MHA canonly is big on symbolism via name meanings, which is typical in manga/anime anyways, but MHA takes it to another level—Batman early villains level (ie: E. Nygma = the Riddler, Victor Fries = Mr Freeze, Pamela Isley = Poison Ivy) I get to play around with that for my MHA OCs, like Tomoko, her mom and even Kakashiro. “Hidden” reference I’ve made in various MHA stuff (posted or not) is Izuku’s connection with ducks, which is connected to some DFO jokes on Tumblr and Discord—my most obvious connection is from my holiday fic “Not This House” where Izuku has a duck statue outside his front door. If you want to talk to me about most symbolic ridden work of mine would have to be an IP project as it deals with the language of flowers—I’ve done a lot of research and I try to weave it in so people can learn too vs “oh so many plants.” THERE IS MEANING. Or, sometimes, you know, I just liked to put that in because I wanted to.
Admin Chaos: (sipping tea this time) Much like Cinna I end up blathering my ideas to her or anyone that knows my stories, whether they are personal IPs or even for my two fics. I think I would say more recently beyond just what Cinna disclosed would be how personal a fic can become after you muse about it for so long, let alone writing it. For me, especially when it comes to Ultimatum in this case, I put in some of my experiences and also my own handlings on situations that Ult!Izuku is going through. Along with attributes of PTSD that I too have to handle, it’s why I might be taking a while writing it. In a lot of my stories I tend to fall back on things I also went through, to make things a lot more relatable, so I guess you can say Izuku is my mouth piece in some shape or form, especially in Ultimatum. There are some things that is sprinkled in If Things Were Different, but that’s mostly to be focused on how I would be able to speak my mind versus avoiding confrontation like I typically do. I also like to bring closer attention on things in the background of the show I’m writing about too, such as the civil unrest and blatant Quirk discrimination, to expand on the world and also showcase that not everything in BnHA is all fine and dandy, as well show it’s not as shallow as some people like to make of it.
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coldcriminal · 4 years
Edward Nigma - *shaking a tin can* validation please
7/10. gets massive points for not being a typical rouge in the sense that he doesn’t really commit crime compared to others, and instead is just locked in a battle of wits. kinda entertaining. if he had a newsletter about the latest batman vs riddler, might read. victor appreciates his intelligence. may answer a riddle or two, but don’t expect it constantly. green aesthetic is cool. sometimes wonders if his head is just question marks. does he get all of his stuff custom made or did he make it himself ?
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justgotham · 6 years
In my experience, Gotham is a polarizing TV series. Any superhero-themed program is sure to bring its critics, but Batman is a character near and dear to the American heart—as he is the last universally beloved billionaire—and it was certainly a risk going with a prepubescent Bruce Wayne. I’m a big fan of Gotham, and even I’ll admit that I’m not completely sold on its interpretation of the franchise’s main character. But that’s OK, because Gotham isn’t about Batman. It’s about the villains. And they’re almost all great. This was not an easy list to compile.
Gotham just feels like Batman, and it’s in large part thanks to the carefully crafted, over-the-top performances in some marquee roles, so without further ado, let’s get to the best Gotham villains.
I should also note that it would be impossible to do this properly without some spoilers. I’ll avoid any spoilers from the last few episodes of this season, but if you’re not caught up on this season of the show, some of this will definitely get you up to speed on where everything stands as of the Season Four finale.
15. Captain Nathaniel Barnes Played by: Michael Chiklis Michael Chiklis just looks like a cop, and that alone qualified him for the role of Jim Gordon’s boss. And his evolution from hardened lawman to judge, jury and executioner in the face of the future Commissioner Gordon’s heroics provided this political science major with a stark analogy for the tradeoff between idealism and pragmatism out in the real world. Every conflict of Barnes vs. Gordon centered around the way things should be versus the way things are, and the finale of Chiklis’ arc (for now, no one in this show is ever truly gone) raised good questions about where the line between the vigilante justice of Batman and The Executioner really stands.
14. Ra’s al Ghul Played by: Alexander Siddig The spiritual father of the proceedings carries a heavy burden. Not only must he justify the spiritual aspect of the rise of Batman (and the Joker), but Siddig also has to pull off whatever a 2,000+ year old man looks like. It’s a difficult ask, and he’s not had enough screen time for Ra’s al Ghul to seem like anything more than a narrator guide from a video game, but he’s given plenty of major moments, and he hasn’t come up short yet.
13. Butch Gilzean Played by: Drew Powell What Powell does with a character limited to being the main muscle on the show is the embodiment of the saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” He is one of the chief figures of strength on Gotham (and that was before he fell in a swamp filled with goop from Indian Hill), but his moments of vulnerability are what bring life to the character. His romance with a woman farther up on this list than he is reflects Butch’s limits, but perhaps new frontiers will be unlocked with his evolution into the famed Solomon Grundy from the comics.
12. Commissioner Gillian Loeb Played by: Peter Scolari Scolari brought a new face to this eternal foil of Batman and Jim Gordon, as the comics’ brusque blackmailer in the pocket of Carmine Falcone has been replaced with a shadowy figure in the pocket of Carmine Falcone. Scolari’s semi-detached performance is a fitting reflection of where our political reality currently resides, and he is very much a figure emblematic of the times.
11. Ivy Pepper Played by: Clare Foley, Maggie Geha and Peyton List Poison Ivy is still in development on the show—as evidenced by the three actors who’ve played her—but all three did well building a foundation for what should be a future supervillain the likes of which Gotham has never seen before. Both adult actors have provided the sex appeal intrinsic to the character’s strategy to exploit the stupid part of straight men’s brains, but it’s the child-in-an-adult’s-body aspect that makes this version of a hall-of-fame Batman character so compelling. After falling in dirty water (superhero origin stories would lead you to believe that the healthiest thing you can do is shower in uranium), Ivy Pepper’s accelerated womanhood might’ve been a missed opportunity for more comic relief, but her relationship with Selena is always engaging. Without it, neither of these characters would have the humanizing characteristics necessary to make their time on Gotham worthwhile.
10. Theo Galavan Played by: James Frain James Frain’s arc on the show was an original storyline, one that began with a plot to kill Bruce Wayne, then elevated him to Mayor, and culminated with him assuming the character Azrael from the comics. Frain’s smooth performance is underlined by an intense focus on a mission that all just feels Batman-y, even though this arc is not found in the comics.
9. Tabitha Galavan Played by: Jessica Lucas Theo was powerful, but his sister got the larger share of the badass genes in the family. Like her brother, Tabitha is an original creation of the show, and even though we’ve since lost Theo (granted, death is far from final in this universe), it’s difficult to envision Gotham without Tabitha at this point. Her romance with Butch is the only one on the show that’s convincing at all (a major new one is still TBD), and she was clearly placed in this universe to provide a positive role model for Catwoman—who did not make this list because she’s still stuck at the kids table with Bruce Wayne. Of all the major muscle on this show, Tabitha is the muscle-iest.
8. Hugo Strange Played by: BD Wong BD Wong has played so many doctors by now that part of me actually believes he is a doctor. Of all the doctors he’s played, my favorite by far is Strange. The main reason why no one on this show will ever die, Wong does a wonderful job of straddling the line between madman and genius—nailing the image of what Gotham’s mad scientist should look like.
7. Barbara Kean Played by: Erin Richards The NBA has a most-improved player of the year award, and Barbara Kean would have won Gotham’s MIP award the last two years. Initially, I lamented Richards’ on-screen demise as she was cast as the generic wet blanket to Jim Gordon’s hero (Kean was Gordon’s wife in the comics). Gotham almost lost me early on with their romance—as I just cannot take network TV’s portrayal of relationships seriously—but this new “take whatever she wants with a freaking glowing hand” version of Kean has unchained Richards, and her talents shine through in every scene. Gothamis right to structure a central narrative around her.
6. Mayor Aubrey James Played by: Richard Kind I’ll admit I’m biased on this one. I’m a politics writer here at Paste, and Kind’s performance as America’s bumbling mayor is a little too real to consider given the madness that America’s former mayor, Rudy Guiliani, is displaying every day on cable news. His portrayal of the character is the perfect summation of every empty-suit politician who ever lived, and it really resonates in a country overflowing with these vessels for the superrich. The mayor’s cowardice behind the scenes when contrasted to his stern public statements is just…*kisses fingers*
5. Victor Zsasz Played by: Anthony Carrigan The infamous hitman is a perfectly sardonic bit of comic relief, as Carrigan always finds the right kind of oomph behind his “Hey, boss, so when should I kill these guys?” salvos. A hyper-competent, semi-powerful character is a difficult needle to thread, as there must be a reason why Zsasz has yet to rise to the level of other A-list Batman villains, and it’s simply because Zsasz loves his job as an assassin-for-hire. It’s not about the power he could gain through his proclivity for mass murder, but the pure, utter nirvana that he derives from of every shootout.
4. The Penguin Played by: Robin Lord Taylor Oswald Cobblepot is not just an awesome name, but a fitting vessel for a character whose only real lasting public face is Danny de Vito’s snarling performance in Batman Returns. Robin Lord Taylor has brought a more refined air to the ringleader of Gotham’s underworld, and The Penguin serves as the yin to Jim Gordon’s yang. The universe of Batman is based on the premise that crime is a major industry in America—oftentimes involving our political leaders, as Mayor James demonstrates. Cobblepot likes to present himself a pragmatic choice in a chaotic world, and when the Gotham City Police Department finds itself with its back against the wall, some of the moral choices he presents are inescapably compelling. If crime is going to exist, why not try to bring some order to it? The GCPD can’t do that, but The Penguin can.
3. The Riddler Played by: Cory Michael Smith When arguing sports, I typically argue that numerical rankings should be eschewed for tiers. It’s difficult to compare a lot of similar folks, and drawing lines in between good, very good, and great is a far simpler task. I bring this up because this is where the top tier begins. Cory Michael Smith’s depiction of what I have always believed to be an underrated villain belongs in the Batman hall-of-fame—and frankly, it’s better than Jim Carrey’s semi-unhinged version (which I also enjoyed). It’s clear whether Smith is playing Edward Nygma or The Riddler simply from his posture and facial expression, which makes the Jekyll and Hyde-ian battle raging inside of him all the more engrossing. (Photo: Michael Lavine/FOX)
2. The Joker Played by: Cameron Monaghan Technically, we’re not allowed to call this character with a high-pitched laugh, a thirst for chaos and a bizarre love of Bruce Wayne (and now a purple jacket!) “The Joker,” as Monaghan revealed on Twitter. You know, copyrights, branding and all. TV stuff. Monaghan’s portrayal of The Joker would make fans of The Dark Knight proud. The choice to literally sew a new face on to Jerome evokes the same uncomfortable madness as Heath Ledger’s scars, and the amount of emotion that Monaghan is able to communicate through that mess with simply his face deserves some kind of award. “Jerome” is a delightful madman who brings an unbridled sense of joy to his criminality. I’m excited to watch this new, more serious iteration of this classic character, but I will desperately miss his home run performance as Gotham’s signature weirdo.
1. Fish Mooney Played by: Jada Pinkett Smith Stick this character in any gangster TV show or movie, and tweak the surrealism depending on context, and she’ll fit—that’s just how good Jada Pinkett Smith is. Fish Mooney did not originate in the comics, and the creators of Gotham should be universally commended for springing such a Gotham-y character to life out of the ether. Granted, Mooney likely wouldn’t be as engrossing if not for Smith’s electric performance. The woman completely owns every single scene she inhabits. Fish Mooney gives this show a good excuse to ignore the rules of death, because why would anyone want to take that out? Screw death and copyright law. Fish Mooney deserves to live on for eternity.
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tomandbunny · 4 years
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Day 13 - What do we do during a Pandemic? GOOD vs EVIL! Riddle me this, Post your comment below who won the battle, we will post the results to those who voted at 5pm CST so get your votes in now! Was it the Riddler? (Tom) or was it Super Bunny (Bunny) it's was a close match but only one could be a victor in this epic so get in on this :) to see all the series of photos check out this page on our website. https://bit.ly/TnBpandemic PS. Our neighbors have to be thinking WTF is wrong with these people hahaha #TomandBunny @truemagicwand #magicwands #covid_19 #corona #covid #covıd19 #coronavirüsü #coronavirus #stayhome #podcasting #podcasters #podcastlife #youtube #lifestyleblog #lifestylebloggers https://www.instagram.com/p/B-UbvPAgTGP/?igshid=qxtg17bjkh68
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crookedspoonfic · 7 years
crookedspoon’s pairing list
For reference and prompting purposes (check the prompts tag for inspiration). Because I regularly forget which character/pairing I’d like to write. There’s simply too much to choose from in the DCU.
Fandoms under the cut: DGM, DCU, Gintama, TRC, RE, TWD
In short, DCU (Batman-centric) and TRC are my main fandoms and I ship Harley, Dick and Jason as well as Kavinsky with basically anyone.
The List
Mostly sorted alphabetically by last name. Bold indicates faves. Linked are pairings I’ve written already. Gen and poly is also cool. Structure (where applicable) is this: Name | Alias (Verse). Most likely oudated.
Kanda/Lavi, Komui/Bak
The Animated Series, Arkham-verse, Telltale Games
Gotham City Sirens, Joker (Azzarello), White Knight
Assault on Arkham, Under the Red Hood, Batman and Harley Quinn
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay
DC Animated Universe
DC Bombshells
DC TV: Birds of Prey, Black Lightning, Gotham
DCEU: Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Justice League, Aquaman, Shazam
Elseworlds: Gotham by Gaslight, Thrillkiller
Injustice: Gods Among Us, Ground Zero, 2
Justice League
Dark, Unlimited
Nightwing, Deathstroke, Green Lanterns, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Titans, Suicide Squad
Teen Titans
vs the Justice League, The Judas Contract
Young Justice
Akila/Artemis (RHatO)
Artemis Crock/Zatanna
Tabitha Gallavan
Barbara Kean, Lee Thompkins
Artemis, Christina Bell (Arkham Knight), Jessica Cruz, Mary Dahl | Baby Doll, Duela Dent | Joker’s Daughter, Marian Drews | Neo Joker (White Knight), Talia al’Ghul, Pamela Isley | Poison Ivy, Dinah Lance, Louise Lincoln | Killer Frost, Kate Kane, Selina Kyle | Catwoman, Diana Prince | Wonder Woman, Emily Sung | Element Woman, Amanda Waller, Martha Wayne (Flashpoint), Tatsu Yamashiro | Katana, Zalika | Hack (Suicide Squad), Zatanna Zatara
might try, but will need time for research: Karen Beecher | Bumblebee, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Koriand’r | Starfire, Mari McCabe | Vixen, Barbara Minerva | Cheetah, Shayera Hol | Hawkgirl, Lois Lane, Siobhan Smythe | Silver Banshee, Caitlyn Snow | Killer Frost, Leslie Willis | Livewire, Scandal Savage, etc. etc.
crossovers: Jillian Holtzmann (Ghostbusters), Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
please note that at this time I won’t be accepting any more Harley/Ivy prompts because I have a never-ending stack of those to choose from, but if you’re interested in receiving Harley/Ivy fics, stick around. Opportunities will arise soon <3
Barbara Kean/Lee Thompkins
Arthur Curry/Diana Prince, Arthur/Mera
Barbara, Donna, Harley, Kori, Zatanna
Donna: Dick, Jason, Roy
John Constantine, Jonathan Crane, Rick Flag, Dick Grayson, Joker, Waylon Jones | Killer Croc, Floyd Lawton | Deadshot, Edward Nygma | Riddler, Shazam / Billy Batson, Jason Todd, Slade Wilson
Jason: Artemis, Harley, Kori, Rose, Talia
Kori: Dick, Roy, Jason
Barry Allen (JL)
Victor Stone, Bruce Wayne
Dick, Jason, Joker
Bruce, Damian, Garth, Jason, Roy, Slade, Wally
Bizarro, Bruce, Dick, Joker, Roman, Roy, Slade
Slade: Damian, Dick, Jason
Gen / Other
Damian Wayne (ships in the later Injustice years are fine too)
poly!League (with the exception of movie!Supes)
The Raven Cycle
Adam Parrish, Declan Lynch, Richard Gansey, Jiang, Ronan Lynch, Prokopenko, Skov, Swan
Gansey/Henry, Gansey/Ronan
Resident Evil
Chris: Jill, Sheva
The Walking Dead
I’m sure I’m forgetting something (a lot). I’m also always trying to expand my knowledge of the DCU, so I might accept more character/pairing suggestions than are listed here. Just try me ;D
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motel-hario · 7 years
Gotham Pokemon teams
I’m bored n I decided to make these (under the cut)
vs Umbrella Boy Oswald
vs Crime Lord Penguin
vs Iceberg Lounge’s Penguin
vs Forensics Edward
Mime Jr.
vs Mastermind Riddler
Mega Alazakam
vs Gardener Ivy
vs Crime Lord Fish
vs Assasin Zsasz
vs Pyromaniac Bridgit
Alolan Marowak
vs Ice Enthusiast Victor
Alolan Ninetails
vs Doctor Hugo
vs Sirens’ Barbara, Tabitha, & Butch
vs Cop Duo Jim & Harvey
vs GCPD Detective Jim
Mega Lucario
vs Wayne Orphan Bruce
Alolan Meowth
vs Wayne Heir Bruce
Alolan Persian
vs Thief Selina
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collectorscorner · 5 years
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 9/11/19
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 9/11/19 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner’s No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland’s Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 3 Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE HQ 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 9/11/19 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Babyteeth #16, $$3.99 AHOY COMICS Hashtag Danger #5, $$3.99 ALTERNA COMICS Cyko Ko Volume 2 #1, $$1.50 ICYMI #8, $$0.99 It Came Out On A Wednesday #8, $$1.99 Midnight Mystery Volume 2 City Of Ghosts #2, $$1.50 Mighty Mascots #3 (Of 3), $$1.50 Red Koi #1 (Of 2), $$1.50 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONS Beware The Witch's Shadow #1 (Cover A Puis Calzada), $$3.99 Beware The Witch's Shadow #1 (Cover B Rich Bonk), $$3.99 Beware The Witch's Shadow #1 (Cover C Puis Calzada Risque Variant), $$9.99 Zorro Rise Of The Old Gods #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Michael William Kaluta), $$3.99 Zorro Rise Of The Old Gods #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Puis Calzada Lovecraftian Variant), $$3.99 Zorro Rise Of The Old Gods #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Puis Calzada Pulp Variant), $$9.99 Zorro Rise Of The Old Gods #1 (Of 4)(Michael William Kaluta Black & White Century Edition Variant Cover), $$29.99 Zorro Swords Of Hell #1-4 Alex Toth Art Set, $$34.99 AMULET BOOKS Earth Before Volume 3 Mammal Takeover GN, $$15.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie The Married Life 10 Years Later #2 (Cover A Dan Parent), $$3.99 Archie The Married Life 10 Years Later #2 (Cover B Jim Balent), $$3.99 Archie The Married Life 10 Years Later #2 (Cover C Andrew Pepoy), $$3.99 Best Of Archie Comics Deluxe Edition Volume 4 HC, $$19.99 Betty And Veronica Senior Year TP, $$14.99 Sabrina The Teenage Witch #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Veronica Fish), $$3.99 Sabrina The Teenage Witch #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Gary Erskine), $$3.99 Sabrina The Teenage Witch #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Victor Ibanez), $$3.99 World Of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #92, $$7.99 ASPEN COMICS Aspen Universe Decimation #1 (V Ken Marion NYCC 2017 Variant Cover), $$14.99 Aspen Universe Revelations #2 (V Ken Marion Fan Expo 2016 Variant Cover), $$19.99 Eternal Soulfire #1 (Alex Konat SDCC 2015 Variant Cover), $$14.99 Fathom Cannon Hawke Volume 1 TP, $$14.99 Idolized #0 (Rachel Clark SDCC 2012 Variant Cover), $$14.99 Soulfire Chaos Reign Beginnings #1 (Peter Steigerwald Wizard World Philadelphia 2006 Variant Cover), $$9.99 Soulfire New World Order #1 (Of 5)(Peter Steigerwald Aspenstore.com 2009 Variant Cover), $$14.99 Soulfire New World Order #4 (Of 5)(Michael Turner & Peter Steigerwald Canadian National Comic Book Expo 2009 Variant Cover), $$14.99 AVATAR PRESS George R. R. Martin's Fevre Dream HC (Signed Edition), $$49.99 BBC BOOKS Doctor Who Resurrection Of The Daleks SC (not verified by Diamond), $$16.99 Doctor Who Tales Of Terror SC (not verified by Diamond), $$11.99 BOOM! STUDIOS Bone Parish Volume 2 TP, $$14.99 Ghosted In L.A. #3 (Cover A Siobhan Keenan), $$3.99 Ghosted In L.A. #3 (Cover B Sina Grace), $$3.99 Jim Henson's Labyrinth Coronation Volume 3 HC, $$24.99 Once And Future #1 (Of 6)(Jakub Rebelka 4th Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Ronin Island #6 (Cover A Giannis Milonogiannis), $$3.99 Ronin Island #6 (Cover B Ethan Young), $$3.99 Ronin Island #6 (Cover C Takeshi Miyazawa), $AR Rugrats Building Blocks Specials GN, $$14.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #23 (Cover A Ivan Shavrin), $$3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #23 (Cover B Miguel Mercado), $$3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #23 (Cover C Amelia Vidal), $AR Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #23 (Cover D Johanna The Mad Social Variant), $AR Something Is Killing The Children #1 (Dani 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1682, $AR DARK HORSE COMICS Art Of Gears 5 HC (not verified by Diamond), $$39.99 Black Hammer Justice League Hammer Of Justice #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Michael Walsh), $$3.99 Black Hammer Justice League Hammer Of Justice #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Nate Powell), $$3.99 Black Hammer Justice League Hammer Of Justice #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Ray Fawkes), $$3.99 Black Hammer Justice League Hammer Of Justice #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Tradd Moore), $$3.99 Black Hammer Justice League Hammer Of Justice #3 (Of 5)(Cover E Evan Shaner), $$3.99 Mask Omnibus Volume 2 TP (Second Edition), $$24.99 Mystery Science Theater 3000 The Comic TP, $$19.99 Orville #3 (The Word Of Avis Part 1 Of 2), $$3.99 Umbrella Academy Library Edition Volume 1 Apocalypse Suite HC, $$39.99 DC COMICS Batman #76 (Tony S. Daniel 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Batman #77 (Tony S. Daniel 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Batman #78 (Cover A Tony S. Daniel), $$3.99 Batman #78 (Cover B Clay Mann), $$3.99 Batman And The Outsiders #5 (Cover A Tyler Kirkham), $$3.99 Batman And The Outsiders #5 (Cover B Kevin Nowland), $$3.99 Batman Eternal Omnibus HC, $$125.00 Batman Hush TP (New Edition), $$29.99 Batman The Killing Joke Deluxe Edition HC (New Edition), $$17.99 Batman Universe #3 (Of 6), $$4.99 Batman Volume 10 Knightmares TP, $$17.99 Catwoman #15 (Cover A Joelle Jones), $$3.99 Catwoman #15 (Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau Card Stock Variant), $$4.99 Collapser #3 (Of 6), $$3.99 Detective Comics #1011 (Cover A Guillem March), $$3.99 Detective Comics #1011 (Cover B Bryan Hitch), $$3.99 Dollar Comics Batman #608, $$1.00 Event Leviathan #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Alex Maleev), $$3.99 Event Leviathan #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Kaare Andrews Card Stock Variant), $$4.99 Flash #78 (Cover A Rafa Sandoval & Jordi Tarragona), $$3.99 Flash #78 (Cover B Paolo Pantalena), $$3.99 Gotham City Monsters #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Philip Tan), $$3.99 Gotham City Monsters #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Frank Cho), $$3.99 Hawkman #16 (Cover A Pat Olliffe & Tom Palmer), $$3.99 Hawkman #16 (Cover B In-Hyuk Lee), $AR House Of Whispers #13, $$3.99 Justice League Odyssey #13 (Cover A Will Conrad), $$3.99 Justice League Odyssey #13 (Cover B Lucio Parrillo), $AR Riddler Year Of The Villain #1, $$4.99 Transmetropolitan Volume 2 TP, $$29.99 Wonder Twins #7 (Of 12)(Cover A Stephen Byrne), $$3.99 Wonder Woman #78 (Cover A Jesus Merino), $$3.99 Wonder Woman #78 (Cover B Jenny Frison), $AR Young Justice #8 (Cover A John Timms), $$3.99 Young Justice #8 (Cover B Jonboy Meyers Card Stock Variant), $AR DYNAMIC FORCES Action Comics #1000 (Dan Jurgens Wraparound Variant Cover)(Jim Lee Gold Signature Edition), $AR Batman Prelude To The Wedding Harley Quinn Vs The Joker #1 (Tim Seeley Signed Edition), $AR Batman Prelude To The Wedding Master Set (Tim Seeley Signed Edition), $AR Detective Comics #1000 (Jim Lee Variant Cover)(Jim Lee Gold Signature Edition), $AR Detective Comics #1000 (Jim Lee Variant Cover)(Scott Williams Gold Signature Edition), $AR Fantastic Four #1 (Mark Bagley Midtown Comics Variant Cover), $AR Hulkverines #1 (Of 3)(Greg Pak Gold Signature Edition), $AR Vampirella #1 (Alex Ross Red Pencil Variant Cover), $AR Web Of Venom Carnage #1 (Midtown Comics Variant Cover), $AR Wolverine #1 (Joe Jusko Midtown Comics Variant Cover), $AR DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Chastity #1 (Cover A Clayton Crain), $$3.99 Chastity #1 (Cover B Nick Bradshaw), $$3.99 Chastity #1 (Cover C Jay Anacleto Surprise Variant), $$3.99 Chastity #1 (Cover D Catherine Nodet), $$3.99 Chastity #1 (Cover E David Nakayama), $$3.99 Chastity #1 (Cover F J. Scott Campbell Carve-Out Variant), $AR Chastity #1 (Cover G Jay Anacleto Sneak Peek Variant), $AR Chastity #1 (Cover H J. Scott Campbell Carve-Out Virgin Tint Variant), $AR Chastity #1 (Cover I Nick Bradshaw Black & White Variant), $AR Chastity #1 (Cover J J. Scott Campbell Carve-Out Dressed Tint Variant), $AR Chastity #1 (Cover K Clayton Crain Hellfire Red Variant), $AR Chastity #1 (Cover L David Nakayama Black & White Variant), $AR Chastity #1 (Cover M J. Scott Campbell Black & White Variant), $AR Death-Defying 'Devil #1 (Cover K Riccardo Federici Virgin Variant), $AR Death-Defying 'Devil #1 (Cover M In-Hyuk Lee Virgin Variant), $AR Red Sonja #8 (Cover A Amanda Conner), $$3.99 Red Sonja #8 (Cover B Joseph Michael Linsner), $$3.99 Red Sonja #8 (Cover C Khoi Pham), $$3.99 Red Sonja #8 (Cover D Katie O'Meara), $$3.99 Red Sonja #8 (Cover E Cosplay), $$3.99 Red Sonja #8 (Cover F Roberto Castro), $AR Red Sonja #8 (Cover G Bob Q Seduction Variant), $AR Red Sonja #8 (Cover H Roberto Castro Virgin Variant), $AR Red Sonja #8 (Cover I Cosplay Virgin Variant), $AR Red Sonja #8 (Cover J Amanda Conner Black & White Variant), $AR Red Sonja #8 (Cover K Amanda Conner Tint Dressed Variant), $AR Red Sonja #8 (Cover L Joseph Michael Linser Tint Dressed Variant), $AR Red Sonja #8 (Cover M Joseph Michael Linsner Black & White Variant), $AR Red Sonja #8 (Cover N Khoi Pham Virgin Variant), $AR Red Sonja #8 (Cover O Bob Q Seduction Black & White Variant), $AR Vampirella #2 (Cover O Sanjulian), $AR EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS Battlestar Galactica Ships Collection Magazine #10 (Modern Raptor), $$60.00 DC Comics CW Flash Figurine Collection Magazine #1 (Flash), $$20.00 Doctor Who Figurine Collection Companion Set Magazine #5 (The Ninth Doctor & Jack Harkness), $$34.95 Star Trek Discovery The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #16 (The Festoon), $$55.00 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #148 (Jem Hadar Battleship), $$22.95 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #149 (Krenim Warship), $$22.95 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #154 (Klingon Rebel Transport), $$22.95 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #155 (Vulcan Dvahl), $$22.95 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Special Magazine #33 (LG Runabout USS Orinoco), $$75.00 Wizarding World Collection Magazine #2 (Voldemort), $$19.95 WWE Figure Championship Collection Magazine #6 (Braun Strowman), $$19.95 GRAPHIX Baby-Sitters Club Color Edition Volume 7 Boy-Crazy Stacey GN, $$10.99 Baby-Sitters Club Color Edition Volume 7 Boy-Crazy Stacey HC, $$24.99 Dog Man Epic Collection Boxed Set Volume 2 The Cat Kid Collection, $$29.97 Dog Man The Supa Epic Collection, $$59.94 Epic Tales Of Captain Underpants Volume 1 George And Harolds Epic Comix Collection TP, $$9.99 Mr. Wolf's Class Volume 3 Lucky Stars GN, $$9.99 Mr. Wolf's Class Volume 3 Lucky Stars HC, $$24.99 HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE Soft Wood #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Cedric Peyravernay), $$8.95 HUMANOIDS Bigby Bear Volume 2 For All Seasons HC, $$14.95 Ignited #4, $$3.99 Robert Silverberg's Colonies Return To Belzagor HC, $$24.95 IDW PUBLISHING Canto #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Drew Zucker), $$3.99 Canto #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Phillip Sevy), $AR Little Jackie Lantern HC, $$7.99 Night Moves TP, $$19.99 October Faction Open Season TP, $$29.99 Pandemica #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Alex Sanchez), $$3.99 Pandemica #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Alex Sanchez Black & White Variant), $AR Punks Not Dead Volume 2 London Calling TP, $$17.99 Star Wars Adventures #25 (Cover A Margaux Saltel), $$3.99 Star Wars Adventures #25 (Cover B Megan Levens), $$3.99 Star Wars Adventures #25 (Cover C Stefano Simone), $AR Starcadia Quest #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Aurelio Mazzara), $$4.99 Starcadia Quest #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Nicoletta Baldari), $AR Usagi Yojimbo #1 (Stan Sakai 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 IMAGE COMICS Analog #8 (Cover A David O'Sullivan), $$3.99 Analog #8 (Cover B Gerry Duggan & David O'Sullivan), $$3.99 Beauty #29 (Cover A Jeremy Haun & Nick Filardi), $$3.99 Beauty #29 (Cover B Greg Hinkle), $$3.99 Coffin Bound #1 (Dani 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Coffin Bound #2, $$3.99 Gogor #5, $$3.99 Hit-Girl Season Two #8 (Cover A Goran Parlov), $$3.99 Hit-Girl Season Two #8 (Cover B Goran Parlov), $$3.99 Hit-Girl Season Two #8 (Cover C Claire Roe), $$3.99 I Hate Fairyland Deluxe Edition Volume 2 HC, $$34.99 Isola #9 (Cover A Karl Kerschl, $$3.99 Isola #9 (Cover B Mingjue Helen Chen), $$3.99 Kick-Ass #17 (Cover A Marcelo Frusin), $$3.99 Kick-Ass #17 (Cover B Marcelo Frusin), $$3.99 Kick-Ass #17 (Cover C Andre Lima Araujo, $$3.99 Man-Eaters #11 (Cover A Lia Miternique), $$3.99 Man-Eaters #11 (Cover B Lia Miternique), $$3.99 Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici #19, $$3.99 Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici Volume 3 TP, $$16.99 Outer Darkness #10, $$3.99 Postal Deliverance #3, $$3.99 Rat Queens #18, $$3.99 Reaver #2 (Becky Cloonan 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Reaver #3, $$3.99 Sonata #2 (Brian Haberlin 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Sonata #3 (Brian Haberlin 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Sonata #4 (Cover A Brian Haberlin & Geirrod Van Dyke), $$3.99 Sonata #4 (Cover B Brian Haberlin & Geirrod Van Dyke), $$3.99 Thumbs #4 (Of 5), $$4.99 Trees Three Fates #1 (Of 5), $$3.99 Unearth #3 (Cover A Baldemar Rivas), $$3.99 Unearth #3 (Cover B Kyle Strahm & Greg Smallwood), $$3.99 Unnatural Volume 3 Rebirth TP, $$16.99 INSIGHT EDITIONS Art Of Harry Potter Mini Book Of Magical Places HC, $$11.99 DC Comics Detective Comics The Complete Covers Volume 3 HC, $$11.99 DC Comics Wonder Woman The Complete Covers Mini-Omnibus Volume 3 HC, $$11.99 INSIGHT KIDS Harry Potter Film Vault Volume 1 HC, $$16.99 Harry Potter Film Vault Volume 2 HC, $$16.99 INSIGHT STUDIOS GROUP Songs Of Giants The Poetry Of Pulp HC (Limited Signed & Numbered Edition), $$29.99 JY W.I.T.C.H. Part 6 Ragorlang Volume 1 GN, $$15.00 KODANSHA COMICS Edens Zero Volume 4 GN, $$10.99 Fate Grand Order Mortalis Stella Volume 1 GN, $$12.99 LEGENDARY COMICS Lost In Space Countdown To Danger Volume 2 HC, $$17.99 MARVEL COMICS Absolute Carnage Symbiote Of Vengeance #1 (Cover A Philip Tan), $$4.99 Absolute Carnage Symbiote Of Vengeance #1 (Cover B James Stokoe Codex Variant), $AR Absolute Carnage Symbiote Of Vengeance #1 (Cover C TBD), $AR Absolute Carnage Symbiote Of Vengeance #1 (Cover D TBD Virgin Variant), $AR Absolute Carnage Vs Deadpool #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Tyler Kirkham), $$3.99 Absolute Carnage Vs Deadpool #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Mark Bagley Codex Variant), $AR Absolute Carnage Vs Deadpool #2 (Of 3)(Cover C Rob Liefeld Connecting Variant), $AR Age Of Conan Valeria #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Jay Anacleto), $$3.99 Age Of Conan Valeria #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Emanuela Lupacchino), $AR Age Of X-Man Apocalypse And The X-Tracts TP, $$15.99 Agents Of Atlas #1 (Of 5)(Valentina Remenar New Art 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$4.99 Amazing Spider-Man #29 (Cover A Ryan Ottley), $$3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #29 (Cover B Mark Bagley Immortal Wraparound Variant), $AR Avengers #22 (Stefano Caselli 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Black Cat #4, $$3.99 Captain Marvel #10, $$3.99 Daredevil #11 (Cover A Julian Totino Tedesco), $$3.99 Daredevil #11 (Cover B Khoi Pham Immortal Wraparound Variant), $AR Daredevil #9 (Lalit Kumar Sharma 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Doctor Strange #19 (Cover A Jesus Saiz), $$3.99 Doctor Strange #19 (Cover B Irina Nordsol Bring On The Bad Guys Variant), $AR Domino Hotshots TP, $$15.99 Fantastic Four #12 (Declan Shalvey 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$4.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy Prodigal Sun #1 (Cover A Mico Suayan), $$4.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy Prodigal Sun #1 (Cover B Philip Tan), $AR Gwenpool Strikes Back #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Terry Dodson), $$3.99 Gwenpool Strikes Back #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Nao Fuji), $AR Immortal Hulk #20 (Joe Bennett 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Immortal Hulk #22 (Joe Bennett 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Immortal Hulk Director's Cut #3 (Of 6), $$4.99 Invaders #9, $$3.99 Invisible Woman #3 (Of 5), $$3.99 Ironheart #10, $$3.99 King Thor #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Esad Ribic), $$3.99 King Thor #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Adam Kubert), $AR King Thor #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Gerardo Zaffino), $AR King Thor #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Luke Ross Immortal Wraparound Variant), $AR Loki #3, $$3.99 Marvel Masterworks The Incredible Hulk Volume 13 HC (Book Market Edition), $$75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Incredible Hulk Volume 13 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 279), $$75.00 Marvel Monograph The Art Of Esad Ribic TP, $$19.99 Marvel Tales Black Panther #1 (Cover A Jen Bartel), $$7.99 Marvel Tales Black Panther #1 (Cover B Jen Bartel Virgin Variant), $AR Marvel Visionaries Jack Kirby TP, $$34.99 Miles Morales Spider-Man #10 (Cover A Mahmud Asrar), $$4.99 Miles Morales Spider-Man #10 (Cover B Humberto Ramos), $AR Miles Morales Spider-Man #10 (Cover C Ed McGuinness), $AR Miles Morales Spider-Man #10 (Cover D Ema Lupacchino Immortal Wraparound Variant), $AR Miles Morales With Great Power TP, $$12.99 Moon Knight Annual #1 (Cover A Philip Tan), $$4.99 Moon Knight Annual #1 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Connecting Variant), $AR Moon Knight Annual #1 (Cover C Pasqual Ferry Immortal Wraparound Variant), $AR Powers Of X #4 (Of 6)(Cover A R. B. Silva), $$4.99 Powers Of X #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Dustin Weaver New Character Variant), $AR Powers Of X #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Mike Huddleston), $AR Powers Of X #4 (Of 6)(Cover D John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), $AR Powers Of X #4 (Of 6)(Cover E Greg Land Character Decades Variant), $AR Powers Of X #4 (Of 6)(Cover F Skottie Young), $AR Powers Of X #4 (Of 6)(Cover G R. B. Silva Virgin Variant), $AR Powers Of X #4 (Of 6)(Cover H Jorge Molina Connecting Variant), $AR Punisher Kill Krew #2 (Of 5), $$3.99 Shuri Volume 2 24-7 Vibranium TP, $$15.99 Silver Surfer Black #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Tradd Moore), $$3.99 Silver Surfer Black #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Ron Lim), $AR Silver Surfer Black #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Peach Momoko), $AR Silver Surfer Black #4 (Of 5)(Cover D Alex Garner Immortal Wraparound Variant), $AR Spider-Man The Many Hosts Of Carnage TP, $$39.99 Star Wars Age Of Resistance Supreme Leader Snoke #1 (Cover A Phil Noto), $$3.99 Star Wars Age Of Resistance Supreme Leader Snoke #1 (Cover B Mike McKone Puzzle Piece Variant), $AR Sword Master #3 (Cover A Gunji), $$3.99 Sword Master #3 (Cover B Jack Chen), $AR True Believers Hulk Gray Hulk Returns #1, $$1.00 True Believers Hulk Mindless Hulk #1, $$1.00 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #48, $$3.99 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Volume 11 Call Your Squirrelfriend TP, $$15.99 Unstoppable Wasp Unlimited Volume 2 G.I.R.L. Vs A.I.M. TP, $$15.99 Venom #17 (Mark Bagley 2nd Printing New Art Variant Cover), $$3.99 Venom #18 (Cover A Kyle Hotz), $$3.99 Venom #18 (Cover B Will Sliney Immortal Wraparound Variant), $AR Venom #18 (Cover C Patch Zircher Codex Variant), $AR Venom War Of The Realms TP, $$15.99 War Of The Realms Spider-Man Daredevil TP, $$15.99 X-Men By Roy Thomas And Neal Adams Gallery Edition HC, $$39.99 MOONSTONE Kolchak The Nightstalker The Last Temptation Novel SC, $$9.99 MYTHOS COMICS Vamp #1, $$3.99 NBM Zombillenium Volume 4 Air Girl HC, $$16.99 NOBROW Americana And The Act Of Getting Over It GN, $$18.95 Gamayun Tales Volume 3 Tyna Of The Lake GN, $$16.95 Stig And Tilde Volume 1 Vanisher's Island GN, $$13.95 NOBROW - FLYING EYE BOOKS Hilda And The Mountain King HC, $$19.95 PAPERCUTZ Melowy Volume 3 Time To Fly GN, $$7.99 Melowy Volume 3 Time To Fly HC, $$12.99 Melowy Volume The Test Of Magic GN, $$7.99 REBELLION/2000AD Judge Dredd Ghost Town 2000 AD Digest TP, $$6.99 RED 5 COMICS Dark Age #2, $$3.95 SANCTUM PRODUCTIONS Shadow Double Novel Volume 144 SC, $$14.95 SCHOLASTIC She-Ra And The Princesses Of Power Rebel Princess Guide HC, $$12.99 Star Wars Jedi Academy Volume 8 Attack Of The Furball HC, $$12.99 SCOUT COMICS Mall #5 (Cover A Rafael Loureiro), $$3.99 Mall #5 (Cover B Rafael Loureiro), $AR Midnight Sky #1 (Cover A Scott Van Domelen), $$3.99 Midnight Sky #1 (Cover B Vince Locke), $$3.99 Midnight Sky #1 (Cover C Ralf Singh), $AR SEVEN SEAS ENTERTAINMENT Dragon Quest Monsters+ Volume 4 GN, $$12.99 How A Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom Light Novel Volume 4 SC, $$13.99 Made In Abyss Volume 7 GN, $$13.99 Magical Girl Site Volume 10 GN, $$12.99 Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka Volume 7 GN, $$12.99 Restaurant To Another World Light Novel Volume 2 SC, $$13.99 Uzaki-chan Wants To Hang Out Volume 1 GN, $$13.99 SOURCE POINT PRESS Monstrous Volume 1 Tales Of Valor And Villainy TP, $$14.99 SUBLIME Finder Deluxe Edition Volume 9 GN, $$14.99 TITAN BOOKS Harryhausen The Lost Movies HC, $$39.95 TITAN COMICS Atar Gull HC, $$24.99 Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor #12 (Cover A Veronica Fish), $$3.99 Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor #12 (Cover B Will Brooks Photo Variant), $$3.99 Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor #12 (Cover C Giorgia Sposito & Arianna Florean), $$3.99 Robotech #24 (Cover A Jeff Spokes), $$3.99 Robotech #24 (Cover C Nick Brokenshire), $$3.99 Santa My Life And Times Illustrated Authobiography HC, $$24.99 UDON ENTERTAINMENT Street Fighter Akuma Vs Hell #1 (Cover A Joe Vriens), $$3.99 Street Fighter Akuma Vs Hell #1 (Cover B Edwin Huang), $$3.99 Street Fighter Akuma Vs Hell #1 (Cover C Josh Perez), $AR VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Bloodshot Definitive Edition TP, $$24.99 Livewire #10 (Cover A Stacey Lee), $$3.99 Livewire #10 (Cover B Katie Cook), $$3.99 Livewire #10 (Cover C Irene Koh), $$3.99 Livewire #10 (Cover D Elsa Charretier Pre-Order Edition Variant), $AR Livewire Volume 2 Guardian TP, $$14.99 VERTICAL COMICS My Boy Volume 5 GN, $$12.95 VIZ MEDIA Hayate The Combat Butler Volume 34 GN, $$9.99 Pokemon Sun And Moon Volume 5 GN, $$4.99 Radiant Volume 7 GN, $$9.99 Splatoon Volume 7 GN, $$9.99 Yo-kai Watch Volume 12 GN, $$9.99 ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Belle Oath Of Thorns #2 (Cover A Martin Coccolo), $$3.99 Belle Oath Of Thorns #2 (Cover B Igor Vitorino), $$3.99 Belle Oath Of Thorns #2 (Cover C Jenevieve Broomall), $$3.99 Belle Oath Of Thorns #2 (Cover D Ryan Pasibe), $$3.99 Watcher #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Marco Mastrazzo), $$5.99 Watcher #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Jan Anacleto), $$5.99 TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES 30 Minute Mission 01 EEXM-17 Alto White Model Kit, $AR 30 Minute Mission 02 EEXM-17 Alto Yellow Model Kit, $AR 30 Minute Mission Optional Alto Armor Set (Blue Version), $AR 30 Minute Mission Optional Alto Armor Set (Gray Version), $AR 30 Minute Mission Optional Alto Armor Set (Green Version), $AR 30 Minute Mission Optional Alto Armor Set (Orange Version), $AR Bandai SDCS Silhouette Booster (White Version), $AR Batman Super Powers Maquette, $AR Bioshock Infinite Elizabeth 3-1/2 Inch Collectors Vinyl Figure, $AR Classic Phantom Of The Opera Limited Edition Lifesize Painted Bust, $AR Cthulhu 15 Inch Plush, $AR DC Batman And Catwoman Salt And Pepper Shakers, $AR DC Comics Batman Pop Quiz Trivia Deck, $AR DC Comics Wonder Woman Pop Quiz Trivia Deck, $AR DC Designer Series Black Label Batman By Lee Bermejo Statue, $AR DC Essentials Red Hood Action Figure, $AR DC Gallery Dark Knight Returns Batman Cowl, $AR Disney Cinderella And Fairy Godmother Salt And Pepper Shakers, $AR Disney Rapunzel And Tower Salt And Pepper Shakers, $AR Disney Showcase Lilo And Stitch With Guitar Mini 2.5 Inch Figure, $AR Dragon Ball Z Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Figure-Rise Model Kit (New Package Version), $AR Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan Son Goku Figure-Rise Model Kit (New Package Version), $AR Fortnite Aim 7 Inch Premium Action Figure, $AR Fortnite Ragnarok 7 Inch Premium Action Figure, $AR Fortnite Wild Card Black Suit 7 Inch Premium Action Figure, $AR Fortnite Wild Card Red Suit 7 Inch Premium Action Figure, $AR Gundam NT 227 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex HGUC 1/144 Scale Model Kit, $AR Halloween 2018 Michael Myers 1/4 Scale Action Figure, $AR Marvel Captain Marvel Poster T-Shirt LG, $AR Marvel Legends 80th Anniversary Comic Iron Man 6 Inch Action Figure Set, $AR Marvel Legends 80th Anniversary Comic Thor 6 Inch Action Figure Set, $AR Marvel Legends 80th Anniversary Grandmaster/Korg 6 Inch Action Figure Set, $AR Miss Mindy Wizard Of Oz Dorothy 6 Inch Figure, $AR Miss Mindy Wizard Of Oz Wicked Witch Deluxe Figure, $AR Mobile Suit Gundam Micro Wars 2 10 Piece Assortment, $AR Mobile Suit Gundam RX-78-02 Gundam 40th Anniversary Version G.F.F.M.C. Figure, $AR One-12 Collective DC Joker Clown Prince Of Crime Edition Action Figure, $AR One-12 Collective Marvel Netflix Punisher Action Figure, $AR Overwatch Ultimates 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201902, $AR Overwatch Ultimates 6 Inch Action Figure Dual Pack Assortment 201902, $AR Power Rangers Lightning 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201902, $AR Sailor Moon 1000 Piece Puzzle, $AR Sangoku Soketsuden Huang Zhong Gundam Dynames SD Model Kit, $AR Sangoku Soketsuden Xiahou Dun Tallgeese Gundam SD Model Kit, $AR Sangoku Soketsuden Zhang He Altron Gundam SD Model Kit, $AR Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Inch Sonic Sphere Figure Wave 1 Assortment, $AR Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Inch Basic Action Figure With A Collectible Coin Wave 1 Assortment, $AR Sonic The Hedgehog 7 Inch Basic Plush Wave 1 Assortment, $AR Sonic The Hedgehog Pinball Playset, $AR Star Wars R2-Q2 1/12 Scale Model Kit, $AR Star Wars Star Destroyer 1/5000 Scale Model Kit, $AR Street Fighter Vega S.H.Figuarts Action Figure, $AR Transformers Botbots Minifig Blind Mystery Box 201902, $AR Transformers Botbots Minifig Blind Mystery Box 201903, $AR Voltron Defender Of The Universe GX-71 Soul Of Chogokin Action Figure, $AR X-Force Legends 6 Inch Boom Boom Action Figure, $AR X-Force Legends 6 Inch Cannonball Action Figure, $AR
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collectorscorner · 5 years
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 6/19/19
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 6/19/19 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner’s No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland’s Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 3 Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE HQ 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 6/19/19 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Descendent #1 (Juan Doe 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Mary Shelley Monster Hunter #3, $3.99 Walk Through Hell #11, $3.99 AHOY COMICS High Heaven Volume 1 TP, $15.99 Planet Of The Nerds #3, $3.99 ALBATROSS FUNNYBOOKS Hillbilly Volume 4 Red-Eyed Witchery From Beyond TP, $17.99 Spookhouse Volume 2 TP, $17.99 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONS Casper's Capers #5 (Cover A Eric Shanower), $3.99 Casper's Capers #5 (Cover B Retro Animation Variant), $9.99 Zorro Sacrilege #2 (Cover A Roy Allan Martinez), $3.99 Zorro Sacrilege #2 (Cover B Mauricio Melo Dead Rising Variant), $3.99 Zorro Sacrilege #2 (Cover C Roy Allan Martinez Visions Of Zorro Variant), $9.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie 1941 TP, $17.99 Archie Milestones Jumbo Comics Digest #3, $6.99 Betty And Veronica Friends Jumbo Comics Digest #271, $6.99 Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #274, $6.99 Sabrina The Teenage Witch #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Veronica Fish), $3.99 Sabrina The Teenage Witch #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Victor Ibanez), $3.99 Sabrina The Teenage Witch #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Jenn St-Onge), $3.99 ASPEN COMICS Fathom Volume 8 #2 (Cover A Mauricio Camptella), $3.99 Fathom Volume 8 #2 (Cover B Michael Turner & Jonathan Sibal), $3.99 Fathom Volume 8 #2 (Cover C Siya Oum), $3.99 BLACK MASK COMICS Lab Raider #1 (Of 4), $3.99 BOOM! STUDIOS Adventure Time Marcy And Simon #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Brittney Williams), $3.99 Adventure Time Marcy And Simon #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Jamie Loughran Marcy Variant), $3.99 Adventure Time Marcy And Simon #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Amelia Vidal Simon Variant), $3.99 Black Badge #11 (Cover A Matt Kindt), $3.99 Black Badge #11 (Cover B Tyler Jenkins), $3.99 Faithless #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Paul Pope), $3.99 Faithless #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Dani Strips Erotica Strips Variant), $3.99 Faithless #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Cliff Chiang), AR Firefly #7 (Cover A Lee Garbett), $3.99 Firefly #7 (Cover B Joe Quinones), $3.99 Firefly #7 (Cover C Amelia Vidal), AR Firefly #7 (Cover D Will Sliney), AR Giant Days Volume 10 TP, $14.99 Hexed Omnibus TP, $29.99 Low Road West TP, $19.99 Lumberjanes #63 (Cover A Kat Leyh), $3.99 Lumberjanes #63 (Cover B Chan Chau), $3.99 Regular Show 25 Years Later TP, $19.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1 (Cover A Dan Mora), $7.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1 (Cover B Kris Anka), $7.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1 (Cover C Gurihiru), AR Saban's Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1 (Cover D Gabriel Picolo), AR CAVE PICTURES PUBLISHING Appalachian Apocalypse #6, $3.99 Blessed Machine #4, $3.99 George McDonald's The Light Princess #5, $3.99 No Ones #1, $3.99 COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1670, AR Comic Shop News Summer 2019 Preview, AR DANGER ZONE Vampblade Volume 8 Queen Of Hell TP, $14.99 Zombie Tramp Volume 16 Dead Love TP, $14.99 DARK HORSE COMICS Art Of DreamWorks' Trollhunters Tales Of Arcadia HC (not verified by Diamond), $39.99 Disney Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs #1 (Of 3), $3.99 Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. The Beast Of Vargu #1 (Cover A Duncan Fegredo), $3.99 Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. The Beast Of Vargu #1 (Cover B Mike Mignola), $3.99 I Am A Hero Omnibus Volume 10 TP, $19.99 Invisible Kingdom #4, $3.99 Last Stop On The Red Line #2 (Of 4), $3.99 Neil Gaiman's American Gods The Moment Of The Storm #3 (Cover A Glenn Fabry), $3.99 Neil Gaiman's American Gods The Moment Of The Storm #3 (Cover B David Mack), $3.99 Trout The Hollowest Knock #1 (Of 4), $3.99 DC COMICS American Carnage #8, $3.99 Aquaman #49 (Cover A Robson Rocha & Danny Miki), $3.99 Aquaman #49 (Cover B Joshua Middleton), AR Batman #73 (Cover A Mikel Janin), $3.99 Batman #73 (Cover B Ben Oliver), AR Batman By Grant Morrison Omnibus Volume 2 HC, $75.00 Batman The Flash The Button TP, $14.99 Batman The Flash The Button TP (International Edition), $14.99 Goddess Mode #6, $3.99 Justice League #26 (Cover A Francis Manapul), $3.99 Justice League #26 (Cover B Emanuela Lupacchino), AR Lucifer #9, $3.99 Lucifer Volume 1 The Infernal Comedy TP, $16.99 MAD Magazine #8, $5.99 Nightwing #61 (Cover A Kyle Hotz), $3.99 Nightwing #61 (Cover B Warren Louw), AR Pearl #10 (Cover A Michael Gaydos), $3.99 Pearl #10 (Cover B George Pratt), AR Red Hood Outlaw Volume 1 Requiem For An Archer TP (not verified by Diamond), $19.99 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #99, $2.99 Superman Year One #1 (Cover A John Romita Jr. & Danny Miki), $7.99 Superman Year One #1 (Cover B Frank Miller), $7.99 Teen Titans #31 (Cover A Bernard Chang), $3.99 Teen Titans #31 (Cover B Alex Garner), AR Titans Volume 6 Into The Bleed TP, $19.99 DISNEY - HYPERION Artemis Fowl GN (Movie Edition), $12.99 Artemis Fowl HC (Movie Edition), $21.99 DRAWN AND QUARTERLY Hot Comb GN, $21.95 DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4 (Cover A Laura Braga), $3.99 Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4 (Cover B Zach Hsieh), $3.99 Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4 (Cover C Anthony Marques), $3.99 Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4 (Cover D German Garcia), $3.99 Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4 (Cover E Cosplay), $3.99 Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4 (Cover F Maria Sanapo Seduction Variant), AR Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4 (Cover G German Garcia Virgin Variant), AR Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4 (Cover H Laura Braga Black & White Variant), AR Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4 (Cover I Zach Hsieh Black & White Variant), AR Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4 (Cover J Maria Sanapo Black & White Variant), AR Battlestar Galactica Classic #5 (Cover A Marco Rudy), $3.99 Battlestar Galactica Classic #5 (Cover B Daniel HDR), $3.99 Battlestar Galactica Classic #5 (Cover C Marco Rudy Virgin Variant), AR Battlestar Galactica Classic #5 (Cover D Daniel HDR Black & White Variant), AR Hack Slash Vs Chaos #1 (Tim Seeley Atlas Comics Signature Edition), AR James Bond 007 #8 (Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99 James Bond 007 #8 (Cover B Khoi Pham), $3.99 James Bond 007 #8 (Cover C Steve Lieber), $3.99 James Bond 007 #8 (Cover D Eric Gapstur), $3.99 James Bond 007 #8 (Cover E Dave Johnson Virgin Variant), AR James Bond 007 #8 (Cover F Khoi Pham Virgin Variant), AR James Bond 007 #8 (Cover G Steve Lieber Virgin Variant), AR James Bond 007 #8 (Cover H Eric Gapstur Virgin Variant), AR Project Superpowers Volume 1 Evolution HC, $24.99 Rainbow Brite TP, $14.99 Red Sonja #5 (Cover K Amanda Conner Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #5 (Cover L Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #1 (Cover N Fay Dalton Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #1 (Cover O Cat Staggs Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #1 (Cover P Ken Haeser Red Sonja Remarked Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #1 (Cover R Ken Haeser Vampirella Remarked Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #1 (Cover S Ken Haeser Betty Remarked Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #1 (Cover T Ken Haeser Veronica Remarked Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #1 (Cover U Ken Haeser 4 Character Remarked Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover A Fay Dalton), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover B Robert Hack), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover C Laura Braga), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover D Dan Parent), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover E Cat Staggs), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover F Fay Dalton Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover G Dan Parent Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover H Fay Dalton Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover I Laura Braga Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover J Laura Braga Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #2 (Cover K Dan Parent Virgin Variant), AR Six Million Dollar Man #1 (Of 5)(Chris Hastings Atlas Comics Signature Edition), AR Vampirella Dejah Thoris TP, $19.99 Warlord Of Mars Attacks #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99 Warlord Of Mars Attacks #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Marco D'Alfonso), $3.99 Warlord Of Mars Attacks #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Ramon Villalobos), $3.99 Warlord Of Mars Attacks #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Ben Caldwell), $3.99 Warlord Of Mars Attacks #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Ben Caldwell Virgin Variant), AR Warlord Of Mars Attacks #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Ramon Villalobos Virgin Variant), AR Warlord Of Mars Attacks #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Dave Johnson Virgin Variant), AR Warlord Of Mars Attacks #1 (Of 5)(Cover H Ramon Villalobos Black & White Variant), AR EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS DC Comics Batman Universe Bust Collection Magazine #29 (1966 Riddler), $24.95 Star Trek Discovery The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #13 (Worker Bee), $55.00 FIRST SECOND Old Souls HC, $24.99 GHOST SHIP Yuuna And The Haunted Hot Springs Volume 6 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99 HUMANOIDS Jodorowsky And Boucq's Twisted Tales TP, $34.95 Urban Legendz TP, $14.95 IDW PUBLISHING Clue Candlestick #2 (Cover A Dash Shaw), $4.99 Clue Candlestick #2 (Cover B Shaw Triptych Variant), AR Clue Candlestick #2 (Cover C Sophie Franz), AR Marvel Action Spider-Man Volume 1 A New Beginning TP, $9.99 Samurai Jack Lost Worlds #2 (Cover A Adam Bryce Thomas), $3.99 Samurai Jack Lost Worlds #2 (Cover B Gavin Fullerton), $3.99 Samurai Jack Lost Worlds #2 (Cover C Sara Pitre-Durocher), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 35th Anniversary Box Set, $49.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Macro Series TP, $24.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #14 (Cover A Frank Fosco), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #14 (Cover B Frank Fosco & Erik Larsen), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #14 (Cover C Kevin Eastman), AR Transformers The IDW Collection Phase Two Volume 9 HC, $49.99 Uncle Scrooge #46 (Cover A Marco Gervasio), $4.99 Uncle Scrooge #46 (Cover B Giorgio Cavazzano), AR Usagi Yojimbo #1 (Cover A Stan Sakai), $3.99 Usagi Yojimbo #1 (Cover B Daniel Warren Johnson), AR Usagi Yojimbo #1 (Cover C Walter Simonson), AR Usagi Yojimbo #1 (Cover D Kevin Eastman), AR IMAGE COMICS Assassin Nation #4 (Of 5), $3.99 Criminal #2 (Sean Phillips 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Criminal #3 (Sean Phillips 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Curse Words #22 (Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99 Curse Words #22 (Cover B Ryan Browne Interconnected Variant), $3.99 Excellence #2 (Cover A Khary Randolph), $3.99 Excellence #2 (Cover B Sanford Greene Visions Of Excellence Variant), $3.99 Fairlady #3 (Cover A Claudia Balboni & Shari Chankhamma), $3.99 Fairlady #3 (Cover B Christian Ward), $3.99 Farmhand #9, $3.99 Gideon Falls #14 (Cover A Andrea Sorrentino), $3.99 Gideon Falls #14 (Cover B Veronica Fish), $3.99 Heavy Liquid TP, $24.99 Hit-Girl Season Two #5 (Cover A Goran Parlov), $3.99 Hit-Girl Season Two #5 (Cover B Goran Parlov), $3.99 Hit-Girl Season Two #5 (Cover C Matteo Scalera), $3.99 Hit-Girl Volume 4 TP, $14.99 Little Bird #4 (Of 5), $3.99 Middlewest #8, $3.99 Monstress #23, $3.99 Outpost Zero #10, $3.99 Port Of Earth #11, $3.99 Prince Of Cats TP, $17.99 Rat Queens #16, $3.99 Rumble #13 (Cover A David Rubin Black & White Variant), $3.99 Rumble #13 (Cover B Ron Wilson/Bill Sienkiewicz/Dave Stewart), $3.99 Skyward #14, $3.99 Warning #8, $3.99 IMPACT THEORY Neon Future #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Jheremy Raapack), $3.99 Neon Future #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Jheremy Raapack), $3.99 KEVIN EASTMAN STUDIOS Drawing Blood Splilled Ink #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Ben Bishop), AR Drawing Blood Splilled Ink #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99 KODANSHA COMICS That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Volume 10 GN, $12.99 LION FORGE Milo's World Volume 1 The Land Under The Lake HC, $12.99 Orphans Volume 3 Truth GN, $19.99 Rolled And Told Volume 1 HC, $39.99 LOCUS MAGAZINE Locus #701, $8.99 MAD CAVE STUDIOS Honor And Curse #5 (Of 6), $3.99 MARVEL COMICS Age Of X-Man Nextgen #5 (Of 5), $3.99 Age Of X-Man The Amazing Nightcrawler #5 (Of 5), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #21 (Gerardo Sandoval 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Volume 4 The Goblin Lives TP, $39.99 Captain America #11 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Captain America #11 (Cover B Yoon Lee Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Captain Marvel #7 (Cover A Amanda Conner & Dave Johnson), $3.99 Captain Marvel #7 (Cover B Mike McKone Spider-Man Symbiote Suit Variant), AR Daredevil #5 (Marco Checchetto 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Daredevil #7 (Cover A Chip Zdarsky), $3.99 Daredevil #7 (Cover B Leinil Francis Yu Marvels 25th Tribute Variant), AR Dead Man Logan Volume 1 Sins Of The Father TP, $19.99 Deadpool #14 (Cover A Nic Klein), $3.99 Deadpool #14 (Cover B Mark Brooks Spider-Man Fantastic Four Suit Variant), AR Decades Marvel In The '90s The Mutant X-Plosion TP, $24.99 Fantastic Four Epic Collection Volume 18 The More Things Change TP, $39.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy #5 (Geoff Shaw 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy #6 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy #6 (Cover B Gerald Parel Marvels 25th Tribute Variant), AR Howard The Duck #1 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #17 (Joe Bennett 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Marvels Annotated #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Alex Ross), $7.99 Marvels Annotated #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Stephanie Hans), AR Marvels Annotated #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Alex Ross Virgin Variant), AR Marvels Poster Book TP, $24.99 Marvel's Spider-Man City At War #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Clayton Crain), $3.99 Marvel's Spider-Man City At War #4 (Of 6)(Cover B David Nakayama Sinister Six Variant), AR Marvel's Spider-Man City At War #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Eduard Petrovich), AR Miles Morales Spider-Man #7, $3.99 Ms. Marvel Metamorphosis TP, $12.99 New Mutants Abnett And Lanning The Complete Collection Volume 2 TP, $34.99 New X-Men The Quest For Magik The Complete Collection TP, $39.99 Savage Sword Of Conan #6 (Cover A David Finch), $3.99 Savage Sword Of Conan #6 (Cover B David Finch Variant), AR Savage Sword Of Conan #6 (Cover C Max Fiumara), AR Shuri #9, $3.99 Silver Surfer Black #1 (Of 5)(Mike Deodato Jr. 2nd Printing Spoiler Variant Cover), $3.99 Spider-Man Life Story #3 (Of 6)(Mark Bagley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Spider-Man The Gauntlet The Complete Collection Volume 1 TP, $39.99 Star Wars #67 (Cover A Gerald Parel), $3.99 Star Wars #67 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR Star Wars #67 (Cover C Rafael Albuquerque Greatest Moments Variant), AR Star Wars Doctor Aphra #33 (Cover A Ashley Witter), $3.99 Star Wars Doctor Aphra #33 (Cover B Paul Renaud Greatest Moments Variant), AR Star Wars Tie Fighter #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Tommy Lee Edwards), $3.99 Star Wars Tie Fighter #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Jeff Langevin Alphabet Squad Variant), AR Thor Volume 2 Road To War Of The Realms TP, $15.99 Tony Stark Iron Man #13 (Cover A Alexander Lozano), $3.99 Tony Stark Iron Man #13 (Cover B Clayton Crain Marvels 25th Tribute Variant), AR True Believers Spider-Man Spidey Fights In London #1, $1.00 True Believers Spider-Man The Wedding Of Aunt May And Doc Ock #1, $1.00 Uncanny X-Men #17 (Carlos E. Gomez 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Uncanny X-Men #20, $3.99 Uncanny X-Men Volume 1 Cyclops And Wolverine TP, $19.99 Unstoppable Wasp #9, $3.99 War Of The Realms Journey Into Mystery #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Valerio Schiti), $3.99 War Of The Realms Journey Into Mystery #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Kevin Nowlan), AR War Of The Realms Spider-Man And The League Of Realms #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99 War Of The Realms Spider-Man And The League Of Realms #3 (Of 3)(Cover B Marco D'Alfonso), AR War Of The Realms War Scrolls #3 (Of 3), $4.99 Winter Soldier Second Chances TP, $15.99 Wolverine Infinity Watch #5 (Of 5), $3.99 X-Men Grand Design X-Tinction #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Ed Piskor), $5.99 X-Men Grand Design X-Tinction #2 (Of 2)(Cover B Ed Piskor), AR MYMOVIEMONSTERS.COM Scary Monsters Magazine #113, $9.95 ONE PEACE BOOKS Hinamatsuri Volume 3 GN, $11.95 ONI PRESS Invader Zim Deluxe Edition Volume 3 HC (not verified by Diamond), $49.99 Shadow Roads Volume 1 TP, $19.99 SCOUT COMICS Crucified #1, $3.99 Shadow Play #5, $3.99 SEVEN SEAS ENTERTAINMENT Ancient Magus' Bride Supplement II SC, $13.99 Arifuta Commonplace To Worlds Strongest Volume 4 GN, $12.99 Didn't I Say To Make My Abilities Average In The Next Life Novel Volume 6 SC, $13.99 Dragon Goes House-Hunting Volume 3 GN, $12.99 Hour Of The Zombie Volume 9 GN, $12.99 Ideal Sponger Life Volume 2 GN, $12.99 Satoko And Nada Volume 2 GN, $12.99 STORM KING PRODUCTIONS John Carpenter's Tales Of Science Fiction The Standoff TP, $19.99 TITAN COMICS Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor #9 (Cover A Veronica Fish), $3.99 Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor #9 (Cover B Will Brooks Photo), $3.99 Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor #9 (Cover C Giorgia Sposito & Arianna Florean Ninth Doctor Variant), $3.99 Men In Black Films The Official Visual Companion To The Films HC, $50.00 Secret Life Of Pets Volume 1 TP, $6.99 UDON ENTERTAINMENT Art Of Darksiders III HC (not verified by Diamond), $49.99 VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Livewire #7 (Cover A Kenneth Rocafort), $3.99 Livewire #7 (Cover B Francis Portela), $3.99 Livewire #7 (Cover C Becca Farrow), $3.99 Livewire #7 (Cover D Khary Randolph Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR Psi-Lords #1 (Cover A Rod Reis), $3.99 Psi-Lords #1 (Cover B Jonboy Meyers), $3.99 Psi-Lords #1 (Cover C Alan Quah), $3.99 Psi-Lords #1 (Cover D Blank Variant), $3.99 Psi-Lords #1 (Cover F Paulina Ganucheau Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR X-O Manowar Volume 7 Hero TP, $14.99 VIZ MEDIA Golden Kamuy Volume 10 GN, $12.99 Tokyo Ghoul:re Volume 11 GN, $12.99 Ultraman Volume 12 GN, $12.99 YEN PRESS Kaiju Girl Caramelise Volume 1 GN, $13.00 Konosuba An Explosion On This Wonderful World Volume 1 GN, $13.00 Little Miss P Volume 1 GN, $15.00 Monster And The Beast Volume 1 GN, $15.00 Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Volume 3 GN, $13.00 ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Gretel #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Martin Coccolo), $3.99 Gretel #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Riveiro), $3.99 Gretel #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Allan Otero), $3.99 Gretel #4 (Of 5)(Cover D Mike Mahle), $3.99 TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES Aggretsuko Retsuko 4 Inch Ball Plush, AR Aggretsuko Retsuko Heart Eyes 4 Inch Ball Plush, AR Aggretsuko Retsuko Rage 4 Inch Ball Plush, AR Avatar Korra And Asami In The Spirit World Statue, AR Avengers Endgame Captain America 24 Inch Shield, AR Avengers Endgame Previews Exclusive Flex Fit Cap, AR Avengers Endgame Thanos Previews Exclusive Snap Back Cap, AR Avengers Endgame Thanos S.H.Figuarts Action Figure, AR Avengers Endgame Thor Stormbreaker Hammer, AR Avengers Legends Winter Soldier/Falcon 6 Inch Action Figure Set, AR Bee And Puppycat Puppycat 7 Inch Plush, AR Bravest Warriors Catbug 7 Inch Plush, AR Captain Marvel Legends 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201901, AR Cowboy Beebop Spike Spiegel S.H.Figuarts Action Figure, AR Cute But Deadly Halloween Demon Hanzo Figure, AR Cute But Deadly Halloween Vampire Symmetra Figure, AR Cute But Deadly Widowmaker Legendary Figure, AR DC Aquaman Eekeez Scenes 2 Piece Figurine, AR DC Comics New Frontier 5 Pack Short Comic Storage Box, AR DC Essentials Cyborg Superman Action Figure, AR DC Essentials Supergirl Action Figure, AR DC Essentials The Cheetah Action Figure, AR DC Essentials Wonder Woman Action Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Adverge 10 10 Piece Mini Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Frieza Resurrection S.H.Figuarts Action Figure (Reissue Edition), AR Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Fighterz Android 17 Figure, AR Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Fighterz Android 18 Figure, AR Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Fighterz Android 21 Figure, AR Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Fighterz Super Saiyan Son Goku Figure, AR Fate Grand Order Ruler Jeanne D Arc 1/7 Scale PVC Figure, AR Fate/Extra Last Encore EXQ Gawain Figure, AR Father's Day 2019 Marvel Rising Coloring Poster, AR Father's Day 2019 Superhero Adventures Coloring Poster, AR Father's Day Spectacular 2019 Bookmark, AR Funko 5 Star Dr Egon Spengler Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star Dr Peter Venkman Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star Incredibles 2 Violet Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star My Hero Academia Deku Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star My Hero Academia Katsuki Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star My Hero Academia Ochaco Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star My Hero Academia Todoroki Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star Winston Zeddemore Vinyl Figure, AR G.I. Joe Arashikage Previews Exclusive Black Flex Fit Cap, AR G.I. Joe Cobra Symbol Previews Exclusive Royal Snap Back Cap, AR Godzilla 2019 Mothra 7 Inch Action Figure, AR Gurren Lagaan Simon Nendoroid Action Figure, AR Hot Wheels Toy Story 4 Buzz Carnival Rescue Playset, AR It 1990 Movie Pennywise Eekeez Figurine, AR It 2017 Accessory Set, AR Jim Henson's Labyrinth 2020 Wall Calendar, AR JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind Grandista Giorno Giovanna Figure, AR Lion King Ed Plush, AR Lion King Simba Plush, AR Lion King Simba With Leaf Mane Plush, AR Lion King Timon Plush, AR Love Live Sunshine EXQ Chika Takami Figure, AR Love Live Sunshine EXQ Riko Sakurauchi Figure, AR Lupin The Third Part 5 Groovy Baby Shot Vii Fujiko Purple Figure, AR Lupin The Third Part 5 Groovy Baby Shot Vii Fujiko White Figure, AR Magic 8-Ball Toy Story 4, AR Marvel 12 Inch Legends Deadpool X-Force Action Figure, AR Marvel Captain Marvel Movie Minimates Box Set, AR Marvel Venom 5 Pack Short Comic Storage Box, AR Mystery Minis Ghostbusters 12 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Naruto Shippuden Bi-Fold Wallet, AR Nendoroid Playset 06 Engawa Set A, AR Nendoroid Playset 06 Engawa Set B (not verified by Diamond), AR Nightmare Before Christmas Glow In The Dark Domez Blind Mystery Box, AR One Punch Man DXF Premium Saitama Figure, AR One Punch Man Saitama Cube Coin Purse, AR Overwatch Iron On Patches 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Overwatch Series 2 Blind Sticker Pack, AR Overwatch Ultimates 6 Inch Action Figure Dual Pack Assortment 201901, AR Persona 5 Fox Figma Action Figure, AR Pocket POP Ghostbusters Slimer Keychain, AR Pocket POP Ghostbusters Stay Puft Keychain, AR Pocket POP Overwatch Widowmaker Figure Keychain, AR POP Ad Icons Green Giant Sprout Vinyl Figure, AR POP And Buddy Aladdin Live With Abu Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Avatar Appa Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Avatar Toph Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Castlevania Adrian Tepes Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Castlevania Trevor Belmont Vinyl Figure, AR POP DC Comic Moment Batman 80th Batman 1964 Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Toy Story 4 Bo Peep With Officer McDimp Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Toy Story 4 Combat Carl Jr Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Toy Story 4 Duke Kaboom Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Toy Story 4 Gabby Gabby Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Gears Of War Boomer Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Gears Of War Marcus Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Persona Joker Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Pokemon Bulbasaur Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Avengers Endgame Hulk 6 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Spider-Man Far From Home Mary Jane Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Spider-Man Far From Home Molten Man Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Ghostbusters Slimer With Hot Dogs Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies MIB International Agent H Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies MIB International Agent M Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies MIB International Agent Pawny Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies MIB International Alien Twins Vinyl Figure, AR POP Premiere League Football Alexis Sanchez Vinyl Figure, AR POP Pusheen Mermaid Vinyl Figure, AR POP Pusheen Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks NSYNC Justin Timberlake Vinyl Figure, AR POP SpongeBob Squarepants Patrick With board Vinyl Figure, AR POP SpongeBob Squarepants Pen Topper 16 Piece Assortment, AR POP SpongeBob Squarepants Squidward Ballerina Vinyl Figure, AR POP Town SpongeBob With Pineapple Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Cheers Sam Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Community Shirley Bennett Vinyl Figure, AR POP WWE Ric Flair Vinyl Figure, AR Predator 2018 Deluxe 7 Inch Action Figure, AR Puella Magi Madoka Magica Movie Rebellion EXQ Sayaka Miki Figure, AR Red Sun Kaiju Beanie, AR Red Sun Kaiju T-Shirt LG, AR Red Sun Kaiju T-Shirt MED, AR Red Sun Kaiju T-Shirt SM, AR Red Sun Kaiju T-Shirt XL, AR Red Sun Kaiju T-Shirt XXL, AR Red Sun Kaiju T-Shirt XXXL, AR Rick And Morty 3 Piece Button Pin 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box (not verified by Diamond), AR Rick And Morty The Devil And Rick Diamond Pin, AR Robotech 1/72 Scale F-14 UN Spacy Miriya Type Diecast Model, AR SpongeBob Squarepants Coffee Break Pin, AR Star Trek Master Series Hikaru Sulu 1/6 Scale Action Figure, AR Star Trek Ships Of Line 2020 Wall Calendar, AR Steven Universe 2020 Wall Calendar, AR Sword Art Online Asuna Figure, AR Sword Art Online Kirito Figure, AR Sword Art Online Yuuki Figure, AR Tamashii Option Brick Wall Kit (Brown Version), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder 1/4 Scale Action Figure, AR Toon Tumblers Aquaman Movie Pint Glass, AR Toy Story 4 Adventure Pack 4 Piece 7 Inch Action Figure Set, AR Toy Story 4 Blast-Off Buzz Lightyear Figure, AR Toy Story 4 Mini Figure Blind Mystery Box Assortment, AR Toy Story 4 Ultimate Walking Buzz Lightyear Figure, AR Toy Story 4 Woody And Bullseye 7 Inch Action Figure Adventure Pack, AR Transformers Botbots Minifigure 5 Pack Assortment 201902, AR Transformers Bumblebee Deluxe Scale Figure, AR Transformers Generations Studio Series Deluxe Action Figure Assortment 201901, AR Transformers Generations WFC Deluxe Action Figure Assortment 201903, AR Transformers Masterpiece Beast Wars Megatron Action Figure, AR Twilight Zone Mystic Seer T-Shirt LG, AR Twilight Zone Mystic Seer T-Shirt MED, AR Twilight Zone Mystic Seer T-Shirt SM, AR Twilight Zone Mystic Seer T-Shirt XL, AR Twilight Zone Mystic Seer T-Shirt XXL, AR Ultraman Series Ultraman Belial S.H.Figuarts Action Figure, AR
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