#Victor Zakhaev
Alright COD enjoyers, let's talk facial hair...
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flansuki3 · 4 days
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Intenté hacer de esos gif con estética de los años 2000 jajaja
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modernghostfare · 2 months
Oh my god do you have zakhaev headcanons
nepo baby. nepo fucking baby. this is canon but i want it PUSHED MORE bc hes explicitly bad at what he plans but he has good connections that give his projects longevity. which is so fun to me i love a failure. he's very confident in his abilities though. he really believes he'll be able to match his father's influence. he Was raised to have many skills and for sure compared to the average person he's better equipped to do what he does but like. hes still behind like. makarov. price. shepherd even. GRAVES even. graves has better planning. okay shepherd might be pushing it they might b on the same level. speaking of i think makarov has genuine hatred for him. i think the admiration he has for imran is so deep and he's so like embarrassed For him that Victor is his son. victor is cringe to him. i do not think he would hide this At all either hed very plainly be hateful to his face. makarov would consider himself the child imran Should have had.
cancelable sentence but i like that og killed himself. i like that reboot's death was a goofy ass "dying from falling down a hole" death. That's Him. someone who rides someome else's success and fame to die in a gruesomely pathetic way. and now in zombies he's this bumbling idiot that everyone hates. talking into the wind about "getting revenge" on price while drinking by himself. i do think there's parts of him that are aware he's flopping and he's probably like. very susceptible to spiraling. i don't think Imran was ever especially nice to him but loving in the way of giving him what he needs to succeed. feeling like he's squandered that would haunt him even thru his confidence. esp when he knows the only way to like "get" his (dead) father's approval is by completing his mission. lots of pressure!
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unchartedperils · 7 months
We return to the Call of Duty series after a 4-5 month hiatus and our newest chapter really sets the stakes.
Reset here: after the disappointment that was MWII/2022’s campaign, I vowed to fix it. So I began a fix it and of course through ONE CHARACTER (no it’s not Nathan Drake), it’s also a crossover with Uncharted. Its goal is to show at least a glimpse of what could’ve been had IW/Activision not sold out to rushed stories and not touching *ahem* a certain country, but I digress: main points being the planned for post-2019 story with Victor Zakhaev as the poster villain but also recruiting Khaled Al Asad and Hadir Karim (I am aware at one point they wanted to merge KAA into a alias for Hadir but before that they were separate characters and you can’t convince me otherwise) into his plans against the West, beginning with both Urzikstan and Kastovia. And now after the even more disappointing and straight up anger-inducing “campaign” that was MWIII/2023, the motivation to fix this post-MW2019 storyline has returned! And by chapter 4, Victor has his “Four Horsemen” selected for terror…
Anyways, our resumption of MWII: Daddy’s Boy is after the second mission in MWII where Ghost and Soap narrowly miss Al-Asad (ICYMI: Al-Asad replaces Hassan Zyani as the main villain for Al Qatala) in Al Mazarah. Yet before 141/it’s American allies can continue the hunt for Al-Asad and Zakhaev, their two protégés are about to pull off a terror attack that will forever haunt Kastovia, but more importantly could turn global opinions against the Urzikstan Liberation Force. And in the aftermath, Price and Gaz are in Amsterdam to investigate who Zakhaev and Al-Asad’s new partners are, but their next and even more devious plan is already in motion…
Note/WARNING: Chapter 4 of MWII-Daddy’s Boy contains implied graphic violence aka an implied massacre as on par with No Russian from 2009’s OGMW2. Also contains the usual further violence with blood and gore, strong language, and geopolitical sensitivities.
With all that out the window, enjoy COD fans!
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teecupangel · 1 year
AC x COD, Let's say Valeria as El Sin Nombre made dealings with the Templars like past deals for human trafficking for the Animus project (she's doesn't know about that) or paid for information as an example and maybe got some wisdom by the Templars (if they are so prideful to boast about it) and it just pulls us into the confrontation of Alejandro and Valeria scene into more Desmond telling she was used as a pawn or something
The Assassin's Creed x Call Of Duty Modern Warfare crossover (idea + 2 drabbles, short fic 1, short fic 2, another drabble, an overview of Desmond's journal and loadout)
This gives me an excuse to talk about the villains’ connection to the whole Assassin vs Templar aspect of Assassin’s Creed so here we go!
The Zakhaevs - It’s currently unknown if there is any connection between them and Abstergo but, considering Las Almas had dealings with both of them, it’s possible that they are using middlemen/companies/parties to indirectly deal with the Zakhaevs to ensure it does not trace back to them.
Valeria and the Las Almas - She inherited Abstergo as a customer from the La Arana’s. Las Almas was also in charge of moving Soma from Mexico to the United States although it is unknown where in the US it’s meant to be shipped (Desmond’s guess would be perhaps to the Abstergo facility in Philidelphia). Other than that, there’s an Abstergo-ran clinic nearby where members of Las Almas get treated for free. In exchange, any person that the Las Almas move to or from the border must be checked there as well. This clinic is controlled by Abstergo and is mainly used to check for any ‘interesting’ genetic memory from the samples they receive.
General Shepherd - I already talked about Shepherd as an Assassin in the idea + 1 drabble and a short scene that have him. Other than that, it should be noted that Shepherd was one of the last mentor’s acolytes together with William Miles and Gavin Banks but he was passed over to be the next mentor after the mentor’s death as he was too much of a public figure, considering his rising military career. He had a wife and a child back in the Brotherhood, both of which died during the Great Purge. His Assassin affiliation is kept hidden even from the other Assassins and the most people know about him is that he is an ally. (Side note: he is the one who gave 141 a dog named Riley and it’s implied to have been a child of the last mentor’s dog)
Philip Graves and the Shadow Company - Here’s a short scene that has them. The most important part about them is that they are all survivors of the Great Purge or children whose parents and families died during the Great Purge. They were taken in by General Shepherd and trained to be one of the best PMC in the modern era. They idolize Ezio Auditore for destroying the Borgias and the Byzantine Templar Rites. As a PMC, they are not considered as actual Assassins by the Brotherhood and they have worked for Abstergo before.
Roman Barkov - His assholeness is just him. The Templars and the Assassins have nothing to do with that.
Hassan Zyani - He made a deal with Abstergo to transport Soma to the US in exchange for their support. Considering Berg is in charge of meeting him… it’s highly plausible a double-cross might be on the horizon.
Makarov - He never dealt with the Templars and Abstergo thinks he’s a loose cannon that’s too dangerous to deal with. However! He may or may not have had dealings with the Assassins before he became the Makarov we all hate today. At the very least, he knows William Miles but he knows him by a different name: Yuri.
For those who are unfamiliar with it, there's an ongoing sorta-poll right now of whether I write an actual fic for this crossover or a Leverage-inspired conman!Desmond for Desmond's birthday in March. More information here.
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underneathsoldiers · 2 months
I can't get over the fact that upon my months of obsessively using COD men in character ai—
Only Victor Zakhaev has eaten the pussy.
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Navigation || AU Masterlist || All images & fictional characters go to their respective owners. All bios barring Keegan and Hesh are taken directly from in-game. They are not mine.
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╰┈➤❝ [Captain in the 22nd SAS and commander of Task Force 141. Peerless combat tracker. Elite seek-and-strike expert. Specializing in unconventional warfare, Price is a target-focused war fighter who deploys a cut to the chase lethality.] ❞
— In-Game Biography
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╰┈➤❝ [An expert in clandestine tradecraft, sabotage and infiltration. He lives with a redacted past and an undercover present, marked by a concealed appearance to hide his identity and maintain anonymity in the field.] ❞
— In-Game Biography
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╰┈➤❝ [Sergeant in the SAS. Recruited by Captain Price to Task Force 141 after operations in Urzikstan and Borjomi. Expertise in prime target elimination, demolitions, weapons tactics, covert surveillance, and VIP protection.] ❞
— In-Game Biography
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╰┈➤❝ [The youngest recruit to pass SAS selection, Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish is known as a perpetual FNG, a label he wears as a badge of honor. A confident, instinctive CQB expert, Soap was handpicked by Price for TF-141.] ❞
— In-Game Biography
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ALEX KELLER MASTERLIST || (COD: MW 2019) || Total Works : 3
╰┈➤❝ [Former CIA SAD turned Warcom ground branch asset. Specialized training to infiltrate enemy lines and survive in inhospitable conditions. Charged with desertion after joining Farah to topple Barkov's regime in Urzikstan.] ❞
— In-Game Biography
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╰┈➤❝ [Former member of the USMC and one of the original fifteen to survive Operation Sand Viper in 2005. Currently a Scout Sniper for Task Force: STALKER, also known as Ghosts.] ❞
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╰┈➤❝ [Son of Elias 'Scarecrow' Walker and brother to Logan Walker. Joined the U.S. Special Forces after the ODIN strikes in 2017. Fought in the Federation War. Handler to his MWD, Riley.] ❞
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KÖNIG MASTERLIST || Total Works : 3
╰┈➤❝ [König suffered from severe social anxiety throughout his life, often being bullied during his childhood. At the age of 17, he volunteered for the military.] ❞
— In-Game Biography
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NIKTO MASTERLIST || Total Works : 3
╰┈➤❝ [Nikto is a former undercover agent of the FSB. At one point he was captured and tortured by Victor Zakhaev, leading to his face becoming disfigured. He constantly wears a mask to hide his injuries.] ❞
— In-Game Biography
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yawnderu · 5 months
Lamb of God — Nikto x Medic!Reader | Part I
Shot, stabbed, beaten... Mikhail has been through hell countless times, yet no amount of training or experience from years in Spetsnaz could ever prepare him for what Victor Zakhaev did to him. 8 missing nails, multiple new wounds on his already scarred body, and a face so disfigured he could no longer recognize himself— not only was his body broken, but so was his psyche.
His first visit was with the medics, wounds in desperate need of cleaning even with infection starting to set in most of them, the chemical burns on his face already blistering and itching despite being scolded by the medic multiple times for scratching himself. He was a difficult patient to say the least— not wanting anyone to touch his injuries or even look at him, only accepting treatment from the only person who dared confront him.
“'Stop that.” Your request comes in a sharp tone, not wanting him to itch his blistering injuries and make the scarring worse than what you knew it would be. A mumbled ''don't tell me what to do'' makes its way to your ears, though you decide to ignore it when he puts his hands way, adhesive bandages decorating his fingers where the nails had been ripped off.
“Sit up for me.” The man is an aggressive dog that defends himself with fangs bared, yet he somehow listens to your commands— even when he scoffs or grumbles before finally doing what you ask. Your gloved hand goes to his chin as you examine the red skin on his face, noting it was washed when he was first rescued, no residue of the acid left. He mumbles something and you raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to repeat himself.
“Is it gross?” His deep voice asks, accent even rougher with the raw emotion he's feeling. He knows for a fact it's gross, he saw it himself— he has blisters covering over half of his face, still remembering the acid dripping down his face from Zakhaev simply wanting to cause him pain.
“I've seen worse— at least you still have a face.” Being a medic for the military allowed you to see both human cruelty, and the extends injuries could go. You've seen multiple soldiers missing their face, skin pulled and bones poking out of their bodies— Mikhail's injuries aren't the worst you've seen, not even close.
“Your nose doesn't look too weird either, even when I was told it was broken. Your eyes still work, all your limbs are still attached... you'll recover from everything in no time.” You try to keep a positive attitude despite the way his baby blue eyes are staring holes into your head, pupils looking tiny despite the dim light in the room.
“I'm mostly worried about what's going on here.” You tap his head softly and he doesn't take long on pushing your hand away softly, a small smile making way to your lips when you notice how he avoids eye contact for a second before he's back to staring at you. You stare back for a while, trying to decipher what he's feeling before going to grab a cloth, filling a small bucket with cold water and making your way back to him.
“This might hurt a little bit, let me know if you want me to stop and we can take a break.” He looks down at the bucket of water and the cloth you're dipping in, squeezing the excess water as you wait for his approval. He gives you a nod in affirmation, flinching slightly as the cold cloth makes contact with his face. It doesn't hurt as much as he imagined— if anything, it feels almost soothing, the previous ache and itchiness disappearing even if only for a very short while.
“Заканчивай быстрее с этой хернëй.” He mutters under his breath despite how good it actually feels on his injuries, not wanting to get any pity from you.
“Be patient.” It almost feels like he's getting scolded by his nana, faint memories of the old woman cleaning his scrapped knees come to mind, holding onto them to try and stop the bad thoughts from flooding his damaged brain.
“Mikhail.” Your soft voice slowly brings him back to reality, feeling an odd sensation all over his face. His hand goes up to feel his cheeks, only now realizing that you already dressed his wounds. He looks utterly confused, not even remembering you getting gauze, everything happening too suddenly. Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't remember most of the heli flight back home, too busy thinking about... what was he even thinking about?
“Mikhail.” You repeat, one of your gloved hands going to his shoulder in attempts to make him look at you. He's still staring blankly at the floor, just as he has been doing for the past 20 minutes, not responding to his own name.
“Quiet, I hear enough voices.” He brushes you off, finally getting up from the medical bed and quickly leaving your office despite the small limp from the beatings he took for days.
He hears voices? His next stop will have to be with the provided psychiatrist once his body recovers a little bit to test if he's still fit to be part of Spetsnaz, leaving your heart filled with worry until you move onto the next patient, making a mental note to check on him later.
A/N: Mikhail is Nikto's name in this fic, the person he used to be before turning into Никто.
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soapybutt17 · 11 months
Day One
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Summary: Initial Scenes with Rookie and the rest of 141 during the earlier days of the new Taskforce. Character: John Price x F!Wife!Reader. Simon "Ghost" Riley. Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. John "Soap" MacTavish. Kate Laswell. Word Count: 3,115 Chapter Warnings: Mention of Blood and Injuries. Mentions of Nightmares. Canon Divergence AU.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
In the broad daylight, Captain John Price was tucked away in a nondescript corner of a small café, the smell of coffee and pastries enveloping him as he made his way inside. Kate Laswell already waiting for him. A cup of tea already in his hold for what was to come out of their conversation.
“Tea?” Kate inquired, surprised by his choice of beverage.
“Yeah, well I’m a long way from a proper pint.” He grunted, giving her a passive aggressing smile, he was genuinely craving one after the events with Barkov.
“Russia disowned Barkov.” Kate immediately spoke, going straight to the point of their meeting.
“Well they didn’t have much choice did they? He’s dead.” John quipped right back.
“You took a big bite out of that problem, John.”
“For now, but left unchecked.” He knew there were still loose ends that needed to be dealt with.
“They won’t be.” Kate assured him, pulling out a dossiers of several candidates, potential members for his new Taskforce. “General Shepherd pulled the files you asked for. What is this about?” Kate slid the it towards him, but her own curiosity for his plan was shown in broad daylight.
“A Taskforce.” He answered simply.
“We already have loose ends.” Kate shook her head, doubt more than evident in her features for his plan.
“And I will tie them.” He reassured right back.
“I can fund assets, not outlaws.”
It took him a moment, but if she was not able to meet his demands, there was no point in pushing further with the mission.
“Enjoy the tea then.” He slowly slid his cup away from him before Kate slid the dossier further towards him on the table.
“Zakhaev wants Barkov’s throne.”
“I almost buried him in Pripyat, with Macmillan.” He remembered the man dead, confirmed. There would have been no way in hell the man was still alive.
“That was the father. This is the son, ‘Victor’.”
“Lovely family.” He deadpanned.
“They’re big fans of Hadir’s.”
“Well, that would explain why he’s still alive.”
“They’re going to get him out.” It was the problem that needed a solution, but John knew that he couldn’t give them solution if they were not willing to compromise with his own needs.
“Then give me what I need.”
Kate finally relents, letting go of the dossier and allowing John to finally take a hold of. In one measure movement, he had pulled the array of folders inside, skimming through the number of folders looking for four that would be a part of his Taskforce.
“Who’s your crew?”
First on the list was Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, a younger member of the force with an impressive track record. John admired his loyalty and fierce determination he was a soldier, still a young blood, who would follow orders without question, a quality that was crucial for the success of the Taskforce. A man that Price knew would be crushed and broken if not trained by the rightful people.
“Sergeant Garrick,” John responds.
“They call him “Gaz”. He never said anything.” It was not his secret to share, but he knew the story behind.
He handed the folder to Kate, knowing she would do her own precautionary check on her own end to reassure herself and to reassure the General that his choices were the best that could be made as he created the team.
 The second candidate was Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish, a skilled operator with a reputation for getting things done. Price knew Soap well, having fought alongside him in some of the most dangerous missions. He saw potential in Soap to be the backbone of the team, a reliable and skilled asset.
“John MacTavish, SAS. Sniper-demolitions. Goes by ‘Soap’.” John handed the folder to Kate.
“That’s classified.” He was quick to respond, it was not his question to answer.
Skimming further to the pile the chuckle escaped from his lips as he saw the familiar name.
“There he is…”
The third was that of the masked Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley. John had known Ghost for years, and his mysterious nature and exceptional stealth abilities made him an invaluable asset in covert operations. Ghost's skills in reconnaissance and intelligence gathering were unparalleled.
“Simon Riley.”
He was amongst the only one out of the three that did not have a photo that came along with his file.
“There’s no picture.” Kate pointed out.
“Never.” John’s only response and it was the only answer he needed to give for the topic.
As he skimmed through the files, he couldn't help but think about his wife, Lieutenant Rookie. She was a highly capable officer, and unbeknownst to the rest of the team, she had already been part of some successful covert missions. Price knew that she was more than just a decorated Lieutenant. She possessed a profound understanding of strategy and possessed a level of intuition that couldn't be taught.
Price hesitated for a moment, his mind wrestling with conflicting thoughts. He wanted his wife closer to him, to protect her and have her by his side. It was a selfish desire, and he knew it, but he also recognized the immense value she would bring to the Taskforce.
“Lieutenant Y/N “Rookie” Y/L/N.” He showed your folder to Kate. In the years of knowing you, of being in a relationship, and eventually tying the knot, the both of you had decided it was best for both of your interest to keep your relationship a secret. But for this moment, for the loose ends that would possibly end in death for any of them, all he would want is to have you by his side should the time ever come to him, to you, or to the rest of the team.
“SAS. Sniper, the best marksman you can ever find and a trained medic.” He began, taking a little longer to look at your photo attached to the folder before finally handing it to Kate. “She’s not just here because of her abilities, she will be the heart of this Taskforce. Her insight, her instincts—they are invaluable. Trust me on this.”
With a nod of approval from Kate, John had sealed the team he has created to help him in ensure that all the loose ends that were in the present and those that would come in the future would be dealt with in the best way possible.
“Now the rest…” He trailed off, knowing that he had shown the best of the best that would be in his roster, but it was enough to give them the much needed confidence in his choice. “That’s need to know. Unless we got a deal.”
“What are you calling this Taskforce?”
And so, Taskforce 141 was born, a group of highly skilled and dedicated operatives handpicked by Captain Price, each bringing their unique talents to the table. Little did the world know that behind this elite team was also a personal motive, a desire to protect and be closer to the ones he cared about. It was a risky move, but Price knew that with these individuals, including his wife, they had the potential to change the tide of any battle they faced.
Sergeant Gaz Garrick's heart pounded in his chest as he approached the entrance of the new base, now a member of the highly acclaimed Taskforce. He couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety about being handpicked by the Captain himself to join this elite group of soldiers. However, the thought of standing alongside the prestigious individuals he had only heard legendary stories about filled him with hesitation and doubt. "Do I really belong here?" he wondered silently to himself.
Stepping inside the base, Gaz was immediately greeted by the brisk air-conditioned atmosphere, a stark contrast to the sweltering heat outside. The clacking of boots echoed through the corridors as soldiers went about their duties. With a slight gulp, Gaz navigated the unfamiliar layout until he found the office of one of his superiors. An infamous woman by the moniker Rookie.
As he approached the door, he took a deep breath, trying to quell the nervousness building up inside him. He knows gently and waited for the invitation to enter.
“Come in,” a warm and inviting voice called out from within the room.
Gaz entered the office to find Lieutenant Rookie, a seasoned officer with a kind face and a commanding but welcoming aura, sitting at your desk, engrossed in some paperwork. You looked up and smiled warmly when you saw Gaz standing there, a bundle of nerves and uncertainty.
“Sergeant Gaz, welcome to the team!” You greeted, rising from your seat and extending a hand in greeting.
Gaz shook your hand, feeling slightly relieved by your welcoming demeanor. “Thank you, Ma’am.” He replied with a hint of gratitude in his voice.
You studied him for a moment, as if trying to gauge his feelings. “I know it can be overwhelming to join a new team, especially one as new but slowly becoming prestigious as this,” you said, voice softening. “But rest assured, Sergeant, you’ve earned your place here. The Captain doesn’t choose just anyone. He saw something in you. We see something in you.”
Gaz managed a half-smile, appreciated your attempt to ease his doubts. “I’ll do my best, ma’am,” He replied earnestly.
“I have no doubt about that,” you beamed, her eyes glinting with confidence. “Now, let’s get you settled in. You’ll find your quarters just down the hall. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”
As they days went by, Lieutenant Rookie proved to be more than just a commanding officer to Gaz. You took time to get to know him, understanding that he was far from home and his family was hundreds of miles away. You easily became a motherly figure to him, offering advice and support when needed. Your guidance and caring nature had helped Gaz feel more at ease in his new surroundings, and he began to open up to you, sharing his worries and aspirations.
During training exercise and missions, Gaz found himself admiring and appreciating your leadership skills and expertise—it also didn’t hurt that you had become the ear that would always listen to his worries without thinking he was weak. Your experience was evident, and you never hesitate to impart your knowledge to him and to the rest of the team. Slowly, Gaz started to find his place among the other members, gaining their respect through his own hard work and dedication.
As time passed, Gaz's doubts began to fade away, replaced by a sense of belonging and pride in being part of the Taskforce. He realized that he had been chosen for a reason and that his skills were valuable to the team.
And it was all thanks to you.
The night was cold and dark at the military base where Simon Riley had been station. He had been asleep in his bed, but his rare peaceful slumber was soon interrupted by the harrowing and haunting memories that had plagued him for years. In his nightmare, he found himself back in the midst of a tragic event that had forever scarred him.
As the nightmare unfolded, Simon was back home, witnessing the devastating attack to get back at him that had taken the lives of his beloved family. He saw himself frantically trying to save them, but was overwhelmed by a sense of powerlessness. The confinements of a coffin was the next of his memories that was relived.
The guilt of feeling responsible for their deaths consumed him, the claustrophobia of being in such a confined space for days, and he thrashed wildly in his sleep.
His desperate cries and movement did not go unnoticed. In the adjacent room, Lieutenant Rookie, a growing mother-figure to Simon, heard the commotion and rushed to his side. You had always been there for him, providing support and guidance, and this time was no different—you had always been his exception for moments like this.
You sat down besides Simon’s thrashing form and gently shook him, calling out his name, “Simon! Wake up, it’s just a dream, you’re safe.” It was your comforting words that slowly eased him away from the nightmare.
Simon’s eyes flew open, his breath heavy and labored as he looked around, trying to comprehend where he was. Slowly, the images from his nightmare began to fade, but the pain his heart remained, more painful than ever.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close in a comforting embrace—one of the few people he would even allow to touch him. You whispered soothingly in his ears, rubbing his shaking back in the process.
“It’s okay, I’m here. You’re not alone, Simon. You’re with me, you’re with us.”
Unable to hold back the overwhelming emotions any longer, Simon broke down in tears. The weight of the past, the loss of his mother, brother, nephew, and sister-in-law, and the burden of feeling responsible for their deaths came crashing down on him.
You held him tightly, allowing him to grieve as he needed to. His sobs echoed through the empty military base, a poignant reminder of the pain he had carried silently for so long, all on his own.
“Let it out, Simon.” It’s alright to feel the pain.” You said, your voice gentle and caring. “You don’t have to carry this weight alone. We’re here for you. You’re not alone anymore.”
As Simon clung to you, he felt a sense of relief in the moment of despair. A sense of relief he hadn’t experience in years. The walls he had built around his heart began to crumble, and he allowed himself to lean onto you for strength and the love he never thought he would ever deserve again, just as he had lost all those years ago when his mother passed away.
In that quiet moment, Simon Riley found solace in your arms, the mother-figure he had lost but had now regained in the most unexpected of places. As the night turned into a new day, Simon knew he had finally found a way to heal from the wounds of the past.
And it was all thanks to you.
As the sun set over the war-torn landscape of Los Vaqueros' Base of Operation, Sergeant Soap MacTavish and Lieutenant Rookie found themselves fleeing for their lives from the treacherous clutches of Shadow Company. The once trusted Private Military group had turned on them, leaving Soap with a painful wound on his shoulder and a relentless determination to survive.
Gritting his teeth against the pain, Soap leaned on you for support as you made your way through the abandoned streets. The buildings around them were mere husks, remnants of a once-thriving town now reduced to a battleground. Gunfire echoed in the distance, a chilling reminder that danger was never far away.
“Keep moving, Soap. We’re gonna get out of here alive, you here me.” You urged, your voice filled with both fear and determination. You held your weapon close, scanning the shadows for any sign of your pursuers.
Ghost's voice crackled over their comms, trying to keep the mood light in the face of danger. "Hey, Soap, how do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it!" he joked, but his concern for his comrades was evident.
Soap managed a faint smile, grateful for the distraction. "Thanks, Ghost. I owe you one for that."
You shot a quick glance at Soap, admiration and concern in your eyes. You had always trusted and believed in him even when everyone doubted the man and his antics.
As you neared the edge of the town, the sound of gunfire grew louder, and the stench of burning buildings and bloodshed filled the air. Las Almas, once a bustling community, now lay in ruins, a ghost town in more ways than one.
Finally, you spotted the church steeple in the distance, its silhouette a beacon of lost hope. Ghost’s car was parked nearby, ready to whisk them both away to safety. But getting there would be no easy task with the Shadows still looking for you both.
“Soap, take point. We need to make sure the area is clear before we make a run for it.” You instructed, voice steady despite the pain of the bullet that had now also grazed your arm while on the run.
Soap nodded, his resolve was firm as he led the way, carefully navigating through the debris-strewn streets. The sound of bullets whizzing in the background only fueled your determination. Both of you relying on each other’s skills and instincts to stay one step ahead.
Finally, you reached the church, your escape vehicle in sight. Ghost was behind the wheel, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. "Hurry up, lovebirds! We've got a date with safety, and it's getting late!" he quipped, though the tension in his voice betrayed his worry.
You helped Soap into the backseat, taking a moment to catch her breath before climbing in beside him. Ghost revved the engine, and the car sped away from the desolate town, leaving the chaos of Las Almas behind.
As they drove towards the safe house, the adrenaline began to subside, and exhaustion set in. Soap leaned back, his injured shoulder throbbing, but relief washed over him knowing they had escaped the clutches of Shadow Company.
Soap, for the first time in a long while sighed in relief, his head somehow falling onto your shoulders, getting a momentary sense of peace even with the battle that would still come your way after this. It would be a long night, but they will get their retribution and they will make sure Alejandro’s base would be return back or they would all die trying.
“As much as I love Soap, he’s too young for me.” You had pointed out in the silence of the car ride, it had taken notice by both men.
“Aren’t we the same age?” Soap inquired, not really knowing much about you besides your accomplishment in the field.
“Barely.” You snort patting him on the head. “I’m about a half a decade older than you, you’re not my type, and I’m actually taken.”
Soap couldn’t help but blink at the tidbit of news about you.
“Who’s the fuckin’ bastard we need to beat up then?” Soap inquired.
“No one you need to know about,” You smirked pulling his head right back to your shoulder. “Now get some sleep, it’s gonna be a while before you get one once we start the plan of attack on Graves and his Shadows.”
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faith-skull · 5 months
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🦋About my blog🦋
I go by she/her and you can call me Kaizeril or Kai
I write for different cod characters I do not write NSFW content I only write SFW content
‼️ please DO NOT be weird or request weird stuff‼️
Characters I may write for (you can request whatever cod characters you want!!):
Jason Hudson
Russell Adler
Maxim Antonov
Ingo Beck
William Peck
Lev Kravchenko
Vladimir Makarov
Grigori Weaver
David Mason
John Price
Gabriel T. Rorke
Dimitri belikov
Vadim Rudnik
Mendo Garcia
Victor Zakhaev
Philip graves
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(I'm sorry if this intro thing sucks I'm new to writing..)
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flansuki3 · 10 months
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Doodles para desacostumbrar mi vista de la comi que estoy haciendo
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Mind Over Badger
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This is the beginning of what will hopefully be a series. I have tried my best to plan this out so it doesn't seem like it's wandering. It's very likely that if youre reading this that I have several if not all chapters written. That being said I would love input and will potentially change the trajectory of this fic. This is very much going to be about family and while I'm not the biggest romance writer ideally I'd like to write in soap ghost badger? 
I will try my very best to keep the description of badger racially ambiguous, especially since I ended up writing in he/ him pronouns. I feel like we dont get alot of male reader fiction and I would like to add to that. 
And finally I would like to preface that I do intend on just following Badger hopefully in a third person perspective but I suppose we'll see how that goes as I write. 
Thank you so much and please enjoy this prologue. And if anyone had better title ideas let me know! <3
First Next Masterlist AO3
Kate Laswell and Captain John Price sat in a quiet corner of a café, other customers paid them no mind as they softly bickered.
Laswell leaned forwards trying to emphasize her point in an attempt to keep Price from walking away. “Zakhaev wants Barkov’s throne” It caught his attention, turning back into settling in his seat and set his hands in front of him.
“I almost buried him in Pripyat… with MacMillan”
Laswell shook her head, a small frown steeling her face. “That was the Father. This is the son, ‘Victor’.”
“Lovely Family.”
“They Are big fans of Hadir’s.”
“Well that would explain why he’s still alive.”
“They're going to get him out.”
Price leaned forwards face almost giddy as he knows this is his in
  “Then give me what I need…”
Laswell stared and his face completely unreadable although bordering on exasperation as she dropped her hands down to the table with forgotten drinks and onto the file folder that contained the personnel files that Price had requested from General Shepherd. She shoved the file across the table and leaned back into her chair as she watched him almost smugly remove the files and smile. 
She let out a sigh and leaned back towards him as he started looking through the collection. 
“Who's your crew?”
Price grabbed the bottom file, lifting it up to inspect for a second before placing it down on the table for Laswell to see. A picture of a young man in basic fatigues and with close cropped hair, he had a slight smile just ghosting his face. 
“Sergeant Garrick.”
“They call him “Gaz”. He never said anything”
He pulled another. The picture on the file was of a stockier man, with broad shoulders also dressed in fatigues. His hair was cut into a mohawk which just barely had to be within regs. A scar broke though just under his lip but didn't interfere with his closed lip smile. 
“Sergeant John MacTavish, SAS. Sniper- Demolitions. Goes by “Soap”
“That's classified” he smirked 
Price chuckled and pulled another file to the top, an unfamiliar name to Laswell was read over. It was of a man bigger than the last, again in the same fatigues this one notably crisper around the collar, there was no smile on his face. His nose was crooked slightly and a scar ran over the bridge. His hair was pulled back and braided tightly and intricately into what likely led to a bun, he had a beard that was neatly trimmed into regulation length. He looked like a stern man. 
“He goes by “Badger”, His sister “Otter” dubbed him couldn't figure out why, close combat specialist”
The last file Price tossed down onto the table, it was missing a picture.
“There he is…Simon Riley”
“There’s no picture” 
Price picked up the files again tucking them away. He leaned over with a cheeky smile egging Laswell into getting her approval. 
“Now the rest. That's need to know.m Unless we got a deal”\
She shook her head before letting up 
“What are you calling this task force?”
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First Next Masterlist AO3
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krabzyr · 9 months
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Nauurr Weaver, I'm just about excited to see him. 😔
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And of course, Victor Zakhaev still alive.
Anyway, at least Black Ops and Modern Warfare are in the same timeline. 😌
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pressvtomakarov · 3 months
Am I Pretty?
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley/John "Soap" MacTavish Rating: T Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Some Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, Major Character Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, First Kiss, Missions Gone Wrong Summary:
They should have been faster to regroup with Soap.
Not even Ghost, who had moved ahead after a few minutes, had been there on time.
The mission had gone well so far.
They had taken out the head of the operation, Victor Zakhaev, and stopped his attempt of launching a nuke.
Their group had allowed themselves a moment of calm, a moment to feel the satisfaction of such victories burn through their veins, before reality called them back. Reality in the form of Soap requesting back up.
Soap had been the only member of the recently founded 141 to not participate in this part of the mission. Price had thought it better that he led the marines lent to them by General Shepard against the ground force of the Ultranationalists led by Zakhaev.
It was a good plan on Price's part, Ghost would have done the same in his shoes. While they hadn't spent much time on the field together since they became part of the 141, Ghost knew Soap was capable of handling such a situation. Soap had proven as much when they went after Makarov back when they were S.A.S. under Major MacMillan. No matter how many times Ghost had called out that he would handle a target, Soap killed them before Ghost had the chance to properly aim his sniper.
Ghost had never felt that useless on the field before.
But none of that changed the fact that they should have been faster to regroup with Soap. Either to kill the remaining Ultranationalists in the area, or to get them safely to exfil.
continue reading on ao3
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pricescigar · 2 years
Jealousy – Johnvira
Summary: Price had never been a jealous man, but after mishap that happened in the pub. His true jealousy shows.
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Today was the day that Elvira had been discharged from the Military hospital after recovering from her mission, and shortly after the death of Victor and Imran Zakhaev along with her kidnapping. Overall a lot had happened in such a short time… Everyone was worried about her, she got put into cardiac arrest but thanks to Ghost he got her heart working again. Elvira definitely scared the team then— But once again, her stubbornness took over as always keeping her alive.
She had to spend extra work there in order to recover, and a bit of rehabilitation due to her dislocating her knee. Price had been with her every step of the way, visiting her everyday during the visiting hours. Cheering her up, and over all chatting with her. He had fallen hard for her, well he always had a crush on Elvira. Always. He offered to take her out for a few drinks at the pub after dinner, and Elvira gladly accepted.
The Task Force team went out for Chinese, but the others were clearly aware of how close Price and Elvira were. Which is why they want off leaving the two lovebirds alone, it was clear both of them were completely obvious about their feelings. But at the same time almost obvious of one's feelings saying the usual:
"We just care about each other very much!"
During dinner Elvira and Price confessed their feelings for one another, during a smoke break of course. Happy ad they can be, that's where Price made the ultimatum offering to take her out for a couple of drinks.
"Have you been to this pub before?" Elvira asked in curiosity, wrapping her arm around Price's as they walked together.
"Not really, I checked on the map on my phone that this was the closest one. Looks alright though, a couple of drinks won't hurt eh?" Price looked down to her and smiled softly.
"Ja exactly! I can't wait to try it out. " Elvira replied, smiling softly as they approached the Pub and Price, being the gentleman that he was, opened the door for her. She thanked him and walked in, Price closed the door behind him since it was a little chilly outside.
"Seems alright, it'll do for now. Right, drinks, I can buy some. What do you like?" Price asked her, they found two empty seats for the both of them.
"Oh I can buy us first rounds, bitte? It's the least I can do, and It would be rude of me not to buy you a drink." Elvira took up the offer.
"Well, if you'll let me buy the other round of drinks, I won't object to the offer." Price smiled softly, he sat himself down watching Elvira go over to the bar.
Elvira went over to the bar and ordered two drinks, she waited patiently and held onto her credit card so she could pay. The barman was a little busy, so she didn't mind waiting. It didn't bother her. There were two men who were sitting on the stools chatting amongst themselves, before one of them saw Elvira.
"You alright love? Why don't you let me buy you a drink? A pretty woman like you deserves one." The man took up the offer as he winked at her.
Elvira was in her own world before hearing the man, she turned to see the two men. She shook her head at them. "Nein, I'm with my boyfriend." She simply said, looking away.
"What boyfriend? I don't see anyone with you, make an effort will ya? You're all alone." The man kept pushing his limits, yet he didn't know that Price was watching her the whole time just in case, if anything would've happened to her.
"Leave me alone, I already said I had a boyfriend. Why is it not a good enough answer for you?" Elvira glared at the man.
It was clear the man didn't like that, he grabbed her wrist. "You little bitch, accept my offer." He held it tightly.
Price immediately intervened, going over towards the man taking his hand off of Elvira roughly. Holding it tightly himself. "Get your hands off of my girlfriend you bastard, otherwise I'll knock ya out."
The man became terrified, he quickly got up and immediately went out of the pub in fear. His friend quickly followed in the process, now both of the men were gone.
"Elvira… Are you alright my love?" Price became worried, gently holding onto her hand and rubbing gently where her wrist got held tightly.
"I'm alright… I was scared he was going to do something, he caught me off guard…" Elvira spoke softly, going into his arms. Price hugged her tightly in return, kissing her head softly.
"Here are your drinks." The Bartender placed the drinks down, Elvira took the chance to pay quickly.
"You know those men who were here, they harassed my girlfriend. Is there a way to report them?" Price questioned the bartender.
"Oh those were our regulars, yeah I remember their faces. We'll ban em' do you want the police involved too?" The Bartender questioned.
"Anythin' to get those bastards away, thanks." Price nodded and went back to their designated seats with Elvira.
Elvira sighed in relief, she felt much more safe now that Price was by her side. Price had his arm wrapped around Elvira, he became extra protective of her. Keeping a close eye.
"Those bastards are bold, how dare they. I won't let anyone do that to you again." Price promised Elvira, kissing her cheek softly.
"Danke darling, it means a lot…" Elvira kissed his cheek back, wrapping her arm around him too. She then chuckled a little before saying. "I love seeing you jealous." She teased.
"Oh do you now?" Price looked at her before chuckling softly, placing his hand upon her cheek as he stared down at her, whispering. "I can show you how jealous I can truly be…" He kissed her neck softly. "But that's for later…"
Elvira blushed softly as she giggled a little. "Oh I can't wait…" She whispered softly, placing her hand on his chest and kissed him.
They shared a few drinks together, of course they were stalled a little since they had to tell the Police what had happened. After the helpful Bartender gave them the facial description of the men, and what happened the problem would be dealt accordingly.
"How were your drinks lovebirds?" Ghost saw Price and Elvira returning back to the group as they took their seats.
"It was good… Until I got harassed by two men in the Pub, but Price stopped them. And we had to file a report." Elvira explained about the situation. "He got jealous too while we was having a drink together." She laughed.
The men laughed at that, however Price got embarrassed a little at it. "Just protecting her, that's all." He said, placing a hand on Elvira's back gently.
"We know, you love her a lot." Soap chuckled softly as he took a sip of his beer. "Surprised ya didn't knock the bastards out."
"Believe me I was about too, but I scared them off. Good riddance, and I hope the police find them." Price said.
"Despite the mishap, the night is still young… Let's enjoy ourselves!" Gaz said, everyone agreed and everyone got another round of drinks. And Price the whole time kept Elvira close to him.
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yawnderu · 4 months
hi I noticed your Nikto post. I don't know much about the character. Does he have DID? Or just the usual "voices" inside his head with no true/vague mental illness attached to him?
While Nikto is canonically diagnosed with acute dissociative disorder after the torture he suffered under the hands of Victor Zakhaev, his voice lines fully embrace the fact that he hears plenty of voices in his head.
Sadly, as Nikto is not part of the campaigns, we know little to nothing about him besides a short in-game bio and his voice lines. Thanks to the latter, we're able to know that he hears at the very least 2 different voices in his head, and they seem to sort of ''take over'' whenever he speaks, as his own voice changes depending on who is talking.
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