failingcollege · 4 months
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Remember that you have the power to label the mute button on gas pumps.
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ask-ranma-and-ryoga · 9 months
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🎊 Happy New Year! 🎊
Here’s to another year of ARAR!
It’s a new year, with new arcs coming at ya real soon! (promise)
Send in some shiny new 2024 asks to the boys so we can continue to watch them rub their two collective brain cells together.
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
I wanna do an evil artstyle challenge too, it sounds fun... Please reply to this or send me anon asks of stylistic choices that you think I should adopt for one drawing to create the ultimate art style opposite to mine (eg, lineart width, what kind of coloring style, angular, sketchy...)
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image unrelated. Probably won't actually draw Pearl uhh we'll figure that out when the time comes. Wont be drawing it yet for a few days at least!
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my-shields-are-down · 16 days
honest question— why do you constantly feel the need to be so negative?
not only are your statements factually incorrect
a) alexi hawley stated in interviews that chenford would never get together when they were still rookie and to. which is true. and there’s documented proof that this is in fact what he actually said
b) alexi has been the head writer on most of chenford’s most poignant episodes. he doesn’t hate the ship. he was instrumental in creating it
but they’re also just completely unnecessary. there is absolutely no reason to rain on a new viewer’s enjoyment. you are entitled to your feelings, but spreading this bitterness and negativity has gotten so old
OOOOOH! Anonymous hate! How cool is this?! Now I know I’ve really made it! (I’m being sarcastic)
I’ve been a member of Tumblr since the love fern started growing in the Arrowcave during S1 of ARROW .
I write fan fiction, express my opinion on COVID, masks, Kanthony, the raging tangerine, theoretical mathematics, physics, weather patterns, storms, babies, my knowledge of the business side of show business, and Chenford among other topics. This is my blog and I’ll rage if I want to. I’ll go back to cheering and being happy and giddy, when I see something onscreen that elicits those emotions.
All I’ll say about Chenford is this: Chenford is FAN created. Alexi may write the episodes, but the fans, the writers and the actors had to bully him into doing so. Their romance was NOT his idea.
I share my opinion because I can. Last I checked, Tumblr isn’t an “only happy, delulu, rah rah opinions welcome here.” I’ll be negative if I’m feeling negative,
I HATED the majority of S6. The break up, the stupid ass “small doses” revert back to S1 story line, the undercurrents of chaos, the darkness, Lucy’s heartbreak., Tim’s plummet into despair and self-sabotage, etc. All of which as you pointed out were written by Alexi. Fucking HATE that guy. I don’t want to watch a slow burn AGAIN. Been there done that.
If you don’t like what I have to say, then block me - and you’ll never have to experience my negativity again.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy. 🍋
I hope S7 is everything you want it to be.
Good luck to you.
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justinhubbell · 3 months
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WHO has the power?
(You do!)
Thanks for reading! Here are my links!
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sher-ee · 4 months
As always Eric Swalwell comes with receipts.
“You might be in a cult.”
Both sides are definitely not the same.
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animalsoutloud · 23 days
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Be the change.
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hasellia · 4 months
I'd like to add, you don't have to be a "good artist" to draw someone pregnant. You still have the power and curiosity to draw them pregnant, no matter your skill level.
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gottauseanomdeplume · 2 months
a revelation
anyone ever realize you can just like.. take a snail
no one can stop you
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angelshroud · 2 months
Así es... 
Como dice, ustedes van a decidir que historia quieren leer.
La dinamica es facil, solo necesitan votar.
Obviamente pondré el titulo  (el que tengo de manera provisional) y una breve sipnosis  de lo que se tratará, más las tematicas que se van a abordar.
Ok... Están listos? ;D
Time to decide!!!!
That's right...
As the title says, you are going to decide what story you want to read.
The dynamic is easy, you just need to leave a comment with the title of the story you want to read next.
Obviously I'm going to put the title (the one I have temporarily) and a brief summary of what it will be about plus the topics they are going to address.
Ok.... Are you ready? ;D
*Aiden: Una precuela del AU "Deep Sleep", cuenta la vida de Aiden Henson, desde el momento en el que llega a playcare hasta  su transformación en Dogday, profundizando en su vida y contando lo que no se vió (Tragedia/ drama/ romance/ temas delicados)
Aiden: A prequel to the AU "Deep Sleep", it tells the life of Aiden Henson, from the moment he arrives at Playcare until his transformation into Dogday, going deeper and telling what was not seen in the main story. (Tragedy/ drama/ romance/ delicate topics)
*What if...: Todos creemos que Catnap le arrancó las piernas a Dogday  y lo usó de ejemplo para ser un recordatorio de lo que le pasaría a los herejes... Pero... Y si eso solo es una mentira? Y si fué el prototipo quien le arrancó las piernas y Catnap en su intento de protegerlo usó la idea de ser el ejemplo de quien se atrevan a desobedecer?.... ¿Que pasó en esos 10 años?....  (Tragedia/ drama/ romance/ temas delicados/ religión)
What if...: We all believe that Catnap ripped off Dogday's legs and used him as an example to be a reminder of what would happen to heretics... But... What if that's just a lie? And if it was the prototype who tore off his legs and Catnap in his attempt to protect him used the idea of ​​being the example of those who dare to disobey?.... What happened in those 10 years?.... (Tragedy/ drama/ romance/ sensitive topics/ religion)
*Luna en el corazón:  Catnap, un gato quien vive en la luna, cae a la tierra por razones desconocidas quedando herido, Dogday,  descubre al intruso y decide cuidarlo hasta que este se recupere; mientras tanto, el perro le enseñará muchas cosas al gato, como las costumbres, los festivales y más cosas de la tierra. Y claro.... También el amor. (Romance/ comedia/ Universo alterno)
Moon's heart: Catnap, a cat who lives on the moon, falls to earth for unknown reasons and is injured. Dogday discovers the intruder and decides to take care of him until he recovers; Meanwhile, the dog will teach the cat many things, such as customs, festivals and more about the land. And of course.... love. (Romance/comedy/alternate universe)
¡Que se diviertan!! :D
Have fun!!!! :D
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viktheviking1 · 3 months
If anyone wants to add some of their favorite reputable charities, or some other businesses to boycott and why, that would be wonderful!
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hisfuture · 3 months
writers or authors please wake up
when will you guys realize that you could make books about you and your favorite character in it like man you could say that you and mickey mouse kissed or you and Shrek had this whole streamer x ice skater figure (shoutout to @causenessus i love the smau) literally you could write about anything when will you realize that 😕💔 (love your works i just need an excuse to be seen by yall) (yall books keep me living)
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felixcosm · 1 year
Michael should just seduce all the Tys with his cowboy charms. What are they going to do, resist him? Like that worked well with the last fifty Tys that fell in love and went rogue for the sad cowboy.
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thegreatyin · 1 year
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breaking news: world's most awful all-powerful twink ever gets his nose broken for the first time in centuries by a cute boy that ruined his fossil collection and he's not even a little bit over it
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princessoftheroad · 1 year
When you feel like no one understands you, but at the same time you understand so many people to the core of their soul - and your values clash with just about everything else on earth - the outlook can appear pretty grim.
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justinhubbell · 2 years
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