#Zombie whump
abhainnwhump · 4 months
Caretaker is searching for supplies during an apocalypse when they find a Whumpee. They have the infection that took over the country, but for some reason, they're not hostile. They're just scared of everything, including their own body.
Whumpee being the survivor, but coming across a mindless, bloodthirsty, zombified Caretaker or Whumper. They don't recognize them, but they smell good, so they attack. Whumpee is forced to run or stab them.
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
June of Doom day 7
 “I can’t stand seeing you like this” ( disoriented/bite/chainsaw)
Content warning: Whumpee death, gun violence, mercy killing, zombie apocalypse
Caretaker had a single bullet in their gun.
They’d been avoiding the inevitable for days. They’d been pretending everything was fine, that Whumpee was fine, and it was the sort of illness one could just shake off. They’d known it was foolish, dangerous even, to continue to tend to someone who’d been bitten. Whumpee themselves had said as much, but Caretaker couldn’t accept it. They continued to deny it, even as Whumpee grew weaker, even as they stopped responding to Caretaker’s questions.
Nobody survived a bite. They turned or they were killed, and that was it. Caretaker had wanted to deny that so badly, but they no longer had that luxury.
They opened the shed, returning to the dusty room Whumpee had called home for the last two days.  It was just as dark and unpleasant as ever, but Whumpee was here, and Caretaker wouldn't leave them to suffer alone.
Whumpee didn't respond to the door creaking open. They sat slumped against the wall, the cuff holding their arm seemingly the only thing keeping them aloft. Their sleeve was pulled down, revealing the bloodied bandages wrapped sloppily over their wound. It hurt to see them like that. Caretaker wanted nothing more than to remove that damned cuff, to rewrap Whumpee’s bandages and tuck them in bed to rest, but Whumpee refused to be touched. Even now, they didn’t want anyone else to be hurt.
Caretaker lingered at the entrance, silent. They weren’t afraid of Whumpee, they’d never be afraid of Whumpee. But stepping inside would cast away the last lingering hope, because they knew what they’d see. 
It took a long moment for Whumpee to notice their presence. When they did, they groaned, weak and pitiful, and strained to lift their head. They dragged themselves forward on uncoordinated limbs, arm reaching towards Caretaker. Only the cuff, which Whumpee themselves had attached to both their wrist and a nearby shelf, held them back.
There was nothing in their eyes. None of the passion, stubbornness, and kindness Whumpee was known for. Their eyes were dull and dead, without even a spark of awareness or recognition. Whumpee was dead, and Caretaker could no longer deny it.
Caretaker passed into the shed.
“I’m sorry it took so long for me to come here,” Their voice was a whisper, and yet it echoed loudly in the shed. The silence that followed felt like a condemnation and Caretaker felt compelled to fill it. “I just…I didn’t want to do this. I can’t stand seeing you like this.”
Whumpee only groaned in response. They attempted to stumble to their feet, but the nest of blankets at their legs left them too tangled to do so. Caretaker stared at them. Their clothing was the same, their face was the same, but it wasn’t Whumpee. What was left of Whumpee mindlessly pulled against the cuff, reaching out without any expression. 
Caretaker’s grip tightened around the gun. They lifted it, aiming it shakingly at Whumpee’s body.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you. I’m sorry–” Their breath hitched, vision becoming obscured with tears. They didn’t bother wiping them away. “--sorry I couldn’t be here for you in the end. I was scared and I–I couldn’t watch you die!” They couldn’t justify their cowardness, even to themselves. They’d wanted to save Whumpee so badly. They’d done everything they could think of, scavenged for every medicine they could. They knew they had limited time, they knew that they were wasting the last hours they had with Whumpee on a fruitless mission, but they simply were unable to stop themselves. They simply couldn’t accept the truth, and now it was too late to say goodbye.
They put their hand to the trigger, aiming it at Whumpee’s dead. They’d left Whumpee to die, alone and afraid while they continued to deny the truth. They’d failed Whumpee and left them to die alone. And they’d never be able to make up for it.
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry…” It was a long time before Caretaker’s tears stilled. It was even longer before they could bring themselves to pull the trigger. 
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I need more zombie whump in my life. Undead whumpee. Just some rotting corpse being sad about being a rotting corpse.
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iamhumannotamonster2 · 8 months
Always loving the thought of ghosts/zombies/any undead absolutely terrified of anything that reminds them of their dead.
Bonus points if the phobia is of something common or not scary at all.
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waywardwhump · 2 years
Tw: Gore, heavy injury, possibility of death(but no actual on-screen death unless you count the zombie), and typical imagery of what you'd imagine happening in a zombie movie
One of the things you have to understand about Lydia is that she is a coward. She is not brave, she is not strong. For all the awful horrible pain she causes, she's not even that sadistic.
She's a stubborn prideful and vindictive woman who will go to great lengths to have things her way, and then when it comes back at her she can't deal with the consequences.
She'll escalate to torture to get what she wants(submission), but she doesn't entirely have the stomach for it. Makes her uncomfortable, you see. Gets under her skin. Oh, she'll do it, but she doesn't cause pain for the sake of it, she has a goal in mind.
Danielle is angry, defiant, stubborn herself. The kind of person who when pushed, pushes back harder. Refuses to back down, and would rather suffer physical agony than the embarrassment of giving up.
This tends to get her in over her head, too.
They hate each other. They get caught in loops where neither will back down. Their entire dynamic is that of an unstoppable force against an immovable object and neither one is ever happy about it.
(Which is entirely Lydia's fault for being an awful person and wanting to beat people down, don't get me wrong.)
But breaking that dynamic is fun, too.
I like to imagine an AU where Danielle, Rachel and Lydia wind up traveling together, and all the drama that would wind up causing.
Especially when Danielle and Lydia wind up seperated.
Two terrified, stressed to hell twenty-something women stuck wandering an abandoned building, spitting insults at each other while they try to hold onto the knowledge that the much older, more experienced doctor who's unintentionally adopted them will eventually come... but they have to stay alive long enough for her to find them.
Of course, there are zombies everywhere, and as time goes on it's clear that Lydia is much less able to deal with them than Danielle is. Danielle, for her part, is growing more protective, because fuck it, Lydia is the absolute worst but she doesn't deserve to be eaten alive.
(They both know that Lydia would not do the same for Danielle if their rolls were reversed. This fact hangs between them, like a weight in the air, unspoken but blaring.)
Then the worst happens. The predictable thing happens.
Lydia doesn't react fast enough to an attacking zombie. Danielle leaps to her defense, and before either of them can process what's happening, the zombie's teeth sink deep into Danielle's arm. The zombie is quickly killed, but the wound remains.
And Lydia.
Looses her shit.
Danielle has already been facing her own morality these past few years, but an infected zombie bite will take her out in days, and the body left behind will be a danger. She's instinctively covering the wound to stop the bleeding, thoughts caught between panicked denial and struggling to figure out how to help Rachel through this, and god, will they even have the chance to find Rachel before she dies?
She can't, she can't let that happen, she needs to see Rachel again, needs to stay alive long enough for that to happen, oh god oh fuck-
Lydia is over here like. Oh shit. If Danielle dies, she'll be alone. Rachel isn't going to stick around to help her. She barely tolerates having her in the group, and even that is on Danielle's insistence. She can't be alone. She can't be. She'll die out there. She can't be alone.
She's staring at the bite that Danielle is trying to nurse, thoughts racing as to how to stop this, can they stop this, this can't be happening, she can't let this happen-
And, in desperation, she grabs at the one possibility that might keep Danielle around.
The bite from the zombie is what kills you.
She has to cut part of Danielle's arm off.
Not the whole thing, just the place where the bite is. It has to come off. If the bite is gone maybe Danielle will live.
And right now, Danielle is too distracted by her injury to even notice what Lydia is doing. If she'd been more aware, she would have absolutely stopped her.
As it was-
Lydia gets her uninjured arm first. Hits it with something heavy she found close by, uses the additional pain to get Danielle tied down before she can recover. First one limb, then the other. It's clumsy work, she only just barely manages, and even then Danielle is more than capable of thrashing around.
Grabs a knife, and her stomach is twisting. That's Danielle's arm. That's a chunk of her arm that she's going to cut off.
Danielle goes from angry and demanding answers to horror as she realizes.
And here, here is where the dynamic breaks, friends.
Danielle can't hide behind defiance if Lydia's intention is to help.
Lydia isn't blinded by her want of control.
For the first time in their lives, Danielle begs. Pleading, telling her that this isn't going to help, this is just going to hurt. Whatever is in the zombie's mouth is in her bloodstream, mutilating her to get the wound off isn't going to do anything.
Lydia can't handle the thought that Danielle might be right. This has to happen. Lydia, breaking down, clearly overwhelmed with panic, repeatedly tells Danielle that she can't be alone, she can't do this by herself.
And, for the first time in their lives, Lydia apologizes for what she is doing.
(It does work, for the record. It does keep Danielle from being a zombie. Yes it's unrealistic but I prefer the thought of her living after this. The slow healing process and how this incident affects their group. Everyone having to deal with what Lydia did, and the fact that she ultimately did make the correct choice in terms of what would keep Danielle alive.)
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[ Zombie Picrew ]
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I probably shouldn't be creating even more picrews, but this picrew was absolutely perfect for creating a zombie. I decided to named him WZ-X0103 (because in his universe, zombies are sold off without being given any rights, including names) and I was thinking that his Whumper or Whumpers would nickname him "Trash" and treat him like a punching bag.
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whumpfessional · 2 years
Whumptober - No. 1 - Unconventional Restraints
Just gonna toss you in the middle of a story here with the lovely Thalia. I think you’ll learn more about her this month
CW: whatever the term is for being treated not like a human (because she is a zombie shh)
Thalia woke up in a white room from the sharp pain emanating from her neck. “I-ris….” she croaked, blinking as her surroundings came into focus. She shifted slowly and choked, discovering the reason behind the pain; a sturdy bike lock held her head in place at an awkward angle, attached to a manacle on the wall. She lifted her hands to claw at it, only to find them tied together with a material that looked weak but lit up and stayed firmly when she tried to pull them apart . “Fuck….” Too weak to attempt further, she scanned the room. 
A door without windows stood on the left, and a large mirror took up the majority of the wall opposite her. There was no sign of Iris.
That’s when she distantly heard a man’s voice coming from beyond the room. “This one seems to have created an undead servant in lieu of your typical familiar, for the purposes of-“
“Oh, gee!” Thalia spat hoarsely, gritting her teeth. “I wonder if that there’s some kind of two way mirror!”
The voices paused for a moment before Thalia was able to pick up the sound of muttering. “As you can see, the subject expresses high levels of intelligence and potentially even an independent will. This is much different than other subjects we have studied. Now, onto the creator,” The sounds of footsteps and shuffling away leaked through the mirror. 
Thalia thrashed weakly against her bonds, choking slightly in her panicked state before clenching her jaw and forcing herself to stay still. “Where is she?” She yelled to the retreating voices, “Fucking come back here and talk to me, -IRIS! CAN YOU HEAR ME!” 
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the-three-whumpeteers · 4 months
The whumpee had been trapped for so long, with aggression and defiance being their only method of keeping themselves safe, the fact that they started acting the same way towards their rescuers wasn’t a surprise really. The whumpee didn’t want to be near anyone, and would often try to attack or at least insult whoever came close to them.
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jazztag · 5 months
Prompt #47
Medic is one of the last human survivors in a world destroyed by a virus, which turns everyone infected into zombies. For some reason, Medic is immune to said virus, and now has taken it upon himself to find a cure.
One day, Medic is searching for a new lab specimen to test new vaccines on and finds Whumpee, who looks to be infected like everyone else and is wandering around the lab premises lumping one leg. Medic approaches, net in hand and expecting for the zombie to attack right away.
But Whumpee freezes on the spot, and begins to back away mumbling "no... no m-more hurting....". Even tho Whumpee's skin is surely decaying, and his veins have turned purple under it, Medic is confused as to why a zombie has any level of self-awareness and even the capacity of speech.
[Read my take on this prompt here!]
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enemies to lovers prompt where a zombie apocalypse suddenly breaks out, thus they have to team up in order to survive (and somehow it's just the two of them).
they soon learn then that fighting zombies is easier than fighting their own feelings which they secretly have for each other.
— from this fic.
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mintflavouredwhump · 2 months
A non-human whumpee who drinks blood/eats human flesh controlling their hunger, either as a promise to their loved ones or because they treasure their morality more than their life and health. It leads to a variety of physical and psychological issues but they're determined to hold out for as long as they can... which is until the caretaker finds out.
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coffeeangelinabox · 4 months
Febuwhump #16: Came back wrong
Tears stream from Caretaker's eyes. "No!" he cries out, desperate, frantic negation.
Whumpee's expression doesn't change, their eyes reflect nothing of the person Caretaker had always loved.
"You can't do this! Don't you understand? I gave up everything to bring you back-" and I'd do it again goes unspoken.
Whumpee lunges. The hands they had once maintained so fastidiously with nail buffer and lotion to stave off weapon calluses are clawed, ash blackened. A line of drool dribbles from slack mouth. There's a red tinge to the eyes where the capillaries have burst. The bloody colour all the more horrifying against the grave-pallor of their skin, purple-blue bruises still on their throat like the flowers Caretaker should have left, should have mourned them with dignity and respect instead of turning them into this with ill understood magick.
"Whumpee," Caretaker tries to push them away. "Just- just listen. Come back to me."
Their lips pull back from teeth. They are not sharp and that's almost worse. It won't make any difference anyway. A human can do just as much damage with a bite as some mythical monster. The mouth is pale and dry. The air that escapes it with a wheeze stinks of rotting meat.
Caretaker manages to shove them back a few paces, buying himself a sliver of time. Just enough to look into his lover's face, worse now than when he had stared at it, lifeless and slack and dropped on the doorstep by Whumper.
"Whumpee," he whispers one more time, and raises the gun.
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iamhumannotamonster · 2 years
Always liked the classic zombie movie trope “Has to shoot a loved one that has been bitten” its cliche but its good. All the sadness and emotion that comes with it.
One can work many settings: a fight between two people over to kill the third person or not, the infected person either begging to other to kill them or begging for their life. The one with a gun shooting immediately just to cry later or spending a great deal of time mourning the person before shooting.
Sad sad situation.
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aussiepineapple1st · 1 year
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Animality Virus 4
Part 1 | Previous | Next
🏷️: @phoenix666stuff @maehemthemisfit @growingupnrealizing @starcrossedreaders
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letthewhumpbegin · 10 months
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Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy get caught in the Hingham Bridge explosion.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
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Whump Prompt #1111
Submitted by Anon - thanks!
Found Family in a Zombie Apocalypse. That's it.
Mmhmm, allow me to add:
tw: suicide
Tending to injuries with minimum supplies. 
Long vigils.
Trying to keep the whumpee quiet during field-surgery so they don’t alert nearby zombies/raiders. 
The panic after being bitten.
Worrying if they’ve been infected. 
The infected decide to leave during the night (maybe to take their own life) to remove the emotional toll upon everyone. Maybe the whumpees have to fight off their zombie!family member... or they stumble across their corpse. Maybe someone can’t sleep, and they hear the infected leave that night. They also hear the gunshot echoing a short time later. 
Sleeping huddled together for warmth. 
The ‘dad’ of the group risking his life more often/going without food/supplies so his ‘kids’ don’t suffer. 
The difficult decisions that bring them closer - but some also cause arguments that span for days. 
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