#about to go and binge listen to her music for at least a week now lmao
cassmouse · 5 months
Saw Back to Black (2024) tonight and I'm not going to lie to y'all. I actually quite enjoyed it like it was a decent film- not at all perfect and the most accurate or like. y'know. thing in the world obviously but I actually found it enjoyable for the most part
Also I saw it with my mum and she was sobbing literally five minutes in during that Fly Me To the Moon section
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cumulo-ghoulll · 6 months
Ghoul Pack HC 📱
When Copia introduced the ghouls and ghoulettes to ✨ technology ✨ he learnt very quickly that they needed screen time limits and parental controls.
Dew was hooked within the first 10 minutes of using his laptop and stayed on it for 3 days straight. He hissed and scratched when Copia tried to take it off him. He now has a screen time limit of 2 hours a day.
Rain, after being given access to Copia's Netflix account, locked himself in his room with Mountain, all the snacks in The Kitchen's cupboards, and binge watched Every. Single. Nature documentary they could find. They're both only allowed to watch 2 documentaries a day (providing they can find one they haven't watched yet).
Aether was, thankfully, quite sensible. For about a week. At first, he just used his phone for Google and WhatsApp. Searching up medical conditions and sending a screenshot of the description to the other doctors working in the infirmary to confirm if a patient has that illness or not. One day, he noticed one of the nurses wearing a digital watch that counted their steps. He wanted one desperately and asked how he could get one too. He was then shown how to order things offline and he bought his watch shortly after . . . as well as 87 bananas, banana toothpaste, banana socks, a banana phone case, banana shaped earrings, a matching banana necklace, banana shorts, and a plethora of other banana related items. Copia now has to personally approve of anything Aether wants to buy.
Swiss became addicted to his phone solely for the fact he could listen to music whenever wherever. This was not really a problem until he started complaining that he couldn't hear people when they were talking. Aether checked him out and found that he had partially damaged his ears from blasting music 24/7. He now has to wear kids headphones that cannot be turned up to the max. Swiss is not happy.
Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunnie are no longer allowed to go on Amazon as they bought at least a dozen cans of silly string each and sprayed Sodo's room as payback for screeching at Aurora when she interrupted him on his laptop.
Aurora refused to use Google ever again after Copia found out she had Googled 'boobies'. He wasn't mad, she was just embarrassed. Swiss has offered to teach her how to delete her search history but she never wants to go on the internet ever again.
Phantom doesn't really know how to use technology, even after being taught by Copia. Rain did show him how to print off pictures and that is, so far, the only thing knows how to do. He is no longer allowed to go anywhere near the printers, however, as he managed to print off 103 baby bat pictures from EVERY PRINTER IN THE MINISTRY. The printer code has since been changed.
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ardent-fox · 9 months
✨ Tag Game Master Post ✨
Hi, all! Catching up on these two games I was tagged in during the holidays 💖
First up, thank you to the lovely @lupeloto for creating and tagging me in this fun Tag Game! 🥰
📺 Favorite tv show? At the moment, Our Flag Means Death (shields self from tomatoes being thrown at her 😁)
🕴️ Favorite character? Oof, this is difficult. Gonna have to go with my precious baby boy, Stede
💋 Favorite relationship in the show? Blackbonnet (shocking, I know)
👯‍♂️ Fav sibling relationship in the show? No blood relations but the entire crew is chosen family, so… all of them?
🎨 Favorite art form? Music, with a heavy focus on lyrics/words
⚡️ A talent you wish you had? Being able to draw would be cool
☀️ What is one thing that can always make your day better? My toddler nephew saying the most hilarious things, he's barely 3 and already the funniest person I know
🎬 Favorite fictional character of all time? Atticus Finch (any works he appears in besides To Kill a Mockingbird do not count)
🌅 Dream place to travel to? Thailand or Ireland (either "land" would do, get it? 🧍‍♀️ ...I'll see myself out)
🎈 You’re planning a huge party, what’s the theme? The Masque of the Red Death, get fancy and spooky, bitches 🎭💀
🍕 Favorite pizza topping of all time? All kinds of cheese and extra mushrooms
🥂 You can pick ONE celebrity to have dinner with… Who? Andrew Garfield, {Marge Simpson voice} I just think he's neat
🎥 Favorite movie that you kinda know is bad but you still love? Rocky Horror Picture Show 👄
👖 How would you describe your style? The "I gained a substantial amount of weight in the past 5 years and haven't bought anything new since, so I now wear whatever I can fit into and lots of dresses and skirts cause pants are uncomfortable and shopping for them is a nightmare" style 😬
🖤 Finally, something making you smile this week? My mom's reaction to a present she really wanted, seeing her that touched was soul ascending ✨
Next, I got tagged by @deedala, @tanktopgallavich, @suzy-queued and @lupeloto to complete this round of Weekly Tag Wednesday, thank you my darlings! 💙
Name: Lyds
Location: Unknown location in Europe
Astrological Sign: Taurus squaaaad ♉
What's a TV show or movie you plan to re-watch this year? Hubby has never seen Giant, so I'll be rewatching it soon as well as some other classics like Some Like It Hot and Philadelphia Story, I'm sure I'll rewatch Frankie and Johnny for the umpteenth time as well. As far as shows go, I rewatch Our Flag Means Death at least once a month since it's my comfort show, and might do a Shameless rewatch since I've only seen the whole thing once (excluding all the Gallavich scenes)
What's a book or fic you will probably re-read this year? The entirety or The Menagerie by @crossmydna and Honeycomb by @metalheadmickey with artwork by @heymrspatel 💕
What is a song you will likely continue to play on repeat? I've been replaying One Of Your Girls by Troye Sivan for days and don't plan on stopping anytime soon, also still listening to Hozier's entire Unreal Unearth album whenever I'm chilling
What's a tasty treat you look forward to eating more of this year? Gonna steal Ri's answer here and say cinnamon buns, as well as my husband's homemade pizza rolls that I previously mentioned, as they're our favorite thing to eat while binge-watching
What's a time sink that you will continue to sink time into this year? Scrolling this beloved hellsite
Did you pick up any habits in 2023 that you plan to continue? Only unhealthy ones that I plan on ridding myself of in 2024 👋
What's your toxic trait? Inflexibility and freaking out when things don't turn out the way I've planned
What is a coping mechanism you will continue to indulge in this year? Staying in my burrow with my hyperfixations
Tell me something you like about how you look! My full, rosy lips against my smooth, pale skin
Give me at least three adjectives describing things you like about yourself. Honest, open-minded, creative 🌸
I'm out of the loop (which is about to change since I celebrated the last of the festivities today) and haven't been keeping up with the tags lately, but am still going to tag some peeps if you want to do either or both of these: @heymrspatel, @stocious, @too-schoolforcool, @xninetiestrendx, @krysmiss, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @michellemisfit, @whatwouldmickeydo, @vintagelacerosette, @metalheadmickey, @rereadanon, @francesrose3, @darlingian and anyone who sees this and wants to play! ✨
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mysticdreamcafe · 6 months
Finding my MoJo with some mystic help
I'm going to put this out there...I'm an intuitive empath that loves her crystals and tarot cards. Pendant's, and rune stones.
So after my rows with nature, stress, family, Dr's, and all around ill health (I don't have many Immunoglobulin G's which I call goblin G troup). Thanks to Goblin Gs going AWOL I have been on antibiotics since July of 2023. 2 weeks on these massive combo pills and a week or two off, repeat either till I am antibiotic resistant or I can get the shots to force goblin G troups to join me and fight. Lets not forget inhalers, nasal sprays, pills both herbal and pharma. medications.
I am going to fight with everything I have through 2024 and if there isn't a significant improvement in at least one area I will stop any traditional medical practices I can and try for a more holistic approach.
Especially, after a bout with COVID-19 that took over 6mo to recover from I have learned to deal with energy syphons. You know, the people who make interaction challenging and tedious. I've always been able to gage a room and the people in it but never trusted my instincts. That has changed, I know am trying to trust my first impressions and inner voice now.
I said I'd mention Johhny Depp in this post so here it goes. It's nothing exciting but more annoying from my point of view.
During my "I quit and will just wait to die" moments during the end of 2023 I saw what my giving up was doing to my mother and daughter. That's when I decided to get through the holidays and then make some changes. So my fingers started typing in preparation things like... nutrition, keto, raw diet, balanced, yoga, brain eating itself, replacing white matter, and so on. Each time I searched a topic Johnny Depp showed up in a clip. There'd be a dog, guitar, baby, rants on his divorce, with his son, etc. His clips had nothing to do with what I was researching.
Let me refresh you...I DON'T CARE ABOUT FAMOUS PEOPLE SO i DON'T RESEARCH THEM. Though stuff does pop up occasionally it's not about one celeb over and over. During this time I had looked up why people couldn't leave Keanu Reeves and his girlfriend alone. My daughter brought it to my attention so I searched.
According to computer science if you search a topic either via typing it on a keyboard or verbally asking an AI like Alexa about it. Once you've selected the topic: famous name, raised garden beds, new roofs, dog characteristics, etc. the search engine (bing, google, etc) will flood you with ads regarding these specific topics.
Mr. Reeves plays bass in a band so why was Depp the one showing up?
After a few weeks of Johnny Depp ads annoying the crap out of me I went to bed irritated and with a killer migraine. That is until I remembered...things usually happen for a reason. What is the reason? So I asked Alexa...what instrument he plays, his band name, other members, play some of their songs.
I'll be honest and say the first song didn't resonate with me. I continued for a few more songs and one was an Alice Cooper remix. This brought nostalgia and emotion that I've missed since I stopped listening to music regularly. Migraines and music or any noise don't get along so I opted for quiet.
I asked for Alexa to switch to 80s rock and something clicked.
I've started this blog and not sure how often I'll post since I quit Social medias for the most part...esp FB, to limit screen times. I'm looking into a free course on coding through Stratford U. I have a BA in computers but it's been ages since I've written code or done anything with computers themselves due to illness.
Remember I am writing most things, except this blog, long hand.
Oh I want to say in case one of Johnny's people see this post that I wrote to him to thank him for reminding me about my love of music. I stopped listening again during a rough patch and he started popping up again! I grabbed my headphones and started listening to some Mozart. A day later the pop ups were back to normal.
I received a mass produced photo of him, I don't think he signed it and it was simply printed with photo but the gesture is nice. If one of his people read this tell him that even though we've never met I thank him for helping me out of a dark time via reminding me of my love of music and to keep spreading his energy.
When I wrote Johnny I didn't ask for anything but I just wanted him to know he'd made a difference in some ordinary persons life without even realizing it.
The writing of letters long hand, in cursive, has helped and if anyone wants to pen pal please let me know and I'll set up a PO Box. Assholes need not apply!
Time for a reading and meditation.
May you be grounded and good energy surround you
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Good morning world, wow what a week it has been. I probably had one of the most stressful weeks at this job thus far.
I tried hard to prioritize my self-compassion by not beating myself up when I wanted to binge and didn't get to go to the gym
I went to the gym on the second day and let out a LOT of emotion.
I tried to separate myself from it all and know that this job is not my whole world and know that I am doing my best
I set boundaries with my difficult co-worker
when feeling stressed, I do not want to allow myself to binge
next time i will allow myself space between me and work - maybe by going for a walk to wind down.
I have a new boss at work and I am incredibly excited because I feel like I am going to learn a lot from her in terms of branding and advertising and I"m really interested in that kind of stuff.
I'm hoping with will get better and I won't have to go to Tosh about anything and things will be a lot more structured and a bit easier with this new boss. I know it will take some time to adjust but I will be patient and give it 6 months because I still find it hard working in this type of setting.
This guy who is on disability at work is helping do admin work in our office and OH MY GOD he is so fucking annoying. He's helping HR by scanning resumes and calling up potential people to interview.. but after every single resume or phone call he makes he will have something incredibly irrelevant to say while my co-worker and I are trying to work. He'll say things like "This person wants to be a server but can only work 9-5", "this person said he can't travel to the club", this guy doesn't have an answering machine" - like I'm sorry - I absolutely do not care.
This has been going on for about a month now so I've started to full on ignore it and just have my headphones in. My co-worker though, bless her soul - has kept responding to him or at least acknowledging it by saying minimal words and just a "hm", or a "ha".
This makes me wonder though by her responding still (even though she finds it as annoying as I do), would that be considered people pleasing? and am I the one being rude by not acknowledging him?
The other day we had an instance where I was sitting with a manager and another manager came in to just chat and the manager sitting beside me jokingly said "Oh just ignore him" - and then (annoying resume reading guy) spoke up and said "Oh ya she's good at that" - like EXCUSE ME??? Did he really just call me out?? It's not like you were saying anything of relevance or of value any of the time.
I will say that really caught me off guard there so I'm thinking next week I will say something. Something along the lines of hey I don't mean to ignore you I just have a hard time focusing and so I listen to music to drown out everything around me. Boom! Look at me setting boundaries there!
I know he is sensitive (because I found out he's also a fellow cancer) and I am sensitive too but man theres just something about him that annoys me.
Anyway, after a crazy week I am excited to take it easy for this long weekend because I'm feeling quite tired and burnt out.
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bambisgirl · 2 years
confident ; 50. all of your friends have been here for too long
previous | m.list | next
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there’s a written part after the screenshots!
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this whole chapter is based off friends by chase atlantic :)
all of the parties you’ve been to ever since you started college were absolute shit, this one being no exception. 
it’s your second party at the hybe frat house and it’s probably the worst one of all.
it’s new year’s eve and the clock will strike midnight in less than thirty minutes, yet you’re seriously thinking to leave and go straight to your dorm room, binge on some snacks and mindlessly stare at ryujin’s green lego dinosaur until the next morning comes.
as soon as you and riki got here, both jake and jay engulfed you in a tight hug which you’ve warmly reciprocated, letting out a chuckle at your two study buddies reeking of alcohol already. sunghoon shyly waved and gave you a gentle smile as heeseung just threw a glance your way, bit his lip and went back to talk to some hybe sophomores about their next basketball game against each other.
you clearly know it’s your fault and the way you’ve been avoiding your best friend for a whole week, yet you can’t help but be upset at his cold actions.
in reality, heeseung didn’t mean to come off as bitter or rude — it was genuinely the last thing he wanted — but he thought that’s what you wished. after all, from the dry text with ‘merry christmas’ and the random meme you sent him on the same day, he thought he did something wrong by buying you roses and taking you to the park the two of you met ten years ago for your anniversary.
you spent the last two hours and a half by accompanying riki in his casual talks with hwang hyunjin and choi san, kindly declining at least a dozen guys offering you something to drink as you listened to jay’s rants about their dorm room while you and jake played rock paper scissors. 
looking through the crowd, you’ve seen the familiar faces of choi yeonjun, yena and karina, all three of them looking tense as hell and not smiling once ever since they got here. you were quite upset that eve didn’t want to come to the party after you’ve texted her, but you didn’t think too much about it as she’s always been socially anxious and introverted. what if you and sunoo went tomorrow to surprise her at her house? you thought, making a mental note to text your friend about it.
you wondered why ryujin took so much to show up, hoping nothing bad happened. you haven’t seen your roommate in a week as she’s been on vacation with her family, but... thinking about it, she did act kind of unusual before leaving your shared room too, constantly asking if you’re alright or if you’ve eaten when you got home. she even started buying your favorite snacks and let you shower first on busy mornings, these small gestures of kindness becoming a frequent habit already.
heeseung and sunghoon stuck together for the whole night, subtly throwing a look your way when they heard a giggle come out from your mouth because of their other two roommates. jay was telling you about jake’s pile of dirty clothes that’s been in the middle of their room for the past year and even if you heard this story at least five times before, you still laughed at your friends drunkenly trying to explain their roommate bond with so much passion.
thankfully, the music wasn’t loud and it wasn’t one of those monstrous hybe frat parties, students from both universities just genuinely enjoying spending time with their friends and loved ones before zero o’clock.
everything was nice even though you’ve only drank water for the whole night, excited to finally hang out outside of college with your study buddies and riki.
everything was nice until now, to be more exact.
you’re casually seated on one of the massive couches in the middle of the living room and you can see directly into the kitchen.
as you notice the gorgeous jang wonyoung gently put a strand of her beautiful, long wavy hair behind her year while she’s laughing at something heeseung just told her, you can’t help but suck in a shaky breath.
it’s just shocking. in the decade you’ve known each other, you’ve never seen your best friend talk to a girl before if it wasn’t for homework or to kindly reject her while she’s confessing her undeniable feelings for him.
seeing him chuckle as he’s so immersed in a conversation with the goddess of hybe herself makes your stomach drop. she’s so tall, skinny and has the prettiest face you’ve ever seen. why do you suddenly feel insecure?
you gulp as you’re watching them talk and visibly flirt with each other. why is it hard to watch? it’s nauseating and so surprising seeing him interact with another girl, he told you many times that he’s not interested in others and that you’ll always be the only girl for him. or so you thought.
you’re so focused on wonyoung’s pretty hair that you don’t notice heeseung standing right in front of you, lifting your chin up to meet his cocky expression.
“hey, chill. i think i saw daggers coming out from your eyes.” he chuckles and you get up to properly face him.
“do you know each other?” the irascibility in your tone isn’t necessarily intended.
“yeah, we’ve been acquainted for a while now.” he shrugs, running a hand up through his hair.
“i see.” you look away. “i heard she’s a lesbian so good luck, i guess.”
“sunghoon told me she’s a lesbian.” it’s true. the night he took you to the hotel near hybe after something was put in your drink, he mentioned wonyoung wasn’t interested in guys.
“she’s definitely not a lesbian.” heeseung lets our a nonchalant laugh. “sunghoon knows her since their school days, he likes to tease her about her intense hatred for men.”
“oh.” you let out a reluctant sigh. “i see... happy new year then.” you turn around to leave but he instantly grabs your wrist, making you face him again.
“you know what we’ve been talking about?” heeseung grins as you shake your head. “i asked her about the surprise her boyfriend prepared for her, i wanted to do something like that for you.”
you freeze. how could you be so pathetic?
it’s sickening how blind you are to his absolute devotion to you.
words don’t come out from your mouth so he continues with a smirk. “by the way, your friends are watching.” you follow his gaze only to find riki, hyunjin, yena and ryujin staring at the two of you with widened eyes. “i think you’ve let them alone for too long.”
it’s hard to put into words the embarrassment you’re feeling right now.
“i’m so fucking dumb.” you mumble under your breath after you promise heeseung that you’ll spend some time with him later, making your way to the small group of people waiting for you.
“long time no see!” your mood instantly lifts up as your roommate pulls you into a bear hug, hwang hyunjin rolling his eyes at the sight; he’s deeply annoyed at the fact that one of his closest friends has the privilege to be so close to you on top of being your roommate.
you learn that riki is actually good friends with san and hyunjin, the three of them not really caring about the rivalry between the universities unlike yeonjun. 
jake and jay interrupt their beer pong game to join you at the same time as heeseung and sunghoon. it actually feels so good to spend this special night with your closest friends, although you wished sunoo, jungwon and eve were here as well.
and as ryujin grabs yena by the collar and smashes her lips against hers, you realize it’s officially january 1st. you watch in slow motion how yeonjun and karina share a soft peck and how jay and jake almost kissed each other because of how drunk they are.
both heeseung and sunghoon wanted you as their new year’s kiss but you just grabbed riki’s face and kissed both of the apples of his cheeks.
“happy new year to you too, y/n!”
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previous (jingle jangle) | m.list | next (friends don’t look at each other that way)
notes: actually, all of heey/n’s relationship is based off friends by chase atlantic, the lyrics are just chef’s kiss </3 btw, in chapter 23 sunghoon and y/n talk about wonyoung!! also LMAO sorry for the idol x idol edits in the tweets 😭😭
taglist #1 (closed): @heetrbl @ultnishimura @jeonkoookiee @kdream-factory @jjhmk @cyuuupid @tangledbutterflies @miiiwaa @solitxre @anothershorthuman @abdiitcryy @axartia @tmrwxtgther @luvrseung @zhaixiaowen @pshwyfie @en-heart @hee-in @glxwingstar @artgukk @qtsoob @enhasengene @arizejkt19 @sunshine-skz @linsixie @bigtoewinwin @jjklvr00 @yeeunjia @kayalayadayla @gongiz
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kumo-pi · 3 years
A3! Characters and What K-pop Group/Soloist They Stan
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Spring Troupe
absolutely knows the choreo to mr.chu
and taught it to citron shortly after becoming roomies
doesnt own any merch
very proud pink panda!
casual listener (for now??)
definitely prefers more underground k-bands, but they piqued his interest
not so patiently waiting for a comeback (one song is not enough for a debut!!!)
admires that they're a self-producing group
his favorite album is al1
looks forward to going seventeen every week
tries to watch it while alone bc he laughs so much (and masumi glares at him while putting his headphone volume up)
his little bros definitely know all the members and have a favorite
his sister is an SM stan (she specifically loves super junior!)
found out about snsd from her
taeyeon biased
owns all their albums (solo & sub-unit albums too)
definitely has at least one signed album
it's on display on his side of the room
has some season's greetings and concert dvds too
his first exposure to k-pop was the catallena music video
"wow! so this is k-pop!"
immediately showed it to guy
the guys had to break it to him that most k-pop is nothing like orange caramel
randomly dances to the "파르르르르륵 파르르르르륵" part of catallena
definitely also loves oh my girl banhana & wjsn chocome
listens to new releases the second they come out
doesn't buy merch
definitely a bana since debut
showed them to the rest of gekkagumi
probably makes fun of itaru for being a girl group stan
Summer Troupe
tells everyone his favorite album is chase
it's actually dreamlike
has only been to one concert due to his schedule
absolutely went backstage after and took pics with them
got his dreamlike album signed too
reveluv since dumb dumb era
usually prefers their "red" concept over their "velvet" concept
loves their stage outfits
has definitely made some outfits inspired by them for himself
obsessed with the concept photos for their upcoming comeback
fineapple since debut
prefers their earlier albums with innocent & fairytale concepts
absolutely owns all their albums and collects his bias' photocards
can and will talk about them for forever
stayed in bed for like a week after their disbandment was announced
originally just liked their triangle logo
kazunari found some astro stuff in misumi's triangle collection and showed him their music!
very casual aroha
his favorite song is breathless
their title tracks have all been super trendy, so of course he stans them!
was constantly dancing to asap & stereotype when they were released
and everyone knows at least a move or two because of it
also keeps up with other debuts and comebacks like his life depends on it
owns albums from a lot of different groups (he only buys it if the design/concept is particularly interesting)
obsessed with their song home run, for obvious reasons
binge watched their drama dream knight with muku
they both cried at the end
more of a casual ahgase, although he definitely owns their lightstick
also really likes monsta x because of course he supports his big bro's favorite group!
Autumn Troupe
heard about them from his sister (she stans 2ne1!)
relatively casual stan
his favorite song is really really
obviously knows the choreography
monsta x anti (only to juza)
monbebe since debut!
shownu biased
the code is his favorite album
went to tower records cafe during the starship collab with muku and kumon!!
actually likes winner too, but won't tell banri
ddu-du ddu-du is his favorite song
definitely saw them live at the summer sonic festival
doesn't buy their merch
buys products they endorse though
"jennie said it's good, so we have to get it!"
definitely a guilty pleasure back when he was crazy wolf
doesn't care anymore though
usually listens to her music while studying, doing schoolwork, and relaxing!
actually looks up lyrics and likes to know what songs are about
classic choice; the kings of k-pop
was more into them when he was younger
owns only his favorite albums
a casual v.i.p now
particularly likes g-dragon's solo work
stan since debut
especially loves their lyrics
doesnt buy merch because how will he afford all the new makeup he wants to try out if he does??? priorities.
definitely blasts their title tracks
not a fan of the concept change with carnival & that's my jam (the sound just isnt for him)
was veryy upset when they disbanded
Winter Troupe
exo-l since growl era!
owns all their albums & their lightstick
their winter albums are his favorite
has seen them in concert a few times
showed them to tasuku!
kyungsoo biased!
doesnt usually buy merch, but he owns the iconic universe kyungsoo photocard & and kyungsoo's love shot love ver. photocard
has seen them in concert at least once
yes he went with tsumugi
couldnt figure out why he felt so connected to their music until chikage joined
prefers their softer songs
easy to sleep to
his favorite songs are in dreams and i'll find you
loves their experimental sound
had sticker on repeat when it came out (hisoka wasn't in their room for a while because of it...)
literally doesn't know any of the members
he's here for the music and the music only
especially enjoys their japanese releases
often has their music playing in the background
owns a few albums
he buys them for the cds
never really listened to music much
"androids don't need music"
he also just never really had much time for himself before joining mankai
grew to like 2pm thanks to azuma
never understood citron's interest in orange caramel
momo and sana biased!
owns their fancy you album
tried and failed to get azami to like them (he appreciates their makeup though)
also likes b.a.p, thanks to azami
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ahjustroza · 3 years
Do you have any hcs abt Last Legacy modern au?
Sorry for the wait! I just write very slow 🥺😭 btw I am still writing other requests! I'll post them as soon as I finish writing ✨😌😏 And YES I still take requests😏😏😏
Lol btw I haven't played the catboy Felix tale yet but found his delicious CG. Also, there might be typos etc. My dyslexia was a hoe for the last couple of days (・_・
Last Legacy Modern Au Headcanons
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Lmao the first time you went to his place you faced with an ancient-looking old computer that he found in a garage sale
"It still works"
"Sage with its monitor alone you can heat your entire house in winter"
"Aye, but I don't have to use that to get heated if you catch my drift."
Let me give you a concept: thrift store dates
You took him to a thrift store once and thought it might be fun
But at the moment you entered the store Sage found a damn fake fur jacket and gold sunglasses
He will buy anything with a famous brand logo and say it is original and is an antique
But he'll only do that to annoy people
Sage cares about his looks but doesn't go crazy about it
Before dating you he just lived his life like a street kid like in cyberpunk 2077
Sage and Tulsi grew up in slums and then Sage got an apartment so that Tulsi could grow up in a safe environment
He didn't go to college but made sure that Tulsi did
Sage basically works as a mercenary in the modern au as well
He travels a lot and has to disappear for a looong long time
Tulsi is used to it but you aren't
Once you two are in a relationship and he feels ready to settle down he might get a job closeby to your shared house
You made him realize that he needs his family around him
And now he is not alone to carry all the burden by himself
He knows that if he can't make it in time you will be there to help out Tulsi or take care of all the work for him
He feels lighter around you
Also, he makes many people jealous on the streets lol
Whenever you two are on a date no one can believe that you, a literal divine being, could look at a Boku no pico catboy maid-sama man like him.
He is also jealous of you
But never possessive
He likes to send you out of context memes in the worst possible times ever
Like you got Luigi and Mario animations, doing the waltz, with the Britney Spears' Toxic song during the busiest hour of your shift
He also texted "This us"
The audacity
Sage would also LOVE video games
Especially Final Fantasy games
But he suck at playing them so he makes you play instead
And he'll give instructions too
"I saw a checkpoint in the other room babe,"
"Love, I gotta run away from the boss right now."
"It's not the boss, bosses have their boss rooms. This is an obstacle"
Sage also suck at filing taxes
So good luck with that
I can see Sage having PTSD treatments because of his traumatized childhood and the life he had to live until now after settling down with you
You convinced him to go to therapy and Tulsi backed you up
So he will take medications every day
At first, you had to remind him a lot, but then he just made it an addiction and now doesn't need reminders
He was never happier and finally had a taste of a healthy and caring relationship with you
He is also not so terrible with putting the IKEA furniture together.
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He got expelled from Harvard.
Then his rich father had to convince the headmaster to reconsider the decision and Felix ended up with suspension instead smh
Felix's grades are great but he has disciplinary issues
I can see him majoring in criminal justice and mortuary science
Or maybe just mortuary science
Escell was very disappointed in him.
He is also famous for dating with the valedictorian among Harvard graduates
Then they broke up and you yeeted yourself in his life
Or he yeeted himself to your arms
He literally dramatically fell one day and you happened to be close to catch him
Then the Titanic music played in the background with the slow summer rain fell down to your heads
You are hot so he was flustered
Like he internally screamed when he fell in your arms
Or shall I say fell in love?
You two then started as friends since not too later he found out that he might actually have a chance with you after you mentioned your love of video games and romance books
After starting to date he confessed that he has an AO3 account asddgf
Rime was a burden too
He was the one who broke Felix's heart
But still wanted him to only love him and him alone
Then you were like
"Hoe listen to me..."
Rime hot
But no
Felix cried until morning the day you fist fought Rime in the grocery store parking lot
Scylla secretly approved your determination that day and watched the fight afar
Escell got drunk and Florian came home the day after for everyone's explanations
The deeper your relationship got the more a part of his family you become
I mean every Friday it was now a routine that Felix and you attended family dinner
No one even asks anymore they just put your plate down and Escell hides his most expensive wine bottles from everyone
Felix is not good to live in his own house though
He always lived with someone in the house so he wasn't alone
When you moved into the same house with him Felix was relieved
You two will be emos together and watch fifty shades of grey movies during the quarantine
Please ask Felix if he thinks the movie is interesting, he will avoid you all day long
Then become a blanket burrito at night lmao
Oh btw he might tell you random facts about mortuary
Like you are in the shower and he comes in to brush his teeth
Then he'll tell you a fact you didn't have to know then leave
"Truly fascinating, if you ask me."
He is also the type to text you from the other side of the room
Or call you from the other room to ask you if you can bring him something to eat
Felix would also love to go to the farmers' market too
"Finally some quality food."
Whenever you two go on a vacation together
lmao someone ALWAYS takes his hand and reads his palm
Only to be ended up getting scolded and getting a proper palm reading from Felix
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Call her and ask if she wants drive tru
"Love, it is thREE IN THE MORNING, I have work tomorrow-"
"So two? Or nah?"
"Get a coffee."
Actually, she wants a cookie but won't admit it
She knows you'll get her a cookie
You always get her a cookie with coffee
Anisa might be a great investigator if you ask me
If not a detective or a police chief or lieutenant
But I think she would work in law enforcement
Or she might also start her own company and rise as well
Unlike Sage and Felix, Anisa will not live in the same house with you before she decides to settle down for good
It's not because she doesn't want you around her
But because she is always at work and doesn't want to leave everything to you to handle at home
But she is always with you on her day offs
Will call you once a day at least
Text you during her breaks or whenever she can
If you can show up at her workplace during the lunch break she will take you to the nearest coffee shop
"Their coffee is not nearly as good as yours, but among other shops, this is the most drinkable one."
She will spoil you during your dates!
She likes to see you smile and will do anything for you to have a good time with her
So expect sweets, movie nights, amusement park dates, or just traveling during both of your yearly week/month offs/breaks
She won't admit it but likes it when you try to match your clothes with hers
She will know your favorite everythings lol
Take her to a dinner date and she will be so happy and feel spoiled
She will let you paint her nails
Let you get all the hot water in the shower
Will let you wear her clothes
Pillow fights are allowed every now and then
When she gets sick she'll try to power through but likes it when you baby her
Whenever you get sick she will try to not fuss over you but every 15 minutes she'll ask to take you to see a doctor
She is a cereal gal
You might have to drag her to bed many nights because she will take work at home
Oh my god, do play dungeons and dragons with her
If you visited somewhere she has never been she will ask a lot of questions about your trip
Likes to binge a tv series you two found online
Also enjoys just silent but comfortable moments with you
When you read your book she will gaze at you
All heart eyes
Will put her favorite picture of you two as her profile picture in her social media accounts
Will like your every post
Never leaves you on read/seen
She will either give you a proper text or just let you know that she is busy at the moment
Also if you come home later than her she will ask if you want her to prepare anything special you want for dinner
otherwise, she'll do dishes that you both like anyway
If she is late, she'll call you to ask if you need anything from the grocery store, etc.
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bakugoukatsukiswife · 4 years
Girl’s Best Friend
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A/N: Y’all I really love @carlychrisfarley​ to write this cause this was something, something indeed. But basically she wanted Bakugou in a scenario where he gets turned into a dog and then when he finally gets turned back, some smutty things happen involving a very well-known sexual position. Who am I to deny her that though? Big shoutout to @lordexplosionsextra​ for making sure this was amazing. 
Warnings: Smut, 18+. 
Words: 1,953
Your boyfriend, Bakugou was a very stubborn man. He didn’t back away from a challenge-no matter what it was. That included diving headfirst into missions even without back-up, he could be reckless and you knew this. Although that still didn’t stop your shock when Kirishima came by your house with a Shiba Inu on his hands-and no Bakugou. 
“Uh.. so not to alarm you, but this is Bakugou.” Kirishima said as he motioned to the blonde dog that seemed to have the same snarl that was always on Bakugou’s face. You blinked a few times to register what he had said before laughing, clearly not falling for the joke that Bakugou and Kirishima were pulling on you. 
“There’s no way you guys are fooling me, I know Katsuki is just hiding somewhere,” you said as you started to come outside, eyes scanning the area for the unruly head of blonde hair you had run your fingers through countless times. When you didn’t see him, you looked back at Kirishima and realized that he was being completely serious. You looked down at the Shiba again and the dog came towards you, his snarl disappearing as he licked at your hand as if to say, “yes, it really is me, dumbass. No prank here,”. 
“What the hell happened?” You asked Kirishima as you let them both inside, plopping down on the couch as Kirishima sat across from you and Katsuki jumped up on the couch, resting himself against you, his head on your lap. 
“Bakugou rushed in-as always,” Kirishima started and Bakugou let out a huff in frustration before Kirishima continued. “Bakugou rushed ahead and the villain used their quirk on him, they can make the person turn into whatever animal they want. It could last a few days, weeks to months.” Kirishima explained and your heart sank at the fact that your boyfriend could be a dog for months on end. Katsuki could sense your mood and let out a low whine, licking at your hand to give you a sense of comfort and a form of apology. Luckily, Kirishima was nice enough to stop and get a few things like a leash, bowls and toys for Bakugou’s state so you could likely process what had happened. 
In your daze, you hadn’t realized that Kirishima had left until Bakugou nudged at your hand with his head and you blinked before looking down at Katsuki, his eyes focused on you. You pet the top of his head, his ears twitching slightly at the new sensation and you smiled when he huffed in approval. 
“Want to watch some TV?” You asked him, giggling when he let out a short bark as if to say yes before you turned on a show that you two had been binging the past few nights. Bakugou curled closer into you, his fur brushing against you. This was going to be interesting. 
A few days had passed and Bakugou was still the cutest Shiba ever-although you really wanted your boyfriend back. Although he was a cute dog, he was stubborn and wouldn’t listen to you at all. Especially when you tried to give him baths after he would go outside and roll around in the dirt. He was still very protective of you so that was pretty cute, sometimes anyway. You had a feeling that you would definitely try to convince Katsuki into getting a dog after this though. You enjoyed having a furry little friend around. 
“Katsuki, are you ready to go on your walk?” You asked from the door, slipping your shoes on and grabbing his leash. You heard a bark and heard the patter of paws before Bakugou appeared in front of you, allowing you to leash him after struggling for a good few minutes. Little shit. You took Bakugou outside, allowing him to lead as he started to sniff at the flowerbeds in the neighborhood. You heard a call of your name and looked up to see Denki and Kirishima headed your way with a wave, to which you returned. Bakugou returned to you, acting as a sort of barrier between you and the boys. 
“Oh man, that quirk still hasn’t worn off?” Kirishima asked you, his red eyes filled with sympathy. 
“Nope, but he at least cuddles me without complaining now.” You joked, causing Bakugou to huff as he showed his annoyance. Kirishima and Denki continued to talk to you, but you could feel Bakugou tugging at the leash to signal that he was ready to head back to the house and you could swear you heard him let out a growl when Kirishima gave your head a pat, the leash being pulled tighter. After finally saying bye to the boys, Bakugou pulled you back to the house and you frowned when you sat down on the couch, expecting Bakugou to jump in your lap but he stalked off to the bedroom. Shrugging, you made your way to the bathroom as you passed a sulking Bakugou on the bed and started to strip, turning on the shower before you heard the patter of paws and Bakugou patiently sitting on the floor. 
“I’m guessing you’re going to stay in here?” You questioned as you threw your shorts aside, watching as Bakugou barked as if saying “duh!”. You smiled before stepping in the shower, turning on the music from your phone from the shower speaker. You hummed to yourself before lathering some of your favorite body wash in your hands, jumping when you heard a familiar voice in your ear. 
“Need some help, princess?” Bakugou questioned, giving you his signature smirk when you turned to face him. You touched his face, pushing at his cheeks slightly to make sure that it was actually Bakugou and not your touch starved imagination playing tricks on you. 
“It’s me, dumbass. The quirk wore off,” Bakugou said, his voice slightly muffled from your hands. As if you didn’t believe him, you trailed your hands down to his perfect figure, fingers trailing over his abs and Bakugou chuckled. “I’m guessing you missed me a lot, huh?” 
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, you were cute as a dog. But, I really missed you,” you admitted as Bakugou pulled you close, your confession causing him to smile. 
“I missed you too, especially being able to touch you….” Bakugou said as his knuckles brushed against your cheek, his thumb brushing against your bottom lip as his red eyes seemed to glow with intensity. “So…, can I touch you?” He asks, his voice low as his eyes flicked down your body. As soon as you nodded, Bakugou’s lips were on yours and he had you pressed up against the shower wall. His lips were hot against yours, one of his hands traveling to your hair and you moaned when his fingers tangled in your locks. His tongue met your bottom lip and slowly slid inside your mouth, his other hand going to play with the sensitive bud that had been begging for attention since you heard his voice. 
“K-Katsuki,” you moaned against his lips as his fingers trailed down to your already slick folds to brush against them. 
“Hmm, are you that eager? You’re so cute, wanting me so badly.” He mumbled against your lips as his fingers easily slid into you, a quiet chuckle escaping his mouth at the way you squirmed. His index and pointer finger started to thrust in and out slowly, his face buried in your neck while your hand went to his hair, your skin already on fire. It wasn’t from the shower, but from Katsuki’s hold on you. He was like a drug you couldn’t get enough of. 
A moan escaped your mouth when Bakugou curled his fingers, the pads of them hitting that spongy spot inside of you that had you seeing stars in seconds. You could hear his voice in your ear asking if you were about to cum, and when you nodded he abruptly removed his fingers. You met his teasing red eyes as he sucked your juices off his fingers, a gasp escaping your throat as he suddenly picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as his lips latched to your neck. 
“Now, now, baby girl… I didn’t tell you that you could cum. I prefer to have you cum around my cock, anyway.” Bakugou whispered in your ear, his teeth tugging at the skin before he lined himself up with your entrance, his cockhead teasing against your folds. 
“Katsuki… p-please,” you beg, desperately trying to move against your boyfriend so you could get a small amount of friction. 
“You’re so fucking cute when you beg,” Bakugou said with a chuckle, a low groan escaping his mouth as he slowly pushed into you. He paused for a minute to let you adjust since it had been a bit before he started moving, a growl escaping his mouth as he bit down on your neck, his tongue soothing at the inflamed skin as his thrusts picked up the pace. 
“Fuck…” you moaned out at the way that Katsuki’s cock brushed along your walls, the angle he had you in making him hit your g-spot. Your hands found purchase in his hair, your fingers combing through the wet locks as the water hit the both of you. Bakugou continued to lick and suck at your neck, leaving dark marks as he never stopped his pace. You whined when you realized that he had stopped again, his hands cupping under your ass to keep you steady as he turned the shower off before taking you to the bedroom. 
“Katsuki?” You asked, taking your face from his neck to look up at him, a yelp leaving your lips as he tossed you gently on the bed. 
“Turn around,” Bakugou said, and you knew it was a command, not a question. You did as you were told, getting on your hands and knees, a shiver running through you when Bakugou’s hands spread your ass, allowing him full view of your dripping cunt. 
“You’re so fucking soaked for me, I fucking love it,” Bakugou said before lining himself up again, a growl escaping his throat at how tight you were as he sheathed himself inside you.“Shit, you’re so fucking tight.” You felt as Bakugou’s hand tangled in your hair, yanking you back so you were close to him as he thrust inside you, his other hand wrapped around your waist to keep you steady. The sounds of skin slapping against skin and you and Bakugou’s moans filled the air as he kept a constant pace inside of you, his balls slapping against you as he pressed sloppy kisses to your back. 
“Katsuki… your cock feels so good,” you whine, pleasure coursing through you when Bakugou’s hand in your hair tightens. 
“That’s right, you fucking love my cock, don’t you? You love my cock stretching you out as much as it can, hah?” Bakugou says with a groan as his thrusts become harder, faster. You’re only able to nod in agreement as your orgasm starts to wash over you in waves, your cunt clenching Bakugou’s dick as your juices drip onto the bed. “Fuck, (Y/N), I’m-.” Bakugou cuts off with a groan as he spills his seed into you, his head pressed into your back as he bites down at the skin; overwhelmed with the orgasm flooding his system. He pulled out of you and pulled you close to him before falling back onto the bed, pulling the covers up around you both. 
“Oh so even though you’re back to normal, you still want to cuddle?” You tease, hearing Bakugou scoff. 
“Shut up. I always want to cuddle you.”
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junghelioseok · 4 years
clandestine. | 02
↳ forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.
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◇ jungkook x reader ◇ smut | fluff | brother’s best friend!au ◇ 7k [2/6]
notes: looks like it’s a writing/editing kinda day, folks! hope you enjoy this installment, and let me know what you think! 
warnings: jk’s massive noona kink: a recurring yet warranted warning, jeon jungkook is a goddamn tease, smuuuut, oral (f receiving), jk’s got a big dick whoOPS, minimally edited bc i’m feeling lazy
⇢ 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 
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Morning brings with it bright sunshine and fresh horror as the events of the previous evening come rushing back. You aren’t sure you’ll ever be able to look Jeon Jungkook in the eye again—or at least, not without being reminded of the way he’d plagued every single one of your dreams with devilish eyes and even more devilish fingers. Groaning, you scrub at your temples, as if that will help dispel the memories. After a few fruitless moments, you crawl out of bed and head for the bathroom, intent on washing everything away with a good, cold shower.
Try as you might, though, you simply cannot avoid your dark-haired neighbor. You’re in the kitchen sipping at your second coffee of the day and debating what you want for lunch when there’s a knock on the front door—a familiar rhythm that has your heart stuttering. “It’s open!” Jimin yells from the living room, and a moment later, the devil himself strolls in, wearing a plain black t-shirt with ripped jeans and well-worn Timberlands. Vaguely, you wonder when he made the switch from white tees to black, but your musings are cut short when he spots you in the kitchen, an impish grin settling across his face.
“Hey, Noona.”
“Hey.” You thank whatever god may be out there that your voice is steady. “Jimin’s in the living room.”
Jungkook tilts his head coyly and takes a step forward. “What makes you think I’m here for Jimin? Maybe I came to see you.”
Anxiously, you swallow down the memories of his warm hands that are trying to resurface. “I highly doubt that.”
“Really?” Jungkook takes another step forward and plucks the coffee mug from your hands. “What if I came over to finish what I started last night?”
Heat floods across your face. “That—that was… I mean, I don’t—”
“You don’t what?” Jungkook asks, raising a brow. “Want me? Because I’m pretty sure that’s a lie, Noona.” Quietly, he closes the last bit of distance between you, and when he speaks again you can feel his warm breath fanning across your cheeks with every word. “You see, I think you want me. Just as much as I want you. Am I wrong?”
“Jungkook, we—”
“Dude, what’s taking you so long?” Jimin’s head suddenly pops around the doorway, and you nearly jump out of your skin in your effort to put some distance between you and your dark-haired neighbor. “I’m about to start the game without you.”
“Just wanted to grab some coffee and say hi to {Name},” Jungkook replies, raising your half-empty mug to his lips and taking a sip. “Did you want to join us, Noona? It’d be fun to watch you kick Jimin’s ass at Mario Kart again.”
You swallow, hard. “I can’t. I’ve got homework to do.” Not strictly true, perhaps, but you’d been planning on looking over the details of your internship again at some point, and now seems as good a time as any. “Sorry,” you add quickly, seeing Jungkook’s disbelieving expression.
“Summer homework? Gross.” Jimin pulls a face. “You’re still coming to Tae’s party though, right?”
You nod, unwillingly catching Jungkook’s eye again. He’s still sipping at your coffee, and you don’t miss the flagrant wink he shoots you over the rim of the cup. “See you later then, Noona,” he says, his voice practically a purr.
“Right,” you respond dully, your heart skipping a beat at the dark promise in his stare. “Later.”
Jimin and Jungkook disappear down the hall, but you remain rooted in the kitchen for a few minutes longer, listening as the music of whatever video game they’ve decided on starts playing from the living room. Heaving a sigh, you fetch a new mug from the cupboard and pour yourself some more coffee, grabbing an apple and a bag of chips as well. Taking everything up to your bedroom, you pull out your laptop and make yourself comfortable on your bed, plugging in some headphones to drown out the noise from downstairs. With any luck, you won’t have to see Jungkook again until you have to leave for Taehyung’s party, and you’re pretty sure that it’ll be easy to avoid him once you’re there.
In fact, you’re certain of it.
So with that thought in mind, you settle down with your coffee and open up Netflix, sinking into the pillows and pushing your dark-haired neighbor into the deepest recesses of your mind. It isn’t until your phone starts vibrating insistently against your thigh that you are startled out of your binge-watching, the screen lit up with two new notifications. Surprised, you realize that hours have passed, the sky outside your window deepening into the hazy blue of nighttime.
[6:02pm] Jungkook: you hungry, noona?
[6:02pm] Jungkook: for pizza, i mean. we ordered dinner
[6:03pm] Jungkook: but i’ll be your dessert if you want me ;)
You drop your phone as if burned, his final message playing over and over in your mind. It takes you a full minute to gather your wits again, stowing your device in your pocket without responding and carefully picking your way downstairs. Already, you can smell the cheesy grease, your stomach growling in anticipation.
Just grab the pizza and go, you think to yourself, formulating your escape plan and double-checking it for any holes. Dine and dash.
You’re walking past the foyer when there’s suddenly a knock on the front door. Curiously, you answer it, swinging it open to see a familiar grinning face standing on the doorstep. Lee Taemin is a good friend of Jimin’s, and your brother pokes his head out from the kitchen at the sound of your greeting, clearly expecting the new guest.
“Taemin! Get in here and have some pizza,” Jimin says, his mouth full. “You too, Noona. We got plenty.”
Instead of immediately heading for the food, Taemin wraps you in a hug that has you wheezing for air. “Long time no see, huh? How’ve you been?”
You squirm in his tight embrace, raised to your tiptoes. “Put me down, you heathen. I’m fine right now, but I won’t be if you suffocate me.”
Taemin chortles good-naturedly and releases his grip, ruffling your hair. “Good to see you too, {Name}. Honestly, it hasn’t been the same around here without you. How long are you back for? The whole summer?”
You shake your head. “Just a couple weeks. I’ve got to get back for an internship.”
“Already a hotshot, huh?” Taemin grins. “What are you going to be doing?”
The topic of your summer job is a welcome distraction from the way Jungkook’s dark gaze trails after you as you tread into the kitchen alongside Taemin, slapping two slices of pizza onto a plate and glancing around for a napkin. You can feel his eyes boring into the back of your skull, prickling your skin with electricity, but continue your conversation with Taemin as if nothing is amiss.
“You gonna sit down or what?” Taemin gives you a quizzical glance as he pulls a chair out from the table, joining Jimin and Jungkook who are already seated. You do your best to ignore the way Jungkook’s jaw flexes with every chew, somehow managing to look infuriatingly handsome despite the mouth full of dough and pizza grease staining his chin.
“I—” Your mind whirs, searching for the excuse you had planned. “—I still have some work to do. Reading and whatnot.”
“Nerd,” Jimin snorts.
Taemin shrugs. “Okay, then. Suit yourself, I guess.”
Jungkook doesn’t say anything. But you feel his eyes burning into your skin as you head back upstairs, and it isn’t until you are safely back in your bedroom, sagging against the closed door, that you can finally breathe properly again.
You end up departing for the party nearly twenty minutes after the official start time of eight o’clock, caving to Jimin’s insistence on being fashionably late. Personally, you think he just wanted the extra time to work on his hair—making sure every strand is perfectly, effortlessly tousled—and call him out on it as he locks the front door behind you.
“I didn’t spend that long on my hair,” Jimin sniffs defensively. “Besides, you’re the one who needed to run back in and get your wallet. What do you even need your wallet for? We’re walking like, four blocks.”
“Better safe than sorry,” you retort. “What if I get murdered and they need to identify my body? What if I get mugged? You never know!”
Taemin falls into step beside you. “What if we need to tip a stripper?” he chimes in.
You nod and raise your hand for a high-five without taking your eyes off your brother. “Exactly! You have to tip your sex workers, Chim!”
Jimin waggles a suggestive eyebrow. “I think I’d rather give them a different ti—”
You push him off the sidewalk before he can finish speaking, pulling a face as he stumbles into the street in a fit of laughter. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence, you perv!”
The remainder of the short walk to Taehyung’s house passes uneventfully. Jimin doesn’t bother knocking, throwing open the door like he owns the place, and you trail after him with Taemin and Jungkook on your heels. Immediately, you’re assailed by a cacophonous sea of conversation and thumping music, people milling around in the dimly lit interior.
“There you are!” The voice comes from your left, and you barely have time to register the speaker’s face before she’s gasping and engulfing you in a hug. “{Name}, you made it! Hi!”
You laugh, squeezing her back. “Hi, Chaeyoung. It’s good to see you. Sorry I didn’t catch you at graduation.”
“Oh please,” she says, waving you off. “We have all the time in the world to catch up now. Let’s get you away from these boys and find you a drink, shall we?” Flipping a lock of strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder, she loops her arm through yours and begins steering you toward the kitchen. “So what are you in the mood for? The beer’s shit, so I’d stay away from anything in the cooler, but everything else is actually drinkable.”
“Shocking,” you remark, peering at the mess of bottles and cups lining the kitchen counter. There’s a massive bowl of a horrifyingly neon green concoction as well, and you take one whiff before backing away again, nose wrinkling in disgust. “I see Tae’s still making punch.”
“I wouldn’t touch that if I were you,” Chaeyoung advises. “He’s somehow managed to make it twice as sugary and three times more alcoholic than last year’s. Pretty sure it’s worse than moonshine at this point.”
You grin and locate an empty cup, raising it in her direction. “Thanks for the heads up.”
Chaeyoung refills her own drink, and you settle on a simple blend of cranberry juice and vodka. Together, you head back in the direction of the living room, where Jisoo and Lisa are chattering away on a couch in the corner. They look up at your arrival, greeting you with smiles and hugs, and quickly usher you into a seat beside them.
“So,” Jisoo begins, leaning forward. “How’s college?”
“Tell us everything,” Lisa adds, propping her chin in her palm. “Is it nice living away from home?”
Jisoo waggles her brows. “Forget that. Have you met any guys?”
Unbidden, Jungkook springs to the forefront of your mind, dark eyes staring at you from beneath equally dark hair as he leans down, down, down—
“Nope!” you blurt before your thoughts can progress any further. “I mean, I share a suite with a couple guys, but that doesn’t count.”
“Are they cute?” Lisa prods.
“They must be more mature than these high school boys,” Chaeyoung sighs.
“Hardly,” you snort. “Don’t get your hopes up.”
The gossip continues. More people arrive as the night wears on, the living room filling up with dancing bodies. A few girls you don’t know join in your conversation, perching on armrests and ottomans and the carpeted floor as a last resort. Across the hall in the dining room, you spot Taemin setting up a table for beer pong, a triumphant shout going up when Taehyung procures an unopened package of balls from somewhere in the hall closet.
“This is gonna be tournament style, got it?” he announces as he tears the package open. “Winner goes up against the undefeated champs—Jungkook and Yugyeom!”
Even from your comfy seat on the couch, you can see the arrogant twist of Jungkook’s mouth as he leans over to give Yugyeom a high-five. You can’t tear your eyes away from the way he tongues his cheek, lounging back into a chair to watch the first round of the game. Jimin steps forward alongside Taehyung, and you watch as your brother scrutinizes the pyramid of cups, poised to make a throw that lifts his shirt just enough to expose a flash of his admittedly toned abdomen.
“He wore that shirt on purpose,” Jisoo accuses, and you huff out a sound that’s more snort than laugh.
“Please, it’s just the only shirt he owns that isn’t dirty. Trust me.”
“I don’t even care,” another girl you don’t know the name of pipes up. “I’d still let him blow my back out.”
You grimace. “And on that note, I suddenly need another drink,” you announce, to giggles. Wrenching out of your cozy seat between Jisoo and Lisa, you wave your near empty cup in farewell and make your way toward the kitchen, carefully skirting around the dancers and beer pong spectators spilling out into the hallway.
The kitchen is deserted when you walk in, everyone having flocked to the dining room to watch the beer pong tournament. Humming along to the music, you open up the fridge and survey its contents, hoping to find something decent. Curiously, you pick your way past a few cans before turning a dark glass bottle around to read the label.
“Are you avoiding me, Noona?”
The voice comes from behind you, deep and sinfully resonant, and you don’t even have to turn around to know that he’s standing just inches away. His breath ruffles through the hair at the nape of your neck, sending gooseflesh prickling across your skin, and when strong hands curl gently around your hips you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding.
“I missed you, y’know,” he continues, his mouth finding its way to your ear and nipping lightly at the lobe. “You didn’t talk to me all day, even though I was right there in your house. Ran like a scared little rabbit when you saw me in the kitchen, didn’t you?” Softly, his lips ghost along the column of your throat, pressing a kiss to the junction of your neck and shoulder. “So, now what? Are you gonna run from me again?”
You don’t think you could if you tried. Your feet are rooted firmly in place, your entire body frozen as you await whatever he’ll do next. And when he urges you to spin around and face him, you obey immediately, your hands coming up to splay against his chest as he presses even closer and rewards your compliance with a kiss.
“Jungkook,” you breathe against his parted lips. “Jungkook, god.”
Slowly, he trails down your neck, leaving soft nips in his wake. “Yes, Noona?”
“We can’t,” you whisper, even as your head falls back to allow him more access to your clavicle. “Jungkook, we can’t do this.”
Your companion raises his head then, his dark gaze meeting yours. “Tell me to stop,” he says quietly. His thumbs dip beneath the hem of your shirt, rubbing circles into the soft skin of your waist, and you inhale sharply at the feeling. “If that’s what you want, Noona, just tell me to stop and I will. I promise.”
He’s palming along your hips now. The warmth of his palms seeps into your body, rendering it increasingly difficult to concentrate. His mouth returns to your neck as he awaits your answer, and you don’t miss the way his lips curl into a smirk against the delicate skin of your collarbone when you hesitate a moment too long.
“Well, Noona?”
Fuck it. Your arms wind around his neck, pulling him closer until there’s no space left between your bodies. “Jungkook, kiss me,” you breathe, throwing all remaining remnants of caution to the wind.
Jungkook straightens up to his full height, his smirk widening. “Anything for you, princess,” he remarks before leaning down, winding one hand in your hair and finding purchase in the curve of your waist with the other. The newfound pet name ignites a tendril of heat in the pit of your belly, and when Jungkook finally closes the gap between your lips, you release a breathy moan that he eagerly swallows. The hand in your hair tightens its grip to pull you even closer, tongues and teeth clashing as he deepens the kiss.
It’s only when the need for air becomes critical that you break away from him with a gasp, your lungs aching. Jungkook isn’t faring much better, his chest heaving beneath the thin white material of his t-shirt. He releases his grip on your hair, his thumb grazing across your cheek gently instead, and when he leans in to plant another kiss on your mouth, you exhale shakily. “God, Jungkook.”
His arm tightens around your waist. “What do you need, princess?” he asks, and you can’t deny your delight at his continued use of the nickname. His teeth find the lobe of your ear again, and you release a breathy moan as he delivers a particularly sharp nip to the soft flesh before pressing an open-mouthed kiss to the sensitive spot just below it. “Tell me. Tell me, and I’ll give it to you. I’ll give you anything you want.”
You slide your hands along his broad shoulders and up to his nape, brushing the silver hoops in his ears before tangling your fingers in his silky hair. “You’re teasing me.”
Jungkook clicks his tongue and pulls away, your arms falling uselessly to your sides as he takes a step back. “I just need to hear you say it, Noona,” he chides, his voice leaving no room for disobedience. “I need to hear you say that you want this. That you want me.”
A shiver dances up your spine, and you aren’t sure whether it’s due to his wicked lilt or the sudden absence of his body heat. “I want you,” you whisper, reaching out to touch him. “Jungkook, please.”
The smirk that spreads across his face is absolutely devastating. “Then come with me,” he commands softly, taking your hand and lacing your fingers together. You leave behind the thumping music and the loud chatter of the party, allowing Jungkook to pull you into one of several rooms lining the hallway and squeaking when he shuts the door and immediately pins you against it. His mouth slants across yours, hot and urgent, and you moan into the kiss as your hands fly up to grip his shoulders.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted this?” Jungkook breathes, pulling away just enough to whisper the words against your lips. “Fuck, princess, look at this tiny little skirt you’re wearing. You’ve been killing me all night, you know that?”
He punctuates the words with another kiss, nipping harshly at your bottom lip. His hands slide down to the curve of your ass, and you gasp when he scoops you up effortlessly. “Legs around my waist,” he orders, readjusting his grip as he begins walking you further into the room.
It’s the laundry room, you realize upon closer inspection. Jungkook’s busy mouthing at your neck, but he breaks away with a smirk when he finally reaches his destination, plopping you down atop the cool metal of the washing machine. “Shame there’s nothing in here,” he remarks, kicking the side softly. “I really wanna fuck you with this thing running one day. But for now…” His smirk widens, his hands settling on your knees. “This’ll do.”
In an instant, he’s pushed up your skirt and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of your panties, tugging them down and off your legs. He drops to his knees, smoothing his hands along your inner thighs, and your cheeks flush when he urges you to spread them further. “Jungkook—“ you mumble, thoroughly embarrassed as he stares reverently at your exposed core, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip. “Quit staring at me like that.”
“I can’t help it,” he murmurs, leaning in and pressing a soft trail of kisses along your thigh. “You’re so beautiful, Noona.”
You trail off, unsure of what to say. What do you say when your little brother’s best friend is staring at you like you’re a desert oasis and he’s been wandering, dehydrated, for days? What do you say when the scrawny neighbor kid you’d grown up with is caressing every inch of your legs, soothing the soft skin with his fingers and lips?
What do you say when you realize, once and for all, that Jeon Jungkook is undoubtedly—unabashedly—a man now?
You swallow, hard. Jungkook is nearing your core now, his hair tickling your thighs, and you gasp when he slides a finger up your slit experimentally. “You’re so wet,” he breathes. “So wet, and so—” He touches the pad of his finger to his tongue, grinning up at you as he laps up your essence. “—delicious. Fuck. You’re the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”
And then he leans forward, boldly licking a stripe up the length of your entrance. Strong arms wind around your legs to hold you open, and when he shoves his face even deeper, his nose brushing against your clit, you let out a strangled whimper. “Fuck, Jungkook—”
The sound of his name draws a pleased hum from the young man nestled between your thighs, rumbling through his chest and straight to your core. Your walls clench, but Jungkook stubbornly refuses to dip his tongue inside. Instead, he teases at your folds, spreading them apart with two fingers and licking ardently at your leaking juices before kissing a short trail up to your clit. “Can you cum like this?” he asks curiously, thumbing across the sensitive bundle of nerves.
His answer comes in the form of a breathy gasp, your hips jerking upward to seek out more friction. Jungkook chuckles and obliges your silent request, dark eyes flickering up to meet yours as he begins rubbing slow circles around your bud. “Guess that’s a yes,” he murmurs, pressing yet another kiss to your thigh. His gaze remains locked on yours as he rubs a little harder, dragging your juices up from your slit and digging in deep until you are moaning aloud, your hands coming down to fist in his silky hair.
“I-I’m close,” you keen. “Please, Jungkook, please.”
Jungkook hums and leans back. At the same time, he slides two fingers inside you, curling them upward, and the sudden surge of fullness is more than enough to tip you over the edge. His name escapes your lips in a garbled moan, your walls spasming around his hand as he continues teasing your clit, drawing out your orgasm until you finally whine from oversensitivity and bat him away. Obediently, he withdraws, rising to his feet so that he towers over you once more.
“Holy fuck,” he murmurs, staring down at you with an expression caught somewhere between awestruck wonder and unbridled hunger. “You’re so pretty when you cum. So pretty and perfect and—” He swallows, his throat bobbing harshly. “God, I need to fuck you. Can I fuck you now, Noona? Will you let me stretch open this pretty little pussy and fill you up with my cock?”
Your breath hitches. Never in a million years could you have imagined that your brother’s mild-mannered best friend could have such a filthy mouth, but you cannot hide the way your core clenches at his words. Slowly, you raise your arms, winding them around his neck to pull him closer. “Yes,” you whisper, brushing your lips against his. “Fuck me, Jungkook.”
A groan escapes him, deep and cavernous in a way that sends heat spiking through your veins. Jungkook doesn’t waste any time, his mouth chasing after yours as one hand finds the back of your head, pulling you into a bruising kiss. The other slides down to the waistband of his jeans, freeing himself from the confines of the denim. He doesn’t break the kiss for a moment, even as he grabs your hips and pulls you closer. It isn’t until you’re seated on the very edge of the washing machine, wrapping your legs around his waist to steady yourself, that you pull away and let your gaze fall to his newly revealed cock. Jungkook is long and deliciously thick, and you let out a shaky breath when you see the pearlescent white drops beading at the swollen tip.
“Oh my god.” The words bubble up automatically, escaping you in an airy whisper. “How are you so big?”
Jungkook huffs out a hoarse chuckle, amusement glittering in his dark irises. “Think you can take all of me, princess?”
Your gaze falls down to his length again, your tongue darting out to wet your lips. “Put on a condom, and let’s find out.”
Jungkook grins and produces a little foil wrapper from somewhere in his back pocket, tearing into it with his teeth. You help him roll the condom over his cock, and as soon as it’s in place, he’s lining himself up and pushing inside you. A deep groan escapes him as he parts your walls inch by torturous inch, and you moan as your pussy is stretched to its limit, molding to his shape and sheer size. By the time he bottoms out, he’s almost prodding at your cervix, and you grab breathlessly at his bicep.
“I—I need a minute,” you gasp, your body spasming around him as you fight to adjust to the surge of fullness.
“Me too,” Jungkook rasps, his voice strained. His eyes flutter shut as he inhales deeply through his nose, cursing again when you clench around him unconsciously. “Fuck. You’re so tight.”
For a few moments, there’s only the sound of Jungkook’s labored breathing, his head falling forward to rest on your shoulder. His breath is hot against the exposed skin of your clavicle, and you sigh when you feel him mouthing at the delicate skin, nipping softly before soothing across it with his tongue.
At the sound, Jungkook raises his head, dark eyes meeting yours before dropping down to where the two of you are joined. “God, you look so good like this,” he murmurs, licking his lips. “So pretty, stuffed full of my cock.”
You clench around him again—this time more purposefully. Jungkook’s mouth falls open, a silent question on the tip of his tongue, and you answer it with a deliberate roll of your hips, wordlessly encouraging him to move. Gingerly, he obeys, retreating until only the head of his erection remains inside you. His hand drops down to your clit, and you keen out his name when he surges forward at the same time he flicks his thumb across the sensitive nub. Pleasure licks at your spine, replacing the discomfort. Jungkook lets out a pleased hum.
Slowly, he works up a rhythm, keeping his thrusts shallow as he begins rubbing circles around your clit again. With his other hand, he slides the straps of your top down your shoulders, tugging the bodice down just enough to free your breasts. Your nipples harden at the exposure, and a moan escapes you when he immediately takes one between his fingers, rolling and pinching at the peak. The additional stimulation, paired with the heavy drag of his cock along your walls and his insistent thumb on your clit, has you teetering dangerously close to the edge, your tummy tensing.
“Jungkook—” you whimper, your nails digging into his shoulders. He grunts in response and picks up the pace, rolling even more fervently up into your clenching heat, and you gasp when a particularly hard thrust sends you scooting backward atop the washing machine. “Fuck! I’m close, Jungkook.”
“Me too,” he grits out. “Come on, princess, cum for me. I know you can do it, just let go for me one more time—”
And with one final flick of his wrist and a thrust that’s so deep you can practically feel him in the back of your throat, you come completely undone, spasming wildly around his cock. It all proves too much for Jungkook, who’s groaning right alongside you as he reaches his high, spilling into the condom. He chants your name like a prayer as his hips gradually still, and his lips seek out yours almost instinctively as his cock softens inside you. The kiss is lazy and languid, contentment settling in your veins. Jungkook wraps you up in a warm embrace, his tongue dipping inside your mouth to explore.
It isn’t until a loud cheer rises up from the front of the house that you snap out of your blissful haze. “We should get back to the party,” you mumble into the kiss, pushing against Jungkook’s chest when he only pulls you closer. “Jungkook, come on. People are gonna get suspicious if we’re gone too long.”
“You know what else will make people suspicious? You, coming out like that.” He gestures at the skirt hiked up around your waist, a slow smirk playing at his lips as he gives you a once-over, his gaze lingering on the wet sheen streaking your inner thighs. “As much as I’m enjoying the view.”
You swat his arm. “Stop that!”
Jungkook snickers and bends down to pick up your discarded panties, swinging them around his index finger. “Stop what?”
“Oh my god, Jungkook.”
Cackling, he returns the lacy undergarment to you, watching as you pull the material up your legs. You adjust your shirt while he disposes of his condom, and when you hop off the washing machine, he offers you a hand that you gratefully accept, gripping his arm as you steady yourself on shaky legs.
“You should leave first,” you tell him, smoothing out the wrinkles in his t-shirt and relishing the way his muscles twitch beneath your fingertips. “It’ll look weird if we leave together, and I need to pee, anyway.”
Jungkook grins and catches your wrists, swooping down to plant a quick kiss on your mouth. “As you wish,” he says, offering you a playful wink.
Then he’s straightening back up to his full height, checking his pockets and running a hand through his mussed hair. You watch as he walks over to the door, putting his ear against it for a few seconds before determining that the coast is clear and slipping out into the hallway. As the door clicks shut behind him, you hear someone—you’re pretty sure it’s a drunk Yugyeom—greet him with a resounding clap on the back. “Dude, where have you been all night? We’re getting our asses handed to us. Minho and Taemin are winning.”
“Sorry, man,” Jungkook half-shouts, and you realize that he’s making sure you can hear him. “Come on. Let’s go get that crown.”
Leaning against the door, you listen as their voices recede down the hallway. You count to five, and then to ten when your thumping heart refuses to slow. At nineteen, it finally calms down—enough that you feel comfortable leaving the laundry room and slipping into the bathroom to clean yourself up.
There’s a massive crowd gathered in the dining room by the time you rejoin the party, and you easily slip unnoticed into the mass of people eagerly watching the final round of the beer pong tournament. Jungkook stands at the far end of the table beside Yugyeom, poised to throw.
He catches your eye at the same time he releases the ball with a flick of his wrist, a knowing smirk settling on his face as triumphant cheers break out all around you.
It’s well after midnight by the time the party begins to wind down. Chaeyoung and Lisa are nowhere to be found, and several other girls are lingering near the front door saying their goodbyes before heading out. You find yourself seated on the couch between Jimin and Minho, watching as the latter helps clean up by hurling beer cans at the wastebasket on the other end of the room.
“Man, no wonder you suck at pong.” Jungkook walks into the room and plops down on an end table, a faded cardboard Burger King crown sitting rakishly on his head. “Want me to show you how the champs do it?”
Minho snorts. “Fuck off, man, you barely won that second game. Besides, we totally would’ve won if Taemin hadn’t spent half the time staring at Lisa’s tits.”
Taemin, who’s perched on a corner of the coffee table, raises his hands innocently. “Hey, don’t look at me. I scored most of the points that round.”
Minho huffs irritably and tosses another can at the wastebasket, cursing when it bounces off the rim. Taehyung wanders in and picks it up, throwing it back at Minho before squeezing into the miniscule amount of space between you and Jimin on the couch.
“Jesus, Tae,” you grunt, shifting to give him more room. The movement tilts you toward Minho, smushing you against his side, and he shoots you a playful grin and a wink.
“Cozy,” you confirm with a laugh.
“Good,” he says, freeing his arm and throwing it across the back of the couch to give you a little more space. “It’s nice having you around again, Noona.”
Jungkook’s head whirls around so quickly you fear he might have given himself whiplash. His stare zeroes in on Minho’s arm, eyes narrowing at the proximity, but the other boy remains blissfully unaware as he leans back against the couch cushions. Subtly, you lean forward, trying to put some distance between your bodies.
“It’s nice to be back,” you tell him. “It feels like I missed so much, but at the same time, it’s like nothing’s changed.”
“Choi’s aim sure hasn’t changed,” Yugyeom remarks from the doorway with a handful of empty beer bottles. “Still can’t land a shot, even after all these years.” Raising a bottle, he hefts it toward the wastebasket, smirking in satisfaction when it sinks perfectly inside the can.
“And not just with pong,” Taemin goads. “How did things go with Sana again?”
Minho rolls his eyes. “Like you’re one to talk. Besides, we’d all probably stand a better chance if Jeon over there would leave some girls for the rest of us.”
“You’re just jealous because Sana likes him better than she likes you,” Taehyung says with a snicker. “Yo, Jeon! Didn’t you guys make it to third base at Jackson’s party?”
Your stomach sinks as all eyes in the room turn to Jungkook, whose eyes go wide at the sudden attention. “What?”
“Sa. Na,” Taehyung repeats, emphasizing each syllable. “Hottest girl in our year? Third base at Jackson’s? Or are you having a hard time remembering since you wound up leaving with Jihyo?”
Yugyeom chortles as he plops down onto the carpeted floor. “Fuck, man, I forgot about that. Jesus. Just last year you were still shitting yourself at the thought of talking to a girl. Who knew you secretly had so much game?”
The room is beginning to feel stifling. Every breath you take feels like you’re inhaling ash, like a volcano that has lain dormant for ages has suddenly and without warning erupted inside your chest.
He’s playing you. And even worse, it seems that this is a game he’s played before—many times, if his friends are to be believed. Your stomach turns at the thought.
From his perch on the end table, Jungkook scoffs out a stilted, staccato note. “Right. I guess any nonzero number would seem high to you guys, huh?”
Loud jeers break out from the surrounding boys, and you do your best to melt back into the couch cushions. The way you’re squished between Taehyung and Minho makes it impossible for you to find any leverage to stand, so you settle for leaning your head back and staring at the stucco ceiling, willing your heartbeat to slow. Gradually, the noise of the party fades into the background, as do the voices of your brother and his friends. It’s only when Jimin pokes your shoulder, singsonging your name, that you break out of your trance.
“What? Huh?”
“The lake house,” Jimin says, looking at you as if you’re stupid. “You down?”
You can only blink at him, repeating the words back to him dumbly. “The lake house?”
Jimin raises a brow. “Yeah, the lake house. You know, our lake house? The one we drive up to every summer? Where we’ve been vacationing since we were like, five?”
You scowl when he pinches your cheek like you’re a child again. “Yeah, I got that. What about it?”
A snort. “Jeez, have you been listening at all, Noona? We’re talking about going up there for a few days.”
“Oh,” you croak. Unwillingly, you find yourself glancing over at Jungkook, your face growing warm when you see him staring right back, his expression careful and composed. “Right.”
“You should come, Noona,” Taemin pipes up. “You’re here for the next few weeks, right? Might as well have some fun.”
“I don’t know—” you begin, but Jimin cuts you off with a raised finger and another pinch to your cheek.
“You can’t just do homework the whole time you’re here,” he says. “Come with us, Noona. Live a little.”
“It’ll help get your mind off your internship, too,” Jungkook remarks softly. “You deserve a break. Just a few days won’t hurt.”
The fact that he remembers your internship woes shouldn’t make your heart lurch. You know it shouldn’t, but you can’t help the way your chest swells dangerously. “Fine,” you concede, reaching over Taehyung to pinch Jimin’s cheek in retaliation. “I’ll come, I guess.”
Taehyung and Taemin cheer, and Minho wraps his arm around your shoulder and squeezes you tight. “We should invite the other girls,” he points out, chuckling when you splutter for air in his ironclad grasp and try in vain to shake him off. “Don’t want it to be a total sausage fest.”
“Penis party is a much better term,” Taehyung interjects helpfully. “It’s alliterative.”
“You want alliterative? How about a cock carnival?” Jimin supplies, before doubling over in giggles.
You huff, exasperated at the ludicrous turn in conversation. “I can’t believe I’m coming with you guys.”
Minho snickers. “Title of your sex tape,” he jokes, punctuating it with a suggestive eyebrow waggle that sobers your brother up immediately. Jimin straightens up and fixes Minho with a glare, and despite your brother’s smaller stature, the older boy still shrinks back slightly.
“Dude, that’s my sister.”
Minho raises his hands apologetically. “Sorry, sorry. Automatic response. My bad.”
You just roll your eyes. “Are you twelve? God. I don’t know how the girls put up with any of you.”
Gradually, the night draws to a close. The number of people milling about dwindles, and Taehyung fiddles with his phone, letting out a satisfied hum when he finds the playlist he wants. The music transforms into something low and smooth, the soft R&B beat filling the room. You feel your eyes begin to droop.
“We should probably head home,” Jimin says, stretching his arms lazily overhead. “Noona here has to get her beauty sleep, and I don’t feel like carrying her back if she falls asleep here.”
“Shut up, Chim,” you mumble, but there’s no real bite in your tone. Jimin just chuckles and stands up, tugging on your hand until you’re on your feet as well. Jungkook straightens up too, and together, you bid farewell to the others and head for the door.
��{Name}, wait a second.”
You turn at the sound of Jisoo’s voice, tilting your head curiously as she lays a gentle hand on your arm and ushers you off to the side. “Yeah?”
Jisoo casts a furtive glance around the hallway, lowering her voice to a murmur. “I see what’s going on with Jungkook,” she whispers once she’s sure the coast is clear.
You stiffen, your mouth opening and closing a few times before you manage to find your voice again. “You… you saw us?”
She nods. “He’s been watching you all night—it’d honestly be harder not to notice. I just…” She sighs and looks around again, missing the relief that must be etched across your expression as her gaze lingers on where Jungkook and Jimin are loitering by the door. “…just be careful, okay? Jungkook—he’s changed this past year. I mean, I don’t know if all the rumors are true, but… he’s not the same guy you probably remember. He went out with Chae for a few weeks, did she tell you that?”
At your look of horror, she sighs. “Figures. She hides it well, but I know she’s still torn up about how he ended it after they slept together. So watch out for him, okay? He’s a heartbreaker. And he never, ever stays until the morning.”
Every word that leaves her mouth stings, but you don’t let that show on your face. Instead, you force a smile and pat her hand reassuringly. “Don’t worry about me,” you tell her. “I’m not going to get involved with him.”
You repeat that to yourself the whole way home, trying not to focus on the young man a few paces away and the way you can still taste him on your tongue.
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NANA Characters in Quarantine
I was inspired to write this since I had to go under quarantine earlier this month due to coming in close contact with a co-worker who tested positive for COVID. I returned to work this week and I’m doing just fine! If you wish for me to do this with one of the fandoms on my list, then feel free to request it!
~~Nana Osaki~~
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Does NOT handle quarantine well at first. Being unable to sing makes her jittery and cranky! Will literally rant and rave to anyone who listens and she’ll do that for hours!
But once she gets all of the frustration out of her system, Nana will come up with ways to make the best of the lockdown. Surprise, surprise, they’re mostly music based!
Will use this opportunity to come up with new material and has video calls every night with the band to discuss it. They’re not gonna sit around and be lazy when they could be getting creative as far as she’s concerned!
If she’s with her S/O or Ren during the quarantine, then it’ll make things much better for Nana since she’ll have someone always around to talk to and just share company with! Cuddles! Lots of cuddles! Just don’t tell anyone though.
If Nana is alone during lockdown, then her anxiety will definitely spike and she’ll have panic attacks more often. When that happens, she’ll usually call or text someone while using the paper bag method to keep herself calm.
~~Nana Komatsu~~
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Is pretty bummed about the lockdown but doesn’t want to complain and prefers to make the best of it instead. Will definitely be talking Nana down and off the ledge when she gets too annoyed.
Decides to make BLAST and Trapnest masks to sell online which become extremely popular much to her delight. Yes the bands approve and yes Hachi is making masks for them!
Is the most likely to gain weight during lockdown. Will look up recipes online and try them out which is the cause of said weight gain. Hachi loves food after all!
You can definitely expect to see Hachi on social media a lot and it’ll be her main way of keeping in contact with her friends and family. Livestreaming and making cooking videos will definitely keep Hachi occupied alongside her mask business!
If Hachi is with her S/O, she’ll definitely be doing many things with them and trying to make them a part of her videos which will be very cute and adorable! Awwwww!
~~Nobu Terashima~~
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Takes the lockdown quite well. He’s pretty introverted so being alone and isolated for a while doesn’t affect him as much as others.  
Uses the free time to write songs and new material just like Nana and they call every day with new pieces and ideas.
Spends a lot of time on social media and donates to a lot of humanitarian causes, persuading fans of BLAST to do the same which always succeeds.
Will gladly fight anyone who thinks the pandemic is a hoax, is an anti-masker, or just don’t wanna obey guidelines. You’re not gonna get other people sick on Nobu’s watch!
Likes to livestream and play music for his fans whether it be covers or original material. Hachi is one of his mods and his biggest supporter.
~~Shinichi Okazaki~~
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The lockdown affects his living as a gigolo (if he still does it by then) so you’re damn right Shin doesn’t like it! He hates being restricted and you can expect long-winded debates between him and Nobu on how the pandemic should be handled.
If Shin has an S/O and is with them during lockdown, they can expect a lot of sex and overall intimacy! No one is surprised if Shin ends up getting said S/O pregnant. If he’s gonna be cooped up in the house for a while, then he could at least get some action out of it!
Is lazy AF during lockdown and isn’t interested in music or social media. In fact, don’t expect to hear from Shin during quarantine at all. Everyone has to initiate contact with him first and yes it pisses them off.
The only way to get Shin to do something productive is if his S/O threatens to cut him off sexually and goes through with it. He’ll do anything to get some WAP! Speaking of which, expect to see Shin dancing to music and expect to hear it playing a lot.
The only social media posts Shin will be making is photos of him and his S/O as well as getting on Nobu’s nerves. Shin gets tons of followers because of his looks but his heart is for his S/O only and he proudly displays that!
~~Yasu Takagi~~
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Anticipated the lockdown and went shopping beforehand. He’s always prepared.
With an S/O, Yasu will use this opportunity to get closer to them and have deep conversations that can last for hours. Also lots of cuddles and affection! Yasu’s S/O will definitely be spoiled!
Yasu will be working from home so expect to see him on his laptop a lot. He will be doing video calls frequently with BLAST and upper management at Gaia as well as his law firm if he’s still a lawyer.
Likes to binge-watch YouTube videos and browse on Reddit. He likes to interact with his favorite YouTubers and give advice on Reddit like the kind person he is. Yasu will also donate to humanitarian causes like Nobu does.
Acts as the peacemaker during arguments between Nobu and Shin. Will also calm Nana down if her anxiety flares up. Got any problems? Call Yasu! He’s always available!
~~Ren Honjo~~
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Gives no shits about the lockdown and is zen AF. He has to stay inside for a while? Ok!
Is mostly gonna spend the days in bed with his S/O (if they’re with him) and just wants to be close to them. Sleeping is Ren’s best friend!
If Ren is still using drugs, then he’s gonna be unbearable to be around since this means he’ll have to go through withdrawal and will have no way to get the drugs.
Will be unreachable during lockdown if he’s with his S/O. They come first as far as he’s concerned and he wants to make up for lost time with them as much as possible.
Will play music just to brush up on his guitar skills. May join Nobu on one of his livestreams every now and then and play with him as well as chat with fans.
~~Reira Serizawa~~
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Has the same reaction as Nana when it comes to the lockdown and has bitching sessions with her about it too. Everyone is annoyed (except Shin) and if anyone tries to interrupt, they get bombarded by Reira and Nana to the point of not being able to get a word in.
Is bored AF and literally doesn’t know what to do with her time. Calls everyone and annoys the hell out of them to the point where they block her number. Reira just wants some company! 🙁
Spends the most time on social media out of everyone and mostly sings songs for her fans. Yes she takes requests and yes she gets a lot of them. Joins Nobu on his livestream whenever Ren is present and provides the vocals for their music. It instantly goes viral as one would expect.
If Reira has an S/O, they can definitely expect her to be clingy and trying to always have their attention. If they’re working from home and have to do video chats, Reira will definitely be in the background and will bring you things if you ask. She may or may not be appropriately dressed.
Loves to listen to other musicians on Spotify and will shout them out and uplift them. If anyone sings a cover of one of Trapnest’s songs, Reira will cry with joy and happiness!
~~Takumi Ichinose~~
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Takes the lockdown in stride surprisingly enough. He doesn’t want to risk getting sick nor does he want his bandmates getting sick.
Decides to relax more instead of working which shocks most people. If Takumi has an S/O, he’ll want them to stay with him but if they can’t, he’ll settle for calls and texts.  
Sex, sex, and more sex! His S/O will definitely be worn out unless they have a high sex drive and if they get pregnant, Takumi will be happy and expects it to happen unless you use birth control.
Likes to try new challenges and will have a YouTube channel dedicated to that. Such content includes eating a Carolina Reaper pepper, drinking very strong cocktails, and gaming-related challenges. Yes Takumi is a gamer and his rage is legendary.
Does weekly video calls with the band to make sure they’re taking care of themselves and staying safe. No one’s getting sick on his watch!
~~Naoki Fujieda~~
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Hates the restrictions and whines about being stuck in the house all day, everyday. He wants to have fun damn it!
Will do anything and everything to keep himself busy and if he has an S/O with him, they’ll be dragged into it too! Naoki doesn’t want you to be bored!
Will do challenges with Takumi and plays video games a lot whether it’s by himself, with his S/O, or with Takumi. His livestreams are a riot and there’s plenty of laughter to be had, especially if Takumi is present.
Likes to upload skits and rants that become quite popular due to how funny and true they are. Also gives advice to people which actually works and makes their lives better.
Always makes sure his appearance is on point and likes to promotes fashion brands, ideas, and trends. Naoki loves beautiful things so expect to see a lot of pics of just that!
~~Junko and Kyosuke~~
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Kyosuke takes the lockdown in stride while Junko panics. Junko ends up furloughed (she’s a salesperson) so she worries about finances.
Kyosuke comes up the idea of doing art commissions for money and it becomes a huge success. Junko decides to join in and also makes and sells masks with Hachi.
Their sex life becomes much more active during lockdown and it’s quite noticeable with how relaxed Junko is. Teasing them about this will just make Junko act like a tsundere and Kyosuke act smug.
They network with other artists worldwide and become quite involved, especially in the black community.
Kyosuke watches various livestreams while Junko sticks to services like Netflix and Hulu. Kyosuke is a mod for Hachi’s livestreams and Junko catches up on her favorite shows while live-tweeting with fellow fans of said shows and having discussions.
215 notes · View notes
outofsstyles · 4 years
a/n: soo I’ve been working on this for a little while now and I’m very excited to share it with you al!! This piece is inspired by Taylor Swift’s music video for her song Wildest Dreams. If you’ve never seen the video, or don’t remember it really well, I recommend you watch it *after* reading the story so you don’t get it spoiled! If you’re interested then you can watch it by clicking *right here!!*
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Word count:  17.2k                     Rated: M, mature           
You agree to help your friend on her film project and Harry is playing your love interest.
“You’ve been frowning a lot and haven’t said a single word in the past five minutes, what’s wrong?” You looked up to your quiet roommate sitting opposite to where you stood near the kitchen counter. 
A playlist you both had made months ago, meant only for cooking days, as Nia had instructed, played faintly in the background. You hummed along to the melody of a song you didn’t really know the name of, but had listened to it enough to mumble the lyrics, as you focused on cutting banana slices.
Nia was the one who brought up trying out a new fruit smoothie recipe she had found while scrolling around on Pinterest. She was pretty excited after coming home with the groceries, ready to start the process. Which is why seeing her sitting quietly as she glared at her phone was a big sign that something was wrong.
“I think Jordan is about to pull out on us,” she groaned loudly, locking her phone and throwing it on the counter, running her hands on her face, “I can’t believe this is happening a week before filming starts.”
“Oh, that’s not good news” you said, looking back at your friend’s defeated state in front of you as you threw the banana slices into the blender. “What happened?”
“He said he decided to go with his cousin to Ibiza.” Her arms muffled her voice as she lied on top of them, sighing once again, “this is the third one that leaves, I might as well just cancel the entire thing and fail this class.”
You rolled your eyes lightly at her, shaking your head as you listened to her dramatic reactions. Being her friend for as long as you have, you knew how stressed Nia got with a project, specially something she was passionate about. She was always too hard on herself, trying to push everything to be as perfect as possible, which is a good thing when you focused on the ultimate results. But she often tended to over-stress herself, and that’s what makes you worry.
With this one in particular, you could tell how excited she was from the day her teacher assigned it. She came back home and rambled for hours on end about making her first film. Which is why when she begged you to be part of it, and you couldn’t find it in your heart to say no. 
It was a small production after all, it just being Nia and her partner Evan, whom you have known had gotten close to her in the past months. She assured it would a rather simple concept, with only two characters. The trickiest part being the fact that they would film it out of town, in a camp house that belonged to Nia’s aunt. You had agreed to it to make her happy, and with her promise of buying you chocolate muffins. Most uni students, however, didn’t seem as keen to sacrifice a week of their spring break as you were.
“You’re being dramatic Nia,” you reassured, turning on the blender and cringing at the loud noise that took over the place. “Maybe they just read on the script that they would have to kiss me a couple of times and got too nervous about it,” you tried to humor, raising your voice a bit before turning the processor off. Nia looked back at you with a serious expression, making you scoff, “calm down, grumpy pants, I’m sure Evan knows someone who can do the role, stop worrying.”
“All I do is worry, you know that,” she sighed, standing up to walk towards the cabinets behind you. She selected two matching cups that she had gotten for your birthday, one had Elsa printed on it, and the other Anna. You smiled as she placed them on the counter, knowing you always thought matching friendship objects were silly, but Nia loved it, so you loved it too. She looked vaguely at the blender, letting her shoulder weight down.   “At least we have a banana smoothie.”
“And something else!” You said, jumping on your feet to get to the fridge and retrieved a tupperware. You held it in her direction and smiled, “leftover spaghetti from Joe’s!” you exclaimed, attempting to brighten her mood. She looked back at you, grabbing the container from your hands, as she tried to fight back a smile.
“Yes,  how could I forget the leftover spaghetti?”
As the days passed by, the both of you had gotten more stressed out. Nia was still worried about everything related to her film project. With the days passing by and no one to fill the other role on the script, she found herself on a daily cycle of stress breakdowns. 
Just two days after your former cast partner dropped out on the project to spend his week on the busy beaches of Ibiza, she had bought three different boxes of hair dyes. And as you helped her turn her hair into a light shade of pink, she cried about how everything seemed to go wrong in her life.
Meanwhile, you had been struggling to fight your procrastination tendencies and try to finish as much work as possible before spring break. A task that was showing itself to be extremely difficult, considering your mind seemed more focused on binge watching true crime shows on YouTube. 
The blank document stared back at you from your computer screen, as you wished that if you looked at it for long enough, the essay would somehow write itself. Writing a couple of words but soon deleting them and going back to an empty page, you signed. Why was it so difficult to introduce a topic? You took a sip of the hot drink on the sparkly Cinderella mug you had chosen for the day, another one of Nia’s Disney-related possessions. 
You frowned at the blank document, your failure to write a single paragraph still open in front of you. You heard a light knock on your bedroom door, but before you could even say anything, you spotted the already fading pink hair coming into the room. 
Nia walked in jumping excitedly, saying your name in little squeals and almost tripping down as she made her way to sit on your bed in front of you. Breathing out, she looked at you with a big smile and messy hair before blurting out.
“We’ve got you a husband!” you stared back at her, arching your eyebrows. You knew she was referring to the role on the film, but you still laughed off at her choice of phrasing. “Evan got someone, it’s like his old friend or something, said he trusts him not to drop out.”
“Well, fourth time’s a charm, I guess?” you smiled at her. 
“We’re planning a pizza night this Friday, so we can, you know, set the details and all that.” She properly lied down next to you, playing with the strings on the hem of your pajama shorts. “Also so you two can meet each other, of course, you’re going to be married for a week after all.”
“The way you say it seems like we’re actually doing it,”  You laughed, finally closing your computer, and moving down to face her. “We’re just playing characters, Nia.”
“I know, I know… You’re really no fun, aren’t you?” She moved her arm up to support her head and poked you with her free hand as you rolled your eyes at her. “Also, he seems pretty cute, Evan showed me his picture, maybe you two can hit off.”
“I’m sure he is,” you tried not to fall for her attempt on teasing you over someone you don’t even know. Sure, you’ll be playing love interests, but you’ve done this plenty of times before, back on your theatre days. Kissing someone on stage doesn’t mean you have feelings for them in real life, and you knew that pretty well. You sighed, looking down at her, not wanting to engage into this kind of topic.
“Anyway, should we celebrate your new cast member and my inability to write a single sentence about art history?” you changed the subject, trying to distract yourself from your own thoughts. “We could watch Devil Wears Prada and make caramel popcorn.”
Nia gasped dramatically, “these are the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard coming from those pretty lips of yours,”  jumping to her feet as she pulled you to stand with her. She then ran out of the room, screaming back, “I’ll get the blankets and you start with the popcorn!”
It’s been years since you’ve known Nia, but yet the dynamic between the two of you has never really changed. You’ve always considered yourself very lucky for having a friend like her in your life. From the day you met her in your English class, it was like seeing someone you had already known your entire life; it was always that easy to be with her. 
You two became inseparable from day one.
Looking back, it’s crazy for you to realize how well your high school plans with each other had turned out. Most people you know had those friends in school they only really talked to because they saw them five times a week. But as soon as graduation came by they parted their ways and became only good nostalgic memories for one another. With the two of you, everything just worked out. 
You both got into the university you wanted, ready to get matching art degrees. On your second year of college, you moved in together. And halfway through the course, Nia just dropped out to enroll on an eighteen months film school. And that’s when she met Nate. 
You always knew she was destined to be that kind of person who just has one great love in her life. Which was funny considering that anyone who spent over five minutes with her and Nate in the same room could swear they would never work together. They just were those kinds of couples who are the polar opposite of each other. 
Nia was a little social butterfly, who could start a conversation with anyone about anything. She could talk for hours with the old ladies at the grocery store about how the new brands of beans are just not as good as the ones not as well known. Or chat with the yoga moms about a new reality show that had premiered on Netflix. She loved experimenting on new things, trying out new recipes or mix distinct colors together on her clothes.
Nate, on the other hand, just wasn’t much of a talker at all. Since the start of their relationship, he often stops by at your apartment -wearing a different shade of grey every time - but it would be a lot to say that you two have had a conversation for longer than five minutes. He just mostly kept it to himself. 
They balanced each other, which is why they worked so well.
It would be a lie for you to say you didn’t think about having something like that for you. You thought maybe you just weren’t the kind of person to have one meaningful relationship in your life. And that was okay. You’d like to think you’re better off on your own, anyway. But now and then you wondered how it would be to fall asleep in someone’s arms every day.
But you tried your best to keep those thoughts locked away in the back of your head. You knew that for the most part love is not really meant to last, Nia was just part of the lucky few.
The atmosphere in your shared apartment was cozy, as you waited for Evan and his friend to arrive before you started the pizza hangout, as Nia called it. 
You both had spent the day tidying up the place, trying to decorate it a bit with some fairy lights and nice pillows you found in your room. It had been a long time since you had done any kind of social gathering in your home, and Nia wanted everything to be perfect. She even insisted on making the pizzas herself, which took most part of the afternoon, and a lot of bossing around on her part. 
By the time the food was in the oven and the only thing left to do was wait, her boyfriend joined the two of you. 
She was very talkative and bubbly, as she usually is, getting the wine bottles she selected for the evening and placing them on the counter as she chatted with him. It was nice seeing her back do being her usual self after such a stressful week. 
You got the right amount of glasses, placing them next to the bottles, as you hummed along to the Declan Mckenna’s voice playing in the background. You weren’t really paying attention to Nia’s babbles, catching a word or two as she rambled about some dolphin documentary she had to watch for one of her classes. Pouring out a glass for yourself, you looked over to Nate who had a puzzled look on his face, as he tried to make sense of whatever rant his girlfriend had going on. You took a sip of your wine, and laughed lightly at yourself at the contrast between the two of them, something you had always found very amusing to observe. But before you could go further into your thoughts, the sound of the buzzer took over the small apartment.
“They’re here!” Nia gushed, as she quickly made her way out of the kitchen to get the front door, yelling back at you to get the pizzas out of the oven.
“Yes, ma’am,” you teased after she left, earning a light chuckle from Nate. 
Making your way around the kitchen, you took out kitchen gloves that had figures of little chicks printed on them, giving one last check inside the oven to make sure everything was ready, before opening it and taking out the food. You could hear Nia greeting Evan excitedly in the background, as she rushed him and his friend to come inside. As their voices got closer, you turned your back to the entrance, concentrating on not burning yourself while you placed both pizzas on top of the counter.
“There’s our star!” You heard Evan’s loud voice taking over the kitchen space, making you look over your shoulder and laugh at him. 
You turned around while taking off the gloves, as he pulled you into a tight hug, the strong scent of his cologne invading your nostrils. He wasn’t much taller than you, making him being considered short for a man. But his presence in a room was always so loud and bright that he seem much bigger than he actually is. You pulled back and looked at him, suddenly feeling underdressed in your own home. His entire outfit was bright red, being consisted of a jean jacket and silk pants, his eyes matching with vibrant eyeshadow taking over his whole eyelids.
“It’s very nice to see you again Evan,”  you smiled at him, his hands still holding onto your shoulders as he looked warmly at you. “It’s been too long! You look fabulous!”
“Oh honey, you flatter me too much! It’s why I love coming here,” he scoffed playfully, coming to your side and wrapping one arm over your shoulder as he guided you. “But tonight is not about me, unfortunately. It’s about the two of you.”
As you finally moved your attention to the kitchen entrance, you realized another presence standing there. A man, who you assumed was Evan’s friend, already smirking down at you as both of you approached him. 
You suddenly felt nervous under his stare while you could hear Evan commenting on something you didn’t really pay attention to. You had been taken completely by surprise by the man standing in front of you. Sure, Nia had mentioned to you once or twice that he was good looking, but you were not expecting this. 
It was a weird feeling, being this affected by someone you had just met, but you would have to be blind not to notice. His face was beautiful, a sharp jawline contrasting his soft skin, his fingers poked at his bottom lip as he smirked, you could notice the hint of a dimple forming on his cheek. His hair was short, but still long enough to see the shape of slight curls forming in it, some locks falling charmingly against his forehead. But what hit you the most were his eyes, thanks to the dim lighting you couldn’t really tell if they were a shade of forest green or more of a hazel tone, but you could feel your cheeks warming up from the way he watched you as you got closer.
His shoulders were broad, as he was leaning against the entrance, the hand that wasn’t poking at his lip resting inside the pocket of his brown pair of trousers. He wore a blank white shirt, partly tucked in, underneath a beige cardigan. The sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows, making you notice the tattoos hugging the skin of his arms. You felt a curious wish to know how many more you could find under all the layers of clothing..
As you and Evan got closer, he moved from his leaning position to stand tall in front of you. The smile never leaving his lips, and his eyes still watching you closely.
“So, darling, meet Harry,” Evan spoke up, gesturing you towards his friend. “He’s a pest, but I’m sure you’ll get along just fine”
“Way to give a first impression, E,” Harry rolled his eyes at his friend’s teasing, before turning his attention back to you. He moved closer, embracing you into a side hug “S lovely to meet you-”
You quickly cleared your throat, afraid that your voice would give you away, before saying your name. The attempt didn’t really seem to work, as your words came out higher than you had intended. You could feel Nia’s gaze turning to you on the corner of your eye, but tried your best to ignore it. He repeated it, before shooting a smile in your direction, the sound of his deep voice and the way his lips circled around the words making the hairs behind your neck rise.
“Okay! So how about we move this party to the living room?” Nia’s voice broke into the atmosphere. “Everyone can get their wine glasses and make themselves comfortable while y/n and I finish arranging the pizzas.”
She shot you a knowing look, before moving to get the wine bottles and handing them to Nate. Everyone shifted to get their glasses and settle in the other room, leaving you and Nia alone. 
You moved to get the knives and looked at the pizzas standing on the counter in front of you, calculating how you could cut out even slices on each. You could see your friend from the corner of your eye leaning on the counter staring directly at you.
“You know you can’t fool me even for a second, miss,” she teased, you could hear the smirk on her voice.
“I’m not doing anything,” you murmured, still not looking in her direction. She scoffed, elbowing you lightly as she mimicked you, saying your name in a high-pitched voice. You shot her a dirty look before shushing her, afraid the guest in the other room could hear her teasing. “I didn’t sound like that!”
“Oh please! You should have seen how you looked at him!” She rolled her eyes at you, “thought you were gonna drop down on your knees right then and there!”
“Nia!” you screamed in a whisper, your cheeks warming up at her words as you pinched her, making her squeal. You quickly shot a look at the entrance to see if anyone might’ve heard her, but they seemed to be enrolled in their own conversation. “Let’s just get this done quickly before they suspect we’re in here for too long.”
“Okay, cheeky girl,” she bit her lip and moved to get a knife to cut one pizza, but still eyeing you with a slight smile, leaning in one last time, “but I told you he was cute.”
Eventually, the two of you finished sorting out the pizza slices and joined everyone in the living room. Nia then rushed to join her boyfriend on the loveseat, leaving the only spot available for you being between Harry and Evan on the couch. She shot you a teasing smile, but you tried your best to ignore it and focus on finishing the wine glass you had poured for yourself earlier.
“Okay, so I’m going to need everyone to eat the food and tell me how good it is,” Nia pointed out to the center table where the  pieces of pizza laid upon, “I’ve spent the entire afternoon on these babies, so eat up!”
“You know that I’ve helped you with them, right?” you added, squinting your eyes at her, “some credit wouldn’t hurt.”
“You only laid the toppings on the dough so they would look even,” she snapped back pointing a finger at you, “I did all the hard work, so shush it.”
But before anyone could move to get a slice, Evan was already stretching out his arms to stop you from moving. “Wait a second,” he spoke, “I feel like I’ve watched enough seasons of MasterChef to be the first one to judge.”
“I mean, you are the best critic I know,” Nia pointed, leaning in to get a slice and offering to Evan, “but again, I don’t really know any other critics.” She humored as he took the food, making a show of analyzing it.
Everyone waited expectantly as Evan bit into the pizza slice, keeping a straight face that didn’t reveal much of his opinions. Nia leaned in his direction, nervously biting her bottom lip as she waited for his final verdict.
“You have to be honest,” she warned, observing him, “but know that I can get my feelings hurt pretty easily.”
“I don’t mind that,” Evan finally said, straightening his posture as he looked back to Nia’s waiting eyes, “I’ll say that it’s not the best pizza I’ve ever had,” he announced, “but it works.”
“You know what, I take it,” everyone laughed lightly as Nia visibly released a breath she had been holding in, “It’s not a bad review for a first time.”
The hours went by quickly as you eased into a conversation with everyone. It was nights like this you missed the most when the stress of all the accumulative work weighted on your shoulders. Having a more of a cool night to hangout with a few friends, drinking some wine and chatting about whatever topic came to mind.
As time passed, you could tell Nia and Evan got more agitated, probably due to the amount of wine they had consumed without even realizing. They chatted excitingly about Midsommar, their voices raising a bit too loud. But every time you tried to shush them, jokingly reminding of the neighbors next door, they would soon forget about it again.  You watched them babble, giggling when they would get excited on a certain topic and start to trip over a few words. 
You also felt lighter because of the alcohol, not as much as them, but still enough so you could feel your chest warmer and your mind a bit dizzy. You still felt an annoying tingle at the pit of your stomach when you felt Harry’s eyes fixating on you when you spoke, or when your hands brushed as you reached for the bottle at the center table. It was silly, and it made you feel like a teenager being in the presence of an attractive boy for the first time.
When it all quiet down eventually, Nia had dragged Evan to her room so he could give an insight on how she could decorate it. It was something she would do now and then, give her room a big renovation so the change in the space could make her more motivated, or something like that. Sometimes, if she felt inspired enough, she would change around the living area or  even your own room - when you allowed her, of course. 
Nate was still sitting on the loveseat looking like he was about to fall asleep at any moment as he scrolled through his phone. He hadn’t spoken a lot during the night, which wasn’t unusual for him, but he still managed to chat for a bit. 
That left you and Harry alone sitting on the main couch, with one person less it left you enough space to cross your legs, making yourself more comfortable. He was sitting on his side, his back resting on the big pillows by the arm of the couch, his chest turned towards you.
You reached for the wine bottle at the center table, realizing there was just a bit left, enough for a last glass for the two of you. “Wanna help me finish it?”  You turned to him with the bottle in your hand. He had a smile resting on his lips, as he raised his glass toward you so you could pour the liquid into it. You could tell his eyes were a bit cloudy, but you knew none of you had had enough to be drunk.
“Thank you, love,” he said, the raspiness on his voice as he spoke the pet name making the hairs in the back of your neck rise. You poured yourself the rest of the wine left, emptying the bottle as you settled it back where you got it. “Should we make a toast?” 
“Sure,” you replied easily, smiling at him, “what should we toast for?”
He looked away, puckering his lips slightly as he made a puzzled expression, a hand scratching at his chin as if in deep thought. You giggled at his dramatics before he pointed his finger up, his face turning into a big smile. He raised his glass in your direction, as you did the same. “A toast for being husband and wife?”
You chuckled, clinking your glasses together, “that’s fair,” you said, “ ‘s why we’re here after all, isn’t it?” you joked, taking a sip of your drink before settling it down on your lap.
“Sure is,” he mimicked, rising his glass to his lips, a smirk still adorning them as he managed to not break eye contact. He took a small sip before settling his glass back on the table.  He scratched the tip of his nose slightly with the side of his finger, before he relaxed back on the couch. “So” he spoke up, bringing your attention to him, “E told me you’re an actual actress,” he raised his eyebrows at you, “made me a bit nervous, love.”
“That right there is a lie,” you chuckled, biting your lip and shaking your head. “I used to do theatre back in the day, haven’t done any acting for years though.”
“A theatre kid, huh?” He laughed as you rolled your eyes jokingly.
“I’m aware we have a poor reputation, yes,” you said,  “I reckon we deserve it, but we weren’t that bad, I promise.”
He giggled, making your heart skip a beat at the sound. His smile was something you could easily get used to, the way it formed crinkles in his eyes and the dimples deep on his cheeks. You had to stop yourself for staring too much, moving your gaze to the glass on your lap.
“People are too harsh on theatre kids,” he reassured, “I think it seems pretty fun — only time I did it was when I played Elvis when I was about five, I think.” He added, resting his arm against the couch, his hand just a few inches away from your shoulders. “Had the time o’my life though.”
“You got main character though, that’s impressive,” you expressed, raising a hand to poke at his side playfully. “Have you done anything since your big debut as the king?”
“Can’t say I have, no,” he chuckled, “guess this is my big comeback, maybe I’ll get a call from broadway soon.”
“I’m sure you will!” You giggled, taking another sip from the glass in your hand.
You found it easy to dive into a conversation with him. You were both giggly from the wine, but it still seemed like you could stay like this for hours on end,  just talking to each other. 
He told you he wasn’t planning on doing the film, considering he never really thought about acting. But when Evan asked him if he could be part of it, he saw how desperate he was to fill the role, so he agreed. It warmed your heart to hear how fondly he spoke about his friend, telling you how willing he was to help, even if it involved doing something out of his comfort zone.
You two bounded over your mutual wish to become teachers. You found out he was studying Literature, a choice that for him as an easy one, considering throughout his life he had always been an avid reader. He said no matter how harsh thing got, he always found an escape between books, you could tell how passionate he was about it as he spoke about his favorite reads.
Eventually, you could hear voices coming closer from Nia’s room, as they seemed to be gushing about the filming that was starting soon. 
As Evan came into the room, he made his way to the couch, placing his hand on Harry’s shoulders. “Honey, as much as I wish we could stay here ‘til dawn, I’m afraid we must get going.”
With his declaration, everyone moved around to gather the dishes splattered across the center table to put it all at the kitchen counter. After some insisting -mostly on Harry’s part- on helping with cleaning, you convinced them you two could handle the task just fine. And they were the guests, after all.
Finally, you said your goodbyes, pulling Evan on a small hug, assuring him you’d do your best to do his script justice.
And as you came to face Harry, he leaned into a hug, giving you a last kiss on the cheek, before telling you how lovely it had been to meet you.
You had woken up with your door opening abruptly, making you jump a bit from the sudden change in the peaceful atmosphere from your deep slumber. Before you could process the situation in hand, Nia was already pulling out the covers and spitting out words at a faster pace than you could comprehend in your mind state.
“Get up already! We are very late,” She urged as you lazily scratched at your eyes before sitting up to look at her. “Evan is going to kill us!” She cried out.
Your head pounded slightly, making you search for your water bottle previously prompted by yourself the night before, knowing you would need it in the morning. You reached for it in your nightstand, taking big gulps as you watched amusingly Nia run around your room picking random clothes and throwing it in a duffel bag you had just noticed.
Resting the bottle down on your lap, you yawned lightly, still in the process of waking up. “Calm down Ni,” you mumbled, “We still have time, we’re only leaving at like, two.”
She looked back at you as if you had just slapped her across the face, your shirt falling partly from her hand. “It’s already one,” she informed, making your eyes bulge as you reached to check on your phone, confirming as it read 1:16pm. “We don’t even have our bags packed AND we got a sink full of dishes to wash.”
The minutes after that were rushed, as you two did your best to get ready as fast as possible. Mentally slapping yourself for leaving everything for the last minute, but still managing to pack your bag in record speed.
But as time passed and the list of things to do was still far from over, Nia phoned Evan and let him know you would need a few more hours to be ready to leave. To say he wasn’t the happiest about the news was an understanding, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.
A couple hours later you were finally packed, and after a quick stop to shop for road trip snacks you were off on the road. 
You left much later than planned, and even if it wasn’t that much of a long drive, it was still 3 hours until you got there. The ride itself was mostly quiet, except from Lorde’s Melodrama playing softly in the background. You hummed along to the words, but apart from that there wasn’t a lot of talking between the two of you, all due to the limited amount of sleep you got from the previous night.
As you got closer, the scenery of open grass camps and blooming flowers at the peak of spring was a peaceful change of scene from the busy city streets you were used to. And when you finally got to the house, the sun was almost setting on the horizon. The sky being a satisfying mixture of blue and orange. There was a car already parked in, and as you got closer, you could see two figures sitting on the front stairs. 
Getting out of the car, you quickly made your way to where they stood. “Have you been waiting long?” Nia asked as you got closer to them. 
“Longer than I was planning to, I’ll say that,” Evan replied, taking off his sunglasses to greet you.
Harry came up from behind him, looking incredibly cozy wearing a knitted cream sweater. It took everything in you not to nuzzle on him as he met you with a quick embrace. You had to focus on keeping your breathing steady as you looked up at him when you parted. The sun coming from behind you doing wonders as it hit his face perfectly. His eyes were the prettiest shade of green as he smiled down at you before moving to greet  Nia.
“We’ve been here fo’ ten minutes, don’t listen to him,” he assured with a small laugh.
The house itself was much bigger than you expected, it wasn’t huge, by any means, but you had pictured a small cottage with barely any space for the four of you. The place, however, was big enough for you to have your privacy but still small enough to feel cozy and welcoming. 
You quickly found there were three rooms, and despite you arguing you didn’t mind sharing one with Nia, considering you two lived together, she still insisted that you and Harry had your own bedrooms. It was her way of thanking you for agreeing to help them.
After you got established in your respective room, you met everyone down at the kitchen. The place was loud with chatter as they played around while making dinner. Nia seemed to boss the boys around to cut the vegetables properly, as she concentrated on figuring out how to work the old stove. They laughed lightly as she cussed under her breath in frustration after another failed attempt. You watched quietly for a moment, before joining in to help her.
You finally turned the stove on with the help of a few matches you found laying on the counter, being able to cook with no more trouble. It was already getting late when you finished eating and gathered the dishes to lay them on the sink. Still, Nia insisted on watching one of the movies she had carefully selected on her extended collections of DvDs to bring with her. 
You decided to make yourself some tea while the rest of them moved around to arrange themselves for the movie night. After offering if anyone else wanted a cup as well, you were met with Harry’s warm smile as he accepted shyly.
Soon enough everyone settled down on the big couch to watch the movie. Evan took his place on one of the armchairs, while Harry opted to sit by the end of the couch, setting his legs on the footrest in front of him. As you walked in with your mugs, he gazed up at you, shooting a soft smile and muttering a quick ‘thank you’ as you handed him his drink.
He patted the spot next to him, indicating for you to sit, to which you happily obliged. 
“Wanna share?” he asked, holding up a blanket that lied at the arm of the couch. “There’s jus’ three of ‘em.”
“Sure,” you replied, moving to pull the blanket, so it was covering the two of you. You knew very well you could always get an extra one from one of the bedrooms, but you would never bring yourself to suggest it.
Finally, Nia entered the room with a small pack of m&m’s on one of her hands and the DvD case for ‘Love Actually’ on the other. She was quick to insert it on the player before settling down next to you. Pulling out the leftover blanket for herself, she lied down to rest her head comfortably on top of your legs.
It didn’t take long until she fell in deep slumber, cuddling up on your lap as soft snores left her lips. You pouted slightly down at her. The poor thing was exhausted from driving all the way, and the bad night of sleep the day before.
As the movie progressed, you could feel your eyelids getting heavier as well, the words coming from Keira Knightley’s mouth becoming more of a background noise as you fought to keep yourself awake. But before you could doze off, you felt Harry shifting slightly next to you. Suddenly feeling his arm hugging your shoulders, as he gently pulled you closer.
You moved your head to look at him but before you could say anything he shushed you softly and pulled you back in. “ ‘S fine, love,” he whispered, “can see that you’re tired.”
And with a half-woken mind and heavy eyelids you laid back on his shoulder and allowed yourself to snooze.
You woke up with him shifting again from under you, opening your eyes slowly to find the end credits rolling up the screen in front of you. You yawned lightly before sitting up, being careful not to wake a still-very-much-asleep Nia on your lap.
“Sorry,” you heard Harry say as you scratched at your eyes, “didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s fine,” you assured, your voice a bit raspy from your nap, “would have to happen, eventually.” You looked down at the unconscious girl lying on you, knowing you had to get her to bed so she could sleep properly. “We should wake her.”
“Want me to carry her to her room?” he asked.
“I think she’ll be okay,” you replied, gently calling her name so she could slowly wake up.
Surely, it didn’t take a lot of coaxing to get her eyelid to flutter open, as she lazily rose from her sleep.
You helped her to her room, afraid she’d trip down the stair in her hazy state of mind, still half asleep as she dragged her feet across the floor. 
As soon as she laid down in her bed, you made your way back to the kitchen to fix yourself a glass of water so you could go to sleep. 
It surprised you to find Harry still awake as you entered the space; he looked up at you from his position leaning on the counter with his phone in his hand. Quickly placing it in his back pocket as he saw you coming in, giving you a slight smile. “Thought you’d gone to bed.”
You reached for the cabinet Nia had pointed you to earlier where the cups were placed, picking one with little thought and closing it. “Just came here for a glass of water,” you spoke, moving the cup under the tap, “always have one next to my bed, y’know, in case I get thirsty and stuff.” You shook your head slightly, not wanting to ramble about the benefits of staying hydrated during the night just to make a conversation.
“Smart girl,” he joked, causing you to chuckle as you felt blush creeping out on your cheeks. You could see him coming closer to stand next to you from the corner of your eye, which didn’t help the tingly feeling forming at the pit of your stomach. “Excited fo’ tomorrow?” he asked, crossing his arms on top of the counter as he leaned next to you.
“Guess I am,” you answered, looking up at him and finding he was closer than you had realized. You smiled nervously as you met his eyes gazing down at you, before clearing your throat lightly. “What about you?”
“To be honest ‘m a bit nervous, love,” he confessed.
“Why’s that?” 
“I mean,” he started, his eyes still fixed on you, “ ‘s not every day I get to pretend ‘m married to a pretty girl like you.”
You could feel your heart skip a beat as he reached one of his hands to move a strand of your hair behind your ear. He kept his hand on your cheek just as his eyes seemed to gaze down at your lips, so subtly that it felt like you might’ve imagined it. 
The silence in the room was loud as you could almost hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears, as he leaned down just barely, getting closer to you. He looked down one more time at your lips, this time making sure you realized the unspoken question behind that action. You suddenly felt water pouring through your fingers, as the forgotten cup in your hand overflowed. This caused you to jump back a bit, quickly turning the tap off and resting the glass on the counter. 
“Oh my god,” you squeak, reaching out for a towel right next to the sink to dry your hand. “I’m sorry, that was-” you chuckled, glancing at Harry who seemed to watch you with an amused expression. “That was awkward, sorry.”
“No need to apologize,” He assured, picking the full glass and moving it in the counter so it was out of your reach. “ ‘t was actually quite cute,” he moved closer to you again, reaching his hand to hold at your jawline. 
You held back your breath as you felt his own hitting the top of your upper lip, your noses brushing slightly. 
“Been wanting to do this fo’ a bit now, love,” he spoke a bit above a whisper, his deep voice sending chills down your spine and making you grab at his sweater, ”would you let me?” his thumb caressed your cheek lovingly, “would you let me kiss you?”
You could feel your heart beating strongly against your rib cages, swallowing hard as you looked up at him. He was watching you closely, his dark emerald irises gazing down at you as your lips barely brushed. You nodded at him, trying to pull him closer.
“Use your words, darling,” he insisted, not budging from his position. “Wanna hear you say it.”
“Please, Harry I-” you moved your hand to grasp on his waist, “just —kiss me.”
Giving a satisfied hum, he finally leaned down, closing the space between the two of you. His hand remained stroking your cheek softly, as the other sneaked under your neck.
He moved his lips ever so slightly, his cupid bow founding its way above your inner lip, sucking on it gently. The kiss was teasingly slow, making you hyper aware of all of your senses. Your hands feeling the soft fabric of his sweater, grabbing at it as if asking for more. 
He moved the hand on your neck, pulling gently at your hair, making you angle your head up a bit. As his tongue poked to lick at your bottom lip, you opened your mouth, deepening the kiss.
You stayed like this for a while, pressed against the kitchen wall as you enjoyed the taste of each other. 
When you pulled back, he splattered a few kisses along your cheek, giving one last peck on your mouth before pulling back.
“As much as I don’t want to end this now,” he muttered, moving his hand, so they were both holding your cheeks, “We should get some sleep fo’ tomorrow.” 
“We should,” you agreed.
“We’ll get the chance to do this again,” he said, making you bite down a smile at the innuendo behind his words.
He gave you one last kiss before pulling away completely, reaching for the glass of water you had already forgotten about on the counter and handing it to you. 
You walked back to your rooms without saying a word, but still sharing glances and smiles along the way. And as you got to your respective rooms, you whispered quiet good nights before parting ways and closing the door behind you.
The days that followed were rushed, considering the filming had officially started. You two barely had the chance to be alone again, which was disappointing. But still you couldn’t find yourself time to miss the feel of having his soft lips against yours, considering the scenes you had with each other. What you did miss was being able to kiss him without it being written in a piece of paper, or having someone from outside tell you to. You missed the intimacy of feeling his tongue meet your own and having his hands pulling you close as you both craved for more. You missed the shared secret between just the two of you, that was knowing how it felt to have him all to yourself.
It was discomforting, earning for someone you barely even know. Jumping into a feeling you know there’s no way can end well. You both were playing characters. Lovers, yes, but it was all pretend. It didn’t help that he was so good at it. In front of the cameras he would be so loving that you often wondered how much of it was just part of the act. 
It was subtle things that made you think of it, like a glance across the room between takes. Him leaning close to you every time they called you to watch back something you had just recorded. Or when he sucked in your lip during a scene, so softly you could barely notice but still made your heart skip a beat.
But as much as it was nice to pretend that you two had some shared secret, you knew that the most likely scenario was that he was just doing his work and being friendly. So you tried your best to convince yourself that all of it was just your mind playing tricks, this way you could prevent yourself from inevitably getting hurt. That encounter in the kitchen was most likely his way of making things less awkward to when you inevitably would have to do it in front of a camera. That was it, nothing more. 
It seemed to have worked pretty well, you two had the chemistry Evan hoped for when he wrote his script. Nia kept teasing you with every given opportunity. You didn’t tell her about the late night kitchen situation, but you knew she could sense the ‘chemistry’ was not simply because you two were just that good at acting. No one was complaining though, considering everything was going so smoothly they suspected it could be wrapped up even earlier than expected.
Every time they would mention the possibility, you found yourself wishing deep down something would set you back on the schedule. You felt bad for it, and you never voice your inner thoughts, but you knew wrapping up early meant going home early, and you were getting a bit too comfortable getting to act all loved up on camera.
As if some kind of outer force had listened to your wishes, just as you were halfway throughout the week, mother nature seemed to be your biggest ally.
You had just woken up with the annoying tune of your alarm clock, one you had chosen for finding it soothing at first. But you soon found that those sounds are not meant to feel soothing at all, as it woke you from your deep slumber. You were quick to turn it off before rubbing your eyes softly and enjoying the warmth of your bed for a few more minutes. You could hear the gentle sounds of raindrops hitting your window, but barely paid any attention to it as you rose lazily, stretching your arms above your head.
Making your way down the stairs you first noticed Evan standing by the big window in the living room, looking out with a hand resting on his hip and the other one holding a mug. Behind him, in one of the armchairs, sat Harry, also drinking out of a mug as he read a book quietly. But as if he felt your presence as you got to the bottom of the staircase, he looked up, smiling at you as you made your way into the room.
“G’morning,” he spoke, alerting the man by the window of your presence as he turned around to look at you.
“Good morning,” you said back, before realizing the worried expression on Evan’s face, “is everything okay?”
“A disaster just happened, honey, look out the windows!”  he snapped, gesturing behind him where you could see the rain hitting the glass. The sky was dark with clouds, suggesting it was just the beginning of the storm that was to come. You looked back with a puzzled expression, knowing the weather was not the best, but as far as you remembered you had already shot all the scenes you needed outside. Evan rolled his eyes, “our natural light is gone, honey, it’s too dark to shoot!” he barked.
“Hey, no need to yell at her like tha’,” Harry looked back at his friend, attempting to calm him down, “ ‘s fine, we were early on schedule anyway, one day is not gonna delay it.”
He shot a look at Harry, his hand finding its way back on his waist as he let out a deep breath. “I’m sorry, this is just incredibly frustrating.”
You smiled at him to assure it was fine, knowing how much stress he was putting on because of this project. “Doesn’t Nia have one of those light things you were using the other day to make the scene brighter?” You suggested.
Evan sighed, “that’s a reflector, it just— well, reflects the light, we would need the sun for it to work, and seems like she’s not showing her face anytime soon,” he weightened his shoulders down, clearly feeling defeated. “I guess today is our off day — we should use it to pray for sunlight tomorrow, otherwise I’m pulling my hair off.”
When Nia woke up, you could tell she was not happy at all with the news that filming had to be cancelled for the time being. She spent the whole breakfast whining and crying about the poor weather. You tried your best to console her, but knowing your friend you knew her dramatics showed off when she worried about something. She tended to overthink every scenario that could go wrong, which did nothing to help the pressure she put on herself.
The day went on as eventless as it possibly could, the rain outside just seeming to get angrier as time passed by. You did your best to distract Nia from her own head, asking her about the recent documentaries she had watched, knowing she could go on tangents for hours. You talked about crime shows you have started before filming and shared different theories you had on them. You even listened to her deep analysis of trashy reality shows she loved to watch and always tried to drag you to get into it.
You talked and talked with no end, considering there wasn’t much else to do. Nia’s aunt hated computers and refused to install any kind of wifi, leaving you with a shitty connection that barely loaded a five-minute video.
As the evening came by, and the raindrops still hit angrily at the windows, you decided to watch another movie — this time it was Evan’s choice of Freaky Friday. 
You volunteered to grab the blankets from the cabinets on the second floor, while Nia excitedly announced she would make popcorn for everyone.
Quickly moving along the hallway, you made your way in front of the doors and opened them. You could hear footsteps coming up the stairs as you tiptoed to  reach the top shelf where the soft blanket you had used the first night lied on top of. 
“Need help?” You heard a voice approach, looking over your shoulder to find Harry walking towards you with an amused expression on his face. You nodded, chuckling as you quickly stepped out of the way to allow him to take your place. He reached up, easily retrieving the blanket and giving it to you.
“Thank you,” you muttered, looking up at him for a moment.
“No problem, darlin’,” he said, fetching two other blankets  before closing one door with a swing of his hip. You closed the other one with a small giggle. You started to quietly move along towards the staircase when he cleared his throat, causing you to look up at him. He kept his gaze down before speaking softly, “After the movie, think I’ll go back to my room a bit early,”  he looked at you for a moment, “ ‘f you want to join me.”
You stopped walking to look at him arching your eyebrows surprised, not expecting this kind of proposal at this moment. He stopped a step ahead of you, staring back with nervous eyes and shooting you a shy smile. “I’m not saying we have to do anything, I just-” he spluttered, “just wanted to be with you, without the camera and stuff.”
You smiled at him, “of course,” you voiced, “sounds nice.”
Shortly, you found yourself in the same position as the first day. Sharing a blanket with Harry, but this time Nia was wide awake next to you with a bucket of popcorn plopped on her lap. Some people would consider her to be the worst kind of person to watch movies with, considering she would always get too excited and comment on every scene she could. You had gotten so used to it with time, that it felt weird watching a movie without her voice interrupting a scene every five minutes.
It got hard to concentrate on this one in particular, and not because of Nia’s speaking over the lines, but the sudden feeling of Harry’s hand resting on your knee halfway through it. Your legs were crossed on top of the couch, making part of it rest slightly on top of his as he eased his thumb over your skin.
As time passed, he moved his hand up a bit, finding its final place on your inner thigh, causing goosebumps to arise on the back of your neck as he caressed it softly. You caught yourself holding your breath multiple times, something he was also probably aware of, considering the position of his arm on the side of your chest. 
The tension between you two was almost palpable as the end credits rolled up. At that point you had prompted yourself to lean your head on his shoulders. He grasped your skin slightly before removing his hand and motioning his position to get up, making you pull back from him.
“‘m going back to my room now,” he announced as he got up, shooting you a knowing look, “g’night.”
You stayed back for a few minutes so as not to look too suspicious, folding up the blanket you had used and scrolling through your phone for a bit. Not long after you excused yourself, climbing the stairs two steps at a time.
You found him in the hallway, leaning in on the wall right next to his door as he looked down on his phone. As he felt your presence he gazed up, grinning softly before bringing his finger above his lips as to warn you to stay quiet.
The two rushed inside his room, trying to be as quiet as possible, considering your friends downstairs could come up at any second. He closed the door behind him, looking right at you as he leaned back. His room was similar to yours, the difference being a few more clothes lying on top of the small couch standing at the corner. The curtains hanging on the big windows were pushed open, allowing the moonlight from the now-clear sky to illuminate the place. 
Your breath got caught in your throat as you stared back at him, meeting his dark irises. He started stepping closer to you until he could lean his forehead against yours. His hands found their way caressing your jawline, one of them going as far as to pulling lightly on the hair above your neck. You held your breath, gazing up at him as you waited for his next move.
He smiled lazily, brushing his nose against your softly before placing a peck to the corner of your lips. He was teasing you, his hand leaving your hair to find its way down your body, paying special attention to the side of your breast before placing itself holding your waist.
You swallowed dryly, feeling your heart speed up as you pulled him closer, wanting desperately to close the space between the two of you. Too scared that your voice would give out your desperation, you moved one of your hands to the back of his neck and pulled him in. He didn’t think twice before finally closing the space and allowing you to feel his lips against yours.
The kiss started slow, both of you still trying to figure it out how it was to taste each other like this. His lips were soft, moving teasingly as he sucked on your bottom lip. Your hand pulled his hair gently, causing him to whine into mouth, licking at your tongue as he deepened the kiss. The hand on your waist moved up, caressing the side of your breast softly as he tried to pull you in as close as possible.
He started easing you backwards, considering neither of you were willing to break the kiss to watch where you were going. You felt the mattress of his bed hitting the back of your knees. You allowed him to lay you into the bed, parting for a moment so you could move upwards, laying your head on the pillows. Shortly enough he joined you, placing his elbows on both sides of your head, not wasting any time before closing the space between your mouths again.
The two of you stayed like this for a while. Slowly kissing each other, as your arm found its way back behind his neck and one of his hand caressed your cheek. You could get used to this, with him being the only thing you could sense. His taste. His touch. His scent. 
He was all you could think about.
When you finally pulled back, you could see his red, puffy lips even with the limited amount of lighting going into the room. 
He looked into your eyes for a moment, “you look so pretty like this, darling,” he murmured, his voice just above a whisper, sending chills down your spine. “Could eat you up.” 
A small whimper left your mouth, as he dove back in to spread kissed along your cheek and down your throat. You bit hard into your lip and swallowed back a moan as he sucked in a spot right below your jawline. You could feel him grinding his hips down on your tights, making you aware of the growing bulge inside his sweats.
You placed your hand on his shoulders, pushing him gently and disconnecting him from your neck. He pulled back, looking back at you with a puzzled look. You kept pushing him until his shoulders hit the mattress, reverting the previous position you both were in, as you stranded his waist.
Looking down at him, you wanted so badly to discover his body, to make him feel good. So you took the same position he had on you. Placing your lips against his neck and running your tongue against it, sucking in his skin. You kept doing it as your hand smoothed down his body, finding the hem of his shirt and lifting it enough so you could scratch at his love handles. He gave you a small moan, a sound so delicious to hear you that made you want to swallow him whole. 
Both his hands found their place on your waist, pressing you down so you could feel his need between your tights. You quickly pulled your head from his neck, giving him a soft peck on the lips.
“Please, love, just-” he grunted, looking up at you with pleading eyes. “Just do something, please, I-“
His hands gripped tightly on your waist as you rolled your hips against him. Neither of you could contain your moans as you repeated the movement, even fully clothed his bulge rubbed deliciously against the place you needed it the most. 
You leaned down again, this time pushing his shirt up as you made your way down his body, splattering open-mouthed kisses along his warm chest. You paid a special mind to the tattoos you met along the way, sucking spots over the wings of a butterfly inked on his stomach. As you licked along the leaves of the ferns that adorned his love handles, you felt one of his hands tangling in your hair, his hips rising slightly as he whimpered.
“A bit impatient, you are,” you spoke, feeling his belly tighten as you placed a playful bite under his belly button, causing another moan to leave his lips.
“Darlin’, please,” he whined, “Just- fuck, just need you right now.”
You decided not to tease him for too long, considering you needed it just as much as he did. Finally, you moved down once more to place a kiss above the hard on over his pants. He lifted his head, watching your every move as his hand that was placed on your hair pushed some strands away from your forehead. You wrapped your hand around the hem of his sweats, rising your eyebrows at him as you felt he wasn’t wearing any underpants. The thought of having such easy access to him making you press your thighs together, feeling your wetness already damping your underwear 
Slowly, you bit your bottom lip, keeping your gaze focused on him as you moved his sweats down, he raised his hips as to help you out. Once his cock was fully out, you stared back down at it lying proudly against his stomach. You ran your fingers gently along his length, causing him to hold his breath, his abdomen tightening once more. He was definitely bigger than anyone you had ever been with, causing your mouth to water a bit and your thighs to press together once again at the thought of fully having him.
You could feel him peering down at you as you wrapped your hands around the base and applied the smallest amount of pressure. The precum was already escaping from the tip and sliding down the tiniest bit. 
Moving your head forward you looked back at his waiting eyes, spitting on top of the head as you moved your hand up caressing it. This time he gave you an actual moan, throwing his head back at the pillows behind him. 
Looking down at him, you didn’t know where to place your lips first, wanting to bite and lick every part of his body. Finally deciding on sucking a spot on his thigh, right next to where rested an ink of a tiger head.
You kept the movement of your hand, twisting it and applying more pressure eventually as you watched him shift around under you. He raised his hips slightly as he pleaded under his breath for more, his hand firmly on top of your head as the other was thrown above his own.
You moved your thumb to run across his slit, caressing the head with a flick of your wrist as you moved your mouth to place kisses at the base. At this point he became a moaning mess, throwing his arm over his mouth as to muffle the sounds while you licked up his shaft.
“God- fuck- such a good girl,” he moaned on his arm, moving it out of the way so he could look down at you. “Doing so good, you feel so good- shit.”
Smiling at him, you jerked him off a couple of times before resting your hand at the base so you could replace it with your mouth.
You licked around his head, giving it a small kiss before you moved down as far as you could go. He cried out, tightening his grip on your hair and moving his hips up to meet your movements as you sucked on him.
He was desperate to reach his climax, and you were desperate to see him cum undone under your touch. So you started speeding up, your mouth licking at his veins, your hand helping you as you moved it along his dick. He was cursing and moaning over you, pleading for you not to stop. You kept moving your hand as you licked at his head once more before detaching so you could look up at him with pleading eyes.
“Almost there?” you asked, having him nod frantically at you, “will you let me have a taste?”
That seemed to do it for him, as he pushed your head back down, making you attach your lips to his head as you felt him shoot his load inside your mouth. You milked him as he came down from his high, feeling his softness on your lips as you swallowed down.
You sat up and looked down at his hazy eyes while he calmed down with heavy breaths. He adjusted his sweats quickly before moving himself up to pull you in for a frantic kiss. “God, darling, you’re a dream,” he spoke between kisses, his hands gripping at your waist as he positioned you to lie on top of him, moving one of them under your shirt, pulling it up slowly.
You quickly placed your hand on top of his stopping him from going further as you detached from him. He furrowed his brows at you. “I should go back to my room,” you said, “got an early day tomorrow.”
He gave you a puzzled look, “but you still haven’t- “
“it’s okay,” you interrupted, moving to get up from his bed, suddenly feeling nervous under his gaze, “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Good night!”
You left his room before he could protest, wanting to slap yourself from running away like this. 
The next morning was thankfully much brighter than the one before, with sunlight shining through the windows at the earliest hours. You didn’t get a lot of sleep, tossing and turning around, replaying the previous night in your head. The thought of what could’ve happened if you had stayed imprinted itself in your mind. You started to overthink it. What did he even think of you? After running away like that? 
Your thoughts consumed you as you sat in of the stools in the kitchen by yourself, for the first time being the first to be awake. Your coffee running cold by the minute, as you frowned to yourself, taking a sip every so often.
It didn’t take long until you didn’t find yourself alone anymore, having Evan join you as he happily cheered about the nice weather. You nodded along to him, not really in the mood for talking as you anxiously poked at your nails.
It was when you walked towards the sink to wash your used mug that you saw Harry walking into the kitchen. His hair messy and his eyes sleepy, making you annoyed at how charming he managed to look even after just getting out of bed. 
He greeted you with a raspiness to his voice, his eyes lingering on you a moment too long as he smirked before moving to the cabinets. He stood next to you while you washed the dishes, grabbing himself a bowl while he worked on his breakfast.
Yours arms would brush every so often as you moved while doing your tasks, making you gaze at him. He kept a grin sitting on his face as he casually made a conversation with Evan, his dimple poking out the smallest bit, but still not looking back at you.
As soon as you were finished you left for your bedroom so you could get ready for the day, but not before sparing one last glance at Harry. This time his eyes were already trained on you as he chewed slowly his fruit salad. You felt your cheeks getting a bit warm from the eye contact, making you look down and leave the room with a speeding heart.
The work started early, as you ran around to keep up with the schedule after losing one day of productivity. 
Harry seemed to be in it for teasing you. His touches lingered longer than needed. His kisses were harsher, the need behind them being almost palpable. His gaze on you told you something you couldn’t really tell exactly what it was. Lust? Desire? You weren’t entirely sure, but every time you caught him watching you felt a warmth take over your face.
In one occasion, between takes, as Nia and Evan discussed the best position for the camera considering her broken tripod. You stood awkwardly waiting for their instructions as you played with the hem of your dress. You could feel him staring closely, looking up to find him with the same smirk he gave you in the morning. He looked quickly over your friends who were still trying to figure out the problem before leaning up close to you “Still haven’t let me have a taste, love,” he said quiet enough to that just you could hear, the words sending a chill down your spine and making your core twitch as you glanced back at him.
That same night, after you announced you’d tuck yourself in, just as you changed into your pajama shorts, you heard a soft knock on your door.  You opened up to see his darkened irises staring back at you as he quietly let himself in. And within a few minutes he found his place between your legs, your hand gripping tightly at his curls as you moaned into your pillow.
The  following day wasn’t much different, starting with a tight filming schedule that was coming to a close end. An exchanging of glances across the room and yearning touches with underlying motives behind them. Ending with you lurking into his room at the dark hours of the night, craving-filled touched and muffled moans.
The wrap up of the film was welcomed with a bittersweet feeling settling itself in the pit of your stomach. Knowing as much as you were glad everything had gone as smoothly as possible during this week, it was time to leave it all behind. 
You were nervous about how it would be with Harry after you got home. Was this the start of something that could potentially become a warm and beautiful feeling? Or was it just a lust-filled affair that would end as quickly as it had started? It made you anxious to think about it, not wanting to let go of it just yet.
Nia walked into the living room with two champagne bottles that had been brought up for this exact moment. The atmosphere was filled with chatter as everyone celebrated the end of the hard work. 
You were dressed in the fanciest clothes you had brought on your rushed-packed bag, which consisted itself in a black blouse and a loose pair of pants you stole from Nia’s wardrobe a couple weeks prior. But you once again could not compete with Evan’s sense of style, as he seemed right out of a cover with a hot pink turtleneck under a sparkly black dress that hung all the way to his feet.
But you still couldn’t keep your eyes off of him.
You watched as he laughed along at something that had been said, his eyes meeting yours for a moment before fixing on Nia as she offered to serve him the champagne she had just opened. 
He looked so good. 
Like you, he didn’t opt for a very glam look, wearing a simple graphic white tee with a rainbow printed on it, and a simple pair of checked trousers. But as plain as someone could argue it was, he still managed to look incredibly inviting, which made it harder for you not to latch yourself onto him.
You were coming into your sixth or seventh glass when it all died down. Your head was fuzzy, and you felt giggly as you cheered along with everyone about the successful week you had. Nia had already gone back to her room. She didn’t  drink as much considering she would have to drive early in the morning, wanting to leave most of the celebration for the premiere day. 
The glances stolen between you and Harry were getting more frequent, the longing in each other's eyes visible with the effect of the alcohol.
He had you pressed up against your bedroom door as he sucked in your bottom lip harshly. His hands gripped at your waist tightly, putting his weight against you.
You wrapped your hand around his neck as the other pulled at his shirt desperately with the need of having him close. You felt overwhelmed by him in the nicest way. Having his hips pressing against your own, making you open your tights slightly as you felt his arousal straining on his trousers.
You whimpered into his mouth at the feeling, suddenly needing him as close as possible. You could tell his desperation matched your own by the way his hand pressed on the side of your body and his mouth moved against you. His groans getting lost in your throat every time you tangled your fingers on his roots, pulling at it.
“You’re gonna kill me like this, baby,” he breathed out, his lips moving against your wanting ones, “so fuckin’beautiful.”
You tried to keep your shaky hands steady as they travelled down his chest, scratching as his tummy lightly under his shirt before you began pulling it up. He detached from you to quickly reach over his shoulders and pull it off completely.  He didn’t waste any time bringing his hand to unbutton your blouse, peppering kisses along your lips as he moved it down your shoulders, only to be met with your bare breasts underneath.
“Fuck me,” he groaned staring down at you, attaching your lips once again as he pulled you from the door as he fiddled with the zipper of your pants. You stumbled on each other's arms across the floor until you were met with the plush feeling of the bedcovers on the back of your thighs. 
You stepped out of your pants as they got loose around your waist and fell damply to the floor, allowing Harry to push you gently into the mattress. He quickly got rid of his own trousers, wasting no time before towering above you, connecting your mouths once again.
It was like no matter how close you were, it still wasn’t good enough to satisfy the craving you had. You still wanted more. Needed more. 
He was fully licking into you, his hands gripping your tights as he rolled his hips to meet yours. You moaned in unison at the feeling of your arousals meeting deliciously as he repeated the movement once more before parting your mouths so he could spread kisses along your neck.
“Harry,” you breathed out his name, dragging your nails along his back as you moved your hips up eagerly.
He moved his head from your neck o hover above yours, licking his lips teasingly as he looked down at you with dark eyes. He moved one of his hands to caress your cheek lovingly, as the other found your breast, his thumb grazing over your nipple. “Can I have a taste, baby?” he leaned his forehead against your, not breaking eye contact, “just a fo’a bit, then you can have me.”
You nodded frantically, brushing your nose against his. He gave you one last peck on the lips before moving down again to lick down at your skin. He pressed open-mouthed kisses at your chest, sucking harshly between your breasts.  His tongue moved along your belly, craving his finger into it playfully like you had done to him, making you squeal above him.
He finally settled down between your thighs, his hand gripping at them to keep it apart before moving teasingly slow to the hem of your underwear. Your breath got caught in your throat as you moved up to lean on your elbows, gazing at him, hyper-aware of his every move. 
He looked up, grinning like a devil, before moving his face down to nose gently at your mound. Pulling away, he pressed his hands on your sides, sliding your underwear off your legs as you helped him, raising your hips slightly.
You whimpered as you felt him kiss along your inner thigh, meeting your middle as licked you once. Your hips raised impatiently, making him smirk at you again before completely diving in.
You got lost in the pleasure as he licked his tongue into you, letting yourself fall back in the cushions behind your head. Your hand moved to grip at his hair tightly as he sucked in your clit, making you yelp and call out his name. His mouth was warm as his saliva mixed with your own wetness every time he licked into you.
Feeling your arousal pooling on your folds, you desperately needed to feel him as close as possible. Wanting every inch of him against you.
You pushed him from you, grabbing at his shoulder so he could move up to face you again. He didn’t protest, spattering quick kisses along the way before pressing his mouth against yours. The taste of champagne still lingering on your tongue mixed with your own taste on his as he licked into your mouth.
“y’taste so good, baby,” he groaned, parting from you as he moved to remove his briefs. The limited amount of light illuminated his face beautifully, making you able to notice the glistening of your juices down his chin. You felt your core twitch at the scene above you, desperate to have him fill you up.
“Please,” you urged him, grabbing at his hips to pull him down.
“Can I have you, darlin’?” His voice was raspy, as he looks down at you with hooded eyes, “‘d you let me?”
Your arousal blurred your mind, your grip on his waist tightened as you raised your hips impatiently, nodding along to his question.
“Have to hear you say it, love,” he spoke, leaning down to place kisses along your neck, “just say it, and you’ll have me.”
“You can have me, please, I-” you moaned desperately, babbling words without thinking, “I need you, please.”
He raised his head from your shoulders, giving you a quick peck before reaching down to guide his length between your folds. Your belly tensed as he rubbed his head against your clit, holding back your breath as he finally slid in you.
“Fuck, you’re wet,” he choked, pushing his hips all the way, allowing you to feel every inch of him fill you up. You breathed out a moan, reaching your hand on his back. “‘s this all fo’ me?”
You whined out a ‘yes’, rolling your hips as a way of urging him to move.��
His movements began slow, his cock rubbing heavenly against your walls, making you clench around him. You both moaned and whimpered as your lips brushed.
“Can feel me deep?” He asked, resting his forehead against yours as he pushed his dick all the way in. You nodded, yearning for him to start moving again. “Can feel me in y’belly?”
“H, please,” you begged, gripping your nails on his shoulder blades.”Want you.”
“y’have me,” he kissed you hard before moving again, rolling his hips as he picked up the pace.
 The air around you was hot as you threw your head back with the delicious feeling of him hitting the spot inside of you. He was addicting. The salty taste of his skin. The touch of his hands gripping on your sides. The smell of his cologne faintly mixed with sweat. The sound of his skin meeting yours. It made you earn for him in every possible way. 
You felt your wetness dripping out of you as he pulled your leg up to your chest, allowing him to effectively hit deeper spots. The new position made a cramp start to creep up on your thight, but you ignored it to focus on the way his hips met yours.
Time seemed to pass like a blur as you pleasured each other, but soon enough you felt your orgasm building up. His thrusts became more frequent and smooth as he felt you clench more around him.
“that’s it, baby - fuck,” he grunted, moving his hand down to flicker your clit, causing to arch your back, moaning loudly. “Wanna feel you come for me.”
His cross necklace dangled over you as he watched you closely. You kept your gaze locked on his as you felt the feeling deep in your tummy take over your entire body. A moan got stuck in your throat as you opened your mouth to an ‘O’ shape, digging your nails further on his shoulders as you reached your high.
Getting home, you soon realized that throughout the week you had been so lost in your feelings with Harry that you didn’t even think of asking him for his phone number. 
The month that followed passed by surprisingly quickly. During the first week you were swiftly thrown back again into your old reality of course essays and textbooks. You hadn’t heard a word from Harry, and the most frustrating part is that he seemed to have settled his place inside your thoughts. You tried asking about him to Nia once or twice again, but every time she seemed to come up with vague answers and change the subject, so you figured she had other things to worry about. 
It was a disappointing end, to say the least. Even knowing from the start that being let down was the most possible outcome, it didn’t hurt any less. You often wondered if it had been something you’d done that made him pull away, or if he just wasn’t in it from the start.
By the second week you had gotten a job at a tiny local cafe you used to go after class to study and eat cinnamon rolls. That’s when time starting to rush by, as you found yourself busy through most of your day. Nia was working more than you’ve ever seen her. You two barely talked as she spent most of her time with Evan or inside her room editing. And as the week at the camp house got further away, it started to almost seem like you had imagined all of it. 
Having a lot of distractions helped, but you never seemed to push the thought of a certain curly-haired boy completely away. Sometimes during a tedious lesson you would daydream about the feeling of his lips against yours. Or right before you fell asleep you would think about the taste of his skin, how strong his hand were gripping on your thighs. Maybe even at work. When there wasn’t a lot of movement, you could almost hear the sound of his voice.
It was aggravating, the effect he left on you. It got to a point where you got angry; sometimes at him but sometimes at yourself. He was the one who had gone after you, and yet he was the one who disappeared. But again, he didn’t really owe you anything, and that’s what’s frustrating. You were the one who allowed him; you knew from the start that you would get hurt but you still went for it, anyway.
As you got closer to the premiere night that was planned, you started to get anxious. You would catch yourself daydreaming more often, not being as focused as you were. You even started picking your nails again, which is a habit you thought you’d kick it a long time ago. But truth to be told, you were nervous.
The thought about seeing him again made your heart race. You wished that you could somehow find a way not to go. Maybe ask Nia if the two of you could have a private viewing. You had even thought about bribing her with making your mom’s brownie recipe. But you already knew the answer before you even suggested it. This was an important night for her, and you would be there to support it.
You were overthinking this. Was it going to be awkward when you met him? How would you even greet him? Would he kiss you? Would he ignore you? Should you ignore him? All the scenarios in your head made you want to throw up and run away.
When the two of you finally arrived, you were greeted by a cheerful Evan, who jokingly teased you for being late. As you got into his house, you found a bigger group than you expected. It seemed like you and Nia were the last ones to arrive, as there was around ten other people in there. Some of them you recognized from being Nia’s friends, others you had never seen, but none was the one you earned to see the most.
Evan guided you across the living room area, “I’ll show you the kitchen so you two can get some drinks,”  He held up his glass as he spoke. Gesturing to the entrance of the room, “We’ll start everything in around ten minutes, so get ready.”
As you entered the kitchen behind Nia, you could feel her stiffen her posture a bit, before looking back at you. You frowned lightly at her, confused by her behaviour, gazing inside the room and finding immediately a pair of green eyes already watching you. It made you think back to the first time you were in this exact position, except in your own kitchen. This time, however, he was the one to approach you.
He looked really good, which did nothing to help the butterflies flying relentlessly in your stomach. He was in all black, a buttoned up shirt with a few buttons open, exposing a bit of the skin on his chest where a silver necklace laid upon. You swallowed dryly at the sight of his hand running swiftly through his hair, with a ring hugging each one of his fingers. 
As he got close, he greeted Nia first, giving her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, before turning his attention back to you. He shot you a shy smile, before embracing you into a hug. You didn’t really know if it was your mind playing tricks but you felt him a bit hesitant as he greeted you and placed a kiss on your cheek. Pulling away, he cleared his throat, running his hand again through his hair, he almost seemed… nervous?
“‘S nice seeing you again,” he mumbled, “this uhm… ‘s my girlfriend, Jess.”
You could felt your heart drop with his words as you finally noticed a smiley girl coming to his side. 
She wasn’t much taller than you, her red hair pulled back in a perfect ponytail. She matched him with a small black dress that annoyingly hugged her body in all the right ways. You could barely register her greeting you, as you tried your best to keep a straight face to hide the shock that took over your body. You felt a heaviness at the pit of your stomach, a feeling so distressful that made you want to scream as an attempt to make it go away.
You didn’t pay a lot of attention as Nia made a conversation with the girl, knowing that’s what she did best. You kept your gaze directed to Harry, your eyes asking a million questions - you didn’t even think you wanted to know the answers to. But he kept his eyes locked on the floor, eventually looking up at the girl in his arms as she seemed to mention him. But never meeting your own.  Her hand was caressing his chest lovingly while his found their way on her waist, keeping her close.
“I think I’ll get something to drink,” you announced, realizing you might’ve interrupted the conversation as they stopped talking. You turned to Nia, “do you want something?”
She looked back at you with sorry eyes, “I should go with you,” she quickly turned back to the girl, “It was lovely meeting you, Jess.”
“Oh! Sure,” she smiled brightly at you two, her hand moving to rest on Harry’s chest, “we should go get our seats as well, right, babe?” 
You left the scene as quickly as you could, not wanting to hear any more of it. Looking at all the drink options on top of the counter, you tried to think which one could get you drunk enough to stop feeling hurt over someone you spent just a week with, but still sober enough so that you could pretend everything was fine. Before you realized, Nia was standing next to you, getting two plastic pink cups before she stared at you with guilty-filled eyes.
“I should’ve just told you about it,” she sighed, “I didn’t want to make you sad, but looking back it was probably best if you already knew.”
You turned your head to look at her, “so you knew it all along?” You swallowed the lump in your throat as you felt it close once again.
“Evan told me like a few days after we got back!” She rushed, “I don’t know if they were together while we were filming.”
You took a deep breath, knowing Nia was probably blaming herself for putting you into this situation. But you knew it wasn’t her fault, she would never purposely put you in this position if she knew about it before.
“You know what, it’s fine,” you tried your best to cover up the hurt and gave her a weak smile, “it’s not your fault Ni. It’s okay. I’m fine.”
She pulled you into a tight hug, “I’m sorry, bubba,” she said, “let’s get you something to drink so you can enjoy this party like the star you are!”
The two of you decided on the vodka mixed with watermelon juice, something you had never even thought of trying before but seemed to be ideal to handle the situation you found yourself in. You walked back to the living area, where people were already beginning to settle on the chairs. 
Following Nia, you prompted yourself on a seat at the edge closest to the door, opposite to where Harry sat with the girl. His girl. You thought bitterly, taking a big sip from your cup and cringing at the strong taste.
There was a speech you didn’t pay much attention to before they started the film, only giving a slight smile when you realized the mention of your name. 
Before you knew it, the lights were out and your face took over the screen. 
It was harder than you thought it would be.  Looking up at the scenes you had with Harry, knowing everything that happened behind the cameras. Knowing every touch and every kiss felt more than just playing a character. You knew the actual feeling of having him to yourself. But now staring at it right in front of you, it just left a sour taste in your mouth. 
You finished your drink barely ten minutes into the film, the feeling of your chest aching starting to become overwhelming as you watched your shared kiss on the big screen. You could feel your throat close once more, your eyes watering a bit.
“I’m gonna get some air,” you whispered to Nia sitting next to you, who gave you a sympathetic smile as you got up. You glimpsed quickly to Harry who had his eyes trained on you, the girl next to him leaning to whisper something in his ear.
You could feel the tears falling down stubbornly as you left the room. Standing in the hallway, you made the decision to turn to the front door instead of the back, not wanting to face anyone with reddish eyes.
You left the house, picking your phone with shaky hands as you managed to call a ride home, sighing in relief as your screen told you it was just about three minutes away.
You heard the door open behind you as stood on the sidewalk hugging yourself to get some warmth on the chilly night. You tried your best to swallow back your tears as you turned around, expecting to find Nia looking at you with pitiful eyes. 
To your surprise, the person standing there was Harry, looking like a deer caught in the headlights as he took in your tearful eyes. He spoke your name in a soft voice, causing you to look away.
“Don’t-” you interrupted, raising your hand at him, “I don’t wanna hear it.”
He frowned at you, not wanting to upset you more. “I’m sorry,” he hesitated, taking a step forward.
Your phone buzzed in your hand, as you watched your ride pulling in front of you. You looked back at him, “I’m sorry too,” you said before moving to enter the car. 
You spared him one last glance through the window as the driver pulled away.
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It All Started With A Break
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31840603
Okay, so I have fallen down the rabbit hole known as MariBat and I just can't stop all the ideas I have because of this and decided that enough is enough and I am doing it.
This is my very first fanfic - or any fic actually - but I hope you guys like it and be WARNED that some of you may find some part of this story that's similar with another and that may've been because I really liked the idea when I read it and wanna have a kinda similar thing here and the same goes with some trope of this fanfic in the future, but I'll do my best to keep it unique. I am also new to the DCU, but I'm doing research and planning to binge watch stuff and if you could please help this poor soul find a way to navigate and somehow get an idea on how that universe work (especially abt the batfam), I'll be forever grateful to thy savior.
This fic is canon until S4 Ep 1&2 (Truth & Lie) of MLU and as for the rest, I'll let you guys know.
So yeah, that's all. Enjoy and hope you guys like it. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
P.S. Sorry I kinda ranted, this is my first time actually posting smth so bear with me people
It’s been four years ever since Hawkmoth, who now goes by the name Shadow Moth, began his reign of terror in Paris. Four years worth of akumas that have brought pain and suffering. Four years of no rest in controlling their emotions, afraid of what may come if they were controlled.
After four long years, the Miraculous Team can finally see a ray of light. Everything they have sacrificed for that one goal they all share is finally going to be repaid… Not.
Locating Hawkmoth was easier said than done, and the frustration is finally getting to them. With that, it was decided that they need a break from their hero lives — ok, maybe not. After all, Shadow Moth is proving himself to be a workaholic (like dude, don’t you have anything better to do than destroy everyone’s schedule?) — but anyways, it was clear. THEY. NEED. A. BREAK. Away from Paris. Away from Hawkmoth. Away from the frickin akumas.
So yeah, that’s how it was decided (more like forced) that they are going to America to relax, let loose, and have some fun. After all, who knows, maybe a break is all they need to get things to start getting better — or worse.
“Alright. So, we are going to take a break—”
“For two months.”
“For two months. And because it’s supposed to be a break, that means—”
“No thinking of anything Moth related.”
“No thinking of anything Moth rela— Moth related?”
“You know, Hawkmoth, Red Moth, Shadow Moth, those Moths.”
“Right. Moths. Aside from Moths, it also means—’
“No thinking of akumas.”
“No thinking of akumas. For this entire break, we’re not going to think about—”
“Anything Miraculous related.”
“Anything Miraculous related. Alya, do you really need to do that every time I’m about to say it?”
“It’s because she knows you. We know you. It’s ridiculous, utterly ridiculous, how you always promise not to worry about something, especially anything Miraculous related, just to break it the moment anything related to it comes up. So, yes. She needs to say it and repeat it as much as possible for it to go through that head of yours.”
“Guys, I swear, I’m really going to follow through with this plan. I did agree that we need to unwind ourselves since we’re getting way too stressed and that won’t help us focus on our job.”
“Only after we bugged you about it. Get it? Bugged. Pfft—”
“Hey! Puns are my thing. And you shouldn’t be saying it like that. You’re making it ape-solutely obvious and that makes it not punny anymore”
“Dude, do you really have to do that? That’s so not paw-some. Pfft—”
“All puns aside, it is true that we had to convince you, Mari-hime, to agree on taking a break. Although I rarely take a break from fencing, my Mother and I are aware of the importance of having one and may I also remind you that you were the one who taught us that.”
“And that’s why I told you guys to go have one.”
“But you plus the kitty are the ones who need it the most. Remember what future-me said? About you two always leading us and how she— or rather I am the last one called upon? That means you guys are always gonna work while the rest of us may or may not be needed in some fights.”
“There is a 97.6% probability of you two showing up in fights.”
“Because we have to. It’s our responsibility as the one leading our team.”
“M’lady’s right. Besides, there were only the two of us in the beginning and with all the akumas, we just got used to it.”
“But that doesn’t mean you don’t need to rest. The music I’m hearing from both of you is filled with the stress you guys have and it doesn’t sound nice. Maybe you two unwinding will help make it more beautiful and even more powerful than before.”
“Fine. We’re all taking a break—”
“Especially you and Adrien.”
“Especially Adrien and I, for a month. Now, does anyone have any ideas on how we're gonna do that?”
“Ooh! Me, me! I have a competition coming up this summer break so I can’t really go anywhere too far since I have some training to do.”
“I’m sticking with the ape. Gotta keep an eye on him if I don’t want him messing up with the timeline. Plus, it’ll be pretty fun beating him up every time he asks for a challenge.”
“The same goes for me. Someone has to make sure the correct time is recorded with not a single millisecond of it missed. Kwami knows how many times he messes it up whenever he does the recording himself.”
“Okay. So Kim, Alix, and Max will be staying in Paris. Are you guys sure that you’ll be able to take a break even if you’re in the city?”
“Yeah, we're fine. And I am totally beating you next time, little bunny.”
“Whatever. There’s nothing wrong with dreaming, y’know.”
“Anything else?”
“Oh, I have an internship in America this coming summer. The one at the Daily Planet. I just got the email and I was finally given an invite!”
“Really? Cool! Told you you’ll get it, babe!”
“Yeah! That’s really awesome, Alya! So I’m assuming you'll be accepting that?”
“You got it, girl! I mean, this is the Daily Planet we’re talkin’ about. I’ll learn so much about writing and journalism there, I’ve just got to take it.”
“So Alya’s going to America. Anyone else with plans outside of the country?”
“There will be an upcoming world-class fencing competition this summer and Mother and I have discussed my participation in it. It will be held in the States as well, specifically Gotham, two weeks before the end of the summer break. Maybe you should participate in it as well, Adrien. That way, you’ll have an excuse for your father to leave the country. I’m sure Mother will be happy to convince him as well to let you participate in it. That way, at the very least, I’ll have someone I know who’ll be an actual challenge.”
“Really? That actually sounds great! I’m sure Father would agree if your mother’s the one who suggested it. Thanks Kagami!”
“Okay. Kagami and hopefully Adrien will have a fencing competition in America too.”
“My Dad is having a tour in America right now. He’ll be having the last one at Metropolis during the summer break. He actually wants me to go with him, but I declined. It’ll be great if we all could go there and see it.”
“Dude, that’s so cool! Maybe you’ll even get to perform with your dad on stage. You did make that song with him that reached the record chart’s top. I’ve even made a playlist based on it.”
“Okay then, that makes Alya, Kagami, Adrien, and Luka going to the States. Chloe, do you also have plans to go there this summer? Maman said your mother was thinking of inviting you to be one of the models in an upcoming fashion show there.”
“She did mention something like that, but I wasn’t really paying attention to details once I found out that it’ll be outside of Paris. I’ll discuss it with her again then I can have my much needed vacation in the States.”
“So now that makes five of you going to America. Nino?”
“Well, I don’t really have any plans this summer. Just chill out and relax, y’know, make some playlist, listen to some music.”
“Ooh! How about you come with us, babe? That’ll be so cool and not all of us will be doing something most of the time while we’re there. You can just chill and relax there and maybe you could even study the kind of music they listen to and make a playlist out of it.”
“I would love to go, but I don’t think I really got the money for it. ‘Sides, my parents might not allow me to go out of the country.”
“You’re already 18 and if your parents ever say no, just tell them that you want to really relax, without keeping your emotions in check and have the freedom to let it out. I’m sure they’ll understand and unlike my Father, they actually listen to you.”
“As for the money, I have some savings and if you want I can lend you some-”
“Lend. I’m not just giving it to you. You will have to pay me back, alright? And if you try to say no again, I’m going to insist that you don’t pay me anymore.”
“You sure? You're the best! Thanks, Minette.”
“No problem. So now that makes six of them—”
“Seven. We’re including you.”
“Me? But Alya, I already got plans this summer.”
“Plans? What plans?”
“I was planning on working on my commissions this summer an— Guys, can you all stop rolling your eyes on me and no, Chloe. I don’t need you doing it again.”
“Girl! We all agreed that we’re going to take a break this summer. How does doing your commissions sound like a break to you?”
“You all got your own thing to do this summer and mine just happens to be those. Also, the break was for anything Miraculous related. My commissions don't exactly fall under that.”
“Nope. We actually all agreed that for you, commissions should be added to the list of things you get to take a break from.”
“Adrien! I thought you’re supposed to be my partner? So much for the two of us against the world.”
“He is still your partner alright. But also, as someone who truly cares about you, he decided that you really needed a break. And besides girl, this could be your chance!”
“Chance? What chance?”
“Your pen pal! Doesn’t he live in Gotham? You could go and finally meet him. Who knows? Maybe something might happen.”
“Ooh, he’s from there? That’s awesome! You should totally go meet him. Maybe you could even go on a date or two-”
“A date?! Kim, he’s just a frie-”
“You stop right there, Dupain-Cheng! It’s ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! All of us already had enough with Adrikins always calling you ‘just a friend’ when it’s pretty obvious how totally untrue that statement was. We don’t need you ending up just like him, thank you very much.”
“But he really is-”
“Yeah right. If he really is just a friend, then why do you guys stay up all night talking to each other? You always immediately check your phone whenever a notif comes up and you smile like a love-sick fool whenever you read his messages for you. And don’t get me started on the way you gush about him non-stop.”
“There is something beautiful in your music whenever you talk or even think about him.”
“Your smiles are much brighter compared to before the two of you got to know each other.”
“Markov and I also have a record of your heartbeat and we have observed your heart beating faster whenever we talk about this certain topic.”
“And it's been more than a year since you two have become pen pals. The two of you are now so close that it’s a wonder why you guys still haven’t video-called each other just because you insist for your first time seeing each other to be in person.”
“I think it’s rather romantic. They’ll look into each other’s eyes for the first time then BAM! They’re finally together. But I still plan on giving him a shovel talk the first chance I get. Can’t have him break my twin’s heart without him knowing I have the god of destruction on my side.”
“What do you mean shovel talk- I mean, what even gives you the idea that he thinks of me that way for you guys to assume that we’ll end up in… in that kind of relationship?”
“He’d be an idiot if he still hasn’t fallen in love with you.”
“Literally almost everyone I know had a crush on you or have you forgotten already that my boyfriend’s one of those people?”
“I know for a fact that that’s true since I’ve already admitted that one of my reasons why I began bullying you back then was because I had a crush on you.”
“I must admit, I think I also had the same feeling towards you at the beginning of our friendship until I really got to know Luka and you helped us get together.”
“Oh! There’s also that. Do you actually know just how many people you’ve helped get together, buginette? Alya’s even written an article about it at the Ladyblog of how you are also known as Paris’s own cupid and how all of the couples you’ve paired ended up living a happy life together.”
“Everyone’s been saying how Ladybug’s the next best person they can go to if they ever want to find love after Andre.”
“And yet every time you try to pair yourself with someone, the magic just doesn’t seem to work.”
“So we all decided that we’ll be Ladybug’s cupid and pair her up with the boy she just can’t seem to get off of her head.”
“Now, you coming or what? I won’t be taking the money you’ll be lending me if you say no. I’m only going with these dudes if you also come or else I’ll just end up getting bored when there’s no one who can go around the city with me.”
“Fine. You guys win—”
“So here’s the final plan for the break. Kim, Alix, and Max will be staying in Paris for Kim’s competition, while the rest of us will be going to America doing our own stuff—”
“With you finally meeting your pen pal.”
“Yes. Alright. I’ll go and meet my pen pal. And during the break, no thinking about anything miraculous related. If ever there’s an akuma, only those who’ll be needed will go. Max will bring us to the akuma’s location and if there is anything going on that we can’t be excused of or if the fight goes longer than expected, Alix will bring us back in time making it look like we just went to the toilets, the usuals. Any questions?”
“Good. Operation: Taking a Break is good to go.”
Yay! Finally got to post it. So comments? What do you guys think and who do you think who is saying what? I know there will be new holders in S4, but I decided I’ll either make them a temp or they still don’t know the other’s identities bc of stuff, so yeah. Still thinking abt it. Adios (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31840603
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soulwillower · 4 years
almost stupid • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested: requested by @demo-wise :)
Hello, my darling. I was wondering if I could request a Richie Tozer x Reader fic from you? Taking place in their college years, so sometime in the 90s? One where the reader and Richie go to a party, and though typically it’d be Richie that gets drunk, this time it ends up being reader, so Richie makes it a point to stay relatively sober during the party so he can keep an eye on you ans make sure you don’t get hurt. Then after a while - maybe the party ends, maybe they have a set curfew, or maybe something happened at the party, you choose - they head home, and since reader is too wasted to find the keys for her (off-campus) apartment - for argument’s sake, let’s say they both live separately, off-campus - so Richie lets her stay with him, and she’s a really sweet and afectionate drunk, and she ends up confessing her feelings towards him, and then is promptly out like a light. Then I guess the next morning he’d tell her about it, since there doesn’t seem to be a logical way to integrate it into one night. Hopefully this isn’t too confusing with how invovled it is, just exercising my enjoyment of the no word limit on asks. Thank you, love, and have a lovely day.
 i love u, hope u enjoy!!
warnings: binge drinking, getting sick/vomiting, party, fluff
(losers + reader are in college.)
3.5k words
you hadn't meant to let go of yourself this much.
music thuds around you as you move, your eyes catching patterns of plaid as a boy with a red flannel steadies you, "woah there, are you okay?" he asks, and you blink a bit, laughing. "yeah, i'm just l-lovely, how are you?" you say, slurring and hiccuping slightly. the boy laughs, and his smile makes you giggle more. "i'm fine. what's your name? did you come here alone?"
"y/n. i'm... 'm here with richie." you say, stumbling over your feet and raising your eyebrows as the boy nods. "tozier? okay. wait one second." and then you're topping off the cup of vodka sprite in your hands and hiccuping as the boy in front of you cups his hands, calling a loud, "TOZIER!"
as if he's a dog, richie comes bounding over with a toothy grin, "what's going on over here, chums?" he says easily, and as he moves all you can do is watch him in awe. 
his raw power, as odd and shaky as it is, is ever so prevalent right now - he has a way of pulling people to him. his lips are red and freckled, his adam's apple bobbing slightly when he speaks. your neck nearly hurts from craning to look up at him and you start to giggle to yourself as you watch him.
that noise seems to call richie's attention down towards you. his smile grows exponentially, his eyebrows raising as he takes you in. you know your cheeks are red. "hey, kiddo, how're you feeling?" he says, gentler this time, his hand absently raising to rub your shoulder before falling back down to his side.
you can't help yourself as you lean into the touch just as it's gone, and richie notices with an amused grin. you smile a bit, "oh, i'm feeling great! me n' my friend, oh, what's your-" as you turn to regard the boy who'd helped you, you find yourself gesturing to the empty wall instead. you whip your head back and forth in confusion, wondering where he'd gone. "oh. he's gone." you say, feeling embarrassed as richie huffs to himself.
"how are you feeling, richie? why aren'you playing king’s cup right now?" you ask, stumbling through your words as you gesture to the crowd of people cheering as a girl pulls an ace from a deck of cards. richie chuckles, shifting on his feet so he's leaning back against the wall, watching you with eyes full of joy and amusement.
"someone's gotta take care of you, sugar. we can't go dumb and dumber tonight, i gotta get you home safe."
you turn red, guilt crowding you as you realize you're probably prohibiting richie from letting loose and having fun. "oh, 'm sorry." you whisper, looking into the suddenly unappetizing contents of your cup. you set it down on the chair next to you and it wobbles, but you turn back to face richie. 
he's smiling, eyes running over you. "why're you sorry?" he asks, sounding like he's much more amused than you right now. "i'd do anything for you, kid. and it's one night, i think i can handle being the adult. you do this for me like every week." he insists, his eyes soft as he bites his lip. you lean into him, close enough that his warm chest is close to yours. “you’re too good to me, chee.” you whisper, smiling. you place your hands on his arms because you just want to be touching him, and you smile. 
he smiles back, rolling his eyes. “don’t think you don’t deserve it, sweet girl.” he says with a slight shake of his head. you scold yourself even in your hazy drunken mind as you feel yourself yearning to lean closer and kiss him.
instead of that, you just giggle, watching richie speak as he leans over the chair to grab your drink, knowing it'll probably spill if he leaves it. he has to lean around you to reach, and you take the opportunity to wrap your arms around his shoulders and nuzzle up, leaning backwards with his body. you can feel him chuckle as he steadies you. his eyes hold yours, and you open your mouth to tell him just how amazing he looks when you’re pulled away from him by a voice. 
you hear your name called and you perk up as your friend from one of your lectures waves to you. you jump on your heels as you place a hand on richie's chest, not really thinking about it, "i have to go see them!" you insist, and your heart thumps as you feel richie's large, warm hand on top of yours, sandwiched between his chest and hand. "i'll be here, go have fun." he insists. you turn to him, a sudden surge of confidence and affection induced by the bacardi and vodka coursing through your veins. up on your toes, you kiss his cheek and pat the other with your hand softly, face red as you realize how close his face is to yours; you mutter, "i'll be right' back. promise."
richie laughs lightly as you make your way towards them, his face red.
it was an hour and a half before you realized you were really, really fucked up. your vision felt like it was lagging, your eyes droop, your voice feels raw when you speak. and all that's on your mind is richierichierichierichie.
you're in the bathroom, staring at yourself in the mirror with awe when you realize that the only reason you're having fun tonight is because of him. he's usually the one to get really blasted - it was your dynamic, and you liked it that way. he’s the funniest person ever when he's drunk, and tooling him around your university to walk back to his apartment was always more fun than it should be. in your head, you know it's because you're in love with him.
you pull a face at yourself in the mirror as you think about that, knowing damn well that that secret has been vaulted up for months ever since you figured it out. but you're just so goddamn happy right now, letting richie know that he's loved doesn't seem all that bad. he deserves to know, really. 
a knock on the door makes you jump and you finish drying your hands, wiping your eye as you hear his muffled voice, "you coming out anytime soon, y/n/n?"
you roll your eyes with a huge smile, feeling giddy to know richie was on the other side of that door, taking care of you. you pull the door open and he stumbles a bit, having lost the spot he was slightly leaning on. you're standing close to him, his face lower than usual after stumbling, and you grin as you look at each other. 
you can see the spare eyelash on his cheek, the light freckles hiding under his glasses as his curs fall perfectly around his face. "hi." you say quietly, giggling to yourself.
he backs away with a grin of his own, shaking his head at you. "hey, doll. you ready to head home? gotta get you some rest."
you comply, because there is almost nothing you wouldn't do for richie tozier.
you quickly come to realize that there is at least one thing you won't do for richie tozier, no matter how drunk you are. "richie, put me down!" you laugh. you're swaying as richie carries you through the mostly-empty streets, your head resting on his shoulder and your arms wrapped around his chest.
 richie laughs, re-gripping your thigh with his long fingers and making your stomach flip. "but i want to." he says matter-of-fact, and out of the corner of your eye you can see his smile. you groan, thumping him with your fist and kicking your legs.  "plus, you're going to die if you walk, y/n."
you scoff, "we're all going to die, richard. it's ‘97, the end of the world is in three years." you laugh at your own joke. 
"yeah, drunk y/n believes in y2k. i think i want to keep carrying you, crazy girl." he mutters, grinning to the ground.
"but i don't! i jus wann'walk with you." you huff, shoving your face into the crook of his neck. he smells like fresh laundry and mint cologne and it makes you sigh dreamily. 
giving in, he stops and sighs, releasing your legs so you slide down back to your feet.
he gives you a soft smile, and his face in the moonlight makes your stomach flip. "happy, babe?" he asks, watching you. you stare at him for a few moments, your hands lingering on his arms as you watch him. "always with you." you say honestly, hand moving up to brush a strand of his hair from his face. you almost think you could kiss him. 
but you break your trance with a laugh and you start to walk again, in relative silence, until you stumble and nearly fall. richie grabs your hips, muttering "jesus," as he steadies you, and you laugh as you right yourself. you're walking again, and you slip your hand into his as you listen to him tell you about his new computers class, nuzzling against his side as you near your apartment. his fingers fit perfectly in yours.
"-shit, i don't have my keys!" you say quickly, looking at richie and tugging him to stop. he turns and gawks at you, and you almost start to tear up. god, you're drunk. "i can't get in. i'm locked out, i don't-"
richie tugs you closer to him until he's hugging you, holding your head against his chest. as he pulls away, he rolls his eyes, "calm down, toots. you can stay with me, you don't have to worry."
you smile, feeling butterflies again as you hug him, whispering thanks into his ear. it makes him laugh. "you're quite an affectionate drunk, aren't you doll?" he mutters as you grab his hand again, your other coming to gently rest on his forearm.
you pull away from him then, playfully ripping your hand from his and walking a foot away. your body feels cold at the loss of him, and he mumbles, "no, no! i never said i didn't like it." richie says with a laugh, pulling you back towards him.
you're in richie's apartment within ten minutes. he's holding your hair back as you vomit within fifteen.
"i hate this." you say miserably as he sits behind you, rubbing your back. "i know, but you'll feel better now." he insists, thumb rubbing you sweetly and making you surge with love.
you pivot on the tile of his bathroom so that you're almost straddling him, pulling him towards you and into a hug as you sit on his lap, legs folded on your knees on either side of his hips. “do you promise?” you mutter, eyes closing. you suddenly feel exhausted. 
his arms rise to encircle you and he laughs a bit, muttering something about a koala bear as he hugs back. “f’course i promise.” 
and then he's calling you clingy but he's pulling you closer; as you press your lips lightly to small places on his neck, peppering his smooth  skin with soft kisses, his breathing chokes and his words halt a bit.
you pull back after a few seconds, unsure wether the racing heartbeat was yours or his, and you stare at each other. you're lost in his eyes, his hand on your thigh and the other rubbing your back. your eyes can’t help but bounce to his freckled lips and you shift a bit, fingers tugging on the curls at the back nape of his neck. you mutter, "can i have a toothbrush?"
richie insists you take his bed. you've begged him to at least share it with you, but he promises he'll be just outside the room on the couch in case you need anything. you're so tired that you can barely protest, anyways.
"thank you for being the best friend ever." you say to richie as he helps you settle into his bed. he laughs a bit, shrugging. "you do the same for me." he mutters, standing from the edge of the mattress.
your heart swells, your smile shortens, and you grab his sleeve. he stops and looks at you expectantly, a sweet smile on his face. “y'know, i should do this more often babe, you're a sweetheart when you're drunk." 
you shake your head, "oh, my god." you say, smiling and bringing your hands to your eyes. he laughs, "what? honest, you are. it's adorable, kid." he ruffles your hair but then his fingers start to run through the strands, gently combing the strands. you shrug, shaking your head again. you let out a laugh, knowing you’re doomed. "oh god, rich, you have to stop."
he lifts a brow, not saying anything else although there's a grin on his face. you laugh again, feeling dizzy but more comfortable than ever as you drown in his sheets. it smells like him, overwhelmingly so - all you can see and hear and smell and feel is richie. and so as he pats your head and turns off the lamp, the following darkness in the room gives you the courage to whisper it.
"i love you, richie."
he laughs in the dark, "i love you too." and your eyes are already closed because you're exhausted but you shake your head. "no, richie... you idiot. i... i wanna be with you."
he laughs, "i am with you right now, y/n. we’re in my room. god, you had way too much, i'm a bad babysitter."
in your exhausted, drunken stupor, you groan, pushing your head further into his pillowcase. how daft is this boy?
"oh my god, richie." you mutter into the pillowcase, the hand that you'd laid on his thigh sliding to his arm to give him as good a shove as you can, seeing as you're already half asleep.
"oh my god what?" he asks, and you can hear his smile. it makes you giddy, thinking about him. you shake your head. "it's just stupid, richie... i am so in love with you, it's absurd." you mutter, the clearest you've sounded all night since you walked into that party. and as the world fades away quickly and sleep knocks you out, you don’t second guess richie’s silence or his soft, what?
you wake up to a piercing headache, a fogginess that clouds your mind as you flip onto your back and stretch. you brush your teeth in silence, drinking handfuls of water from richie's faucet because of course he doesn't have a cup in there.
and then you're padding into richie's kitchen where he sits at the table, two cups of coffee and a plate of eggs and toasted eggo waffles in front of him. he's reading his calculus text book, his stereo playing an oasis tape quietly in the living room. he looks up at you, "mornin' sunshine."
you almost scowl - you know you look probably just as awful as you feel. he has no goddamn right to look this handsome at this hour, so effortlessly. 
he slides a bottle of pills to you as you sit across from him, swallowing them dry and then sipping on the coffee. you start to eat in relative silence, until you bring up a question gnawing at the back of your head. "hey."
he looks up, giving you a goofy smile that makes your insides melt. "hi." he says, smiling huge. he looks elated, and you're not sure why, but it makes him glow more than usual. you bring your knee up in the chair, resting your chin on it as you look at him. 
"did i...get into any trouble last night?"
he hums, "you don't remember?"
you make eye contact and you lift a brow, "...is there something i should?"
"last night." he says, gnawing on his lip, an smirk on his face. you sit up, rubbing your eyes more as you lick a bit of toothpaste from your lip. "just before you fell asleep. you said..." he laughs, then. shaking his head. your stomach plummets - jesus, what did you say?
"you said you- that you...like, want me." he says it in a laugh, trying to make eye contact as you avoid it. you know you're turning red, you can feel it in your face, "wh-what?" you stammer, unsure if richie is teasing you because he doesn't care, or because its better than just straight up shooting you down. or he thinks whatever you said, you weren't serious.
did you try to fuck richie last night? 
"when you went to bed. you said you're in love with me. that you want me." he looks like he's won the lottery as he smiles at you.
your stomach drops. love. ironic of him to try and joke about that, considering that’s something you very well could do when drunk. 
you roll your eyes, "couldn't imagine why i'd say that. you're repulsive." you mutter, dragging your waffle through some syrup. richie laughs at this, shaking his head.
"ask yourself, babe. you seemed pretty adamant on me knowing. you fell asleep immediately after." he sounds more serious now, and that's when you realize he's not joking.
your smile falls, "wait- i really said that?"  
he nods, "but if- if that's something that was just drunk y/n, that-that's fine. i totally understand, but i do think we need to talk about it." he's still got that teasing grin, but he's clear and his voice is soft. "i don't think it's okay for me to just not ever tell you about that. it would be really disrespectful to you. you deserve someone who you trust."
you blink, throat dry. what do you say now? how can you play this off, like it was nothing despite the constant flirtation between the two of you? 
how can you sit here, in richie's dinky kitchen sipping on coffee he made just for you, wearing a pair of his boxers and his shirt, after spending the night in his bed and looking into his eyes, and tell him you're not in love with him?
"sorry." you say with a scratchy throat, tucking hair out of your face. you remember bits from last night - pulling richie's arm around you every time you and him were next to each other, putting your hand on his chest when you listened to a friend tell a story. you remember when he kissed the crown of your head, then when you insisted he hold your hand.... you remember sitting on the floor with him and kissing his neck. but you don't remember much else.
then you think more about being on the bathroom floor with him and you groan, "oh my god, i threw up last night too. i'm so sorry." you say, rubbing your eyes and burying your face. richie laughs, “don’t be sorry toots.... it was kind of cute actually.”
you send him a look, "you think me vomiting was cute?"  and he shrugs, "i just like it when i get to be close to you. you know, even when you're not drunk and overly affectionate, i can't ever get my mind off you."
his boldness takes your breath out of your throat and you stare at him. "you- what? really?" you ask, your heart thumping.
he shrugs, leaning forwards and taking one of your hands gently in his own. "it makes me happier than anything in the world." he says it so casually, like he's known it his whole life.
“it’s embarrassing,” your eyes strain on richie’s hand, your fingers trailing idle patterns because it's easier than looking at him. “-that i've felt this way, but we've never said anything.”
“i guess i just never really felt like it needed saying. it was always just there for me.” richie's gaze is intent, and a finger teases over your lip, feather-light. “would you like me to say it now?”
your eyes widen - in all this, in your hangover brain, it hadn't yet occurred to you that richie may feel the same way. you grin against his finger, and his thumb pinches your chin lightly, bringing you forwards. one hand tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"i think you're the cutest. even when you're piss drunk.” his words make you wrinkle your nose, and he laughs. gently, he leans forward and kisses the top of your nose, shaking his head. 
"i am in love with you, y/n."
his words make you feel on fire, and you look away with a small grin. he tuts, using his fingers to guide your face back to his. "don't look away." something about his words makes your stomach coil in excitement, and so you keep your eyes on his. "i love you so much it's almost stupid."
"not as stupid as you." is the only thing you can think to say, and the half-chuckle that leaves richie's mouth as he surges towards you makes your heart soar with pride.
he kisses you like you're the center of gravity, surging forwards with so much force you almost fall back against the chair. a hand is on the back of your neck, a dizzied breath falling from your lips as his thumb brushes an exposed slice of skin at your hip settling upwards, warm and steady.
you're breathless, tentative, and abruptly shy as your panting breaths chased the silence. your eyes meet, richie's bold and unregretting. a gentle, loving smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.
and then he kisses you again.
tag list: @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier @sft-core @clownsloveyou @moon-shine-baby @trashedfortozier @daughter-of-the-stars11 @oceandog13 @chl0bee @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters @melinda-weasley @flowerceiling 
© all content belongs to soulwillower 2020. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
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amindamazed · 3 years
Tagged by @quipxotic & @littlepichon
nicknames: none for my RL name; a or ama for amindamazed
zodiac: Sagittarius
height: 5′6″ (and a little bit more if I make special effort with posture. which I suppose I should do in general)
last movie: Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, which I thought I’d seen way back when it first came out? But either I was wrong about that or I just forgot 90% of the story in the intervening years. I also finally binged We Are Lady Parts entirely due to everyone here who posted gifsets. Very annoyed that there aren’t already 5 more seasons.
last thing i googled: no idea, though I generally use Duck Duck Goose first, which doesn’t quite roll off the tongue as a verb.
fave musicians: I don’t really have favorite musicians the way I have favorite authors, but the two names that first came to mind were Zoe Keating and Max Richter. I have a lot of Joan Armatrading from the 1980s-1990s too. Haven’t kept up with her work since then.
song stuck in my head: none at the moment or in recent memory. Last serious earworm I had was the Hamilton musical cast album, from which random snippets would pop up. That went on for months in 2015-2016.
other blogs: I started out on LJ and moved to Dreamwidth but haven’t posted to either in a loooong time. My side-tumblr is @namedabee.
blogs following: 168 but at least 50 of those haven’t updated in months or years
amount of sleep: Up until my mid-40s, I slept very well, but perimenopause tossed that out the window. Thanks to hormone therapy I’m back to about 7 hours, *IF* I can make myself go to bed before 11pm. It’s unusual for me to sleep later than 7am.
lucky number: don’t really have one, but I do have a fondness for 3/multiples of 3, as well as primes generally.
what I’m wearing: umber tank top and navy shorts; ankle socks and no shoes
dream job: being job-free by choice. see also: #capitalism ruins everything
dream trip: I’ll copy Quipxotic here: a week-long train trip. One with my own sleeping cabin, and a big observation car with giant windows, and afternoon tea service. Preferably no murder aboard. A more modest option I’m looking at is the 30-hr route from Toronto to Halifax. Another travel dream is to find someone who likes long car rides as much as I do to take cross-country trips with, in part so I can spend time taking photos as a passenger rather than taking risks (& bad photos) while operating a moving vehicle.
play an instrument: learned flute as a kid (back when public schools in the US still had music in the regular curriculum); started cello a few years ago but haven’t played recently. would like to start that again.
fave food: chocolate is a daily requirement. black tea with milk. pizza (mmm cheese). apricots.
languages: English plus random bits not (yet) forgotten in French and Welsh
fave songs: I tend to listen to sad, somber movie soundtracks, though I use Natalie Merchant’s “Kind and Generous” and Jimmy Cliff’s “I Can See Clearly Now” as alarm sounds on my phone.
random fact about me: I became a Canadian citizen today. 🇨🇦
describe yourself using aesthetic things:  comfy stretchy cotton pants with pockets. lots of greys: light greys, green greys, blue greys, charcoal greys, almost black greys. fountain pens with purple, green, and rich brown inks. light rain. just after sunset or before dawn when the sky is multicolored and trees and buildings are a black silhouette. warm soft chocolate chip cookies. sound of the ocean through the window. random flash of bright orange. long meandering (but entirely logical) sentences scaffolded with ample em-dashes, parenthetical asides, and semi-colons.
tagging: @fearlessdiva930, @weneedtotalkaboutfic, @shirleycarlton, @grrlpup, @totallysilvergirl, @blogstandbygo and everyone else who hasn’t done it yet and wants to.
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franeridart · 4 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: [Spoilers for non-manga readers] opinion on Baku's hero name?
Very Bakugou, honestly don’t mind it at all! Mostly just surprised it’s, like, legal in the bnha universe for heroes to call themselves stuff like explodo-kills (and also that there isn’t a character limit for hero names??) but that Bakugou would stick with it is pretty damn in character for him so I like it xD still, I’ll probably just call him Dynamight if I’ll ever need to use his hero name lmao
Anon said: not to be the most romantic sap but uh just a kiss by lady a is killin me
Nothing sappy about letting romantic songs get to you!!!! I say, as I’m constantly crying over romantic songs so this mindset benefits me as well lol
Anon said: i may or may not have stumbled across some of your older kiribaku art, the stuff with akane, and she's the best child oc tbh. i actually like her and i tend to not be a fan of child ocs but she's just the cutest darn thing 🥰
I’m so glad you like her!!!!! She was a lot of fun, what a good gremlin ;;;
Anon said: uve heard of dragon!kiri w his hair spikes up, now get ready for dragon!kiri w his hair dowm lookin like the softest boy
AW HECK I think I’ve drawn him in the past, actually!!!! Spike-haired Kiri will forever be my fav Kiri, but there’s just something about hair down Kiri isn’t it!! What a cute boy ;;;; all sharp edges and soft curves, what a lovely sight
Anon said: can i just say your itafushi art is so cute? these two already make me feel and then your art just (つω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
THANK YOU SO MUCH I really need to draw them more, don’t I! goge kinda monopolized my attention there, but the way itafushi makes me feel..........boy the way they make me feel ;;;;
Anon said: good day, poké au thought: 12 y/o bakugo somehow catches a dreepy as like his 2nd pokemon and never questions it
WHY NOT WHY NOT I have a whole team in my mind for the boy tbh but dreepy is so cute ;;;; and anyway, I like my poke!bakugou with as many dragon types as he could possibly get his hands on hahaha
Anon said: Please know that, amongst other factors, you were one of the maon reasons I stsrted Jujutsu Kaisen two days ago and there isnothing more to say except thank you and I'm absolutely in debt with you for that, thank you so much 😍
I’m so so SO glad you’re liking it!!!!!! It can get kinda heavy but it’s such a great story.... honestly I’d been wanting to start it since I saw the first pv for the anime all the way back last year but I was like, you know it’s a mappa anime! so I wanted to watch the anime as a new thing, cause I love mappa, but three episodes in I couldn’t hold back and just binged it. It’s kind of story that just makes you wanna drink it all in one go, isn’t it? so good so good
Anon said: makeup artist kirishima and model bakugo or makeup artist bakugo and model kirishima? :0c
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm can’t say I see either of them much into fashion tbh, but if I had to pick probably model Kiri and artist Baku? I just don’t think Baku would be able to stay still enough to get photographed, and he wouldn’t like the photographer bossing him around anyway, and catwalks would be impossible for him to stomach imho, he’s too restless for it! At least it’s the way I see it haha
Anon said: fdgdhdkfhdafs i had a thought, what if bakugo prefers dogs and kirishima prefers cats and when they meet each other and become friends it's like, "oh." because they have some striking similarities to their fave animals
That’s been my headcanon for a while now, actually!! I think for me it came from two characters in a manga I like that are a lot like a dog and a cat but have inverted fav animals and when I read about that I was like “oh, right, makes sense since they like each other” and then my brain turned it krbk because when does it not lmao
Anon said: your art is the soothing balm to my soul recently, thank you for posting so much beautiful content. i hope you have a lovely week. ♡
sob thank you so much, I’m glad my doodling can help you feel better ;; <3
Anon said: Friendly reminder anon from last time: that post I left last time I had only eaten 7 gingersnaps that day and hadn’t drank any water. So that encouraged me to actually self care. Thank you.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well I hope you’re taking care of yourself today too! And as fair trade, I’ll do the same myself! <3
Anon said: Hi! I'm an artist and I'm thinking of making a sideblog for my art. Do you have any tips?
Ah man, I’m sorry but I’m not the best person to ask this to! I started this sideblog cause I had too many followers on my main and I didn’t want my stuff to be seen by that many people at first, so whatever I did probably isn’t what you’re looking for :( but really there isn’t much to it, just post whatever you like to draw, tag it as best as you can (but remember that only the first five tags appear in the search page) and be patient, since whatever you do at first you won’t get much attention anyway - the only real advice I can give is to draw something that makes you happy and that you’d draw anyway even if no one were to see it, it’ll make keep posting despite a possible lack of activity a lot easier!
Anon said: Your goge art🥺🥺
I just love them so much ( TT’’’TT)9
Anon said: how the fuck have i not been following you? I remember seeing your bakushima art in the bnha tag and always thinking it's so cute. Now you're into JJK too??? and the satosugu art??? fuckin, diabetes incarnate. I love it. I love you. Your art 10/10. I'm tired lmao.
WELL thank you for the follow!! And for thinking my stuff is cute!!!!! I do my best with that, I want all the soft things for my favs 😌
Anon said: Are you gonna draw Gojou/Getou comic?? 👉🏻👈🏻 WOULD LOVE TO READ IT
you mean an actual doujin? I don’t think I will, sorry! I’m really no good at long projects orz but thank you so much for wishing to read something like that from me!!! ;A;
Anon said: Hello! YOUR ART IS SO FREAKING GORGEOUSSSS!!! I love them so much!! If I may ask you one question. Between Getou amd Gojou, who do you see as top/bottom? Just curious
THANK YOU!!!!! And I honestly don’t care as long as they’re happy and together!!! please let them be happy and together 🙏🙏🙏
Anon said: i want you to know!!! i followed you for your kiribaku art but!!! i love your art so much that idc what you post because it's all just!!!! incredible and wonderful and stunning!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! this means a lot to me so seriously thank you so much!!!!
Anon said: d'you think bakugo has like headaches or migraines after training or battles because of how loud his quirk is? like, i listen to music slightly too loud and my head is sending me to hell. (unless you go with the hoh hc which is also 👌)
I like to think Baku’s body is attuned enough to his own quirk that he wouldn’t get drawbacks of the kind tbh, though that wouldn’t be a bad thought for when he just starts to increase the output/width and strength of his explosions............ well, I myself suffer from chronic headaches and migraines so I’m always up for projecting on my favs ngl lmao
Anon said:  so like... dragon kirishima's eyes glow right? like, if we equate his dragon-ness to unbreakable his eyes glow? they also glow when he's half shifted? honestly i just live glowing eyes
Oh hell yeah I’m all for that, definitely definitely, I love glowing eyes with my whole heart and Kiri’s eyes in unbreakable are just so!!!!!! NGH *chef kiss* the more of unbreakable there is in his dragon form the happier I am ( TT^TT)9
Anon said: me, scrolling through your blog: ah shit guess im gonna have to start watching jjk
!!!!! hope it won’t hurt you too much, anon!!
Anon said: dragon!kiri and bakugo having a tug-of-war match over a piece of meat. both have it in their mouths. both are determined to win.
Kiri is turned into his dragon form and Baku still wins, hell yeah
Anon said: your satosugu is top tier!! it's hard to find stuff for them that isn't straight up angst so your art has been super cool and also very very cute!! (tho if you went with angst, it wouldn't be a bad thing obviously)
AH I’m so happy to hear you like them!!!! but also happy you wouldn’t mind angst, as I do like them the best happy and soft but my brain, my brain has been throwing sads my way for a while now 👀 I got some ideas
Anon said: What program/device do you use??
Easy Paint Tool SAI and a wacom intuos!! Though I got myself an ipad+procreate just yesterday and I’ve been messing around with it, let’s see how that one goes!
Anon said: *inahles* i am simping for mohawk man please tell me everything about your ocs immediately or i will detonate
THANK YOU FOR LIKING HIM HE’S CALLED DAVIDE Dav for short, he’s a cat of a man and a music instrument enthusiast (mostly string ones, but he’s very good with the piano as well) - he works in a music instruments store, and he’s a uni student majoring in philosphy! He doesn’t like bothersome things, he isn’t very good at taking anything seriously or putting effort in stuff, but he’s very chill to spend time with and generally a nice chat both if you want mindless thoughts or deep conversations (he’s a philosophy major after all). He can’t sing for shit, he’s got two cats (tago and schelly!), and he just wants a quiet life to laze around but all his friends are hurricanes in human bodies, but then again, he picked them himself so he can’t complain. He’s a good boy!! I’m planning a comic for him and his boy Ross >:]
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