#abro trixic
redtail-lol · 1 year
Simplified Mspec Trixic Flags
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Vaporic/Mspec Trixic | Smoke Trixic/Mono Trixic
Bi Trixic | Pan Trixic | Poly Trixic |
Omni Trixic | Abro Trixic
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[Transcript: PLEASE: •Check my pinned before following •DNI: Pedos, zoos, people seeking discourse, solicitors, and anyone seeking a relationship with me. End transcript.]
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lesbianpolls · 5 months
lesbians, do you use any other orientation terms?
- yes, queer
- yes, gay
- yes, an mspec label
- yes, ace (or acespec)
- yes, aro (or arospec)
- no just lesbian
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soong-type-notinuse · 2 years
happy lesbian day to:
trans lesbians
genderqueer lesbians
butch lesbians
femme lesbians
futch lesbians
fat lesbians
multispec leebians
aspec lesbians
black lesbians
indigenous lesbians
lesbians of colour
intersex lesbians
alterhuman lesbians
disabled lesbians
neurodivergent lesbians
anyone who doesn't describe themself as lesbian but feels part of this community
have a nice day 💙
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bokuwaamdalla · 3 months
. ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶ >-< ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶
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This term was inspired by the term LGBTQIAAPX+! It's not a form of hate for who created the term or uses it, just a new term!
Also, this term ISN'T an alternative acronym for the LGBTQIAPNM2K+ community (like MOGAI, for example), but rather a QUEER acronym in general, right?
ೀ Meaning!
Everything here includes both cis and trans/dia people
𓂃 𝐋esbian (including sapphic, trixic, neptunic, gyno, QLW & WLQ, WLW, NBLW, WLNB, etc)
𓂃 𝐆ay (including achillean, toric, andro, turian, veldian, vincian, cinthean, uranic, QLM & MLQ, MLM, NBLM, MLNB, etc)
𓂃 𝐌spec (including bi, pan, omni, poly, abro, pluralian, etc)
𓂃 𝐃iamoric (including saturnic, enbian, cetero, QLNB & NBLQ, NBLNB, MLNB, WLNB, etc)
𓂃 𝐓ransgender (including non binary umbrella)
𓂃 𝐓ransidentity/Transx (including transbody, transharmful, transrace, transpecies, etc)
𓂃 𝐐ueer (including anyone who identify theirself as queer for any (good faith) reason)
𓂃 𝐔nlabeled (including pomo, questioning, etc)
𓂃 𝐈ntersex (including intergender, ipsogender, isogender, etc)
𓂃 𝐀spec (including aromantic, asexual, aplatonic, analterous, anamical, SAM, etc)
𓂃 𝐀lterhumanity (including therian, otherkin, fictionkin, factualkin, etc)
𓂃 𝐏aratraction (including M4P, z00, n3cro, voyeur, terato, biasto, etc)
𓂃 𝐏oliamorous (including ambiamorous, nonamorous, singamorous, etc)
𓂃 𝐍eurodiversity (including ASD, ADHD, plurality, DDD, BPD, etc)
𓂃 𝐗enoidentity (including xenogenders, xenorace, xenospecies, etc)
𓂃 + plus (etc)
ೀ Somethings!
𓂃 We put transgender in a different letter than transid simply because, in our perception, the vast majority of transgender fights are different from the fights of the rest of the transid community. Transgender is part of the transid community, obviously.
𓂃 This label (?) dosen't support sexual or romantic contact for MAPs/Zoos
ೀ More!
other ver.
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for icon
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. ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶ >-< ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶
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revenant-coining · 4 months
hi! could you find a bunch of mspec mono terms? i’ve been looking for some kind of thing that has a lot of them compiled into one post, so it would be really helpful. thanks!
here ya go! we’re sure there is more but here’s all the one’s we found on tumblr!
Abro (x)
Abro Achillean (link)
Abro Cenelian (link)
Abro Equaric (link)
Abro Gay (link)
Abro Sapphic (link)
Abro Straightbian (link)
Abro Straightrian (link)
Abro Straightlian (link)
Abro Straightgay (link)
Abro Trixic (link)
Abro Uranic (link)
Bi (x)
Bi Achillean (link)
Bi Cenelian (link)
Bi Equaric (link)
Bi Het/Straight (link)
Bi Lesbian (link)
Bi Gai (link)
Bi Gay (link) 1
Bi Gay (link) 2
Bi Gay Man/Turian/Veldian (link) 1
Bi Gay Man/Turian (link) 2
Bi Straightbian (link)
Bi Straightrian (link)
Bi Straightlian (link)
Bi Straightgay (link)
Bi Strayt (link)
Bi Trixic (link)
Bi Uranic (link)
Mspec (x)
Mspec Achillean (link)
Mspec Cenelian (link)
Quasic (Mspec Cenelian) (link)
Mspec Equaric (link)
Mspec Gai (link)
Kelvian (Mspec Gai) (link)
Mspec Mono (link)
Mspec Trixic (link)
Mspec Sapphic (link)
Jupiteric/Mesrien (Mspec Straight) (link)
Mspec Straightbian (link)
Mspec Straightrian (link)
Mspec Straightlian (link)
Mspec Straightgay (link)
Mspec Strayt (link)
Metisian (Mspec Strayt) (link)
Mspec Uranic (link)
Omni (x)
Omni Achillean (link)
Omni Cenelian (link)
Omni Equaric (link)
Omni Lesbian (link)
Omni Gai (link)
Omni Gay (link) 1
Omni Gay (link) 2
Omni Gay Man/Turian/Veldian (link) 1
Omni Gay Man/Turian (link) 2
Omni Straightbian (link)
Omni Straightrian (link)
Omni Straightlian (link)
Omni Straightgay (link)
Omni Strayt (link)
Omni Trixic (link)
Omni Uranic (link)
Pan (x)
Pan Achillean (link)
Pan Cenelian (link)
Pan Equaric (link)
Pan Lesbian (link)
Pan Gai (link)
Pan Gay (link) 1
Pan Gay (link) 2
Pan Gay Man/Turian/Veldian (link) 1
Pan Gay Man/Turian (link) 2
Pan Straightbian (link)
Pan Straightrian (link)
Pan Straightlian (link)
Pan Straightgay (link)
Pan Strayt (link)
Pan Trixic (link)
Pan Uranic (link)
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bilesproblems · 1 year
A list of every term that exclusive lesbians can use if they don't like men and want a term to express that. Will be edited if more labels are suggested.
1. Lesbian.
Lesbian is heavily connotated as exclusive, even if some use it non-exclusively. Most people who hear you say you're a lesbian will assume it's exclusively
2. Full-moon springtide lunian/bi lesbian/pan lesbian/poly lesbian/omni lesbian/abro lesbian.
Specifies an mspec lesbian who is not attracted to men or masc genders.
3. New moon springtide lunian/bi lesbian/pan lesbian/poly lesbian/omni lesbian
Specifies exclusive lesbian attraction in one form of attraction
4. Lilaen.
Exclusively a lesbian, only attracted to men if split attraction or if the man is a woman or nonbinary as well, but not all lilaens will be attracted to men at all
5. Tribade.
Also exclusive lesbian attraction
6. Lobelian
Exclusively a lesbian and attracted to more than just women, or split attraction where one is exclusively a lesbian in one way.
7. Lilae lunian
Same as lobelian
8. Faunic or Lydian-
For lesbians who identify with the nonmen loving nonmen definition and want a term to express that attraction without applying it to lesbian
9. Neptunic lesbian or Thalassic
As neptunic doesn't include attraction to masc people, neptunic as a specifier will make it clear you're not attracted to men
10. Lesbiall or nomalesbian
A lesbian attracted to all genders included under exclusive lesbian attraction, or a lesbian who isn't attracted to men
11. Enbisian
For nonbinary lesbians who are exclusively attracted to women, femininely aligned nb people, and lunarian nb people
12. Neptunisaph
For sapphics who are neptunic
13. Neptunitrix
For trixics (nblw) who are neptunic
14. Neptunitrixbian
For nonbinary lesbians who are trixic and neptunic
15. Artemisian
NBLW and NBLNB or WLW and WLNB, exclusively. Only mspec people can use this.
16. Fincuan
Women who love women and enby people exclusively
1. Neptunic
Exclusive attraction to non-masc individuals
2. Noma-
Exclusive attraction to everyone except men
3. Nomin-
Exclusive attraction to all non-MIN genders
4. Trixen-
Exclusive attraction to women and nb genders
7. Fenin- Exclusive attraction to feminine and neutrally aligned genders and/or presentations
8. Demetic
Exclusive attraction to all people who aren't men
9. Binitor-
A bi person who isn't attracted to men
1. Bi-
Attracted to 2 or more genders. Can be all but not inherently.
2. Poly-
Attracted to multiple genders but not inherently all
3. Tulim-
Attracted to multiple genders but not all, with gender as a factor
4. Multi-
Attracted to more than one gender
5. Mspec
See above
6. Pluralian
See above
7. Plurian
Capable of multi attraction, this can be mspec or polyam/ambiam
8. Multiceter
Multi- with attraction to enby people
9. Syn-
Attraction to multiple genders that are similar to one's own
10. Pencontra-
Attraction to all genders except those aligned oppositely to one's own
11. Periso-
Attraction to enby genders and your own binary gender but not to the opposite binary gender
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isobug · 1 year
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Tiric / Ordrisian Flag
Tiric (or Ordrisian) may be used by one who is Nonbinary and both Toric (or Quadrisian) and Trixic (or Orbisian). They may be both simultaniously, be Abro-, Fluid/Flux between the two, they may simply want to highlight that they are NBLW and NBLM and/or center their Nonbinary identity in their attraction/orientation.
This flag was made by combining the most commonly used Trixic and Toric flags together. Keeping the top two stripes from both as they are the same, but making the third stripe a mix of the pink and blue from the Trixic and Toric flags. Then putting the orange/yellow from the Trixic flag on the bottom along with the green from the Toric flag.
The symbol on the second flag is simply a combination of the symbols most commonly used on the Toric and Trixic flags. Though I may make a flower combination symbol similar to my Sapphillean symbol later on.
Emberfrost-cat from the FANDOM LGBTA wiki coined this term.
Free as always for anyone to use, help with ALT text and image IDs is appreciated! Symbol below the cut.
I apologize if this is accidentally similar to any other flag, this is just my take on it! I know it's very simple
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transolar · 9 months
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«☼»Duplisexual sapphillean gaybian abro lesbian trixic toric lesboy BPDrelatic diamoric internetsexual mascusexual fesexual neusexual glazialean/qlw + qlm + qlnb aroacespec flag «☼»
(pt: duplisexual sapphillean gaybian abro lesbian trixic toric lesboy BPDrelatic diamoric internetsexual mascusexual fesexual neusexual glazialean/qlw + qlm + qlnb aroacespec flag /end pt)
☼ Requested by anon
[Flag ID: A rectangular flag with eleven stripes. The first five stripes are a gradient from spring green purple to orange, the middle stripe is white, and the last five stripes are a gradient from rose pink to dark purple. /end ID]
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genderstarbucks · 1 year
hihi! so for some context I’m trying to collect terms that include attraction to women, could I get a list of some terms that fit this description? :3
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Womasexual, or womansexual, is a sexual orientation describing exclusive attraction to women. This includes attraction to binary women and may also include attraction to female-aligned non-binary individuals.
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Femaric is an umbrella term to describe any attraction to women or feminine-aligned individuals, and a standalone term as a non-straight identity. It was made with non-binary individuals in mind but can be used by anyone who experiences non-straight attraction to women. This includes all sapphic women as well as bisexual and pansexual men, as well as any other men who are attracted to women but are not straight.
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Azalean / QLM is an orientation where one is queer, in any form, and loves women. They can also love any other genders.
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Liersian / Liersic is a term for anybody who feels gay attraction to women, regardless of one's own gender.
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Reilian is a term for anybody who feels straight attraction to women, regardless of one's own gender.
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Lesbian is a term that defines queer attraction to women. This attraction is most commonly used as exclusively wlw/nblw attraction, as communities surrounding exclusive wlw/nblw have become the primary part of the lesbian community. However, there is no one perfect definition that encompasses all experiences of lesbianism. This term includes butch, femme, non-binary, anonbinary, cusper, and multigendered individuals.
QLW Terms:
AGLW - Agenirian
AGLW - Azalian
AGLW - Ablateric
BLW - Blank Loving Women
GVLW - Gendervoid Loving Women
KLW - Kenochoric Loving Women
MLW - Romeric
NBLW - Trixic
QLW Omni
WLW - Sapphic
XLW - Xenirian
Carnian - NBLW / QLW
Harian - Multigender Men Loving Women
Queer MLW
Loving Women:
Hibarian - Queer Love for Women
Mspec Lilaen Flags
Platonic Attraction to Women
Sophian - Queer + Straight for Women
Sapphic Flags:
Mspec Sapphic
Pan Label Sapphic
Sapphic Bisexual
Sapphic Omni
Lesbian Flags:
Aurora Lesbian
Bi Lesbian
Dawn Lesbian
Dusk Lesbian
Flowerbed Lesbian
Moth Lesbian
Nightfall Lesbian
Trixic Flags:
Bi Trixic
Mspec Trixic
Mspec Trixic Flags
Smoke Trixic - Mono Trixic
Trixic Bisexual
Vaporic - Mspec Trixic
Neptunic Flags:
Bi Neptunic
Mspec Neptunic
Omni Neptunic
Abro Flags:
Abro Lesbian
Abro Neptunic
Mono Flags:
Rosaean - Exclusive* WLW
Skyian - Mono Sophian
Mspec Flags:
Lobelian - Mspec Lilaen
Mspec Aurora Lesbian
Mspec Lesbian Flags
Queer Mspec Lesbian
Sabrinian - Mspec Sophian
WLW/MLW/NBLW Pref - Bi Flags
WLW/MLW/NBLW Pref - Ply Flags
WLW/MLW/NBLW Pref - Pan Flags
Combo Flags:
Darcian Lesbian
Enbian Lesbian
Enbian Neptunic Lesbian
Feminamoric Lesbian
Finsexual Lesbian
Mestric Lesbian
Noma- Lesbian
Trixen- Sapphic
Trixic Lesbian
QLW Lesbitrix Enbian
Womquallian / Womquall
This only took 3 1/2 hours to put together but wtv 💀
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redtail-lol · 1 year
Vaporic - Mspec Trixic!! + Mono Trixic
Hello guyss so I'm pretty sure Trixic is known to be non exclusive so I've made some microlabels and will make microlabels for the microlabels later. To match my tidal, seasonal, cosmic, and jupiter moon themed ones. But not exactly... Because trixic isn't regarded as exclusive by most. I'm also gonna make some enbian and toric ones after but! Now! For the flags! They are based on water vapor, the gaseous state of water, and the enbian and toric labels will be based on other states of water
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Vaporic: General mspec trixic flag/label
Meaning: A trixic who is not exclusively attracted to women. They may be attracted to any other genders! A vaporic can identify with any mspec label or just as mspec.
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Bi Trixic
Meaning: A trixic who identifies as bi
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Pan Trixic
Meaning: A trixic who identifies as pan
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Poly/Ply Trixic
Meaning: A trixic who identifies as poly/ply.
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Omni Trixic
Meaning: A trixic who identifies as omni
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Abro Trixic
Meaning: A trixic who identifies as abro
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Smoke Trixic
Meaning: A trixic who is only attracted to women and people who are (solely) femininely aligned.
Awesome byyeee everyone I'll return soon
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caeliangel · 7 months
hi! what do you currently have queued?
This: (there's as many bc im always keeping backup incase I feel drained and need a lil break. It posts 3 flags / day)
Transfem agender lesbian
Demiboy girlflux, Demigirl boyflux
Apogian (mlk), Diorsian (wlk), Indigolic (nlk)
Hadlian (mlk , nlk) Pelgian (wlk , nlk) Aversic (nlk, mlk, wlk)
alt Arkeonian (aglaporg)
Thistle femme lesbian
Girly lesbian
Girly boy, Girly girl
Alt desolatian flag : APORLM + W
Alt Abscentic : KLA
hippolectrian (KLBG)
acheronian (MLNEU & WLNEU)
Abro bi , abrobisexual୨୧
Girlfutch, Boyfutch
Aphroflux veldian and lesbian
Letheric (KLN)
Oureanian (NLK)
tartarusian (aliln)
thanatosian (Bgln)
Treironian (panlm)
Oneiroian (panlw)
Eudaimoinian (panlbg)
Angique flag redesign
Aro ocd, Aro npd
Intrafem lesboy, intramasc lesboy
Girlfag, Boydyke (Own take)
Femme, futch, butch girlfag
Femme, futch, butch boydyke
Viocarnation alt flag
Butch, futch, femme viocarnation
Dog viocarnation
Dog boydyke & girlfag
Transmasc girl genderfluid, Transfem boy genderfluid
Transneufemasc gay flag
enaian recolor
Omni gaybian
Aliquaroace trixic
Romeric aliquaroace
Aliquaroace trixic romeric
Alt hyenagender
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soong-type-notinuse · 2 years
happy international lesbian day from your local (ace) bi/pan lesbian! here's why multispec lesbians are valid, beautiful and full of history 💜
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monsieur-eldritch · 2 years
Planing to coin:
Freak genders: Asti, Salticidae, Hunter
Dyke, Fag, Fagdyke/Dykefag genders: Salticidae, Hunter, Snow, Frost, Blizzard, Space, Void, Eldritch, Lesboy, Turigirl, Bi, Pan, Ply, Omni, Sun, Moon, Jester, Clown, King, Queen, Ruler, Royal, Biohazard, Prophet, Harbringer, Prince, Princess, Cannibal, Cat, Pup, Queer, Ace, Aro, Apl, Abro, Plural, Autism, ADHD, Soda, Aspec, Mspec, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple, Pink, Brown, White, Gray, Black, Rainbow, Rain, Crystal, Raven, Crow, Xip, Hex, Asti, Xen, Keno, Dia, Boygirl, Enboy, Girlby, Xenby, Xenoboy, Xenogirl, Xenboy, Xengirl, Holy, Unholy, God, Goddess, Deity, Goddex, Angel, Devil, Demon, Corrupt, Pure, Ocean, Sea, Pond, Stream, Transbian, Transdian, STPD, AVPD, ASPD, NPD, Demiboy, Demigirl, Demienby, Demihex, Demiasti, GFFS combo genders, GFFS flux, Neptunic, Saturnic, Uranic, Sapphic, Lesbian, Faunic, Trixic, Vincian, Veldian, Floric, Enbian, Cenelian, Toric, Tiric, Diamoric, Achillean, Julietian, Romeric, Lunian, Solian, Stellian
Below the cut are things that have already been completed.
Dyke, Fag genders: Boy, Girl, Enby, Masc, Fem, Neu
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This culture blog is for trans AND aro/ace people!
Asks and submission ideas:
genderfluid aroace culture is ...
agender aroflux culture is ....
bigender aegosexual culture is ....
demineutral demiromantic asexual culture is ....
disabled trans aroace culture is ....
Then add in either a trait of yours, a situation you've been in specifically related to these labels (or not) or something you like! Have fun!!
About me: Hi I'm Rhys, I use they/them and the/the's pronouns! I'm an aegosexual and aroflux nonbinary.
other labels and pronouns: https://en.pronouns.page/@JuneRhys
If it's no trouble, can i get a promo? ty! Feel free to dm me to take you off the tag list!
@aro-culture-is @ace-culture-is @aroacecultureis @orientedaroace-culture-is @aceflux-culture @aegosexual-culture-is @gray-culture-is @greyromantic-culture-is @demisexual-culture-is @demiromantic-culture-is @tertiary-attraction-culture-is @romo-aro-culture-is @romo-repulsed-aro-culture-is @auto-orientation-culture-is @mspec-culture-is @bi-culture-is @bigender-culture-is @biromantic-culture @mspec-gay-culture-is @trixic-culture-is @enbian-culture-is @mesque-culture-is @lesbian-culture-is @omnisexualcultureis @polyamorouscultureis @polyam-culture-is @pan-demi-culture @pangender-culture-is @agender-culture-is @demigender-culture-is @demigirl-culture-is @demiguy-culture-is @boyflux-culture-is @girlflux-culture-is @trans-culture-is @transmasc-culture-is @kenochoric-culture-is @xenogender-culture-is @genderfluid-culture-is @genderflux-culture-is @bigender-culture-is @poly-and-multi-gender-cultureis @lgbtqcultureis @queercultureis @queercutlureis @abro--culture--is @spacegender-culture-is @princoric-culture-is @aroallo-culture-is @closeted-culture-is @disfluency-culture-is @questioning-aspec-culture-is @variorientedcultureis @genderfaun-culture-is @genderfae-culture-is @neptunic-culture-is
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transolar · 9 months
can i request a duplisexual sapphillean gaybian abro lesbian trixic toric lesboy BPDrelatic diamoric internetsexual mascusexual fesexual neusexual glazialean/qlw + qlm + qlnb aroacespec flag?
sorry that there’s so many terms, i’m a transmascneu xenic mess who’s trying so hard to understand itself 😭 feel free to deny / delete this if you think this is too hard or too much to do
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Makoto Naegi from Danganronpa is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic bisexual clafregender hopegender alstrolia cottagecoric transmasculine demiboy greengender nonbinary boy boyflux pupgender genderfluid dogboygender luckgender autigender kidcoric magiboy age regressor with ADHD, PTSD, social anxiety, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and a special interest in video games who uses he/him, they/them, fae/faer, pup/pups, woof/woofs, bark/barks, 🐾/🐾s, paw/paws, hope/hopes, luck/lucks, 🍀/🍀s, and 🌱/🌱s pronouns and allows close friends to use she/her!
Kyoko Kirigiri is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic bisexual demisexual asexual intersex agender cassgender bigender genderqueer person with PTSD and chronic pain who uses they/them, xe/xem, shey/shem, and most archaeopronouns and doesn’t mind he/him or she/her; and Byakuya Togami is an autistic GNC polyamorous T4T polyamorous omnisexual pansexual polysexual gaybian mesque aroflux demiromantic acespec demisexual genderqueer pangender genderfluid bigender transfeminine cadensgender goldgender person with PTSD and chronic pain who uses she/her, they/them, he/him, zie/zir, and gold/golds pronouns and also goes by the name Polaris!
Toko Fukawa is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic trixic demiromantic nebularomantic acespec nonbinary spidergender agender host of a traumagenic DID system with PTSD, anxiety, chronic pain, hypersexuality, and intrusive thoughts who uses they/them, it/its, fae/faem, xe/xem, and 🕯️/🕯️s pronouns; and Genocider Syo is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic aromantic cupioromantic greyromantic aroflux pansexual aroallo nonbinary genderfluid agender genderhoarder transmasculine redgender chaosgender scenecoric demongender alter in Toko’s traumagenic DID sytem with PTSD, chronic pain, ADHD, and hypersexuality who uses it/its, xe/xem, gore/gores, he/him, 🩸/🩸s, ✂️/✂️s, ✂/✂s, guro/guros, and gore/gores pronouns and allows people to use they/them, h3/h1m, th3y/th3m, sh3/h3r or she/her for him too!
Aoi Asahina is an autistic futch polyamorous queerplatonic lesbian acespec bigender genderfluid redgender alsotrolia lesboy age regressor with ADHD and dyslexia who uses she/her, he/him, bun/buns, ❤️/❤️s, sea/seas, 🍩/🍩s, and 🌊/🌊s pronouns and mainly goes by Hina; Yasuhiro Hagakure is an autistic queerplatonic pan gay aspec demiromantic aroflux casssexual queer cassgender genderqueer masc-aligned nonbinary boy with ADHD and schizophrenia who uses xe/xir pronouns and he/him and they/them auxiliary pronouns and mainly goes by Hiro!
Sayaka Maizono is an autistic bigender genderfluid genderfaer gendercute melogender demigirl girl+ magigirl transfeminine cadensgender pinkgender lovecoric demiromantic demisexual omni/abro lesbian with PTSD, anxiety, and depresion who uses she/her, they/them, fae/faem, shey/shem, bow/bows, lo/loves, melo/melody, mari/maris, bun/buns, kit/kits, nya/nyas, mew/mews, 💗/💗s, 🍓/🍓s, 💮/💮s, 💌/💌s, 💞/💞s, 💖/💖a, 🌼/🌼s, 🤍/🤍s, 🍥/🍥s, 🌸/🌸s, 💙/💙s, 🍙/🍙s, 🍡/🍡s, 🍒/🍒s, and guro/guros pronouns and allows close friends to use he/him; and Mukuro Ikusaba is an autistic butch polyamorous queerplatonic bi lesbian demiromantic demisexual trixic cassgender agender genderfluid genderhoarder transmasculine demiboy libramasculine librafeminine bigender despairgender nonbinary lesboy with PTSD and anxiety who uses they/them, xe/xem, it/its, 🔪/🔪s, and 🍒/🍒s pronouns and he/him auxiliary pronouns and also goes by the name Seven!
Leon Kuwata is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic female-leaning bisexual queer romeric abrosexual pyrogender boy+ trans person with ADHD, dyscalculia, and dyslexia who uses he/him, py/pyro, 🔥/🔥s, and they/them pronouns; and Chihiro Fujisaki is an autistic deaf femme polyamorous queerplatonic lesbian aroace cupioromantic demiromantic nebularomantic demisexual asexual postturian angled aroace transfeminine catgender bungender demigirl nonbinary genderfae cadensgender nonbinary girl nyanbinary cottagecoric age regressor with ADHD, anxiety, and special interests in programming and Sanrio who uses she/her, they/them, nya/nyas, kit/kits, bun/buns, mew/mews, purr/purrs, 🍡/🍡s, and 🌼/🌼s pronouns!
Mondo Oowada is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic male-leaning bisexual transmasculine magiboy pyrogender foxgender pupgender trans man with ADHD, BPD, and dyslexia who uses he/him, they/them, kit/kits, bark/barks, 🐾/🐾s, pyro/pyros, and 🔥/🔥s pronouns and doesn’t bind; Kiyotaka Ishimaru is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic gay intersex redgender trans man host of a quoigenic/mixed-origin system with ADHD who uses he/him, it/its, xe/xem, and red/reds pronouns and mainly goes by Taka; and Kiyondo Ishida is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic aromantic aroallo gay queer intersex mascprox agender genderqueer redgender pyrogender member of Taka’s quoigenic/mixed-origin system with ADHD, BPD, and hypersexuality who uses it/its, xe/xem, red/reds, and 🔥/🔥s pronouns and he/him auxiliary pronouns!
Hifumi Yamada is an autistic femme polyamorous queerplatonic aroace pan-oriented lesbigay pan gay pan lesbian fictoromantic cupioromantic intersex bigender cozymasculine catgender nyanbinary pangender genderfluid cadensgender pinkgender lovecoric kidcoric age regressor fictive-heavy endogenic system with ADHD and a special interest in anime who uses any pronouns, but prefers she/her, he/him, they/them, it/its, nya/nyas, mew/mews, purr/purrs, bun/buns, uwu/uwus, sh3/h3r, 🍥/🍥s, 🍓/🍓s, 🍡/🍡s, 🍋/🍋s, 🍙/🍙s, 🍜/🍜s, 💗/💗s, 💌/💌s, 🤍/🤍s, 💞/💞s, 🐾/🐾s, 💮/💮s, 🌸/🌸s, paw/paws, miku/mikus, 🍑/🍑s, and 🍭/🍭s!
Celestia Ludenberg is an autistic femme polyamorous queerplatonic lesbian aspec transfeminine spidergener nonbinary demigirl agender redgender nonbinary girl with ASPD who uses she/her they/them, flor/flors, fleur/fleurs, shey/shem, rose/roses, 🌹/🌹s, 🎴/🎴s, 🃏/🃏s, queen/queens, 🍒/🍒s, 🩸/🩸s, lie/lies, zie/hir, ♠️/♠️s, ♥️/♥️s, ❤️❤️s, ♣️/♣️s, ♦️/♦️s, ♟️/♟️s, ♟/♟s, 🎲/🎲s, fae/faem, and 🖤/🖤s pronouns; and Sakura Oogami is an autistic femme polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic lesbian lovecoric alstrolia demigirl who uses she/her, they/them, fae/faem, 🌸/🌸s, 🌺/🌺s, 🌼/🌼s, and daisy/daisys pronouns!
Junko Enoshima is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic aroflulx alloaro cupioromantic pansexual genderfluid cadensgender cassgender polygender trans pangender bigender scenecoric despairgender host of a system with ADHD, ASPD, BPD, hypersexuality, and bipolar disorder who is fine with most pronouns and uses she/her, it/its, he/him, sce/scenes, kan/kandis, ve/vem, xe/xem, sh3/h3r, h3/h1m, neo/neons, n30/n30ns, 🩸/🩸s, go/gores, guro/guros, 🔪/🔪s, 🍒/🍒s, ♥️/♥️s, and ❤️/❤️s; and Akane Owari is an autistic butch polyamorous queerplatonic demiqueerplatonic lesbian aroace angled aroace cupioromantic cupiosexual casssexual queer genderfluid cassgender bigender genderqueer redgender person with ADHD, BPD, and dyslexia who uses he/him, she/her, and they/them, but doesn’t really care what pronouns people use!
Nekomaru Nidai is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic gay bluegender boy+ catgender person who uses he/him pronouns and is alright with they/them; Peko Pekoyama is an autistic polyamorous demiromantic greyromantic bisexual asexual demisexual greysexual transfeminine redgender demigirl who uses she/her, red/reds, and they/them pronouns; Hajime Hinata is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic bisexual acespec transmasculine magiboy genderfaun hopegender host of a system with ADHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and a special interest in video games who uses he/him, they/them, and ve/vim pronouns; and Izuru Kamukura is an autistic aroace omni-oriented aroace transmasculine libramasculine agender despairgender alter in Hajime’s system who uses they/them, it/its, xe/xem, and he/him pronouns!
Nagito Komaeda is an autistic deaf polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic acespec gay bigender genderqueer greengender genderfluid hopegender clafregender agender person with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, chronic pain, and a special interest in hope who uses hope/hopes, xe/xem, zi/zir, 🍀/🍀s, luck/lucks, he/him, it/its, and they/them pronouns and allows close friends to use shey/shem and fae/faer; and Chiaki Nanami is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic cupioromantic bisexual cupiosexual asexual nonbinary gendercute catgender lovecoric catgirlgender pinkgender bungender genderfae sleepygender alstrolia autigender demigirl with narcolepsy, depression, ADHD, and a special interest in video games who uses she/her, they/them, bun/buns, 💗/💗s, nya/nyas, mew/mews, 🍓/🍓s, and purr/purrs pronouns and is alright with he/him!
Sonia Nevermind is an autistic femme polyamorous queerplatonic pansexual transfeminine magigirl edgecute goldgender genderfae horrorcoric autigender trans girl with special interests in the occult and true crime who uses she/her, fae/faem, gold/golds, they/them, 🍒/🍒s, and 🦋/🦋s pronouns; Gundham Tanaka is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic omnisexual aegosexual demisexual asexual agender horrorgender hamstergender horrorcoric libramasculine person with chronic pain and a special interest in the occult who uses they/them, it/its, xe/xem, and ve/vim pronouns and he/him auxiliary pronouns; and Kazuichi Souda is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic pansexual boy+ scenecoric neongender yellowgender pinkgender trans man with ADHD and anxiety who uses he/him, ne/neons, h3/h1m, they/them, xe/xem, and 🍋/🍋s pronouns!
The Ultimate Imposter is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic gay demiromantic asexual intersex nonbinary agender person who uses they/them pronouns and he/him auxiliary pronouns and goes by Satoru; and Ibuki Mioda is an autistic deaf futch polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic bi asexual cupiosexual nonbinary genderfluid kandicoric neongender pinkgender autigender ravegender scenecoric transfeminine girl+ cadensgender catgender catgirlgender nyanbinary nonbinary girl with ADHD who uses she/her, he/him, they/them, 🎸/🎸s, sh3/h3r, h3/h1m, th3y/th3m, it/its, ne/neons, sce/scenes, neo/neos, xe/xem, 💜/💙s, 🍋/🍋s, 🍒/🍒s, 🎶/🎶s, rock/rocks, nya/nyas, and mew/mews pronouns and is fine with all pronouns!
Mikan Tsumiki is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic pansexual aegosexual aceflux transfeminine pinkgender cutegender babycoric yamikawaiic nursecoric dollgender melogender bungender genderfae demigirl with hypersexuality, anxiety, and PTSD who uses she/her, they/them, bun/buns, mew/mews, 💉/💉, 🍓/🍓s, 💗/💗s, cute/cutes, 💌/💌s, 🩹/🩹s, guro/guros, and 🤍/🤍s pronouns; Hiyoko Saionji is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic lesbian asexual bigender kidcoric yellowgender orangegender neongender catgender catgirlgender genderfae transmasculine lesboy who uses she/her, it/its, 🍋/🍋s, fae/faer, and nya/nyas pronouns and allows friends to use he/him; and Mahiru Koizumi is an autistic butch polyamorous queerplatonic julietian bi lesbian demiromantic asexual aceflux bigender demigirl cottagecoric lesbiangender trans lesboy who uses she/her, he/him, 🍒/🍒s, they/them, shey/shem, and fae/faer pronouns!
Teruteru Hanamura is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic bisexual rosegender redgender trans man who uses he/him and 🌹/🌹s pronouns; Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic pansexual bisexual demiromantic demisexual magiboy transmasculine goldgender trans man with PTSD who uses he/him, they/them, and pi/pix pronouns; and Shuichi Saihara is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic bisexual navygender ghostgender detectivegender trans man with anxiety, depression, and PTSD who uses he/him, they/them, 🕯/🕯️s, ghost/ghosts, and blue/blues pronouns!
Kokichi Ouma is an autistic physically disabled deaf polyamorous queerplatonic arospec queer gay boy+ scenecoric chaoscoric clowngender purplegender yellowgender neongender cadensgender genderqueer trans man age regressor with ASPD, ADHD, PTSD, hypersexuality, and intrusive thoughts who uses he/him, h3/h1m, it/its, they/them, 🎲/🎲s, di/dices, xe/xem, ze/zim, ve/vim, neo/neos, 🍇/🍇s, and pyro/pyros pronouns; and Kaede Akamatsu is an autistic femme polyamorous queerplatonic bisexual transfeminine demigirl cadensgender pinkgender angelcoric hopegender genderfae magigirl with a special interest in piano and a preference for women who uses she/her, 🎶/🎶s, 🎼/🎼s, pia/pianos, 💗/💗s, 🎹/🎹s, 🤍/🤍s, they/them, shey/shem, fae/faem, 🌸/🌸s, 💮/💮s, and hope/hopes pronouns!
K1-B0 is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic cupioromantic bisexual demisexual demiboy hopegender nonbinary bluegender nonbinary boy who uses he/him, they/them, and hope/hopes pronouns and mainly goes by Kiibo; Miu Iruma is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic pansexual abrosexual aegosexual transfeminine genderfluid pinkgender bigender pangender cassgender lovecoric trans woman with ADHD, schizophrenia, and hypersexuality who uses she/her, they/them, it/its, he/him, 💗/💗s, 🍓/🍓s, 🍒/🍒, sh3/h3r, 🍋/🍋s, ❤️/❤️s, 🔥/🔥s, and mew/mews and is fine with most pronouns; and Gonta Gokuhara is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic aspec gay buggender nonbinary transmasculine nonbinary boy with ADHD and special interests in entomology and bugs in general who uses they/them, he/him, bug/bugs, mud/muds, 🐞/🐞s, and 🦋/🦋s pronouns!
Maki Harukawa is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic demisexual bisexual transfeminine redgender rosegender demigirl with PTSD who uses they/them, she/her, 🍒/🍒s, ♥️/♥️s, ❤️/❤️s, 🖤/🖤s, and 🌹/🌹s pronouns; Kaito Momota is an autistic disabled polyamorous queerplatonic bisexual trans man with chronic pain and ADHD who doesn’t bind and uses he/him, they/them, 🌟/🌟s, ⭐/⭐s, star/stars, and 🌠/🌠s pronouns; and Tsumugi Shirogane is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic arospec aroflux alloaro fictoromantic cupioromantic greyromantic bi/abro lesbian transfeminine catgender catgirlgender genderfluid despairgender cadensgender danganronpagender trans girl with ADHD and special interests in anime and cosplay who uses she/her, they/them, he/him, nya/nyas, mew/mews, guro/guros, 💗/💗s, 💙/💙s, 🤍/🤍s, 🌸/🌸s, 🍓/🍓s, 💮/💮s, 💌/💌s, and miku/mikus pronouns!
Rantaro Amami is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic demiromantic bisexual casssexual demisexual aceflux transmasculine genderfluid cassgender cassboy boyflux demiboy with depression who uses they/them and he/him pronouns; Himiko Yumeno is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic lesbian demiromantic greyromantic asexual catgender sleepygender nyanbinary catgirlgender nonbinary stargender autigender nonbinary girl age regressor with narcolepsy and a special interest in magic who uses she/her, they/them, fae/faem, star/stars, 🌠/🌠s, mew/mews, bun/buns, kit/kits, nya/nyas, ma/mages, 🍒/🍒s, 🍓/🍓s, ❤️/❤️s, purr/purrs, and 🔮/🔮s pronouns;and Angie Yonaga is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic pan lesbian huegender yellowgender sungender genderfluid trans girl who uses she/her, sun/sunny, ☀/☀s, 🌻/🌻s, and it/its pronouns and allows friends to use he/him!
Tenko Chabashira is an autistic futch polyamorous queerplatonic lesbian autigender bigender lesbiangender trans girl with ADHD who uses she/her, he/him, they/them, and fae/faer pronouns; Korekiyo Shinguuji is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic pansexual agender ghostgender genderfluid person with PTSD, hypersexuality, and intrusive thoughts who uses it/its, they/them, and ghost/ghosts pronouns; Kirumi Tojo is an autistic femme omni lesbian demiromantic greysexual asexual demisexual transfeminine spidergender librafeminine nonbinary demigirl who uses she/her, they/them, fae/faer, flor/flors, 🖤/🖤s, 🌹/🌹s, and fleur/fleurs pronouns; and Ryoma Hoshi is an autistic aroflux aromantic greyromantic asexual casssexual aroace agender libramasculine catgender person with depression and PTSD who uses they/them, he/him, and blue/blues pronouns!
Komaru Naegi is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic acespec lesbian demigirl nonbinary cadensgender nonbinary girl who uses she/her, he/him, and they/them pronouns; Masaru Daimon is an autistic straight redgender trans man with PTSD and ADHD who uses he/him, blue/blues, and red/reds pronouns; Nagisa Shingetsu is an autistic queerplatonic gay transmasculine catboygender demiboy with anxiety and PTSD who uses he/him, they/them, and kit/kits pronouns; and Monaca Towa is an autistic aroace nonbinary yamikawaiic catgender catgirlgender nyanbinary librafeminine spidergender hopegender despairgender person with PTSD who uses she/her, it/its, nya/nyas, they/them, and guro/guros pronouns!
Jataro Kemuri is an autistic queerplatonic aroace huegender genderqueer agender kidcoric libramasculine person with ADHD and PTSD who uses they/them, he/him, and it/its pornouns; Kotoko Utsugi is an autistic aroflux lesbian yamikawaiic gendercute lovecoric demigirl with PTSD and bipolar disorder who uses she/her, nya/nyas, mew/mews, it/its, 💮/💮s, 💌/💌s, 💗/💗s, and guro/guros pronouns; Ryota Mitarai is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic gay arospec aegosexual fictosexual transmasculine bungender demiboy with anxiety who uses he/him, they/them, and bun/buns pronouns; and Natsumi Kuzuryuu is an autistic polyamorous bi lesbian pyrogender trans girl with BPD who uses she/her, pyro/pyros, and 🔥/🔥s pronouns!
Chisa Yukizome is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic pansexual magigirl transfeminine trans girl who uses she/her pronouns; Yuta Asahina is an autistic polyamorous queerplatonic MLM questioning transmasculine demiboy with ADHD and dyslexia who uses he/him and 🌊/🌊s pronouns; Daiya Oowada is an autistic polyamorous bisexual pyrogender boy+ person who uses he/him, they/them, and pyro/pyros pronouns; Hiroko Hagakure is an autistic straight asexual trans woman with PTSD who uses she/her and they/them pronouns; and Taichi Fujisaki is an autistic asexual trans man with anxiety who uses they/them and he/him pronouns!
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