#abusive Ex
bolontiku · 1 month
Wow. I just found a diary from when I was dating the abusive ex. What the fuck was I doing??
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wastedchildhood · 9 months
apologies mean nothing to me. you’ll never change.
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Is you're interested in requests right now what about the villian coming a cross the hero by chance when they're both out as civilians and hero is being harassed by an abusive ex and villain steps in?
If you're not taking requests right now or don't like this one sorry for bothering you >.<
“The problem is: they’re stalking me. They think we’re still together.” The hero rolled their eyes. “I can’t get rid of them and I can’t kill them. They’ve attacked me before and it’s easy to beat their ass. It’s just annoying at this point. That’s all it is. It’s annoying.”
The villain crossed their arms, smiling.
“Your taste in lovers is interesting.”
“Not the point,” the hero answered. “I need you to do something.”
“Why me?”
“You look scarier. Scars and all.” The hero pointed at one of them on the villain’s forearm but, honestly, the villain didn’t buy it.
Of course the hero could beat their ex’s ass and of course they could kill them. They could report them to the police, hell, the hero could even hire someone to assassinate them.
Something wasn’t adding up here. If the hero wanted them gone, they would be gone and they would not ask the villain for help.
“What do I get in return?” the villain asked, leaning forward. They stared down at the hero who didn’t look intimidated at all.
“I’m no benefactor,” the villain said. They looked over the hero’s shoulder and just like the hero had predicted, their ex was leaving the bakery. It was easy to spot them. As defender of the city, the hero had given a perfect description and as a trained killer, the villain had spotted them right away. Even though they didn’t want to admit this, they could understand the obsession someone might develop over the hero, they couldn’t understand the violence though.
Which was…ironic.
Exactly two minutes had gone by since the hero had stopped and begged the villain to help them. With scary preciseness, the ex had managed to spend those two minutes and not a single second more in that bakery. They looked easy enough to take down but the villain was aware that they were still in public. Causing a scene could reveal their identity, despite the crowded street.
Scanning the ex’s body with their eyes, they recognised physical weaknesses the villain could take advantage of. They couldn’t help but compare themselves to the hero’s ex. And yet, they couldn’t blame the hero for not being in love with a killer either. Brushing their own insecurities aside, the villain looked back at the hero.
Apparently, they read the villain’s gaze. The hero’s whole body seemingly sank in and they took a step back from the villain. It left them to ask themselves what would’ve happened if they hadn’t.
Was it a pride thing? Was their ex stronger than the hero and they didn’t want to admit it? No, ridiculous.
The ex didn’t look impressed when they came towards the two. Their gaze drifted to the hero, definitely toxic and totally pathetic, demanding answers but the hero only stared at the ground.
“Who are you?” the ex asked the villain. The latter’s brows knitted together.
“We’re having an affair.” The hero’s eyes widened and they stared at the villain, completely terrified. Quickly, the villain regretted their choice of words. Messing around with the hero’s ex was supposed to be fun but they were genuinely horrifying the hero. They had never seen the hero like this. Pale, eyes wide open, picking at their nails until they were bleeding.
Without thinking about it, they grabbed the hero’s arm gently and pulled them towards themselves.
“Excuse me?” the ex sneered. “Who do you think you are?”
“I’m their lover,” the villain said. “You should go now.”
They could feel the poor hero shake against them and the villain realised they had fucked up. It was now or never. If the ex got away, the hero would pay for it.
“Babe, come with me,” they said and their gaze bored into the hero. “We’re going home.”
“Don’t be dumb now,” the villain warned. They saw how close the ex got, that they wanted to reach out and grab the hero. They scoffed, they were pissed and it only motivated the villain further.
“I told you, we’re going home,” they insisted but the villain felt the hero’s grip in their jacket. That’s all it is. It’s annoying.
The villain could only sigh as the ex reached out to grab their “lover.” The villain caught their wrist easily and pushed themselves in front of the hero, squeezing flesh, muscle and bone. Funnily, the ex tried to stay tough but the villain could see the façade cracking. They were in incredible pain but to outsiders it probably looked like an awkward handshake.
The villain leaned forward.
“I will find out what you did to them,” the villain whispered into the ex’s ear. “And I promise you will regret it.”
They pulled back, still holding the other’s wrist and smiled.
“I’m very pleased to meet you,” they purred. They put more strength into their grip. “Very pleased.”
They didn’t stop until the ex’s wrist made a horrible crack and from that day on, the hero stayed quite happily at the villain’s apartment.
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doe-eyed-fool · 6 months
Fallen {Chapter Twenty Two}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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Warning(s): Mentions Of Past Abuse, Abusive Ex, Confrontation, Drug Overdose Mention
Knocking at my door caused me to stir out of my sleep, I groan and sit up in bed. "Yes?" I call. "Morning, Y/n! Hurry can get dress please. We have a new guest staying at the hotel!" I could hear Charlie from the other side of my door, voice filled with excitement.
I raise an eyebrow. A new guest? Huh...Well, alright. I tell her I'll be down in a second before getting dressed. I leave my room and make my way through the halls. Angel had caught up with me, and joined me on the way down.
"What do you think of the new guest?" I ask him as we step into the elevator. He shrugs. "No idea, haven't met em' yet. But, I hope it's a new hottie." He says with a smirk, I laugh lightly.
We get out of the elevator after a few seconds and walk into the lobby. Everyone was gather to greet the new sinner looking for redemption. I didn't get a good look at them, as they were being blocked by Charlie. Who, by the way, was over the moon to see them.
"Alright, who's the new guy?" Angel asks, crossing his arms. Charlie looks back at us with a wide smile. "Guys, I want you to meet Liam, our newest addition to the hotel! Yay!" She cheers as she steps aside, given us a better view of him.
Liam was a average sized wolf demon, his jet black fur looked an almost deep blue under the lights of the hotel, his red eyes scanned the room, ears flicking slightly. When his eyes landed on me, he grinned. But, for some reason...
His grin was not a friendly one.
I furrow my eyes in confusion, and then, he spoke.
"Thanks for having me. It's a pleasure to be here."
My heart sank into the pit of my stomach.
That voice...I may have lost a bit of my memory, but I could never forget that voice. The voice that one minute, would be so loud it'd send me into a frozen shock.
Then the next, be so soothing and loving, that it'd make me forgive everything he's done for a while. I could never forget. Never ever forget that voice, his voice.
Angel seemed to be the only one who noticed my distress, he placed a hand on my shoulder. Only to take it away when I flinched under his touch. "Y/n?" He says quietly, voice filled with concern. I open my mouth to speak, but I couldn't find the words.
There was nothing I could say, even if I wanted to. My mind raced, everything became so loud so fast. My heart was beating like crazy, and I felt sick. "Y/n-" Angel didn't get my name out before I took off back to my room.
He watched me for a second before turning back to look at Liam, eyes narrowing in suspicion. 'Something ain't right...' He thought.
And he wasn't the only one who thought it. Alastor had thought anyone who'd come to this hotel for redemption, wasn't all the way there in the head. But...Liam seemed to be a whole new case. But, he kept his false welcoming persona as he spoke to Liam.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, my good man. But, I have important matters to attend to, so, you'll have to excuse me." Alastor says to him. Liam nods. "Sure thing." Alastor excuses himself from the group and walks away. Angel said nothing as he passed him by, but secretly hoped Alastor could help...
I paced in my room, arms clutched and wrapped around my body in a weak attempt of comfort. What the hell was going on!? Why was he here!? I mean, I'm not surprised he went to hell, but. Why here of all places!? Tears pooled in my eyes, my heart beating so fast it hurt. What am I going to do now?
I let out a sharp gasp as my door was open, I quickly turned to see Alastor. A wave a of relief washed over me at the sigh of him. "Alastor..." My voice cracked.
Alastor shut the door behind him and approached me, he didn't touch me right away, which I was grateful for. For now at least. "I take it, that was your ex?" He asked gently. I nod my head, tears streaming down my face. "W-What is he doing here? How the fuck did he find me?" I sob.
"I'm wondering the same thing." Alastor muttered. "Y/n, just give me the word, I'll go down there right now and have him taken care of."
"No!" I quickly say. "N-No...I...I don't want anyone to know by drawing attention."
"I can do it discreetly, it'll look like a bloody accident." Alastor tells me. "But...Charlie was so happy that there's someone new." I sigh. "Does that matter? Out there in that lobby is the reason your life was misery and why it was cut short." Said Alastor, almost in disbelief that I wouldn't let him get rid of that man.
"It doesn't...But, I think..." I exhale shakily. "I think I need to say my peace before I agree to anything." Alastor raises an eyebrow. "You want to speak to him?" He asks.
I nod my head. "There is so much I want to say to him...I want him to answer for all the pain he's caused me." Alastor was silent for a moment before speaking. "If that's what you want." He says softly. "Would you like me to come with you?"
"I think I should do this on my own. I might not get the answers I want, if it's not just the two of us." I tell him. "If you insist...But, the moment you feel that you're unsafe, just call for me. I will hear you." Alastor says firmly. "Understand?"
"I will, I promise."
Hours later, after Liam had gotten accustomed to the hotel, and when I was sure he'd be alone, was when I decided to finally speak with him. Wave after wave of anxiety washed over me, though I tried to stay calm. It would do me no good to run away. I've endured so much of his shit for so long, he will answer for it.
I will say what needs to be said, what should have been said a very long time ago. I found him right outside of the hotel, cigarette in hand. A puff of smoke left his lips, along with a deep exhale. His ears flickered towards my direction as I closed the hotel doors behind me.
He turned, and another rush of anxiety shot through me. "Hey there." He greets me. "Liam, can we speak?" Liam stares at me for a moment. "Do I know you?" He asks with a grin. "You do." I mutter. "I may not look like I use to, but I'm still the same. And I know it's you under that new form as well. Let's not pretend."
Liam's grin remained the same. "Yeah. I figured it was you, based on your reaction when you first saw me." He says before taking another drag.
He exhaled the smoke and casually asks me. "How have you been?" I clench my fists tightly at my side. "I'm surprised to see you here." He continues. "You were always so nice. What did you do? Hm? You do some terrible things I didn't know about or something?"
"Why did you do it?" I ask, ignoring his questions. "Hm? Do what?" He asks. "Don't act like you don't know! Why!? How could you do that to me!?" My emotions began to take over. And his stupid fucking grin was only upsetting me further.
Liam flicks the cigarette away before taking a step towards me. "I was good to you." I kept on. "I tried to be a good girlfriend, a good fiancé. I would have been a good wife. But you...all you've ever done was hurt me. You never appreciated me, you lied to me, you made me feel like less than a person. And for what? I would blame myself, but I've done nothing wrong. I stayed with you because it meant so much to my family, as well as yours. I did it for their sake, but most of all, I did it for you."
I continue. "I know how your family was. They were so insistent that we marry, or else you'd get the shit end of the stick for it. And I loved you...so why wouldn't I agree?"
"Why Liam? Just why?" Tears filled my eyes. "Why did you kill me?"
Liam was but a step away from me. "I didn't want to kill you." He starts. "You know how much shit, I went through because you died? My parents had to pull so many strings, get through to the right people, just to make sure no one found out. They hated me for it...Said I was a fucking disappointment. Didn't want me to get the shit end of the stick, huh? If only you didn't fucking mouth off to me that day. Maybe I wouldn't have gotten so angry. But you always had to test me, even now...you don't know when to quit."
"You have no one to blame but yourself Liam." I said firmly. "I didn't make you push me down those stairs. God, I feel so stupid. I don't know why I couldn't see it sooner. You were a bad person then, and I see nothing has changed now. Liam, I wanted to stay with you because I really did love you. At one point I did. I wish things could have been different, but, I see now that we were doomed from the start. I can't help you, I don't know how to, and I can't suffer by trying. I wish I were brave enough to say all this while I was still alive. But better late than never, I guess."
I turn to leave. "That's all I wanted to say. I don't think you're serious about this hotel, so I don't expect you to stay long. But while you're here...I hope you'll stay away from me. Because, I want nothing to do with you ever again."
"I don't think you really understand, Y/n."
I stop walking. "You ruined my life when you died. My parents pretty much disowned me. Cut me off, and I was left on my own. I struggled to keep employment, I turned to drugs, and I eventually died trying to forget that fucking night when you died. It's your fault you died, it's your fault I became an addict, and it's your fault I died. I'm suffering, and I will continue to suffer forever, because of you!"
I couldn't believe what he was saying. I was right, he really isn't capable of change. I turn to give him a piece of my mind, but it was then in that moment, he lunged at me...
And everything went dark...
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laikacore · 1 month
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ragweed looks like the softest thing to touch
one day i will sleep in a bed of ragweed
you will not touch me again
collage by laika wallace
images from wikipedia and the albany sunday herald
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enoughdonegone · 1 month
I bought a car.
It's used, but it is still so so much money.
Spending money is still really hard for me because he made everything terrible. So, while other people would be excited, I'm going to go lay down in the shower for the night.
See y'all in a few weeks.
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withascaleandafeather · 7 months
Woke up to an email from my ex. She's so sorry. She didn't tell her friends to harass me. She knows she doesn't deserve forgiveness. Her life is so awful. Blah blah blah. What a way to start a morning. As if my depression hasn't been kicking me in the teeth enough.
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rigormortisangel · 2 months
people who respond to you with "i guess you think i should kill myself" or "i dont remember doing that" when you tell them they hurt you are such pieces of shit. own up to your abusive behavior you fucking coward. or maybe just actually commit instead of baiting everyone for nothing please and thank you.
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vitalventing · 1 year
Missing your abusive ex is so confusing. Obviously I don’t miss the way I was treated but I miss who he was on the good days, I miss parts of his personality and the way he thought and moved himself. I still care for him, even though he has been so awful to me. What do I do with these feelings??
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planesky · 1 month
Sharing on the internet because I feel kinda lonely…
My birthday was July 30th, and my ex texted me “Happy Birthday”, now let me tell you about my ex.
He was among other things emotionally abusive and master manipulator constantly gaslighting me, and he triggered in me constant anxiety attacks.
Now when he texted to me I had a post traumatic response and ever since I am suffering again from panic attacks and depressive episodes.
I am not in the best mental state currently, I push people away, some of my best friends decided to completely cut ties.
Knowing myself, I am not the easiest person to deal with, but at this time I feel awfully alone.
And honestly, I don’t really have a point but I needed to share…
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wastedchildhood · 10 months
i really really really don’t want to survive this anymore
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spookietrex · 6 months
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I mean....my therapist let me say this to my ex-husband. It's all about making sure you feel heard 😅 But then he was an abusive dick.
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hiding-all-the-bodies · 4 months
There is nothing quite like the feeling of having a nightmare about your abusive ex, then looking up his socials just to pinpoint where he is and make sure you're safe, to then find that he's been posting abuse fantasies. Feels great.
It's been like 2.5 years, I feel like I shouldn't be this paranoid still.
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laikacore · 1 month
if i cannot control you
i do not want you
but i know i cannot control you
and i know i don't want to.
if you set me aside
i will bite deep
if you set me aside
i will walk away
as i've been trained to do.
i lift my tail high
i walk tall
i do not see you
if i keep my eyes closed.
you do not love me
but i love you
i love you
i love you
even though neither of us want me to.
mouth of the dog by laika wallace
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enoughdonegone · 21 days
He's getting married to someone I am about 3 or 4 degrees of separation from (depending on your definition).
It's not a full spiral, but there's definitely some things I need to talk to my therapist about. Some emotions that ranged from mild and controlled to shameful.
But generally, I think I'm doing ok. I'm currently eating my feelings at nearly 3am, but I've had worse nights.
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withascaleandafeather · 7 months
My ex turns up like a bad penny.
I take mass transit for a number of reasons. The downside is that it makes me easier for my ex to locate.
I was at the store a little while ago when I got a call from the transit dispatcher. "Hey, Chris? Did you leave the store?"
I was in line, checking out. Obviously I had not.
"So you still need a ride?"
I would be kind of stranded without one. Yes, I needed my ride.
"Okay, someone came up to the bus and told us to move on because you already had a ride."
I thanked them for double checking, finished paying, and went out to the bus. I asked the driver for a description of the person who tried to cancel my ride.
It was one of my ex's fuck buddies 🙄
They are going to pull the camera, get a positive ID, and then see what can be done from here.
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