#ac: nh headcanons
gekidasa · 2 months
Jiang Cheng for the character meme 🫡
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
Honestly, I love his anger. No, it isn't pretty. Yeah, he's probably not pleasant to be around for most people. But I find that so... human. And relatable too. His flaws and pettiness, his anger, they're all so understandable and relatable to me.
least favorite thing about them
That he has so many antis.
favorite line
Just... the way he says "Wei Wuxian" filled with so much sheer rage.
I could say WWX, because I do love to write WWX as JC's gremlin BFF in my sangcheng fics, but if we're being honest, I also think canonically they are way too intense about each other to be "brotp" (honestly I'm a closet chengxian enjoyer).
So I'm going to say I think JC and NMJ would get along really well and would really enjoy going for a beer together in modern aus.
As far as headcanons and fanfic, sangcheng. I love them together. I'm obsessed with them. Still going over 3 years later, I've written more fic for them than for any other ship. At heart, it's the teenage friends to lovers aspect, but also that they each, on their own have gone through so much loss and pain and anger... including JC's anger at NHS for putting Jin Ling in danger, no, I never forget THAT. But I think after all that, they can understand each other better than most. They can understand the anger and pain and what you are willing to do for that.
And then if speaking strictly canon-based, there's chengxian, which is... everything that it is. Which is SO much. I don't write fic for it or seek it out, but I did very much go through the book reading JC as in love with WWX.
LXC, for fandom wank reasons. Wen Qing because I'm a book snob that dislikes CQL.
random headcanon
JC was LQR's favorite guest student that year, and JC greatly respects LQR and values his opinion. Over the years, the mutual respect grew, and they both enjoy getting together for tea and conversation whenever they have a chance.
unpopular opinion
I do not enjoy bottom Jiang Cheng.
Nor do I vibe with the "fandom bicycle" allcheng mindset that enjoys putting him together with any and all, largely because I do see him as very ace/demi. I don't think he gets around very much at all.
song i associate with them
Other than the obvious Hen Bie and the fanmade Swan Goose's Journey (which is BEAUTIFUL), it is absolutely Prince's When Doves Cry, because a now gone JC video to that song is what got me to decide to check out MDZS, and after about 10 seconds I knew I would love Jiang Cheng. Also, it REALLY fits Jiang Cheng.
favorite picture of them
Canonically, probably his first appearance in the donghua.
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Fanart-wise, probably one particular one where he was leaning back on something shirtless, scars on his chest in full view.
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r6shippingdelivery · 11 months
Kiki we are choosing violence today
1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 13, 16 :)
Heyyy look, I'm gonna get cancelled again, but this time on tumblr 😎😂
The character everyone gets wrong
Jäger, hands down. It's so rare to find someone who doesn't hit him with the "poor liddle innocent baby" beam and it drives me up the wall. He's about 40 and in the special forces ffs! Glaz often gets hit with the "uwu beam" too, but nowhere near as much as Jäger.
2. A compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Honestly, the realest and most compelling argument is: "cause I don't like it when x character tops/bottoms and I'm the one in control of the thing when I write or look for nsfw content of them".
If you want a more honest answer, I find that Kapkan topping is the most boring possible choice and it doesn't even feel like it fits him tbh, he has that "repressed and begging to be railed" vibe to him, imo (and if it's pairing him with Glaz, it's falling into the boring, heteronormative stereotype of "artist guy has to be more in touch with his feelings and therefore more in tune with his feminine side, ergo he bottoms", which is everywhere -not only in this fandom- and is as compelling as a glass of spoilt milk to me)
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Oh boy 😂 I'm not gonna search for those cause they're old, but in no particular order, the worst takes (imo) I've seen where:
Glaz writes romantic/emo poetry (the guy has a line saying "bullets are better than words" like wtf)
Some NH fans half-joking/half-seriously saying that since Ash dislikes NH, and Osa is trans and in NH, that must mean Ash is a terf...
People thinking Kapkan calling Fenrir "puppy" is flirting and/or has sexual intent 💀 (that was really fucking weird, people)
5. Worst discord server and why
Whenever the owner thinks they can decide who the people in there can follow on social media or not, or what interests are acceptable to like. Sadly, in my experience if some community or server describes itself as a safe place, it has about a 75% chance of being as described :(
11. Number of fandom-related words you've filtered
Too fucking many 😂 Non-comprehensive list: ships I dislike (like Frost/Kapkan or Cav/Glaz, for example, and more), bottom Glaz, bottom Tachanka, top Kapkan, Nighthaven, Kali, Ace, a few people in the fandom (aside from blocking them), anything related to C-OD, and sometimes I temporarily might filter stuff related to a very popular piece of media I have no interest in so it doesn't clutter my feed.
13. Worst blorboficiation
I'm not sure what this term means here. Is it the same as in the first question?
16. You can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I don't understand why so many people blindly follow HCs and fanon from popular artists and treat it like canon almost. Or draw characters without a face reveal in the same way over and over and over just because x popular artist did it like that. I find much more rewarding and interesting to make up my own (by myself or with friends!) and develop my own takes on characters and stuff 🤷
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fincalinde · 1 year
Lan Xichen!
THANK YOU for the pity ask! Can't believe I got the Nie bro Hanguang-jun triple bonus combo first. (I don't mind being asked about any character, it's just funny.)
a song that reminds me of them
The obligatory PHILDEL is Funeral Bell because it's one that's more LXC alone than Xiyao. Don't get me started on the Xiyao ones.
And it rings in the day And it rings in the evening Oh, I could pray but it won't stop you leaving Shadow in black, you are grim from your reaping Oh, can't you spare just a day for the weeping?
what they smell like
Sandalwood! But he spends so much time at Golden Carp Tower after JGY ascends that he often smells of their incenses too. Probably also smells of clean air and pines when he's just come from the mountain/been flying. Of the entire cast he's probably the one who smells the best, let's be real.
an otp
ctrl+c, ctrl+v my JGY answer, but it's Xiyao. I don't think the text indicates that they are secret lovers, but their intimacy and affection reads as romantic to me, and I think had circumstances been more kind that is the relationship both would prefer whether or not either of them has consciously considered it. I think they're also both very happy with their friendship as it is, so perhaps longing but not necessarily pining. They see each other constantly, after all. And I will leave a link to this again to illustrate why I believe they're a strong partnership who could have rebuilt their relationship had NHS not intervened.
a notp
I already took a cricket bat to Xicheng's balls, so let's say Nielan. There's no evidence in the text that their initial relationship is anything other than a friendship between two young clan leaders(/leader and heir), and by the time the war is properly underway they're already drifting apart in terms of how their respective worldviews are being tested by their circumstances. You yourself did the ultimate breakdown of their relationship, and while there's certainly affection it's hardly a meeting of the minds.
I will just also add a tart observation that for all fandom's supposed plethora of ace representation, NMJ the canonical ace is almost never depicted as such.
favorite platonic/familial relationships
I am doubling up here quite a bit as I've already covered LXC's friendship with NMJ and his relationship with LWJ, so as a third option I'll say I find his relationship with his mother interesting. Going to hold off on more details as some absolute monster sent me an ask about her and it would be better served there. Suffice to say I have thoughts.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
Himbo LXC has been slated enough by finer minds than mine, but OK, I'll sharpen my axe for his equally frustrating cousin, service top LXC. I would genuinely be interested if someone could point me to anything in the text that indicates LXC has any desire to 'serve' JGY and dote on him either in the bedroom or outside it, because I don't see a shred of evidence that he's harbouring any secret yearnings of that nature.
Consistently throughout the entirety of MDZS, JGY is the one catering to LXC's needs and we never see either of them express the remotest dissatisfaction with this arrangement. Yes the narrative isn't focused directly on them and all sorts of things might be happening in the gaps, but that puts 'service top' LXC in the category of speculative at best.
Actually I think I'm bending over backwards to categorise it as speculative. At minimum there are far more plausible ways for him to express his romantic and sexual affections if given further opportunity. We actually see a fair bit of LXC and how he interacts with JGY, and we know how they behave when relaxed together. There's nothing in any of their scenes that betrays any kind of anxiety about wanting to protect JGY, to wait on him, to dote on him. We can speculate that LXC at times yearns to relinquish the persona of clan leader, because he is a human being and no human being wants to always live inside their role, and I'm sure there are times when he would like to express his emotions more freely. But it doesn't follow that doing so would open the floodgates on some suppressed desire to serve and 'spoil' JGY.
I've written about this before, but LXC is already meeting JGY's needs. He likes JGY and he respects and supports him. There's also no indication that JGY secretly wants to be taken care of and doted on. Just, no indication at all that either of them is dissatisfied with their existing dynamic, which does not consist of spoilt JGY and protective servile LXC.
As always, if this is what people enjoy then that's great. Fandom is fun and we are all here for different reasons but ultimately to enjoy ourselves. My frustration is that it's like trawling the Atlantic with a tea strainer trying to find content that's more in line with the novel.
the position they sleep in
Official Lan Position but considering he's a little more relaxed than LWJ, my speculation is that there have been times in his life when he hasn't lain down to sleep like a vampire in a coffin. Like after a while of being in hiding with JGY in Not Yunping Please God, Why Would JGY Travel Back To Yunmeng Or Anywhere In Hubei And Why Would LXC Flee Towards Hubei Not To Mention Jiangsu Borders Shandong Like Come On I Think We All Know JGY Travelled South Out Of Shandong Towards Or Into Jiangsu But Even If He Didn't Why Would He Ever Go Back To Yunmeng
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
My ATLA AU is still my fave, shameless shameless, but to vary things a little I do like the idea of an AU influenced by HDM. The problem is that I've read a couple before back in the mists of time and the dæmon choices were baffling. JGY with a fox and LXC with a deer I'm on board with though, and it would be an interesting challenge to synthesise something out of the canon dynamics while incorporating all the Dust and Magisterium stuff.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
I'm a basic bitch who does love the robe he wears in the CQL Xiyao doing their thing right in front of NMJ's salad scene. Just generally approve of the choice they made to introduce colour to LXC's wardrobe to differentiate him. It's something I pinch for my fic (pls cancel me now for being hypocritical about purism). Oh but I also love him with hair loopies in fanart, this is noncanonical but I see what you did there with all the official art, LWJ is the lead so he has to have the sexy bits of hair outside the ribbon even though the more austere style given to LXC would be a better match for his character. I reject this technically extracanonical material and substitute my own personal preferences in a further display of shameless hypocrisy. I regret nothing.
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queenavryofkazan · 2 years
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SangCheng Week Day 6: Coming Out
Yes I will headcanon any and all characters as ace. Modern AU! JC and NHS at pride!
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r95irth · 1 year
It's asexual representation day so-
Here are my Headcanons concerning ace-spectrum sexuality for MDZS characters -(know that they're evolving as i write)
I HeadCanon...
Lan Qiren as Aro-Ace. He does not feel sexual desire at all (not ever) can see people are beautiful like he can see a painting is beautiful but that's it. He has never been in love and given his family's foolish decision history because of love, doesn't want to be. He doesn't understand love at all and i like to write him being completely lost with his nephews + brother's love tragedy. (His opinion is basically "Like could you perharps, just not fall in love with a criminal??? maybe that would have helped not being miserable???)
I rarely get to write him that way because i have friends who love Lan Qiren/Sisi dearly so I gave them their ship when i can. In Building a home and Burning roofs however he is going to be Aro-ace, and stay that way until the end.
Wen Zhuliu is Aro (but not ace) in Building a Home and Burning Roofs. I'm planning on a queer platonic relationship between him and Wen Xu (who is Ace but not Aro) idk how it will develop yet.
But when i think about it i think i like the other way around, with Wen Zhuliu being a mix of in love with WRH on top of his loyalty. Though i do like having him being just Loyal-to-this-extent too without involving love (because love is not the explanation for everything/every loyalty)
Wen Ning is a complicated character for me, i like him Biromantic, that's for sure. But i also like him as Aromantic (making his devotion for WWX entirely on friendship gets me). One day i might write him as an Aromantic character. But right now i want to write a fic where he ends up with Mo Xuanyu. (In Building a Home and Burning roofs and Just a drop he ends up with Qin Su so i'm done with this pairing for now) Either way i like to imagine him on the ace spectrum, not sex repulsive but definitely not seeking things beyond hugs and kisses naturally.
Wen Qing i know lot of people HC her as a lesbian, but i started with CQL so i ship her with JWY (and my crack ship is her with JWY and NHS). I have like 0 ship with her as lesbian, sorry >< it's just not my jam. But I do like her on the asexual spectrum, very much like her brother, not sex-repulsive but very aware of consequences of sex (diseases, pregnancy, labor) and not looking forward that complication in her life. Sex is never a drive for her, emotions/affection are.
Jiang Wanyin again i started with CQL so i ship him hard with WQ. But as i read the novel i started to like him as Ace too. Then reading fic i started to like him with NHS too and i decided that since he wasn't loved by his parents he deserves two spouses and not a love triangle. This is how my crackship was born xD Anyways now i HC more as Demisexual (so on the ace spectrum still) he needs to spend lot of time and bond with someone before he develops feelings of love then sexual desire. It takes a long time and he is confused about it. He doesn't like kisses, sex, hugs when he is witnessing them but as he starts having a relationship he finds himself yearningf or it and it infuriates him. (He is not going to end up like his stupid brother!!)
Unfortunately i have 2 NOTP with JC which are LXC/JWN (I need canon interaction to ship, i do not understand this ship) - and JWN/WWX (i just don't vibe with it, i like them as brothers u-u sorry for those who likes it)
Nie Huaisang should not have a place here as i HC him as very Allo-horny, pansexual and even sometimes lately trans. But since in my crackship he is with asexual-characters i want to say that he respects his partner's boundaries UU All he wants is attention and love and fortunately having 2 spouses assures that there's always one ready to give him some. Sure he prefers having them both but consent is sexy.
I like to imagine sharing his porn book with them and WQ is judging it like "it's doable" or "this is compltely anatomically inaccurate and dangerous" while JC is like "please can we not- in front of my salad!" until they kiss him silly and he is like "fine but i'm not doing that part èé you want this NHS you do ALL THE WORK!" and NHS whines bc he doesn't want to work :c (and ends up convincing JC to do all the work bc JC has a praise kink)
Nie Mingjue is my most certain HC, i HC him as Ace of course (otherwise he wouldn't be on that list). But i also HC him as being completely in denial / confused about it and not able to put what he feels into words. He loves JGY but not the same way he loves LXC who is his best friend but how? I HC that their fallout / break up is 50% due to heartbroken denial on NMJ's part. He turned into this diorcee character who couldn't see a single flaw in their partner during their marriage but now they are separated their ex only have flaws.
I adore putting him as the "too ace for this bullshit" type of situation. Especially stuck him between his little brother, (NHS) his best friend (LXC) and ex (JGY) and being like "why" "why do you want to lick his face??? actually neverminde don't explain i don't want to know"
Putting him in this situation made me relate to him (i find myself back in High school with people kissing left and right and me being like "cant' we just play football?")
In Building home serie, I will probably explore his sexuality more. For now he is not sex repulsed (something i do like HC him as, but not always and not in this fic) - but he sexual intercourse is very much like a good training session for him. I can't wait to write about him exploring that, especially since LXC and JGY are horny (well they have problems so they can't be horny right now but-)
Wei Wuxian is totally demisexual in my HC. He does not imagine more than cottage core fantasy until he is certain of his beloved's affection. Then it goes to kinky land trainride wet dreams. I do think he is in love and in denial of his sexual urges (excusing it as teasing) until he is certain the love is returned. What does it say about his character? A lot. And i like to write about it.
Last but not least is Jin Guangyao as demisexual bi - listen my OTP (with Wangxian and ChengQingSang) is Xiyao. But i do HC him as Bi, and needing very much like WWX to be loved/respected to develop feelings. Qin Su is like this, i think he very much wanted to love a woman (bc to fit in and be the perfect son) and she was pretty and admired him so his heart caved. The only exception is LXC, he saw him and his brain went "pretty" then LXC respected him and his brain melted right away despite his precautions. I also adore HC JGY as having troubles with sex in general -being scared of it, of the intimacy, of the loss of control. Which almost brings him to the ace spectrum?
I do like story with Ace-sex repulsed and together and happy withtout sexual intercourses. (I aim to go for that with Wen Xu and Zhao Zhuliu in Building home serie; though i don't feel very confident about it) I loved KouhiArashi's fic "atypical courtship". But I don't write about isuch couples often because that hits very close to home for me and i don't write/read fanfics to be reminded of real life.
And here it is. The others characters in my mind are either hetero, homosexual or bisexual or pansexual but not on the ace spectrum. (Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji are very gay in my HC for example)
Know all those above are MY OPINIONS only (and as stated it changes too) don't take it personally i put the word HC for a reason. This is NOT a statement and presented as "the truth about this character's sexuality and everyone who disagree read the novel wrong"
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theleakypen · 2 years
For the character headcanon, how about Nie Huaisang?
Send me a character and I'll do this:
Sexuality Headcanon: My headcanons contain multitudes of sexualities, including mutually exclusive headcanons! I default to bisexual for everyone, but I also really enjoy ace NHS who aesthetically appreciates all genders. Gender Headcanon: A gentleman and a scholar! (I realize this sounds tongue-in-cheek but I do mean this with my whole heart, NHS embodying scholarly masculinity is close to my heart) A ship I have with said character: Sisi/Nie Huaisang, because what's more romantic than doing revenge together? A BROTP I have with said character: Cloud Recesses Shenanigans BroT3 tbh (NHS & WWX & JC) A NOTP I have with said character: I don't think I have many of those. Just the ones that include characters I don't like in general - not here for Xue Yang/NHS or most older gen people/NHS. A random headcanon: Patron of the arts NHS means Qinghe's a great place to be if you're a creative type. General opinion over said character: We were robbed of NHS having a fan as a spiritual weapon.
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choicesgoddess · 4 years
look i know you’re not here for animal crossing BUT this game got me hooked into gadget gaming. it’s been with me since i was a kid. so i gotta spill my headcanons. yes? thank you.
-Nook is a lot less stressed now he* runs a tropical island relocation centre (*Timmy and Tommy). He’s richer than ever. The changes to his speech are permanent.
-All the islanders attend legendary barbecues held by KK and Isabelle. MF’ing. Year. Round.
-KK is bi, Isabelle is a lesbian, they are wlw/mlm solidarity. I don’t take criticism.
-Brewster and Blathers formed a best friendship, bonding over the low effort they put into their jobs yet burning passion they have for them. Now they wear Hawaiian shirts and sip coffee from coconuts. Yeah buddy.
-Pavé has moved to the island! He leads the daily exercise classes on the island, encouraging with his catchphrases (his favourite is “we dance, we sway, we move with Pavé”)
-Zipper T. Bunny FINALLY got out his suit. He’s no longer trapped in it 24/7 and is thus much nicer, but still does his routine on Easter. He also no longer scares the children.
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lady-of-the-lotus · 3 years
Just saw your tags on that one post with NHS aaaand do you mind telling me more about those ace headcanons?
 I got a little carried away with aroace!NHS...
The Nie Clan isn’t like the Jin. They’re like the Klingons – their women are partners in battle, not delicate creatures dancing during banquets. So NHS never grew up in a skirt-chasing culture to start with (his father found JGS abhorrent). Nie women are respected, not objectified, and not cloistered mysteriously off like with the Lan.
NHS does admire aesthetics in people, of course, likes a graceful form and beautiful face. He wouldn’t be NHS if he didn’t. But it’s more like someone pointing out a fine statue or painting. He'd like to touch a statue, but not much more.
NHS is aegosexual, and has a large collection of erotica. It’s equal opportunity straight and gay, though he prizes the gay erotica more as it was even harder to come by than the straight stuff in the hyper-macho Nie Clan.
Because of his aegosexuality, it takes him a while to figure out that he isn’t interested in real people. In fact, it only finally sinks in when the topic of a potential NMJ marriage comes up and he started thinking of what he’d want in a wife. Which is: nothing.
Then comes summer camp and Wangxian. Which leads him to about a year’s worth of wondering if he's a cut-sleeve, or perhaps somewhere in between, but realizes that despite being surrounded by lots of men at the Unclean Realm, he’s never been interested in doing anything more than sketching the men’s muscles.
He completely does not get the Wangxian love story. Oh, he knew it was happening—he’s very observant—but he doesn’t understand the feelings behind it all. Still, he’s happy his friend is happy. 
Being so observant + a lover of chaos, he tends to stir the pot, encouraging Jiggy’s crush on LXC and pushing the amazingly oblivious WWX towards LWJ. He might not “get” this stuff, but he can work with it.
He tends to aesthetically admire men a little more than he admires women, which leads to many people thinking he’s a cut-sleeve in his youth, as at first he doesn’t quite get that it isn’t a normal guy thing to walk around calling every other man he meets “gorgeous” and “elegant.”
NMJ has to have a Talk with him when rumors spread. NHS doesn’t see what’s wrong with being a cut-sleeve, but still explains to NMJ that he’s not. Somehow explaining how he doesn’t want to sleep with anyone, not just men, is far more awkward than just telling NMJ he’s gay.
Part of this is because of how uncomfortable NMJ is, and part of it is because this is the first time NMJ has ever mentioned sex to him at all (however obliquely), and neither of them is quite okay with going from 0 to 100 on that subject.
NHS doesn’t mine joking about this stuff with friends, and isn’t one to get uncomfortable easily in general, but talking about this with Da-ge of all people—
(Is NMJ like me? NHS wonders. Is that why he’s never married?)
He has no desire to get married himself, though he squirmingly thinks he’d be able to produce an heir as a duty if he had too. 
He knows it would be a complete and utter disgrace to let his direct family line die out, but what about him isn’t already a complete and utter disgrace? And perhaps if a cousin took over, the family saber curse would be broken. Plus he'd get to hang out painting fans all day instead of entertaining a wife and kids. Win-win!
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
May I ask for Redd content? I love him and barely see anything of him.
🧡 Redd was a simple fox, only wanting for simple things - a roof over his head, some ramen, painting supplies, and a bunch of suckers he can swindle into buying his frauds. This was all Redd needed, and this was how he lived for quite a long time. Yes, Redd was a simple fox with simple needs. Was. And then, he met you. Oh, how sweet and naive you were - it was cute! How quickly you trusted him, the cute, surprised expression on your face when he presented his starting price for the scary painting he had on him, how you had giddily ran off to the museum to present your new painting to the curator. It was… Downright adorable! Oh yes, Redd would be coming back to this island VERY soon.
🖼You… Aren't like the rest of the suckers he's robbed of their bells. You're… Different. Redd finds that he legitimately likes your company. It's a welcome reprieve from having to spend his time alone, out at sea on his rickety boat. You're someone who likes him, even when everyone else despises him - you're his "cousin." You're someone special. He likes you, a lot, more than he has anyone in quite a long time…- Oh, but that doesn't mean he's gonna stop you from buying any fraudulent paintings! The customer's always right an' all that, ya know?
🧡 Don't worry, though! As a yokai, (Just keep that fact a little secret between you and him, okay?), Redd can create illusions and can enchant his paintings! He loves to think about the cute expression on your face when you go to hang up one of his paintings on your wall, only to notice something off about it. And, he uses them to take a peak at you while he's away at another island! It's like he's really there in the room with you!...Except you can't tell he's there, watching you. He especially likes to pop in while you're sleeping - you look so calm and peaceful then! It's so cute! And, uh, it TECHNICALLY isn't spying! You bought the painting, after all! If anything, you basically invited him to look in on you!
🖼You start to notice the fox seeming to follow you around when he comes back to your little island. He's started craving your contact, with how you listen to him, enjoy his company, even just tolerating him. No one's done that for him for a very, very long time, cousin. No one, but you.  And he loves it. He craves your presence, your contact - so, of course, can you really blame him for wanting to be close to you? For wanting to be around you? To keep you aboard his ship for just a teensy bit longer? Redd certainly thinks he's not being unreasonable…
🧡 When he's making his forgeries, Redd eventually notices that he's forming your face into his work. But, that only makes sense, does it not? Much like the artworks made by the greatest artists known to man and beast - you are inspiring, a staple to a culture, a fine work of art. You… Are his muse. Eventually, he decides to make an entire statue made in your image! It's almost as good as the real thing. He'll keep the statue of you for himself, until he's able to keep the real you all to himself. He'll hold and hug and cuddle and caress the faux-you, hoping for and imagining the say when he can be this affectionate to the real you, his dearest muse.
🖼One day, you may notice Redd having more of a skip in his step, more antsy. You assume he's just excited to show his new work to you, seeing as he gets more excitable when you go down to the bottom deck to look over his stock. He disappears for a moment, saying he needs to get something. Only a moment later are you startled by the sudden rocking of the ship, racing above deck to see Redd steering the ship away from your island. The fox yips and wags his tail in delight and pure joy, saying that now you and he can finally be together forever!
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gekidasa · 9 months
Fic Stats Game
Thank you for the tag, @jaimebluesq!
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
1 - Most Hits: And I will stay with you / And you will keep me close (or as I call it, Sangcheng Roommates AU). I was always somewhat surprised that this fic took off like it did, since it was a threadfic that got out of control, based on a rather silly premise (what if they were ROOMMATES at the CR!! And then unknowingly started dual cultivating to the point htat NHS developed a core earlier). The first half WAS entirely written as a thread (very unwieldly!) that I then cleaned up and separated into chapters.
And then... I will forever wonder if I should have left it at that. Except that the actual point beyond the silliness was that this was actually a canon divergence which would eventually lead to things going down differently when the Wen attack LP. I never actually wanted to get into THAT part of it, but I did choose to go into what would happen when NHS came to LP in the interim between the CR and the Wen indoctrination camp. And I also decided that they would end up betrothed. But despite researching, it was only after having written a lot more that I found out about the 3 letters and 6 etiquettes, and that... changed things. So I had to decided whether to/how much to rewrite. Anyway, I got bogged down. It's been hard. Currently there is just one chapter (part of which is already written) and maybe an epilogue to go, but... it's been awhile. I somehow haven't been in the mood to write this.
But I do plan to finish out what I'd planned. I just get distracted by newer ideas that maybe better fit how my headcanons and knowledge evolve.
2 - 2nd Most Kudos: When a secret isn't really secret. And I am ALSO continually surprised by how popular this turned out to be. It's a short little Touya/Yukito fic in which they are already a thing and Yukito sleeps over, and then has an unexpected middle of the night conversation with Fujitaka (spoilers: Yuki didn't realize that Fujitaka has been well aware of how he and Touya feel about each other for a long time). The reason its popularity is surprising is that Touya is barely in it, most of it is just Yuki and Fujitaka talking... but I admit, it IS rather sweet, like CCS tends to be.
3 - 3rd Most Comments: How Jiang Wanyin avoided being blacklisted by matchmakers. My current baby of the moment! I'm having so much writing this, I call my sangcheng Betrothal AU, and it's also a fairly silly premise. It was inspired by a tweet where a guy says his parents were trying to play matchmaker, so he told them he was gay... and then they came back with a binder full of men for him to potentially date. So in this one, JC yells in the middle of a meeting with matchmakers that he doesn't want to marry any woman. He THINKS he means "right now", but YZY takes it to mean he's a cutsleeve. She has the matchmakers prepare a list of young men to potentially be the consort of Jiang-zongzhu, and he winds up betrothed to his friend NHS. This very much plays into my headcanon that JC is ace/demi (demi, in this case) and not very selfaware about his preferences. It's also a canon divergence: YZY and Yinzhu survived the massacre of LP, and JC never lost his golden core.
4 - 4th Most Bookmarks: The Half-Eaten Peach Longs to be Filled with Cream. This is just straight-up sangcheng porn. 😂
The morning that a discussion conference at Qinghe is set to start, NHS asks JC to fill him up and plug him up so he'll feel it all day. Halfway through the day, he gets a refill.
5 - 5th Most Words: Hold the doors. My one NieLan fic so far. Also porn. Modern AU, LXC has moved into a new building and has noticed his hot neighbor NMJ. One day they ride the elevator together and NMJ helps him with his groceries. And then LXC gives dage a beer and a blowjob.
Bonus - Fewest Words: The final gift. Super short (201 words) post-canon Kamen Rider Ryuki fic, about Kitaoka's fate in a timeline without the Rider War. Yes, that sentence means it's both post-canon and canon-divergence. If you know Ryuki, you understand why. It's also Kitaoka/Reiko but more about Kitaoka himself.
Tagging @angie-s-g @revesdelimonade @apocrypha73 @lostheartkix @trixietricoter @mulberrylotus
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ottermelon08 · 3 years
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*takes a deep breath* IT'S ANIMAL CROSSING TIME YO!!
Beppe is genderqueer. Celeste is pan and lunarian. Copper is gay. Blathers is ace. Booker is bi. Isabelle is pan. Orville is bi. Pelly is lithsexual and aromantic. Phyllis is lesbian. Wilbur is requiesexual
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disgruntleddemon · 4 years
lazies love bugs amirite
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so i headcanon lazy villagers help out blathers since they love bugs! they’ll place new donations, feed them, check the temperature, etc! they love making new friends with the museum bugs! and sometimes, with permission from blathers, will bring bugs from their home to visit the museum ones!
i decided to doodle my two lazies Rex and Lucky to show that a bit! idk, i think it’s a cute idea! 
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mintgator · 4 years
I know most of you MDZS/The Untamed fans ship Jiang Cheng with Lan Xichen or Nie Huaisang, but have you considered...
Angry Purple Grape x Sweet Corpse Bby?
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I mean COME ON!
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yinyuexuelei · 2 years
I cant believe that MDZS is a story with a canon gay couple as the main romance and has multiple other queer coded relationships/characters and y'all chose the homophobic incel to project your queer identity on...
Like as an ace MDZS fan– you really dont need to be headcanoning JC as ace. I dont want a homophobic incel as "representation" for my identity.
"He has no canon love interest and is still unmarried!" Like first off so are most of the other characters and second off its cause JC is a sexist asshole. Theres literally a running joke that he has sexist expectations of his "future wife" and women want nothing to do with him because of it.
"Oh but he doesn't like romantic stuff and gets all disgusted when people do romantic things in front of him!" Bruh hes homophobic. The only time he gets disgusted is when its WangXian– he doesnt think JZX is good enough for his sister but he still never calls their relationship disgusting or weird. He reacts so badly when its WangXian because hes homophobic. Pls stop confusing blatant homophobia as someone being asexual. Its super insulting.
(Also @people who ship him with LXC NHS and NMJ– ???????? Why)
JC: is too much of a sexist/unlikable asshole to get a date and sees wangxian's queer relationship as "disgusting"
JC stans: omg he doesnt like romance– ace representation!! 😍😍😍
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iamwestiec · 3 years
🌈 On Twitter, I'm doing a little thread of #PrideMonthSnippets headcanons/AUs/plotbunnies each day, and I think I will post them here too, so here is a:
MDZS/Untamed Pride Month Short Fics Masterpost
You can now read the series on ao3!
June 1: LWJ & WQ, MLM-WLW solidarity
June 2: Happy Wives Xuanli 💛💜
June 3: trans Nie Mingjue
June 4: ace Wen Ning, immortal QPPs
June 5: the gang goes to Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
June 6: WANGXIAN MARRIED (with a bun)
June 7: fuck you to expectations (Wen Xu modern AU)
June 8: Vital Intelligence (juniors polycule!)
June 9: Ace Rights Wangxian! 🖤🤍💜
June 10: a Songxiao gift 🤍🖤
June 11: Hot! Girl! Summer! (JYL/JZX/LQY)
June 12: the good ship ouyao
June 13: T4T Wangxian 🏳️‍⚧️
June 14: Jiang Yanli, badass bisexual 💖💜💙
June 15: Wen Qing, #3 🏳️‍⚧️🖤❤
June 16: MXY & NHS's fabulous friendship
June 17: Chengxian (modern AU) 💜🖤💕
June 18: LQY & NHS & their pining BFFs
June 19: Wangxian Honeymoon (again)
June 20: Happy Father's Day!
June 21: a (very) belated bisexual awakening
June 22: lingyi flirty fashion fluff
June 23: Jinzhu/Yinzhu/Yu Ziyuan
June 24: canon-era trans LWJ
June 25: t4t chengqing 💜❤
June 26: LQR Appreciation
June 27: Nie Mingjue, ace king
June 28: Yes, WWX Can Cook
June 29: Mianmian & Sangsang's Big Bisexual Plans
June 30: Dramatic Adventures (more juniors polycule!)
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lotus-of-stardollop · 3 years
Animal Crossing headcanons heehee :)
Isabelle is pan and autistic with adhd (I relate to her rambles lol)
Digby is bi with a preference for men and male-aligned people
Reese and Cyrus are the token hets but they’re both trans…. transhets :)
Tom Nook and Redd are both gay (they’re exes and have some drama going on with each other, Tom Nook also has a crush on K.K., he and Isabelle squee about him together lol)
K.K. Slider is queer, he doesn’t know how to describe his sexual and romantic orientations so he identifies as queer
Jingle is a trans man :)
Common headcanon, Julia is trans and I’m thinking she’s also a lesbian
Saharah is a man who uses she/her pronouns (based on the og Japanese version)
Gracie is also a man, fine with she/her but prefers he/him (like Saharah, this is based on the fact that he’s a man in the og Japanese version)
Blanca is masc genderqueer and uses they/them
Dr. Shrunk is xenogender, being genderfunny
Pietro and Pierre are also xenogender, both being gendersilly and they also like to hang out with Dr. Shrunk :) the funny and the sillies :)
Lottie is bi, idk what her preference would be tho or if she even has one
Leif is autistic
Rover is abro
Flick and C.J. are both obviously gay, Flick has adhd and C.J. is trans masc
Wardell is autistic and is selectively mute, only talking when he’s comfortable with the people around him and I can relate (those moments where you sit on the driftwood log with him are very special to me and it warms my heart when he calls my little character “friend”)
Niko has adhd, I see him having memory problems and I can also relate (I like to think he has a special interest in building that laid dormant for a while until you brought up diys to him, then the special interest was sparked once more lol)
Blathers and Brewster are both autistic and gay
Celeste is also autistic
All sisterlys and peppys are sapphic
All smugs are achillean
All normals (or sweet villagers as I call em) are autistic and have social anxiety
Cobb is xenogender, being scivillainic (coined by @/wulfgangs) and uses be/beaker/beakers/beakerself, che/chem/chems/chemself (both neos coined by @/birdswithshoes) and vill/vills/villself as well as he/him
Coco is agender and uses she/her and it/its
Based on my headcanons from my New Leaf town, Buck and Tom are both gay and they’re in a relationship :)
Katt and Tabby are both lesbians and they’re in a relationship :)
Velma and Nan are women who grow facial hair, tho Nan regularly shaves but not out of shame, it’s just a personal preference for her (in all of her official art, she doesn’t have a beard but in her amiibo card she does, people could be like “oh well that was just a mistake” but I don’t care lol), Velma loves her beard and never shaves it off, either one or both might be intersex
Ok I think that’s all I’m gonna do for now, just know that literally every ac character in my headcanon is queer, no one is safe from my queerification beam in this funky little furry life-sim game. I’m gonna do a separate post eventually for the villagers that are in my nh game, including the ones who’ve moved :) and another separate post for all the new and returning villagers :) also if anyone decides to be a bigot in the notes I won’t engage, that’s an immediate block from me
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