#after weight loss
spitefulreturn2 · 9 days
Aha so this feels great but I need MORE
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brunoagogo · 4 months
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Uh oh
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slavicafire · 10 months
once you notice the ghoulification of celebrities through uncontrolled unhealthy and obsessive drug-induced extreme weight loss you will no longer be able to miss it. faces and bodies and expressions nearly unrecognisable. and you need to see it! you must consciously see it. paired with just as extreme and uncontrolled and unhealthy plastic surgery, you need to see it as grotesque and ridiculous, you must not assume this is the new normal, you can't passively accept it as this new standard we must hold each other to.
you must see it as a cruel and oppressive capitalist tool that it is. you need to see it and point it out and remember that it is unhealthy and obsessive and that it is actively harmful as it trickles down from the rich high horse down onto the people. that it is directly and consciously created to target minorities and profit off of them. that it brings direct and tangible harm to people already endangered by the system. you need to see and understand the impact of the abuse of resources and the push for accepting a lack of ethics in genuinely useful medical fields. it is pushed as the new standard hard. push back.
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chemicala · 9 months
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1 year transformation babyyyyy
2024 is the year of muscle mommy 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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cigsncls · 11 months
before & after th1nspø ✨
(req by @imjustagirlwl)
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ephemeralpiggy · 4 months
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101 lb l0ss
242 to 141
reblog ok 👌🏽
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terrible-hime · 13 days
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Some unglamorous pics showing the results of my recent fat loss phase.
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hi-its-meg · 3 months
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How much bodies can change is actually insane 🙈
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the-ugly-ly · 4 months
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can you even believe i’m the same person?? and that wasn’t even my heaviest on the right, that’s about 20-25lbs down. minus another fifty+ on the left
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fjordfolk · 8 months
being part of dog health fb groups is great because it really broadens your horizons and gives a lot of context across breeds and teaches a lot of nuance in interpretation
and sometimes it lets you go 'holy heck im not in your breed but if i were i wouldnt touch ur programme w a 10 foot pole and a kite'
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herwellnessjourney · 2 years
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How about a before and after photo? I’ve come a long way. Be kind to yourself! 💋
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pinkthingtragedy · 13 days
my ed isn't necessarily a bad thing
I understand that when I was deeply into anorexia (I was eating 200/300 cals a day, I used to starve for more than 4 days) I didn't feel good, I didn't have a life, food was the only thing in my mind, and also I was eating really shitty, only processed food, no veggies, basically no water and only diet coke and other zero cal drinks.
and bulimia ofc wasn't a good thing, I've been clean for more than 250 days
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but then I tried recovering... and omg worst decision ever
my weight before, at the time was 57 kg, but usually it was always around 63 kg and now I'm over 70, and I get that all the meds that I took have a huge part in this, but I gained so much when I tried to eat like a normal human being, and oh man if I hate it.
I hate it so much.
my arms are huge, my belly is colossal, my legs look like two giant hams, my face went back to being chubby and puffy, my boobs are enormous, they ruin every outfit, even my hands become so big.
I look so stupid, everything that I wear looks embarrassing because I'm fucking fat.
I don't want a relationship now because I'm too fat to be fucked, I know that I am not disgusting, because what's really disgusting is all this fat that needs to be GONE asap
the plan that my nutritionist gave me didn't change anything, but at least now I know how to balance a meal properly
I lost all of my discipline in these two years, I need to get back on track.
I'm not a free spirit, I crave control, I crave order, it was always like this and this needs to be embraced.
I'm not going to fall into a deep hole, I'm not going to eat less than 700 cal, I will simply eat from 700 to 1000 cal, adding some work out.
I'm going to start college, I need amazing grades, I need to clean my room and my house, I don't want to live in the dirt anymore, I need to study piano again, I was really good and I love the attention of people when I play it, and I need to start reading again because I can't be this ignorant.
and, the most important, I NEED TO BE SKINNY
If you're skinny people take you seriously, people actually like you, being skinny is a literal flex, clothes look good on you, and you just become prettier because your face slim down.
oh, to be a simple pretty white girl.
I was always the weird one, the stupid one, the funny one, the kind one, but never the skinnier or the prettiest or the smartest.
I want that to change.
I need to change.
I need to be untouchable.
I want to finally be pretty, be desired, be liked.
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writer-room · 1 year
I think there’s some real untapped comedy potential between Imperium and the Ninja’s crazy abilities and history.
Like, the Ninja can summon elemental dragons. Does anyone remember that? Conquering their fears and summoning dragons? This is like, prime bait and switch material here.
Picture this. Imperium is trying to steal dragons. They found a horde of them and started trapping. The Ninja show up, save the day, etc etc, and Kai gets the brilliant idea to summon his elemental dragon. Imperium people have never in their life seen an elemental dragon. Far as they’re concerned, its just a cool looking dragon. Its one the Ninja seem to like, so they all target it.
All of the dragons escape. Except for this red fire dragon. The Ninja leave without it. Score! They’ve at least got one dragon to take home, and its a funky new kind of dragon! So they pack it up and start to head back and where the fuck did the dragon go. What do you mean it VANISHED INTO THIN AIR. What do you mean it DISSIPATED. Is it invisible?  Nope, it’s just. Gone. Completely. Poof. Did it teleport? Can dragons teleport? When was that a thing dragons could do. How. What the fuck. 
This happens four more times before all of Imperium starts avoiding shifty magical looking dragons like the plague, no matter how many normal ones are around. They don’t mess with spooky teleporting dragons, no THANK YOU
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chemicala · 1 year
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New Year 2023 (left) September 2023 (right)
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