#aidan rants
messiambrandybuck · 1 year
I just want everyone to know that if you found the titanic sub situation funny or derived joy from it in any way, just unfollow me.
People are saying eat the rich, thinking that laughing at what we thought was a torturous death is what that means. No. No, it is fucking not. Eat The Rich is dragging them down to our fucking level and making them realize how human they are. It is taking away their power and influence. Riot, scare them, do what you have to, but If people die in the process? You better fucking lament that shit. I joked about the queen's death but I also talked about how her death specifically wasn't what I was feeling joy about. It was the fact that such a power and history was now gone; the fact that she couldn't make any more history aside from being old.
But all these people? They heard "rich people" and circled them, laughing, like a pack of starving hyenas. Getting your sick pleasure from watching a countdown to their deaths. I don't care that the guy who made it was also on there, I don't care who they donated to, I don't care that they were rich. They were people and their families had to watch in horror as you cackled in joy. One of them was 19 years old. 19. Did he deserve to die just because he was on that sub? If your answer is yes, get the fuck off of my blog. Don't come back.
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lilacspider · 1 month
TUA should’ve ended after season 2
i am just so kriffing disappointed in this final season. i am disgusted. steve blackman has absolutely zero regard for these characters, their development, and the story. he has no respect for the ACTORS. he threw the entirety of these past three seasons in the trash in just one season. they had so much opportunity and yet he chose to make it a fetish-filled, scandalous, and completely lazy season.
all the vomitting???????? klaus being force fed marigold (which dare i say might’ve made a good storyline for him IF HE WASNT PIMPED OUT AND THEJN NESRLY BURIED ALIVE????) which in turn made him into an alcoholic???
five and lila????? they scrapped fives motivation of saving his family and keeping them together because of his LOVE FOR THEM, all SO HE COULD HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH LILA????? that is probably the biggest mischaracterization altogether. lila would never cheat on diego. they are married. THEY HAVE CHILDREN TOGETHER. it’s NORMAL to have arguments and trouble in a relationship but by no means does it mean there’s room for affairs as a result. it just makes me mad. ritu has known aidan since he was 15, like this is so nasty.
diego being the stereotypical “bad father” for lack of better words because he apparently has no consideration for his family which is NOT TRUE AND IS A HUGE MISCHARACTERIZATION!!????
luther going back to being the guy that no one really listens to because they feel he has nothing of value to offer (it wasn’t super evident but i noticed it which made me sad bc we made so much progress with his character!)???
allison becoming a single mom whose husband, RAYMOND, walked out on her??? that literally makes no sense for raymond or her, yes allison is a strong and independent character but it feels like it’s just stereotype after stereotype.
viktor becoming a womanizer and LEAVING HIS FAMILY BEHIND! all viktor has ever wanted since childhood is to be apart of his family, and they take that away this season??? makes no sense.
dont even get me started on sparrow ben. i have never liked his character he is wayyyy too much of an asshole, but your saying he can’t have common sense??? they turn him into a criminal who is contaminated by this essence that is meant to end the world and ends up making him insanely attracted to the one consistent mystery in this entire show (jennifer/the jennifer incident) and then throw away the entire plot line to just have them end the world. **and then making him and jennifer overly sexually attracted to each other was just straight up weird, where did that even come from?? i had to skip those scenes because it was so kriffing cringe.
because out of no where, abigail had a change of heart. and reginald is somehow one of the only mentally stable characters this season which is new!??? jean and gene were completely and utterly useless. they had no point, the only five i liked in this season is brisket, newspaper, drunk, and season one five. CIA five can leave.
one of the only redeemable moments of this season is the flashback of our brellies. that was good. there were other parts that i liked but that is first that comes to mind. **and the birthday party scene where they reunite. very cute and family vibes. sucks they couldn’t all be together because viktor was straight up kidnapped by some crazy.
and then the subway to different timelines. that could’ve been such a freaking awesome idea and would’ve made a great plot device IF THERE WASN’T ONLY SIX EPISODES AND SOMEONE ELSE WAS PUT IN CHARGE OF WRITING. like why are five and lila the only ones who are aware of this?? this couldn’t have been utilized earlier?? also can we talk more about how ben is an asshole, people focus too much on the attractive aspect of his character (which no offense, i see no appeal to bc the personality is just awful—NO HATE TO JUSTIN H M, he’s fantastic it’s just we did not lose brelly ben for this), like he force fed/tricked EVERYONE into consuming the janky marigold. except klaus because he’s the only smart one there. also good on him for trying maintain sobriety. but still. that is so messed up???? if he had never given anyone the marigold, everything could’ve been fine. they could’ve lived long happy lives in this timeline reggie made.
and then they had david cross, pitch perfect 2 ref, iconic man, play an irrelevant character. i’m so mad. wasted potential right there.
AND! it’s a crime that there is no family dance montage/scene like past seasons. it hurts. **oh and also there being like zero MCR songs is such a slap in the face because if the producers and directors actually listened to the fans opinions and ideas every once in a while, they would know that we’ve been hoping for an MCR song to be included as an homage/reference to Gerard Way.
and then that ending. where they just accept death???? choosing that the world is better off without them??? that is such a lazy end. if they had ten episodes and let gerard way have some sort of say in the writing/directing process, we could’ve had something so good. something so creative and fun and fulfilling. but no. they die and come back as marigolds. **which i personally really liked, out of everything this season i’m not sure why so many people hate the fact they kind of turned into flowers 😭😭 the ending sucked cause it’s so obvious it wasn’t given much thought but it was still sad and seeing the eight marigolds was sweet and gave closure in a sense. as much as it could i guess. **also, the farthest marigold is ben regardless bc brelly ben is dead and sparrow ben doesn’t really consider the brellies as his family. it is not five or klaus or whoever, it is ben. it has to be imo. the two flowers closest together are lila and diego. fight me.**
another thing, all the bad guys having a happy ending? irks me. like they were iconic, but why them and not the brellies? **(while i still agree with the idea of why couldn’t the brellies be happy too, i actually liked the fact that the main villains or side characters had completely different lives had the umbrella academy never existed. like that’s actually crazy sad and really interesting. also two things: is detective patch in that last scene? i’m not sure if she is. and second: why is grace like alive? like she would still be alive, but she was alive in the sixties, so wouldn’t she be like super old by that point in time?? why is she still young? and having kids? the inconsistency is realll)** also i liked the version of i think we’re alone now they used but i think it could’ve been better if they used the tiffany version again 😞
anyway—thank you for reading my rant because i am just so baffled by how horrible this season was. i feel so bad for the cast because even they knew that this season would not be it. that not one true fan of TUA would like it. and it’s sad because this has been such a huge part of their lives and careers as actors. so they did great with what they were given and for that they have my respect.
** signify edits i made — mostly grammatical and clairty edits, and a few of my opinions updated or added on to now that i have had time to really think about what occurred this season.
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no1-evermore-stan · 16 days
season 4 rewrite when? why did five kiss lila, why did five ultimately decide that the family was the problem. if this was normal season 4, five would be repluksed at the idea of kissing her , and he would find almost every other way to save the family because of his love to them…
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(Here’s the article I got this from)
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love-little-lotte · 6 months
A Look Into My New Guilty Pleasure: Poldark (2015 Series)
My biggest weakness is period dramas — especially period dramas with a talented cast, sweeping romance, terrific scenes (preferably set in some kind of country/provincial side), and lots and lots and lots of just sitting around and talking.
That's probably why Poldark has captured my heart. As a big fan of Outlander, it's no surprise that I fell in love with this show. Outlander and Poldark have so many similarities that I may make a lengthy post about it, but for today, let me just rant about my new guilty pleasure. I'm so obsessed with this show that I actually finished watching the entire five seasons in one week!
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Poldark is based on Winston Graham's novels and adapted by Debbie Horsfield. I was so excited to start this show, with a male protagonist originally written by a man, created and written for a series by a woman. I haven't read Graham's novels (I'm going to one of these days, I swear!), so I'm not sure how well Debbie's adaption worked. I've read many Reddit threads, though, and some fans of the novel are not that impressed with how she omitted and added details to the show (will get back to this once I've read the books or at least the seven ones that were used in the show). The show has also been adapted in the 70s, so this was not the first time Graham's novels were seen onscreen!
Despite not having read the books, I fell in love with the story, the characters, and the cast! The show follows Ross Poldark returning to Cornwall after fighting in the American War in the 1780s. He looks forward to marrying his childhood sweetheart Elizabeth but, believing him to be dead, is now engaged to his cousin Francis. He then tries to resurrect his family's mining business and hires a young girl Demelza to be his kitchen maid (whom he eventually marries) while also crossing paths with the villain George Warleggan, a corrupted banker who stops at nothing to ruin Ross's prospects and personal life. As the show progresses, we also meet other characters, including Prudie and Jud, Ross's servants, Verity, Ross's cousin and Francis's sister; Ross's friend Dr. Dwight Enys and his love interest Caroline Penvenen; Sam and Drake Carne, Demelza's brothers, and Morwenna Chynoweth, Drake's love interest.
Yes, this show has a large ensemble cast, and trust me, there always comes a point when you hate or love them. Especially our protagonist Ross Poldark. Ross... is an interesting character. He's terribly, terribly flawed and many times times, I'm so infuriated with him to the point that I want him to suffer. I swear, you cannot go through this series without screaming at Ross. (When that moment came up in Season 2, I swear I had my middle finger ready every time Ross showed up on my screen from then on.)
But my favorite character in the show is Demelza, Ross's wife who started as his kitchen maid. She's the heart of the show, the voice of reason, and even though she makes questionable decisions along the way, you can't help but get on her side no matter what. She's the perfect fiery yet gentle match to Ross's stubbornness. He treats her like shit many times in this show, which makes me angry to no end, but they eventually grow to be understanding, loving partners.
And it also helps that Aidan Turner and Eleanor Tomlinson have one of the best romantic chemistries I've ever seen. They're terrific actors as well and they bring the characters to life so effortlessly. They just seem like they have the best time shooting this show. I kind of want to rewatch Loving Vincent now just because they're in that movie, even just in supporting roles.
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Poldark is a roller coaster, with so many ups and downs (mostly downs, to be honest, please give Demelza a break!) My favorite season has got to be Season 1. Season 1 had the best Ross and I loved the early stages of his relationship with Demelza. It also has my favorite episode: Season 1, Episode 8. That episode broke me so much, thanks to Aidan and Eleanor's perfect performances. It's the only time I ever cried watching this show. I usually cry in period dramas (I've cried countless times in Outlander and Downton Abbey), but for some reason, I only cried once in Poldark. Most of the time, I'm annoyed and infuriated (hahaha but I still love it!)
The romance in Poldark is also quite unique, something I haven't seen before. Ross and Demelza emotionally hurt each other many times in this show, and they don't have the best communication. It's not an ideal marriage, but that's what makes it so raw and real. It hurts when Ross sleeps with his first love Elizabeth or when Demelza falls for the much-sensitive Hugh Armitage, but these are challenges people face all the time, and it's interesting to view it in characters and circumstances through 18th-century lenses. Plus, it can be very tiring to see perfect couples onscreen all the time. So watching Ross and Demelza's relationship thrive, suffer, and reconcile is very refreshing to me.
Nevertheless, Ross and Demelza are still able to work together. Seasons 2 and 3 showcase the worst moments of their marriage, from infidelities to insecurity, but the love between them still perseveres and they learn to forgive. In the end, they realize that they belong together.
And despite the unconventional marriage, Poldark is not a stranger to grand romantic gestures. Two of my favorite Ross and Demelza moments occur in Season 2:
A real funny, old-married-couple type of bicker in The Beach Scene:
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And of course, showing all intimacy in The Stocking Scene:
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(Let's just not talk about what happened 2 episodes after this!)
The romance in Poldark not only ends with Ross and Demelza. We also got two really good couples in the series: Dwight and Caroline and Drake and Morwenna.
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And these love stories don't just happen! They're fleshed-out characters with proper backgrounds and their own problems, especially Drake and Morwenna's relationship. Morwenna is one of my favorite characters, and she doesn't deserve all the shit thrown at her. The last season of Poldark is not the best (bordering on bad, actually, especially the last two episodes), but watching Drake and Morwenna get their happy ending is worth it.
Finishing all five seasons is bittersweet. I enjoyed most of the story and fell in love with different characters. I kind of regret watching everything in one week haha. But what can I say? As soon as I finish each episode, I'm so tempted to start another episode. I think the last time I stayed up until 5 AM the next morning to watch TV shows was Yellowjackets. Poldark's just too good to binge! It's one of my favorite TV shows now. Maybe I'll watch Sanditon next...
I want to write more about Poldark soon, maybe a comparison with Outlander or maybe just a post about each character. I realized I hadn't talked much about Elizabeth, Francis, and George in this post; I was too preoccupied with the love story aspects and Ross and Demelza. We'll see!
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aidansplaguewind · 1 year
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Aidan talks about new film Barber for Screen Rant
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I really really really really hate the people who act like it's some sort of moral quandary to find Aidan Gallagher / Five attractive. 'He was a child for most of the show!' Is such a weird stance to have especially given that i was also a child watching this show and Aidan is, in fact, a full year older than me❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓
Obviously, I'm no longer 14-16 and therefore i won't be thirsting over little gangly adorable kid / teen Five from season one through three, but the man (Aidan) himself is quite literally almost 21 years old (19 when he filmed S4, which is my age as of typing this post) and in the final season (which doesn't exist, by the way) the character of Five is bodily around the age of 19 or 20 as well ‼️‼️‼️
I'm sorry, but I simply won't allow myself to be shamed for having attractions to someone my own age, and you freaks will just have to DEAL WITH IT! You're all trying so hard to (rightfully) safeguard child actors and characters that you're completely forgetting that they have a fan base that includes people their own age!! Calling everyone who posts about their attraction to grown adults or people their own age 'creeps' automatically is not helpful! It's just annoying!!
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harvsboy · 5 months
gonna be so brutally honest on main. cw for mentions of SA
I'm scared to ever date or have sex because all I see is ways I'll get assaulted or abused or raped. especially if I say I'm not ready for it, like- anyways.
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in-a-slanted-outhouse · 7 months
I really hope your theory about Rob posting the "I stand with Israel" to Aidan's acc is true because if it's not idk if I could ever look at Five the same again :(
I’m gonna be honest that I have been feeling the same way. It’s upsetting when you like a someone/something and then it gets associated with something terrible.
Even though the occupation has lasted like seventy years or something close to that when that post went up it was just after October 7th and prior to Israel absolutely blowing Gaza to shit and it gaining publicity. If Aidan did post it it was probably because October 7th was off the top of my head one of the biggest massacres of Jewish people since the holocaust. It wasn’t just Jewish people who were killed and conflating Israel with Judaism can be problematic but it was predominantly Jewish people who were killed and as a Jewish person it is understandable that Aidan would be upset about that. Baring in mind that post went up prior to any major retaliation. Doesn’t necessarily excuse him if he did make that post but it would make sense if Aidan posted it with good intentions as someone who was uninformed of the situation.
As you may know that post has now been removed and I assume it was by someone with access to that account instead of Instagram taking it down or anything. What I find to be a weird coincidence is that comments were turned off just after Rob said (and lied) that he was going to stop talking about Israel (which he did not). Like I think it was the same day. And then a few days later it was deleted. Which would make me think he was the one that turned comments off and deleted it.
People have evidence of Rob sending discord messages pretending to be Aidan. He also keeps claiming that Aidan isn’t active on Instagram. He has made it very clear on multiple occasions that he is a liar and I personally find him to be a vile little man. He is complete scum of the earth. He is manipulative sexist and racist which I honestly don’t think Aidan is. Most of Aidan’s friends are girls and a lot of them Latina and I haven’t once seen him be disrespectful towards any of them or flirt with them or make inappropriate comments about any of them. I’ve seen them flirt with him more. Whereas Rob has come across as creepy towards them AND Aidan (which is fucking mind blowing) and made inappropriate comments about some of them AND Aidan. I don’t know why he’s still allowed online tbh.
You don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes but I genuinely don’t think Aidan is the bad person that a lot of people think he is. He may be and I might be totally proven wrong in the future but with the controlling behaviour that Rob exhibits towards him I’m pretty sure that it’s Rob. Like why is a fifty-sixty year old man so obsessed with the social life of his twenty year old son? He’s constantly trying to show Aidan off and getting up in Aidan’s face even when Aidan appears uncomfortable. He’s constantly just randomly photographing him and he’s constantly in Aidan’s live stream chats saying weird shit and trying to get attention both from Aidan and other people. I think Aidan is just sheltered and blissfully ignorant tbh and I think Rob is a massive cunt. He’s a fucking cunt and I hope it comes around to bite him on the arse and that Aidan stops being blind to his bad behaviour just because it’s his dad. I understand it’s hard to see a bad person when they are incredibly manipulative and related to you and he’s not just gonna publicly call out someone he lives with (like some people expect him to) but I really hope he actually realises how much a wanker his father is because I think he’s better than that.
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Imagine you're on the other side of the lake and then you see these two doing bits 🙃
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jell-0knight · 13 days
I have a whole bunch of rants and thoughts as I read along iad that I have yet to post so excuse the jump but I need to say Kresley dear what in the world was this (Dreams of a Dark Warrior) Regin meeting Aidan as a 12 year old oh lord no way someone call Terry this needs to be put in reverse I am still just not vibing with this what in the world and then she goes looking for him as a grown ass woman and is ready to do whatever the puck he says after pledging to be celibate to him as a literal CHILD I am just shocked right now because Kresley has yet to disappoint me I’m sure this will be addressed in the book I mean I really really hope so I’m just flabbergasted I don’t even know if I want to keep reading like literally 5 pages in idk wow
I mean he wasn’t sexual with her or anything as a child. They talked about when she gets ✨grown✨ which like idk barf barf I’m sick this gives high schooler getting seduced by disgusting perv vibes 🤢 I’m hoping this is like a discussion idk maybe with the times it wasn’t a problem? I don’t want to read this book but I have to 😫
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messiambrandybuck · 1 year
Because I keep seing it on my dash, here's a reminder:
It Does Not Matter if it including a special interest/hobby/media. AI Art is Not Art and We Do Not Support It. We Do Not Interact With It. We Ignore it and don't let it profit/continue.
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entity56 · 2 months
....I'm just saying if they don't wanna be fucking used and abandoned they should stop entering friendships with people they know are gonna use and abandon them. Bull fucking shit 'I'd change it if I could'. You're a goddamn masochist.
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xxxpresso · 2 years
Rant about pain lol
FUCCCk it's been a while since I've done a spoon journey but FUCK me I am in FUCKING PAIN FUCK FUCK FUCK it's in my back and spreading down the left side of my body and it SUCKS ASSS AAAAAAAAA
I think it's cause I did a lot the past few days, cleaning and making things cause my depressive episode ended but now I'm like FWUCK....PAIN
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I can't wait to read this to the doctor I get in may and just scream at the top of my lungs lol
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krittec · 2 months
there’s something extremely extremely creepy about taking an actor that you have known since they were 13 years old, only JUST a teenager, and making them kiss a fully grown woman the second that they turned a legal adult.
Steve Blackman already has a ton of shit out against him which came out recently so it unfortunately doesn’t surprise me that he would write something like this but it makes me genuinely concerned for everything behind the scenes.
There has been a HUGE problem in the Umbrella Academy fandom since season ONE when Aidan was a 13-14 year old of people writing insanely disgusting stuff and defending it because his character was mentally an adult but oh my god did they make it worse. You’d think they’d protect actor & character by avoiding any romantic interaction but instead you have him kiss an actress 15 years older than him. The age gap being the age that he was when they filmed season two. Quite honestly I feel that if he could’ve done this seasons previously and gotten away with it then he definitely would’ve done it, given the jokes that are actively made.
Quite honestly may Steve Blackman never work again if this is how he treats his actors because this is awful. I’m not even done with the season but that gave me very little desire to continue and this show has been important to me in ways I can’t explain. Maybe I am blowing this out of proportion but it feels so insanely creepy and horrific to me and I needed to rant.
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fivelilas · 1 month
The only reason five fell in love with a mannequin was because there was nobody there for 45 years. He was literally hallucinating out of desperation for any sort of connection and it happened to be a marriage. Five needed love for his character and I hate people thinking that because it was a mannequin or because he loves his family, that means he’s somehow aromantic altogether and doesn’t need or desire romance. The whole point is to give him someone he can OBVIOUSLY relate to while fulfilling his romantic vacancy.
Lila clearly has a huge attachment to him as well. I love the enemies to lovers trope she adds in a way that five killed her parents because of the handler manipulating them. And they basically fight, then tease each other, then save one another, and they become friends and respect each other, so the finale of them falling in love and becoming intimate makes complete sense in that direction (to me). They didn’t write this season properly of course and it was a cruel way to end the show, but this is one of the few things that actually made sense and I’m actually grateful for.
“Five wouldn’t do that” he’s an assassin and so is she, nobody’s fav is perfect in this show so that’s dumb. But Five is obviously attracted to people. And he’s made multiple mistakes. It makes sense to fall in love with an equal and a companion in isolation. I’m glad there wasn’t a sexual scene because I like his asexual interpretation. I love how soft he became for her. I love that he held her at the end in the subway. This season sucked, but it’s not because of what was written, it’s because of how it was written and the pacing. Like if they had more time, they should have stretched these plot points across two more seasons at least. It will have made more sense and felt more reasonable and deserved. And it would’ve given them more time to stop treating it like Lila cheated and Five was a home wrecker. (She didn’t and he isn’t). Especially given the hyper specific scenario.
Diego could’ve processed better that she waited 6-7 years before kissing five and always wanted to go back and they could remember that Lila told Diego she wanted a break before that anyway. Five probably would’ve wanted children, probably not, doesn’t matter, and things would go from awkward to understandable between five and Diego. Like five would feel guilty for a long time and cause problems in the relationship because of that, but they obviously have chemistry and belong with each other in a huge way.
I totally agree with you.
I always saw Five as someone sensitive, in search of the affection he didn't have during 45 years he spent in the apocalypse, the trauma that was for him all that, seeing all his closest "family" dead. It couldn't have been easy. He obviously looked to Delores for some emotional support. But he realized that this was not real. Her cold, selfish and murderous character was partly a result of that whole experience.
For a long time these years I believed in the possibility that his romantic arc was Vanya (Viktor now) (In fact according to Aidan's words it was, with Vanya he brought out his sensitivity more than with the rest of the people and he said they were in love, I'll take that and I'm happy). I understand that because of Viktor's arc it was no longer a possibility.
But really with Lila I loved it! And now that I think about it, yes. The love-hate tension was always there since season 2. In season 3 more scenes and time together, and season 4 delivered.
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