jayzfortx · 1 month
Remeber that time? || Panville
Pairings- Pansy Parkinson x Neville Longbottom This is the second short yet not so short drabble, these aren't written in order, and can be read as standalones. In this one, Neville and Pansy, "try" to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary, on christmas eve, but parental duties just seem to be piling up, so much so that they don't have any time to spare.
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Remeber when we tried to celebrate our anniversary?
Evenings in the Longbottom household were a study in tranquility, but not the eerie silence Pansy had grown accustomed to in her childhood. Here, the quiet was comforting, with the couple nestled on their sofa, Pansy's head resting on her husband's shoulder as he delved into a book. Meanwhile, their three children—Alice, Francesca, and the youngest, August—were scattered across the carpet.
Alice engrossed herself in a tome from her father's study, while Francesca and August engaged in a heated game of wizard's chess. Despite being three years younger, August seemed to be trouncing his sister. Their seventeen-year-old, Alice, glanced at her parents and remarked, "Your seventeenth anniversary is coming up soon."
"You can shoot me on the day I forget," Neville quipped, his eyes still fixed on his book. Pansy playfully nudged his arm.
"Do you two have any plans? Something romantic?" asked Francesca, the fourteen-year-old. Meanwhile, eleven-year-old August gagged at the mention of romance, deep in his "the opposite gender is a contagious disease" phase.
"Aug, you're gagging now, but in a few years, you'll be chasing after some girl, begging for romance," Alice teased her brother, earning a loving laugh from Pansy.
"Mum, any plans?" Francesca persisted. "Hannah Abbott was saying Dad was quite the romantic in his younger days. Did you have romantic anniversaries?"
Neville coughed uncomfortably at the mention of his ex-girlfriend, trying to change the subject, but Pansy reassured him with a comforting pat on the arm.
"He's more of a hopeful romantic," Pansy chuckled. "But we haven't properly celebrated an anniversary since Francie was born. It became even harder with Auggie along the way. Although we did have a few moments when Alice was a baby. People offered to babysit, but our hearts just wanted us all together."
"Francie and Auggie, the romance ruiners," Neville interjected with a smile. "I remember you two pulling me away whenever I tried to steal a kiss from your mum. And you, Auggie, were no less innocent, always glued to your mum's hip and crying every time I got near."
"I told you we should've given them up for adoption. You never took a seven-year-old's opinion seriously," Alice quipped, earning a playful tug on her hair from August.
"Nev, dear?" Pansy called, drawing her husband's attention away from their children. He hummed in acknowledgment, pulling her closer in a tender embrace.
"Do you remember when we tried to celebrate our tenth anniversary?" she asked, catching the children's attention with intrigue. "What do you mean 'tried'?" Francesca inquired eagerly.
On the twenty-fourth of December, Neville and Pansy finally decided to steal a moment for themselves and celebrate their anniversary with a quiet dinner at a charming Italian restaurant nearby. However, as fate would have it, parental duties refused to give them a break. Their three-year-old, August, was cranky with an ear infection and a nasty cold.
"Mama, I don't feel good," August whimpered, seeking comfort from his mother, who was engrossed in the latest edition of Witch Weekly. Pansy immediately scooped him up, her heart aching at his distress, and carried him out to the front porch where Neville was tending to the plants.
Meanwhile, Neville found himself in the midst of his own battle with his two daughters, aged nine and seven. Both were vying for his attention, their constant bickering wearing on his nerves. He adored his girls but wished for a moment of peace to hear them out without the arguments.
Surveying the watering can in his hand and the squabbling girls before him, Neville made a snap decision. Without a second thought, he doused both of them with water. "DAD, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Alice protested, while Francesca shot him a glare.
"Now that you're done arguing, care to tell me why you're out here?" Neville asked with a charming smile, trying to suppress his amusement at their soaked state.
"We haven't gotten a birthday present for me yet, and my birthday was ages ago," Francie complained, giving her best puppy-dog eyes. In reality, her birthday had been just three weeks prior, but she hadn't received a gift yet due to the busy household.
Neville dried Francie's hair with a towel, "We haven't gotten a birthday present for me yet, and my birthday was ages ago," Francie lamented, her expression adorned with puppy-dog eyes. In truth, her birthday had only passed three weeks prior, but the absence of a gift was undeniable.
Pansy had made promises, but the household's bustling errands had left little time for birthday shopping. "Yes, lovebug, we'll get you a present. What did you have in mind?" Neville inquired, gently drying her hair with a towel. "Dragon-hide Quidditch gloves, especially the red ones I adore. My old pair is completely worn out," Francie replied, her excitement evident.
Sighing heavily, Neville contemplated the cost of Quidditch gloves. Though he never played the sport himself, he understood their expense, given his friends' involvement. Despite Pansy's jests about their financial security – "Honey, you landed yourself a pureblooded witch, the sole heir; it's like winning the lottery" – Neville was wary of spoiling their children. He didn't want them to expect everything handed to them on a silver platter.
However, considering it was a birthday gift for their vivacious Francesa, he relented. "I'll discuss it with your mother, alright?" he proposed, eliciting a happy nod from his daughter.
Then, turning to Alice, who was still grumpy and shivering, he cast a warming charm on her and handed her a towel.
"Now, Miss Alice Longbottom, what's on your wishlist?" he inquired. She huffed, mentioning a book, "Ferdalland's Creek," specifically the new Christmas edition that would soon be unavailable.
"You can read any book in my study," Neville suggested, hoping to sway her. But Alice wasn't convinced. "Dad, all your books are about plants or herbology," she protested, unaware of the irony.
Neville, hurt by her disdain for his beloved subject, reminded her that plants and herbology was the reason they had food on the table. After some negotiation, he reluctantly agreed to her request, knowing her birthday was just around the corner.
As Neville bantered with Alice, he noticed Pansy approaching with August in her arms,
"He's got a bad cold. We've got to take him to St. Mungo's," Pansy announced, her concern evident as Neville cradled August in his arms. "Loves, why are the two of you drenched?" she inquired, turning her attention to both her daughters. Alice pointed accusingly at her father and replied, "Ask him." Pansy shot Neville a quizzical look, but he simply laughed it off.
"St. Mungo's? We were just talking about going there, Mama," Francie chimed in, eagerly approaching her mother. Pansy struggled to carry her daughter as she listened intently. "Why do you need to go to St. Mungo's?" she asked, puzzled by the sudden urgency. "Not St. Mungo's, but nearby, you know, Quality Quidditch Supplies. Al wanted to go to Flourish and Blotts," Francie clarified, her excitement palpable.
Wrapping August in a snug coat, they embarked on their journey to Diagon Alley, the children's excited chatter filling the crisp air. Their first destination was the hospital, where the doctor assured them it was merely a seasonal allergy, nothing serious.
Despite the reassurance, August shed a few tears when faced with the prospect of an injection. Alice offered comfort by holding his hand, while Francesa attempted to soothe him with a playful bribe. "Auggie, if you don't cry, I'll let you sit on my broomstick," she whispered, earning a sharp glance from her mother.
"Mother, you've got to appreciate humor. Or is it too much of a Slytherin trait to have any sense of humor at all?" the cheeky seven-year-old retorted, eliciting a laugh from the amused doctor. Pansy's cheeks flushed crimson, accustomed to Francesa's teasing antics. "See, he's quiet now. I told you bribery works, Mum," Francesa declared triumphantly after the shot was administered.
"Dad, can we please go to the Quidditch store now? It feels like forever since I've been there, and I've missed Madam Donnoricks," Francesa pleaded, tugging at her father's hand. Neville chuckled. "Fran, I think Madam Donnoricks was too busy to notice your absence," he teased, earning a grumble from his daughter.
"I think we should go to Flourish and Blotts. If I'm not mistaken, your dad wanted to pick up a book from there too, so we can kill two birds with one stone," Pansy suggested, causing Alice's face to light up. "Thank Merlin, I almost thought you'd forget I wanted something too," she quipped.
"Mum, you don't have to play favorites so obviously—August, Alice, and finally, little, annoying Francie," Francesa pouted, huffing all the way to the Quidditch store.
"I love them, really, but sometimes I just want to lock myself in the loo for an hour at least," Neville whispered to his wife once the girls were out of earshot. "Yeah, so much for the tenth anniversary," Pansy sighed sadly.
"Mum, can we please have ice cream?" Alice piped up as they stood in front of Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlor. "Honestly, if I say no, your sister will eat me alive. But don't get any for August; he's got a cold," Pansy replied.
"I want ice cream too," August said, his eyes brimming with tears. Pansy shushed him gently, promising to get him a pumpkin pastie instead. He nodded happily, planting sloppy kisses on his mum's face. "Mama, you taste like powder," he declared. Pansy laughed, "I'm glad you find my expensive powder tasty," as he continued to lick her face.
As Neville accompanied his daughters to Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlor, the atmosphere was anything but peaceful. Alice and Francie were bickering incessantly over trivial matters, causing Neville's patience to wear thin.
"I swear, if you two don't stop this incessant arguing, I'll drench you both in melted ice cream this time," Neville warned sternly. The threat seemed to have its desired effect as the girls fell silent, shooting each other cautious glances.
However, the peace was short-lived. On the way back home, Alice couldn't resist the temptation and took a big bite out of Francie's ice cream cone. Incensed by her sister's audacity, Francie retaliated by pulling Alice's hair, igniting a fresh round of squabbling.
As the squabble between Alice and Francie escalated, Pansy couldn't contain her frustration any longer. "Girls, enough! You're ruining what was supposed to be a nice outing," she scolded firmly. "You need to learn to get along and show some respect for each other."
Neville nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Pansy's disappointment. "Your mother's right. We expect better behavior from you both," he added, his disappointment evident in his tone.
The girls hung their heads sheepishly, realizing they had overstepped their bounds. Despite their squabble, they knew they had disappointed their parents. With remorse in their eyes, they quietly accepted their scolding.
The ride back home was uncomfortably quiet, not the peaceful kind that usually followed a family outing. Pansy and Neville tried to engage their daughters in conversation, but their attempts were met with vague responses and lingering shame from the earlier incident.
"Loves, it's alright. These things happen, and it's natural to have disagreements with your siblings," Neville reassured them gently. "But you have to remember to respect each other's boundaries. Alice, you shouldn't have taken a big bite out of Fran's ice cream, and Francie, you shouldn't have pulled Alice's hair."
"Your dad is right. Alice, apologize to Francie. You're older, so you should set a good example and give her some space. And Francie, apologize to Alice. Cut her some slack, alright honeypies?" Pansy chimed in, despite Alice's audible groan at the endearment.
Reluctantly, the girls exchanged apologies, their embarrassment evident but their resolve to make amends stronger.
Making a brief stop at a smaller branch of Honeydukes, Pansy returned with pasties for everyone. August, in his usual fashion, managed to wear more of his pastie on his face than in his mouth, eliciting laughter from the whole family and easing the tension of the earlier disagreement.
After they arrived home, both Pansy and Neville were utterly exhausted, too drained to even consider moving, let alone keeping their dinner reservation. So, they decided to cancel it, opting for a quiet evening at home instead.
Once the kids were tucked into bed, Pansy made her way to the fridge and retrieved a tub of pumpkin-pie flavored ice cream for the couple. "My favorite, you remembered," Neville remarked gratefully as he accepted the bowl from his wife. "Couldn't even get some for me with those two constantly bickering in the store," he added with a chuckle.
"I know it's exhausting, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love what we have," Pansy replied, her voice tinged with affection.
"I love us too, and yes, I love those three pests too. They're perfect," Neville agreed wholeheartedly, sharing a laugh with his wife. As he noticed a smudge of ice cream on Pansy's lips, he couldn't resist leaning in to lick it off, eliciting a blush from her.
"Parkinson, are you blushing?" he teased, his eyes sparkling mischievously.
"Shut up, Longbottom," she retorted playfully, grabbing his collar and pulling him into a tender kiss.
"Happy anniversary, Parkinson," Neville whispered against her lips.
"Happy anniversary, Longbottom," Pansy replied, sealing their affection with another sweet kiss.
"I am highly offended that you'd call us pests, dad," August protested, his tone indignant. "And I consider myself a very important part of this story. Without me, you wouldn't even enjoy your anniversary in a true way."
"Shut up, August. You don't even remember anything; you were three with snot up your nose," Alice retorted, rolling her eyes at her younger brother. "Alice and I still do not get along. She's a bully," Francesa interjected, shooting her sister a pointed look. "Honestly, why do I put up with the both of you?" Alice muttered under her breath.
"Mum? I had a question," Francesa turned to Pansy, seeking clarification. "Yes, sweetheart?" Pansy replied, her attention fully on her daughter. "Your anniversary is on Christmas, and Alice is turning seventeen exactly a month after your seventeenth anniversary. Aren't you supposed to be pregnant for nine months?"
Pansy began to answer, but Neville intervened, not wanting to delve into that conversation with their fourteen-year-old. They couldn't tell her the truth—that they eloped when Pansy was eight months pregnant. That's a story for another time, probably in fifteen years.
"Will you look at the time? Get to bed, everyone. We've got to go to the Burrow tomorrow," Neville redirected the conversation once the kids had retreated to their rooms. As he washed the dishes, Pansy wrapped her arms around his waist from behind.
"Baby, why didn't you let me answer Francesa's question?" she inquired softly, planting kisses along his bare back. He turned around, trapping her between the kitchen island and his arms, lifting her onto the countertop.
"You seriously think I would let you tell the kids that I got you pregnant out of wedlock, was too much of a coward to propose to you until you offered to elope? Yeah, that's not happening," he confessed, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Pansy couldn't help but laugh at his response. Embracing her husband tightly, she circled her arms around his neck and kissed him with all the love in the world. She knew that what they had was a forever kind of love.
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James Sirius Potter Facts
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• He loved quidditch. Like really loved it. Knew he was expected to be a seeker like his dad but being a chaser is way more fun.
• He thought he was only popular because of his family but people actually really liked him for who he was.
• Has a lot of muggle born friends because at least when he started school they had no idea who he was.
• Struggles to open up to people, even the ones he’s closest to. Only started opening up more when he was diagnosed with cyclothemia.
• Even though Fred is his best friend he is probably closest to Teddy or Dom.
• He was kidnapped for 5 days when he was 9 by some remaining death eaters. He tells everyone he doesn’t remember anything but he does.
• Didn’t actually care that Albus was in Slytherin and was first to stand up and applaud after his sorting.
• He wasn’t actually that good at school. He struggles a lot with the theory side of things but he was one of the best duellers at Hogwarts so people didn’t really notice.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 22 - Mountain
@jegulus-microfic March 22 Word count 854
Previous part First part
James was fretting. It couldn’t be a good thing that both Black parents were at Grimmauld Place. He worried when Regulus was at Death Eater meetings as Voldemort was liberal with his use of the Cruciatus curse when his followers displeased him, but at least Regulus had a house to go to and didn’t have to keep up the facade for long. But with Orion and Walburga, he would always have to be on guard. Then there was also the selfish side that James tried not to think about too much. With Lord and Lady Black in residence, Regulus would never be able to slip away and see him, and James had gotten used to seeing him on a regular basis, what with all their adventures and Thestral meetings. 
Sirius, on the other hand, was trying to convince himself that everything was absolutely fine because if he didn’t, he was going to end up breaking the door down of number 12 and yank his boyfriend and his brother out.
For now, though, James had to calm himself as they had an order meeting. No one else in the order knew about their true mission apart from Dumbledore and Mad-Eye. 
Most of the Order was already sitting at the long table of whoever’s house they were using. James knew better than to ask. He and Sirius took their seats and chattered with the members they were friendly with. Frank and his new wife Alice sat quietly, whispering to each other and by the blush that kept creeping across Frank's cheeks, James didn’t want to disturb them. Mary had no such qualms. 
“Oi, Alice, stop telling Frank what you’re going to do to him after the meeting and say hello.” It was Alice’s turn to blush. 
“Sorry, honeymoon period.” She giggled sweetly. “How is everyone?”
James had to grit his jaw as Peter greeted him, chatting happily about his promotion within the Ministry. Sirius kept a tight hold of his arm under the table to keep him from ripping Pettigrew apart. They had to keep that secret. They’d deal with him in the end. 
Lily wandered in just as Mary finished telling everybody about the disastrous cake she’d tried to make.
“Nearly burnt the flat down. I don’t know how Mum does it.”
James slipped her a note as she settled herself into her seat. He didn’t think anyone had seen as they were still enraptured in Mary’s description of the insanely fit fireman who turned up after she panicked and forgot she was a witch.
“Right, can we get started then?” Mad-Eye grunted, stopping all talk of the way the fireman’s biceps stretched his t-shirt so much that Mary was surprised it didn’t just rip apart. “So, I’ve gathered you all here because—” He was interrupted by Marlene banging the door off the wall as she entered late.
“You’ve got exactly 20 minutes of my time, Mad-Eye. Dorcas is waiting for me, and she’s said she’ll start without me if I’m not back on time.” James watched as Alastor Moody closed his eye and took a few deep breaths before he confronted Marlene. 
“McKinnon, you’re late. Sit down and listen up.” His growling words were barely audible, but everyone in the room heard them. Marlene hurried over to Mary and took her place around the table. “Right as I was saying.” He glared at Marlene, who wasn’t embarrassed in the least. “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a spy.” The room went silent. 
Dumbledore had already told him they needed to alert the others that there was a spy. They needed the other members to be more careful with what information they told whom and more secretive with where they were talking. Dumbledore didn’t want to reveal that they knew it was Peter, but he wanted to limit what true information he was able to glean from the others. 
James watched as Peter squirmed in his seat. He wanted so badly to just out him now and let the order have at him. But he knew how much Dumbledore wanted to use him. It made his blood boil.
Moody had a list of new rules that had to be followed in the letter. They were now under strict instructions not to tell even other order members what any of their assignments involved. “Now get out,” Moody ordered once the meeting was over. “I’ve got a mountain of paperwork to get through, and you’re all keeping me from it."  
“I wish we could go to Evan’s.”James huffed at Sirius once they’d left the meeting, “I need Barty to describe his plan on how to deal with Peter.” The bubbling anger was still just beneath the surface, and he was having trouble keeping it in. If Sirius had had his dog ears at that moment, they would have perked up. He suddenly apparated, leaving James standing alone in the alleyway entrance. 
A few moments later, Sirius’s dog patronus appeared. It opened its mouth, and Sirius’s voice called out. “Come on, loser, we’re waiting.” James felt the smile spread across his face as he apparated to Rosier House.       
Next part
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rewritingcanon · 25 days
Ask and you shall receive! Ng hcs! (Note: some of these I've heard before and stuck to while some are original, also idk hoe to format this lol)
Albus had a fnaf phase when he was 10 that stuck with him for years.
Teddy is really good at drums and bass guitar
Albus is really good at math but not so good in English class.
James has anxiety and adhd
Teddy is pansexual and victoire is bi
Lilly is the only one of the potter siblings with glasses
Albus paints his nails black and wears eyeliner
James Secretly loves reading both old and new literature books but he doesn't let people know because it isn't expected of him
Victoire is a healer and is a very dedicated worker
Lilly made reserve seeker in her first year, harry cried over it
Albus has bipolar disorder
Teddy makes sure to have tea with his grandmother on the weekends with her freinds
James is really family oriented and gets homesick really easily, he also kisses both of siblings foreheads sometimes to their displeasure
Victoire surfs because she crew up in shell cottage right by the water
Dominique is a trans woman
Scorpius has brown eyes like his mom and multiple bueaty marks on his face
Teddy had a small gap between his teeth but changed his teeth with his metamorphmagus abilities cause he was terrified of getting braces
James is really good at singing but doesn't do it often
To the suprise of the hogwarts staff Lilly is the most like grandpa James not her older brother
Alice is plus size
Craig was the first person to stand up for albus when he was getting bullied. James thanked him for it and now they talk to each other whenever they see eachother
Scorpius has natural eye bags and because he's skinny and kinda pale people think he looks like a corpse which is ironic considering how full of life he is
I don't know how to end this so I'll stop here but I might make a part 2 or do hcs for each individual character idk.
omg i agree with SO much of these but i’m especially passionate about lily being the only potter sibling with glasses and scorpius having tonnes of beauty marks. i feel like i havent seen anyone else who also thinks scorpius is us riddled with beauty marks??? not just on his face but also neck, shoulders, chest etc. i thought it was only me lol.
and i really like the idea of james secretly being good at singing. i feel like he tries to “jokingly” belt songs that are hard to sing to sing terribly and annoy other people and this is how everyone finds out he’s actually really good at it 😭
and the idea of teddy using his abilities to get straight teeth would be so hilarious because ik for a fact he def don’t know shit about dental and will probs continue to fuck his teeth up even more. andromeda takes him to the dentist and it’s literally that dentists worst nightmare. like tf happened here??
also yes the idea that james sirius potter is the next marauders menace and fred weasley ii is the next weasley twin is outdated and boring. get the daughters in here rn.
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 2 months
hp next gen au info (in age order until after Louis)
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James, Albus & Lily=Hinny kids
Victoire, Dominique & Louis = Bleur kids
Roxanne & Freddie = George x Angelina kids
Molly & Lucy = Perciver kids
Rose & Hugo = Romionie kids
Frank & Alice = Nannah kids
Lorcan & Lysander = Luna x Rolf kids
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I had an idea for a fan fiction but I don’t trust myself to, so if someone wants to write it do it and tag me
My idea is what is dumbledore was the secret keeper instead of Peter, and when Voldemort learns this he goes after dumbledore to try and kill him, he dies in the process but the horcruxes are still there and dumbledore knows. Also he dies before Marlene is fan fiction. He tells everyone what happened and tells Lily she should let the teachers if hogwart raise Harry instead of her and naturally she objects. He says it would be best for him and she says absolutely not, he the “compromises” and says she and James could teach and raise Harry at hogwarts as well. Lily says fine but only if their (James and lilys) friends are also offered and Snape is removed and will not have any contact with them. Dumbledore agrees and all of them become teachers except for Peter because he is exposed by the other death eaters and jailed. Harry grows up in Hogwarts and is a mascot of sorts who lives in the professors area and gets a head start on magic. Lily does potions, Dorcas and Remus switch off years for DADA and charms bc of curse loophole, Sirius does muggle studies to rub it in to his family, James teaches flying and watches Harry, Marlene helps poppy in nursing, Frank teaches care of magical creatures, and Alice teaches herbology. Wolfstar, Jilly, Dorlene, Frand/Alice
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okay but whatever you do not think about Narcissa looking at Draco while he's trying to fulfill Voldemort's mission. and it reminding her of Regulus. Do not think about her looking at Scorpius and Albus and it reminding her of her and Alice. Do not think about her thinking it was doomed to fail, because she lived it once upon a time a long time ago.
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15001700tt · 9 months
1. The Old...
The second year at Hogwarts was both recognizable yet just as exciting as the first. Hugo Potter was sorted into Gryffindor, receiving congratulations from peers and celebratory gifts from his parents. 
During the first few weeks of school, Albus discovered something strange. Scorpius and Rose were talking. Which was new and...they weren’t getting along. Scorpius was just discovering Rose had a short fuse. A very short fuse, one that left her red in the face. This was the temper that had become famous among her intimate circle of persons, and which Scorpius was just now familiarizing himself with. Albus had worried about his new and becoming close friend bullying his cousin, but that quickly dissipated when Rose pushed back with just as much animosity. Knowing them both, equally stubborn and bullheaded, nothing would change their opinion on the other anytime soon. So Albus stopped trying. He didn't enjoy having his friend and family at odds. At first. Now, the youngest Potter son was discovering something else, though this was more of a self-discovery. 
As his eyes flickered between Scorpius and Rose as they sat across from each other on the ride to London, obviously cheesed off, Albus had to restrain his giggle. He had intentionally kept it a secret from Rose that Scorpius would be spending Christmas with them at the Burrow. And boy, was he finding out how fun it was to make trouble. 
Alice, Cole, Hugo, and Percy also sat with them. Though they were too engrossed in playing wizard’s chess and exploding snaps to notice the weird staring contest that Scorpius and Rose were stuck in. 
With a loud, upset sigh, Rose relented from the staring match and took out the book she was trying to read. Key word, trying. 
“Do you do anything for fun?” The blonde asked not a minute later. 
“Reading is fun.” 
“For nerds.” 
Scorpius’s annoying voice resounded before he plucked the book from her hands. He turned it around and inspected the cover. He grinned. 
“Clockwork Angel? Is this a muggle book?” 
“Give that back Malfoy,” Rose said with a groan. “In a minute, Weasley.” 
“It’s Granger-Weasley to you,” she corrected him, a sharpness in her eye and tone. 
“Wow, obnoxious today are we?” He asked, his haughty voice grating to her ears. Like nails on a chalkboard. “Me? I am not the one being a jerk! Now give it back, jerk!” She huffed out, reaching for her book again. “I know you are but what am I,” Scorpius teased, in a high-pitched mocking tone, raising the sought after book high above his head. Unfortunately for him though, his growth spurt was still a couple years away, allowing Rose to easily best his five feet with her five-two height and snatch her literature piece back. 
“You interrupt my reading one more time and this book will become lethal!” Their bickering continued, and Albus became increasingly more interested in the newly started game of wizard chess. The other two’s arguing slowly became monotonous, fading into the background like static on the telly. Annoying but ignorable. 
“Your turn Albus!” 
“Alright! Ready to lose?” Albus responded, taking his eyes away from the now-less-than-entertaining sight of Scorpius and Rose interacting. They bored him. 
Once they reached King’s Cross station, the group grabbed their luggage and departed off the train. They hit the platform and started looking around for their family. Rose skipped ahead as soon as she spotted her parents. She smiled instantly and ran toward them. 
“Hi mummy! Daddy!” 
She hugged her parents first, before being passed down the hugging line of relatives, from grandparents to aunts and uncles (there were a lot). All of which complimented Rose's cuteness, many expressing how much they missed her. 
The other kids dispersed, greeting their folks, leaving Scorpius Malfoy standing alone. 
Mrs. Potter noticed this and went up to the little boy. “Scorpius right? It's so nice to meet you sweetie! Where are your parents?” The missus asked. Rose furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding why he hadn't left. He’d usually leave to meet his parents on the other side of the station. 
“Greetings, Mrs. Potter! It is a pleasure to meet you! My parents had to leave on their business trip earlier than expected. I understand it was urgent. I would like to extend their apologies to you, ma’am. It seems that I may have to intrude on you and your family a bit earlier than planned. Sorry to trouble you. Please accept this on their behalf,” Scorpius explained articulately and respectfully, pulling out a generous and luxurious gift basket from a fine silk bag with an obvious Extension Charm on it. He handed the peace offering over very gently. 
“Oh, they really didn’t have to! And of course you can, hun! It’s no trouble at all!” Mrs. Potter graciously took the offering from the cute and courteous child. 
“Nonetheless, pardon my intrusion. It is especially rude to impose on one's first meeting. You have my utmost gratitude for your kindness,” the polite lad finished with a formal bow. 
Too polite, Mrs. Potter thought. She looked at the young child, who stood so properly and behaved so cordially despite being left in the care of practical strangers whom he now had to spend the beginning of an intimate holiday break with. A mental decision was made to treat this too well-behaved boy like family. 
After all, kids should also learn to be spoiled. 
“Intrude all you like! For I have never seen such excellent manners!” Mrs. Potter said with relish, lowering herself to the young lad’s level, balancing the basket on her lap. 
“But of course! My mother took great care to raise a gentleman!” Rolling her eyes, Rose glared at the hypocrite from behind her family’s torsos. 
“The cutest gentlemen I’ve ever seen!” Mrs. Potter took the liberty to pinch his cheeks. With both hands. Scorpius was taken aback, surprised. And more surprisingly, he found he didn’t mind this form of affection. It was something he could get used to. Quite easily too. 
Satisfied at the pink in the pale boy’s face, Mrs. Potter released him. Then moved to stand by his side, shoulder to shorter-shoulder. 
“Would this fine gentleman care to escort me to the car?” She put out her hand, a warm smile on her face. Looking up with a glow the Potter matron found healthy, the flushed boy gladly and enthusiastically took her hand. 
“But of course! It’d be my honor to escort a lady!” Rose scoffed at the weird and gross display of a kiss-up Scorpius. She grabbed her own parents' hands and began pulling them to the car with great effort. The two laughed, giving into her demands to walk briskly while keeping in line with their other children to hear about their recounts of school. Rose felt they clearly weren’t hasty enough. Scorpius and her aunt were able to keep pace, chatting happily while still holding hands. Her uncle walked calmly alongside his youngest daughter, both amused and chuckling at James and Albus running literal circles around them. The two brothers were in the middle of dramatically acting out school anecdotes, their gestures wildly exaggerated and movements energetically wild. Rose couldn’t get in the car fast enough. 
For the entirety of the first week of break, Rose sulked at having the bane of her existence home for the holidays. She had planned and wanted to ignore him. But it was hard to. He took every chance to make a jab at her. And what was worse, he got along with everyone. 
Her parents were a bit wary of him at first, though sadly they too warmed up to him. His charisma was so annoying. Especially since he was charming to everyone. Except Rose. 
During their last dinner together, before Christmas Day and before he left to rejoin his own family, Scorpius was the most annoying he had been that entire week! He sat between her and Albus as he had these past seven days. As usual, he was mean and teased her relentlessly. But today, he took it up a notch. He kept tugging at the ends of her hair and kicking at her feet under the table! Of course, she had to get even! She kicked him back, harder, and took to pinching him wherever she could! They kept at it even till the end of the meal. 
After dinner, the rest of their family friends arrived at the party. It was Christmas Eve after all! The Finnegans, Thomases, Longbottoms and the Scamanders all arrived and in that order. Each family came in with huge, bulky sacks and a plate of food, from appetizers to desserts. Scorpius became distracted by the incoming families, swept away by Mrs. Potter who wanted to properly introduce him to everyone. Rose snorted and her focus also changed as she caught sight of the Longbottoms coming in. 
“Alice! Hi!” Rose called out, running toward the door. “Rose!” The other girl shouted, also bolting in. The two then crashed into a hug. 
“Look! Look!” Alice squealed, grabbing Rose’s hand to drag her toward her mother. More specifically, what her mother was holding. “Mum and I made mince pies together! Try it!” 
“I can’t! Not right now! I’m still stuffed,” Rose groaned, rubbing her too-full belly. 
“What? You already ate! It's so early! We just got here!” 
“I know! But mum doesn’t trust Hugo to eat without his bib and he doesn’t want to eat alone!” 
Alice giggled. “I thought he was already off it?” “Yeah, but he had an accident yesterday. Mummy’s taking no chances today!” 
The girls were joined by their cousins and friends, and soon all the preteen girls seemed to have formed their little group. They laughed and chatted, even as the last family, the Scamanders, came in. 
Somehow, Scorpius beat Rose in greeting the newcomers. She glared at him, observing how intimately he greeted the family, everyone hugging him and him hugging the whole bunch. It was sickeningly sweet how much the family seemed to gush and fawn over the interloper the most. Even the twins, who were known for their disinterest and always in their own little worlds, met Malfoy with unexpected warmth and affection.
“They know each other?” Rose’s voice cut softly to Hugo, who just shrugged and kept snacking on the Christmas treats in hand, most of them chocolate. Rose rolled her eyes at her unhelpful brother before continuing her scowling at the three boys. Their similarity was unsettling. A lot of blonde hair and pale skin. Ugh. 
Shoving Scorpius out of the way, Rose was finally able to give her own greetings to the family with her best and biggest smiles. With bigger and better hugs if she does say so herself. 
At least anything better than what Malfoy could give. Finishing her last hug and seeing Scorpius talk to the other twin, Rose asked her earlier question. 
“He spent a lot of time at our house,” Lorcan responded, shrugging nonchalantly, his attention more invested somewhere on the wall to their right. There was nothing there. 
“None of your bee’s wax, Weasley!” Scorpius interrupted, joining in the circle with Lysander following behind. 
“Shut it! No one’s talking to you!” 
“Then stop talking about me!" 
“Whatever! It’s not like I care anyway!” With a harrumph, Rose turned away, Alice in hand. Just a couple feet after walking away, something caught Rose’s foot, causing her to trip and fall. She turned pink in embarrassment until she heard snickers from behind.
Looking back, Malfoy was closest to her, stifling his laughter as the other boys just started laughing out right. Only Alice was concerned. 
A tripping jinx! How dare he!! 
Rose became red. Hot with anger and vengeance. She got up, brushed herself off, turned around, and took off running. Alice right behind her. They were out for bloody blondes! 
The boys ran from the stormy redheads, both parties yelling back and forth. 
“You’re dead Malfoy!” 
“Only if you catch me Weasley!” 
“You’re unbelievable!” 
“Says the only one in uniform!” 
“It’s comfortable! You’re such a jerk!” 
“Only for you!” 
“Were you dropped on your head?!” 
Their antics continued on well into the night. The kids eventually were forced to settle down when the adults corralled them into the living room. It was time for presents! 
A long standing Weasley tradition, on Christmas Day after dinner, presents would be passed around and opened all together. Families brought prepared presents beforehand, wrapped and ready, in huge sacks. They could’ve used bags with an Extension Charm but it was fun for the kids to help fill those sacks and all the goodies waiting for them, just sitting by the tree. Each parent called all their offspring to come and be the little owls to hand deliver those gifts. Just as everyone was getting ready to start, there was a knock on the door. 
“That’s them!” Scorpius exclaimed, darting to the door. Mr. and Mrs. Potter trailed after him, worried as they didn’t know who was at the door. And the little boy was already opening it. 
“Father! Mother! You really came!” 
“Oh, Scorpius! My beautiful boy!” Astoria Malfoy instantly bent down at the sight, wrapping the little boy in eager arms and planting kisses all over his cheeks. “Oh, I missed you so much, my sweet boy!” 
“I missed you too, mama,” Scorpius said softly, letting himself be swooped and picked up into his mother’s arms. He never showed it, but he had missed them dearly. Being alone for the holidays was harder than the boy thought, which was why he was grateful for Albus and his family welcoming and including him in their family. Which is also why he took that frustration and anger out on the one person who vocally voiced how unwanted and unwelcome he was here. Rose Weasley. 
But none of that mattered now. Feeling his mother’s warmth surrounding him and his father’s hand on his head, it seemed like all the heaviness of his heart just disappeared. 
“Thank you, Harry, Ginny, for looking after our boy,” Draco Malfoy expressed sincerely, giving a formal half-bow to show he really meant it. 
“It’s no trouble, no trouble at all!” Ginny answered with gusto. Then smiled, seeing the usually serious boy’s happy expression while in his mother’s hold. “We were very happy to have Scorpius over. He was such a delight and I know Albus enjoyed having his best mate sleepover for the week.” 
As if he heard his name, Albus came running in. Rose, ever the nosy girl, right behind him. 
“What?! You’re leaving Scor?!? You can’t! We haven’t done presents yet!” Albus cried out with distraught. 
“Actually,” Draco began, eyes moving between Harry and Ginny. “Scorpius sent us a letter two days ago, telling us your families do a gift exchange? He sent a list of names and we came prepared. We were hoping to join you?” 
“Please,” Astoria added with emotion. 
Harry and Ginny looked at each but before they could give any answer, Hermione and Ron rounded the corner. “Good evening, Granger, Weasley.” 
Draco and Astoria both gave a formal half-bow. “Malfoy,” Hermione said through clenched teeth. Ron just gave a slight nod. 
Rose felt something was weird. She didn’t know what but her parents looked…upset? 
“We don’t want to impose,” Draco said, face 
expressionless but his voice soft like approaching a hurt animal. And in a sense, he was. “But Scorpius asked if we could come early to join in on the gift exchange. We brought presents. For everyone. And our apologies. I know we never talked about what happened. I understand you all would like to forget. Especially you, Hermione. And I am deeply sorry. So, so, so very sorry. That day has kept me up nights and I know for you more so. I know this wasn’t part of what we agreed on, but we would be so grateful if we could join in on just this portion of the festivities, please.” 
The word hung there for a while. No one spoke or moved, the Malfoys didn’t dare to. Albus and Rose just looked at the parents confused but we’re given the eye to stay silent. So they did. 
If looks could kill, Hermione’s eyes would send more Death Curses than the Dark Lord himself. And Draco stared straight into those eyes, taking in the full weight of that hate. He wasn’t the only Malfoy to do so. Scorpius, curious about what was going on, turned around to look at the adults interacting. 
Then he met Mrs. Granger-Weasley’s angry eyes and he was scared. Quickly, he buried his face into his mother’s shoulder. 
Seeing the stricken look on the boy’s face took the hot air out of Hermione. She hadn’t meant to glare at a child, just felt a stare and thought it was Astoria. But the woman was looking down and she mad dogged an innocent kid. Hermione let out a sigh, feeling the anger leave her just as suddenly as it appeared. She wasn’t really angry at them, not anymore. Therapy had done wonders. Over the years, she realized the root of her trauma was Bellatrix and she found closure in the woman’s death through her mother-in-law. 
One of the many reasons she loved Molly Weasley. Maybe, at one point, she had hated Malfoy. For the trouble he brought to Hogwarts, for the terrible memories borne from his house. Yet, through her sessions, she also came to realize that Malfoy at the time was a child too, just as she was. His home had become run by terrorists, his life at risk every day, and he had still tried to help them in his own way. So no, she didn’t hate them. Not anymore. It had taken her some time to get over her anger, angry at what happened to her and just the whole situation. But, she found that hard-to-kill anger easily overcome with the birth of their first child.
 It had seemed so pointless when there was more important happiness and joy to focus on, wrapped in one tiny bundle. That all-engulfing anger had turned to ashes, leaving the perfect soil for a beautiful Rose to blossom in her heart. 
And it seemed she wasn’t the only one to change for their children. Draco Malfoy, the most arrogant arse she ever had the displeasure of knowing, seemed to have turned over a new leaf himself. Humbling himself not once but many times to reach out to the Weasleys and Potters to convince them if they could host Scorpius over Hogwarts’ winter break. Seems like he was Albus’s best friend and the latter had already extended an invitation when hearing that the Malfoy children usually stayed with distant relatives or different caretakers while the parents were on their holiday business trips. So that both boys wouldn’t end up disappointed, the man took upon himself to contact the families over and over again until they finally heard him out. Then even more so until they agreed. The Potters readily agreed to be responsible for the boy and Weasleys, though apprehensive, agreed to let the boy sleepover at least. 
Now here was the man, apologizing and pleading at their in-laws’ entrance, for the sake of his children. Well, not that it was weird that it was towards her and Ron. They were the most adamant against having the Malfoys over. They had agreed to let Scorpius and Scorpius only cross the threshold. A decision that Hermione realized was made rashly and biasedly.
No, she wasn’t angry. Not anymore. Still, it was her go-to defense mechanism. 
But now she was calm, collected, and…ready to make amends. 
Hermione walked to and stood in front of Draco. They held eye contact. Then, she put a comforting hand on his shoulder. This time, even he couldn’t mask his shock. 
“I forgive you, Draco. I forgave you a long time ago. But seeing you, after all these years, just brought out a lot of negative emotions for me. Emotions that are not your fault. And definitely, not your son’s.” She put her other hand on the small child’s back. 
“I’m sorry Scorpius,” Hermione said softly, rubbing the boy’s back soothingly. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. Would you still like to open presents with us?” 
At that, the little blonde head whipped around. Unmarred hope that only a child could have reflected in those silver eyes. “Yes…Can I?” 
“Yes, you can.” Hermione looked back to Draco, meeting his wide eyes with a warm smile. “You and your family are always welcome here.” 
Astoria gasped. Ginny and Harry looked at each other, smiling wide. Scorpius practically beaming like the little sun ray he was, ran and crashed into Albus, who was laughing in glee. The two boys, like a pair of sparrows, took off into the living room to spread the good news. 
Draco, who was so in shock, finally came back to reality. And rushed forward, wrapping Hermione in a fierce hug. 
“Thank you! Thank you so much! I’m so sorry. So very sorry!” Draco pulled the woman in tight, continuing to express more whispers of gratitude and even more apologies. 
Hermione let out a laugh, reciprocating the hug. Ron stepped forward next to his wife, sharing a smile with her. Draco saw the man approach and put a firm hand on the redhead’s shoulders, giving a squeeze as he extended his ‘thank you’s and ‘sorry’s. 
Rose didn’t know what to do. She felt awkward staying but more so just leaving, she had been too confused to join Scorpius and Albus when they left. So… she just stood there. 
Draco finally released the other adults, turning to his own wife for another hug. She smiled up at him with elation and relief, chuckling softly as she wiped the stray tears off her husband’s face with shiny ones in her own eyes. Though hers never fell. Her husband may act indifferent but only she knew how sensitive he actually was. 
After they finished having their moment, the Malfoy couple recovered and collected themself. Astoria was the first to speak. 
“Oh, allow me to introduce our youngest, our 
daughter, Daphne Malfoy. She’ll be starting Hogwarts next year.” 
The two adults parted, revealing a child who was hidden there till now. Rose gasped. 
The most beautiful girl stepped forward. Hair more golden than the sun, eyes that shone like a lush field of grass. Dressed in the pristine white of a miniature ball gown with a fluffy skirt and the added child element of puffy sleeves. Delicate white gloves covering even more delicate hands pinched the sides of the dress lightly, lifting the fine fabric, and the figure followed into the most elegant curtsy Rose ever saw. 
“Pleasure to meet you,” said the most loveliest voice. Now, Rose was sure the girl was a fairy. A fairy of bright sunshine and miles of vibrant green. 
Rose couldn’t help rushing to meet the girl face to face. 
“Oh this is our daughter-” 
“Hi! I’m Rose!” Rose said excitedly, cutting her mum off. “You are so pretty! Like a fairy!” 
The young girl was surprised then bashful at the sudden compliment, but curtseyed a second time as it was proper on first meetings. Then, in Rose’s opinion, said in the cutest voice, “Hello, Rose. How do you do?” 
Rose felt violent. Like when she saw the most adorable oversized teddy bear and had just wanted to squeeze it to death. 
“Great! Now that you’re here! You are just so beautiful! I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone! Merlin, you’re pretty!” Rose offered an open hand. 
The poor girl was blushing in embarrassment at the interesting mix of friendliness and fawning. She looked to her parents in a silent plea to go along with the strange ginger. They nodded. Daphne shyly took hold of the hand in front of her. And was being gently yet firmly pulled along at the older girl’s pace. 
Rose giggled happily. “Hehe, I can’t wait for everyone to meet you! What’s your favorite color? Can I braid your hair? Do you like sweets? My friend Alice made the tastiest mince pies ever! Though her mum helped out a bit…” 
Hermione just chuckled and shook her head in fond exasperation. She hoped her daughter didn’t overwhelm the other girl too much. Suddenly, a long arm wrapped around her waist, a familiar sensation she recognized as her husband, and leaned into him. 
“Are you sure?” Ron whispered, worriedly. She smiled up at him. He had stuck to her side and supported her even when she spoke out. 
“Yes, I’m sure,” she whispered back, sharing a kiss with her knightley husband, always ready to defend or avenge her honor. She looked back at the Malfoys. “Come on in. Please.” 
They followed after the Weasleys, bringing along their sack of gifts that had laid patiently against the doorframe, waiting to be taken up again. As they all rounded the corner into the main living, imagine their surprise when they saw their old friends. 
The couples greeted one another with hugs and kisses to the cheek, taking a couple minutes to exchange pleasantries and catch up. They may run in the same circles thanks to their pureblood lineage however they’re different occupations meant they rarely saw each other on a daily basis. This was a very pleasant surprise. 
The two couples sat together on the same couch, the Granger-Weasleys and Potters sat across them, while in between them sat the rest of the Weasley family and friends that took up the much larger, longer sofa facing the fireplace. Every family had their sacks open and their children standing around. The rug was clear and the children eager to get started. 
The Malfoys had just settled in and were looking for their children. Scorpius was already digging into the bag, eager to get the first gift to be delivered. 
“Where’s your sister, Scorpius?” 
“With some boy,” Scorpius said, not worried, he was preoccupied in his search. “I can’t find my gift for Albus!”
“Sweetie, I’ll make sure to give it to you when we come to it okay? But where’s Daphne?” 
“Ugh, over there with the Potters.” 
Astoria looked across to find her daughter sitting in the lap of the oldest Potter boy with the Weasley daughter feeding her snacks. The poor dear looked so out of her element, redder than her mother had ever seen her. 
“Daphne! Daphne dear! Come join us here!” Astoria called. 
Not a second to spare, Daphne hurried to put her feet on the floor and quickly made her way to her mother. Who was surprised when her daughter came crashing into her. “Woah, there! Is everything okay, dear?” 
Daphne nodded into her mother’s shoulder, but didn’t look up. Astoria chuckled, hugging her baby to comfort her. 
“Aww, are you shy?” 
She nodded again. 
“Too shy to deliver presents?” 
This time she shook her head. Daphne slowly moved away to stand with her brother. 
“Okay then! You’re going to deliver the Christmas cards to the adults, Daphne. These two are for the adults right across from us. The Potters and the Granger-Weasleys…” 
After making sure everyone was ready and the kids ready to go, the gift exchange began! The rug became a foot traffic frenzy, with children darting everywhere with Christmas cards or presents in hand, giving them to the adults and/or other children. Then hurrying back to HQ, which was their parents, to get ready for the next gift. 
Rose took it upon herself to deliver Daphne’s gift. Since she hadn’t even known that Malfoy had a younger sister, and an adorable one at that, Rose quickly whipped something together. Grabbing all her favorite snacks and picking out a few she thought Daphne might like, Rose speedily prepared a giant gift goody bag. Her mum may have helped a little (with finding the packaging, the wrapping, and making it look really nice) but it was all Rose’s idea. She was over the moon when Daphne grabbed a sweet and ate it with gusto. She felt so moved for some reason, and happily stayed to watch the little lady go through the bag, one treat at a time. 
Sometime throughout the evening, as the hyperactive activity and still roaring fire brought a sweaty heat into the house, Draco had taken off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. Rose’s eyes got caught on the large winged angel that covered the top of his left forearm. It had the saddest expression and a little broken heart in the center. The words, “Time Heals All Wounds”, lay underneath and just under that was a single eye with tears in it. Rose had never seen such a large tattoo that covered from the inside of the elbow all the way to the wrist. Draco noticed her staring, and gave her a soft smile. 
“Neat, right?” He glanced down at his own arm. “Luna did it for me a long time ago.” 
“Sorry, didn't mean to stare,” Rose apologized. “But it’s really…sad looking.” 
“Haha, I suppose you're right, especially to you who likes pretty things so much, huh?” Draco chuckled at the blunt honesty of children, putting a hand on her head to ruffle her hair gently. “You’re alright, kiddo.” 
Unbeknownst to Rose, two sets of parents were now paying attention to the exchange, more specifically on the body art that started it. Hermione had a very off look, while Ron couldn’t stop staring at the tattoo. Harry and Ginny looked with new eyes, in awe, at the changed man before them. Luna and Rolf just smiled knowingly. 
The tension was broken with Daphne coming up to Rose with a perfectly wrapped squared gift box. “Me-Merry Christmas, Rose!” Daphne said and offered the box enthusiastically. 
Rose felt her heart squeeze. She was so cute! 
“Thank you Daphne! Merry Christmas!” Rose took the gift, which was pretty light, and took to the floor. Unceremoniously tearing away the neat wrapping. Twas part of the fun after all. 
She opened the box to find a charming pair of glasses. Gold metal frame and rounded lens. She looked up curiously at the Malfoys for an explanation. 
“They’re reading glasses enchanted to read at an extremely fast rate. From what we understand, you and Scorpius are the best students in your year. Since he has an eidetic memory, we thought you should have an edge of your own. Also, we thought it perfect for an avid reader like yourself.” 
Rose gasped in glee. “Thanks Mr. Malfoy!” She threw herself at the man for a spontaneous hug. “Thank you Mrs. Malfoy!” Then at the woman. 
She turned to Daphne, and was so happy that she lifted the girl during her hug and spun her around. The smaller girl gasped at the suddenness that soon turned into tinkling laughter. 
The ginger went to show off to her parents, but particularly one blonde who was also across the room to give his best mate a gift he personally picked out. 
“Oh darling, here’s the last gift,” Astoria declared, holding up a wrapped rectangular box. “This is to James Potter! Isn’t it great you already met him, Daphne?” 
Shyly, the young girl nodded, rubbing a toe into the carpet. 
“Here now! You’ve been doing a great job wishing everyone a ‘Merry Christmas’! Just once more! Big, strong voice, okay?” 
Daphne nodded and took the present. She made her way across the rug, and stood off to the side as the older Potter boy talked animatedly with family. Immediately taking notice of the fair child, he turned his attention to her. 
“Hey pretty bird! You flew off so suddenly just like one! Aw, did you miss me already?” James asked, obviously teasing the timid girl. He had thought she was a doll when Rose first brought her. Until he saw her cute expressions. Now he couldn’t aim for a reaction. 
So, he was surprised when a gift was suddenly thrusted to him. 
“Me-Me-Merry Christmas, Ja-James Potter!” Daphne announced with all her chest, presenting her gift with both arms outstretched and shaking. James felt his heart squeeze at the image of the trembling and blushing girl. Seriously, her face was completely pink! 
Stepping forward and putting a knee on the floor, James got down to Daphne’s level. 
“Thanks Daphne!” James said cheerfully in an even voice, trying to limit his usually booming voice to a softer tone. He had inkling she wasn’t quite used to the company of rowdy folks like the Weasleys. Gently, he took the gift given so precisely because it was from an even more precious individual. James opened it and smiled. 
“Wow a muffler!” It was like a scarf but thicker and longer for those brutally cold winters. This one was plaid of dark amber and rich maroon. Immediately, the lad took out the long length, wrapping it the whole thing around his neck. “How does it look?” 
Daphne stared at the new addition with a weird expression. James thought she looked…grumpy? “M-may I?” A quiet whisper came out. 
James was so surprised, again, that he just nodded. The small girl stepped closer, tiny hands going to work. Daphne seemed to have a different vibe when she was concentrating. James couldn’t stop staring at her serious face, the shy girl he had come to know had a quiet confidence and assurance in her actions. At that moment, she tugged and unintentionally pulled the boy closer. James saw that beautiful, determined face up close and felt his face get hot. He looked away embarrassed and confused.
“Th-there. It looks great on you,” Daphne said softly, a flush in her face from pride and how well the muffler did look on the older boy. James agreed. The muffler was wrapped snugly around his neck, the two ends hanging over his chest at identical lengths. 
“Wow! You did a really great job!” James patted her head. 
Those small hands wrapped around his much bigger one. Despite being a third year, James was in the middle of a growth spurt. He was already almost as tall as his dad and looked down on all his cousins. Even more so with Daphne, who was really tiny for a ten year old. 
James had become lost in thought seeing their obvious differences, and was brought back to reality by a squeeze on his hand. 
“I’m really happy you like it,” Daphne said, her arms raised over her head to hold onto the warm hand that rested there. Then, she smiled most happily. 
James felt his heart thump hard in his chest. Eyes scrunched closed with cheeks full and rosy as a smile so big and wide took up half the girl’s face. A wide-toothed smile of pure and unadulterated joy. His face got even hotter and his throat closed up as he beheld the most lovely face he’d ever seen. 
Suddenly, James wrapped his arms around her and stood, lifting her up. She squealed at the new height, a bit scared as she had never been this high before. 
“Don’t worry! I have you!” James assured while laughing loudly to cover up his embarrassment. Her fear turned into excitement and exhilaration as the tall boy carried her throughout the house. He talked and joked with his family, purposely trying to make the meek girl have fun and laugh. Yet with each sound of her giddy giggling, his ears grew hot. 
James decided it was just the muffler tied a bit too tightly that night.
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biwritesfics · 1 year
Constellations of us
Part 2: Leo
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🛑 warnings 🛑
Toxic family
AN: This was written while I was sleep deprived I apologize. 1,926 words
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Hogwarts was beautiful even in the fog. The others were amused at my amazement but I didn't care. I was too busy soaking it all in. It was like a hazy dreamland and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I was to call this stone fortress home for the next 111 days. We slowly pull to a stop and I nervously assess the line of first years that I'm sure I'm meant to join. We file out and I receive hugs from Marlene, Mary, and James. Plus smiles and well wishes from Sirius and Dorcas.
A house elf takes Bonbon with the luggage and I’m forced to stop stalling and join the 1st years. I stand behind a little boy with flaming red hair and freckles. “I'm Percival Weasley but everyone calls me Val, you're the new 5th year right,” he asks me as he shakes my hand excitedly. “That I am, I’m Arabella Canis,” I reply, smiling at the energetic little boy. “I’m definitely gonna be a Gryffindor my Da was one my brother Arthur was one and my brother Lance is one. How about you?”
I pause “I want Gryffindor but I think I’ll get Hufflepuff because of my Beauxbatons house but I’m trying for Gryffindor.” “Neat! What was your Bow-bat-uns house?” “Papillonlisse it’s similar to the word butterfly it’s for people who show kindness, maturity and enjoy socialization and the arts. It also tends to attract passionate people who believe the best for the world” “That does sound like Hufflepuff but my Mum always says your house is about what you value not who you are” He says trying to reassure me. “Thank you Val that’s very sweet.”
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As we were talking the line moved forwards rather quickly. It seemed each child only took a few moments to be sorted. The hat was an interesting method but then again we shot exploding arrows across the hall. I still remember when mine burst releasing Purple smoke and butterflies. I cheer Val on as he walks up to be sorted. As a Weasley he was last alphabetically. I had been chosen to go last due to my age. It’s only three anxious heartbeats before the hat cry’s out “Gryffindor!” The section goes wild and someone shouts “We got the third Weasley!” as if they’re popular collectibles.
“I’d like to be in Gryffindor I feel as if they are my family already” “Ahh your going to be one of the one that argues aren’t you?” the hat asks disdainfully. “Not arguing just requesting, bravery doesn’t mean you have to be pushy” Hmm. still feeling Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. I suppose you are brave for asking and you’ve faced some rather nasty things I see” He goes silent for a long time only the occasional huff or grumble.
“What makes you think you can be a Gryffindor?” I pause and think wordlessly for a minute . “ I’m a Gryffindor because I’m petrified and lonely, yet I’m here advocating for myself. I live every day in spite off the massive things against me. I am kind, loyal, and smart, maybe a bit ambitious but that is not what I value most. I will not quarrel with you over it but if you place me in another house I will not be content.”
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“Better be Gryffindor!!” “Thankyou” I whisper quickly before running to join Mary and the others. There’s lots of cheering and hugs but it dies down eventually. “You were quite the hatstall,” Mary exclaims. “Yeah you beat Pete and he took four minutes,” James says nudging the mousy blond boy next to him. “How long did I take? “Seven minutes, it’s probably a record” remarks Remus checking his watch
“Is that a bad thing?” I ask as the infamous Hogwarts feast materializes in front of us. It’s even better than the descriptions I’ve heard. We begin filling our plates and Lily answers my question. “No it’s just rare, Professor McGonogall was a hat stall and she’s an excellent witch.” I mostly listen to the others talk, occasionally passing a dish or serving it.
James eats more mashed potatoes and gravy than any living being I’ve ever encountered. I’m savoring the roast. It's seasoned with rosemary or something of the sort. Remus has a bit of everything, somehow managing to keep each food item from touching. Lily’s plate is perfectly balanced, and Marlene has her plate split in half one hers and the other Dorcas’s. Mary’s is strictly veg while Sirius is relishing in every fried food he can grab. I guess the noble house of black didn't approve of fish and chips. Alice, a sweet girl who the others already know, has each savory item paired with a sweet one.
Peter mixes everything together in a way that's slightly nauseating but I'm happily distracted by dessert or pudding as they called it. I take a page out of Remus’s book and grab small portions from a variety. Mary explains the sweets I don't recognize. I end up with an assortment of biscuits and a bit of jelly roll. I savor every bite but I find myself eyeing the chocolate trifle. “It's nice you should try it,” Remus says motioning his spoon from me to the trifle he's currently eating.
I cave and grab one. It was futile to fight my desire for chocolate. I take the first bite and groan “Merlin that's good” Remus smiles or rather smirks victoriously. Sirius starts coughing and James smacks him on the back. “Juice go down the wrong pipe mate?” Sirius just nods in response. He wheeze's a bit more but seems okay. “Students, silence please!” Professor McGonagall calls out. The room quiets quicker than I thought possible.
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A white haired man in red robes approaches the podium. Dumbledore, I recognize the well known wizard and headmaster. “Greetings Students, I am pleased to lead hogwarts into its 1975-76 school year. We are all aware of the current unrest in our community.” My heart clenched I had been following the news of the violence even in France. My father had moved me into a war zone.
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“I do not believe in protecting students from truths that pertain to them . Outside these walls Muggles, Muggleborns, and other magical species are being targeted by Voldemort and his so called death eaters” I would not be surprised if my father admired the man. We had always disagreed in politics. If he wanted me to hate muggles and other “lower creatures” he should have raised me himself instead of leaving it to the houselves.
“Within these walls there will be zero tolerance for acts of hatred and dark magic. Anyone caught committing these atrocities will be severely punished and in some cases expelled.” He gives a pointed look to the far left table where the slytherins reside. Lily has been gripping me tight since the beginning of the speach. She had mentioned she was a muggleborn. She had nothing to worry about. If anyone wanted to harm her they would have to go through me along with pretty much everyone at this table, and that was based on first impressions alone.
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“I would like to list the names of a few victims that have hit us close to home, if the family of the lost would stand “ Timothy Longbottom” A brunette boy the next table over stands up looking solemn. “Ernest and Miriam Bones” Three students stand in the Hufflepuff section An older boy and two younger girls. The youngest girl is crying. “ “Marcus Shacklebolt” A ravenclaw boy stands. “Donnovan Corcoran” An older and younger woman stand at the teacher’s table.
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“Our hearts go out to each and every one of you and we assure you that you are safe and welcome here at hogwarts” The families of the victims sit again. “The school year will continue on as normal. Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow at 7:30. See your team leaders if you have questions. That would be James Potter for Gryffindor, they are in need of a chaser. Amos Diggory for Hufflepuff they need a keeper and two beaters. Kingsley Shacklebolt for Ravenclaw they are in need of a seeker. Alexander Wilkes for Slytherin they need a seeker and a beater.
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Schedule changes will only be allowed within the first month of the term so please do make up your minds until then. Third through seventh years, the first hogsmeade trip will be on the fourteenth. Harris has asked me to remind you that the Dark Forrest is off limits to all students. I would also like to remind students that unauthorized use of the potions lab is strictly prohibited. We don’t want a repeat of last year. James, Sirius, and Peter go crimson and Remus stifles a laugh.
Professor Marzana is holding a self defense club to meet at two o’clock on Saturdays. Please see her if you are interested. Lastly two reminders There will be no spellcasting in the hallways and curfew is from 9pm to 6am. During that time you are restricted to your dorms and common rooms. That is all I hope that each and every one of you have a wonderful start to the term. There’s a small round of applause before the first years are released to the dorms.
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We linger at the table the mood dampened by the sad news. “The Bones were so terribly sweet, do you think Edgar has guardianship of Amelia and Becca?” Mary asks her voice concerned “Yes he does my mum and Peter’s have been sending meals all August.” James replies. “I won’t be able to look at my family knowing one of them probably had a hand in it. Andy and I seem to be the only sane ones.” Sirius says. I can’t tell if he’s more angry or sad. “
I think half the reason my Father moved us here is to join up.” I whisper Sirius gives me a knowing and sympathetic look. “Im worried for my parents the death toll for muggles is in the thousands at this point, they just don’t connect them. I can’t help but worry that I’ll get an owl from Tuney telling me that they’re dead.” Lily laments. My parent and my brothers are vocal about their disapproval. My brother Angus and his wife Elspeth have been receiving requests to join. They just keep ignoring them but..” her voice falters but we all know what she means.
“My Aunt was killed in a muggle attack nearly a year ago but my Mother still hardly leaves her room.” Alice admits choking up a bit. “My mother thinks they’re going to kill my father. She has nightmares every night. She doesn’t think we hear but we do. Tina slept in my bed all summer.A five year old shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like that. Dorcas’s affection for her little sister is clear. We shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like this either.” Remus says softy.
A white haired man in red robes approaches the podium. Dumbledore, I recognize the well known wizard and headmaster. “Greetings Students, I am pleased to lead hogwarts into its 1975-76 school year. We are all aware of the current unrest in our community.��� My heart clenched I had been following the news of the violence even in France. My father had moved me into a war zone.
“I do not believe in protecting students from truths that pertain to them . Outside these walls Muggles, Muggleborns, and other magical species are being targeted by Voldemort and his so called death eaters” I would not be surprised if my father admired the man. We had always disagreed in politics. If he wanted me to hate muggles and other “lower creatures” he should have raised me himself instead of leaving it to the houselves.
“Within these walls there will be zero tolerance for acts of hatred and dark magic. Anyone caught committing these atrocities will be severely punished and in some cases expelled.” He gives a pointed look to the far left table where the slytherins reside. Lily has been gripping me tight since the beginning of the speach. She had mentioned she was a muggleborn. She had nothing to worry about. If anyone wanted to harm her they would have to go through me along with pretty much everyone at this table, and that was based on first impressions alone.
“I would like to list the names of a few victims that have hit us close to home, if the family of the lost would stand “ Timothy Longbottom” A brunette boy the next table over stands up looking solemn. “Ernest and Miriam Bones” Three students stand in the Hufflepuff section An older boy and two younger girls. The youngest girl is crying. “ “Marcus Shacklebolt” A ravenclaw boy stands. “Donnovan Corcoran” An older and younger woman stand at the teacher’s table.
“Our hearts go out to each and every one of you and we assure you that you are safe and welcome here at hogwarts” The families of the victims sit again. “The school year will continue on as normal. Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow at 7:30. See your team leaders if you have questions. That would be James Potter for Gryffindor, they are in need of a chaser. Amos Diggory for Hufflepuff they need a keeper and two beaters. Kingsley Shacklebolt for Ravenclaw they are in need of a seeker. Alexander Wilkes for Slytherin they need a seeker and a beater.
Schedule changes will only be allowed within the first month of the term so please do make up your minds until then. Third through seventh years, the first hogsmeade trip will be on the fourteenth. Harris has asked me to remind you that the Dark Forrest is off limits to all students. I would also like to remind students that unauthorized use of the potions lab is strictly prohibited. We don’t want a repeat of last year. James, Sirius, and Peter go crimson and Remus stifles a laugh.
Professor Marzana is holding a self defense club to meet at two o’clock on Saturdays. Please see her if you are interested. Lastly two reminders There will be no spellcasting in the hallways and curfew is from 9pm to 6am. During that time you are restricted to your dorms and common rooms. That is all I hope that each and every one of you have a wonderful start to the term. There’s a small round of applause before the first years are released to the dorms.
We linger at the table the mood dampened by the sad news. “The Bones were so terribly sweet, do you think Edgar has guardianship of Amelia and Becca?” Mary asks her voice concerned “Yes he does my mum and Peter’s have been sending meals all August.” James replies. “I won’t be able to look at my family knowing one of them probably had a hand in it. Andy and I seem to be the only sane ones.” Sirius says. I can’t tell if he’s more angry or sad. “
I think half the reason my Father moved us here is to join up.” I whisper Sirius gives me a knowing and sympathetic look. “Im worried for my parents the death toll for muggles is in the thousands at this point, they just don’t connect them. I can’t help but worry that I’ll get an owl from Tuney telling me that they’re dead.” Lily laments. My parent and my brothers are vocal about their disapproval. My brother Angus and his wife Elspeth have been receiving requests to join. They just keep ignoring them but..” her voice falters but we all know what she means.
“My Aunt was killed in a muggle attack nearly a year ago but my Mother still hardly leaves her room.” Alice admits choking up a bit. “My mother thinks they’re going to kill my father. She has nightmares every night. She doesn’t think we hear but we do. Tina slept in my bed all summer.A five year old shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like that. Dorcas’s affection for her little sister is clear. We shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like this either.” Remus says softy.
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catastrofedits · 1 year
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mybutcheredtongue · 6 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
harry potter timeline Sirius Black x fem!reader
You lived out your years at Hogwarts with the company of your best friends, Lily Evans and Alice Fortescue. You fell in love with one of the infamous Marauders, Sirius Black. After school, you married and became Mrs Black, living in a home full of love and life with your faithful husband. Your happy life is cut short when Sirius is wrongfully convicted of the murder of Peter Pettigrew and several muggles, and sent straight to Azkaban without trial. The Ministry thinks you must be connected, but after several days of investigation and questioning, litres of veritaserum pumped thrown down your throat, you're proven innocent. You have maintained his innocence ever since, knowing Sirius would never do something like that. The only person who'll hire you is Albus Dumbledore, and with his help your name is reverted to its maiden and your past is buried deep.
This story follows your life during your time as a professor at Hogwarts when Harry Potter joins the school and everything changes.
FULL of angst but has a happy ending.
No use of Y/N
This fic is mostly a collection of moments and scenes! So a lot of time skips.
p.s. title is from the song "I Love You" by Fontaines D.C. — one of my favourite bands!! would so so recommend checking them out :)
CHAPTER ONE (see full series list here)
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You glance at your watch, the hand ticking slowly as it moves to show 9:03 p.m.
Finally, the large wooden door opens and a scrawny young boy pushes forward, huffing tiredly, and less than 20 odd first-year students filter into the astronomy tower.
"Evening, everyone!" You say cheerfully. The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws stand awkwardly as they gaze around the room in wonderment.
You feel proud of it. The last astronomy professor had left this room a little...boring, so when you came into employment you spruced it up a little bit. Though there aren't many to write on, each wall is plastered in hand-painted constellations with their names in 5 languages written underneath. You had cast a spell on the floor to conjure up a moon, one that matched the real one's lunar phases. Today, a waxing gibbous.
Telescopes line the edges of the circular room, each pointing high into the sky. You eye your favourite for a moment, the same telescope you'd used during your own years as a student at Hogwarts.
It feels like home in this room.
"Welcome to the Astronomy Tower," you say with a smile. "Here, you'll learn all about the wonders of our universe and its planets, galaxies, stars...everything. Please, find a telescope and stand behind it. We'll start with charting some simple constellations today."
The students obediently line behind a telescope each. Your eyes immediately focus on a young boy, with jet black hair and circular glasses. You lose your train of thought for a moment, feeling as though you're looking at a ghost.
He's the very image of James Potter.
Then, he turns to look at you and his eyes strike you. Green and vibrant, full of youth and gentleness.
You feel your breath catch in your throat, but quickly shake your head of the grief and clap you hands, smiling at the students again.
"Astronomy is one of the very few subjects that is present in both the wizarding and the muggle world. That means that there are millions of resources out there for all of you to use, whether it be from a wizarding standpoint or a muggle one! Interesting stuff," you continue. "Now, I want you all to do a small task for me. Look through your telescope — please don't change any lenses just yet — and try and see if you can spot a constellation. Then, using the first page of your book, see if you can figure out which constellation it is. Call me over when you think you have one!"
The students immediately start rooting through their bags for their Astronomy textbooks and you sigh gently, content with your introduction. First-years are always well interested and curious about everything, so Astronomy is a pretty easy subject for them to get into. After all, lots of the first year curriculum is just looking at pretty stars and constellations.
"Professor, I think I have one!" A young Gryffindor girl with bushy brown hair and an excited face says to you, throwing her hand in the air enthusiastically.
You smile, walking over to her. "What's your name, dear?"
"Hermione Granger, professor."
"And what constellation do you think you've found?"
"Aquila, professor," she beams, pointing a finger to the small, 'T' shaped constellation in her book.
You close one eye and look through her telescope, noticing it immediately.
You grin at her. "Well spotted, Miss Granger! Excellent work." You glance at her scarlet and gold tie. "5 points to Gryffindor for being the first one!"
Her face lights up proudly.
"Now, let's see if you can find any of the stars present in it. Any at all, though you may find it difficult to differentiate — "
"The star of Altair, professor!"
Your eyes widen and you chuckle in surprise. "Well, aren't you just making my job a whole lot easier for me? Well done, Miss Granger. Please chart that constellation down on some parchment and continue looking."
In the next few minutes, many students find constellations and are charting them down. One boy seems to be having a particularly difficult time.
"Neville Longbottom, isn't it?" You say as you wander up to him. He jumps at the sound of your voice, knocking his forehead against the edge of his telescope and letting out a small yelp of pain. "Oh, sorry..." You wave your wand gently and his eyebrows raise, bringing a hand to his forehead in surprise.
"Just a small healing spell. For minor, minor injuries," you tell him. "How is your charting going?"
The boy's cheeks go red and his eyes focus on the floor beneath him. "I...haven't been able to find one, professor. I — I thought I had one ages ago, but there were too many stars in it..."
"Let me have a look, Mr Longbottom," you say kindly, bringing your eye up to the lens and grinning. "Well, you most definitely have found one. One I didn't think anyone would find!"
You glance at Neville's face, and he's the picture of shock.
"Pisces, Mr Longbottom. Trust your judgement! Excellent work."
Neville grins, and you step aside, but not before he says something else.
"Uh, professor..."
"How do...how do you know my name?"
You study his face and smile again. The very picture of Frank Longbottom. With Alice Fortescue's mousy hair.
"I went to school with your parents, Mr Longbottom. You're the spitting image of your father."
Next, the young boy with jet black hair and glasses calls you over. Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived.
"What one have you found, Mr Potter?"
As he looks at you, green eyes connecting with your own, you try your hardest not to see Lily staring back at you. You try your hardest not to picture your best friend, your honourary sister, a woman of true light in a world full of darkness.
Your heart has felt lonely since her absence. Since James. Since Alice. Since Frank. Since Peter.
You blink.
"Uh, Canis Major, I think?"
You swallow hard. Of course.
"Let me have a look see..." He's right of course, you don't even need to look. You can spot that constellation any night without a telescope. You know it like the back of your hand. "You're dead right, Mr Potter. Brilliant constellation, that is. Canis Major means 'the Great Dog', and it actually contains the brightest star in the night sky visible to our naked eye, Si — "
"Oh, wait, hold on..." Harry says, flicking through his book to find the page on Canis Major. He pauses, eyes skimming down the page. "Uh, Sirius, right?"
You bite your lip, feeling your heart speed up. You take a deep breath, forcing a smile. "Yes, Mr Potter. Sirius."
Your favourite star.
Your favourite person.
Your heart has been broken since his absence.
"Good work." You promptly spin on your heel, heading for your desk as you glance down at your watch. "Alright, everyone. Excellent work today! Now, I won't set anyone any written homework...but if you're truly interested and find you have a little free time, try and see if you can chart any other constellations! Night, everyone."
The students chat animatedly amongst themselves and exit down the spiral stairs, leaving you alone in the room. You sit down at your desk, sighing as you slip a key from your pocket and open one of the drawers. You pull out a small photograph, eyes wandering over the young, elated faces of James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, and yourself.
Graduation day.
One the left, you're standing in the middle of Alice and Lily, arms around them and laughing wholeheartedly. James stands beside Lily, arms around her and Sirius beside him, who's connected with Remus, Peter, and Frank.
You smile weakly. You remember that day, all full of hope and joy. There was some sadness too, sadness to be leaving Hogwarts and ultimately leaving childhood.
Your fingers gently skim over Sirius' face, feeling your heart ache.
What you wouldn't give to go back to that day.
Dear Moony,
I hope you're well! School's started back up again. Been a bit crazy lately, sorry that I haven't written since your last letter. Someone let a troll into the dungeon. Quirrell went mad, fainted in the middle of dinner and set all the students into a panic. It was torture.
Harry's started here. It's hard to look at him sometimes. He's the image of James. It's uncanny. He has Lily's eyes, too. Sometimes I start to feel like I can talk to them through him, even though I know that's mad of me. Neville Longbottom's here too. He's just like his parents. Both in Gryffindor, you'll be happy to know.
Dumbledore's gave me strict instructions not to say a word to Harry about it all. Says it'll be too much for him. He won't be able to understand why I couldn't have raised him instead of the Dursleys. He says that Harry will only start digging around for more information on me if he finds out I'm his godmother. He'd ask about his godfather then. It's too much for a young boy to know that his godfather is in Azkaban.
I wanted to talk to him so bad, Remus. I want to tell him about his parents, show him the photos. I want him to be able to feel at home here, feel like he's got someone here. A part of his family. I know exactly what those Dursleys are like. Petunia always hated James, you know that well enough. I hate that I have to keep this secret for even longer.
I talked to young Neville though. Merlin, he has Alice's clumsiness, that's for sure. Such a sweet lad. He was more than happy to see photos of the two and hear stories about them. I feel like a little bit of the weight that's been hanging over me has been lifted. I even showed him that photo of Alice falling into the Black Lake in 5th Year. If she was of sound mind she'd surely throttle me for that.
I think I need to get out of the castle for a bit. Wanna get a coffee? It's been a while.
I've omitted a few details of the past few weeks so I have something interesting to tell you about next weekend, if you're up for it.
all my love,
You sign the letter, folding up the parchment gently and dropping it in an envelope. You grab your bland wax stamper and press a small circle of black wax over the envelope's seal. You slip it into your pocket and stand up from your bed. Beside you, your black cat, Dubh*, stirs from her sleep and meowls at you.
You give her a loving scratch behind the ears. "Just popping down to the owlery. I'll be back."
On your way down to the owlery, you pass two lanky, identical students with heads full of ginger hair. They haven't noticed you yet. They're peering around the corner at Filch, a suspicious-looking bag in one of their hands.
"Bit late for the two of you to be out, isn't it?" You whisper behind them. They wheel around immediately and their eyes widen in shock.
"Professor! We — uh, we weren't doing anything!" George blurts out.
"Don't you look just lovely tonight, Professor? There is such a...healthy glow about you," Fred remarks suavely and you raise an unamused eyebrow at him.
"I sincerely hope you don't think I'm that thick, Mr Weasley."
"Never, Professor!"
You sigh, shaking your head. "Off to bed, both of you. Quickly, before Filch can catch you. I advise you to keep your pranks within the time you're actually allowed out of bed."
Fred's shoulders slump in disappointment, his want for a good prank evident on his face. George however, is staring at you in surprise.
"No detention?"
Fred immediately smacks his hand over the back of George's head, scowling at him. "Don't give her any ideas!"
"Get going, you two."
They take it this time, quickly scampering down the hallway. You step out from it, into the same one as Filch, who's eyeing you suspiciously.
"Is someone there?"
"Only me, Mr Filch," you answer.
"I thought I heard voices."
"Just me. I was trying to remember a poem I heard recently, it's three pages long. Would you like to hear it?"
Filch's face contorts immediately. "No."
You shrug. "Suit yourself."
You walk past him and out into the cold night air, trying to suppress the smile on your face.
->-> read chapter two here!
*Dubh: pronounced 'duv'. Irish word for 'black'.
→ all types of interaction appreciated ♡
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wingedhallows · 5 months
traitor - ch. one; sirius black
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pairing: sirius black (golden trio era) x fem! oc | 0.9k words warning: dark themes, death, torture plot: Fourteen years ago, Hecate Hunt, a valuable member of the Order and once a Death Eater gave her life for her friends and the man she loved, at least that's what was believed. Now she's done hiding, ready to fight alongside her old friends and her godson. Ready to return to the life she once had, ready to once again be a traitor. authors note: hi there! I've been meaning to write this since it's been wandering around in my head for weeks. Thank you for reading and let me know if you liked it! :) ps.: this is the first work of mine in years, i wrote a lot of fanfics in highschool but somehow this helps with taking my mind off things. thank u <3 btw, things aren't absolutely accurate so don't come for me, let's just vibe, ok? ok.
navigation | chapter one ; chapter two ; chapter three ; chapter four
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"I want you all to meet a new member to the order. I believe her to be trusted, however you might think." from behind the old wizard a young woman emerged. Hair dark and long, a solem look on her face as she stepped infront of him. "Nice to meet you." she spoke, voice deep and firm. Her eyes were dark, almost black in the dim lit kitchen of the Black residence. Sirius felt himself lean forward, determined to catch a glimpse of her face.
"This is Hecate Hunt, a powerful witch and-"a Death Eater." Alastor Moody spoke, his eye skimming from side to side, mouth in a smarl. "Felt it minutes ago." The other members let their shock be known. Gasps and whispers present. She knew the members, of course. How could she not know the legendary Marauders, for one. 
"Why would you bring a Death Eater to this place, Albus?" Minerva spoke, voice almost too quiet to hear. Hecate let her gaze wander to Lily and James Potter who held hands, thumbs stroking each others hands. She had known the younger members, as she visited Hogwarts the same years they did. They were hard to miss. Remus Lupin just stared at her, hands in fists. Sirius Black on the other hand had his jaw clenched, mouth in a scowl and his wand in his hand. She knew of the older Black all too well. She had listened to the Dark Lord complain about Walburga and Orions incapability of turning their own son to the dark side multible times.
"Hecate has changed her mind in light of recent events.-"I don't buy it. Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater." Sirius interupted Albus, his fist connected with the dark wooden table as he spat the words. Anger rose inside of her, she knew of his temper, had seen it first hand in their school days. "Oh you would know all about it, right? Since your familiy's swamped with'em and all, Black." Hecate spat, hands now crossed over her chest. She stooped low, she knew, but she had to get in, she had to make a change. She wouldn't let Black ruin it.
Sirius was fast to jump to his feet, wand raised and his body shaking with anger. "How dare yo-"Sirius, please." Remus tugged him down to his chair. Hecate didn't back down, ready to take whatever would jump from the purebloods wand. It wouldn't be worse than to stand against the Cruciato curse, which made its way passed Lord Voldemorts lips all too often. 
Albus huffed a sigh as he eyed Sirius. "If i could continue what i was about to say." Hecate shifted her weight from one leg to another, uneasy with the mood in the room. "Hecate was the witch who freed Alice and Frank Longbottom from the clutches of Death Eaters." he paused, looking at the woman next to him. "Delivered them right to me. I believe that no real Death Eater would've shown them mercy. Therefore, after careful thinking, i recruit Hecate Hunt to be a member of the Order." she gave him a curt nod before taking a seat. She had freed them, too late though. Barty Crouch Jr had broken their minds when she arrived. She'd just spared them from their death. Her eyes once again connected with those of Sirius.
"The reason why i want to help you, is my sister."
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Harry made his way passed the table, to the cabinets filled with plates and mugs. Sirius sat at the head of the table, a mug in one hand and the daily prophet in the other. "Morning, Harry." he spoke, a hopeful smile on his bearded face. Remus Lupin sat to his right, a little notebook placed on the table in front of him as he looked up at Padfoots godson. "Morning." he spoke as he saw Harry. He also greeted Lupin with a small smile. "Good Morning."  They didn't mind Harry looking around, it was an old and interesting house after all. Harry thanked Kreacher as the house elf scrambled to make the kid a cup of tea. His eyes locked on a picture frame. The only picture frame there was. 
There he saw Sirius and a woman he didn't know. Sirius looked younger, twenty maybe, the woman next to him was beautiful. Her dark long hair hung down her shoulders, shimmering in the warm sunlight as a bright smile spread across her pale face. Sirius gave her an adoring look before he smacked his lips on her cheek. The moment repeated, as every foto in the wizard world does.
"Sirus." he spoke, voice quiet. "Who is this?"
He turned around to look at his godfather. His face had frozen up, the shadow of a tear in his eyes. "Harry.." He could hear Remus say, an attempt of pushing the matter away.
"That's.." Sirius had to take a breath, his voice failing him. "Hecate Hunt." he spoke. He took a sip of his mug, the daily prophet long forgotten on the table in front of him. "Your godmother." it was merely a whisper as he spoke. Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing.
He had a godmother, somewhere out there-"She's dead." his voice rang in Harry's head. Harry placed the picture on the table, hand on his hip as he tried again. "How-"That's enough, Harry." Remus said, before Sirius rose to his feet and left, a quiet sob sounded in the distance.
"You-Know-Who killed her, there's nothing more to it." Remus spoke before he walked after his best friend. The boy once more stared at the picture in front of him. The woman, Hecate, once again gave the camera a warm smile. Just as young Sirius planted another forcefull kiss on her cheek he could hear a loud rumble upstairs. 
Sirius had just blown something to bits.
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b00inazkaban · 1 year
Let me know if there are any characters you’d like added and I’ll look into it! :)
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☆ Tony Stark
☆ Steve Rogers
☆ Bruce Banner
☆ Natasha Romanoff
☆ Clint Barton
☆ Bucky Barnes
☆ Sam Wilson
☆ Peter Parker
☆ Thor Odison
☆ Loki Laufeyson
☆ Dr. Stephen Strange
☆ Peter Quill
☆ Gamora
☆ Drax the destroyer
☆ Rocket the Racoon
☆ Mantis
☆ Groot
Poly Requests:
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☆ Steve Harrington: Steve Harrington x FtM reader**
☆ Robin Buckley :
☆ Nancy Wheeler:
☆ Eddie Munson:
☆ Johnathan Byers:
☆ Argyle:
☆ Billy Hargrove:
☆ Mike Wheeler: Little!Mike x GN!CG!Reader
☆ Dustin Henderson
☆ Will Byers
☆ Lucas Sinclair
☆ Eleven Hopper
☆ Max Mayfield
☆ Jim Hopper:
☆ Joyce Byers:
☆ Dmitri Antonov:
Poly Requests:
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☆ Harry Potter:
☆ Ron Weasley: CG!Ron Weasley x Little!GN!reader
☆ Hermione Granger:
☆ Fred Weasley: CG!Fred Weasley x Little!Fem!Reader
☆ George Weasley: George Weasley x reader ; CG!George Weasley x LittleMale!Reader
☆ Neville Longbottom: Sub!Neville x Dom!Reader**
☆ Draco Malfoy:
☆ Blaise Zambini:
☆ Enzo Berkshire:
☆ Mattheo Riddle:
☆ Theo Nott:
☆ Pansy Parkinson:
Marauders Era or Lighting Era:
☆ Lucius Malfoy:
☆ Narcissa Malfoy:
☆ Severus Snape:
☆ Bellatrix Lestrange:
☆ Barty Crouch Jr. :
☆ Evan Rosier:
☆ Pandora Rosier:
☆ Zahara Zambini:
☆ Regulus Black:
☆ Sirius Black:
☆ Remus Lupin:
☆ Lily Evans:
☆ Marlene McKinnon:
☆ Mary McDonald:
☆ Dorcas Meadows:
☆ Newt Scamander:
☆ Thesus Scammander:
☆ Jacob Kowalski:
☆ Queenie Goldstein:
☆ Albus Dumbledore (young):
☆ Gellart Grindlewald (young):
Poly Requests:
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☆Aaron Hotchner
☆ Jason Gideon
☆ Spencer Reid
☆ Derek Morgan
☆ JJ/ Jennifer Jareau
☆ Elle Greenaway
☆ Penelope Garcia
☆ Emily Prentiss
☆ David Rossi
Poly Requests:
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☆ Anthony Bridgerton
☆ Benedict Bridgerton
☆ Colin Briderton
☆ Daphne Bridgerton
☆ Eloise Bridgerton
☆ Simon Basset
☆ Penelope Fetherington
☆ Queen Charlotte (Young)
☆ King George (Young)
Poly Requests:
Queen charlotte x reader x King George
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☆ Leonardo: NSFW alphabet
☆ Raphael:
☆ Donnatelo:
☆ Michelangelo: Mikey x Reader
☆ April O'Neil:
☆ Casey Jones:
Poly Requests:
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; April 4-in-1; turtles are manspreading and you want payback 😚
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; Casey tries to flirt with reader but she puts down the idea and the turtles are proud
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☆ Pete Mitchell "Maverick"
☆ Bradley Bradshaw "Rooster"
☆ Jake Seresin "Hangman"
☆ Natasha Trace "Phoenix"
☆ Robert Floyd "Bob"
Poly Requests:
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☆ Thorin
☆ Bilbo
☆ Fili
☆ Kili
☆ Dwalin
☆ Bofur
☆ Bard
☆ Legolas
☆ Tauriel
☆ Thuranduil
Poly Requests:
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☆ Carlisle Cullen
☆ Esme Cullen
☆ Emmet Cullen
☆ Rosalie Cullen
☆ Alice Cullen
☆ Jasper Cullen: CG!Jasper Hale x nb!little!reader
☆ Edward Cullen
☆ Bella Cullen/Swan
☆ Jacob Black
☆ Garrett
The Volturi:
☆ Aro
☆ Caius
☆ Marcus
Poly Requests:
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☆ Katniss Everdeen
☆ Petta Mellark
☆ Finnick Odair
☆ Johanna Mason
☆ Haymitch Abernathy
Poly Requests:
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☆ Lucifer Morningstar
☆ Mazikeen
☆ Amenadeil
☆ Chole Decker
☆ Linda Martin
Poly Requests:
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How To Train Your Dragon:
☆ Hiccup Haddock
☆ Astrid Hofferson
☆ Snotlout
☆ Ruffnut
☆ Tuffnut
Poly Requests:
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Across The SpiderVerse:
☆ Miles Morales
☆ Miguel O'Hara
Spider thoughts!
☆ Peter B. Parker
Spider thoughts!
☆ Hobie Brown
☆ Gwen Stacy
☆ Spider-Noir
Spider thoughts!
Poly Requests:
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☆ Mal
☆ Evie
☆ Carlos
☆ Jay
☆ Gil
☆ Harry
☆ Uma
Poly Requests:
☆ @thoughtfulcreatornight x Raphael matchup
☆ Anonymous x Remus Lupin matchup
I’ve redone my masterlist because I was vey unhappy with my first one, and I wanted to add pictures to go with it! I’ll also be adding all my new work onto here and my old work will be on the first masterlist! Love y’all! 💗
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anxiousfanchild · 1 year
Introduction to My Harry Potter Imagines
Characters I can do:
1890s Hogwarts:
Ominius Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Garrath Weasley
Leander Prewett
Molly Prewett/Weasley
Bellatrix Black/Lestrange
Rita Skeeter
Arthur Weasley
Andromeda Black/Tonks
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissia Black/Malfoy
Gilderoy Lockhart
Alice Fortescue/Longbottom
Frank Longbottom
Ted Tonks
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Lily Evans/Potter
Severus Snape
Bartemius Crouch Jr
Mary MacDonald
Dorcas Meadowes
Regulus Black
Evan Rosier
Pandora Rosier/Lovegood (or Lestrange, IDK what her canon last name is)
Xenophilius Lovegood
Marlene McKinnon
Golden Trio Era:
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Hermione Granger/Weasley
Luna Lovegood/Scalamander
Ginerva Weasley/Potter
Draco Malfoy
Neville Longbottom
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Oliver Wood
Dean Thomas
Seamus Finnigan
Cedric Diggory
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Post Golden Trio: These stories will take place while each child is in at least 5th year. I've also added their Houses, just in case it is needed.
Victoire Weasley - Ravenclaw (Bill x Fleur)
Fred Weasley - Gryffindor (George x Angelina)
Molly Weasley - Gryffindor (Percy x Aubrey)
Dominique Weasley - Gryffindor (Bill x Fleur)
James Potter - Gryffindor (Ginny x Harry)
Louis Weasley - Ravenclaw (Bill x Fleur)
Lucy Weasley - Ravenclaw (Percy x Aubrey)
Rose Granger-Weasley - Gryffindor (Ron x Hermione)
Albus Potter - Slytherin (Ginny x Harry)
Roxanne Weasley - Gryffindor (Fred x Angelina)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Gryffindor (Ron x Hermione)
Lily Potter - Gryffindor (Ginny x Harry)
Teddy Lupin - Hufflepuff (Remux x Tonks)
Non-Canon Characters:
Delphini Riddle: Post Golden Trio Era (Teddy's age, possibly a year older). Lovechild of Bellatrix and Voldemort
Mattheo Riddle: Marauders Era, Lovechild of Tom Riddle and an unnamed Witch.
Lorenzo Berkshire: Golden Trio Era
PLEASE NOTE: If there is a non-canon character or a character we as a fandom do not know a lot of canon facts about, I will write them how ***I*** see them!
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The Evans Girl [Masterpost]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Original Male Character, Nymphadora Tonks, Petunia Dursley, Dudley Dursley, Andromeda Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy, Vernon Dursley
Word Count: 255,426
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring // Sirius' Watch
Notes: Okay so I’ve been working on updating this and I’ve finally gone through all the chapters already written before I start writing more. It’s changed a lot so I’ve decided it’s just better to completely re-upload it.  
If you want tagging let me know
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen Part Seventeen Part Eighteen Part Nineteen Part Twenty Part Twenty One Part Twenty Two Part Twenty Three Part Twenty Four Part Twenty Five Part Twenty Six Part Twenty Seven Part Twenty Eight Part Twenty Nine Part Thirty Part Thirty One Part Thirty Two Part Thirty Three Part Thirty Four Part Thirty Five Part Thirty Six Part Thirty Seven Part Thirty Eight Part Thirty Nine Part Forty Part Forty One Part Forty Two Part Forty Three Part Forty Four Part Forty Five Part Forty Six Part Forty Seven Part Forty Eight Part Forty Nine Part Fifty Epilogue
Aftermath New Beginnings An Old Friend Letters on the Run A Change In Circumstance Rekindled Second Chances The Free Man A Happy Ending
@maeisafangirl @mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
Evans Sisters Style Daisy Evans Lily Evans Sirius Black James Potter Remus Lupin Peter Pettigrew Marlene McKinnon Alice Fortescue Frank Longbottom Severus Snape
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