#also as a child to understand the concept of death i had to like. ok so i couldn't fathom a consciousness dying and disappearing
jarvis-cockhead · 5 months
i still kind of believe that one of my past consciousnesses had sex with james hunt i wont lie
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
I’m having dramatic thoughts about Damian being born to Fem!Bruce ok I’m having THOUGHTS
(TW for alluding to Damian’s conception being nonconsensual)
Okay so set the stage of our Drama- Fem!Bruce (or just AFAB idc) is out on patrol or something and League Parent (Either Talia as in canon, or Ra’s if we’re feeling the creepy old man tonight) drops Damian off with “Hey, watch our son that you birthed and then I stole and let you think was dead for ten years, there’s some infighting in the league.”
(If we’re using Ra’s as dad then Talia is absolutely trying to kill Damian for the position of heir)
Bryce is, understandably, shocked. Her other children? Even more so. Because what do you mean you had a biological child? How did we not know about this?!
Damian isn’t old enough to be pre-robin unless he was cryogenically frozen. Did Bryce really hide a whole fucking pregnancy from them?
Dick is screaming, Jason shows up because he has to see this shit for himself, Bryce is standing in silence, staring at the results of every single test she can think of to confirm that yes, this is her son, this is her Damian, all the info matches up…
Tim tries to speak up, but Jason just turns on him, asking if he’s ready to be replaced too. Bryce didn’t even have to go looking this time!
Tim looks him dead in the eye and points out the birthdate(and death date) on file for Damian Wayne.
It’s exactly eight days before Jason was taken in.
How did Dick and Jason not know about this?
Because they weren’t there.
In the short period of time when Dick was striking out on his own, and before Bryce picked up Jason, League Baby Daddy of your choosing shows up and takes advantage. A simple greeting, a spiked drink, a blurry night, and a pregnancy test later…
Bruce is, as always, in any universe, is terrible at communication. But honestly she can be excused in this case. How exactly do you tell your wayward son ward that, after chasing him off because he was “being reckless” and “putting himself in danger,” you’ve gone and gotten taken advantage of, trusted someone that you had absolutely ZERO business trusting, and now you’re pregnant with an Al Ghul baby? And you’ve decided to keep it? That this isn’t you replacing him or demanding he return, because you understand his need for space, but also you desperately want him back with you because you’re scared but you can never admit it?
How do you do that in a text? Because Dick is not answering the phone.
You don’t. Thats a conversation you have face to face. So the messages Bryce leaves are all “there are some changes and i’d like to talk to you” “there may be a new member of the family soon” “please answer me chum”
Dick doesn’t answer.
Meanwhile, Gotham crime is being weird because “hey robins gone! Dynamic duo is out!” And Bryce is being careful because of her belly and sometimes she has to take breaks and hormones are bullying her and nothing is going her way right now.
And them she goes into labor too soon.
And something goes wrong (League Baby Daddy happens) and she’s told her baby is dead, and now she’s lost two children.
She recovers, and goes back out onto the streets, taking her rage and pain out on the criminals that got a little too bold with her in a hospital bed…
And then there’s a street rat jacking the tires off the Batmobile.
The fucking audacity. The guts. The challenge in his bright blue eyes, the sneer on his lips, the shaggy black hair. Skin just a bit darker than hers, not quite an Al Ghul’s deep olive but somewhere in the middle.
Is this what her Damian would have looked like? Is this what her son would have grown up to be?
Maybe its the hormones, maybe she’s projecting. She knows its a bad idea, but Bryce takes the kid home. Alfred gives her a knowing and slightly disapproving look, but accepts the new child with open arms, because there’s worse things. Jason fits in easily, and soon enough, Batman has a Robin again, and Bryce is smiling again, and begins to heal from the pain of losing Damian.
But Dick? Dick is PISSED.
Upon seeing news of a new Robin/Wayne, he finally looks though his messages, and comes to the wrong conclusion that Bryce was looking for a kid to replace him this whole time. She might have tried to get his input, but had eventually made a decision like this without him. And so he’s back, and he’s angry, and Bryce gets defensive because Jason is a good kid and she can’t use her dead baby to win an argument, not when the wound is so fresh.
So life continues. Jason dies, comes back, is angry because he listened in on a few arguments and now ALSO thinks Bryce actively hunted him down to be Robin, and now she’s done the same with Tim.
Bryce keeps quiet, because how is she supposed to explain after all these years? Jason is right to be angry. She let her emotions get the better of her and dragged a sweet boy into her life. The loss of all three if her children was her own fault, because she put him into the line of fire. There’s no excuse for that.
So years pass. Tempers settle somewhat, Bryce holds her grief close to her chest because she can’t do that to her children, but… then Damian is back. And it all explodes.
The story comes out in bits and pieces. Tim figures out a timeline based on the rest of the info in the file, and Bryce and Alfred slowly fill it in.
And like- they’re all still angry, and it is justified, because what the fuck, Bryce. But also…
Dick is horrified. He had been so angry, so so angry, reading those messages that he now knows, with this new information, were a cry for help. Bryce had been desperate and scared and wanted nothing more than to just talk to him after their fight, and when he had come back after something like this had happened he had immediately started another fight.
Jason isn’t sure how to feel. He hadn’t been taken in to be a replacement soldier, he had been taken in to be a replacement son. What is he supposed to do with that? Knowing that Bryce had seen him at his worst, and taken him in and shoved down her grief to help him?
Tim is wondering if every time Bryce backed away with an unreadable expression, it hadn’t been keeping herself emotionally distant, it was grief for the sons she had lost.
Steph is realizing that Bruce wasn’t lying, when Steph had to give her own baby up and Bryce had hugged her and said “I understand.”
Damian is sitting in a corner wondering what the ever-loving FUCK is going on. Why is everyone crying this is pathetic. Father take him home he prefers the threat of imminent death.
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Ello o/, may i request again (dk if i can tho, don't feel pressured if not maken), really love the post you made for the request my heart literally- aawkwkw, i have so many things to say to that post but really busy asfck like if i wnated to, i could literally write a essay or thesis statement, */ahem anyway
BSD boys, while having a fighting/argument with s/o they suddenly grip they're s/o's wrist too hard and ended up leaving a mark (they didn't mean to tho ;-;) that reminded the reader's past child abuse/not used to this type of conflict which lead to angst to comfort or just angst hehe. Idk this is just a random 2am thought(my time rn) I have classes later waking up at 4am too…
AHHHHHH omg yes I'm so sorry I haven't like set up any request rules yet which I should do lol, but I'm so shehejwj but I don't have limits on requests! I just try to get to them when I can <3 Also I'm so sorry about the late response! College is hard x[
But also, I wanna do some scenarios for this, so I'm gonna have to only pick a few that I feel I can write the best for this if that's ok cause ngl I feel the mercury retrograde rn,,,
Scenario: Accidentally triggering past abuse/trauma during an argument (Ranpo, Dazai)
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Ranpo was a rather loud guy. That's not his fault, since he's only loud whenever he has a reason to be - he's confident because he knows he can get away with it. He's smart enough to survive some of the most dangerous killers, and is bold enough to laugh in their face about it too.
But god is it aggravating as hell whenever you want to truly talk to the man one on one. Sometimes, you just want to have a normal date with him - like a normal couple and do normal couple stuff.
Like right now, you just want to walk down this busy street and not have to listen to him boast about how stupid people were. It was embarrassing how loud he was about it, how the person who got hit with a car could have easily avoided it had they just checked both sides of the street.
A normal conversation to have after witnesses a horrible event, but you could feel the stares from across the street from the mans wife. Especially towards Ranpo, who seemed to have no social boundaries as everyone else in the area seemed to instead be occupied with the normal human behavior of freaking out after witnessing a man flying in the air and being hit by a car.
To save face, you dragged him away, with him still talking about it as if it were a normal everyday thing. In his world, it probably was - but not to you. Not to normal people, who didn't think about death everyday.
"Ranpo, you need to quiet down."
"What? I'm just saying. It was pretty avoidable you know?"
You turned around to glare at him, gripping your enclasped hands tightly. He thought nothing of it, swirling his ramune bottle rather casually. The ball clinked around with each step the both of you took together.
"I know that. But you do know that it's pretty insensitive to say that in front of him and the wife who saw her husband get hit with a car."
You were forced back as Ranpo stopped on the sidewalk. It was apart of a narrow stretch of road, empty and away from the commotion, which forced you to look at him. He was staring at you with his eyes, as if trying to puzzle something.
"You don't actually care about them."
There was a pause. You blinked once. Then twice.
"What do you mean by that?"
He held your hand tighter, almost painfully so.
"You don't really care about them that much. So why are you defending them?"
His viridian eyes bore into yours, which deeply unsettled you. He meant nothing by it, especially with the iron grip he had on your hand which kept you in your spot.
"Because not everyone is a superfreak like you Ranpo!"
But it made you incredibly uncomfortable.
You felt the need to defend yourself, somehow.
"Some people have 'empathy' which I know is a foreign concept to people like you."
It was as he cocked his head to the side, like a crow trying to understand what you had just told him. It was as if what you just said had gone right through him, like the wind.
"You don't mean that."
He pulled you towards him. You tried to step back, but you only found yourself stepping around and trying to find your balance again.
You flinched when Ranpo reached to balance you, but you still felt the energy from your sudden bout of frustration pumping through your body. It was embarrassing, but your mind and body were reacting all on their own.
Ranpo kept staring at you, looking past your angry scowl and into something deeper.
"I'm not your enemy Y/n, I know you're upset but there's something more."
He left you feeling naked there.
"It's not that deep. You don't need to defend yourself against me."
You looked down, avoiding his eyes. The sidewalk underneath you was rather cracked and abandoned - there was a dandelion growing just underneath your feet, a rather resilient flower.
"I'm not defending myself, I'm just..."
Ranpo lifted your chin up so you could meet his eyes again, which were now softer, as they had quickly figured out the puzzle that he's struggled with.
You looked back at him. A part of you wanted to keep arguing - it was in your nature, to keep fighting. Unfortunately, it was something you've done for a long time, which Ranpo has figured out by now.
Another thing that made you feel a little uncomfortable.
He met you with a cheeky smile, like a little rat. He closed his eyes, his cheeks raising to meet his eyes.
"I know. You're a good person Y/n."
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"I just don't think you understand. I can't expect you to, but it's not your problem, so why are you so upset about it?"
Dazai was looking at you from the couch, watching as you were once again picking up bottles he had left from one of his drinking binges. He still smelled of last night, wearing the same clothes and smelling of the various drinks he had lost himself in.
"It clearly is my problem. I'm the one cleaning up your mess right now, so how could I not be involved? Dear god, do you ever look at yourself and want to even try to be better?"
Dazai looked at you, sitting up from his previous lounging position. He stared up, his elbows resting on his knees as he stared at you - his eyebags prominent in the early morning sunlight.
"What do you mean 'try' to be better? Have you ever even known what it's like to be like this?"
You rolled your eyes, dragging the bag to the front door so you could later bring it to the dumpster of your apartments. In your eyes, he was clearly being dramatic - sitting like some sort of mafioso, needing only a cigarette to seal the deal.
"Everyone has had it hard at one point Dazai. Losing yourself to alcohol every night and weekend doesn't justify it. You have a life to live you know? It's worth living."
You heard footsteps approach behind you, and looked up to see Dazai standing a little too close for comfort. His body was warm, and you could see the sweat and stains on his bandages. His hair was usually fluffy hair was greasy, but his eyes - they were dark, simply staring down at you.
"What do you know about living?"
He had backed you into the wall, his hands now on either side of you, blocking you from exiting the danger that had become him and whatever emotional rage he had thrown himself into.
"You act like you know so much about life but you know nothing! You don't know anything about death or life - I don't think you know anything at all really. You feel all too comfortable making these assumptions about me when you don't know who I am, do you?"
He was smiling but it didn't reach his eyes at all.
You pushed at him, trying to find space to escape from his hold. His clothes and warmth made you want to burn your skin and run at that moment, and you closed your eyes in order to avoid the worst of your fears as you knew he was staring at you with those eyes that seemed to hold nothing but contempt in that very moment.
When you couldn't break free, instead feeling him pressing himself more against you, you felt your eyes begin to tear up.
"Dazai get the fuck away me."
"Or what? What will you do, oh sweet belladonna?"
You could feel tears build up in your eyes as your pushing did nothing against him - so you resorted to what you knew would work.
You raised your knee as hard as you could, and watched as Dazai fell hard on the ground, falling like a sack of potatoes. He writhed around, clutching his pearls while you gripped your pants, trying to soothe your nerves.
"Dazai I'm..."
You looked around your apartment, looking at the mess that it had become because of him. You looked back down at him, who was still on the ground and wasn't saying anything.
"Dazai I'm going to leave for a bit. Sorry."
I'm so sorry this took so long waaaaahh I'm a slow writer I'm working on it tho ;( also I was thinking about doing Jouno but I felt that it would've been super harsh so maybe I'll do him another time
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Hi, I saw you were accepting requests, could you do sibling scara in SAGAU with a reader that’s oblivious to courting attempts of her yandere acolytes?
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❀ synopsis: how will the acolytes pursue the favor of an oblivious god? this is going to be a various x god! reader
❀ pronouns: They/them
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Ok, this solely depends if this is regular sagau or if this is my interpretation of cult au where the reader is a god who has existed since immemorial. If this is regular sagau the acolytes will lean into the idea of being your possible consort since you seem human despite the claims that you are the primordial god who created the universe. Some of the bolder acolytes like Venti, Childe, Kaeya, and Kaveh will be open about their attempts to woo you. While others like Xiao, Diluc, Rosaria, and Raiden Ei will be subtle with their approach.
While the big reason for wanting to be with you is because they (obsess over you) love you, some also like it for political power and the status that comes with being your lover. It would be easier to control and manipulate the people who aren't there for business to stay away from you, making it easier to cut off your personal ties and isolate you from everybody. Some examples of acolytes who would do this are Ayato, Zhongli, and Ningguang.
Poor reader, whatever profession they had in their old life wouldn't compare to their new life being the ruler of all of Teyvat. Your workload would double because of your followers trying to win your hand in marriage (that you never wished for). Some of your acolytes like Aether and Wanderer would try to reach out to you and convince you to take a break with them and steal you away to travel. Meanwhile, the others like Albedo, Ganyu, and Ayaka who promised to help you lessen your work will wonder where you left and notify the others of your disappearance.
Your obliviousness doesn't help in the acolyte's cases, and even some considered just yelling to you that they wanna (fuck you) marry you. But some are patient and will take their time in making you realize that their intentions are far from platonic and that they are more suited to be your partner. Ngl some of your acolytes might die in this situation since some of the characters will play dirty if it means they get to be your partner in the end.
Now, onto (my version of) Cult AU darling...
Cult AU darling has a bigger advantage here since 1. they have powers. and 2. they are one of the gods who existed before time so managing Teyvat is nothing to them. I would like to think in this case most of the acolytes would hesitate on courting you since, well, your YOU. You're the personification of life and death, your knowledge of the world exceeds every one. But there will still be some acolytes who will try to court you despite this fact.
Shenhe would be one of the followers who despite knowing she will never be your partner, will try to win your favor by being as helpful as possible to you. Every time you visit the adepti she would be right beside you waiting for your every order. Noelle is similar to her but she takes it to the next level, every lunch break she brings you a cup of freshly brewed coffee along with some of Monstadt's delicacies.
I feel like you wouldn't be oblivious in this situation since you are literally an omniscient/omnipotent god, but you just decide to ignore their advances. Which doesn't hurt any less for your followers. Some of the followers like Tighnari or Jean will cover up the hurt by working, but it seems almost impossible to not acknowledge the gaping hole in their hearts. But they understand.
Lovers are supposed to be the other's pillar for support, but your responsibilities as the god of Teyvat are too heavy for anyone to bear other than you. Lovers are supposed to have knowledgeable conversations with one another, nobody can match your knowledge of the universe other than yourself. Lovers are supposed to protect one another, you can easily defeat everyone without anyone's help. You can't possibly be anyone's match unless you duplicate yourself then it might be possible.
But you shouldn't underestimate their determination, some will try to look for ways to ascend beyond the heavens so they can be equal to you.
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cathchicken · 1 year
Ok so after a bit of me actually taking time to think about the collectors situation this is my sort of realized opinion: (warning: it is very long)
As I saw someone else state, the collector was previously imprisoned for like hundreds of years on the isles. Probably not a nice memory to have. Although, it was pretty much only with you know who, so it’s not like he’s gotten sick of or holds a feeling to flee the entire demon realm itself. But I dont feel bad if he wants some space (haha)
Aside from his siblings, there wasn’t really a specified thing for him to dislike the stars in any way. If anything he felt more comfortable there. he probably misses it a little bit, given the starry aesthetic of the archives and stuff. NOW don’t take this as me saying he is better off there. If anything, I am still a little nervous about the whole situation. The ambiguity of “the stars”, while I like in a petty fashion, doesn’t give much confirmation on what he’s actually dealing with. It is something familiar at least, but we don’t even know if it’s literally space or just another realm (parallel to the demon realm or human realm). If I had to hope of anything though, that if they meet their siblings, he beats them to a pulp. Fuck them. I don’t think he’d get tricked by them again, since he’s clearly figured out their shit even before season 3. Overall, I wish they elaborated on the realm before having him just whizz off there at the end. It could be good or bad, but in the end we do sort of have a reason to feel “wait wtf come back” and “where are you going??” In a way.
NOW the other thing! That people who are angry about this situation are bringing up (and that I mainly agree with). Which is the whole “found family” message of the show, and also the “nobody argued” line. Now, thinking about it from the shoes of Luz/Eda: powerful being who sort of just brainwashed (? Idk what to call the puppet situation. Controlled..? Eh, you know what I mean) a shit ton of people and doesn’t seem to care about their well being. Face-value. BUT!! (Big but) They also see that this being is a child that genuinely does want normal things like love and truth, but doesn’t understand concepts like death and friendship. They see a kid that is really upset, but trying their best to make others perceive themselves as “approachable” and/or worthy of their time (oof). Overall, trying his very best. Luz specifically sees all of this, and even makes an effort to congratulate the Collector when he attempts to take what she said into heart. He IS perfectly capable of expressing himself in a healthy way, he really just needs a proper parental figure to help him out. (Stares aggressively at Camila until she burns up). He’s not “uncontrollable”, he’s just lived the past few years with a crusty old puritan and has essentially learned the exact opposite of what he’s trying to accomplish.
Then, we get to the scene where the “nobody argued” line hits. Oog. I can understand that they think he should take time to himself after all of… that. And they probably respect his choice to mature too. ALTHOUGH. Like, after everything I’ve previously pointed out… wouldn’t any of them be a t i n y bit concerned about him going off all alone again? His whole ordeal these years has him being afraid of being alone!! He is ofc welcomed to the owl house, and can return whenever he likes, but, just like us, we don’t know crap about the star realm. The only things they know is that out there, he has shit siblings that fucked him up. Wouldn’t at least some of them be concerned? I do have a feeling he is going to be fine (we “sort” of see him in the credits so he’s alive which is to be expected). But still, in that moment, it would be weird that “no one argued”. All I would have wanted was someone to say “but will you be ok alone?” And then saying “oh yeah! I like it there, I know how to get around/ I have people there that I am cool with 👍” and then that. Like a little thing… idk. I do like that idea that after a few days he comes back because he realizes “actually I am mentally 9 (and possibly autistic) I don’t know how to figure out social cues on my own.” Like again there could be star people who are cool and will fill that place, but that’s only speculation. This whole time they were building up the idea that he shouldn’t be alone and needs others to figure stuff out! Because he was with Luz, only for a little bit, he absorbed the idea that giving kindness, when it’s deserved, is a better way to make friends than forcing people. And because he was with Luz, he learned (the hard way) how scary and forever death really is. Then in that ending scene with him, he just… figures he will be cool without them for a bit, and they agree too. (?) rehghfjk. This wasn’t a totally terrible decision, but the ambiguity of it just!! Makes it reasonably to feel ok with. How long will he be gone at a time? Are there other people he will be with? We aren’t exactly given an answer. We get allusions, but that’s it.
I am at least glad that King, of all people, would tell them that he wishes the collector would come back soon. (Was that another way of them saying he would come back sooner than later? It’s not confirmed so idk) I like this because, well, King was essentially the person that the Collector was closest to. (Besides Belos but he was the exact opposite on the spectrum of cool people to hang out with) King, as a kid himself, would relate most to him. He says that himself in FTF. He is understandably pissed at the whole puppet thing, but he understands that “I should address this but also acknowledge he doesn’t know better to an extent”. King would want to treat the Collector as he would himself, and how he knows how important having a family, whether it is blood or found, is important to oneself. King wouldn’t be half the character he is nowadays if it wasn’t for Eda and Luz to accompany him. When he told the collector “I hope to see you again” that makes sense; he knows that the collector would benefit from having people like how he did, and it would be beneficial, regardless if the collector does get proper parental figures in the star realm, if he would see them often. And ofc, he would probably genuinely want to hang out with them as well. He was glad to be their friend, to an extent. He was never totally unhappy about his situation in FTF. Also, him giving the Collector Francois at the end was really cute. Just in case he needs a buddy until he gets there. As far as we know, the collector needs Francois more than King does. And I think King knows that.
Ok so I think that’s it for my thoughts. If I suddenly remember something I will add it in. I’m not saying that I’m right or wrong, this is just how I genuinely feel. Feel free to comment your own opinions!! I am open to have my mind changed. In the end, I guess I just want the best for my little blorbo. Can you blame me…??
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chemzee · 2 months
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lil doodle of Morgan's Y4 appearance (or at least, his first appearance, which was during November-December)
ALSO!!! using this as an opportunity to post his updated lore. I didn't like his original lore at all, so I rewrote it practically from scratch.
It's going to be really long tho so here we go
Ok so I'll start off by saying Morgan's family is no longer cursed, nor are most of them dead, only Morgan being affected and not just randomly at some point of his life, but rather he was already born sickly (whenever it's somehow related with magic or some curse is still up for me to decide,but now, he's just a sick child whose illness (which is kinda fictional but resemblances anemia) while not terminal,does affect him quite a lot). I decided to get rid of that concept entirely and rewrite the dynamic Morgan has with his family, esp his uncle.
Other than scary, that experience was very isolating: he was sheltered all his life before going to Hogwarts, having absolutely no friends at all, which resulted in him developing no social skills at all. He wasn't particularly close to his family either, with perhaps an exception of his uncle, whowas more of his tutor/teacher.
Now, as I mentioned before, Morgan was born a very sickly child, having lots of heart and blood issues. He spent a good chunk of his childhood in bed and hospitals, constantly falling very ill, to the point of falling in coma/almost dying at least several times during that period of time. Fortunately, by the time he got into Hogwarts, his condition got manageable and he could live a relatively normal life, although he would often feel unwell, some days better, some days worse.
But being on verge of death so many times, especially as such a young child was a very scary and traumatizing experience for him, but a part of him grew accepting of death, coming to terms with the fact he probably won't live much shorter life compared to his peers (not talking about dying at 20-30, but rather ~50 now, a lil more if he gets lucky).
Whenever he wasn't in the hospital, he'd spent most of his time reading books, his favorite ones were horror novels and astronomy books, the later becoming a big interest of his. At around 8 years old, he started to write his own short stories, taking inspiration in the horror novels he read and they often were rather disturbing in nature. Or so his parents thought. He stopped sharing his writings with his family at some point bc he could tell they didn't like them much.
However, he does still live through the death of some of his relatives, witnessing one of them, which was of his uncle. After that, he started taking interest in necromancy (soon disappointed he can't really make someone truly alive again) and then it escalated to interest in dark arts in general. He'd read upon biographies of dark wizards and their crimes, but purely from theoretical standpoint. He found it interesting what pushes people to commit such terrible crimes.
When Morgan got to Hogwarts, his poor social skills didn't do him much good: he had a lot of troubles socializing, he was seen as weird and creepy, especially because of his interests. He had no friends there, being a "weird loner kid" throughout hus first few years there and even though he doesn't mind being alone due to being an intovert, he craved to find someone who'd understand him, somewhere to belong, a friend.
By the time of Y2/3, he came up wirh an idea of his own book: about a prisoner in Azkaban who reminisces his life, how from a kind-hearted teacher he became a dark arts user and necromancer. He started to do his research, especially about Azkaban and it's when he developed his strong distaste for the imprisonment system MoM imposed.
The more he researched, the more he was convinced on how nonsensical the system was: why lock up ALL criminals in the same place? Why lock up petty thieves, who perhaps only did that to support themselves due to economical issues with dangerous dark wizards, the worst kind of people on Earth? Why punish people who had no other choice so cruelly rather than help them? Why is there only one prison? Why not build rehabilitation centers? Why make people suffer for their crimes hoping they won't commit them again, rather than understand what pushed them to commit them in the first place and help prevent that from happening?
At some point, he approached one of Slytherin prefects, the one he knew was a son of a minister and aspired to become one day too, Joaquin Reedus, to ask him what he thought of idea of reforming the system to create rehabilitation centres for petty criminals, so they would have to stay in Azkaban of all places. Reedus was intrigued by this young boy and his idea and told him that he'll think about his proposal. And then, after a few days, decided to ask if he was interested in joining a group that opposes sone of ministry's ways (without mentioning the group's name).
Morgan, very young and naive, saw it as hid opportunity to find people who thought alike, people who would accept him, to find people he'd be able to call his friends. And so, he agreed.
The group was NOTME.
And unfortunately, that group was not as considerate as Morgan hoped they'd be.
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stoat-party · 2 years
My lukewarm takes on Romeo and Juliet characters, heavily influenced by the specific production I watched yesterday
Romeo: So extra. Absolute drama king. He would watch Encanto and not be able to stop thinking about it for a month. He absolutely fell in love twice in a week based purely on looks, but that love was pure and romanticized to no end. In his mind, it was worth dying for. He should have been allowed to be a stupid kid, but under the circumstances he felt forced to marry in secret.
Juliet: Every adult in this girl’s life failed her. Of course she fell in love with Romeo, she’s thirteen. Their relationship isn’t particularly profound, it’s their devotion. Their innocence. When you were a thirteen-year-old girl, didn’t you fantasize about doing something drastic just to make your father understand? She’s the girl who acted on that fantasy, in the most horrible way. And she’s a child. A baby. They’re all just babies.
Paris: Himbo. Yeah, he tried to marry a thirteen-year-old girl. Yeah, he’s probably an adult by our standards, or close to it. However misguided his feelings toward her, though, they were real. He felt protective toward this girl he’d barely met. That wasn’t the blood feud talking. It was his meathead himbo brain. What caused this man to think it was okay to marry a little girl? How was he so casual about it? Why so violent? We’ll never know.
Benvolio: Shares an archetype with Horatio. Guy who lives, but at what cost? When I read the play he seemed like the sweet, reasonable one, but this production really played up the teenaged boyness of it all. The important parts to him, though, are that he loved Romeo, and he didn’t want any of this. Noticeably absent in the final acts.
Mercutio: Baby. Actual tiny baby man. I read this book when I was fifteen, I had no maternal feelings toward any of these kids, but this actor’s Mercutio broke me. He was just a little goofball from a rich family, he had no concept of consequences. The actor was an adult but somehow made his voice crack. When he started a swordfight over a cause that had nothing to do with him, it was like I was watching a puppy trying to play keep-away with a tiger. Tybalt even backed off and tried to sheathe his sword, but Mercutio gave him a little *boop* on the backside and it started again. His death scene started off laughing and ended in screaming. After Act III, all jokes in the play cease.
Nurse: I just feel bad for whoever gets cast as the nurse to get insulted for three hours.
Friar Lawrence: Who does this guy think he is? Okay, he couldn’t have predicted the plague or the duel, but he seems very confident about courses of action that have a high likelihood of ending in tragedy. The lesson is, don’t enable teen hormones just because you think it’ll help you end a blood feud. I can’t discount his good intentions, though, and the kids would probably have been worse off without him.
Tybalt: I seethe.
Lord Capulet: I’m doing this for your own good but also I’ll ruin your life if you disobey ok? <3
Lady Capulet: She definitely shares some of the blame for what happened, but her love was genuine. She had been brought into this cycle at Juliet’s age, how was she supposed to break out?
Lady Montague: idk why shakespeare thought killing her offstage was necessary. we don’t even find out until after the climax so why? it’s more thematically consistent if all the deaths are young people.
Rosaline: If thou findeth thyself in a Shakespearean tragedy, get thee to a nunnery.
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doctormastertardis · 3 months
I'm trying to understand the love for Clara Oswald, so I am rewatching her episodes... :) I'm not a hater, after all lol...
I also just want to re-hash my memory on The Great Intelligence, because I HAD this nagging theory about Ruby Sunday and her "snow" ability, which is connected to my theory that Ruby is a human embodiment of the TARDIS, which is also connected to my theory about why the "old Gods" of Classic Who are coming back in relation to The Flesh + Nestene Consciousness, which circles back to my theory on the return of the Toymaker's connection to the Timeless Child Arc (aka origin of the Doctor).
ANYWAY... back to Clara :)
I think the set-up between Clara and Eleven was well-written actually!!! I always did prefer her "incarnation" as Oswin Oswald over her "21st century existence". I even hoped she would ORIGINALLY be a scientist from the far future, and THAT was one of the reasons why I was initially disappointed regarding her character-trajectory.
I can understand "The Hybrid" concept from an interpersonal viewpoint. I can appreciate it as a metaphor for a toxic, co-dependent relationship only IF the audience is willing to shed light on the Doctor's history with his OTHER human companions.
And yes, it is inevitable that the Doctor as a "whole entity" (not necessarily just Twelve) would give back Clara Oswald the Gift of Eternal Life, as she did end up DEAD because of her carelessness and over-confidence due to Twelve enabling her when he tried to bring back Danny from "hell" per Clara's request.
These are a bunch of domino effects that resulted from Clara jumping into his time stream... Perhaps, Twelve's "duty of care" stemmed from the fact that he wouldn't exist without Clara. Literally. She saved him across all his timelines from the Great Intelligence (dun dun dun)-- he'll be back, mark my words. Perhaps, that was a metaphor for co-dependence. I mean, duh, it is!
She saves him from "dying", and he in return stops her from "growing" as a person.
I would have probably been satisfied with Clara if her story had ended when she jumped into the Doctor's time-stream, but alas- we wouldn't have Missy if that was the case. AND WE ALL LOVE MISSY <3
Might I also remark that it is *GOOD* writing that they also included "Me"/Ashildr (code: warrior) in The Hybrid plot, because the Doctor made this Viking girl immortal and "less human", and in a parallel circumstance he did the same for Clara... He quite literally stopped Clara's death, the same way Clara stopped HIS many deaths.
So yeah, ok, Clara didn't deserve her own TARDIS (imo). But seeing as she's "stuck" with Me (who I personally interpret as Clara's very own "dark" Doctor replacement; hence the poetic name "Me"), I think having her own TARDIS is more of a KARMA-- like, a traumatic time-machine that takes you anywhere BUT home?
In hindsight, I was bitter about the fact that Clara Oswald got her own TARDIS because it renders all the other human companions "unimportant"? Now that I'm older, I'm realizing that Clara "mirroring" the Doctor from a perspective of a broken heart (per se) can definitely be narrated from a perspective of:
If I decode The Hybrid in terms of human relationship, I would say that they stopped each other from GROWING. Because "death" = rebirth. And without death, life becomes stagnant.
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worldseer · 1 year
A list of random HCs about Jason Todd because I have brainrot~
THESE ARE MY PERSONAL HEADCANONS! IF YOU DISAGREE, THAT'S FINE BUT DON'T LEAVE HATE! Headcanons are separated by catagories: Random, fluffy, angsty, and NSFW. MDNI!!!! The different colors are just to break up the hcs a bit and not look like pure walls of text-
Has tapetum lucidum after being in the pit, causing his eyes to glow green in low/no light.
Has hazel eyes, which causes them to look brown or green at certain times.
Built sturdy and more like a boxer. I refuse to believe that this man isn't wide. Getting a better diet since being adopted + Robin training + Lazarus Pit = BIG. FRIDGE OF A MAN.
Has vitiligo, hence the white streak in his hair. It just so happened to show up after being resurrected.
Known to sleep walk and talk after resurrection. If he ever sleeps at the Manor, Bruce has cameras and sensors in place to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
Mostly talks shit to the houseplants while sleepwalking.
Canonically eats fast food alot. However, he always manages to burn off the calories. And the fat just makes him bulkier.
Bisexual but he doesn't tell anyone. Not that he's trying to hide it. He just doesn't label himself.
Wears eyeliner regularly, just because he wants to. Look I just love the concept, ok?
Considering getting his ears pierced, just debating on what exact kind of piercing
Has tattoos but not many, most notably small tattoo of a flower on his wrist to honor the death of Catherine, his step-mother.
Has prominent scars: Autopsy scar (died, obvi), scar stretching from the left edge of his left cheek and then up into his hairline (from crowbar), cut in his right eyebrow (from fighting as a child), lip scar that runs from slightly above the skin of his top lip and down over his lips to his chin on his left ( also from fighting as a child). Any other "scar" he receives since resurrection often fades away due to effects from the pit. The others do not fade.
Almost as tall as Bruce, maybe shorter by about an inch at most.
Has cried watching the Titanic movie. Was inconsolable for a week. Refuses to watch it ever again.
Laughs at horror films these days. Also will talk about how cuts and bullet wounds are anatomically incorrect like its casual conversation. It's one of the few activities he actively enjoys doing with Damian.
Calls Dick an old man just to spite him.
Never passes on an opportunity to tease Tim and call him a huge fucking nerd.
Loves all animals, but prefers cats. No real reason. He just always liked them more. Used to leave cans of food out for the cats to eat from as a kid.
Mostly likes Nu Metal, since it allowed him as a kid to get anger out and all the cool teens in his neighborhood blasted it a lot. But he's not picky about music. Secretly a snob for classical music though.
Strong relationship with Barbara, thinks of her as a sister he never had.
Always helps Alfred cook when he's at the Manor, and is good at it. Obviously works a knife well in cooking, but secretly prefers baking because the kitchen smells better afterwards.
As I've said before, I would not be surprised if he brings a stray home from either a shelter or the street. If he could, he'd help all the stray animals in Gotham and keep them.
Cares deeply about Tim. Tries to act like a big brother and be a good example to the best of his ability.
Not really a gamer, but he had some old consoles when he was a young kid under Bruce's care. Loved Wii Sports; boxing was his favorite. Nowadays, he doesn't play video games much. When he has time and feels like it though, he will play a game or two. Doom Eternal and Red Dead Redemption II are the top favorites after being resurrected.
Spends a good amount of time around Cass when at the Manor. They probably understand each other on almost a psychic level. They also train together a lot too to sharpen skills they both are weaker in.
Angst: (sorry for the pain)
Volunteers often at shelters and soup kitchens as a way to cope, makes him believe that he can offer comfort instead of just pain and being a burden.
Prefers to not talk out feelings after being resurrected; usually drives around to clear his head. Depending on how bad the situation is, it ranges from a few minutes to over an hour.
Loves classical literature because it was the first thing that allowed him to escape reality.
Has weird as fuck dreams, thanks to trauma and the pit. Never says anything about them to others however.
Never lets his stubble grow out too much because it makes him think he looks too much like Bruce, and he doesn't want to look like him.
Picked up smoking because what the hell are they gonna do? Kill him again? Always tries to avoid smoking around the others though, especially the members who are younger than him.
Rarely drinks. Reminds him too much of his birth father. Only does it for times when things are really bad.
Is so close to Barbara because she's one of the few who understands what it's like to be traumatized by the Joker. Often seeks her out for some comfort if his PTSD acts up again.
Hates crying, never cries in front of others unless he really trusts them. People who have seen him cry include Barbara, Dick, Alfred, and Bruce (on accident).
Grew up Catholic. Stopped believing the moment right before he died. Now has immense Catholic guilt and occasionally questions his morals a lot. (Might be self projecting but fuck it)
Zones out a lot. Happens the most during off time. If he's not doing anything, he's likely zoned out. Usually zones out when he thinks too hard about what the Lazarus Pit did to him, his death, and resurrections.
Copes in brash and self-depreciative humor. Also will make fun of others to draw attention away from his own problems.
Tried to help Catherine as much as he could, even if she wasn't the best mother to have.
NSFW: (Minors look no further!!!!)
A switch, dominant-leaning.
Softer dom, surprisingly. Sure, he can be a hard dom if he asked, but that's not what he wants. Coos sweet words while teasing.
Grunts and groans. Not vocal, but he'll talk through it sometimes. Grits his teeth if he's really into it.
"Oh, look at you on my cock. So tight and taking all of it, do you feel full? You look good when you're full of me."
He needs foreplay before subbing. Sometimes he's still wary about letting his guard down, so he needs lots of prepping and reassurance. Once he is into subbing, he's very obedient and eager to please.
Softer noises and gasps when subbing. He doesn't dare be loud, and often tries to cover up his noises. Doesn't beg often, takes what he gets without much complaint.
"Mmph- ah- hah- fuck- I'm close- I'm close baby. Can I finish?"
LOVES dirty talk, giving and receiving. He's already a bit of a cocky lil shit, so he'll tease you and talk you through it. Supportive about his dirty talk usually.
"That's it. Just like that. God- you're perfect. So fuckin' perfect- keep goin' baby, I gotcha."
Not experienced, sorry. With a combination of being bad at expressing emotions, trauma, and being busy as a vigilante, he does not get many bitches.
Has had hookups here and there, but that's all they were. He left the moment the other was all settled or asleep.
Experimental. Because he's low on experience, he's not entirely sure what he does or doesn't like.
Would not use a weapon in bed. That's a hard line. Weapons make him think of violence, and that's the last thing he wants to think about when in such a vulnerable moment.
Hates degradation, on both ends. Won't do it even if asked. The only time he'd ever get close to degrading is if you allow him to fuck while he's still working through some anger. Would apologize profusely afterwards though.
Not big on being tied up himself, but likes tying someone else up a bit. Nothing crazy besides handcuffs. Any further and he feels like he's taking advantage/being taken advantage of.
PRAISE!!! Loves to receive it, especially if he's being focused on or on the more submissive side.
A giver. He's not selfish, and feels bad if the other is not feeling good as well. Would most likely give more than he ever receives.
Not picky. As long as you are clean and consenting, he'll eat out if offered/allowed. Hair? Doesn't matter. Menstruating? Good thing he's low on iron. And you best believe that he is not stopping until you either push him away or are begging.
Thick, as expected. A little bit over 6" long. Prominent veins.
Trimmed, not shaved. Yes there is a difference.
Has a bit of a happy trail, and veins appear on v-line when hard.
Aftercare game ranges on how much he and his partner did, and their relationship. Hookups are usually left to take care of themselves and he leaves quickly. If Jason is serious about someone, he'll grab a washcloth, urge the other to use the bathroom (and maybe carry them if they're tired), and stay for cuddles.
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roobylavender · 8 months
i love how you hold in-depth and insightful discussions with your anons even if they might disagree with you, i feel like you're such an easy person to talk to 🥹 which is to say i wanted to ask you about something - if you don't mind - i'm always really surprised when you discuss bruce vs. ollie's parenting styles because i feel like the differences you mention weren't necessarily so clear-cut?
for instance i think the 70s were really when the "oh no how can we send our own kids out there to fight criminals and die" conundrum was first raised in superhero comics because of dennis o'neil, stan lee, etc starting to equate the concept of child sidekicks to child soldiers & abusive parenting (hence bucky's ~death~ around this time too), and as a result of that + o'neil wanting to take batman back to its darker solo-ish roots, bruce was written to carry even more immense guilt over sending dick out as robin. and certainly he's had moments like this before, where he worried that he had done dick more harm than good (and for ex., subsequently erasing his memories as robin and sending him back to an orphanage like in world finest's #153..) but for the most part he's very insistent on dick being robin and he understands and encourages the fact that dick wants to balance his civilian life with being robin very much (reason #489893 why i think marv wolfman having dick drop out of college was OOC but that's another subject). tbh that's why i'm so defensive of the original context of batman comics, the fact that children were working in sweatshops or factories or as garment workers etc back then definitely allowed people accept the idea of bruce gifting a bat-copter to dick for his birthday in batman #10 (which is implied to be his 8th birthday 😭) or dick performing shoulder surgery on bruce at age 7-8 or whatever in batman #2 - so in the same vein, i don't think the thought of "oh no dick's life is in real danger as robin" should ever seriously enter his mind (as opposed to in-the-moment anxiety, which i'm sure happens a gazillion times a week) until dick's college years imo?
and i know you've mentioned before that you don't take the golden age personalities/morals ascribed to bruce & dick too seriously because they vary greatly depending on whether the tone is comedic vs. serious - but i actually think they're pretty consistent! for instance for the first ~30 issues of detective comics, bruce is a lot more OK with the idea of killing criminals, but it's clear that after a child, dick grayson, comes into the picture he takes a much harder stance against killing (hence why his original vow with robin by candlelight says "WE two will…never swerve from the path of righteousness" - implying batman will now hold himself to a new high standard that he's also setting for robin). as you said, when batman and robin do mention just "finishing off" a guy or whatever it's definitely played off for comedy and i think the audience is meant to recognize that :]
and re: ollie, the 00s series has him grappling with the "child soldier" worry a hundred times for mia, connor, and roy, so i think this sort of realization should happen slowly and organically for him too (and not just bruce) and it kinda already started back in the 70s anyway with roy's drug overdose... idk i like to imagine that bruce and ollie are a lot more alike despite the surface-level differences in temperament or personality and that's really what causes the (one-sided, from ollie LOL) tension!!
anyway i'm so sorry for dumping this entire novel in your inbox, it comes across like i'm just trying to lecture you but i promise i'm very interested in what you think 😭 and thank you for reading and always providing such interesting replies/commentary in general! have a lovely day ♡
please never apologize for this omg i am always elated to talk about the vast expanse of canon and hear other perspectives on it! and i wholeheartedly agree with you actually, the impact of the 60s really cannot be understated in how it altered dc’s approach to certain topics going forward (and i would love to find scholarly articles about this if there are any). like it’s really interesting how cape comics reacted to wwii and the social welfare era in very distinct ways, because on one hand as you said it originally wasn’t too hard for a reader to wrap their head around the idea of kid sidekicks because there probably were a lot of kids at the time who were also working due to the wartime labor shortage. but the 60s was a huge moment for civil rights and social welfare of all kinds and this was particularly with respect to children. i’m actually in a class right now called children’s rights so we discussed some of that history and the shift at the time that caused legislators to begin to take abuse as a concept seriously. i guess the tricky part about comics and our engagement with these characters is trying to balance the evolving world against what we would like to be a consistent depiction of the characters even though that isn’t necessarily possible, because the politics and concerns of various writers obv filter through (like wolfman and his reagan era propaganda lol). i def want to get further in my ollie reading someday because i’ve heard so many good things about the sort of gravitas of his role as a parent increasing as time goes on. and it would be interesting if more than one character ever converged on that concept of sidekick-ery as child abuse. i think the problem really is that some writers adapted that mindset while others didn’t so you ended up with a lot of tonally dissonant books and characters even though addressing this issue collectively across the expanse of the canon could have been very interesting
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dreamtydraw · 1 year
Back to ask for a character ramble! Character of your choice~! (And feel free to let this message sit until you feel like it :) )
OK HI HELLO YOU ARE AWESOME !! I’m taking this card to talk about my oc for the game Touchestarved, Eleanore
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First off I gonna start by saying that a lot of things about her as a character in terms of story or design will depend on the canon of the story. I am taking a lot of liberty and her character will for sure be changed once the game is fully out and we get to learn more about the world-building and the backstories.
Starting with her symbolism: Eleanore is a metaphor for reincarnation and rebirth. One of her associations with reincarnation is her design linked to spring.
Her name Eleanore originates from Ray of light / shining light but her surname Eostre is a direct reference to the deity of reincarnation but also the deity of spring and light.
Her original design was inspired by paintings of medieval maidens mainly those:
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You can sort of see it in her hairstyle when I take the time to draw her well.
Eleanore being associated with spring can also be noticed in the color palette of her design: Green and orange. Green is both a color associated with life and death nevertheless it’s a spring color, the color of a new nature, of grass and trees. However, green is also associated with the concept of jealousy, toxicity, and envy.
Orange is a warm color associated with energy and positivity, it’s also a color you’ll see associated with fruits or flowers. However orange is also a warning color, it grab your attention and can lead you to signs to be alert, it’s a warning. A red flag is here to stop you, an orange flag will warn you of a danger approaching.
She is also inspired by a parasite, the Cuscuta, an orange parasite flower that grow over other plants and drain them. This parasite is referenced with the shape of her marks taking over her body but also the dual color green and orange of the parasite on the host. This is the same reference as another parasite the Aphidoidea.
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I think you can already start seing it from here, but her design is based on a lot of contradiction : in danger but safe / toxique nature.
Her backstory :
This part can be skipped but is really important to understand her as a character and some of her design choices
This part contain trigger such as child abuse, unhealthy coping mechanisms, ptsd
Eleanore never got to see what genuine affection is. As far as she can remember her life started when she was already a child, living with her teacher. She knew she was to be studied and so she was, her teacher knew what was best.
She wanted to impress her, make her proud by reading all the books she had in the basement, by being grateful for every minute she was allowed in the garden, not crying when she was stabbed with needles, not being too noisy, not complaining, not refusing. All was for the best, even if she cried and begged to be let out, it was childish tantrums, the days she spent in the cage were simply deserved for all the mess she could cause. Her body was for science, her mind was for knowledge and her feelings were worthless.
Her teacher could be as cruel as she was kind, warmly smiling, dressing her up, taking good care of her. She was so good she even found a way to lift the curse of the young child, or so she was told. It was partially lifted, she was still ill, she still needed to be fixed.
“Tomorrow you’ll be free” “Soon i’ll let you out”, she counted the days with excitement. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and months faded into years, so many years that her hope died with what used to be her childhood.
She had let it happen for so long, passive to her feelings, to the pain in her wrists and the rotting of her body. Her beautiful green hair slowly growing with a golden light of orange, everything was changing and looking at what she left herself became hurted. All the magic she had supported changed her, influenced her curse and slowly grew alongside her body.
Marks started to appear on her body and her eyes hurt for so long she thought she was turning blind until it all calmed and she could observe a reflective glow of orange settling on her pupil.
All of this changement scared her, but it couldn’t compare to the fright she felt toward her pleased teacher. When she begged for reassurance all she got was lies she heard thousands of times before. Eleanore realized that she would die in that basement. If she stayed here her curse would never be lifted, worse it would be increased. So for the first time she listened to herself and tried to save her life, Eleanore escaped.
Outside she was like a newborn taking her first steps, failing to grasp the reality she was in, incapable of doing anything by herself. She met people there and there, some kinder than others, toying with the naive girl.
One night she was asked to spend her night with a nice man charmed by her looks. She felt special, never in her life did she experience so much pleasure, so much love and adoration. It was all new and to her standart it was all she could ever ask, be special to someone. She tried to run after the feeling, obsessing with how she could silence the void of her worries when someone was next to her. Why look after yourself when someone else can do much more, when they can make you forget and give you the pleasing affection you cried so much for. Sadly her intensity was not met, it was scary, unhinged, it made love slip like sand between her fingers. She tried, she desperately tried, she felt like death was less painful than being abandoned again. So she continued, running after people to earn crumbs of affection, kneeling, begging for even an instance of love, she took everything she was given, she didn’t deserve it after all.
Love was painful and she would stab herself if it meant she could be loved.
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Still with me ? Yay good !
Deep dive into her design then !
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As stated before her marks are inspired by the thing orange plant parasite that is the Cusuta but some of the shapes are insect-inspired. The lower back shape is inspired by stag beetle horns, where the shape on her shoulder is a visual reference to a beetle opening its wings.
Her eyes are of two separate colors to show she has tapetum lucidum, the layer of the eye that some animal specie which helps them see in the dark but also have a phosphorescent effect that makes the eyes shine in the dark when facing light.
About her hair :
Eleanore’s natural color is green, she realized very late that her green hair will never grow back and this terrifies her. She is scared of letting it go and dosen’t cut her hair anymore wich resulted to the absurd length of her hair. Cutting it would mean letting the past go and she’s too afraid to do it, so she avoid it by improvising. She has a layer of braid under behind her neck to make the volume of hair lighter and more manageable. The green hair that never turned orange are worn in a half crown braid with multiple knots inspired by European medieval folklore hairstyles.
About her clothes :
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The belt is here to make the silhouette of her top looks like the torso of a beetle with a clear separation of the two side, the up and the down. It has a butterfly design at it’s center and beetle design on the top. She wears a blouse inspired by old medical blouse that covered from the tip of the arms to the up of the neck. Her little cape is shaped as to fall like two butterfly wings. She has a perfectly symmetrical design again referencing a beetle top. She wears earthy tones and as much closes possible to hide her marks and limit contact due to her curse.
In conclusion :
Eleanore’s design is entierly based on being a symbole of reincarnation while also being stuck. Just like a butterfly she went trough a long process of physical change that hurted ( caterpillars body melt inside the cocon so they can reconstruct their body as butterfly ), sadly she’s still in her shell.
Incapable of moving on, on accepting the process of moving forward and starting new, she dosen’t let go of the past and still hold into it without confronting it ( keeping her green hair, chasing people’s affection, fall in abusive relationships ).
She has the potential of being the stray of light that will open the new season of spring, but her light is kept hiden under all the suffering she refuse to admit, creating a word of désillusion where she believes her way of acting is normal.
FeW that was long-
Thanks you for taking the time to read all of character explanation about Eleanore. I tried my best to explain the complexity i aimed when working on her, she was based of the concept of life draining parasite and this is how the idea got developed. I am very exited for the game to come out so i can apply all of this into the word building and or adapt my lore, and until then i will play with my little blorbo.
Lot of love ! Hope you’ll have a good day ✨
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ninnys · 2 years
first of all I LOVE harry potter world because of these debates. i really love to read all the different reasonings that everybody has.
this is my take about sebastian’s decision.
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there’s no way that the punishment for a 15 year old that uses the killing curse under both school and his guardian protection is azkaban. it’s ridiculous even to suggest it. it’s a shame and a tragedy, but there’s no need to ruin his future. there should be an investigation and maybe expusion, but prison it’s excessive and it doesn’t fix anything, it makes it worse for both, anne and sebastian.
ruth singer doesn’t even have the power to imprison the ashwinders and harlow who has been seen throwing curses to children like they were candy. i mean if that’s the previous police record, to punish a child it’s at least hypocrite.
it doesn’t even make an example for the rest of the alumni, it’s just cruel.
even for adults there should be different sentences, it’s kinda harsh to have directly prison and nothing else. no community hours, no reintegration to society, just throw them in a cell and forget about them. how mature, really.
also i don’t understand why the school doesn’t teach about the unforgivables, they just tell you that you don’t have to use them. like, ok, but why? i’m literally a child, you have to teach me morals, not expect me to submit by them with no explanation. show me the consequences, show me what to expect if i even toy with the possibility. i don’t know, if you want to you can even scare me about it. death, torture and manipulation are concepts really far from a child’s mind. the names themselves aren’t enough.
i understand the parents not wanting to teach their children about it, but the school has an obligation. it’s similar to the sexual ed in schools. no matter your beliefs, you have to have the talk. otherwise you’re a danger to yourself and to others.
i would expect the school to have responsibility over this episode. it’s their fault as much as sebastian’s. they didn’t watch over him. they didn’t gave him support after her sister being cursed. they just get him to detention every time he gets into trouble and that’s it. way to go to make him understand limits and obligations.
sorry but i don’t oblige to the high standard hypocrite morals that the “right” path force you to have. there’s no playthrough where i’d choose the prison option, i don’t believe in it, and ominis can keep his matters to himself.
he should learn from kogawa, she says that her friend’s destiny was hers to take, she didn’t impose her beliefs over her, she respects that. it’s not about not being a snitch, it’s really about not playing god and believing you have power over anyone that it’s not yourself.
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and my final point is that he CLEARLY regrets it. in the aftermath he gets what the consequences are. he should have had the opportunity to learn about it without committing any of it. that’s what school it’s about.
all wizards are a danger to themselves and to others, that’s why they are schooled as soon as they show magical abilities. because they have to learn to control it, not only in practice, but in the emotional aspect of it.
and for solomon, i won’t say a word. i know what it feels like to have an abusive upbringing. it breaks you, but for whatever reason sebastian’s pretty well spirited and a kind person, and also is anne. the way solomon acts makes me think that he’s the child, and not the twins. it shouldn’t have come to that, but he doesn’t not deserve it.
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leogichidaa · 1 year
Tbh I always headcanoned that Regulus was seen as the “thinner, less handsome” version of Sirius was because of both actual health issues and a more reserved/inward personality. I guess in my head I always saw that he had some health issues as a kid, but they would have been things that were fixed with time. And that Walburga didn’t understand that just because Sirius was an energetic prodigy in every sense of the word, doesn’t mean that his brother would be the same, and that’s ok!
Ergo, if Reg survived and was able to grow on his own terms and get healthier, more filled out, AND relaxed a bit while reforming his moral compass, the only difference physically between him and Sirius would be that he has a slimmer build and is a little shorter. Other than that the resemblance would be uncanny, he’d look like a reserved Sirius ( instead of idk reserved and dour 🧐)
Tbh I always saw a fully grown Regulus as tall as an average tall guy (like 6 feet even). Sirius just sets unrealistic expectations by existing 😂.
Oh geez, sorry it's taken almost a month to respond to this 😖 I must have missed it when I was going through my notifications after getting out of the hospital and I just saw it.
I like the hc of Regulus having health issues as a kid. I think sickly Victorian-esque child suits him. Making him a second-born child prone to illness also happens to slot him very nicely into Adlerian psychoanalytic theory (Alfred Adler, known among other things for his creation of the "inferiority complex" concept and theories about the impact of birth order on one's personality, was himself was a sickly child and a second born son who was intensely jealous of his older brother) and there's little I love more than psychoanalyzing my beloved fictional characters to death.
I can definitely see Walburga not understanding Regulus' temperament at all. She seems to have been quite an energetic woman and, as you said, Sirius set the bar and he set it abnormally high. This is why I am partial to the idea that Orion is more mild-mannered (by no means actually mild, but comparatively) and that there's some sort of kinship between Regulus and his father, neither of whom enjoy the loud, dramatic displays that Sirius and Walburga seem to relish in.
Ok so, based on your theory about Regulus surviving, I am imagining an AU where Regulus survives and fucks off somewhere lovely and warm and spends a decade and change relaxing and enjoying his new life away from any familial responsibilities or reminders of his past. He grows into a healthy adult, and is mildly dismayed that he is the spitting image of his brother. One day in the middle of the summer, he starts getting funny looks from people and has to evade the muggle police a handful of times because his face is plastered all over the news as a wanted criminal. Of course it's not his face, it's Sirius', but they look similar enough that it forces him to go even further into hiding.
Adult Regulus can be tall, he can be 6' if he likes, as long as his growth spurt is a year or two delayed, not until late adolescence. I'm partial to him being average/slightly below average height as a child/early adolescent.
I suppose, canonically, that would mean that he'd finally grow to his full height only to die shortly after. Live fast, die young, leave a tall corpse or something.
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babybluebex · 7 months
Girl not the baby bump at the oscarsss fhgdjfjfj. Same <3
ok so in total transparency, i'm not totally sure how to answer this ask and proceed with talking (and fantasizing??) about things like reproduction and healthcare in light of recent news.
to the anon who sent this, please understand that you did nothing wrong in sending this to me, i instigated this with my original post that i made before i had learned about the recent alabama supreme court ruling. but since having learned about it, though, i have a LOT of complicated feelings that i need to get off my chest.
from here on, i will be discussing triggering topics all directly related to the recent alabama supreme court ruling. if you do not want to read about that, be my guest and skip this post. the tl;dr of it is basically, i won't be posting anything more about having children for the foreseeable future.
so. if you don't know. if you're new to my blog or just never really knew. hi. i'm based in alabama. i've lived here for many years, but have never really been especially proud to say that i'm "from" here (bc i'm not "from" alabama, i'm "from" missouri, but that's a different can of worms). also, if you were unaware, last week (but it was only widely reported upon on monday, and I recieved the news on wednesday) the supreme court of alabama made a horrific ruling that frozen embryos are now considered children under the state's wrongful death act. if something were to happen to these frozen embryos (for example, the freezer they are being kept in gets turned off and the embryos thaw, thus making them unusable in IVF treatments), the people responsible for that could (and likely WILL) be criminally charged for wrongful death of a minor.
i will not mince words, because i cannot afford to mince words. this is ridiculous. this is plain stupid. and this is dangerous. in what world would a frozen embryo be considered a child? if this is news to you, your next question might be "why would they do this?" well, your answer lies in the direct words from the judge who passed the ruling: (screenshot taken from a new york times article, if you dm me i will GLADLY provide you with links to news articles discussing this more in depth)
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it is a RELIGIOUS reason. it is a CHRISTIAN reason. i am still a student, yes, and my main degree is not exactly keyed into these political issues, but my MINOR??? poli sci babes. and even though i have not been awarded my bachelor's degree yet, i have taken TOO many political sciences classes to not be aware of a little thing called separation of church and state. when you study government systems (particularly american government) in ANY capacity, separation of church and state is one of the FOUNDATIONAL things that you are taught. i am at the end of my degree program, i have met all the requirements to receive my minor, and by now, this concept is so ingrained in our minds as students that my professors do not even mention it anymore. you learn this in INTRO LEVEL government classes. i first learned this is HIGH SCHOOL. so why are we letting our government officials disregard this and rule in whatever fucking way they want to and cite whatever the fuck they want to??
but anyway. this post is not meant to be a history lesson or a politics class. just giving you the current background for context, so i can explain my complicated thoughts that were brought up because of this ask.
i am nonbinary, but i do present feminine in my everyday life. even though i do not ascribe to many of the "traditional" thoughts of femininity, i have, for a long time, wanted to be a parent. for a long time, i have wanted to get married and have a family, and i strive for that future.
but now. the specific ruling does not directly effect me, but it's more the thought of what comes next that scares me. there is already a total ban on abortions in my state, and the same judge who said the above quote has said that he wishes to make it a criminal offense to any persons who help a pregnant person seek an abortion. so, let's say for example, if my boyfriend were to drive me across state lines to receive an abortion, he could be charged with a criminal offense. that's so unfathomably absurd to me.
but, because of this, i am quickly becoming turned off from the entire idea of reproducing at all. pregnancy scares me, because, in the likely event that my own health does not allow for a safe pregnancy (long story short, because of a few health issues, my doctor has told me that it will be difficult, if not highly unlikely, for me to conceive a child naturally), i cannot receive the necessary healthcare required, and any family or partner who helps me do so is then liable. i personally feel (operative word is personally, just because i feel this way does not mean that you have to as well) scared of that happening, of even opening myself up to that possibility. even fantasizing about becoming pregnant fills me with fear and anxiety, because, as much as i want to be able to detach myself from it and be like "oh having this person's baby <3" and write fiction about it, my anxiety will not let me detach from reality.
so. for the time being, until i can process these feelings and the fear better, i think i'm gonna refrain from writing/posting about having children/pregnancy/things of that nature. it's no longer a sweet little fantasy for me; this ruling sets a precedent, a dangerous precedent, and if this is the fear that i feel from something that does not directly effect me at the present moment, i could not tell you how i would feel when (not if, when) the state i reside in puts in even harsher and more damaging laws.
so yeah. idk. that's just sorta where my head is at rn.
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godsofhumanity · 1 year
How to make a modern Persephone and Hades that is actually good, or at least better then Neon Gods, buy using some elements from it. I don't know if they are good ideas, but better ideas. Sorry if this will be long. But this is more about Neon Gods.
-The reason why the 12 Olimpians are a titel should be eather that those 9 people, and 3 families where blassed by the gods themself, but they stay mortal. Or people forget about the gods, and godesses globaly, and they come back, but can't make themself visable or something but people learnd about them, so now they become a titel. If you want this elements to be there. (if you want this can tease other mythologies (book universe? Hm? ))
-Take out the Demeter using men to get power. Make her a single mother, who actually loves her daughters, and son.
-Give Persephone's siblings a role. And instead of using a "popular female Greek mythical figures", her siblings could be Despoina (and make her really close to Persephone, and could be the middle child), and Plutus (he chuld be the youngest).
-If there is the titel thing, then make Iasion the father of them,but pased away years ago, when Plutus was just a new born.
-GIVE DEMETER A LIFE OUTSIDE OF BEING PERSEPHONE'S MOTHER. Give her friends, hobbies, intrests, anything.
-Place it in Greece, or a Geece like place.
-Have parts of Greek colture in it.
-Instead of making Persephone aranged to marry Zeus, make something else. Make Zaus wanting to have Persephone in an another way, and Demeter tryind to protect her.
-If there is a Hera then give her more then being a jealous crazy wife.
-Give Hades an actuall personality.
-The three puppies can stay. They defenetly can stay.
-Give them some powers.
-The first spicy screen between Persephone and Hades happands after one or two mounths. You know, when both of them knows the other, and can thrust each other. And give them a much shorter safe word.
-Explain the things that need to be explaind (a thing that Neon Gods faild)
-And make a better climex. Make Hades kill Zeus in a duel. Make Persephone kill him to protect or save Hades or Demeter from him. Make Demeter kill him to protect herself, or to protect or save Persephone or Hades, or to revenge Iasion's death. Hell if there is someone with the titel Here you could make her kill him for the degradetion,loss, sarow, abuse, and everything she had to went through and sufferd through all those years because of him.
And here is a list of couples from Greek mythology who seriusly need more love:
-Dionysus and Ariadne (I don't have to explain anything)
-Eros and Psyche (again I have nothing to explain)
-Demeter and Iasion (again, and plus you can use this a prequel)
-Ares and Aphrodite or Ares Aphrodite and Hephaestus
-Hephestus and Aglaea.
Sorry for the bad English. It's not my first launvige. Good bye.
hiii no worries about the english, i can understand everything perfectly <333
thank you for taking the time to share ur thoughts about Neon Gods, i agree with some of your points and disagree with others, so i thought id just reply to each one?
and, also, i thought i should just reiterate that the premise of Neon Gods honestly i think is pretty good, and i liked the concept of everything, i just think the execution was a bit poor. and it's ok that it's a smut book, i get that that's what Katee Robert's audience expected and that's what Robert herself wanted to write, and that's fine, but there's no reason why Neon Gods can't be indulgent AND good fiction at the same time!!
i don't actually think the gods should be involved at all. and i think maybe that's what Robert intended since there isn't really any mention of the gods themselves, except when people are frustrated and go "gods-dammit". because, if say that the gods actually exist in this modern au, it kind of makes it confusing. so, i like the idea that the Olympians do NOT exist in this modern au. their names are strictly titles with NO relevance to mythology at all. the characters themselves are unaware of the mythology they have come from, they only know these greek names as titles. therefore, i think Persephone's name shouldn't have been Persephone. she should have simply been "Kore" or "Cora", and "Persephone" should have been the title that goes hand-in-hand with "Hades", just as "Hera" went hand-in-hand with "Amphitrite".
Yes, i didn't like the idea of Demeter using men. if that aspect of her needed to be included, then i think the full brutal history of Demeter being violated by Zeus and Poseidon needed to be included also. not enough people talk about her history with those two.
AGREE! i would kill to see Arion being included as Persephone's little brother. Eurydice, Callisto, Psyche??? these names literally had no relevance whatsoever to the Hades x Persephone myth.
hmm. the story IS about Hades and Persephone, not really Demeter. in this story, Demeter's role IS as Persephone's mother. she's not the main character. including a full on backstory that's not contributing to the plot just to explain Demeter's hobbies etc, sort of would just make the story very blocky and difficult to follow.
yep, i wouldn't mind if this took place in actual Greece. or even if Earthly cities were just not mentioned at all. there was no need for Persephone to say she'd like to go to California thus positioning Olympus in America.
ok, i saw some other people's comments about Neon Gods was how ridiculous it was that Persephone would get married to Zeus, but i actually did not see this as a problem. accepting first of all that Greek gods' family dynamics do not work the same way that mortals' do, AND that Zeus was known for having affairs with his mortal descendants, his siblings, his aunts, etc., this move isn't that unexpected. AND in Orphic tradition, Dionysus is the son of Zeus and Persephone, and Nonnus in Dionysiaca even says that Zeus "ravished" Persephone and she had Zagreus as a result, who is like, the first incarnation of Dionysus. so, this concept of Zeus and Persephone "getting together", whether willing or unwilling, is not new. and frankly, it fulfilled its purpose in identifying Zeus as the villain, which is what Katee Robert wanted, and that's ok in this modern au. so im fine with this one.
there is no Hera in Neon Gods? because, it's just the title given to whoever is the current "Zeus"'s wife. so, Persephone is the one who would become "Hera" by marrying Zeus. and that's fine, since, it is just a title. none of Zeus' former wives are given a name, or a backstory from which we might infer that they were "jealous" or "crazy".
Hades... always with the "tall dark handsome" trope. although, this time, he was buff and a male dominatrix too ((sorry idk what the correct term is lol)). i agree that Hades was very wishy-washy. at first he was like "i work alone, i never trust anybody", and five seconds later he's like "holy shit im so in love with u Persephone ur making my brain explode and i cant control myself when im around you". Sir, you have known her for 1 day exactly. the story is about Hades and Persephone, so yes, i would like to see more about Hades and Persephone outside of their relationship because that actually affects the story.
hmm, i don't think there should be any magic or powers. this is a modern au, so i do like the idea that everything supernatural is removed. it's just a guy and a girl and the strange circumstance they're in.
i thought the safeword was kinda funny, i don't have any qualms with it. but yes, agree with the rest.
only 3 characters in this book required a solid backstory: the heroes (Hades, Persephone), and the villain (Zeus). but Zeus was so unterrifying, it was just a bit pathetic. we needed to see more of Zeus, whether that was Persephone discovering one of his wives' dead bodies, or Zeus revealing that Hades' parents actually killed Zeus' son Heracles. idk. there needed to be something solid about him there.
Hades sort of does kill Zeus in a duel? i mean, Zeus falls out of the window while fighting Hades. this story was not about Demeter, so i don't think she should have killed Zeus. it should be either Hades or Persephone. also, i love Iasion x Demeter, but, too many love interests derails the story. Iasion shouldn't have been in Neon Gods, and he wasn't.
Dionysus x Ariadne and Eros x Psyche are literally the two most popular greek romances after Hades x Persephone that i've seen people write for, so i don't know that they need more love ((literally Katee Robert's next book in the series is about Eros x Psyche)). Ares x Aphrodite, i feel cannot be separated from Hephaestus x Aglaea,,, that story gives me brainrot and ive actually written my own version of it hee hee but yeah, i don't think there that much about them out there.
anyways!!! yeah. this was very lengthy but, thanks for sharing Anon!
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Again with the Sentimonsters...
Ok, again. Adrien and Kagami aren’t sentimonsters -although, Felix might be.
Honestly, I have no idea where this idea that Kagami is a sentimonster came from all of the sudden. Yes, Felix stares at Kagami’s ring in a suspicious way,  but once again, I think the writers were doing this to stoke fan interest and discourse, but that there’s an obvious explanation that no one is discussing. Regardless of whether or not Felix is a sentimonster, when he sees Kagami’s ring with her family name on it, it makes him realize that she is controlled and symbolically marked as the “property” of her family, the same way he clearly feels he and Adrien are the “property” of their families. He doesn’t make Kagami disappear because he knows Adrien cares about her, but also because he knows that she has been controlled by her family, and he sympathizes with that. The same way it’s become clear in “Emotion” that Felix also sympathizes with how Adrien has been controlled and wants to “free him”, Felix just wants to “free” Kagami in the same way.
On Kagami’s side of things, she follows the rules and whims of her family because of her culture, but also because she feels pressured to be perfect and to be a representative of her family -just like Adrien- this is something they bonded over when they first got together. Plus, I think there’s hints here that Kagami and Felix will wind up together. Kagami is clearly physically attracted to Adrien, but she wants him to be assertive, not submissive or indecisive -which Felix clearly is. She even says as much in “Emotion”, when she notes that he’s observing how she wishes he could’ve when they were together.
I still just refuse to believe/ can’t understand how they would retcon Adrien to be a sentimonster. It totally strips him of any agency and still doesn’t make sense that Gabriel wouldn’t know he was Cat Noir and wouldn’t be able to control him. I stand by my assertion earlier that Adrien obeys his father because he either fears him or desperately wants to please him -but it’s impossible because we’ve seen how Adrien behaves as Cat Noir, which is a real, valid, and as inseparable part of him as the other pieces we see when he’s not behind a mask. Felix is so similar to Gabriel, that a part of me feels like he is modeled after Gabriel, insofar as he could be a sentimonster. I also have no explanation why Felix seemed to call the sentimonsters in “Strike Back” brothers (in one of the dubs? I can’t remember which, in the English dub he just says “I’m sorry”) when Ladybug hurls them through the portal into the sun, or why he calls the Moon sister in “Emotion”. If he’s not a sentimonster, then he might be apologizing to Ladybug for stealing the miraculous because he’s only doing what he needs to do to get control of the Peacock mircaulous.
However, that all being said, I still don’t get how either of them could be sentimonsters when everyone involved remembers and agrees that Adrien and Felix had childhoods. What I mean is that if Emilie only created Felix a year ago (following Amelie’s husbands death), and she fell into a coma because of using the broken miraculous to create Felix, then why does Adrien remember them having fun as a child? Also, we know that Gabriel is arrogant; so if both Adrien and Felix are sentimonsters, why would he have admitted that Felix was able to trick him into thinking he was Adrien when they were children (in “Felix”)? And Gabriel says this when he’s alone, so it’s not like he’s trying to keep up the illusion for anyone else that Adrien and Felix had childhoods when they didn’t.
But if sentimonsters can grow and age like normal people (and therefore Felix did have an actual childhood), then what did Emilie do a year ago to cause herself to fall into a coma in the first place if it wasn’t creating a sentimonster (aka Felix or Adrien)?
Like, at the end of the day, I see why people want to believe the sentimonster theories, there is something kind of compelling to the concept of a nonhuman construct that operates like a human but is unclear on how much freedom they have. But that’s also why the only one that makes any kind of sense and doesn’t somehow cheapen the characters/ their archs/ or their stories would be if Felix alone (or also Amelie?) is a sentimonster.
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