#also flirting with a girl by telling her her species is probably going to go extinct
cruelsister-moved2 · 10 months
guys im ngl arietty is underrated the soundtrack is actually stunning the end credits scene was gorgeous i didn't even realise it was a directorial debut. its also a case where it actually makes sense to adapt a book in that way where you keep none of the plot and play with the concepts bc it's just an extremely charming whimsical concept to animate I probably would've enjoyed it if it was just their daily life and nothing happened
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Anatomy of a lie: the French connection
With a very short day in sight at the office, I exceptionally go back to the whole Rash sightings colossal bullshit, for the sake of science. By now, we know *urv denied sending the submittal to Deux Moi: something I also expected to happen, in the context of her current feud with Miss Marple (way more reasonable and probably also way better informed).
Going back on memory lane, let's remember how the Rash Innuendo started. With this, conveniently kept under covers and then brought to light when Rash's name was out on the market:
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I have one very important thing to comment: no one, no woman in her right mind, no matter if she is an art gallery owner, a lawyer, a teacher, a pop star on drugs or a fashionista wannabe (like Rash) would ever wear a baseball cap inside a French restaurant that is not: a) a trucker's pit stop joint on l'Autoroute du Soleil (the Sun Highway, A6/A7, relays Paris to Marseille) or b) a Burger King franchise in Seine-Saint-Denis (the infamous Neuf-Trois, or 93, after the INSEE's topographical code number for car plates and counties: in short, Paris's metropolitan area Bronx, if you wish, where all the riots start). Especially "a bougie" one: you do not have the slightest clue about real, living and breathing bourgeois French women (madame Mère's friends and also my own uni mates), quite a different species from the Californian one. Rash is anything but bourgeois, Canadian or not (yet a Canadian who lived in Paris and as such must be familiar with that code). I am talking string of pearls and tailleur Chanel/ petite robe noire and Vuitton bag and Louboutins. On a daily basis and even on the subway. Not baseball caps and scattered shopping bags at the Hôtel Costes.
No client of that restaurant (I forgot to mention yesterday) would ever take pictures with their phones. This informed me about the fact (FACT) you have never been to France, let alone ever set foot in a French high-end joint. French people prefer living their social life outside of their homes. When invited at someone's place for dinner, you can be sure you are, by now: a) intimate; b) a very close, trusted and valued friend; c) someone to be absolutely included in their social circle, for various reasons (high level networking dinners in Paris come to mind: something I know very well). So, restaurant it is for everything like: bantering, flirting, getting to know each other, spending quality time with witty and hysterically funny people, looking for a new job, getting a new job, looking for a new investor in your projects, the possibilities are endless. That being said, conversation at that table is sacred: your full attention must be there at all times, repartee and consistency are expected. No one, literally no one will spend their time scanning the room for a B-list actor kissing a blonde trophy woman in public, nonetheless. Read my lips: not a soul - they would be all engrossed in whatever the talk is about at their table.
The game shifted to a superior gear with this French speaking Anon:
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Someone saw something louche/amiss in all this and reacted:
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The French is NOT 'too good'. That French is semi-vulgar and provincial, as in the crude and pauper ils étaient l'un sur l'autre (I was expecting a je te jure/ I swear to you that never came and it usually does). And what to say about elle semble beaucoup plus réelle que les autres filles? It's Google Translate all the way. A real, walking talking French person would have said something along the lines of: elle semble beaucoup plus crédible/vraisemblable que les autres filles (she looks way more credible than the other girls), simply because réel(le), in spoken and written nowadays French, always applies to concepts, never to people: un réel plaisir (very contrived), for instance. C'est quelqu'un de réel means absolutely nothing and I would laugh like a drain if I heard someone telling me something like this. Last but not least, despite insisting it was a different Anon, they all seem to use the same words: they had lots of fun/ils s'amusaient vraiment. Something you use all the time, too. Of course.
Keep your hands off France, madam. Très facile de s'y prendre les pieds dans le tapis. And for once, I am not going to translate, since you speak it so well and I am sure you got the message.
PS: The closest to a real French bourgeois woman (last pics included) is C. And FYI, that is not my style: I dress like a preppy since I was 15 and I am very happy with it.
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Rewatching winx season 4 for nostalgia and realizing how wierd some things are
Ep. 5
And even though they said they don't want attention, they're flying?
Homeless man cameo at perfect irony point
...I just noticed this but why do they always stand on their toes when in fairy form?
I feel sorry for roxy, imagine being told that not only are you a different species than you thought, but also the balance of the entire world is riding on you.
What are duman's transformation limits?
This whole break in and set a trap is actually clever, if only the trap was better
Cute kiko
Why did they all kneel if only Ogron cast the spell?
Ok that interaction between riven and Brandon was cute.
They kind of already do, except nabu though, he looks like a monk
Well at least helia's got his priorities straight
Also nice world building, gardenia is expensive to live in
Riven defying physics with a newspaper, also smart for looking at newspaper adds
Sassy brandon
You know what, not a bad idea to try mechanics
Also I love how nabu didn't change and still looks like a monk and the mechanic isn't questioning it
Oh my god this is painfully awkward
Did Riven break the hood of that car?
Ok that has got to be illegal or at least questionable, did they file tax before giving blooms parents their investment back?
Eh, I'm not going to question these details
Oh my god musa PRINTED the pictures of Stella half awake
Also this is a very fair concern to have when dealing with animals, they didn't mention some of the darker things that could happen to a pet after adoption but it is always a valid thing to keep in mind
Wow, mitzi is annoying
At least they came to the correct conclusion, but aren't they going to question how the wizards managed to cast the spell?
Property damage nullifies the closed sign Stella put up
I don't think what's good or bad for business is relevant when propert damage or bodily harm are bigger concerns
Did duman have to get close to cat the spell? It's seems redundant and frankly an unnecessary risk
... did.. did anagan get rid of the Sound waves with sound waves????
What even were either of those spells bloom? They did like nothing
ALIENS!!!!! I mean he's technically not wrong though
Ok creative Stella good job
Riven raising good points
Ditching jobs, to shame
Aw naw! Oh my god gantlos sounds adorable
What was gantlos's idea?
Thank you timmy, thievery is bad boys
Ok Riven, and probably all the boys, shouldn't be driving
Oh my god this interaction is so awkward and honestly I feel for mitzi here, she literally knows nothing and suddenly they're at her door
aisha and nabu are adorable
Oh no, mitzi and her obsesion
Both stella and Brandon are in the wrong here
"A girl never let's her Prince charming go" Ironic
I mean an actual valid reason for being fired
....I feel awful for only now noticing timmy wasn't there, but also why wasn't he?
Half packed apartment, realistic
I don't know how to feel about watching Stella eat for several unnecessary seconds
Huh didn't expect musa to be the most invested in the book
Also I wish we had more world building for believix, I have so many questions
Noooooo, helia's hair cut
Ok Riven is my spirit animal
Stalker nightmare
Note, if someone is doing something you don't like and makes you uncomfortable you have every right to tell them to stop, no matter their feelings
Tecna has good points
Aisha your great, never change
Oh my god are they seriously painting with several colours on top of each other wet?? This is a disaster
Uhhhng, this second hand embarrassment is horrible
Thank you tecna for stating the obvious
That's creepy, just knock girls
Roxy you are acting suspicious
What was Stella hanging from?
Well their tone changed drastically
Also roxy, crazy people are dangerous
What is this silent conversation between bloom and roxy
Well that could've gone far worse
You lost one group of loonies and found another
Oh my god roxy needs therapy after this
Also irony for artu to bite duman
I love Cute villains
Bouncy light, makes sense
Aisha? Love you
Creepy duman love it
Holy shit ogron is strong
I love ogro
Get the poor girl some therapy
Roxy your awesome, insult them more
I do actually love believix, it looks really pretty and has a nice concept
Roxy looks pissed
Ah, cliff hanger
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ST Season 2 Wardrobe Analysis
Lucas, Max, & Dustin
Hello! I never talked about Lucas and Dustin in season 1, so I'll probably go back and do it at some point, but for now, I'm keeping my season 2 momentum. What we should note about season 1 heading in is that Dustin wears graphic tees and sweatshirts all the time. He also wore the same hat all season, which is also the same hat he wears for all of season 2.
I've talked a lot about characters having a specific color associated with them (Will, Mike, Nancy, Steve, and El all do) but Max, Lucas, and Dustin don't have this.
Dustin's graphic tees fascinate me because I feel like there's a hidden message in every one and I'm not smart enough to figure them all out. Here, in his first scene of season 2, he's wearing the periodic table. Dustin loves science. This isn't news to us. But this may or may not hint at the relevance science will play in his storyline this season.
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Lucas wears a lot of shirts like this one with a white v-neck and rings on the sleeves. These shirts are a staple to his wardrobe, basics with a sporty accent.
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Max is generally associated with bright colors. I know some people interpret this as rainbow imagery and read it as queercoding. Personally, I feel like Max's bright colors represent California. They mark her as an outsider. We do see lots of bright color in season 4 when we actually GO to California, and if you've watched the GQ interview with Amy Parris (costume designer), you'll know they established separate color palettes for their various locations.
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Different seasons, different strokes (in both senses of the word). Season 2 and season 4 have different vibes, but also season 2 takes place in the fall while season 4 takes place in the spring. So the Hawkins colors above are bolder than what we see most characters wearing in season 2, but just like this, Max's wardrobe reflects a different color palette than the rest of the cast.
I actually have so much to say about this California color palette thing, so I'll need to cut myself off, but just think about the fact that Will was bullied from a young age for being visibly queer and in the original draft, Joyce mentions that his clothes are too colorful. Then in season 4, we see a girl flirting with him while he is wearing a bright red striped t-shirt. In California, his queerness is NOT visible. The brightness in Max's wardrobe reflects this same culture and now that she's in Hawkins, she is (like Will) standing out. And this is something that's never commented on within the show, but in real life, I can imagine that looking like Max (a tomboy) in Hawkins, she probably WOULD be pegged as a lesbian, despite not being one. But that was probably a bit much to work into a heterosexual love triangle, so it's understandable they didn't go there.
Regardless, the brightness signifies difference and standing out for both Max and Will in Hawkins and both Max and Will have relationships with California in which they would have LOOKED like they belonged, but did not necessarily feel like they did.
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Dustin's dinosaur hoodie says "Brontosaurus/Thunder Lizard/The Science Museum of Minnesota." "Thunder lizard" is the loose translation of Brontosaurus excelsus, meaning that this hoodie specifically calls out species identification. Dustin first hears D'art in his trash can this same night. A couple episodes later, he attempts to classify and then name his species.
Also, "Thunder Lizard" makes me think "How do you know if it's not just a lizard?" This sweatshirt is a big nod to D'art, therefore causing my insanity in trying to uncover the meaning of all of his shirts.
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I neglected to point out the similarities between Lucas's and Will's outfits in my Will/Mike post, but their outfits are stylistically extremely similar. They're in matching silhouettes, dark wash jeans, similar colors. It's quite obvious after episode 1 that Will is going to be a huge focal point for season 2, and there are a few cues that tell us that if Will is stepping into the spotlight, Lucas is doing it too.
I already talked about the Ghostbusters costumes in my Mike/Will post, so get the full scoop there! But I want to talk about the two Venkmans thing for a sec.
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Lucas's refusal to be Winston purely because he's black, choosing rather to be Venkman is a big cue that Lucas is determined to no longer be a side character. Mike was established in season 1 as the Main member of the party. So the fact that Mike is the other Venkman tells us that he isn't the sole Main Character anymore. This is another one of those cues I mentioned before (yes, the two Venkmans thing has a variety of other meanings, but I'm not going to get into all those).
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Max's tee is a soft yellow in contrast to most of the yellow we've seen from characters like Will, Mike, or Dustin. Her jeans are also a lighter wash than most of the denim we see in Hawkins. She wears either the same jeans or very similar jeans all season, so even when she's wearing a darker piece like this jacket, she still has brightness from all angles despite her tee being covered. Her sneakers are also a bright grass green, which does not match any of the colors in her outfit. This is something that happens often with Max's outfits. Her accessories don't match but rather add yet another bright color to her look.
This is another one of those shirts I mentioned at the start for Lucas. Something I find interesting here is that Lucas and Mike's outfits tell a cohesive story. Cover up Dustin and Max and we have Lucas's belt going with Mike's pants and the brown in his sweater, Lucas's pants matching Mike's sweater. Dustin fits less so.
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Okay, listen. Maybe I just WANT Dustin's tees to be prophetic and they're not, but the brontosaurus one really was. This one has no text, just a green print of a hot air balloon. I'm creative. I can think of plenty of ways this could go and they all feel wrong to me, but I'm gonna spitball for a second:
Dustin is under the impression that D'art is his great discovery and he has big dreams of getting to classify D'art as his own species when he shows up in this shirt; his head is in the clouds (eh? eh?)
D'art is in his hat right now, so D'art's the one up high in an enclosed space.
Hot air -> freeing Will from the Mindflayer
But here's the one I'm going with if we're using the tees to foreshadow events of upcoming episodes: Dustin beginning to drift away from the party. As I mentioned before, Mike and Lucas match pretty well here. Mike, Will, and Lucas were all in the same colors in the episode before while Dustin was in purple. In episode 1, his bright yellow tee stood out against the others. He, like Max, doesn't really fit the color scheme. And he is about to embark on his two-season-long journey of feeling left out of the party.
Meanwhile Max is decked out in bright colors and she too feels left out or left behind. Mike is absolutely determined to keep her from party participation, her outsider colors not only applying to the school or the town at large but to the party as well.
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Max's hoodie is once again this soft yellow and she's paired it with a blue ringer tee underneath. The color combo is very beachy and the sweatshirt has sailboat details on both the front and back (there weren't any particularly good angles to snap this from, sorry).
Okay, I'm sorry, but is this an owl? I have no idea. Pretty sure it's a bird with an eyepatch, though. The tee says "Pennville Pirates" which I'm fairly certain is not a real thing. I wasted too much time on a google hunt trying to find out. Pennville is a real town in Indiana, very possibly where Dustin could have moved to Hawkins from, but as for the pirates...P sure they don't exist.
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I've thought a lot about why pirates? It's not like Dustin goes on a thieving rampage. The closest he gets to pirate behavior is his dishonesty by hiding D'art and his Attack on D'art in the cellar. But at the end of the day, I think the Pennville part is what really stands out. The fact that Dustin joined the party last was mentioned briefly in season 1 when he mentions to Mike that Lucas is his best friend. He clearly already has insecurities about being less a part of the party than the others and this only grows in seasons 2 and 3, though we never directly address the fact that he was last again. This tee therefore feels like a subtle reminder.
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Lucas wore this jacket in episode 2 and he wears it again later. It's clearly a staple item of his wardrobe. He also wore a similar jacket multiple times in season 1:
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Lucas is someone who likes a fairly simplistic wardrobe, owning a lot of similar items in various colors (Max does this too only in brighter colors). So when he's wearing these staple pieces, this is something I associate with Lucas being himself. I'll come back to this. The striped sweater has a little more color and character than we usually see on Lucas, potentially a hint at Max's influence.
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Max is back in the jacket she wore in episode 1. And she may or may not be jean-repeating as well (they all look the same to me, I'm so sorry). She is an outfit repeater. I talked about Jonathan's outfit-repeating being a sign of his economic status and we know from season 4 that Max's mother has low-income, even after she takes on multiple jobs. But what she has now, financially, we can't really be sure. If the money is all coming from the Hargrove side of the family and Max's stepfather is a violent, controlling piece of fuckass garbage-fire trash, it's completely possible that Max doesn't see much of this money. However, she does appear to have a much more expansive wardrobe than Jonathan. And back to Lucas (and others) wearing the same jackets often, jacket repeating in particular is not necessarily a sign of how much money someone has.
However, a lot of Max's outfits have not seemed quite appropriate for the Hawkins weather. It doesn't look like she's gotten new clothes since the move. Again, this could be a consequence of her not getting much spending money or it could be a personal preference. But we do see her taping up her skateboard (presumably after Billy broke it off screen) later, so it seems likely that she is afraid to ask for things.
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I couldn't decide if I should include it or not, but I actually do think this "outfit" poses some questions. Like, why does he own all of this stuff? He's clearly not a sports guy. So are these his belongings? Or were they his dad's? We don't know anything about Dustin's father. We don't know why he's out of the picture. We don't know if he's alive or dead; if Dustin's relationship with him was good or bad; if Dustin knew him at all/if he was EVER in the picture for Dustin or if his mother has always raised him alone.
All we know is that someone in this household at one point in time played hockey. Whether seriously or unseriously, poorly or well. Maybe Dustin's mother tried to get him into sports once and it didn't work out. Or maybe this stuff belonged to a father they don't talk about, but whose belongings are still around. But he grabs it from a very accessible location in an indoor closet (though we don't know if he's already put it there ahead of time for easy access). So while I can't draw any conclusions from this getup, I think its existence is curious.
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This jacket is very like those tees he likes to wear with the stripe accents. It's also similar to the types of jackets Max often wears, but his jacket is more reflective of a letterman jacket, plus he's paired it with khaki pants. These details give Lucas's outfit a sort of sporty prep look while Max's style is skate sporty. Add in the plaid button-down and I'm actually just confused.
This is kind of a blend of different vibes we've seen from Lucas (i.e. his first outfit/third outfit being on the sporty prep side and his second/fourth outfits being on the smalltown fall vibes side. I'm not a fan. And Lucas is torn here, trying to figure out how to be honest with Max and also respectful of his friends. Maybe this outfit wasn't intended to be as ugly as I personally find it, but it feels like a visual representation of this internal struggle. The jacket leaning towards Max, the shirt leaning towards the party.
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And while Lucas is sporting my least favorite of his looks for the season, Max is in my personal fave. She's in that soft, sunny yellow again and stripes, of course, plus a cozy grey sweatshirt. I don't have much to say about it other than that this is the warmest, most fall-colored of her outfits so far, potentially signaling her growing attachment to Hawkins.
How do we know shit's about to go down? Lucas has a bandana on.
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This outfit feels much more comfortable than the last one. He's got his sneaks and his stripey tee and this jacket we've seen him in multiple times. He looks natural. And though I said that bandana thing like a joke, when Lucas puts on his bandanas, generally, we DO know that something dramatic is about to happen. We've been given a couple shots of him putting them on as a very intentional step in the preparations, for example, before he goes to spy on the lab in season 1. Lucas putting on a bandana isn't just a signal to the audience that shit's getting real, but it's something he does intentionally to prepare himself for conflict. I imagine this is a method of hyping himself up, boosting confidence, creating a visual for himself that he associates with bravery and triumph, likely a consequence of movies he's seen.
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Max is in a striped tee and sporty-striped jacket again. Sorry for that second pic, but I wanted to get her jeans and shoes in the shot. Her shoes are red and blue and don't match, like at all. But Max is not a fashion girly and their vibrant color still fits her vibe. She and Lucas are both wearing orange striped tees as they grow closer to one another.
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Similarly, Dustin is also wearing orange as he and Lucas make up. What is utterly bizarre to me is that the graphic tee Dustin spends the most time in (episodes 5-9), we can't see. His hoodie is zipped in all four episodes. The most I was able to read off it is "Race Yourself." The illustration is of a man on the moon, so this is presumably related to the Space Race, but the entire wording is never revealed. The message we are left with is "race yourself." Why. I don't actually have the answer to that. Try as I might, I am just not that smart.
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Our girl wore pants to this dance (queen). And I don't think I'll ever be over the fact that her mom puts ONE barrette in her hair and says "It'll be worth it!" This outfit is low-key a mess, in my humble opinion, but that actually gives it some charm. The sweater has yellow cuffs, blue shoulders, a red waistband, and multi-colored stripes, and then she wore it with coral pants and that ONE barrette plus a watch in yet another shade of yellow. It's so colorful and it just screams Max, but it is not formal in the slightest. And this is an incredible contrast to pretty much all of the boys (and El) who all go out of their way to Dress to Impress.
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ESPECIALLY Dustin. Dustin's outfit is actually my favorite out of the whole party's Snow Ball looks, but the effort he put into his hair shows how much he is trying to emulate Steve, a known womanizer, rather than being himself. His friends make fun of it, but god bless Scott Clarke for telling Dustin he looks snazzy. Dustin told Lucas he saw the connection (the "electricity") between him and Max, so he isn't trying to impress Max here, but he spends the dance hyper-focused on girls to the point that he ends up crying alone. Another contrast to note here is Will, who had no desire to impress any girls and yet got asked to dance by one calling him "Zombie Boy" which (first of all, rude) shows that she asked him to dance because he was being himself. Versus Dustin putting on an impression of a knock-off Steve Harrington, and getting laughed at.
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This is another instance of Lucas and Mike's outfits looking kind of similar. They're both in grey and stripes with similar silhouettes with their jackets (open) and button-downs, going back to the two Venkmans thing with these boys both being leading lads/love interests. Lucas's shirt is slightly unbuttoned with no tie or bow-tie. His look is the most casual of all the boys, which fits with Max and the fact that after getting over the fear of trying to ask her to dance, he relaxes and these two manage to connect.
Other Season 2 Wardrobe Analyses: Mike & Will El & Hopper Nancy, Jonathan, & Steve
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Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness - "The Hunger Game"
Episode 67 overall 
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Po and the Furious Five must stop food-stealing rats to end a great famine, but will Po's weakness for food hinder the mission?
Shifu and the Furious Five are starving themselves just as the towns folk. 
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At first, it seems honorable and a necessity because they also don't have much food. Even when they were offered something to eat by Madame Zhou they refused. And let me tell you how stupid that was. You don't want to eat while everybody is hungry? Then take as much food from the table as you can carry and share it with others. You came to her to get only rice but she offers more food. What is she going to do? Tell you not to share it with anybody?
Later they become so hungry they can't even fight. When Po comes back they complain about him not bringing any food for them. Then why didn't you take some the first time? If they did there would've been no plot and conflict because Five could've defeated the rats while satiated.
Also, I don't like how everybody gives Po a hard time for being hungry. Their argument ''everybody is hungry'' doesn't hold much water when you take into consideration different species. They even acknowledge in the show that Mantis doesn't starve as much cause he's so small and needs less food. They know what a panda is. Don't they realize he needs more food just like a rhino or an elephant would?  
Monkey is the only one to believe in Po just being late. When everybody is upset with his actions, Po singles Monkey out to apologize. They're bros!
Overall great episode!
Villain: Ju-Long and the Lao Shu are rats who still food. It's interesting that Ju-Long is this madman yet still got all those rats to follow him. Wouldn't they be mad at him for wasting food and money? They probably just stash away something for themselves.
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Madame Zhou is a good villain but I have some questions. Why does everybody call her old, she looks rather young, middle age, maybe, and everybody acts as if she was older than Shifu. Did the scriptwriters and animators have some miscommunication and didn't know what she looks like? Am I missing something because of translation? And what's with her pining over Po? If there really is such a huge age gap between them it's creepy. I know Po is an adult but he's obviously uncomfortable. This series has a huge problem with determining characters' ages.
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Still counting!
Interspecies relationships in Kung Fu Panda:
Mantis and a caterpillar/butterfly. 02
A pig female and a duck male married couple. 13
Mr. Ping, a duck, and all his girlfriends, Mrs. Yoon a goat, a pig, a mantis, a water buffalo, and Lady Scorpion. 15
Tigress's crush on Shifu. 17
Sung, a snow leopard, tries to seduce Po, a Panda. 23
Crane has a crush on Bai Li, a female pig. 26
Tigress and The Midnight Stranger (Tigress didn't know who he was and lost interest when she found out it was Po. If she found out it was any other guy she might still have been interested.) 32
Monkey has a crush on Ming, an Ibex girl. (Finally! I know what animal Woo is!)  Monkey used to have a bunny as a girlfriend.  And many more. 42
Shifu, a red panda, dated a Mei Ling, a fox. Also, Mantis and Zeng, a duck, show interest in her. 44
Mantis flirts with a Bunny lady 49
A pig female and a duck male married couple  are back. 54
Po, a panda, and Lu-Shi, a goat, are engaged. 55
Tigress has a crush on Yijiro, a prawn. 58
Madame Zhou, a gazelle, is allover Po this episode. Ju-Long, a rat, is flirting with her and Madame Zhou likes it. 67
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sweettodo · 3 years
⟿ Levi Ackerman x freader x Eren Jaeger
Includes : threesome, swearing, smut.
word count : 4,5k.
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for 300 followers, i promised i would bless you all with a few stories. this was a tough plot to come up with b/c the age difference, but i always come thru :)). enjoy. thank you for 300 friends, readers, and fans. one more story on the way, hope you like !!
Being in the scouts wasn't necessarily all that bad, especially when you had all the strong, agile men to look at all day long.
You didn't bite your tongue, the gushy, teenage girl flirtatiousness that you bestowed upon not one, not two, but a good sum of the boys you worked and trained with every day. Most of whom were your closest friends, who put up with your promiscuousness. For the most part, they fed into it, reciprocating the behavior. But it couldn't be avoided that you took a special liking towards your Captain; Mr. Ackerman himself.
Call it unnatural, call it unusual, but you had a justification for liking him so much. If he said the right thing in the right context, your knees would be shaky and weak, for instance, when he demanded you to 'shut up' half-jokingly for fooling around with Connie too much. You left training that day with a waterfall between your legs, leaving you stunned for at least a week.
The ideas in your head were endless and slightly disturbing. There was no denying you were captivated by him, and he knew it.
Not to mention he took a fondness to you too...
Well, not how you quite anticipated him too. He just believed you were a capable scout, thus him taking you under his wing with your friends. Leaving aside your whorish comments. He took your ignorant attitude with a grain of salt, not allotting you the time of the day- which only made it more of a challenge to get what you yearned much for.
He would scoff, walk away and roll his eyes, reprimanding you on behaving yourself and acting your age. You were 19, you were acting your age, 'I could be worse,' you mumbled under your breath.
Being the species of girl who was drawn to a particular type of man, power play, that sharp attitude which one with a level head and a drop of common sense would take as a definite red flag, the type of man that would punish you for being horny or bratty- you could only dream- it was also clear you couldn't bluff and say that you didn't favor the infamous Eren Jaeger: the strong-willed, wild, dominant and overbearing youthful man. He could command you to get on your knees, and you would in a flash.
Alas, you would not be seeing the pearly gates with what went through your mind about the long-haired, tall, demanding man. On the plus side-unlike Levi- Eren enjoyed the attention you gave him, he played the game with you.
And he played the game good- you liked it.
On numerous occasions, you would be more than touchy with Eren, the little 'not so serious' back rub, or a hand on his thigh under the table to make him hot and bothered. And once or twice, the rare make-out session in an alleyway while your friends shopped or by the stable of horses one time when you were sixteen. Though the sexual tension grew once you turned eighteen when you two were less apt to get in trouble for your conduct- yet you never took it all the way, liking the idea of having him on his toes every time he saw you.
Anyways, today was different than most days, you all were honored with a few days of relaxing, sleeping in, and extra time to eat and shower with no training, or missions.
Appreciating the peace, you lay in your bed buried under the blankets half asleep, taking in the unusual time of relaxation. While nearing slumber again, you're rudely interrupted. A pounding on your door riddles throughout your body, frightening you half to death, you flinch, sitting up in an instant.
"Food! y/n." oh, it was Connie.
You untangle from the blankets, sauntering to your wardrobe, and pulling out a regular old white shirt with shorts. The heat was not something to take lightly around here, you could collapse and suffer from a heat stroke if you weren't careful, so you rolled up your shorts a little and slipped on shoes, taming your hair and heading out of your messy room towards the mess hall, eyes finding your friends and groggily plunging into the bench besides Eren and your other buddies, "sleep well?" Connie laughs, you scowl at him.
"Yea! I was dreamin' about you too! Too bad you ruined it, I was just getting to the good part."
Connie laughs and shakes his head, shoveling food down into his mouth, "I don't even wanna know what that dream was about." Jean grumbles, ruffling his hair to remove it from his clammy forehead; Jean was a difficult one to crack, he usually blushed and would cut your trifling demeanor right off at the knees, he was more for Mikasa's quiet and ethical personality.
"Shut it Kirstein- I do!" Connie protests, you wink at him.
"I'll tell you when I get you alone, how 'bout that Springer?"
Eren could be heard from your left, snorting, you glance over and see his arm raise and head towards your back, yanking your bra and snapping it back against your skin, you unleash an 'ouch' and attempt to reach back and rub the area, "White shirt with a red bra underneath? Who're you tryna' impress?" You shrug.
"Captain, of course."
"More like you dressed in the dark this morning." Eren bullies.
"Captain, what?" Connie and Sasha childishly roll and bounce around in their seats, bellowing laughter while you slowly turn around to face your boss, he reiterates one more time before you chuckle and scratch the back of your neck.
"Talking about how good my boss looks today," the words that roll off your tongue make The tense up and sigh in annoyance, beginning to walk away, you pout, tilting your head, "am I wrong?"
"Keep it up, y/n, I'll have you in a cell indefinitely if you continue this adolescent behavior." He doesn't look twice at you, leaving as quickly as he came. Halting your comments right as they came flying out of your mouth, he had to have been enjoying them! Perhaps a little.
Right as the man in charge begins to leave the hall, he stops, peers his head over to meet your eyes.
"-In chains." Your eyes widen, a perverted grin growing onto your face, looking left to right baffled, 'in chains?' gawking to see if any of your friends noticed the innuendo, but it seemed they were well absorbed in their own business.
But someone heard him.
"In chains?"
You look at Eren, he shared the same shock as you, you wriggle your eyebrows and nudge his side, "I'm not the only one who heard it, so maybe I'm not going crazy." You giggle, finishing your meal and gossiping amongst your friends until it was time to go.
To pass time during the day, you all wasted hours cleaning up to your captain's expectations, finally relieving yourselves for the rest of the evening before dinner; walking down the streets of your town, stopping at the shops down the gravel streets. While everyone talks, your head is elsewhere; replaying that remark Levi made about the chains, borderline obsessing over it- rightfully so.
When he said the word 'chains', you instantly recalled the context behind his innuendo, unless you were going insane, but you had made a joke- your first endeavor at flirting with your boss, mentioning to him using the same chains he used on Eren in court a few years back, your friends condemning your extraverted behavior on the spot; when to no avail, Levi did not feed into that well, sending you to isolation shortly after. And then to Erwin's office to explain yourself... in front of him, Commander Hange, and Levi. Nonetheless, it didn't stop you from toying with the man.
You were somewhat... wild.
Enjoying the rest of your stress-free hours, you spend the evening sitting comfortably in the large common area after dinner; all of you except Eren, who didn't appear at dinner either. God knows where he was.
You lounge beside Armin and Jean, your head on Jean's shoulder per-usual.
"Jean, has Mikasa told you how good you look today?" You hum, his face is instantly soaked up in a rosy flush as he throws his hands over his ears to block your weird comments from reaching his ears, "Mikasa?" you quirk an eyebrow.
"Don't be absurd, y/n" she laughs, "Jean, don't listen to her."
"Jean, you look extra good today," you lean over closer to him, "just thought I'd tell ya'."
"Yeah, yeah." He cracks a small smile, you pat his shoulder then fall back into your seat.
"Awh- c'mon Kirstein, you know I-"
"Y/n, Captain needs to see you..." Eren's voice interrupts the chatting, his head peers into the room, you and your friends falling silent.
"You're probably in trouble again." Armin sighs disappointingly. You promptly stand, "good luck." dragging your feet towards your supposed 'escort', Meeting Eren at the door frame of the corridor, his hands stuffed in his pockets with a deadpan look, watching you begin to take lead ahead of him, "how do you know Levi wants to see me?" You question, examining him whilst walking through the hallways, up the stairs, and around the corner, a few feet away from your Captain's headquarters.
"We talked."
With an uncertain look on your face, churning with turmoil, Eren is knocking once, then twice before pushing open the engraved wooden door, 'Captain didn't even ask who it was at the door-' you furrow your eyebrows, his hand on your back, quickly whisking you into the large room, abruptly stopping in front of his desk.
Your feet are glued to the floor while Eren is closing the door. Levi stands there, propped up against his desk with his arms crossed. The room was eerily silent, you were becoming slightly intimidated. Do you stand? Talk? Sit?
The silence was unbearable.
"Do you need me-"
"I'm fed up, with your manner, cadet." Levi interrupts.
"If I may- Captain," He nods for you to proceed, "why is Eren here?" Captain was very much capable of taking care of reprimanding you on his own, you were almost irritated that Eren was lingering behind you, feeling his eyes burning voids in the back of your head, disrespectfully.
"Isn't that what you want?" Eyes doubling in size, you swerve your head to attempt and get a view of Eren, but Levi halts you once more, treading closer to you so you can look at him, "you don't need to look at Eren."
"I- I don't quite understand."
No one says anything. The air is now thick, more difficult to swallow for oxygen, you were entirely thrown off track with the way he was speaking to you, the way he was looking at you made you want to make a run for it, "Cat got your tongue? Y/n?" Chills rake up and down your body when you feel Eren's breath on your neck, sending your head flying behind you to see the blue-eyed devil almost pressed against your back, you look back at Levi frantically.
Without pause, your ass is planted into one of his chairs, "why aren't you being stubborn? Where's that attitude that constantly gets you into trouble?" Feeling as if you're shrinking, the two men are overlooking you, "go on."
"I- well,"
"She has nothing to say for herself, Cap." Eren looks at Levi, "told you she was all talk." He jabs, were you dreaming?
Your heart thumped out of your chest, you never dreamed of Levi taking it this far, especially when he was so professional... "y/n," Levi's finger touches underneath your chin, raising your head to look at the two men, "always teasing me when you do the same to Eren, so slutty, don't you think, cadet?"
Your mouth drops open at his use of words, finally- the game caught up to you, and you were facing the repercussions, "don't be all shy now."
"I'm not-"
"Then if you're not shy, get on your knees and show us how much you’ve wanted us.”
You hesitate to move, but eventually find yourself slowly sliding out of the chair and onto your knees, "not in my office, go in my room." Eren grabs your arm, walking towards his adjoining room, Levi opens the door and permits you to be ushered in by both him and Eren; Eren grabs you by the hair and directs you back onto your knees in front of your captain's bed, "she's so compliant now that she knows we aren't joking anymore," Levi scoffs, standing behind you while Eren is unbuttoning his jeans right in front of your eyes, a combination of anxiousness and warmth growing in the pit of your gut, looking up at him through your eyelashes, licking across your bottom lip hungrily.
"Be a good girl and open for Eren," Levi bunches up your hair from behind, removing it from around your face.
"Yes sir."
Sticking out your tongue, you try to relax your throat once seeing the size of the man, Levi's grip on your hair prevents you from getting a good look at it before his cock is nudging gently into your mouth, down your tongue, and to the back of your throat, fastening your lips around the base of his cock whilst swirling your tongue when he pulls out of your throat, groaning when your tongue works him with ease.
"So good," He hums, grabbing the sides of your face, Levi drops your hair from his hold so Eren can pick up his pace, using his hands to guide you; gagging and choking while he fucks your throat, saliva dripping down your chin, at the verge of tears, you take his length as far as you can manage. Eren grunting and huffing; only throbbing more when he sees the little tears drip down your cheeks. He heaves out of you, your tongue lolled out while strings of spit follow his cock, the men are astonished at the sight of you gasping for air, but they weren't going to tell you that.
"Are you gonna be good for me and our captain, princess?" Eren crouches down to meet your eyes, clever smile on his face, you nod and he stands you up by your armpit.
You had virtually no control over yourself, they were moving you to where they saw fit; right on your hands and knees into the soft plush sheets, "what do you want, y/n?" you listen from behind you, your head is yanked backward, Levi is there, his free hand wrapped around your jugular loosely, his shirt unbuttoned.
"I want you both to fuck me," you gasp out, they both snicker at you.
"Too easy, way too easy, such a fuckin' whore, imagine wanting both of us," Eren taunts, snatching your shorts down to your knees and lifting your shirt to grab onto the thin waistband of your underwear, "you want Jean to fuck you too? Got any other favorites?" Levi shoves you back onto the mattress, your arms catching you while Levi continues to remove your shorts from your knees, tossing them on the floor, rough hands caressing and pulling apart your ass, both men watch your panties slip in the separated cave of your ass, Eren pulling off your shirt and unclasping your bra.
"N-o, only you guys."
"Who do you want more? Me or your other little fucktoy?" Levi sneers, moving to your front, once again lifting you by your chin, keeping you still while Eren rubs his fingers against the soaked cloth. Pulling upwards against your cunt, the pressure making your clit spasm and scream for the touch of his actual fingers, looking desperate and hungry at your captain.
"I- I can't choose."
Your chest rising and falling, Eren is finally relieving you from your panties, fingers instantly meeting your folds and slipping past your entrance with his two fingers, you whine, eyes rolling to the back of your head, knuckles curving downwards to hook into you and find your sweet spots.
"Well aren't you lucky, you get both of us, even though you don't deserve it," Your captain smirks, getting on his knees, fiddling with the button of his slacks, zipping them down and pushing them past his thighs, "I think she needs to beg for it." He looks at Eren, his erection making itself known from beneath his boxers, fingers quickly scissoring the roots of your hair while he frees himself from his constraints.
"I wanna be your slut- please make me cum." They smile, pleased with your submissiveness.
Cock spilling with precum, he scooches towards your salivating mouth and holds your level to his cock, centimeters away, "so fuckin' wet, can't say I'm surprised you get off to this." Eren's tip rubbing between your folds, collecting the slick that was seeping from your hungry pussy. He pushes into you while Levi is pushing into your mouth, both holes becoming occupied by their pulsating cocks; they longed to fill you up, the torturous teasing you put them through the second you turned eighteen was bound to make them snap- you didn't know what you expected, to be honest, you asked for this.
Eren fucks you slow, savoring the feeling of you clench and suck him in further, pussy stretching from the sheer size of him, veins from the base of his cock hitting and rubbing against the very nerves that were screaming for him to go faster.
Levi fucks deep into your throat, he was about Eren's size, perhaps a little thinner, but he was no match for your throat, choking up the spit from past your throat to lube his cock further. You bring your hand up to assist you, twisting your hand back and forth- up and down while you stimulated his sensitive tip with your tongue, hollowing out your cheeks to suck him back in and repeat.
He was becoming unkempt, his mouth ajar with little moans slipping past his lips, hair dangling in front of the sides of his face while his hips bucked back and forth into the depths of your cave.
"My God, so wet."
You moaned against Levi's cock, Eren speeding up and reaching your cervix, your juices slushing and pussy squeaking while he stretches you out. When his hips connected to your backside, you only want to shrivel up more from the pace he was hitting the hole of your tight cervix. Initially, it hurt, but almost instantly it began to feel pleasurable for both you and Eren, he was reaching great lengths inside of you. He's always wanted to fuck you; almost disappointed in himself that he didn't do this before.
"Taking me so well, I can barely fit," he grunts, "you like my cock y/n? Isn't this what you wanted with your bullshit teasing?" he smacks your ass, crying out, his hips jutting back and forth against you mercilessly, sending jolts into every bone of your body.
He slaps you again, your right ass cheeks burning and tingling from the strength of his slap, "fuckin' slut, better be quiet."
Levi pulls out of your throat, finally able to audible out the loud weeps and cries, he throws his hand over your mouth, "shut up before you get us caught."
"Fuck, Eren!" you wail, ignoring Levis commands, gasps and moans fly around the room, his cock filling you perfectly to the point where you felt like you were made to shape him.
"Open." his hand is forcing your jaw open, sticking your panties into your mouth to silence you. You cry into the fabric, the coil twirling up in your stomach, clenching your walls while he drills into you, his cock rubbing against your g-spot, sending you into a frenzy.
Levi fists his cock for the time being while Eren is chasing his orgasm, knocking into you- inching you towards your orgasm. The back of your head tingling, your pussy twitching, and your stomach tightening, the room spiraling around you while you drop your head into the mattress, eyes screwed shut; Eren tearing an earth-shattering orgasm out of your body.
You see stars and a bright white consumes you, hands reaching to grasp anything, finding Levi's bicep and digging your nails into his skin for support while Eren's cock bathes in your cum, his hands pressing into the small of your back, "'boutta cum, right in this pretty little pussy." He spits, pinning your back to a better arch, you cry into the sheets when Erens thrusts loosen a little, sporadic and stabbing thrusts until he's panting and dumping a large load of his seed into your cunt, letting out moans and swears of approval. Your body convulsing, wanting to collapse.
Erin's lightheaded, dizzy and sweating, little bangs and baby hairs sticking to his soaked face, watching your cum drip down your thighs, the wetness from your pussy which had soaked his stomach, it was a fucking mess.
He pulls out of you, your cream coating his cock; snatching a shirt and wiping himself clean, hiking up his boxers, "you're not done. On your back, now."
Without warning nor regard, you're pushed forward into Levi's hands by Eren to get you moving quicker; you slide onto your back, Levi takes charge and steps off the bed, hauling you by the thighs until you're at the edge of the bed, Levi pressing his hands under your thighs, holding them up and letting his cock slap against your cum-filled cunt, biting onto his bottom lip, teasing his cock into you.
He leans down, taking out the pair of underwear from your mouth, "keep quiet, understood?"
Quickly nodding and bracing yourself, happy to feel warm again.
"Did Eren fill you good?" he asks calmly, you nod.
"Yes- Levi."
Levi halts mid-thrust, peeved look on his face, "yes what, y/n?" you swallow hard, throat dry from the cloth.
"Y-yes Captain, he did." You mewl, he nods once before finishing his thrust.
"This pussy is so tight, even after he stretched you out like this?" he huffs, head dipped down- eyes filed to your pussy sucking in his cock so well; hair flopping back and forth, "I told you I was gonna do something about that mouth of yours, didn't I?"
"Y-you did, sir." You wail.
Levi didn't hold back, each of his sharp thrusts made you more tender inside, little cries fall from your swollen lips while Eren sits beside your head, big arm reaching over your face and kneading your boob, he watches them bounce slightly as Levi ruts into you. Rolling your hard erected nipple in between his fingers, "look at that face, are you gonna cum again?" you look up at Eren, who wears a smug look on his face, "are you gonna cum on Captain's cock, y/n?" you whine, trying to remain quieter under your Captain's directions.
"Gonna-" Eren's hand moves once more- over towards your clit.
This was the first time tonight you had felt this overstimulation, hissing in air and biting onto the skin of your lip, hand grasping Eren's wrist as he swirls little- yet strong circles into your clit, your mouth slacks open, “please! Feels so-" another burst of spasms erupting, thighs shaking and clenching around Levi's waist, "f-fuck me- Fuck me harder Captain, please!" You cry, walls convulsing, cum seeping out of you, down your ass and the base of his cock while he fucks you silly, Eren bringing you that much closer to a euphoric feeling again as he rubs your spasming clit.
"Yeah? You want me to fuck you like the whore you are, right?" Levi pants, cockhead rubbing against your sensitive and exhausted g-spot.
"Who can fuck you better?" Unable to audible, Eren moves faster around your num.
"Don't disobey our Captain, pretty girl- use your words." Screwing your eyes shut, the two men await your answer.
"I-I don't know- Ah!" Your back arches, core tightening for the second time tonight- body shaking as the following orgasm sends you over the moon, Eren's hand smacked over your mouth, you wail into his hand, Levi pins your legs open, leaning down to fuck into you harder, thrashing into your guts, pussy gushing around him until he is groaning and throwing his head back while he slams into you, his stomach nearly slapping against Eren's fingers, his dick twitching. His cheeks rosy and his muscles flexed.
"Fuck, so good- so tight- keep squeezing-" he breathes.
You're dazed from the rocking of his hips, he slows, catching his breath while he releases, coating your bruised walls with his cum. Your body left empty and quivering as Levi is slipping out of your cunt, Eren handing him the same shirt he used to wipe himself off with; your captain retrieving it and cleaning the amount of cum that was left on his softening dick, moving to you and carefully wiping the inside of your thighs and beaten cunt.
Catching your breath, Levi is picking his boxers up from the floor and pulling them up along with his pants, “don’t stay there forever, my sheets need to be switched.” He states, Eren reaches for your hand and helps you sit up, putting his shirt over your head and you slip through the arms, feet meeting the cold wooden floor, you attempt to stand, your knees buckling, Eren grabs you by the tricep before you land on the floor and sits you back on the bed.
“I think it would look suspicious if I carried you out of here, can you walk?”
You nod, “yeah.”
Standing again, you're able to succeed, reaching for your underwear, Eren already had it swinging around his index finger, “I’ll hold onto these.”
With no willpower to object, you just pull up your shorts and pick up your shoes.
“Walk her back, Jaeger, don't do anything stupid.”
You and Eren both leave your Captain’s office quietly, the hall empty and empty, you and he slowly walk back, you laughed at the thought about how it would be a tough one to explain why Eren was shirtless and you were- quite obviously- wearing his shirt while he holds your stained shirt in his hand.
With great luck, you and he make it without running into anyone, reaching your door, you and him enter and you shut the door behind him.
“Here’s your shirt.”
He watches you as you throw off his shirt, tossing it to him and opening a drawer, and grabbing one of your own.
Before you realize it.
“Uhm, Eren, I forgot my bra.” Glancing down at your bare chest, Eren shrugs it off and laughs.
“Captain wanted to keep something too, princess.”
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asmo-ds · 3 years
Can I request if your open, the demon bros reacting to MC revealing they/she's had Vampire, monster men, Siren, and Fae lovers before meeting them? Like, they're playing truth or dare and someone asks MC about their love life and MC just casually reveals their/her long list of ex-lovers, apparently the paranormal beings are not as discreet as they think they are.
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MC having non-human Ex-lovers
Warnings: Monster fucking time :^))), kind of spicy in Satan and Asmodeus’s
Summary: How the avatars of sin react to finding out MC has a long history of dating monsters and other non-human beings (and no I don’t mean MC is a furry jahdljfhakjfhdjk)
A/N: SOME OF THE EXES ARE GIRLS IN THIS AND SOME ARE BOYS !!! just a warning :) also the monster fucker in me jumped out in this 
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- MC was running late when they were supposed to be on their way home from running a quick errand 
- So he was pacing on the front doorstep like a concerned mother, watching the end of the street for the familiar face to turn and rush towards the house, running back to him apologizing for being away from him so long
- What he WASN’T expecting was to see MC turning down the street with a werewolf that appeared to get along a little too well with his MC
- When they got to the front door, still chatting and gigging together, Lucifer cleared his throat loudly
- The werewolf looked frightened, quickly saying his goodbyes to the human before rushing away
- When he drags MC inside, lecturing them on talking to such dangerous creatures and trusting so easily, until he hears them snickering
- “Yea I guess I shouldn’t trust him after how much he hurt me back then,” they say with a agitated look, clearly remembering some pretty upsetting memories, “I mean who text dumps their significant other over text after three years of dating, hmph typical boys..”
- “Significant other.... ???” Lucifer looks at them in shock. “You mean you’ve dated... monsters?” Confusion and a small glimmer of hope hidden behind his cold gaze.
- This means MC would be willing to be with such a big bad beast as himself.
- MC starts to list off multiple species they’ve dated and Lucifer feels his heart speed up knowing that MC had enough experience with monsters to even consider being with him
- If MC is that interested in monsters, then he’ll just have to prove he’s more of a monster than any of those other fools from their past
- Is much more comfortable walking around casually in his demon form, and even tries to look more demonic just to impress the human and gain their attention
- At the end of the day he does inform Diavolo of the recklessness of paranormal creatures in the human realm and how poorly they hide and urges him to ensure the those monsters keep their species hidden better
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- MC had skipped their last class with some guy according to their classmates who he questioned about the human’s whereabouts
- He headed to the rooftop of RAD, knowing if they were led by someone who was from here they were probably brought there for privacy 
- He sees them talking and giggling with some vampire and Mammon felt a pang of jealousy and a bit of fear
- “Oi! Stay away from my human you blood sucker!” Stands between MC and the Vampire defensively
- “You’re human?” The vampire smirks, “I got to them long before you, pretty boy,” Hands are about to be thrown
- When MC explains that they knew him and trust he won’t hurt them because they used to date Mammon just >:O
- But then he gets a bit excited knowing MC wouldn’t reject him for being a monster
- Still sends death glares towards the vampire extremely often to make sure he realizes that since he dumped MC he doesn’t get another chance with them
- When he realizes MC practically only dates monster his head just about explodes
- He really wasn’t expecting this from the puny human, Solomon maybe, but an average joe like MC??? 
- Warns MC about the danger they’re putting themselves in
- “Oh so you’re saying that for my own safety I shouldn’t go on a date with you tonight?” “w-W-WAIT MC THAT AIN’T WHAT I SAID!”
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- Was hanging out with MC playing video games for their weekly otaku sleep overs 
- Mid-game a siren is introduced as the villain and Levi rolls his eyes because he knows how annoying the sirens could be
- “Wow! She’s just like my ex!” Mc shouts pointing at the siren
- “How so?” Levi asks assuming MC was about to roast their ex by comparing them to the monster
- When MC responds with “because she’s a bitchy siren,” Levi almost spits out his drink
- “Haha, you mean she’s loud and manipulative?” He questions trying to find reason in their statement
- “yea that and the fact they’re a siren,” MC shrugs
- MC is a monster fucker?!?!??! Levi.exe has stopped working
- When MC starts to list of all sorts of powerful beings they’d been with he can feel jealousy boiling up inside of himself and he can’t help but want to prove he is stronger than MC’s exes
- Stays in his demon form almost 90% of the time now because he thinks MC will like it (which they do)
- If they ever see one of MC’s exes out in public he gets jealous if they look scarier than himself
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- Satan was browsing the shelves of RAD’s library when he heard hushed voices from behind the bookshelf.
- “So wait, tell me again how you know MC?” A succubi asks an incubus quietly
- “Oh we used to date,” They continue to discuss MC and how MC had dated a lot of monsters in the past apparently and he stormed home ready to get answers
- He couldn’t help but smirk a bit on his way home, if MC wanted a monster, he would give them a monster
- He walks towards their room in demon form, not bothering to knock as he slams open MC’s door
- He looms over MC who is sitting at their desk looking at him with curious eyes
- “Hi, Satan, you should really knock you know-””How many monsters have you been with?”
- MC freezes at the question, a bit embarrassed that their past had made its way into the House of Lamentation
-Satan pulls them to a standing position and pushes them against the wall, leaning into their ear and nipping it before speaking
-”So kitten likes to play with the big bad wolves, huh?” He asks the human who stared up at him with a flustered yet loving gaze. “Lucky for you, you’ve got the biggest and the baddest of them all right here, kitten~”
- Spends all night showing his power over them and letting himself be a monster around them (after ensuring they wanted it of course, he’s a monster, not an asshole)
- Makes sure all of MC’s ex lovers who reside in the Devildom know that he doesn’t plan on letting the human go and they’re happier with him than they were with any of their exes
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- They were having a sleepover and were waiting for facemasks to dry
- While waiting Asmodeus suggested they play truth or dare and MC agrees
- MC picks truth and Asmo goes for a question that had been plaguing his mind for a long time
- “have you ever been with a monster?” When MC responds with a shy little “yea” he gets super excited and squeals
- asks for all the details of who hey dated, what species they were, if it was serious between them or not
- They actually discovered they had a bunch of exes in common and had to make a timeline to realize one of the exes had dated them at the exact same time
- They spend hours going off about different lovers they’ve both had and just spend all night gossiping about different type of species and the different ways the species act in bed
- He then realizes he has an opportunity to flirt so he pushes them down on the bed and hovers inches away from their face
- “All monsters have power, but MC, do you want to be with a real monster who can give you a real taste of power”
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- Someone on his team was doing some “guy talk” with a few other guys and Beel heard them bring up MC’s name
- He tuned in, ready to stand up for them if they were going to shit talk his favorite human
- “I mean all three years of being together was rocky, fuckin’ was the only thing that really kept us going-” Beel is too shocked to keep tuned in
- MC had been with a monster for that long before their time in the Devildom?
- At home he sees MC in the kitchen and blushes at the thought of him and MC being together like they had been with that other demon- except he would treat them better and make them feel loved
- “MC, I overheard some guys in the locker room talking about how you had dated one of them for a while in the past” He’s very straightforward and casual about questioning MC
- “I’ve been with quite a few people that go to RAD,  humans are just too boring y’know?” MC giggles at the flustered ginger as he dug through the fridge, determined to fill his endless abyss of a stomach
- They just hang out in the kitchen for a while, casually talking about MC’s past with monsters and Beelzebub doesn’t judge them at all, but he knows some monsters can be cruel and feels a bit worried MC has been hurt
- I feel like in that moment of realization that MC isn’t afraid of him and his species he’d probably confess his feelings for the human
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- He was sleeping on MC’s lap while they talked to Asmo in the common room
- His sleepy self is able to make out the words “Dated” and “monster” so he tuned in discreetly
- He hears MC list all of the species they’d been with in the past and can’t help but blush at the thought of being with MC but he also is frustrated to know he has so much competition 
- Once Asmo starts to change the subject Belphie decides he’d heard enough and heads up to the attic to nap where MC and Asmo wouldn’t yap his ear off
- Has a dream about being with MC, them loving him for himself; even the parts that were meant to scare humans away
- He wakes up to soft fingertips brushing his hair around 
- “My lap got cold without you there,” MC frowns at the sleepy demon in front of them
- Belphie pulls them down to cuddle with him and asks them a question
- “How powerful were they all?”
-”Who? Oh! You heard about my exes haha... I mean they were definitely powerful but not nearly as powerful as you and your brothers,” MC responds
- He tilts their chin up and places a soft kiss on their lips, “Good, cuz I don’t want them to even think about trying to get you back. If I’m more powerful than them then they won’t even think about causing trouble.”
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years
Star Wars Animated Pride Headcanons
This is for the characters in the animated TV shows (minus The Bad Batch because I haven't seen it yet. 🤭)
I can't do all the characters in the shows simply because that would be... a LOT, but I'll do the main ones and any I find particularly fun!
As with my last post, these are just my opinions and it’s totally cool if you have different ideas. Art is subjective and there are plenty of ways to engage with said art. This is just for my personal fun!
Without further ado:
Ahsoka Tano (she/her): Bisexual
Might be canon? It's implied she liked Lux Bonteri, and also she kind of had a love-interest in the Ahsoka novel in Kaeden Larte. Either way, because I'm a dumb Bisexual, my favs are getting the bi treatment.
Rex (he/him): Aromantic
Rex loves his friends, but never felt any romantic attraction for anybody. Which is fine. There are plenty of ways to love! And he's got a lot of love to give!
Quinlan Vos (he/they): Pansexual, Non-Binary
A Funky Dude. He's just vibing. That includes matters of gender and sexuality. They don't care. Really they could use any pronouns and not be affected. He just like who he like regardless of gender or species. Probably a Monsterfucker.
Asajj Ventress (she/her): Pansexual
Gender doesn't matter. Only power. She's just unlucky to have fallen for Quinlan (or lucky depending on how you look at it).
Barriss Offee (she/her): Lesbian
I feel like she struggled with her feelings of liking someone, considering the Jedi Code is against attachments. The fact that she fell in love with Ahsoka didn't help matters. She really didn't have anybody to turn to. She had a crush on her best friend, and the order that raised her wouldn't affirm attachments. The order failed her. In many different ways.
Plo Koon (he/him): Ally
Plo Koon supports his Queer Jedi family!! Don't come for them. He will take you out.
Shaak Ti (she/her): Lesbian
Your fav Clone Mom is a Lesbian. I believe even though she was attracted to women and femmes, she didn't act on it, adhering closely to the code, even at a young age.
Depa Billaba (she/her): Ally
Same thing as Plo Koon. Loves her gay and trans Jedi. Is not afraid to cause bodily harm to those disrespectful of her family.
Aayla Secura (she/her): Bisexual
Ah yes, the Twi'lek everyone ships with Commander Bly and Kit Fisto. Girl is bisexual and wouldn't have issues acting on it, regardless of Jedi code. She learned well from her master, it seems.
Ezra Bridger (he/him): Bisexual
My dumb Bisexual brain go brrr. You can't tell me that man didn't have a crush on both Wren siblings. And let's not forget about Jai Kell. They were fruity. (I know they've never met, but I strongly ship Luke and Ezra because I just think it'd work so well). Once again, one of my favs and therefore Bisexual.
Kanan Jarrus (he/him): ally.
He loves his gay son(s) and daughter. He will fight for them. He will fight for you. Get you a man like Kanan Jarrus.
Hera Syndulla (she/her): Pansexual
Hera's got bad taste in species, tbh. She saw a drunkard on a mining moon and went "oh?? 💖"
I'm mostly kidding. Space mom loves who she loves regardless of gender. It just so happens that the species she attracts are dumb human males.
Sabine Wren (she/her): Sapphic
Can't decide whether she should be Lesbian or Bisexual with a huge preference for femmes. She gives off Lesbian energy tho. Her and Ketsu Onyo are fruity.
Garazeb Orrelios (he/him): Gay
That's not a scary Lasat. That's a homosexual. Can you stop making heart eyes at Kallus for one second? Ugh.
Alexsandr Kallus (he/him): Gay
Man gets shown affection ONE TIME and suddenly he's throwing away his fascist beliefs for a man. Can't decide whether that's good for him, or just desperate...
Hondo Ohnaka (he/him): Aromantic Homosexual.
Romance?? Hard pass. Hook-ups?? Absolutely.
Not really that important to this post, but when I was playing The Sims 4: Journey to Batuu™️, I really, really wanted an option to flirt with Hondo, but the goddamn game wouldn't let me do it. Guess it would hurt their brand to let me flirt with the really old space pirate. Just let me romance the dirty old space pirate in your dumb life simulation game!!!
Kazuda Xiono (he/him): Bisexual
Well, he's the only one on here because he's the only person I remember by name.
(I'm so sorry gay maintenance workers. You weren't so heavily queer-coded just so I could forget you 😢😢😢)
Kazuda is a bisexual himbo. A bimbo, if you will!
But seriously, this poor man would see a pretty boy and pretty girl in the same place and die on the spot. Send help. His father can't. He got blown up on Hosnian Prime.
That's a wrap!!
Next time, I'll post the Live-Action TV characters!! Hope you enjoyed my silly little headcanons!!!
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gummygowon · 3 years
regretful jellyfish | jeong yunho
word count: 1.3k
genre: angst, tiny bit of fluff, best friend yunho x fem. reader
best friends au!
warnings: kind of cheating? (if there's more pls let me know)
song recommendation: restless by bibi & cigarette by offonoff
a/n: this is inspired by my friends and because we can't go to prom this year :(
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highschool prom, the one school event you’ve been looking towards to ever since you watched high musical 3. this year's prom theme was something that you were surprisingly looking forward to which was 'under the sea' and located at the city's aquarium. a night of dancing next to fish and sharks with your friends and prom date was something even more than middle school you ever dreamed of.
so far everything has been according to plan, your hair looked gorgeous and your outfit and makeup looked absolutely stunning. and to make things even better, you got asked out by your long time crush, jeong jaehyun. you’ve been crushing on that dude since sophomore year and now in your senior year you finally have a chance to be more than just friends.
yeah, you’ve heard all of the warnings from your friends telling you not to fall for such a playboy but you couldn’t help yourself and his damn smile didn’t help either. so when jaehyun asked you out with a poster and flowers, you almost died from shock right on the spot.
however, your best friend yunho, was the complete opposite of shock. he was more disgusted or maybe even jealous that jaehyun was the one asking you out. yunho heard all the dirty things he did with girls and how he was douchebag to almost everyone which is what made him wary of your friendship with the latter. it also didn’t help that yunho also had feelings for you but he was too much of coward to ever confess. but yunho was only your best friend. best friend...
so if jaehyun made you happy then he would have to bury his feelings even further. sure, it upset him but jaehyun had balls to ask you out which he didn’t have and now the lucky bastard got the girl.
unfortunately, you really should’ve listened to your friends because as soon you guys walked into prom together, jaehyun was already flirting with another girl. you didn’t even bother trying to wrangle him back to you. once he was with a girl, there was no way of getting him back.
with the night already off to a shitty start, you wandered away from the crowd and ventured deeper into the aquarium. you reached the dead end of one of the 'hall of fishes' exhibit which was a big circled room with never ending glass walls full of different marine species swimming inside.
you leaned against the railing, zoning out. how could you be so stupid? there was no way you could have changed him. once a fuck boy always a fuck boy, you idiot.
tears began forming in your eyes the more you thought about the situation. you couldn't cry over some bitch boy. he wasn't worth it. no matter how many hours you spent blushing over him, he wasn't worth it. more thoughts came into your mind like a dumb animal walking into a trap. thoughts that reminded you how dumb you were, pushing you closer and closer to actually crying.
that is until you heard someone enter the room, you sniffled quietly and brought a finger to your eyes, catching any water droplets.
"did you know that jellyfish don't have a brain?" a familiar voice asked.
a smile appeared on your face for the first time this night, "didn't i tell you that?"
ever since your school revealed the theme for prom and venue, you've been spewing out random ocean facts to yunho in pure excitement.
"yeah, you also told me that sharks the only fish to have eyelids." yunho added on, a grin on his face too.
"so you were paying attention to me." you teased as you bumped his arm with your shoulder.
"of course i did, when do i not?"
you laughed at his response before returning your gaze back to the jellyfish swimming around. you weren't sure if yunho knew what happened with jaehyun but he probably found out somehow. he always did.
"why aren't you with your date? the slow dance is coming up soon and i know you've been waiting for it." your best friend asked, he didn't know why he was trying so hard to make sure you and jaehyun worked out or at least for the night. he just wanted you to be happy. to be happy with the guy that you've been crushing on for years. to have this night feel like a dream.
"he left me." you answer bluntly, before turning your gaze back to yunho. guess he didn't know.
"oh. i'm so sor-"
"don't even bother," you wave your hand in the air, shooing away the apology. "i should've listened to you guys anyways."
yunho stood there in silence, staring at a particular blue tang, not knowing what to say. he couldn't just confess right now, that would be inappropriate and selfish of him. usually, he was good at comforting his friends but comforting his crush after they got rejected by the guy they've been pinning after for years was something he didn't know how to do.
"you can go back, the slow dance must be starting soon." you said after breaking the silence. "i don't wanna ruin your night too."
yunho's heart was beating faster as his mind was violently urging him to ask you to dance or just say something. "it's okay, i don't wanna leave you alone."
you were about to argue for him to go back but you decided against it and smiled back instead, looking back at the fish swimming back and forth with the kelp swaying in the back.
the two of you were in a peaceful silence, looking at the aquatic animals thinking different things.
your mind was yelling at you for being a dumbass and believing that you would be the one to change a fuck boy's mind while yunho's was yelling at him for being a coward.
if he just confessed to you before jaehyun ever came into the picture, you wouldn't be here on the brink of tears on the one event you've been waiting for since you were seven. you guys could be slow dancing together, problem-free and regret-free.
from the distance, you guys could hear the dj's loud voice drift into the room, "ladies and gents, gather your partners because it's time to slow it down!" loud ooo's and cheers joined in right after.
"may, i have this dance m'lady?" yunho asks with his heart beating out of his chest and cheeks flushing a faint red.
a bright smile appears on your face as you take his hand, "of course, sir."
as soon yunho brought you closer to him, you realize how much he's been there for you ever since you guys became friends. memories flooded your head, almost bringing you tears of happiness. you pulled yunho even closer to your body, burying your head into his neck while his arms wrapped around your waist tighter.
slowly but gracefully, you guys swayed to the distant slow song with thoughts full of regret. regret about not confessing sooner and regret about not listening to your friends.
the longer you danced, the more you thought about how much your best friend was the better option. in a way, it made you feel selfish for thinking of yunho as just a choice leading you to thinking that he deserved a better partner than you. someone who could cherish him from the start and all the way to the very end.
yunho, on the other hand wanted this moment to last forever. slow dancing in the dark with his crush, as he held onto you like you were the only thing that matter. if he couldn't have you like this for himself, then he would have to make sure moments like these lasted. sure, it was a little self-centered of him but this was the price had to pay for waiting.
the price of waiting: a dance with the girl he wants but she had her heart set on someone else.
and the price of this dance with this boy: the girl realizes she's been in love with him this whole time.
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yan-twst · 4 years
Hello! May I request hc for the dorm leaders finding out that their female crush is only attracted to girls(female mc as a lesbian I stan-)? If you don't feel comfortable writing this then feel free to delete! I hope this was intresting ;-;
hell yeah lesbians rise up!!!! i included some of my own headcanons of how gay and lesbian stuff is in twst because i think it’s nice to have that there!
riddle rosehearts
riddle is immediately mortified- not because it turns out his crush is a lesbian, but because he’s now horrified all his “courting” may have come off as a bother or inappropriate. he’ll go beet red and apologize for that. he- he didn’t know! he didn’t mean to impose himself- argh!
is he heartbroken? a little. but he’s more worried that he may have come off as pushy. the queen of hearts may have been overbearing, but she never went out of her way to specifically bother anyone, and riddle feels the same way. he really really wants to make it clear he didn’t mean to bother her oh god-
once he calms down a bit, he’ll just, kinda... compose himself and apologize once more. if he had known, he’d probably not have made any advances (even though his “flirting” was more along the lines of inviting to unbirthday parties and sharing trey’s baking. it was nothing too invasive- hell, riddle’s crush wasn’t even aware he was flirting with her)
riddle will also bashfully ask if... well, even if he has no chance with her, he hopes that they can still remain friends. romantic or platonic feelings, he still really gets along with her- hell, everyone’s grown used to having her at the unbirthday parties, and trey already bakes extra for her every time.
he’ll take the title of being her friend with pride. riddle will quickly swallow down his heartbreak: this is something that has to be this way, and the fact that she likes girls simply means he’ll just be the best guy friend she possibly can have
leona kingscholar
leona “woman respecter” kingscholar takes the information well. he just kinda goes ‘oh’, nods, and takes a nap.
welp, there’s nothing to be done, so why get all sad and mopey? if the little herbivore likes girls, more power to her. welp, women are pretty and powerful. he understands why they like women. makes sense
leona is a bit sad, sure, but it’s only natural. he doesn’t dwell on it for long, though. if something can’t be changed, there’s no sense in thinking it over and over: he’s a man and his crush likes women, so that’s the end of that
despite it being so clear cut for him, he will take some time to talk everything out with her. he wants to make it clear: he was pursuing her romantically before, and he won’t anymore. he didn’t know she was a lesbian before, and now he knows
still, leona’s got a soft spot for the little herbivore. even though he might not be pursuing her anymore, it doesn’t change the fact he still feels like he’s gotta watch over her and help her. 
he’s just gonna be his usual grumpy self, really. he’ll still invite her over to practice magift, he’ll still tease them and call them “herbivore”. is he still in love? leona won’t ever mention it, really. does it matter? she’s his friend now, even if he calls her “annoying herbivore” whenever she wakes him up, and that’s pretty much all he could ask for
azul ashengrotto
fun fact did you know octopi have been seen displaying homosexual behaviours out in nature
which is to say, this isn’t anything new to azul. same-sex relationships are more common in his home than what he’s seen in the surface, but it’s not like lesbians are a new concept to him
oh don’t get it wrong he does cry when his darling tells him she’s not into men. he cries and then he lets her hug him until he stops. he then proceeds to be so mortified over it all he wishes he could go hide in his octopus pot
after apologizing for... that ordeal, azul will return to his usual composed self. it’s almost hard to tell he was a sniffling mess just a few minutes before if it weren’t for his puffy eyes
he composes himself quickly because, well... when he pictured himself getting turned down, it was always painful- old insecurities flaring, being told he wasn’t enough- but this was... not painful? it’s not as if he wasn’t good enough or something. his crush was just a lesbian! it’s not his fault, so it’s hard for him to feel sad over it
azul might even feel a bit bad for her. she’s... stuck in this all boy’s school, huh? the only girls here are probably the fae that control the weather... and the talking portraits...?
even though there’s really no girls for her to talk to, azul will still take on a protective attitude over her, giving the “if any girl breaks your heart tell me and the twins and we will avenge you” talk. azul doesn’t know why any girl would hurt her heart, because in his eyes she’s precious, but hey, he’s gotta protect his friend, right?
kalim al-asim
“wait you like women? oh me too!”
kalim takes it... so well. like, almost shockingly well? it’s like he processed the information in record speed, sorted out his own feelings immediately, and made peace with it all in a matter of seconds
kalim has many sisters around his age. one in ten people are gay. what i am getting at is kalim has lesbian sisters and so this revelation that his crush is lesbian doesn’t shake his world too much
he’ll admit it stings a little- love is a powerful thing, after all! but he thinks people who pursue others who are clearly not interested are scummy, and he’d never do anything like that
in his mind, it’s an easy ordeal. he trusts and likes her. she sees him as a close friend, and that’s the most he can be. so really, he should just be happy he’s as close to her as can be! he’s already at the top rung of being close to her, so he’s hit the goal, right?
kalim, god bless his heart, is that friend who will present his lesbian friends to any other lesbian friend he has. he has good intentions, but it might get a little tiring? and a bit overwhelming too when he brings up that he has sisters right around his age who are also into girls and suddenly he’s making plans for a big mixer party and oh god jamil please help and put a stop to this before it gets out of control please help he’s already planning a menu-
vil schoenheit
ooooh so she’s a lesbian ooooooh ok that makes sense. that makes sense. 
vil is like “oh! of course my incredible efforts into my appearance and into our friendship and in wooing her weren’t working. she is just not into men”
he’s almost surprised at how getting turned down like this just... didn’t bruise his ego at all. his efforts weren’t useless, he wasn’t doing things wrong, it simply couldn’t work! honestly, vil would have been more hurt if he’d put all this effort and his crush had been straight and still turned him down
hmm, so she’s into girls... then being here, in an academy full of men (who are, in vil’s opinion, horribly unrefined and ungraceful) must be rough.
just because he’s no longer trying to pursue a relationship with her does not mean that he’ll stop inviting her over for skincare or for trying on clothes. absolutely not. the fact vil even was attracted to her in the first place is because he saw her as someone with potential and that has not changed
he will immediately position himself as a big brother / best friend. just because he’s her friend doesn’t mean he’s gonna let her slack, though! he’s still gonna be checking she follows the skincare routine he set up for her, and that she’s eating and sleeping well- as much as he says it’s because he “wants to make her potential shine” or whatever, it’s just... overwhelmingly clear he just cares about her as a friend
idia shroud
out of all the ways he imagined getting turned down this has to be the one that he had NOT pictured and at the same time, it’s kinda the best one? crush was a lesbian so it wouldn’t work out, 10/10 turn down, didn’t make him go into a self deprecating vortex
once again, it’s the age old relief of “yes, i got turned down by my crush, but it wasn’t my fault, because it turned out she was a lesbian”. idia had ran so many scenarios of being turned down, of his crush being disgusted at him, that it all being resolved into her not liking men at all is... almost relieving?
and you know what. he gets it. when he sees his figurines and posters of his favourite idols and anime girls it’s like well duh of course she likes girls because girls are cute? 
he’s gonna have her rate his waifu tierlist. what? it’s not- it’s not weird, is it?! he’s just trying to bond, and- urgh, he kinda wants to know what her opinion on his waifus is. because his waifus are cute girls and she likes girls so ?? it makes sense? right? (idia might cry if she says his waifus aren’t That Good)
this whole ordeal might also result in the almost hilarious scenario in which ortho just straight up goes “Hey niichan, what is a lesbian?”
learning that his closest friend likes girls opens pandora’s box, the box being idia making his friend review every anime girl and gacha or visual novel girl that HE likes
malleus draconia
did you know reptiles are also quite gay? there’s even a species of lizard that’s just, entirely female. dragons are reptiles.
malleus, bless his heart, is not good at reading people. his crush will need to be Direct. trying to use metaphors like “I swing the other way”, or “I play for the other team” do nothing but further confuse him- when his crush finally cracks down and just goes “what I’m trying to say is I’m a lesbian” he finally, finally, understands what this is all about
malleus just... nods in understanding
he feels a little sad- it does sting, a bit, to know things can’t work out, but he’s also... happy. if she told him, that means she trusts him, right? 
malleus is happy enough to just have A Friend in general, even if he’d never admit he’s usually lonely. most people tend to run from him or be so intimidated they shiver when they hear his name. and yet, against all odds, he’s found a friend who likes being by his side, someone who didn’t know all the baggage that comes with his name. he’d be a fool to tear down that friendship just because he’s learnt it’ll stay platonic
also, as mentioned before, it’s not like homosexuality is some sort of taboo or odd subject. it’s actually quite common amongst the fae, especially those in Malleus’ kingdom. although he does say he can’t introduce her to any cute fae girls. he.... is not friends with any. (he just doesn’t have a lot of friends in general, but he refuses to say that because he... doesn’t want to sound “mopey”, lile lilia says he is)
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safertokiss · 4 years
Concentrated Interests
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A/N: Hola my friends! This fic was my entry for the Secret Fic Swap I participated in with a couple of close friends on here and it was written and dedicated to @nerdgirljen​. It was so much fun to write and thank you guys so much for all the support and love!
Category: Fluff and SMUT
Word Count: 3.3k
Spencer had never really understood the concept of soulmates or love at first sight.
In his mind, it defied pretty much every scientific law about human interaction out there and was simply a coping mechanism for those who were romantically unlucky. At least that was what he had thought until a certain tech analyst walked through the BAU’s doors and into his life. 
He was frozen. Totally and utterly enamored by the woman his eyes were currently attached to. He watched her stumble into the bullpen, a large box situated in her arms, seemingly impairing the entirety of her vision and coordination, evident by the way she kept bumping into things in her path. It wasn’t until she hit a particular desk corner and spilled the contents of the box, her belongings scattering across the floor, that Spencer broke out of his stupor and took action. 
“Woah there, let me help you with that!”, he exclaimed, immediately rushing to her side and starting to collect some of the fallen items to put back into the box.
“Oh, thank you so much. Gah, this is so embarrassing. I promise you I’m not always this uncoordinated and clumsy”, she explained with a nervous chuckle. After everything was picked up and they both had stood up from their crouched positions, she hurriedly straightened out her skirt before outstretching her hand. “Hi, I’m Y/n.” She immediately noticed the slight panic that crossed his features at her gesture and was momentarily confused.
“I-uh-I kind of don’t, um, do the whole hand shaking thing. Yeah, uh, the number of pathogens spread through a handshake is staggering. It’s actually safer to...oh god I’m sorry you didn’t ask for a full-out science lesson. It’s, um, really nice to meet you, I’m Reid. Doctor. Spencer”, he sputtered out nervously.
Chuckling softly, Y/n retracted her hand, opting to instead lightly nudge his shoulder. “Well Reid Doctor Spencer, it’s nice to meet you too”, a teasing smile adorning her face as she spoke. Spencer quickly felt a warm blush spread across his features at the absurdity of his introduction.
“S-sorry about that. What I meant to say is that my name is-”
“Pretty boy!”
Both of their heads swiveled towards the sound, searching for the source, before landing on a man across the room.
“Hotch needs us in the briefing room. Stop flirting with the new girl and get your ass in here!” They watched him walk away chuckling before turning back to each other.
“Pretty boy huh? Well I guess it’s fitting, I mean you do have really nice cheekbones and dimples. And your eyes are kind of beautiful. Not that I ummmm-not that I think you’re beautiful or anything, it’s just uhhh...um...I’m gonna stop talking now.” Spencer could feel the blush returning to his features, watching the same happen to her, from the frenzied rambling that had just poured from her lips, but he found it endearing on her and quite honestly, really adorable. 
“I-uh I gotta go, you know, um deal with that, but it was very nice meeting you”, he sputtered out, sending a small wave in her direction. She shyly giggled at his nervousness which was surely reflected on her end as well. “See ya around Reid Doctor Spencer.”
“Spencer. It’s um-it’s Spencer.”
“Spencer”, she repeated back softly, nodding him off with a gentle smile on her face.
Spencer Reid was in love. The longer she was around him the more he realized he was completely and utterly in love with her, all of her. She was perfect in his eyes, intelligent, funny, a bit nerdy and just so adorable. The problem was just that he had absolutely no idea how to tell her how he felt. He had never really been the type to express his feelings to someone, especially to a girl as beautiful as Y/n. 
The female species wasn’t exactly his strong suit and he was very aware of that fact, painfully aware. However, he stayed hopeful that someday soon he’d muster up the courage to express his affinity for her. Realizing that today was definitely not that day, Spencer tried to push his conflict to the back of his brain so he could try to get some work done. Not before noticing that Y/n was slightly late, though.
Less than a minute after he noticed her absence, she came bursting into the bullpen with the largest grin adorning her features, an obvious pep in her step. Spencer watched as she skipped over to the rest of the team who were gathered around Emily’s desk, close enough where he could pretty much hear the majority of the words exchanged and profile their reactions.
He heard JJ ask what was making her so chipper this morning, and he chuckled softly to himself as he heard her immediately start rambling about whatever had her so elated. 
“Oh my god guys, you’ll never believe it! So a couple of weeks ago a good friend of mine asked me to help her with her website, because well...tech geek and all, so I got to mess around with all the software and went crazy! I was able to fiddle with the source code a bit and authorize a super high CRO and SEO to get her website out there. Not to mention all the growth hacking I was able to curate! Cool right?”
Y/n stopped to take a breath and noticed that the entirety of the team was staring at her with vacant expressions on their faces. She looked on with widened eyes as she asked, “What?”
“CRO?”, JJ questioned. Morgan awkwardly chuckled out a similar questioning tone, “SEO?” Of course that left Emily to bring up the rear. “Did I hear growth hacking in there?”
Her face scrunched up in confusion at all the questions that had just been hurled her way so suddenly. “Huh?”
“Baby girl we have absolutely no idea what any of the things you just mentioned are or what they do”, Morgan explained with a sympathetic smile on his face, as the other members nodded in agreement.
Spencer watched as Y/n’s face quickly morphed into one of utter disappointment at the knowledge that her colleagues had no clue what she was going on about. She had seemed so excited when she entered the bullpen earlier so he assumed she was probably very much looking forward to getting to talk all about it with her friends.
“Oh...that’s ok. Sorry for bothering you guys, sometimes I just get a little too excited and tend to ramble. I’ll um-I’ll talk to you guys later.” Y/n flashed them a small smile before making her way over to her desk, situated across the room near Spencer. 
“Hey Spence”, she shyly waved as she passed, a deflated look on her face. Trying to lift her spirits at least a little, he returned her gesture with a huge grin and wave, happy to see her smile brighten a bit at his enthusiasm. 
Once she was seated and facing away from him, he immediately found himself feeling overwhelmingly upset over her predicament. He hated seeing her look so defeated and down, she didn’t deserve to ever feel like that. She was simply too angelic for those kinds of feelings to permeate her mind. 
Spencer wished more than anything that he knew what she was talking about so she could go to him. He’d let her ramble to him for hours on end if it meant he could listen to her melodic voice and see her beautiful face up close. 
All of sudden Spencer slapped his hand against his head and groaned, “Of course you dipshit”, before pulling up a couple tabs on his computer.
For the next few hours his work was forgotten as he studied and learned pretty much everything there was to know about technical analysis and the programming that Y/n seemed so ecstatic about, anxious to give her, at last, a companion to discuss her passion with. 
“See you later Reid!”
Spencer’s head snapped up as he heard the people around him saying their goodbyes and goodnights, realizing that he had been distracted by his screen the entire day and that it was already time to go home. He watched as his friends walked out together, all laughing about something that Morgan had said, before noticing movement in the corner of his eye. 
As he turned his head he noticed that the only person who was still there in the bullpen with him was Y/n, and she was staring at the posse that had just exited the room, a longing look plastered across her features that broke his heart. Taking a deep breath and deciding it was now or never, he rose up from his seated position and made his way over to her, hoping that he had learned enough to lighten her mood.
“Hey there!”, he exclaimed when he had found himself right behind her. As soon as the words started escaping his lips, she jumped in her seat, her hand flying to her heart.
“Jesus Christ Spence! You scared the complete shit out of me!”
Chuckling softly at her overreactive response, he moved to sit on her desk, facing her heavily breathing sitting figure. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just saw you that you were still here and was wondering why you hadn’t left with everyone else?” She quickly looked down and blushed at his questioning, embarrassed of her answer.
“Oh I-um they just looked like they were having a lot of fun and I didn’t really want to interrupt so I thought I’d stay back for a little bit to-uh finish up some stuff.” Once she finished her unconvincing explanation, Spencer leaned back a bit and studied her. While this was something he found himself doing often, always getting distracted by her spectacular figure, he focused on her body language more than anything, noticing the dark circles underneath her eyes.
“Y/n, you look absolutely exhausted. Have you even been sleeping lately?”, he asked, genuine concern laced within his words.
“Y-yeah I haven’t really. I’ve kind of been pretty preoccupied in the last few days helping out a friend. It’s really fun, but it’s also very time consuming”, she stuttered out, a small smile gracing her lips.
“Oh right! I had heard you mention that earlier today! That must be awesome getting to basically build your own website!”
“I swear I feel like a kid in a candy store doing that kind of stuff. I just find it so relaxing and exciting at the same time!”
“I totally get it. I was really impressed with how well you were able to manipulate the site’s conversion rate optimization-did you know that a site’s CRO and SEO are considered as two of the most essential tools required to run a thriving website or online business. It’s actually astounding how much the results differ between competition depending on their efficiency.”
All Y/n could do, while Spencer rambled on and on about her most passionate subjects, was sit there in complete awe. The sound of the tech-geeky words that spilled from his beautiful lips was simply orgasmic. Never had she met someone who seemed as enthused as her when it came to all her technical endeavors, and she didn’t know exactly how to react. Her biggest crush on the entire planet was sitting in front of her spouting off facts like they were going out of style.
However, amidst all the wonder that circulated through her being, confusion washed over her.
“Wait hold up! What’s going on Spence?”
“Uhhh, what do you mean?”, he questioned shyly, a blush coating his face.
Narrowing her eyes at him she expanded her questioning. “I’ve known you for months now and I can guarantee I have never once heard you mention anything even remotely technical. In fact I’ve heard you explain time and time again how confused you are by the complexities of the simplest of technology. Spill, pretty boy”, she demanded, maintaining eye contact with him.
Figuring out that he had been caught, he shyly lowered his head as the blush on his face deepened, embarrassment coursing through his veins. “I-I noticed how excited you were this morning when you came parading into the office, the wide grin that adorned your face, the skip in your step. And I heard you ramble on and on about your friend’s website and you just seemed so damn happy and then they basically just shut you down right away because they didn’t understand and I-uh I hated seeing you like that and wanted you to have someone to talk to. So I spent all day today researching and learning so you could have someone to talk to, so you wouldn’t feel alone. I-I’m sorry if that’s creepy or if it’s too-”
Spencer was suddenly cut off mid-sentence as lips smashed against his own, effectively shutting him up. His eyes immediately widened at the bold action, before he melted into the kiss, desperately responding to her fervent advances with an equal passion. 
Y/n moaned into his mouth as his tongue probed at her wet lips, begging for entry. The feeling of their tongues entangling was euphoric and they both wanted, needed more. Spencer gently grabbed her and, turning so they were both facing it, lifted her onto the desk and stood between her legs. As the kiss deepened, their hands began to tear at each other’s clothing, Y/n hastily undoing his tie and dress shirt as he all but ripped off her blouse, groaning at the sight. 
“God Y/n you’re so fucking beautiful.” He watched her eyes roll back into her head at his words as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him even closer. “Please Spence, I need you. I need you so much baby.” His eyes sparkled at her desperate plea, mirroring her need wholeheartedly.
Backing away slightly he unzipped her skirt and dragged it down her legs along with her panties, quickly reaching up to also unclasp her bra. “You’ve got me baby, you’ve got me.”
She surged forward and reconnected their lips, her hands weaving their way into his hair and tugging hard. The groan that escaped his throat lit her body on fire and further ignited her need for the man in front of her. His hands, that had been cupping her face, drifted downward stooping to briefly toy with her breasts before reaching his intended destination.
She moaned loud and deep as his hands cupped her sex, gently rubbing his fingers against her. He could feel her buck her hips slightly, searching for more. Receiving the message loud and clear, he inserted his pointer finger into her, reveling in the throaty groans that poured from her lips. As he added more digits into her and gently rubbed her clit, their lips moved rapidly against each other.
Y/n needed more, letting her hands lower to the obvious bulge that was straining against his slacks, palming him incessantly. Moaning hoarsely, he pulled away and quickly undid his pants, desperate for some sort of relief. As he stepped out of his slacks and boxers, he watched her eyes widen as they took in the sight in front of her.
“Woah.” He nervously chuckled at her response.
“Uh t-thanks?”
Giggling at his uncertainty she reached out and dragged him in once again, feeling his swollen tip bump against her, both of them moaning at the euphoric feeling. Realizing how fast things had moved, he pulled back slightly to search her eyes. “Are you sure baby?”
Falling even more in love with him, her smile widened as she nodded. “I am so very sure Spence. I-I love you.” She watched the grin that spread across his face at her confession.
“God Y/n, I love you so fucking much.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he lined himself up at her entrance and swiftly thrusted into her dripping heat. The overwhelming feeling caused both of them to let out matching groans of pleasure, Y/n latching onto Spencer and wrapping her arms around his shoulders to get a grip. Once he was sure she was ok, he started slowly thrusting in and out of her, soon setting a steady pace.
“Oh Spencer! You feel so perfect inside of me! So, so good!”, you exclaimed, cries of pleasure leaving your mouth.
“Baby you’re so warm and tight around me, I love you so much!” 
“I love you t-too!”
He gradually increased his already brutal thrusts, Y/n feeling herself fastly approaching the brink of ecstasy at the hands of the resident genius. Leaning back on her elbows, Spencer used the opportunity to pound even harder into her wanting body, his own release just around the corner. 
“Are you going to cum for me pretty girl?” She couldn’t control herself after hearing his dirty words, unaware that he was capable of such a thing, feeling her eyes roll back once again. She nodded fervently, about to crash over the edge. All rational thought was out the window once his fingers found her throbbing clit, rubbing incessantly, catapulting her into her climax, her pussy clenching around his rigid cock as she came.
“Oh my god Spencer!”
Her reactions were simply too much for him, groaning and moaning uncontrollably, finding his thrusts sputtering out of control as his cock twitched deep inside of her, quickly reaching his highly anticipated orgasm. She felt his seed fill her up completely as he panted out her name over and over again, both of them coming down from their highs, breathing deeply.
“Wow. Fucking wow,” she blissfully sung, a wide grin coating her lips.
“Y/n, baby, that was insane. You’re insane.”
He helped her off the desk so they could redress and finally leave the office, noticing how late it had gotten. They couldn’t help themselves from sending each other giddy smiles as they put on their clothes and eventually made their way down to their respective cars. 
Neither one of them seemed ready to leave each other just yet, some unspoken feeling crackling in the air between them. Taking the initiative, Y/n leaned forward, gently connecting their lips in a kiss that held the same passion from earlier, but was much more relaxed and romantic. Pulling back after a few moments, Y/n’s eyes sparkled up at Spencer’s as she spoke.
“Spence, what you did earlier...no one’s ever done something like that for me. You have no idea how much it means to me that you would go out of your way just to make me feel comfortable and happy.”
“Y/n, I promise you I wanted to wholeheartedly. Nothing matters more to me than your happiness. I just-I just love you so damn much. I think I have since you walked in and dropped all your shit on the floor”, he said chuckling. 
“Heyyyy, that was one time jerk”, she defended, a matching chuckle evident in her voice. “But I know what you mean. I think I’ve loved you since you introduced yourself as Reid Doctor Spencer, that memory will forever be embedded in my mind.” She couldn’t stop the light giggle that fell from her lips at the thought of their first meeting.
Meeting her eyes, suddenly a bit shy, he gently cupped her face, “What if, from now on, I introduced myself as your boyfriend?”, he asked cautiously, anxiously waiting to see how she reacted to his proposition. Instead of answering right away she jumped forward, throwing her arms around his neck and connecting their lips once more.
“I would love nothing more, my gorgeously intelligent boyfriend.”
Taglist: @hopebaker​ @pastathighs​ @psychedellic-phase​ @gloryekaterina​ @sleepysnapesnake​ @racharr​ @etherealgubler @furiouspartyrebelhoagie​ @andiebeaword​ @liaabsurd​ @cielo1984​ @starkeybaby​ @victomizedbyreginageorge​ @rainsong01​ @moonlight-jukebox​ @gretaamyk​ @httpnxtt​ @rachelxwayne​ @watermelonstyl​ @goldnratio​ @peakyblinderficrecs @cheyxminds​
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otaku-shipper · 3 years
Taichihaya Relationship Headcanons
Chihaya confesses in the club room 30 minutes before their graduation ceremony.
Their first real kiss also happened there right after Chihaya’s confession.
Kana-chan caught them kissing. She, with the rest of the Mizusawa Club members, were stopping by the clubroom as they wait for the ceremony. When she was about to open the door, she saw them and her instinctual flight response was to pull everyone away from the clubroom hallway. Sumire immediately caught on her senpai’s embarrassed face and was about to stomped her way to the clubroom to confirm her gut feeling but Kana-chan was able to restrain her. Somehow.
There is a weird period of time when Taichi and Chihaya constantly run into Suo out of nowhere during their dates and they always end up eating in a sweets shop WITH Suo. Suo and Chihaya always force Taichi to eat their sweets. Taichi puts up with this for a while until he suspects Suo is probably stalking them so he can get free sweets. Suo is offended for how dare his favorite and only disciple accuse him, a “lonely, blind man who only wished to experience the dating world” for stalking? Taichi treats him to a sweets shop in order to placate his dramatics.  AND was forced to eat them. 
Taichi thinks helping Suo how to “date” girls seriously will get him out of his dates with his girlfriend. He believes this to be true for 3 months of not running into Suo during their dates. Not until he and Chihaya find out that Chitose is dating someone “obscure” and that someone turned out to be--Suo! They go on a double date once. Only Chihaya and Suo are happy about it.
“Of all the girls available in Tokyo, you had to choose my girlfriend’s sister? Really?” 
Reiko Mashima asked Chihaya if she had read “Pride and Prejudice”. Chihaya said no. “I see,” was all Reiko said but Chihaya thought she heard her say “You’re dumb”. 
Reiko and Chihaya has a tense relationship throughout the time Chihaya and Taichi are dating. It has something to do with Chihaya’s constant overthinking when it comes to Mrs. Pressure. Taichi learned that there is a dormant sadist residing in his mother and Chihaya had an effortlessly charming way of coaxing it out. They start a casual relationship during the engagement period. With a sprinkle of mother-in-law terrorizing here and there.
Chihaya and Taichi made the Mashima family (Oligoto, Reiko, and Rika) play karuta. Only Oligito finds it fun. He plays in Shiranami and loves Harada-sensei as the opponent. And Harada-sensei loves him for his Sun Tzu quotes in his game commentaries.
Taichi think it’s nice that Chihaya and Rika are getting along closely. It’s really nice until Chihaya becomes Rika’s accomplice in her pranks and the scenarios either end up with a) he helps them get out of it; b) he is mistaken as the culprit; c) he’s the victim. 
Taichi gets random invites from Chieko Ayase for meals. Or Chihaya becomes the errand-girl to send Taichi her mom’s homecooked food. 
“I sometimes think she loves you more than her own children. We only have *any fancy dish* on Christmas but she made this for you without a special occasion. Maybe…she has a crush on you too.” “Your Dad is going to kill me if he finds out.” "No, I think he has a crush on you too."
Chitose immediately made it clear to Taichi that she should to be married first and she doesn’t care if they have to wait 15 years until she can settle with a marriageable boyfriend. “Not all men are as committedly smitten as you, Mashima-kun.” It was non-negotiable.
Chihaya is never jealous of any girl because a) she’s an airhead who hasn’t caught up with how flirting works and b) Taichi ignores any girl who isn’t her or any of their friends. The first time jealousy came to her was when Taichi started as a junior clerk. One time when visiting the hospital, she caught him with a lot of female nurses and his “fellow junior clerks” as what he told her, in the pedia ward during a supposed “break time”. It was proven then and there that Chihaya has a female brain because she quickly came up with a hundred interpretations other than a friendly chit chat between her boyfriend and the members of the fair sex. It might also have something to do with the lesser time she got to spend with Taichi so how dare they have more time with him than her.
She had a crazy idea that in order to reinforce her place in his life above her fellow female species, she just had to cook him dinner. A surprise dinner. “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” Sumire once told her. She might have forgotten that math is not her strongest suit and miscalculated her cooking exp. So she decided to cook Taichi’s favorite Turkey dish when her exp range is <<cooking instant food to frying eggs and fish>>. Of course it was a failure and Taichi came home panicking about the strong smell of burnt meat only to find Chihaya splayed on the floor, crying in front of the opened oven and picking at a big mount of charcoaled mater. And cried even more when she saw him. A cleaning lady cleaned up the mess and they ordered take out. It was still one of the best nights for both of them for they ended up sleeping together on the sofa until the next day. And Taichi held her close the entire time. 
It was also the first time she realized the bigger reality of being in a relationship with a (soon to be) doctor.
When they have movie nights together in either of their apartment, Taichi and Chihaya wears a Daddy Bear and Mommy Bear onesie respectively. Tacihi made her swear to secrecy not to tell anyone. Chihaya only agreed because she discovered there’s so much power in being the sole person who has knowledge about it. Her teasing and “blackmailing” (both of them knew there were empty words but it always make Taichi tense just the same) percentage of effectiveness sky-rocketed with this weapon on hand. Besides, she finds it cute and hilarious when he blushes and panics over a Daddy Bear onesie. In Taichi’s defense, the onesie is very comfortable and Chihaya loves it when he wears it. Can you blame him?
Taichi’s internship is somewhere in the province and it is their first time dealing with being apart for months. What’s more, karuta is a forgotten game there after people graduated elementary.
Chihaya makes a surprise visit to the province and on her way to the hospital, she catches sight of a group of high school kids with a single adult man playing soccer in a field near the hospital. She recognizes Taichi who has clearly just gotten out of duty based on the rolled up sleeves of his polo, without a necktie. She silently watches them and is happy to see that Taichi doesn’t look sad or lonely at all. He looked bright, and was laughing and smiling too much...so well-adjusted. Suddenly Chihaya panicks over this because what if...Taichi has abandoned karuta for soccer and decides to stay here forever?
“Have you ever thought that I stole you away from soccer?” she asks him one day. 
“I can’t believe you came to this place and started an affair.” “What makes you think I’m cheating on you?” “Not me--KARUTA! God, it’s like you don’t know me.” 
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 years
Mva Alcohol headcanons
Susan: Has the highest tolerance for booze, as she did attend many a college party. She is no stranger to the Purple Drank and Jungle Juice. However, if given a choice she will always go for something sweet and syrupy like a Daiquiri or a Tequila Sunrise. Is a textbook "woo girl", and is the life of the party. Makes greasy breakfasts for everyone the morning after.
Dr Cockroach: Did attempt to serve Susan's folks an "atomic gin fizz"(which is apparently a normal gin fizz + basil, and his own mad science), giving an idea of what kind of drinks he enjoys. Simple, tart, and with a lot of bubbly. Mimosas and champagne are his favorite choices to pair with meals. His roach-y tolerance for decay also gives him a greater appreciation for aged drinks like bourbon. A giggly and flirtatious drunk. Doesn't seem affected by hangovers and the others are jealous.
Link: To quote a delete scene;"Sports, chicks, and beer". Link not only enjoys the masculine association of lagers/pale ales, but also likes the many excuses to bust open a six pack whenever possible. Unfortunately, his body legitimately cannot process harder alcohols. His species don't have the extra 20,000 years of alcohol consumption to build up a tolerance. Drunkenness reveals itself in stages, you can tell how many drinks Link is on based on his behavior. This also makes him suffer the worst with hangovers - nausea, headaches, light sensitivity, blurred vision. First time he ever got drunk (a "joke" by the guards) the scientists observing him were convinced that he had meningitis from the pain that followed. He may have developed a problem due to years of being in prison, as his beer gut shows.
BOB: It tastes gross - He no like. Has accidentally consumed/flirted with jello shots before. His plasma-like body gets warped by alcohol, and changes to a sickly purple when intoxicated. The fallout of such incidents leads to BOB crying while lying on a cold bathroom floor like many an unknowing teenager.
Insecto: I mean... she probably could wreck everyone when it comes to volume. Also according to Link's deleted "Sports, chicks, and beer" line, Insecto may be a beer gal. Seems also the type to not mind most fermented grains and fruit. Will leave events to sleep it off the second she feels the least bit tipsy. Is the primary designated flier.
Monger: Whiskey, neat. This man is a machine. Can practically gulp down jet fuel. Prefers the communal and trust aspect of alcohol, and rarely drinks alone. You know that you're in for some bonding time when he opens up the liquor cabinet. Is the frequent designated driver. Pretends not to have hangovers while having the worst headache of his life.
President Hathaway: Is NOT ALLOWED to drink at public events due to being “I gotta take my pants off and ride the chandelier”-drunk. Monger gets notified if the Pres drinks so much as a glass of champagne at a charity ball. His inauguration party was one for the ages, and if he gets re-elected it’s all over for the White House furniture.
Read More for the series Aliens + Oc characters
Series Aliens:
Coverton: Tries to be fancy with red wine but secretly doesnt like it. Actually prefers punchbowl-type mixers. Is a weepy and honest drunk.
Sta'abi: Her people have their own alcohol culture, and she sees it as deliberate poisoning to build up tolerance. Can out-drink pretty much everyone. Gets uncharacteristically friendly and joyful. Has a good grip on her limits, and is the most prepared to power through the mornings after.
Sqweep: Is a child - Is not allowed. Not to the lack of trying to convince Monger to allow her access to alco-pops for "research" however.
Vornicarn: Is an alien dog - giving him booze would be irresponsible. Has attempted to lap up unattended drinks, and immediately gets offended by the taste.
Oc Characters:
Mercy: Tequila-based cocktails are her choice of poison. However, she does prefer to just order the non-alcoholic mixes. She has worked/attended so many weddings that she has gained a disgust for drunken behavior. The first to nominate herself as designated driver.
Benny/Gator Boy: "Boy" is in the name. This kid has indulged in booze before, mostly from stealing it from adults at the fairground. This goes as well as you’d expect for a lonely teenager. Once he moves in with the Monsters, he’s barred from anything remotely boozy. Will sulk in the corner playing his DS all night and complain about not being allowed anything other than soda.
Dara/Scarecreep: “Ah sure lets go down to the local and have a few pints”. A very typical irish scarecrow despite the lack of visible digestive track. Drinking past a certain amount makes Dara “soggy” - often leading to the others having to carry them home so that they can “dry it off”.
Hazuki/Blond Widow: Boasts the superiority of hot sake and has a very social approach to alcohol. Prefers to be the most sober person in the room and watch other people make a fool of themselves. Will start singing without warning. Karaoke nights are fun as hell with Blond around.
Radu: Is a literal baby. Don't give the baby bat vampire any drink other than blood and bat milk. Has accidentally eaten fermented fruit before and disliked it.
J-mad: Sir, you have no mouth. Please stop pouring vodka into your fuel tank. Think a Futurama robot the size of a roomba. Picks fights with every shin in reach.
Milliard: Does Not Drink. Alcohol reduces the effectiveness of the hive body’s connection to it’s individuals, making much more likely for Milliard to drop members of itself - and these alien flatworms cant survive long outside their hive body. Their species have adapted to rogue clouds of space alcohol, so they do have a decent tolerance for it if the body does not actually drink it.
Sito: Doesnt consciously drink. Her body processes it like water and she doesnt really notice the difference in taste unless its deliberately flavorful. Drunkenness lasts exactly 3 mins tops and she just shakes herself sober.
Urania: Booze = social media faux pas, so she avoids indulging with her phone/space tablet in reach. Orders the most ridiculously complicated and fruity drinks possible. Sends long rambling emotional texts to everyone in her contacts list.
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Chapter 55: Movie Night
Lots of quotes from the movie Lilo & Stitch ahead! Fewer quotes, but some, from Trolls and Frozen.
Bold italics are trollish, ~tildes~ indicate goblin.
Content warnings for this chapter: Swearing. Here we reach the story's first F-bomb.
Also, there is some talk between characters about the harshness of life in the Darklands, how Changelings are treated by the Gumm-Gumms, and mentions of cannibalism.
This was supposed to be a light-happy chapter that got feels-y at the end, but then it went and got all dark on me.
Oh, also-also, (Not) Enrique finds out Claire flirted with Jim a while ago and misinterprets what exactly happened between them, but that gets cleared up fast.
Becoming The Mask
Once again, Javier and Ophelia Nuñez were out for the evening, leaving Claire in charge of Enrique. Claire had gotten permission to invite "some friends" over to watch movies. Jim and Toby arrived to find Mary and Darci already there – Jim suspected, like the time he'd 'babysat', that Claire had purposefully asked him to arrive after she knew her parents would be gone.
They set up piles of cushions and blankets on the floor between the couch and the TV. Jim propped the Amulet up on the coffee table they'd pushed to one side. Maybe some of the ghost Trollhunters would be interested in human movies.
"Finally get your fill of the touchy-feelies?" Enrique teased Jim, seeing how they were all seated separately. Jim snorted.
"Not hardly." He pulled the smaller Changeling in for a hug. "Humans just have different rules about casual touching, is all. Freezing to death's not really a concern in this climate."
"Wait, what?" said Toby, dropping the pillow he'd been holding. Jim looked up to see all the humans staring at him.
"Darklands thing," said Enrique easily. "Gets cold there."
"We'd sleep in piles," Jim explained. "I had a bit of a reputation for being … clingy."
"If you weren't good at finding food and soft stuff, we'd never've put up with ya." Enrique proved himself a liar by climbing onto Jim's shoulders instead of jumping back to the floor. He fluffed the hair on Jim's scalp. "Jimmy-boy got his first nickname for that."
"Shut up," said Jim playfully. "Anyway, humans get weird about touching around puberty. I can still hug Mom whenever I want, but Toby gets embarrassed if I hug him around other people, and Claire, Mary, and Darci haven't given me permission to touch them casually yet."
"… Did you … want permission?" asked Claire. "You, kinda, said you were uncomfortable with that, I thought."
"No, it was more wondering if you were flirting with me that felt weird," Jim assured her. "After that conversation I felt like it'd be awkward to bring up that I was open to hugging and such."
Jim thought he felt Enrique growl, to quietly to properly hear. His hand, still in Jim's hair, changed position so the tips of Enrique's claws were on Jim's scalp.
"When exactly did this happen?" Enrique asked.
"Claire kissed Jim on the cheek on his birthday and then Jim said he wasn't interested in dating her," said Mary.
"Also that I realized she might not have meant it in a flirty way and if I was misinterpreting things she could ignore what I was saying," Jim added. The claws retreated.
Claire looked away. "So what movie did we want to start with?"
"Lilo & Stitch!" exclaimed Darci, looking through the shelves. "I haven't watched this in forever!"
"That's a good one." Jim tilted his head to get Enrique back in his peripheral vision. "Enrique, have you seen it yet?"
"… Yeah."
"Isn't that the one that always makes you cry?" asked Toby.
"It's beautiful. Of course I cry."
Stitch was a constructed 'abomination', who shapeshifted to blend in, and his adopted family found out what he truly was and still wanted him. How could Jim be expected to keep his composure in the face of that?
"So, quick question," said Jim. "Is talking during the movie a crime, or is commentary what makes it a group activity?"
"Commentary," said all three girls together.
"Okay, good." Jim and Toby usually talked during movies, unless one or both of them were seeing it for the first time. Sometimes even then.
"Not guilty! My experiments are only theoretical, and completely within legal boundaries."
"We believe you actually created something."
"Created something? Ha! But that would be irresponsible, and, unethical. I would never, ever – make more than one."
"What is that monstrosity?"
"Monstrosity?! What you see before you is the first of a new species!"
"You have to wonder if she and Merlin ever had a talk like this," Enrique muttered in Jim's ear. Jim snickered.
"And as for that abomination … it is the flawed product of a deranged mind. It has no place among us."
Jim stopped laughing and cringed. He loved this movie a lot, but some of it stung.
"A quiet capture would require an understanding of 626 that we do not possess! Who, then, Mr Pleakley, would you send for his extraction?"
"… Does he have a brother? Close grandmother, perhaps?"
"Fun fact," said Darci, "in early drafts Stitch was a career criminal and Jumba was an old accomplice."
"Friendly cousin? Neighbour with a beard?"
"Surely the teacher won't notice I was late if he doesn't see me come in!" Claire narrated sarcastically.
"I'm sorry, Scrump!" Mary wailed, as Lilo ran back to retrieve the doll she'd angrily thrown aside.
"Let me illuminate to you the precarious situation in which you have found yourself. I am the one they call when things go wrong. And things have indeed gone wrong."
"As a cook, that kitchen horrifies me," said Jim.
"If you promise not to fight anymore, I promise not to yell at you – except on special occasions."
"Tuesdays and bank holidays would be good."
The entire group cracked up.
"How does kid Lilo's age even know what a bank holiday is?" said Claire. "I don't even know what a bank holiday is!"
"Maybe she saw it printed on a calendar?" said Toby.
A raindrop fell on Stitch's head. He fired his ray gun into the sky. It started raining, hard.
"Oh, no, I broke the sky!" Darci cried.
"Does it have to be this dog?"
"He survived getting hit by a truck, how much more sturdy and not-gonna-die do you want?" asked Jim.
"Yes. He's good. I can tell."
"I'm sorry I bit you. And pulled your hair. And punched you in the face."
Mary nudged Claire. "Remind you of anyone?"
Like sunflowers, everyone else popped up and turned towards them.
Claire blushed. "We got into a fight in first grade and for like two days we decided we didn't want to be friends anymore, then our moms made us say sorry."
"He will be irresistibly drawn to large cities, where he will back up sewers, reverse street signs, and steal everyone's left shoe."
"It's weird they get in trouble for everything but this," commented Enrique. "Human grown ups might not believe a dog stole a trike, but wouldn't they think Lilo did it? She's fought the other kid before."
"It's nice to live on an island with no large cities."
"It's not an angel, Lilo, I don't even think it's a dog!"
"Isn't that the rolling thing Draal can do?" said Toby.
"Yeah, more or less," said Jim. "I mean, I don't think Draal bites his feet – but maybe that's the trick."
"At least with those stick legs you've got," said Enrique. He curled into a ball and rolled in a circle around the group. "Face it, you're out of proportion for this move."
"626 was designed to be a monster. But now, there is nothing to destroy. You see, I never gave him a greater purpose. What must it be like, to have nothing? Not even memories to visit, in the middle of the night?"
"Now, this next bit I don't care for," said Jim. "The Ugly Duckling is a messed-up story."
"What've you got against The Ugly Duckling?" asked Mary.
"The blatant segregationist propaganda? 'A swan will never fit in with ducks and everyone is better off sticking with their own kind'. You don't even have to read it as a race metaphor. Between that and The Little Mermaid, I thought for while that Hans Christian Anderson was a Changeling writing cautionary tales about why we shouldn't get attached to humans."
"… Was he?" asked Claire.
"Probably not. I couldn't find any real evidence and the rest of his work doesn't match the pattern."
"Counterpoint," said Darci. "The Ugly Duckling is pro-integration. Everyone thought he was an ugly duckling because they didn't know what swans look like. If he'd grown up with ducks and swans around, they could've judged him for what he was instead of what he couldn't measure up to, and he might've had a happy childhood instead of only finding a community that accepted him as an adult."
Jim considered this, and nodded. "I guess I can see that, too."
"Heard you lost your job."
"Well, uh, actually, I just quit. That job. Because, you know, the hours are just not conducive to the challenges of raising a child –"
"Nani, no!" Jim begged. "I know almost nothing about Social Services but I'm pretty sure choosing to leave your only source of income looks worse to them than just losing it!"
"Thus far you have been adrift in the sheltered harbour of my patience; but I cannot ignore you being jobless. Do I make myself clear?"
"And next time I see this dog, I expect it to be a model citizen. Capiche?"
"Uh … yes?"
"New job. Model citizen. Good day."
"So, we saw Cobra on the beach after all the tourists got scared off … D'you think he was just standing there watching them the whole time?" Mary wondered out loud after the surfing sequence.
"Until we meet again …"
Lilo was about to tell Stitch about her parents. Without thinking, Jim grabbed the remote – on the coffee table, next to the amulet – to fast forward.
"What are you doing?" Darci cried. "This is one of the big emotional turning points of the film!"
Jim paused it. "Sorry. Uh … Tobes and I usually skip this scene."
"I think I can handle it," Toby assured Jim. To the girls and Enrique, he explained, "My parents died in a storm when I was two. A cruise ship, not a car accident. I got kind of upset the first time we watched this as kids, and, we got in the habit fast forwarding this part. I think I'm okay with it now."
"You're sure?" asked Jim.
"I'm sure."
"Okay …" He rewound to the point where he'd started fast forwarding.
"That's us before. It was rainy, and they went for a drive. What happened to yours?"
Jim watched Toby more than the movie for the next few minutes.
"I'll remember you, though. I remember everyone that leaves."
"Do you remember them?" Claire asked quietly.
"Only the stuff Nana tells me." Toby shrugged, and readjusted the cushions he'd propped up his arms on. "I've seen lots of pictures. A couple home movies."
"Don't run. Don't make me shoot you. You were expensive. Yes, yes, that's it, come quietly."
"I'm … waiting."
"For what?"
"Ah. You don't have one. I made you."
"Maybe … I could –"
"You were built to destroy. You can never belong."
Jim blinked fast to keep the tears back. He sniffed, and pulled the blankets more tightly around him.
"Okay, talk! I know you had something to do with this, now where's Lilo? Talk! I know you can."
"Claire?" said Mary. "You okay?"
Jim looked over. Claire's jaw was clenched, and her hands were tight on the blanket, and her eyes were huge and fixed on the screen, and she was shaking.
"Ah … maybe the little sib getting snatched by otherworldly forces wasn't the best movie choice," Enrique said. He reached out like he was about to go to Claire, then pulled back his hand and hunkered down where he was.
"LILO! She's a little girl this big, she has black hair and brown eyes, and she hangs around with that THING!"
"I'm. Fine," Claire insisted.
"You're sure?"
"We can just fast forward."
"I said I'm fine!"
"Okay …"
Mary and Darci each scooted their blanket and cushion piles closer to Claire's, bracketing her on either side. Jim tactfully retreated to the Nuñezes kitchen to microwave a few more bags of popcorn. Enrique went with him. They could still hear the TV.
"What? After all you put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? Just like that?!"
"Fine? You're doing what he says?"
"Ah, he is very persuasive."
"Is it normal to feel bad for her?" Enrique asked.
"I think so? It's an awkward situation for both of you." Jim selected the white cheddar flavour. "But it's not like there's an alternative. You're not a polymorph. And really, the only reason she's upset is because she found out."
The Nuñezes had the same microwave as the Lakes. Jim didn't find the popcorn setting especially useful for this brand of popcorn – it tended to burn a third of the kernels– so he used the timer instead.
"I never apologized to you for that, did I?" Jim asked.
"It wasn't all your fault."
"Still, I'm sorry for my part in getting you caught."
The Changelings got back to the living room in time to see the unfortunate tourist lose his ice cream for the third time.
"Does Stitch have to go in the ship?"
"Can Stitch say goodbye?"
"… Yes."
Like he always did during this scene, Jim cried. He let himself do it this time.
"Wait, how is Little Mermaid a cautionary tale?" asked Enrique during the credits. The camera panned over a photo of Stitch reading to a flock of ducklings. "For getting attached, I mean. I thought the moral of that one was to control yer temper and be careful who you made deals with?"
"Sure, the Disney version," said Jim. "They adapted it to make a more dramatic, less depressing story. And give the characters names. In the older version, the sea witch is actually a neutral character. The terms of the mermaid's transformation are that she's traded her tongue for legs, but walking on land hurts, and she'll become fully human if the prince marries her, but if he marries anybody else, she'll die."
"That doesn't sound neutral."
"Wait for it. The prince gets engaged to a human princess, so the mermaid's older sisters trade their hair to the sea witch for a magic knife and a loophole; if the little mermaid kills the prince before the wedding, she can turn back into a mermaid and survive."
"Kay, I see it now."
"Except she doesn't go through with the kill, so she dies, and because she wasn't really human, she doesn't have a proper soul, so her spirit's not allowed to go to Heaven."
"… Whoa."
"I know, right?"
"I mean," Mary commented, "not murdering somebody is kind of a low bar for moral decency. It's not as if the prince owed her anything just because she was attracted to him."
"No, no, whether the prince deserved to die or not is irrelevant," said Jim. "The point is that the mermaid had a chance to, objectively, trade one life for another, and because she was attached to the particular person she'd have to kill, she didn't prioritize her own survival, and therefore suffered."
"Wouldn't the guilt of murder have caused suffering anyway?" Toby pointed out.
"Not if she wasn't attached," Jim insisted. How were they not getting this? "If she could've just cut the throat of any random human, she'd've been fine. The moral of the story is that caring about people causes pain. That's what makes it depressing."
"Do you like any fairy tales?" asked Darci.
"Sure. Just not most of Anderson's work."
"What should we watch next?" said Claire hospitably. "If we're on a 'sister movies' theme, I've got Frozen."
"Isn't that one also based on an Anderson fairy tale?" said Mary.
"Not really," said Jim. "The Snow Queen was more 'inspiration' than 'source material'. Elsa never kidnaps anyone, and they left out the broken enchanted mirror. Plus it's fun to see all the different ways humans think trolls are like."
"We also have the Trolls movie," said Claire. "I haven't watched it yet. My dad got it for Mom's birthday because she used to collect the dolls."
"I haven't seen that one yet, either," Darci commented.
"Should we?" said Mary. "Any other votes?"
"I'm game for whatever," said Toby. "This one's a musical, right? Those are always fun."
Jim squirmed.
He hadn't watched this movie despite his curiosity, after an online clip of the opening had explained the premise. Getting eaten alive was his greatest fear. Did he want to watch a movie about trolls narrowly avoiding being eaten? Did he want to explain why he didn't want to watch it?
While he debated, the movie got put in.
"Once upon a time, in a happy forest, in the happiest tree, lived the happiest creatures the world has ever known: the trolls. They loved nothing more than to sing, and dance, and hug, and dance and hug and sing and dance and sing and hug –"
Enrique started laughing.
Oh, shit, Jim hadn't warned him.
"Uh, Enrique –"
"Ssh! This is ridiculous. I mean, the huggy bit's kind of like you, but the rest of it – ha!"
"But then one day, the trolls were discovered by – a Bergen!"
"The trolls are gonna –"
"Ji-im! Spoilers!" Toby hissed.
"They were the most miserable creatures in all the land."
Jim grabbed Enrique and covered his eyes. The smaller Changeling yelped and squirmed. Jim switched forms so his fingers wouldn't bleed from the clawing.
Enrique got his eyes uncovered just in time to see the Bergen flick a troll into its mouth.
The onscreen troll's exclamation of "Oh my god!" was drowned out by Enrique's much more lurid cursing.
"What the –?" The girls and Toby all turned to stare. Claire pointed at Enrique accusingly. "I knew that didn't mean 'I'm sorry'!"
"The hell kinda movie is this?! Why would you watch this?!" He twisted to look at Jim, who let go of him rather than risk yanking his scruff by accident. "You knew?!"
"I saw a bit of it on the internet when it first came out. That's why I froze up when Claire suggested it."
That … that was the wrong thing to say. Enrique rounded on Claire. A techno-rock cover of In The Hall Of The Mountain King boomed from the movie soundtrack.
"Why in FUCK'S NAME would you think we'd WANT to watch trolls get EATEN? Is this some kind of threat?"
"How the fuck would it be a threat?" Claire shot back, stealing some cushions from Mary to prop herself up taller without getting out of her blanket cocoon.
"Most Changelings –" Jim started to say.
"We've all had close calls," Jim finished. "Nyarlagroths, Hellheetis, goblins if you catch them in the wrong mood, Gruesomes if you're already hurt, Stalklings, and it's a … popular threat from Gumm-Gumms."
"You forgot the sloorbeasts," said Enrique bitterly.
"Nobody's gotten lichen patches that bad." At least, they hadn't when Jim got out. "Have they?"
"Still counts."
"Uh, excuse me." Toby raised his hand. "I think I speak for us all when I say, what?"
"The Darklands are a hostile environment with predators and scavengers," explained Jim. "That's the other reason we slept in groups."
"Bigger targets, but we could have lookouts."
"Okay, that's its own kind of horrifying, but I was more reacting to the cannibalism?"
"Changelings don't count as real trolls," Enrique said sarcastically. "We're Impure."
He left out the part where they'd eaten their own dead. Jim didn't add it.
(It wasn't like they'd hunted each other for food. Sometimes a Changeling just died, somehow, in a way that didn't get them eaten by something else, and … well, food was scarce in the Darklands. They couldn't afford to be picky.
It also paid to keep watch over the sentry posts. Gunmar occasionally used the Decimaar Blade to post a sentry and then forgot to order them to rest and eat. Once they died, the average adult Gumm-Gumm was a meal for twenty Changelings, easily, if they could get to the body before the Gruesomes did.)
"Okay, we're switching to Frozen." Mary made the executive decision. "Wait," she said, while exchanging the disks. "If Changelings aren't trolls, how does Jim's adoption work?"
Because of course this was the perfect moment to tell Enrique about that, right in the middle of a squabble with his adopted sister.
"For one thing, most of Trollmarket still thinks I'm human." Jim switched back to human shape to illustrate the point.
"You got adopted?"
"AAARRRGGHH and Blinky thought I should have legal standing in Trollmarket outside of my job."
Enrique stared at him. Green diamond-shaped ears were pinned back. Buggy, slit-pupil eyes were wide and hurt.
"You get everything," he grumbled. "Two nicknames, and the goblins liked you, and you could always find food, and here you're the boss's favourite even when you're a traitor, and your human family still likes you, and now you get a troll family too? S'not fair."
"Hey, the goblins liked you, too." Jim was fully aware that wasn't much comfort compared to all the rest of it. "They gave you your nickname, remember?"
"They gave you one, too."
"Yeah, but you got yours first."
They probably weren't supposed to hear Darci when she muttered, "I feel like we're missing a lot of context."
"Shit," Claire muttered back. "Not Enrique told me a bit of the name part. They don't remember their names from before they were Changelings, and they don't get real names until they have Familiars, so they use nicknames instead. From each other or from goblins, he said."
"They don't get names?" Darci's voice went squeaky at the end of that.
"We're trying to come up with something other than 'Enrique' for him."
"You're trying," Enrique corrected. Darci squeaked again.
"Can we maybe circle back to the cannibalism thing?" said Toby. "That feels like the kind of trauma that should get unpacked at some point."
"I would rather leave it packed," said Jim.
"The way you blurted it out like that feels like you need to talk about it."
"Not all psychology is Freudian, Tobes."
"Do your parents still have baby name books from when they were picking Enrique's name?" Mary asked Claire. "Real Enrique, I mean."
"They didn't use one. He was named after our abuelo."
"Okay, so what about your other grandfather? What was his name?"
"Jose María." Defensively, "It's gender neutral in Spanish."
On the television screen, the movie menu finished another loop and started again.
"I tried spelling my name like it sounds, en are ee kay, but Claire said it spelled 'Nrek'. You get why I couldn't use that."
Jim laughed.
"What's funny?" asked Toby. "Is that an insult or something?"
"No, it's goblin, in English it means 'bottle'," Jim translated. "Or possibly 'container of food'." The only bottles he's seen them use held formula for the Familiars, and the word hadn't come up on the surface, so the distinction was unclear. "It's either a silly name or a really morbid one."
"Aaand we're back to the cannibalism."
"No we are not!"
"Na na na heyana, Hahiyaha naha …"
Either somebody had decided to start the movie, or the DVD had that feature where it automatically began playing if nothing was selected after a few loops of the menu.
The conversation went in circles a couple more times, then faded out.
"And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?"
"That's Sven."
"Uh-huh; and who's the reindeer?"
"… Sven."
"Oh, they're – ? Oh! Okay! Makes things easier for me."
"~Riot~," said Enrique.
"My nickname. Before. It meant 'riot'."
What are you doing? Jim wanted to demand. Was Enrique just – just giving up on a real name?
"You can call me that for now. Till we work out a for-real one. Better than 'Not Enrique'."
Jim stuffed some burnt popcorn kernels into his mouth to keep from protesting. He couldn't undermine Enrique's – Riot's – chosen name, right in front of a bunch of humans, when he'd been arguing with them about how rude that was for weeks now.
"Oh. Okay." Claire half-smiled. "Riot."
Jim shut his eyes to hide the flaring glow.
Previous Chapter (Angor Rot gets treated much better, and more sensibly, than in canon, and is correspondingly less vengeful)
Table of Contents 
Next Chapter (Featuring either Otto or Gatto)
A quick thank you to Taycin on AO3 for providing some name-gender context when this chapter first went up.
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isis-astarte-diana · 4 years
Sunday Dinner
Summary: “You’re trying to be distracting, and it’s working!” Missy aggressively flirts her way through a slightly tense Sunday lunchtime in the kitchen.
Warnings: Tickling. Yeah, it’s that fluffy. Innuendo. Also, obviously, MIHOW.
Word Count: 1639
NB: Because I can, I’ve decided that this is a follow on from Milk and Honey - a little bit of domestic fluff (with the teeniest hint of angst) from cohabitating inter-species girlfriends!
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"You look especially lovely when you’re holding a knife, you know.”
“Would you behave?” Throwing a look of fond exasperation over your shoulder, you find Missy at the sink, unbuttoning her cuffs. She folds her sleeves elegantly up to her elbows, revealing enough pale skin on her forearms to make you draw your bottom lip between your teeth.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She purses her lips and cocks her head in an unconvincing facsimile of innocence. “I’m being a good little scullery maid, putting my fair hands to use,” for emphasis she shows you her fingers, wiggling them in the air, “peeling potatoes, just as instructed.”
“Except you’re not peeling potatoes,” you point out, raising an eyebrow. “You’re standing there flirting with me.”
“Oh, poppet.” In the close quarters of your kitchen she only has to take a step to press a swift kiss to your cheek. You smile, ducking your head as she finishes cuffing her sleeves. “I can do both.”
“Yeah, I bet you can.” You turn back to the vegetables on the chopping board and she starts the tap running, setting to work at last. Slashing crosses into the tops of Brussels sprouts, you ask softly, “do you think this’ll be alright?”
“I’m fairly sure we won’t poison them.” She pauses for a moment. “Unless you wanted to, of course, in which case I could always-”
Chuckling, you shake your head. “You know what I mean, Missy.” To begin with, you’d worried that her habit of defusing certain serious conversations with a noncommittal threat of murder or violence might become tiresome; worse, that it was an avoidance tactic on her part to keep difficult topics in the dark. After a while, though, once you’d realised that she was willing and able to talk seriously when you needed her to, it had grown on you, and now, nervous over something as silly as having your friends over for Sunday dinner, you see it for what it is - a way of making you stop to question your own anxieties before they overwhelm you. “You don’t think it’s gonna be- I don’t know... weird?”
“Oh, it’s going to be thoroughly bizarre,” she agrees, over the sound of swift and skilful work at the sink. “Awkward, and uncomfortable, and you’ll probably say something embarrassing that’ll haunt you for weeks-”
Huffing, you butcher a particularly unfortunate sprout beyond recognition. “You’re not helping-”
“-but we’ll get through it. And you’ll feel better for it. And the next time won’t be quite so bad.”
You scoff, feeling mutinous tears heavy in your throat. “You promise?”
“Cross my hearts.” The tap stops running. “Potatoes are done.”
“Wait, really?” Setting the knife down, you turn to see her drying her hands on a tea towel. “That was fast.”
“Oh, of course, now you’re impressed.” She pouts. “Weeks of TARDIS maintenance with a pair of pliers and a butter knife and nobody bats an eye, but peel a few vegetables and she’s weak at the knees.”
“I was always weak at the knees for you.”
Missy grins, setting the towel aside and reaching for your cheek. “Well I know that now, don’t I?”
The moment is broken when her fingers brush your cheekbone and you yelp, jerking away from her. “Your hands are freezing!”
You realise your mistake immediately. 
Her smile widens, the barest flash of canine making you wince. As mischief starts to sparkle in her blue eyes you set your features as sternly as you can and warn, “no, no, Missy, do not-”
There’s nowhere to run as she backs you into the countertop, and before you can brace yourself her icy fingers are sneaking under your jumper and shirt, snatching your breath when they come to rest on the bare skin of your waist and wriggle.
“That’s not fair!” You push weakly at her shoulders, twisting in her grasp. A tickle just under your ribs makes you shriek with furious delight. “I was being nice to you-”
“You’re always nice to me, dearest,” she teases, nuzzling your cheek with the tip of her nose as you jerk under her ministrations. “It’s your greatest weakness.”
“You are a nasty Time Lady,” you squeak, no venom in the words, and she chuckles.
“That was never in question.” Working her fingers higher, she reminds you, “you know how to make it stop.”
You tighten your jaw and shake your head, steadfastly refusing to give in. “I will not.”
“Fine. I can do this all day.” She rolls her eyes skywards, tongue poking at the inside of her cheek as her fingertips climb past the band of your bra, and the first touch to your sensitive underarms makes you cry out, squeezing your biceps to your sides, succeeding only in pinning her hands in place. “Just say the words, and it’ll all be over...”
Whining, you make one last ditch effort to squirm out of her hands before you reluctantly cry, “please, Mistress, have mercy!”
“Good girl!” She snatches her hands away, giving you just long enough to get your breath back before she kisses you. Firm, this time, and not teasing, she rests her palms on your clothed waist. You mirror her, stroking your thumbs over the thin fabric of her blouse as your lips move against hers. When she pulls away, she chides, “that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You scowl, but the corners of your mouth refuse to keep from turning up. “I’m beginning to understand why you got stabbed.”
“My last wife shot me,” she points out helpfully, “so, you know, swings and roundabouts.”
“You probably deserved it.”
“Oh, I definitely deserved it.” Missy presses another swift kiss to your lips and chucks you under the chin. “Next job?”
“Hmm?” You lean absently into her embrace. “Oh! Next job, I need stuffing.”
She chuckles, sliding her fingers just under the hem of your shirt once more. “Right here, in front of the vegetables?”
It takes you a moment to catch up to what she’s saying, and when you do, you smack her lightly on the arm and pull away. “Oh my God! Do you ever stop?”
“I’m only trying to be helpful, poppet.”
“You’re trying to be distracting, and it’s working! Blue box, top cupboard. I need to put the potatoes in the oven.”
“Blue box, top cupboard,” she echoes, in a mockingly nasal tone. You scoff, getting the potatoes ready to roast. Behind you the cupboard door opens and closes and she sniffs with disdain.
“Are you entirely sure this is a foodstuff?” She brandishes the bag of dehydrated stuffing mix. “Because it doesn’t look like one.”
“You mix it with water, Missy.”
“That sounds worse.” She frowns down at the back of the box and starts to read the instructions aloud with obvious boredom. “Pre-heat the oven to-”
“We’ve done that,” you remind her, bending over to put the roasting tray in. “Just put it in a bowl and-”
“Empty the sachet into a heatproof dish,” she speaks over the top of you, “and add two-hundred millilitres of boiling water, mix well, and, my goodness, you really do have the most captivating backside.”
You squeak, almost burning your fingers on the oven shelf. “I don’t think it says that.”
“No, no, it does, right here.” She shows you the box when you straighten up. “In fact, it says that you absolutely must cancel your plans for the day so that I can-”
"Kettle!” Blushing furiously, you point out the appliance and she smirks, snatching it up and filling it. “What happened to getting through this and feeling better for it?”
“It’s not my fault that you’re a ravishing temptress.” She rolls the word around in her mouth until you shiver. “How am I supposed to concentrate with you standing there looking like that?”
“Looking like what?” You glance down at your jumper and leggings - the ones with a small hole in the knee, you realise now. “In fact, don’t answer that.”
“Stop that.” She lifts your chin with her fingers and her brows draw inwards with her frown. “You look enchanting. You always do.”
“Sorry.” You offer her a weak smile. “I’m just- nervous, I s’pose.”
“Really? Because you hide it so very well.” Missy quirks an eyebrow saucily. “Talk to me, poppet. I’m sure I can help.”
“It’s stupid.”
“Probably,” she agrees, and you laugh. “But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth talking about.” Leaning against the counter, she loops an arm around your shoulders and gently tugs you into her chest. “Come on. Tell mummy what’s wrong.”
Melting into the embrace, you can’t even muster up a scoff at the way she refers to herself. “You’ll laugh at me.”
“I might laugh at you,” she admits, combing gentle fingers through your hair. “But only a little bit.”
You wrap your arms around her waist and bury your face in her shoulder. “I know that they know about us,” you mumble into her blouse. “But they’ve never actually seen us together, and- I don’t know, being here alone with you has been so good and I s’pose I just liked having you all to myself. Being yours, without anybody watching.”
“I’m not laughing.” She kisses your temple and gives you an encouraging squeeze. “But, as much as I would love to keep you locked away like a princess in a tower, I’m afraid that that might not be very well-received.”
“No, I imagine not.” You nuzzle into her shoulder. “And I am looking forward to making the Doctor squirm.”
“Not as much as I am,” she teases, and you can feel her grin against your cheek as much as you can hear it in her voice. “Could you say the stuffing thing again when they’re here? It’s honestly a shame that there was no audience for that.”
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thecrazyanimegirl · 4 years
Spring anime 2020
There was really a small amount of stuff we watched this seasons alongside continuations like kaguya sama, furuba or ascendance of a bookworm. A somehow empty season, but still, have what we watched and our thoughts (a mostly personal review).
{ Winter ‘18 }  { Spring ‘18 }  { Summer ‘18 }  { Fall ‘18 }  { Winter ‘19 } { Spring ‘19 }  { Summer ‘19 }  { Fall ‘19 }  { Winter ‘20 }
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It’s about a girl who wants to be an artist in a time that doesn’t accept female artists. She is determined, hard working and cheerful, so it’s a good show if you need to relax and catch some good feelings, but it’s not really a must see story or anything. 
BNA  (Brand New Animal) 
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A true gem this season! Not a totally furry anime like Beastars, but if you watched it and also love Trigger’s animation style, this one is for you. BNA tells the story about two species, beasts that live in Animacity and humans who don’t like them that much. The story has the perfect pace and leaves you on the edge of your chair after each episode, also every character has a good backstory and development. Akidearest said that it is really predictable, and even though that’s mostly true, the progress of the story is satisfying and the characters make up for the predictability.
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Looked cool, sounded cool but the overall experience is kinda... meh? The premise and plot idea are really good and the possible plot twists are also promising but it just leaves you thirsty for something else/more. The fights are okay-ish but tend to go really badly animated (one fight is an exception). The music is pretty good and has that dark vibe (kinda like Future Diaries) but there just isn’t anything going on that makes you shiver, tense or worry for the characters while you watch. We found some comments that imply that the manga is way better so it would be maybe wiser to try that instead. 
Great Pretender
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This one came as a nice surprise at the end of this season. An original anime made by Wit Studio centers around con artists and their ventures around the world. The engaging plot has a nice pace and makes you guess what is going to happen next, although it gets kinda predictable. It has action, humor, semi tragic backstories, drugs and races. The animation and music are really beautiful and an additional plus goes to the cats in the ending song. All in all, I would recommend it to anyone who searches for something fresh.
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When I first read the synopsis where a gag ero mangaka tries to hide his job from his daughter, I was skeptical I have to admit, and expected inappropriate jokes and such. But it really proved me wrong! And ended up being this sweetest softest story! It’s not plot heavy, but the character interactions are filled with emotions, it even brought tears to my eyes and the whole overall feeling is soft and loving! Definitely would recommend if you want some warm family atmosphere, but also have a laugh ^^
My Next Life as a Villainess
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Mc dies and is born again into the last otome that she played but as the villain character, the main rival girl, and she tries to improve her relationship with the characters to avoid her doom. Don’t expect too deep of a story since she will REALLY easily convince and befriend everyone without any hurdles. Exactly what you’d expect, it’s not going to blow you off your feet, especially plot wise, but the story is well executed, the humor is on point and the characters are typically good. If you like this type of stories or just want to relax, this one is pretty well done ~
Sing Yesterday for Me
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Not really my type of plot, too much awkwardness and drama, but I just really had to finish it haha I found it somehow fascinating how many edges a love polygon can have and how many unrequited loves they could fit in one anime. But if you love a slow paced romance type of story, that focuses more on each persons view and their struggles as they learn to love, flirt but also how to move on, you might like it. 
Tower of God
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Yes, the favorite of the season! A really good webcomic turned into an anime! If you haven’t heard about it already, go watch it, or better yet read it. The characters, even though they are numerous, are lovable and interesting, the plot builds well (especially in the later chapters of the webtoon, the first season of the anime is basically just the prologue). I’ve seen a lot of bad comments about the execution of the anime, but somehow I’m just really happy it even got animated and got such good voice actors! Yes, some scenes were done differently, and some scenes were cut that were important, but there’s no way to animate absolutely every scene, and they stuck to the story pretty well. The music was also good, the opening and ending are done by a korean band, Stray Kids, which means that it doesn’t have the typical shounen anime feel to it, but it’s still great ^^ A good anime and an even better webtoon! 
Wave, Listen to Me!
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A woman starts working as a radio host after a bad relationship. I know, I know, it doesn’t sound great and probably a lot of people will skip this instantly, just like the other two mods of this blog, BUT! I really enjoyed it. It was somehow refreshing actually having an adult main character, not only kids and teens. Maybe it’s not plot heavy, but there are a lot of relatable or hilarious scenes. Also the voice actors did a really good job I think. The story is basically based on her monologues that get pretty lengthy. I know that the first episode I was like, wow that woman can talk! Well, it’s up to you whether you want to give it a shot, but if you need something a bit different, try it.
Looking forward to in the next season because they got moved from this one: Appare Ranman (an engineer and a samurai accidentally end up in america and decide to join the cross country car race haha, the visuals are cool so far, the story and pacing is okay, not something that blew us off our feet, but it’s funny and seems promising), The Millionaire Detective (ooh definitely looking forward to this one! James Bond and the local cop save the day, or something like that, the story isn’t groundbreaking, but it makes up with humor and characters so far), RE:ZERO it’s been yearssss
Some donghua’s that we ran into: All Saints Street (very shot, but is actually great, funny and cute, has the same vibe as Non-human/Fei Ren Zai, that one was also awesome), Antidote (shounen ai with a gangster and a sheltered rich boy, also there’s a cat, so far - cute)
Dropped:  Woodpecker Detective's Office (we’ll never find out who the killer is),  Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma (its cool that is has japanese writers, but the story wasn’t that engrossing), Listeners (sorry mappa) 
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