#also ignore the digitigrade leg
tooni-the-demon-thot · 8 months
drew a bunch of boardwalk empire characters bc somehow i've only been able to draw al and charlie consistently despite being hyperfixated on the show for at least a year. i still have room on the page so i'll probably draw ralph n frank later. i'm also open to recommendations so if there's a character you want drawn hit me up. i'm planning on drawing a bunch of kaiju next so stay turned for that too.
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aggressively-crying · 7 months
Fossil fighters turned me bi and was probably instrumental to realizing my whole nonbinary situation
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demonic0angel · 1 year
Ghost Game AU (click for clarity)
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From this idea
They all stood still as the being sat next to them, its digitigrade legs crossed as its toes shifted closer to DP. Nightingale slipped an arm around DP’s shoulders and pulled him closer, not daring to look up but also not afraid enough to stop herself from protecting DP.
Jay breathed shallowly, ignoring the faint traces of vanilla that wafted to him when Nightingale leaned closer to him in an effort to be as far away from the being as they could be.
If his dad was here, he probably would’ve….
Jay tried to remember but all that came up was emptiness. All Jay had was a feeling of a memory, like trying to catch smoke. It existed somewhere, but like a hole was in his brain, the memory flowed out too easily. If his dad was here, he would’ve done something.
But did Jay know what?
No, he didn’t.
The rain pattered relentlessly, a never ending chime of water droplets that hit the roof of the small shelter they found. The road in front of them was empty, muddied only by puddles and the occasional frog that would disappear back into the grass before Jay could take too much note of it.
With a start, DP straightened and pointed into the foggy horizon. “There! A bus is coming!”
They all perked up, forgetting the being that sat with them.
In the horizon, two faint headlights drew closer and closer. A smooth and clean looking travel bus stopped in front of them and Nightingale immediately stood up and beamed.
“Great! Let’s go and—”
They froze as the being finally moved for the first time in a long time. It stood slowly, its body moving mechanically as it lowered its head to avoid hitting its antlers on the top of the bus stop and approached the bus. The moment it reached the door, however, it turned. The gaping hole that was its face seemed to radiate a sense of a leering smile, like that of a predator toying with prey.
Nightingale immediately grabbed onto Jay and pulled DP closer. Jay shook off the pride in his heart from having Nightingale reach for him for protection as he stepped forward to stand in front of the other two protectively.
“My dears… I have no hands. You should help an old thing like me… or I might just have to take yours.” The thing said, its voice a grating sound like that of a nail scraping down a chalkboard.
Jay immediately tensed as he recognized the feeling of pressure over his back, a wordless command falling over his shoulders as he would now be forced to obey or die.
The next game had begun.
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harpagornis · 1 year
The most terrestrial pterosaurs
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Noripterus complicidens by Ceri Thomas. This was the only known pterosaur to have been digitigrade (on the hindlimbs at least), amplyfing its ability to run.
When it comes to discussions on pterosaur ecologies, azhdarchids are usually touted as “the most terrestrially inclined pterosaurs”, thanks to now numerous studies on their ability to stride, footprints and relatively short wings. However, these claims often ignore that various other groups of pterosaurs were also adapted for terrestrial locomotion.
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Terrestrial gaits of early pterosaurs by Witton et al 2015. As you can see, with very few exceptions, most early pterosaurs had long limbs and were likely able to walk and run decently.
Fact of the matter, nearly all pterosaurs were foraging on the ground or in the water (barring a few exceptions like anurognathids, eudimorphodonts, Campylognathoides and some nyctosaurids and anhanguerids, all of which adapted to hunt on the wing), and indeed pterosaurs were terrestrially competent from the start; while historically it had been assumed that non-pterodactyloids were inept on the ground like most bats, Witton et al 2015 shows this was not the case, and that early pterosaurs had always been competent terrestrial striders.
Still, both a crow and an ostrich forage on the ground, so there has to be a gradient.
Azhdarchids are assumed to be near the ostrich level on said gradient, and indeed compared to most pterosaurs they had short wings and long legs. However, various studies (Witton 2008, Habib 2010, Padian 2021, a study on Mark Witton’s patreon not made public) have consistently compared azhdarchids to large continental flyers like storks, swans and condors, so while terrestrially competent they were still highly competent flyers likely capable of enduring long migrations. Further, while their wings were proportionally shorter than most pterosaurs’ they had high bone pneumacy, having thin bone walls and being the only pterosaur group aside from pteranodontians to have pneumatic hindlimbs. So they weren’t on the verge of becoming flightless, rather they were equally at home in the ground and in the air.
There are two pterosaur groups that I would instead consider “most terrestrial”, at least by virtue of lower flight capacities: the dimorphodontids and the dsungaripterids. Both groups were rather heavy boned with thick bone walls and relied on burst flying like modern fowl (Witton 2008, Witton 2013). Both groups had longer wing fingers than azhdarchids, but in the case of dimorphodontids they lacked the long metacarpal of pterodactyloids so proportions might be very similar overall, leaving only dsungaripterids with longer wings overall. And within the latter, at least one species, Noripterus complicidens, had digitigrade hindlimbs, making it the most cursorial pterosaur known yet.
So there you have it. If azhdarchids were the storks of the Cretaceous, dsungaripterids and dimorphodontids were the fowl of their time.
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Curiosity Killed The Rabbit.
Anruh and Ruben re-creating their first meeting, only this time the beast isn't as merciful.
Happy pride ! I'm back writing kink for these freaks <3
Also because we're in Ruben's pov, every time something is written (like this) it's basically Ruben breaking character. It doesn't happen too often, because immersion, but it's there.
Word count: 1527 Warnings: Gore and violence as forms of eroticism | Blood, like a lot of blood | Biting and cutting Kinks: Primal play | Blood play | D/s | Sadism and Masochism | Size and Strenght kink | Breath play | Fear play | Light cnc Wip: Gammellunden Characters: Ruben Hylén and Anruh
: Oneshot Taglist - @vacantgodling :
Let me know if you want to be added/removed !
Do not enter Gammellunden. That’s where the urroa reign, and where magic runs wild. It’s no place for humans.
How many times hadn’t Ruben been told the same stories over and over? The adults in his life must’ve believed they were doing well in keeping him wary of the dangers lurking deep within the inland. But every story they told, every warning they gave, only made his curiosity grow. 
Ruben spent day after day enamored by the unknown. Enticed by the beasts he’d been told to fear. And one day, it became too much to bear. So he broke the one rule he’d been told to follow— and entered Gammellunden. 
It looked no different from the forests Ruben was used to, but it felt like stepping into another world. The air was laced thick with magic, and every step he took came with the feeling of being watched. Ruben wandered about for hours, enchanted by every little thing he saw, until he reached a clearing already occupied.
An urroa, mightier than any creature or beast, had turned it into her dining hall. She was messily feasting on a bear carcass, digging through its guts and tearing off pieces of flesh to stuff in her mouth. Blood was splattered all over her. Running down her chin and staining her shirt, sticking to her hair and hands.
It should’ve been a revolting sight. But Ruben regarded it with awe, captivated by the brutality of the beast in her shades of red. Fully ignoring the warning bells chiming loudly in his head. 
Then her eyes snapped up and locked with his— and Ruben finally felt fear.
The urroa stood up on digitigrade legs and advanced toward him. Ruben stumbled back before turning to run away. He didn’t make it far, stopped by the beast’s hand slamming into the back of his neck. Sending fireworks through his body. 
Ruben gasped, then shivered as half-dried blood was smeared over his skin. She pulled him closer in a swift and rough tug, her hand snaking around to grip his jaw. Ruben barely dared to breathe as her claws poked against his skin.
"Run, little rabbit." the urroa muttered lowly in his ear. "Run. And I might let you live." she released her grip, and Ruben scrambled into a sprint. 
With his heart in his throat, he ran; feeling the rumble of the earth from the beast looming behind. He ventured through dense flora, hoping to lose her.
He didn’t.
The urroa tackled him to the ground, and overpowered him with ease. Her hands were like cuffs around his wrists as she pinned him down, and her body eclipsed the world around.
She looked down at Ruben with wild hunger. The kind only seen in animals. In predators. Ruben swallowed, unsure of what to do next. Instinct told him to try and flew, reason told him it was no use.
The urroa leaned closer and sniffed him as if to test if he was ripe. Then, she kissed him. Pressed her lips to his roughly and raked her teeth against the skin. Ruben inhaled sharply through his nose at the uncomfortable feeling. He pressed back into the ground to try and get away. Resulting only in the urroa biting his bottom lip. Ruben hissed, then choked on a gasp as his mouth was forced open and flooded with liquid copper which pooled in the back of his throat— threatening to drown him.
Ruben squirmed, twisting his body in an attempt to break free. But the urroa held him down with iron grips that were sure to leave bruises. If not break his wrists entirely. His kicking wasn't much help either, with his legs being forced apart by the beast's thighs.
Panic began to rise as the air was drained from his lungs, tears pricking his eyes. So even if it was a losing battle, Ruben fought. Tugging at his restraints, moving his head to break the kiss, kicking with all his might. None of it worked. The urroa was both stronger and bigger than him.
He was completely helpless against her.
(Completely at her wondrous mercy.)
When the urroa finally pulled back Ruben quickly turned his head to the side. He spat out the blood and coughed. Desperately fighting for air with his mouth and throat coated thick. He'd just managed to clear his airways when he felt the beast's tongue run up from his neck and across the side of his face. Ruben shivered at the feeling, how his skin became wet from blood and saliva.
She kept her face close to his. Her breath grazing his skin.
Ruben squeezed his eyes shut. Bracing himself for whatever was to come next. In doing so, he didn't notice when the urroa released one of his wrists. Only when she'd hooked her claw over the collar of his shirt did he react, eyes opening wide as the sound of fabric ripping echoed. The urroa had ripped through the material with ease.
She dragged a claw down Ruben’s chubby body, starting by his collar and stopping just above his pants. It was a shallow cut, but it came swiftly with the flick of a wrist trained to gut helpless prey. 
Ruben gasped at the sharp sting. At the tingling sensation spreading all over his body.
The urroa moved her hands down to his hips, lifting them in the process. She held them tightly, her claws threatening to break through his pants and pierce the skin to leave marks that wouldn’t fade easily. If at all. 
(Like a brand of ownership.)
Leaning her head down, the urroa began to trail faint kisses along the cut. Stopping on occasion to bruise Ruben’s skin with small bites, or dig her tongue into the split. Putting pressure on the strands of flesh.
Ruben whined, thoughts hazing over. His heart was raging in his chest, flooding his veins with adrenaline he couldn’t act on, despite the way his mind screamed. Or, tried to scream. Reason was becoming harder to make out as fear took over completely. 
Pictures of the mangled bear flashed before his eyes. Limbs twisted, guts spilling out, flesh missing. A mess of blood and bones. So thoroughly destroyed, ruined for everyone but its predator. 
A snarl, and then teeth were suddenly digging into his abdomen. The urroa gnawed on him, pushing her teeth in and out of the shallow cavities of Ruben’s flesh. Setting his every nerve on fire and making him sob violently.
He waited in agony for her to rip him apart. To tear out his intestines and eat him alive while he slowly bled to death. 
It never came. The urroa kept to small movements, slowly thrusting her teeth but never digging in deeper. Letting slim trails of blood run down Ruben’s body.
It was torture. 
Tears ran down his face, mixing with the blood and saliva that was slowly starting to dry.
She pulled back after a while, but she wasn’t done. Not yet. She sat up, and pulled Ruben roughly with her. Her claws dug into his upper arms as she stared at him. The fiery center of her hazel eyes burning bright.
"P-Please." it slipped out before its meaning had taken form. Was it a plea for mercy, to be allowed to live? Was it an offer for her to take whatever control Ruben still possessed? It didn't matter which.
The urroa growled at him and lunged for his neck— biting down hard. Ruben screamed, his heart racing as the squelching sounds rang sharp in his ears. His entire body trembled in pained shock, unable to do much else. 
Blood ran from where his skin was being torn apart. Gushing out with each thrust of the urroa’s teeth. Ruben knew there was no fighting it. Even if his body still had the strength for action, even if he was capable of such a fight, there was no use for it now. All he could do was accept his fate.
Ruben’s vision was becoming blurry. Plagued by spots of white dancing across the dark sky above. He was starting to feel light-headed, too. Like he was slowly fading out of consciousness. Was he dying? Had he succumbed to the same fate as the bear? Torn apart and by a touch like no other. Ruined by the hands of a beast he'd been told to fear.
Anruh pulled back from Ruben’s neck, taking in her work before leaning back down to gently kiss each puncture wound. Licking up the blood as she went along. She let go of Ruben's arms, moving her hands to hold his waist where she rubbed soft circles against the bruised skin. Keeping him steady in her lap.
Once she'd licked up the blood, Anruh trailed light kisses up Ruben's neck. Passing by his jaw and cheek before planting the final kiss atop his nose. She rested her forehead against his and listened to the sound of his calm breathing.
"You still with me?" Anruh asked through a low mumble.
"Mhm." Ruben lazily responded and nuzzled closer to her touch. "Älskar dig."
"Jag älskar dig med, lilla väsenet mitt."
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salt-volk · 2 years
I just wanna pop in abt the whole comparing my design to a zafara thing.
So, first off- I'm not angry at anyone for making the comparison. I generally don't mind too much if someone makes an offhanded mention that something I drew reminds them of something- especially if its kept to a one-time comment. What really began bothering me, however, is that whenever I brought up the design it would immediately be met with "its a zafara!". No it isn't. Stating "It's a zafara" is putting down a fact that is straight up untrue and I have never stated that I was inspired by neopets. (I don't... Even like zafaras lmao.)  The occasional "Oh i like it, it reminds me of x" is very different and generally bothers me less- but because people go "it IS a zafara" it causes other people to start agreeing as if that's fact. And then instead of one person making a little comment it's multiple people convincing eachother that the design is something it isn't.
I, as the artist, get a bit annoyed at this comparison because I personally barely see it. It feels like an immense stretch to me and I've concluded with friends that at best its the tail and the pose the design is in, because that pose seems to be common amongst art of Zafara's.  I made a little visual while i was frustrated for my personal relief that I'd like to share.
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I don't see much similarity between them. The bodyshape differs entirely if you actually look at it, the legs do not match in shape or style at all- one being clearly plantigrade and the other built to be digitigrade, the ears are very different, and the head shape is entirely uncomparable. It's a very humanoid bodyplan versus the zafara kangaroo-like bodyplan. At best, the poses and the tail shape is the most similar. On top of that, this is a design that's heavily simplified from it's full art so that it fits dappervolk's style for humanoid-ish pets. I've shared the full art nearly every time I've mentioned this pet, but no one acknowledges that when calling the chibi'd design a zafara. It makes it feel like willfully ignoring the fact that there is additional art that shows it really isn't. I know people aren't doing that, because no one means this maliciously, but that is the feeling that comes across.
Also I didn't state that it looks like stitch- but that its stitch-like,  in the sense that its a weird alien critter with big eyes, ears, and a funny mouth. (The rest of the reasoning for why its stitch-like is because of the lore behind the design, which i didn't talk about because i didn't want to loredump out of the blue. That's just a funny coincidence i realised when stitch was brought up and seeing as I brought it up myself it is very different from someone else assuming something.)
I know a lot of people think that comparing art to other media is flattering or not a big deal, but its important to be mindful of how often you do it. The more you compare an artist's work to something else, the more you're basically saying "someone already did this and you copied them". It says "You're not creative enough to come up with your own concepts". You can keep your happy revelation that it reminds you of something you like to yourself- that's a you thing! That's a thing that makes you happy- but that does not mean that it also makes the artist happy. 
Other than that thanks folks for pointing out my name is not from neopets its a curse i've had to bear for over half a decade and voltron anons PLEASE WHY ARE YOU CURSING ME AGAIN WITH THIS WAS ONCE NOT ENOUGH (joke)
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floristpyre · 6 months
Laquine Ears for Paci :)
Laquine Ears - Grants the consumer lapine attributes, typically including bunny/rabbit ears, a short, puffy tail, digitigrade legs, pawed hands, and fur. If consumer has a penis, it may be transformed into a blunt, flared, and sheathed equine penis. May also greatly increase consumer's libido and allow the consumer to go into heat.
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She has to adjust to the new legs-- they're what she notices first.. along with the feeling of some floppy ears when she moves her head.
"Really, 'Sumi? A bunny girl? I'd almost suspect you have ulterior mo.."
Ah, there's the heat. A near un-ignorable burning in her loins, that causes her to brace against the other for a moment.
"Now I'm definitely suspecting an ulterior motive.."
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
Wyverians Headcanons
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- While all Wyverians possess pointy ears, four-fingered hands, and many possess digitigrade feet, all of them also have scales on their bodies. It can be any colour and in differents parts of the body, like their legs, arms, back, sometimes even on their cheeks or ears, but that’s a rarity.
- Their hearts is located on the right side of their chest.
- The populations of Wyverians are made of 80% Betas and 20% Alphas. If a Wyverian is an Alpha or is the descendant of at least one Alpha, there is a high chance for them to have a lot of traits from their Wyvern ancestry, rather than just a few.
- They all have at least one highly developped sense. Most of the time it’s their sense of smell, but it can also be their sight or hearing.
- Other traits from their Wyvern ancestry they can have are fangs and claws. They can have none, one of the two or both. For example, Alwin have fangs whereas Zellard have claws. Some of them even has a long and sharp tongue.
- It’s really hard for a Wyverian to get pregnant on their first attempt. Plus it’s really rare for them to carry more than one child at a time. They can have twins or more (like Hinoa and Minoto from Rise), but it’s even rarer than humans.
- Speaking of that, it’s the males that get pregnant and carries the children. Most of the time they feel more pain and are sick a lot during them, but it last 6 months instead of 9 like humans.
- Hybrids between Wyverians and Humans exists, but only with Beta Wyverians. The Alphas “can’t” have children with humans. An Alpha’s body is not made for conceiving nor carrying a Human-Wyverian hybrid child. This will literally kill them from the inside. If they let the pregnancy go, the Wyverian will die at max after 2 months, thus the unborn child will die too.
- Alphas are also very protective towards the children of their villages. If you try to harm a child and an Alpha is around, you are dead.
- There are different times of the year when they have urges, or heat period if you prefer. They can’t control it, even if they try to ignore it it will always be there. The feeling won’t go until they do what their body wants. The intensity is irregular at the start, but if they don’t let go, the heat will grow hotter and stronger, to a point where they could possibly lost control entirely.
- Most Wyverians became blacksmiths, healers or merchants. A good portion of them also became Riders. You will only see a few Wyverians becoming Hunters, despite them being the first Hunters (Let’s say they pretty much gave up the concept). Zellard is one of the few Wyverians who was a Hunter.
- Most Wyverians have a thin body and because of that, a lot of people can be envious and even jealous of them. There are some that are built different, but they are not really common.
- All Wyverians are born with a hybrid Monster form. It’s obviously due to their Wyvern ancestry. Considering that it kinda depends on how they look (hair color for example), we can guess that they were somewhat “linked” to that Monster they’re turning into.
- Almost no Wyverians are born with a deficience, a disease or a mental illness. However, they can have those later like humans do. That is why most people say that “they get sick rarely” : well it’s true at birth, but not when they keep living ; they are just like humans in that regard.
- Most of the time, a Wyverian shrinks when he became pretty old. They pretty much are back to the size of a child (like Elder Maolo for example).
- All Wyverians have a Birth Mark, and it could be literally anything ; it’s not at all like humans since theirs looks more like a wound. Actually, it looks like a tatoo.
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 3 years
IMAGINE being a mumriken creachur and following the company of thorin oakenshield
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inspired in part by this imagine by @imaginexhobbit
target audience ⤐ teen/gender neutral reader
contains ⤐ light humor, reader is a forest child, hinting at Bagginshield, platonic relationships, vv long
a/n ⤐ sorry that this is really long, I tired to keep it simple and it just didn’t feel right to stop halfway through
you were simply going about your business in a grassy field on the Great East Road one day, sniffing flowers, chasing bugs, talking to mice, squirrels, lizards, and frogs, napping, etc.
y’know, just enjoying your youth
when SUDDENLY, your ears perked up as you hear what sounds like a horse neighing
sitting up and turning in the direction of the noise, you spot a group of strangers riding their ponies (and one horse) down a path not too far from where you were
like the curious little thing you were, you quietly shuffled through the grass to get a better look, and found the strangers to be a wizard, 13 dwarves, and a hobbit.
upon closer inspection, you recognized the wizard as Gandalf the Grey, an old friend of your family from your younger years, but you made no attempt to say hello
staying hidden in the grass, you begin to follow the odd group
this went on for about a week and a half until one late afternoon when the sun was coming close to disappearing over the horizon and the company had settled down to camp
you kept a reasonable distance, resting idle beneath a tree a few meters away from the company, when you suddenly decided that you wanted to get a little closer
so you snuck a bit closer to the camp, quiet as a field mouse
and surprisingly, no one seemed to notice your presence as you sat next to a bush near Gandalf
(he actually knew that you had been following them, but he knew you were harmless, so he feigned ignorance for your sake.)
anyways Gandalf was smoking his pipe and since you were in close proximity, you got a slight whiff of it, and with the smallest twitch of your nose-
a small high pitched sneeze suddenly sounded out of nowhere, blowing your cover and startling almost everyone as most were quick to stand and draw their weapons in case of an attack
but the uproar came to a halt as quickly as it started when the company laid their eyes on you
you were unlike anything any of them had ever seen before
your ears were pointed like an elf, but your tousled hairstyle debunked the idea that you were an elf
not to mention your size. you were a tiny little thing! Perhaps about a head shorter than Bilbo
but you were no hobbit, for your feet were far too small, and bared little claw-like nails, as did your hands. You also had a darker streak of color that traveled up from your nose up to your forehead and on the tips on your ears. also your legs looked kinda digitigrade, and you were also barefoot
Gandalf quickly stepped in before things could escalate any further
“Ah, (Y/N)! It’s splendid to see you. Lower your arms, (Y/N) is no threat to us.”
while the dwarves promptly laid their weapons down, most still held looks of suspicion towards you
Balin was the first to approach you, offering for you to come sit down next to the fire since it was getting quite cold
you sat next to Bilbo and eased into friendly conversation with the company (save for Thorin and Dwalin)
Gandalf explained that you weren’t any kind of orc or goblin, but a creachur; mumriken, to be exact, a much more gentle and pleasant race, and in no way related to orcs or goblins. If anything, you were distantly related to hobbits and had wild magic
when the question of your origins came up, you simply explained how you saw them that day and had just been following them ever since, adding how you were honestly surprised that they hadn’t noticed you until now
after that, everyone sort of just collectively agreed that you may as well come along with them
you mostly kept to yourself at first, only making light conversation with Bilbo or Fili and Kili. It too some time, but you gradually started opening up to the rest of the company
to them, you were certainly an... interesting person.
when you slept, you would often curl up like a cat, and other times you would sleep in a tree.
and when you woke up or you were tired, your yawns almost sounded like a cat’s.
making soft trills and peeps when someone calls your name or something catches your attention
also you sometimes purred in your sleep and wait a minute did you always have a tail?!
someone tried to pluck one of the leaves out of your hair once, but you quickly ducked your head in protest. So although they were confused, they never tried again after that
(some of them actually thought that perhaps it was a cultural thing like them with their beards and braids (maybe it was or maybe you just liked it like that. I’ll leave that up to you))
when it rained, you would just do the thing where you shake your head to get the water off
licking your injuries.
Thorin asking you not to but eventually getting used to it.
and don’t even get me started on your eating habits
it wasn’t that bad, honest! It was just a tad disturbing to watch you snatch a live fish right out of a river chase a rabbit down on all fours
when Bilbo questioned Gandalf about it, the wizard simply answered with “natural instinct.”
at least you had decent manners
Ori actually takes notes on your fascinating behavior, having never heard of your kind before
he also made you a pair of small socks that fit your feet for cold nights
although Thorin acts indifferent about you, he kinda low-key parents you like he does with Fili and Kili (who are basically your unofficial brothers at this point)
you also like to run around, so whenever you get the chance, Thorin will allow you some ‘running time’ before dinner
he acts as though he’s just doing it to get you out of his hair, but as soon as you’re out of sight, he tells his nephews to keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t wander off too far or hurt yourself
the boys like getting to spend the time with you, and Thorin secretly likes hearing your laughter from the distance
Dwalin and Balin know this and give him so much shit for it
when the company was captured by trolls and one of them was about to eat you, Bilbo came to your rescue by telling them you were carrying a disease
(he was sure to apologize for any offense or disrespect afterwards of course)
you and Radagast are rather close friends
when you arrived in Rivendell, Elrond quickly sent you to be cleaned up the moment he saw your dirt clad form
it was a rather interesting experience, for everyone involved. like bathing a kitten.
at first, you were rather hesitant. this was the first time in quite a while you were having an actual bath instead of washing yourself in a river or a spring, but you didn’t want to be impolite, so you sucked it up
once you got settled in, it was actually smooth sailing
as the elf maids brushed and washed your hair, you actually purred a little in equanimity, much to their amusement
cue you doing the cute shaking thingy
once you were dried off and dressed in clean clothes while your old ones were being washed, you headed down to dinner
it felt so weird to not be covered in a layer of dirt for once, but at least you smelled like the flowers you loved so much.
and the dwarves were more than surprised to see you after that. Bombur nearly choked on his food
(you were sure to give your sincerest condolences to the elves for the company’s less than polite behavior)
thankfully, your hair was back to its nicely ruffled state by morning
while you were dismal upon finding out that the company had left without you and Gandalf, the old wizard comforted you as the two of you followed the dwarves into the mountains
when you came up on the company in the goblin tunnels, that’s when your primal instincts really began to surface.
but you didn’t dare use your fangs. Absolutely not. Not a chance in hell. You weren’t putting your mouth anywhere near those things. Just claws. They were more than effective enough.
when Bilbo returned, you were so happy to see him that your tail started wagging. But the moment was cut short when your ears perked up and twitched at the distant sound of wargs
one thing lead to another and the next thing you know, you’re up in the trees and everything is on fire
the moment Bilbo stood up and drew out his sword to go save Thorin, you finally decided to just chuck it in the fuck-it bucket and go feral
when you escaped on the eagles and landed on carrock, you felt disappointed when Thorin immediately started scolding Bilbo for risking his life back in the misty mountains.
thorin: did I not say that you would be a burden? that you would not survive in the wild? that you had no place amongst us?
y/n: :(
thorin: “I have never been so wrong in all my life.” *hugs hobbit*
y/n: :3
honestly, you’d known since that night in Rivendell
(I will never not be pissed that they had a whole @ss firefly scene with thorin and bilbo and they didn’t even fUCKING FILM IT WE WERE SO ROBBED LIKE PETER WTF)
thorin apologized for his attitude towards you while helping you dress your injuries from the fight with azog, and you guys started talking more
in return, you helped to heal some of his wounds with wild magic.
head pats from him are your fav tbh
he’s figured out your favorite spots on your head for scritches. He also uses the gentle nose stroking technique
you often sleep curled up close to the Durins
Thorin’s also pretty protective
is a fight ever breaks out, he’ll shield you with his body
remember that scene in treasure planet when silver finds jim asleep in the galley and he covers him with his coat? yeah, Thorin did that at one point or another with his furs
you kind of imprinted on him by then
bilbo once had to stop you from eating a firefly
Fili loves getting to carry you
also mumriken creachurs and skin changers have a history of symbiotic relationships
when you were captured by elves in Mirkwood, you felt very anxious within your cell
you found good friends in the Bardlings
you knew that Bard was right when he protested against the company entering the mountain, but couldn’t find it in yourself to say anything
you stayed in Laketown with Fili, Kili, Oin, and Bofur.
since you were so young, your healing magic was just barely enough to ease a fraction of Kili’s pain, so when Tauriel came to his rescue, you made sure to express your gratitude
when you finally did reach the mountain, you suddenly found yourself feeling very anxious around Thorin. You could practically smell the dragon sickness, and it made you wince, so you avoided him to the best of your ability. you knew it wasn’t the real Thorin, but it still scared you.
long story short, thorin snaps out of it and you all kick ass together and you make sure no one you love dies.
fast forward post botfa, you and Bilbo stay in Erebor for the time being
you would make trips to Dale to assist in the rebuilding of the city, for which the townspeople were very grateful
upon meeting Dis, she quickly became like a mother to you, or at least an aunt
she almost goes off on thorin about leading such an innocent little creature like you into such peril
but you quickly explained that you came on your own accord and you would do it all over again to protect them, since they were the first people that you had let yourself get close to in a very long time
during your stay in the Lonely Mountain, Dis sees to it that you’re well fed, especially if you hibernate so you can insulate properly
when/if you decide to go out on your own again, Thorin makes sure that you stay in touch by raven
they just really miss you whenever you’re not around
so they get rlly excited when you come back
getting a bit fussy when anyone but Thorin tries to brush your hair
Frodo is your little cousin
(I might turn this into an actual fanfic)
tagging folks who I think might be interested in reading: @kumqu4t @trxblemaker @yn-incorrect
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bular · 3 years
Welcome to Live Commentary
I had no one to talk to while watching the movie and I hate being alone with my thoughts so I wrote everything down in my notes app. It's not coherent! Enjoy!
Aw yeah 1.5 seconds of Bular that is all I needed! Might as well stop now I've seen my boy I'm satisfied.
Why is there a nearly 4 minute recap as if I haven't watched the show at least 50 times. I should be the one giving the recap.
The beginning felt a bit forced to me but maybe that's just me? Like they just tried to squeeze too many things into a small timeframe without any buildup, it just didn't really work. Congrats on the engagement! This is my OTP so I'm very happy! But it came out of nowhere.
Nari in Douxies body is so wrong and I love it and hate it at the same time (positive)
Eli is BIG. I knew he was gonna be tall but I was not prepared for that chiseled face. Or the fact that he stepped off the ship without glasses? I wear glasses and I would not choose to step off a spaceship blind.
OkAY who had mpreg on their bingo card?
AAARRRGGHH actually said a full sentence 🥺 there is no heterosexual explanation for this scene and I'm here for it
Arcadia being the center of the universe really does make a lot of sense. I hate how much sense it makes. Despise it.
Strickler in a Christmas sweater is something i didn't know I needed. Jim's jacket too but that's just adorable, Jim's adorable. Oh sweet baby you're about to get fucked over so bad.
Love seeing Barbara actively participating in battle too. Good for her! Power family!!
Where are the kids tho? Is NotEnrique babysitting? Either that or they hired the girl from the Incredibles movie.
Nomura is so talented I love seeing her fighting on the good side. I can't explain it but I love digitigrade legs they're just so pretty?? Aesthetically pleasing??? Fuck yeah, legg! I could watch Nomura run around and be badass all day.
Barbara does not deserve this I refuse to accept it. He's fine he'll be back they wouldn't kill two Changelings at once. Also Nomura is with Draal now I take no criticism.
So my favorite characters were Bular, Draal, Gunmar and Angor. And before this movie I always half-joked that everyone I love dies, how I still like Strickler and Nomura but apart from them all of my faves were killed in the very order of favoritism. AND NOW LOOK AT THIS. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I LOVE A CHARACTER. MY LOVE IS TOXIC.
It's great tho omg
I didn't realize it was Gun Robot when I saw it in the trailer this is amazing
Okay but imagine you're chilling in your trollmarket minding your own business when some misfit group of strangers waltzes in, steals your favorite shiny and celebrates your death before running off
Nana better show up at some point to reunite with her boytoy, I'll cancel this entire franchise otherwise
Something bad is going to happen to Toby isn't it. He's getting too much screentime
Jim's hand got DEEP FRIED
We can play Scrabble okay if they don't free them (which they must) I want an after credits scene of them playing scrabble
Douxie and Nari's bond 🥺🥺🥺
Nari pls just say what you fuckin mean the world is ending
Oh god is she going to remember killing Nomura oh nooo
Claire don't make the portal you will die again. Your hair gon be white all over
I love how Darci is just with the school bus. Civilian girlfriend. But also love how the world is ending and Coach is like "fuck that I'm gonna teach these kids"
Does he know his son is pregnant
"Going back to the city where it's safe" buddy have you been to that city
Whatever happens, Nari has the coolest looking titan. Giant four legged gremlin. I'd adopt him.
Me: oh i love that titan
The titan 5 seconds later:
Did Nari just fucking die what the FUCK
Oh of COURSE the pages are stuck together RIGHT THERE
Seriously tho how do you not notice an entire nougat nummy in a book
Wait so Arcadia has another heartstone? Or OH SO IT'S ALIVE. OKAY GREAT. GUNMAR COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT RIGHT HUH
Love how the Heartstone has been dormant/dead for months and apparently heard Blinky say it's alive and decided to wake up RIGHT THEN
Finally they're evacuating the city. This is like, the third apocalypse there. About time.
Okay so you can't pull Excalibur from the rock, but you CAN carve out the stone. Couldn't you just carve it off the sword as close as possible and like. Use that? Just swing the whole damn rock around?
God i can NOT get over Steve's pants. I mean I read a spoiler he was gonna be pregnant but I thought it was a prank or shitpost. I did not see this coming and I am never going to be over it. I love how he and Aja just roll with it and nobody else even cares. They've seen weirder stuff. So he's pregnant now. Whatever.
Jim's hand is bandaged and his ribs still hurt. I love that they're actually consistent with his injuries. I mean sucks for him but hell yeah for hero that doesn't always win!
Okayyy here comes the heartstone. Why not!
So if you kiss an Akiridion 7 times you will have 3-5 babies in a few hours. How are they not overpopulated?? Also Aja couldn't have WARNED STEVE BEFOREHAND?
Eli is so supportive omfg
So uh where are the babies gonna come out of? I'm not into mpreg how does this usually work
Oh good thing he happens to have 8 friends still alive. Otherwise this would've never worked. Nomura had to die otherwise there would've been 10 of them.
Why is everyone bowing to Jim? Did they rehearse this?
Stuart if you hadn't taken a bathroom break you would've thrown off the math and doomed the world. That was a poop of fate my man
Ahhh the signature quote. Where did Douxie and the Akiridions learn it? Did they rehearse this too? It's really cliché but I do like it tbh
If Strickler were dead we'd see more Barbara right?
Ah Jim just used she/her for Bellroc! Finally we're learning some pronouns. I've been wondering this whole time.
How are they not dying with all this lava?
She really just yeeted Varvatos
Did Claire just tell AAARRRGGHH to jump off the titan and he did it without question
I want to say I like Stuart and want him to have more screentime, but I won't say it because I don't want him to die
Jim's poor ribs
Toby can drive yoooo
Tobyyy you're scaring meeeee
So did they really need the different stone or was the amulet just waiting for Jim to choose death over giving up
I saw the armor before but it looks VERY COOL
Also I didn't mention this before but I love that they cut Merlin's name from the incantation. Good for them.
Toby you lost your helmet noooo
For real tho I'm terrified for Toby rn. I saw a comment somewhere earlier that just said "Toby no" with no context and I am AFRAID
So do Bellroc's eyes work after all? I thought she was blinded back in Wizards in the past.
Bellroc maybe screaming "i'm powerless" in front of your enemy isn't the best idea
She sploosh
How is he lifting Claire like that buddy you have bruised ribs and just got stabbed
This show really loves to give people more than the recommended amount of babies with no warning huh
She immediately knows which one is Eli Jr 🥺 okay listen I'm not the biggest fan of comic relief sideplot surprise babies, but I have to admit they're cute. Cute couple. Throuple. Eli is in on this. He even has a Junior.
Oh yea he better fuckin be alive I will commit murder
Unbecoming Part 2
So is Jim just gonna Groundhog Day it until everyone is fine? There's only 13 minutes left we're gonna need a bigger movie
Also I screamed so much about everyone's death and now everyone reading this after they already saw the whole thing is gonna shame me for clowning huh
The scene where Blinky is giving his goodbye speech, there are no babies and Steve has a round belly? Did he reabsorb them?? I mean I know Jim is about to un-birth them but he hasn't started yet
Oh they did NOT just do that. I though he was just gonna go back to like, the start of the movie maybe. Not all the way
Imagine being in your early twenties with as much trauma as this kid has and having to pretend you're 16 again
Somewhere Unkar is complaining because "oh sure NOW it's a good idea"
I know Jim is wondering where Toby is because he was there before. But before, he made an entire meatloaf AND did his homework before leaving the house, so honey maybe wait a minute
For a second I thought Toby wasn't gonna be there and Jim would return to the right time. But there he is!
Alright so they're in school now, did they take the canal and just didn't mention the amulet on screen or did they pass it as if the Unbecoming episode hadn't been that traumatizing? Jim you know what happens when you ignore it
Jim maybe you're being too obvious here lmao
Soooo. Anyway. These whole past years I've rewatched this show over and over and over again are cancelled now?
So we get the quote again. And Trollhunter Tobias is nice. Cool. Cool AU I mean, but I don't know. I don't knowwww. I've been way too invested in everything to just accept that it never happened?? So uh. Hm. How about this.
Strickler survived because fuck you, and Toby also survived and just has scars now. Maybe a wheelchair but he's fine, also he can use the Warhammer for super speed and make it awesome once he's used to it. Archie and Charlie get freed once they rebuild the bridge (and they were playing scrabble to pass the time). Nomura is still dead because she died on screen and I can't really deny that but she's with Draal so it's okay. Everyone is traumatized but they'll be fine. NotEnrique is still babysitting 500 babies and Steve is about to bring 7 more.
In summary, I reject Groundhog Day ending but everything else was great, as long as it actually happened. It was a good movie. But you can't just cancel years of passion. Having the prospect of a million "canon AUs" sounds great for writing but at the same time nooo you can't do that he didn't have to go back THAT far HHHHH
I liked the movie. It was a great watch and a satisfying end to a franchise, but I gotta say I do not fancy the ending of it so I will from now on be in denial. I honestly feel kind of betrayed that this show was my whole life for so long, I learned every smallest fact, and they basically deleted it from existence. I know what they were going for, I think, but no thank you I will be going with my own opinion. Still gonna rewatch it a few dozen times though ✌🏻
And that concludes my live commentary that was supposed to be a small handful of notes. Feel free to shame me for my opinions. See ya!
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charley1979 · 3 years
KAW 2021 Day 2
Prompt: Sharp Teeth
Running a day behind but I Day 2′s story up. This one got a little away from me. :)  Here is the link to it in AO3, also. https://archiveofourown.org/works/31079063
Kallus knew the patrol was going too smoothly. The reports he had received showed an active rebel presence but even multiple planetary scans hadn’t shown anything.  Konstantine had huffed when he’d ordered the ground patrol, saying something about chasing smoke which Kallus ignored.
This gave him a perfect cover to get another report to the Rebellion out of a system that showed rebel activity. The risk of his transmission being traced, if it was even caught, would be exceptionally thin. And even if it was, coming from this system just showed that the initial reports were accurate, just cagier than the admiral would ever admit. The smirk that thought put on his face just made him look viscously focused to his troopers. Which is exactly the cover he needed to uphold.
Once the shuttle landed, he ordered the troopers to start a grid pattern. There had been a few spots that showed questionable activity, but if it ended up being a group of smugglers Kallus had been trying to catch for the illegal smuggling of T7s what was he to do? His orders were to uphold the laws of the Empire and those … weapons were illegal.
He shook his head, not wanting his mind to go down that dark hole. He knew what his conscience would do to him and that could not happen here.
Instead, he headed for a cantina further down the alley. It was a dark, nasty place where all manner of ill repute gathered. Just the kind of location where he’d find a black market comm unit to send his data through. Not all of it, unfortunately, there was too much data on the spike to risk that, but he figured if he did this over the coarse of several different missions he’d get the majority to the Rebellion.  
When he’d initially found the information buried in the archives will the Lasan data he’d been in shock and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. As more scrolled across the screen he’d realized that he had uncovered one of the largest cache of blue prints, battle reports, troop movement schedules he’d ever heard of.
Kallus had copied everything to a spike and logged off quickly. He’d buried his tracks and sliced the data trail back into a clerical system that was not checked regularly. Only a dedicated intel search of very redundant systems in the core servers of Coruscant would be able to find what he’d done.
He cleared his mind and as he into the cantina his face was that of a consummate ISB agent, calm and menacing as he sent the troopers to check the surrounding buildings.
There was not a huge crowd, just a couple Ithorians at a table talking with a Rodian. A human was playing sabacc with a Sullust at the other side of the room. There was one bartender, human, and the back area looked empty. He walked past the bartender, taking in the look of fear and nervousness. Kallus’s eyes narrowed a bit and when the man’s eyes fell to the bartop he slipped into the back hall.
There was a small communication array and bounty board. Under the guise of scanning through the list of bounties, he slipped the spike into the array and entered an encrypted signal. He made as if he was checking the boards, watching as the spike sunk into the array. It was almost done when a shadow blocked the entrance to the hallway.
His hand was on his blaster, quickly withdrawing the spike and pocketing it as a rather stocky Klatoonian blocked the hall. Kallus turned and faced the growling male with an impervious glare, not appearing bothered by the other’s loud growls or exposed fangs.
“And just what do you think you’re doing, Imperial?” The male growled out, spittle coming close to landing on Kallus’s tunic. “Didn’t think any of your kind would need to be collecting bounties. If you even could.”
Kal’s right eyebrow cocked up at the sinister leer on the other’s face. The male looked him up and down and Kal could see his nostrils flare as the … being scented him. And then the alien stepped further into the hall, blocking it, and smiled with all his teeth.
“I think you’re a little too pretty for that kind of work.” Kal’s other eyebrow rose minutely at that.
He honestly couldn’t tell if the alien was truly that confidant, or that stupid. Kallus was not a small man by human standards. Yes, the alien had him in weight but Kal had spent a good chunk of his life training for that. And he had spent a good chunk of time recently facing off against a highly trained, highly intelligent Lasat. Compared to Garazeb, this Klatoonian was laughable. Not that his face showed any of his thoughts. He let a smirk slide onto his face, ready to dispatch the alien when a rumble at his back had the other male's eyes going wide.
“Heh heh.” Garazeb’s deep laugh was quiet and full as malice, coming from behind Kallus. “You aren’t wrong about that.”
Kallus took a small step back against the wall so he could see both aliens, showing no more concern at now being between two large aliens than he had before. Too many battles had him knowing not to get involved until he had a better option. And Garazeb had just changed the situation up, giving Kallus quite a few more.
Zeb stepped closer into the hall, so that the Klatoonian could get a better view of the much larger alien with a smiling mouth of fangs all his own. His eyes were narrowed and the way he held himself made if very clear who the more dangerous being was. Kallus’s reaction to such a blatant threat display was probably not the appropriate one but he had acknowledged to himself rather quickly after Bahryn that his feelings for the Lasat were rather complicated.
Zeb prowled farther into the hall and Kallus kept his face impervious as it seemed to sink into the Klatoonian that this wasn’t going to be the “easy fight” he’d thought. Kallus watched as the snarl toned down but the glare the alien sent him was all still all slimey heat.
“Just leave him here when you’re done.” He  grunted, finally taking a step back from Zeb’s continued growl. “I’m sure he won’t be as pretty but doesn’t really need to be.”
There was no way to miss the way that Zeb’s growl sharpened at that, standing to his full height as the Klatoonian turned and left.
Kallus was mostly in the shadows of the hallway and he sincerely hoped they covered the flush he could feel crossing his cheekbones and going down his neck. He had a clear view as Zeb growled after the other alien; his muscles bulging, his hands curled into fists, and his fangs catching the dim light perfectly. The agent found himself transfixed by that gleam, imagining what those sharp teeth would feel like dragging over his skin. He quickly got himself under control but from the deep breath Zeb took, his scent was giving him away.
 Zeb held his gaze as he took another deep breath through his nose, and his smile was all teeth as he looked at the agent.
“What do ya say, Agent?” His deep rumble practically purred, stepping up to him. “Promise I won’t leave a mark on ya.”
The agent stood stock still as Zeb leaned forward and took another sniff right by his ear.
“Unless you’d like me too?”
Kallus held Zeb’s eye as the Lasat leaned back, looking entirely too pleased with himself. And, true, Kallus could feel his flush practically glowing. But he’d had since that moon to realize his complicated feelings and the one he knew and acknowledged seemed to be very much returned. And he had never been one to back down when he knew it was a mutual attraction. So he gave the Lasat a heated, obvious, once over that slowly took in the entirety that was Garazeb Orrelios. From the clawed digitigrade legs, to the powerful thighs, on to the man's strong hips, taking in the clawed hands, up to his barrel chest, and up to the ears before again focusing in on the other man's fangs that were still showing in that smug smirk.
Kallus stepped up to the rebel, his eyes going down to the other’s belt as he slid his finger over the top of it lightly, tugging when he got to the center and raised his eyes. Catching the surprise in the other’s gaze before the smug came back. And Kallus answered that smirk with one of his own, all heat and teeth.
“Oh, I’d like that.” Kallus purred, his voice dropping an octave looking at Zeb through his lashes. “The question is, would you?”
He watched as something else flickered over Zeb’s eyes. Something that matched an emotion Kallus had felt in his bunk late at night and refused to name. Something that was so much more dangerous than anything he could ever do as Fulcrum. Zeb held his gaze, the hallway feeling so much warmer as the other man began to lean down.
“Agent Kallus!”
They both jumped back against the walls of the hallway as Kallus’s comm erupted. “No sign of the rebels, sir. But we did catch a crew of smugglers with some highly illegal contraband.”
Kallus took a deep breath and gave an apologetic look to Zeb as he raised his comm.
“I’ll be right there.” He responded, and lowered his arm.
He looked over at the Lasat, his heart still racing from what had almost happened. What he hoped had almost happened. Zeb returned his gaze with a heated one of his own, his fur standing up on his shoulders and neck.
Kallus stepped over to him, confidant as he ever was on the battle field, right up to the larger man and palmed the spike into Zeb’s hand and he leaned up to his ear.
“Be careful flashing those teeth, Garazeb.” He purred, putting all the training the ISB had ever provided into his voice. “Or you just may need to make good with them.”
He was so close he could feel Zeb’s quick indrawn breath and the low purr that started immediately. Stepping deftly back before the other man could grab him, Kallus started towards the entrance.
“Oh, I’ll make good Agent.” He could feel Zeb’s growl as the other man stayed in the hallway.
Kal took in the lasat’s look, smug and with even more fang. That he ran his tongue over as he held Kallus’ gaze. And the smirk grew when Kallus made an aborted step back towards him.  
He cast a heated glare back at the other man, making sure to hold it till the fool Lasat squirmed. Then he headed for the docks; knowing the image of Zeb’s tongue rolling over that fang would be featuring prominently when he finally returned to his cabin.
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lunar-archangel · 4 years
wait can you share some of your favorite hcs abt the dsmp sometime? unless you already have! then ignore this -🎨
Sure I can. I have never written anything about dsmp or any mcyt in general cus I am not a good fanfic writer or headcanon writer :,D
But I can ramble about some of my personal headcanons for the dsmp and throw in some that I have seen floating around. this might be a long post depending on how hard I will hyperfixate on this stuff!
I’ll go with from my favourite characters to least favourite cus I have most likely thought about other characters more than other.
Let’s start with Fundy shall we? He is my favourite boi and I have a lot of thought about him.
First I’ll go with my personal headcanon which is that Fundy wears an fox mask. You know those japanese fox or wolf masks? yeah like that. It’s colored like an normal fox colors. I like to think it is kind of an compromise between the full fox man and the more human like designs that people have for him. Like he wears the mask; full fox man. He’s not wearing the mask; more human like with just the ears and tail.
I also like to think that he wears black gloves to fill that fox aesthetic. Maybe they have like anti slipping on the palms or something or just for the fashion.
The other personal headcanon kind of crosses over to Wilbur and Philza too since they are all directly related. I have an headcanon that they don’t have any hair in their head, instead it’s feathers that look like hair. If you have seen silky chickens that’s the kind of feathers I’m talking about. like looks like hair unless you really pay attention. And Fundy actually has a mix of real hair and feather hair unlike Wilbur and Philza who have full feather hair.
Also since I have watched way too many nature documentaries about foxes I can just throw all of it at Fundy. Some things I know about foxes and think Fundy does are: using earths magnetic field to track prey/people, Jumping at people from high places, putting his ears down when someone approaches no matter if they’re familiar and when put into fight or flight situation he always chooses flight.
I also like to think that he is extremely smart but often too distracted or easily trusting that people see him as kind of an pushover.
Also saw an headcanon somewhere that was that Fundy could in a way breathe under water cus he’s canonically half salmon and I vibe with that.
I also saw one that was that when he goes to the arctic his fur and hair color change to the arctic fox colors so I’d like to think that the same happens in the desert with his colors changing to that of an fennec fox.
Let’s move on to Ranboo! I have a lot of thoughts about him.
I want to start with an bold one. I don’t think that Ranboo is an hybrid. Big take but hear me out. I think that he is related to endermen but not part one. I have an headcanon that he is an entirely different species of enderman. This ties up with the long eared, human like and tailed Ranboo we see in fan arts. Ranbob my beloved would also fall into this same species and would make it so that the species majorly is black and white in coloration with the previously said traits.
Also do think that the eyes of ender are the souls of endermen and Ranboo likes to collect them and sometimes talk with the souls (or maybe they are the voices in his head but he forgot what the eyes were originally)
Some of my favourite design headcanons have been the mouthless one (mouth will only be visible if he screams. You know, like an enderman) and the one that he has animal like legs (digitigrade) But I do like the human legged one too!
Also saw this one about Ranboo being the Prince of the end relam and I am 100% in on that. Maybe the enderdragon did something to Ranboo to make him so forgetful so he doesn’t remember who he is and take his rightful place as the king of the end. Also DreamXD was sent by the enderdragon to make sure he doesn’t get back.
Also one that Ranboo Is half ghast are amazing too cus that would open the opportunity with him being immune to lava and heat. With this I would love to bring you fire sneezing Ranboo.
How about Wilbur next? He has a very similar persona to me with seeming calm and gentlemanly but once you know him he’s a fucking psychopath.
Jumping back to the feather hair headcanon. I have a head canon that Wilbur wears beanies because he has these 4-6 actually feather looking feathers at the back of his head that hes embarrassed about. He also has some feathers crowing on his shoulders and shoulder blades.
I see the Angel of death Philza and raise you Deity of chaos Wilbur. He was raised in a way that he needed to hide the overwhelming desire to just fuck shit up. This all came crashing down in pogtopia as he started to give in to the chaos side of him and personally I think he wouldn’t have backed down from that button no matter what. It was not that he wanted to rip L’manberg away from schlatt but the fact that he knew the down spiral that would follow after the destruction that kept him going.
Following to that I think Wilbur’s mom was the Goddess of bad luck and he was an entirely an accident child as I’m sure having kids as an death bringer was not Philza’s original plan.
I think Wilbur was more of an dad to Tommy than Philza was and Tommy did call Will dad for the longest time. Wilbur is the main reason Tommy is the way he is and that is because Wilbur taught him as an apprentice to chaos and was hoping that the boy would follow in his foot steps.
I’m gonna stop now lmao! Someone can ask headcanons I have for specific people that want but these are the main ones I think about a lot for now
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graham-cheshire · 4 years
Studies & Theories of the Tricar
Hello once again dear readers. For those among you who haven’t heard of @starr-fall-knight-rise I suggest giving them a visit and reading their stories, as they're some of my favorite sci-fi stories, they provide entertaining perspectives on humanity from the viewpoint of aliens, form the basis of this post, and have evolved into an engaging series.
I'm happy to once again be writing another addition to this little series, the reveal of the Tricar was the perfect opportunity as the other species written of by starr-fall had been described with great detail & left little reason to cover them with a Studies & Theories.
As usual I shall start by providing confirmed facts and information about the physical appearance of the Tricar from their debut story 'Humans are Space Orcs, "From the Stars." ‘ by starr-fall, then I shall list what information we can infer from other provided details, and wrap up with my own theories regarding what I think is most plausible for their appearance.
Regarding the Tricar, the most notable fact about them is that their homeworld has an average temperature in the subzero range, and the story is told from their point-of-view, with several descriptions about humans from their perspective.
Before starting here are the usual disclaimers= First: I want to thank starr-fall-knight-rise for allowing me to do this & for receiving my previous speculations positively, I in no way own the Tricar or make any claim to such & I want to say that I'm doing this simply because I love starr-fall’s stories & wish to contribute in some way to the fandom. Secondly: I'm by no means a biologist & most of my research comes from the internet, if I am wrong in my information please don't bash me and simply provide clarification in the comments. Thirdly: I'll use reference images to help describe my thinking and theories and I in no way own or take credit for these images
The Confirmed Appearance Details
"gloved fingers"
"slamming the flat of her palm against the side"
"bright blue eyes"
"placed a hand on his arm"
"she kicked at it with her back feet"
"front of her jacket, splitting it open, so that thick clumps of her white/grey fur poked through."
"watching the yellow orange of her blood spill into the tube"
"tail tucked nervously up against one of her legs"
"brows knitted together over his snout"
The Inferred Appearance Details
"stepped up to the interior door & shouldered it open", "landed hard on her back", "rolling onto her stomach" = From here I believe we can safely assume the Tricar possess a human-like torso with shoulders, back, & front.
"its legs impossibly long, its arms the same, & a small head perched atop it all." = This bit is referring to a human viewed from the view of a Tricar. From this we can infer that their legs and arms are much shorter than a human's, and while we could also assume they have smaller heads it should be noted that they have snouts as mentioned earlier so that should factor into size.
"they weren't her footprints, far too large" = In proportion to the shorter legs it follows that they'd have smaller feet, though this will also be touched on later.
"her ears twitched", "ears leaning back against her head" = With these we can infer that they don’t have ears like a human & I think it would be safe to infer that they have ears similar to an animal's, which I will touch on later in the Theories section.
"dropping down to crouch on with her hands" = This one is a little more of a wild shot, but we could infer that they may have a body structure that could allow for "knuckle-walking" the form of quadrupedal walking used by gorillas, chimpanzees, anteaters, and platypuses.
"placing its long thin fingers on her friend's neck" = This is another bit referring to a human, with it we can infer that a Tricar’s fingers are both shorter and thicker in proportion to a humans, stubby in another word or possibility.
"she could hear the movement of its joints" = Here we could infer with the information about ears from earlier that the Tricar have better hearing than humans, however it can’t be ignored that they character referenced is a human known to occasionally wear an exoskeleton with joints that could also be responsible for the noise.
"she went to her knees" = This bit can be used to infer that the Tricar are bipedal in some sense, with a leg structure that uses knees.
"its fleshy hairless face" = Another bit referring to a human, we can use this to infer that the Tricar, in addition to the fur mentioned earlier on their bodies that their faces are also covered.
"its lips were thick" = The final bit we’ll use that references humans, we can infer at least that their lips are thin, possibly even non-expressive in combination with the snout mentioned from earlier.
"live on an icy planet prone to blizzards & storms" = Using this bit of info we can infer that the Tricar will need some physical traits that will make living on such a planet plausible, their fur and potential enhanced hearing would fall into this area but I’ll cover more in the next section.
"live in elaborate ice caves & surface buildings made of insulated metal" = This bit we could use to infer that the species possible inhabited caves before developing the technology for building, with the necessary traits for living in such conditions, to be touched on it the Theories section.
"average temperature on their planet is around -20 Fahrenheit to -28 Celsius" = This is a major bit of info we’ll need to use, as it infers that the Tricar need the physical capability to survive in subzero temperatures, even if their dwellings would protect them from such conditions.
The Theorized Appearance Details
Starting off this section lets confirm that the presence of fur on the Tricar means that they are almost certainly mammals, and because of that I shall draw most of my theories regarding their appearance from mammals on Earth that can survive in subzero conditions, a big trait of the Tricar.
Let’s start with their fur, which we know that is thick, which makes absolute sense but it’s likely it covers the entirety of their body in order to minimize heat loss and provide insulation to trap a layer of air and preserve body heat, a trait used by snow leopards, arctic hares, & arctic foxes.
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Next let’s cover their appendages, meaning hands, feet, and tail. 
As earlier stated we can confirm that they have the basic human-like hand structure with a palm and fingers, but the fingers are shorter and thicker than a humans but also are shown dexterous enough to use doors and microscopes. I’ll theorize here from the bit stated earlier that the Tricar have traits evolved from living in caves that they might have long strong claws like an arctic hare’s for digging and expanding such ice caves or carving them out for themselves, as well as aiding in traversal over ice and snow.
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For feet let’s remember that they are smaller than a human’s, but as for their shape and appearance I’d theorize they’re like the hind feet of the snowshoe hare, which can spread their toes to act like snowshoes & help them walk on the surface of deep snow without falling through. The furry soles would also help with walking easily on ice and snow.
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Now so far it’d be fair to assume that the Tricar could look like bipedal arctic hares, however their tails do provide a large difference. Stated earlier where a Tricar’s tail tucked against their leg due to nerves we can assume that they have some amount of length as well as at least having some instinctual movements. Now we could simply theorize that they have a tail like an arctic fox.
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However I think an other interesting theory we could use is that they have tails like a snow leopard. These tails are long and flexible, which would help a bipedal species with keeping balance, but they are also thick and contain a large amount of fat that would be perfect to keep the tail warm. 
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Also as another note snow leopards use these tails similarly to a blanket to protect their faces while sleeping, something also done by squirrels who’ll wrap their tails around their bodies during snow storms, a useful trait the Tricar might have used before the evolved to be bipedal, or might even still use.
Moving on to the rest of the body we know that the Tricar have shorter arms and legs than human’s, the legs likely being strong for moving on the snow and  digitigrade to support the foot structure from earlier. Their bodies are also likely stocky to reduce body surface area & minimize heat loss. For visualization I’d theorize the shape might be similar to an otter’s but with slightly longer arms and legs.
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As stated before the Tricar have snouts that likely don’t expressive lips, so their head shape I’d theorize is less like the arctic hare and more like the snow leopard or arctic fox, both of which have short snouts that reduce body surface area and consequently exposure to extreme cold. Also note that we know the Tricar have expressive brows.
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Next let’s discuss the ears, which we know the Tricar have ears that twitch and can fold back against their heads. We can’t simply theorize they have long &/or big ears as their environment means that large ears would suffer from the extreme cold, this can be seen on Earth where the arctic hare has small ears compared to the black-tailed jackrabbit who uses it’s ears to cool down. 
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However since it’s likely the Tricar have good hearing I would theorize the shape and appearance of their ears would be similar to the arctic hare over the snow leopard and arctic fox.
Regarding the hearing I’m inclined to theorize that the Tricar do have better hearing than humans as this would be advantageous for their environment. The blizzards & storms mentioned as being common on their homeworld means high winds and low visibility, so the Tricar would need good hearing, especially as snowy places tend to receive less sunlight & thus mean things are likely dark, even with artificial lighting in both their caves and surface buildings. 
Expanding on this I’d theorize that the Tricar’s homeworld does not get much sunlight, if rarely, due to the bright blue eyes mentioned earlier. While it’s entirely possible that the Tricar could have as wide a variety of eye color as humans, blue eyes contain less melanin than green, hazel or brown eyes. Melanin in the iris of the eye appears to help protect the back of the eye from damage caused by UV radiation and high-energy visible “blue” light from sunlight and artificial sources of these rays, so melanin would be very useful in an snowy environment were sunlight would reflect directly off the snow and has been known to cause blindness after prolonged exposure (for more information look up Photokeratitis).
Further theories could be made if we knew more about the Tricar regarding their culture and diet but I will make one final theory regarding their blood, which is mentioned as being yellow orange in color. It is known that some fish blood contains special proteins in their blood that act like antifreeze, binding to ice crystals & keeping them small to prevent widespread crystallization, so this is something that could be present in Tricar blood to keep them from freezing. As for the color, it’s possible that their blood cells could contain Coboglobin instead of Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in human red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs. Hemoglobin contains iron which is responsible for the red color of human blood. Coboglobin however is currently a synthetic protein developed on Earth that functions like hemoglobin but uses cobalt in place of iron, and would cause the blood to be amber yellow.
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With that I believe we’re finished with the theories regarding the Tricar. I hope that these theories hit close to the appearance starr-fall visualized when creating the Tricar but regardless it was fun to once again do another post like this. If you enjoyed this post you can find my previous ones in this series down below. If any readers have tips on where I can improve my writing please comment below and I hope I can do another one of these posts in the future. 
Studies and Theories for the Gnar’lak
Studies and Theories for the Finnari
Studies and Theories for the Gromm
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Hunt: The Deer Man
Deer man [][][][][][][][][][] HP, Armor: 2
Description: An antlered, hulking bipedal creature with powerful digitigrade hind legs ending in long bear paws. It is musclebound and covered in thick patches of fur. Its eyes are on the sides of its head much like a normal deer, but they reflect and shine red. 
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Type: Beast (running wild, destroying buildings and those who get in its path) Powers: extremely fast, strong, and perceptive. Hunters must be cautious in approaching or it bolts. Its adaption to the flesh means that it’s constantly growing- the Keeper rolls a d6- if it rolls a 5 or a 6 it heals 1-harm) Attacks:
Antler Charge: 3-harm, close, forceful, restraining
Claws- 2-harm, ignore armor, close
Kick- 2-harm, close
Weaknesses: Slaughter or Hunt aligned entity/creature/artefacts, Capture with a cage given by a specific NPC, Aiming for the heart and lungs angled from behind the shoulders
Esqivel de Murio (Witness)- Will drop in on anyone investigating his escaped pet, and ask them not to kill it. He would catch it, but he’s busy. If he likes the Hunter(s), he will offer them a cage to capture it. Esqivel de Murio is tall and pale- his white hair and red-purple eyes betray him as albinistic. He also has body modifications- many piercings but his accessories are small and tasteful. When he speaks, he annunciates carefully around a forked tongue and fangs. He wears expensive clothes- cashmere sweaters and a fur coat.
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Priscilla Livingston-Clarke (Victim/Witness)- Priscilla was hiking on the trails around the country club when she very narrowly avoided getting rammed by the deer man. She can give a rough physical description, and suggest the specific aiming for a proper “deer hunt” having been on one or two with her father. Once she reaches the party she has about a minute before the adrenaline runs out and she requires medical attention. The woman- nay, lady, before you is blonde and wearing nice athletic gear- visor, yoga pants, very nice running shoes, an armband for her smartphone. Her large blue eyes betray a profound innocence, though they have a doe-eyed terror to them right now.
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Alice Pearson (Victim)- a quiet groundskeeper, landscaper, and gardener at the country club who is likely to find her way into the trajectory of the beast later into the mystery. Depending on how thorough the group is, she will be proportionately harmed. If they are particularly negligent, she may die. This young woman is tanned with dark wavy hair. She’s wearing workman’s coveralls over a purple shirt, and you can see a Star of David pendant on a necklace though it catches and slips behind the overalls. 
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The Country Club- The country club is currently hosting an event that the PCs (or at least a few of them) would feasibly attend. The main room is set up as an open gallery through which members of the club are walking, snacking on hors d’oeuvres. Caterers silently bustle from the kitchen behind a bar on one end. A room on the opposite end has dining tables set up. A patio on the southern side shows the expansive view of a well-maintained golf course. This is a good place for the PCs to meet up and begin to banter. Esqivel de Murio is here for this event. The patio is where the Deer Man can be seen from as it crawls out of the woods briefly.
The Green- The golf course below the country club is expansive and well maintained- a long, sloping stretch of grass with tree hazards more than water hazards. Exploring this stretch will take a while, though with carts it will take less time. Heading to the spot that you saw the creature stumble out of the woods, you can find what looks like a small rest spot- a few foldable chairs and a collapsible table have been ransacked. Sleuthing can help determine more information about the monster- its size, claw marks, strange tracks. 
Forest trails- Surrounding the golf course and above the country club are dirt hiking trails, for those who prefer a walk or run to the other amenities the country club offers. They tend to get narrow when the forest gets more dense. Every so often, make the Hunters roll Act Under Pressure to stick together. If the party is proactive, they might meet Priscilla before she has her encounter. She will be oblivious to the Deer Man but maybe less injured if the group warns her before it happens. 
Landscaper’s Shack- Off the side and out of view of the country club, there lies a landscaper’s shed. It’s larger than the average backyard shed on account of having space for a cart, but it is otherwise rather drab. More importantly, the door is hanging off its hinges and the frame has been powerfully damaged. Inside, gardening tools are scattered about, making it dangerous to walk carefully. As a Hunter steps in, they realize the dark puddle isn’t just muddy water. Alice will be varying states of injured depending on how much the group has messed around unproductively. While inside, the Deer Man can’t charge because of the close quarters. During combat, the rattling gardening tools can catch the players for circumstantial damage. Any End avatar PCs will have to Act Under Pressure in order to not End Alice Pearson. 
The Countdown:
The deer monster escapes the de Murio residence
The deer monster stumbles onto the Green, destroying carts as it escapes back into the woods
Priscilla encounters the deer monster on the trails while hiking
Esqivel visits a Hunter to ask for their help in retrieving his pet
Alice gets injured while preparing the country club for the next day
The deer monster hunts hikers in the woods around the country club for years after, evading capture
Cold Open:
The moon is high on this particular night in January. Deep in the forest by the city of Arcata, CA, isolated by the trees and rolling mountain ranges, an old manor groans with age. Or so the manor’s proprietor believed. Far from the master bedroom, a large barn creaks, and creaks, and creaks... until something finally snaps. A large, shambling shape pushes out of the ruined stall in the darkness and skulks into the woods. 
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what-big-teeth · 4 years
Reveal (Cambion Boyfriend, pt. 2)
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Gender Neutral Reader x Male Monster [Part 1] [Part 3] tw: hostage situation ; threats ; blood ; death
An icy sharpness jolts you awake. 
You hear dripping as you splutter out a breath, but can’t determine the source. A wetness that stings at your face and gathers on your pants soon becomes apparent. Water. It’s aggravating the scratches on your nose and brow. With a small hiss, your eyes dart around the area to find the source. 
They land on a woman holding a dented, metal pail. She stares at you with a piercing green gaze as she tosses the bucket to the side. It lands with a sharp clang that hangs in the air and skids against the concrete to a stop. Makes sense as you’re inside some sort of warehouse. The rusted appearance of the rafters, the sporadic flickering of the fluorescent lights, and the gaping emptiness surrounding you say enough. This place has long been abandoned.
Which means nobody would think to look here to find you.
The woman huffs out a breath, almost sounding inconvenienced. She turns on her booted heel and seemingly glides to a nearby pile of wooden palettes. One of her pale hands cards through her straight, short, jet-black hair while the other grabs onto something. A wickedly, sharp gleaming battle axe. 
You instinctively attempt to place some distance between you and the weapon. But your back only slams against something cold and solid while your arms refuse to budge. Glancing up, you see the rusted remains of one of the metal support beams. You’re stuck in every sense of the word. But maybe if you can just maneuver—
“Don’t bother.”
A deep masculine voice reverberates in the air, making you freeze in place. The man it belongs to is tall and muscular with short, natural hair. But it’s the wicked scar that interrupts his light brown skin diagonally from one eyebrow to his chin that draws your eye.
“Your meager human strength isn’t enough to break the bonds holding you. So just stay still, like a good little hostage.”
As if you had a choice. But that doesn’t mean you have to remain silent.
“What are you planning to do with me?” you ask.
Unsurprisingly, you receive no answer. The temptation to ask more questions is squelched by a heavy, palpable tension that vibrates in the stale air. It all but screams for your complicit silence...lest something horrible happen to you. You swallow your words with a muted gulp.
In the meantime, the man loads his weapon. Its shape reminds you of a shotgun, but just barely. It’s nothing you’ve seen before thanks to the illegible etchings in the metal and the strange enhancements. The woman smiles as she skims the edge of her axe with the pad of her thumb. It draws blood, which beads onto her skin then drips onto the concrete. Her smile widens into a sharp grin.
“Do whatever you want to the cambion, Saul,” she says. “But I claim his head. Don’t mar it.”
The man gives her a more subdued grin.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Mara. I’d rather not get in the way of that infamous bloodlust of yours.”
The casual way they speak of dismemberment and killing roils your stomach. The surrealness of the situation begs the question of who these two are. As if reading your thoughts, Mara glances your way with a pleased smile on her painted lips.
“I guess we can let you in on our little secret,” she says, hefting her broad axe over her shoulder without any effort. “It’s the least we can do since you won’t live to tell anyone what will happen.”
Before you’re able to fully process her words, she fishes something out of her jean pocket with swift fingers. 
It’s a photograph. Of you. 
The still image portrays you at work behind the bar, serving customers on one of the restaurant's more busier nights. You appear in your element, as you usually are, and look carefree. Too busy conversing with Cam and handing him a drink to notice a camera pointed at you both.
“You’re a rather dull person,” Mara states. You think you hear a hint of boredom in her tone as she says your full name. She then rattles off more information. Where you attended school, where you currently live, the previous jobs you had in the past. 
“Simply put,” she says, “you're bait. To lure out the cambion.” 
Your eyes widen as she taps a fingertip against the image of Cam. But that doesn’t make any sense. You’ve known Cam since kindergarten, all the way until high school. Surely you would’ve noticed something different about him. Your mind’s attempts at grasping Cam’s hidden supernaturality is interrupted by Mara’s harsh laugh.
“Look at you. Your body language all but screams how much you want him. That smile, that open stance, the way you brush your fingers against his. Disgusting. In any case, you’ll be helping us rid the world of another demon. You should be grateful; the Conclave is rarely so hands on when it comes to such missions.”
It takes all your efforts to not retch in disgust. Nipping your tongue to steal yourself, you try talking again.
“You don’t know if he’ll come for me,” you say. “He could be working with the authorities instead.”
“Oh, he’ll come alright.”
The man, Saul, steps forward, carrying his weapon with a self-assuredness that makes you shrink away. He primes it with a quick motion of his hands.
“Monsters like him have a tendency of releasing their pheromones around those they’re close to. Think of it as a warning to other supernaturals that they’re protected. In turn, those pheromones react to the hormones of those they’re attached to.”
“The cambion’s keen sense of smell will pick up your distress along with his own scent,” Mara says. “And he’ll follow it all the way here.”
You try to refute their words, but are interrupted by the lights overhead flickering and shutting off. 
“I’ll check the perimeter,” Saul mutters. 
You’re barely able to hear Saul’s fading footsteps; in fact, they fall completely silent in the massive, empty space. When the electricity is restored, the grin Mara shoots you promises bloodshed. You can barely stand up to her stare.
“Right on cue.”
Thankfully, Saul’s return acts as a distraction. His loose grip on his modified weapon sends a frisson of fear up your spine. You hadn’t heard anything resembling gunfire. Or maybe the weapon has a silencer of some sort?
“False alarm,” Saul says. “Breaker box must be on the way out.”
Mara doesn’t reply. She only stares at him. And slowly, but surely, a vivid glow bleeds into the green of her irises. She hurls her axe at him with a swiftness you can barely see. Saul dodges out of the way with a jump, landing beside you in a crouch as the axe bites into rusted metal. There’s no time to flinch away. Not with Mara’s harsh words.
“Cut the shit and reveal yourself, demon.”
Before your eyes, Saul’s appearance wavers, like ripples on a pond’s surface. It shifts and ebbs, revealing someone else. 
Red, slitted pupils stare up at Mara surrounded by black scleras. Massive black, bat-like wings protrude from their back as black, scale-like armor appears on their upper arms, ending at the black, sharp claws tipping their fingers. The scales also cover their pelvis and digitigrade legs, ending at their clawed, three toed feet. Something long and whip-like sways out of the corner of your eye. It’s their tail, which flares out into an inverted triangle at the tip.
“Are you alright?”
You’ve know that voice and have since you were little.
He nods and you notice the curled, ram-like horns jutting out from the sides of his head. 
“I’ll get you out of here,” he says softly. “Promise.”
A strange, low hum fills the air, making the hair on your neck stand on edge. In a matter of moments, Mara’s axe flings itself from where it struck and its handle comes to rest in her outstretched hand. 
“Nice illusion, cambion,” she says. “It would’ve fooled me if I wasn’t able to smell you out. Guess that’s a perk of being infused with the blood of a demon.”
Like Cam, the whites of her eyes bleed black until there it’s the only color surrounding her glowing, green irises. They soon turn a sickly green shade, one you can’t help but wince against.
“Let’s try this again, shall we?”
Mara hurls her axe again. But this time, Cam barely dodges out of the way. The force of her throws creates a breeze that skims by your sweaty face. And like before, it returns to her hand when called. 
This continues for a time with you scarcely able to keep up with their movements. If Cam isn’t fully human, then neither is Mara with the way she moves. Her motions bring to mind a feral animal in the heat of bloodlust. 
“Adding your head to my mantle will be easier if you just. Stay. STILL!”
Mara uses her whole body into her next throw. It hits true, to your horror. The blade clips Cam’s shoulder, laying him flat on his back. His wings twitch with the sudden impact as he hisses. 
Mara laughs with glee, the sound crazed as it grates on your ears. You ignore it and focus on Cam.
Only to blink and see he’s vanished. 
Mara’s laughter has ceased; she’s noticed as well. Her eyes dart around and above her as she grits her teeth. 
“Show yourself!”
Only silence. Cam is nowhere to be seen. That’s when she turns her inhuman gaze to you and gives you a bloodthirsty grin.
“Guess you’ll be useful after all.”
Axe in hand, she stalks towards you. You can only mutter “no” over and over as she raises her weapon and aims the blade at your head. 
She freezes. Mara looks over her shoulder with her weapon still poised over your head. 
Cam stands a stone’s throw away, holding onto his injured shoulder. In return, Mara gives a sadistic smile. Before you can formulate a warning, Mara is bearing down on Cam with a chilling scream.
“No, wait—!”
Something blocks your vision before the axe hits true. But you can still hear the wet, pulpy aftermath intermingled with pained, piercing howls and laughter. A gentle touch to your clammy cheek grounds you, refocusing your attention and blurred vision. Bat-like wings, curled ram horns...
It shouldn’t be possible, but as if to confirm what you see, Cam brushes the back of his knuckles against your skin. 
“I’m here. You’re okay.”
The more he keeps repeating those words soothingly, the more you’re able to believe them. They’re so effective, you’re able to tune out what’s happening behind him. Soon enough, you’re free from your bonds and attempt to stand. But your legs buckle and a sudden dizziness overtakes you, leaving Cam to catch you. He repositions you so he holds you in a bridal carry. As a reflex, your arms wind around his neck and lock together for leverage.
Cam tucks your head under his chin, as if to prevent you from accidentally seeing any carnage. 
Neither of you say anything, even after he carries you out of the warehouse and onto the empty streets. The warmth his body naturally gives off almost lulls you. But you’re able to regain clarity after seeing what he looks like.
“Something wrong?” he asks.
“You’re...normal now.”
He looks exactly as he did when he stopped by the restaurant earlier, coke-bottle glasses included.
Cam lets out a chuckle, but you hear the nervousness interwoven in the sound.
“Can’t really walk around in my true form out in the open.”
His strained laugh is a tell-tale sign of him clamming up. You know you’ll have to keep him talking if you want any answers. 
“That woman...she mentioned illusions. What happened back there, was that an illusion?”
Cam slows to a stop and his grip on your back and thighs tightens marginally.
“Yeah. It was my doing.” 
He explains to you how he first encountered Saul and managed to get the jump on him. He then took on Saul’s appearance to get close to you. When Mara injured him, he was able to hide and retreat using another illusion. Your rescue was assured once he tracked down Saul, gave him the same injury, and cast a more complex illusion which let the both of you escape. With the crime Mara committed, she’ll soon be no more, thanks to the Conclave and their stringent rules. 
“So then,” you hedge, “the one that Mara killed was Saul.”
And it was technically by way of Cam’s doing. Cam doesn’t confirm or deny your statement. In fact, he can’t even bring himself to look you in the eye. The realization causes a painful thud in your chest. 
“Can I at least know how you found me?”
Cam resumes walking. You mention what Mara and Saul told you about pheromones and human hormones.
“That’s part of the reason. But you should actually thank Jacqui and Ben. She was able to deduce how you were taken and Ben was able to help me after I lost the trail. She used to be a hunter for the Conclave and Ben...well, he’s like me. Him and his family.”
That...would explain why Jacqui was always traveling while visiting sporadically. Your best guess is that her unpermitted absence goes against one of the Conclave’s rules, if not many of them. But with Ben… Your brows knit together, wondering if it’s possible for a whole family to be half-human and half-demon. You ask Cam this, your curiosity getting the better of you.
“What I mean is they’re supernatural,” he says. “They’re werewolves.”
Cam pauses after, and you wait quietly to see if he has anything else to say. 
“Sorry. But that’s all I’m comfortable sharing. You should talk with them directly if you want to know more.”
You nod in agreement and let your mind wrap around what you’ve learned. Without Cam’s explanation, you honestly would’ve never known about the double lives Ben and Jacqui led. After all, you didn’t know what signs to look for concerning an ex-Conclave member or a werewolf. 
The same is true for a cambion.
You push that thought towards the back of your mind for later. With the awkward air surrounding the two of you, now isn’t the time.
“Can I know if they’re safe?” you ask. 
“Don’t worry. As soon as Ben confirmed your location, he returned to his family to inform them of the situation. Don’t be surprised if the Moores decide to keep a closer eye on you. As for Jacqui, she volunteered to handle the hunters. Or at least, what’s left of them.”
“She’s going to have to leave afterwards, isn’t she?”
Cam answers with a nod. But in spite of the truth, you can’t find it in yourself to be sad. Jacqui has always been resourceful, even before meeting you. And without fail, she always shows up in town for a visit, no matter how short it may be. You know she’ll be alright, now knowing a bit more about her past and thanks to the Moores. 
That just leaves the odd air between you and Cam. 
Ignoring the fatigue building behind your eyes and in your body, you look up at him.
“Can I stay at your place for a while?”
Cam tenses, but does his best to hide his nerves with a small smile.
“I was actually about to ask you the same thing. If the hunters knew enough about you to track you down and kidnap you, it’d be best for you to lay low for a while.”
You mutter your thanks as you lay your head against his shoulder. Before exhaustion can fully take hold of you, you manage one last question.
“Are we going to fly to your place?”
Cam lets out of a muffled snort. 
“I was thinking it’d be better if I drove. My car’s back at Papa Ruben’s. It won’t take long for me to walk us there.”
With the sound of Cam’s steady heartbeat against your ear, you can’t find the energy to respond. You close your eyes and let him take control, finally feeling safe.
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So I saw ur rvb alien cyborg au and I'm in love with it. Tuckers armor- does it have shields? Does it have active camo?? Also are his legs digitigrade or plantigrade? Pls tell me more
Thank you so much! I have some comics in mind for the AU (though with the scale they would be on I can’t guarantee they’ll be out anytime soon). Tucker’s armor would have shields, like most Sangheili armor does, and it does have active camo. However, at some point in the desert, ‘CT’ busts it and so he’s mostly walking around with an unusable advantage until it gets fixed sometime in the Chorus Arc. His legs are digitigrade, just like the Sangheili.
Here’s a pretty quick and somewhat sloppy height reference of him in armor compared to Church out of armor (ignore the missing arm, I couldn’t get it to look right so I just didn’t draw it)
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6′11 is still short by Sangheili standards (they average between 7 and 8 feet), but it is a lot taller than what Tucker was originally. 
Some other notes:
Tucker does not take off his helmet around other people for the longest time. This is mostly cause there’s been some... notable alterations that he’s not willing to show, since everyone’s still trying to wrap their heads around what they do see.
Tucker is still deployed to the desert temple, but the friendly Sangheili translators he arrives with are friends of the Arbiter (who helped rescue him) and thus are more or less willing to pretend Tucker is actually an alien and not a human.  
 Sarge also attacks him in the temple cause, y’know, aliens. Caboose is actually the one who recognizes him and keeps everyone else from trying to kill Tucker. Simmons is, thus, extra scared of Tucker and Sarge is more antagonistic towards him (”He’s a dirty blue AND an alien!”). Grif just doubles down on the alien-fucker jokes to hide the fact he’s also a bit scared of Tucker but doesn’t plan on doing anything about it. 
Washington doesn’t properly meet Tucker until after Sidewinder. All he really gets a decent sight of is Tucker busting out of the Pelican and going ham on the Meta. 
When Donut is reunited with Tucker, he is very very very distressed to see what’s happened to him. I actually have this image in my head of Donut looking over Tucker and going “What happened to you?” and he responds with “They gave me a new body.” (a callback to that one interaction between the two in the Blood Gulch Chronicles) and Donut kinda just. does his best about it? Pretty sure Donut’s the only one who can coax Tucker to take off his helmet in the beginning.
Anyway there are also jokes about how Tucker technically doesn’t exist in Valhalla (along the same lines as Washington being Church on all the paperwork) and Carolina tries to kill him when she first shows up because she makes the same mistake of assuming Tucker is an alien (spec-ops probably based on his specialized armor). Since Tucker is subconscious about showing his face (especially to a Freelancer), Carolina doesn’t actually get to see it for a while. 
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