#also its stupid bc all my friends are gay and its just my sexuality
kittycathat · 8 months
LGBTQIABCDEFJ is not real just stop. It's made up acronym that is rarely used outside of tumblr. Queer is not an identity its just an adjective. most intersex people explicitly state they do not consider themselves lgbt. Most lgbt people do not want to associate with aro and aces. And most lgbt in the real world living normal lives and not chronically online have little to no contact or knowledge of asexuals we literally dont care. Ur existence is so insignificant offline and if we ever met a self proclaimed aroace het cis man we would probably make sure we never had to associate with him again. Ur not gay just give it up and go live a normal life. Ur a single cis person. U either dont have the emotional capacity to love someone or u are sex repulsed and dont want to have a relationship with someone either way thats just normal and there are plenty of people like that we dont really care if u want to be alone all ur life just leave actual struggling gay people alone and shutup about ur stupid discourse no one cares except urselves.
That is true, the acronym is actually LGBTQIA (with variations,) not LGBTQIABCDEFJ. /sarc
but anyways hi anon! Theres a lot to unpack here
about "lgbtqia is rarely used outside of tumblr": that's the problem, bc we want it to be
about "its not an identity just an adjective": not quite sure what you're on, bc it literally is
about intersex people: this goes against what you just said, and supports that "queer" is an identity even more?? because these intersex people are choosing whether they identify as queer or not
about lgbtqia people not wanting to associate aro or ace people: bro if these are people you actually know irl, please find new friends. Find friends who actually support normal who are living their lives, just without romantic and/or sexual attraction.
about me being chronically online: anon.... i dont think you can talk after you typed out this whole thing as an attempt to make me feel bad... but ok. (also not very related but anonymous hate is a very very pathetic thing to do)
about asexuality being not well known: Also not sure what rock you live under but asexuality is pretty well known??? like the average person (at least where i live) will most likely know what it is.
about cishet aroace men: .. ok but why would i not want to associate with him? plus everyone lgbtqia is "self proclaimed" so idk bro
about not having "emotional capacity": bro what the hell do you want me to do,, i've literally never felt romantic attraction in my life
about "there are plenty of people like that": People might not want to be in romantic relationships for a number of reasons, but if it's because they don't feel romantic attraction... then they're aro-spec. Thank you for supporting the aro community by saying it's normal <333
about "we dont really care if u want to be alone all ur life": bro its the internet if you don't like what i'm talking about just SCROLL
about leaving "actual struggling gay people" alone: .. when did i do anything against gay people? Plus if you're trying to stop hate... why did you anonymously send a literal hate essay to me
about "ur not gay just live a normal life": omg you got something right!! i'm actually not gay!! (so proud of you <3) Also i do live a normal life, i am so basic you can't even imagine
about no one caring: well you see.. thats the problem. that's part of why i post about aromanticism, because i want people to be actually supportive
anyways! tysm for reading all that. please be civil in comments, and be kind to everyone guys <3
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mutsky · 3 months
ok watching ep 4 finally running monologue
- tongrak being a good tipper to show how he both isnt stingy and can be quite generous but also spends money like its nothing
- the girls trying to seduce him mama i know damn well there are gay guys on that island lets use our brains
-mut looking like a kicked puppy :(((
-theyre both so sad
-as someone else pointed out mut is wearing shoes hes ready to go
-hes such a little shit for having a car but picking up rak on the bike
-who is the boss here?
-"i wont be coming back to the island again" yeah ok whatever you say buddy
-not the slow mo replayed kdrama arm grab
-oh tongraks dumbass is in love and he doesnt even know it bless his heart
-this cannot be the ferry that takes you back to the mainland
-this place is ridiculous
-this really is the episode of sad kicked puppy mut
-does tongrak looks like he eats to you mut? bc to me he looks like a guy who doesnt eat
-poor palm this has happened to him TWICE this season
-love sky (and i do)
-love storm too my lita babies
- love director is also here but wtv unless we actually cast a pathetic 38 year old divorcee for frost i dont want it!
-ok so he does bring up connorkhom again these guys have done this twice in the span of a couple months
-this is workplace sexual harrassment
-awww he loves watching them bicker cute
-oh to have an uber competent lesbian secretary
-my poor mut hes resigned to his fate looks so sad
-a handshake ? yall were JUST discussing barebacking smh
-mook doesnt understand men queen
-transition and you too can get with tongrak
-mook needs new friends
-i need to know the layout of this house what is going on
-again whatever helps you sleep at night
-mind you they were sleeping on mahasamuts mattress on the floor like 3 days ago at tongraks behest now hes shutting mut out ... sister
-her bodys tea tho
-stupid excuse to hold a girls hand shes real
-is this prin?
-thats a lot of oil
-this episode everyone was sad and pathetic sans vivie she was having the time of her life
-whos the daddy now
-oh a lot of vimook next ep sign me up
-i was gonna say "rak is alone again in the credits but mut showed up 🥹"
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aemiron-main · 2 years
ok so I was in a gay mike Mood today so here’s a passionate ramble abt it from earlier because regardless of whether you’re a gay Mike truther or anything else, the idea that Mike being gay/having never loved El would hurt El more than him falling out of love with her/is inconsiderate to her and her character arc is absolutely fucking stupid and imo, Mike being gay is actually the sexuality for Mike that is the GENTLEST and KINDEST to el’s character and works with her themes and arcs Perfectly in a way that no other version of Mike does. You don’t have to agree with me on this but I’m literally going insane seeing the “people who think Mike is gay don’t care about El” takes because IMO and like I’m gonna talk abt more in-depth in my full analysis, again, gay Mike is actually the resolution/sexuality for Mike that is the best for El/cares about her the MOST.
Why do I think this? Why do I love gay Mike narratively when it comes to Mike and El’s relationship and the end of it and SPECIFICALLY from the perspective of caring about El and wanting to make sure that she gets her happy ending/that her arcs and themes are resolved in a happy and satisfying way?
El who realizes that every single time mike lied to her was because he was lying to himself. El, who is so focused on “friends don’t lie,” and was upset about Mike lying to her because it implied that they weren’t friends, realizing that it was never about anything she did, but rather, Mike was lying to himself, it was about him, and that he doesn’t have to lie anymore and they can be friends.
El, someone who feels unlovable not only realizing that it was never about her being unloveable but rather abt mikes inability to love her bc he’s gay, but also seeing somebody who tried so HARD to love her, who saw her as somebody who deserved love SO MUCH that he would cut out parts of himself and repress himself in an attempt to give her the love that he thought she deserved. And how people in el’s life like brenner have never actually *tried* to love her, but Mike tried SO HARD but couldn’t love her in the right way (not that brenner loved El romantically but yknow general love) and how Mike can’t fully love her platonically as long as they’re in a relationship bc of the lying and the idea that lying = not friends/lack of platonic love. People who COULD love El didn’t even try to, but Mike, who CANT love her still saw her as SO worthy of love that he tried so hard to love her.
Mike didn’t not love her bc he felt she didn’t deserve love- he COULDNT love her but tried so hard to, because he DOES feel that she deserves it. El feeling like Mike didn’t give enough in their relationship- but then realizing just how much he gave up for it, how much of HIMSELF he repressed and gave up for it.
Like. Platonic Elmike with gay Mike specifically makes me so emotional for these reasons!! It’s such a beautiful conclusion to their arcs!!
El feels unlovable for who she is & so if there’s smthn that Mike doesn’t like about her & fell out of love with her over then it’s still ABOUT HER, she still feels unlovable. Those sort of messy situations happen IRL and Mike wouldn’t be morally bad for falling out of love with El, but it wouldn’t be a satisfying, happy conclusion to El’s themes and arcs, because El has been set up in a way with gay Mike in mind from the start, so her themes and arcs are meant to work in tandem with Mike being gay.
Like I just!! Not to mention the acceptance and relief that Mike would feel from El in all this and the deepened understanding between them!! But focusing on El and her feelings specifically because that’s what this post is about: I just am so emotional rn about El realizing that Mike tries to love her, that despite everything, he saw her as so worthy of love that he tried to give it to her even when it was killing him and forcing him to repress himself. He saw El as so worthy of love that he’d stew in hatred towards himself if it meant that she could feel loved, because he TRIED to love her even at the cost of his own mental well-being. El, who thought that Mike didn’t love her because of something wrong with HER, realizing that it was something “wrong” with him instead, realizing that he IS different, just like her, and that she was wrong to say that he isn’t different during the bedroom scene. The narrative BEAUTY of El feeling most loved at the END of her relationship with Mike, how his inability to love her is beautifully and ironically exactly what makes her feel loved, because a.) it wasn’t about her/her ability to BE loved but his ability TO love her and b.) he tried SO HARD to love her because he saw her as so worthy of love. El feeling so loved because of the realization that Mike can’t and didn’t love her romantically?? It’s such a beautiful narrative!!
El feels unlovable. Mike feels incapable of loving. But neither is true. El cannot be loved romantically by Mike because Mike is incapable of romantically loving her- but that doesn’t mean that El is incapable of being loved as a whole, and it doesn’t mean that mike is incapable of loving as a whole, he just can’t love her, and so she can’t be romantically loved by him, and because of the ties between “lying = not friends,” and the strain that their romantic relationship put on their friendship and prevented them from even getting to fully KNOW eachother, he can’t fully platonically love her until the romantic relationship is over!!
El Hopper is so loved. And she’s going to realize this and it’s going to be tied to gay Mike!! And it’s so narratively beautiful!! El realizing how much Mike tried to love her, how highly he thinks of her, how much of himself he gave up in his attempts to love her, how much it hurt him to try and love her, but he did it anyways because he sees her as being worthy of love and happiness and was trying to be the one to make sure that she got it?? It’s so good!!! There’s so many people who treated El HORRIBLY, and didn’t even fucking try to love her, people from the lab, and the bullies, but Mike TRIED, people who COULD have loved her but didn’t even try versus somebody who CANT love her but tried so hard??? El is going to feel so loved, it’s a perfect tie-in to her arcs about feeling unlovable, like a monster. El realizing that Mike doesn’t see her as a monster but instead sees himself as one?? Sees himself as the different/freak one?? And dismissed El’s feelings of being a “freak/monster” because Mike thinks so highly of her and so lowly of himself & sees HIMSELF as a freak/monster for being gay that he can’t process El feeling like a freak/monster because he sees her as being in completely different league than him. But that also puts him in a position of seeing her as a superhero which is something she Doesn’t want- but then they both realize that neither is a hero and neither is a monster and that they’re both actually deeply similar and that the they’re both just different, they’re not monsters, they’re different. And that’s not a bad thing! And Mike is going to realize that it isn’t a bad thing! Because El is different and so is he, and he thinks so highly of El that if he’s different, like her, then he can’t be a monster/awful for being different, because El isn’t a monster/awful for being different.
So yeah. Please cut it out with the absolutely ridiculous “gay mike ‘truthers’ don’t care about el,” and “mike being gay would be mean to el compared to mike being bi or unlabelled” rhetoric because it’s the literally the absolute opposite.
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nishaapologist · 8 months
OC Smash or Pass
because @sergeantnarwhalwrites did an open tag and i need to see how many people i gotta block (this is a joke [sort of {like 60% joke}])
rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but have a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc)
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(note: andy goes through a butchification process in which she goes from a cute round babygirl to a lean mean boydyke)
fallout 4 OC, specifically for the Nuka-Worl DLC!!! she's my horrible horrible overboss from eeby deeby megahell :)
uses she/he pronouns though hot women can call him ANY pronouns so long as they promise to be mean about it x
aged between 19--25 as shown above but an older MILF edition in her late 40s is available if you're into it (and you should be)
lesbian who will fool around with guys if they're on his wavelength and/or a twink
the PROS:
andy is great at making friends it just sort of. happens to him. you leave her somewhere for five minutes and suddenly he's got groupies. you can be a weird little freak and andy won't care you're on the team now bud
actually the WEIRDER you are the more likely andy will like you. he has NO time for normies life is TOO SHORT!!!!!
andy is ride or die for her friends. if you have a dumb idea he's already on board. the less braincells involved the better tbh
if you're a woman/woman-adjacent/just have nice tits andy WILL wait on you hand and foot for a glimpse of the Girls. i'm not saying he's stupid but. she's dumb as hell babes x
the CONS:
andy has antisocial personality disorder and its a whole can of beans. if you're looking for someone who will connect to you emotionally uh Turn Back Now. maybe in another life he'd get some help for that but alas its been 200 years since the world exploded and andy's skillset has found itself well adapted to being a warlord
speaking of which: andy is a warlord. who is conquering settlements, killing people, enslaving people, and just being an all-round ne'er-do-well. i cannot stress enough that your lifestyle will be anything but settled
the murder!!!!!!!!!!!
andy also takes way too many drugs if you even care by this point after everything else
(tagging @kambiteydragon and @texanredrose aaaaaaand @sirazaroff. bc why not. also open tag again to pass on the goodwill. thanks @vacantgodling for starting the meme)
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dogcodedcatboy · 4 months
❣️ 🫂 💔 💘 :33
HI JERM !!!! thank u for sending me asks as always u are very. kind and im glad to see u in my notifs my beloved mutual!!
aaroman pining is haunting bc they're just both so fucking Weird to eachother especially when they first start 'hanging out'. their relationship starts off purely sexual and then turns in to something else (this post is something btw). roman cant be gay for real so he microdoses it with a cool rando, much less risky than doing it with people adjacent to the company (ie. 'you hired your personal trainer to jerk you off' via succession canon). no feelings involved. the idea of *romance* is far too actually gay and stupid and he would /never/ do that...he just thinks aaron is cool and wants to see him all the time and maybe kiss and etc etc etc WHATEVER. so very in denial. ANYWAY the actual questions
❣️describe a time one of you almost took a chance at making a move on the other, only to chicken out.
for the purpose of their whole thing im narrowing this to mean like, an exclusively romantic move. roman would worry about this more actually. aaron has done hookups and can (sometimes begrudgingly) navigate around those boundaries. roman is less experienced. wondering if it'd be weird of him to buy aaron...flowers? its corny but it's a thing people do, maybe a nice way to say 'thanks for blowing my back out, my good sir'. he'd spend a great deal of time looking at rose bouquets online before eventually feeling stupid and worrying that aaron would also think he was stupid.
🫂 what's one significant moment of physical contact you had during the pining stage
ough...first time aaron stays the night in whatever hotel they meet up at...he's used to the pump n dump and just like, ubering home. maybe roman would call him a ride, if he's feeling generous. but one night its just so late, and theyre both just tipsy enough to not want to fuss about cars and shit, so aaron stays over. they share the bed and keep a little valley in between them. roman's not a cuddler and he's made that clear. but that hotel ac is COLD. and maybe he can stand to warm his feet up on aaron, maybe he should just scoot back a little for maximum body heat theft. aaron allows this, of course, falling asleep butt to butt with their legs tangled together.
💔 were there ever any moments of angst or jealousy thanks to the hidden feelings?
aaron is a beautiful BPD princess ... and roman is a traumatized abandonment + daddy issues princess... the weird jealousy despite having what starts as a no strings attached thing is absolutely bonkers. roman hates that hes not the only person aaron has this arrangement with but literally cant do anything about it. aaron is much more jealous during their relationship but in the beginning as he's starting to catch feelings he still gets weird about stuff. (once aaron lays eyes on stewy and sees him put a hand on romans shoulder casually in conversation one time its literally world war three in his mind. getting his gothgirl bff to cast evil spells)
as far as plain angst...i mean its roman there's so much angst and denial and trauma to work thru. and aaron as well. i can hardly go in to detail or this would get even longer.
💘 (if applicable) what moment made them realize they were in love with you?
this is difficult bc i think roman is horrible at figuring out his own feelings. i think he realizes hes in love with aaron like 4 times before he lets it stick. just like catching a glimpse of aaron laughing with a group of people across the room..caught off guard by aaron's stupid sexy voice and the way the light makes his brown eyes look like that and the way people can't help but stare at him because he's so magnetic...and then hes like. fuck. what. no. what was that. i was possessed. but eventually he can't ignore it.
theres a rlly great prose bit i wrote w the help of a friend abt roman having a shitty family thing happen at some kind of family/waystar event. he finds aaron and the two of them sneak out of the thing. aaron taking roman for a walk around the city. they stop at the restaurant aaron works at and he sneaks in the back to make them fancy pesto grilled cheese sandwiches and they sit by the water and talk about life and /feelings/, in the limited way that roman can talk about that stuff. he ends up opening up more than he thought he would. and i think he realizes then that he Really loves aaron and doesnt want to just be fuckbuddies or whatever they are
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
hi, can you write a dico x fem!reader who is just like him. they are best friends but also a couple. they are always laughing & joking around, doing skits, having rap/roast battles, doing stunts, etc together. the others constantly teasing them about how they are same person and outsides would never be able to tell they are a couple.
that’s so fucking cheesy I’m so sorry AHHHH 😟
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THANK U SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING THIS IM A LITERAL SUCKER FOR DICO AHHHH and trust me nothing is ever too cheesy when it comes to me, i fucking loves cheese little romantic things like this, especially for someone who acts just like him. this is fueling my crush for him more and more 🤭🤭🤭🤭
u always had a little crush on dico
come on the guys funny and cute whats more there to love??
when u guys finally got together though its like u guys were just best friends
i mean u two were together CONSTANTLY
the guys started to get suspicious
“dico are u banging her or are u too just friends?” -bam
everyone genuinely couldnt tell if you were dating or not, hell ur the spitting image of eachother personality wise
when u too finally tell the guys the teasing begins
constant “oohs” and “aaahs” when u two would show anytype of affection towards eachother
the guys finally having something to tease brandon abt was a huge win for them
it was all fun and jokes
at first
then it started to be annoying so you and dico get together and start scheming
then it hits you two
to get back at the guys u decide to give them all their own little “hell days”
for bam u definitely wash all of his skateboards with soap and water on the grip side, hide some of his him cds, maybe even take the lambo out for a spin (for hours without telling him) u guys also fuck up his favorite shirts just for the hell of it
with ryan he really never picked on u guys a lot but just to make it equal u guys just do little psychological pranks on him, yk the whoopie cushion, fake shock gum, corny shit like that
with raab, dico and u probably just smack him in the face throughout the whole day, maybe take key key with u for a joy ride just to scare him a bit or burn his favorite beanie
oh god rake gets it the worst
being dicos best friend and all he made fun of yall CONSTANTLY ( prob to get back at dico for always bullying him)
dicos gonna get ruthless
woo de wolf impression all day, gay jokes upon gay jokes, probably tries to cut his hair and to top the day off, a gallon of yellow mustard on rakes head (DICO U BETTER RUN BITCH)
dico really wants to do rakes hell day by himself bc he loves fucking with him
you guys will get the nickname “diablos” (the devils twins) after all this
he probably is gonna get murdered for doing all this but hey nobody can stay mad at dico
hes too cute fr
will put u in his homemade video projects
imagine cudding with him while u too just crack jokes and hold eachother
“hey babe ive been working on this impression and i need your opinion on it”
you will try and kick his ass at mortal combat, and ultimately fail “they dont call me the record holder for nothing babe”
does like to take u out on sappy romantic dates sometimes but also just likes to hang out with u, just ur presence alone calms him
his his nose and watch his fave turn red ‼️
ROAST BATTLES TO THE MAX, put on a beat and you two will go at it for hours, constant back and forth of you guys dissing eachother then having it turn oddly sexual then having it turn into roasting rake then back to the beginning again
putting on masters of the universe and cuddling to sleep 😩
HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! i have no clue if u wanted a actual fic or not but im shit at writing so this is the best i got, and im not turning down this idea bc it makes me giggle and get all giddy tbh 🤭🤭🤭
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renn-pumkin-head · 2 years
I lotrilly cannot woth subtle homophones and transphobia
"Stop makeong characters gay the guys get everything"
Yeah was cam from modern family to much for you?
We get next to no good representation in TV. Best I've seen have been in comics, and even then, if there is a TV adaptation it's not added.
And trans people? Alot of the time I've seen on TV have just been the but of a joke.
We like to hedcannon and ship characters because we want to feel like we have something
Same when characters a headcannoned to be autistic or neurodivergant.
It's because allistics/straight-cis people find something they like, but as soon as it got "faggotary" in it they despise it. They don't want to be associated with something queer or differant. Because that makes them more like us.
Guess fucking what. We are all still people. Bones and meat. In the end it we fuck other humans over its all the end
And in the sand man I have seen people say that there's to many poc ppl.
Like just let people exist
Be nice
Even if you don't agree or like someone just fucking ignore them
Today I met at dude who was asking for direction in my city. He was Jamaican and had very dark skin. All he wanted was directions and he asked me and my friend.
So we helped him, he asked dif ee could talk slower bc English was difficult for him. And it want hard to talk slower
It's not hard to accommodate for people.
And he said it was one of the first times some one hadn't flinched or made a face when he asks.
And oh my God guess what happend after we helped? He gave us a fist bump and we parted ways.
And what he said was we are all just the same bones
Under skin cour
Under sexuality and gender
Under everything
We are all still people it it really wouldn't kill the be nice or even just tolerant.
I'm just mad cuz I saw some stupid instagram comments and needed to rant
Also Jamaican dude was rlly cool he told us bout his sister and she sound rlly cool to. He said his sisters a lesbian and is in Paris with her girlfriend. So slay for them.
One last thing I will point out
It might just be where I'm from but I've never been harrased by a person of colour. It's only ever been white dudes in the 20 to 70 range that have followed, cat called or been creepy.
And like, I know it's just a few people that do that but still. Just from my experiences
This has been and up and down post
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besidesitstoowarm · 2 years
"Aliens of Londons" thoughts
okay i thought this one was good. sorry
this is the first of many episodes that deal with the fallout the companions leave behind when they up and dust with the doctor. iirc they basically didn't address this with a lot of classic companions bc it would get inconvenient, especially in the era before reruns (or even. keeping the GODDAMN TAPES). it's handled well. the "family issues" stuff can get annoying at times iirc, i just don't care that much (this is true for all of new who, not just davies era)
so i think it's nice the doctor is willing, even happy, to take rose home quick to say hi to her mom and not let her worry too much. obviously it doesn't work out as planned. classic tardis. the cop asks if "companion" indicates a sexual relationship and nine looks at rose before they both answer "no" at the same time. when they're talking on the roof later he's being a little cheeky and she says "you're so gay" which i have never seen mentioned anywhere and did not recall happening. rose? hello????
hi tosh. i'm sorry torchwood is a bad show
i didn't remember the pig tbh. i like him. i feel sorry for him. when the doctor explains later that he's not an alien, just a fucked up regular pig "he must have been terrified" man that's sad. poor guy
one of the signs the doctor passes on the way to the crash says "ELLO E.T." i just want to mention this
the doctor is working with the military for once. i'm taking it as a sign of how recently he was in a war himself, and has not yet remembered how much he hates it. we get a unit name drop in this ep, which is nice. i miss the brig. none of these people have a stache remotely comparable
i feel so bad for mickey in this one. it must have killed him to hear "he's not my boyfriend, he's better than that, he's much more important" like wow rose. people shit on mickey (or used to? idk what the current mood is) for being "annoying" but he's the only one being remotely reasonable about the whole situation. i guess jackie too
so i don't know anything about uk politics except that a former prime minister formerly fucked a pig, which is. cool. but this is a very post-9/11 ep for sure, not as explicit as twelve's zygon two-parter in its allegory but also it's a lot better imo. the line about how 3 people have been killed bc they were mistaken for aliens, how the real aliens are hiding in british parliament, invasion as distraction. it's pretty self-explanatory, i like it a lot
i'm going to go on record saying i like the slitheen design. they are friend-shaped, to me. fat faces. i'd like to squish them. i want to know where they got their lip filler done, it looks fab. i will say i am quite tolerant of this show being stupid but i can't take all the farting. some is fine but i can't handle this much. not as bad as i remember tho
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heulheul · 2 years
Im actually INFURIATED (i always am)(but now even more) my „friends“ who are „gay and aromantic“ ALL HAVE STRAIGHT RELATIONSHIPS?? It would be ok if they werent so prideful and use their queerness as their whole fucking personality trait. HOW THE FUCKING DARE YOU TELL ME YOURE QUEER WHEN ALL YOU DATE ARE MEN AND ONLY LIKE FICTIONAL WOMEN FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU. How fucking dare you tell me „im such a loner uwu potato and i dont do all that gross dating stuff bleghh ew“ THEN PROCEED TO DATE??? How dare you make me feel safe and comfortable around you when youre not even NEAR worthy of my trust FUCK ALL OF YOU. My „lesbian 😐“ friend has a male crush and makes it her entire life like SHUT THE FUCK UP OK SHUT UP YOURE SO ANNOYING I HOPE YOUR VAGINA LIGHTS ON FIRE. My 2 „aromantic 🫤“ friends are dating EACHOTHER and they think noone knows but its sooo obvious and i think the only reason theyre sneaking around is bc they flexed constantly how dating is not for them and only hopeless lonely loners do it, but guess whos doing it now you stupid stupid FUCKS. My other friend is ig the most true to her word. Shes actually into women but omfg she tries so hard to „hide“ her crush or whatever but its so obvious it makes me cringe and repulse on how she acts like a >_< potato when mentioned about her admiree. Like… we all know calm tf down. My other friends is also kinda true to her word. Shes „aromantic“ or somewhere in the umbrella but she has rizz and pulls. But thats bot her fault ok, what i have a problem with it id that she tried so hard to seem emo edgy mysterious harem senpai but tbh shes so annoying. I find it annoying how she acts like a baby and ive grown with her since were young so i thought shes outgrow it but now that were grown girl CUT THAT SHIT OUT shes a tall child like go take off ur diaper and stop sucking on ur moms tit AND THEN lets be friends. Gosh its so annoying bc shes so self centered. She wont be in a convo if it isnt about her or talking shit abt someone. Like kys u absorb drama like a parasitic sponge fuck off little shit, im so close to stop playing friend with her and just beat her the fuck up and leave her to bleed out or sth but im calm im calm ok. And i cant just cut these people off, i mean emotionally ill be ok but ill see them everyday at campus blablabla U get it. Im so fucking ashamed my life has gotten to the point im tolerating being friends with immature baby queerbaiters. Sad thing is ive grown fond of these people and have bad attachment issues and im just so sick of cutting people off me randomly and never wanna do it again but i swear theyre so ☠️ also do i just ATTRACT fake queer people?? My ex friend was … questionable. Pretty sure she had bpd and those people were just her fav persons but idk. Maybe its internalized homophobia thats why i have sm self hatred but the fact that i thought i had people that can relate to me and share the same feelings but NO you fuckers were never gay/lgbt and never feel the things and think the thoughts i do. NEVER. And ig thats my big problem abt it. Im ok with people experimenting and exploring their sexualities (aldo none of my business) but in this case, they had no reason to call themselves queer in the first place (ex. Never having feelings for opposite gender, etc.) so ifk where they got that but ok? The 2nd thing is they r HIDING the fact theyre not actually lgbt and keep queerpersonifying just to yk… talk about being queer. BUT THE FUCKING THING IS I HAVE DO MUCH HATE WITH WHO I AM AS A FUCKING DYKE AND YOURE JUST HERE SAYING „being part of the ögbt is so hard uwu huhu 😿😿“ WHEN YOU DONT THINK THE THIBGS I DO. YOU DONT EXPERIENCE THE THINGS I DO. Did you ever think of harming yourself since noone around you said that the things you like are ok, therefore making you feel like a shitty freak? Did you ever get so scared of your own feelings to the point you lie in bed like a paralyzed vegetable just crying inside and outside? Do you ever wish you were just created normal so you dont think about shit you have to? Fuck you quuerbaiters
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jehans-flower-pot · 3 years
having existential crisis and panicking might just come out to friends to make myself panic abt smth else
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infinityonhighvevo · 4 years
maybe i will learn how to be attracted to men, like, unironically some day
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
in retrospect very funny that I just Didn't Notice section 28 as a kid bc it hadn't occurred to me until I started being called a lesbian as an insult that being gay would be unusual. so it took me until late primary school to register that homosexuality wasn't included in the default assumption of How Relationships Happen and my year 5-6 teacher was very much not the sort of person to let a little thing like the law stop her from answering children's questions honestly and helpfully.
now I talk to other people my age and particularly a few years older and they're like wow that really fucked me up. I reckon it hit a lot harder for people even a year or two older than me who experienced secondary school and adolescence under S28 bc like. I had no interest other than theoretical in sex or relationships yet by the time S28 was repeated in England, I was 10. but for ppl like, Kofi's age who were 13 or 14 at the time I think it had a lot more of a damaging impact, or for people whose sexual and social development started a bit earlier than mine (I don't think I really experienced attraction until I was 15 or 16).
and for people whose parents and family friends weren't filling the gap, doubly so.
like I'm phenomenally lucky that I have parents who were relatively comfortable with queerness and had contact with a decent number of queer adults (my mum's friends, my friend who had lesbian parents, the couple in our religious community whose non legally binding wedding I went to in like 2002). but also I was just Incredibly Oblivious to bigotry as a child, ppl said awful things about queerness to and around me and I was just like 'what a weird thing to say. moving on.' which. definitely a product of a family who were like 'yeah that's stupid why wouldn't it be normal to be queer?' and also. a product of being an autistic little weirdo totally wrapped up in More Important Problems.
anyway it's all great and all that Section 28 didn't really ping my radar BUT. idk feels like ppl in the country would like to head back that way. and it may have bounced off my thick head but it's very obvious how traumatic and harmful Section 28 was to thousands of people of my kind of age, not to mention millions more who spend their whole adolescence in its shadow.
25 years of harm and it was repealed less than 19 years ago and people want to pretend that homophobia in this country is over. goddddd.
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bullsandthebones · 2 years
my friends and I are talking about our headcanons for ST characters so, here's mine! some of these are just haha funnies bc I think they're dumb
-very gay, very homo
-tries to explain it/its pronouns to Steve
-makes fun of Steve's hair products
-makes "ur mom"/" ur dad" jokes
-calls Steve to help him brush out his hair
-wears croptops
-trans ftm
-cannot cook
-fnaf lvr
-knows the lore of every analog horror ever
-loves walten files the most
-puts dice in his mouth. (we all do, cmon)
-has probably almost swallowed a die
-it was probably a d4
-hurt like hell
-doesn't understand pronouns
-mentally blue screens when Eddie and Robin try and explain pronouns
-starts sobbing when neos get put into the mix
-defo himbo but very supportive anyways
-bisexual w/ a lean for the ladies
-has made one deez nuts joke and immediately regretted it
-sobs while brushing Eddie's hair
-has definitely tried on a skirt
-definitely cannot cook
-she/they + any neos
-makes deez nuts jokes with Dustin
-canon lesbian, I would never change that
-hates tryna teach Steve about pronouns
-amazing cook, "yes chef" "thank you chef"
-can probably sew
-most definitely makes special clothes for her besties
-wears two different shoes
-cool bitch syndrome
-would probably be really good at ddr and fnf
-she/her 😐
-hetero 😐
-ally (talk valentina! ally!)
-loves Johnathan no matter what his genitals are <3
-can definitely cook
-secretly has read lotr
-probably ate sand as a kid
-if she was a dog she'd be a poodle.
-gets Robin fabric for her projects
-trans ftm <333
-definitely laughs at deez nuts jokes
-mmmm bisexual?
-maybe pansexual
-ooo definitely pansexual
-probably can't hold his liquor
-threw up the first time he hit a bong
-didn't know how to pack a bowl for a long time
-Argyle had to teach him
-actually cooks better when high
-I'll be honest, I haven't finished s4
-idk much about him
-probably he/they
-gives me pansexual vibes
-makes the most raunchy jokes
-has the weirdest cravings when high
-"okay but what's between your legs?"
-idfk, probably bisexual but he's got too much internalized homophobia
-desperately trying to learn pronouns but he doesn't understand very well
-honestly? straight
-makes deez nuts jokes. it's the funniest shit to him
-has never cooked
-only uses the microwave
-ramen forever
-is quite literally the biggest ally
-the best guy
-the "bro code" probably doesn't matter to him
-will tell on you if you're cheating 👁👁
-I hate him I'm sorry
-probably bi but like Billy, too much internalized homophobia
-misgenders people when they anger him
-I'll be honest
-I'm torn
-probably says pronouns don't exist
-but uses he/they
-idk he's confusing
-non binary
-bisexual and on the ace spectrum
-hates fem clothing
-is a bitch when you get pronouns wrong
-will fight transphobes
-probably would do softball
-that's a gay sport right?
-I'm pretty sure it is
-salty when they lose to Robin at ddr
-loves fnaf
-hates that Eddie loves fnaf
-probably more into gemini entertainment than any of the other analog horrors
-plays tlou religiously
-loves zombie games
-agender but is okay with she/her
-aroace spec!
-doesn't have a set sexuality, isn't sure on labels
-mimics Dustin's jokes
-Hopper gets upset at that
-doesn't understand video games but loves watching max play
-is actually pretty good at ddr
-I'm sorry, I love ddr
-has also put dice in their mouth
-Eddie dared them to
-doesn't have the energy to figure out gender labels
-doesn't care about his own pronouns
-call him whatever
-gay but,,, on the aro spectrum, probably grayromantic
-plays the dark pictures anthology
-loves little hope the most
-has tried to get others to play them
-wears two different socks
-is probably really good at kickball but he's too scared of getting laughed at
-me too man
that's uh, that's all. you're welcome.
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... I’m interested in legitimately gay Reese (I assume one piece of evidence is “look at what they’re doing and tell me you’re not gay”)
okay this is like 2 days late but this is why reese malcolminthemiddle is legitimately gay:
(side note: did anyone need a queer media thesis paper or something... I am willing to share lmao)
so none of this is like... rock solid evidence or anything but I need to believe at least one main character of a show is gay and/or trans to maintain interest and reese is the most plausible gay character. also it’s early 2000′s so he just gets a lot of vaguely homophobic jokes lmao
first of all, yes, the biggest piece of evidence he’s gay is those lines from that episode I quoted the other day--thinking malcolm is gay, he tries to show his support by giving him a gay porno: “’Naught Pool Boys 3!’ I watched 10 or 12 of these, and this one seems to have the most stuff you guys like.” and when malcolm says he isn’t gay, reese responds “Malcolm. Check out what those guys are doing in that movie, and THEN tell me you’re not gay.”-- so, 1) reese sat down and watched like a dozen gay porn movies to ““find a good one for his gay brother”” and 2) he thinks malcolm would reconsider his heterosexuality if he watched what was in that movie, implying that HE reconsidered his sexuality after watching that movie, or at the very least found it hot
in the same episode, the character tricking malcolm into thinking reese is gay lists the following as evidence: he obsesses over his hair and his looks, loves his gourmet cooking, has a bunch of magazines covered in comically muscular men, and that he’s angry and acts like a jerk because he’s “dealing with something weird and confusing.” now obviously, the obsession with hair/looks can be chalked up to the fact that he’s a teenage boy, and there’s nothing inherently gay about enjoying cooking. the dozen magazines of muscle-bound men could certainly be taken as gay evidence, though, and it IS established in the show that his entire bully persona is his way of masking his inner feelings and insecurities. there’s literally a whole episode where he & malcolm realize they have no friends because they act like little shits to push people away because they’re afraid of rejection and/or abandonment from their peers. they ostracize themselves before they can be ostracized by the other students at school. I could probably write a whole other essay on reese’s psyche tbqh lmao there’s a shocking amount there!!
of the brothers who are actually old enough to be attracted to girls (reese, malcolm, and francis), he shows the least interest. now bear with me here. you might be thinking, “well, yeah, it’s malcolm’s show, we’re not gonna see things from other people’s perspective!” but that is actually surprisingly untrue, the show is very much equally shown from each family members’ perspectives. starting about s2, when malcolm is in early middle school, he starts getting crushes on girls and pursuing them. francis goes after a few women in the first couple seasons and then marries a woman we see a lot throughout the show. 
in the roughly... 130?? episodes I have watched so far, nearly all of reese’s “interest” in girls involve either: competition with malcolm, genuinely just liking her as a friend, or some completely ulterior motive. the only exception to this I can think of is in the early seasons where he has a crush on a cheerleader and tries to get on her good side by joining the cheerleading squad, which the writers clearly set up as a way to make gay jokes about reese. let me give you a few examples of his relationships with girls
the first relationship we see him in is with a “stupid girl” that malcolm tried (and failed) to date, and the main reason they get together is that they think on the same wavelength and genuinely seem to enjoy hanging out. they take breaks from their bro chats to make out every once in a while. eventually he gets her to break up with him because he doesn’t want to go to the school dance with her (he doesn’t want to go at all). years later, he’s dating some girl we meet for like 5 minutes, before he goes to confess to her that she’s the first girl he’s ever loved. she then breaks up with him. he’s sad, but taking it fairly well. he’s about to leave when he sees malcolm hiding under the bed, and learns that he stole his girlfriend. he then runs away to join the army. he was clearly MUCH more upset that his brother stole his girlfriend than he was that his girlfriend broke up with him. there are many more instances of him and malcolm competing for a girl’s affections, and he seems mostly motivated by the competition itself.
in addition to “stupid girl,” he also manufactures an “attraction” to his female army buddy in the last season. the premise of this episode is that his old army buddy (a girl he play-wrestles with and insults like he would his own brothers) comes to visit him, and malcolm convinces reese that she’s attracted to him, and that reese’s nervousness at learning that fact is proof he’s in love with her. there’s a misunderstanding where reese asks her if she has certain “feelings” and she says she does, but what she ACTUALLY means is that she has a crush on reese’s MOM. she’s a lesbian. reese later propositions her (saying he’s saved his virginity for this--he’s probably about 18 here), and when she says omg no im gay, he is HUGELY relieved they can go back to being friends. CLASSIC mlm/wlw friendship moment. 
there’s an episode where these cute girls pick up reese (& nerds) to kiss in front of their boyfriends to make them jealous. reese is all for it, and when malcolm argues that it’s not worth his dignity and the beating he’ll get from the girl’s boyfriend, reese counters that that’s WHY he wants to do this--he’s completely invisible at school, and thinks getting beaten up for kissing some guy’s girlfriend will at least make him known around school. at no point does he indicate he’s actually attracted to this girl, and when it comes time to kiss her, he finds the weakest excuse to run away at the last minute. 
im not gonna list all of these but there’s more lmao
the following is a random assortment of one-off gay jokes and out-of-context lines with gay reese implications, often homophobically bc its early 2000′s writing:
says “I’m gay” to a girl to give malcolm a better shot at her
(again in competition with malcolm) tries to flirt with a girl by spraying milk in her face as the punchline to a joke, which is. well. hm. self-sabotaging, to say the least!!
Reese: “Do you think it’s right to totally change who you are and turn your back on EVERYTHING you believe in, just to impress a hot guy??” [his dad gives a long, blank stare, before asking:] “...Burt Reynolds hot, or Sting hot?”
“YEAH I like clouds! I call them sky kittens :)” (I just think that one’s sweet!)
“Look, Christie, here’s the thing. When I first met you, I was just messing around. But we’ve gotten so close that, now... I really like you! I can’t keep this up anymore. I’m not the person you think I am. I’ve been pretending since the day I met you. It’s so hard having to constantly cover my tracks to keep my story straight... and I don’t WANT to anymore! I’m tired of living this lie! I’m done with it. I’m sorry.”
he catfishes some guy to blackmail him, but is implied to continue the flirtation even after the catfishing/blackmail is revealed
reese is, technically, married to a man. this particular plot point is played as a joke and manages to be both racist and homophobic, so I won’t go into it. but I believe he is still married to that man. technically.
reese takes care of a huge box full of caterpillars until they pupate and become beautiful butterflies. I feel like there’s some kind of gay coming out metaphor here somewhere.
I think there are a couple other times where he comments on a guy’s attractiveness but I couldn’t find specific instances.
In conclusion: Reese is a deeply repressed gay kid who was socialized SO thoroughly as an early 2000′s straight boy that, despite his attraction for men and his obvious compulsory heterosexuality, he still cannot admit to himself that he is gay even as he enters adulthood. Furthermore, his subconscious frustration about this fact is turned outward to form the “schoolyard bully” costume he uses to mask his insecurities and keep others from getting too close to him. 
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I could be convinced to come back for another talk about how Dewey is trans or about how each and every member of that family is neurodivergent in entirely different ways. Assuming anyone has read this far in the first place!!
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hansoeii · 3 years
im in that weird spot of "i dislike the concept of loki and sylvie being romantically involved bc the thought of loki's true love being himself kind of implies he's the only one who'll ever love him and i dont like that, and i also want to see him w a man since hes marvels first openly queer major character (even tho we were robbed of his genderfluidity but ig thats asking too much from disney huh) and i want him to be in a queer relationship at some point in the show at least instead of just "oh hot powerful main female character obviously has to end up being his romantic interest!"
but at the same time falling in love with a version of himself is one hell of a way to learn to love himself beyond his narcissism that banked on him fitting a certain expectation he had for himself, and that the interactions that have lowkey romantic undertones between him and sylvie are... to my dismay, really well written (at least in my opinion - i see a lot of lokius shippers cringed at the scene in the grassland but i was cringing and finding it adorable at the same time im so conflicted) like its a really good execution of a really bad idea so im just here like 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
but im not a particular fan of lokius either? i can see the appeal in the ship and its a fun dynamic but i personally see mobius as like, almost a father figure to him, mobius is just such a dad LMAO like especially in the first couple episodes it felt like dad!mobius trying to keep his feral troublemaking child out of control.
so im like. i simultaneously like sylkie AND lokius but i also want neither of them to happen but also wouldnt be upset if either of them happened. but i dont want loki to be alone either bc he deserves someone to love him like that.
Yeah, idk everything is all over the place for me currently too. At this point I just don't want them to add any romance at all tbh. But as you said, if it does happen then I would honestly prefer loki to end up with a man because he's the first openly bi character we have in the mcu and they just gotta explore his sexuality more. Of course you're still bi if your in a f/m relationship, but since this is the FIRST (how sad even is that) lgbt character in the mcu we have, it would just mean a lot if they give us the first gay relationship too.
And I gotta disagree with you on the father figure thing. Of course you can have your own opinions that's totally valid, but I don't see it at all? It's just, the way mobius interacted with loki has felt like flirting to me from the get-go. Literally the second I finished episode 1 I messaged a friend going "am I stupid or is this mobius guy full on flirting with loki?". The "pussycat", "if looks could kill" or the "I gotta be careful or you're gonna take my job" (I don't remember the exact line) comments were just straight up flirty and then you add the tie fixing scene to that. There's some tension going on that you just cannot ignore. I know some people see him as a father figure, but I just really can't. Every time mobius interacts with loki it just feels like he wants to eat him alive, haha. But again, you're free to think whatever you want!
And as I said before, I'm not a fan of the sylvie and loki romance thing at all. It just doesn't feel right to me and makes me extremely uncomfortable. I just really hope they keep it platonic and give us an awesome friendship! I need my chaotic trio 🙏
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chibicalzones · 4 years
what the characters of haikyuu smell like pt. 3
featuring: 𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐚, 𝐟𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢, and 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢  
read part one and two! 
DISCLAIMER: (just in case) this is my sister’s first impression on some of the boys so don’t take it too seriously! 
warnings: touches on gender and sexuality at some parts.
post made by: alex 🍒 - ALSO I FIXED OUR ASK BOX AND SUBMISSIONS! i didn’t even realize they were disabled i apologize :c but yes, feel free interact with us!! maybe we shall open requests? or at least on my end hehe 
Tumblr media
— kuroo: nail polish
a strong aura
has a superiority complex but he knows bc he genuinely believes he’s better than everyone else
a cheater... in every way
wanted to be cool but then he created his own level of c00L B)
was popular - like the freshman that was friends with the seniors for nO reason
wears platform shoes
prefers vans over converse
drinks straight up expresso shots instead of coffee
uninterested in finding a relationship
(little does she know that this actually geeky science loving nerd is the loml so)
— kenma: wet fall leaves
tired of everyone’s bs
wanted peoples’ approval when he was younger but he’s grown out of that. already figured out it doesn’t matter 
“i dont care if my roots grow in”
hangs with the boys
has a mysterious vibes
his old friend group kicked him out and is now a lone ranger
started playing volleyball to find friends and get his emotions out
has his own superiority complex because he wants to feel that he’s better than everyone else but he knows it’s unhealthy 
acknowledges his own problems
likes edgar allan poe
— yaku: apple cocktail with vodka
mix of things: nice but also gets ticked off real easily
if he went to parties, he’d just be playing beer pong
has a girlfriend - one of the few things keeping him nice
doesn’t look he cares for people’s approval of him but he really does
B student
likes science but thinks astrology is stupid
jealous of vinnie hacker on tik tok
straight now but will become gay
— yamatoro: leather
grew up in a uhm... unfortunate place? 
originally dyed his hair to look cool but went with the mohawk 
people think he’s cool but just wants approval
dresses different than everyone else 
but now since it’s becoming a trend, he’s really annoyed that he used to get bullied for it
had a michael jackson phase
likes edm
really bad at showing his emotions
— lev: pool / chlorine
the kid that pushes you into the pool when you didn’t wanna be there in the first place
makes fun of you for watching anime but recently started watching it
grew up watching pokemon as a kid but he only liked team rocket
ALSO has a superiority complex
capricorn energy, moon in aries
actually dresses up scary for halloween
parents are sweet but he can be a bit of a meanie 
had a toxic relationship with a woman... because he’s actually gay
— bokuto: gasoline
infatuated with cars
specifically owns a tesla in which his dad probably bought for him
spoiled as a kid
the popular kid
every popular person has at least dated him twice
everyone thinks he’s attractive 
the class clown but may unintentionally make fun of people in the process
“iTs mEnTAL iLLnesS isN’T IT?”
has rich parents but at least he has morals!!!
but also might take your lunch money
taken, straight
changes girlfriends every two weeks
my sister basically thinks he’s your every day local fuckboi
— akaashi: burnt pasta
really trying his best 
has good intentions but his execution’s either subpar or just awkward
likes science, specifically physics
really likes making paper airplanes and that’s how he flirts: he writes love notes and sends them your way 
bad at showing emotions so he writes them
doodles and writes in class a lot
a transfer student
hasn’t had his first relationship yet
doesn’t like swimming but he likes pool floaties
knows how to play piano
straight... for now
— konoha: miso soup
a warn person
people who don’t know him are afraid to approach him but to people who are friends with him thinks he’s very comforting
hard on others because he’s hard on himself
has an arch nemesis that fights for his position
passive aggressive but means well
was bullied for the smallest reason... like he owned a spiderman lunch box in third grade
one guy stole his girl and his is SALTY
he’d be very startled if someone came up and hugged him
with that being said, his love language is acts of service
— kita: ink
he does calligraphy
dabbles in spray paint
a bit conservative 
enjoys watching skateboard falls, parkour gone wrong, etc.
cheated in elementary school
a- a bully
doesn’t let people get close to him
people don’t know what to think of him
rather good at things that people may not realize, but he really doesn’t care if they realize or not
prefers iced tea over lemonade
takes health very seriously and doesn’t drink soda
uses they/them and states he doesn’t need a relationship
but he’s had one in the past and that’s how he figured out
— osamu: cotton
a reliable person
doesn’t necessarily have a lot of friends but cherishes to make sure they feel appreciated 
has a creative side
specifically sketches using pencil
likes movies and goes on movie dates
people like him for how forgiving he is
a hopeful person
has a realistic outlook on life 
very practical 
has several friends that are girls that think of him as an older brother
a lot of people like him but he he already has his eyes on set on someone 
a closeted bi
— atsumu: butter beer
a popular kid with a quirk
a marvel geek, his favorite superhero is the th3 classic iron man
likes girls who don’t wear a lot of makeup, also goes for bruh girls
genuinely a nice person
tries his best to be a approachable person but his geeky-ness gets in the way
has strange intentions?
puts a lot of thought into what he does but does it in a not-so-logic way 
needs guidance
questioning life
is NOT like his brother
wants people to like him but he portrays himself weirdly
also questioning his sexuality
takes a gap year before college because he doesn’t know what he wants to do yet
— suna: battery acid
“there’s a potency to his presence”
takes all AP classes
does things for himself but he’s not that full of himself
wants to make it far in life
he doesn’t know what he wants to do but he knows he wants to make a difference in the world 
always chooses to pick up trash for volunteer work
likes math because it’s straightforward
his dream significant other is someone just like him: he needs someone to care for him and soften him up
people say he’s intimidating but his friends say otherwise
into alternative rock
he would dress the way he wanted if he didn’t get bullied :(
pan and single
— sakusa: the inside of a missionary
overwhelmed by his own thoughts but whatever he thinks, stays there 
not much of a talker 
he tutors people in math and science
reads a lot of fanfic
has a famous tumblr account - swashbuckler26 and posts abstract and contemporary art
desperately wants to graduate
wanted to become a doctor until he actually started researching
now wants to be an artist
owns peacocks
he has one best friend because they share the same interests but that leads them to argue a lot 
goes by they/them and doesn’t care for a relationship 
this is the last part but i’m sure i missed some :/ if you guys have any other characters that you would like her to react to, lmk! hopefully i’ll be able to write for them soon!!! - alex 🍒
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