#amulet dragon
piedpiperart · 2 years
DC x DP prompt
Danny is hanging out with Dora, and gets caught in a trap by Aragon. He takes the dragon amulet and phases it into Danny’s chest, which turns Danny into a dragon, and then sends him through a natural portal to cause chaos.
Aragon tries to take over the zone while Danny is gone but Dora beats the crap out of him.
Meanwhile Danny is a dragon now, smaller than his human form because he’s still a baby ghost, and his core reflects that. Baby dragon Danny was sent to the DC universe and lands (un)gracefully in an alley in Gotham.
He could be feral like little baby man but he could also just be regular Danny brain power as a ghostly dragon. Who is like three feet long. He does his best to get his bearings, roams around a bit, hides from people, and scrounges for food as he tries to find a way back home. (Might not realize he’s not in his universe)
Danny catches the attention of some not so great people and runs and hides in an alley, digging into the trash or under a dumpster bc he is Smol.
Meanwhile Damian is out on patrol and hears commotion on the streets. He swiftly beats up this gang of guys chasing someone(or something) into an alley. After running them off he hears rustling amongst the trash in the dark alley. He thinks it’s a cat, as it usually is, but is surprised to find an actual, baby, black and white dragon with bright green eyes.
Obviously he plans to take him home, but has to coax Danny out from underneath the dumpster. Maybe he uses some snacks from his cool pouches on his belt. Eventually he wins over Danny, but Damian has to keep him a secret from the batfam.
The secret does not last long. Keeping a dragon in your room is not a good hiding spot. But, he found that Danny likes to cuddle, so obviously the little dragon had to stay with him.
Alfred found out first, promised not to say anything and help feed the dragon. Not sure who finds out next but Danny probably tries to bite Dick when he tries to pick him up a bunch.
Damian plans to train Danny to be his sidekick. If Batman gets a batdog, obviously Damian needs a bat dragon. Name is a work in progress, but Damian still makes Danny a lil bat outfit to match Ace.
Eventually everyone finds out and Bruce especially is trying to figure out where the dragon came from and why he’s just chilling with the fam. The tamest dragon he’s ever seen tbh it makes him worried
Damian finds out about some of Danny’s powers and shenanigans ensue. Danny gets comfy with the bats and is treating the whole thing like a vacation away from his troublesome life. Dragons probably purr, right?
Eventually maybe Danny finds a way to communicate that he’s actually a teenager trapped in dragon form and he needs help. The batfam collectively lose their minds when Danny’s revealed to have black hair and blue eyes.
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sweeneydino · 6 months
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When your kids go missing, you'll be tearing up the whole multiverse to find them. Right after you prepare yourself ofc.
First Dad up, Next will be the one in red, then purple and orange. Why? Cause Usagi gets a special treatment. U.U
Would you all like it if usagi had just a small army of dragons or became one? I'm personally leaning towards the former cause I think it'd be badass.
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Size reference ^^^ I hate keeping consistent sizes as much as I hate doing perspectives and backgrounds-
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kurocyou · 1 year
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Fley got some fancy magical items
Maestro's Vessel - uncommon - requires attunement - A pair of silk opera gloves and a matching choker, with a imbued gemstone as power source. They're made of light silk that shimmers and changes colour to the preference of the creature once attuned. You gain a +1 to spell attack rolls and spell DC.
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*Batfam and Phantom meeting during a fight with a ghostly big bad*
Phantom: Okay, who has the most control over thier anger?
*Everyone argues*
Phantom: okay, you. *points at RR* whats you're favorite food in the whole world?
Red Robin: Its not really a food but I love coffee
Phantom: Cool, that works. *slaps amulet of Aragon onto him*
Red Robin:
Phantom: Now, think of something that makes you angry
Phantom: So I kinda turned one of your children into a rage filled dragon
Batman: You did what?
Phantom: Its okay, we got him to turn back by getting him to drink a giant cup of coffee
Phantom: but we screwed up and needed more so now your son is swimming in a pool full of coffee
Phantom: Please come get him he refuses to get out
Red Robin: *living out his coffee based fantasies*
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inquisimail · 3 months
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guess who's playing inquisition again to prepare for veilguard. lol
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kradogsrats · 2 months
Stars & Staffs: What the Heck, Guys
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So. The staffs. The staffs.
Prior to this, we held the belief that the Staff of Ziard was made specifically for dark magic. I made a meme about it once (why yes, I do think I'm funny):
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Now... that could still be the case. The Aaravos/Sauron parallels have always been off the charts, so "the dark lord forged in secret a master ring, and into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life" is still a definite possibility.
Aaravos also has a strong thread in his plans to bring about the stars' downfall through a vector they had overlooked—humans—and with warped mirrors of their creations—himself, characterized as "their dark brother," and possibly dark magic, itself.
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So yeah, still strong possibility that the Staff of Ziard is Aaravos's creation for humans, a mockery of their works delivered with irony.
However, the other possibility—that the Staff of Ziard is one of a set conceived for some magical purpose—is super interesting, because it's actually not strictly a dark magic staff in the way that Ibis's staff is a Sky magic staff or the Sunforge staff is a Sun magic staff.
Staffs for primal magic are pretty explicitly sources of power and focus for the mage. The Sunforge staff contains a small Sun primal stone, Ibis's staff appears to similarly contain a Sky primal stone—it's not clear whether these primal stones are powerful enough to be used on their own by a non-mage, but the corrupted Sunforge staff is at least powerful enough for Claudia to use it easily and immediately.
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We also have Karim's staff, which doesn't have a visible stone and appears to be somewhat less powerful, acting more as a channel to focus his magic than a source for it. While we see a lot of rune spells cast using staffs, we also see several spells cast with staffs apparently instead of runes.
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Most staffs are probably a lot more similar to that, because like... the Sunforge staff is obviously incredibly powerful, being linked directly to the Sun nexus and wielded by former Sunfire monarchs. Ibis's staff also tracks as a powerful artifact—I would not be surprised if Ibis was an archmage of Sky, or equivalent to one in power. Ibis even uses his staff for some rather complex magic—picking up objects, aiming, and launching them at Claudia—without a rune or a spoken draconic incantation.
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The Staff of Ziard, on the other hand... it's not actually a dark magic staff in the same way. Instead of itself being a source of magic or using the mage's own connection to a primal source the way primal staffs do, the Staff of Ziard is all about siphoning away the essence of living creatures, whether that's primal magic or souls. Being able to then empower or release that essence seems to potentially be a matter of knowledge—Viren doesn't do it until Aaravos has basically taken over his subconscious, and the only other person we see do it is Ziard himself, draining the sunbirds directly into a corrupted fire capable of burning an Archdragon of the Sun.
Conceptually, siphoning essence to cast spells is very in tune with dark magic... but not exclusive to it. "Magic that takes," as Aditi describes it, apparently exists in several forms.
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Additionally, like I said, Viren literally never uses the staff for any magic that isn't unique to it until mid-late s3.
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All the dark magic spells he does before then, except for the ones that are explicitly done with the staff alone, he does without it.
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(Yes, there's whatever he does to hold Thunder immobile, but that has always been a weird outlier we don't fully understand. We don't know whether it's a spell from the staff—unlikely, given that it doesn't involve or affect the central stone—or a reagent-powered dark magic spell he cast while the camera was focused on Thunder and Harrow.)
So what is the deal with these?
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We know that the Celestial elves are guardians of artifacts related to Star magic, Startouch elves, and presumably the Stars/First Elves in general. So the staffs could just be being stored. They do have nice little display niches. What's kind of weird is that first of all, they're apparently powered up in some way, given the glow of their stones. Secondly, they're in full "open" configuration—the way Claudia uses the Staff of Ziard when opening the chrysalis.
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Like the soul-trapping spell that is one of the staff's specialties, the chrysalis spell uses a dark magic incantation (rather than the Draconic-based deep magic or corrupted Sun magic spells). It's described as channeling the power of the "sun's first light," and what it does is, I'm fairly convinced, imbue the being inside the chrysalis with essence—on some level giving it consciousness or a soul.
So what if all the staffs work that way, but for different facets of energy or magic or whatever? Why create something like that, whether for the sorts of energy corresponding with primal sources, or for souls and consciousness? Why would Startouch elves need staffs, if they're so absurdly powerful?
Theory one: let's get the least likely one out of the way first. As a whole, the staffs are components of a machine-like spell or group ritual that maintains the flow of primal and other magic through the world. Yes, this is about my theory that the Starscraper is a kind of world-pillar or bridge that funnels magic to Xadia from elsewhere, and yes, I am a big fan of Pillars of Eternity. There's not really a lot of evidence for this, aside from the different stone colors and the arrangement and kind of strange location of the stored staffs. Like, what is up with this?
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Theory two: we know the First Elves in some way divided into at least the five other kinds of primal elves. Could the staffs have been somehow related to that, intentionally consolidating and focusing the First Elves' magical nature into separate forms? Again, there's not really any evidence for this beyond that staffs are meant to be carried and used by people, and the theory that the First Elves may have consciously taken on becoming the different primal elves.
Theory three: this is the forbidden magic that was given to humans, not primal stones. We have two sources for the "Leola gifted primal magic/stones to humans" story, and each of them contributes different things—the one that specifies primal stones doesn't mention Leola by name, attributing the gift to unicorns as a whole, while the one that specifies Leola doesn't mention the primal stones, instead specifying that she provided them with the runes and Draconic words for spells. If the staffs are like the Staff of Ziard but for other energies, including primal sources—if they're all "magic that takes," it would make a lot more sense why the stars got so fussed about humans having it. There isn't really any more evidence for this than for my other theories, but shut up I like this one. It would be the chef's kiss Uno-Reverse cap on the entire mangled and obscured story of the history of human magic.
Anyway, my insane TED Talk aside, what in all heck is going on, because every time I think I've gotten this shit kind of figured out, they do this kind of curve ball.
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ritabuuk · 1 month
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This is where my journey ends. For you though, the road is long and dangerous. [...] Take with you my blessings and the hope of the empire.
For the @tes-summer-fest 2024 Day 5: crown and/or gentle. I drew the place where Emperor Uriel Septim VII was killed, which is later made into a small shrine by the Imperial guards stationed nearby.
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lukascastelan · 2 months
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Ok, so this is the wall, in my bedroom which consists of many many fandoms or just topics I have grown to enjoy over time. A couple are outdated considering now, but they were pretty special to me when painting it. The wall was finished in 2023 on June 15.
Many were made by printing the logos/designs on my printer, tracing the backs really hard in a pencil, and then firmly pressing each design onto the wall so I had a stencil of what I was coloring in. Many are just designs I found on the internet at the time and others are just logos or things I thought would be a good symbol for said fixation at the time.
Did I want it to look different at the beginning? Yes, originally it was going to be the symbols or main characters in one big collage but I realized that I have zero art skills and it wouldn't ever be accomplished so I made the design more simple and now I really like how it turned out.
Do I wish a few were different now because of time or lack of interest? Yes and no. Yes, because I either don't like a certain topic at all anymore or I just could have something that I think represents me more on there but for right now I'm okay with how it is. No, because I look at this wall every day of my life, and seeing a certain square can remind me of a specific time in my life that I really enjoyed and I love that feeling.
Do I think that some of the squares are a little cringe now over time and how I have changed as a person? Absolutely but I could never ever get myself to get rid of those ones because they might be looked upon as weird or cringe now but at the time they helped me get through so many tough times that I can't get myself to get rid of those.
A few of these squares will definitely be changed but at least 97% of them I love seeing every day because of the memories and good times. I love my wall and it represents what I've liked over the years and that's okay. You should be able to like what you want without being criticized for it, hell I've debated posting this because I was scared that people were going laugh at the things on there but to be honest? Let me laugh with you as I remember how that square I cringe on now or how that square I would defend with my life. Just be you, that's all.
What are the fixations that are on the wall, and do I still want them there? I'll tell ya starting from the top right corner.
863 - Youtube series (Keep)
Five Nights at Freddy's - Video game series (Keep)
Amphibia - Animated TV show (Keep)
Amulet - Graphic novel sereis (Keep)
Arcane - Animated TV show (Keep)
Bendy and The Ink Machine - Video game series (Keep)
Brooklyn 99 - TV show (Keep)
Carmen Sandiego - Animated TV show (Keep)
Chuckle Sandwich - Podcast (Keep)
Cuphead - Video Game (Keep)
DanTDM - Youtuber (Keep)
Compass South - Graphic Novel series (Keep)
Detroit Become Human - Video Game (Keep)
The Last of Us - Video Game series/TV show (Keep)
The Dragon Prince - Animated TV show (Keep)
Mandela Catalogs - Analog Horror series (Keep)
DreamSMP - Youtube/ Minecraft server (Depends, I always look back now and cringe at myself but then I remember how it was at the time and how it felt to me at the time. Probably keep though just because of how it got me through Covid and just a rough spot in general)
Droid - Youtuber (Keep)
Eddsworld - Youtube series (Keep)
Flash - I watched the TV show (Keep)
Harry Potter - Books/Movies (I honestly like Fantastic Beats movie spinoff more than the main books/movies. Idk why but this one might change over time or it'll stay, haven't really decided that yet, maybe)
Henry Danger - TV show (Keep)
Hilda - Animated TV show (Keep)
How to Train Your Dragon - Movies/Books/TV Show (Keep)
Infinity Train - Animated TV show (Keep)
Jurrasic Park - Movies/Books (Keep)
The Group Chat - Youtube group/Podcast (Keep)
Last Kids on Earth - Books/TV show (Keep)
Lucifer - TV show (Most likely change)
Marvel (Keep)
Merlin - TV show (Keep)
Minecraft - Video Game (Keep)
Star Wars - Movies/TV shows/books/etc. (Keep)
Ninjago - Animated TV show (Keep)
The Owl House - Animated TV Show (Keep)
Percy Jackson - Books/TV show/Movies (Keep)
Pokemon - Video game series, etc. (I really don't know why I put this on here, I was never a really big fan other than owning the cards so will probably change)
Sam and Colby - Youtubers (Keep)
The Walten Files - Analog Horror series (Keep)
Space Boy - Webtoon but I found it through the graphic novels (Keep)
Spongebob - Animated TV show (Keep)
Steven Universe - Animated TV show (Keep)
Stranger Things - TV show (Keep)
Subnautica - Video Game series (Keep)
Treasure Planet - Animated Movie (Keep)
Umbrella Acadamy - TV Show (Keep)
Voltron - Animated TV Show (Probably change because I never really got into it but binged it with my sister, liked it but not love)
Wings of Fire - Books/Graphic Novels (Keep)
Things I would want on the wall now
Multiple Analog Horror series
Portal games (Though I painted my closet doors portal themed so I think it cancels out)
maybe some music albums but I have something like that in my room already
The Magnus Protocol
ONG might put Ao3 on there tbh
Some absolute BANGER webtoons
Some more recent YouTube series, animated of course
Over the garden wall was literally a fever dream but I loved it
OH lab rats and Mightty med I grew UP on those
Gravity Falls
More that I can't think of rn
Okay wow um I don't usually post this big but I really like my wall and just wanted to share it. Maybe I'll post some more stuff about my room that I like just because I'm proud of it.
Part 1(This one), Part 2
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tmntkiseki · 2 months
I'm skimming through the Ninja Tribunal episodes because an idea for a fic popped into my head but I need to refresh myself on stuff from the season and
I'm pretty sure Don got impaled on one of the spikes of that tree trying to save Mikey 🙃
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hey! I go by daffy (like the duck) online, i’m 18, a lesbian, and an artist!!!
i’d love to have some art moots but i’m not really sure what the etiquette around that is so if you want to be moots just ask!!!
I love music of any genre please recommend me bands!!
also if you’re able to guess the main song I listened to while working on a drawing i’ll take a drawing request from you!! no specific guidelines for it, just family friendly and not morally gross
I mainly post fanart but every once in a while I might post a self portrait or something.
you can find my art under #what a funny artwork
random text posts under #yapping
and any fundraisers I reblog under #donate
(I check through every fundraiser I reblog but I can’t guarantee complete accuracy on how legitimate they are because i’m just not knowledgeable about that sort of thing)
i’m in a shit ton of fandoms so don’t expect a ton of consistency but in general the main ones are
love bullet
gravity falls
the magnus archives (I also enjoy the magnus protocol but i’m not caught up on it rn so don’t expect much about it)
five nights at freddy’s
the dragon prince
red dead redemption 2
the spider-verse movies
the owl house
my hero academia
there are probably some others i’m forgetting but those are the main ones!!
i’m painfully indecisive and have a bad tendency to work on multiple drawings at once so I post a lot of polls asking which drawing people want to see first
I felt like this needed more so uhhh I really like birds. like a lot. especially vultures. please someone talk with me about vultures they’re so cool
I don’t really know how the whole account tags thing works so if I messed up somehow please let me know!
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too-many-lavellans · 3 months
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Von Lavellan
Clan Alchemist, Inquisition Researcher Rift Mage
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book--brackets · 1 year
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wheretwofacesmeet · 11 months
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pulling-a-jowan · 27 days
Scout Harding is my work wife (aside from my actual wife, Josephine, who I also work with)
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taski-guru · 17 days
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Line art of the adopt (adopt was sold)
NOT a free line art!
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its-leethee · 1 year
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Aw, they gave Stella the water-breathing amulet so she could go underwater with Rayla.
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