#and I'm soooooo over it I'm not going to ask for their help anymore just for them to be dismissive and cruel again.
feluka · 1 year
i have a 3 hour final exam tomorrow and because of my shoulder pain, my dominant hand aches very badly if i use it continuously for an extended period of time. and by extended period i mean like 15 minutes. i was specifically instructed by the doctor NOT to write/draw for more than an hour without taking a break or else i might cause further damage. i have a signed note from the doctor and my uni is basically like "ummm and we should care because??" i really hate this i do!
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Hi! I have a writing idea, but I neither have the skill nor the motivation to turn it into a full story, so I thought of sharing it with you because *grips you by the shoulders with tired eyes* you have soooooo many writing ideas, and most of them inspired this brainrot in the first place
It all starts with Tim Drake living the good life. He's married, he has an aquarium full of fish, he's Aquaman's No. 1 Rival in being loved by fishes, and he's a mentor of most Young Heroes of that generation.
He's literally a grandpa (grand-uncle? grunkle?) with a good relationship with his brothers and Bruce, and a loving and spicy relationship with his partners (I can't choose between Kon and Bernard so they're poly)
He dies of old age with no regrets, content with his life and full of hope for the future.
And then he wakes the fuck up.
What. Was. Was none of that real? Did everything good that happened just a dream? A figment of his imagination?
Because not only did he not wake up, he woke up in a pool of his own blood within Titan's Tower. Jason was still there, painting on the wall with the blood that Tim spilled, still wearing that laughingly atrocious costume.
This is bullshit.
Was his life too good that the universe decided "Ha. Fuck you. You need to suffer more, Bitch," and chucked him all the way to the past?
Jason notices him awake, picks up Tim's bō, and prepares to whack Tim.
But Tim barely cares. He's hurting in so many places. He misses his husbands. He just wanted his forever vacation.
He closes his eyes and just waits for the unconsciousness to happen.
It happens, and the next time he wakes up, Nightwing is hovering over him, and Batman is walking away to hunt Red Hood down.
Tim takes in a deep breath. Exhales slowly.
Bruce pauses in his walk, Dick is gaping, and Alfred simply blinks at the side.
Dick tries to placate him. "Tim, calm down--"
Tim was panting now. But he didn't care. He remembered heart to hearts with Jason. He remembered how he and Jason had matching neck scars, and how much pain Jason's face was in when he shared what happened between him and Bruce.
"We need to restrain, Bruce. He's going to kill Jason. He's going to put Jason back in the grave if we let him go out."
Everyone pauses, Dick and Alfred's eyes widened in horrified shock. Bruce's face paled.
Tim may have exaggerated a bit, but they don't know that. Because Jason still died. His heart restarts later, but it really doesn't erase what happened.
"I don't kill."
Tim scoffed.
"Just because a man doesn't die at that moment, doesn't mean he won't die later if he's left for dead.
"Jason is going to make you choose between him and the Joker. You're going to save the Joker. And Jason? Because he's no longer how you remember him? He's going to be left with so many injuries caused by you. And you'd want no one helping him, because you don't believe that the Jason that came back is even him anymore. Ergo, an indirect killing, Batman."
Tim glares at Alfred. "I don't fucking care if you're on Bruce's side." Then, he snarls at Dick, "And I don't fucking care if you know Bruce more than I do!"
"I don't give a damn that Jason hunted me down for some twisted revenge or some shit.
"But here's what I do care about: I worked too hard in making sure that the idea of Batman doesn't get tarnished. I'm Robin now. I'm here because I believe you need a Robin. And I'm going to do my fucking job of being your leash if it's the last thing I do!"
Bruce is just fucking standing there.
Tim wants to rip that cowl off.
He already went through sooooo many heartbreaking conversations with Bruce in his old life. Why does he have to go through this again?! Did Jason and Bruce not talk about this with each other in the other timeline?! Does Tim have to bridge their relationship and mediate like he does when Dick comes to visit?
Fuck this life.
Ahhhh, Tim misses his husbands so much, why couldn't they regress back in time with him?
After a few moments, Bruce.
He fucking leaves!
Tim gapes, he glances to Dick with his disbelief clear on his face, and then he grabs a pillow and screams into it.
Fuck. Fuck-fuckity-fuck-fuck.
Tim is soooooo not doing this anymore. He's 16 again, c'mon! He doesn't even feel any of his joint pains (which may be because of the anesthesia, but whatever.)
Tim turns to Dick with a grim expression.
"Call Superman," he says. "And Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter. Heck, even call Green Lantern and Flash."
"Why?" he asks.
This motherfucker even had the gall to be confused.
"Because you're the Justice League's eldest child that they raised together as a village," Tim says slowly, as if he's talking to a preschooler. "Let's not give a fuck about the 'no metas in Gotham' rule, and start giving a fuck about all we could accomplish by letting so many adultier adults help us."
Thank Billy Batson Dick nods.
"We're gonna save Jason?"
Tim shrugs, lies down, and tugs his blanket over his whole body. "I don't give a fuck about Jason, Dick."
"I just care about making sure that Batman doesn't turn into a villain to his own children. He's already fucked up so bad with you, Dick. We gotta make sure he doesn't fuck up any more, especially when Bruce wants to bring Jason home some time later when he stops being an ass."
Tim makes a mental note to make sure that Bruce doesn't get any mind control technology on his hands either.
He hears Dick sigh, slide his chair back, and probably stand up.
"I'll be back," he says softly.
Tim grunts like the true bat-child he is.
Finally, Dick leaves.
Unfortunately, Alfred was still here.
In the previous timeline... Tim never got a heart to heart with Alfred about all the things the man did and didn't do. And he thought he moved on but...
This is the man who gave him the Robin suit first. This is the man who he helped take dishes away from the table every time Dick and Bruce gets onto their violent screaming matches. This is the man who everyone put on the pedestal, but is Tim's equal in everything regarding Bruce's wellbeing.
And it hurt. It hurt so much when only Tim is witness to all of this man's flaws.
Aaaaand then I got nothing else to add. I have no idea where I was going with this but here is the culmination of my hatred for Batman, my disenchantment with Alfred, and my need for Tim to scream his heart out because, no. Tim did not die contentedly. He did not actually die a natural death of old age. And the only hope for the future he has is of him meeting up with Kon and Bernard in heaven while everything else on earth can crash and burn for all he cares.
Hello!!!! I'm so glad you shared this and for the compliments. It makes me really happy to see people sharing their AUs. It kind of feels like a community project? People will reblog or do asks for different AUs, so lots of people end up contributing. I love that this is the direction this blog has taken.
As far as what you've shared? Positively beautiful. Fuck Bruce, Tim deserves the chance to scream, and I agree about Alfred. I love that man.... but only some versions of him. What he did to Tim was foul, and his tendency to just stand aside (to not stop Bruce) is horrid. Fuck that bystander shit.
For your time travel AU, I love that he died peacefully and old before being thrown into the hell that was his childhood again. Even worse, it's during Titan's Tower, so he can't change anything that leads up to that. He's thrown smack into the thick of all the drama and bullshit.
Also, rip Tim's relationships in the AU. Unless his husbands got transported back in time with him, he wouldn't be able to fall in love with them. He'd look at their younger selves and see them as the children they are (and the kid he no longer feels like).
To add onto that, he might feel older than Bruce too. If Bruce is 35 ish in this and Tim was like 70, he probably sees Bruce as a grown adult who's also a baby. That man needs to get his shit together, but gods is he so fucking young and stupid.
Special parts I loved:
Fish loving Tim more than Aquaman
Tim going from hard-earned decent relationships with his family to the sewage of his Robin years
The acknowledgement that Tim was Alfred's equal on taking care of Bruce (and how much that betrayal hurt)
Jason actually dying when his throat was cut (that's my hc too)
Tim immediately getting the JL involved
I would so be down with exploring this AU more. Your writing is also fantastic!
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Puppy!eddie eats you out soooooo much when you adopt puppy!Steve. Won’t let you get up until he’s satisfied, and coincidentally that’s usually when you can’t walk anywhere anyway. Always wants to show you what a good puppy he is, needs you to call him good boy. But he can get a tad more feral when he’s really into the throes of enjoying his treat, he’ll growl at your new addition when he walks into the room because that’s his pussy. To lick and eat and knot and breed and birth his litter and make squirt everywhere. You’ll go to attend to Steve and Eddie is pressing you to the floor, not letting you up as he buries his entire face in you. Jealous baby
But Steve sees what’s going on all the time. Smells it. Buries himself in a nest of your dirty laundry basket, that has your underwear Eddie used a little before tearing off in it, so he’s very acquainted with the scent. One day you wake up to licks down there, the feeling of wet tongue lapping needily over and over at you waking you up, before the sloppy, and tail thumping sounds. But when you look down it’s your new pup Steve eating you out. Instead of how Eddie does some mornings. He had humped you a bit before, to show you his feelings, but he’d never gone anywhere near this far before. Eddie wouldn’t have let him. Although when Eddie wakes up, in the same bed, there’s hell to pay. That’s the first actually physical fight you have to break up between the two
cw: hybrid au with dog hybrid!eddie and dog hybrid!steve. don't like don't read, or block the tag 'hybrid au' below. hybrid au faq
this post is 18+, minors dni.
shut uuuuppp oh my god there's no denying it anymore i'm a whore and that's it.
it's both possessive and for praise, eddie wants you to gush about how fantastic it feels while steve's in the other room definitely able to hear you 'cause eddie's a little insecure about this guy just showing up and staying - he definitely takes pride in the blush on steve's cheeks when he walks out after making you scream and makes dinner for the three of you (because your legs are too wobbly to stand at the stove). but something angry and hot burns at eddie's insides when steve tries butting in, even if he isn't trying to snatch you away from eddie he's asking if you guys can watch a movie tonight or letting you know that he cleaned out the fridge 'cause he saw something sticky in there when he was getting a snack earlier. they're all comments and requests that you fawn over him for, so eddie doubles down and keeps you in his grip so that if you're gonna be thanking steve for the chores he did or promising to rent a specific movie for the night you're gonna be creaming on his tongue while you do it <3
there is something so special to me about perv hybrid!steve... like he knows what he's doing is wrong, sneaking into your closet and taking your panties, he knows he shouldn't be doing it, especially 'cause you're so nice to have taken him in in the first place, he just can't help it. eddie's driving him crazy, showing you off as if to say that steve will never get you the way eddie does, and one morning he just can't take it anymore. he decides to just go for it, he kisses up your thighs and presses sweet kisses to your clit through your underwear and buries his nose in your clothed cunt and when you start getting wet he dives in and eats you out. he's voracious, licking and sucking and drooling and panting as he devours you, he knows now why eddie's so attached to eating you out because he's sure as hell never gonna stop his spit is so plentiful that it's mixing with your slick and running down your ass, which he happily licks up and soaks his face in your slick <3 he's definitely not trying to wake you or eddie up, he's just trying to make you feel good and finally satiate some of his own urges, but you obviously wake up from the feeling, and he only gets more enthusiastic when you pet his ears and tug gently on his hair and whimper and moan and all of that good stuff <33 but of course, those sounds make eddie wake up, and that's when all hell breaks loose. you really think eddie's gonna bite steve, you're desperately trying to shove yourself between them before eddie starts throwing punches, but they're swearing at each other and they're both trying to push you away so that you don't get caught in the middle.
eventually you're able to calm them down! it's definitely a turning point in your relationship, the three of you make peace as one unit instead of you separately placating eddie and steve, but the more eddie gets used to the concept of sharing you, the more chill he'll be when steve decides it's his turn to wake you up <3
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pianostarinwonderland · 6 months
pov piano goes insane over azul (real)(not clickbait)
this ask was actually sent in the last octa manga update but it is relevant again with the new update
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may i take your hand i want your hand i like your hand so much pls sir
god also the mirror to the og scene in the movie like. god. god god god. i love it im in love dear god dear god dear god
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whyyyyyy does he look so hot like that WHYYYYYYYYYYYY AM I DOWN BAD FOR THIS
and we can't forget to mention.
the one. that one . the one . the one the one the one
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ok i am so glad they went off with tis update though because ik that next month won't really give me much azul <///3 it will be the scene where adeuce and jack help grim and yuuta with accommodations, so svnc stans will have their time to shine
ok im normal now.
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bluegalaxygirl · 6 months
Hi, may I request a oneshot or whichever you feel comfortable writing with Zosan x reader reacting to their new bounties. Reader, who has one of the highest bounties, tries to cheer up Chopper and Sanji about theirs and Zoro just teases Sanji about his. Poor Chopper still has a very low one and Sanji still got that ugly picture of him on it, extra kudos if you make a smal mention about Luffy’s situation at the end!! Here’s the link if you’re interested watching the clip. Thank you soooooo~ much hun and hope you’re having a beautiful day!! ❤️❤️❤️
I'm happy too do this its so fun and i hope you like it. Also how can i not mention Luffy in a cage and Nami going super nova on him and Jinbe for trying to help the boy.
Zoro X Sanji X Reader, Poly relationship, Established relationship, reader is Female and has the ability to control the snake tattoos on her arms that come alive when she commands, they are also connected to her emotions.
Warning: Spoilers, Bad language, Violence and Fluff.
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Nami clung to you as she cried, her bounty went up but all she could think of was having that kind of money "Nami thats amazing, you did so well to get such a high bounty" You smile a little as you rub her hair "Its not fair i want that kind of money, do you know what i could do with 366 million?" The orange haired girl looks up at you her eyes streaming with tears, with a sigh you use your sleeve to wipe away her tears and run a hand through her hair to get it out of her face "I'm sorry" A mumble catches your attention looking over to see Luffy locked in a cage, his face beaten up and puffy thanks to the navigator "Please let me out" The captain holds onto the bars as you grab Nami who tries to hit him again and yell at him, you soon manage to calm Nami down and pull her to face you "Sit down and relax ok. I'll check on you later" You state patting her head and helping her sit on the railing of the Sunny, she does some breathing exercises as you walk away only to stop when you hear a whimper form Luffy "Sorry Captain but i don't want my ass beat" You sigh walking over and patting him on the head "I'm sorry" He states again but you only nod before walking away, you wanted to help him but you were scared of Nami's wrath. You hadn't had a chance to look at your own wanted poster yet since your main job now was to calm those who took their bounty's hard, you managed help calm Usopp before, who was scared about being a target because of his high bounty. The poor sniper was now sitting against the wall still staring into space but at least his eyes weren't bulging out of his face anymore.
Robin managed to calm Chopper down by giving him some cotton candy, the poor reindeer's bounty went up but it was still the lowest on the crew and the poster also called him a pet. "You ok now?" You ask walking over to the doctor who's sitting on Robin's lap and eating his cotton candy "They still called me a pet" Chopper whimpers shoving the candy into his mouth, with a small sad sigh you bed down and pat his head as Robin rubs his back "It went up a lot so don't worry too much, the government is stupid and often doesn't bother to get their facts straight, I mean poor Franky's poster just shows the Sunny" Your comment seems to make the deer cheer up a bit as Robin giggles behind him "So i'm guessing yours went up too? How much?" You ask turning your attention to the black haired woman. Robin looks up at you with a closed eye'd smile "930 million" Your eyes widen at it since its much higher than your old bounty but you soon snap out of your shock and stand up straight with a smile "Nice one robin" You cheer for her as she lets out a small laugh before reaching to grab something and handing it to you "Oh by the way i think this one is supposed to be yours but i'm not sure" With a confused look you hesitantly take the wanted poster off her and look it over, your even more confused now than you were before. The image was of your two snakes destroying a building with just the simple name of "2 snakes". You gasp a little at the bounty feeling your heart drop "What's wrong?" Chopper asks looking up form his now empty stick while Robin gives you a sad look.
You try to hide how your feelings with a small smile "It's ok... like is said the government get things wrong all the time but at least your not the lowest anymore" You smile down at the reindeer showing him the bounty poster with the price of 500 berries. The doctor jumps up in shock about to yell when someone crashes behind you, the three of you look behind you to see Zoro getting up with a growl "Bastard" Sanji yells kicking down to the floor but Zoro moves out of the way and blocks another kick with his sword. With a sigh you roll the paper up and put it in your pocket and pinch the bridge of your nose. Jinbe walks over trying to calm the two down but you place your hand on the fish-mans shoulder "What are they fighting about now?" You ask watching your two loves continue to fight, you knew it wouldn't last too long but Sanji seemed way more pissed this time. Jinbe simply hands you the two wanted posters, looking them over you smile proud of your two boys but you notice a few problems right away. The first thing that you noticed was Sanji's old image that he hates more than anything is back on his wanted poster and even though his bounty went up a lot to 1 billion, 32 million, the cook was now bellow Zoro, the swordsman's being 1 Billion, 111 million. "I'll take care of this don't worry" You hand the wanted posters back to the fish-man earning a concerned look only for Brook to walk over and place his hand on Jinbe's shoulder "Yoohoo, don't worry, she'll calm them down" The skeleton smile being very happy about his own bounty going up.
Walking over you manage to catch what their yelling at each other as they fight across the deck of the Sunny "It's not my fault your a 4th placer" Zoro laughs with a wide grin seeing the Cook glare at him and kick at his chest "I'm gonna kick your ass" Sanji yells only for you to grab his leg as he tries to kick Zoro while your other hand grabs Zoro's wrist which is holding his swords. The two look at you with a gulp knowing their in trouble with the unamused look your giving them "Shouldn't you both be happy not fighting" You glare at the two letting go of them, so they can back away form each other and rub the back of their heads "Sorry Love but" Sanji goes to say only for you to place a finger on his lips and take the unlit cigarette out of his mouth "No But's... now kiss and make up already" You sigh putting the cigarette in his pocket and patting his chest not really wanting to deal with the two's bickering, its normally very playful but you could tell the two really pissed each other off, Zoro sighs and steps closer placing his sword back on his hip "Sorry... I was just messing around... i didn't mean to upset you" Zoro rubs the back of his head looking over at Sanji who suddenly hugs the swordsman while lightly crying "They changed my picture back" The cook cry's, Zoro hugs the blonde back and rubs his back trying to sooth the man "I know honey, their assholes" You step closer rubbing Sanji's arm as Zoro nods in agreement not really knowing what to say to cheer the cook up. "But i'm proud of you two.... your bounties went up so much" You giggle hearing Sanji sniffle and pull away to wipe his eyes trying to stop himself from crying.
You reach up and wipe his cheek as he turns to look at you then Zoro "Thanks love... I'm sorry I was just so mad about my bounty picture that when you made a comment i just blew up" The cook explains looking at his hands that are resting on Zoro's shoulders. The swordsman sighs placing a small kiss on the cooks head before pulling the blonde into another hug wrapping his other arm around you and pulling you into them "It's ok" His simple words make Sanji calm down a bit nuzzling his head into Zoro's neck while putting his arm around your shoulder and running a hand through your hair "So did you see yours yet?" Zoro asks smirking down at you only for your body to stiffen feeling embarrassed by your new low bounty, the two notice turning their attention to you "Oh Love it's ok if its not as high as ours, we still love you" Sanji smiles cupping your face and kissing around your face making you giggle and try and pull away, Zoro on the other hand is very concerned looking you over soon spotting the rolled up wanted poster in your back pocket. The Swordsman grabs it and opens it before you can stop him "No wait" You yell trying to grab it as his eyes widen but the green haired man lifts it up out of your reach "Give it Zoro" You panic a little hoping to tell them in privet in case they cause a scene again, Sanji raises an eyebrow and looks at the poster his eyes going as wide as Zoro's both shocked.
You sigh giving up and put your face in your hands "The Fuck?" Zoro finally speaks his hand tightening around the paper, you were worried he would destroy it "This has to be a mistake right?" Sanji asks looking form the wanted poster to you pulling your hands away form your face "Their gonna pay for this. Those bastards" Zoro yells throwing the wanted poster aside trying not to tare it up into tiny piece "It's ok really" You state trying to calm the two down but it doesn't seem to work the angry looks are still on their faces. Zoro pulls you into him holding you close to his chest "We'll get it fixed i promise you" The swordsman had no idea how to change the bounty but that didn't matter, if he had to destroy a marine base for you he would. Sanji places a kiss on your head getting you to look up at him "Don't worry love" The cook could tell you were sad even though your trying to hide it, their comfort made you feel much better but you did hate how you did so much work and fought so hard only to end up with your bounty going way down and your name and picture not even on it. You kept thinking it must be some big mistake but you didn't find any other wanted poster around. Foot steps get your attention, looking over you see Robin carrying chopper in her arms both of them giving you a sad look "We're sorry" Chopper holds out cotton candy on a stick making you smile wide and take it "Thank you Chopper, your so sweet" You giggle as he wiggles in the Robins arms making the back haired woman giggle.
Seeing the situation seeming much calmer the new member of the crew decides to head over "I'm glad you've calmed down, nice work Y/N" Jinbe walks over with a smile bowing a little at you, rubbing the back of your head you nervously laugh not used to this kind of formality. "Is something wrong?" The fish-man asks noticing the others around you either angry or sad you jump a little and shake your head "No, no its nothing" You didn't want anymore trouble or fuss but your boys seemed to have other ideas, with his hands still on your waist Zoro growls "Y/n's bounty went down" Sanji nods placing a hand on your lower back "Those idiots got everything wrong too." The cook yells catching the other's attention wondering what all the yelling is about "Their gonna pay for this, how dare they" Zoro growls making you sigh and hand the cotton candy back to chopper so you can try and stop the two form yelling "boys please, lets not make a big deal out of this" you turn trying to calm the two down placing your hands on their chests but that doesn't stop them as they yell about how their going to tare the government apart. Jinbe tried to help you out only to get yelled at soon being pulled away by Robin and Chopper who know better than to mess with the two when their like this. Nami and Usopp look at each other hearing about your low bounty getting upset at their own reactions, both of them were upset for different reasons but at least their bounty's went up. The two nodded to each other heading off in different directions while Brook and Franky stayed well out of the way not wanting the two's anger to be turned on them.
You managed to calm the two down as best you could but Zoro was still mad "Babe, they lowered your bounty aren't you mad?" Zoro asks looking down at you his hands gripping your hips tight, it hurt a little but you just wanted them to stop so you stayed put "I am but yelling and screaming isn't going to solve anything" you calmly tell the two making them both groan in annoyance "You did so much, its just wrong" Sanji growls but you place you hand on his cheek and give him a soft smile "I know" you whisper leaning up and placing a kiss on his lips, the cook kisses back running his hand up and down your back before you pull away and turn to Zoro who leans closer "You calm?" You ask leaning back, so he can't kiss you, the swordsman sighs taking a second before nodding, leaning in you place your other hand on his check and place your lips on his rubbing your thumb over his cheek. "Urm... Y/N?" Usopp calls out standing close to the caged up Luffy holding a wanted poster in his hands. You pull away and turn to the sniper with a hum, you pause though once you see his eyes, their wide, and he's panting slightly "Usopp?" You ask concerned for your friend, Franky walks over placing a hand on the snipers shoulder to try and snap him out of what ever trance he's in while looking down at the wanted poster. A huge smile grows on the cyborgs face as he starts laughing wiping tears form his eyes in joy "What?" you yell out slightly annoyed at what Franky is laughing at.
Sanji raises an eyebrow and places a hand on your shoulder to try and calm you down as Zoro looks around wondering if they got their hands on the wanted poster he threw away but it was still on the floor. "Sorry.... i can't believe it" Franky manages to calm down as Usopp starts to shake "Your wanted poster was in the tree" The sniper manages to finally looking over at you in slight fear "My wanted poster? so that isn't mine?" You ask looking over at the paper on the floor "Dam girl, your bounty went way up..... It's 2 billion" Franky smiles wide giving you a thumb up, you gasp running over and snatching the wanted poster out of Usopp's hands. It was true, your picture was on there and your name along with the price of 2 billion berries. "What?" Nami gasps clinging onto Chopper who hugs her back shocked at the amount while the others cheer or laugh. You smile wide and hug the poster to your chest relief and joy washing over you only for two body's to tackle you, you squeak a little as Zoro and Sanji pull you into a hug the both of them smiling wide "No way... your is the second highest" Sanji laughs kissing your head as Zoro burys his head in your neck "Well done baby" The swordsman whispers hearing you laugh and cry slightly with joy, you can't believe it but its right there on paper. Sanji kisses your cheek making his way over to your lips which you gladly lean into kissing him back even with a big smile on your face. Zoro kisses your neck and once you've stopped kissing Sanji he garbs your cheek and crashes his lips onto yours.
Luffy mumbles something behind you that you can't make out while attempting to smile and give you a thumbs up "Shut it" Nami yells hitting him on the hand he reached out before turning to you "This is awesome" she states once the two boys have finally let you go. You let the two look over your wanted poster as you hug Nami "Super" Franky cheers doing his stance making you laugh and thank him "Imagine what i can do with that kind of money" Nami evilly smirks holding you tighter, you knew she was joking but there's always room for doubt so you pull away with ease and pat her head "You gonna hand me in for the money Nam? Too bad, i guess no more spar days" You turn only for the girl to grab your waist "I would never" you laugh and turn patting her head. Looking over your wanted poster Zoro smirks turning to look at Sanji who's eyes look almost heart like as he looks over your picture "I was wrong for calling you fourth place" The swordsman's words get Sanji to look up with a small smile "I know it's ok" The cook's smile fades though when seeing Zoro's cocky grin "It should be fifth place" letting go of the wanted poster he grabs his sword pulling it out to block Sanji's kick "Oh you wanna play three swords?" Sanji yells shoving your wanted poster into Usopp who's still frozen before starting to fight with the green haired man again but with a cocky smile no longer fueled by anger. Jinbe try's to clam the two down but as he gets closer you place a hand on his shoulder "Don't worry their just messing around now. no harm" You calmly state making the fish-man look form you back at the the boys "How can you tell?" He asks only hearing you giggle and walk away "You'll get used to it, just look at their faces"
Making your way back over you take the wanted poster off Usopp and pat his shoulder "You ok their bud?" You ask managing to snap him out of his own head "Y-Yea, its just..... we're gonna have so many people after us now" The sniper gulps as you pat his shoulder "Don't worry we'll protect you" You reassure him before pushing him over to the men's quarters "Why don't you go and lay down, put your feet up" The sniper nods at your words and walks into the room leaving you to close the door for him, you couldn't help but shake your head at him taking a seat on the mast bench and watching the rest of your crew before looking down at your wanted poster. "Y/n?" Chopper runs over holding a wanted poster in one hand while the other holds the cotton candy before jumping up to sit next to you and holding the paper out to you, taking it you look it over seeing it's the one you thought was yours but it makes sense now, this wanted poster is for your snakes not you. "I don't get it... if the snakes are a part of you then why do they have their own bounty?" The Doctor asks looking over the wanted posters in your hands while eating some of the candy "Like i said before the Government gets things wrong, maybe they don't know" You shrug rolling up the posters and putting them to your side before patting Choppers head "You feeling better now? your bounty's not the lowest now, my snakes are" you giggle getting the reindeer to smile up at you and nod offering you some of the candy.
Things had calmed down a lot but your poor captain was still in the cage hanging form the tree, Nami was still mad but you and Sanji deiced to sneak him some food while Zoro kept watch in case the navigator showed up. Luffy was grateful although you and Sanji had to tell him to shut up multiple times when he was talking about how good the food was "Sorry Captain" You whisper as you follow Sanji to the kitchen with the empty plates, you wished you could just let him out but again you were scared of Nami's wrath if she found out it was you. Zoro entered the kitchen soon after wrapping his arms around you as you washed the last of the dishes and handed them to Sanji to dry, the swordsman hummed into your neck before kissing it, you could feel the smile on his face. "What?" You ask knowing he's either thinking of something or is up to something, either way you know it's gonna affect your night "Nothing, just thinking about the bounties, thats all" Zoro chuckles moving to the other side of your neck kissing up that one too, Sanji rolls his eyes and takes the last plate you hand him and drying it "You sure thats all?" The cook asks watching as the swordsman lets you go to grab his waits pulling Sanji's back into Zoro's chest "Maybe" the green haired man reaches up to pull the cooks shirt collar down before kissing his neck. Emptying the sink of water and drying your hand you lean against the counter watching the two wondering what the swordsman's up too, he hasn't had too much to drink, so he's not touchy because of that so it has to be something else.
Your brought out of your thoughts by Zoro grabbing your waist and pulling you into him "Stop thinking so much" The swordsman leans down crashing his lips onto yours, you hum relaxing into him and kissing back feeling his tongue work its way into your mouth, he's being more gentle than normal but you ignore it for the time being. Sanji puts the towel down and runs his hand through your hair watching with love filled eyes, he's also been wondering what Zoro is up too, but he doesn't want to stop all the love and attention he's getting. Zoro soon pulls away leaving you breathless as your hand grips his shoulder feeling slightly light-headed but the swordsman just smirks turning to Sanji who runs his hand up Zoro's arm and too his cheek. The swordsman grips the cook's waist tighter as he crashes his lips onto the blonde, Zoro moans slightly when Sanji opens his mouth before the green haired man can even move his tongue feeling the eagerness to be loved. The two make out as you catch your breath, you couldn't take your eyes off them, handsome, strong, supportive and loving, how did you get so lucky? Zoro soon pulls away panting slightly but with a big smile as Sanji moves his hand to your chin getting you to look at him before leaning in to place his lips on yours. It was light and sweet at first but soon deepened as you open your mouth wanting more, the cook obliges his tongue meeting yours as your lips move together. You hum into it letting him know its good to which he hums back getting a little rougher and harder starting to get really into it.
You have no chose but to pull away when you need air, looking up at Sanji as you both pant you notice a little bit of blood running his nose, you reach up and rub it away. "Gods your both so sexy" The swordsman mutters making the cook blush and you giggle lightly and wipe the blood on your thumb on a napkin "Zo.... what do you want?" Sanji asks his cheeks red as the swordsman leans closer just to tease him "Just you two" Zoro chuckles placing kisses along Sanji's neck before going to yours and doing the same. You now know why he's acting like this, he's a very proud man and with all the excitement and bounties being very high he must be overjoyed. "Just say your proud of us hunk" running your hand through his hair the swordsman looks up at you and Sanji placing his hands on your cheeks pulling your faces closer to his "I'm proud of you two" Those words fill you with so much joy you can't help but kiss the two, all three of your lips meeting at the same time. A three-way kiss is very rare and for special occasions but all three of you enjoy it trying to make it last as your tongues meet and lips touch. Unfortunately when air is needed you all have to pull away but you keep close while trying to catch your breaths, you couldn't be more happy with today, your bounty sky-rocketed and your snakes got their own bounty. You also couldn't be prouder and happier for the two you love, not only are their bounties much higher now, but they tried to defend you when you thought your bounty was so low. "I love you two" You smile at them as you all hold each other with your foreheads pressed together "I love you both too" Sanji gives you a loving smile before looking at Zoro who closes his eye feeling relaxed "Love you both."
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
Friendship Prompt: You're sad and the guys are there for you
Warnings: none. gender neutral reader. guys are 17-20. some self-loathing and insecurity
You have had enough. How dare your boss/teacher bite your head off over one minor mistake? All you did was hand in an assignment/proposal with a minor spelling mistake, and boom! You're now the worst person to have ever existed.
The entire ordeal really set something off inside of you. You felt angry, you felt hurt, but you actually felt bad about yourself the most. You felt like you just couldn't do anything right anymore. Every little thing you did and suddenly it was like you murdered a bunch of puppies.
This hadn't been the first time this week you got your head chewed off. Your friend got mad at you for asking if you could borrow a top after you spilled something on yours. Suddenly you were needy and took advantage of people. Then you kept messing up while doing (favorite hobby) and now your boss/teacher yelled at you. Everything has just boiled over.
You just wanted to be alone and not see anyone. Normally you'd go to the lair to hang out with the guys but today you just wanted to be by yourself. You were scared that you were going to make one of the guys mad or do something that would cause a disturbance on accident. It was best in your opinion to just go home.
You unlocked your apartment door and walked in. The TV was playing and there was talking from the kitchen. You slowly closed the door and took off your shoes, setting your bag down. You walked in and saw the Knicks were playing on the TV. Mikey was sitting on the ground in front. Donnie was standing at your island with a bag of cheese puffs in his hand, making comments about the latest play. Raph was on the recliner, an orange crush in his hand and what appeared to be a bowl of popcorn on his knee. Leo was quietly sitting at the island, munching on some doritos.
The sight wasn't unusual, in fact it was quite the opposite. The guys often came over for the Knicks game because, well they never gave a reason, but they were often in your space watching the game. They'd bring over a ton of snacks cause they have big apetites and just pig out and yell at the TV. You found it homey.
They also wondered to your apartment sometimes after patrol on the weekends and you'd find them the next morning. You'd make them breakfast and help them clean up. They'd spend the entire day with you, lounging and watching movies.
"Hey Y/N." Donnie greeted you, wiping his mouth on a napkin then walking over to you, leaning down and kissing the crown of your head. "Game just started."
"Yay Y/N's here!" Mikey cheered, jumping up and coming over to you, hugging you. "I haven't seen you in so long, babe!"
You let out a breathy chuckle, patting his shell. "You saw me yesterday."
"That was soooooo long ago." He whined, planting a kiss on your cheek.
"Yeah yeah, back up." Raph grumbled, pushing Mikey away from you before planting a kiss on your other cheek. "How ya doin?"
"I'm okay." You replied, a small smile coming on to your face from all the affection. "Long day, I'd rather just not talk about it."
Raph patted your head before heading back to his spot on the recliner. Mikey kissed your cheek one more time before going back over to his spot.
"Here! Allow me to make you an ice cream sundae that's scientifically proven to boost morale." Donnie offered, opening your freezer.
You appreciated that about Donnie. He didn't pry but he would try in small ways to cheer you up. He always used the "scientifically proven" excuse whenever he suggested anything/offered to do something to make you feel better. You knew, he knew, that it wasn't scientifically proven, but it was a cute way of saying "let me cheer you up."
You didn't protest, instead you pulled out the chair next to Leo and sat down. You noticed he had made tea, you could smell the jasmine coming from his empty cup that sat next to him.
Leo wiped his mouth with a napkin before leaning over and planting a kiss to your forehead. "That bad, huh?"
Donnie reached over and handed you a big bowl of ice cream with sprinkles, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and gunmy bears on top.
"Bonn Appétite!" Donnie cheered, patting your head and returning back to his bag of cheese puffs.
"Thanks." You told him, taking the bowl and looking at Leo. "I just feel like I keep doing everything wrong like all the time."
"Says who?"
You took a bite of ice cream and sighed. You couldn't help but to feel this way. Everytime you felt like things were going right and falling in to place, it just all falls apart. You were at the point in your life where you wanted to just enjoy where you were. You wanted to not have to second guess yourself or walk on egg shells. You were tired.
The energy in the room had shifted and the air became dense. You could feel the weight of your bad week just coming down on your shoulders. You felt worse than you did on the way home.
"Why are ya crying?" Raph's voice rang through the living room.
You reached your hand up and felt your face. You were crying and didn't even notice it.
"I-I am?" You asked, hurriedly wiping your face with your free hand, feeling your cheeks wet. "I'm sorry."
"Awww c'mere my little angel puff." Mikey cooed, coming to your side and setting your ice cream on the island before hugging you.
Mikey's hugs were either wild and tight, or warm and comfy. This was one of those warm and comfy hugs were you feel nothing but love and security. You felt shielded, protected, safe. He just knew when the right hug was needed, it was his sixth sense.
"It's..It's just been a hard week." You whispered, sniffling lightly, nuzzling into Mikey's plastron.
"Aw Y/N, we all have hard weeks. Nothing to be ashamed of. It's okay." Donnie said from behind the island.
"C'mon kid, no need ta cry. In fact, I'll tell ya what." Raph said, you could hear him get up. "Tell me who it is and they won't eva do it again."
"You can't beat up my boss/teacher, Raph." You mumbled, pulling away from Mikey. You felt Mikey still rubbing your back. You wiped your eyes.
"Why? They a girl?"
"Raph." Leo snapped, hitting his brother in the shoulder.
"Hey," Raph put his hands up, "I wouldn't hit'er, I'd just make'er cry a little."
Raph was ever the protector. Fiercly loyal and always ready to have your back. You recalled one time where an ex-friend had called you and was giving you a hard time. Raph over heard and practically ripped the phone from you and gave them an ass chewing. You never did hear from them again.
"You wanna talk about it?" Leo asked, his blue eyes filled with concern. You shook your head. "We're all ears when you're ready." He gently patted your shoulder.
Leo didn't pry and he didn't push. Instead he offered small gestures of comfort. Not a man of many words but his eyes held his vulnerable emotions. He was precise and intentional with his actions. You appreciated how soft and kind he could be and how he knew when it was appropriate.
Mikey lifted you up and grabbed your ice cream bowl, handing it to you. "I say cuddles from Michaelangelo is the perfect medicine."
"Leave some Y/N for the rest of us." Donnie complained, a mouth full of cheese puffs.
"Now we ain't ever gonna get'em back." Raph grumbled, his lips turning in to a small pout.
"It was my turn." Leo mumbled, you could hear the pout in his voice.
You chuckled as Mikey carried you to the middle couch and sat with you in his lap. His arms were securely around your waist and his chin was on your shoulder.
Maybe this is exactly what you needed, not to be alone.
"You're so cuddly, Y/N." He whispered, a smile on his face.
Suddenly you didn't feel bad anymore.
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aloneinthehellfire · 10 months
Chapter Five: The Cabin
Gates Of Hell Masterlist
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Word Count: 4982
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, feeling abandoned, the usual bickering, mentions of absent fathers, some of this is almost sweet I'm surprised I could even write it
[A/N: this chapter isn't particularly exciting but definitely important. i know we're all here for the steve x reader moments so how could i disappoint?]
The Cabin
Plan A: Find Hopper at the cabin.
“I told you, we’re going the wrong way!”
“No, it’s literally this way! I’m not blind!”
“Are we sure?!”
You and Steve had been wondering around the woods ever since day leaked through the night. Not that it was easy to tell anymore; the dark clouds were consuming the sky almost entirely now, reminding you both that Hawkins was under attack.
And the entire time you had been in the woods, you and Steve couldn’t resist an argument. First it was because neither of you could ever be the follower, always attempting to take charge. The next it was a small comment on the state of his hair that led to his defensive spiel about care and treatment, remarking on your lack of. And soooooo many other little things that spiralled off into their own arguments until finally resting on Steve’s poor directional skills.
Steve simply pouted, shaking his head with a curse on his tongue. Of all the unbearable things about an apocalypse, you were the worst.
“How am I even meant to tell where we are by a few stupid trees? Trees are trees!” Steve rants, shaking his head as he followed his own footsteps.
As you bit your tongue, you glanced to the side before your feet faltered completely.
“Help me!”
A scream echoes out and you stumble, foot catching on a root as you fly forward into the dirt. The flashlight bounces from your hand, shining the light directly onto you. You immediately scramble towards it, reaching out.
Before a grey claw beat you to it, pulling the light back into the darkness with a sickening crunch...
“You good?” Steve asks, turning back once he notices the fallen crunches of footsteps. Once he sees your stare, his face drops. “Hey?”
Steve moves towards you and you snap back into focus, clearing your throat.
“Yeah. As I was saying, you’re leading us back to the school. We wanna go left.” You continue, as if nothing happened, pointing out the direction with a roll of your eyes.
Before he follows you, he cranes his neck to find what had you so entranced. His breath hitches.
Between the ash-gathered leaves, a ray of light beaming on it like an omen, stood a tree bearing three giant claw marks into its trunk.
He shudders at the sight, glancing back just one more time into the thick expanse of the woods surrounding him before taking off after you, praying it wasn’t foreshadowing his future.
It was only three more minutes until you’re jumping on the spot, a grin on your face.
“See? I told you!” You announce, pointing to the building in the distance.
“You want a medal?” Steve rolls his eyes and you smirk.
“I was thinking of you grovelling at my feet and pledging your undying allegiance.” You shrug, “But I’ll settle for a medal.”
Gritting his teeth as you laughed, he adjusted bat looped through his backpack and followed you towards the cabin. But, when your back was turned, he couldn’t help the hint of a smile creep onto his lips at your giggle.
As you were getting closer, you held your hand out to stop him. You make a gesture for him to look down.
“Trip wire.” You say, stepping over with him mimicking your movements.
Hopper had set up a security system around the cabin when you first moved there. It was when he first announced that El would be staying with you, not telling you any specifics other than ‘we need to keep her safe’. Just another part of his life he kept you far away from. You were struggling to decide if that was the right choice.
Leading Steve through Hopper’s intricate system of defences, the trees finally fell onto a path. It was funny to you now, knowing that just 24 hours ago you hated the idea of coming back here; now it was the only thing giving you hope. It was home, it was safety, it was-
Your stomach plummets to the ground as you freeze. Steve couldn’t believe his eyes.
The cabin was torn apart; windows smashed, boards missing from the walls. Something had gotten in there. Something big.
In a sudden movement, you start sprinting towards the house.
“Wait!” Steve yelled after you, pulling his bat into his grip and running after you.
You burst through the door, the first jolt of reality. Hopper never kept it unlocked.
“Hopper?” You shout, chest falling and rising heavily. “Hopper?!”
The living room was a mess, tables and chairs thrown about. The sofa looked like it was ripped to shreds, stuffing coating the floors like a crime scene. Books, vinyls, the things you grew up with, scattered around like tombstones of your memories.
The floor crunched beneath your feet, glass and ceramics breaking beneath the weight.
“Dad?” You desperately try, feeling the heat of the tears rolling down your cheeks.
You could sense Steve behind you, taking in the scene. You could practically hear the stream of pity ready to spur from his mouth.
You walk away before he can speak, rushing to the bedrooms. You first open El’s room, expecting the little girl to be hiding somewhere. But the room was bare, and just as trashed as the living room. When you couldn’t bear to look at it anymore, you close the door behind you, biting your lip.
El was a surprise to your life. One day you’re sat at the trailer, the next you’re being dragged to the cabin, introduced to a girl you had never seen before. At first, you had been hesitant. And so had she, barely speaking five words. And you’d never admit it, but she grew on you. All of her little smiles, her wide innocent eyes staring up at you whenever she was unsure. Even the way she would giggle at your jokes. The thought of her being here when the cabin was… it was like losing your little sister all over again; her fighting for her life while you stood on the outside, unaware.
“Anything?” Steve’s quiet voice asks, stood at the end of the small hallway. You slowly shake your head, back still against the door.
You silently walk to the next door and this time, he follows you. It was that part of him that couldn’t leave someone alone in their internal crisis, knowing that he can’t live alone with his.
The door creaks open and your breath hitches.
Years of collections and comfort were fallen soldiers, your kingdom come undone. The roof had caved in, chippings and splinters lay across your bed like a blanket. Your shoes scuffed an object on the ground and it felt like kicking your own heart. You reach down and pick up the frame.
Glass slides away from it, angled to avoid cutting your fingers. The photo was now a crumpled mess, but you reach inside anyway and tentatively pull it out, dropping the frame back into the pile of despair.
Steve peers down at the image in your hands, your delicate need to brush out the rumples in the print. He could just make out Hopper, a clean-shaven version of him at least. He was crouched on the ground with two little girls. One looked a lot like you, the same mischievous smirk as you hug a smaller child in front of you. Steve didn’t recognise her. She bore blonde pigtails, younger than you were, with striking blue eyes.
Once you catch him looking, you clear your throat and fold the photo, depositing it in your jean pocket.
“No one’s here.” You say meekly, walking across your bedroom with little effort to avoid walking on your memories.
Steve watches as you fetch something from the mess, cradling it in your hands. He recognised the Walkman almost immediately; it was a dark red, courtesy of you painting it in shop class when you were meant to be making a birdhouse. He remembered how you’d slip the headphones on whenever he tried to talk, a small gesture that made him roll his eyes. Weirdly, the thought of you doing that never upset him until this very moment.
“Well.” You suddenly sigh, turning around with headphones dangling between your fingers. “That plan has officially humbled us.”
“They’re okay.” Steve nods and you sent him a sad look of disbelief. “They have to be. Just… look around. There’s no sign of them being…”
“Dead.” You finish, taking a deep breath. “No, you’re right. They definitely got out.”
“I’m sorry this happened, though.” He says, looking around your room. “This is some pretty cool stuff.”
“Surprised you’re not judging my ABBA poster.” You raise a brow and he whistles lowly.
“Oh, I absolutely am.” He chuckles, “But only ‘cause I thought you were a metal fan or something like that.”
“Because of my usually chipper mood?” You ask, but the laughter was lost on your joke as everything began hitting you once again.
Hopper and El weren’t here. That hope you had of getting the hell out of Hawkins with your family was gone. Because they were probably halfway across Indiana now.
Yesterday morning, you had been stood in this very spot, yelling at Hopper. And now you could look back on it, you knew it had been irrational. You had caused an argument of epic proportions and then you had walked away from it, never resolving, never forgiving.
No wonder they left, you thought, you only ever make other people miserable.
“Where would they go?” Steve questions, expectant eyes finding yours. You start to walk out the room and Steve steps aside before following you.
“Away.” You respond simply, finding your bag on the ground and shoving the Walkman inside.
“What does that mean?” He frowns.
“It means they’re heading anywhere that isn’t here.” You explain as you secure the zipper, swinging the bag by the strap to loop your arm through. “Hopper isn’t sticking around when he has a 13 year old to take care of.”
“Why would he take off without you?”
You pause your movements. It was an innocent question, an expected one. Then why was it so painful?
“Sometimes fathers leave.” You answer under your breath, and when Steve opens his mouth to inevitably question your mutter, you clear your throat. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It kinda does.” Steve shakes his head, wondering why you seemed so calm, so normal about this.
Hopper was adamant to him, to Nancy, even Jonathan, that they were to keep you as far away from this mess as possible. Steve remembered how uncomfortable Hopper had looked when they were at the cabin trying to help Will, constantly checking the time and disappearing into a different room to answer a call. Hopper protected you. Steve couldn’t believe for one second that he’d leave you behind.
“You don’t get it.” You scoff, heading to the cupboards. Steve figured you were rooting for food, a smart plan if it weren’t for your dismissal of his worries.
“Then tell me.” Steve places his hands on his hip, but you bark out a laugh.
“Yeah, that’s gonna happen.” You reply, your back to him as you prop yourself up on your toes to reach the back of the cupboard.
“You’re impossible.” He groans.
“You’re annoying.”
You say just as you turn around, holding a box in your hands. Steve looks down before widening his eyes. Shotgun shells.
“Uh…” He wasn’t sure what to say. After all, he wasn’t expecting ammo to be placed among breakfast cereals.
“Speechless? Good.” You rattle the box and head further into the cabin, towards a blank wall.
Once there, you run your fingertips along an etched square, nails gripping onto the rough surface and tugging. The panel fell towards you, clattering to the ground as you threw it to the side. Steve’s jaw couldn’t be dropped lower.
You reach in and pull out a shotgun, turning to Steve.
You throw the box towards him and he’s grateful for his reflexes, encasing them in his hands.
“Okay, it looks like it’s already loaded.” You mumble to yourself, wiping off the dust that collected on the barrel. When you glance up, you notice Steve’s still staring. You cock your head. “I’m the Chief’s daughter, you think I don’t know where he hides his weapons?”
“Uh…” Steve tries again, before he shakes his head free of the distraction. “Wait, no. We can’t go back out there.”
“Why not?” You ask, securing the shotgun onto your body by tightening the strap at the front.
“Because we need to figure out where they are.”
“For the love of God, Steve, read the room.” You exasperate, flinging your arm out towards the mess. “They’re gone. They left me behind and they’re getting the hell out of this place before they’re ripped apart.”
“They can’t have just left you behind!” Steve’s blatant denial was obviously fuelled by something else. You had an idea of what that could be.
“Can we just drop it?” You beg, heading to the door before being blocked by Steve’s surprisingly built frame.
“Please.” He looks down at you, chest rising heavily. You stop, observing the gold flecks in his eyes that lay upon a scared expression. “Let’s just take a second, and try to figure this out.”
There wasn’t a part of you that wanted to barge past him, not when he was looking at you like you might be his last hope. You sigh, stepping back.
“Fine.” You hold out your hands in small surrender, “I yield.”
“Thank you.” Steve breathes, slumping his shoulders. “I’m sorry, I just… obviously I don’t know Hopper as well as you do. But… do you really think he’d just leave?”
“No.” You reply quietly. Hopper was never one to run from a fight, not really. And from what Steve had told you, he was protecting this town like an unsung hero.
You sit down on the couch, or what was left of it, perching on the comfortable seat that used to be the headrest. Steve joins you after a silent moment, avoiding the tear in the fabric, creating a distance unusual to you both, merely a few inches between.
“Wanna talk about it?” Steve asks and you turn your head to him in disbelief.
“You know… about whatever the hell is making you so angry all the time.” He explains and you bite your cheek, turning away.
“Like I’m gonna confide in you.” You mutter and he slowly nods, pursing his lips. He didn’t expect anything less.
“We could make it fair.” Steve voices with determination, shifting to face you.
You raise a brow, intrigued by the offer. “I’m listening.”
“How about… question for a question?” He suggests and you scoff.
“Sure, wanna braid eachother’s hair later, get our nails done?”
He lets out a small huff, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Look, we’re gonna be stuck together whether we like it or not so keeping secrets isn’t gonna work.”
“God, you’re so nosy.”
“At least I’m not the one spacing out every five seconds when there are things out there trying to kill us!”
As much as you hated to admit it, he raised a valid point.
“We need to survive, Y/n.” Steve said sternly. “We both have people that need us.”
His voice gets quieter as he looks down at his hands, at the bag laying at his feet. He could practically feel the frequencies releasing from the radio hidden there, praying, hoping, that Dustin’s voice would find him again.
“Henderson?” You ask knowingly, and his eyes widen in surprise. “Please, that kid tells me everything.”
“You… what?”
“I used to babysit for the Wheelers.” You explain with a sigh, leaning back. “Dustin, Lucas, and Will were just added bonuses.”
“I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.” He raises a brow and you smile.
“No, I love those kids. They were pretty much the only people in this town that actually talked to me. They didn’t care who my dad was.”
“Believe me, they don’t care for any kind of authority.” Steve chuckled, cocking his head. “I never knew you babysat them. Henderson never told me that.”
“You probably never asked.” You shrug, “But I get it. I wanna know they’re okay, too.”
“Then can we please just… try to get along?” Steve offers, leaning forward.
Steve watches as your face twists with indecision, battling out voices in your mind that answered for you. He was almost taken aback at the effort of consideration you put into his proposal. And, with an aching heart, he had a feeling you had a very good reason for it. He just couldn’t remember what he did.
“Fine.” You finally agree, fiddling with the laces on the hoodie. His hoodie.
“Great.” He claps, sitting upright. “Okay, you go first.”
You blink at him as he looks at you expectantly. “I’ve completely forgotten this entire conversation.”
“Ask me a question.” He says softly, unusual to his routine remarks on your inability to listen.
“Okay…” You purse your lips, stretching them to the side as you thought. How do you even talk to him after years of trying to rip eachother’s throats out? “Uh… favourite colour?”
You wince and he starts laughing, the melody enticing you along with it.
“That was awful.” He remarks, looking away from you as he tries to compose himself.
“I’m trying, okay?” You giggle.
“Just…” He calms himself, shaking his head. “Something you want to know. Or, at least something more personal than what colour I like to wear.”
“Jeez, I didn’t realise there were so many rules to this.” You say, but your words are spoken in a joking manner. “Fine, I’ll try again.”
“Good.” He nods.
This time, you try and think back, rooting through your brain for the questions that have been plaguing you for years.
“Why did you choose Tommy?”
Steve wasn’t sure what he expected, but it took him by surprise. He frowns.
“To be friends with, I mean.” You explain quickly, staring down at your shoes.
“We…” He starts before frowning a little. “I don’t know.”
“There’s the scoop I’ve been looking for.” You smirk and he laughs nervously, lifting his head to meet your eyes.
“I just mean… I don’t remember. I don’t remember a lot, lately. Hit my head too many times, I think.”
You searched for the satire, but you knew he was truthful. “Wait, seriously?”
Steve absent-mindedly nods his head. “Yep. Doctors told me something about concussions and how too many can have serious effects or something like that.”
“I… I didn’t realise.” You frown, biting your lip.
“Yeah, I gotta work on the whole ‘avoiding fights’ thing.” He attempts a laugh, but it came out much sadder than intended.
“So… you don’t remember freshman year?”
“Bits and pieces. It’s not, like, totally gone. It’s all a bit blurry, I guess. I can remember the first game I played in, even right down to the final scores. But I couldn’t even tell you who I was playing with. Or if I even scored.”
“Three.” You say immediately, surprising yourself.
“Um… three.” You shrug, fidgeting. “You scored three times. Or got a hoop? I’ll be honest, I have no idea how basketball works but you got the ball in the hoop three times.”
“How do you-”
“It was a school game, I had to watch it.” You explain defensively, shaking off the thought with the bat of your hand.
Steve bit the inside of his cheek, but not to resist a snarky remark. He was hoping the slight blush creeping up his neck wasn’t noticeable.
“Anyway,” He shakes his head, looking in a direction where he could focus. “If I knew how Tommy and I became friends, I’d tell you. Not like I haven’t been questioning that for a while now.”
“Why does he suddenly hate you?” You query and he opens his mouth to answer before closing it, sending you a smirk. “What?”
“I believe it’s my turn to ask a question.”
“Oh, God.” You groan, placing your head in your hands, hidden away from his victorious stare. “I don’t like where this is going.”
Steve looks at you trying to play it off, acting like you didn’t care. But he’d never seen you look more nervous. And that made him nervous. “You don’t have to answer.”
“Well, yeah. Technically you never answered my question.” You point out, laughing when he looks at you with annoyance. “Okay, okay. Fine. Ask away, Harrington.”
“I…” He begins, before he’s second guessing himself. Maybe he’s going about this all wrong. He’s playing a childish game just to get some information out of you, while you’re trying to hold on to those personal aspects of your life you don’t want to share. Did you even owe him that? “Never mind. Forget it.”
You send him a dubious look, “Seriously?”
“Yeah, it was stupid anyway.” He dismisses, stretching his arms. “Cool. We should start moving.”
“Harrington.” Your stern voice brought him back down as he tries to stand, biting his lip. “Don’t chicken out on me now.”
Steve sighs, running a hand down his face and you’re surprised at how quickly his demeanour had changed. He suddenly looked shy.
He tried to relocate his thoughts, change his course towards a question that felt easier, more normal considering the stance of your relationship. So, rather than ask that burning question, he redirected his determination to find out a little more of what you and he could share in common.
“Okay.” Steve nods, turning towards you. You’re sat patiently, awaiting his words. It was a new look, but he’d have to recoil at it later. “Henderson.”
“What about him?” You frown. This wasn’t where you were expecting this conversation to lead.
“I just… I wanna know how that friendship started.” He shrugs and you breathe out a laugh, eyes wide.
“I literally just told you five seconds ago, I babysat him.”
“Yeah, I know that.” He rolls his eyes, “I meant… why are you still so close now? What do- what do you guys even talk about?”
Steve hoped he wasn’t too obvious but the moment that iconic mischievous smirk lifted the corner of your lips, he regretted everything.
“Why?” You raise a brow, leaning closer. “You scared he’s spilled all your secrets?”
“Has he?” Steve asked, a little panicked.
“No.” You smile, leaning back. “No, we just… talk. He’s always at the arcade and I usually kill some time over there. When the Wheelers needed me, the kids were usually burrowed in that basement on whatever campaign they had created that week. Dustin was kind of the first one to even notice I was there. He’d always offer to help me in the kitchen with stuff, even if the others were in the middle of a war or something.”
“Sounds like a crush.” Steve comments and you chuckle.
“Whatever it was… he’s a good kid.” You nod, looking at him. “I was there when… when his dad left.”
“Yeah.” You bite your lip, furrowing your brows. “We kinda bonded over that, a little. He was having trouble processing it all, not sure what happened. I think Will was the only other one he could relate to, but Will was apparently too young to really remember anything. Dustin needed a shoulder, I guess. And since I have somewhat of an experience with his situation, I was there for him.”
“Can’t believe he never mentioned that.” He huffs, shaking his head. That asshole usually told him everything, especially stuff he didn’t want to know about. And you being a close friend suddenly didn't make the list?
“Please.” You laugh, and he looks at you. “Dustin knows we aren’t friends. Hell, I think he’s probably seen us fighting hundreds of times. I know the whole town has.”
“Still.” Steve sighs, leaning back. “Wouldn’t kill him to share.”
“He talks about you a lot.” You admit and Steve’s eyes flicker to yours in an instant.
“Really?” He sounds a little sceptic and you nod, unsure of why you felt like you had to tell him this. Part of you just felt like he needed to know.
“Nothing bad.” You insist, brushing away a stray hair that had fallen across your eye. “In fact, he talked about you like you were the second coming of Christ.”
“Really?” Steve was smiling now, ego surely fed.
“I think it took a piece of my soul away each day.” You decide, but Steve was still grinning at you. “Stop that. It’s creepy.”
“Can’t help that I’m an idol. A hero.” He looks off into the distance with his self-entitlement. “A god.”
“Fucking hell, forget I said anything.” You groan, grimacing at him.
“Nope.” Steve was going to milk this for as long as he could. He couldn’t resist the opportunity to annoy you. He stretches his legs, pushing off the couch into a stand. “You do realise you’re in the presence of someone important?”
“If by important, you mean idiotic? Then yes.” You remark, resting your chin in your palm. “You really are living in King Steve land. Sponsored by Farah Fawcett.”
“Well, it’s only-” Steve pauses his boasting, slowly turning to look at you. You’re wearing a sick grin on your face and he refuses to acknowledge it. “Okay. I’ll shut up.”
“Like music to my ears.” You sigh gratefully as he hesitantly sits back down, still glaring at you. “Oh, come on. Don’t blame Dustin, it just slipped out. He really does look up to you, even if I’ll never understand why.”
“Jesus, that kid…” He begins before his voice trails out, brows knitted together.
“I’m sorry he wasn’t here.” You say quietly. You had figured out the real reason Steve followed you here as soon as his face dropped walking into the chaos within the cabin. It was the same face you had worn knowing Hopper and El were nowhere in sight.
“Yeah, well… wishful thinking.” He dismisses, waving his hand. “He’s probably out there with the rest of the nerds, you know. Irritating someone else as he tries to explain every living thing he sees. Did you know he tried to keep one of those dog things as a pet?”
“What?” You laugh out of surprise and Steve quickly nods in exasperation.
“Yeah. Yeah, he named it and everything. Convinced he had some psychic connection with it or whatever. Oh, and his obsession with his walkies, man. If I don’t say ‘over’, he’ll give me a lecture on using the thing right for like ten minutes.”
“That does sound like him.” You smile. Steve was talking about the boy like he was the most annoying thing in the world, but there was such adoration in his eyes.
“I remember when we had to go down into those tunnels.” Steve continues, spiralling down Dustin lane. “I told him no but he just wouldn’t listen. Then when it was all over, he came with me to the hospital to get my head checked out and I don’t even remember what I said but suddenly he’s ranting on and on about gates and their electromagnetic field-”
“Wait.” You grab his arm and he raises a brow, surprised at the sudden contact. “The gate. You said- yeah, you said that Hopper and El had closed the gate, right?”
“Apparently not.” Steve comments, fiddling with the nailed bat between his legs.
“Exactly.” You point, standing up.
“I’m not following.” He frowns, watching as you pace back and forth.
“Of course you aren’t.”
“If this is all happening because of a gate, then maybe Hopper would take El to close it. For good, this time.” You explain in a rush, Steve nodding along. “Where did you say it was, again?”
“The lab.” Steve replies, standing up to join you, “The abandoned one on Randolph? Turns out, not so abandoned. Hasn’t been for years.”
“They’ve gotta be there.” You insist, mostly to convince yourself. “Right?”
“Worth a shot.” Steve breathes out, nodding. “But it’s not gonna be fun getting there. If we’re right and that gate is spitting out monsters, it’s gonna be hell central.”
You thought it through. You’d both be ripped apart before you even got close. And there wasn’t a guarantee you’ll even get there fast enough.
“A car.” You blurt, looking up at him. “We’re gonna need a car.”
Steve’s eyes widen and he reaches into his back pocket, displaying a bunch of keys as they dangled from his fingers. “Thank god I always have these on me.”
You tilt your head, staring at them. “Wow. Are they gonna transform into your magical car, ‘cause I sure as hell don’t remember the lift over.”
“I know where it is.” Steve shook his head, pulling a face at your mockery.
His face freezes, eyes squinting. “Well...”
“Well?” You wave your hand about, becoming impatient.
“It’s in the parking lot. Back at the school.” He winces and you take a deep breath.
“Why didn’t you-” You begin before cutting yourself off, shaking your hands, “No. no, It’s fine. We’ll just go get it. As long as we’re quick and quiet, it’ll be fi-”
You’re unconvincing attempt to appear calm was interrupted by the sound of a loud roar, prickling your skin into a wave of goosebumps. It was a shock to the system that reminded you of the exact danger Steve was talking about, and you didn’t want to stick around to find out.
“Time to go.” You squeak, grabbing the shotgun as you and Steve share intimidated looks.
“This is gonna be fun.” Steve murmurs, following you out of the cabin and into the open, trying to ignore the signalling traps echoing around him.
Plan A: Find Hopper at the cabin.
Plan B: Grab the car without being mauled to death.
Chapter Six: Don't Trust The Voices ->
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taglist: @manyfandomsfanvergent . @sheisjoeschateau . @kthomps914 . @curled-hair-red-lips . @nix-rose . @palmtreesx3 . @kryztalglear . @sattlersquarry . @hey-barnes-stole-a-jeep . @sadslasher13 . @80saestheticismyfav .
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love-islike-abomb · 5 months
Scream with me
Roman reigns x Y/n
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Warnings: pent up frustration I've been feeling the last few weeks has me beyond fed up so I turned it into what I do best a fic... And a comfort fic at that! Sometimes when Im frustrated this is a song I listen to because one of the lyrics in the song is "stand in the corner and scream with me!" You'd be surprised at just how much letting out a deep scream helps!! Errors I may have missed.
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @marchm-langdon @mandeelemons @@noisywwerawiconssoul @niknakbucks92 @pittieprincess22 @queengreenarrowmia89 @shadyprincesslife @thesamoanqueen @vintage-pvssy @weirdgirl16355 @windhamsrotunda
Why can't people just leave others alone and let them enjoy themselves? Why is it so hard to live your life and let others live theirs? People are cruel evil monsters at times and I would rather be surrounded by animals then people and my husband knew that so him coming home finding me having buried myself underneath our 3 dogs he wasn't surprised. What he was surprised about was the tears that had been pouring out of my eyes. Most the time dog piles helped dry my tears but not this time.
"babygirl what's wrong? Talk to me" he said trying to get me to open up but all I could do was stare off into space. He suddenly ordered our dogs off me "anubis, atlas, Apollo off!" He said, his voice deep yet commanding. they all got off me and went to their beds "sweetheart please tell me what happened! You know I hate seeing you cry" he said still trying to get me to talk. "Why is it that whenever I come up with something creative people have to constantly use my shit? I mean like if I had some that to them they would have thrown a hissy fit 10 miles wide! But they do it to me and I'm supposed to act like it's no big deal?!"
He knew I was pissed. My face still had tear stains but the anger was showing now "and some psycho cow says I'm delusional yet she thinks she did nothing wrong and her ass knows damn well she's a fucking liar! I will post that shit all over the internet if I have to! I give no fucks!! Or that bitch that used ohnmacht and put a 🔥 next to it and her dumbass not realizing you speak Czeck! In German ohnmacht means faint but I'm czeck it means power of fire which explains the 🔥!! Or how about that one bitch who knew I had a choking kink and posted a picture of you grabbing the ref by the collar of his shirt saying 'i'm just trying to make you know who jealous that's all' but im just supposed to act like none of this happened and those bitches can do whatever the fuck they want but if I do it to them and call them out suddenly im the bad guy? Fuck this shit!!! I'm done holding my tongue with this shit and I'm letting it all out!! I don't give a fuck anymore!! And if this is what it takes to show people I've had enough so be it!! I bet they won't bully me anymore!! And I'm sure they fucking remember but will pretend they don't!!" I said starting to yell and I could feel my heart starting to pound harder.
He let go of me and walked to our TV that had a Built in Bluetooth and my phone automatically connected to it "play the song you always play when you're angry" he said. I grabbed my phone knowing instantly which one he was talking about the opening chords hit and as soon as they did i felt my body relax. "Ever feel like dying, ever feel alone..." The rest of the verse played but I was waiting for the chorus and when it came I let lose "stand in the corner and scream with me!! A body full of empty!! A head thats full of rage but i believe it!!" The screaming of the words along with the unbridled rage has released an adrenaline rush i'd never felt before. My heart was beating so hard I had to sit down. He stopped the music and I looked at him "baby are you ok?" He asked rubbing the side of my face, moving my hair out of my eyes. I smiled up at him. "I had a massive adrenaline rush and I feel soooooo much better!!"
He smiled back at me "good I'm glad! But please don't ever let it get that bad again. Promise me you'll talk to me next time!"
"I promise" I said "I love you"
He leaned down and kissed my forehead before moving to my lips "I love you to!"
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desceros · 4 months
Okay I have something of a long post/ask/critical analysis of Symphony AU that I want to address. you're free to ignore it if I'm just spouting off insane copium. Or whatever you want to do with it lol. This is more about the turtles that about the Violist.
First I'm gonna talk about Donnie because he's arguably the easiest one to talk about. And take less time. He spent at the very least 15 years of his life knowing exactly five people, three brothers, his dad, and a bestie/pseudo big sister. They're all people who completely understand/grew up with him. And he's used to people adapting to his needs without having to say anything because he's, well, they're brother/son. Speaking from a purely canon standpoint in Rise you can see it, Raph refuses to tell Donnie they hate his gifts because it'll crush him. Stuff like that. Leo calling him a "weirdo" doesn't really mean much of anything considering he's Donnie's brother, and this is about pineapple on pizza.
This is all to say I see how Donnie just didn't bother communicating this was all for his touch experiment. As far as he's basically aware, she already knew. He wasn't going to read between the lines because he'd grown accustomed to the way his brothers, April, and dads act. Which, in hindsight, bit him in the ass because the violist literally doesn't know him aside from "purple turtle science man".
So. I get him. I get where he's coming from even if it ended up kinda fucking up the violist. That's all part of the learning curve of knowing people who don't already know who you are and whatever.
Now for Leo, maybe this is REALLY just me on my copium life support but I see where he's coming from too. Again, when you look at it from a canon lens I see where Leo is coming from. He's always been protective of his family, even more so than Raph at points. He didn't trust Big Mama immediately, even though the rest of his brothers did. He was perfectly willing and happy to DIE IN THE PRISON DIMENSION to keep his family safe. Like, let's not forget he, as well as the others, has a ton of unchecked trauma that he's definitely not willing to address to anyone. A decade of unaddressed trauma will do things to someone's psyche, intentionally or not. The guilt of almost killing his brothers has been festering inside him for over a decade now, this doesn't really seem entirely like a "my brother touches you and not me >:(" thing.
The way I see it Leo's acting out because he's actually just terrified of someone hurting his family again. It's definitely not okay, and it's condemnable. But as someone who's done some pretty fucked shit when I was dealing with my depression before meds, I've been Leo before. That man needs help, and fast.
We've also seen, from Symphony AU that he's mostly accepted the violist as part of the family now. The comments he makes about her being "Donnie's toy" are, again, things he seems to be saying to get a rise out of Donnie. We know he's been doing that for a while. And I wouldn't really put it past him for continuing to try and do it now that Donnie's not allowed to do his experiments anymore.
I had a way better way of wording this last night but I ended up watching TMNT 1987 instead but to summarize my thoughts, I sympathize with both Leo and Donnie and don't believe either of them are irredeemable monsters. If I'm somehow wrong about Leo and this is all just conduit to getting Donnie and the violist together then I'm gonna be so :(. Mafuyu Main Story chapter 14 even.
Or, again, maybe I'm just coping lol.
oh i'm all about symphony copium. breathe deep, anon-chan, hahahaha
aaaaand in true desceros fashion this got way too long so i'm tucking it under a cut. rolls eyes at myself soooooo hard
you're largely correct, though i will specify that for donnie it's not that he "didn't bother" to communicate what he thought was going on, so much as he thought he did.
i invite you-slash-everyone to read this passage from when the agreement was struck to see what i mean. i've removed all of viola-chan's thoughts and interpretations for you, and left you with just the core of the conversation, color-coded for clarity on who's speaking:
“We have… exhausted the limits of touching that I would perform with most people.”  [...] “…What do you mean?”  “I mean that all of the myriad mechanical touches I have experienced so far in my life, we’ve covered together. [...] I’ve become completely enured to them all, so long as you’re the one doing them. There is, of course, an obvious next step, but I wanted to discuss it before we begin.”  “To… touches you haven’t done?” [...] “Correct." [...] “I… don’t understand." [...] “I’m referring to more… intimate touches. We’ve… already been pushing at the boundary a bit, so I wanted to be very specific and clear." [...]
“I… take it you don’t scent your brothers.” “No, I don’t." [...] “Donnie, I—[...] I like you. You know that, right?”  “You aren’t very good at hiding it, no. [...] I, of course, like you as well, though I’d like to think that has been well demonstrated over our time together.”
[...]"…Intimate touches. [...] Like… what, petting? Kissing? Sex? What are we talking about, exactly?”  “All of it, ideally. [...] I’m quite curious to study how I’ll react, especially considering the whole touch aversion situation.” [...] “…Do… Do you wanna try it? [...] …Us, together, I mean?”  [...] “Really? With… With me?” [...] “Of course, I—[...]Donnie, I… of course. I’d be stupid to say no, right?” “Oh, that’s such a relief. [...] I’ve been making spreadsheets of things I’ve wanted to try for several days and wondering how best to bring it up, especially considering—well. It’s quite helpful that you did so yourself. Excellent work, consultant.” [...] “Well, I’d like to amend our agreement on how turtle time is going to go, from now on in light of all this, [...] We’re partners, now, so we have to take care of each other. [...]” “[...]Very well. If those are your terms for partnership, I accept.”
see how differently it reads without viola-chan's thoughts staining it? stripped of her thoughts, you can easily see where the miscommunication happened. other than a few incidental pieces of dialogue that don't affect the meaning of the convo, this is it.
in donnie's mind, he and viola-chan were very much on the same page. "partnership". "agreement". these are words that viola-chan uses. when he refers to spreadsheets, she just rolls with it. as far as he's concerned, they're talking about a scientific study here. he did communicate, and well. it's just... viola-chan put things there that he didn't. and that's not her fault, because at this point she hasn't picked up on how to communicate with donnie yet. and it's completely rational to assume, when discussing sex and romance and hearing someone say "i like you"--and then going on to kiss and have sex with that person--that it's a romantic relationship. as stated in the fic, my personal opinion (which to be clear, as someone who stands on death of the author, this *is* just my opinion) neither of them did the other ill. they literally just didn't know how to communicate yet. so i 100% agree with you on being able to see donnie's side of this. i have another long-ass ask somewhere in the meta tag discussing the lack of socializing specifically, if you're curious for more of my thoughts on that.
i also agree with you largely with the leo portion of your analysis. i... can't go into as much detail on his side of things, but rest assured that before everything is over, viola-chan and leo are going to have more than one conversation. and the two of them, despite everything, really do mesh well and talk about things, so it'll be a satisfying resolution, i think.
anyway WOW that got way too long but teal deer, i agree and love deep meta-analysis of my stuff so don't apologize in the slighest, yeehaw
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stevethehairington · 20 days
20 Questions For Fic Writers
i was tagged by @scimitar-and-longsword, ty Lolo for the tag!! 💕
How many works do you have on ao3? 118
What's your total ao3 word count? 667,938
What fandoms do you write for? the most recent fandom i've written for and posted for is stranger things, and i am still writing for it! i have also recently been dipping my toes into writing for both the terror and challengers (though i have not posted anything ~officially~ for either yet)
Top five fics by kudos:
good for my boy - steddie; wayne pov, the first time wayne meets steve! | 4,4,564 kudos
can't hide the way you make us glow - steddie; sequel to good for my boy, also wayne pov, this time how wayne finds out steve and eddie are together | 3,154 kudos
i want to hold your hand - steddie; steve has a crush on eddie and really reaaallly wants to hold his hand | 2,361 kudos
sloe gin fizzy, do it till you're dizzy - steddie; steve and eddie make a habit of getting high together... and also making out | 2,204 kudos
the world will follow after - steddie; steve accidentally kisses eddie on his way out the door | 2,000 kudos
Do you respond to comments? yes!!! i'll admit, i'm suuuper behind on this (a combination of being ridiculously busy and not having my laptop for a hot minute) but i absolutely do respond to every comment at some point! the way i see it is if you're kind enough to take the time to say something nice i'm gonna take the time to say thanks!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ooh angstiest ending? i fear i end all of my fics happy haha, but i suppose... well, i suppose keep you on a rope would fit the bill. this one is my tommy pov hs reunion fic, and tommy sees steve happy with eddie and then goes home drunk and upset soooo yeah that's a pretty unhappy ending for him lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? god, like everything else i've ever written?? lmfaoooo. i truly don't have one specific answer here because ALL my fics are happy endings if i can help it.
Do you get hate on fics? nah. i've gotten like a couple dumb comments before but they haven't been like mean outright hate or anything. i hope to keep it that way!
Do you write smut? hah, so, technically yes. but it's been a REAL hot minute, and every time i've tried to write smut recently i feel like i just get so stuck with it and then give up. soooooo.
Craziest crossover: i Do Not Like crossover fics so none! lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen? ummmm, i don't think so?
Have you ever had a fic translated? i've had a couple people ask before, but honestly idk if they ever actually did? so maybe lol
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i've tried! several times! but the, like, motivation/inspiration for those fics sort of fizzled out before they could be finished, so nothing has ever been posted.
All time favorite ship? oh man!!! this is a hard question!!!! because like, my favorite ship is obviously going to be the one i'm most invested in at the moment, but like i do still hold a very special place in my heart for the ships of the past i've fallen out of the fandoms for.
the current ships i'm coo coo for cocoa puffs over at the moment are steddie, fitzier, and tashi/art/patrick (honestly do not know what the "official" ship name for them is lol)
but if i had to pick my favorite out of all the ships ive ever written for... man i think i have to go with stucky!! there's just something about that ship that reaaaaally hits, and even though i don't really write for it anymore, just thinking about it makes me go bananas and feel so much, so yeah, stucky my beloveds.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? HAH okay i have an answer for this one: my steddie two night stand au!!!!! it was going to be my fic for the steddie big bang but i had to drop out of that bc irl got in the way, but i have like. at least half of the fic written already and a solid plan for the rest and i was totally loving what i had for it, and ive been DYING to write a two night stand for literally any fandom i've ever been in so i REALLY want to finish this one at some point... i hope i will!!!
What are your writing strengths? i would probably say my characterization!!! i try really really hard with that and i've gotten lots of comments that have pointed this out specifically, which makes me extra proud!
What are your writing weaknesses? i feel like sometimes when i get too in my head about things i end up, like, getting kind of repetitive, like i'll start using "smile" or describing eyes too much lol. i always try to like fix this when i edit before posting, but it's definitely something i notice myself doing.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? i don't really have an opinion on this, like, whatever fits your fic best, so long as there's a translation somewhere that is easily accessible to the reader!
First fandom you wrote in? skam!!
Favorite fic you've written? oooh okay. i think i'm either going to go with keep me on a rope or under my umbrella!!
i'm going to tag: @withacapitalp @steddielations @henderdads @stevesbipanic @greenlikethesea @toburnup @thefreakandthehair @heybluechild @steddieasitgoes and anyone else that wants to do this!!
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maddipoof · 1 year
There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort 🌷- pick a character or a few and come up with a prompt and I’ll write a fluff blurb <3
hi hi can u do robin buckley and her asking u to go out with her (which u assume is just as friends) but then she confesses to u on the date and it's just super cute
this is so awkward why cant i phrase things normally
Eeeeeeee thank you, I love you, this has been sitting in my docs for forever but you're finally back so it can finally see the light of day!!!
a/n: ummm to many princess bride references but I love it more than anything soooooo i'll reference it til I die <3 wc:2.4k Also, like, hardly proofread :( but I hope you like it <3 (you're an amazing friend and everyday I'm so grateful for you sara)
“Steve,” Robin rushed behind the counter and kept her back to the edge, a poor attempt to not be recognized. “Steve, Steve, Steve, please, I beg, I can’t do it. You have to help me. When do I ask you for anything?”
“Literally every day.”
“Steve, please, literally I am asking you to help the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and you’re saying no.”
“I still don’t understand why you can’t talk to her.”
“Why can’t I talk to her?!” She looked around frantically trying to find you, making sure you weren’t close enough to hear her panicking. “Jesus Christ! Have you met me?! I’m a disaster. Last time I talked to her, I couldn’t stop!”
“I remember, Keith got all bent out of shape cus you left a line of 3 people.”
“Heh, yeah,” she agreed with a sarcastic laugh. “Also, I was saying so many things even I couldn’t keep up. It was horrible. It was so bad, I—” Steve turned her around by the shoulder and you smiled at her and held up the VHS in your hands. She finished the other half of the rotation and stopped Steve from running off to the back. “You cannot leave me alone, please, I beg of you,” she mouthed.
He twirled his finger around in the air, meaning ‘turn around,’ and pushed the swinging door open with his back, mouthing “Do it”. Leaving Robin to her own devices indefinitely.
“Hi, um, just this.” You put The Princess Bride on the counter. The 5th time you’ve rented it in 6 months (which she definitely knows from the records on your account and definitely not because she’s been keeping a mental note of everything you like. That’d be ridiculous).
“You really like this one.”
Your eyebrows kind of twitched in a way that made her regret so much as breathing wrong around you, but it vanished before she got the chance to grovel for forgiveness. “Yeah, uh, I really like it.”
She doesn’t even need to ask for your phone number anymore. It’s been on constant repeat in her mind since last Saturday and every Saturday before that. “And your phone number?” But she thought it’d be weird, too forward for you to know she knew it by heart.
“You don’t know it by now?” You raised an eyebrow and she gave you a half smile. She typed it in faster than you could watch her fingers to make sure she got it right, and the lack of hesitation did not go unnoticed by you. She really knew it.
“Uh, did you know…while they were filming, Andre the Giant needed an ATV to get around set since it was like, up on a big hill?” She asked while you counted out the change. She didn’t even want exact change. She’d put up with it. She’d make 97 cents for you, even though they’re fresh out of dimes.
“I did know that. Did you know Cary Elwes broke his toe on said ATV?”
“I did not. How’d he manage that?”
“His foot got caught on the petal and I guess it was enough to break his toe.”
“Oh wow.”
“Sorry, it’s uh, a little over.” Your fingers brushed her palm as you handed her the coins.
“Thank you,” she whispered and you felt the chill of her hand, but you wanted nothing more than to warm them in yours and never let go. She never counted change so fast, just to get to give it to you faster; for your fingertips to brush again. “Um, heh–“ she cut herself off for fear of further embarrassment.
“You were saying something.”
“Yeah, it was dumb. I don’t–“
“It’s not dumb.”
“Now I’m curious so you kind of have to tell me now.”
“I suppose I do then. Do you want–” she huffed and started over. “Are you doing anything Thursday night?”
“I’m working til 6, but I’m free after that.”
“Yeah, at the- the arcade.”
“The arcade, yes. But what were you thinking?”
“You asked if I was busy, was that just out of curiosity or did you want to go out?”
“Go out?”
“Is that a question?”
Robin just then noticed how close both of you were leaning on the counter. “Um, heh,” she cleared her throat with an awkward laugh. “They're having a special showing, at the drive in, just a town over, and uh, I was wondering if you–If you’d wanna go with me?”
“I’d love to, but I don’t have a car, my brother has it that day.”
“I don’t either.”
“My brother usually picks me up, we get off work at the same time so he could just drive me over to yours and we can figure out something else?”
“If you really want to go, we should go. I really want to take you.” You both smiled brighter than the sun at that. But then Robin had to go and have the worst idea of her life. Worse than following a middle schooler into a secret Russian bunker. “Maybe, uh, Steve could drive us?” She definitely saw the way both corners of your mouth dropped, but you were quick to pick them back up.
“Yeah, yeah. That’s uh, that’d be great. Pick me up at 6:15, yeah? Give me a chance to get ready and then we’ll go?” Robin nodded, mortified, dying on the inside, how could she be such an idiot. You spoke while walking backwards towards the door, “Great, you have my number. Give me a call if anything changes.” You never speed walked to the car. You didn’t even have the chance to turn the key in before you were throwing your head back against the rest. “Fuck, fuck, fuuuck,” then you realized you walked out empty handed. No tape in sight. “Goddamn it.” You were not going back in there.
“Oooohhh, is somebody ready for their big date?” Cecelia, your coworker, walked into the bathroom where you were checking your eyeliner in the mirror.
“It’s not a date.”
“The drive in with Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington? Sounds like a date to me.”
“He’s just dropping us off.” You so, so, so carefully fixed a flake of mascara without messing up the rest of the look.
“Oh, so you’re going with someone else?” Cecelia leaned her back against the small cabinet diagonal from the 2 stalls. “Tell me everything.”
“You know the girl he works with, Robin?” She cocked her head. “Buckley?” Still nothing. “Dirty blonde, in the marching band, plays the trumpet, took AP Spanish freshman year? It was a whole thing.”
“Oh her. Yes, yes, I know her…You’re going on a date with her?”
“Well, I was kinda hoping yeah, but now she’s having Steve drive us ‘cause neither of us have a car, so now I just don’t know.”
“But you want it to be a date?” She stepped up to you and licked her thumb to fix your lipstick.
“Then kick him out. Make him fetch you guys some drinks, some popcorn. Tell him to see how many numbers he can get before the Fire Swamp.”
“They’re like a bonded pair! I can’t just separate them like that.”
“You can and you must.” And then she checked her watch. “Better watch it, Sappho. You’re cuttin it close. All that yearning is gonna make you late.”
“Fuuuuckkk.” You groaned then practically ran out the door.
Right out the door and right into Robin.
“Hi,” you smiled regardless of the disappointment in the lack of romantic undertones. You smiled big, and so did she, like your faces didn’t know how to do anything else when you looked at each other.
“Hi, how– how are you? I didn’t mean to scare you, they told me you’d be back here and I didn’t want to seem like a jerk and wait in the car for you to come out because that’d be– that’d be pretty, really shitty. And… yeah, how are you?” You were surprised she didn’t run out of breath, she hasn’t run herself out like that to you in a while. She hasn’t been nervous around you like that in a while.
“I’m good, better now that you’re here. How are you?”
“Good, really good. It starts at 7 but we should get going now if you want a good spot.”
“Yeah, that’d be great.”
“Perfect…I, uh, I hope you don’t mind, Steve brought Max and El, the boys had a campaign and they were all bored.”
Everything she says makes this less and less of a date. Whatever, doesn’t matter, you’ll take her in whatever way you can get her.
“No, that's ok. They’re cool.”
“The coolest.” She offered you her arm which you gladly took.
You’d known each other for months, why did it feel like you didn’t know what to do with each other.
“Hey, how’s it goin?” Steve asked when he got out to open the back door for both of you.
“Good, pretty good. I’m excited for tonight.”
“Good. I should warn you, me and the kids–” “We’re not kids.” “ –will probably be taking off early, Max wants to go look at some supernatural museum she found nearby, but we’ll definitely be back to pick you guys up. It’s a pretty short walk.”
“We have to walk there?!” Max asked with enough attitude to rival Mike’s. Steve gave her a look paired with a sharp nod trying to get her into the front seat. Trying his hardest to be a good wingman.
She shook her head and mouthed fine, then El took the middle seat and Max did the same head nod with her to get her to one side. Robin slid in first to take the middle and you got the seat next to her.
It was a fun ride, Steve and the girls were at their funniest, doing their best to paint Robin in only the most complimenting light. You got the perfect spot. Not too close to the front or back, the perfect distance to see the whole screen but not have it in your face and the concession stand was far enough that it was a walk but there’d be none of it’s traffic buzzing around you.
Somehow, Robin convinced you to stay behind and fix the radio to the right frequency while Steve took her to get a pep talk drinks and popcorn before he left.
“You’re gonna be fine. You were great in the car.”
“Steve, no, listen to me, I cannot do this alone. You cannot leave me.”
“Robin, listen to me. Ok? The whole time in the car she was smiling, she’s having a great time. She really likes you. You feel that electricity?”
“The electricity? Between you guys, it’s like off the charts. You got this, man. You’re fine.” He put a hand on her shoulder and El handed her the massive popcorn from one side and Max gave her the extra large slushy with two straws from the other. Then they both gave her big smiles and two thumbs up.
“You got this,” El said and Max gave her another pat on the shoulder and off she went.
You had just got the radio right when you saw her coming down the row of cars. Clearly, her hands were overfull so just as she came up to the car you opened the door and oh fuck.
In a flash of blue, slushie was all over. All over Robin, that is. “Oh thank god none of it got in the car.” She gasped, though her lips were on their way to turning just as blue.
“Robin, no, what about you?!” The urgency was enough to pull you over the center console rather than out the door and around the front to brush off the few pieces that clumped together. “Are you ok?! I don’t care about the car. I’m so sorry, my depth perception has been so messed up from staring at the computer all day, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was– I wasn’t thinking.”
“I don’t think that’s how that works,” she mumbled.
“Come on, let’s go change.” You started pulling her in the direction of the bathrooms.
“Into what, I’m soaked.”
“Yeah and if you don’t get into something dry; like my sweatshirt that I promise you I don’t need before you try and tell me I’ll be cold; you’ll freeze.”
“I really don’t– You don’t have to.”
“Yes, I do. Come on.”
You took her into the family one, the big clean one right in the center of all the rest. “Here.” You pulled off the big, fluffy, crew neck and she thought she’d drop dead when she caught sight of the way your shirt rose up the slightest bit. You held it out to her and it took her a second to remember that she wasn’t dreaming.
“Thank you,” and leave it to Robin Buckley to say the dumbest joke at the worst moment. Just as she was about to pull her soaked shirt over her head, “Wow, and here I was thinking we’d get to at least a third date before you got me in such a compromising position.” She said with an unforced laugh at the end with her head still deep inside her sweatshirt so she didn’t see the feature film that was your face trying to figure out what she meant.
“This is a date?”
Really catching her off guard while she’s pulling a soaked bra, now probably stained blue, out of the sleeve.
“Uh, did you– I just– I thought–” She tried to go for the door but you caught her eye.
“I want it to be.”
“You do?”
“I’ve been tearing myself up all week ‘cause I wasn’t sure. But I really wanted it to be. So,, is it?”
She nodded fervently, “Yes, yeah, absolutely.”
“Good, so uh, do you maybe wanna go get some hot chocolates instead and we can take that blanket Steve was trying to be sneaky about and cuddle in the back seat?”
“As you wish.”
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it and if you did I'd love to hear what you think <3 Comments and reblogs mean the world to me 💕💕💕 Support your creators babes
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luveline · 2 years
sirius and loser!gf who's so conditioned to being a secret hookup to boys who want to be seen with someone hot not sweet, who gets so confused when sirius publicly refers to her as his girlfriend
when I saw this I saved it to my drafts instantly cos I knew I'd wanna talk about it. okay. this is my favourite thing in the whole whole world and your brain is huge and ily SLIGHTLY NSFW MDNI PLS this was supposed to be just a little blurb but it's a long informal blurb my bad
you're a normal girl, but normal isn't pretty anymore not for so many guys and you're so used to being a secret 'sneaky link' that you don't even bring it up. sirius is kind – he surprised you with how kind he is, because honestly you'd seen how pretty he is and thought okay, if he wants to use me for some fun that's alright with me. best sex of your life, he'd done all the prep ur previous links hadn't bothered to do and practically redefined aftercare for you. literally the heart attack you have afterward when he pulls you in for a hug the first time almost kills you, and when he doesn't let go for a long time you think it might've. and this keeps happening. and it's never only sex, which is the kicker, super odd, but you're not stupid enough to question a gift when you get one.
the good sex is a small small part of how kind he is. a seriously tiny part compared to all the rest. he takes you out for dinner before or after or whenever you want to go, he makes sure you have everything you need, then he starts buying you stuff you definitely don't need. he starts to call you all the time, near everyday, and you realise you like him and it's a bad idea to keep answering but you can't help yourself
he listens to you chat about your current hobbies with patience, he asks questions, and the first time he hands you a skein of embroidery thread and says, i saw this and thought it would go really nice with your skin, for one of your bracelets, you know you're in love.
but whatever, right? he won't be the first boy you can't have. i feel like you'd get so in your head about it that you can't connect the dots no matter how obvious they are. he invites you over and you don't have sex half as much as you used to and you think oh he must've changed his mind and he's too kind to send me home. he kisses you in the middle of a conversation and you can't explain it to yourself, he's just nice. you're delusional, but it feels impossible.
there's even one night where he's drawing hearts into your cheek with the tip of his finger and he says, i don't know how we got so lucky.
and you think, yeah, we do like the same things in bed, iguess that is rare. ur just stupid about it because your self esteem is soooooo so low. not in a "hate yourself way" (though maybe a little) but a "what would he really see in me?" way.
AND SO. he asks you out to meet his friends. whatever, you're nervous but not that nervous, when he finally breaks your heart you'll never see him again so why would his friends matter.
there they are, james and remus, and remus says, its nice to meet you and james says, the infamous y/n with a huge grin
sirius throws his arm around your shoulder and kisses your cheek and says, yep, this is my girlfriend Y/N
my girlfriend, james repeats like he's going to throw up. im so sick of hearing him say 'my girlfriend'. you'd think you didn't have a name.
don't be cruel, he's just excited.
yeah I'm excited! look at her
your ears are ringing. you turn to him with your lips parted in confusion and his smile fades as he sees your expression. he excuses you both quickly and pulls you outside and asks what's wrong.
im your girlfriend?
I feel like he would be so shattered at first cos in his head you've literally been going out for weeks now, spending days upon days in each other's company and kissing and just meshing together as a couple and he's thinking fuck this was all one sided???
but you maybe start crying and you're looking at his shoes and you're inconsolable pretty quickly. snivelling, words broken up by your tears, you're pathetic and it doesn't matter as you confess all your feelings for him and how you hadn't thought in a million years that he would ever like you like you like him, you're torn apart
sirius is dumbfounded but he's so in love. he catches your face in both hands and kisses the top of your head until you've calmed down, and then he tells you the FULL TRUTH. he's mad for you, he has been since he met you, he thinks you're amazing. sirius black of all people is obsessed with you and it doesn't make any sense but it does!!! of course it does!
sirius marches you back inside and introduces you as his girlfriend again. he goes around the entire pub telling people you're his, and how pretty you are, and you wanna hear her talk, mate, i could listen to her for hours.
I think he would spend a long time after that trying to build your confidence and your esteem. like, insane heart aching heart to hearts and the gooiest warmest sex of your life. hugs in the middle of the supermarket, random gifts. he frames a photo of you and puts that shit on his desk because he is in love with you. everything about you especially all the shit u don't like yourself. and plus when you actually know you're his girlfriend and he's your boyfriend, you realise you can do all the things you'd wanted to. you can call him from work and you can ask him to shower with you and you can make him bracelets and clay pots and anything you want. you can kiss his high cheekbones and play with his hair. i think he'd have an aneurysm
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
R Azul Ashengrotto Outdoor Wear Personal Story
"S-So heavyyyyyy!"
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[Dwarfs' Mine – Campsite]
Day 2 of Camp―
Kalim: Oh no… I spilled water on all of the firewood we gathered! Once they're this wet, it definitely won't catch fire anymore, huh.
Kalim: Hrrrm, what should I do? Lilia's been gone for a while now, and Cater's off foraging for food…
[quick footsteps]
Azul: Kalim-san, whatever is the matter? I thought I heard a loud sound coming from over here by the pop music club tents…
Kalim: Azul! Actually, I've just ruined most of our spare firewood…
Azul: How distressing. It's imperative that you gather additional firewood as soon as possible. It may only be in a small capacity, but allow me to help you.
Kalim: Eh? You sure?
Azul: Of course. We must all help each other, especially in times of trouble, yes? Come, let us go.
Boardgame Club Member A: …Hey, did you just see what happened?
Boardgame Club Member B: Yeah… It's gotta be a hallucination due to fatigue, but… I thought I just saw Azul-senpai offering to help another club for free…
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[Dwarfs' Mine – Forest]
Kalim: There's not much firewood, huh…
Azul: It seems most of the branches that were strewn about the forest floor were already gathered on the first day of camp.
Kalim: Ah! Can't we just snap branches off the trees, then?
Kalim: Look, the branches on this tree are thin and'll probably burn good, don'tcha think?
Azul: Unfortunately, live branches are not suitable for campfires.
Azul: It will contain an abundance of moisture, so even if we were to burn it, it would produce a massive amount of smoke.
Kalim: Really?
Azul: Indeed. If there are no logs suitable to be used for firewood to be found in this forest… How about we head towards the river we passed by on the way to the campground?
Azul: We may be able to find driftwood washed ashore there.
Kalim: Driftwood, huh…But if it's near the river, it might be wet too.
Azul: Actually, no. As strange as it may be, as driftwood floats down a river, its bark can get scraped off by all the rocks and boulders, which makes it easier to dry.
Azul: As long as some time has passed since it has been washed up on the shore, all the moisture should be drained, and would be suitable for firewood… It seems.
Kalim: I see… Thanks for telling me! You really do know everything, huh, Azul?
Azul: Fufufu, I only learned of that myself just yesterday. There is an avid campfire enthusiast in my club that would not stop going on about it.
Azul: Well, putting that aside… Let us work together to gather more firewood.
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Kalim: Thanks to you, we gathered so much firewood! Alright, let's bring them all back to the pop music club tent.
Azul: (Well now, I should have made enough of a good impression by now, but just in case, I'll give it one last push.)
Azul: Ah, Kalim-san. I'll carry the firewood for you.
Kalim: Eh, you sure?
Azul: Yes, please leave it to me. I'll bundle it up and hoist it onto my shoulders…Urk!?
Azul: S-So heavyyyyyy! I can feel every muscle in my body screaming out. If this keeps up, I'll be completely crushed underneath it all~!
Kalim: Eh, is it that heavy…? You okay, Azul? Here, maybe I should help too.
Azul: No, I can't allow that. I am the one who offered to carry all of the firewood, after all.
Azul: I will stand by my words until the very end and assist you, Kalim-san!
Kalim: Azul, you… You're such a great guy!
Azul: (With this, I've given Kalim-san the impression that I've helped him without needing consideration for my own hardship. Now, just one more time to seal the deal.)
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[Dwarfs' Mine – Campsite]
Kalim: We're back, Cater! I see you're back too.
Cater: Yeah. I found some food, and now I'm making dinner. Where have you been this whole time, Kalim-kun… Oh, you were with Azul-kun?
Kalim: Yeah, we ended up needing extra firewood. Azul helped me out a ton!
Cater: Eh, when you say he helped you out… He didn't ask you for any gold or silver treasures or anything as compensation, did he?
Azul: How rude. I simply helped Kalim-san with only the best intentions.
Cater: Uh-huh…
Jade: Cater-san, could I borrow you for a moment? There is a tool that I seem to not be able to find…
Cater: Ah, suuure. I'll be right there. Kalim-kun, I'll leave the campfire to you!
Kalim: Yeah! …Azul, you should rest for a bit here. You carried all those heavy logs, you must be tired, yeah?
Azul: Thank you very much. Then, I'll take your kind offer and sit down here.
Azul: Whew… There may have been many difficult moments while camping here, but there's also been many invaluable experiences.
Azul: I'll have many stories to tell my family the next time I'm able to head home for a long holiday.
Kalim: Oh, definitely! When I head home, I'll definitely tell my dad and mom about this camp!
Azul: …Kalim-san, when you do, how about you also inform them of the wonderful memory we created carrying firewood earlier?
Azul: Like how I quickly came to your aid when you were in a bind, or how I shared my firewood knowledge with you…
Azul: Or how I sacrificed my own body to carry all the heavy firewood… By all means! Please tell the Asim family!
Azul: (All according to plan. This will be the foothold I need to allow me to start a business connection with the Asim family…)
Kalim: Yeah, I’m gonna talk to them about everything! I'll mention you, Lilia, Cater, and Jade!
Azul: …Eh?
Kalim: I'll tell them that camping with everyone was totally the bestest!
Azul: Uh... Kalim-san. I'm sincerely counting on you... please?
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Requested by Anonymous.
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luckyedie · 9 months
Soooooo I answered some Hancock prompts and did a doodle for @gloomytk.
LOVED writing these. Thanks gloomy! 🫶
How do you feel about glitter?
Why? Wh-….you ‘ain’t got any on ya, right? Tell me you don’t have glitter. Sister, you gotta burn that stuff when you see it, you gotta burn it! It-it-it gets in the skin, listen I’m a ghoul, it’ll stay there forever! I-I’m just gonna stand over here until I know you’re clean. Nuh-nononono! You stay over there, yeah. Just gonna, climb this…in case it gets on the floor.
What do you think of as you fall asleep?
I’m usually worryin’ Shaun is gonna sneak in and put a pillow over my face.
Hah, don't look at me like that! I'm just messin'.
That’s a tough question though…uh. The booze used to help out with that, but since I cut back I just try to think of blue skies, lighthouses. Y’know, peaceful shit.
Do you know the Brotherhood has a giant robot?
Christ, they have a giant robot?! Man I really needed to keep a better eye on those guys. Well that just spoiled my whole day.
What are your thoughts on Deacons pathological lying?
I 'aint tryin' to be rude, but if I was that guy I would wanna pretend to be anyone else.
Hm…I guess I was tryin' to be rude.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Sister, when you've hallucinated as much as I have, you become a really bad case study for paranormal activity.
If you could get a tattoo, what would it be?
I used to have a bunch but they all kinda fell off. If they can get the tattoo to stick I'd get somethin' original this time, like one of the kids' names, or a heart with barbed-wire around it or somethin’.
Why are you laughin’? You like the funny ghoul?
Would you ever quit smoking cigarettes?
I’d only quit if you wanted to kick the habit. Cancer is the least of my worries, but you gotta keep an eye on those free radicals sunshine, and I 'aint referring to me.
Have you ever thought about owning a Time-Share?
What? I don't got a watch.
Do you think Deathclaws are capable of being tamed?
I dunno, ask Baby, she's likes talkin’ to the wildlife. I think she’s gonna grow up vegantarian.
What's the best high you've ever experienced?
He proceeds to disappear into his own mind for five solid minutes.
What's some of your pet peeves?
Bad catering at an orgy. Next question.
Do you have games on your phone?
Huh? What, like phone sex? Sugar, the phones don’t work anymore, but we can talk dirty over the radio if you wanna.
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Is that a book or somethin'? You been to the library? Hey, next time you go can you find out what a time share is?
What would you say to someone going through extreme trauma?
Uh, I'm pretty slow on the uptake with the emotional side of things. I'd usually offer chems I guess, but with a gal though, I'd just hold ‘em and be there, and try not to flap my mouth too much.
How do you feel about the totality of human existence?
People are funny. I like ‘em. There’s a few bad apples, but they stop being a problem after they stop being alive.
Do you consider yourself a monster (as in monstrous personality, not appearance)
Sometimes. Yeah... Sometimes I think I'm a hot commodity. Never got the balance right.
What’s with all the questions? Are we doing the pillow-talk first today?
How do you want people to remember you?
A decent guy who left the world a better place than how he found it.
Chocolate or Peanut Butter?
Chocolate survived the bombs better. Peanut butter went wrong. Dunno what it used to be like but now it’s…eugh… I know you told me it used to taste good but - Let's change the subject, I went out last night and I'm feelin' kinda nauseous as it is.
What makes you feel alive?
Nearly dying is a rush. Dying not so much, I wouldn’t recommend it. Yeah I know I didn’t, technically.
I am tryin’ not to get shot quite so much these days.
No, no no. See, that guy came outta nowhere. That doesn’t count!
What's your favorite smell?
Hm…you smell good in the morning. Maybe not the breath quite so much.
Ow, careful with the bullet wound.
How do I look?
Delightful, as usual. Oh, you want me to elaborate? I like watchin’ ya walk away in that vault getup sunshine, I could eat ya right up.
Will you please drink all of this purified water bottle?
Only if you order me around.
Forest or Beach?
Beach. The forests kinda give me the creeps. I get jumpy.
Will you drive me to the store so I can get some gluten-free ice cream?
Yeah. What flavor? Hey we can eat them on the docks and watch the dead dolphins float. It’ll be romantic.
Does the hat stay on during sex?
Hah! Until it falls off. We could give it a test drive later if you want, see how long I can keep it on my head.
Can I wear it?
Well look atcha, cute as a button. You look about ready to instate a political system of some kind. Politicians are supposed to be cute, right? That’s the angle I was going for anyway.
What is your honest opinion of Kent Conolly?
Considerin’ you were one of the few things that got him outta the lounger, I’d say he's got a little crush on you. Don’t blame the guy either
Why have you never started a community garden in Goodneighbor?
Because Codsworth would come and micromanage the hell out of it. I heard about the fiasco in Sanctuary, with the gnomes.
What's your favorite swear?
Ah man I like ‘em all. Hm, blasphemy too….That shit’s got tenure. Goddamn rolls off the tongue quite nice, don't ya think?
I know, I'm so classy.
Can I hold your hand?
Sure, don't pull too hard though, it might fall off.
…Hey, wanna go make out behind that dumpster before the raiders get here?
What does your skin feel like?
Uh… dunno. Just feels lumpy to me, my fingers are all messed up. You tell me, hold up, I'll unbutton my shirt.
Lumpy. See? That’s what I said! Okay and warm. Mm. This is nice.
What's your opinion on Fisto?
Hah! What? Fisto? Is that like a punchin' bot?
Can I leave him here? Thanks.
Ohhh! Frank mentioned this guy! Haha! Put him right next to the drinkin' buddy and we got a party right there.
During really scary and stressful moments in life, what do you remind yourself of to stay strong and keep cool?
Usually when shit goes down, it’s instinctual. I’m in the moment and not really thinkin’ of much at all. After, I’d just walk it off with a cigarette or lock myself in a room with some Jet or something to get the heart-rate down. I guess If I died… it was my time, and that was it.
Since we’re doing the family thing though it’s fuckin’ different. I’ll tell ya that much. Soon as I get home, I go to pieces if I think I put you or the kids in danger. Yeah I do. You think I’d let you see that? See, now I said it, you’re gonna worry about me too, and now it’s a whole thing.
Socks on or off?
Off. Socks on if I wanna make ya laugh, but it’s kinda a mood killer.
Do you pay Ham, or is he just part of The Third Rail?
Haha he just came with the place. Nah, really, I paid him good money. He got extra if there was a lotta blood or some broken glass to deal with, to be honest he probably took home as much as Mags did.
You shoulda seen his apartment in Goodneighbor, he kept it all real neat and tidy, liked to keep stuff perpendicular.
Can you give Edward Deegan my number? I need someone to come fix my plumbing. Thanks, man.
Hah! He has been looking for work lately… what? You don’t trust in my DIY abilities? I can be a porn extra. That guy looks the part but he’s always so serious, he might even fix the pipes and not try to sleep with ya.
Why's the sky blue?
Because…is it sky uh, bacteria? Cloud…particles. Listen sugar, I can think of better and more naked ways to pass the time than tryin' to figure than out right now.
Will you hold me while I cry?
Hey, hey. Was I bein’ a jerk just now? What’s got you upset? No, you don’t gotta say a thing. C’mon let’s go sit down for a sec, over here. I gotcha. Yeah you get nice and comfortable on me. Just like that.
S’all gonna be okay, sunshine. I’ll always be here.
I'm sorry if I pass out on your shoulder; I'm just mentally wrecked…
Stay as long as you need. I live a long time, I mean I might need to go to the bathroom at some point…but - see? That’s the smile I fell in love with.
You go ahead and zone out.
What's your favorite kind of fight?
Gahh this is a tough question.
As a spectator I like the clumsy brawls with guys that don't usually throw hands, y’know? That just tickles me. As a participant though? Who doesn’t love a knife fight?
Let's blow up the Brotherhood balloon together.
Hell yeah! Let's go right now! Shaun has blueprints of the whole place, I got a bag packed and everything.
Fuck…I’m gettin’ all misty. Oh shit, don’t look at me right now, I didn’t expect to get emotional. Been wantin’ to do this for a long time…
Sunrise, or sunset?
Both. They're both romantic as hell, don’t ya think? Hey, wanna hang out on the beach this afternoon? I’ve been starin’ at that view for a while and I could use the company now I got it.
How do you get over your fear of the unknown?
Eh. It’s kinda like people. The unknown is only scary until you get to know it. You didn’t know me once and I ‘ain’t that scary now, am I?
But, other people still think so, right?
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thehammondlegacy · 11 months
Hi everyone! Yes, I am alive!
I'm so sorry for being MIA for SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LONG! My thesis is taking so much of my free time and I can't seem to find time for my lovely sims anymore. PLUS I have a new job (actually I had a job, which was aweful! But I've quited my job and got a new one the same day, can you imagine?! This one is waaaay more difficult than the other one, but I get more money soooooo I don't mind). Anyway, I also have a lot of extra things happening in my personal life (got a new partner, I'm planning on moving to Europe 👀👀, and so much more but it's private lol)
So, as you can see, this blog is no longer my priority right now, and so I'm not planning on coming back any time soon, HOWEVER! Yes, there is a however! I am going to post some spoilers or little episodes so you can see what happens with this story. No, I have no idea when this is going to be out, but stayed tunned!
I also wanna thank my friends in this community for being so understanding with me! Specially to those who have collabs with me and didn't took them down because of my absence. I'm sorry I can't keep the story we'd planned or that you had to take over the storytelling.
And of course! Thank you to everyone who has followed this story! I will give you all the tea on my sims story, I promise! Just be patient cause it's gonna take some time, but I'll show you who marries David, I'll show you what happens with Cris and Maggie, I'll show you Sofia's passing (yeah, she's close), you'll see it all! In fact, I could use some help with that! You can send me an ask telling me what you would like to see so I have a better idea of what YOU wanna know.
See you soon (Hopefully!)
Sol :)
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genderisareligion · 1 year
Hey there! I wanted to ask for advice, just a couple months ago I meet a boy, and though all the kind, soft, delicate and funny interactions we had I kinda felt for him, I honestly denied it so many times cause I knew maybe I was confusing "being treated like a human being" (cause i spend 2 years in total isolation for mental health issues) with love, and kept reminding me that in the back of my mind I was just really happy to have someone who didn't treat me like shit and really listened and care for me, but in some way I know that's just a facade (from him?) Because idk, males are shit and now that im so vulnerable and starving for love maybe I'm trynna fulfill this "fantasy" where he loves me for who I am and all that stuff, and idk maybe it doesn't make sense? I'm a little high while writing this and just spitting my thoughts as I write, and I don't have anyone to ask or talk bout this, and I hate that I'm putting all my trust and emotional stability in his existence? Because honestly I don't wanna be near men anymore, cause I know the starter pack of a male is basically being a misogynistic piece of shit, consuming porn, etc, etc, but pretending he's a nice guy, and today a new manager came to work with me (he quitted from work, thats how we met) and honestly she's soooooo beautiful, like gorgeous, and he came to just say hi and told me to go eat together after my shift, and that he was gonna wait for me and also one of his friends, when we were eating, his friend mentioned that "he heard from someone" that my new manager was beautiful and wanted to work there to tal to her blablabla and I kinda felt jealous cause the only person that saw her was the boy that I "like" and kinda made me felt super self conscious about my appearance (I try to be as far from the beauty industry and cosmetics etc, thus i have notorious facial hair, moustache, a big nose, dont use make up, have crooked teeth, small acne scars, you know just a normal woman lmaoo) and I kinda starred thinking in the old ways (patriarchy: should i fix my nose? Maybe if i shaved people would look at me differently, maybe i should get rid of this black spots in my face in a expensive spa, because i feel like a goblin and maybe i would be more loved that way) and I hated it, it scared me, and couldn't shake the thoughts, and kinda feel jealous of beautiful woman, i wished i could have and feel what they do, but I just know that that's just a lie, but idk I kinda feel terrible, I don't wanna "hate her" just cause I felt jealous for a boy that maybe isn't even the greatest shit but idk how to stop feeling this way and stop falling in this misogynistic rabbit hole to the patriarchy again
Hi. My advice for you is to not beat yourself up about feeling this way, jealousy via internalized misogyny can happen to the best of us, even me (in the homosexual way but yeah). I'm sure you're right and you just look like a normal woman. What's really helped me over the last decade, when it comes not judging myself by patriarchal Barbie doll standards as they become more the norm and not comparing myself to other women for any reason, is to just kinda unplug from media as much as I can. Social media but Instagram and Snapchat especially, as well as like just Hollywood shit and film in general, in which women are made up 10x as heavily as males like 99% of the time and so many of these narratives are about some woman just orbiting some man.
The narrative that we (even me) should be competing for male attention is everywhere, even when it isn't explicit the beauty industrial complex has the male gaze as its main benefactor ($$$) and director, so much so that unless you're like Amish or have never seen an advertisement no one is really immune to the propaganda. This guy you like may actually be sweet and not a typical porn addicted moid but (and I really do hate to say this I wish it were different) the odds of that happening are probably slim.
If they aren't though and he's your future husband to me it still says something that you're feeling off about the tension this is causing in this moment. It's good you're at least sitting with it and considering your negative response to this other woman
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